jjnaissainte · 1 year
.˳⁺⁎˚ YEONJUN LAYOUTS ˚⁎⁺˳ .
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addicsvt · 9 months
A warm sunday - sookai fic
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this is just all complete purely fluff, huening kai barista era?? soobin is his favourite customer, soobin college student era !
“The usual?” “Mhm” said soobin as he nodded his head
“Coming right up!” said Kai, walking towards the coffee machine, loading in a single serving of coffee powder.
There stood soobin, looking at him silently, tracing his eyes to every llittle movement kai made. Grabbing a cup from the corner kai noticed soobin looking at him as they shared a glance. Flustered, he walked away to his table quickly, sitting down next to the window as he watched the raindrops. A raindrop race! It reminded him of his childhood nostalgia as he was silently cheering for his chosen raindrop, he didn’t realise how much time had passed before kai came with the coffee. 
“Your coffee is ready” Said kai as he placed the tray carefully on the table.
“I didn’t order the cookie though?” Soobin asked looking at the plate of cookies on the tray.
“It’s on the house, plus it's my favourite item!" Kai said, giving a warm smile as he began to walk away from the table, soobin felt funny. Why was his heart beating at a 100 miles per hour? he didn't know.
Tearing the paper package on the straw, soobin jabbed it into his drink stirring it as he sipped on the coffee. Yummy, he thought to himself as he took another sip, savouring the bitter taste. Looking at the golden brown cookies he carefully took one from the plate as he munched on it. Soobin had a good amount of cookies in his lifetime and it was safe to say that this was a good one. Licking his lips, he reached to take another cookie. While setting the tray aside, he zipped open his bag grabbed his computer setting it on the desk. He took his wireless headphones and connected them to his computer. Great, let’s do some work now. He opened his professor's lecture he began listening, writing down notes. As his pencil glided across the page, soft ambient music filled the background sounds of customers chatting filled his ears, time slowly passed by. 
5 hours later
Soobin looked away from his screen, feeling  a light tap on his shoulder, turning back to see kai. Quickly taking off his earphones, he looked curiously at kai.
“Hey soobin, I'm so sorry to bother you but it's 10:00 pm and we are going to close soon. If you’d like to stay longer I’ll just ask my manager, so sorry to bother you.” Kai said nervously as the lights dimmed, flashing a sorry smile.
“Oh my gosh I didn't notice the time, it flies by so fast. I’ll go ahead and pack everything up.” He said disconnecting his earphones.
“No no! It's fine. I’ll just call my boss and I'll see if they can keep you in for longer!” Kai said as he pulled his buzzing phone from his pocket. It was his manager that was calling. “I’m so sorry, I need to take a call!” He said excusing himself as he went behind the counter.
“Hi boss, whats up?” He said speaking in a soft voice.
“Kai, is the shop closed yet?” The boss asked over the phone an edge of strictness to his voice.
“Uhh, not yet actually I was wondering if I could open it for longer…?” He asked nervously tapping on the counter.
“Kai, I doubt there will be any more customers coming in after 10:00 close it up.” The boss said with an exasperated sigh.
“My friend is here right now, ,I was hoping I could extend closing hours?” Kai asked biting his lips waiting for his boss's response.
“Well alright, I’ll let you open for ONLY 1 more hour. Better make sure all the lights are off alright?” The boss said over the phone with a strict voice as kai's face slowly turned into a smile.
“Of course! Thank you so much boss!” Kai said happily, ending the call and placing his phone back in his pocket.
“Soobin, you can stay for one more hour, i'll just close all the lights except for this section, is that alright?” Kai asked flashing a small smile at the boy.
“Mm, sure.” Soobin said reciprocating the smile as he watched Kai walk off into the distance, switching off the lights.
“Hey uhm Kai, why don’t you sit here and talk to me?” Soobin said nervously, he didn't know why but he just wanted to talk to Kai. He silently prayed, it did not sound too harsh or forced in any way. He was an introvert, he wasn't even supposed to be doing this.
“Sure! But I have to wash some dishes first!” Kai said, walking over to the sink, as he turned on the tap scrubbing the dishes.
30 minutes later
Kai was walking to soobin’s table, he accidentally bumped into it spilling the coffee on Soobin’s oversized sweater, the brown slowly seeping into the cloth. Kai had a horrified face, he just ruined soobin's clothes, and that coffee could stain.  
“OH MY GOD. I am so sorry, please forgive me. I didn't mean to do that.” He said bowing repeatedly, silently beating himself up.
“It’s fine, I’ll go grab a tissue.” Soobin said nonchalantly, as he got up to go to the washroom. He secretly found kai cute.
“NO, I’LL GET IT” Kai offered, hurrying to the restroom, he knew he was stupid but he figured that he wouldnt be THAT stupid to spill coffee on soobin gosh, to say he was ashamed would be an understatement.  
Running back to the table, he grabbed Soobin's sweater as he began to rub it. Without a warning the back of his hand softly grazed soobin's hand. It was clear that he was not the only one who felt it. Soobin laughed awkwardly at Kai's flustered face as Kai backed away.
“I hope it doesn’t stain your sweater, I’m so sorry!” Kai said as he ran behind to the counter to hide himself, oh my god he was so embarrassed. First he spills on soobin and now he.. he tries to pull that type of shit?
“You can come out of hiding now y'know?” Soobin smiled at Kai who was covering his face. Soobin thought Kai's flustered face was adorable.
“You're blushing so hard like a tomato right now.” soobin said teasingly as kai slapped his shoulder softly, eyes too embarrassed to meet soobins. 
“Ugh, I hate you.” Said Kai as he pouted softly, only resulting in soobin to chuckle. “There, there” Soobin said as he gave Kai a warm hug, chuckling softly.
updated note: this is such a horrible fic if you came here from my masterlist im so sorry this is my first fic i wrote on tumblr😭😭
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fairyofrandomness · 2 years
Txt without context
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bowlofsoob · 8 months
this is exactly why im blocking you
please stop lying…
i, leader of tomorrow by together, defend user bowlofsoob as i saw them fucking
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banggyu0308 · 10 months
https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGJgwX5AE/ me in September.
the (???????) KILLS me TT
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demosai · 10 months
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Oh My God!! Soobin & Yeonjun, how you do it like that? (Animated) @jonasbrothers #soobin #soobintxt #yeonjun #yeonjun_txt @txt.bighitent @bts_official_bighit #tommorowxtogether
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dostassku · 1 year
I love TXT so much, they are the best boys, please love them with me
#txt #tommorowxtogether #temptation
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oyeojin · 4 years
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soobins contagious smile ! ♡
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moonprincemulti · 4 years
Hi! Can I request a beomgyu x male reader x taehyun where Beomgyu and reader are not talking because they are mad with each other, so Taehyun calls both to a room and tells them to talk? You can make it fluffly in the end, please? Full of kisses and hugs!
∘₊✧─ Forgive Me? ─✧₊∘
- 21 Aug 2020
- I immmediately started writing after you asked so uh- I’m sorry if it’s too long 😅😅
- and I’m sorry if it’s not great, this is the first request I’ve ever done 🙈
- credits of the gif don’t belong to me but to the original maker!
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Beomgyu sighed as he lied down in Taehyun's bed, his arms crossed and his lips protruding in a pout. Taehyun raised an eyebrow at him, confused as to what was going on. He knew Beomgyu and y/n hadn't been talking for a few days, but he hadn't managed to get Beomgyu to tell him why. Taehyun wanted to mind his own business, but something about Beomgyu's pout made him extra curious.
"Okay. Tell me now. Why are you still so angry at y/n?" Taehyun sat down on the side of the bed, placing a hand on Beomgyu's shoulder. "Nevermind. It doesn't matter." "Yes it does. If you keep holding that angry pout for any longer, your face will stay like that permanently." Beomgyu gasped softly and looked at Taehyun. 
"Not true. That can't happen." "Then stop angry pouting and tell me what's going on!" Taehyun stroked over Beomgyu's side. "I'm worried. You're not talking and your mood has never been this down. Please, please tell me." Beomgyu sighed and sat up, his arms still crossed.
"Y/n cheated." "What?!" Taehyun gasped. "He did what?! Oh- he's going to get-" Beomgyu shushed Taehyun by covering his mouth. "But y/n says he was tipsy and with a good friend, so I'm probably making this all up for attention." Taehyun tilted his head, not getting the situation.
"So, was he cheating or no?" "I don't know! He keeps saying he was tipsy and stuff. How can I trust his word after he's been drunk and forgetfull but there are texts to prove it!" Beomgyu looked at Taehyun, sighing once more and lying down again. Taehyun nodded and got up. "Wait here." Taehyun ruffled Beomgyu's hair before walking out of the room. Beomgyu huffed and nuzzled his face in the pillow, shutting himself off from the outside world.
━━━━━━━━ ✤ ━━━━━━━━
Taehyun walked to the shared living space in their dorm, grabbing his phone from the dinner table. He searched for y/n's number, but after calling multiple times, he still got no answer. He sighed and walked to Yeonjun and Soobin's room, knocking on the door. "Yeonjun, can I get your phone?" 
Yeonjun opened the door, his hair messy and slightly panting. "Uh yeah, why?" "I need to call y/n, but he won't pick up when I call. Maybe it would help if I call with your phone.. since you're the leader.." Yeonjun quickly got his phone and handed it to Taehyun. "Good luck. Knock again if you need me." Yeonjun closed the door again, leaving Taehyun slightly suspicious. He shrugged and walked back, sitting down on the couch. 
He called y/n again, mumbling softly to pray he would pick up. He gasped softly as he heard y/n's voice answer, smiling as he sat up straight. "Y/n! It's- It's Taehyun. Look, I know you and Beomgyu-" "Tae, I don't want to talk about this. Beomgyu has acted very immaturely and he needs to apologize first." "But- he says... wait.. Beomgyu thinks you should apologize, but you say Beomgyu should be the one to forgive you..." Taehyun furrowed his eyebrows, taking a deep breath. 
"Right, well.. just.. let us be, okay?" "No no, please.. Y/n, can you come to the dorm? Please? We need to talk this out, it's horrible to see you two like this." Taehyun heard a deep sigh at the other end of the line, and he could imagine y/n's face being in deep thinking mode. "You don't have to talk to Beomgyu. I'll be the mediator." "Well.. fine. I'll be there in a bit." "Okay! Great! Thanks y/n. See you in a bit." "Yeah. Bye." 
Taehyun smiled and hung up, suddenly realizing he needed a plan. He wasn't gonna be a mediator, he didn't want to be inbetween them in a fight.. But how would he lure y/n into getting close to Beomgyu? Taehyun smirked as he thought out a plan, walking to Beomgyu to make the first move.
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As Taehyun heard a knock on the door, he shushed Beomgyu and quickly ran to the front door. Taehyun opened the door, smiling at y/n. "Hey, you came." "Yes I did." Y/n stepped inside, sighing deeply. "Now, where's Beomgyu?" "Oh don't worry. Just go into my room." "Your room? Can't we talk in the living room?" Taehyun shook his head as he gently pushed y/n in the direction of his room.
 "No. Yeonjun and Beomgyu have gone out for a bit, so it's safer to talk in my room if you don't want to be interrupted." Y/n sighed and stepped into the room, taking off his jacket. But after he had heard the door close and lock, he froze. "Tae! If this is some kind of prank I-" Y/n had turned around, suddenly facing Beomgyu. "Beom?" 
Beomgyu stared angrily at y/n, his arms crossed. "Now speak up, liar. Did you cheat on me?" "I did not!" Y/n threw his hands in the air. "I swear Beomgyu, I didn't! I don't know what you read in those texts and how you even got them but.." Beomgyu turned his head away. "I just.. I want to believe you but.." "But what? Why don't you trust me.." 
Y/n walked to Beomgyu, putting his hands on his shoulders. "I just... I don't want to believe it's true, but I'm scared it is.." Beomgyu averted his eyes, trying to stay calm. Y/n sighed and looked down. "Beomgyu.. I had two glasses of wine.. I was with my best friend and.. we did some stupid things.." Beomgyu stayed quiet, still not looking at y/n. 
"I sent some texts to my best friend, joking about how we would be together and.. yeah.. we send some sexts as a prank but.. I swear Beomgyu, I'm not cheating on you." Y/n cupped Beomgyu's face, making him look at him. "Please... forgive me? I never meant to make you doubt our relationship.."
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Beomgyu eventually gave in and hugged y/n tightly. Y/n let out a sigh of relief and wrapped his arms around Beomgyu, holding him close. "My dear Beom, I won't ever cheat on you. I promise, okay?" Beomgyu nodded and y/n could hear his sniffles. "I'm s-sorry for ever doubting you~" Y/n smiled and almost melted at the cuteness of Beomgyu's apology. He kissed Beomgyu's head and held him even thighter. 
"I forgive you. Now let's forget all this. Let's act as if it never happened." Beomgyu nodded and tried to hide his tear-stained face in y/n's chest. Y/n hummed and rocked back and forth a bit, before carefully picking Beomgyu up. "Did you miss me? I missed you.. your cuddles and your soft voice." "I missed you so much y/n.. I.. I whined every night.. I couldn't sleep without Taehyun cuddling me.." 
Y/n lied down on Taehyun's bed, letting Beomgyu lie on top of him. Beomgyu nuzzled into y/n's chest, listening to his heartbeat. Y/n crawled through Beomgyu's hair, relaxing as he was happy everything was resolved. He heard the door unlock and turned his head, seeing Taehyun peek into the room. Y/n smiled and whispered a 'thank you' to Taehyun, who smiled back at the sight of Beomgyu with his boyfriend lying so peacefully. He left them alone again, telling the others to leave the two on their own. Y/n and Beomgyu cuddled the rest of the day, showering eachother in kisses once every few minutes.
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jjnaissainte · 2 years
can i get an txt taehyun pack 🥺🌷
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thegalaxyinsideyou · 3 years
One word : ADDICTED
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sdelorosa · 4 years
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The night the world burned we...
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baekhyunbitz · 3 years
19. A Song With A Featured Artist
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0×1=LOVESONG (I Know I Love You) - TXT ft. Seori
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cuppy-cheeks · 3 years
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Goodbye our late warriors....
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sunoo-outdoes · 4 years
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heavenbreezesstuff · 4 years
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