#tom koracick imagines
shelbgrey · 2 years
Quick reads:
Grey's anatomy preferences:
Greys MasterList
Who Your Person is based on who you are dating
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Derek: Owen Hunt
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You and Owen have been friends since day one. You've seen each other at your worst and have always had each other's backs. He's always there to listen and you have always been there to help him get through his panic attacks.
"A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are."
- unknown
Mark: Derek Shepherd
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You and Derek have been best friends since you were kids. He's always been there for you and your friendship grew stronger when Mark cheated on you with Addison and she with Derek. He's a true friend and he's basically your big brother.
"Best friend share laughs, memories and inside jokes. They will always be honest and stand by your side no matter what. They wipe your tears, pick you up when you fall, and are forever a piece of your heart."
— Unknown
Owen: Callie Torres
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You and Callie became best friends immediately. You didn't like how Izzie and the others treated her in first years at the hospital so you were always there to have your back. She also became extremely over protective and is always there to comfort you.
"She is a friend of my mind. She gather me, man. The pieces I am, she gather them and give them back to me in all the right order." — Toni Morrison
Jackson: Mark Sloan
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You and Mark kinda became an unlikely duo. After calling him a man-whore in front of the entire nurse's stafe he started falling you around. You didn't officially become Close until you admit you don't think of him as just a wore. He to that too heart and grew a soft spot for you.
"A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out."
— Walter Winchell
Alex: April Kepner
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If your around you don't screw with April, plane and simple. You guys are total opposite but you can't see anyone else as your Person.
"Best friends are people who make your problems their problems, just so you don’t have to go through them alone."
George: Meredith Grey
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You and Meredith are cousins so you've been around each other since you were small kids. You always had a strong bond and you really couldn't think of any other friendship you had that was as strong as yours a Meredith's. She comes to you if she needs a shoulder to cry on and she's always there to protect you and have your back.
"I can't promise to solve all your problems, but I can promise you won't have to face them alone."
Tom: Ameila Shepherd
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You guys are a unstoppable duo. You guys are the type of friends that are always laughing together and your lives are full of inside jokes. You guys have each other's backs and you guys are basically the other Twisted Sisters.
"Maybe I can’t stop the downpour, but I will always join you for a walk in the rain."
Link: Jackson Avery
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You and Jackson had a bit of a forced friendship at first. Both of you came from weathly and well known doctor families. Both of your mothers were best friends so you were always around each other. At first you guys hated each other but then learned you guys are all you got so your bond only grew stronger.
"A good friend knows all your stories. A best friend helped you write them."
Nick: Miranda Bailey
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You and Bailey have been best friends since your intern years, hell you've been best friends since birth it seems like. She's always had your back and cares so much for you. If the whole world was about to explode her mind will immediately go to you. She's your Person and Soulmate .
"A true friend cares like a mom, scolds like a dad, teases like a sister, irritates like a brother and loves more than a lover."
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horsetailcurlers2 · 7 months
YET ANOTHER long and obnoxious stream of my thoughts while watching greys anatomy for the first time (SEASON 16 bc i decided i will try to catch up to you guys who are awaiting S20)
-tom koracick, despite all outward appearances, is far too nice
-bailey pisses me off sometimes bc she usually isn’t wrong, but within the parameters of how everyone behaves on the show, her decisions feel wrong, yk? like irl absolutely she should have fired them without a doubt. but in this soapy medical show in which everyone commits malpractice five times a week, it feels like she’s overreacting lmao. does that make any sense?
-meredith in her community service outfit is kind doing something to me
-a man on a scooter just ran into maggie and amelia’s car and it startled me so bad i drew blood with my cross-stitching needle!
-lisa ann walter!! and charmed cast in the same ep!
-bailey and i are beefing actually
-do NOT have another affair, richard webber
-“how come my mom hasn’t called from sleepover community service?” sleepover community service PLS
-a lumineers song in the background!!! the music is good again
-why is owen pulling this bullshit again!!!!!!!!!!
-bailey is making me so fucking mad right now. she has no room to act morally superior considering some of the shit she’s pulled. she also continues to have this attitude that meredith should owe her something for being her teacher…. which is sort of valid but let’s not pretend that bailey doesn’t owe meredith quite a bit too. idk again it’s one of those things again where in real life, she’s be perfectly justified but within the fictional guidelines set up by the show, she’s being a vindictive asshole.
-“she is the sun and she is unstoppable” !!!!!
-addison wrote one too!!!!
-this episode is potentially a little too sentimental and overly emotional but i really really like it. the nostalgia bait made me like it even more actually
-more lumineers!!!! i really like this episode. (i’ll stop now but it’s the first episode in a really long time that i’ve really enjoyed the entire thing)
-everyone is being really dramatic about koracick he really isn’t that bad
-i want to like schmitt it just feels like we were sort of thrown into deep emotional story lines for him without getting to know him beyond surface level. maybe it’s just me it just feels like the show wants me to have a certain level of emotional investment in him that i don’t have (yet?)
-beanie feldstein!
-teddy’s sparkly little winter hat is so cute
-TEDDY NO. i don’t mind if you cheat on owen tbh but plz don’t play with tom’s feelings instead of facing your problems.
-i’ll not comment a lot on the alex thing bc i had spoilers for it and honestly it’s just so ridiculous. it’s one of those things that i don’t blame the character for bc i know it was the writers and other irl circumstances. i imagine from izzies perspective this is the culmination of a beautiful crazy love story akin to the notebook. but from our perspective this sounds like the lie you tell your kids when the family dog dies- “oh he went to live on a farm”
-does richard have another brain tumor??? this doesn’t seem like a relapse but…
-i know it’s wrong but i wouldn’t mind this affair if i thought the show was treating teddy/tom as a serious option. as it stands, i just think teddy is being selfish
-i knew the baby wasn’t gonna be owens
-i KNEW this would be a boy who cried wolf situation with deluca. unfortunately, he also is struggling mentally i think but i don’t know if he’s manic or suffering from a break. they had me convinced i was wrong for a minute, but i knew it would turn out that he was right about the girl being trafficked. but i definitely think that he was nowhere near ready to come back to work and that the psychologist should not have cleared him. i hope he gets the help he needs soon bc i really like deluca :(
-the conference in LA would’ve been the perfect opportunity for an addison cameo
-OOH A TWIST IN TEDDY’S BACKSTORY. this explains a lot
-i am fighting for my life trying to defend teddy in my head. i hate owen as much as the next guy but this whole thing is brutal to watch.
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emma-m-black · 22 days
Doctor White - Chapter One
Tom Koracick x OC (FanFiction)
This is a super rough draft of a Tom Koracick x OC story I've had in my head. I got a ton of chapters done, but then kind of his a block at a cliff hanger and I figure, perhaps if I post it, maybe I can figure out what to do next.
Rating is probably close to PG, don't think there is any spicey bits, pretty tame.
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Chapter One:
Elizabeth walked through the halls of Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital in utter astonishment. She was finally here, the Hospital she had dreamed of working at. Tomorrow she would be in her final year of residency.
She could hear the room before she saw it. The sounds of multiple voices attempting to talk over one another as they vied for control over their conversations. She paused before she turned the corner to the staff cafeteria. Reaching down, she rubbed the palms of her hands against the dark velvet fabric of her dress. Elizabeth told herself it was to smooth out the wrinkles, but really it was to dry the sweat from her palms.
"I don't want to go in there either." Spoke a voice from behind her, it jarred her from her thoughts and her already racing heart sped up even more.
"Can you see my pit stains from back there, I had hoped this dress wouldn't show." Elizabeth let out a laugh as she turned around to see who had spoken to her.
A man quite a bit older than her stood before her. Slightly greying hair and a large smirk on his clean-shaven face. "Doctor Thomas Koracick." He began as he stuck out a hand in greeting and approached, "You must be one of the brilliant new Interns?"
"Actually I'm a transferring resident, a smart, brilliant, scared out of my mind, and regretting every moment that led me to being here all of a sudden senior resident." Tom gave a slight chuckle and glanced down to his still waiting hand. "Shit, sorry…, Doctor Elizabeth White, pleasure to meet you." She spoke as she straightened8 her back and reaching out to grasp his hand.
"White? Any relation to Doctor Wilfred White?" Asked Tom.
"Yeah. He is my father."
"I'm sorry." Said Tom, releasing Elizabeth's hand.
"Sorry?" Elizabeth questioned not use to that response when it came to her family legacy.
"That you have to deal with that ego on a daily basis. What was it like growing up with him as a father? I can just imagine what dinners must have been like." Said Tom as his eyes raked over her with a smile. "So were you planning on following in his footsteps."
"Cardio no, I'm interested in Ophthalmology."
The smile on Tom's face dropped. His mouth opened, and then he closed it, seemingly at a loss for words.
Elizabeth let out a laugh. "I'm joking. Neurosurgery is my specialty, the brain is what led me to becoming a surgeon. I had a grade two Atypical Meningioma." Said Elizabeth as she raised the hand and tapped her skull. "Had to learn everything brain related when I was diagnosed, and now all I want is brains. All I think about now is brain tumours."
"Sexy." Tom said with a smile. "The tumour, that is. I'm assuming you've had surgery, and you aren't about to enter your internship with a ticking time bomb?"
"Yeah, I was nineteen at the time."
"Radiation treatments after the total resection for good measure. So far, no reoccurrence."
"And you've been keeping up with your scans?"
"Who was your surgeon?"
"Doctor Samuel Gravely."
"Samuel's a quack. I'll find you tomorrow, and we will do a CT, make sure he didn't mess up that legacy of a brain of yours." Tom stepped forward and placed a fist to his hip and extended his elbow toward Elizabeth. "Now come on, I want to start some rumours before your first day."
Elizabeth stared at him with wide eyes, unable to respond to his proposal. "Come on, trust me, it will give you some street cred, all the gossip tomorrow will be about you. Which gives you the advantage of standing out to all the important people." Elizabeth laughed and slipped her arm around his before he walked the two of them into the busy room, the busy room of which a good few people stopped to watch as both her and Doctor Koracick.
She could hear a few whispered words asking who she was and why she was with Doctor Koracick. It was then though that she spotted Doctor Bailey, who had also just seemed to have spotted her.
"Ah, Doctor White, I'm glad you could make it." Miranda said as she approached her. Elizabeth noticed the side eye that was given to Tom as she came to a stop in front of them. "Doctor Koracick, do you two know each other?"
"We've been bonding over her sexy brain tumour." Tom responded.
"Interesting." Miranda narrowed her vision at the older man. "Doctor Webber!"
Elizabeth watched as an older man walk towards her, she knew from her pry into the hospital's staff that this was the Doctor Richard Webber.
When Doctor Webber was in front of them, he eyed Elizabeth suspiciously.
"Doctor Webber, I would like to introduce you to Doctor Elizabeth White. She was the one I told you about."
"White…" Richard spoke as he extended a hand. "Like the Cardio…"
"Yes, Dr. White is my father, Doctor Webber."
"Doctor Bailey told me that she hired a prodigy, but I never thought…" he trailed off.
"I hope I can live up to his reputation."
"I hope not." Said Tom with a smirk on his lips. "He's a prude. No offence." He finished looking to Elizabeth.
"I'm sure we will see great things from Doctor White. She was top of her class at Harvard, and I had to offer her a great deal to get her to leave Duke."
"I would have come regardless." Elizabeth laughed. "This was always my top choice."
"Doctor Koracick, I didn't realize you were still here." Came the happy voice of Amelia Shepherd.
"Yeah, I had allowed for a few extra days to stick around, you know, in case you became a cabbage." As Tom talked, a group started to form around Elizabeth.
"And who is your friend?" Asked Amelia.
Miranda took notice of the people around them and quickly threw a sweeping hand out. "This is our new Senior Resident Doctor, Elizabeth White…" Miranda stretched out the last name, giving everyone time to process what she was saying.
"Wait like…"
"Yes." Miranda said quickly.
"She is his daughter."
"But I thought…"
Miranda waved her hands in the air. "Let's leave the poor girl alone, she can answer all your questions tomorrow. Now go, mingle, all of you. Including you, Doctor Koracick"
Elizabeth extracted her arm from Tom's and placed a hand to his chest instead. "Don't worry, you get to check me out tomorrow." Elizabeth threw a wink at him before walking away towards the drink table.
A dark squint was sent from Miranda to Tom. "Her brain. I'm checking out her brain tomorrow."
"I'm watching you Koracick, I'm watching you."
Chapter Two
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shes-a-badkid · 10 months
I’m rewatching some old Grey’s Anatomy episodes and I love how hard they tried to make us hate Tom Koracick. Like he’s sassy and can be an ass, but he also had to deal with his wife having a miscarriage and his ten year old son dying because of a freak accident where a baseball hit him just so in the head and killed him- and so not only is he heartbroken and grieving but imagine the guilt he feels being a brain surgeon and not being able to save his son. Like I’d be an asshole too. And then they have the audacity to like compare him to fucking Owen?! Like Owen sucks
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iamwhoami · 4 years
Don’t Give Up On Me (Grey’s Anatomy)
Grey’s Anatomy
   Y/N is dating the one and only Tom Koracick and though they both work at Grey Sloan, they’ve somehow managed to keep it a secret from their co-workers. Is that secret going to stay a secret though when Y/N gets injured?
Warnings: Car accident...uh, it turned out pretty rough so...
Requested = Yes
Y/L/N = Your Last Name
I am so sorry that it is taking me so long to get through these requests. Life has been kicking my ass lately. 
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   You weren’t sure how you two had managed to date for so long without anybody in the hospital knowing. 
It was a miracle. 
   You hadn’t kept it a secret that you were dating someone though...just who you were dating.
“Let’s get Mrs. Mason up to CT,” You looked down at the patient’s chart, “And then page neuro for a consult.”
   With the onset of colder weather and icier conditions, there has been an influx of patients from car accidents. You were always busy whenever on shift, everyone was really, and you partially credited that for being the reason you and Tom were still a secret. 
   You managed to stay busy and away from Tom the rest of your shift. It wasn’t that you were purposely avoiding him, it just happened that your paths didn’t cross. 
   Once you packed up your belongings and bundled up for the walk from the hospital to your car, you wished everybody a good night and headed out. 
“Are you seeing your date tonight?” Meredith teased as you passed her on your way out.
   You laughed, “We’ll see.”
   You walked through the parking lot and got into your car, rubbing your hands once you turned the car on. You saw that Tom had texted you and smiled when you saw that he was just telling you that he would see you soon. 
   Starting to warm up a little, you pulled out of the hospital parking lot and started to head home.
   You weren’t sure how it happened or what even really happened but the last thing you remembered was feeling as if someone had hit your car.
Which was true. 
   It was a tad more severe though. What happened was that someone had lost control of their car due to the ice and crashed into yours, knocking you into the ditch at the side of the road. 
   They were okay, and called 911. Since there was so much ice and you were currently knocked out in your car that had rolled into the ditch, it took rescue services to get you out and into the ambulance. 
   Back at the hospital, Tom was preparing to call it a night when he was called down to the pit for a consult. 
   Just as he walked in, he was nearly run over by paramedics wheeling in an injured person.
   At first, Tom paid no attention, his presence needed somewhere else, but he did a double take when he recognized the face of the injured person.
“What happened?” He asked, rushing over to your side, “Y/N...oh my god...”
“She was in a car accident,” The paramedic informed Tom, “GCS 6. Intubated on the field. Do you know her?”
“She’s a doctor here,” April Kepner jumped in before Tom could say anything. She immediately started calling out orders as the paramedics rolled you into a room and helped move you off the gurney. 
“She’s my girlfriend...” Tom stood there in shock, “Y/N...Y/N is my girlfriend.”
   There was a pause as everyone processed what Tom had just said. It didn’t even last a second though, as April quickly snapped back into action.
“Someone get him out of here,” She ordered, shooting Tom a fast glance before turning her attention back to you.
   Tom was escorted by a nurse to the waiting area. News traveled around fast at Grey Sloan and soon, every person who walked passed him was giving him the sympathetic look. Some people who knew you or Tom better would sit down at tell him that you were strong but he already knew that. 
You had to be okay.
   He wasn’t sure how long he sat in that plastic chair before April came out, an unreadable expression on her face.
“Is she okay?” Tom quickly stood up.
   When April nodded, Tom let out a breath that he didn’t even realize had been held. 
“She’s in the ICU right now...” April said quietly, “She needs lots of rest but I see a full recovery ahead.”
“Oh thank god,” Tom put his hands on his head and April offered to take him up to your hospital room. 
   Tom knew that you were in rough shape but nothing could have prepared him for the pain that he felt when he saw you still unconscious on the hospital bed. 
   You looked so fragile in your current state, a complete opposite to how you usually were.
   Tom walked over to the side of your hospital bed and slowly eased into the chair. He reached out and took your hand into his, gently stroking it.
“Just always have to go and prove that you can bounce back from anything huh...” Tom shook his head, trying to keep the tears in.
   Tom watched as your chest rose and fell, the sight bringing him an immense amount of comfort along with the steady beeping from the heart monitor. 
“I’ll admit,” Tom chuckled, “You scared me Y/L/N...pretty bad too.”
   He watched as you turned your head a little but sighed when you didn’t open your eyes. 
“It doesn’t matter though,” Tom looked down at your hand, “You’re okay...Kepner agrees.”
   Tom went back to looking at your face before gently reaching and touching your cheek with his fingers, almost as if to make sure that you were really here. 
“God...I love you so much.”
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redhairedwolfwitch · 3 years
Doctor Y/n - Ortho Fellowship - 7 - Grey's Anatomy x Fem!Reader
"I realise that I can't live out of a hotel forever, but at least we got somewhere with looking for houses. I'm still going to miss the bacon on the buffet. Ooh, and the Danishes." Teddy expressed as she, you and Tom stepped out of the elevator.
"Maybe it's the hormones, but just mentioning the word 'Danish'-"
"Do you want me to order you some for later?" You enquired, smiling as Teddy grinned at you.
"Hey!" Owen walked over with Leo, not really giving you or Tom a second look as he focussed on Teddy.
"Uh, Tom and I just realised that we're staying at the same hotel, and Y/n's apartment is a few blocks away." Teddy explained, sipping her drink.
"Wow, that's..." Owen began, glancing between Tom and Teddy as you checked your phone.
"Convenient." Tom finished, leaving Teddy to announce that she needed to check up on a patient from last night.
"What are you getting yourself into, Braces?" Jo whispered, pausing as she spotted the photo of Alex on the wall with all the photos of the past chiefs of surgery.
"What in god's name is that sound?" Webber exclaimed, the sound of bagpipes and drums echoing through the ER.
"Are those- why are we having a parade in the ambulance bay?" You enquired, appearing on Alex's left to make him jump.
"I don't know, but I think there's a broken wrist in bed three you could take a look at?" Alex asked, turning to look at you before watching the bagpipe players some more.
"Yeah, yeah, sure. Enjoy... whatever that is." you chuckled, gesturing to the band with a smirk.
"So, which one are you torchbearer, the one getting burned, or the one who doesn't see there's someone else holding a torch for you too? I'm done." Tom retorted, heading out of the OR as Teddy blinked in confusion.
"S/n, I need to know something." You paused, looking up from the computer to meet Koracick's eyes.
"What's the problem?"
"Do you have feelings for Altman?" Koracick asked, staring at you as you frowned, ignoring how much your stomach bubbled.
"She's having Hunt's baby." You deflected, frowning more as Koracick sighed and walked away.
"Doctor Koracick?" Your call went ignored as Tom walked down the corridor.
Arizona frowned as she spotted a text from you, a text you'd send hours ago.
Y/n: why do I fall for people at the worse possible times? why is time never on my side when I fall for someone
She was about to reply when she spotted the green online circle had turned off and you were no longer online.
A frown crossed her face as she began to type out a reply.
A knock at the door interrupted your thoughts as you stood at the counter, reading over the ingredients for the third time in your head.
Padding over in socks to the door, you smiled softly as you realised it was Teddy.
"Hey, what's up?" You tilted your head to the side, leaning into the door in the process.
"I just wanted to get something off my chest, can I come in?" Teddy asked, biting her lip as you opened the door for her to come in.
Her eyes followed you as you returned to the counter, reading over the recipe again.
"I remembered what you said about co-parenting but having no romance there. Then I had a patient today who made me realise that some friendships are just friendships... Owen and I are just friends, I don't want to be with him romantically, because I have never been and will never be his first choice." Teddy began, letting out a breath as she walked over to stand on the other side of the counters.
"Where are you going with this, besides deciding you don't want to date Owen?" You asked, grimacing at how blunt you sounded.
"You, Y/n, have put me first ever since we met, and I realised that you are one of the reasons I stayed in Seattle, because I could have stayed in Germany and raised my baby girl there, but I saw you playing with those children on Christmas Eve, and Arizona told me about how you would talk to those orphaned newborns." Teddy stated, watching as you looked at her with wide eyes.
"How much as Arizona talked about me to you-"
"Enough that I want you in the delivery room with me and Owen." Teddy interjected, biting her lip as your jaw dropped for a moment.
"You know Hunt's going to hate that-"
"You're my closest friend here besides Owen, Y/n. We haven't known each other anywhere as long as I've known Owen, but I want you there, if you'll-"
"Yeah, yeah, I'll be there as long as you want me, Teddy. You're my friend too. Owen's your person, like Joey is my person, so I get it, but I'll be here if you need me." You smiled, taking her hand so she'd stop lightly hitting the worktop of the counter.
"Y/n? Y/n S/n? You want her? Torres' Ortho Goddess in training who I had to fight tooth and nail for to not run away to New York for a fellowship?" Bailey asked as she walked in the hospital with Teddy.
"I know, she's amazing, so supportive. Look, I didn't expect to find anyone whilst being 30 weeks pregnant, but she's kind and fun, a little bit chaotic too, plus her singing calmed down the baby - she plays guitar. How about you and Ben now that-"
Teddy and Bailey were cut off as a car came speeding into the ambulance bay, throwing a person out of the vehicle before speeding off again.
"Hey, Bailey, pinpoint pupils!"
"Yeah, get some narcan, a crash cart and some O2. I think we got an OD." Bailey instructed to the nurse coming out of the ER doors to see what had happened.
"ER 911, Mass OD?" You murmured as you stepped off the bus, jogging towards the hospital.
"What the hell happened? Are these all ODs?" You exclaimed as you ran over, spotting Warren taking someone in on a gurney.
"Triage situation - red tags to the ER - walking wounded to the clinic - thank you." The megaphone was choppy as you heard Hunt's voice, you waved at him before hurrying into the ER.
"Y/n! Nico's in the OR with Schmitt, I need you to take this patient into an OR and fix their leg." Link ordered, passing you the chart to glance over.
"Okay, let's go!" You murmured to yourself, ignoring how you felt Teddy and Jo watching you from different places of the room.
You were exiting the OR, having finished fixing the patient's leg when Jo appeared, tackling you into a tight hug.
"Whoah, hey, are you okay?" You murmured, wrapping one arm around Jo's waist whilst the other cradled the back of her head. Jo's arms tightened around you as you felt her let out a sob.
"Just wanted to make sure you were okay." She whispered into your shoulder, tensing as you shuffled. She only relaxed when she felt you kiss the crown of her head, smiling as you held her.
Neither of you saw Teddy's confusion as she stood down the corridor, watching the two of you.
Teddy, Link and Webber were all sat in a quiet ER, staring into space. Jo had gone to give Alex hot chocolate, leaving you to tell Link that the patient was in post-op, being monitored.
You paused as you caught Teddy watching, not really thinking as she looked away. Your stomach bubbled but the tiredness washed it out.
Luckily, there was a fresh bed in the hallway, leaving you to curl up on it.
When you woke up, someone had put a blanket over you, you just had no idea who.
You didn't expect to be invited to a party by Jackson. Nor did you expect Jo to try drag you out to find something nice to wear.
You and Jo had a rule, the two of you couldn't shop together for certain things. One of the things was underwear, another was vegetables.
Jackson had invited you because Catherine viewed you as important to the hospital, due to your New York connections, plus, only like 4% of ortho doctors were women.
"So, which pantsuit are you going with?" Jo had asked, but you just rolled your eyes and said the one that was your favourite colour.
Joey: so Alex's mom is in Seattle?
Braces: does Alex know?
Joey: I have no idea
"Oh, hey!" Teddy spotted Amelia and Owen from where you and her had been chatting in the corridor.
"Wow, the gang's all here then." Tom Koracick chuckled as he approached, leaving the five of you to exchange looks as Tom hit the doorbell.
"Hey, welcome, guys, welcome. Come on in, make yourselves at home." Jackson instructed as Tom said he would go to the bar to grab the drinks.
"Nothing for me, thanks!" Amelia shouted after Owen as he walked off.
A gasp caught Amelia and Teddy by surprise as they turned to look at you.
"He has a ping pong table!" You exclaimed, not seeing how Teddy smiled at your reaction, whilst Amelia raised an eyebrow.
"Baby daddy is really not happy about you two being close." Tom pointed out, leaving you to grimace as you realised Owen was glaring.
"Yeah, not his best moment... I don't understand why he doesn't like you, Y/n."
"Neither do I, besides you're not that mermaidy." Tom joked, leaving you to sigh and sip the fruit juice you'd ordered.
"But, in fairness, he and Amelia had to say goodbye to both their kids." Teddy admitted, leaving Tom to admit he would fake diarrhea if the two of you wanted to leave.
"Helen?" Jo whispered, looking around before giving Teddy an awkward smile.
"I think Jo and Alex lost Alex's mother." You whispered as Teddy pulled a face.
"I do hate this party." She admitted, leaving you to nod in agreement.
"On top of that, I think Owen still has feelings for Teddy... and I'm worried that Y/n does too. You should have seen how he reacted, especially since Teddy said she wants Y/n in the delivery room too."
"Teddy is always going to be in Owen's life. Baby or no baby. It was this way for Cristina. It's been this way your whole marriage. And your divorce. It's not gonna change. Just make peace with it." Meredith stated, leaving Amelia to take a sharp intake of breath.
"This isn't a love triangle, I thought it was a circle that kept going around and around, but Y/n's going to get her heart broken, just like mine. I'm definitely staying at your place tonight." Amelia stated, walking away to go find you.
"Y/n, I need to talk to you, about Teddy." Amelia pulled you away, leaving Tom to stay with Teddy.
"What's going on?"
"Owen still has feelings for Teddy, and it's only going to get stronger, and you are going to get your heart broken. The moment he sees her, holding his child, he is going to fall even more in love with her, Y/n. I don't want to see you get your heart broken because you're in love with Teddy too." Amelia warned, her hand going to your shoulder as you froze, stomach churning.
"In love with Teddy?" You murmured, looking across the room to spot Tom, Teddy and Owen talking.
"Yeah. Owen's in love with Teddy. This is an impossible situation, Y/n." Amelia replied, not realising that wasn't what you meant.
"Time's never on my side." You chuckled sadly, walking away.
"Y/n!" Amelia called out but you had already gone back over to Teddy.
"What if you go into labour and only S/n's there?" Owen asked as he walked over to Teddy.
"Y/n knows what to do-" Teddy began but Owen frowned.
"But I wouldn't be there. Only her. I wanna be there."
"I want you there, and I want Y/n there." Teddy stated, putting down the glass she was holding.
"You seriously want that, frat girl, in the delivery room? She's an idiot-" Owen retorted, offending Teddy.
"Y/n isn't a frat girl..." Teddy trailed off, glancing at where you were, leaning against the wall with a far away look in your eye.
"Owen, I think Y/n is great, okay? She's been nothing but kind and respectful, and I want her around." Teddy reaffirmed, hand going to her bump subconsciously.
"Teddy, where are you-" Owen's face fell into a glare as he realised Teddy was walking over to you.
"Can S/n not go one evening without causing crap-" Owen grumbled, but he was cut off as Jackson announced that Catherine had arrived.
"She isn't causing crap-"
"She's always causing crap, she's an idiot, she should have been gone intern year, she isn't reliable and I don't want her around our daughter!" Owen's voice was loud enough that the rest of the guests had gone quiet.
Tom was about to step in when you spoke.
"I'm going to go-"
"You seriously think you can be a good parent? You will never be a good parent because you never had them!" Owen shouted, loud enough that everyone looked at you. A sharp intake of breath from Jo had Alex looking worriedly at his wife.
Your limbs were heavy, yet you felt like someone had just thrown ice water over you. Everyone's voices were muffled, like your head was in a fish tank, but autopilot took over. You were already out the door before Jo could get to you, or Teddy could catch up.
The last glimpse of you that Amelia got was you walking out, tears streaming down your face.
Tags: @nnightskiess @emskisworld @multifandomlesbianic
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promenadewithme · 3 years
Hi! Requests are open! 
If you don’t specify, I will write Fem reader, but I can do gender neutral, fem or masc!!
I can write imagines, headcanons, preferences, fluff, angst, anything you want really, but PLEASE try to be as specific as possible so that I can write it to your liking!
If you want any other character or fandom that isn’t here, please tell me!
I won’t tolerate homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, islamophobia, racism, bullying or anything else of that type on this page. Everyone is welcome here as long as they respect everybody else.
Who I write for:
love interest
A Court of Thorns and Roses
Nikolai Lantsov
Malyen Oretsev
The Darkling/Aleksander
Kaz Brekker
Matthias Helvar
Jesper Fahey
Wylan Van Eck
David Kostyk
Throne of Glass (I haven´t read all the books yet, so this is it so far):
Dorian Havilliard
Chaol Westfall
Anthony Bridgerton
Benedict Bridgerton
Colin Bridgerton
Simon Basset
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Neville Longbottom
Draco Malfoy
George Weasley
Fred Weasley
Oliver Wood
Cedric Diggory
Seamus Finnigan
Bill Weasley
Percy Weasley
Charlie Weasley
Young Sirius Black
Young James Potter
Young Remus Lupin
Young Tom Riddle
Pride and Prejudice
Mr Darcy
Mr Bingley
Steve Rogers (Captain America)
Bucky Barnes (Winter Soldier)
Sam Wilson (Falcon/Captain America)
Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver)
Loki Laufeyson
Thor Odinson
Peter Parker (Spider Man)
Ned Leeds
Tony Stark (Iron Man)
Bruce Banner (Hulk)
Clint Barton (Hawkeye)
T’Challa (Black Panther)
Scott Lang (Ant Man)
James Rhodes (War Machine) 
Peter Quill (Star Lord)
Dr. Stephen Strange 
Nick Fury
The Hunger Games
Peeta Mellark
Gale Hawthorne
Finnick Odair
Greys Anatomy
Derek Shepherd
Andrew DeLuca
Alex Karev
Jackson Avery
Mark Sloan
George O’Malley
Owen Hunt
Atticus “Link” Lincoln
Preston Burke
Denny Duquette
Nathan Riggs
Charles Percy
Ben Warren
Nico Kim
Levi Schmitt
Matthew Taylor
Henry Burton
Thomas Koracick
Teen Wolf
Scott McCall
Stiles Stilinski
Derek Hale
Isaac Lahey
Liam Dunbar
Jackson Whittemore
Jordan Parrish
Sheriff Stilinski
The Vampire Diaries
Damon Salvatore
Stefan Salvatore
Matt Donovan
Jeremy Gilbert
Niklaus “Klaus” Mikaelson
Elijah Mikaelson
Kol Mikaelson
Tyler Lockwood
Alaric Saltzman
Mason Lockwood
Malachai “Kai” Parker
The Chronicles of Narnia
Peter Pevensie
Edmund Pevensie
Prince Caspian 
Greek Gods
Star Wars
Obi Wan
Kylo Ren
Han Solo
Luke Skywalker
Friendship/Sibling/Parent/Rivalry/Any other genre
A Court of Thorns and Roses
Feyre Archeron
Nesta Archeron
Elain Archeron
Bone Carver
Nikolai Lantsov
Malyen Oretsev
The Darkling/Aleksander
David Kostyk
Alina Starkov
Zoya Nazyalensky
Tamar Kir-Bataar
Tolya Yul-Bataar
The Apparat
Kaz Brekker
Matthias Helvar
Jesper Fahey
Wylan Van Eck
Nina Zenik
Inej Ghafa
Tantee Heleen
Pekka Rollins
Throne of Glass (I haven´t read all the books yet, so this is it so far):
Dorian Havilliard
Chaol Westfall
Aelin Galanthynius
Anthony Bridgerton
Benedict Bridgerton
Colin Bridgerton
Daphne Bridgerton
Eloise Bridgerton
Francesca Bridgerton
Gregory Bridgerton
Hyacinth Bridgerton
Lady Violet Bridgerton
Simon Basset
Lady Danbury
Penelope Featherington
Lady Portia Featherington
Marina Thompson
Sienna Rosso
Genevieve Delacroix
Henry Granville
Cressida Cowper
Queen Charlotte
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Hermione Granger
Neville Longbottom
Ginny Weasley
Luna Lovegood
Draco Malfoy
George Weasley
Fred Weasley
Oliver Wood
Cedric Diggory
Cho Chang
Seamus Finnigan
Fleur Delacour
Pansy Parkinson
Myrtle Warren (Moaning Myrtle)
Young Sirius Black
Old Sirius Black
Young James Potter
Older James Potter
Young Lily Potter
Older Lily Potter
Young Remus Lupin
Old Remus Lupin
Young Tom Riddle
Molly Weasley
Arthur Weasley
Bill Weasley
Percy Weasley
Charlie Weasley
Xenophilus Lovegood
Severus Snape
Albus Dumbledore
Minerva McGonagall
Rubeus Hagrid
Alastor Moody
Filius Flitwick 
Dolores Umbridge
Bellatrix Lestrange
Lucius Malfoy
Narcissa Malfoy
Peter Pettigrew 
Helga Hufflepuff
Salazar Slytherin
Godric Griffindor
Rowena Ravenclaw
Nearly Headless Nick
Pride and Prejudice
Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy
Georgiana Darcy
Mr. Charles Bingley
Caroline Bingley
Elizabeth Bennet
Jane Bennet
Mary Bennet
Lydia Bennet
Catherine Bennet
Charlotte Lucas
George Wickam
Mr. William Collins
Mr. Bennet
Mrs. Bennet
Steve Rogers (Captain America)
Peggy Carter
Sharon Carter
Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow)
Bucky Barnes (Winter Soldier)
Sam Wilson (Falcon/Captain America)
Carol Danvers (Captain Marvel)
Monica Rambeau
Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver)
Wanda Maximoff (Scarlet Witch)
Agatha Harkness
Loki Laufeyson
Thor Odinson
Jane Foster
Darcy Lewis
Peter Parker (Spider Man)
May Parker
Ned Leeds
Tony Stark (Iron Man)
Pepper Potts
Happy Hogan
Morgan Stark
Howard Stark
Bruce Banner
Clint Barton
Scott Lang (Ant Man)
Hope Van Dyne (Wasp)
Hank Pym
Cassie Lang
James Rhodes (War Machine)
Peter Quill (Star Lord)
Dr. Stephen Strange
Nick Fury
Phil Coulson
Maria Hill
Quentin Beck (Mysterio)
Ancient One
Johann Schmidt (Red Skull)
John Walker (you know who he is, I’m not saying he’s cap)
Helmut Zemo
The Hunger Games
Katniss Everdeen
Peeta Mellark
Gale Hawthorne
Finnick Odair
Haymitch Abernathy
President Coriolanus Snow
Primrose Everdeen
Effie Trinket
Caeser Flickerman
Johanna Mason
Greys Anatomy
Meredith Grey
Derek Shepherd
Andrew DeLuca
Alex Karev
Jackson Avery
Mark Sloan 
Alexandra “Lexie” Grey
Cristina Yang
April Kepner
Isobel Stevens
George O’Malley
Calliope “Callie” Torres
Owen Hunt
Josephine “Jo” Wilson
Addison Montgomery
Arizona Robbins
Miranda Bailey
Amelia Shepherd
Atticus “Link” Lincoln
Preston Burke
Theodora “Teddy” Altman
Denny Duquette
Margaret “Maggie” Pierce
Richard Webber
Carina DeLuca
Nathan Riggs
Reed Adamson
Charles Percy
Stephanie Edwards
Erica Hahn
Ben Warren
Megan Hunt
Ellis Grey
Heather Brooks
Penelope Blake
Nicole Herman
Nico Kim
Eliza Minnick
Catherine Avery
Sadie Harris 
Levi Schmitt
Betty Nelson
Matthew Taylor
Henry Burton
Adele Webber
Thomas Koracick
Thatcher Grey
Sydney Heron
Paul Stadler
Teen Wolf
Scott McCall
Stiles Stilinski
Lydia Martin
Malia Tate
Derek Hale
Isaac Lahey
Liam Dunbar
Jackson Whittemore
Peter Hale 
Allison Argent
Bobby Finstock
Jordan Parrish
Chris Argent
Sheriff Stilinski
Gerard Argent
Kira Yukimura
Ken Yukimura
Noshiko Yukimura
Melissa McCall
The Vampire Diaries
Damon Salvatore
Elena Gilbert
Stefan Salvatore
Matt Donovan
Caroline Forbes
Bonnie Bennett
Katherine Pierce
Jeremy Gilbert
Jenna Sommers
Vicki Donovan
Niklaus “Klaus” Mikaelson
Elijah Mikaelson
Rebeka Mikaelson
Kol Mikaelson
Tyler Lockwood
Alaric Saltzman
Mason Lockwood
Sheriff Forbes
Malachai “Kai” Parker
Josette Laughlin
Lillian Salvatore
Emily Bennett
Isobel Flemming
Carol Lockwood
The Chronicles of Narnia
Peter Pevensie
Susan Pevensie
Edmund Pevensie
Lucy Pevensie
Prince Caspian 
White Witch (Queen Jadis)
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dakotasgreenkitchen · 3 years
grey’s anatomy character x films.
hey loves. sorry this took so long i got busy and distracted. here are some characters i was submitted. enjoy.
Amelia Shepherd (Promising Young Woman) It is absolutely no secret Amelia has no filter and doesn’t hold back especially when it comes to a good cause. Promising Young Woman tells a story that deals with sexual assault and the culture surrounding it in a new and daring way that before it- Hollywood had never really seen. Hence Amelia and her no filter self and Promising Young Woman and it’s no filter response are a perfect match.
Addison Montgomery (Bombshell) Addison is an empowering woman at the end of the day. But her journey to getting to be the bad ass Addie that everyone knows and loves was a messy one. From heartbreaks and regrets it was long and complicated. Bombshell highlights the story of bad ass women who stand up to the man who made them famous. Their rise to empowerment like Addison’s was rocky and messy but at the end of the day so damn powerful.
Lexie Grey (Paddigton) Lexie is everyone’s favorite sweet Little Grey. She has that sweet smile and bubbly almost innocent personality that attracts all the Grey’s watchers to her. While everyone knows Paddigton was a family movie it’s no doubt the light hearted tone and lovable little bear fits right in with our lovable Little Grey. Kindness, light hearted ties these two right together.
Alex Karev (The Wolf of Wall Street) Makes you angry, makes you laugh, makes you think. All characteristics of Alex Karev. Those same could also be used to describe The Wolf Of Wall Street. In accordance with the adult content this movie includes, it matches with the amount of dirty jokes that come out of Alex’s mouth. Humor combined with the dirty jokes makes this a perfect fit for our Alex.
Tom Koracick (Pulp Fiction) Dark, humorous, mysterious. Pulp Fiction is one of Quentin Tarintino’s best work. It makes the crazy story he imagined humorous and entertaining. Tom spits out dark humor and arrogance everywhere he goes yet manages to be helplessly entertaining. So Tom and Pulp Fiction will be a night well spent.
Atticus Lincoln (The Good Dinosaur) Dinosaurs seem scary because it all movies and shows they are pictured that way. The Good Dinosaur paints them as these kind, big creatures are just big softies. While this is also a kid’s movie Link is much like these dinosaurs. He is big and tough on the outside but when with his friends or especially Amelia and Scout he turns into a big softie with a heart of gold. Are we seeing the similarities??
Mark Sloan (Fifty Shades of Grey) Do we even need to explain this one? Fifty Shades of Grey a movie full of sex and toys. Mark Sloan a man full of sex and dirty jokes. The overall love story would still appeal as Christian was changed by Anastasia much as Lexie changed Make through love. The mix of sex and love makes this movie match Mark’s story as well as it can.
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laufire · 3 years
during exams time I often go back to watch Grey's Anatomy's episodes on TV reruns to de-stress and just. a few comments about the experience.
-did they really have to mention Sioux Falls am I just never going to escape Supernatural after all WHY.
-I find Tom Koracick extremely likeable anyway, but when he punched Owen Hunt in the face I could have proposed to him. my idol 💓
-rude of them not to let my girl Amelia have her threesome with Carina and Link. just gonna imagine it happened off screen.
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addisonmilfgomery · 3 years
omg so here for the Tom koracick love like is he kind of a dick as chief sure I guess but also does he treat the women he’s with like. So much better than most of the men (if not all??) do in this show? yes!!! Anyways him assembling ikea furniture for Teddy’s kid still makes me so sad
he was SO soft for teddy i felt weak like he gave her all of himself and i LOVE teddy but she fucked up letting him go. like he was SO in love w her and it broke my whole heart at how their relationship ended. and fucking OWEN bro imagine picking owen over tom like????? big fuckin SIGH
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amelialincoln · 4 years
If I Can’t Have You
Link’s fingertips were beginning to blister. He’d been practically glued to the guitar in an attempt to escape the chaos of Meredith’s place. He heard Amelia lie down behind him. He wasn’t upset with how their conversation had gone but he was feeling guilty for snapping at her. Despite what he’d said about preferring to keep his feelings bottled up inside, he probably should’ve had this conversation with her before he’d gotten so upset. He gave his fingers a break as he started strumming, softly humming the beginning of a melody he’d been working on. He chuckled imagining himself teaching Scout’s pudgy fingers to hold a chord. He might have to start the little guy with piano first to get an idea of reading music before throwing him into guitar. He’d gotten to the part of the song that was unfinished and decided that he was too tired to work on it. He turned to Amelia who was fast asleep behind him. Link pushed away the hair that had fallen in front of her face and kissed her forehead. Amelia stirred slightly.
“Over already?” She mumbled, her voice slurred with exhaustion.
“Someone’s tired,” Link chuckled.
“I know it sounds selfish but I don’t know how much longer I can handle the four of them. I think I’ve done more schoolwork today than I did when I was actually in school,” she yawned, motioning for Link to pull her into his lap.
“Yeah, for everyone’s sake, I hope she’s home soon,” Link muttered, kissing her neck absentmindedly as she rested her head on his shoulder.
“Did you hear about Koracick?”
“Nope, what’s going on?”
“He tested positive too,” Amelia sighed. “Apparently a ton of residents have gotten it and recovered and he isn’t showing symptoms. It’s just crazy how differently it affects everyone. I’m worried for Tom. He doesn’t do well in isolation.”
“What do you mean?” Link asked, always surprised by how Amelia always defended the guy despite when he acted like a jerk.
“I’ve just seen him in a dark place before,” she explained. “When his son died. Tom has a big heart and he never wants to burden everyone. He left for a while but Tom doesn’t do well alone and I think it got to him.   It’s just hard seeing everyone hate on him all the time. He shouldn’t have gotten involved but I can see how much he loves Teddy.” Link raised his eyebrows, Amelia rarely brought up drama at work, especially when it pertained to other couples. “I know what Teddy and Owen have is very special.” Amelia shifted uncomfortably. “Obviously enough to ruin what I thought Owen and I had.” She paused. “Which turned out to be for the better but Tom doesn’t chase after just anyone. I haven’t seen him look at anyone like that since his wife.” She shook her head, confused by what she was trying to say. “I don’t know I’m just worried about him…and Mer. It’s scary to think that I could’ve already seen them for the last time.” Link didn’t know how to comfort her. He could think of a ton of positive things to say but not one that Amelia would refrain from rolling her eyes at. He hadn’t let himself think of what would happen if Meredith really didn’t make it. He couldn’t imagine what it would do to Amelia.
“I could make us some tea and we could go shower or something,” he offered instead. He could tell Amelia was starting to get anxious. Amelia nodded in response before lifting the baby monitor to her ear.
“I can hear him starting to fuss. He passed out before I had the chance to feed him tonight so he’s probably hungry,” she sighed. “I’ll meet you upstairs?”
“Sounds good,” Link replied, watching his sleep deprived girlfriend hardly make it up the stairs. “Why don’t you take a quick nap and climb the rest later.” He called to her as she almost missed a step.
“Shut up,” she laughed.
As she placed a sleepy Scout back into his crib she couldn’t help but linger as her adorable son curled up into a little ball and gurgled sleepily. “You are just perfect.” She shook her head in disbelief. “Your daddy and mommy are very lucky.”
“They are,” Link surprised her as he peeked over her shoulder to admire their soundless boy. He passed her the cup of steaming tea and led her quietly out of the room. “I was expecting the transition to the new room to be harder.” “He was probably sick of us.” The couple stepped into the shower and prayed that none of the kids would be woken up by the noise. Link complained as Amelia, as per usual, hogged the place under the shower head. She shrugged, telling him he had the option to shower alone if it bothered him that much. To which Link had grinned and pulled her in close to him, stepping under the hot stream of water as Amelia laughed in surprise. He stepped out first, allowing Amelia to wash her hair as he retrieved two towels from the laundry room down the hall. He found her standing in front of the mirror, an upset expression stretched upon her face.
“What’s up?” He asked.
“Nothing,” she jumped slightly, not expecting him to be there. She accepted the warm towel from his outstretched hand and wrapped it around her tightly. She noticed his concerned expression and sighed. “I just wasn’t planning on keeping the baby weight on but with the virus and having four kids to take care of, I haven’t really had the chance to get a workout in.”
“Amelia, you look beautiful,” Link shook his head, surprised he even had to tell her that. “There’s no one to impress anyways.” Amelia raised her eyebrows and scoffed. “You can’t seriously be referring to me. I haven’t seen a gym in weeks.”
“Exactly!” Amelia huffed. “Look at you.”
“Amelia.” Link couldn’t help but roll his eyes. “You’re being ridiculous.”
“Whatever,” she muttered, storming past him and into their bedroom.
“Hey! Don’t whatever me.” Link followed her, accidentally stepping on Bailey’s toy car and collapsing into their bed. “Fuck.” He could hear Amelia giggling. “Don’t laugh,” he tried to sound stern but he could hear the weakness in his voice. “It hurts.”
“Oh my poor baby,” Amelia teased. “Can I do anything?”
“Now that you mention it,” Link looked up at her cheekily.
“You’re too much,” Amelia laughed. She threw on one of his t-shirts and joined him in bed, trying to jokingly examine his foot without bursting into laughter. “I don't know, babe. You might have to call in an orthopedic surgeon.” Link threw a pillow at her in response, which she ducked easily.
“I hate you.” 
“You love me,” Amelia grinned. Link’s fake scowl softened. 
“Very much,” he admitted. “Now come lie down before we’re out of sleeping pillows.”
“Whose fault is that?” 
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drreporting · 4 years
Infections of A Different Kind of Human
“And how long has she been like this?”
“Going on 18 hours now,” Owen explained. Ryan looked at Amelia, unconscious and tubed, with a variety of wires and lines running to her. He sighed, running his fingers through his hair, which he’d recently cut pretty short, so it didn’t do much to quell his anxiety. He couldn’t understand why Amelia had left his name on her medical forms.
“Do you have any idea why she would’ve still had you as her proxy?” Owen inquired, twiddling with the hospital band around his wrist. “I thought she would’ve updated it or something, especially after James…”
“If I remember Amelia correctly, she gambles,” Ryan accurately described, “Perhaps she gambled on your marriage working out.” How could she be so reckless? “I have no problem transferring the proxy to you, if that’s what you want,” he appreciatively offered, adding a joke after, “From one divorcee to the other.” He couldn’t take on the pressure of making life or death choices for her, and Owen would likely know all the medical jargon better than he would’ve, so it made sense to transfer it to him.
“I’m not entirely sure if I should take it,” Owen sombrely replied. When Ryan looked at him with a confused expression, he said, “We weren’t exactly in a good place when…”
“I literally caught her cheating on me, I don’t think she’d want me making medical decisions on her behalf,” Owen put it bluntly.
“That’s pretty harsh, don’t you think?” Ryan queried, folding his arms, “Isn’t this supposed to be the love of your life, or something?”
“Yeah, but I am clearly not the love of her life anymore, so I don’t think I should be making those decisions,” Owen clarified, sternly. They were not on the best of terms when the accident had occurred and adding the consent of her medical health to that would only make things worse if she eventually woke up. “Give it to Derek, or Meredith. I think that’s best.”
“I think I’ll keep it, actually,” Ryan pondered, eyeing the trauma surgeon as he unfolded his arms, “She can decide what she wants, once she’s awake.”
Owen sighed, submitting. “Sure, why not.”
“How are the kids?” he asked, changing the subject, “How’s R junior doing?”
“He is pretty shaken up,” the red head confessed, “Rosie is…I don’t know. And the twins are pretty young, sounds think they’re coping alright. They don’t like sudden, loud noises much anymore.”
“Yeah, I could imagine,” Ryan sympathized. He walked over to Owen and patted him on his good shoulder before saying, “I’m gonna go talk to him before I leave, if that’s okay.” Without looking at him, Owen nodded, keeping his eyes on Amelia’s small frame, willing her to wake up.
The next day made it two days since Amelia had been shot, and a little over 36 hours since her surgery had been done. As per usual, there was an entourage in Amelia’s room, consisting of Derek, Meredith, Maggie, Ryan, Owen, and more recently, Tom. He’d offered to stay for the while to maintain her condition, and then hopefully query about the patient Amelia had been speaking of to him, the entire reason for his visit. They lazed about the room for most of the day, offering support to each other, and to Owen, as they patiently awaited Amelia’s outcome.
Sometime in the evening, they’d all received overhead pages from a nurse, all calling them to Amelia’s room.
“Tom?” Owen rasped as he all but slid into the patient room, Ryan following closely behind, “What’s going on?”
“She’s waking up,” Tom voiced calmly. He’d already called the nurse and began adjusting her pumps for the medications she was being administered when he began hearing a soft cough coming from her.
“Yes, she’s definitely waking up…”
“Well, is she going to open her eyes?”
“If you’re patient enough, Dr. Hunt…”
Amelia opened her eyes to a crowd of people standing over her. She only recognised two of them in the room and they looked…odd?
“Amelia, can you hear us?” Tom asked, shining his penlight in her eyes. Why wouldn’t she be able to hear them? What was Tom doing here?
“Can you try talking?” he asked further, offering her a cup of water with a straw in it. Amelia took the cup and had a small sip, clearing her throat as she figured out what she wanted to say first.
“Where…where am I?” she whispered hoarsely.
“You’re at Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital, in Seattle,” the Hopkins neurosurgeon expertly answered, a look of concern crossing his face for a flash of a second, “Do you remember any of what happened two days ago?” Two days ago? Amelia shook her head. She looked over at Derek, then at a blonde standing next to him, holding his hand. She figured that was probably the Meredith that Addison had been speaking about. Next to her stood another blonde, more strawberry in colour. His face reeked with fear and stress, and Amelia wondered what would’ve caused him to look so horrified.
“You were in an accident a couple days ago,” Tom explained, “You were wounded, but everything’s okay now; surgery was successful.” She nodded, showing that she understood what he was saying. Looking around the room once more, she observed the faces of the people at her bedside.
“What’s the last thing you remember, Amy?” Derek offered softly, trying to coax her back from wherever in her mind she was right now.
Amelia blankly looked at him before looking away and shrugging. “I wasn’t in Seattle.”
“Do you remember me?” Ryan piped up, garnering the attention of everyone in the room for a moment. She looked at him, at his jet-black hair and icy blue eyes, his loosely fitted plaid shirt and washed-out jeans, and his soft, welcoming smile.
Shaking her head, Amelia responded, “No, but you’re very cute otherwise.” Ryan quirked an eyebrow at her, not expecting a flirtatious reply, while Owen scoffed and averted his eyes as he rolled them.
“Amelia, we met over ten years ago,” Ryan vaguely replied, trying to help her remember, “In LA?”
Amelia raised her eyebrows in shock as though she remembered something, taking another sip of her water. Ryan looked hopefully at her as she continued, “I was in LA.”
He sighed, combing his fingers through his hair. “So, then you don’t remember me…” Amelia furrowed her eyebrows, slightly annoyed that he was asking her the same question again. Why did he want her to remember something about him? “We met at a party?” Ryan explained to her.
“I’ve met a lot of men at parties,” she bluntly replied, “Excuse me if I don’t remember you exactly.”
Owen’s eyes widened. “Wait what-,”
“Okay, let’s give our patient some time to gather her thoughts; she’s only just woken up,” Tom voiced, trying to temporarily brush everything under the rug, “In the meantime, I’m going to need to see her most recent CT scans, and perhaps we can get some new ones?”
“They’re all on the tablet,” Derek explained, pointing at the device that was in Tom’s hand.
“No they’re not,” he  replied, “I imagine I’d have to access them physically in your dinosaur hospital?”
“They’re supposed to be available on the iPad.” Derek took the device from him and began scanning through his sister’s patient chart, only to find out that Tom was right. There was no file, nor record, of any brain scans done on her.
With smoke metaphorically piping through his ears, Derek stepped outside and went straight to the front desk, seeing Isaac there. His eye was still shining purple from Owen’s elbow to his face, and he had to admit that he was kind of glad now that Owen had done it. While Tom was still making his way over, the Shepherd asked, “Where are Amelia’s CT scans?”
Isaac looked up at him and furrowed his eyebrows. “I don’t know, they’re supposed to be on the system. I sent an intern to request the scans once she was out of surgery.”
“Wow you must really hate Shepherd to have done that,” Koracick chimed in as he arrived at the desk, “What did she do to you?”
“What? She didn’t do anything to me…”
“You secretly in love with her or something? Did she break your heart?” he further provoked the attending neurosurgeon, making him stand up angrily to defend his actions, “She the one who gave you the black eye?"
“No, it was me,” Owen intervened, making his presence known. Looking to Isaac, he added, “And if there’s something wrong with her brain, you’ll have more than that to worry about.”
“I’m sorry, was that a threat, Dr. Hunt?” Isaac challenged, staring him in his eye. “Perhaps I should report you to HR?”
“And maybe I should report you to the board for negligence concerning a missing CT scan on one of your patients who exhibited neurological symptoms,” he retorted. If Owen could only get his hand out of this sling and hit him, he would. Tom watched the lesser neurosurgeon with a satisfying smirk, while Derek glared at him. To say Amelia had an army, was an understatement.
Isaac wanted to respond, but he knew he was in the wrong and had possibly jeopardised the brain function of his boss by assigning an intern to do his job, so he relented. “I’ll call up CT and get it done right away.”
“Perhaps I should take over head of neuro here,” Tom teased as Isaac walked away, knowing he could be heard, “Looks like this place might fall apart without Shepherd.”
When Amelia awoke, she was in a patient room, lying down in bed. Owen’s head laying against the side of the bed, and she would’ve thought he was asleep if it wasn’t for his soft snoring. Weak and in pain, she was barely able to stretch her fingers to poke his head, but he felt the action and his face instantly popped up to look at her. “You’re okay,” he sighed in relief, taking her hand as he let more tears fall, fresher than the ones that fell earlier.
“What happened?” she whispered hoarsely, letting him take her hand in his two larger ones.
“You collapsed during surgery,” he explained, not sure how to explain the rest of the story, “You…Robbins said you were having an ectopic pregnancy. 8 weeks.” Amelia closed her eyes as the tears began to fall. “There was blood leaking from your fallopian tube when she went in…” The words coming out of his mouth slowly faded into the background as she absorbed the information. She couldn’t help but feel like she’d spited herself by their earlier conversation about having an abortion, as illogical as it sounded.
“…there was nothing that she could’ve done,” Owen finished, waiting for her response.
“So, I had a miscarriage,” she repeated, to which he nodded. Amelia averted her gaze and looked out the window, unsure of how to process the information, if she could.
“Are you okay?” he asked, not expecting her silence. He expected an outcry, tears, emotions all over, but there was just silence; Amelia seemed unfazed, numb. “I mean, I know you’re not okay, but…”
“I’m okay,” she said unsurely. Truthfully, she didn’t know if she was really okay, or if the emotions were just waiting to burst out of her at some untimely point in the future. It was hard to tell when all she could think of was how stupid it was that she was actually anxious earlier about how to go about raising a fifth child. Now she felt numb, the kind of numbness that came from touching ice for too long. The type of numbness that stung you after a while, and made your hand cramp.
“Is there anything you need?” he further asked, trying to determine what she might want right now, “Should I bring in the kids?”
“No, don’t bring them,” she responded, pulling her hand out of his grasp, “Can you…can I be alone?” Alone? Amelia never liked being alone with her thoughts, Owen knew this.
“Okay…are you sure?” he sought to confirm, a little disappointed that she couldn’t seem to make eye contact with him, “We don’t have to talk or anything, I could just stay here quietly?”
“Alone is fine, thanks,” she coldly answered him, still not looking in his direction. Sighing, Owen stood and left, looking back once at her small figure, still in bed, facing away from him. After that, Amelia had slowly, but surely, begun to shut him out. To the point where he no longer knew if she even had feelings.
“How long do I have to stay in this thing?” Amelia complained. They were in the CT room now, with Owen, Derek and Tom on the other side of the glass, awaiting her results.
Pressing a finger on the mic, Tom responded, “If you stay still and stop talking, we could be finished in less time.”
“What are you even doing here in Seattle?” she further complained as the nurse injected the dye, “Did you lose your job at Hopkins?”
“Far from it,” Koracick replied, “You called me on a consult for a patient, but you never told me who the patient was.” He turned off the mic and looked to Owen and Derek, adding, “Did she ever tell you she had a crush on me back in the day?” Derek rolled his eyes while Owen furrowed his brows in confusion; he really didn’t like this guy.
“Just do the scan,” Derek insisted, a disgusted look on his face. Tom chuckled, enjoying the discomfort he was causing amidst Amelia’s colleagues.
“Okay, scans are coming up now, stay still,” he said into the mic once more. The three doctors watched in anticipation as the scans slowly presented, one by one. As the scans showed their final forms, Derek and Tom furrowed their eyebrows in confusion, leaning in closer to assess them.
“Is that…?” Derek began, unable to say the words aloud.
“What? What’s wrong?” Owen asked, scooting closer to look at the screen, “Oh…”
“That is a…” Tom started, for once at a loss for words, “…big tumour.” He looked up at Amelia through the glass, just as she came out of the CT machine.
“So what’s wrong with my brain?” the Shepherd naively asked, noticing their horrified looks, “Do I have a slow leak bleed or something?”
“No, but you definitely have something…” Tom vaguely replied, giving the scans another once over.
“So these are brain scans from over ten years ago,” Tom explained, handing Amelia the tablet to show her the images, “They were done while you were in LA, as part of your hiring process at a private practice.”
She looked at the scans. “I don’t remember this scan.”
“Yes, I know,” the neurosurgeon humoured her. He swiped the images to the left, landing on her most recent scan. “These are the scans that we took just now.” Amelia looked at the scans in front of her with a look on her face that was hard to read.
Looking up at Tom, and the rest of the doctors in the room, she sought to confirm, “I have a brain tumour?”
“You do, a grade one meningioma,” Derek confirmed, “It would explain why you called Tom. Actually, it explains a lot of things you’ve done over the past five months.” Meredith held Derek’s hand, hoping to offer up some sort of comfort as they displayed the truth for her. Truthfully, a massive brain tumour was the last thing Meredith had thought of when wondering why Amelia was so erratically crazy.
“How long has it been there?” she queried in a small voice, looking back at the scans.
“Likely around ten years or so,” Tom estimated, “You would’ve begun showing signs from a year to two years ago. Pregnancy would also speed up the growth process, so it’s hard to determine how long you’ve had it for, or when exactly you would’ve begun to show symptoms.” Looking to Owen and Derek, Tom asked, “Has she been pregnant over the last five years?” Both surgeons nodded.
“Wait a minute,” Amelia stopped them, “I was pregnant? How many times?” Pressing a hand to her chest, she added, “Oh my god, do I have kids?”
“Five times,” Owen relayed quietly, anticipating a negative reaction. He looked to Ryan, who seemed just as uncomfortable as he did, divulging this information.
“Who’s the father?” she asked slowly, looking suspiciously between Ryan and Owen.
“Me,” was the response that came out of both their mouths.
Opening her eyes even wider, the youngest Shepherd pursed her lips, saying, “Two baby daddies sounds like something that would happen to me.” Both men blushed, averting their eyes as they fiddled with the clothing they wore. “So, which one of you am I still screwing?”
“Amy!” Derek berated her.
“I don’t even like kids.”
“Looks like someone lost their filter again,” Meredith murmured coyly, receiving an eye roll from Derek.
“I am…well I was…” Owen tried to begin to explain their relationship, “We were married. We no longer are. We were together, but I don’t think we were around the time that your accident…”
“So, I am a single mother with four children and two baby daddies,” she begun, trying to make sense of the complicated situation, “And…is there an affair I should be aware of as well? Because that sounds like something I’d do.”
“Is this the tumour talking?” Ryan sought to confirm from Derek.
“I’m not even sure anymore,” Derek sighed.
“This doesn’t explain the memory loss, though,” Amelia accurately pointed out.
“Yes, that’s the only problem,” Tom agreed with her, “The seizure you suffered after your injury would’ve likely had a part to play, but we aren’t seeing anything on your scans. Now, there is a possibility that the tumour is masking it, but we won’t know until we do more testing. The other, faster option, of figuring out what’s going on in there, is surgery.”
“And when can we do surgery?”
“Amy, one step at a time,” Derek condescended his little sister.
“Says the Shepherd without a massive tumour in their head,” she sarcastically retorted, glaring at Derek.
“You need to heal and regain your strength before you can qualify to do this surgery. It is a fairly large tumour, after all; even if it’s not cancerous.”
“Let’s reassess in four weeks,” Tom suggested, taking the tablet from her, “That’ll give you time to heal from your abdominal wounds, and hopefully you’ll be able to regain some of your memories, give us a better idea of how your brain is working and healing.”
Amelia nodded. “And what do I do in the meantime? What if I don’t remember?”
“Heal, get back into your routine,” Tom offered as he slowly exited the room, “Maybe learn to like kids?”
At the mention of the word kids, Amelia gulped. “Okay…” She looked to Owen and Ryan, asking, “When should I…?”
“Maybe we should wait a little longer?” Owen offered unsurely.
“Owen, they miss her,” Ryan defended, “especially Ryan. Let them see her for a bit.”
“I don’t know much about kids, but I’m pretty sure they’d be dying to see their mom,” Amelia offered intuitively, “So…why not?” Ryan and Owen exchanged confusing looks. “What, are they gonna hate me or something?”
“Well,” Ryan was the first to speak up, “the Amelia I remember, isn’t very good with kids…”
“And I think one of them may have a bit of an affliction with your decisions,” Owen offered vaguely.
“So is that a no?” Owen and Ryan exchanged an unsteady gaze..
“Are you sure that’s what you saw?”
Rosie nodded her head. “She was there with Dr. Isaac.”
“But why would she do something like that?” Ryan exclaimed, betrayed and confused by his mother’s finnicky behaviour. Rosie shrugged, hugging her arms around her shoulder as she looked around the conference room. She was having a hard time feeling compassion or guilt for her mother’s condition, after having seen her betray her father. Yet she couldn’t figure out why she jumped into action to help save her life. She felt conflicted, and numb.
“What are we gonna do if they break up for real this time?” Rosie asked her older brother. She and Ryan were far too familiar with the back and forth that appeared to always be going on between their parents. It left a consistent feeling of anxiety in the air for both of them.
“We stick together,” Ryan assured her, putting his arm around her shoulder.
“Okay guys, are you ready?” Owen asked as he came into the waiting room to collect them and take them to Amelia. Both kids shrugged, not entirely sure how they were supposed to be feeling right now. Ryan felt emotionally exhausted, while Rosie felt emotionally numb. Realistically, neither kid wanted to deal with anything right now. Rosie just wanted to go home and sleep in her own bed. And Ryan, well oddly enough there was a book he was hoping to get home and finish before all this had happened.
Stooping to their level, the father asked, “What’s going on? I thought you guys would be more excited to see your mom?”
“I am,” Ryan defended lamely, looking down at his lap. No one could ever doubt that Ryan loved his mother with all his heart. “I’m just…”
“We’re just tired, daddy,” Rosie cut in, saving the day with what she would soon learn was called a half truth, “Can we go home?”
Owen frowned, not believing the response, but going along with it. “Okay, yeah. Yeah, we can do that.” He stood up and held his hand out for Rosie, and Ryan jumped off the couch to follow them.
While Owen took the kids home, Ryan sat in the patient room, keeping Amelia company until the trauma surgeon returned. Although a bit odd, it was funny and sentimental talking to the Amelia that he had initially fallen in love with all those years ago.
Taking her hand in his, he asked, “How have you been feeling?”
“I feel like I have really bad food poisoning,” she joked, making him chuckle, “And my head is spinning with all this information.” Ryan nodded sympathetically, imagining how confusing it could be to wake up in the middle of your life and not know anything. “Where is the Owen guy? I thought he was bringing the kids.”
“Oh, he ended up taking them home,” Ryan summarized carefully, “They were pretty tired, and they’ve already missed three days of school, so you know.”
“Oh,” Amelia hummed, looking around her patient room. Mumbling softly, she insightfully stated, “Why do I get the feeling that no one is really fond of me right now?” Ryan opened his mouth and then closed it, unsure of if or how to answer her question.
“It’s a complicated situation, Amelia…”
“Feels more like everyone thinks I’m a bitch,” she retorted, looking outside her patient doors at the personnel on her floor. “I don’t blame them; I probably was a bitch.”
“They’re still dealing with the whole situation,” he explained, squeezing her hand, “A lot happened before you got injured. There were a lot of feelings in the air.” Just then, Owen finally reappeared, seeing the two talking and holding hands and choosing to wait by the nurses’ desk outside her room. Standing up and letting her hand go, Ryan added, “There’s still a lot of feelings in the air. Don’t be too harsh on him.” He patted the back of her hand before exiting the room and going to the desk to speak to Owen. “She’s all yours.”
“Hey, what’s your deal?” Owen accused him in an edgy voice. His eyes were a bit red, and he looked pretty agitated and tired, but Ryan chose to entertain his erratic behaviour still.
“What do you mean?”
“Suddenly, you’re just choosing to stay here and take care of her?” the trauma surgeon assumed, putting his hands on his hips as he tried to tower over Ryan and appear bigger. “I bet you’re real glad she doesn’t remember anything, huh? Now you two can start over…”
“Owen, you’re being unnecessarily weird,” Ryan cut him off, “Amelia is the mother of my son, I just want to make sure that she makes a full recovery.” He was being illogically aggressive, and Ryan knew it was likely because of all that had happened in the last few days, so he tried to be understanding. “I’m not jumping back in the race or anything. I’m just making sure she’s comfortable.”
“By flirting with her?”
“Hunt, I am not the enemy here.”
“Ha, where have I heard that before,” he dismissed him, ready to add to his statement before his phone rang. “This is Dr. Hunt.” Listening to the man on the other line, his anger began to escalate. “I’m on my way.”
“Hey, where are you going?” Ryan called as the trauma surgeon stormed down the hall. Owen ignored his question, making him decide to follow him out of the hospital.
“Owen!” Ryan yelled, following him to the parking lot. When he got close enough, he grabbed him by his shoulder. “Hey-,”
“What?” the surgeon asked through gritted teeth, spinning around to glare at him.
“Where are you going?”
“I’m going to the station,” he replied, “They found Amelia’s car, and the person who stole it.”
“And what are you planning to do when you get there?” Ryan accused, knowing Owen wasn’t thinking straight right now.
“Look, either you come with me or you don’t,” Owen said, pulling his car keys out of his wallet with his good hand, “But I’m going.” Sighing, Ryan combed his fingers through his hair as he weighed his options, realising the only one was to go with him. Amelia wouldn’t forgive him if he allowed Owen to do something ill-advised. The question now was, would he be able to stop him?
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horsetailcurlers2 · 7 months
YET ANOTHER long and obnoxious stream of my thoughts while watching grey’s anatomy for the first time (season FIFTEEN, bc i’m actually not sick of these yet)
-i don’t like this whole “she’s not really your sister” thing. like, it’s played for comedic effect and teddy is clearly just hormonal and panicking so whatever but i don’t like that.
-i don’t want to rehash owen x amelia. yawn. nor do i want to rehash owen x teddy. yawner.
-i like that we’re getting a *little* deeper into helms crush on meredith and that it’s not just comic relief
-why are there no doctors above the age of 45 in this entire hospital besides richard? they’re all so pretty, but at what cost?
-something is going to happen to this pregnant nurse… there’s a lot of focus on her out of the blue
-i love that almost this entire intern class is at least mildly gay
-bailey is pissing me off
-ted mosby!!! he looks a little slovenly for a date tbh. not to sound judgmental but like, she’s all dressed up and he isn’t.
-this guy is way chiller than ted mosby. i like this for her. i hope it doesn’t turn out really bad but i know it probably will
-is it worth it to watch station 19?? i kind of don’t want to tbh
-i forgot teddy was in new york until her friend passed in 9/11. i’m imagining an au in which teddy and addison knew each other in NYC in the 90s bc i think they should’ve interacted more
-the undiagnosable stomach issue is so clearly this patient’s suspicious heirloom lunch pail. like, duh.
-okay well i was wrong about that and now i’m embarrassed that i predicted that with such smug sureness and authority.
-playing “chasing cars” in spanish for the día de los muertos episode is an interesting choice. i think i like it??
-nurse debbie!!!! it’s been a while
-okay nvm that is NOT nurse debbie. they just have the same bangs
-everyone gets to have a tumor on this show. YOU get a tumor! YOU get a tumor!! and YOU get a tumor!!!
-richard no :(
-as much as i hate the owen/amelia dynamic, i really LOVE this whole amelia and betty thing
-i DO NOT like meredith/deluca
-the only relationship that doesn’t completely bore or frustrate me right now is alex/jo but even then, they’re just kind of there, yk?
-i love that meredith has one format of outfit that she likes and that works for her and she sticks to it. relatable AF.
-why didn’t miranda just have a conversation with ben before she sprung the separation on him? he would have been more than understanding i think
-i really like teddy and koracick actually
-i’ve been waiting for the other shoe to drop with betty :(
-did they change out writers and/or show runners?? the writing feels… cheesier almost? or maybe just like the emotional beats are less earned? i mean it’s always been delightfully soapy but it’s just different these past couple of seasons and i can’t put my finger on it
-betty/britney’s mom is baby from dirty dancing?????!!!!!
-alex just straight up not being able to understand the scottish accents is so fucking funny.
-i love it when bokhee has lines
-“it’s a real fire!!” alex, gleefully and wrapped in a homemade knit scarf while indoors
-richards reaction to they/them pronouns is very interesting and i think it’s definitely an accurate portrayal of how even the generally accepting and well meaning older people can sometimes struggle with that kind of stuff. like, he’s not trying to be ignorant or rude he’s just genuinely perplexed. “the world moves fast and i’m just trying to keep up”
-i SWEAR TO GOD if teddy gets back with owen instead of staying with tom i will start hitting things
-“you suffered for years bc of my brother so you should totally get together and move in with him”- megan hunt in a wig that’s almost as terrible as her advice
-the shepherd family dynamic is so interesting to me because we’ve heard about it from two different perspectives over the years (derek’s and things amelia has said mostly in PP) and what we’ve seen of them is mostly from derek and meredith’s perspective in which they seem nice if a bit overbearing.
-okay jeez kathleen is a piece of work. i’ve always liked nancy even though she is “mcbitchy”. i also can’t help but to think about how addison fit into all of this when she and derek were married lol.
-has amelia ever told her family about christopher?
-stop trying to push owen and teddy on me!!!! i hate it!!
-that is insurance fraud babe. is there not a way for them to do it pro bono or something??
-okay i can sense that teddy and owen is going to happen so i will not make any more notes about it bc all i have to say about it is some variation of “no! i hate it!”
-okay i lied because the way teddy is going about it makes me deeply upset. poor tom. also “he makes me laugh and feel safe but i don’t feel rage or passion or ecstasy” ????? i should hope you don’t feel rage??? owen hunt makes me enraged too but that doesn’t mean i want to kiss him on the mouth!!! jesus christ. just fuck tom i guess, right?
-WOAH. i was not vibing with merluca but he’s willing to go to prison for her??!!!
-there’s no way they’re really fired . meredith owns a good chunk of the hospital still, right??? not to mention there’s maybe three characters on this show that *haven’t* committed crimes/major ethical violations.
-i’ve been beefing with jackson for a few seasons now tbh
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geekkatsblog · 4 years
Grey's Anatomy season 17 episode 4
(Get these characters some Ragu sauce because they've been through enough.)
This episode has been the best for the season so far, I loved it.
Jackson and Jo
(Never thought I'd have to put them in a title together.)
Jackson and Jo I was intrigued at first when they were being just friends but then they swapped it and slept together. At this point I'm not sure if I like the pairing it's kinda odd borderline cringe, but maybe it'll change. It might be because it came on so suddenly and different. They've pledged to be a friends with benefits thing which is for the best, because Jackson really does go through clothes like he does clothes, but we all know how that is going to end up, someone is going to catch feelings and I don't think it's going to be Jo.
Honestly I'm not sure what they're doing with Jackson. He hasn't had a plot in a really long time it seems like they're just using him as a general filler to put the ladies in relationships, and where did my baby Harriet go she carried the show for the few seconds she was in it last time.
Other than their new arrangement neither Jackson nor Jo have any pressing plots at the moment.
Link and Amelia
(Currently carrying the Grey's relationship game.)
Before we get into it can I just express how adorable it was seeing Amelia gardening and mothering. She's really doing a great job.
And Link and his one man band serenading his son is adorable as well. He's an awesome father as everyone knew he would have been.
The pandemic and the possibility of Meredith dying is getting to them, as it would for anyone in their positions. I loved that he sat with Amelia and allowed her to feel all her feelings. Link has been the only partner Amelia has had who actually listened to her instead of talking over her concerns and dismissing them and in return she sat with him and allowed him to process his grief in the way he preferred to. Their levels of communication is on point right now and I am excited to see where it goes. Then there's also the scene where she's afraid for Meredith, her and Meredith had a rocky start and even now they don't have the best relationship but still it's great to see the moments where they let us know that they do care about each other.
Nico and Levi
(At this point I'm sad to put these two names together up here.)
I shipped those two so strong at the beginning but now I just want Levi to stand up for himself and leave Nico hanging, give him some time to let him realise what a good thing he is messing up. I'm still seething at his hypocrisy calling Levi a baby gay and lowkey pressuring Levi to come out to and move out of his mother's basement only for him to find out that Nico hasn't come out to his parents either and worst of all basically left him homeless by putting him out.
I was sad to see that Levi was falling down the same rabbit hole again. Levi hunny you deserve better. At the beginning of the episode when they had that awkward hi moment I was like oh no here we go again. Jo's reaction to finding out about them was perfect their friendship really has grown on me. It was a little odd at first but I approve of them as each other's persons, and for Jo to let him know he's worth more until Nico gets his crap together.
Oh Owen, no just no, he miss diagnosed a patient because he didn't look at the whole picture and just saw a piece, however he took the time to educate himself so I'm feeling a little better, I was expecting him to get mad or offended but he wasn't he took it in stride usually some of the doctors would tend to get snippy at the resident's when they pointed out that they made a mistake but he didn't. This is a common mistake made where doctors don't take into concept ethnicity when they're diagnosing patients and I'm glad they touched on this topic.
Owen has no other current plots at this point to touch on, at least until him and Teddy talk again.
Richard Webber
Meredith better be alright and come out unscathed, because if she does that will destroy Webber. He was so stressed all episode trying to make the decision of whether to put Meredith in the trial or not and I could only imagine the panic that went through him when he heard her mention George. Finally he made the decision to put her in the trial. Her reason for putting her as her POA was because Richard tends to be calm in most situations but she underestimated how important she is to everyone in the hospital they were all literally only interested in her during the briefing, and seeing him in her room all the time was adorable she was alone yet not alone at the same time because he was always in the room watching over her. He is the father that Meredith never had.
(Her plot is apparently coming next week)
She really didn't do much other than educate Owen, worry over Meredith and express her concern about her parent's recent move to an assisted living facility.
Seeing her and George together again warmed my heart and seeing her on the beach with Meredith was a surprise as well especially because the few conversations they had in season 16 were the most I'd seen them talk about things that didn't involve work, but they've been together from the beginning along with Richard and been with her through it all, they're all a family and even though her and Meredith have their ups and down they have a similar relationship to Amelia and Meredith they fight sometimes but when push comes to shove they are there for each other.
(A moment of silence for season 5 through 7 Teddy. May she rest in peace.)
Her plot wasn't so much as about her as it was about Meredith but I understand her concern about Meredith dying under her watch. The whole hospital was basically looking over her shoulder with pitchforks for incase she screwed up. It's a lot of pressure when Meredith Grey is your patient, and after the whole her being heard cheating on Owen with Tom by the whole OR the eyes were probably sharper than ever.
But then onto the worst part, her going to visit Tom. Now I know he said he was going to move on for his own sake, but out of all the times they broke up or separated he has never actually ignored her he would have answered even if it was to say go away and even so he has Covid and wasn't answering the door, why didn't she try to open the door or call 911 that's concerning. She could have even threatened to call the ambulance first just to make sure he wasn't really ignoring her. That would have gotten a response from him for sure. But I just can't fathom how she just left after getting no answer from him.
(Get it hun.)
Her and Winston are so cute and they haven't even met in person yet. Seeing the way how they handled the whole dinner with his father was a nice moment. The dinner was super awkward and he managed to make me hate his dad in one scene. This one seems to be the real deal for Maggie she isn't freaking out at the pace like she usually does and took the invitation to family dinner quite well. I'm glad to see she's no longer a cheerleader but now has a life of her own and probably soon maybe even a plot.
Tom Koracick
(Take Owen instead.)
NOOOOOO not Tom, we haven't gotten to see his character development yet. And why has he been through as much as someone who has been on the show since season 6 give the dude a break man. The whole time I knew he was going to get worst being asymptomatic doesn't necessarily mean that you won't get them later plus the fact that they sent him home alone was enough to know that something was going to go bad.
First thing first the rest of the doctors are sickening the way they treat him, can he come on strong and be a douche yes but I remember Bailey telling George at one point when he was making fun of Karev that they still had to be on his side even if they didn't like him. They are not on Koracick's side they just sent him home to rot and now it may very well cost him his life. I know Meredith is the sun but they could have at least kept Tom in the hospital to just to monitor him or if that wasn't able to happen they could have kept better tabs on him to make sure he was ok.
Am I the only one who's seeing Helm as his intern later in the future? They clearly have the same taste in video games and they would get along better when he becomes more open to people. Plus idk Helm just reminds me of someone in Nuero or even cardio, she has that tough attitude and strong drive like Cristina and Stephanie etc.
I don't think he's going to die though or at least I hope he's not going to die. Bailey's mother is there for a reason I more see her as the one to die.
Last but certainly not least is Meredith am I the only one who suspected that George was next Ellen Pompeo and T.R Knight have a good relationship off set. If anyone was coming back it was going to be George. I can't see Eric Dane coming back. Chyler is filming Supergirl in Vancouver I think and the others are still alive which makes it more unlikely for them to show up on the beach unless if they heard about Meredith being sick and came back to help or something.
Either way I was ecstatic when I saw George, as I said at some point before he was one of those characters that I didn't like before but the more I watched the show the more I appreciated him until he became one of my favorite characters on the show. He's every bit as 'Georgelike' as I remember him. The only thing was I was a little peeved at the fact that she got to be close to George and talk about her kids with him and not Derek but as I realised later apparently Derek is death and when she reaches him it means she choose to live. Which I'm ok with I guess it was good just seeing them again, and it was even better when we got to see the 4 OG's sitting together again even if it was just in a dream.
She has to pick her kids, they need her and so does GreySloan, she needs to live.
I'm hoping she recovers soon, as much as I would like to see even more visitors at the beach. Has Meredith not been through enough? Although this is as peaceful as I've seen her to be completely honest.
Next week is looking extremely dramatic already.
Meredith seems to be getting better although who knows how long that will last.
Koracick is worst like I said before I don't think he will actually die but something extremely dramatic is going to happen besides him being near death it might be another peice to the Teddy, Owen and Tom love triangle seeing that they're both working on him.
And the last part I saw was Bailey's mom I knew her talking about her parents all of the sudden meant that something was going to happen to one or both of them. Unfortunately I think she might be the one to die Grey's has a habit of bringing in secondary characters when too many primary characters are at risk. Plus it'll give Bailey her plot which I'm lowkey ok with because Chandra Wilson's Emotional scenes are always on point.
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angry-slytherin · 4 years
Can I request a Jolex imagine with numbers 41 and 82 from the prompt list? 💜
hi there anon! of course!
41. ‘don’t be afraid’ and 82. ‘just breathe okay?’
Alex Karev has never felt this much fear in his life. He’s been through hell and back, but fear like this has never coursed through his body; adrenaline and cortisone rushing from his thyroid, and his blood pressure ticking higher and higher. He’d never been so plainly afraid.
“Do you want coffee or something?” Meredith’s voice echoes from his right, uncharacteristically soft. Alex shakes his head, but he knows she’ll bring one back anyways and maybe a coffee cake.
He watches Meredith nearly bump into another figure as she walks off.
“Alex Karev? What are you doing here? Don’t you have your own hospital to run? With Strawberry Shortcake?” Tom Koracick’s surprised voice pulls Alex out of his reverie.
“It’s uh, my wife. The other Doctor Karev.”
“I haven’t seen her today, I’ll let you know though. Give Ginger Snaps my best!” The older doctor walks off looking amused with himself. Alex leans back in his uncomfortable waiting chair, checking his watch. Surely it has been too long. She should be-
“Alex,” Maggie comes soberly towards him, “how is she? Has anyone updated you yet?”
Alex huffs, “No. Could you get Bailey to send out one of those idiotic interns, and have them do their damn job already?” Maggie sighs, taking a seat next to Alex, placing her hand on top of hers.
The pair sits in silence for a moment, Alex nervously brooding, and Maggie anxiously still. She squeezes his hand.
“I will go get you an update. Please, just don’t worry too much. Not unless you have to,” Maggie walks off towards where she came from, adjusting her scrub cap. Alex sits alone for a moment, beginning to feel horribly sick.
“Hey,” Meredith’s voice cuts into the beginnings of his nauseous feeling, handing him both coffee and a cheese stick.
“You need to eat. You can’t worry on an empty stomach,” she reminds him, relaxing into the seat beside him. “And we’re not worrying. Not-“
“Unless we have to. I know, Pierce just told me. I’m not worrying, I’m just afraid.”
“Well don’t be afraid. She will be fine,” Meredith ends there, picking up a magazine and beginning to read it. Alex sighs, ripping off a piece of cheese stick and munching on it.
They continue like this for what feels to Alex like an eternity, but in real time is an hour. Alex at some point, finished his snack and left his coffe half-full, dozing off. Meredith has prodded him to sleep off the stress.
“Alex,” he hears a voice. “Alex, wake up.” He’s lulled out of his sleep, and he sits up straight. Then, he stands.
“She’s okay. She lost a lot of blood, and she’s got a nice bruise, but she’s okay,” Doctor Bailey informs him. Alex still teeters on his toes.
“She’s okay, Karev. Do you hear me?” Alex nods dumbly. “You can see her now, but she’s still going to be tired,” Bailey finishes. Alex hugs his mentor quickly, and they both relax.
Alex, after having worked at this very hospital for so many years, absentmindedly finds his way to the ICU. He slowly slips open the door to her room. He takes the seat right next to her bed, and lets out a sob.
Jo’s eyes open once, she grimaces, and she slowly opens them again.
“Alex?” her voice is raspy, like she’s been dehydrated. Alex looks at her with red, wet eyes, and cups her cheek.
“You scared me,” he admits. Then he continues to sob onto the blanket covering her chest. Jo blinks at him groggily, bringing a weak and slow arm to place on top of his head.
“It’s okay,” she whispers, “Just breathe okay? Breathe.” She tries to run his fingers through his hair, but it takes energy she doesn’t possess, and so she settles for just resting her hand.
Alex takes the hand Jo has on his head and kisses it; then he looks at her, and places a kiss on her mouth.
“Don’t scare me like that again. Don’t get into anymore car crashes, and don’t have anymore accidents in general.”
“I’m fine. Just a little bleeding. Look at who we hang around. I was bound to have some sort of need for hospital- what’s the word? Oh, hospitalization at some point,” Jo closes her eyes and smiles.
“It was a lot of bleeding. You bled a lot,” Alex urges. Jo just squeezes his hand.
“You’re being too loud.”
“Jo, Jo. Jo, stay awake. I need to tell you something.” Jo opens her eyes.
“What Alex? I’m tired.”
“I know. I love you.”
“Hm, yeah. I love you too,” Jo yawns, “Can you lay next to me? I know there’s no room. Just careful of my stitches.” Alex nods, slipping next to her.
“This is not as comfy as our bed. And it’s too small,” he remarks.
Jo shrugs and mumbles something Alex doesn’t catch. He kisses her ear, and presses his forehead against hers.
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calzona-ga · 4 years
SPOILER ALERT: The story includes details about the season-finale episode of ABC’s Grey’s Anatomy. While it wasn’t the planned ending, tonight’s Season 16 finale of ABC’s Grey’s Anatomy, written by Mark Driscoll and Tameson Duffy and directed by Deborah Pratt, was fitting. Indeed, this season was cut short due to the halting of production in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
You can’t be the longest-running medical drama on television without overcoming some challenges, and Grey’s already has proved its ability to pivot when the unexpected happens. The production shutdown was is the second major curveball for the show this season after original cast member Justin Chambers’ abrupt exit. No word on whether the four unproduced episodes from Season 16 will roll over to the next season. But this episode, titled “Put on a Happy Face,” had enough to tide us over until Season 17.
Let’s start on a positive highlight. After Richard (James Pickens Jr.) experienced hallucinations as well as a very intense and very public breakdown, fans feared that they might be losing another veteran Grey/Sloane surgeon. Determined not to accept his Alzheimer’s diagnosis, Meredith Grey (Ellen Pompeo) and Andrew DeLuca (Giacomo Gianniotti) worked around the clock to pinpoint the problem, with DeLuca coming through with a game-changing discovery: His dementia was a result of cobalt poisoning from a hip replacement surgery.
Not a hard fix. Dr. Link (Chris Carmack) was brought in to remove the cobalt, and it appears that Webber is on the road to recovery with his health. However, his marriage to Catherine is not out of the danger zone. Turns out the hallucinations had nothing to do with his marital discord. “Did you stand by me while I was being fired? You buy my hospital to humiliate me, or is that my mind playing tricks, too,” Webber contends before sternly kicking Catherine out of the room.
Meanwhile, DeLuca, who has been exhibiting erratic behavior and angry outbursts all season, isn’t able to bask in his incredible catch. Instead, has a breakdown of his own — signaling that it might be time to address his bipolar disorder-like symptoms, which are similar to his father’s.
DeLuca and Grey have become quite the medical duo this season but still couldn’t figure out how to make their romantic relationship work. It’s unclear where that will land next season as a new contender entered midseason — and he goes by the name of Dr. Cormac Hayes (Richard Flood). The two seem to have a connection, though it appears to be on a friendly level at this point (Hayes was a present sent to Meredith by “her person” Cristina Yang). Could this be the next Grey’s love triangle?
Elsewhere, Amelia Shepherd (Caterina Scorsone) finally had her baby! And she opted not to have an epidural because she’s an addict, and the epidural has fentanyl in it. While baby daddy Link wasn’t able to be present during the birth (he was performing the surgery on Webber), she had fellow “pregnancy club” sister Miranda Bailey (Chandra Wilson) by her side. The two share a tender moment when Bailey hops on the bed to support Amelia as she is giving birth, calling back to the time when late George O’Malley (T. R. Knight) did the same for Bailey during her labor back in Season 2.
Alas, not everyone got a happy ending. Owen Hunt (Kevin McKidd) and Teddy Altman (Kim Raver) were set to walk down the aisle, but Teddy needed her one last go-round with Tom Koracick (Greg Germann). Unbeknownst to her, she somehow recorded it and sent it to Owen, who had to endure the embarrassment of hearing it while in the OR surrounded by his colleagues. The wedding eventually is postponed, with Owen giving the excuse that he was pulled into surgery last-minute. In typical Grey’s fashion, there is never a wedding without drama.
Deadline spoke with Grey’s Anatomy showrunner Krista Vernoff, who unpacked the final episode, hinted at what’s to come next season and revealed what storylines she wished they were able to air this season. She also weighed in on the fan reactions to Alex Karev’s controversial exit.
DEADLINE: The Season 16 ender wasn’t what was expected, but like you said in your tweet, it was very satisfying, and a fitting Grey’s ending. How do you plan on carrying over the storyline to next season, or is there a plan to carry over the storyline from the last four episodes to next season? KRISTA VERNOFF: I have not formulated that plan yet. In about four weeks, I’m going to get in a room with the writers, and we’re going to talk about all of it. I know that a lot us are having brainstorms since we have so much time at home. A lot of us are texting each other, and going, “Oh, what if we did this? What if we do that?” So I have a feeling that their stories are going to change some, from what we had planned, and that we’ll repurpose some of what we had written and use it in the early episodes of Season 17.
DEADLINE: The production shut down was the second major curveball for the show, after Justin Chambers’ exit. What were your thoughts on the reaction to his exit?VERNOFF: Well, you know, I haven’t been commenting on this much, but I just did an Instagram Live where I said that, so, I’ll say it to you too. I believe that there would’ve been at least as big an outcry if we had killed that character off-camera, and those were our choices. It was kill the character off-camera, or come up with some believable way that he gets his happily ever after, and some of the fans have posited, ‘well he could have just been off-screen in Seattle like April Kepner, but then you’ve got an actress on the show who doesn’t get to do any of the fun, sexy, playful thrill that we’re known for, then you penalize the actors who are staying on the show by limiting what you could do creatively with them. So I was really proud of that episode. I think Elisabeth Finch did an extraordinary job with a nearly impossible task.
That episode made me cry. It made me laugh. I felt really deeply. I felt satisfaction, and I will say that I have received a great many comments from fans who felt the same way, but the angry people are always the loudest ones.
I wasn’t surprised by the fan reaction, but I know it would’ve been equally angry if I had killed him — so it was like, these are your choices, and I felt really happy with what we chose.
DEADLINE: The fact that you didn’t kill the character off also leaves the door open that we might see them in the future. So is there any chance of [Justin Chambers] or Katherine Heigl, ever coming back? VERNOFF: When I left the show in Season 7, people asked me if there was any chance of me ever coming back, and I was smart enough to say, “Never say never.” Here I am, so who knows?
DEADLINE: Jo was able to accept Alex’s decision in a short amount of time and come to terms with everything. Did that have anything to do with her character’s stint in the psychiatric hospital, at the beginning of the season? VERNOFF: Yes. Jo had had such a dramatic, emotional, painful arc, the second half of Season 15. None of the writers, frankly, none of us wanted to see her go back down into a hole. One of the things about the way the character was written off is that she had a lot of time to wonder, and to fear the worst, and I have found in life that when you have a lot of time to wonder and fear the worst, then when you get an answer, even if it’s terrible news, it feels better than not knowing. And it helps you move on, more quickly.
DEADLINE: I want to just touch on Richard’s illness. Is it safe to say that he’s out of the danger zone? Also, did his illness contribute to anything that had to do with his relationship with Catherine? And what can we expect from that couple in the future?We’ll start with the illness — is he in the safe zone now that they’ve caught it early and treated it? VERNOFF: Yes, and I thought that that was one of the most amazing things about this diagnosis was that the cobalt poisoning thing is real and it really can cause all of those symptoms. It can cause dementia-like symptoms. It can cause Parkinson’s-like symptoms —  tremors, hallucinations — and the amazing thing about it is that once you diagnose it, and you get the leaky hip out of your body, you can recover, totally. That felt, just as the storyteller, an amazing thing because it let us give Jim Pickens this really rich, rich material, without us having to permanently disable his character. I think that that was an amazing ride for the fans, because the outcry of we’re showing symptoms that don’t feel like they have cures.
There’s not really a cure for Parkinson’s. There’s not a cure for Alzheimer’s. So I know everyone was in a panic, and so, we got to tell this really satisfying story, and we got to let people know that sometimes, there’s another diagnosis for those symptoms, which we found fascinating, as a group of writers who write medicine, that it’s so rare to see something this satisfying.
DEADLINE: Did the symptoms from the cobalt poisoning have anything to do with his attitude toward Catherine? What’s in store for them? Can we still hold out hope for that couple? VERNOFF: I think you can always hold out hope for any couple on Grey’s Anatomy. You never know where it’s going, and I think that the way we designed this was that the fracture, the real fracture in Catherine and Richard’s relationship predated the cobalt poisoning.
So the way we imagined it was that, with the depression, everyone thought it was related to his divorce, and it was actually a symptom of cobalt poisoning. And then the tremors were a symptom of cobalt poisoning, and then the hallucinations, so that when he forgave her, he forgave her in a hallucination. And when he was well, he remembered the actual events from his life, for which he has not yet forgiven her. The reason that I hold out most for that couple is that Catherine rediscovered her deep and profound love for Richard when she almost lost him. I think that that may enable her to apologize in the way that Richard will need to hear.
DEADLINE: Speaking of forgiveness, in true Grey’s fashion, there’s never a wedding without any drama, as we saw with Teddy and Owen. We’ve seen their relationship woes throughout the series, and this season felt like they were going to finally get it together and find each other and have their happy ending. Why haven’t they quite found that happy ending, and can Owen forgive Teddy? VERNOFF: I think that those are questions that we will have to explore in Season 17. I will say that of all the storylines that were left hanging, that is the one that I was the most disappointed about. Actually, there were two: I’m disappointed that I cannot give Teddy — we had an episode coming up where we were able to better articulate and better understand what’s prompting Teddy’s behavior, and we don’t get to air it. Who knows, maybe it’s going to change between now and when we’ll actually shoot it for Season 17, but I feel for Kim Raver. The amount of standing is high, and we’ve left her in a strange place. It’s compelling, and why? Your question is big. Why? Why would she sabotage — why, when she was finally getting her happy ending, did she sabotage it? I think it’s the super-rich area personally.
And then the other story that I was really disappointed that we couldn’t complete — and I will tell you that I haven’t told this to anyone else, but we did a story where there as a victim of human trafficking, like two episodes ago, and DeLuca we got recognized it but he was in such a mentally compromised, manic state that nobody listened to him and the girl left. We had an episode where she comes back, and I am really sad that we can’t air that episode this season because it felt important to offer that kind of hope to people who are living that experience. I may still complete that story next season.
DEADLINE: I want to touch on DeLuca, who has gone through this really rocky journey with Meredith this season. Although they haven’t really been able to figure out their personal relationship, they’ve proven to be a great medical team. What can you tease about this couple? Last season, we talked about Meredith being ready for love. What can we tease about this couple in the future? Is somebody else going to throw a wrench in everything? Somebody by the name of Hayes? VERNOFF: There is hope for Meredith and DeLuca, and I think that there is hope for Meredith and Hayes. I will be fascinated to see how that storytelling emerges in season 17 because this story played in a way that I didn’t picture. You know, you write a thing, and then the actors play it, and then it gets all put together, and then you know what the story is. You don’t know how it’s going to play when you write it. It’s been amazing for me to watch this story this season. I feel like Giacomo has been so compelling, and DeLuca has risen so much, and simultaneously, Hayes has been really compelling and feels very much like Meredith’s equal. At this point, I’, not even sure which couple I’m rooting for, and that’s always an exciting thing.
DEADLINE: Yeah. We love our love triangles on Grey’s. VERNOFF: Yeah. Yeah.
DEADLINE: One couple might have found their happy ending, it seems, is Amelia and Link. The birth of the baby was such a nice ending to a season full of ups and downs. Was that one thing you were excited about? To see Amelia who had her complications with her first pregnancy, and this one turned out fine. VERNOFF: Yeah. I love that story and I am so grateful that … we got to air it this season. It would’ve been really a bummer if we hadn’t made it there, this season. So, that was just luck and I’m grateful that it was in that episode. I love that scene where Bailey gets in the bed with Amelia, and we call back to when George got in the bed with Bailey and it’s just so beautiful. It was pitched by Meg Mooney, who’s been with the show for 15 years. It made me cry when she pitched it, and it makes me cry every time I watch it. I, like everyone else, at this point really am loving Link and Amelia, and I was so happy. That ending for them felt so hard won this season.
DEADLINE: Is the next season being envisioned as the final season since it’s the second of the two-year pickup, or are you guys having conversations about potentially more seasons? VERNOFF: You know, what I always say to this question, is my answer again today, and that is: I will not start planning the end of Grey’s Anatomy until Shonda [Rhimes] and Ellen and ABC all sit down together, tell me that this really the end this time. The truth is those conversations might be being had if we weren’t dealing with a global pandemic, but everyone’s gone home, and I suspect we’ll start talking about that in a month, or two.
DEADLINE: Speaking of this global pandemic, obviously Grey’s is known for taking things that are happening in the world, and incorporating it into the series. Are there any plans to reflect on this current pandemic on the show for next season? VERNOFF: I haven’t had a minute yet to sit with the writers and talk about it. So, we’re all at home, and we’re on hiatus, but in about four weeks, we’ll gather, and we’ll talk about it. I have a hard time imagining that we don’t have to acknowledge this massive thing that we’ve all gone through, in our fictional world, too, but I have no idea how. I don’t know what it’s going to look like.
DEADLINE: Station 19 — we still have more episodes coming with that series. Are we going to see any of the Grey’s characters in the final couple of episodes? VERNOFF: Yes. Happily, yes, you are. The Grey’s characters are all over the last two episodes of Station 19. So, that is a really nice treat for the fans, too. Many of our Grey’s characters are in Episodes 15 or 16 on Station 19.
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