#tomorrow (miner)
bekkathyst · 9 months
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Amos: Actually, I'm in charge, in case any of you have forgotten Milton: No, we remember. We just don't care
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autoneurotic · 1 year
do i guys think if i tell work that i have a huge cool painting i just started and can’t stop thinking about (didn’t sleep well; kept thinking about Paint) AND i’m almost on magnus archives episodes i’ve not heard before, that they’ll just give me the day off. come on. it’s me. it’s your friend r temple.
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inked-out-trees · 1 year
not to romanticise life too hard or anything but ive been thinking about music and february and continuing on. this too shall pass. in the dark tonight i'm coming back for you. i will rise i will face the morning laughing and i'll try to find myself along the way. the universe is not against you. we will be together in the work and in the hurt. put the work in plant a garden try to stay afloat. there will be better days. there's a hole in the sky and i'm aiming for it. we're making it into march and beyond and by god we're going to sing.
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beck-a-leck · 1 year
So @durotoswrites and I had tons of fun doing Daemon Quizzes tonight for various Bokumono Characters. Here's what we got so far.
All of the Mineral Town marriage candidates
• Cliff: Beetle or Sun Bear. We also took the Raptor quiz for Cliff just to see what a bird of prey daemon would be for him. He got the Vulture)
• Gray: Mustelid - badger
• Rick: Flightless bird – chicken or cassowary
• Doctor: Owl – Great Gray Owl
• Kai: Caprine – Domestic goat
• Brandon: Arachnid or Xenarthra – Tarantula or Sloth
• Popuri: Perching Bird – Parrot
• Ann: Cavitave – Toucan
• Elli: Quiz says Insect – Ant. We decided to not torture Elli with a daemon of something she hates. So we picked Domestic Dog and the quiz said German Shephard
• Mary: Xenarthra or Domestic Cat – Pichiciego (Pink Fairy Armadillo) or Russian Blue
• Karen: Wild Cat or Caprine – Lion or Domestic Goat
• Jennifer: Bats or Fox – Flying Fox or Red Fox
Rune Factory Bachelors
Arthur: Owl or Serpent – Burrowing Owl, Screech Owl, or Hognose Snake (3 people did Arthur's quiz and we got 3 different results. Which is fascinating to see how we all differently interpreted the character)
Dylas: Marsupial or Raptor – Wombat or Vulture
Leon: Waterfowl – goose (It's a beautiful day in Selphia and you are a chaotic fox-man and a horrible goose daemon)
Vishnal: (To absolutely NO Surprise) Domestic Dog – Pug or St. Bernard
Kiel: Amphibian or Xenarthra - Glass Frog or Anteater
Doug: Viverroid or Swine – Hyena or Warthog
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thebleedingeffect · 1 year
I refuse to do a 100% run of totk only because that means dealing with koroks and I refuse to deal with the absolute hell that is korok hunting. I will come upon those guys in the wild as god intended and I refuse to hunt them down I will not subject myself to that
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sillyfaggot · 1 year
finally Actually decoratin my rooms a bit :) got my maps and a new calendar put up ^_^
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fingertipsmp3 · 2 years
In my getting my shit together era (taking my vitamins and trying to finally stop biting my nails)
#blood test came back from the doctor. there’s literally nothing wrong with me other than i’m iron deficient#and we already knew that.#and i was thinking about how last winter was so bad and trying to figure out what common denominator there was if anything and i was like#‘wait.. i didn’t take any vitamin D did i’#so tomorrow i’m going to the chemist to buy iron tablets; vitamin d and also maybe some misc chewy multivitamins because why not#and i’ve also decided i’m going to get that stuff you can put on your nails that tastes bas#*bad#honestly i feel like i’m biting my cuticles more than my nails but that’s worse. i get that that’s worse.#it must be stopped. and my incentive is i’ve ordered a set of pretty rings from etsy so that once those arrive#&i’ve stopped biting my nails i can have nice hands ❤️#i know i’ll never work up the motivation to paint my nails. but i can put on rings no problem#and maybe i’ll propose a manicure exchange with my best friend. me and her are both way better at painting each other’s nails than our own#tl;dr sometimes getting your shit together doesn’t start with a bang. sometimes it’s about altering small habits and tricking yourself into#making your life better little by little until one day you look around and go ‘OH i’ve stopped fainting and my cuticles aren’t bleeding!’#my past self got me a job. i can get my future self the vitamins & minerals she needs and get her a manicure#it’s about paying it forward#personal
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videcoeur · 2 years
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I am already under let the wave wash over me
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raeathnos · 14 days
#hello hi I am so fucking burnt out 🫠 pls forgive me if I’m inactive for a bit or real fucking weird if I am here#I was supposed to have a 3 day weekend but an hour before I was done it got turned into another 6 day week soooooo 🙃#we had terrible storms yesterday and I worked with no power and then came home to no power (it didn’t come back till 8:40pm hELP)#cat had a vet appointment which ended up being super emotionally draining and upsetting#his heart disease has worsened and he’s on more medication#and though none of these things are ever set in stone it’s looking more and more likely that he won’t live as long as a typical cat#I uh thought I was okay and then just kind of completely broke down sobbing last night#and I can’t really think too hard about it without bursting right back into tears#he’s only 6 and a half and the sweetest cat and it’s not fair#trying to stay positive but I feel so bad for him#gonna love him as much as I can for as long as he’s here which is hopefully still for a long while#it’s not a dire situation it’s just the disease progressing but like it’s still hard#dealing with too much rn#we were expecting the vet bill to be about $400 but then opted to do a few extra things and it pushed it to $750 so ouch#we’re fine we had it saved but you know how it is#he expensive but he’s worth every penny <3#I also injured my knee so that’s fun- tore something in it I think#it’s not as bad as it was but it’s still painful and swollen and hard to bend#my dumbass is going hiking tomorrow despite this because it’s the first weekend that isn’t supposed to rain since like March#so as soon as I get out of work tomorrow I’m fucking off into the woods for a few hours to go be feral#probably bad for the knee but it’ll be good for the mental health#works only a half shiift tomorrow too and I’ll be done in the am so it should still feel like a long weekend#kinda bummed about it still tho#pls stop depending on me to pick up everyone’s slack kthnxbye#I’m so fucking tired 🫠#on the bright side I have next weekend requested off and it’s only gonna be a 4 day work week because of the holiday#there’s a rock and mineral show here next weekend and I am very excited#gonna buy some neat rocks hopefully 👍🏻#and assuming the weather is good next weekend and my knee doesn’t worsen I’m gonna fuck off into the woods again afterwards to be feral#gotta go rot in the woods for a bit to fix the soul; yall know how it is
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caduschka · 17 days
Fuck minerals and fuck microscopes
I hate that so much 🥰🥰🥰
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aeonthespian-blog · 7 months
Here are some of the donations for Congo
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iamthekarmapolice · 6 months
there needs to be an olympics for middle-aged indian relatives for making unrelated conversations about exerting pressure on people in their 20s to get married
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reflections-of-mobius · 8 months
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"I know we can't really do much for Halloween, what with the recovery, but..."
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"...white whistle delvers."
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"So long as I can carve the whistles, sounds like a plan!"
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amerasdreams · 10 months
feels like I need to eat something and keep eating until I feel better
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