#tolive meta
Ten First Lines
I was tagged by @uefb thanks for the tag. I just realised I don’t really have many fics posted online, most of them are WIP and still in my drafts. Some will probably never see the light of day, and nearly all of them or at maybe just most of them are written for my own amusement or entertainment. Even with those in my drafts etc I still probably have less than 10. I’ll probably add a few Harry Potter fanfic as well as Fantastic beasts stuff just to make up numbers. I’ve also noticed while going through half the fics for this post, that I don’t even know where half the stories are going, most of them are just ideas my head throws at me, so they’re just a bunch of idea with unknown destinations. Just because the ideas seem good when they pop into my head. Lol! Anyway here goes.
Rules: Share the first lines of ten of your fanfics and tag ten people. If you’ve written fewer than 10 fics, don’t be shy and share anyway. If you’re an artist or meta-writer, feel free to find a way to participate if you’d like. :) (notice I took out the word recent, because if I just post ten lines of recent work only, then I’d have even less to share).
1. Fantastic Beats and Where to find them: Of Beasts and Monsters
Newt rubbed his face as he looked out over Paris from the rooftops of the crypt.
I have one chapter posted on ao3, and trying to write chapter 2, I’ve started it, but it’s not going well. Lol! Newt is keeping secrets from Tina, one she shouldn’t know about and could land him into trouble and cost him their relationship.
2. The Magizoologist And The Human Mini-beasts
Newt stood transfixed at the scene before him with regret.
I posted this one somewhere on tumblr, but can’t find it through the tags system. It was part of the fantastic beasts week event from 2020 I think. The prompt for that day was to do a Fantastic beasts crossover with something else. This was a one shot, crossover with Kindergarten cop. If anyone has seen that movie, you’ll recognise the scene straight away. This one was a fun write. I may make it into a full story instead of just a one shot in the future. We’ll see. Tina is poorly and Newt is made to take on one her cases, but Newt’s not sure he wants to, and questioning what he’s doing there.
3. Letters From Home
Tina woke to the sun streaming in through the window, the light dazzling her eyes as she fought to open them.
This one was for day 3 of the Fantastic beasts week 2020 challenge. While it is posted as a one shot, and can be read as a separate thing, it will eventually be a part of Fantastic beasts: of beasts and monsters. (I guess I’m cheating. Look it still counts ok). Tina gets a letter from Toliver after the Paris incident, Newt and Jacob try to comfort her.
4. Creatures
Newt and Leta were sitting in their usual place in the little room, where Newt had kept his creatures hidden from prying eyes.
This one was day 1 of my Newty November challenge, the word prompt had been creatures so I did a one shot here on tumblr. It should be somewhere floating around. I think I could find this one, so might share link to it some point. We’ll see. Its just a short little ficlet thing, where Newt and Leta are tending to a new creature they’ve just found.
5. Of magical creatures
Newt stood watching the group of people who would be his students for the next few weeks, perhaps a month or even a year.
This one lives in my drafts and still unsure weather I will actually post this one anywhere at the moment. I wrote this as a sort of fun bit of writing, more for myself than anything. I wanted to explore and AU where Newt is asked to teach and train a few adults on magizoology, as a career path at Hogwarts. Dumbledore is headmaster of the school and thinks there should be more magizoologists in the world, helping Newt’s cause, and suggests Newt uses the school to teach a selection of adult students.
6. Fantastic Beasts and where to find them: The Newt and The Salamander
The Scamander twins had been very close and had a strong bond growing up, but as of late things had changed.
This is one that will probably never see the light of day, and will probably stay in my drafts as a hidden story, just for my eyes only I think. I wrote this one for my own entertainment. As you can see another AU. It starts off with the incident with the jarvey and Newt’s expulsion from Hogwarts, as the catalyst for the twin’s fall out. But after the events of Paris Newt needs to stop running, and avoiding his sister and enlist her help to bring down Grindelwald. Bonds have been broken, but must be reforged in order to work together. Newt is guilt ridden, his sister is angry. They must put grudges and mistakes of the past behind them and work together.
7. The Ring
Newt tried hard to stand still as Theseus straightened his bow for the umpteenth time. He was starting to regret the whole thing.
This one is going to be a two part one shot, which is a work in progress that I’m half way through. It’s part of a February word prompt challenge I took up, but never really managed to finish on time. I was so busy with doing the challenge I was hosting, that I only managed to do this in dribs and drabs alongside the picture for part two and parts of the fic for part two.
8. The Dinner Date
Newt and Tina made their way to a table near the back of the restaurant, a waiter taking their coats and pulling out Tina’s chair for her as she made to sit down.
This is part two of The Ring, again from the same word prompt challenge. The story beginning above being the word prompt ring, and this one the word prompt being Dinner date. As I say I’m working on a fan art to go with this one. I thought i’d finished it, but realised there were mistakes to the artwork and need to fix it. And also realised I’d forgotten to add things to it, so I have to go back and fix the picture. Started the story to this one, but realised I need to fix a few things because I don’t know much about dating etiquettes, and now realised I’m going to have to change the plot a little. I actually started the ring one after realising I needed to change parts of this story. I needed to make this one interesting somehow, so the ring was my way of fixing the mistake on this one. The mistake to this story was supposed to help make things a bit more interesting, but after asking a friend’s advice, I realised it wouldn’t work. So the ring had to be a part of it to make it a bit more I don’t know. Give it back story I guess.
9. Halloween At Hogwarts
With it being the first of October, the weather was changing, and autumn was now in full bloom.
This is or was a spin off to another story I’m working on. Things are not going well at Hogwarts and it’s up to Harry and his friends to stop whatever is haunting the school. What starts of as a fun Halloween game, becomes a Halloween nightmare for the staff and students at Hogwarts. This is the first long fanfic I actually managed to finish. I’m really bad at finishing long stuff.
10. The Scrooge Of Hogwarts
The students had gone home for the holidays, which meant it would be peaceful and quiet at Hogwarts.
A one shot story in which Snape is visited by three spirits. A HP and Scrooge crossover, I wrote for Christmas. This was a fun one to write, some of my friends and colleagues thought it was a fun read too.
Wow ok I actually didn’t do too badly, I managed to at least find 8 Fantastic beasts related stuff to post first lines of. Not bad. I thought it would be less. From doing this little exercise, I have learned that just writing the first line of your story doesn’t promote it well. Especially if they’re short one liners. Eek! That’s why I added a little description after each one, to make them sound a little more interesting. Lol! Ouch!
Ok to tag 10 people, I’m not sure who to tag and don’t know if I know 10 people to tag. I’ll just tag one or two and then anyone else who wants to do it can do. I tag, @newt-and-salamander @afrenchaugurey @snapeysister (I don’t know if you do writing or not, but you can post pictures and fan art to stories you read if you like for the challenge). @themysteriousphoenix And that’s it, I can’t remember anyone else who writes. Sorry if I’ve missed anyone out. Even if I’ve not mentioned you, and you want to take part, then please do.
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syrenna · 6 years
Ray of light ~ Hoy me atreví a preguntar. Pidiendo las cosas llegan. ¡Feliz domingo!✨ . . . #Domingo #Arcoiris #Goals #Metas #ToLive #Vivir #RayOfLight #Pursuing #Ser #Persona #Self #ToBe #Sunday #InstaDay #Instagrammer #Igers https://www.instagram.com/p/BqnJoRalzus/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=atbmji33wmsx
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hamliet · 4 years
Who Are You, Who Who, Who Who?
Or, What Will Akugatawa choose? (The title of this meta is a song reference.)
But let’s jump in. The overarching theme of this entire arc seems to be about identity. In this latest chapter, Akutagawa and Atsushi got their asses kicked as expected by following their WWSD plan: What Would Soukoku Do? 
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The solution to beating Fukichi isn’t found in WWSD nor is it found in what Fukichi predicts: they need to find it in what what they can do. Both Akutagawa and Atsushi can’t be defined by other people if they’re to grow in their arcs. Yet, this is precisely at the root of both of their flaws. Akutagawa is still defining himself by what Dazai thinks of him:
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And Atsushi, as Akutagawa himself points out numerous times, defines himself not just by comparing hismelf to Akutagawa...
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but also by what his abuser/orphan master thinks of him...
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...and also what people as a whole think of him. He needs permission to live.
Both Atsushi and Akutagawa need to grow into self-actualization, in which they recognize that they are both their own people who can make their own decisions. They can choose to live just because they exist, not only when someone tells them they can. Akutagawa may have yelled that at Atsushi way back in the Port Mafia arc, but the irony is this is Akutagawa’s problem too: he just only seeks it from Dazai. 
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Akutagawa claims that he hates Atsushi for believing he needs permission tolive. This claim is a projection of Akutagawa’s own somewhat-repressed self-hatred. Repression and self-hatred are both common elements in Akutagawa’s arc: for the former, think about how Rashomon, his strength, literally comes from something that covers him and he’s afraid to remove it even to bathe; for the latter, consider that Akutagawa often refers to himself as a dog yet is noted to hate dogs:
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Akutagawa projects the parts of himself he doesn’t like onto Atsushi (who does the exact same thing to him; hence, they are each others’ Jungian shadow). Akutagawa projects what he wants to be onto Dazai. The irony of the latter, of course, is that Dazai himself struggles to desire to live and struggles with purpose just as much as his two proteges do. Which brings me to this scene:
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Fukichi treating Atsushi like an object to hurt Akutagawa has two meanings. Firstly, it symbolizes exactly what Dazai did to Akutagawa when he was (in his mind) weak, and secondly, it illustrates what Akutagawa himself has done in treating Atsushi like a thing to be bought and sold and traded.
Dazai used Akutagawa for his strength, recruiting him for Rashomon, and then abandoned him, not caring how hurt Akutagawa was from not just the abandonment, but the abuse Dazai put Akutagawa through. (Canonically, said abuse includes mock executions.) He used Akutagawa for his strength, and then tossed him aside like trash. (Lest you think I’m ragging on Dazai, know that I love him and have written this about his arc.) 
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Akutagawa then repeated this cycle by treating Atsushi as a thing, defining him by his ability (even now, he still refers to Atsushi as “Jinko,” or “weretiger”), previously capturing him on the whims of others who want him for his ability. However, keep in mind that Akutagawa has not only been treated similarly, but he does not necessarily see himself as anything different. He objectifies himself, calculating his value to what he can do with Rashomon just much as he sums up Atsushi as “Jinko.” 
Thus, Fukichi telling Akutagawa to kill Atsushi is like asking Akutagawa to do away with the part of himself that is weak, that questions his purpose, that wants to honor Dazai more than it wants anything else. It’s asking Akutagawa to cheat, if you will, to find an easy path back to Dazai’s side by hurting his weak side and pretending it doesn’t exist. Fukichi is asking Akutagawa to repress himself even further and to commit the ultimate act of self-hatred: killing a shadow. But at its core, Fukichi is asking Akutagawa who he wants to be: does he want to be Dazai, like he thinks he does? 
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See, notably Dazai did not keep his word when he abandoned Akutagawa, yet Akutagawa insists he is a man of his word. Fukichi offering Akutagawa a fast-track to ostensibly earning Dazai’s praise, via becoming just like Dazai (also keep in mind Dazai alienating Chuuya from the Sheep, which can be seen as a parallel to Akutagawa wanting to remove Atsushi from Dazai’s life)--is an excellent challenge for Akutagawa. 
Killing Atsushi will not work, because there is a part of Akutagawa that has not given up the desperate desire for value in his own life. He knows this. 
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Choosing not to kill Atsushi would, later on, help jostle the pedestal Akutagawa still believes Dazai occupies, but for now it would be a good step in Akutagawa figuring out who he wants to be. 
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ricciardhoes · 3 years
Hey pretty girl, can you do some songs recommendations? Love ❤
i truly don’t know what vibes i have given off that make you think my music taste is anything other than shambolic but below are 35 songs statsforspotify has told me i’ve loved over the past 6 months <333
Lost Angels - From Swaecation — Rae Sremmurd, Swae Lee, Slim Jxmmi
Marea (We’ve Lost Dancing) — Fred again.., The Blessed Madonna
Already Best Friends (feat. Chris Brown) — Jack Harlow, Chris Brown
NINJUTSU — framed
Beautiful Whips — 6 Dogs
After Dark — Mr.Kitty
Ferrari Horses — D-Block Europe, RAYE
Unforgettable — French Montana, Swae Lee
No Role Modelz — J. Cole
Pressure (feat. Tove Lo) — Martin Garrix, Tove Lo
Serenity — Jacques Greene
Meta — graves, bbno$
Diamonds Dancing — Drake, Future
Flashing Lights — Kanye West, Dwele
Poor Thing — Jaxxon D. Silva, Lil Peep
Robot Rock — Daft Punk
Suffer With Me — líue
Have U Found What Ur Looking For? — Ashton Irwin
Cheerleaders — AJ Tracey
Go Hard (La.La.La) — Kreayshawn
#BrooklynBloodPop! — SyKo
On My Own — Jaden, Kid Cudi
Okay — Chase Atlantic
No Idea - Dj Purpberry Chopped and Screwed — Don Toliver
Seventeen — Ladytron
Just Dance — Lady Gaga, Colby O'Donis
Close — Nick Jonas, Tove Lo
Haunted — Laura Les
Galvanize — The Chemical Brothers
Eyes Closed — Halsey
Can You Hear Me? (ayayaya) (feat. Skepta, JME & Ms D) — Wiley, Jme, Ms D, Skepta
Brightside — Kiiara
Sunshine — Ashton Irwin
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20 Questions Tag
Tagged by @hanahikari (i miss you!)
Rules: answer and then tag as many people as i goddamn want 20 followers you want to get to know better
20 Questions Tag
Name: Rose/Aster(?)
Nickname(s): Sunflower, Grand R, a million good ones from my dear friend Lu but they’re private
Age: 20
Star Sign: Aries
Gender: Bigender(?) (Currently he/him pronouns)
Height: 179cm (5″9′?) 
Favourite bands/artists: I’m real fond of Of Montreal, and They Might Be Giants.
Song stuck in my head: Unfortunately, something from Hamilton. But i’ll throw this here as a rec. 
Favorite Anime(s): Bungou Stray Dogs, Yugioh gx
Favorite Manga(s): Gx lmao 
Favorite fictional character(s): Edo Phoenix, Judai Yuki, Ryo Marufuji, Fubuki Tenjoin, Seto Kaiba, Dazai Osamu, Oda Sakunosuke, Vector, Ryoga Kamishiro, Thomas Arclight, Dennis Macfield, Kyosuke Kiryu, Yaeger 5ds,,,,
Hogwarts house: Slytherin.
Favorite Color(s): red. white is cool though.
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: Coffee!
What do I post: Reblog art, post my own fics and art and meta.
Do I get asks: Semi-regularly
manicpixiedreampharaoh - im interested in deconstructing the MPDG trope and Atem is absolutely one. 
hellkaiserryose - i stan ryo marufuji and my name is rose so, puns. 
moresavagethanasupernova - galaxy eyes photon dragon?? very good.
yugo-shoken - yugo killed a man for getting his name wrong and that’s a big fucking mood. (also i like fusionists)
threethings-tolive - 3 is my favourite/lucky number, and, vrains, and, ptsd, and having a driving force to keep yourself alive, even if it’s relatively arbitrary? Very in my wheelhouse. 
When did you make this account?: 2016, but i’ve had tumblr since 2010.
Average hours of sleep: 2-6.
Nationality: complicated, live in Melbourne Australia. 
Tag People
@jujuoh @sombreset @vanishing-rainias @fluffymoe @stjeletrollet
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dailyrapfacts · 5 years
Travis Scott & Cactus Jack release "Jack Boys" album
Travis Scott & Cactus Jack release “Jack Boys” album
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Travis Scott has been hinting at his Cactus Jack compilation album “Jack Boys” for a while now and to end 2019 off, it is now officially out. Listen to the Cactus Jack collective album Jack Boys, which features Travis Scott ofcourse, Sheck Wes, Don Toliver, Pop Smoke, Rosalia, & Lil Baby
Listen to Jack Boys on Spotify here
Listen to Jack Boys on Apple Music here
Listen to Jack Boys on…
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princehenry11 · 4 years
ALBUM: Kaash Paige – Teenage Fever (Zip File)
ALBUM: Kaash Paige – Teenage Fever (Zip File)
Fakaza Music Download Kaash Paige Teenage Fever Album
Fakaza Music Download Kaash Paige Teenage Fever Album: Check out as the  American singer-songwriter, Kaash Paige comes through with this fresh brand new studio project album tagged “Teenage Fever“.
Download & Listen Below;
1. DOWNLOAD MP3: Kaash Paige – London
2. DOWNLOAD MP3: Kaash Paige ft Don Toliver – Grammy Week
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thisisyourinterlude · 4 years
Chase B Don Toliver and Gunna – Cafeteria
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news4usonline · 4 years
Sparks lose Toliver and Chiney Ogwumike for the season
Sparks lose Toliver and Chiney Ogwumike for the season
Los Angeles – The Los Angeles Sparks will have to play its abbreviated 2020 WNBA season without two of its biggest contributors. Veteran guard Kristi Toliver is a no-go for the season because she is not sure the risk to play is worth it. Forward Chiney Ogwumike chose to skip the season because of medical reasons.
For Toliver, who signed a three-year contract with the Sparks during the offseason…
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8o8wave · 4 years
Stream NAV 'Brown Boy 2 (Good Intentions Deluxe) Album
Stream NAV ‘Brown Boy 2 (Good Intentions Deluxe) Album
NAV has placed himself amongst the big names in the music industry, and it looks like the Indian-Canadian rapper has no intentions of stepping down soon.
Just last week (8 May), NAV released his highly anticipated album titled ‘Good Intention,’ a 16 track project with guest appearances from Future, Pop Smoke, Young Thug, Lil Uzi Vert, Don Toliver, Lil Durk and more. Travis Scott and Gunna.
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soundtrackstv · 4 years
After Party Challenge Song Download - Tik Tok
After Party Challenge Song Download – Tik Tok
Listen and Download Tik Tok After party Dance challenge song mp3 for free in 2020. The song used for this popular and viral tik tok challenge is After Party By Don Toliver. Download Don Toliver After Party Mp3 Download free. Get this latest Trendy Tik Tok After Party By Don Toliver song download
Download Ok I pull up.. hop out at the after party (TikTok Compilation). You can also use this for…
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dominatees · 5 years
Don Toliver Shirt
Excuse whats happened The Don Toliver Shirtarmy has always been and will always be brutal by its very nature remember youre training. For situations that could easily cost you your life a crazed militant isnt going to let you take a breather. Or only make you run so far perhaps the intelligence of officers should be tested before giving them their commission. Army and health and safety health and…
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fakazavibes · 5 years
ALBUM: Don Toliver – Heaven Or Hell Zip
Don Toliver Heaven Or Hell Zip Download
Don Toliver Heaven Or Hell Zip Download Fakaza Vibes bring the latest Heaven Or Hell Zip song. Download Don Toliver Song.
Listen & Download Get latest free fakazamusic Don Toliver 2020 song from the artists and Fakaza have made it available for our fans.
Tracklist for Heaven or Hell album by Don Toliver:
Heaven or Hell Intro (Download Mp3)
Euphoria ft.…
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naijahitsongs · 4 years
Internet Money – Lemonade ft. Don Toliver, NAV & Gunna
Internet Money – Lemonade ft. Don Toliver, NAV & Gunna
Internet Money – Lemonade Feat. Don Toliver, Nav & Gunna New music from Internet Money, Don Toliver, NAV & Gunna has finally been released for the year 2020 after a long anticipation. It’s called “Lemonade” and it’s an amazing tune that you will definitely want to put on repeat anytime any day.
The new song is an impressive track that will surely be worth a place on your playlist if you are a…
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bigblueunbiased · 5 years
New York Giants Release Trio Of Defensive Backs
New York Giants Release Trio Of Defensive Backs
According to Art Stapleton of The Record, the New York Giants have released defensive backs Kenny Ladler, Henre’ Toliver and Ronald Zamort.
All three were on Injured Reserve, resulting in injury settlements.
The Giants added a ton of secondary depth this offseason with the additions of Jabrill Peppers, Antoine Bethea, DeAndre Baker, Julian Love, and Corey Ballentine.
Thus, leaving all three…
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princehenry11 · 5 years
ALBUM: JACKBOYS & Travis Scott – Jackboys
ALBUM: JACKBOYS & Travis Scott – Jackboys
DOWNLOAD JACKBOYS & Travis Scott Jackboys Album Zip
DOWNLOAD JACKBOYS & Travis Scott Jackboys Album Zip: Today Jack Seeks to end this year with a bang as he releases this seven-track pack which includes a remix to Travis’s hit single “Highest in the Room” featuring ROSALÍA and Lil Baby. Don Toliver, Sheck Wes, Pop Smoke, Young Thug, Offset, and Quavo join together to create a solid project that…
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