#tom carroll
lookcaitlin · 2 years
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yacht · 1 year
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onenettvchannel · 1 year
#OneNETnewsINVESTIGATES: Unveiling the 'Infinite Food Glitch' between Lettuce and Yogurt as discovered by a British YouTuber
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(Written by Miko Kubota / Radyo Bandera Patrol #4 news reporter of OneNETnews and Station Manager & President of ONC)
LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM -- In a groundbreaking discovery… Agriculturist, Dairy Technologist and British YouTuber named Tom Carroll was shed light on a technical concerned issue known as the 'Infinite Food Glitch' (IFG). This glitch revolves around the interplay between two seemingly harmless food items (Lettuce and Yogurt). Our exclusive investigation of OneNETnews delves into the science behind this glitch, potential health risks associated with excessive consumption, and the actions proposed by the American and British government officials, factories, dairy and agriculture institutions to address this issue.
(Tom Carroll via YT Shorts Video)
The 'Infinite Food Glitch' refers to a peculiar phenomenon where the individuals of Lettuce and Yogurt creates an illusion of infinite farm sustenance. Videos on YouTube Shorts have garnered enormous attention, highlighting the glitch's existence and its implications.
The science behind this glitch lies in the unique properties of the aformentioned food items: Lettuce, a leafy green vegetable, is renowned for its low-calorie and high fiber content, along with vitamins and minerals. While Yogurt, which is a dairy product, and is rich in protein, calcium & probiotics.
When consumed together, the combination triggers a satiety response in the brain, leading to a feeling of fullness that surpasses the real dietary consumption. This illusionary effect can result in overeating and potential health risks.
While both food object individuals offer numerous health benefits, but immoderate intake by virtue of the 'Infinite Food Glitch' can lead to certain warning signs. Overindulgence in Lettuce may cause digestive issues, such as bloating and gas. Similarly, excessive Yogurt intake, can lead to an imbalance in gut bacteria, lactose intolerance symptoms and potential weight gain.
To address the IFG, American and British government officials, factories, dairy and agriculture institutions are taking proactive measures. The Royal Association of British Dairy Farmers (RABDF), Associated British Foods (ABF) and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) are collaborating with most organizations like the American Dairy Association (ADA) and the U.S. Dairy Export Council respectively (USDEC) to raise technical awareness about this food glitch. These government institutions are working towards implementing stricter labeling regulations, educating consumers about portion control and promoting a balanced diet. Additionally, they are investing in research to better understand the physiological mechanisms behind the 'Infinite Food Glitch' and develop guidelines for its safe consumption.
In the end, the 'Infinite Food Glitch' between Lettuce and Yogurt was raised concerns about overeating and potential health risks. The unique combination of these 2 food items, triggers an illusion of infinite sustenance, leading to excessive consumption. While the science behind this glitch is intriguing, caution must be exercised to avoid digestive issues and imbalances in gut bacteria.
American and British government officials, factories, dairy and agricultural institutions are actively working towards addressing this issue through awareness campaigns, labeling regulations and independent research initiatives.
SOURCE: *https://youtube.fandom.com/wiki/Tom_Carroll *https://socialblade.com/youtube/c/tomcarrollyt [Referenced Statistics via Social Blade] *https://www.youtube.com/shorts/RWZ_Rx9l5BE [Referenced YT Shorts Video #1 via Tom Carroll] *https://www.youtube.com/shorts/E2VokIMAOf0 [Referenced YT Shorts Video #2f via Tom Carroll] *https://www.youtube.com/shorts/g9F8H20lAwE [Referenced YT Shorts Video via Museum of Science in Boston] *https://www.youtube.com/shorts/4nlC_GyWJKY [Referenced YT Shorts Video via Arnie Negrete] *https://www.webmd.com/diet/health-benefits-lettuce [Referenced Medical News Article #1 via WebMD] *https://www.webmd.com/diet/health-benefits-greek-yogurt [Referenced Medical News Article #2f via WebMD] *https://pharmeasy.in/blog/ayurveda-uses-benefits-side-effects-of-lettuce/ [Referenced Medical News Article via PharmaEasy India] *https://www.thedonutwhole.com/how-much-yogurt-a-day-is-too-much/?expand_article=1 [Referenced Medical News Article via The Donut Whole News Bureau] *https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Department_of_Agriculture *https://www.americandairy.com/about-us/ *https://www.thinkusadairy.org/about-usdec *https://resources.usdec.org/About/MembersConsumer.cfm *https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agriculturist *https://blog.mentoria.com/career/dairy-technologist/ [Referenced Biography Article via Mentoria] *https://www.rabdf.co.uk/about-us and *https://www.abf.co.uk/about-us/abf-at-a-glance
-- OneNETnews Team
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therealefl · 1 year
Former Tottenham Hotspur Midfielder Impressing In Exeter City Trial
Exeter City manager Gary Caldwell has praised the “outstanding” quality of trialist Tom Carroll when speaking to the Club’s official YouTube channel. Carroll appeared for the Grecians for half an hour in a 0-0 draw at Bath City, before featuring for a further 45 minutes in a 3-0 win over Taunton on Tuesday. The 31-year-old made 94 appearances in the Premier League for Tottenham Hotspur and later…
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Top 10 Sitcom Daddies
#10. Bill Cosby as Cliff Huxtable on The Cosby Show
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I remember having a huge boner for Cosby, but lost it way before the rape allegations came out. That being said, I still had to put Cliff Huxtable on the list.
#9. John Mahoney as Martin Crane on Frasier
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I had fantasies helping Martin out with his 'therapy'. And it only got better when found out Mahoney was gay in real life.
#8. Kurtwood Smith as Red Forman on That 70s Show
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I had fantasies of Red angry fucking me in the basement. And when I'm not him, I'm hitting Donna's dad too. Plus Kitty would have gotten a taste too. What? Still bi.
#7. Ed O'Neill as Jay Pritchett on Modern Family
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I know everybody loves Eric Stonestreet, but Ed O'Neill as Jay Pritchett could get me anytime he wanted. And when he's done, I'd slid over and hit Sofía Vergara. Again, still bi.
#6. John Goodman as Dan Conner on Roseanne
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Let me clearify, John Goodman as Dan Conner on Roseanne. Not John Goodman as Dan Conner on The Connors. What? More pushing for the cushion.
#5. Alex Karras as George Papadapolis on Webster
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I remember loving this show as a kid. And Karras would have me loving for whole different reason.
#4. Mark Addy as Bill Miller on Still Standing
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This show helped my developing lust for Mark.
#3. Ed O'Neill as Al Bundy on Married with Children
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Why do I have Ed twice on this list. As much as I like Ed as Jay Pritchett, it's Al Bundy who I'd be imagining dicking me down. Plus, I'm doing Peg too.
#2. Carroll O’Connor as Archie Bunker on All in the Family
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Looking at Carroll sitting in that chair with his legs crossed was hot. Thick thighs does that to me.
#1. Tom Bosley as Howard Cunningham (Mr C) on Happy Days
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There something about Tom walking around in those suits and him always being frisky.
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politicaldilfs · 8 months
Iowa Governor DILFs
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Belated Governor DILF entry that I started doing on the day of the caucus.
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grande-caps · 8 months
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Father Brown - Season 11 Quality : HD Screencaptures Amount : 9682 files Resolution : 1280x720px
- Please like/reblog if using!
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gatutor · 23 days
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Wally Brown-Joan Carroll-Tom Kennedy "Petticoat Larceny" 1943, de Ben Holmes.
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Trois ans après avoir vaincu Mechagodzilla, Kong a établi son nouveau territoire dans la Terre creuse et recherche d'autres individus de son espèce. À la surface de la Terre, Godzilla continue de maintenir l'ordre entre l'Humanité et les monstres géants, connus sous le nom de « Titans ». Il affronte ainsi Scylla à Rome avant de se reposer au Colisée.
Un avant-poste d'observation de Monarch stationné dans la Terre creuse capte un signal non identifié. En surface, le signal provoque des hallucinations et des visions chez Jia, la dernière survivante connue de la tribu Iwi de Skull Island, ce qui inquiète sa mère adoptive, le Dr Ilene Andrews. Elle fait donc appel au podcasteur conspirationniste, Bernie Hayes, basé à Miami. Détectant également le signal, Godzilla quitte Rome et attaque une centrale nucléaire à Montagnac en France pour absorber les radiations. Godzilla se dirige ensuite vers le repaire du Titan Tiamat dans l'Arctique. Monarch pense que Godzilla se renforce pour faire face à une menace imminente.
Lorsqu'un gouffre s'ouvre près de chez lui, Kong découvre une région inexplorée où une tribu de son espèce a survécu, dont un juvénile nommé Suko. Après une première confrontation, Kong force Suko à le conduire au repaire de la tribu, et les deux se lient lentement d'amitié au cours de leur voyage. Le chef tyrannique de la tribu, le Skar King, combat Kong avec l'aide d'un ancien Titan propulsé par la glace, Shimo, que le Skar King contrôle avec douleur à l'aide d'un cristal. Le souffle glacé de Shimo endommage le bras droit de Kong, provoquant des engelures, mais avec l'aide de Suko, Kong parvient à s'échapper, bien qu'il perde sa hache dans le processus.
Andrews et Jia, aux côtés du vétérinaire Titan Trapper et Bernie Hayes, se rendent sur la Terre creuse pour localiser la source du signal. Ils trouvent l'avant-poste de Monarch détruit. Alors que le groupe s'aventure vers l'avant, ils découvrent un temple qui les mène à une section souterraine abritant une tribu Iwi survivante, qui communique par télépathie entre eux. En inspectant quelques ruines, ils supposent que le signal était un appel de détresse télépathique envoyé par les Iwi.
Tout en observant Jia socialiser avec les Iwi, Andrews exprime ses craintes à Trapper que Jia puisse choisir de rester avec son peuple et qu'Andrews devrait l'accepter. À l'intérieur d'un temple, Andrews découvre des hiéroglyphes affichant le passé et le futur : le Skar King a tenté une fois de conquérir le monde de la surface et a mené la guerre contre l'espèce de Godzilla, mais Godzilla l'a vaincu et l'a piégé, lui et sa tribu, au plus profond de la Terre creuse. La prophétie indique également que Jia serait la clé pour réveiller Mothra. Détectant Jia, Kong localise le temple et est équipé par Trapper d'un prototype d'attelle de bras exosquelettique pour renforcer et guérir son membre gelé. À leur insu, l'un des loyalistes du Skar King les a suivis et informe le Skar King, qui rassemble sa force d'invasion pour la Terre. Jia réveille avec succès Mothra renaissant.
Godzilla tue Tiamat et absorbe le rayonnement cosmique de son antre, le faisant évoluer et rendant ses plaques dorsales magenta. Dans l'espoir d'attirer Godzilla sur la Terre Creuse pour l'aider, Kong fait surface au Caire et appelle Godzilla. Malgré les tentatives de communication de Kong, un Godzilla en colère l'attaque et un bref combat s'ensuit jusqu'à ce que Mothra arrive avec Jia et convainc Godzilla d'aider Kong. Le trio se dirige ensuite vers la Terre Creuse pour affronter le Skar king avec Shimo et son armée. Le combat entraîne Godzilla, Kong, Shimo et le Skar King à Rio de Janeiro, où Shimo commence à provoquer une autre ère glaciaire sous les ordres du Skar King. Les factions sont à égalité jusqu'à ce que Suko arrive avec la hache de Kong et détruise le cristal contrôlant Shimo. Shimo et Kong gèlent alors le Skar King et le brisent.
Après avoir défait la période glaciaire de Shimo avec son souffle atomique, Godzilla retourne se reposer au Colisée. Jia retrouve Andrews et apaise ses craintes en choisissant de rester avec sa mère adoptive. Mothra restaure la barrière protectrice de la maison des Iwi puis s'en va. Kong revient avec Shimo et Suko sur la Terre Creuse, où il devient le nouveau chef de la tribu des singes.
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moonextinguisher · 1 year
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AWWW, just look how they look at each other 😍😍😍
If Sullivan can't have Sid, than this is the next best thing.
(sorry Monty)
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theaskew · 5 months
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badmovieihave · 1 year
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Bad movie I have In Harm's Way 1965
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guy60660 · 2 years
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Carroll Shelby | Tom Burnside | Revs Institute
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letterboxd-loggd · 2 years
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Meet Me in St. Louis (1944) Vincente Minnelli
October 2nd 2022
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randomrichards · 1 month
Caught in an ambush
Cowboys mistaken for crooks
Run from a lynch mob
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celluloidchronicles · 4 months
Alice in Wonderland
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🇺🇸 | July 28, 1951
directed by Clyde Geronimi, Wilfred Jackson, Hamilton Luske
story John Walbridge, Aldous Huxley, William Cotrell, Dick Huemer, Tom Oreb, Erdman Penner, Winston Hibler, Bill Peet, Joe Rinaldi, Joe Grant, Milt Banta, Dick Kelsey, Del Connell
novel by Lewis Carroll
lyrics by Mack David, Jerry Livingston, Al Hoffman, Don Raye, Gene de Paul, Bob Hillard, Oliver Wallace, Ted Sears
produced by Walt Disney Productions
starring Kathryn Beaumont, Ed Wynn, Richard Haydn, Sterling Holloway, Jerry Colonna
1h15 | Animation, Family, Fantasy, Adventure
𐄂 not watched
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