#tonight it hit hard
achieve-the-sun · 4 months
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(L)ittle dude
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small fantasy au doodle dump <3
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timethehobo · 2 months
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Soft gazes.
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maybe-a-lee · 4 months
Being tickled by a couple must be the hottest thing ever...
...not me wanna experience it...
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sodapopboy · 3 months
you can’t change how johnny cade dies inexperienced, knowing the fire of the church fueled a fire in his eyes that ponyboy never saw until they saved those kids. you can’t change that the fire of the church somehow felt warmer than the cold, dirty, shithole that his parents lived in. you can’t change how the burn scars that destroyed his hands made him feel different. how they made him feel alive when he was dead.
you can’t change how dallas winston died over-experienced. he saw things that no child should ever see, done things that no man should ever do. you can’t heal the scars on his bony hands, nor dig him back up from the shallow burial they gave him to dress him in actual funeral clothes, to give his shaggy hair a trim and let him die not as a hood, but as what he was— a boy.
you can’t change how dally’s blood painted the ground, to be washed away by the rain the next morning. you can’t change how they tore the remaining debris of the church down, and sprayed johnny’s hospital room with some aerosol to get rid of the scent of burnt flesh. you can’t change the fact that they’re gone.
you can’t change how the warm tones of copper, amber and gold paint a sunset. you can’t change life, nor death. do you know that, ponyboy?
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sword-swallower-pin · 7 months
there's something about mid-to-late 68 paul that just drives me insane. i want to pick him up in my mouth and throw him around like a dog toy. I want to tell a joke in front of his friends that undermines his confidence slightly. I want to peck out his liver every morning like Prometheus and the Eagle. I want to make violent love to him over the hood of a reasonably priced car on the side of the motorway. I want to make eye contact with him in divorce court.
Its the perfect mix of cocaine slut prince of london paul and broken man at his lowest paul. There's something about a man with inhuman levels of confidence unable to do anything while his life falls apart around him. The crazed eyes. The slight post coke-bloat. The air of desperation for something, anything to hold onto. Fuck, what an era
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I'm bad at being on hiatus apparently. Here's some shamelessly self indulgent Sanji fluff.
A Father's Joy
Sanji x Fem Reader
2.5k words
Warnings for brief, nondescript mentions of pregnancy and childbirth
You love Sanji. Perhaps too much. Despite only knowing him for a little over a month by the time you had to part ways to become stronger, you fell for him hard and fast. It was a whirlwind romance, but it just felt right. Everything about him was endearing to you, so the relationship progressed faster than it normally would. You were a pirate now. Why should you abide by normal dating conventions? If it felt right and both of you were happy about it, then why not indulge? 
Less than a month into your training, you realized that you perhaps over indulged. You were pregnant. There was only one man that could be the father, and he was on an entirely different island. And you won’t see him again for almost two years.
Having to deal with a surprise pregnancy was difficult at the best of times. Coping with it while training to become stronger and trying to figure out what to do about Sanji was a nightmare. You wanted to tell him. He had every right to know… but should he?
Would it really be fair to make him aware of a baby that he won’t even be able to see, much less hold? It felt horrible to keep him in the dark, but the idea of telling him now in a letter felt even worse. He wasn’t going to be able to be with the child either way… so you chose to let him live in blissful ignorance until the reunion. You could only hope he would understand your reasoning and not feel too betrayed.
The only thing you were concerned about was how he would take learning that he missed out on over a year of his baby’s life. You knew without a doubt that he would love his daughter and that he wasn’t the type to question paternity. Not that he could even if he wanted to. Abigail was the spitting image of her father, right down to the slightly curled eyebrows. They weren’t quite as pronounced as his, but the slight curl was unmistakable.
As scary as it was to find out you were having her, you loved Abigail more than anything. She might have hindered your training, but you more than made up for it after you recovered from her birth. The second you were able to look upon her, you knew you would fight anyone and everyone to keep her safe and happy, and that definitely came out in your training.
Abigail was sixteen months old, and you’ve spent those months obsessively taking pictures of her every waking (and sometimes sleeping) moment. You’d also been showing her a picture of you and Sanji together and teaching her to say ‘dada’ every time she saw his face. You’re pretty sure Sanji will die of a broken heart if he doesn’t get called that upon their first meeting. Hopefully he doesn’t look too different after these two years.
By the time the two years had ended and it was time to reunite, you were feeling much more confident in your strengths and capability as a fellow Straw Hat. Though you couldn’t help but feel nervous about how Sanji will take the news. He was going to be devastated to have missed so much of the beginning of his daughter’s life, that much was inevitable. More than ever, you were questioning your decision to keep her a secret.
Running into Nami on the way back helped alleviate your worries. She had actually agreed with what you did, saying that he would have spent the past two years sulking if he did know. She’d also been all over Abigail, cooing over how cute she was and immediately asserting herself as her godmother. You had no objection to her self-appointed status, and you know Sanji certainly won’t have a problem with it. Knowing him, he’ll forgo the godfather position and instead have Robin be a second godmother.
Seeing the Thousand Sunny again was extremely heartwarming, especially when you saw your crewmates. It was a joyful reunion, and everyone else had had equally positive reactions to Abigail. Franky immediately got to work on building a crib and other baby furniture for her and even made some comments about fitting in a nursery on the ship for her. Usopp was thrilled to have a new captive audience for his storytelling, especially since she was too young to question (or even understand) the validity of anything he was saying. Chopper and Brook were awed and excited at her presence, with Chopper swearing up and down that he was going to be the best doctor ever for her. Brook, on the other hand, played music to help calm her down after she started crying when she saw him. It did work, but Abigail was distinctly still wary of the giant talking skeleton. Robin was her usual, subdued self, but she was clearly happy to see her, commenting on how happy Sanji is going to be when he gets here.
If only that would happen already. Of course, he was one of the people that wasn’t there yet. Luffy and Zoro weren’t there either. Part of you was happy to have more time before the reveal, but the other side of you wanted to finally get this weight off your chest.
You guys had finally gotten word of where the missing three were, and Chopper had been sent out to fetch them. Abigail was currently napping in your shared room in the crib that Franky had built in record time. Everyone had agreed to make sure that you and Sanji would have ample alone time for you to introduce him to his daughter. The moment of truth was close, and your heart felt like it was going to beat right out of your chest.
Finally, you saw them approaching. Luffy called out to everyone, and for a moment, all of your fears were forgotten. All you could think about was how amazing it was for all of you to be together again.
Then you saw him. Sanji was seated next to Luffy on the bird Chopper had used to pick them up. The second you made eye contact with him, he stared at you in awe. A wide grin broke out across his face, and the next thing you knew, he was leaping off the bird.
Before you could yell at him that he was nowhere near the boat yet, he surprised you by running across the air. Huh. That was new. You didn’t have much time to dwell on the new ability before Sanji closed the distance and all but tackled you.
The familiar scent of Sanji’s cologne mingled with tobacco flooded your senses, and you had to choke back happy tears as you could finally feel him again. His arms were locked around your middle as he lifted you into the air and spun you around.
��(Y/N)-swan! My love! My everything!” Sanji dropped you down just enough to start aggressively kissing all over your face. More scruff than you were used to scratched at your cheeks, but it was nice.
You couldn’t help but giggle at the loving assault. “So I take it you missed me a little?”
“A little?! Do you have any idea what it was like for me to be away from you for so long? It was awful! I thought I wasn’t going to make it!” Sanji held you tight again, rubbing the side of his head against your own. Your heart panged. If he struggled just with being away from you, maybe it was good that you kept Abigail a secret.
“I’m sure you two have lots of catching up to do. You should go somewhere private.” Nami strolled over to where you two were, smiling widely. You could practically feel the excitement coming off of her. Sanji perked up from her appearance and immediately started fawning over her. This didn’t last long because Nami slapped the back of his head and firmly told him to go with you. You wanted to laugh at her less than subtle method for making sure you got some alone time, but your nerves about what was just about to happen kept that at bay.
Hooking Sanji’s arm with yours, you guide him to the sleeping quarters you share with Nami and Robin. Sanji was entirely unbothered from Nami slapping his head and was back to cuddling up to you while you walked.
“You look even more stunning than I remembered, my love,” his voice purred in your ear. Despite everything, you felt your face getting hot. You shook your head. Now was not the time for any of that! That damn voice of his was what got you into your current predicament, and you couldn’t go falling into it carelessly again. Abigail did not need a sibling this soon.
Once you reach the door, you stop Sanji and turn to face him, “I need you to close your eyes and keep them closed until I say so.”
Sanji grinned and closed his eyes without hesitation. You open the door and quickly usher him inside before locking the door behind you. You could see Sanji perk up from the sound, no doubt making some wildly incorrect assumptions about what was about to go down. You guide Sanji over to your bed and have him sit down, knowing that it will probably be best if he’s sitting for this reveal.
He’s practically buzzing with giddiness, and you feel a little bad for the emotional whiplash that you’re about to put him through. Gripping his shoulders firmly, you speak again, “I’ll be right back. Keep your eyes closed.”
“Of course, (Y/N)-swan!” 
You step back, watching his face for any indication that he might peek, but you saw none. He had always been pretty obedient, so you suppose you didn’t really need to worry about that. You turn around and walk over to where the crib was placed. Abigail was rubbing at her eyes, appearing to just now be waking up. You had her wearing a sky blue dress with a matching ribbon that was holding together her tuft of blonde hair at the top of her head.
Carefully, you scoop her into your arms, bouncing her slightly. This was it. It was time for her to finally see more than just a picture of her dad.
The distance between her crib and your bed felt much longer on the way back. Your heart pounded with each step. Abigail stared at Sanji curiously as you got closer to him, and you prayed that the new facial hair wasn’t going to be enough to make him unrecognizable to her.
When you’re just a few steps away from him, you stop. Swallowing thickly, you rip the bandaid off. “You can open your eyes now.”
Not even a beat passes before Sanji eagerly opens his eyes with a grin on his face. Then his eyes zero in on Abigail, and it’s gone. He stares at her with wide eyes for what feels like an eternity. You don’t push him, knowing that he needs to take this in at his own pace. You can practically hear the gears in his head turning as he stares intently at his daughter’s face.
Suddenly, Abigail holds out her arms to Sanji while making grabby hands at him, saying precisely what you had hoped she would say. “Dada.”
Just like that, Sanji is snapped out of his daze and lurches forward to take her into his own arms. He stands there, tightly clutching the toddler to his chest. He looks at you with tears starting to drip down his face. He speaks with a choked voice, “Dada?”
The question is more than clear to you. “Yes… that’s your daughter.” You step closer and lightly rub his shoulder. “Her name is Abigail.”
Sanji sniffled loudly and pulled her back just enough to be able to look at her face again. She looked up at him with a confused expression, not understanding why he was crying. She reached up and patted his face with her pudgy hands while repeating the word ‘dada’ over and over again.
This only made him cry more. He switched to holding her with one arm so he could wipe at his face. Sanji cleared his throat and looked at her again, “Hi, Abigail. I’m your dada.” Despite his onslaught of tears, he was smiling widely.
He hugged her close, then looked back at you, “How old is she?”
You were certain that hearing the number would hit him hard, but he needed to know. “A year and four months.” 
The waterworks started anew. “I missed a year and four months of my baby’s life?” 
“Don’t beat yourself up about it, there was nothing you could do. I know it’s not the same as being there, but I took lots of pictures.” You already had two photo albums of Abigail. Sanji didn’t respond, so you continued, “I’m sorry that this is how you’re finding out… I wanted to tell you as soon as I found out, but I wasn’t sure it would be a good idea. I knew that you wouldn’t be able to see her until the two years were over, so I thought it would hurt less for you not to know. I’m sorry that I kept this from you, and I’ll understand if you’re angry with me for it.”
Getting all of that off your chest was relieving, but also uncomfortable. You couldn’t bring yourself to look him in the eye while saying that, instead choosing to stare down at your feet.
Before you could dwell on it for too long, Sanji brings you into a crushing embrace with Abigail squished between you. He only pulled away when Abigail started to squirm and whine. When he stepped back, his eye was staring so deeply into yours that you felt like he could see into your very soul. He spoke in such a soft and loving tone that it made you want to cry. “I could never be angry with you. Especially not for this. I should be the one apologizing. You had to go through all of that alone. I wasn’t there for you when you needed me most.” 
Blinking back tears, you speak softly, “Don’t apologize. You didn’t know. I’m not holding it against you, so you better not hold it against yourself.” You hug his side so as to not squish Abigail again. You and Sanji share a quiet moment while watching her play with his tie, not a care in the world. Your eyes flit to Sanji’s face, and your heart feels like it’s going to burst from how adoring his expression is. A warm smile spreads across your face, and you rest your head against his shoulder, “She looks a lot like you, doesn’t she?”
“She looks just like my mom.”
Your eyes widen in surprise. You can’t recall Sanji ever mentioning his mother before. Or any of his family, really. Based off the soft, nostalgic look on his face, you can only assume that his mother must have been a wonderful person. You want to pry, but now doesn’t feel like a good time. You’ll ask about her later.
For now, you just want to focus on Sanji and catching him up on everything he’s missed.
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kazz-matazz · 1 year
and what if we were scar crossed lovers forever. what if we traded baby blues for wide eyed browns. what if we knew it was a strange way of saying we were supposed to love each other. what if i slept on every piece of fuzz and stuffing that came out of you. what if you were too good to be true. what if you were gold plated. what if love was in the air and we didn't care. what if we found a window to break out. what if we snuck into the cheap seats, honey. what if i remembered photographed kisses so well. what if we mauled the world like a carnival bear set free. what if we loved each other in the same way there's a chapel in a hospital. what if seasons changed but we didn't. what if i was half doomed and you were semi sweet. what if you were a loose bolt and i was a complete machine. what if we were america's suitehearts. what if we met in the purgatory of your hips and got well. what if we showed the world the thunder. what if it was me and you, setting in a honeymoon. what if we had it all. what if we thought we had it all. what if you were the sunshine of my lifetime. what if i remembered the way i held your hand under the lamppost. what if i wasn't your intended dose. what if we rolled the highlights. what if we had a "got too high" life. what if we were on the bright side. what if we had the wrong insides. what if the house you grew up in broke my heart. what if i felt you at the beginning but needed you at the end. what if you didn't know me anymore. what if i wanted to scream "i love you" from the top of my lungs. what if it was all a fake out
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kadextra · 1 year
I honestly don’t know what to say- this live watching experience was amazing, my favorite stream he’s ever done, and honestly one of my top favorite qsmp streams ever. I’m so incredibly impressed by it omfg. he went above and beyond, it was creepy and really cool to have the chat, music choices & sound effects integrated into his mental state. not to mention 4 hours of being in character, grinning ear to ear and keeping up the upbeat attitude is exhausting???? but this man knocked it out of the park effortlessly and took us on a wild rollercoaster ride. huge round of applause
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strawbbfluff · 11 months
me after starting a tickle fight just because i wanted to lose
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allpiesforourown · 19 days
Many people don't know this but shen Yuan has a red mark on his forehead as well. It's the kiss 💋 my lipstick left on him when I gave him a smooch :)
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nomx33 · 2 months
you know shit's good when you gotta stare at your screen like this
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oatm3al-c00kies · 5 months
ok now LISTEN not to make everything about buddie. but. what if the thing that leaves eddie “feeling isolated” next season is him grappling with & coming to terms with his sexuality or his feelings specifically for buck.
like he could feel isolated and like he doesn’t have anyone to turn to because of his catholic guilt/shame making it something he’s not be comfortable talking about PLUS the fact that he would typically turn to buck about things like this but how do you talk to your best friend about your problems when your problems are that you think you’re in love with him…
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maybe-a-lee · 3 months
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pencildragons · 9 months
being agender isnt enough i need to eject all traces of gender from my mortal flesh and turn into a stony mountain with my peak crowned with morning sun
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Gonna be real with you guys, using a makeup brush to tickle literally anywhere is absolutely evil.
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