#too bad i can't pull allnighter playing
saturnaous · 4 months
🖌 💚 🌍 ⚡️ 🥀 🍄 🐷 😴
(I couldnt choose lol)
🖌 - Do you have/want any tattoos? YESSS Okay. I don't have any tattoos yet(my parents would never allow it at my current age. they both bullied me when I mentioend what I wanted onetime at dinner. so cruel </3 /silly), but when I can!! I have two that I really want. The first one is in relation to my friends and the fantasy world we're building and the main storylineof it(or just matching with them idk) and the SECOND ONE. Scott knows this. But my favorite comic that I've been following for years now has a weapon called a Holy Brick on a Rope that I want tattooed on my bicep SO BAD because it's great. Bicep specifically because. Becket lost his arm at his bicep. it's great. I want it so bad.
💚 - What’s your favourite colour? BLUE GREYYY. it's so good. kinda likea. grey periwinkle or something. teehee.
🌍 - What is your favourite accent? SCREAMS. Okay so I will admit. I am a big fan of kiwi accents. they are neat. otherwise I'd say an american southern accent. .. norm dialtown fucked me up. eee
⚡️ - Do you have any scars? As far as I'm aware, not really!! I have an extremely faint scar on my wrist from my brother attacking me onetime because I wouldn't get off the wifi. goodtimes(lie. shit sucked back then)
🥀 - Favourite animated movie? THIS IS SO HORRIBLE. . .why would you make me choose. . .screams. . . uhm. fuck. mmm. tbh I REALLY enjoy Michells VS the machines. it's super good I rewatched it a couple different times for debora and!! ohhh what were tjeor names. . .It might be The Wild Robot soon!!! it looks so great I'm so excited for it to come out. there's also the spiderverse movies. they're super swag. But shrug!!! I don't know there's so many!! hgouhgr. . . ohh now I'm thinking about the boy and the heron.. . .hrohrgoho. . . . SCREAMS. . . you can't do this to me. > > >FUCK NOW I'M THINKING ABOUT LIKE BOX TROLLS AND STUFF LAKIA STUDIOS I LOVE YOU. fuckkkk. FUCK KKKK DON'T MAKE MET HINK ABOUT THIS. SCREMAS.
🍄 - Do you have/want any piercings? I have basic lobe piercings!!! But I want many more. one of my dream piercings is a nose bridge one!! I fucking love them they're so swag. I want a bunch more on my ears and stuff too. . . Lips if I can but don't know if I would be able to do them!! because I don't wanna risk the option of not being able ot play clarinet anymore pensive. I think. eyebrows are super cool too!! And maybe a smiley if I could manage it. But I'm not too sure because I've heard they fall out anyways which is kinda lame but. SHRUG!!!
🐷 - What’s your favourite animal? THE JAGUARRRRRRR. They're so cool. All terrain cats that are TRUE kings of the jungle!!! love them to death!! The Mayans actually called their warriors jaguars which is super neat too. eehoo.
😴 - What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep? fuck. . .probbaly just like. over 24 hours? nothing more than 48. I've never been a fan of pulling allnighters and shit. My ass likes to eep!!!! I fucking hate not being able to sleep at night it's the worst.
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Dad Leon
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I refuse to believe Leon would become besties with someone who threated Sherry's safety so have this.
Adam Benford saves the day when he walks into interrogation and finds someone threatening the safety of a 12 year old girl so this guy will work for them.
He tells Leon that while Sherry's safety isn't something they have to worry about from them, Umbrella is finding survivors and witnesses and killing them. She also carry’s the G antibodies and if word gets out she’ll be a target. If he took the job at STRATCOM Benford would be able to control what happened to them, if he didn't they'd be thrown into witness protection which often isn't too protecting.
And although Leon never wanted to see another BOW again he said yes.
Leon becomes Sherry's legal guardian and they come up with a cover story. (Because Leon is 9 years older than Sherry so she cannot physically be his bio child)
The story is Leon had a cousin who lived in Raccoon city who he was gonna stay with, this cousin was married and had a kid named Anne Kennedy. Leon by chance finds Anne while surviving Raccoon and now he's her guardian.
Sherry chose the name Anne after her mother.
To their luck there's a school near the military base Leon is going to train at. Adam helps him enrol Sherry there
Leon tries to pick her up and drop her off every day
He gets flirted with by the mums at pick up and originally he flirted back but then he found out most of them are married and now he’s just uncomfy
Adam also gives them a place to stay and pays their rent until Leon is able to get a part time.
He picks up nightshifts at a conventional down the street from their apartment
For her 13th birthday he gets her that puppy she wanted.
Claire visits often after she finds Chris, she also brings him as well
Sherry makes friends easily and always stands up for those who can't
Leon takes her out for ice cream every time he has to come to the principles office because she took a swing at someone who was being an asshole.
Leon trains her in self defence
The first time he hospitalised after a mission she is hysterical, because she is a child at the time no one will tell her what's going on, or how bad he is. when she finally manages to sneak a glimpse of him she's dragged away kicking and screaming by a doctor. She eventually asks someone to call Claire for her, who thankfully is in the country and gets to play wife
Sherry is just as protective of Leon as he is of her
Claire and Leon go to every one of her events and play a divorced couple because they think its fucking hilarious
They love the drama
Sherry thinks they're dumb but finds it funny regardless
Claire babysits when Leon is out on missions
Because Claire isn't around all the time and a lot of the powerful people in Sherry's life are men, Leon brings Sherry to training on weekends when he can so she can meet some of the women he trains with
He teaches her to be wary and prepared instead of scared
He agrees with the "It's all men" statement (or whatever that was in the early 2000s) (and ofc he does can you imagine the disgusting shit that gets said by the male soldiers) so he tells her to be vigilant and confident in her ability to kick ass
She lives by "Leon didn't raise no bitch" for everything including pulling an allnighter to finish an assignment
She's preparing herself for college when Leon is sent to Spain
Her and Ashely and only a year apart
Leon tells Ashely all about Sherry when they have a moment and both need a distraction.
this is all over the place but i’m no sorry
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talvikielo · 7 years
Finally made it to the chapter 3 (split time!) and here’s my pointless ramble so far…
(Spoilers alert, but honestly not so much because I’m only talking about the common route)
1. I hate Erwin’s meow with my whole heart. No, really. It sounds so fake and dumb like someone, some person just trying to meow and did a horrible job at it.
2. My thumb demands the auto-play button! Or am I just dumb and missed it somehow because I swear I couldn’t see that option anywhere??
3. Eren is cute. 
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what a tsundere but still cute!
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also this scene is supposed to be Jet’s intro, but I admit I mostly grinning over the fact about how Eren has actually requested (yes, requested not ordered!) Jet to protect Ange while he’s absence.
Oh, and that part on Eren´s first extra scenario where everyone else talking about how obvious his crush for Ange (despite Eren probably still hasn’t realized it himself, or would just plainly deny it) was also cute and cheesy,
4. Hyuga still makes me squealing internally like an idiot??
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5. Rene is cute! CUTE! Also surprisingly pretty serious and actually quite calm and mature??
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6. Camille is cute! CUTE! Honestly, he is kinda annoying and bratty sometimes, but still cute! Also his interaction with Hyuga (with Camille mostly teasing/acting spoiled) is probably my new favorite thing?? I also like his big bro-lil bro interaction with J.D. 
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wtf son  (◔_◔)
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wtf was happening to this kid and who the hell he actually is to make Erwin hates him from the first sight? that 「生きている」という感じがしなかった part is especially picking my interest.
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He also mentions that he shares hometown with Hyuga (which would explain his rather oriental outfits?), but Hyuga’s…suspicion? over how Camille explains his own part of Kirise (like Camille was surprised over electricity and auto-mobile) kinda make me get an idea that he’s probably coming from the past somehow? Maybe he’s Ange’s ancestor rather than being her copy from another dimension or something along that? Camille also made weird comment again regarding riding horse wagon and long trip, despite that it shouldn’t have been his first time doing that.
7. I love that the other characters aside of the 4 Aube Hunters get their own theme song now! Jet’s theme song is probably my most favorite right now, followed by Ange’s, Eren’s and Rene’s. But I haven’t heard Mathias’ and Roche’s theme, so it might change later. Also, for some reasons, the regal feeling of Rene’s theme kinda feeds my HC that he’s probably the bearer of Light Sacria, while Eren’s theme gives me the Earth Sacria feeling (aside of the whole earth=knowledge theme) and Bernard’s reminds me a lot to Hihara Kazuki Wodon’s theme while having.the Wind Sacria vibe on it? Eh idek. I just kinda want to think about the other guys’ sacria type after learning about the Aube Hunters’ sacria type, I guess.
8. Why on earth Rayne and Roche already get a shippy scene and CG during the supposedly common/general route, while the other guys only get the intro-like CG during the common route?? That’s kinda unfair…
also is it only me or does this game try to make us ship Ange and Rayne again because he sure have some more shippy moments than anyone else?
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9. I had always believed that Tempura is fried food (on fried pan) because crunchy, but when I tried to fried the fish (with pan) to make fish tempura for Nyx, I ended up making fish meuniere instead lmao. Apparently the fried pan is used for grilling instead?
10. And finally, on the serious side, there’s actually nothing much happened during the common route aside of what we already know so far: population explosion in Arcadia, people migrating from another cosmos with monsters following them and two options to handle that matter separating people into two factions. You also get some glimpse on Camille’s mysterious behaviors. Still, despite that simple concept, I actually can think about how difficult it must have been for Ange and everyone else around her to choose between those 2 options; close the rift to keep Arcadia safe from the monsters or let it open so people from another cosmos can find safety on Arcadia,while taking the monsters with them too. Especially for Ange, considering that she’s the Queen’s Egg and one scene at the later part of the chapter 2 (before split) actually put her on a situation where the civilians (who already starts to fight among themselves because of that 2 options they are faced with) suddenly presses her for her opinion. As the Queen’s Egg of Arcadia, she must have felt a heavy responsibility to keep her own home cosmos safe, especially when the monsters start attacking places that matters to her like the Melrose Academy. But at the same time, it would probably leave her in a very deep feelings of guilt to know that they would leave the people from other cosmos to live in constant fear and get attacked by the alien monsters, if they choose to close the rift.
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In the end though, I chose to go for the Open route for my first playthrough, simply because I still wanna go for either Rene or Nyx route first…But it really wasn’t as easy as I had thought…because Hyuga kinda tempted me to go for the Closed route lmao and also because I’m sad J.D. will leave too, but hey I will just try the other route later as soon as I am finished with this first playthrough!
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ravenadottir · 3 years
Out of the s2 LIs, who are the light sleepers and who are the heavy sleepers?
oooh, ok, i like this a lot! being a light sleeper myself, i can see some of them not only having a hard time to fall asleep but also being cranky about it.
i really wanna go deeper on why or how they manage to be heavy or light sleepers, so i hope you like that.
((i went a little deep with henrik and tai, so... yeah!))
heavy sleepers:
GARY. drooling, snoring, often in positions that leave him looking like a ragdoll after a beatup. cannot for the life of him remember whatever he dreamed about, but has the lingering feeling they caused, whether bad or good.
bobby. neatly covered on the bed but a light snore that resonates in the room. it's endearing. remembers 70% of his dreams, but most of them resemble a child's cough syrup nightmare involving giant pastries and ideas for different recipes. he dreams more about food than your average chef.
noah. TURN THAT BOY THE OTHER WAY OR YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO SLEEP. he's usually turning to face the way that makes him snore the most so you gotta keep turning him. can't tell a single dream he had since high school and sometimes is woken up by his own snoring.
kassam. a silent sleeper. not much to add except for how he loves to have his girl on his chest when going to bed. he's reassured when he can reassure her. because he often pulls allnighters when working on a new project, he appreciates when he as a full 8h sleep.
henrik. i have a lot to say about him, so buckle up! his own head is an oasis of beach waves' sounds and tranquility. he sleeps better if cuddling someone but can also pull 8 hours with no help. can't remember his dreams very often but when he does he loves telling you about it! plus, he talks in his sleep (A STRONG HEADCANON OF MINE) and you can catch a smile or two when he hears/says your name while knocked out.
now, because i won't have another opportunity, i want to talk about his bedroom real quick! i've always pictured henrik living in the middle of the woods, his room with glass windows that let the foleage come through the glass. but we know that might not be a possibility, which brings me to the moody room i imagined for him. i think he planned it out thinking about the quality of sleep he would get. henrik loves ambiance so he chose a really cool 'leaves' wallpaper to resemble the outside. his best sleep has been outdoors, so... yeah, it makes sense to me. the rest of the house is sure illuminated and boho, but the bedroom? i would argue everything about it makes you feel like you're outdoors. plants, lights, music, scents, the whole shebang! preferably lavender and waterfalls' in the background but it varies from week to week.
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ibrahim. do i have specific headcanons about him? no. do i think he looks adorable while asleep? yes, yes i do. plus, we know when he's comfortable he purrs a little bit, so that's something *EXTREMELY CUTE*! i have to add he talks in his sleep too. always adorable to see him smiling during and how he pulls you closer when turning to face the same way.
tai. I DON'T HAVE A DOUBT IN MY MIND he likes to prepare the bedroom before going to sleep, every single day. just like henrik's, the room it's scented with lavender, there's waves' sounds playing in the bluetooth speaker, the light is low and a strong blue. i would even argue tai is the type to have the ceiling of the room painted to resemble the night sky, possibly having his favorite (or his sign) constellation somewhere, or even a light projector for it. nothing too elaborate, just enough to be peaceful to look at. too many details would have the opposite effect. he has his shit together and that includes knowing himself pretty well. he values his sleep and it was the first thing he thought about when moving to his own place.
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priya. something tells me she doesn't lose sleep for a lot of things, so unless it's a stressful week she's able to sleep a full night with no problems. and may i say, her bedroom is fabulous and her bed is equipped with a hundred pillows to help! she also likes tranquil playlists but doesn't stay woke long enough to hear the second track.
light sleepers:
carl. he's always stressed out and thinking of new fancy ideas for apps and softwares. it's hard to focus when going to sleep so you know the bedroom has ambiance lighting, speakers for a solid "rain" or "sea" playlist and scented candles. he mostly stays in the same spot for the whole night, but when he has a good night of sleep he wakes up in completely unusal positions, like legs on the headboard or completely curled up on the edge of the bed.
elisa. something tells me turning off her brain is a tough task on most days. she doesn't have a regular schedule and that adds to it. she puts a lot of pressure and deadlines for herself about posting, and always has many ideas floating so that makes it hard. i know this: she meditates before bed, especially after pulling an allnighter to edit her videos.
lucas. same as carl, except he's trying to fall asleep but is always alert for some reason. i would guess *family trauma* but you can leave your suggestions if you want to. also has ambiance lighting and strong 'rain' tracks to help him out. it's rare to hear lucas saying he had a full night of sleep but when he does he usually has it once he cuddles you. sometimes he talks during sleep and it's usually an anectode about a trip.
lottie. she has her spells to help out with her sleep when she cannot do it herself. definitely has an incense burning, purple dark light and a solid half an hour of meditation to help. a tea tray with steaming mugs and a kettle lie on her dresser as well. she has some trouble falling asleep because of her anxiety so she does everything she can to help herself.
marisol. most of the time she's inflicted with school stress. she's always thinking about a case, or a class she has to excell in. the girl has a hard time to relax if not on vacation mode, but also doesn't know much about ambiance. her girlfriend might be the person to tell her "hey, you could move your desk to the living room and you know... not leave 78 mugs of coffee on your nightstand... and um... maybe... not have coffee after 2 pm? it could help."
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