ismael-doodles · 1 year
Soy esquizo e hice este mono que ví en uno de mis primeros brotes psicóticos
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Es una forma de sobrellevar mi condición o q c yo, mi psiquiatra dijo que si lo acepto terminaré por tener una vida más tranquila¿
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Nos gusta el Michael Jackson 🤟
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cainrizquez-blog · 2 years
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futuregiftguide · 1 year
Tonal is a home gym equipment designed for the minimalist
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Home gym equipment is and always will be the most expensive and healthiest thing you can buy, but having the room for bench presses, dumbbells, squats, and other equipment to get you a full-body workout can take up a ton of space. Especially when you’re trying to make room for your other belongings. Tonal may be the answer for a full home gym without the need for much space. The smart workout machine provides 200 moves with 200 lbs of resistance in a slim device that’s mounted on your wall.
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Just like a traditional workout machine at the gym, Tonal can be adaptive to fit your strength level by simply pressing a button, and yes it has a 24-inch touchscreen display with workouts and coaching. The arms on the Tonal can be adjusted to give your body the full workout it needs.
Check out Tonal's commercial:
Why buy?
200 lbs of weight
Minimalist design
Adjustable arms
24-inch touchscreen
Get your Tonal starting at $2,995
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rizoartobserver-blog · 3 months
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adribosch-fan · 6 months
Cuál es el restaurante argentino entre los mejores del mundo, según la Guía Michelin
Ubicado en la provincia de Mendoza, una de las capitales del vino del mundo, el restaurante de Bodega Los Toneles, se destaca por una carta exclusiva. Franco Della Vecchia Mendoza no sólo se distingue por ser una de las capitales del vino a nivel mundial. También destaca su oferta gastronómica, razón por la cual comienza a ser vidriera en el mundo. El Restaurante Abrasado quedó seleccionada…
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omellagrabados · 1 year
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Troquel para marcar con prensa OMELLA GRABADOS
Omella Grabados realiza troqueles para prensa para marcar piezas grandes como cubos y toneles o cualquier tipo de pieza metálica. Ya sean troqueles macho para marcar con prensa las piezas en bajo relieve como troqueles macho y hembra para embutir chapa en relieve. www.omellagrabados.com
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thecubanartobserver · 2 years
Exposición “Como la caña”, Colectiva
Exposición “Como la caña”, Colectiva
Exposición Como la caña Colectiva 05.02.2022 Factoría diseño A lo largo de estos años, he visto como la interrelación entre las diferentes disciplinas, también llamado interdisciplinariedad, ha generado enriquecimientos recíprocos y satisfacciones varias. Ese engranaje de saberes y experiencias ahora ligados al campo del diseño y del arte, se citan en Factoría Diseño, nuevo espacio en el…
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neuroconflictos · 3 months
No me arrepiento de todas las noches que lloré, del tonel de cartas que escribí, de las miles de canciones que dediqué, de todas las cosas que me hacian recordarlo porque al final creo que eso me hizo darme cuenta que sí, en definitiva lo amé, lo sufrí, lo extrañé.
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cecilysass · 1 year
Pause (3/11)
Read on AO3 | Tagging @today-in-fic
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Chapter 3: Partner
At the sound of the key, Scully’s eyes pop open, and she sits up, ramrod straight, her heart racing.
She doesn’t want to startle Mulder, and sitting on the couch seems the least threatening posture she can take, so she stays where she is. As the door begins to push open with its characteristic little crunch, she wrings her hands, unbearably nervous.
It’s Mulder, she reminds herself. No matter how long you may have been gone, or what has happened in your absence, you know what to expect from Mulder.
At last he shuffles through the door, and it’s him, definitely him: head bent, looking weary and wilted. He turns to lock the door again, evidently not paying very much attention to his surroundings.
Her heart constricts. “Mulder,” she voices softly.
She can see his whole body go still from behind, but he doesn’t look right away. His back remains to her.
“Mulder?” she repeats.
Very slowly he turns, allowing her to see his face for the first time.
His expression is flat, without affect. He blinks.
“Hi,” she tries again. She scrambles to stand up. “I didn’t mean to startle you. It’s just me. I’m…I’m having a rough time. I don’t have any idea what’s going on. I don’t remember what’s happened.”
He takes a step towards her, and she sees how terrible he looks. He needs a haircut and a shave. There are deep purple smudges lining the bottom of his eyes.
His eyes dart over the scene in front of him: her clothes, her hair, the half-eaten lasagna on the plate in front of her, the coffee table with no dirty dishes.
Something like fear flickers across his face.
In a sudden movement, he reaches into his waistband and produces his Sig from his holster, holding it on her.
“What do you want?” he demands in a rasp.
“Mulder,” she gasps. “It’s me.”
“Stop that,” he hisses. “Stop.”
“Stop… what? I don’t understand.”
Keeping her in his sight, he walks to the table by his front door, opens a drawer, and produces a stiletto. “I keep one of these around exactly for guests like you.”
She understands his thought process now. “I’m not him.” She tries to keep a steady tone. “It’s me, it’s actually Scully.”
His face turns darker. “No,” he says again, his voice dangerous.
“Let’s just calm down, talk about it rationally for a second, Mulder—”
He lunges towards her, the stiletto in one hand and the Sig in the other, and she knows with despairing certainty that he is about to hurt her.
In terror she cringes back against his desk, covering her face in her hands, no will to try to defend herself against her partner.
A single thought runs through her mind. He will hate himself when he realizes. She lets out an involuntary sob, a choked sound.
But whatever blow, whatever sharp pain she expects, doesn’t come.
She looks up to see him standing above her, his face conflicted, his eyes tortured.
“Please stop,” he whispers to her, his voice just a dry husk. “Don’t look like that.”
“Just kill me.” He reaches behind her and sets the gun and the stiletto down on the desk. “You don’t need to look like that any more. I’m begging you not to. I won’t try to stop you. Just kill me.”
“Mulder,” she tries again, her voice shaky. “It’s me, it actually is, it’s really me. I’ve lost time, and I’m confused, but it’s me.”
He looks down at her blankly, as if trying to comprehend words in an unfamiliar language.
“I came here for your help,” she says.
She places a hand tentatively on his arm, and he jumps back like it burns him.
Scully licks her lips, her mind racing. “What can I say to convince you?” she asks. “That only you would know? After Van Blundht, we said we’d come up with questions, but we never did. But we could think of them right now?”
He doesn’t answer. He only stares.
“I’ll ask you my question first, Mulder,” she says, watching him hopefully. “What character from a book did I compare you to when we were sitting on a rock in Heuvelmans Lake?”
He says nothing for a moment. “Ahab,” he says in the same toneless voice.
She nods vigorously. “Right. See? Why don’t you ask me yours?” she says.
But he doesn’t. He turns and moves unsteadily to the couch, collapsing in the very spot Scully had been napping. He puts his head in his hands, and then looks up at her again.
“It’s not possible,” he says.
“What‘s not possible?”
“You… being here, wearing those clothes,” he says. “You having that memory.”
Scully swallows uncomfortably. “I gather I haven’t been around.”
He looks at her sharply. “Not been around… that’s putting it mildly. Dead is not being around.”
“Oh.” Scully feels like she has been socked in the stomach. “Dead… like abducted and presumed dead?”
“Dead like dead,” Mulder says flatly. “A car accident.”
“A car accident.” Scully feels the room undulating now, rippling around her. “Oh,” she says. “Oh, I—”
Her knees give out, and she takes an unsteady stumble to the side to brace herself.
Mulder frowns, standing up. “Are you… okay?”
She steps to the side again, and he catches her by her shoulders this time, steering her to the couch. “I was assuming I had most likely been abducted again,” she whispers. “How could I be—? Where did I—?”
He sits next to her on the couch, just watching her, his whole body taut.
She feels tears falling down her cheeks, and she begins wiping them away quickly with her knuckles, uncomfortable with crying in front of this guarded, unfriendly version of Mulder.
“I don’t remember much of anything,” she says, trying to keep her voice steady. “I can’t possibly tell you what happened.” Her voice breaks on the last word, and she can’t stop the tears. “I can’t prove this to you.”
Gradually his expression has grown softer. “All right. Hey,” he says cautiously. “What exactly do you remember?”
“I woke up this evening in a rental car in Georgetown,” she whispers. “I was only a few blocks away from my apartment, but… my apartment wasn’t my apartment anymore.”
“No,” he says. “It hasn’t been for a while. Maggie and I had to clean it out after the funeral.”
She places her hand over her mouth, trying to control herself, tears still escaping and rolling down her cheeks.
He makes no effort to comfort her. But she also sees that he’s biting his lip so hard he could draw blood.
“Maybe it’s time for my question,” he says, his voice very tense.
“Okay,” Scully says, sniffing, feeling hope rush in again.
Mulder pauses. “Where did we go after the premiere of The Lazarus Bowl? And what did you say to me there?”
Scully stares at him open-mouthed. She doesn’t say anything for a long minute.
“Is this… is this a trick, Mulder?”
“No,” he says, a crease appearing between his eyes.
“That’s not a real question,” she says in a low voice, her frustration mounting. “You’re trying to trick me. To ask me about something that didn’t happen.”
“No, it’s a real question.”
“It isn’t,” she says. She is beginning to fill with a surge of anger. Of all the times for Mulder to refuse to believe, why now, when she needs him? “A real question would be, what gift did you bring me in the hospital after Duane Barry? What is your favorite late-night Chinese order? What did you say to me after I called you and told you about Emily?”
Mulder looks dazed, shakes his head slowly. “The Lazarus Bowl … you don’t know what that is?”
“No.” Scully’s voice is rising in volume. “What are you trying to prove, exactly?” Her voice cracks. “How can I get you to believe this? What do I have to do?”
He stares at her a beat longer and then he stands up, abruptly, beginning to pace back and forth. The apartment floorboards creak under his weight.
“Ask me more questions,” she demands. “Ask me real things.”
He spins back towards her again.
“What did I bring you in the hospital after Duane Barry?
“Superstars of the Superbowl.”
He nods, but his face is perturbed. “When we pulled off the highway to try to eat that one time in Florida, what food did we end up getting that we promised we would never talk about again?”
“Frog legs. You’ve now broken that promise.”
“What happened to Samantha?”
She stares at him. “I don’t understand why you would ask that. You know there’s not an answer to that.”
He chews on his lip again, regarding her. “What’s… the last thing you remember before you remember being in the rental car? The last clear memory before today?”
She hesitates. “Coming to your apartment to tell you about my transfer to Salt Lake.”
“Transfer to Salt Lake…?” he repeats, his face freezing.
“Yes. I tried to leave, you argued and followed me into the hall. I was stung by something. A bee, most likely, from when we were in Texas. That’s the last I remember.”
If the memory of their interrupted hallway encounter embarrasses him, he shows no sign of it. Instead, his expression is one of shock and overwhelm, as though he were grappling with a large amount of new information at once. He takes a step backwards.
Scully suddenly has a feeling of dread.
“I know time has passed since then,” she prompts, watching him. “I don’t know how much.”
He runs his fingers through his overlong hair. “This doesn’t make sense.”
“Is the bee sting what you thought killed me, Mulder?”
He looks at her in disbelief. “No. I told you, car accident.”
“How much time since then?” she whispers. “A year?”
His eyes fix on her. “You’ve been dead a year,” he says. “But since the hallway and the bee? Longer.”
“How much longer?” she says fearfully.
He hesitates, eyeing her.
“How much longer, Mulder?”
“About three years,” he answers in a low voice. “Including the year of being dead.”
She feels the room rolling again like a ship at sea.
“Three … years,” she repeats.
She’s having trouble catching her breath, and she leans over, bending at the waist to put her head between her knees, trying to make things stabilize.
Three years’ worth of missing time. Only a few months of missing time had been almost insurmountable, something she expected to be recovering from for the rest of her life. This is unimaginably greater in scope.
Still bent over, she rocks in place to relax. How can she make things feel normal again, how can she ever get her bearings—
She’s suddenly aware of the weight of a hand upon her back.
Scully wants to cry, feeling it there. Please, Mulder. Don’t regret touching me.
The hand starts to move, gently patting. Each touch, however light, leaves a wake of warmth that reverberates through her muscles and sinew. With every touch, her lungs slowly refill, her equilibrium settles.
As she feels calmer, she slowly sits up and turns to face him. His hand drops quickly off her back, almost as if he is ashamed.
She studies his face. A muscle on the side of his jaw is twitching. There is something painful and veiled in his eyes, and a deep furrow in his brow. But she also sees conflict there, too, something buried underneath.
And she thinks she understands. He wants, very badly, to be kind to her. It’s his instinct. He wants it so much, but something she doesn’t entirely understand is preventing him.
Impulsively she wraps her arms around him, pressing her head against his chest. He sucks in a sharp, shocked breath. The map of muscles under his shirt seize up like a net tightening.
Oh, she realizes. He’s so scared. He’s as terrified as she has ever seen him.
Please don’t let me be wrong about this, she thinks.
Then his long arms tentatively reach around her, grip her, pull her in more tightly. A large hand lands on top of her head. Lightly he rocks her back and forth on the couch, and she cries into his chest.
This, she thinks with relief, is the partner she knows. This is what she remembers from hospital hallways, from the aftermath of ugly cases, from times of emotional turmoil. He is warm and steady: her best friend, her rock.
“I don’t know what this is,” he says in a low, tight voice. “I don’t understand it. But…we’ll figure it out. Don’t worry. You were right to come here.”
Her heart sinks. It’s still not right, the way he sounds. There’s something sickeningly off here. It’s not her partner after all. “You still don’t believe it’s me,” she murmurs into his chest.
He says nothing, still cupping her head.
“I don’t know,” he answers after a beat. “I’m not sure. But whatever’s going on, I don’t think you’re trying to fool me on purpose.”
“It’s so ironic,” she says bitterly, “that I can’t get you to believe.”
“It’s just…it’s possible they’ve intentionally made you believe something that isn’t true.”
She begins to cry again, and she realizes: he has yet to call her Scully. He hasn’t called her by any name at all.
“Don’t cry,” he says, and his voice sounds pained. “We’ll figure it out.”
She leans away from him, wiping her eyes.
“We should sleep tonight,” he says, after a while. “In the morning, I’d like to…”
“Run DNA,” she finishes dully. “I assume. It’s what I would do if I were … doubtful about my story.”
His reaction is some unholy mixture of wonder and anguish, an expression she finds she can’t bear to observe on his face.
“In the morning, I also want to call my mom,” she says.
There is a pause.
“Okay,” he says. “Yeah. Of course you do.”
“You should call the Gunmen tonight, too,” she says. “They left you a message, checking in. They sounded worried.”
He looks absently away. “Sure. I will.” He looks down. “I’ll put some new sheets on the bed for you. The ones on there now aren’t that clean.”
“You have a bed,” she comments. “A bedroom. That’s new.”
He looks back at her, seemingly startled. “Yeah,” he says. “It’s not new, but—” He stops himself. “Yeah. But it’s no trouble for me to take the couch tonight.”
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Relationship Aftermath: Ben and Sadusky Edition
Ben and Patrick | Ben and Abigail | Ben and Riley | Abigail and Riley | Abigail and Patrick | Riley and Patrick
At last, the final entry in our relationship aftermath series!
And unlike the others that I promised would be short but were not, this one actually will be short. I hope.
We all know I can go on about how many ways I do not like Book of Secrets, but one thing I definitely do like is the implication that Ben and Agent Sadusky are kinda-sorta friends now.
Like. In National Treasure they had a certain respect for each other. Sadusky always took Ben seriously. When the other agents wanted to dismiss Ben as a kook both before and after the heist, Sadusky was immediately committed to discovering what makes Ben tick.
Likewise, Ben doesn’t seem to have any animosity towards Sadusky. The only thing Ben has against him is that Sadusky is standing between him and the treasure.
As we see in one of my favorite lines I know, they’re all my favorite lines Ben goes out of his way to tell Sadusky that his escape from FBI custody isn’t personal or malicious, it’s simply the only way Ben can do what he needs to do.
BEN Sadusky. I'm still not against you. But I found door number three. And I'm taking it.
Ben doesn’t have a problem with the FBI in general either although given how much he knows about US history he should?
During the denouement inside Trinity Church, Ben and Sadusky come to a mutual understanding. Both men, ultimately, want to protect the treasure and honor the Freemasons who went to such dramatic lengths to hide it. Now that the obstacle standing between them—a certain stolen Declaration—is recovered they can even work together to go arrest Ian. I mean Sadusky does not have to let Ben have his gotcha moment, but he does.
What I don't necessarily see coming based on this dynamic is any real continuing relationship after the treasure is found and whatever procedural aftermath there might be happens. They end the first film on good terms, but are not necessarily in a position to become major factors in each other's lives going forward, both by the nature of what they relationship is, and the fact that, the last few days not withstanding, they live in very different worlds.
This was a work enemies-to-work friends relationship. Sure, it makes sense that Sadusky would keep tabs on Ben in case he ever did anything dramatic again, but Sadusky is not going to be part of whatever museum tour is going on, and Ben is not going to be on the FBI's radar unless he commits another felony.
That works for me just fine. I'm more interested in how the core team's relationships all evolve after their ordeal on the treasure hunt, and I don't see Sadusky being more than an occasional guest star in the lives moving forward.
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In one of the deleted scenes from Book of Secrets Sadusky finds Ben on the roof of the Library of Congress making a treacherous walk across the glass ceiling in an attempt to escape.
Sidebar, as someone with interest and experience in arctic exploration Ben should absolutely know that the safest way to cross thin ice is by laying down, spreading out your weight. That's not sexy enough for hollywood though.
Sadusky comes out the door and says in a rather tired, warning toneL
And Ben turns to face him and mimics Sadusky's tone to say
BEN Pete...
Since when did you two clowns get on a first name basis? A nickname basis?
Are you poker buddies now??
More than that?? 👀
This is unironically one of my favorite moments in Book of Secrets.
Yes, I realize it is incredibly ironic that the one thing I like is a deleted scene.
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ask-the-here-school · 2 months
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Colored the sillies (HOW ARE YOU SO GOOD AT SHADING !!!!!)//
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And the triangle I'm literally so glad u remembered wtfdksidksisks EEEEEEEE
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icarusthefoolish · 1 year
Don't mind me rebranding yet again it's Mollymauk missing hours for me right now...
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All credit goes to the original artists if you know who any of these Pieces were made by/ know if they have Tumblr please tell me and I'll add the name's of the ones i don't know!
Petyri tonel
Lyr (I can't read the Watermark so I'm not sure if this is right!!)
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sambuchito · 8 months
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me funan si digo que recién el año pasado probé el Michel tonel?? me gusto igual y hay sanguchito de cada cosa (jamón y anana 🤢) que siento que esto sería un manjar se viene sambuchito sanguchito reviews???!! 👀
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la-semillera · 17 days
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“Cuando Amalie tenía siete años, Rudi se la llevó por el maizal. Se la llevó hasta el final del huerto. “El maizal es el bosque”, le dijo. Y entró con Amalie en el granero. “El granero es el castillo”, le dijo. En el granero había un tonel de vino vacío. Rudi y Amalie se metieron dentro. “El tonel es tu cama”, dijo Rudi.Y le puso a Amalie cadillos secos en el pelo. “Tienes una corona de espinas”, le dijo, “Estás hechizada. Te amo. Tienes que sufrir”
_ El hombre es un gran faisán en el mundo, Herta Müller. Siruela, traducción de Juan José del Solar
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Adiós, Me Voy a Paris
Seus braços são refúgios de pouco afeto Eu não consigo rimar esquecimento Dentro de pílulas contra o esgotamento Eu nasço, eu me farto, eu me estimulo Distorcer comédias, cantar vielas Relações de poder dançam na minha fala Minha língua quer cortar como lâmina E persuadir qualquer ouvinte Kairos medita um carnaval nas frestas de seus dentes Esse é o fim dos que se amam, pela janela a dopamina passa Sem luxúria, aqui todos os jardins são de mármore Vultos constroem o narcisismo que tenho entalhado em mim Qualquer ansiedade mínima é motivo ao exagero Vez errante, bradava numerologias congênitas Em uma breve e mal parida quarta de cinzas Eu odeio a serpente que se forma entre cheiros Eu bebi das uvas amassadas de um estômago Tonel de vidro, tronco funil e ancas de morango Manipulando gerações a duvidar de bulas Este por fim é a obra do melodrama americano O clima era decorado por açougue frustrado Céu de açúcar cristalizado, gorando comas corajosos Musas de teor granulado e poetas desinfeccionados Olhos de opiniões granulares vertendo-se em papelão molhado Meu amor, estou a dez anos pintando tua aura Eu preciso voltar a inexistir em teus braços Me aglomerar outra vez em volta do sol E desenhar o envelhecimento de estrelas A invalidez do teu karma: Escrever Adeus covas abertas de Nova York Imaginar químicas que não existem Tudo é efeito tardio do mormaço...
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spaziocomesichiama · 2 months
30 dicembre 2022
Spazio come si chiama? promuove la mostra collettiva PECORELLE in collaborazione con spazio mirtilloxgalleriaarrivada e si impegna a dare rilevanza alla sua pecorella preferita: “La pecorella smarrita” di Arabrab Acnirt.
La mostra, inaugurata il 13 dicembre 2022, rimarrà aperta fino al 23 dicembre 2023, per tanti giorni quante sono le pecorelle esposte!
Seguono lə 375 artistə:
Luca Assi
Andrea Barbagallo
Aurora Biancardi
Francesca Bionda
Valentina Bobbo
Antonia Boschetti
Nicolò Camedda
Matteo Capriotti
Giada Carnevale
Pietro Chiarello
Filippo Benedetta Chilelli
Francesca Colombo
Lorenzo D'alba
Emma de Devitiis
Stefano de Paolis
Giovanni Diano
Pietro di Corrado
Luca di Palma
Alessandro di Silvestro
Lorenzo Finotti
Madeleine Fléau
Davide Giuseppe Fracasso
Ludovica Gugliotta
Tommaso Lencioni
Giorgio Lorefice
Luca Loreti
Chiara Mapelli
Marzia Mazzone
Cecilia Mentasti
Will Merante
Edoardo Paci
Aronne Pleuteri
Cosima Pugliese
Davide Quartucci
Federico Riccobene
Davide Riganti
Camilla Rocchi
Davide Rossi
Valentina Schito
Peng Shuai Paolo
Chiara Sibilla
Matteo Tonell
Twee Whistler
Francesca Vanoli
Filippo Zoli
Arabrab Acnirt
Giulia Loredani
Kamila Bracio
Costanza Merini
Aldo Corboletti
Cures Bito
Edoardo Destro
Matilde Verzanti
Eva Lela
Giulia Serafina
Marco Gottlieb
Beatrice Gorini
Marcella Schifo
Marcello Scafo
Lucrezia Hassan
Goberto Stayn
Michele Giasone
Brittany Spersa
Genniferra Lorensa
Billi Cancelli
Erion Bracio
Oscar Selvaggio
Stefano Falco Re
Rashid Ahmadi
Ben Dover
Rodion Romanovič Raskol'nikov
Brunilde Cospira
Irina Balls
Riano Goslingo
Enrico Calvino
Akane Qurban
Luca Bianchi
Saro Esposito
Biriz Cubiraq
Truo Detectivo
Mark Hawk
Lucrezia Lulashi
Climato Ciangio
Is Reale
Renato Angusto
Ilmana af Klinta
Eos Duemelilad
Giovanna Giorno
Guido Mista
Bruno Bucciarati
Fugo Pannacotta
Denisa Riotta
Giovanni Stella di Gio
Lisa Lisa
Suzie Q
Casca Male
Farnese Farnetica
Giovanna Poi
Luca Abete
Vivianne Giotto
Grace Cosima
Tommaso Nucco
Lucia Libellula
Lucio Lucertola
Luca Lupetto
Elio Femore
Obed Gazzelli
Rambo Sandri
Pierre Buraglio
Noël Dolla
Daniel Dezeuze
Yves-Alain Bois
Greta Pini
Leonardo di Pecora
Anna Rossi
Anna Lee
Roberta Filorosa
Drane Koqeku
Piccolo Amico
Costanza Piatto Rosso
Leze Lezia
Anatolia Carpov
Susanna Decostar
Mimma Pancia
Rosalia Tepelene
Katrina Fantasia
Regina Cane
Johan Van Dyck
Gjelosh Prifti
Loredana Burazzo
Clotilde Purelli
Ross Acco
Alice Triolo
Roberto Ast
Martina Vocado
Gesualdo Mino
Matteo Pecorotti
Lucia Nuro
Loris Tubaio
Pietro Liere
Andrea Computer
Andreea Quilone
Ernesto Viglie
Marco Balto
Lola Vandaia
Maurizioco Modino
Ismaele Very
Ariadna Weber
Griet Orta
Jacques Dubois
Sofia Rognoso
Emma Brahimaj
Emma Scalzone
Carla Dro
Agatha Lettera ai Corinzi
Arnaldo Perugino
Alex Love Car
Osvaldo Scioni
Tomas E. Martinez C.
Daniel Piloni
Marco Giuseppe Ricci
Aaron Ossia
Clara Ovvero
Caterina Carnesecca
Blerta Vernello
Francesca Franceschi
Caterina Tale
Joanna Argolo
Nicholas Harvey
Anne Høngaard
Astrid Schrage
Riccardio Salotto
Omar Iacone
Merino Merini
Alberto Sorrentino
Gennaro Martino
Diana Comasina
Pietra Brenta
Osvaldo Luciani
Pino Obaldi
Emanuele Labirinto
Laura Pimento
Pippi Calzecorte
Carlo Marco
Federico Angolo
Giuseppe Renna
Dennis Freeway
Alina Lorenzin
Giacomo Krispi
Damiano dei Maneskin
Daniele Zuppa
Gurlami Rabaglio
Nicola Lanterna
Mario Vanni
Zaccaria Tuofratello
Marta Cantarelli
Andrea Fragalà
Vittoria Campestre
Simona Duecentoquattro
Marina Sghirripa
Mathias Birri
Eva Allegra
Franco di Ladro
Matilde N. Tista
Agnese Mare Chiaro
Nicola Fossarrelli
Alessandro Medario
Dario Buzzati
Kim Cardascio
Gennaro Candela
Bella Adito
Gigio Costa
Pietro T. Tola
Salvo Salvini Salvuzzi
Vitangelo Moscarda
Anna Rosa
Quantorzo Rovelli
Firbo Malatesta
Marco di Dio
Dida Moscarda
Guido Guidobaldi
Loredana Cuore Dolce
Leonardo Agamben
Giorgio Caffo
Katia Andreani
Evandro Morino
Priscilla Oscilla
Torquato Pirelli
Franca Stella
Romana Tedeschia
Marco Gusati
Anna Vigatore
Rodolfo Caffot Titi
Aronne Cromante
Paola Costa
Ameriga Restucci
Valeria Riva
Severina Salvemini
Francesca Bonami
Giuliana da Empoli
Ilario Tondarini
Bruno Gabbiato
Carlo Accardi
Gion Giorno
Frank Baselitz
Franco Struzione
Shinji Ikari
Frulanzo Arroganzo
Berenice Frac
Piero Birdo
Giacomo Daniele
Daria Godaria
Armando Lomiti
Milo Margelli
Osvaldo Tirimai
Agata Lauretto
Morgana Ercani
Eris Sarrola
Antoine Lubezzi
Gina Strada
Rosalind Merighetti
Margherita Florenzia
Demetria Gagliarda
Albi Liardino
Stefano Universo
Greg De Maio
Rosa Quarzo
Rebecca Zucchero
Marzia Pane
Cristallo Acqua
Marco Zucchero Bergo
Ashley Pi Pi
Sara Frascaro
Gabriele Barbapapa
Asia Triolo
Dajana Corvetto
Mimmo Nanni
Giuseppe Castagneto
Kate Groovy
Goffredo Bezone
Uinstone Chiesa Tranquilla
Giovanni Lennone
Isacco Nuova Tonnellate
Avladar Avladar
Giovanni Berrimore
Melania Marrone
Vittoria Dietrocarne
Flatnind pierici
Sarto Lesto
Ettore de La Siepe
Dozia Gatto
Susy Za Arep
Anacleto Vis a Vis
Claudia Francesca
Giorgia Panigatti
Una persona
Carmine Curmini
Mirko Nebbia
Paulo Dybala
Ipona Cosimi
Giovanni Famoso
Alice Febe Lu
Freeda Cavallo
Martina Drip
Giorgio Costanza
Federico di Marco
Francesca Ricotta
Anita Pellizza
Alessia Mackenzie
Benedetta Rolesco
Matilda Curino
Elena Stanza
Alessia Casablanca
Luca Gianotti
Lorenzo Berrati
Enrico Meta
Claudio Cicciacalda
Salvo Servizio
Bruno Funari
Davide Gallo
Camilla Lilla
Martina vergesi
Mattia Vaivia
Rosa Culetto
Viola Respiro
Stefania stanza
Resta in Pace
Drake Kadri
Pasquale Porrari
Fabrizio Fine
Carla Schievane
Elio Nato Vivo
Michael Millais
Tua Madre_
Enne Enrepo
Harris Farts
Enrico Riccobene
Pietro Parco
Arancio Sole Chiaro
Terza in Comodo
Frank il Giardino
Manca Poco
Samantha Sole
Martino Picardi
Mira Sema
Pasquale Pasqualon
Ginestra Tonini
Nicole Vaiani
Karim al-Rahmān
Isotta Mbabazi
Glenda Golubev
Giulia Roncali
Michael Scott
Dwight Schrute
Jim Halpert
Andy Bernard
Kevin Malone
Creed Bratton
Stefano Ruggero
Moses Okello
Antonella Ottaviani
Erika Milelli
Alessia Rizza
Michela Lepore
Giovanni Mucciacca
Pietro Pacciani
Maggiori informazioni sulla piattaforma Instagram: @spazio_come_si_chiama, @spazio.mirtillo, @arrivada e @pecorella_smarritaa.
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