#too busy dominating at every meet to stop lifting and practicing
no-one-hears-me · 1 year
I don't have an ed my heart rate is slow bc I'm so athletic
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raisethestake · 1 year
Sirius Black x reader (NSFW)
18+ only please
If you want a THIRST story, here you go.
From a few years back, but may as well put it into the world for anyone simping for Sirius as hard as I do.
Warnings: dominance, light BDSM, full on sex, suggestions of abuse.
Character backstory here (not relevant to enjoy this story, but might provide more insight):
She heard footsteps, and instantly prepared herself for the worst.
A few moments later, Sirius appeared at the dining room door, where she was cleaning the stove. Her hair was tied back messily and her hands were covered in black muck. She returned her attention to scrubbing after brief acknowledgement of his presence, seemingly unwilling to begin a conversation, so Sirius took this liberty.
Bad idea.
"You realize the dirt has been made by magical creatures? You can't remove it permanently." Sirius was right. For the past few days, she had been so tense that any words exchanged between them had led to an argument. She seemed to have taken to rising and going to bed later and later just to avoid his presence, and frankly he'd had enough.
"Do you realize there's also a hell of a lot of plain dirt from the fact that since living here you've not even lifted a finger?" She didn't even have to look up to deliver such a retort, and its infuriated Sirius all the more.
He scaled the side of the long room, down to where she was, picked up her bucket of water and began to make his way to the back door, when he felt a burning sensation. She had her hand wrapped around his wrist, exuding so much energy it was scorching his skin. He tried to snatch his hand away but she held firm, her eyes finally meeting his. He'd got her attention.
"Give it back. I'm busy." Her voice seemed to come out as a menacing growl. Sirius fought back a strong urge to give her back the bucket. If he hasn't had so many years practice with Remus' wolf speech, he would've given in. Instead, he managed to use his free arm to open the closest window and toss the bucket out.
He expected her to attack him, but she simply let go of him and attempted to make her way to the kitchen to get another. He discreetly pointed his wand and whispered a barrier spell, smirking a little when she was unable to walk down the stairs. She stood on the first step and every inch of his skin burned as she looked at him with shining golden eyes.
"Why are you trying to stop me from being useful?"
"Because you’re only doing it to avoid me." Sirius stated confidently. He refused to let her get her way this time.
"So, I'm useless."
"I didn't say that. I said cleaning is useless"
"Why are you trying to control what I'm doing? I'm my own person not a fucking servant"
"A fucking servant would do a better job"
At this, she snapped. She took a step back from the stairs and advanced on him. "How am I supposed to do a better fucking job if you won't let me?!"
"You offered me this house as my home! And you do nothing but act like a self-righteous brat who fucking owns the place!"
"I do own the-"
"Then treat the people in your home with some fucking respect!"
Sirius hated when she interrupted him. She seemed to be the only person who had the nerve to, which just fuelled his anger. "Look at you talking! If this is your home too, why don't you treat me with some fucking respect?"
"You don't deserve it!"
"Right, okay. I don't deserve respect but don't think you have a permanent place here.” Sirius instantly regretted his words as she finally broke her gaze away from his, a trace of hurt in her eyes.
"Yeah, sure. You can guarantee I'll be gone by the morning." She began to walk out of the room. He'd fucked it. He didn't mean that last comment. If she was to leave, things would go back to the way they were. Drawling days and lonely nights, just him and Kreacher. The rooms would no longer fill with music and geranium oils, but the same old dust mites and musty stench; his voice would crack when greeting someone after days on end of silence.
He couldn't do it. He couldn't go back to normal. The thought alone filled him with an aggression he couldn’t contain.
What he did next even surprised him. He moved before he had the chance to think, grabbed the back of her neck, and pulled her into a violent kiss. A few moments passed, and he could have sworn she started to kiss him back, when yet another sharp pain shot through his body. She had bitten his lip. Her neck still in his grasp, she pulled away by lowering her head onto his chest - the only way to separate their lips.
"Sirius, you can't do that." She said in a low, quiet voice.
"I can and I know you won't stop me." He felt like he had no control over his own body as he watched himself swallow down the taste of blood and pull her mouth back onto his. They continued to kiss - he was right. She was kissing him back. He dared to loosen his hold on her neck, and she didn't pull away. In fact, he wasn't sure she'd even noticed he'd practically let go. He used both of his now free hands to rub down the back of her thighs, pick her up and set her on the table with her legs spread.
"I could kill you right now." He heard her growl as he grabbed her hips and pulled her pelvis in to meet his.
He leaned over her, pushing her back, one hand keeping a firm hold on her backside, and said with a smirk "You definitely could but you don't want to."
"Oh, believe me, I want to."
As he pulled her in for another rough kiss, he ran his hand down her torso, down her pelvis and slid his fingers over her dripping pussy. "Oh, I can tell you want to." He said with a sly grin.
"I have a boyfriend, Sirius!"
Sirius grasped her jaw and pulled her gaze up to meet his. "Then tell me, right now, to stop."
Her eyes seemed to glaze over slightly, but she held his gaze firmly. "...I have a boyfriend, Sirius."
He held her gaze as he proceeded to slide his fingers inside her. He heard the smallest intake of breath as her whole body tensed. "Tell me you want me to stop."
She seemed to stare into his soul for a moment - her eyes filled with hatred. Sirius took the silence as a cue to kiss her again. He noticed her writhing unwillingly under his touch as his fingers moved inside her.
A few minutes passed, leaving them both panting and barely able to contain themselves - thirsty for more. His brutal side long having taken over, he pushed her further onto the table and climbed on top of her - using one hand to pin her wrists above her head, and pressed his hard cock into her body - letting out a low groan as he did so.
He kissed her again as he grinded against her. Their muscles seem to work in harmony. Her abs contracted with arousal and he noticed she had closed her eyes, seemingly in the moment. Overcome with greed, he released his grip on her to take off his shirt. She tried to bring her legs together to slide off the bench, but Sirius had his legs strategically placed so she was completely immobile from the waist down. He unzipped his pants and released his hard cock from his boxers. He leaned over her, breathing heavily into her neck as he pushed himself inside her. Hearing her sharp intake of breath, and he just made out the words "You fucking vile bastard" through a sigh of pleasure, causing him to scowl.
"Useless whore." Grunting in pain from a sharp nip on his neck, he grabbed her hair and fucked her as hard as he desired.
• • •
She had not expected this.
Since a few weeks back, when Sirius had offered her a home, he had had a few fits of anger. Mainly from people shutting down his ideas or playing it safe in meetings. She had been told to always keep her distance when this happened. Other people turned their backs, ignored him or became extremely interested in the closest book. They seemed convinced this was the best way to calm him down, and she had followed this tactic with the determination of becoming a good housemate. They were, of course, right, but she'd had enough of treating him like a child. Over the past few days, she'd begun to put him in his place, and he did not like it.
Whenever he made a snide comment, she pulled him up on it instead of letting it slide. She forced him to eat proper sized meals instead of picking at a block of cheese from the fridge, and made him carry a fully charged phone whenever he left the house without an explanation. It was probably the hardest challenge she has ever taken on, and she had been dragged into the underworld to make Hades his very own pet sun. All the same, she found herself compelled to see it through.
But this? I mean, a few minutes ago she had been cleaning as she did almost on the daily. Now she was lying under Sirius Black on the kitchen table getting fucked to oblivion. However, it's not as though she was complaining.
Wait. No. Of course she was complaining! Charlie was the most perfect boy you'd ever meet. He was outdoorsy, had the most charming grin and never failed to crack her up with his humour. She loved Charlie. She had always been certain. She loved his family, they worked well together and never really fought. It was perfect. So why was she suddenly questioning that whole relationship? The feeling right now was brand new. Something strange in her body. She was almost certain it was just plain old hate, but there was something different - she couldn't put her finger on what.
He had the strength of a berserker. He was able to hold her down even with one hand, his heavy hands grasping firmly. They owned her body so confidently she almost begged for more before stopping herself. She told herself she wouldn't let him get any satisfaction from this, but the more she resisted, the harder he seemed to get.
At one point she thought he'd had enough. He pushed himself off her and left her wrists go. Feeling a little let down at this early finish, she almost forgot to take this opportunity to get away. She tried to slide off the table, but Sirius had pushed his legs out into a certain position which meant she literally couldn't move at all. It was when she felt his cock enter her that she completely gave in.
"You fucking vile bastard." She heard herself say, and heard the response "Shut up you ugly, useless whore." She pushed her pelvis up, hoping she hit his balls for this comment. Sure enough, he let out a groan in pain, and pushed his cock in even deeper.
Thoughts were forgotten and instinct took over. It was only afterwards that she was able to process what happened.
She should have felt guilty. She was very much cheating on her boyfriend. But in that moment, all she could feel was bliss. She opened her eyes for a second and saw Sirius looked the exact same way. She didn't understand how she felt so good. There was nothing but tension and hatred between herself and Sirius. They could barely be in the same room most of the time. How had she ended up in this situation, and why did she like it?
Besides, Sirius was almost twice her age. Trivial things like age had never mattered in the demigod world, but she was in the wizarding world now. She had to get accustomed to the things that were different, and she was sure this would be looked down upon should anyone find out.
When Sirius started to slow a little, probably nearing climax, she pushed him off. He allowed her to sit all the way up, and, standing again, she pushed him over to the kitchen counter. She used one hand to cup his jaw, the other to caress his cock. Looking powerfully into his eyes, he got the message and started to sink to the floor. She straddled his lap and sat on him, letting him sink inside her again. She rode him deep ad she stripped off her cami and let him kiss between her tits.
When Sirius was too desperate to wait, he grabbed her waist, held her close to him and maneuvered them so he was on top of her, lying on the floor. Both were nearing climax and fucked until creamy white fluid dripped out of her vagina onto the cold slate floor. Sirius collapsed on top of her, panting into her neck for a few moments, before kissing all the way down her torso and finishing with a single lick of her vulva.
He knelt up and they stared at each other in silence, both still panting. Still lying on the floor, she crossed her legs defiantly, as if to say 'No more.' As Sirius set his back against the counter, She knelt up and began to get dressed. Wiping Sirius’ blood from her mouth, she picked up the blackened cloth that had been forgotten, wiped the fluid off the floor, and made her way down to the kitchen to wash. Sirius, aware that he was now covered in black dirt from her hands, grabbed his clothes and head up the stairs to shower.
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sableseb · 3 years
I love your writing so sending in a request;
Okay Bucky/Seb or whomever you want to do this with : Reader sitting on their lap and trying to choke them with one hand. Trying cause she can't. Leaving love bites, etc then just puts her other thumb on their lips and gives them a naughty smile saying "You are my bitch now." and before they (the character) were just going along with it cause they were amused but after that dialogue they just flip the reader and choke her for real and say something along the line of "you will always be my slut." and then take it wherever you like.
Hope you and your family are safe and happy💕💫
Thank you so so much, darling! Wishing you nothing but love💞 Went with Sebastian on this one! I hope you enjoy cause I dunno what came over me while writing this...I genuinely went ham
word count: 1k
warnings: 1k of pure smut, dirty talk, daddy kink, choking, riding, pussy slapping, titty slapping, hitting, cum eating, spitting
tags: @meetmeatyourworst @stucky-my-ship @greeneyedblondie44 @harrysthiccthighss @fuckandfluff @sparksforkoo @bemine-bucky @thewritingdoll
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“That’s it, use my cock, baby.” Sebastian gasps as you ride him on the plush, leather couch.
You love when he let’s you use his body, it gives you a sense of power. Having this beautiful man submit to you is something you wish would happen more often because the feeling is unmatched.
Each bounce causes his cock to hit that spot inside you that makes you see stars. You’re both a sweaty mess as you’ve been trying to reach your highs. You’re thighs are starting to burn as they rest beside his narrow hips.
The patch of hair he adorns catches your clit each time you sink all the way down. A coil has wound itself inside you and you so desperately need it to snap. You sit yourself flush against him, basking in the feel of his throbbing cock in your tight heat. You rotate your hips slowly as you look at him.
Sebastian’s once blue eyes are dilated to a complete black, his chest is rising and falling against the brace of your hands, his lips are swollen and pink. He looks like sin and it’s all because of you.
Your hand makes its way to his throat. You try your best to wrap it fully around his neck, but it’s just too thick for your dainty hand. It doesn’t deter you though, not even when he looks at you with pure amusement.
“What do you think you’re doing?” He grunts out as he feels your walls tighten around him.
You bring his face to yours and lightly trace your nose with his. You bring the fingers around his neck to his jaw and twist his face to the side. You bite his ear and whisper, “Making you my bitch.”
Sebastian turns his head back to look at you. He’s grinning a sick grin. He thinks it’s cute how you think you have to upper hand. Almost as soon as the words leave your lips, you’re harshly flipped onto your back. The leather automatically sticks to your damp skin.
His large hand encloses tightly around your neck, already there are bruises starting to form under the pressure of his fingers. You choke out a gasp at his rough demeanor. Being dominant was fun while it lasted…you’re truly at his mercy now.
“Your bitch? Oh, baby. You seem to forget who owns this pretty pussy.” He taunts and lands a rough smack against your cunt causing your hips to jolt. Sebastian rubs firm circles over your clit before landing another smack.
“You’re my bitch. Don’t you ever forget that.” He seethes, inches away from your ever reddening face caused by his restricting grip on your throat.
Sebastian pulls his hand away and you gasp for air. Your lungs burn as the cool air from the conditioned condo is inhaled. You’re practically dripping from his rough words and even rougher actions. You love when he plays dirty.
As your hooded eyes meet his, he’s all business and you can’t help but let a smile breakout across your face. You thrive off his dominant side rearing its ugly head. 
“C’mon, daddy...you gonna fuck this pretty pussy?” you ask, your voice laced with innocence.
A stinging slap causes your head to whip to the side. A red print is marked on your skin and he thinks you couldn’t look any prettier. He grabs your face and leans into your neck to bite and suck the skin. You try to move your head to give him better access, but he has your cheeks firmly in his grasp and he’s not letting you move an inch.
Sebastian’s lips wrap around your ear lobe and he drags it through his teeth before whispering, “Daddy’s gonna ruin this pretty pussy.”
You clench around nothing, you ache to have him pound you into this ridiculously expensive leather. He wraps his hand around your throat once more. “Open your mouth.”
You comply and stick your tongue out for him, already knowing what he’s up to. He spits into your mouth, you feel it coat your tongue and it causes you to rub yourself against his erection.
“Now swallow.”
You hum in content as you swallow his spit. He leans in and kisses you, roughly slotting his mouth to yours as his tongue explores yours. The hand he doesn’t have around your throat slides between your bodies to line himself up with your entrance.
His thick girth slips into you and you gasp into his mouth. Sebastian starts a punishing pace that causes your chest to bounce each time his hips flush with yours. His hand tightens as he pounds into you and your eyes cross as pleasure takes over.
“What’s wrong,” he pants, “not so big and bad now are we?”
You can’t reply, your moans are getting stuck and your cunt won’t stop pulsing as heat engulfs you. His other hand lands a slap to a breast before roughly gripping it and then pulling the nipple between his fingers.
He feels you clench around him after each hit he lands on your body. “You love when I slap you around, don’t you my pretty slut?”
“Yes,” you choke out, “yes, daddy.”
As he continues his rough pace, you’re falling apart. The delicious drag of his cock, his groans and grunts, his hand around your neck...it’s just what you need. 
He feels your body seize up, you’re cunt is squeezing him to the point where he can barely pull out of your wet warmth. His hand leaves your throat so you can breathe once more. Tears fill your eyes and your neck is flushed an angry red. You look gorgeous to him every time he takes you apart.
“Want you to cum in me, daddy. Fill me up.”
How can he deny that? His labored breathing and the wet sounds from where your bodies are connected are the only things to be heard. You’re running your hands up and down his defined torso, coaxing him to release himself in you.  
A few more pumps and he does just that, covering your walls in white. You feel his warmness sooth your abused pussy and slowly leak out along his shaft. Sebastian pulls out and makes sure to finger his cum back into you. He lifts his long fingers to your mouth and you happily suck them clean, tasting yourself and him on your tongue.
You flash him a ditsy, blissed out smile before saying, “I should try and make you my bitch more often.”
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amphxtrite · 4 years
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cedric diggory x slytherin fem!reader
warnings: smut, swearing, oral (female receiving), hand job, fingering, riding, kind of dom x dom, spelling/ grammar mistakes.
do not read if you are not comfortable.
summary: Badgers and snakes are born into their rivalry, even in the wild they are practically bred to fight and show their dominance. Cedric and the reader have hated each other from the moment they met. It’s not until Cedric puts his name into the goblet of fire and nearly gets killed that feelings become clear. fluff at the end.
a/n: thank you to @cedricsyellowscarf and nonnie for requesting!
word count: 4.6k
enjoy <3
When you think of slytherins, what’s the first thing you think of?
Cunning, resourceful, and badass?
Y/n L/n was all the above when you thought of a stereotypical member of the house of black and green, someone who knew what they wanted and would fight with a smirk on her face.
Hufflepuffs on the other hand are thought to be loyal, compassionate, and sweet.
Cedric Diggory fit the description perfectly. The school golden boy with a pretty face and a kind personality.
It wasn’t supposed to be like this. But just like in nature, the badger and the snake were born to fight.
When Cedric first met you, a chill went up his spine, everything about you screamed ‘no’ at him and had a scowl resting on his face seconds after just seeing you. Similarly, the hufflepuff gave off a goody-two-shoes aura, someone who couldn’t relax and caved into every demand thrown at them. You didn’t know why, but you had the overwhelming urge to push all this boy’s buttons and drive him insane. Maybe it was the whole ‘strict prefect, and perfect person’ thing going on, but you just wanted to have some fun with him.
You started small. Flirtatious winks, smirks and checking him out when you knew he was looking. The reactions ranged from annoyed to bashful and if you were lucky he grew absolutely seething.
“What the hell are you doing l/n?” He sighs as you brush your arm past him in the hall.
“What Diggory? Am I not good enough to be in your presence?” You scoff, turning to face him. “Listen, I know what you’re trying to do and it won’t work.” The badger snarled.
“Oh Diggory, it already has.” Your smirk, brushing your wand down his jawline and licking the outside of your teeth.
Cedric couldn’t explain what got him so ticked off about you, maybe it was your care-free demeanour; someone who could get whatever she wanted with a snap of her fingers. He’d seen you in between classes, people fawning over you or begging for your forgiveness, only to be met by your stoic face. Your whole being betrayed every instinct and belief Cedric held, and the voice in his head begged to attack.
And so the battle between the badger and the snake continued, you pushed the badger’s buttons, challenging him and egging him on to snap.
“I’m not going to ask again l/n.” The brunette seethed, taking hold of your arm and pulling you back towards him after your fingers brush his back. “Ask what?” You cock your eyebrow with a grin.
“Did the pretty boy finally lose his composure?” Your grin turns malicious and Cedric pushes you against the wall. “In your dreams l/n.”
“Oh indeed you do.”
The two of you were natural born rivals, coexisting to keep the other on their toes and keep natural instincts alive. Both sides are stubborn, unwilling to let the other win. It was destined that one of you would though, these things don’t just end in draws.
As you ‘flirted’ relentlessly, Cedric’s only offence was his retaliation. He had a feeling you’d stop if he never reacted, but a piece of Cedric enjoyed the challenge and almost craved the game.
When the badger put his name into the goblet of fire you almost scoffed. Maybe you had done it, driven him off the edge and caused him to go insane. But as the boy clad in black and yellow turned to reveal a smile, you nearly choked on your pumpkin juice. How on Earth was this fool smiling at the fact he could’ve just signed himself up for a public, gruesome death.
It may be hard to believe, but even snakes can become ‘compassionate’ when it comes to things they are close too, and while you couldn’t call what you and Cedric had, a compassionate situation, a sense of worry and dread overtook your senses.
“Hey is your head in the right space?” You fall into step with the badger and place your hand onto his forehead to check if the boy was sick.
“What is your problem?” Cedric flinches back, confusion flashing onto his face as soon as your hand comes into contact with him.
“Oh I’m just checking you haven’t lost your mind Diggory.” You roll your eyes and flash a sickly sweet smile.
“It’s none of your business what I choose to do l/n, now leave me alone.” The brunette’s face remains firm.
“As you wish, your majesty.” You smirk and fall back to head to your friends.
Despite the internal fight the hufflepuff couldn’t help but almost feel sorry for the way he reacted to your gesture. It was the first time you’d shown any type of kindness towards him. And while rather strange, he knew he shouldn’t have let his aggressiveness win over his true personality.
The badger never found his voice to apologize though, and the rivalry proceeded. You wiped any trace of worry from your face and continued your mission of driving the golden boy crazy. Only thing that was different was the way Cedric reacted. When you first began your flirtatious mission, Cedric grew angry and annoyed at your attempt to gain his attention. He knew you were trying to distract him and he let it get to him.
The silver-eyed hufflepuff started to look forward to your pestering, your flirting was the only fun he got after his name was pulled from the goblet. His schedule became jam packed with training, classes and pity parties from every student who made eye-contact with him. He was happy to see that something hadn’t changed.
The first task came and had you holding your breath at each champion’s battle with their dragon. Your mouth dropped open in awe at each unique way of conquering the task, and by the time Cedric stepped up to face the Short-Snout, you were already on the edge of your seat.
Snakes are in no means known for their love, but it is known they can show compassion in subtle ways. Worry blossomed in your stomach as you watched Cedric transfigure the boulder into a dog, he was taking a huge risk using it as a distraction, when the dragon could turn at any moment. Cedric managed to grab the egg moments before the dragon lost interest in the labrador, and a weight seemed to lift from your shoulders and a small smile shone through as you joined in on the applause.
The second task arrived and the four champions dive into the water in search of their treasure. Cedric surfaced first with the girl who attended the ball with him, ensuring his spot in first. Krum was next with Hermione, Harry coming in last, but with Fleur’s person along with his.
Cedric was rather confused to see Cho at the bottom of the lake. The egg stated the treasure was the thing they missed the most, so the professors must have gotten the wrong idea when Cedric showed up at the dance with the ravenclaw, she’d simply been kind enough to be there as support because Cedric had no one else to attend with.
By the third task, the entire wizarding world was biting their nails at the anticipation of the triwizard tournament. Sitting in the bleachers in front of the massive maze, it made you uneasy you may have to sit through one of these champion’s screams, injuries or even death.
“Tied In first place we have Cedric Diggory and Harry Potter. They will enter first, shortly followed by Viktor Krum and Fleur Delacour.”
At the sound of the flare, the hufflepuff and gryffindor cautiously make their way into the green maze, choosing each step with caution and wands clutched tightly in their hands, until all that was seen was the walls of the hedge.
Cedric had endured a lot through the triwizard tournament and he was not going to give that up for anything. When he spotted Harry close by the cup, his aggressive side took over and he tried to beat the boy who lived. When Harry actually ended up saving his life, he knew there was no way he could take this victory.
The two of them touched the cup and suddenly the world morphed and they were transported to a graveyard. “A… Portkey.”
A short man enters their vision as Cedric’s weakened frame points his wand towards the intruder. “Petrificus Totalus!” The unknown man shouts as Cedric’s body seizes and he falls flat on his face, his body ignoring his constant attempts at moving to help Harry, he can only listen to everything happening as he lays uselessly against the ground.
“Cedric! Get up, we need to go now!” Harry’s frantic voice calls as He pushes Voldemort and his death eaters back. The binding pressure is suddenly released and the hufflepuff immediately jumps to his feet. He runs to the portkey, throwing back any death eaters getting too close to Harry before grabbing his hand and taking hold of the triwizard cup.
The two boys are transported back into the maze, but they waste no time rushing out and grabbing hold of the first people they see. “V-Voldemort’s back!” Harry screams, followed by Cedric’s own voice. Looks of confusion flash on everyone in the audience's face, but as the champions break down they have no way to deny it, something terrible was coming to Hogwarts.
Amos Diggory makes a beeline for his son while Harry is dragged away by professor Moody. Cedric is gasping for breath and searching around for something, someone, to keep him sane. When your eyes meet Cedric’s eyes flash in hope and he begins to limp in your direction, stumbling and falling often, but not leaving his path despite his father’s grasp. You stand to question the hufflepuff, but he simply collapses into your arms.
“I-I’m so sorry for how I t-treated you. I shouldn’t have let m-my feelings define you, a-and I hate that I despised you for n-no reason.” Cedric begins to cry in fear he could’ve died without finally getting his apology off his chest. He wraps you tightly in his arms and his breathing grows rapid. “P-Please forgive me.” He manages in between breaths and your emotionless barrier falls. “Deep breaths Diggory, you’re going to pass out if you keep this up.” You caress the boy’s back in a soothing manner, but Cedric’s murmuring only rapidly increases, and you were beginning to feel a headache. “Hey, it's alright! I forgive you.”
His muttering continues.
“Ced, please you’re bleeding, let’s go get help.”
No use.
As a final resort you gently lift Cedric’s face from the crook of your neck; tears are streaming down his face and apologies continue to flood your ears.
“Save your breath Diggory.” You smirk, pressing your lips to Cedric’s scabbed pink ones.
Your lips are still as Cedric registers your movement, his eyes widen, but slowly close as your smooth lips pull him into a daze. The slight taste of blood is forgotten as Cedric stands and cups his hands around your face, tilting his face to deepen the kiss and slip his tongue into your mouth. As he familiarizes himself with your taste a low groan emits from the back of the champion’s throat and he pulls away to look at you.
In nature, badgers and snakes are natural born enemies, but when Cedric looked into your eyes, the badger lost its temper and the snake became calm. In the Hogwarts walls the snake and the badger felt something new bubble inside them, and the statement ‘opposites attract’ finally began to make sense. Two people, so different, yet so drawn to each other. Finally giving in to their feelings, with primal instincts still flooding their senses.
“You shouldn’t have done that, once I start, I might not be able to stop.” Cedric’s voice grows low in arousal and he leans his face closer to yours.
“Then don’t stop Diggory, take me.”
Cedric immediately takes your hand in a firm grip and walks you down the bleachers, promising his father to go to the hospital wing, but entering the quidditch pitch’s change room instead.“I-I need you y/n. Fuck, you’ve made me want you for so damn long.” He moans desperately, pushing you against the stone wall and placing his hands wherever he could. You trail your fingers down the hufflepuff’s torso and nibble on his lower lip. Cedric’s hips jolt and you’re met with a sudden pressure on your lower abdomen.
“Someone’s excited.” You smirk, reaching your hand down the brunette’s trousers to take his length into your hand.
Your eyebrows raise at the champion’s size, but you don’t let it shine through as your tease your hand against him, brushing past his tip before using his precum as lubricant to move against him.
When Cedric’s face contorted into a look of pure pleasure and lust, you were sure that this was the reaction you’d wanted from Cedric from the start. Lip in between his teeth and eyes shut tight as he bites back moans and lightly tugs on your hair.
You move your hand faster, smirking in pride as loud whimpers begin to exit beautifully from Cedric’s lips and he begins rocking himself against your palm.
“You like it when I use my hand Diggory?” You tease, applying even more pressure to his aching cock as he began to twitch in your grasp.
“Oh fuck yes y/n, just like that.” The hufflepuff’s rough hands move down from your hair to grasp your face and connect your lips again, drowning out the sound of pure ecstasy leaving his mouth with each thrust of your hand.
“You better be quiet Diggory, or people will know how much of a naughty boy you are.” You whisper in a low voice.
“I’d watch your mouth if I was you.”
Cedric removes your hand from his pants and pushes you on to a wide bench, holding you down so you can’t move.
“Now it’s my turn to make you writhe.” He growls with a devilish grin, pressing open mouth kisses against your neck and sucking on the sensitive skin as he works off your skirt.
Your head falls to the side as Cedric finds your weak spot, a mewl signaling him to go harder. His hands pull down the zipper on your back and he carefully pulls it down as your intoxicating whimpers egg him further on.
“Well princess, I guess you got what you wanted.” Cedric smirks, dropping to his knees in front of you and throwing your skirt to the side.
“You’re driving me absolutely insane.”
Euphoria flows through every single nerve in your body when Cedric presses his rough fingers against your clit, the only thing separating you and pure bliss being a thin piece of fabric. Cedric uses the cloth of your panties as extra friction, slowly circling his fingers around as your back arches and your breath grows irregular. Leaning forwards, he takes the lace of your undergarment between his teeth and pulls it down your thighs, swiftly prying your legs apart as soon as your panties drop to your feet and pass your ankles. “Now be a good girl and keep these open, alright?” Cedric mutters, in a dark voice as he descends.
The hufflepuff tests the waters by licking a stripe up your core, hiding a cheeky grin at the sound of your choked moan and continuing to lap at your slick folds.
Your vision fills with dots and your mind is deprived of any thought, your only feeling was Cedric’s strong tongue flicking around and dipping in and out of your slit.
“So wet for me love?” He groans deeply, the taste of your heat, causing his arousal to grow exponentially. Your only response is the incoherent moans and curses stringing past your lips as your back arches and your body pulses in bliss.
As your hips start to buck and your legs close against his face, Cedric uses one hand to press your abdomen down and using his arm and other hand he pushes your legs apart again, your moans fueling his strength. When the brunette adds his fingers into the array, your hands move from your clothed breasts to Cedric’s soft brown hair. A sudden rush of pleasure has your grip tightening in the champions curls, and a loud curse echoes through the empty room.
“You like it when I pull your hair like that Diggory?” You tease through the pulsing in your body. “Fuck, do that again y/n.” His deep growl responds as his fingers quicken and hit deeper inside your tight walls.
With each tight grip in Cedric’s curls, a loud moan was heard in response as he thrusts his fingers deeper and sucks harder, letting his moans vibrate through to your clit to fill your lower stomach with butterflies.
“I-I’m gonna cum!” You whimper loudly.
“You can cum if you beg.” The hufflepuff purrs with one last roll of his tongue, pausing his fingers, still deep inside of you. Every ounce of your dignity is shredded as the pleasure of Cedric’s mouth and fingers stop.
“Please Diggory, let me cum.” You mewl in desperation, but he doesn’t move.
“Try again love.” He smirks in amusement.
“Please Cedric, you make me feel so good! I’m so fucking close, I need to cum.” You moan in frustration, grinding your hips frantically for any friction. Cedric chuckles darkly, pulling his fingers out almost fully before slamming right back into you.
“Merlin, you say my name so perfectly darling.” The brunette grins, pulling his finger out and slamming back again.
“Say it again.” Cedric commands, attaching his lips to your clit, his fingers now ramming in and out of you.
“Cedric! Oh fuck!” your choked voice almost comes out as a sob, and your incoherent moans mix deliciously with your lover’s name.
With the combined stimulation of Cedric’s rough fingers and strong tongue, a coil snaps as your body seems to lose control. Writhing, pulsing, and gripping Cedric’s hair as you pant for breath.
Cedric pauses the assault with his tongue, but continues using his fingers to help ride out your high.
When the shockwaves finally stop and you’re able to open your eyes again, Cedric is leaning directly above you, a grin plastered on his face. “You’re so beautiful when you cum.” The hufflepuff begins kissing down your neck as his hands move down his torso and pulls his shirt up his chest. Cedric pauses to wince as cuts reopen and the fabric irritates his bruises, but when you sit up to help him, he pushes you down again. “I’m fine, It’s just a couple scratches.” He smirks looking back down at you, but you’ve regained your senses and have pushed the toned champion back onto the bench and climbed onto his lap.
“Are you sure? You looked pretty banged up.” your voice comes out as a soft whisper as you begin to press butterfly kisses to his bruises.
“Yes, f-fuck y/n.” He groans as you suddenly bite down on his shoulder, sucking on it for a couple seconds until you’re sure a hickey will form.
“Good, because it’s my turn now.”
You lift your hips from his lap to tug his shorts down and he lifts his bottom up to help you. As soon as they’re off you begin to unbutton your blouse, shrugging it off before leaning forwards and running a finger down Cedric’s abdomen. “Help me?” You smirk, standing and brushing your hair aside to reveal your bra strap. Cedric obliges with shaky fingers as his cock grows harder and begins twitching. Once it comes loose, you turn and connect lips with Cedric’s again, moving your hand to the back of the brunette’s head to run your hands through his hair and cup his jaw. Cedric takes your hips into his hands and slowly brings you towards him again. You shuffle onto Cedric’s lap again, hovering just above his cock as he rubs the sides of your body.
Without warning you sink onto him, relaxing your walls to take all of Cedric’s length. His grip on your waist tightens as you wrap around him. Strings of curses leave his mouth as his head falls onto your shoulder and he nips at the sensitive skin. When you’re halfway down, he moves his hands from your hips to your breasts, massaging them roughly and peppering kisses all over. With the Help of Cedric’s wandering hands and caring mouth, you bottom out and adjust to the feeling of being full. Your hands dig into Cedric’s shoulder blades and you begin moving up and down. It’s slow at first, you aren’t quite sure how to do it, but the hufflepuff uses his hands on your hips to guide you and soon you’re bouncing up and down, the grip on your side and the waves of euphoria from Cedric’s cock pushing you further than you could have ever thought possible.
“You feel so good darling.” Cedric sighs, his eyes squeezed shut and mouth wide open as your walls wrap tighter against him with each bounce. You don’t respond, your thoughts occupied with keeping the euphoric feeling coming. Using Cedric’s broad shoulders you begin to pick up the pace, sucking dark marks into existence on his chest, panting breathy moans into his ear and tightening your grip around his shaft to earn you that desperate moan that made you dizzy.
With the overstimulation from your voice and love bites Cedric could feel his release coming, but he wasn’t ready to end this just yet, with the last couple bounces he summoned as much strength as he could to lift you from his lap and release onto your abdomen. It took everything in him not to drop you or collapse right there, but he managed, setting you back down on the wide bench to push you back and tilt your chin up to meet eye to eye.
“Don’t t-think I’m done with you yet princess.” He growls.
The lustful look in your eyes as your pupils dilated and your mouth hung open had him hard all over again and before you could reply with something witty, he pounded right back into you.
Your head is thrown back at the new angle Cedric is fucking you in, your back arches so he can move deeper and your legs swing up to wrap around his torso, bringing him impossibly close to you. Cedric responds with vigorous thrusts, desperate for you to submit to him and end this with him on top. While he desperately rolls his hips into yours, you pull his head down and reconnect your lips, using your tongue to explore his mouth as you swallow the breathy moans of the grey eyed hufflepuff. Your teeth clash, lips mold and tongues dance as Cedric fucks you senseless.
“Oh fuck Cedric right there!” You cry, rolling your hips up to meet the champion’s needy thrusts and allowing your moans to fill the empty air. Skin hitting skin is the only sound other than your moans and cries mixing together, intimately connecting and reconnecting over and over as wave after wave of pleasure and euphoria floods your veins and every corner of your body. Your eyes roll back and your toes curl with each movement of Cedric’s hips and with his arms pinned above your head and his low groans right in front of your face you could not contain the knot that was forming in your abdomen. Your nails rake down Cedric’s back and bury themselves into his hair as you grin victoriously at the loud profanities spilling through his gritted teeth. With each pump of his length the knot grows tighter and tighter, Pleasure is swapped with pure bliss and Cedric can feel it too as his thrusts grow sloppy and your core tightens against him. He lets himself go, and you follow right behind him. The proof of your pleasures stream between the two of you, down your legs and in between where you are still connected.
Cedric helps you ride out your high as you run your shaky finger up and down his chest, a smile growing on your face as Cedric finally opens his eyes and looks back down at your tired form, panting and grinning back down at you.
“I win.” He smirks, lazily pulling out of you and resting himself on his elbows.
“In your dreams Diggory.” You roll your eyes and move some hair out of the boy’s face.
“Oh are we back on the last name basis?” Cedric chuckles, cupping your cheek and using his thumb to circle your cheek.
“Only if you want Ced.” You sigh, tilting your head closer to Cedric’s warm palm.
“Well in that case, you better get used to calling me Cedric, y/n.” The hufflepuff beams, sitting up and pulling you onto his lap.
Your eyes widen and you begin to laugh joyously as you connect your lips to Cedric’s again, mumbling sweet nothings in between each peck. You stay like that for a second, in each other’s arms, relishing the feeling of finally being complete and content, but as you press your hand to Cedric’s chest he winces and you know the moment has to end.
“Alright lover boy, it’s time to get you to the hospital wing.” You sigh, pecking Cedric’s lips once more before grabbing your wand and quickly cleaning off the mess in between you and Cedric’s legs. “Do I have too?” Cedric groans, pulling you back to him, as you clasp your bra on. “I’m sure I’ll be fine just sitting here in your arms.” He states staring lovingly into your eyes. “Sorry Ced, but even I don’t know a lot of healing spells and by the look of it you’re gonna need them.” You giggle, standing on shaky legs as you pick up your blouse and skirts again.
“Get changed Ced, I’ll meet you outside.” You smirk, slowly making your way out of the room with a slight swing in your hips.
Taking a deep breath of the night air, you take a moment to really take in what just happened. You thought you hated that boy, but maybe that was just for show. Maybe you’d always had feelings for the boy with the yellow scarf and you had been too naive to realize it. It felt strange how the part of your brain that convinced you to fight was now telling you this was right, but you were fine with it, your whole perspective had changed of this boy from the moment he came limping to you in the stadium.
Cedric had similar thoughts as he tugged on his shirt and pants. He finally realized the feeling he got when you looked at him wasn’t annoyance, it was a crush. A fancy that he wanted so badly to deny, but embrace at the same time, and now he could.
As he finally walked out to you and wrapped you in his arms, you knew it was right and you were where you are meant to be. As you interlocked hands with the grey eyed hufflepuff, making your way towards the castle and your new life. Something was made crystal clear.
Badgers and snakes are natural born enemies, made to fight and hate each other. But you and Cedric aren’t the animals you are associated with,
you’re humans and you had the choice to decide how you would treat your opposite.
And although the two of you were clear descriptions of the houses you were assigned, your personalities molded perfectly.
As Cedric lay in the hospital bed, Madam Pomfrey healing his wounds, you stuck by his side and held his hand, knowing the snake would never define you. The badger would never define Cedric. You were your own people, and you were in love.
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dw-writes · 3 years
32 for henry sturges :3
so, for anyone who doesn’t know, Henry Sturges is a character played by Dominic cooper in the movie Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, and one of the main characters in the novel by the same name, while being the main character in the sequel, The Last American Vampire. sadly, the author of those novels is The Worst (TM) and i am now claiming this character as my own and will treat him kindly
i love him so fucking MUCH
Saying “I love you”....in a way that I can’t return.
There were parts of your memory that were hazy – days that were missing as you tried to remember why you were in pain, why you were tired, when you had fallen asleep. You remembered the better parts – the parts where you accepted a new job as a personal assistant, where you met your stupidly rich boss, where you found him weird and obnoxious and meeting every cliché that you had ever read about.
You especially remembered the part where you discovered that he was a vampire. That was important.
You shifted, the smooth surface of expensive sheets sliding against your skin. They were soft, and smelled lovely, and you recognized the scent as the one that Henry used for everything that could be washed. It was an older scent, one that wasn’t really made anymore, that he got from a little store on the other side of the city. It was one of the few things that he did personally.
Burying your nose into the pillow, you let out a sigh. At least you knew you were home, and comfortable.
A damp washcloth traced over your temple, down your cheek, and around the back of your neck.
“You’re alright,” whispered a familiar voice, one tinged with accent so faint it could never be placed, “You’re safe.”
You dreamed about that vivid memory of discovery. Henry Sturges had centuries of practice of keeping his identity a secret, something that, if you had been more observant, you would have noticed at lot sooner. But even someone with centuries of experience under his belt was prone to forgetfulness, and that was something that plagued him that day – he had forgotten his own set of keys to the house when he had set off on his usual journey across the city. He’d only realized it when he was too far gone and had called you to get the keys for him.
“If you could,” he had added, “If you aren’t too busy.”
“Of course,” you replied, “I’ll bring them to you.”
You failed to tell him that you, too, were on the opposite side of the city, and that it would take you longer than expected to take the keys to him. That was why you had arrived at the store after closing time, found it unlocked, and discovered Henry hauling a man clean off the ground with one hand, while bearing a mouth full of gleaming shards of bone. He dropped the man when you shouted at him to stop, failed to see you grab a pipe to swing at his skull.
(The memory bubbled up in your dream, descending upon you as though through a fog.)
You held the pipe with both hands, standing between Henry and the stairs leading up into the convenience store. Henry held his head between both hands, groaning, doubling over his knees. The other man, the store own, was still crumbled on the ground, unharmed, but unconscious.
“You hit me!” Henry shouted, “You actually hit me!”
“What do you expect?!” you snapped, “You? What are you?!”
He stumbled as he straightened, examining his fingers, then touched his head again. He stepped towards you.
You lifted the pipe over your shoulder, ready to strike again, yelling out nonsense.
“Don’t hit me again!” he cried.
“Get back!” you shrieked, “Get? Back! And answer my question!”
“Put the pipe down,” he said instead.
“Answer me!”
“Put the pipe down!”
“Answer the fucking question, Henry!” you paused, “If that’s your real name.”
His mouth dropped open with a scoff. You brandished the pipe as he stepped closer, stuttering out a disgusted, “I can’t believe the distrust! The suspicion!” He was on you in the literal blink of an eye, gently prying the pipe from between your clenched fingers like it was nothing. He tossed it away. The comical hurt he had previously worn was gone as he said, “I’m a vampire.” He squeezed your shoulders and set you on the steps. “Stay here a moment? I’ll be right back.”
(He’d left the poor store clerk – Seth, you remembered his name being – with a stack of journals, then swept you away back to his home – your home, the place where he provided you with a room of your own and asked for no rent at all – to sit you down and explain what he could.)
A hand gingerly pressed against your cheek, turning your head enough towards the owner to allow them to drip a warm liquid between your lips. It was bitter, with an aftertaste you couldn’t describe, and you twisted your head away from it.
A warm sigh tumbled across your face. “This is something you’ll have to get used to,” whispered a familiar voice, “And it won’t be easy, I can promise you that. But I’ll be there every step of the way.” A word caught on his voice, scratching in your ear as he cleared his throat. A pair of lips brushed over your temple.
Those words were so familiar. It took you a moment – a moment in which you fell back into a deep slumber – but you recalled where you’d heard them. You had said them, years before, when Seth had approached Henry about a biography. You remembered finding him pacing the first floor of his town house, reading over a letter that you assumed was from the author in question, swearing beneath his breath as he wore a path in the floor.
You told him so as you leaned on the banister, giving him an easy smile. He merely stared at you – you would have called it a glare if you hadn’t known him so well – and waved the paper in your direction.
“He wants to interview me,” he grumbled.
“I think that’s been done before,” you countered.
Henry crumbled the paper and tossed it in your direction. You ducked the projectile with a laugh, almost missing his scathing comment about your mocking. “That was a terrible joke!” he said with a huff, “Awful.”
“You’ll have to get used to it,” you said as you sat on the stairs, “Especially if people take what you say to heart – what the book says to heart.” Henry sat on the stairs, leaning back against the wall to look up at you. You reached out to run your fingers through his clean, un-styled hair. “It won’t be easy; I can promise you that. But I’ll be here for all of it. If you want.”
He leaned into your hand with a miniscule, unnecessary sigh. “I cannot imagine anyone else helping me with this,” he whispered.
You quirked an eyebrow. “Not even the man you trusted your beloved Abe’s journals to?”
(The quip earned you a gentle pinch, and eyeroll, and a smile only you were truly welcome to.)
You had rolled in your sleep, or had been moved, into a position that was startlingly comfortable. You turned your face further into the soft fabric under your cheek.
“Are you awake?” asked Henry, his voice surprisingly close to your ear while whatever you laid on rumbled with his words. Your eyes fluttered. A finger brushed over each of them, brushing the crust from your lashes. You wrinkled your nose. “You are awake,” he whispered, “Take your time. You’ve been through a lot.”
“What happened?” you croaked. You smacked your lips together and groaned; your mouth tasted awful. You rolled away from Henry’s tender hold, burying your face back into the pillow beyond his arm. “How long have I been asleep?”
He didn’t answer you. Instead, he appeared at your side again, the bed bending beneath his weight, and he held a glass to your lips. “Drink,” he murmured. His hand slid behind your head to help you.
The strange taste bloomed across your tongue as you sipped – bitter, and warm, and tangy as it rolled down your throat. You wrapped your fingers over his hand and gulped the concoction down, whatever it was – it soothed an ache you hadn’t noticed. You pressed your knees against his side as you sat up, tilting the glass further towards your face, draining it of everything it had, even going so far as to lick the brim clean before you opened your eyes.
He was watching you. His thumb brushed the space behind your ear while his fingers trailed down your neck. You rolled your lips together as you tried to gather what remained of your drink. You watched him in return: how hadn’t you noticed how beautiful he was before? You could count the freckles across his nose and cheeks in the low light of the bedroom with how vibrant they were against his skin; his swept back hair held various shades of brown, and a scant few strands of silver – from the stress of crossing over from England, you figured, before he was turned, or maybe they’d gone grey during the run from Crowley shortly after; and then there were his eyes, which skipped across your face before holding yours.
The blood that ran through your body – the blood that wasn’t yours anymore – ran cold.
You dropped the glass.
Henry managed to catch it before it hit the wood floor, depositing it on the nightstand at your elbow.
You rubbed your throat as the missing memories returned, first in patches, then like a film playing behind your eyes: someone had broken into the house. You had been downstairs, labeling the few bottles of blood that Henry kept hidden in his fridge, frowning at the unfamiliar sounds of another human in the home. It hadn’t taken you long to react, either – your father had taught you well before he died, had made sure that you would be ready to live on your own when the time came.
You pulled a knife from the butcher’s block and stepped out of the kitchen.
Your view from the hall to the front door was unobscured. Behind you, however, was a puff of hot air as someone growled, “You’re really real, aren’t you?”
A door upstairs slammed open.
You stepped away and twisted around, lifting the knife between you and the intruder, filling the hall as best as you could. You had only seconds before Henry would be down the stairs, before the man, who stared at you with a crazed glint in his eye and held a wooden stake above his head, would be able to figure out who was really the vampire in the house and hurt him instead. Maybe even kill him.
He would kill Henry.
He couldn’t kill Henry.
You wouldn’t let him.
You remembered answering him with a breathless, “Yes,” before the stake splintered your ribcage and plunged down into your heart.
Thumbs rubbed circles over your cheeks. You blinked slowly as the memory fell into place, neatly outlining a time before you were asleep – dead, you supposed – and when you woke up.
Henry whispered your name. You finally met his gaze once again. He let out a deep, unnecessary and dramatic sigh as his forehead fell against yours. “You know that ‘I love you to death’ is only a saying, right?” he asked, “And that was a very dramatic way to say it.”
Your face flushed. “Who said that I loved you?” you squeaked.
“You did, when you went and took a man’s stake to the heart for me!” he shot back.
“Maybe I was just there and he wanted to kill us both,” you argued.
“Hm, and that’s why you said you were the vampire, is it? That you were real?” he asked.
You pressed your lips together.
His fingers trailed down your jaw and under your mouth, gently holding your chin. “There’s not a single way that I can think of that can match that, you know,” he sighed against your lips, “This will have to do.” He said a lot as he kissed you, making sure that you knew how much he loved you, that he’d loved you for an awfully long time, that it probably started when you first walked through his door, and you hoped that the kiss you gave in return said as much as your death did – that you loved him.
That you love him.
That you will always love him.
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malfoysstilinski · 4 years
can’t even | JJ MAYBANK (smut)
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PAIRINGS: JJ Maybank x Reader, Rafe Cameron x Reader (slight)
SUMMARY: based on ‘can’t even’ by the neighbourhood. y/n is dating rafe cameron who is too busy snorting lines and hooking up with other girls to pay attention to her. she thinks sleeping with the enemy might even the playing field. 
WARNINGS: smut, cheating, public sex, choking, hair pulling, oral (female receiving), unprotected sex, multiple orgasms, dirty talk 
A/N: just to clarify, i do not condone cheating. 
You were well aware that Rafe Cameron was not a good person. It had been nearly five months since you had started going out with him, knowing fully well that he had an addiction to thin white lines. Looking back, you thought you were more than stupid to get with Rafe with the mindset of being the one that could change him. 
There was no such thing as changing someone. 
Rafe would only change when he wanted to change; falling in love with a girl wouldn’t save him. At least, he told you he loved you. When he was sober, he promised you the world-- he set up dates and apologised for whatever fucked up thing he had said the night before, for whatever touron he had kissed or even slept with. 
And you were weak-- so you kept accepting his apologies. Today felt different though. Rafe had sobbed to you the day before, promising you a date on the beach and said he would turn up sober and the two of you would be like a normal couple for once. 
An hour later and you stood pathetically by yourself at the edge of the sea, kicking about a rather large stone. You sighed, guessing that if you got stood up again, at least you were stood up on a beach. 
The evening air felt amazing on your skin; it woke you up and stopped you feeling so depressed. Instead, you felt angry. Angry at Rafe and angry at yourself for putting up with his bullshit. You weren’t his mother or his babysitter or his therapist-- you were supposed to be his girlfriend. 
He would rather snort lines than meet you at the beach. 
You sat down on the sand, your head in your hands as you shook your head. The dress that you wore had been bought specially for Rafe to admire-- it was his favourite colour and revealed more than you’d usually show, but you knew he would have liked it, so you bought it anyway. 
"And what is a girl like you doing on the beach by yourself so late at night?” Those words coming from nearly anybody else by JJ Maybank would have sounded creepy, but you knew it was just him being his usual fuckboy-ish self.
 As you glance up from your hands, JJ’s blue eyes widen and he’s taken aback to discover that it was you sat on the beach and not some lonely touron. He glances around, as if looking for Rafe or another Kook. 
“It’s just me,” you grumble. “No need to shit your pants.”
JJ scoffs and rolls his eyes. “As if I would ever be scared of Rafe Cameron. Bastard needs a plus one to even do any damage.”
You can’t help the small laugh that escapes your lips at his comment. To be fair, JJ was completely right. Whenever Rafe got into fights, he always played dirty. He could never fight one on one-- he was too scared and dependent. Dependent on his friends... dependent on drugs.
The reminder makes you frown again and you look down at your hands, wondering how the hell you ended up on the beach tonight with JJ Maybank rather than your own boyfriend. 
“Rafe stood you up?” JJ assumes, taking a seat beside you on the sand-- much to your surprise. 
You and JJ were supposed to be on opposite teams. You were a Kook, he was a Pogue. You were complete opposites, or so you thought. 
“Yeah,” you sigh. 
“He’s a dick,” JJ insists quietly, shaking his head as he stares out at the ocean and the waves crashing near their feet. 
You turn to face him, studying his side profile. JJ is handsome. Like, really, really handsome. He’s got shaggy blond hair he usually hides behind a snapback and a strong jaw, not to mention he’s built like he lives in a gym or something. Your eyes don’t peel away even when he turns to look at you. 
“See something you like?” JJ smirks, blue eyes flickering down to yours lips. 
For some reason, maybe its the constant emptiness and worthlessness that you feel, that’s all it takes for you to surge forwards and press your lips to his. JJ hadn’t been expecting it, his body nearly falling back a second. 
It takes him less than a second to clock what’s happening and JJ kisses back even more eagerly, hand moving from behind him to grab your face. He takes the lead immediately, his tongue swiping at your bottom lip and with it swiping away any dominance you’d had before, leaving you to surrender to him. 
Your mouth opens as you gasp, reaching back and holding onto his neck, fingers ruffling up the hair sticking out beneath the red snapback he wore. His large hand starts to move down from your face to your shoulder, smoothing down the soft skin of your arm and finding your waist. He pulls you even closer to him, chests pressing against one another. 
“JJ,” you pant, reaching forward and grabbing the bottom of his loose tee, yanking it over his head. 
JJ smirks against your lips and grabs your waist with his other hand, pulling you up off of the ground to sit on his lap, one leg either side. You straddle him and can feel the bulge in the shorts that he’s wearing, making you whimper. His hands guide you as you grind against it, watching JJ clench his jaw and hiss out in pleasure. 
“Can I?” His slender fingers are tugging at the bottom of your dress that’s risen since you climbed on top of him. 
“Obviously,” you whisper, leaning down to attach your mouth to his neck. 
JJ groans as you begin to pepper kisses down his skin. You frown a little when you see a couple of bruises wrapped around his neck. You know his father can get angry with him sometimes, but by the looks of it, it’s more than occasionally like you had thought. 
You press a gentle kiss above it, feeling JJ still beneath you. You continue to leave sloppy kisses in the spot beneath his ear, feeling him groan against your ear. The breathy sound makes you feel even more aroused and you shiver as your dress is pulled off of you. 
“So fucking hot,” JJ mutters, calloused fingers trailing up all the way from your stomach to your breasts. 
He bends down and kisses along your soft flesh, sucking purple marks on top of your breasts. You wrap your arms around him and bring him closer, involuntarily grinding your hips harder. JJ lifts his head up and wraps a hand loosely around your neck, bringing you down to kiss him hard on the lips. 
You kiss back hard, moving to kneel on your knees, feeling JJ shift underneath you to lay down. 
“Sit on my face,” JJ orders. 
Suddenly it dawns on you that you’re in a public place. Sure, you’re in your bran and panties and he’s still in his shorts, normal attire for the beach, but it doesn’t explain what you’re about to do. The thought is arousing but also quite terrifying. 
JJ seems to realise what you’re thinking. “Nobody comes down here,” JJ says and you trust him, knowing he knows the beach better than you. “Well, nobody but you and I, I guess.”
“Okay,” you breathe and move to obey his order from before. 
You’re burning with arousal as you shift your way up his body, eventually coming to kneel above his head. You shift and slip your panties off of your body, chucking them over on top of your dress nearby. JJ grins and practically licks your lips as he grabs your thighs, bringing you down closer to his mouth. 
As soon as you feel his tongue on your dripping pussy it’s a relief. You release a long moan, one that would make a porn star jealous, and it only makes JJ want to do better. He eagerly laps up your arousal, his nose nudging your clit and making your eyes roll into the back of your head. 
You lean down and grab his hair, tugging slightly. You feel like you’re floating on cloud nine as JJ’s mouth covers your pussy and he sucks, licking up and down your folds before he encloses his lips around your clit. You gasp, whining in pleasure and throwing your head back.
JJ’s fingers dig into the soft flesh of your thighs and attempts to keep you still as he sucks and nibbles at your clit, lapping up your arousal every time you grew wetter and wetter. His mouth was so talented, working you closer and closer to your ending. 
JJ shakes his head against you, his nose buried in your clit as his tongue pokes at your entrance. He dives it in and out a few times, groaning at your sweet taste as his hands smooth you up and down. Eventually, his mouth finds your clit again and he does small, fast licks at it. 
“JJ, JJ, JJ!” You whine and you’re cumming before you can even process it. 
It feels like you’re breaking down on top of him as he licks you through your high, grip on you tightening in an almost bruising way. The coil in your stomach snaps and you pant, nearly crying at the pleasure of it all. When you come down, JJ continues to lick you until you force your shaking legs off of him. 
JJ grins at you as you collapse on the sand beside him. His face is glistening with your slick and arousal and he licks his lips and swipes at his face with the back of his and. 
“You taste so good, baby,” he murmurs, leaning forward and connecting his lips with yours as if it to give you a taste. 
“Need more,” you pant as you pull away and JJ is more than happy to find that you’re already reaching for the buttons of his shorts. 
He looks down as you undo the button, hissing and throwing his head back when you purposefully press the zipper into his erection whilst you drag it down. He chuckles to himself and shakes his head in amusement, unable to comprehend how an idiot like Rafe Cameron got so lucky to be with a girl like you. 
You’re pulling his shorts and his underwear down next, allowing his cock to spring free. JJ hisses at the evening air on his reddened tip, biting his lip as he watches you grab his cock with your hand, swiping off the precum with your thumb as you slowly jack him up and down. 
You look up into his eyes and he can’t help snatching your lips up in his again. Before you can tear your lips from his to repay him for your first orgasm, JJ shakes his head and slowly pushes you back so you’re lying in the sand. 
“No, wanna be inside you,”JJ says, kicking his shorts off and leaning so that he was propped in between your legs. “Is that okay?”
You nod, hands moving up to hold his shoulders as he grabs his cock and shifts. He moves so its against your entrance. You bite your lip when you feel him nudge his tip against your clit, teasing you. JJ collects some of your arousal before he lines himself up with your hole and slowly pushes in. 
You barely stifle your moan as inch by inch JJ moves inside of you. JJ can’t help it as he throws his head down, resting in the nook of your neck and shoulder until he’s all the way in. You feel so full and stretched whilst he feels like he’s been clamped down on, your tight walls hugging him and nearly making him cum right there and then. 
“You’re so big,” you breathe, rolling your head back as he leaves sloppy kisses against your neck, slowly rocking against you so you got used to his side. 
JJ smirks. “Bigger than Rafe?”
The sudden reminder of your boyfriend should have made you feel bad, but instead you found yourself quickly nodding in agreement, boosting JJ’s ego and making him thrust into you harder. 
“So much bigger,” you pant against him, wanting him to go faster. 
It works. JJ seems to bathe in the praise, lifting up higher onto his elbows and thrusting harder and harder, experimenting with the angles he was hitting, waiting to see which one made you moan the loudest. 
When he hit the right spot you nearly screeched, your hands clawing at his back. JJ grins and bites down on his lip as he works to thrust his cock in and out of you faster. 
“Does Rafe make you moan like this?” JJ groans. “Does Rafe fuck you like this where anybody can see?”
“No,” you shake your head, fighting back the moans as you feel yourself pulse around him. 
He grabs you and slides out of you. You whine at the emptiness you feel but grow more excited when JJ flips you around so that you’re on your hands and knees. His hand smoothes down your back before he slaps your ass, leaving a red hand print. He squeezes it as he slides back into your slick heat. 
“JJ,” you whimper. 
He reaches forward and bunches your hair up as he slams into you, the sounds of your bodies hitting against each other mixing with the crashing of the waves. He tugs you up roughly so your back is pressed against his chest.
“Who makes you moan like this?” JJ demands, hissing against your ear as his other hand reaches around to grab you by the neck. “Who fucks you this good?”
“You do, you do,” you cry, tears leaking down your face as you come closer and closer to your high. “JJ. JJ!”
“Cum for me, darlin’,” JJ grits his teeth as he pounds into you from behind, his hand moving from your hair to rub at your clit harshly. 
“Fuck,” you sob as you cum, your walls clenching around him. 
The orgasm is easily the best one you’ve ever had-- truly better than anything Rafe’s ever given you. You hear JJ’s breathy moans from behind you and feel his thrusts grow sloppier and less even. 
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum,” he warns you.
“In me, in me,” you plead. “Cum inside me, JJ.”
Your voice saying that is possibly the hottest thing that JJ’s ever heard and he find himself obeying. He shudders against you, his hips snapping frantically to chase his high before his cock shoots spurts of cum deep inside you, the hot liquid filling you up and covering your walls. 
You both moan at the feeling, JJ remaining deep inside you until he has nothing more to give. He pulls out after a moment and the two of you collapse down onto the sand, your head next to his. You can feel your releases spilling from your pussy and dripping down your legs. 
“Oh my God,” the sudden realisation of what you just did creeps up on you and you’re scrambling for your underwear and your dress. 
JJ watches, disappointed to see you leave so quick. He thought for a split second that maybe you would have laid with him for a bit-- not that he was usually one for aftercare. Normally, he was the first to leave. 
“I have to go,” you blurt. “Please don’t mention this to Rafe...”
JJ pulls up his underwear and frowns as he watches you grab your bag and straighten your dress up. 
“I’m sorry,” you run your hand through your messed up hair. “This should have never happened.”
But as you rush away, most likely to go find your drug addict of a boyfriend himself, JJ can’t help but disagree. It happened for a reason. 
Maybe I will do a part two where Rafe finds out? 
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waithyuck · 4 years
Tumblr media
pairing: vampire!huang renjun x reader (f) *halloweenie special*
genre: smut, supernatural au
word count: 3k
warnings: blood, biting, blood drinking, brief descriptions of gore (I guess idrk), explicit language, degradation, sexual content (oral, facefucking), no aftercare, mentions of being killed, renjun is a mean dom :/, reader is kinda weirdly into the whole vampire thing **unedited**
a/n: this was kinda written in a rush but I tried my best to produce it in the best quality I could! I hope y’all enjoy 💕 (I also wanna add that yes, it was already planned that there wouldn’t be any penetrative sex in this)
< previous | next >
walking home from work at eleven o’clock at night was probably the worst mistake you could have made. even worse, you thought it would just be such a great idea to take the back alleys, since it was faster and all you wanted to do was lay down on your bed and go to sleep.
you were an idiot, straight up.
you were walking with your head down, too preoccupied reading something on your phone to notice and be alert of your surroundings. you didn’t notice the creeping shadow coming up on you from behind.
when it grabbed you, you weren’t even able to scream; it covered your mouth immediately and shoved you against the brick of the building next to you. when you looked to see what it was, your body froze in horror.
this man–thing...no, creature, was standing before you grinning sinisterly, his sharp canines bared to you as he drank up your figure with his glowing, blood red eyes.
well, this was it. you were going to die in the hands of something you were pretty sure classified as a vampire. you didn’t stand a chance, not with the amount of strength, speed and stealth this man had already showcased to you.
you couldn’t make a sound, the fear inside you suffocating your lungs and making it hard to breathe. the man didn’t utter a word to you, and as he inched his fangs closer and closer to the vein pulsating in your throat, you squeezed your eyes shut and awaited to feel your death.
but it never came.
the weight of the man-creature-vampire thing was lifted off of you, his cold presence gone in an instant. you heard blood curdling snarls ringing out in the darkness of the alley, and you were too afraid to open your eyes to see what was happening.
you imagined that it was basically a fight between two vampires, and the victor would claim you as the meal. you should have run, but your legs were weak as the fear still consumed every cell in your body.
you were basically dooming yourself.
the wild growls finally ceased when you heard a loud crack of bones snapping, followed by a cut off yelp.
you assumed one of them was now dead, and finally you opened your eyes to take in the sight before you.
there stood another creature; much younger than the previous one by the looks of him, standing over the body of the now dead vampire. it’s head was severed from its body messily, the neck snapped clean off to where you could see the spine poking out in its place.
you wanted to throw up.
when the younger vampire looked at you, his blood red eyes squinted, and he moved closer to you in seconds, using his super speed to crowd you back against the brick wall. you whimpered, but didn’t feel as much fear as you did before, and you managed to keep your eyes open as you stood before him.
his nostrils flared as he sniffed around you, and it surprisingly didn’t weird you out as much as it should have. truth be told, even in the dim light of the moon, you could tell that this man was highly attractive. you cursed yourself for thinking this way about a creature that could easily tear you in two.
you were torn from your thoughts when you saw two fingers snap in front of your face, making your body jolt in return.
“the fuck are you doing out this late?” he suddenly questioned, his voice not at all like how you were imagining it to sound. it was soft…it wasn’t a voice you would have paired to be with a vampire. “it’s dangerous as fuck out here, you know.”
he was speaking so casually, like he didn’t just rip the head off of one of his kind. you sputtered out of cheer nervousness (and a little bit because he was so dazzlingly attractive), not knowing how to respond. his blood red eyes practically rolled out of his head at your pathetic attempts to speak.
“humans are so pathetic, seriously.” he spat, looking you up and down. “I don’t even know why I saved you. you smell good enough to devour.” his smirk, paired with the last part made your spine straighten, your hair prickling at the sense of possible danger.
“n-no!” you finally managed to blurt out, your hands coming up to instinctively cover your vulnerable throat. you wracked your brain to try to figure out how to negotiate with him; to get him to leave here without draining your body of life and blood.
unfortunately, only one thing came to mind, and you hated yourself for thinking it in the first place.
...you couldn't deny that you kinda had a thing for the whole undead, blood sucking, super strong creature shit he had going on. a million and one flashes raced through your mind, showing you different scenes of this stranger taking you up against the brick wall right here, and even biting you just to have a little taste.
it was fucked up, but you could stop your thighs from clenching at the possibilities.
he quirked an eyebrow at you, his smirk never leaving as he leaned into your space even further, flattening your body to the wall with his own.
“no what?” he practically purred, his cold breath fanning against your skin, causing goosebumps to form instantaneously.
“I’ll…” you started, weakly meeting his strong gaze. “I’ll d-do anything...j-just don’t kill me.” you tried to sound strong but there was a shiver in your voice, your chest trembling as you tried to speak. you saw his eyes flash with mischief before he pulled away entirely, giving you your space back.
“okay.” he nodded, his lips still presented in a smirk. “I’ll come find you whenever I need a favor.”
you couldn’t even ask him to elaborate or question him on exactly how he would find you, because in an instant he was gone from your sight, vanishing away and leaving you in the darkness with the still laying dead body of your first attacker.
with a quick shake of your whole body, you practically ran home, slamming the door shut and locking everything, including the windows.
you weren’t sure when to expect to see the vampire who saved you again, but you didn’t think it would take him two weeks to show his face.
you were minding your own business in the safety of your home, throwing your dirty clothes into your bedroom hamper when you heard a soft thud come from your window.
turning around, your eyes met the same red ones from that night two weeks ago, and you had to fight yourself not to shriek. his face was stoic as he stared at you, decked out in all black from his hoodie to his jeans, lowkey making your mouth water.
“hey there,” he said, slithering closer to your form. once again, he cornered you against a wall, not caring to give you any personal space. he inhaled softly, his nose living closer to your neck. “you smell absolutely delicious, darling.” his sharp canines were on display as he smiled mischievously at you, your heart racing in your chest at not only the fear, but the proximity of this attractive man as well.
“um, h-hello.” you muttered out stupidly, wringing your hands together in front of you.
“let’s cut to the chase, shall we?” he stood up at little straighter as he spoke, his eyes glinting as he looked at you. “you owe me a favor, and I’m being generous enough to let you choose what you want to give me.” he looked down at his nails, feigning disinterest as you were practically hyperventilating before him.
you nodded your head to acknowledge that you were hearing him, and he took that as a sign to continue.
“so, what will it be?”
you thought back to the thoughts you were plagued with that first night, and you almost immediately clenched your thighs. you really wanted this vampire to have you, all of you, even your blood for fucks sake. it’s like the sight of him cast a spell on you, and all you wanted to do was have his cock shoved down your throat as he did his best to ruin you completely.
you knew he was capable too; there was an aura around him that screamed dominance, and having the extra factor of being a vampire did nothing to extinguish your lewd sexual fantasies.
it was really fucked up, but you made your mind up in less than a minute.
“you can bite m-me.” you squeaked, looking anywhere but him. you swore you heard his breath hitch, but he nonetheless crowded you once again as he nosed into the juncture of your neck and shoulder.
“hmm, tempting.” he allowed the tip of his nose to graze softly against your sensitive skin, causing you to shiver as it tickled you. his sinister eyes flicked up to meet yours. “are you sure?”
with a small nod you agreed, your brain screaming at you to run and never look back, but your core telling you the very opposite.
his hands found your waist as he grounded you, holding you steady as he finally began to scrape his teeth along your flesh.
“I won’t take too much,” he muttered, almost like a reassurance to you. before you could even nod, he quickly plunged his fangs into your skin, and the pleasurably painful sensation immediately had you moaning out loudly.
you gripped his shoulders tightly, your eyes glazing over as your whole body pulsated with a sudden need, the burning hot pleasure running down from where he was currently biting you to your core, instantly causing your panties to flood with your desire.
he took a few large gulps, and once you began to feel lightheaded, he pulled his fangs from you, moaning at the taste of your blood.
not being able to hold yourself back, you spoke very through that came into your head.
“I w-want your cock,” you breathed out desperately, not sure exactly where the statement came from. it was so sudden and out of the blue, but he didn’t seem fazed for one second.
“oh really?” he questioned playfully, his blood stained lips quirking up in amusement.
“”yes, please,” you begged in response, gripped at the fabric of his hoodie tightly.
he hummed, his throat vibrating with the sound.
“get on your knees.” he demanded, his demeanor changing as he wiped his mouth on his sleeve. he pointed to the ground in between the both of you and at first you were shocked at his words, even though you were the one who admitted you wanted him in the first place. you pressed your back against the wall even tighter as he gazed upon you with his blood-red eyes, your woozy head spinning.
“h-huh?” you managed to sputter out stupidly, causing him to sigh in annoyance. he shot his cold hand up to grip your throat, his nails squeezing into your skin slightly as you squeaked in surprise.
“you said you wanted my cock, right?” renjun growled, getting closer to your face with each word. you managed to nod shyly in his hold, your eyes wide and glassy as you stared back at him. he smirked, “then get on your fucking knees. don’t make me tell you again.”
he let go of you neck and returned his hand to his side, your eyes watching his every move before you finally shook yourself out of your stupor and lowered yourself to your knees in front of him. you didn’t really know what to do with yourself at that point, so you looked up at him with wide eyes, waiting to see if he would say anything else.
he rolled his eyes, scoffing as he reached for the button and zipper of his black jeans.
“dear fuck, do I have to fucking hold your hand through all of this?” his voice was icy and biting, but you still felt a warm shiver crawl up your spine as your core clenched at his words. he finally was able to undo the button and zipper and he then pulled down both his pants and underwear, leaving his almost fully hard cock out in the open on display for you.
he gripped your hair suddenly, forcing your face toward his crotch roughly. “put it in your fucking mouth, slut.”
you didn’t hesitate then, opening your mouth while using a hand to guide him past your lips, immediately swirling your tongue around the sensitive head. he groaned out above you and reached a hand to rest behind your head, not pushing on you just yet.
this wasn’t your first rodeo, so you were able to almost instantly take him all the way down your throat, only having to work up to it about three times. when his cockhead hit the back of your throat, you gagged a bit but it paid off to hear his moan cry out above you. you looked up innocently at him, bobbing your head up and down with your cheeks hollowed, drool dribbling out of the sides of your lips, adding to the messy look.
“that’s a good girl,” he breathed, his hand rubbing the back of your head almost tenderly before he shoved you completely down on him, your nose pressed against the skin of his pelvis.
your eyes blew wide and tears were prickling, but you willed yourself to relax, your throat slightly constructing instinctively around the intrusion in it.
“can I fuck your pretty face?” he growled out, finally letting you up for air. you pulled off to breathe, spit connecting your lips and the head of his angry red cock.
you managed to croak out a rough “yes”, your voice already hoarse from the few minutes of action it had been through. he gave you no time to prepare before he reached down to cup your chin and jaw in one hand, opening up your mouth before he roughly thrusted inside.
it sounded so filthy; the sounds escaping you were not cute and you were a bit embarrassed, but you were enjoying every second of the abuse to your mouth and throat. your panties were most definitely ruined at this point, and you could feel your pussy pulsating with every rough thrust of his cock down your throat.
“fucking take it, slut,” he grunted, his hips never ceasing their movements. you tried to breath through your nose as best you could, and were grateful for the small breaks he would allow you before going to town once again.
you braced your hands on his thighs as his pace quickened, his hips sloppy as he chased his high. there were no words shared and no derogatory comments spit at you as he grew closer and closer, his growls and snarls only growing louder with each passing thrust.
the sounds he was making were almost enough to get you to cum untouched, the mental stimulation almost overbearing as you felt your core tingle in need for him.
there was a nagging precense in the back of your mind that told you he wasn’t going to fuck you like you so desperately wanted him to, and there was a part of you that was perfectly okay with that.
the vampire let out a loud growl before he coneoktelt buried himself to the hilt down your flexing throat, your head knocking into the wall behind you as his cum shot directly down your esophagus.
it was uncomfortable, but you managed to swallow what you could before he pulled out and shot the rest of his hot cum all over your awaiting face.
you basked in the feeling of each shot landing on your skin, and you closed your eyes. your body felt as if it had no energy left, and you barely noticed him pulling his pants back up and fastening them closed in one swift movement.
you were right about him not fucking you or returning the favor, which was fine considering the lack of strength you currently had. the burn in your core was slowly fading along with your physical and mental strength.
as you lay slumped against the wall, his cum painted on your face and mouth, you mustered up the strength to look at and found him perched on your windowsill, ready to leave.
“what’s your n-name?” you croaked, your eyes barely open.
you could make out a smile forming on his lips.
“renjun,” he quickly responded, a lightness in his voice that you hadn’t heard before and that was a complete contrast to his earlier tone.
“and don’t worry, darling. I’ll be back for you.”
and in a quick flash, he was gone, and it was like he wasn’t ever there in the first place.
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voltagesmutter · 4 years
Jumin x MC - Sleepy Sex.
Pairing: Jumin Han
Fandom: Mystic Messenger 
Prompt: Sleepy sex || Religion Kink || Mirror Sex
Warning: Fingering, sleepy sex, marital bliss, vaginal sex, internal cumshot, Me just being weak for a new man, references to Jumin story-line and plot.
Note: 2nd to last piece for Kinktober from @alloveroliver​​, please accept sweet tender Jumin as apologies for Pet-play Jumin.
The autumn breeze blew outside, sweeping fallen leaves from the floor and swirling them around the air. Trees rustled and branches swayed, couples wrapped up in warm coats and wool scarves matched with gloves to keep warm in the hazy glow of the morning sun. A thin layer of frost, barely visible to the eye, settled across the grass. Making it glisten in the rising sun's light. 
But the slowly waking up of outside caused no stir for a couple in bed. Too busy embraced in sleep to notice the changes going on out in the world. Too lost in their own blissful paradise to acknowledge anything else but themselves. 
The Manor House was silent apart from the gentle noise of breath softening, Jumin slowly stirring awake. A natural for him to be up early due to Elizabeth the Thirds feeding schedule but this time, he stayed exactly where he was. Pulling his lover, whose back was curled into his chest, tighter towards him and burying his nose in the crook of her neck. In-hailing and savouring her scent, rose perfume mixed with lingering wine, the scent of her was his favourite. The scent of home, warmth, love and protection. 
The arm around her waist kept her close as she mumbled slightly, a tiny yawn escaping her lips as her eyes slowly fluttered open. The floor to ceiling curtains draped shut, allowing only a teasing peak of the light outside into the room. A ‘Good Morning’ was muffled into the pillow as she shifted back, no inch of separation between them. 
“Good morning Mrs.Han,” Softly whispered, followed by lips pressed to the crook of her neck. Earning a deeply content smile from the corner of her lips as the arm around her waist squeezed her waist slightly.
“It still feels strange being called that,” Her voice a little hoarse, drifting in between the realm of sleep and being awake. 
“You have the rest of your life to get used to it,” He hummed, his matching smile visible against her neck. The light scratch of his barely visible stubble rubbing against her skin, a flood of soft giggles leaving her lips each time it tickled against her.
“Mmm I like the sound of that,” His left arm over her waist lifted to find her left hand, intertwining his fingers over hers just beneath her chin. A fresh set of gold wedding bands both on their rings fingers, placed under twenty fours ago in an extravagant affair in front of close friends and family. A little over a year of being together, they had married in the glow of the fall sunset beside the lake of the stately manner. 
Jumin had never been looking for love, he’d never even been looking for a relationship. Whenever anyone, his father, would press into the matter of his love life he would shut them down instantly. He cared none for the rumours spread by the media of his sexuality, the teasing of his friends, the snarky comments by his father. All he cared for was himself, his working effort and most importantly Miss Elizabeth the Third. 
That was until she came into his life…
A joyous whirlwind of emotions, bringing a new way to view life to his normally bleak world. She brought colours into his world, teaching him over message and voice calls how optimistic life can be without having full control. How to let loose on the grip of holding the reins so tight. She supported him through the rocky road of the pushing ‘engagement’ between him and Sarah, supported him to finally stand up to his father, the running away of Elizabeth. Helping him to cope with his emotions rather than perusing through regretful and dominating actions to keep in charge of everything in his life. 
Their involvement in each other’s life and relationship developed rapidly within the first two weeks of her entering his life, staying at his for safety before the RFA party causing great concern for the others. Only they had the most wonderful of evenings, sharing a bottle of wine in front of open fire whilst engaging life stories and personal moments. Jumin went as red as the vintage wine in his hand when she kissed his cheek to say goodnight, mind and emotions racing from dusk till dawn. Minute by minute she became of importance to his life, the night she stayed with him was the night that he released how he felt. That she was the one for him, the only woman to be interested in him and not his money or father. 
They finally became a couple at the RFA event the following days after, Jumin unable to hold himself back. Breaking his normal composter as he came clean without how he felt, how she had affected him and stirred feelings in him that he’d never felt before. She responded with her own reciprocal feelings, her lips meeting his on the outside balcony. The party seemed miles away rather than just behind the closer doors as they lost themselves in each other. Jumin finally breaking apart to tell her, “I think… Miss. Elizabeth and I would like it if you would could our home, yours”. She moved in with him that night. 
“Say it again,” She sighed softly, giggling to feel his lips press against the base of her neck. One of his favourite hidden places to kiss her. 
“You looked even more beautiful than ever yesterday,” His lips moving up her neck. “Simply exquisite,”. His lips found the soft spot beneath her ear as nuzzled her hair out of the way with his face. She let out a pleasant hum, her eyes falling onto the sheer white dress she had worn. Skin tight bodice with lace trailing from her shoulders down to her wrists, a flowing silk skirt that touched the ground. A price tag that made her eyes water, but Jumin insisted he would pay whatever for the wedding. That her happiness was worth every penny. Not that she demanded or wanted a big white wedding, all she wanted was him and all he wanted was her.
“You looked rather handsome yourself Mr.Han,” Unable to hold back the gasp in her throat as he moved back down to her neck. Lips pressing over and over until they sucked down on a spot, a spot he knew made her knees weak. 
Letting go off her left hand to push the blankets keeping them warm away, settling his hand on top of her thigh which was pushed up against his. “It seems such a shame to waste such a beautiful outfit,” A slight drop of his normal soft voice to be replaced with a huskier tone. His reference to the silk nightgown she was wearing, crystal white with trimmed lace over her breasts and settling just beneath her thighs. Whilst they’d been intimate many a time in their relationship, practice for the wedding night as Zen would cheekily refer to it. The couple was still to consummate their marriage. The mixture of high excitement and aged wine caused them both to fall asleep in each other’s embrace. 
A different type of martial bliss than what was expected.
“What do you say we take full advantage of it…” A rock of hips against her making her gasp at the hardness pressing against her. His fingertips tracing up her thigh and disappearing under the material of her night gown. A boldness and need that grew with his confidence during their relationship. Slowly pushing the material up, exposing her bareness underneath causing a low growl from her husband. His hand curling over her front to settle between her slightly parted thighs. Deft fingers teasing brushing over her sex to already feel the wetness of her slit, still in complete awe to feel how wet she already was from his teasing touches, simple words and gentle kisses, “Mrs.Han,”.
“-Jumin!” A gasp filling the quiet air, a finger coaxed in her arousal being pushed into her, another following shortly after. Continuing to kiss and gently nip over her neck, leaving the faintest trail of bites upon her skin- he was never a fan of leaving large physical marks upon her. His fingers continued to work inside her, pulling out every so often to circle over her clit before rejoining back inside her. His other hand curled beneath her body, tugging the dainty straps off her shoulders to free her breasts. The weight of them heavy in his palm, grasping with the feather like touches as he worked her slowly to climax. She came in gentle waves over his fingers, unable to stop his name falling from her mouth as hers hips jutted back. The added pressure of her bucking back against him caused low groans against her neck, ones that made her core tighten and her body shiver in anticipation with that was to come.
Neither of them were able to be apart any longer, her negligee tossed off her body quickly whilst Jumin stripped from his long pyjama top and trousers behind her. Resuming their position as skin pressed against skin, Jumin curling around her body from behind as they lay on their sides. Tiredness completely torn from either of them, the need to be one with their lover was empowering their thoughts. 
His already leaking head pressing against her core. Never had he had such physical urges, she brought out his inner primal needs. The desire to fill, to thrust, to love was consistently on his mind. 
Slowly pushing into her, pulling out after every inch, savouring the way her body moulded to him. The grip of her walls before they loosened, each time he pulled out he thrusted in a little further until finally her dripping cunt swallowed him whole. Sheathing himself inside her, inside his wife. Raw. Unbridled passion. Lust. Every emotion of love coursing from their veins, skin tingling on fire with the slow rocking of his hips up against her, a steady rhythm falling into place. The bed giving away their morning passion, it squeaking alongside their breathless moans, as if trying to convey and capture the eternal love they had for each other inside its springs. 
“Jumin!” Her hand instinctively grabbing his wrist as he brought it to circle her clit once more, back arching off her chest. Hips rocking back against his, meeting his every thrust. The slow precision, the calculated angles, all overwhelming her senses as she felt her peak reaching within her once more. The mixture of emotions and his perfected knowledge of her body was too much, unable to hold back the sighs of pleasure, letting the empty room know just how good her husband was too her.
‘I love you’ repeated over like a prayer from both of them, the hand cupping her breast rolling a nipple between his fingers. Her climax hitting her faster than expected, heavy waves of pleasure rolling across her body starting from the tip of her head to the bottom of her toes. Unable to hold back as she shuddered in his hold, body curling at its peak.
Holding her as she trembled in his embrace, the soft sound of clapping skin ringing through the air paired with the quickening breaths of him against the shell of her ear. The low groan that followed, one final push of his hips against her until warmth flooded her. The pulse of him inside her as he gently gripped her waist to keep her flushed against him as he came. 
They stilled in position, for maybe a minute, maybe ten. Neither of them sure as they basked in their blissful afterglow, his arm back around her waist to keep her nestled close to him. Tender kisses with delicate doting words of affection were whispered to her shoulder. The ability to think blanked from their minds, lazing in the sweaty shine of their love. Until finally Jumin pulled himself out of her heat, turning her with a gleaming smile to rest his eyes upon his wife properly for the first time that morning. 
“Mmm, good morning you,” Her eyes half lidded, threatening to shut as she rested her head upon his broad chest, an arm instinctively coming to wrap around her. 
“I wonder how Elizabeth is coping without us, I hope assistant Kang is not over feeding her again,” Concern in his voice, his free hand pushing the hair stuck to his forehead off his face.
“I’m sure she’s fine,” A yawn followed, the warmth of the blanket pulled back to envelope them. The flirting temptation to sleep pulling them back into its embrace.
“Maybe I can ask her to bring her to the airport this afternoon, so we can say goodbye,”.
“Jumin…” Pressing her lips to his chest, eye’s finally shutting, “We’re going on our honeymoon, I’m more than positive Jaehee can look after her for us for two weeks,”.
“Your right… I already have a schedule set up so we can facetime her daily, I’m sure she’ll miss us. I can’t stand that she can’t come, maybe I should invest in cat friend hotels-”
“-Jumin,” She cut him off by pressing a finger to his lips, “No more worrying,”. He didn’t answer back, just turning his head slightly to watch her chest rise and fall. The finger to his lip moved to rest of his shoulder, sprawling over his chest as she drifted back off into a peaceful slumber. His lips curving into a euphoric smile, his world, his meaning for life, his everything, in a tranquil state of blissful contentment resting upon him.
Normally he would rise, dressing and preparing for the busy schedule of the day. But for now, he’d simply stay in bed a little while longer, ready to face the adventures of the day and the rest of his life with her by his side.
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Kinktober masterlist here.
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queenofspades20 · 3 years
Dog walk
Synopsis: Just a little something inspired by my dog's antics today. Didn't meet anyone out of it (sadly), but was pretty funny. I'm sure I looked ridiculous. Could be seen as an AU or not (no mention of missions or anything).
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: some curse words, mostly just fluff.
Y/n ran into the door after getting home from work. She saw her sweet dog on the couch.
“Hi, Baby! I missed you so much today,” she said, as she walked over to pet him. Loki twitched his tail and adjusted his body, letting her know that he was excited she was home, but, as per usual, refused to get up.
Y/n sat next to him, petting his ears. She leaned down and kissed the top of his fluffy head. After a couple minutes of giving Loki some attention, Y/n got up.
“Okay, Bubba. I’m gonna change real quick and then we’ll go for a walk.”
Loki looked at her with interest at the “w” word, but didn’t move. Y/n went into her bedroom and changed into some workout capris and a tank top. She made her way back to the front door, where Loki’s harness and leash were hanging.
“Come on, Bear. Let’s go for a walk.”
Loki huffed and moved so his front paws were on the floor, while his hind legs were still on the couch and he stretched.
“Oh, good stretch. Come on, now. Let’s go.”
Loki’s back legs hopped off the couch and he sauntered over to where Y/n was standing. He allowed her to put on his harness, staying still. Once it was clipped into place, Y/n grabbed the dog bag dispenser and keys from their hook and led Loki out the door.
The walk went as it went every day. Loki sniffed and did his business, taking his time. They made their way around their neighborhood, Loki stopping frequently to smell each blade of grass. When they got halfway around the neighborhood, Loki decided he no longer wanted to walk and sat down.
“Okay then,” Y/n said, looking at her dog. This was a regular occurrence during their walks. Luckily, she wasn’t in a rush to get anywhere, so she decided to sit down next to him.
Loki immediately got excited and started sniffing her hair, trying to take a bite.
Y/n couldn’t contain her laughter as Loki then started to rub his body on her back, like a cat would. Luckily, this was not the first time Loki decided to show affection, so she was able to brace her body as he threw his against her body.
“Silly boy. What are you doing? Are you looking for butt scritches?” As she said this, Loki moved his butt towards her face, demanding pets. His tail hit her in the face. She moved her head, laughing. Y/n reached over and started rubbing his back. Loki started dancing from side to side, just lifting his back legs, enjoying the attention.
Bucky and Sam were walking around a neighborhood, where Bucky was thinking about buying. He wanted a change from the dark apartment he had been living in.
“What do you think, Buck?” Sam asked, looking around.
“It’s quiet around here, but not bad. I like it.”
They had just looked at one of the places for sale. It was just perfect for a single person. The price was pretty reasonable and it was in an area where there were plenty of restaurants and things to do nearby.
“I think you should get it if you like it. The realtor said they’re pet friendly, too, so you can think about getting something.”
“What would I get?”
Sam looked over and saw a woman with her dog. They were practically wrestling, though the dog was clearly in the lead. “A dog would be good.”
“Dogs are scared of me.” Bucky hadn’t noticed the woman yet, engrossed in looking at the details the realtor had provided.
“I doubt that.”
“A dog would never want to get near me.”
Sam tapped Bucky on the shoulder and pointed to the woman and the dog. “I bet that dog would.”
Bucky saw the pair playing. He smiled at the sight before him. “Yeah right. I’m sure that dog would attack me before I got too close to its owner.”
“Dinner says the dog wouldn’t attack.”
“Fine. I’ll go.” Bucky grumbled. He was sure the dog wouldn’t let him near the dog or its owner.
As he made his way over, he was struck by how pretty the owner was. Probably married, he thought to himself. When he was about 20 feet away, he made himself known.
While he expected the dog to jump in front of its owner, not what actually happened. The dog jumped and tried to run away, pulling the woman back, almost causing her to fall flat.
“Loki! You scaredy cat!” Y/n yelled, laughing. She pulled him closer and rubbed the top of his head. “You’re fine, Bubba. He’s not even that close to us.”
Bucky felt horrible. “Are you okay?”
Y/n smiled at him. “Yeah. Not the first time he’s done that. He’s easily startled. Definitely not guard dog material. Is there something I can help you with? I’m assuming you wanted to speak with me.”
Bucky thought she had the kindest eyes he had ever seen. He felt himself flushing. “I was wondering if I could pet your dog.”
“Sure! Just walk a little slowly and it helps if you crouch down when you get closer. He’s not a fan of people bigger than him,” Y/n said with a laugh.
Bucky moved forward and did as she suggested. He crouched down. Once he did, the dog inched his way towards Bucky. Bucky held out his hand. “It’s okay, Buddy. I won’t hurt you.”
“Go ahead, Loki. Make a new friend. He just wants to pet you.”
Bucky kept his eyes on the dog. “Loki?”
The woman smiled at him. “He’s a bit chaotic and every once in a while, I’m convinced he’s dead set on world domination. Just gets that look in his eyes. Seemed to fit. That, and he actually answered to it. He wouldn’t answer to the name he came with.”
Bucky looked at the woman with a bit of confusion on his face.
“Shelter dog,” she clarified. “The shelter asked me if I was going to change his name. I told them I was thinking about it. And the woman doing the paperwork was just like, ‘good. Cuz he won’t answer to the one he has now.’ Kind of made up my mind for me,” Y/n said with a laugh. “I’m Y/n, by the way.”
Bucky smiled at Y/n. “I’m Bucky.”
“Nice to meet you, Bucky. Are you new to the neighborhood? Haven’t seen you around before.”
“Uh, I’m thinking about buying one of the units that’s for sale.”
“Well, it’s a great area. Not crazy expensive, plenty of things nearby, but also pretty quiet.”
“I was noticing that.”
There was a lull in the conversation, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. Bucky kept petting Loki, when Loki moved around Bucky and started to sniff at his hair.
“What the . . .” Bucky started. He felt a cold nose on the back of his head. It wasn’t unpleasant, but was definitely a weird feeling.
“Um, so I think he’s going to scent mark you.”
Bucky looked terrified. “He’s going to what?” Bucky tried to turn around to face the dog, but the leash was preventing him from fully turning around.
“So, like when a cat rubs its body on your legs, Loki likes to rub his body on your back. He rarely does it. He must really like you.” Y/n looked surprised. She moved her hands down the leash and stood up, trying to pull Loki closer to her without it hurting Bucky or Loki.
Bucky felt a mass of weight move against his back. He caught himself before falling.
“Loki, stop,” Y/n said sternly. “Shit, I’m sorry.” She managed to get Loki to move further away from Bucky.
Bucky just laughed. “It’s okay. Not what I expected when I came over here. You said it’s cuz he likes me.”
“Well, he’s marking you as his.” Y/n moved to look at Bucky’s back and winced. “I’m sorry. Your back is now full of dog fur.” She made to brush some of it off.
“It’s fine.” Bucky felt a sudden surge of confidence. He had thought Y/n was pretty. “If you wanna make it up to me, you can let me take you to dinner one night, maybe show me around the area?”
Y/n looked surprised. She had never had someone come on to her like that before, but she couldn’t deny she was interested in the gorgeous brunette. “I can make it up to you by letting you take me out? Shouldn’t I be the one paying?”
“I’m old fashioned.” Bucky waived off her comment. “So, what do you say?”
Y/n smiled. “I’d like that. Let me give you my number and we can set up the details.”
Bucky unlocked his phone and held it out to Y/n. Y/n reached out and quickly put in her number, sending herself a text. She heard a R2-D2 beep, letting her know the text had gone through. She handed the phone back to Bucky, who saved her number.
“I sent myself a text, so I know not to ignore your call. I tend to not answer unknown calls.”
“Smart. Well, I’ll be seeing you soon then.” Bucky leaned over and kissed her on the cheek.
“Bye, Bucky.” Y/n had a slightly dazed look in her eyes, surprised by Bucky’s kiss. She bit her bottom lip, trying to contain the giant smile she felt coming. “I look forward to hearing from you.”
Y/n turned away and led Loki on to walk more. Bucky made his way back over to Sam, who was smirking.
“So, where are you taking me to dinner?”
Bucky looked at Sam. “Normally, I’d have a comment, but as I got a date with a beautiful dame, I’m gonna let it go.”
Sam smiled victoriously. They made their way over to the car. “Let’s go to dinner and you can tell me about her.”
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nootgi · 4 years
Control - MLQC Victor
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Victor. In all of Loveland city this man was known as a successful and stoic CEO. His face always had a look of indifference and never showed what was ticking away in his mind. His sharp eyes gleamed dominance and control, just a glare could leave someone shaking in their boots. When the tabloids tried to press and probe into his life, they found nothing but empty rumours and dead ends. He's kept tight reigns on his personal life. No-one could imagine what he does in his personal life. No-one knows what the stone faced CEO does in his free time. No-one except me.
A:N:// this is me posting from my ao3 account onto tumblr! if you wanna read it there my username is the same as my tumblr! Anyways this was from a while back during my pegging spree- 
Word Count: 2130
Warnings: Bottom Victor, Nipple clamps, Bondage and a whole lotta teasing
When I had first met Victor, he walked into the building with people flying around him to bow and appear busy. He oozed confidence from the way his shoulders were pulled back and how his long strides made it seem like he was gliding with each step. His hair shined in the sun, making my fingers itch to run through it. When he stood in front of me, he was looking down at me, literally and figuratively. I was practically eye level with his chest and thought to myself 'Does he really need that tight of a shirt!?' The shirt practically stuck to his chest, showing the perfect slope of his pecs and his small waist. His shadow had literally swallowed me up as he towered over me and there was that infuriatingly cocky smirk on his face when he challenged me. What I would do to wipe that off his face.
Monday, 1:55pm.
Lunch was just coming to an end as tired workers made their way back to the office. The building once again bustled with life as Goldman rushed out of the elevator. He was off schedule a little, he and Victor needed to leave ASAP to even reach the meeting on time. He silently prayed for himself as he reached for the handle of Victor's office door. Suddenly the sound of footsteps, telephones ringing and everyone paused. Silence.
From the silence sounded out a whimper. "Are you ready for your challenge Victor?"
In the center of the open office space was Victor, kneeling. His arms offered him no support as they were tied behind his back with the purple tie he was previously wearing. Moments before the pause he was sitting at his desk till a certain dummy had walked in with her swaying hips and sultry eyes. His neat shirt was undone and his chest was littered with countless lipstick stains and bite marks. Each left with a painstakingly slow pace, fueling the fire burning inside of Victor even more. Her kisses had trailed down his torso, avoiding his nipples, only leaving feather-like touches on them. Every touch from her felt scorching, like her hands were trying to burn themselves into Victor's mind. Feel her even when she's not there. The pants she took off next with swift hands, leaving Victor bare in his office. The cold air from the AC was a sharp contrast to the throbbing heat between Victor's legs, unconsciously he bucked his hips drawing a laugh out of her. Her hands instantly went exploring the newfound expanse, from his feet to his thighs. She massaged her way up, slowly removing the tenseness from the muscles. She always knew the right places to calm his body down. Behind her hands followed her lips, each press made his body melt and just as he was fully relaxed a sharp bite was left of his inner thigh. Startled, he let a moan slip from his lips and fill the silent office. As it echoed around the room, a beautiful red blush bloomed on Victor's chest and cheeks. She always said red looked amazing on him.
Victor glanced at the clock that read 1:45pm and sighed realising that the foreplay has dragged on a little too long. "You've had your fun teasing me but now it's time to--" Victor began to speak, "Who said the fun was over Victor~?" Her voice was low in his ears, the evil in her laugh made the hairs stand up on the back of his neck. "I don't think so." Victor picking up on she meant, instantly rejected. "Why? You don't think you could be a good boy and show me how strong you are?" As she was speaking, her fingers came up to run through his hair. Victor leans into her touch, enjoying her soft touch. The thought of praise caused the breath to catch in his throat. "Prove it to me Victor, show me how amazing you really are." Her voice caused Victor's body to shiver in anticipation as he nodded eagerly. "I accept, though I doubt a dummy like you could do much to make me lose control." Her eyes shone with determination the moment Victor let that comment out.
"You forget who's in control now."
1:54pm, Victor was tied up with red rope in the middle of his office. His thighs were tied to his calves and kept from touching with a metal bar behind his knees. His cock was left exposed to the world and to make matters (fun) worse, he was facing the door in this position. 'Did she lock it?' as if reading his thoughts she smirked and shook her head. 'I don't need it to be locked. I'll win.' On his tip there was a small vibrator taped against it, the setting currently on a low vibration. There was another vibrator sat below his shaft and slightly touching his balls, leaving much to be desired. Just below that sat the jewel head of a plug, that was slowly inserted into Victor. He was a sight to behold. His back was straight and shoulders pushed back. He held his head high, purple orbs glazed over with intense lust and concentration. It would appear nothing was bothering him if not for that tremble on his lips.
Victor picked up on the hurried footsteps of Goldman and the second the minute hand moved, time had paused. His heartbeat started to race, now feeling the stakes of their challenge. If he loses control, he will be shamed and humiliated.
"Let's begin." She was now seated at his desk, her newly done nails tapping against the wood. The challenge is to hold time till she is finished with the work she has to do. If he does it successfully there is promise of having her ruin him. The very thought of having her thrust into him steals his nerves and motivates him.
The first ten minutes is uneventful, the constant vibrations are slowly making his tip leak and the liquid is somehow making the vibrations more intense. His muscles are starting to cramp a little causing his body to shift, as he moved his weight onto one knee, the ropes contracted. The rough dig into his skin made him groan and he just knew marks will be left. He tried to peek a look towards the woman and a whine almost slipped past his lips when he had noticed she never even looked his way once. As if feeling his stare her hand rises, holding a remote. The increase in intensity on his cock gave some clue as to what the remote was for. Her eyes lit up in amusement when a choked moan fell from his lips.
"Keep your eyes forward." The ice in her voice left no room for disobedience. His eyes move back to the door handle instantly. His body started to shake, feeling the toll of freezing time and the stimulation. He stares at the door handle, trying to ground himself and zones out.
His concentration is broken when he hears the clicking of heels approach him. His smug smile started to appear thinking that his victory was secured.
"That's all? I thought you were going--" His words were cut off when the sound of chains came from her hands. She crouched down and there was a sneer on her lips.
"You think that low of me, Sir?" Her lip curved up into a cruel smile and the source of the noise was revealed. Nipple clamps. There was a sharp intake of breath as the metal was snapped onto his flesh. Holding the clamps together was a chain which she used as support to lift herself to stand. The tug made a cry leave Victor, to the girl it wasn't hoarse enough too much clarity. She stood over Victor, drawing his face by the chin to look up to her. Her manicured nails felt so good against his scalp when they ran through his raven locks. Her other hand caressed his clenched jaw, soothing the intense look on Victor's face.
"Hmm, you're doing so well baby." That simple praise made Victor arch his back. The amusement that burnt in her eyes were clouded by lust. Victor again was left in the middle of his room, the clamps starting to make his nipples sore.
Another half hour passes when she comes back. She lightly taps on the clamps, making Victor cry out. There's a small laugh as her hands make her way down his chest. They skip over his neglected cock and straight towards the plug. With one push, Victor was sprawled on his back and legs spread in the air. She ran her nails along the back of his thighs, light red streaks following behind. Her fingers wrap around the base of the plug and Victor holds his breath. She pulls it out till the tip is left and pushes it back in instantly. She relentlessly thrusts the plug into Victor's ass. There's a snide smile as Victor writhes underneath her, his legs trying close but the metal bar prevents him. His back arches perfectly off the office rug, his small waist begging for hands to wrap around it. As the thrusts begin to pick up speed, Victor feels his mind slipping away from him. His moans are starting to become unrestrained and drawn out. When he feels his orgasm approaching, everything stops. His eyes snap open, he hadn't realised they had shut, and he looks towards the woman confused. She says nothing as she lifts Victor back onto his knees by his shoulder.
He's back to facing the door but the girl doesn't leave him. She moves behind him, her hands lingering around him. Leaving every nerve on edge.
"Is this what you call working?" His voice was shaky to start with but regained its bite towards the end.
"The report is being uploaded. Till it is done, I'm not finished." Victor felt her hands wrap around his torso. One trails up to tug on the chain and the other wraps around his cock. He falls back into her touch, head resting back on her shoulder. Victor looks up at her, mouth gaping open as the sensations take over his body once again. Her cool hand on his cock made him jerk hips and the vibrators shifted down. The vibrations were now concentrated on his balls, causing more ecstasy to run through his veins. Her hands leave his shaft and move lower, back to the plug. She moves her lips to his ears, kissing the shell before whispering.
"Will you be good?" The whimper from Victor was all she needed to continue her actions.
In the middle of his office, Victor was on the floor in the arms of the one he loved the most. Falling apart in the most delicious way. The stinging pain of his nipples, the torturous vibrations on his balls and the fast thrust of the plug made his mind break. The more he lost his control, the louder the moans grew. His thighs quivered, toes curling as he felt the familiar peak approaching. One last tug of the clamps bought Victor's ruin down on him. The burning in the pit of his stomach finally exploded out, coating his chest. He's left panting against her chest and as he comes down from his high is only then when he realises. Goldman was rattling the door handle and knocking confused. Then to his left sounded the ding of a completed file. She knew he’d lose.
Victor looks back towards her, eyes glazed over from his orgasm. In her eyes he looked like a lost puppy.
"You lost." Her lips were pulled into a victorious grin and honestly seeing that glee on her face was worth the loss. Victor, too enraptured in her, didn't notice Goldman leaving. She begins to kiss down his jaw, sweet praises leaving her lips to relax Victor's body. He whines against her lips to remove the vibrators and she laughs softly whilst removing them. Victor tended to get silent after an intense orgasm, his voice often hoarse from the constant crying out. There were tender kisses placed onto his nipples as the clamps were removed. Once everything was removed and cleaned, he moved to the couch, laying on top of the girl. She held his head against her chest, fingers running through his hair. Reassuring him that he did well even though he lost.
"The report better be good." He says begrudgingly after a beat of silence.
Only she knew how to take apart the composed character Victor had built. Only she knew how he spent his time. Only she knew how to make him lose control.
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baekhypnotized · 4 years
CH2 [M] | Nothing Without You
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Baekhyun is a CEO and you are his secretary. But there’s a catch, because outside both of your office lives, you’re his full time prostitute. Your relationship is forbidden and it shouldn’t even exist in the first place because you are nothing alike. How far will your relationship go?
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genre(s): angst, fluff, romance, smut
pairing(s): you/reader & baekhyun
warning(s): cursing, sex scenes, mention a little bit of alcohol
word count(s): 6255
author’s note: Sorry for the really late update since I was struggling in finishing my semester and I finally have my semester break now. This scene is a little bit steamy (or many) but I hope you guys enjoy reading it since it has been awhile since I last wrote stories. Enjoy and always stay safe!! 
tag list: @hyuniebaby @you-n-mee @lovetothefullestx3 @christiandosworld @bbh192 @totallynerdstuff @conversesarelife @lucidbaekhyun @sunbyun21 @dreamingofdreamydream @thegreatandi @milky-baek @bockhyun @xoxoerigom @mawmiaw @in3vitably3v3 @sebootyforlife @itsbaekhyunsbutt @kyoongielegend @baekklove @keenoperaherozine @gangsta-dragon @dong-hyuc @bbhmystar @byunsbobobu @baekmack @byunsugar @echodawn22626 @akasakura12 @buttercupbbh @you-n-me-e-e​ @endzii23​ @insta1010​ @strawbaeri-s​ @lucymheng​ @xlxbaekhyuneex​ @realllllrica​
Do tell me if you guys want me to tag for every update!! I can tag some of you guys and maybe some of you need to check the settings!! :( 
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The future...
People would say living under the same roof with Baekhyun is a privilege as you can be called as the luckiest person in the person. A fancy and spacious penthouse with such a marvelous interior design and you would bet that he spent millions to build this house and you believe that the designers that accepted his offer must be rich right now. As his house is at the most top of the building, it makes sense that he owns this place because you heard from your colleagues that he practically owns the whole building. 
So, do consider yourself the lucky one to be living with him? You have no answer to the question. 
But, living with him obviously, there are rules that you need to obey. Apart from having sex with him by saying yes, you get to have a whole room just for your private space and you get to do anything in the house except entering his room. Baekhyun warns you the first day you moved in about the rules that he provided.
“You’re not allowed to enter my room. Do you understand, kitten?” Baekhyun warned you on the first day at his house. You have your head’s setting low, slowly nodding your head as a sign that you understand. Then, he harshly cupped your jaw, almost choking you as he made you look into his furious gaze. “I hate it when people don't reply to me. Use your words.” 
Every syllable that he spoke with his low tone made your stomach turn into a big coil inside.  “Y-yes, daddy,” You replied as you stuttered. Once Baekhyun is satisfied, he lets you go from his hold and you begin to breathe in a lot of air after having slight suffocation. You felt that your heart stopped the whole moment and you can’t imagine how’s your life with him.
And there’s you right now, still alive and also under his full care plus money. 
As you are preparing to go to work, you kinda speed up since you don’t want him waiting for you. A plain blue blouse with a pencil skirt, your hair tied into a ponytail and you add on a simple makeup to make you look fresh for today. Once you’re done, a few sprays of perfume are added as the finishing touch, the perfume that Baekhyun personally bought back from his business trip in New York. 
The moment you stride out from your room, the very exact moment he exits from his too. He manages to exude the hotness although he only wears such a simple outfit, a pair of blue-black suit with his hair parted in the middle. Baekhyun doesn’t realise your presence at first but once he’s walking down the hallway, his eyes meet yours. 
“Good morning, kitten,” He flashes a subtle smile, taking a step closer to you. His arm wraps around your small frame and when he leans for a peck on your cheek, you can feel your heart beating rapidly, hoping he wouldn’t hear it. Right after he lands a kiss, Baekhyun leaves you behind in a confused state, walking downstairs as he is ready to go to work. But when he just found out you didn’t follow him, he turns around to look at me who’s standing blankly on the upper level. 
“Kitten, what are you waiting for? We’re going to be late for my morning monthly meeting with the others. You don’t want to ruin it, right?” He speaks with his low tone, keeping his hands into the pocket of his pants. You rush downstairs like a gullible child to catch up on him but as Baekhyun leaves the house, the sight of him chuckling makes your heart skip a beat. 
Even though Baekhyun can hire people to be his driver, he prefers to drive his car, black Audi Rs7, everywhere that he wants. He dislikes people to invade his comfort zone and moment, that’s what makes you assume that he’s an interesting guy despite his dominance aura. The two of you go straight to his car after leaving the lift and without wasting any time, you get into the passenger seat after his warnings in the house linger in your head. You do know what will happen if you disobey him and you don’t have the guts to do so.
It has been a few years you’ve been having this confidential relationship with Baekhyun and despite that, he already acknowledges you as a friend, there are a few times (most of them) you still feel that you’re literally just a slut in his life. Nothing more than that. Right from the start, you were never a friend to him and catching feelings should not have existed too.
But who would stop you from having feelings with Baekhyun when nowadays, he has been treating you differently? Different means, treating you nicely, talking politely and he always smiles at you that somehow makes you feel things. It’s weird seeing him behaving this way but truthfully, you never feel this happy and alive. 
The journey to the office is in silence and you are busy admiring the nice weather through the window, wondering how good it is to have a walk at this perfect moment. “Kitten,” Baekhyun calls for you and as you turn to look at him, he slowly slides his right hand to hold onto yours, entwining around your fingers. “Today is such nice weather. Don’t you think so?” He steals a glance at you before his eyes are back on the road. 
You silently nod, your whole body is still hard as a rock with your hand still in his grips but you loosen up after seeing a sight of him smiling so bright. “Yeah, I was thinking the same thing too,” You reply, mesmerizing and appreciating the moment that you’re having right now. Maybe it’s pure coincidence that Baekhyun thinks the same thing as you did. The most important thing is the two of you acknowledge the day that would be a nice starter for the mood today. 
“Do I have any schedule this evening?” He throws a question that makes you pull your hand from his hold, taking out your tablet in the bag as you check his schedule. He waits for your reply with a few glances and when you say, “No,” he continues, “Postpone all my schedules and appointments to tomorrow because we’re going to leave work early for today. Do I make it clear?” Baekhyun faces you and you simply nod. 
He extends his hand to caress your hair softly before he murmurs, “That’s my girl.” 
— — — —
When you thought that this morning would be a good starter of the day for you and Baekhyun, it abruptly turned gloomy when one of the members that attended the meeting spoiled the presentation. You were sitting right next to him like a stone with your lips tightly shut as followed by the others. Once all of you guys in the room sense that the boss is in a tension mode, none of you guys dare to say anything. Baekhyun is literally eyeing— glaring at Jaehyun who’s definitely shaking as he’s the only one that stands on his feet. 
Baekhyun unbuttons his blazer, changing his sitting position from crossing his legs and places his hands on the desk. He connects his fingers together as they form a ball of clench. You construe that he’s fuming in anger with the way he’s behaving right now. None of the members in the hall have their heads facing the front, setting them low as they stare on the desk anxiously. 
He then begins to vociferously speak, “Jaehyun, do you know that we have an important meeting today?” Jaehyun nods his head as a reply to his question. “Then? How can you freakingly forget to complete the presentation when you’re supposed to explain it to us? Care to explain, Mr Jaehyun?” Baekhyun taps his fingers on the table and the thuds can be heard clearly since the room is in complete silence.
“Mr Byun, I-I c-can ex-explain…” As Jaehyun is about to speak, Baekhyun snaps him off with his hand raised in the air. He gets off from his seat, signalling at you before he storms away leaving the meeting room together with the members in awed. You quickly gather your stuff and shortly bow to them as you’re afraid that he will look for you if you’re not following him. Once you step out from the room, you can hear everyone’s sighing, not knowing whether they are relieved or frustrated. Rushing to Baekhyun’s office room, you can see him standing close to the window, probably admiring the serene view of the city. 
“Lock the door, kitten.”
You gulp nervously, knowing what will happen next. Turning to follow his order, a rustling sound comes from behind and when you turn around, Baekhyun is left with his dress shirt, blazer hangs at the rack coat as he begins to unbutton his sleeve. He has his eyes set on you from afar, having this gaze that you couldn’t elucidate. 
He walks to take a seat on his chair, his legs already spreading to invite your presence when he loosens the tie around his collar and also unbuttons it. Gulping a large lump on your throat, you walk past the coffee table that was at the centre of the room as you place all your things there. Nervously, you rub your sweaty palms against your pencil skirt but eventually paces slowly towards him. 
Baekhyun keeps his furious gaze locked on you as you can feel it piercing through your skin. As when you arrive at his spot, a swift of him pulling you by your waist makes you gasp in surprise. You plop yourself on his lap, hands right on top of his chest with your face a few inches away from him. Your heartbeat begins to race so fast, worrying he might hear it.
He moves his lips closer to your lips, slightly brushing when he murmurs against it, “On the scale, 1-10, can you give it a guess on how mad I am right now, kitten?”. The question makes you start to perspire on the forehead and when you’re about to think seriously without avoiding to say the wrong thing, he decides to distract you as he’s palming your ass. 
“I-I…” You couldn’t find the answer but he keeps on teasing you, lifting your pencil skirt and begins to poke his fingers against the fabric of your panties. It makes you jolt, gripping his shoulders for support because right now, he’s making you crazy. For sure, your wetness is already pooling on your panties, begging for him to wreck you right away. 
“Time’s ticking, baby. You know how I hate wasting my time,” Baekhyun reminds. 
“8?? 8 and a half?...” You try to guess as you are flustered. He gives you a surprising look before a lopsided smile appears. “Baby, you’re so fucking cute but I just want to fuck you right now. On my table.” You don’t get to construe everything when he pounds his lips harshly on yours, causing you to follow his rhythm. Teeth clashing, he playfully bites your lower lip to make you give him space to enter your wet cavern. 
He lifts you up without breaking the kiss, placing you on the table but you were too desperate for his kiss. You let out a soft moan as Baekhyun groans into your lips. His rough voice makes you feel tingles in between your legs and as you need for more, he pulls away, staring at you with a fierce gaze. 
Baekhyun stands up from his seat, starting to unbuckle his pants as you can see him harden just from the steamy kiss. “We don’t have much time. Hold onto what you can because I’m going to blow your mind away.” He makes you lost in words after hearing what he said and also by seeing his thick cock standing proudly. A glistened pre-cum decorated at the tip of his dick, ready to torture you inside. “Spread your legs, baby and lie on your back.” 
You did what he said, waiting for his next move. Baekhyun positions himself in between your legs, smirking after he sees such a sight of your drenched panties. He takes it off from you, revealing your dripping sex awaiting for him to ruin it. He licks and bites his bottom lip lusciously. “You’re so wet,” He compliments. 
He pokes your dripping pussy with his fingers that causes you to gasp softly and then, he slides his digits into your hole to loosen you up. He stretches you first to make sure you’re ready with his big cock and when he speeds up, you can feel a coil tightens in your stomach. You’re so close to coming but when you’re at the edge, you don’t get to release yet when Baekhyun pulls out his fingers from you. But your liquids are already gushing out from your snatch where he scoffs amusingly as he witnesses it dripping. 
Baekhyun doesn’t warn you when he shoves his length into your tight little snatch, causing you to gasp inaudibly, stifling your soft moan by biting your lip. He chuckles but he doesn’t give you time to adjust with his length, in fact, he begins to thrust his hips, gliding in and out from your pussy. Your breathing is uneven, trying to control your breath when he continues to move without stopping. He doesn’t move with a moderate but instead, every second that flies, he speeds his thrusts.
Your insides are clenching around his thick dick but with the amount of force he exerted, he can push his tip through your tight walls. Hands trying to find grips around his arms but instead, you accidentally grip at the paper works on his desk before you find the edge of the table. 
“Oh, God… Aaahhh…” You whimper as you clamp your walls around his big hard length. Your eyes are half-lidded, your back arch upwards and at the same time, you try to move your hips to meet with his thrusts. After finding his tempo, it stimulates you to drown in your high and pleasure. 
“Fuck…” Baekhyun curses with his low voice as follows with him softly growls. The coil that starts to build up in your stomach causes you to feel blissful pleasure, especially when his tip finally found your sensitive spot. And when he hits only for a few times, you instantly gasp loudly, eyes flutter by the sudden intensification. Every syllable of moan that escapes from you abruptly makes Baekhyun hardens more as he rams into your pussy much faster. 
“B-Baekhyun- I-I…” You didn’t get to continue when he smacks the side of your thigh that possibly leaves a sting. 
“What did you call me, kitten?” Baekhyun questions with his husky voice but he sounds unsatisfied with it. 
“D-daddy… I-I’m going to come…” You correct it, feeling your core about to wreck and burst with the continuous hit from his dick at your prime spot. He scoffs clearly, gripping his hand around your neck to slightly suffocate you, causing you to gasp in short air. 
“Then, you need to beg for it then daddy will reward you,” He says. 
“D-daddy… please let the kitten come and fill me up…” You try to beg but since you haven’t got used to begging for him, you hope he’ll at least accept it. Baekhyun then pulls you to sit up, cupping your chin to force you to look into his piercing gaze as he gives you a smirk face. 
“You’re still shy for daddy, huh?” Baekhyun asks and you nod your head slowly. He brings his lips closer to yours as he murmurs, “Thank God that you’re cute, baby. Daddy gonna grant your wish now.” Baekhyun then pounds his cock mercilessly into your dripping core as you wrap your arms around his neck while trying to control your moans. You can feel that in any second, you’re gonna explode plus you can sense that he’s almost close too. 
Later, you finally come hardly with a loud groan and at the same time, Baekhyun shoots his strings of warm cum into your womb. Both of you are breathing hard, trying to calm down from the quick sex. His dick twitches in your pussy when he tries to release everything, making you bite your bottom lip to stifle your whimper. After a few minutes, he draws away from you and leaves your snatch as he witnesses the mixed cums dripping slowly from your hole.
You couldn’t hide your blushes from him especially after having a good fuck. Baekhyun offers you the tissue box to clean yourself up before he cleans himself off. You wipe the cums at your vagina and also some on his desk. He zips up his pants back, repairing his hair to look decent with his fingers. As when you’re done settling yourself, you hop off from the desk, realising that you crumple a few of his documents. 
“B-Baek- No, I mean, sir… I’m sorry for ruining your paper works… Do you want me to photocopy new ones?” You turn to face him but he blocks yourself, your back hits the edge of his table as Baekhyun brings his face closer to you. Instantly, your face begins to heat up, rosy cheeks appear. 
Baekhyun stares into your eyes before they land on your red plump lips. He dips for a peck, then later, a smile stretches across his face. “Yes please, baby,” He requests with a wink. Baekhyun leaves you there, standing like a statue while you try to decipher the situation. As you see him wear his tie and his coat back, you quickly escape from the awkward yet steamy moment after grabbing your stuff on the coffee table. Once you’ve closed his door, you lean your back on it, heaving a questionable sigh.
You don’t know whether you should be scared of him or not because right now, your heart couldn’t stop racing after what happened back in his office room. The moment when he turns rough during the sex but also the time when he gives you a sudden peck and treats you nicely. He’s messing up with your feelings but you keep your mindset straight back, knowing that you’re doing everything just for the exchange of him helping you out with most of the things. Especially back then when you required money for your mom’s operation.
It hurts to finally say that you’re doing anything for your family although it means that you need to sell your body to Baekhyun. In hope, you will never catch feelings for him and one day when you finally can afford to pay all of his debt, you can finally fly away with your wings spread wide.
If only it will happen one day. 
— — — —
As instructed by Baekhyun, the two of you leave the office quite early today. Why? Because he hasn’t told you anything about it. Maybe, he’s just feeling a bit off the weather but who are you to question him when he’s the boss? When it is the time for you guys to leave, you could see that your colleagues are talking silently with each other while witnessing you leaving the office with Baekhyun. 
You don’t even know if they assume you as Baekhyun’s sugar baby or a lover because the rumours shouldn’t be circulated in the building and if it does, he definitely will find the one who spreads false rumour and won’t let them go easily. With his power, everyone is afraid of him, as you too. 
After settling down on your seat beside the driver, you just realised that Baekhyun’s been eyeing you for quite a long and when your eyes are locked with his, an immediate heat rushes to your cheeks. Looking away quickly, you find yourself fidgeting your fingers together as you can feel his gaze burning your skin. 
“Are we going home now?..” You softly ask him and he finally eases, shaking his head to deny my question. “Then, are we heading somewhere? Are you sick?” Probably, it’s just my reflex by having the back of my hand placed on top of his forehead to check whether he’s getting a fever. Baekhyun was stunned at first, eliciting low chuckles as he brings your hand to hold onto it.
“I’m fine, sweetheart. Are you?” Now, it’s his turn to place his palm on your forehead. You couldn’t hold yourself from blushing when he’s being a lot more comfortable with you nowadays. You’re not sick, and that’s for sure but he would think you do because you’re heating up so bad just by his small action. Without saying anything, you slowly nod your head, as a result of him giving you a sweet smile. 
Baekhyun cups your cheek, brushing your cheekbone adoringly with his thumb where his smile doesn’t leave, “Since you’re behaving a good girl so far, I’ll grant you a wish. Name a place that you want to go and I’ll bring you there.” You are surprised upon hearing his words but none of it matters because you’re happy that you’re able to make him in a good mood. 
He waits for you to answer, thumb still caressing your cheek. “Can we go to the Han River park? I haven’t been there for quite long and I miss going there!” You say happily, however, Baekhyun’s eyebrows furrow that makes you panic worrying that he may dislike it. “N-No… We don’t h-have to go if you don’t want to, d-daddy… Let’s just go hom-”
A sudden peck lands on your lips that abruptly makes you stop talking a single word. “Baby, I didn’t say that I don’t want to, right? Are you worried that it might make me feel uneasy with it?” Baekhyun questions you but you keep your lips shut. He chuckles lightly as he says, “Hey, you don’t have to worry about me. I offer to grant you a wish and you know how I always keep my promises, right?” 
You slowly nod your head and he caresses your hair softly. “You don’t have to be scared of me, little one. I know that I can be scary when I’m mad,” He states the word ‘scary’ that causes you to flinch a bit but then, he calms you down by brushing his knuckles on your cheek. “-but you don’t need to be scared if you don’t do anything that can make me mad.”
“I want you to trust me completely but most importantly,” Baekhyun stops for a second, cupping both of your cheeks and invites you to look into his dark orbs. “-don’t let anything make you feel small and weak, baby. You’re worth more than everything in this world so you yourself are more important than others. Always look for yourself first, okay?” He utters, his voice is soft that makes you feel a tug at your heart. 
You’ve never heard anyone saying this sincerely because you know you aren’t worthy of everything. But, Baekhyun makes you feel… special. You are completely astonished listening to him saying those beautiful words and you’re happy for it. 
“Understand, baby?” He asks and you nod your head. Baekhyun is unsatisfied with your answer, “Only a nod? Where’s your voice, kitten?” He mocks playfully that makes you giggle softly. 
“Yes, daddy.”
“That’s my girl,” Baekhyun lands a kiss on your lips before he buckles himself with the seatbelt. He steals a glance of you with a smile spreads across his face as he joyfully says, “So, Han River park, then?” 
— — — —
Baekhyun drives the two of you straight to the park to grant you wish right away. You don’t know what the heck happened because you’ve never seen him so… ecstatic. Throughout the journey, ‘Mirrors’ by Justin Timberlake was played on the radio and somehow, both of us found the spark when you guys spontaneously sang along cheerfully. The way his smile etched on his face as he sings, the way he steals glances at you as he tries to look at you singing. 
You don’t find it weird when your heart keeps on pacing at a faster rate but maybe, it’s a part of the adrenaline because you have so much fun being with him. 
“It’s not too hot, right?” Baekhyun turns to look at you as he initiates the talk. He’s walking together right beside you, strolling down the pathway along the river. You subtly smile at his question. Indeed, today is such a nice day when everything that happened on this day just feels different. With him having a very good mood, you’re happy as well.
“You know what? Thank God I get rid of my coat and tie or I’ll be sweating as hell now,” He informs, sounding grateful enough that makes you chuckle softly. 
“You’re already sweating? Woah, that’s pretty quick, dad- Baekhyun,” Quickly, you call his name instead of the usual ones since you guys are in public. You don’t want people to find out although it’s our matter and thankfully, you talked about it before with Baekhyun and he was fine with it. 
Baekhyun stops by, hands on his hips as the wind keeps on messing with his hair. You turn around to check on him, your heart skips a beat seeing him looking… hot. His messy hair, sleeves folded up until his elbows that can make his veins visible and with him panting a bit because he’s starting to sweat heavily. You’re trying to believe that he’s a human because he’s just too perfect to be one. Yet, you’re one of the lucky people to be able to see the handsomeness of Byun Baekhyun. 
“We just walk for like 10 minutes,” You scoff lightly as you continue, “Do you want to take a rest first? We can still breathe in fresh air though.” He instantly beams brightly and right away takes a seat to the nearest bench. You follow him from behind, plopping yourself right next to him. Since you’re wearing a pencil skirt, you struggle to sit properly to avoid people eyeing weirdly at you. 
“You’re okay there, kitten?” Baekhyun asks you and you nod your head. “Are you really sure? I can’t run to the car to take my coat if you want,” He tries to offer but you convince him that it’s fine with a subtle smile. “Alright then. If you say so,” Baekhyun settles comfortably and the two of you are basking in the silence yet a calmful moment. It’s been a while to be able to be outside, breathing the fresh air especially when your life was hard in the first place.
You just need a spare of time for yourself, although it’s hard to escape from your reality and responsibilities, especially towards your family. It was your destiny and you can’t easily run from it. 
“How’s your mother? Is everything going well with her treatment?” Baekhyun decides to break the silence and talks about your mother. You nod your head, staring at the ground blankly. It was hard to sacrifice yourself over everything just for the sake of your loved ones. “Hey, if you need any help, you can tell me, okay? I can wire you money anytime,” He adds, bringing his hand to hold onto yours as he puts a little pressure.
You don’t even know meeting Baekhyun is a blessing or just another nightmare for you. You were or might still be a prostitute that gets paid but being with him… it’s totally different. He did a lot of things for you but a sudden realisation hits you because it was stated in the agreement. Baekhyun provides you everything including financial when you just simply give away yourself to fulfil his pleasure. No strings attached. You clearly remember that.
“It’s getting hotter, you know. How about I treat you an ice cream? Are you up for it?” The moment Baekhyun offers it, it manages to distract yourself from your thoughts as you beam. 
You specially request with an innocent giggle, “Make it double scoops of chocolate ice cream, sir.” Baekhyun is surprised with it, but then later, he has his hand to ruffle your hair harshly before he mutters, “I’ll be right back.”
The time of being alone is definitely golden. You keep on questioning what will happen in your future because you couldn’t see a glimpse of the light of it. Will you be able to pay all the debt? Will you have a stable job without getting attached to someone? Will you have a family on your own?
Seeing those people playing basketball together, some of them spending their time with their family and kids makes you feel jealous. Because you aren’t sure if you'll be able to find the love of your life when he knows how filthy you are. Love should be pure but yours is impossible. You still think that true love doesn’t exist in this cruel world and yet, you’re still seeking for one. 
Will the right one come into your life to dote and love you unconditionally? 
Not until you’re free from Baekhyun’s hold. Baekhyun, he’s just— complicated. After years knowing him, you still couldn’t understand him fully. He prefers to be discreet about his personal life and as for the agreement, he was so strict during the early years but right now, he changed. No men have touched you as soft as him. Maybe only once, you feel appreciated and loved by him (only as his ‘sugar baby’). He treats you like a woman and you’re too grateful to experience it in your life. 
“Double scoops of chocolate ice cream is here!” Ice cream pops in front of your eyes as he passes it to you. You take it from him, softly thank him while Baekhyun sits back at his usual spot. He’s anticipatingly waiting for your review and when he sees you begin to lick as a smile instantly appears, he’s grateful. Both of you are busy finishing the ice creams without saying anything while watching people around the park and sometimes exchanging gazes. 
“It’s really nice to be outside today. Are you having a good time?” Baekhyun tilts his head to look at you who are still trying to finish your ice cream. “Yeah,” You mutter softly but then, he suddenly leaves low chuckles. You’re clueless, tilting your head sideways as you look at him. “Hold on. Don’t move,” He instructs and you obey.  
Baekhyun moves closer and extends his hand to wipe off an ice cream stain at the edge of your lips with his thumb. “Such a messy girl you are, huh? Just like a little girl,” He mutters softly but you can hear it clearly. You didn’t get to calm yourself down from his mere action when he continues to say, “My girl.”
You can feel your cheeks begin to burn. Looking away from him, you finish up the cone and wipe your mouth with the tissue. “The Sun is almost setting. Do you want to go home?” You ask him and wait for his replies. 
“Let’s have dinner straightaway since I think I would be too lazy to go out right after we get home. Let’s go.”
— — — —
And when you thought going back home after dinner will make you have the time to rest, you couldn’t. Instead, Baekhyun’s in the mood for sex especially when both of you have alcohol kick into the system. He brings you straight to the bed, strips you right away and stops for a while to admire your naked body. Your face heats up so bad, only want him to ruin you already. 
Baekhyun was soft during the day but he is hard during the night.
He takes and throws off every piece that he wears randomly on the floor as he hovers you. Baekhyun has his eyes focus on yours when you’re already breathing heavily and waiting anxiously. There’s something in his gaze that tries to tell you something but he keeps it to himself. He dips to capture your lips with his supple ones. The kiss is an addiction. It’s a rough one with a hint of softness. 
By biting your bottom lip, he travels his tongue into your wet cavern in order to kiss you deeper. Your tongue finds with his, fighting over the dominance but Baekhyun has the full control on you. With his palms begin to massage your mounds, soft moans start to escape from you. He draws himself away from your lips, marking your chin, down to your collarbone before he attaches his mouth onto one of your nipples. 
In a way to make you crazy, he licks around your nipple in circles, knowing that you’re sensitive with it while he pinches your other nipple a few times that causes you to arch your back. After Baekhyun leaves visible marks on your breasts, he sucks your nipple hardly that makes you accidentally call him, “D-daddy!..” You squeal as you gather, gripping his hair to make him stop as he peeks at your already sweaty face. A lopsided smile appears on his face before he continues to travel down to your south. 
“Will you let daddy take care of you little one?” Baekhyun lifts his face to look at you as you nod your head slowly, although you couldn’t wait any longer. He folds and spreads your leg apart as he can see your pussy drenches just by the sloppy kisses and markings. “Seems like someone is too excited just from the kisses, huh?” He mocks and you try to hide your face with your hand. 
Baekhyun moves his face closer as he devours your pussy like there’s no tomorrow. Tongue toying with your already sensitive clit and he also adds on two digits into your hole. When he finger fucking you and abusing your small bud, you couldn’t hold yourself from moaning, gasping while gripping his hair hardly. “D-Daddy…” You stutter, trying to continue your words. “-it f-feels so…”
“What, kitten?” He mutters against your pussy. You gasp heavily, “-good.” Your eyes are tightly shut, mouth parted to breathe in more and when you’re getting closer to your orgasm, your toes curl. Baekhyun’s stroking your insides gives you tingles in your stomach. Adrenaline rushes throughout your body and the blissfulness of him eating you is too much. As he senses you’re close to coming, he pulls away from your core that makes you gasp quite loud. 
Baekhyun kneels in between your legs, wiping off his mouth from your liquid. You prop your elbows to support your upper body, surprised that he’s already hard. He positions his tip right in front of your hole and when he pushes it into your heating core, you bite your lower lip to hide your muffles with your hands gripping the bedsheet. 
“Fuck…” He curses, throwing his head to the back as he keeps on pushing his cock deeper into your pussy. Your walls are stretching apart, clenching and unclenching around his member as you try to accommodate to his size. Even though you’ve had sex with him numerous time, his dick is always massive. 
Before Baekhyun starts to thrust in you, he hovers back on top of you. “Let me make you call my name tonight and I’ll judge,” He says, abruptly captures your lips for a kiss. He pounds his cock easily into your dripping hole endlessly. The bed creaks, wet and sloppy noises from the sex with the two of you kissing are the only things that echo in his bedroom. 
He breaks the kiss to focus on your blissful face, scanning your expression while trying to find the spot and when he does, your eyes suddenly dilate as you whimper. Baekhyun finds your hands, entwined with them and places them right beside your head. He continues to ram the g-spot continuously as he groans in a low tone. 
“B-Baek- I-I” Your voice is choked by the endless attack of his tip on your sweet spot. He grunts, speeding up his thrust because he senses the two of you almost reaching the orgasms. You continue to moan and whimper as he continues to slide his cock in and out from your core. “Baekhyun, fuck… I cannot hold onto it any longer-” You confess. 
His cock twitches hearing your confession and he rams mercilessly onto your spot. “Baekhyun!! Baekhyun… Nggh.. Baekhyun, I-I’m-” You arch your back upwards, exploding your cum as you start seeing stars. Baekhyun grunts and squirts his warm cum inside your pussy. Both of you are breathing heavily while trying to catch up with fresh air. As he pulls out his cock from your snatch, you can feel the emptiness with the mixed cums leaking out. 
You still have your hands locked with him and as you try to get back to your senses, Baekhyun’s admiring your face with a smirk smile. “Have I told you how pretty you are when I fuck you, baby girl?” 
He dips in for a peck on your lips followed by another one. “I love hearing my name leave your mouth because it’s coming from you,” Baekhyun adds. Your heart beats against your chest hard and when he brings his lips closer to your ear, you know you’re not gonna calm down.
“And I want to hear you calling my name after this because I just like it.” 
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See you guys next time in the next chapter!! Stay safe always! 
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pars-ley · 4 years
Sincerely, MINE
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Pairing: Idol Taehyung x Female Fan Reader ft Jaebeom
Summary: Date night with Taehyung turns into dinner with some members of Got7 and some flirting from their leader, Jaebeom, to which your idol boyfriend doesn't take too kindly.
Genre: Idol! au / Reaction! au / Established relationship / Smut / One-shot
Rating: 18+ (Nsfw)
Warnings: Dom!Tae / Sub!Reader / Slight exhibitionism / Slight possessiveness / Unprotected sex (wrap it up guys) / Swearing 
Word count: 2400
A/N: Beta read by @papillonsgf @unoriginal-username15432 and @wheresmymoniat you three are amazing and so helpful, thank you! Thank you to @yeojaa​ for making the break line as I am incapable of such simple things.
I’m posting this for the @btsholidaybingo​ One of my squares was ‘Kim Taehyung’. 
If you want jealous Tae featuring a confident and suave Jaebeom then I hope you enjoy this.
“Hey, Taehyung!” You hear someone call, as you turn to see Mark Tuan from GOT7 walking quickly towards the two of you, a large smile stretching his mouth.
“Mark! How are you?” Taehyung asks, with his bright, boxy grin. The one that makes your insides clench.
“Good, man, it’s good to see you.” He replies, patting him on the shoulder and giving it a gentle squeeze. “And who's this?” He turns his attention and his brilliant smile to you.
Taehyung practically beams, as his arm winds tightly around your waist, hugging you against his side. “This is my y/n.” He announces proudly.
“So nice to meet you, y/n. I’ve definitely heard a lot about you.” He takes your hand, his grip soft as he slowly shakes. “Why don’t the two of you join us? Will be good to catch up, Tae and to get to know you better, of course.” He grins wider, flashing his set of perfectly straight teeth.
Please, please, please. You look up at Tae with wide hopeful eyes and he can’t help but nod in agreement. 
Mark leads you over to his table where BamBam gets up to greet you both. He's not shy and he pulls you instantly into a warm embrace, his words sweetly echoing Mark's statement of how nice it is to meet you. 
That’s when you see him. Jaebeom. Long hair swept back behind his ears, an ethereal being if ever you saw one. He’s even more handsome in real life, they all are. 
His calm demeanour precedes him as he sits casually in the corner, giving you a slight wave.
It takes all your power not to squeal and grin like an idiot. 
BamBam indicates for you to slide along the leather seats into the booth, meaning you would be sitting next to him. “JB, this is y/n, Taehyung’s girl.” Bam introduces you, as you hesitantly, and rather awkwardly, shift yourself towards him until your thighs are almost touching. 
“Hello.” He smiles politely and bows his head. Your whole face illuminates like the Las Vegas strip in response but your eyes drop shyly to your hands, placed tensely in your lap.
Everyone takes their seats and you end up neatly sandwiched in between Jaebeom and Bam, with Taehyung sitting opposite you.
“Can I just say, y/n is a huge fan of you guys.” Your boyfriend pipes up.
You feel the blush spread hot across your cheeks as Bam nudges you playfully in your side. “Ah, you like GOT7 more than BTS, huh?”
You laugh, feeling more relaxed by the minute. “BTS are number one for me, of course.” 
“Ok, ok," he waves his hand nonchalantly, "but who’s your GOT7 bias?” Bam wiggles his eyebrows suggestively and you fight back another laugh.
“It’s Jaebeom.” You hear Tae’s voice say the words and you freeze, instantly feeling your face ablaze with embarrassment. Why? Why would he do that to me? The mischievous glint in his eye sparkles with amusement but is soon replaced with an apologetic grimace when you glare at him. 
Bam taps JB’s shoulder. “Of course it is, it’s always my hyung.” He pouts but gives you a wink which sets your mind at ease that he isn't offended.
“Me?” Jaebum points to himself. “I am flattered.” He smiles coolly at you, eyes intense and watching you closely. He seems to be looking right into you, searching for your innermost kept secrets. You have to look away, feeling more bashful than ever under his consuming stare.
You all discuss what food and drink to get before Taehyung and Mark go up to order. 
Leaning back in your chair feeling a little awkward and shy, when you feel Jaebeom put his arm along the back of your headrest. He turns his body towards you, leg up on the seat. “So, have you ever been to one of our shows?” He asks, raising a perfectly arched brow, his intense gaze burning right into you once again. 
Suddenly, he doesn’t seem as reserved as you initially thought, confidence rolling off him in waves.
You shake your head. “Not yet. Hopefully soon.”
“Seriously, just let one of us know when you want to come, we’ll get you tickets and some good seats. You can even come backstage after, if you’d like and hangout.” He shrugs, as if he hadn't just offered you the chance of a lifetime.
Yes, please! Your mouth almost falls open. “T-that would be amazing! Thank you.”
A satisfied smile spreads across his mouth, pulling his lips into a beautiful curve. You’re unsure as to whether he is flirting with you or you are simply misinterpreting his kindness. 
“How long have you been with Taehyung?” He questions.
“About 8 months, now.” 
He nods slowly. “Still in the honeymoon stage then?”
You frown, not understanding the implication. “I’m sorry?”
He waves off the question. “Are you guys serious?”
Your mouth opens then closes, slightly gobsmacked at the line of questioning. "Yes."
"That's a shame." He winks at you. A movement so simple, but he makes it look so sexy and leaves your heart pounding in your ears at the implication.
As much as you would never cheat on Taehyung and are more than happy with him, this exchange has given you quite an ego boost.
Before you can even respond, Taehyung and Mark are back and you feel Jaebeom slowly remove his arm from behind you.
Thank god. You smile at Taehyung, feeling somewhat relieved he’s back, he returns it but it doesn't reach his eyes. His eyes flicker to Jaebeom and his jaw tenses’. Looks like this is going to be a fun conversation later.
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As you’re saying your goodbyes, being pulled into a tight hug from Mark and then Bam, you feel the nerves spread through you like wildfire when it’s your turn to face Jaebeom. 
He takes your hand, opting out of the friendly hug, to which you are somewhat relieved about. Only to bring your hand up to his mouth and gently press his lips to your fingertips, following it with a smirk as he watches your eyes widen in panic. A thrill runs through you at the feel of his lips on your skin but it’s pushed quickly away and replaced with alarm and anxiety.
What is he doing!?
Your heart pounds frantically in your chest, attacking your ribcage with brute force. Before meeting Taehyung, I would have yearned to have this kind of attention from Jaebeom, I would have jumped at the chance...quite literally. But, since Taehyung, there isn’t anyone else that could give me what he already does. 
Your heart thrums wildly but not from want...from trepidation. Feeling Taehyung's burning gaze on the two of you makes your stomach churn. 
Releasing your hand and stepping past you, he leans in to your ear and whispers, "It's been a pleasure to meet you.” 
You gulp, feeling uncomfortable now at the exchange, no longer seeming like harmless flirting and more like a show just for Taehyung.
He leaves without so much as a backward glance. 
The other two wave, looking slightly apologetic, leaving you and Tae alone. 
A long, silent car journey home. The unease growing in the pit of your stomach. 
As soon as the door to your apartment is shut, Tae turns to face you. “Enjoy yourself tonight?” His accusatory tone makes you frown, your annoyance alight in your chest, fire running through every vein.
“What are you talking about?” You slam your keys on the counter. 
He scoffs. “Don’t give me that, I bet you were loving having your bias all over you like that.” 
“At first, of course it was flattering, sure, but if you were actually paying attention to me, then you would have seen how uncomfortable I felt. It must have been written all over my face.” 
He stops for a moment, clearly thinking back.
“Let me guess, you were too busy watching Jaebeom to notice?” You raise an eyebrow at him.
He looks down, away from you and walks over to the floor-to-ceiling window, staring down at the bustling streets below.
His reflection on the glass illuminates with the dark night sky as a backdrop.
Sighing, you close the distance between you and wrap your arms around his waist, burying your face in his broad back. You can feel the tension rolling off him in waves, all his muscles tense under your touch.
“Watching him with you…” He starts, then lets out a deep breath. “I was trying so hard to hold it in. I didn’t know what to do. All I could do was watch, while it was like he wanted to claim you right in front of me.” His voice wobbles and his body shakes.
“Hey, hey, hey,” You step in front of him and pull his face down to look at you. “No one was making any claim on me. I’m yours, utterly, completely, hopelessly yours. No one else would stand a chance.”
You see the corner of his mouth twitch into a tiny smile. “Even your bias.”
“Even my bias.” You agree. "Although, I gotta say...I think Bam might have stolen that title.”
His mouth pulls up at the side in a smile, eyes still trained on the floor but relief relaxing his features.
You lift yourself onto your tiptoes and touch your lips to his. “You weren't worried, were you?” 
He looks up, his stare fierce as he catches your teasing tone. “No.” He responds, taking a step towards you, causing you to take one back. 
“Are you sure? It seemed like you were.” You continue, knowing exactly how to press the right buttons.
“Why would I be worried?” He takes another step, frowning and pressing your back up against the cold, hard glass of the window, his body flush to yours. “You’re mine.” He almost growls.
Your body responds to his domineering demeanour, a shiver vibrating through you, your underwear already slick to you. 
He grabs your hands and pins them, by the wrists, above your head. “Say it.” He commands.
“I’m yours.” You whisper, your legs weak with anticipation. 
You feel his hand travel up your skirt, lightly caressing your thigh, until he reaches your hot, throbbing crotch. 
He groans when he feels the wet patch already soaking through the lace. “You want me?”
You nod.
“How do you want me? Tell me what you want.” He rubs light circles on your concealed clit.
You moan from the feeling of him touching you but also of him not touching you enough. “Fuck me.” You look up at him, your innocent eyes meeting his. “Fuck me against this window."
You see the heat flash in his eyes and he roughly pulls your panties down and starts unbuckling his belt. His hand comes back to your clit, running his fingers along your wet folds and feeling your entrance. 
“I’m gonna stretch you open, baby.” He whispers, licking your arousal off his fingers. 
You clench your legs together at the sight, desperate for some relief.
He pulls out his generous erection, his jeans still up but open. 
You bite your lip as you look at him and his perfect dick that’s about to ruin you.
He grabs your leg and hooks it over his arm, then lines himself against your entryway. Slowly he pushes himself in and you can’t keep quiet as you feel yourself stretch over him, swallowing him inside you, greedily.
The noise he makes once he’s levelled in you is so sinful it has you clenching around him. 
“You feel so good.” He says, eyes never leaving yours as he starts to move pushing your buttocks against the cold glass of the window.
His hand comes up to your face, cupping your jaw possessively and keeping you focused on him. He thrusts into you, slow and hard but controlled. He knows what you like and he’s showing you exactly that. 
“Who does this pussy belong to?” He asks, eyes trained on your mouth.
You moan, “You, Taehyung.”
“Who can make you this wet?” He thrusts into you harder, hitting that perfect place each time.
“You, just you!” You clasp his broad shoulders, as you feel your orgasm building, your core tight and ready to spring.
“Can anyone else make you feel this good?” He pants.
Your sweet release is so close but you can’t give into it, not until he tells you. “No one.” You whisper, hardly able to focus on anything but the pressure of your impending orgasm. 
Your mind swirls, with his words, his movements and the idea that people in the buildings across from you could see your intimate tangle unfold, it all makes your core ache with pure desperation and raw lust. 
“Would JB be able to make you this wet?” He asks through gritted teeth.
You shake your head, eyes rolling from the thrill. His hard dick moves with such lavish purposely, your body shudders against him.  
“Say it.” He barks, breathing hard and fast. 
He must be close, please let him be close, I can’t hold off for much longer.
“N-no, he wouldn’t!” You call out. “God, Taehyung, please.”
“What, baby?”
“Please, let me cum.” You beg, eyes pleading frantic and fierce.
He smirks, then presses his lips against yours, so tender and soft in comparison to the painful grip on your wrists he still has. 
Oh my god, I’m gonna cum, it all feels too good.
“Cum for me.” He whispers, sending new chills cascading down your spine. He thrusts hard into you one more time as you fall apart, everything unravelling as your walls clench around him, milking him to orgasm too. His warm seed spilling into you, filling you completely.
Your mind and body are full of him as you’re unable to focus on anything but the sounds of his pleasure and the bliss he’s giving you. You don’t want it to end. 
“Fuck, y/n.” He grinds into you, the feeling prolonging the spasms of pleasure. 
As the pulses of your climax die down, he releases your leg and pulls you away from the window but still has you pressed firmly against him. 
“No one else.” You reutter to him as his forehead meets yours tenderly.
Smirking, he raises an eyebrow. “Oh baby, we’re not done yet. I’m gonna have you calling my name all night, to make sure you know exactly who you belong to.” 
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mihorapendeja · 3 years
happier than ever | tsukishima x you
the one shot in which tsukishima basically falls for a female version of everyone's favorite sunny tangerine.
genre: fluff/soft core smut lmao i haven't done this in years i feel silly but here you go
pairing(s): kei tsukishima x you (referred to as "ria kihira" in part 1 bc this was originally going to be an OC thing but nvm a/n's: show this some love and interaction pls.
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❝Again?❞ Even though Tsukishima complained again, this time he made it easier for her as he even stood completely still. Such a good boy.
❝Let her beat your face!❞ Shoyo exclaimed as she smiled in delight, then moving on to pat the powder puff on his stupid face. Of course she only took a few seconds for him, but all the time in the world for Hinata.
While the two chirped about the new reboot trailer for Dexter, Kuroo's sleazy self slid beside his lanky child with an extra smug look on his face. That man was a menace.
❝Say, don't you think they look related?❞
Tsukishima was a difficult man to catch off guard, but right then and there, a mini existential crisis kicked in. His eyes darted back and forth between Shoyo and Ria Kihira, the makeup artist on set for the commercial filming day.
Kei knew Kuroo was a slut for all the pretty things in life — he constantly had a trope of hot women surrounding him.
But this time, he'd really outdone himself.
Not a stupid man entirely, a huge shit-eating grin formed on Tetsuro's face. He followed Kei's eyes who desperately wandered back and forth their matching hair, skin tone, lack of height... "please let it be a mere coincidence because it's bad enough that—" Kei shut his own intrusive mind from further thinking as he slapped his hand over Kuroo's mouth shut. Tight.
That hyena laugh was not being unleashed today.
ca. 2019, on set of a commercial for one of Kuroo's production companies. After Tetsuro had defeated Kei in a game of beer pong, he had to comply with the loser's bet -- be part of the damn commercial along with Shoyo, for a viewership boost. So he said. Ria was the makeup artist on set that day, and it pretty much went from Tsuki acting like a feral cat who didn't want to be touched by any makeup tools, to blissfully passing out in a chair while she gently stroked his face with a soft powder brush.
Near the end of the day when he'd no longer back away from her with animosity, it was Kuroo's stupidly astute observation that left him rattled. The boy was put into a choke hold because he refused to like someone with the same orange hair and milky skin tone as Hinata. Someone equally bright, bubbly, and stupid ... yeah that refusal didn't last long. Ria spoke her mind so freely, being direct but never pleading because she respected herself in that regard. He liked that and before Kei knew it, he found himself admitting to her that he was, "actually quite fond of you." She understood it was his way of saying those pesky 3 words, 8 letters.
THE ALARM CLOCK rang it’s deathly siren like tone, nearly sending you into cardiac arrest. Although he defensively stretched an arm out over your chest as if ready to protect, Kei did not get up.
Of course he wouldn't.
Like every morning at 4am, it was you who suffered the most when getting out of bed to grab the phone to silence that torture down. As you had deeply sighed and turned to face the bed, Tssuki was now face up with the covers all the way up to his nose.
Even in your groggy state, you could tell he was smirking. That smug bastard stared at you intently, dead still. While Kei typically minded his own business and was at times thought of as quiet, the boy was definitely not shy. You wouldn't call him a total flirt, but he could so hold onto a gaze without so little as batting a long eyelash.
Kei was, extremely competitive. Lightning would have to strike his literal eyes to keep them from staring at you, specifically at your curvy thighs.
The way your soft cotton shorts rode up them was always a very pleasant sight, so he just kept staring, happily.
He loved that little penguin walk you busted into every morning when shutting the alarm off.
It’s like you couldn’t balance properly, and he swore that you were always shorter looking in the early hours of the day. He didn’t know how you could lack more height than you already did at barely 5 feet 2, but it always seemed that way.
It was especially cute, like he could just grab you and keep you in the palm of his hand.
Tired, you sat back down on the bed. You scooted until meeting the headboard, and then just let her head dip back.
It was so incredibly peaceful until you could no longer ignore his obvious glaring. “If you’re awake already, why don’t you get up?”
“It’s barely 4:05,
we don’t go in till 5am.”
He said so factually that you just deeply exhaled. Tssuki was definitely not a morning person, and neither were you.
Even though you were much more energetic, it was a Friday and you could not wait for the end of the workday already.
While Tssuki could be late to practice because let's be honest, few would even confront him, you could not pull off the same irresponsibility.
You cared way too much, and in general, hated the feeling of being late to anything. "Come on." You murmured, nudging Kei as he completely ignored you and kept on sleeping.
You waited for another minute before climbing out of bed, grabbing his attention once again. This time, your black shorts were scrunched further up. So far up that your ample ass cheeks were out in all their glory.
“Arigato, thank you god.”
Nishinoya would say.
“Well I’m not as naturally good looking as you so I’m gonna go shower and start getting ready.”
You huffed, truly riling Kei up inside. Hearing you say that genuinely made something inside of his stomach stir, so he instinctively reached out towards your wrist.
Even in the dark room, he could see your face clearly and tell you weren’t joking. "The fuck is wrong with her?" He thought, not angry, but extremely concerned because you weren't fishing for a compliment.
The two of you had been together for over 3 years now, and so he more than knew that you were not that kind of girl.
Yes, you lacked height at 5’2, but you were physically strong. Literally, you could carry all the grocery bags in one go with no issues. Lifting abilities? Check.
Even though Tssuki cruelly chose the apartment with extra high kitchen shelves, you would never ask for help to reach for stuff. "Help I can't reach" was not a phrase that existed in your world.
Literally, he’d sometimes walk in for some juice and find you on top of a chair reaching for something, if not on the literal counter tops to store items.
Independent? Check.
Resourceful? Check.
On top of all that, you had a voluptuous body he thought was fucking scrumptious. He understood that the norms for women in Japan could be vicious, especially if you weren’t a slender door like he was, but despite your insecurities, you still wore it all so well. You didn’t let it stop you from wearing whatever you wanted (as you should).
At times he did think you were a little bit stupid for fretting over such body image issues, but Tssuki was okay with that.
He didn’t want a know it all like himself, that be beyond insufferable.
Before he knew it, you were teaching him a thing or two as well. So Tssuki then knew you were not a vapid pick me girl, and that was honestly a pretty big turn on for him.
SPEAKING OF TURN ons, Kei found it incredibly hot to have you pinned beneath him, like you currently were.
It wasn’t an ingenue kink, to have you below him so submissively and weak, no. It was the way you fought to assert yourself, and the way you writhed. The way you tried to break free was no half assed attempt either.
Sometimes you'd even throw in a few knees into it, and Tssuki didn't mind it one bit. Two dominate personalities, things were always bound to be feisty in bed.
This time however, he sensed some a defeat in your soul.
Convinced to rekindle your spirits, his brows furrowed as he lowered himself closer to your pretty face.
“Take that back.” Tssuki growled in a low, oh so sexy deepened morning voice.
“I can’t, It’s true.” You protested, sighing as he pulled himself away only to then wrap his arms around your waist and throw you over his shoulders.
Misreading the situation, you first protested before breaking into full on laughter as he stormed into the shower with you still dangling, kicking your short legs in the air.
You had thought this was playful Tssuki, the version no one was too familiar with.
Except you … and Yamaguchi. You and Yams lived to exchange Tssuki-isms.
You were mistaken when trying to approach him as he had stripped entirely. God, you so badly wanted to touch his defined chest and close the space between —and that’s when your favorite salt mine smirked as he instinctively reached back to swivel the shower handle on.
Grabbing the detachable shower heard, Tssuki sprayed you down.
"That son of a bitch." You thought, having jumped back in shock, literally. The water was so fucking cold.
Tssuki raised a brow, testing you. On one hand, he thought you looked like a helpless kitten that was abandoned on some random parking lot on a rainy day.
He was an asshole, but if he ever came across a lonely stray cat, he'd so scoop it up and take home for some warm milk.
On the other hand, he thought you looked even more hot with the way your baggy shirt now clung onto every part of your curvaceous body.
Tssuki had to exhale as he saw your nipples peaking through your smaller but perfect chest. He just wanted to cup your perky tits, squeeze them and hear you moan in delight—your hot breath on his ear as you rested a side of your face on his.
“Can’t touch me till you take that back.”
He warned as you tried to take a step forward.
“Tssu— you whined, sighing as you crossed your arms, cold.
“Admit it, you’re beautiful. Say it.” He insisted as you tossed your head back. "I’m beautiful … kinda, I mean” you trailed off, too distracted by your own cruel thoughts to notice when he raised the shower head again to spray you down.
“Ouch!” You gasped this time, burned by the super hot water. Tssuki turned, realizing that instead of increasing the water’s pressure, he had turned it to the hot side.
Steaming hot.
He rubbed them back of his neck, sheepishly trying to play off. That stupidly cool bathroom is literally what had sold him into choosing that apartment.
After a long day of training, having a large bathtub to soak in, or large walk in shower that doubled as a sauna to rest in was a treat. Not only that, but curative. You swore that this man's epsom salt baths were the reason his long limbs were always good to go, pain free.
Tssuki rushed to place the shower head back on, pushing a few buttons on the digital control panel to get some therapeutic steam going.
On a good morning, he'd already have you pinned to the wall. Your face buried into his neck as Tssuki spread your ass apart, drilling his every inch into you.
But sadly, this wasn't a good morning ... yet. When you waved a hand out in defeat, eyes swelling with tears, Kei grabbed you right before you could step away.
You slammed into his chest with a light thump as he then grabbed your shoulders to keep you balanced. "My clumsy pumpkin." He thought as you raised your head to meet his warm eyes.
Tssuki lowered his face, gently planting a kiss on your forehead. Pulling away, he grabbed your arm & extended it out as he begin to plant a trail of kisses over the burned-pink area. His kisses deepened the closer he got to your neck, stopping only when at your jawline.
Now, the two of you were staring directly at each other, his eyes radiating all the comfort you wanted to see: love, adoration, lust. It was so quiet, but your heartbeat was so damn loud.
His actions were doing all the talking. Now completely soaked, you looked down at the hem of your shirt as Tssuki grabbed both ends and begin to lift the blouse up and away from you.
Left in nothing but shorts, he kept his eyes locked on you as you nodded while he lowered himself to help you out of them.
Now, completely naked, he just stared at you in awe.
You were his goddess, and he was going to happily worship, service, respect, love.
“I don’t know why you hesitate” he softly whispered as you took in a deep breath, suddenly feeling overly emotional. Near tears kind of overwhelmed.
To keep yourself from actually sobbing, you cleared your throat to speak up, “I love my job, but I guess sometimes working with so many beautiful models, I can’t help but to compare my—
Tssuki had heard enough about your delusions. His hands flew the sides of your face, pulling you in for a deep kiss. You felt such a thrill surging through your body as he so easily hoisted you up.
It was your favorite thing in the world, to wrap your legs around his long torso, and it was Tssuki’s favorite thing to dig his hands into your firm ass, your soft thighs.
Pulling away, he takes slow steps forward so your back gently meets the wall. With one hand, he caressed your face , thumb gliding over your cheek before connecting his forehead with yours.
“As I was saying, - I don’t know why you hesitate to say it, but I think you’re the most beautiful person in this whole goddamn world.”
A pesky tear escaped onto your cheek, and Tssuki blotted it away with a kiss, burying his face closer to yours. So close your noses are now touching.
When he wanted to, Tssuki could be so completely soft.
“You don’t know every single person in this world.”
You laughed, still touched by his bold declaration.
“I mean it. Waking up to you every morning I think wow, I’m so lucky.”
He admits as you then break into another chuckle. “You’re so full of shit, that’s not the first thing you think of.”
Tssuki pulls on your lower lip down with his thumb, chuckling back. “You idiot sandwich I didn’t say it was the first thing, but it’s a close second.”
You find yourself laughing out loud, his frisky smile fully plastered on his face as your nose scrunches in that way he finds so fucking adorable.
“Begone negativity.” He both teases and shudders at the thought of how Suga burned that in the back of his mind.
“Do I have to sing that stupid One Direction song to you?” Tssuki then jokingly added as your eyes widened.
“You wouldn’t!”
“You’re right that’s disgusting.” He scoffed, hoisting you further up as he took your breath away with another kiss, this time, his hands running through your hair.
It was always a mystery with him, never knowing if he was going to pull on your hair, or caress it.
This time however, as his tongue slipped into your mouth, eager, you couldn’t help but to squeal. You had to give it to him, the man was great at multitasking. While he deepened the kiss, Tssuki tapped the melody of that dumb song on your thighs as if drumming.
"You're insecure, don't know what for, you're turning heads when you walk through the door / don't need makeup to cover up, being the way that you are is enough --
Everyone else in the room can see it
Everyone else but you
Baby, you light up my world like nobody else
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed
But when you smile at the ground, it ain't hard to tell
You don't know, oh, oh, you don't know you're beautiful."
Tssuki had really taken SMACK MY ASS LIKE A DRUM to a whole other level, and you couldn't even be mad about it.
"Having fun, ya happy doing that?" You teased as he now gave himself a quick rub, fully erect. Your man was so well endowed and that was both exciting and terrifying at times. While you loved dominant Tssuki, today he was a bit more mellow and less gimp man.
"Fuck, Kei-" You moaned as he slowly entered you, rubbing your clit with his thumb, the pressure just right. "I'm definitely having fun, in fact" he smirked as you moved down to slam yourself further into him, begging for more, "I'm happier than ever."
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fleetwoodmak99 · 4 years
Primed for Sin (5/10)
SUMMARY: Arthur tends to keep his promise to give Elena space but after days of pure torture from his job and Randall down his throat about the gun, he just can't stay away anymore.
WARNING: SMUT (18+), Loss of Virginity, Dirty Talk, Oral (F Receiving), Vaginal Penetration, Murder, Talks of Blood, Smoking, Swearing 
Hi. So I’m sorry it took me way too long to get this out but I hope to make it up with this part finally having smut in it and it being longer. I hope its not too long lol. I just started school back up and it definitely takes up all my time but hopefully once things settle down I’ll have more time to work on this series. I hope I don’t disappoint and thank you for those who actually follow this story. 
Part 4
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It has been four day since his last conversation with Elena. Four damn days.
He did as he promised, he stayed away and gave her space. He respected that sometimes she would need a break from the world but it was a lot harder than he had originally anticipated.
Arthur hate to admit it but Elena practically dominated every single one of his thoughts. He wondered what she was doing, who she was with, when was she going to call.
The downside to this was his brain never stopped so he isn't able to stop himself from falling down the rabbit hole multiple time the past few days. His mother had gotten very ill and had been taken to the hospital. As much as he loved his mother, he was glad she was someone else problem now. 
Arthur walked into his apartment, his legs felt like they were going to fall off as he started to take off his clown gear from being at work all day. He switched on the TV and turned it to the local news station. Arthurs been trying to fill his time with watching the news to keep up with any advancements in the subway case.
To his dismay, they had.
"Police are now looking for what seems to be a killer clown responsible for the killing of Wall Street brokers Dennis Reynolds, Ronald Ponderosa, and Ben Kelly." The female anchor spoke professionally through the screen.
Arthur grabbed a cigarette, sparking it up and took a drag of it as he finally sat down and inspects the photos presented by the police. It was of a fake clown with green, blue and pink laced all over it. The women continued to speak, "only one witness has come forward, describing the scene as a massacre."
His heart dropped. Did she tell someone?
Arthur's thoughts were put to rest when an old man popped up on the screen. The man was short and had white hair already dominating most of his head.
Arthur watched as the man started to make his testimony.
"Well you see, I was going about my normal business heading to work when I saw a man wearing some sort of clown mask running up out of the subway. I thought I heard a women screaming but when I went to check what was wrong, I only found the three poor souls that sick clown left behind. People like that just can't get away with things like this. Justice has to be served."
Arthur couldn’t listen anymore, he could feel his anger boiling. His thought switching to Elena. It had been for days now but he told himself to hold on just a little bit longer. It was starting to get too much to bare when he sees people like that getting more attention on the TV than people who actually deserve it.
There was so much wrong with this city. That was one of Arthur's reasons he wanted to always be around Elena, even when she didn't know it. It was the only way to effectively protect her.
Arthur was pulled from his thoughts when he heard a loud bang at the door.
Randall could tell that Arthur had been acting strange. He's more distant, only caring to talk when someone addresses him. Its been like this for a few days, ever since the city went into an uproar over the subway killings. 
Normally, Randall wouldn't give a shit but with him giving a gun to Arthur and all, he wanted to make sure his name was in the clear. So he made his way down to Arthurs apartment to give him a talk. That was a mistake.
Opening the door, Arthur still had his clown makeup on from work. He looked in bad shape. 
“Arthur!” Randall shouted. “How you doin pal?” He gave Arthur a pat on the shoulder before pushing his was into the mans apartment. 
Arthur’s apartment was filthy. It had clothes laying aimlessly all over the place with a mountain of dishes piled in the sink. Not that Randall’s apartment was any better. 
Randall turned to Arthur, who was closing the door. “Anything new?”
“Umm oh!” Arthur snapped his fingers at Randall as he locked the door behind him. “I stopped taking my medication, I feel a lot better now.” Arthur gave out a small forced laugh but his face was completely dead.
Randall looked at Arthur confused. “Oh okay. Good for you.” 
Arthur just nodded his head, taking a drag of his cigarette as Randall continued. “So hey, I don’t know if you heard but the cops have been coming around the shop talking to all the other guys about the subway murders.” 
Arthur started to tone the man out, not wanting to listen to him try and explain himself. He reached his hand out and started to put out his cigarette, slowing forming his hands into a fist against the wall.
“I’m not saying you did anything but I just wanna make sure if the cops talk to you, we are all on the same page about who gave you that gun.” Randall gave out a nervous laugh. 
That was enough for Arthur to slowly move his hand towards for the knife that laid on the dining room table behind him. Nodding his head in agreement as he did so, so Randall wouldn’t notice. 
“You know, cause your my boy in all.” Arthur now had his hand on the knife. Arthur felt everything he had pushed down the past four days starting the boil over as he made a fist around the knife handle.
“Right. Right.” Arthur agreed before squeezing the knife and deciding to give into his anger. 
He slashed the knife into Randall’s neck before he could say another word. Arthur was surprised with how much blood came out but he held the knife in place as Randall struggled against him. 
Randal was able to push Arthur off but only for Arthur to grab his head and bash it into the wall. This was when Arthur blacked out. 
He wasn’t Arthur anymore. He had been changing into something else the moment he meet Elena. Arthur was becoming more powerful and he wanted to share that with her. 
Only thinking of her as he stormed out of his apartment, not caring about the mess he had just made. He found himself at her apartment door, blood soaked, face painted and rage filled. 
Arthur didn’t give it any thought and started to bang on her door. This was it. No more holding back, no more space. They were meant to be together and he was done denying himself that. 
Elena sat on the couch smoking while the Murray Show played on the tv. She could feel the smoke leaving her lungs as she exhaled. Michael had gone down later than usual so she wasn’t able to have her normal alone time. 
She jumped when she heard a bang at the front door. Elena looked at the door confused, she wasn’t expecting anyone. She quickly hid her bong under a blanket and rushed to the door. 
Opening it, she was startled to see Arthur standing there. She didn’t even have time to examine him as he immediately pushed himself against her and smashed his lips into hers. 
Elena couldn’t help but close her eyes in shock. She didn't fight against him, instead it was almost of an embrace. She couldn’t believe how her body just couldn’t help but give into him. 
Pushing the both of them inside the apartment, he placed both of his hands on either side of her face so she wouldn't be able to break the kiss even if she wanted to. Eventually she felt the cool wall being pushed against her back, being pinned there.
When she felt Arthur release her lips, she finally let out a breath. He kept her body close, their faces only inches apart. She could feel his hot breath on her face but didn’t dare open her eyes. He placed his forehead on hers. “I thought you were gonna call.” 
She let out a small breath, almost laughing. “I-I’m sorry.” She innocently whispered. 
That sweet voice tore into Arthur like knives. His dick already hard for her. He couldn’t wait any more, he needed to be inside her.
“Don’t worry sweet girl. I’m gonna take care of you tonight. Where is Michael?” She then opened her eyes to see Arthur dark ones staring into hers. She could now see the painted faced man covered in small specks of red looking at her hungrily. 
“Ummm,” She cleared her throat. Elena had to admit, he looked so sexy like that. She tried pulling herself together to answer his question. “He’s asleep in his room.”
Arthur smiled wickedly at her, pleased with answer. “Good. Good.”
He gave her a few more deep kisses on the lip, soaking in the taste before lifting her up and wrapping her legs around him. 
Breaking away for a moment, he asked. “Bedroom?”
She was hesitant. Was this really gonna happen? Right now? Was she ready for all that? She wanted him. Elena couldn’t deny that. After everything, she was still willing to have a relationship with him. 
He waited for her response patiently. Not rushing her. Eventually she gave into her desire and pointed Arthur in the right direction. A wicked smile appearing across his face as he leaned in again. She too leaned into the kiss this time, not fighting it either. They made their way towards the bedroom.
Taking his time, he slowly placed her on the bed. Not breaking the kiss but somehow deepening it by entering his tongue in her mouth. He pinned her there for a moment. He seemed to like to play with her. Their tongue swirling around each others mouth, trying to explore every part of each other. 
She could feel his hands moving all over her body. It felt amazing to have such big hands on her body. They clawed at her breast, her ass, eventually making its way towards her pussy. Elena grabbed his hand out of instinct. 
Arthur immediately stopped his movements, worried that he had crossed the line. She tried desperately to control her breathing and tried to speak. “I-I’m sorry Arthur. I-I-I’ve never done this before.” 
Elena could actually die from the embarrassment she felt telling him how inexperienced she was. It was put to shame when he gave her a sweet smile. She could just melt looking at the face painted man. 
He leaned his forehead on hers. “Don’t worry. I’m gonna take care of you tonight. Just listen to me. Okay?”
She nodded, giving in almost immediately. 
With that, he leaned into her again, completely taking control as he reconnected their lips and started gently taking off her clothes, one by one.
Elena now laid there, completely naked and exposed for him. She felt a sense of vulnerability, she wasn't able to hide anything from Arthur now. He didn't want her too. He wanted to hear and see everything.
She felt cool air hit her body as she anxiously waited for Arthurs next move. He gazed at her, taking a full look at what he picture in his mind a million time before. She exceeded his every expectation. 
“You are so beautiful, Elena.” He spoke to her like she was the only people left in the whole world. 
Elena gave out a small whimper, reaching her hand out for him. He obeyed as he slapped messy kisses all over her neck. She turned her head so he could have more access. She wanted him to feel every part of her. 
Arthur started to kiss his way down her neck, towards her breasts. She ached her back at the sensation of Arthur taking one of her sensitive nipples into his mouth. Her eyes were forced shut when he started to softly started to suck. 
Elena moved against him, jerking and twitching to the new experience of having someone’s mouth on her. She clawed at his back, digging in her nail as she felt a warm feeling starting to pool around pussy. It was something she never felt before but it over powered every nerve in her body. 
She felt as Arthur started to kiss down her stomach. Elena knew where he was heading.
Her eyes shot open as excitement and nerves when she felt his hot breath at her entrance. She came to see Arthur at the end of the bed. His hands now on the inside of her thigh, spreading her apart so her pussy was now on full display for him.
Putting his face just inches away, he spoke to her. "We gotta get this pussy nice and wet for me to fuck."
Her eyes widened from the vulgarity Arthur was showing. She didn't know if she should be scared or if she should be excited.
She soon found out when Arthurs tongue started to explore her, placing small kitten licks all around. It was so weird. At first Elena didn't even find the point until he latched himself onto her clit.
Immediately feeling a burst of pleasure go through her body, her head feel back as she let Arthur go to work. Feeling as he flicked and sucked at her. She bucked her hip towards him, she could feel the burning sensation of her clit being abused and loved every second of it.
Without even meaning to, Elena start to moan Arthurs names. Begging him to keep going as she brushed a hand through his hair, grabbing it kindly and pushing his head towards her core in order to chase that incredible release.
But of course it never came. Arthur was able to break from her grip and stepped away from her now deprived pussy.
Elena pouted in response, now having no way to release herself.
"I know. I know." Arthur caressed her cheek tenderly. "All in good time darling. We gotta take things slow for your first time."
Arthur gave her a quick peek on the lips before stepping back and discarding his own clothes. Elena just notice she was the only one naked until now. A flow of shame washed over her.
Arthur must have noticed the humiliation she had felt because as his clothes hit the floor he started to ramble, placing small kisses all over her face.
"You are so beautiful. I-I thought of you everyday like this and still you outdo my imagination every time. I-I can't believe your mine."
Her heart leaped hearing this. No man has ever said such things to her and now the perfect man was completely bare before her.
Looking down at his package, she couldn't help but gasp. She'd never seen one before and she certainly didn't think it would be that. Also how did he expect that thing to get inside her? It was huge compared to what she was used to.
Arthur breaking his line of kisses to rest his lips back on her for a moment, "its going to hurt honey but don't you worry ok? You are going to feel real good soon. I promise."
It was going to hurt?
Elena never thought it would hurt but she knew she wanted Arthur inside her so she leaned into him. Sticking her tongue in his mouth to show him she was ready.
Arthur chucked at her, his hand slowly making it way in between her legs in an attempt to see just how ready she was. Feeling a puddle of wetness forming for him, he broke the kiss again.
"Nice and wet. Just for me." He then pumped himself a few times before lining himself up at her entrance. “Are you ready, sweetheart.?” 
This was it. She thought. This is actually happening.
Giving a hesitant nod, she sucked in her breath as she felt the tip of his dick dip inside her. Feeling a piercing pain burst through her, she jolted away from him but didn’t get anywhere when she felt Arthurs hands gently holding her there. 
“Shh shh shh I know. We just gotta get through this part.” 
Arthur didn’t even give her time to respond before thrusting his hips into her at a painfully slow pace. Elena practically screamed at the feeling. It was so much to take. 
The feeling of being stretched out by him was so intoxicating she couldn’t even help but close her eyes and focus on the sensation. It definitely hurt but she couldn’t help but love the feeling of him filling her up. It made her feel whole.
Elena couldn’t believe the man was able to fit himself in as deep as he was. She could feel him in her stomach as she tried to force herself to relax. She felt herself clenching against him, trying to adjust when he spoke again. This time, right into her ear
“You are so damn tight. Tighter than I could have ever imagined. I’m going to move sweetheart.” 
Elena tried opening her eyes but some unknown force kept them shut. Instead she let out a small whimper. The pain had yet to subside as she twitched against him but unable to say no, she nodded her head.
This was all Arthur needed to push himself out before slamming back into her. It was slow but strong. Elena's whole body bucked to the sensation. 
Again. Slowly taking himself out of her before smashing his hard cock back into her now drench pussy. 
He repeated this.
As much as the pain wanted to make her cry it was soon replaced with pleasure. The same feeling she had felt before when Arthur was in between her legs, completely devouring her. Elena involuntarily started to buck her hip towards Arthur.
 Now creating friction in between them as he started to move faster, pounding into her. The room filling with both their moans. 
“Oh Arthur! Please don’t stop.”
Elena hoped Arthur locked the door. Knowing her luck, Michael would coming walking right in with all the noise they were making but she could help herself.
Arthur was ruthless with his thrusting. His hands were holding her against him as he did so. Elena started to chase for her release once again. Grinding against him as he continued to pound her.
"Say it." He whispered in her ear, not letting up.
"What?" Elena whispered back. Knowing fully well what he was talking about just not ready to take that step.
"Say it and ill let you cum." Arthur was stir and dominate. It only added to Elena arousal.
"I-I-I," Elena was so over powered by pleasure that it trumped her fear of opening that box, she couldn't help but fall into his trap just to get her sweet release. "I love you Arthur."
Arthur growled in her ear, biting down on it lightly. He then pumped deep insider, hitting that special spot that sent her soaring.  "Good girl. I love you so much."
That was her cue to let go completely. As the warm feeling in her stomach erupted and burst through her entire body. Making the poor girl shake against Arthur, losing control of her body.
Elena clenched hard against Arthur, making the man groan as he too came inside her.
Shit. He didn't wear a condom. Of course he didn't. Elena was his now.
Elena slowly came down from her high as Arthur pulled out of her. Making his rightly place on the left side of her bed, pulling her limp body close to him.
She felt a big pair of muscular arm wrap themselves around her, feeling a sense of protection fall upon her. 
"Get some rest now, sweetheart. Your most likely going to be sore tomorrow and am going it need your rest." Elena felt at peace as she nuzzled her head into his neck. Letting herself close her eyes as she slipped into a deep sleep, dreaming of the man she just gave her innocence to.
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jalapeno-princess · 4 years
You Weren’t Mine to Lose
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Mark Tuan X Reader
Word Count: 9.4K
Genre: Angst
Warning: Mentions of sex, cheating
Summary: You made the mistake of falling in love with someone who was never yours to begin with. What started off as a one night stand turned in to months of sneaking around with each other and devoting most of your time and energy to a man who was already in a relationship. However, the high you get from fooling around with Mark is the only thing that’s been keeping you from going completely insane. But what happens when lust turns to love?
A/N: Hey guys, so I have good news and bad news. Let’s start with the bad news, I had to get a second job (On top of my teaching job and being a full time college student) so this means I won’t be able to write as much as I normally do (I haven’t even started on my new series just yet and I’m sorry for those who are anticipating it I have no clue when I will actually get around to writing it) but the good news is I have two stories prepared to post within the next few weeks so there’s that to look forward to. I hope you’re all doing well, especially after the news of Yugyeom signing with another company but honestly, I am so happy for him. If all seven of them end up leaving the company entirely, good for them. They deserve so much better than the shit excuse of a company JYPE is and I support each and every single member in all of their endeavors and plans for the future. With that being said, happy reading. (Based on August by Taylor Swift). 
Salt air, and the rust on your door I never needed anything more Whispers of "Are you sure?" "Never have I ever before"
But I can see us lost in the memory August slipped away into a moment in time 'Cause it was never mine And I can see us twisted in bedsheets August sipped away like a bottle of wine 'Cause you were never mineYour back beneath the sun Wishin' I could write my name on it Will you call when you're back at school? I remember thinkin' I had you
But I can see us lost in the memory August slipped away into a moment in time 'Cause it was never mine And I can see us twisted in bedsheets August sipped away like a bottle of wine 'Cause you were never mine
Back when we were still changin' for the better Wanting was enough For me, it was enough To live for the hope of it all Cancel plans just in case you'd call And say, "Meet me behind the mall" So much for summer love and saying "us" 'Cause you weren't mine to lose You weren't mine to lose, no
“Fuck—go faster, please—M—Mark, I need you to go faster—sh—shit shit, just like that.” 
Mark Tuan, ever the gentleman did as he was told. However, he would do anything you asked of him during moments like this, God knows he wanted it too. His cock felt so wonderful grazing against your tight, sopping walls. His hardened tip continuously hit the back of your cervix, kissing it with each and every thrust. 
The two of you were going at it for almost an hour now; both of you reached your highs after giving each other mind blowing head—but you had yet to come together. You edged him three times, riding him until his cum reached the tip of his cock only to lift yourself off of him, earning you a scowl and the sexiest grunts of frustration. 
He left multiple slap marks on your ass; letting you know that he wasn’t going to let you have all power against him. No matter how much fun he’d have whenever you did dominate him and take over the sex session, he wasn’t letting you have all the fun tonight. There was sweat dripping down both your bodies—his entire body was warm with fervor as he continued to leave multiple hickeys along the valley of your breasts. 
His breath was hot against your neck as he tried his best to conceal his moans; it was surprising, his room had no echo whatsoever—yet, the many sinful noises falling from his mouth and yours bounced off the walls along with the sound of skin on skin slapping against each other. His thrusts were relentless as he picked up his pace; pumping in to you as if he was trying to punish you for being naughty. His pelvis ramming against your bare cheeks made a loud crack sound each time he pulled out and shoved himself back inside of you. 
It was addicting; feeling him bury himself balls deep inside of your pussy, but you were well aware that the sensation had an even bigger effect on him than it did you. Doggy style was Mark’s favorite position right next to watching you bounce up and down on him as your breasts jiggled all but gently. Something about being able to see his cock sliding so easily in to your tight walls drove the older boy fucking crazy. 
“Fuck y/n—so fucking tight as always baby. Tell me how it feels—I want to know that I’m driving you insane—“
“Feels—so good Mark—so, so good.” 
He hummed contently against the crook of your neck while picking up his pace if it was even possible. At this point, he was practically drilling himself inside of you; it came as a shock that you both still had yet to cum. On other occasions, you and Mark had no problem with reaching your highs with just your hands and mouths alone. Penetration was your favorite part of sex, so you had a feeling your body wanted to indulge in having Mark’s cock inside of your pussy for as long as you could have him for. 
“You feel so amazing y/n, I could fuck you for hours. I will never get tired of having your cunt wrapped around my dick. Please—tell me you’re close. I’m about to lose my damn mind here pretty soon.” You giggled softly against his chest; nodding in agreement while placing a few wet kisses near the sensitive spot right below his ear. 
“I’m close, so close—“
He bit softly against your collarbone, trying to hide the fact that he was seconds away from losing his will to do anything. You were just that mind blowing. Unfortunately, right as you were about to let the wave of lust consume your entire body like a wildfire, there was a new sound that filled the room. The piercing ring of a cellphone broke you out of your Mark induced haze. T
his wasn’t the first time his phone went off while the two of you were busy loving up on each other’s bodies; there were multiple situations where Mark had to cuss out his friends because they always seemed to try and get in touch with him at all the wrong times. There was even one night where he threw his phone at the wall because it wouldn’t stop ringing. When you felt Mark tense up at the blaring noise, you had a huge feeling you knew exactly who was on the other line. He looked up at you and released an exasperated sigh before doing the unthinkable. You wanted him to ignore it, just like he did almost every single time, but he tapped gently on your thigh; as if he was nonverbally asking for you to put your late night romp on pause. 
“Mark, are you fucking serious—“
“It’ll just be a minute, tops. I promise. No funny business, please.” 
To your dismay, he reached for his phone and answered the call. It was tempting—the idea of palming his naked sex, fondling his balls or even grinding your wet folds against his thigh—you knew you would get some kind of reaction out of him. Mark was a very sensitive person; physically and mentally. It didn’t take much for him to cry; emotionally and sexually. 
He cried in front of you more times than you could count on your fingers. Whether it was because of a sad movie, when school could get a little too much for him to handle or the time he got the news that his grandfather was diagnosed with stage three lung cancer, he didn’t hesitate to pour out his feelings in front of you. You felt special knowing that you were one of the very few people who’d get to see that side of Mark; his soft, gentle, fragile side. Not the confident, overbearing and egotistical asshole he’d portray himself out to be on campus. 
During the times you would find yourself on your knees, milking him dry of his white, creamy liquid and making sure his legs would wobble by the end of the night, he’d always cry out in pleasure while begging you to do something—anything to help soothe the pleasurable soreness you caused to his lower body. You knew you’d be treading in rough waters if you did tease him in any way while he was on the phone with her, but you were coming to the point where you didn’t even care if she were to find out anymore. 
“Hello? Hey, what’s up? Everything okay?” 
You laughed sarcastically in disbelief—what was so important that couldn’t wait a few more minutes? Something had to be wrong with Mark—who in their right mind would put a halt on fulfilling their carnal urges just to answer the damn phone? You rolled your eyes in irritation—it’s because she was the one trying to get in touch with him. His girlfriend of a year and a half, Aubrey. 
You never understood why Mark continued to fool around with you when he had a girlfriend. What started off as a one night stand at a house party one of his friends threw a little over five months ago turned in to a dangerous affair between the two of you. For the longest time, you knew nothing of the girl in question; Mark was really good at hiding her existence. 
He never told you that he was in a relationship, you didn’t see her at any party or gathering nor did you get a chance to see her around school. But that was because she was his girlfriend from back home. He only saw her during breaks or if she flew up to see him, but for most of their relationship—they were long distance. That was the only plausible reason you believed he allowed this relationship or whatever it was between the two of you to continue. 
One day, you were playing games on Mark’s phone when she sent him a message, asking him what he was doing. At first, you just assumed it was a friend of his or maybe even a classmate, but then, she told him that she missed him and told him to call her when he had the chance. You confronted him in anger; sure, you found it completely weird that he continued to see you—especially for more than just sex. The two of you couldn’t even be considered fuck buddies—no, not when you’d go to sleep wrapped tightly in his warm embrace only to wake up in the morning to his signature gummy smile and stinky morning breath. 
You’d go on cute little dates—or what you assumed were dates. He’d hold your hand and compliment you on your beauty and whatever outfit you put together that day. He’d call you if he couldn’t sleep, he’d pick you up from and drop you off to school, he’d cook you food if he noticed that you were tired and he even made a playlist of songs that reminded him of you; albeit, most of them were meant for when the two of you would stumble in to bed together, but it also contained songs that were more heartfelt and romantic. 
You had a hard time understanding why you were letting him continue to use you. You hated cheaters with a passion; you’ve seen homewreckers ruin multiple marriages within your family and the idea of someone in a relationship fooling around with another person made your skin crawl—yet here you were, fucking with another girl’s boyfriend. You went against all your beliefs and every single rule you were taught to follow just for the devastatingly handsome and sweet talking man sitting right in front of you. 
Honestly, you felt bad for his girlfriend. It was obvious that Mark meant a lot to her. She would constantly text him and send him pictures of what she’d be eating or if she went somewhere the two of them used to frequent. You felt horrible; Aubrey seemed like such a sweet girl and she was completely oblivious to the fact that there was someone else involved in Mark’s life. There were so many times you wanted to call it quits with Mark, you couldn’t keep fooling around with him considering the fact that he had someone at home who loved him—almost as much as you did. 
When you first found out that you weren’t the only one, you should have told him it was over. You should have told him that you weren’t the kind of person who was fine with committing adultery nor did you want to be the other woman—you were a firm believer in monogamous relationships but you didn’t have the strength to tell him no when he began to leave wet, sloppy kisses all along your jaw. You were in deep and you despised the fact that you were so hooked on to him. Mark was everything you could ever want in a significant other; not only was he the most attractive man you have ever laid your eyes on, but he was soft-spoken and gentle towards you. 
At school, he was a cocky prick; his group of friends were some of the most popular guys at your university. It seemed as though every student either wanted to be them, be friends with them or to be with them. But when the two of you were alone, his demeanor would take a 360 degree turn. Sometimes, you’d find it hard to believe that he had two personalities; one meant for his friends and everyone he associated himself with and another one meant for you and only you. It got you thinking though, how did he act when he was with Aubrey? 
Did he treat her the way he did you? Was he protective over her? Could she make him laugh the way you seemingly never failed to? Did he get flustered by a single smile or graze of her fingers against his arm? Was he constantly checking up on her to see how her day was going? He hardly ever talked to her when the two of you were together and seeing as how most of your free time was spent with him, you wondered when he had the chance to call her. 
There were only two instances where he answered her phone call when you were hanging out together. He always gave you an apologetic frown while taking the call and it was when you heard him tell her that he loved her that you knew, you were in love with him. It felt like a painful jab to the chest—for months, you’ve been lying to yourself. 
I don’t love him, I just love who I am when I’m with him. I love how he takes such good care of me and how he fucks me so well. 
You’d repeat those words to yourself every single time that you’d get to see him. With every kiss he’d steal from the corner of your mouth or every smile and look of adoration he’d send your way, you began to feel something deep in your chest. Whenever he’d drop you home, you always felt so empty—like a piece of you went with him back to his place. 
Mark Tuan owned your heart; there was no doubt about it. You’ve been with quite a few guys in the last three years of college but none of them could ever make you feel as over the moon or as elated the way Mark so easily did. He made you so happy; your heart rate would increase rapidly just by the mere sight of him. His laughter—his high pitched, contagious laugh always seemed to send fire through your veins. For months, you tried to accept the fact that all you would ever be to Mark was a place to put his cock while he was away from his actual significant other. 
Maybe, he was only kind, affectionate and generous towards you because it was the only way to get you to stay by his side. If it were anyone else in your shoes, they probably would have given up on him once it was revealed that he was already in a relationship. 
How did he not feel even the smallest ounce of guilt rearranging your guts; pressing you up against his balcony and fucking you in to the next week knowing that his girlfriend was waiting patiently for him to graduate so they could finally be together? And how could he not feel remorse considering the fact that he brought you in to this mess? He was selfish; that you felt wholeheartedly was true. If he cared about you or Aubrey, he would have either broken up with her as soon as the two of you found yourselves falling in to bed together the first time, or he would have never even cheated on her in the first place. How could he continue this facade? How was he fine with playing not just his girlfriend, but you too? He probably didn’t think you held any romantic feelings for him and God—if only that was the truth. 
If you had the choice, you would go back to the beginning of your arrangement and made it your mission to have never fell in love with him. You would have made yourself immune to his endless flirting, you wouldn’t let yourself kiss him other than when you would have sex, you would have made sure that what went on with you and him was strictly physical. No feelings—No emotions—nothing. It was only natural for you to have felt something for him. If you knew back then what you currently know now, you would have never allowed him in to your life—in to your heart. 
You would have never let him tear down the walls you’ve built so high in attempts to keep people out. You would have never allowed him to take up your entire mind—you wouldn’t have given him your body if he wasn’t willing to take all of you. Who were you kidding? There was no regretting Mark Tuan. Even if you were given the chance to go back to the past, you wouldn’t change a thing. Mark Tuan was your person, whether you wanted to accept it or not. He was the rightful owner of your heart, even if you didn’t own his. You couldn’t really hear what she was saying over the phone, but Mark’s brows began to furrow; as if something bad happened. 
Since he was distracted, you took this time to pull away from him—retracting his cock from your now dry folds. Tears were brimming at your eyelids and you would rather die than give him a reason to inflate his ego. He’d have a field day if he found out that you were in love with him; that was the last thing you needed—the last thing he deserved. You would always come second to Audrey. He might have currently been in bed with you; his limbs tangled with yours—running his hands through your hair, tracing the outline of your features feather lightly, kissing every corner of your face, but at the end of the day, Aubrey had the rightful title of his girlfriend. Not you. Nor would it ever be you, even if they did break up one day. 
If Mark saw you as someone with more than just a casual fuck to him, then he would have solidified your relationship months ago. If he harbored any sort of feelings for you, he’d feel wrong telling another girl that he loved her.  Did he though? Did he love her? If he genuinely loved her or at least cared for her—especially because they were in a relationship together, he would never have cheated on her. 
When you love someone, you never want to put them in any kind of situation that would hurt them and you most definitely wouldn’t feel right giving yourself—your time, love, effort and energy to anyone else but that person. As soon as he saw you getting up from off the bed, he asked Aubrey to wait a minute and gave her the excuse that someone rung on his doorbell. You had to force yourself not to say or do anything that would get him in trouble with his girlfriend. 
“What are you doing? I said I’d be hanging up with her soon I’m literally about to end the call—“
“Don’t bother—I’m no longer in the mood anymore so you go finish up with her while I finish myself off.” 
You picked up your clothes from where they were thrown on the ground and headed over to the bathroom; locking the door before he could try and stop you or get you to change your mind. In the corner of your eye, you could see him attempt to follow you, but he must’ve stopped altogether once you shut the door. 
A choked up sob fell from your lips and you tried so hard to prevent any tears from falling, but it was inevitable. Why did you let this go on for so long? Mark was breaking your heart more and more as the days went on and you were the pathetic fool who continued to allow him in doing so. You were wrapped around his finger and there was nothing you could do about it. As soon as you put on all your clothes, you rinsed your face free of any tears and took a deep breath before returning outside. 
All you wanted to do was return back to your apartment. You needed some time to think out this entire arrangement. The idea of losing Mark—no longer having him in your life, no longer being able to kiss his pretty lips, to be held in his protective embrace, to hear him whisper sweet nothings while he passionately made love to you, it broke your heart. It was as if he had somewhat of a Stockholm syndrome hold on you. He was ruining you mentally; he was holding you captive and you weren’t able to leave him—nor did you willingly want to. At this point, you were fine with Mark taking advantage of your patience. All you wanted was him; in anyway you could have him. 
Once you felt like you gave yourself enough time to breathe and recollect your thoughts, you hesitantly made your way back in to his room and you were secretly hoping he’d still be occupied with Aubrey so you didn’t have to worry about him stopping you and questioning what just happened. If this were to happen in the beginning of your affair, you wouldn’t have let it got to you and you were sure you’d continue from where the two of you left off from; but now that there were feelings involved—specifically your feelings, there was no way you could pretend that nothing was wrong. That—you were fine with being a side chick who would drop anything and everything just to be at his beck and call. You were sure you’d spill everything; knowing the kind of person you were, you would probably tell him how and when your feelings of lust turned in to love and how you respected yourself a lot more now to continue staying with someone who technically belonged to another woman. 
He might not have seen her in a long while, but he continued to act like everything was fine between them. Not once has he ever told you exactly what she meant to him—she hardly ever came up in conversation. It’s as if he never wanted to bring her up and you understood that it was because Mark was well aware that as someone who was sleeping around with him, you probably wouldn’t want to hear about his girlfriend. To your dismay, he was no longer on the phone and he was sitting at the edge of the bed—still naked and waiting for you to come out. 
Right as his gaze landed on you, he leaped up from off the bed and made a beeline toward you. He tried to reach out to you, but you shook your head—you didn’t want to give him the benefit of the doubt. You were exhausted; he continued to take, take, take from you and although he was very generous in bed, he didn’t give the same amount of devotion in a romantic aspect. He didn’t fulfill your heart’s desires like he did with your lustful ones. 
“Where are you going baby—“
“Don’t. Don’t give me that baby shit Mark, you just got off the phone with your girlfriend for heaven’s sakes. I think it would be best for the both of us if I were to leave before I say or do something I will regret.”
“Wait—what are you even saying? What happened y/n? Why do you sound so upset? You knew exactly what you were signing up for as soon as we hooked up—“ 
You let out a scoff of disbelief. Was he being real right now? It was too late, you were going to let everything out tonight. If he ended up not reciprocating your feelings, then there was nothing you could do. These last six months opened your eyes to the reality that you were never going to mean as much to Mark the way he did to you. You could try anything; you could fuck him as much as both your time and energy permitted you to. You could do whatever it was he asked of you, but it would never be enough. You would never be enough. 
There was something Aubrey had that you didn’t; you couldn’t quite put your finger on it—it couldn’t have been because they have a longer history. Maybe he felt obligated to continue staying with her. Although you knew Mark like the back of your hand—you knew practically every little thing about him, there had to be some information that he left you in the dark about. Maybe their parents were friends and he just wanted to please the both of them by staying with her or maybe he genuinely liked her, but he had his desires that needed to be fulfilled and he was going to use you until they could finally be together again.
“I didn’t know anything you asshole! You kept Aubrey a secret from me for an entire fucking month. I shouldn’t have told you I was okay with continuing whatever it is that’s going on between you and I. It’s not fucking fair Mark, to her or to me. We were fucking when your girlfriend called! Does it not bother you in the least way that you’re playing the both of us? Do you not sit back and think that what you’re doing is wrong? Yes, I’m sleeping around with a man in a relationship, but you’re the one allowing it! You’re just as at fault here, so don’t try to make it seem like you’re not doing anything wrong! Admit it, you get off on some kind of high knowing that you have the ability to manipulate two different women. One who you call your girlfriend and one who you call when you need to get your dick wet. I don’t know who you think you are Mark, but I’m tired of being your puppet. I’m tired of giving you the ability to break me—to do whatever you want with me. I let it go all these months; I know it was wrong and I feel like such a bitch for getting involved with you knowing you have a girlfriend. I made a vow to myself never to do such a thing but look Mark—I’m a fucking mistress! I can’t blame you completely because I’m still here, but I need you to know that I can’t do this anymore. I’m done. With this—with you. Have a nice life, I no longer want to be apart of it.” 
You quickly grabbed your bag from his bedside table and stormed out of his room—if he were to come after you and attempt to sweet talk you in to staying; at his apartment and in his life, you would’ve gave in to him and that powerful speech you just poured your heart in to would have all been for nothing.  As much as you wanted to rid him from your thoughts entirely and say that you felt as though a huge weight has been lifted from off your shoulders, you’d be lying if you said it didn’t hurt when you realized he wasn’t chasing after you. But then again, this was what you wanted—your heart could no longer handle the fact that he didn’t care for you or love you the way you practically gave him your entire being. 
You would have done anything for the older boy—you were well aware of that and so was he; but allowing him to play with your emotions all the while leading you on was something you refused to let continue. From the time you were a little girl, you were extremely insecure about every single little feature on your body; your bushy eyebrows, your chubby cheeks, your sharp nose that you believed was too big, your crooked teeth and short neck. You also didn’t like the fact that you were only 5”2—you felt like people didn’t take you seriously because you were so tiny. However, over the course of your arrangement with Mark, you didn’t know how you did it—but you fell in love with everything you believed you hated about yourself. 
Unfortunately, you knew Mark had a lot to do with it. He praised your body on a daily basis, like it was his duty to tell you how breathtakingly beautiful you were and how your body was handcrafted by Leonardo DaVinci himself. During your sexual activities; whether it was when he’d find himself with his face buried in your cunt, or if he had you pressed up against the counter, he never failed to compliment you on how soft your skin was, how insane your curves were and how he truly believed you were God’s favorite with how amazing your body was. 
Only then did it hit you—Mark only ever seemed to compliment you when his dick was deep inside of you or right after the two of you reached euphoria together. You had to accept it—you were just a fuck buddy, a play thing—someone to help him relieve stress and find pleasure through. When you reached your car, you sat in it and cried for a few moments; allowing everything to come out. 
It was hysterical; less than an hour ago, you were crying out of frustration because he kept fucking you with his fingers but refused to fill you with his length until you begged him to do so. Now, your sobs were filling up your entire vehicle all because you couldn’t let your affair to continue anymore. Everything seemed to be getting out of hand. You put so much effort in to something so pathetic all for a boy who couldn’t give less of a shit about you—a stupid, egotistical, manipulative, selfish asshole. You wanted to wait until you were completely calm and free of any more tears before you began to drive back to your apartment. 
Did all of that really just happen? What were you going to do now? There was no way you could just pretend like he was nothing to you. Six months of memories; kissing him in bathrooms that was hardly ever used at your university, singing along to Disney movies, helping each other with homework, attempting to cook meals that either of you saw on food network and ultimately failing, driving to another state on a whim just because you needed a break from life—every single beautiful moment spent with him was forever etched in to the back of your mind. 
Mark Tuan was the rightful owner of your heart; he was the reason why it would flutter and rapidly beat as much as it would sink and tear apart by the smallest mistake or argument. You continuously repeated to yourself that this was what you needed—you needed to let him go sooner or later or else he would end up breaking you completely; until you were a shell of nothing. 
Two weeks went by since that night and you could honestly say they were the worst two weeks of your entire life. You weren’t even exaggerating—you were miserable beyond belief. Mark hasn’t tried to get in contact with you at all since you stormed out of his apartment and with every swig you took of whatever alcohol beverage you drank in order to take your mind off of the man in question, you attempted to coerce yourself in believing that this is what you wanted. 
This is what was best for you. That didn’t mean it didn’t hurt like hell though; sure, you told him that you were done with him and you no longer wanted to have anything to do with him, but he gave up so easily. It felt like a slap in the face by reality that your biggest worries were true—he had no legitimate feelings for you; just lust. He could get anyone he wanted to take your place; you were just another useless body. You wouldn’t be surprised if you were to find out that he told his friends about you and what the two of you have been doing for the last few months. 
His group of friends were notorious for having a group chat that they would brag about all of their hookups. You were so tempted to reach out to him and the multiple amounts of alcohol you’d consume would only make you crave his presence a lot more. Some days were better than others and by better, you didn’t cry as much and you actually would get some sleep. Why did you allow this to happen? 
Anyone who knew anything about friends with benefit relationship were well aware that it could never be just sex. Things always got messy; one person fell in love while the other didn’t reciprocate the same feelings. In this case, you were the poor unfortunate soul who got the short end of the stick—you fell in love knowing that your feelings would never be reciprocated. It was heartbreaking; the first time you ever loved someone—it just so happened to be a person that was never yours in the first place. Once you were to move on from Mark completely, you were afraid that you would never be able to love anyone else. 
This entire arrangement ruined your outlook on love permanently. You had to force yourself not to try and reach out to him—there was a point where you even hid your phone because you were afraid you’d give in and call him. He obviously didn’t care—losing you wasn’t a loss to him at all. Not if you never meant anything to him in the first place. Your friends tried to reach out to you multiple times throughout your emotional episode; it wasn’t like you drop off the face of the earth without an explanation. But nobody knew about you and Mark—nor would anyone understand what you were doing with him. 
You were still in your early twenties, but you weren’t too young to realize that having an affair was wrong. You’ve known that even when you were a little girl—if your friends or even your family were to find out the mess that you’ve gotten yourself in to, they’d be so disappointed. Every time your phone went off, you held on to a tiny string of hope that it would be Mark trying to get in contact with you. It was too much of you to hope that maybe, just maybe he came to the conclusion that he missed you, that he was nothing without you and that he accepted the thought of loving you. However, it was always your close friends trying to get you to go out with them. 
As much as you felt like you should say yes to them and allow yourself to move on by joining in on activities to keep you preoccupied, you didn’t have the strength, energy or desire to do anything at all. At the three week point, you came to accept that Mark wasn’t coming back. He was done with you, and there was nothing you could do about it. When you returned back to school, your friends were on your case—pointing out the fact that you looked like literal death. Claiming that you’ve lost at least ten pounds since the last time they saw you and that your cheekbones were more prominent. 
They also stated that you looked as though you haven’t slept in days—your eye bags were dark and your eyes were puffier than usual. Like you had done with everyone else in your life; you lied and gave them the excuse that you had some kind of bug and that your doctor told you that it would be best for you to stay bedridden. Thankfully, they bought it—you didn’t need the constant reminder of why you were acting like someone died. 
“Hey, I know you don’t care about anyone from Jinyoung’s group of friends, but did you happen to see Mark’s girlfriend yet? She’s here for spring break. She’s so pretty; I don’t understand why she would want to come to a university on her vacation, but maybe she just wants to spend time with her boyfriend no matter what it is that they do. They’re so cute together.” 
Everything your best friend was telling you about Mark and Aubrey felt like a punch to the gut. Every single word twisted your heart and you began to grow lightheaded. So that’s why he didn’t come after you that night; maybe she told him she was coming to visit him. He didn’t need you anymore—he’d have someone, his someone in particular to give him his fill. He might have been cheating on her, but you didn’t think he’d be the type to sleep with two different girls at the same time—then again, it would probably raise his confidence levels in such an obnoxious way. 
If only your friend knew how much her words were taking over your mind—how much they were ruining you and slowly tearing you apart. You wanted to cry—you felt like screaming to get her to stop. She had no idea about your relationship with Mark, so it wasn’t as though she was trying to make you feel bad. Even if she did know, she wouldn’t do anything to hurt your feelings—although, she would have been upset to hear about your poor choices. 
“I—uh—no. I’ve only been here for about ten minutes so—I wouldn’t know. Cool. I should get going. I’ve already missed out on so much—I’ll call you later.” 
You wasted no time briskly heading to your first class. Honestly, you didn’t even want to go anymore. Coming to school was a mistake—what was another day of missing class? You’ve been doing your work online; there was really no reason to be there other than for attendance purposes. You didn’t feel like you learned anything anyway, so there was really no point at all. You mentally cursed yourself at your negative thoughts—this was all Mark’s fault. Before him, you genuinely enjoyed school. 
Your education meant everything to you. Whenever you were assigned homework—you completed it before your next day of class. Some of your professors complimented your on your work ethic and your English professor even asked you to become their TA because you were always so on top of things. Now, you couldn’t wait for school to be over with and you didn’t even care whether or not you passed any of your classes this semester. 
Nothing mattered to you anymore and it was so disheartening that you allowed a stupid asshole to have this effect on you. To flip your world upside down and make you hate everything that used to bring you so much joy and contentment. You were busy trying to avoid people in the hallway and you couldn’t care less about whether or not you ended up bumping in to someone. Today was just not your day and if people were smart, they’d stay far away from you.  
Your phone began to ring, and when you saw that one of your other friends were trying to get in touch with you, you were debating on answering. Human interaction wasn’t something you wanted to put up with for the rest of your time on campus. Everything was all too much for you to take in. The idea of Mark—introducing Aubrey to everyone as his girlfriend, the risk of seeing them together—kissing, holding hands, hugging, acting sweet to one another, it was messing with your head. 
Heard you’re back, if you’re free right now, did you want to get some coffee?
The word no was at the tip of your tongue—you were afraid that you’d give yourself away if you showed any sort of emotion that proved you weren’t sick at all. However, you loved coffee and you were sure it would be the only kind of positivity you’d be able to have at all today so you were going to take what you could get. 
It didn’t take too long for you to reach the coffee shop—there were three spread throughout campus, so you made your way over to where your friend said to meet them. You put in your headphones and blasted your playlist of sad songs—most people would try to steer clear of melancholic music while they were going through such a difficult time but it actually brought you peace. Some weird, twisted kind of peace but nonetheless, it helped you cope with the pain that Mark’s sudden absence left on you. The smell of coffee was soon ridding you of your anxiety and you were quick to see your friend towards the back of the shop. She waved you down and you acknowledged her before getting in line to place your order. 
“Next in line.” 
You gave a soft smile to the barista and gave him your order—going with a large caramel macchiato with three shots of espresso, you were in need of caffeine in the hopes that it would give you enough energy to last through three classes. When you pulled to the side and began to scroll through Instagram, your friend sent you a playful text message about how she was glad that you went with the biggest size, you were definitely going to need it. 
“I have a grande matcha latte and a venti iced americano with almond milk for Aubrey—“ 
Your heart felt as if it was about to combust out of your chest at the sound of her name. Sure, there could have been multiple Aubrey’s on your campus. It wasn’t an uncommon name—but you knew the americano was Mark’s go to beverage. He was lactose intolerant and the first time you went to get coffee together, he told you that americanos helped him stay awake. You didn’t want to look up—you were afraid of seeing her or worse—seeing him. 
Life could be a bitch sometimes. Maybe this was your karma for fooling around with someone who was already taken. You couldn’t help it, you lifted your head up to see the girl who owned the heart of the man who owned yours and you ultimately regretted doing so. She was beautiful—there was no doubt about it. No matter how much you wanted to be bitter and say that she was ugly or that you couldn’t understand what Mark saw in her, you knew that was far from the truth. You’ve only seen a few pictures on her Instagram when you accidentally stumbled upon her account one day but her pictures didn’t do her justice at all. Her long brown hair was in big, bouncy waves.
She was wearing a red, summer dress with a pair of heels. You could feel yourself choking up at the sight of her and all her beauty and you began to mentally scold yourself for not putting any effort in to your outfit at all today. But what did it matter? At the end of the day, it was her who got to say that Mark was her person. She got to tell people with confidence that they were a couple while you had to hide behind the cafeteria or shopping malls in the fear of anyone recognizing the two of you. 
She grabbed the two drinks and made her way to a table near where your friend was sitting. Out of all the places that she could have decided to meet you, it just had to be the same place that Mark’s girlfriend was currently at all the while waiting for him. Was it too late for you to come up with an excuse as to why you couldn’t stay for too long? Surely she’d be able to understand right? 
There was no way you could be able to withstand being in the same room with the man that ripped your heart from out of your chest and threw it on the ground right in front of you—stepping on it like a used cigarette. That’s all you were to him—a cigarette. You were bad for him—but he was addicted to you and he used you only when it was beneficial to him. Just like the way smoking addicts would turn to cigarettes for stress relief, Mark would come to you for a way to release any pent up frustration and just like when the cigarette burns out and the high is over, you’re thrown to the ground and discarded until he needed another hit. 
“Y/n, I have your venti caramel macchiato.” 
Your hands were shaking and all the wind was knocked out of you. After politely thanking the barista, you took in a deep breath as you sauntered to the direction of your friend. You began to plan out ways to escape this unfortunate situation you found yourself in. Fate must’ve had something against you; this wasn’t a coincidence that you’d be in the same exact place at the same exact time as the both of them. This was your payback—your punishment and you were just going to have to take it like a big girl. 
“Hey y/n. I’m so happy to see you again, although, from what everyone who has seen you has told me so far, you really don’t look too good. Maybe you should have asked your doctor to give you a few more days off—“
“I’m fine, really. I can’t afford to miss out on any more school or else I won’t graduate on time. Don’t worry about me. Let’s talk about you, inform me on everything I missed.” 
As she began to tell you about how her life was going and how much you missed out on so many fun outings, everything she was saying went through one ear and out the other. Thankfully, your back was facing where Aubrey was sitting. You were sure if you were able to see her, you wouldn’t be able to take your eyes off of her. Your friend continued to explain the crisis she was experiencing with one of her AP classes and you felt bad for not giving a shit at all. You tried to muster any kind of response and you could tell your “oh really?” and your “that sucks” were completely insincere, but if she noticed anything out of the ordinary—she didn’t say anything. 
You didn’t think anything of the chime of the front door, but something in your chest—probably the fact that you grew accustomed to the distinct sound of Mark’s footsteps made it known that he was now there and your suspicions were soon answered when he spoke up. 
“Hey, sorry I’m late. My professor held us back for five minutes. You weren’t waiting too long were you?” She giggled softly at her apology and it had to be the green monster of jealous on your back that was growing annoyed at the sound. 
“No. I just got our drinks. So how was class baby?” 
The term of endearment made your skin crawl—baby. You used to call him that; but then again, it was only when you were fucking him. Only once did you ever call him baby other than when you were having your fun together and he never really reacted to it. He must’ve been used to hearing you say it during your many hookups that it was second nature to you. You couldn’t handle staying in the coffee shop for a minute longer—you were afraid that something inside of you would get you to walked over to their table and tell her everything. 
Mark didn’t deserve to have a happy ending—not after all that he’s put you through. If you had to suffer, so did he. But you weren’t like that. You weren’t a terrible, heartless person no matter how much you wanted to be. You wanted to hurt him—break him—ruin him the way he so easily did to you. You wanted every single one of his thoughts to be filled with you and how he played you. Your mind was begging you to leave—the last thing you needed was to make a fool out of yourself and who knew? He could pretend that he had no idea what you were talking about and make you seem like the biggest idiot ever. 
“Hey, I actually planned on talking to my physics professor about missing assignments so I think I’m going to head out. Sorry about that.” The younger girl shook her head before giving your hand a comforting squeeze. 
“You’re fine! Don’t stay away from us any longer okay? We’re only young once, let’s make the most of what we still can.” 
You mirrored her expression and nonverbally agreed before picking up your books and your bag. Right as you said your goodbyes, you abruptly turned around and collided with a body. Not just any body—the body you’ve grown so familiar with in the last half a year. The body that made you feel so safe, so comforted, so happy and so serene. The body you’ve missed more than anything—Mark.
“I’m so sorry I should have looked where I was going—y/n?” 
Hearing him say your name again after almost an entire month of not seeing or hearing from him sent you through so many different emotions and you felt like you were on the verge of both throwing up and crying. It wasn’t a sensation you were used to nor did you ever want to get used to it. You just wanted to get the hell out of there. You didn’t even look up at him; your initial instinct would probably be to either punch him or to kiss him and both options would bring you so many problems. 
“It’s fine. I’m fine. Now, if you’ll excuse me—“ you attempted to walk away from him; being this close in proximity to him was suffocating. Your chest felt heavy and you were growing nauseous. 
“Y/n, I’m sorry—that night—I can explain—“
“There’s nothing for you to explain Mark. I’d watch myself if I were you. Your girlfriend is right over there. You’re not as quiet as you think you are, I don’t even know why you’re talking to me or what you feel the need to explain yourself. What we had is over. You and I are over, so there’s no need—“
“Please, we need to talk. I need to tell you something—“ 
Now would be a good time to just bring your fist up and force it against his cheek. Did he hear himself? He was gone—he stayed away for weeks. He made you feel like complete and utter shit. He didn’t fight for you or your relationship—he didn’t beg you to stay nor did he try to stop you at all. Seeing him right now, you noticed that you were more angry with him than you were missing him. Did he really think that you were going to take him back with open arms as though the last three weeks of hell that you suffered through never happened at all? Did he think you were that stupid and that desperate enough to go crawling back to him with the snap of a finger? 
He knew that he had the power to get you to come running to him even if he didn’t try to stop you that night. If you were to tell him why you were so angry with the fact that she interrupted your time with him, he would have seen right through you. If Mark had any kind of common sense, he would be able to pick up on the fact that it had nothing to do about being interrupted during sex. You wanted to laugh sarcastically—his girlfriend was a mere five feet away, he was truly unbelievable. 
“Your silence that night spoke volumes for you so I think it’s best if we pretend like what we had never happened at all. You better go return back to her or else she’ll know something is up. I meant what I said when I left you, I no longer want to be apart of your life if my place—my presence isn’t as much of a priority as yours is in mine. Now, before I end up walking over there and telling her exactly who you are and who I was to you, be smart and leave it as it is.” 
You shoved passed him and walked out of the shop with so much weight off of your shoulders. Telling him off felt amazing; there was so much more you wish you could have said, but you already felt eyes on the two of you and you didn’t want to bring any more attention to the two of you. You were sure your friend must’ve saw the entire exchange go down and she would most likely have a lot of questions, but you didn’t care about anything at all—your mind was set on going back home. 
Sleep sounded so good right now and as much as running away from your problems wasn’t ideal, you deserved some rest. You didn’t even attend one class and you were in more or less words exhausted to the tenth degree. The image of him begging for you to hear him out with just his eyes alone was now imprinted in the back of your mind. Mark was never a man of words—not with you. He preferred using actions and you liked it that way. 
But now, those actions were being used against you, not for you. There was something inside of you; pleading for you to hear him out—you knew it was the part that still loved him wholeheartedly. You wanted to give up your pride—you were proud of yourself for standing your ground, but there was a hole in your heart that could only be filled by Mark himself. As you started walking towards your car, you felt your phone vibrate in your bag and it didn’t take a genius to know who might have been texting you. 
That was who he was; Mark was insufferable. He was the type who wouldn’t stop until he got what he wanted and if he wanted to talk to you, he was going to do anything and everything in his power to get you to listen. You contemplated taking a glance at your phone for quite some time. It was tempting; what if he decided to just confess everything since you weren’t willing to let him talk to you in person? There was really no harm in looking at his messages; you just weren’t going to respond. If you even sent a simple “back off” you were allowing him to continue sticking around in your life. By not responding at all, you’re giving him an answer. 
Getting over him completely was going to take some time, but you owed it to yourself to be released from the confines of Mark’s hold that he had on you. There were so many other men out there; men who didn’t come with baggage. Men who were both physically and theoretically available. Men who would love you—only you. Men you didn’t have to worry about their place in your life or your place in theirs. You bit your lip in anticipation; what was there left for him to say or do after you practically shunned him from your life? He might have believed he wasn’t going to give up this time without a fight; you probably did damage to his ego but your mind was set. 
You were done with Mark Tuan, for good.
Mark: I love you and I’m sorry. 11:25 A.M.
'Cause you weren't mine to lose
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datk-popblog · 4 years
NCT Dream as Your Boyfriend
(not a request! I thought I’d do a little write write for you guys haha❤️)
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He’s such a loving boyfriend. Like he’d do anything to show his affection for/towards you.
Whenever he’s super busy with comebacks or just work in general; he’ll ALWAYS make up for it.
Like for example. If he missed 5 days to spend time with you, he would spend 5 days on little dates with you. It’s the little things he does.
The boys always mention how much he talks about you and omg he gushes everytime.
“What can I say? I’m obsessed with her!”
Cute little nicknames for you like “lovely,” “Buggy bear,” “Honey bee,” and “Doll face”
He likes to make you dinner a lot. Like a lot a lot.
“This is the fourth time you’ve made me dinner in the same week, babe.” “I can’t let my wifey starve!”
He was the type to get your relationship very open to the members but very secret in public.
Renjun always wants to protect you from the hateful critics and what they have to say about your guy’s relationship.
When it came to meeting each other’s parents; man oh man he was a wreck.
“Are they gonna like me? Especially your dad! I have to look very clean and nicely dressed. I can’t look like a jerk!”
He wouldn’t shut up about how nervous he was gonna be the entire ride. It got so bad it started making you overwhelmed and nervous😭
On his days off, he literally took you anywhere you wanted to go.
The spa? He’d get a mani pedi to pamper himself too because he’s a supportive boyfriend so why tf not.
Even dates to the amusement park? Like one day he’d be like “it’s my day off, so, let’s go to the park.”
Even dates to South Korea’s fanciest restaurants like omg.
When it’s sexy time, he knows what you like and how you like it delivered.
One day he found out you can squirt and he’s literally been making you squirt over and over ever since.
Yeah, Renjun looks very innocent on the outside with a dash of glitter to him; but when you two are alone he MANHANDLES the fuck out of you.
Sometimes he doesn’t mean to hurt you. He just is really rough and it comes off super duper aggressive.
After sexy time, he ALWAYS ALWAYS makes sure to nut in your mouth. Whatever position you guys are in, he’ll turn you around or stand you up.
He just loves watching his liquids drip from your lips. He gets off looking at it.
After sex, he’d cuddle you so so hard. Like he’d fuck the hell out of you, but wants to be little spoon? Like dude wtf
“I love you soooo much my lovely.”
Ugh omg just hold this boy and cherish him
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He’s such a tease boyfriend and it SHOWS.
He likes to brag about how hot you two look together (and y’all do look hot PAUSE)
“That’s my baby. Her fine self!”
He enjoys bringing you to his practices. He knows you like to watch him dance
Sometimes you’ll be there at the studio for hours and you’ll get super tired.
“I’m sorry I’m taking long baby girl. We’ll be home together soon.” He’d tell you then go back to practicing
The one special thing about Jeno is that he’s soooo reassuring. From little compliments to accomplishments.
He loves to praise you for how much you’ve done and how good you take care of him
“I love you so much. You’ve done everything for me.”
Like if you passed a test or something from school, he’d take you on a date.
Even if you didn’t pass the test he’d still treat you because he loves you so much!
Jeno likes to leave little love notes around your guy’s room. It’s like a scavenger hunt. You’ll find them behind the tv, under your pillow and bed, in your shirt drawer. Literally everywhere.
When it came to announcing your relationship to the world, he wasn’t afraid. He did NOT care at all. Regardless of what the company said. SM told him to wait at least one year and he did it after 6 months.
“I know you’re meant to be my forever. I can feel it in my heart, babe. I know you are.”
When it came to sex, he was super super sweet and slow. He loved taking his time with you. He wasn’t dominant but was when it was the right time.
Lovesssssssss to suck your toes.(IK ITS WEIRD BUT HE LOVES IT!!!!) He loves tf out of your feet???
For your guy’s first time, Jeno put roses on the bed and serenaded you with a guitar and literally had you meLTINGGG.
“I love you so much. Whenever you’re ready; I’m ready.”
He liked for you to be dominant sometimes but would never force you. He never forces you into doing stuff you never wanna do; especially during sex (or in general)
After sexy time, it was shower time together.
You both just hugged one another in the shower and let the water run over you both. And during all this, his thick arms just embraced your frame.
When you were in his arms you felt loved and at home.
“You know I love you right?” “You tell me all the time, Jeno. I’m aware.” “I just love saying it.”
(Jeno is my bias so this made me feel so lonely writing his section. I hate it here😭)
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Haechan is known as the sassy one but in the relationship that’s literally how he is. It’s the Gemini in him.
Don’t be surprised if sometimes he has an attitude. He just had a bad day at work.
“I don’t mean to yell or snap at you. You know I love you, baby.” And he’d hold you so so tight
You guys wouldn’t ever argue sometimes but if you did you both would ignore each other.
Then the other mates would have to fix the issue with you both.
“If you guys don’t stop with the petty shit!” -Renjun
Haechan LOVES your kisses.
If you didn’t kiss him in a certain amount of time he’d fake cry and stomp his feet.
“Jagi~~!! I need your kis-“ “omg there. Be quiet”
When he was gone for work (for literal months) it was so hard for you guys to maintain a good long distance relationship.
You guys would FaceTime all the time but it was never the same because you wanted him in person.
“I don’t know the next time I’m able to see your face. I miss you a lot though, baby girl.”
You would see Haechan all the time and how good he was doing on the web but omg YOU MISSED YOUR BABY
Occasionally he’d come back home and stay with you for as long as he needed to.
“You should travel with me and sing with the group. A female touch would be awesome.” “Haechan, I love you, but I’m not singing with 127.”
Soon enough he convinced SM to bring you wherever he went so now you’re with the boys. All. The. Time.
“You’re my new assistant, Y/N. I demand a bottle of water.” “Kiss my ass, Haechan”
SEXY time with Haechan ooooooo chile
He likes to lift you up and hold you against the wall and kiss your neck.
Or even doggy style. Haechan just loves the view from the back.
Whenever he hits it from the back, he digs his fingers right at the bottom of your back. Or even grabs your shoulders to go in deeper.
You only know when he’s close when his body starts slowing down and you feel his body jerk.
“I wanna nut in you so badly, Y/N!” “Well don’t do that.”
Eventually he nutted in you and you had to take a plan B. So that’s that
“I told you not to do that to me, babe.” “I couldn’t just hold it back. It came out.”
After 10 months of dating, he bought you a promise ring. Seems quick but he KNEW it was meant to be. He’s not letting you go; no matter what.
“Soon, I’m gonna turn that ring into an engagement ring.” Haechan smiles
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I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone more affectionate than Na Jaemin
He’s such a loving boyfriend like super loving
Before you would go to work, he would pack your lunch and make sure to add little hearts and notes in your lunch-bag
His little notes would say something like: “I love you so much my honey bear,” “Have an amazing day at work. DONT overwork yourself.”
If you went somewhere without him, he would be a little offended but would end his disagreement w/ a “text me when you get there. I love you.”
and holy fuck if you did NOT text him, he’d lose his mind
you guys have each other’s locations
when Jisung was around, it was literally a competition for whoever gets Jaemin first.
Jaemin would occasionally pick Jisung over you. He’s fake and it shows
“where’s all the love and attention I need?” You call out.
“Baby, you have to wait your turn.” -Jaemin
when you guys argued, he would literally feel so guilty. especially if you had reasons to be pissed off.
like you would have receipts and he’d just cry. not to play victim, but because he wouldn’t ever want to hurt you emotionally, or physically.
“I’m really sorry...I promise I won’t do it again.”
he made it up by kissing you endlessly.
sexy time with Jaemin was everything you desired it to be
little comments in-between sex like: “i love you princess,” or “do i make you feel good?” 
okay but Jaemin is more of the submissive type. he rarely gets dominant with you.
“i’m tired of riding you jaemin. my legs hurt.” “don’t worry, babe. lay down.”
like he KNOWS how to put it down
like he knows what he be doing too like wtf man
Jaemin makes dinner practically every night. this man is never not cooking.
“do you want pork or soup tonight?” “how about pork IN the soup?” “Y/N, I love your thinking.”
Jaemin as your boyfriend>>>>>>anything else
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Chenle likes to wake you up with breakfast in bed
even though sometimes he can burn the food or miss an ingredient
“how does it taste, baby girl?” you smiled and kissed him
Chenle was very very giving
he would always buy you something (RICH CHENLE CHECK)
little trips to the mall, coffee shops, jewelry stores
“babe do you want this?” “Chenle, I don’t need-” “Grab it. I’ll get it for you”
he brags to the dreamies about you ALLLLLL THEEEEEE TIMEEEEE
“you see Y/N as my lock-screen? isn’t she so frickn beautiful!”
“Chenle, you’ve mentioned Y/N about a hundred times” -Haechan
“And I don’t regret it.”
if you guys are far away from each other he’ll always ft you. there’s never not one day he’s not talking to you
“holy shit. I miss you so much. I’m going insane!” “Chenle, it’s just three more weeks.” “I can’t even go 3 minutes without thinking about you.”
since you guys have a studio apartment together in South Korea, he does surprise pop up visits
he’ll literally be sitting on the couch and scare the shit out of you
“Chenle, you didn’t tell me when you were gonna be home!” “I thought I’d surprise you when you come home from work.”
When he came home, you guys made love. Like he was holding it in for YEARS!!!
Chenle is rough af when the times right. Like especially when he hasn’t seen you in so long.
“Tell me when to slow down. I don’t wanna hurt you.” He whispers in your ear
He likes to kiss your neck and leave hickies when he’s on top. HE ENJOYS LEAVING MARKS ON YOU
He’s very demanding
“Tell me you love me. Tell me, Y/N. Say it, baby.”
Sometimes he gets tired and makes you ride him. And when you slow down, he grabs the fUCK OUT OF YOUR HIPS
“Chenle, I cant go any faster. My thighs hurt.” “Here let me help you.” AND BOOM. HES ON BEAST MODE
As soon as you guys finish, he cuddles you so hard and rubs your booty. He doesn’t care to put boxers on after sex because he’s just so comfortable
“That was so amazing. When’s the last time we’ve done something that well together?” “Chenle, I don’t know. You’ve been gone for 3 months.”
“Yeah but how’d you get so well.” “Chenle what?!”😭😭
If you guys rest long enough; he goes for round two. There’s nothing holding this kid back. HE WILL FUCK THE SHIT OUT OF YOU BC HE MISSED YOU
If you guys ever have small arguments it would literally be for five minutes and boom. You guys are best friends????
he hates arguing with you because he feels it’s a “waste of time” and it “emotionally hurts the relationship”
which he’s not wrong because who would want their relationship ruined on stupid arguments
“Y/N quit ignoring me and make out with me.”
he’s just never around you anymore so it’s just a bunch of orgasms built up
Chenle is awesome in all the right ways. This kid is the best boyfriend.
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I’m pretty sure Jisung has told you and other people hundreds of times he’s gonna marry you.
“you have no idea how much I fucking I adore you, Y/N.”
yeah he’s the baby of the group, but you’re HIS baby.
“Jagi! You have to eat something! I’m not letting you go anywhere til you eat!”
he’s very very caring. sometimes he doesn’t show it in a talking way, but through his actions; it speaks so much louder.
Jisung can be a little awkward sometimes. especially around the members.
If you were to kiss him when the dreamers were there, he would get super red and would be on hush mode.
“Jagiiiii~ You aren’t supposed to do that. You know how I feel.” “But you and I both know how much you love it.” You smiled
when he first met your family, he was very scared. I mean like sweating through his dress shirt scared.
“Jisung, baby. they’re gonna like you a lot, okay? Don’t be so nervous.” “Yeah, but what if they ask me a question and I don’t respond? Imagine if your dad asks me what my intentions are with you? What the fuck am I gonna say?”
he literally shakes when he meets your mom but not your dad???
after he met the fam, they loved him a lot
Jisung is the sweetest person how can anyone NOT love him. like cmon
when you guys came out to the public, he took you E V E R Y W H E R E
and i mean everywhere
You were his date to music awards, debut stages, game/talk shows, etc.
Jisung loved bringing you everywhere with him. He says it makes him feel safe and at home every time he’s with you
(i wish someone felt that way about me. ima cry)
(this next part im NOT getting into detail. ik how lots of you feel about baby Jisung therefore it’ll be not so r-rated)
love making with Jisung is the softest thing ever.
before he does ANYTHING to your body, he ALWAYS makes sure you’re okay with it.
“Baby, you know I’ll always put your feelings first. I love you.”
He wasn’t rough(unless you asked or begged) he was always gentle
whenever he was on top, he liked to bury his face into your neck and give you neck kisses and soft nip at your ear
whenever you rode him, he’d just grab your hips and does the work for you. he knows how tiring it can be for your thighs so he goes all out by helping
his soft mOANS ARE TO DIE FOR. like literally he lets loose when it’s private time
moral of the story; find yourself a Jisung bc you won’t regret it.
It’s been WAY too long since I posted. I’ve been working full-time at my job now and saving up for a car ! Im super excited for myself guys omgggg. I missed you guys so so much
xoxo Jay
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