#too many opinions to tag
wyrmswears · 2 months
yknow what, fuck you, [unhumans your previous elemental masters of lightning and ice and makes them best friends^_^]
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Ice is an unspecified eldritch being. He has an uncanny valley effect on humans that unnerves the majority of the team who in turn can't understand how Libber, Garmadon, and Wu don't feel unsettled by him. Eventually, the teams warms up to him, and though no one becomes as close to him as Libber is, everyone knows they can come to him if they want to hex their ex or get a demon exorcised (sometimes these are one and the same).
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Libber is a raijū and though this isn't common knowledge when she joins the elemental masters, news quickly spreads; she isn't great at keeping secrets. She DOES bite and Maya learnt this the hard way.
more art but also cw for death under read more
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clfixationstation · 1 month
idk if this is a hot take but I don't think Armin is friendly. I think people find him generally off-putting. Like, people think he looks sweet, but also find him strange; for the topics that interest him, the way he didn't stray far from Eren (& Mikasa) socially, and his general demeanor.
I think that as Armin established himself more as he grew up, he developed better interpersonal skills that compliment his rhetorical prowess. I think he's the type of person who sees value in life and in minimizing harm. He offers kindness to his friends and understanding to all. But I don't see him as particularly "friendly"
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dragoncxv360 · 3 months
So uh, in honor of today's episode, I finally drew Solar lmao 💀 (will make a digital version later)
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Kinda messed around with making my own design 'cause I like designing characters and especially outfits (all at once my fav and least fav part of drawing tbh, fav 'cause I love drawing clothes (I wanted to be a fashion designer as a kid actually) but least fav 'cause I gotta cover all the fun anatomy I like spending time on, tho I didn't spend as much time on it this time since I knew it was gonna be covered 😭). Also I like the apron some people (namely @/witchysolfan) draw him in and I've read fics mentioning him wearing an apron so it's canon in my head XD.
Very rough sketches of the VR vs @/ayyy-imma-ninja's design 'cause I wanted to wrap my head around those ones first before attempting my own
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Might try to take more colour inspiration from the VR model/more VR accurate thumbnail design? Idk, we'll see. I did legitimately think Meg's design was canon tho lol so when I saw Solar's actual model I was like wait a minute who the fuck is that??? (I never watched any episodes outside of the very first one several years ago till a few days ago, so I mainly just know stuff about the show from people talking about it and the more canon compliant parts of fics, so I've only ever seen fanart of Meg's design lol)
Also I kept drawing his pants after most of the rest of his clothes and it was making me laugh. My brother told me to give him some damn pants please XD
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(Also if any tsams fans follow me from this post I just wanna give a heads up that this is my first time drawing anything tsams related and most of my dca art is actually my own aus where Sun and Moon are lovers, so if that's not your thing I would suggest not following me 'cause you'll see a lotta sun x moon art. Also I do personally ship Solar and Moon so if that's not your thing again I would suggest not following 'cause you'll see a lotta solarmoon art reblogged and at least some in the future actually drawn by me)
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poniesart · 2 years
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just watched Make Your Mark and uhhhhh, the serotonin I got from when Zipp told Queen Haven to stop saying Zephyrina was unmatched
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mikelogan · 11 months
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Tumblr is way chiller than Twitter for sure but sometimes I see a post and I'm like. Y'all DO remember this is a block game, right? You're not gonna get legitimately pissy and passive-aggressive over characters doing things in a block game, RIGHT???
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lesbianphan · 3 months
I'm having a hard time putting my emotions into words about what We're All Doomed meant to me personally. I relate way too much to Dan's stuggles with identity and struggling to feel like you belong, like you deserve to be here and be loved. So when the show turned into the honest sincere bit about feeling like you're never truly happy, I felt that.
All I can say is I'm extremely proud of him, for being vulnerable enough to share it with us in the only way he knows how: through a really amazing dramatic theater kid sort of production, full of lights and really cool effects and soundtrack. It truly is his magnum opus, as he said, and I hope he continues to share with us through whichiever medium he so desires about his journey through life.
Funnily enough, my plan for the year is pretty much taking more chances, living more, trying to find out who I am and what truly makes me happy in life, independent of everyone else. Just finding myself. So Embrace the void and have the courage to exist fits like a glove right now.
THANK YOU @danielhowell we love you! Some of us have watched you grow up in front of a camera and go through all the versions and loved you through them all, all along. I feel honored to finally be able to see this and I can only hope you never forget that we mean it when we say we are proud of the man you've become.
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voldheart · 2 months
Wait wait I just scrolled by a mutual that reblogged your Godseeker-Comic. Is that an AU? Is there more of this? This is so interesting! I have never seen Godseeker turning to be a part of Void. Mostly just always getting killed by it.
I hope you're doing more with this concept in one way or another because this is a really interesting idea!
ouuu thank you 🥺❤️ its not really an au, its more like my interpretation of a continuation to the embrace the void ending!! :D I think most people are not aware that she canonically doesnt die, and take the ending at face value.... its kind of hard to explain for me since even i am not 100% sure what exactly happens lol but i like to think that theyre perpetually linked or fused together in some weird way. and i feel that this result is pretty intentional from both sides.
Godseeker mentions that they seek gods to "clutch at their greatness and immortality", which i assume that with 'clutch' she means that these traits would be shared with the Godseekers through the "Godly focus" thing. And the knight, besides the fact that it proved its strenght against the local strongest beings, it posesses (via the Void Heart) the void under its will, which is literally said to be an "eternal" force that "denies time", ie immortal.
and this union of sorts would be beneficial for the knight as well, as it can go into Holy Beast mode at just about anytime it wants, which is a really awesome powerup if u ask me. That and also (in my headcanon) it does like her. very much :-)
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quinloki · 3 months
Canon Characters vs OC vs x Reader
Disclaimer: This is just my two cents, and my perspective on things, and I'm not trying to lay down the law for everyone. I needed to just put this to words though, in order to sleep.
I was thinking about this because of a post I saw, and some, we'll say, kind of useless comments associated with the post. Mean-spirited stuff.
Normally, in one ear and out the other, but the vibes just kicked me off down a rabbit hole of sorts an I wanted to try to put some of my thoughts to words.
First, some style vibes:
Canon x Canon Canon/Canon stories are, to me, like reading an episode of that show. I'm sitting down in front of a TV or whatever, and I'm experiencing the story As A Viewer. I like this style because I don't really have to expend much energy and I just kind of roll with whatever's happening. Generally some sort of 3rd person perspective.
OC x canon OC/Canon stories are like being on a carnival ride. I'm sitting in a car on a roller-coaster, and maybe the OC is sitting next me. I'm experiencing the story more deeply than strictly canon stories, but my connection with the OC is no deeper than say, my connection with Katniss Everdeen when I read The Hunger Games. Sometimes 3rd person, sometimes first person.
Reader x canon Reader/Canon (or Reader x/ OC) is like putting on a VR helmet. I don't get much physical input about the "Reader OC" because I'm experiencing the story through their eyes. I don't expect the reader to be me, but there's a bigger feeling of immersion to be had. Some description might happen cause it's relevant to the story, and it's still a type of ride, I can't jump the rails on the roller coaster, after all. (Even with a VN you still follow the tracks). Sometimes first person, sometimes second person (I'm partial to 2nd person perspective, but that's just me).
I love Fan Fiction, I love it. All of it, and man even more than anything, what I love is that I'm going to dislike 80% of it. Because that 80% was written for someone who is not me. (Hell, that number's probably closer to 99% if we're looking at ALL fandoms, but I digress).
Second - The VENT:
What got me the most in the post that prompted this, was someone saying "Bring back the Mary Sue OCs!" and then they went on to describe something more detailed, and I just -
Look, respectfully, fuck you.
The point is, you're not going to be happy no matter what. Whether it's "mary sue" OCs, or x readers, or alternative universes, or a ship you don't like, you're going to find something to be unhappy about.
Cause people have been bitching about all styles of fan fiction since the first "You've Got Mail" chimed in 1991. And until 1998 and ff.net you really had to hunt for it, and until 2007 and Ao3 the idea of tagging a fic for any reason wasn't really a thing. Every click was a surprise! \o/
I just have seen the same song and dance a dozen times. It's exhausting. People become okay with OCs and decide x readers are the enemy, and before that OCs were *all* Mary Sues and cringe and people who made OCs were the enemy, and before OCs people who wrote even a little OOC were the enemy, and people who wrote AUs were the enemy, and you can write fan fic but it HAS to be Canon Compliant, and everyone MUST be in-character at all times - "They would not fucking say that" was the enemy.
Look, just please - please - in any capacity, stop it with the "All X style of story telling is crap" mindset. There's over a dozen different ways to do x readers alone. I know 20 x reader writers and I don't think any of us have the same style, preferences, or vibes.
I've had a lot of comments along the lines of "I thought I hated x readers, but I really loved this." on a few different fics I've written. Sometimes it's not the style of the fic, sometimes it's the style of the writer, and my Brother In Christ - you're going to have to read some awful shit to shuffle through the thousands of writers out there to find the vibes that resonate with you.
Ostracizing entire swathes of fan fic because you need something to be "The Enemy" so you can lift up something else, and then bitching you can't find anything new to read seems like a personal problem.
And I know y'all are scrolling by TONS of posts that don't interest you, every day, as a matter of course. So don't give me that "clogging up the tag" BS, because we deserve to be here same as anyone else in the fandom.
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iratusmus · 1 year
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fiona fox is the love + light of my life . also no i am not taking any criticism on her questionable tshirt collection i can and will defend all of my choices.
also bonus artist commentary in the alt text
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sodacanbones · 4 months
may i have UHHHM
nathaniel. please. maybe w a clown annoyin him
he fucking stole his glasses
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resident-gay-bitch · 8 months
little rich boy sirius who gets disowned and can barely survive without his expensive brands and the basic human need to eat at least once a day meeting the entirely too generous james potter who just falls for the vanity and sincerity of the reformed rich boy and decides that once sirius stops caring about brands and status and rich boy things and just cares about what matters in life he decides to spoil his boyfriend to pieces because he’s secretly sitting on a fucking fortune
#idk i just think it’s funny#like james would find sirius when he’s struggling with money because he’s so bad at saving and prioritising his spendings because he’s never#had too before and so james would teach him how to do all that stuff and emotionally support sirius through it all and sirius just falls in#love with this beautiful guy who’s just so generous and who teaches him so many things and finds value in kindness and sincerity and#compassion and all that jazz and james falls in love with sirius helplessly because he might be stuck up and vein and kind of selfish and#is stuck up and cares all too much about status but he’s trying so hard to be better and he finds empathy because sirius got kicked out for#the worst reasons because he’s always been the black sheep of his highly cultist christian family or whatver and he’s also outwardly queer#and james decides that he wants to give sirius everything and loves the way he looks in expensive makeup and designer faux fur coats and#heels and divine jewellery and all that jazz but makes sirius sell it all and learn what it means to be human and not rely on money and#status and brands and stuff and sirius learns what it’s like to be decent and in touch with humanity and only then does james take sirius on#a surprise luxury holiday for his birthday or something and then just buys him thousands of dollars worth of all these glamorous looking#things and sirius is like omg what the fuck jamie and then he just becomes sirius’ sugar daddy because he can’t help himself but they’re#also in love and much better people because of it and when sirius buys things now it’s not because of brands or because they have big price#tags like he used too. he now buys things with james’ credit card he keeps in his own wallet because he thinks he’ll feel pretty in them or#because he thinks james will loose it if he sees sirius walking around in it or if he sees a really cute toaster that sends him into a#frenzy that has him spending all way too much on an impromptu kitchen renovation but james doesn’t care because as long as his boyfriend is#happy and actually paying attention to the price of things and calculating the best value and taking james’ opinion as well and just being#happy and safe and accepted in his new home and family here with his jamie#please i think they’d be so cute ugh!!!#prongsfoot#bambibelle#drabble#fic idea#marauders#james potter#sirius black#jay talks
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nopefer-art-tu · 11 months
who do y'all think is the dark-haired movie star that jack has a picture of pinned up in his childhood bedroom? 👀
PERSONALLY, I think it's either James Dean or Ricky Nelson. I think the more realistic of the two options is Ricky Nelson, though. I'd love for it to have been James Dean just because a lot of people compare Heath as Ennis to James Dean as Jett Rink in Giant. I'm not so sure if that's based on the performance they give, or if it's based purely on their aesthetics alone, but like. Heath really did have that James Dean cool down as Ennis (if only a slighttt bit more awkward). And I mean...c'mon, look at this picture and tell me that Jack wouldn't, at least for a moment, see Ennis standing outside of Aguirre's office and think immediately of his boyhood crush
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No wonder Jack was pulling at any excuse to eye him up lol!!
The only reason I don't think it could realistically be James is bc he was a dirty blond, just like Heath was c': and the short story specifically says it was a dark-haired movie star!
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hot-take-tournament · 2 months
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Submission 857
Tigerstar shouldn't have been killed by Scourge.
It felt like a lackluster ending to Warrior Cats: The Darkest Hour. Firestar should have killed Tigerstar and not this cat we only see in one book and never again seen because Firestar killed him. Scourge should have stayed a side antagonist and not a main villain.
Pictured: heartbreaking footage of Scourge killing Tigerstar (warning: extreme violence)
Propaganda is always encouraged!
And remember to reblog your favourite polls for exposure!
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smalltimidbean · 6 months
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About a month ago someone asked if there would be a clone based on the secrets, and I have - once again - overthought the idea and ended up with too many kgklfd
So have some concepts while I try to finalise them! They will be just one character, but I might recycle unused concepts later
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junipaca · 10 months
pokespe doodle dump as I try to get used to character designs wee
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