#took me too long to realize I didn't HAVE to stick to the weapon's “common” and “second common” palatte chips kjhas
painted-bees · 4 months
my uh...free time (and some of my actual work time) has been devoured by Splatoon Side Order... I'll uh...get back to being properly productive soon. This is just really, really fun lmao
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yennasun · 2 years
July 3rd, 2016.
So far so good, his first job with rocky had gone with only a few bumps along the way.
Not bad kid, keep this up and you'n me'll get along real well
He remembered thinking how much he reminded him of Rooney and had to fight a lump in his throat.
Probably didn't help that they were both ex mob...
He had another job with zip as well, they were stealing cargo from a shady organization and MT went as insurance incase things went ass-up...
Needless to say, It did but MT ensured the cargo got back safely.
"Man, you're good. Just as bad as they said you were...I Like you, I hope I get to know more about you!"
Yeah, as if
He remembered thinking.
As much as he hated to admit it, while he found it annoying at first, he began to find zips energy endearing...he was still young after all.
Hopefully he gets outta this shithole
MT knew that zip needed to leave this life behind as soon as possible, he knew these experiences would stick with him once he fully processed the magnitude of them.
He just hoped zip was smart enough to make it so.
He remembered asking zip how long he'd been doing this
"Oh a loooong time. I think since I was 14!"
He answered giddily.
At that moment MT found that they had alot more in common than he initially thought...
MT enjoyed his "life" at first too...
He also pulled a job with buster, simple work that both of them were accustomed to; intimidation.
But it wasn't the usual street drug dealers that MT was used to, this time he was going after one of the big shots up the ladder.
The two were specifically instructed not to kill anyone, the last thing they wanted was a full blown gang War.
They beat and bruised their way into the main penthouse and found the leader.
He stood up and pointed a gun at them, he must've been younger based on his inexperience evidenced by how his hands shook as he held the gun.
"Put it down son, you don't wanna use it." James said
He sat back down and they discussed his new plan of action; that being, to cease business in the area.
He fought against Busters wishes at first but folded once he met MTs glower.
Once the deal was done and over with, the 2 headed out the door.
"Man you must got somethin' I don't. Thought I'd have to get physical up in there" buster began to walk off, but turned around after realizing MT hadn't followed.
"Ain't you comin' with?" He asked
"Nah, I'm gonna head back to my place."
"Suit yourself."
His pill addiction had gotten to the point where he could recognize it as a problem, but he couldn't find it in himself to do anything about it.
He found himself turning the pill bottle up more and more, it began to compliment his periods of dissociation that seemed to increase in frequency.
It even began to affect him memory, some days he'd wake up not knowing where he was.
It was so far that he started to forget to do basic things like eating, drinking and sleeping at the right time, as evidenced by his darkening bags under his eyes and his alarming weight loss.
The fatigue that followed the come-down was always crippling and he'd find himself repeating the process once again.
His meltdowns had come back faster and harder than ever before, now he'd full-on hallucinate. He broke down in tears so frequently when he was alone that he'd forgotten what happiness felt like...if he'd ever even known the emotion to begin with.
He was miserable, but he wouldn't even admit it to himself, much less to anyone else.
October 10th, 2016
He ran a job with Rojas, they were tasked with torching down an old warehouse where that same shady organization set up drug labs.
They took out the muscle there and were caught off guard by how well equipped they were, automatic weapons, Kevlar, the whole shebang.
Either way it went well for the most part besides a few hiccups and they burnt the place down.
"Good job Marv, remind me to bring you with if I need something torn down."
She complimented.
"Couldn'tve done it without backup. Thanks by the way"
He said as he began to walk away.
He stopped once he felt a tug on his arm.
"You should come stay the night at the hideout, these guys gimme a bad feeling..."
MT knew she was right, and his guard rose once again at all the possibilities.
If they're this well equipped that means they have connections...if they find out where I live they might find out WHO I am...hell no!
"All right, just tell me where to lay my head and I should be fine"
She led him back to their hideout and they all greeted him with surprise. He didn't usually stay there long.
"We hit those creepy guys again, I'm having him stay here awhile just in case..."
"The same guys me and Sheila raided?"
Buster asked
"We raided a steroid lab and in their computer files found that whoever their working for is called; the commission." Sheila replied
MTs heart sank and he panicked internally, his body went cold but he began sweating profusely. Anything the others said were muffled by the ringing in his ears and he went over to lay down on the couch next to the one rocky and vito sat on.
He tried to suppress the shivers he got at the memories of what their goons did to him, and at what they'd do to him if they ever found him.
He lost feeling in his breathing drew in irregularity and his vision narrowed, he failed to notice rocky glance at him.
"Hey you uh...y'alright? You don't look well..." he looked up at rocky dumbly but didn't answer and vito shushed rocky subtly.
"He's a low-key guy like us, don't put too much attention on him it'll make it worse." Vito saw the others talking amongst themselves and put a blanket over MT when he knew they weren't looking.
"What's wrong wit'im?" Rocky asked
"Don't know, if I had to guess though, I'd say he's having a nervous breakdown."
"What's that? Will it kill 'im?" Vito almost laughed until he realized who he was talking too.
Rocky was a bit old school...
"Nah it won't kill 'em, he's just so rattled he can't think straight" Vito explained
"Damn...I haven't known the guy long but it can't be good to shake em up THIS bad."
Thankfully no one else pried, Claudia did pass by him and put a hand on his forehead.
Usually he swatted away any attempts at physical contact but he was barely aware kf his surroundings and it did well to ground him a bit more.
She led him to one of the spare rooms where he could calm himself down without the fear of anyone else seeing, once inside he dropped on the bed.
Instead of suppressing it farther, he let it hit him full force in hopes that it'd go away quicker.
He eventually blacked out for who knows how long, when he came to it was deep in the night and everyone was asleep.
He got up and went through the fridge in hopes he'd find some alcohol and was pleased to find a bottle of whiskey that most likely belonged to vito.
He went outside to the balcony and sat down, pouring out 3 painkillers into his hand before downing them with the whiskey.
He took the time to reflect on everything that'd happened in the last few years, the stillness of the air complementing the melancholy that was his bleeding memories.
Of all the bad things that'd happened to him, it never stopped. Escaping his creator hadn't gotten rid of his pain, it'd only exposed him to an environment so fast paced he didn't have time to think about it.
So many terrible things he'd done just to prolong his worthless life for a bit longer, was it really all worth it?
Would Rooney approve of the person I'm becoming?
He'd much preferred physical pain over this...
Just then, he heard the door open behind him.
He stood up in surprise and turned to see a small figure frozen at the doorway.
He'd gotten to know her a small bit after he'd payed her visits for injuries he'd taken on the job.
"What are you doing Here?" She asked
"I was about to ask you the same thing..." he answered
"Well...this is usually where I come to...think a little." He let out a dry chuckle
"Yeah, well too much of that can be a bad thing." Claudia went silent for a moment before proceeding out the doorway.
"You know, people who think like that usually don't have many good things to think about." She sat at the ledge.
"So what's on your mind?" She asked
Deciding not to reveal too much, he answered.
"Rather not say."
"That's too bad...if you keep things in for too long they'll melt you down from the inside out...i should know."
"And why's that?"
She looked onto the bleak and decrepit city before sighing.
"I'm 24 now. Next month I will have been created 25 years ago...my owner told me she always wanted what was best for me."
"I know how that feels..." he said under his breath
"She did these...awful things to me, she called what she did to me "tests". And she could get away with it, she had all the right degrees and licenses. It's where I learned how to treat people."
She paused for a bit, unsure of whether to continue or not.
"Eventually she sold me off to these sketchy guys, many painful surgeries and tests later and-" she held an arm out.
A blade shot out through the top of her wrist.
"-That's how I got these. Right here, with these people I feel safe, loved even. I hope you eventually feel the same..." She said softly
"Sounds like you've been through hell...but u know how you feel."
"You too?" She turned to him.
"Kind of...my old man only ever wanted one thing out of me, I thought I did too but looking back...I'd rather have been someone else."
"He wanted me to fight for money, it's all he'd ever talked about and all I was ever allowed to think about...but my...u-uncle lived with us and he was the opposite of my old man. He was kind, caring, even though he was forced to train me he always tried to fight him whenever he could."
"It's always important to have someone who loves you unconditionally, it keeps us grounded from the cold and harrowing reality."
The two sat in silence for a bit.
"So where is he now?"
"You're...uncle you said?"
"Yeah yeah. I don't...know...I ran away awhile back and he stayed behind. I haven't seen him since, I miss him so much..."
"That's horrible." She breathed deeply.
"Well I hope you find him someday."
"...me too..."
Unable to stomach not only talking vaguely about his history but also partially lying about it, he went back inside and put vitos drink back in the fridge.
Heading into the spare room he felt the painkillers hit him full force and his limbs began to feel heavy as his eyelids did.
He laid down on his side and let his eyelids fall.
He woke up to the sound of a knock on his door.
Opening his eyes, he jumped out of bed to answer it.
Sheila met his gaze nodded her head.
"Heyyy...were you having a nightmare? I think I heard you scream last night."
He didn't remeber having any nightmare, screaming in his sleep however, was nothing new.
"Maybe, I dunno. I don't usually remeber my dreams if they don't already stand out."
"Huh. Well anyways both of us are going out on a job later today, easy stuff."
"Alright, lay it on me."
"So there's this laptop up in one of the kingpins little apartments, has the routes of all his drug shipments, names, Addresses and numbers of all his contacts...do you know how much money we could make off that information?" She said as her eyes lit up.
"Yeah, sounds like a hell of a score. But why do you need me?" He asked
"So when I go into his apartment I'm gonna take him and his bodyguards out quietly, thing Is; someone's bound to check in after some radio silence. I need you to go out and cause a diversion to keep some heat off me...luckily not too far away is a docking bay where some product is being shipped in. Torch that, and they'll all be flocking to you."
MT nodded in admiration at the woman's planning.
"Solid plan...what time is it and where do I go?" She laughed
"Buster said he loved that about you...straight to the point. Anyways, it'll be at 5:30PM near the old docking bay on 97th."
"Got it, I'll be there."
He prepared himself for the job as the day went on, he now stood on the corner of 97th with the entrance to the docking bay in sight.
All he needed was the call from Sheila.
"Blackout, you there?"
"Yup, just need a sec..."
He waited in anxiety.
"...do it!" She said.
Brining his mask over his face he calmly walked to the entrance of dock.
He saw people at a boat moving crates of what he only assumed was product.
One of them approached him.
"Hey! You're not supposed to be here, clear off!"
He stared the man down as he saw several guns pointed at him.
He breathed in deep and erupted in an explosion so large Sheila could see it from blocks away.
During the confusion, he sent blasts towards the boats, blowing them up and leaving smoke piling as the fire spread throughout the dock.
He hears several cars pull over at the entrance and braced himself for a fight.
As MT fought off the goons, Sheila had gone to work on cracking the laptop.
She asked for a diversion and that's exactly what she got, it even distracted her for a second!
Holy shit! Thats so far away too-
She finally cracked the laptop and swept through the files, determining which ones were worth saving.
She saw everything she'd described to MT, routes, contacts etc.
But something caught her eye, an email from an anonymous email.
"You know better than to double cross the commission Manuel, you keep the juice coming and we'll keep paying you. This was your idea after all."
She almost skipped past the email until she saw the bottom.
"P.S; I still have yet to hear back from your task to find mike tarvor, the guys 6'5 for fucks sake he can't be that hard to spot! Here's another picture incase you incompetent morons need to be reminded of who you're looking for. [Attachment]"
She opened it and her mouth nearly dropped to the floor.
It was him, it was marvin Thompson.
She knew it once she saw all the scars tarvor had on his face, not only that but they were the same height and color...
"Thats so badass!" She smiled
"But why would he keep that a secret, if I were him I'd be in the big city touting myself loud and proud, not slumming down in this shithole..." then she remembered the email
The commission...oh...if the rumors are true then these guys are some twisted bastards...
She deleted the email and cleared the trash after she saved the files to a zip drive.
No one needs to know, I trust myself to keep my mouth shut but I don't trust the others to do the same...
She got back on her radio.
"Got everything MT, get outta there!" She yelled as she exited the building.
"Alright I'll get to it, I'll see you a-aaggh!" Je screamed out
"What happened?!" She yelled
"Caught a bullet...fuck, just go ill try and catch up."
"I can help you, I'm on my way!"
"Don't do it! It's way too hot here, I'll be fine just get a move on!" He yelled as he closed the radio.
He continued fighting off the well equiped goons but he'd taken another one to his shoulder.
By the time he'd finished all of them off he'd been fighting for almost 2 hours and got shot a third time in his chest.
He limped out of the docks, heating up his finger and sticking it in the wounds to cauterize them. he had a walk ahead of him to get back to their hideout that was 4 miles away.
He limped back, as his breaths came out with more effort and his balance began to leave him.
He knew he was most likely dying from blood loss and internal bleeding but strangely...he wasn't afraid.
He'd been in this position many times, only difference was that if he died here he wouldn't respawn to go through it again, it was a weirdly comforting thought.
After hours of limping he finally reached the door to their hideout.
He opened the door and limped to claudias clinic, ignoring the gasps that drew from Rojas and buster.
His hearing began to fade as a high pitched siren originating in his own ears took over, not hearing what Claudia said to him as he laid down on one of the beds and fainted.
Yeah holy hell it's been awhile since I continued the main story, only after 2 weeks of releasing the last chapter did I write a draft down, sorry about that.
I hope I was able to make this one worth it in some way, thanks for reading!
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the-laridian · 2 years
for that last oc question meme, the first 4 (im super interested in metamorphosis) for rowan, but also the last question, too! wild card! what even is that?!
True Name: Rowan Dane (no middle name). Given that "rowan" is a mountain-ash notable for its red berries, and that "Rowan" the name has some Irish ancestry, and his surname Dane basically coming from the Viking invasions of the UK, you'd think Rowan would be of Irish stock. He doesn't actually know. How I came up with it: It sounded neat. ;) I had an SF character with red hair named Dane years ago, and played around with a few variants of the first name (Roman, Ronan) before settling on Rowan. I didn't realize I had two characters named for trees (Rowan and Willow) until someone pointed it out to me.
Portal. What is a crossover you've done/thought about for this character? Lordy, what haven't I done? Off the top of my head, Rowan's been in Mob AU, Hippie AU, 1960s AU (different from Hippie, 1960s was the granddaddy of the AUs), etc and all of these have involved @the-lastcall's character Will as Rowan's kid sister. We are actually cowriting the "Crossover" project which started all this, when Will ended up in Rowan's Halcyon.
Softly. Describe one of their dreams, good or bad (with proper warnings). Bad Trip features a few of these, and generally, Rowan remembers the bad dreams more because they're more common. Anxiety and depression play a big part in that. His dreams tend to be surreal as well as unpleasant. If he gets the right medication/treatment, that will help a lot.
Metamorphosis. Has this character evolved/changed since you first conceptualized them? Rowan's character was built heavily off of game stuff at the start; I chose his origin/backstory (janitorial) based on the effects it gave, and his time-skipping/dissociation comes from me being really, really bad at TTD. (I keep trying to use it like VATS.) But as I wrote him, I realized he was remarkably articulate for his original background (poor, lonely and unpleasant upbringing, etc) so I came up with the idea that he took refuge in the library as a kid, and loved reading, and did strive to better himself over time. Then, of course, he watched a lot of movies and TV all through his life, and paid attention to those and the stories in them, and sometimes attempted to write his own stories. All of this helped him out when he had to start pretending/acting (which is how I get around that holographic shroud game mechanic). In the story, he uses the tossball stick as a weapon, when he does have to use one; in game he's lucky to know which end you hold, and has a specialty in long guns.
Wild card: honestly I don't like "wild card/free space" type questions because dude, the point of these lists is for specific asks, but here's a free fact about him: his favorite dessert is carrot cake. Sometimes he'd go to the store and treat himself, like on birthdays, to a slice of carrot cake in those clamshell plastic containers.
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Ask: The 27th of April, the Last (and Long) Part
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Bonus Ask:
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[Stately Wayne Manor]
Jason: *helping Alfred clear out the dinner table* You think we should’ve asked Harley to stay for dinner? 
Alfred: If you wished to see Master Bruce’s hair turn to grey as you ate dessert, I don’t see why not.
Jason: *burps loudly and fans his breath away* Whoops. Sorry, Alf. Just my way of complimenting your cooking.
Alfred: *carrying the dishes to the kitchen* Then perhaps you should come here more often, Master Jason.
Jason: *following Alfred* I'd rather not cause any trouble.
Alfred: *stops in his tracks and turns to face Jason with a stern expression* And you don't think it troubles me that you feel unwelcome here?
Jason: *takes the dishes from Alfred’s hands, sets them on the kitchen island, and pulls him in for a hug* Alf, hey... I didn’t mean it like that. I know you guys care about me, it’s just...
Alfred: *sobbing into Jason's shirt* We've already lost you once... Once is enough, Jason...
Jason: *tightens the hug and gently plants a kiss on top of Alfred’s head* I know, I know... I'm back, Alf. I'm back.
>>> *** <<<
Dick and Barbara: *sitting on the carpeted floor in the study, enjoying the heat from the fireplace in front of them, going through a stack of photo albums*
Dick: *smiling fondly* Wow, these are old-old.... I should probably scan them before they crumble to pieces.
Dick: *stops at a page and points at a picture of Bruce and Jason on a boat, smiling, and holding up a tuna* Check this out, Babs... Aw, I love this one. I had a few days off from work, decided to spend it here. Somehow Jason convinced Bruce to take break from himself and go fishing.  
Dick: *talking animatedly* So, there we are on Bruce’s huge fishing boat, the Bat-2-Sea -- And Jason’s starting to get seasick because he’s been hanging out by the edge, waiting for a bite for hours -- The persistence on that kid! --  And he finally gets one! A big one, Babs -- *spreads his arms* -- and it was pulling down hard like you wouldn’t believe, but Jason just wouldn’t let go! -- So Bruce drops the glass of wine he’s holding and runs to grab him --
Barbara: What were you doing?
Dick: Who do you think took the picture? As I was saying -- Bruce, he -- he -- *starts to laugh so hard that he tears up* trips over Jason’s line somehow and falls into the ocean! *slapping-the-floor laughing* The World’s Greatest Detective, in his Batwaders, drenched like a wet bird... *sighs happily* You should’ve seen his face!
Barbara: *turns the page* Oh, I can see it now. Still stone-faced, but wet.
Barbara: *stops at a page and giggles* Aw... Will you look at that?
Dick: *looks at the photo Babs is pointing at and chuckles softly* That’s adorable. 
Barbara: Those scaly leotards fit him better than they ever did you, Boy Wonder.
Dick: *smirks* Whatever. But I have to admit, he did look great. He looked really... happy. I wish... I wish I saw more of him in action, you know? *voice breaking* I could’ve maybe trained him the way I did Tim and Damian --
Barbara: *rubs his back comfortingly* Dick...
Jason: *walks into the study* Dickie, I took some of your --
Dick: *clears his throat and wipes his eyes haphazardly* Hey, Little Wing!
Jason: Wait, are those our old family photos?
Barbara: *pats the empty spot beside her* C'mere.
Jason: *sits down and rubs his hands together* Where’s the one where Bruce goes kersplat in the ocean?
Jason: *flips through the pages and grimaces at his photos as Robin* You're not gonna use these to blackmail me, are you?
>>> *** <<<
Duke: *watches as his RPG character explodes for the fifth time in a row and shakes his head* You beat me again! You're so good at this game, man.
Jason: *snorts and puts his controller down* Dude, you weren't even trying. If I didn't know better, I'd say you were letting me win.
Duke: What? Naaaah... That's... Come on, why would I do that?
Jason: *gets up and shrugs, grinning knowingly* I dunno... 'Cause you like seeing me alive?
Duke: Yeah. It’s pretty awesome, actually.
Jason: *offers to bump fists* I gotta pack up. Good game, though. See you around, bro.
Duke: *exploding-fist-bumps with Jason* You too, bro.
Jason: *pats Ace the Bathound’s head as he exits the game room*
>>> *** <<<
Steph: *examining Jason’s face* You look really pale.
Cass: *pointing at various spots on his face* And you have a lot of... scars.
Jason: *sitting on a stool in front of Cass’s vanity dresser, staring at himself in the mirror and absentmindedly running a finger over the shirt-covered scar on his chest* Yeah? That bad, huh?
Steph: *grins* Nothing a little makeup can’t fix.
Jason: *rubbing his chin* You think so? I mean, I just came here to borrow a few weapons from Cass, but if you think I need a makeover...
Steph and Cass: *look at each other and squeal in delight*
>>> *** <<<
Tim: And this *holding up a minuscule gadget between his fingers for Jason to see* generates a force field over your entire body. The more the impact, the greater the energy generated. Schway, huh?
Jason: *nodding his head appreciatively as he takes the gadget and sticks it on the lapel of his leather jacket* Schway.
Tim: *proudly shows Jason a Bat-shaped breastplate * Now, this -- You're gonna love this -- It can turn you invisible to the naked eye for roughly 34.5 seconds, giving you time to do all kinds of offensive or defensive stuff. They won’t know what hit them, Jay. You’re basically gonna be invincible and Joker... Joker, he’s... he’s not... not gonna... *drops the breastplate unceremoniously* 
Jason: *places a hand on Tim’s shoulder* Thank you, Timbo. Really. But I'll be fine out there. You don't have to worry about me.
Tim: Yeah? Can you promise me that? Because I don’t think I can live through another one of Bruce's meltdowns.
Jason: *chuckles softly* Aren't they the best?
>>> *** <<<
Jason: *staring at an empty grave layered with concrete in the backyard*
Jason: *rolls his eyes* I know you're there.
Bruce: *comes out of the shadows and stands next to Jason*
Jason: Why'd you keep it?
Bruce: Because I'm a sentimental old fool.
Jason: This is just... creepy. Even for you.
Bruce and Jason: *stare at the empty grave in silence*
Jason: I've forgiven you.
Bruce: *glances at Jason, who could’ve sworn his adoptive father’s eyes were bloodshot* 
Jason: You know that, don’t you? I mean, I know we’re always going to disagree about Jok-- about him, and a few other things, but... You’ll always be family, Bruce. My family. 
Bruce: *looks at Jason, smiling wearily*
Jason: *grinning back at Bruce*
Bruce: *puts an arm around Jason’s shoulder* Thank you... Son.
Jason: *pulls Bruce in for a tight hug*
Bruce and Jason: ... 
Jason: Hey, remember that time you went kersplat in the ocean?
>>> *** <<<
Damian: *knocks softly on Jason's bedroom door* Todd.
Jason: *stuffing a duffel bag with clothes, homemade snacks, and weapons* Hey, kid, come in. I’m just getting my stuff ready --
Damian: These came from Mother. *drops a pile of books on Jason’s old desk*
Jason: *picking one after the other up excitedly* Tolstoy, Machiavelli, Sun Tzu, Shakespeare, Marx... No way... 
Damian: They’ve been with me for a while. But since you rarely come over, they’ve been collecting dust and taking up valuable space in my room. -Tt-
Jason: *wiping the dust off with his shirt and hugging each one* She kept them... These were my friends back when I was in the League... 
Damian: I didn’t realize we had more in common than just being my Father’s sons.
Jason: Wow. I have no idea how I’m supposed to bring all of these home. I mean, I got here on roller blades, for Bat’s sake -- 
Damian: *thrusts a piece of paper into Jason’s chest* This is for you.
Jason: *gingerly uncrumples it, revealing a painting of him and Damian*
Jason: *reading the writing in calligraphy underneath* “The Second Chance Robins”... *looks at Damian, feeling the tears well up in his eyes* You made this?
Damian: *looking down at his feet* When it’s my day... M-my d-day... Will you come over, too?
Jason: *gets down on bended knee to be at eye level with his little brother* Hey, buddy, look at me. Damian, look at me. Of course. Listen, we’ll do whatever you want. We’ll, um... We’ll take bad guys down together! Pull pranks on Tim! You name it, I got you.
Damian: Don’t make promises you can’t keep, Todd.
Jason: I promise that I’ll do my best, okay?
Damian: You could stay the night, you know. You’re home anyway.
Jason: *ruffles Damian’s hair and grins* I'd like that. As long as you hang out here with me. And I promise I won't tell anybody because it'll ruin our reputation.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~
If truth be told, @wingedskyes​ , Jason makes himself available on his Death Day. Because even if neither he nor his family and friends mention it, he knows that they need him just as much as he needs them.
Thank you for this Ask. It was both fun and just a tad bit heartbreaking to write. 
And thank you, @warrior-of-the-blue-moon​ , for the nice addition. 
See: Part 1, Part 2
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Kinktober Day 4 : Gunplay w/ Chisaki Kai
Other kinks/Trigger warnings: squirting, degradation, submission
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This is not the fic I was originally gonna write for Kai. I actually had something a L O T worse in store and it’s an idea I’m throwing on the backburner for either another day of kinktober, or for a fully fleshed out fic after. Not sure yet. I just watched a compilation of Chisaki moments and this scene manifested itself, so here we are. :)
And it may not be as dark as the original fic I wanted to write, but keep in mind, Chisaki is a villain and I do write him as such. My portrayal of his relationships are not healthy ones. This particular one isn’t as bad as it could be, but still.
Disclaimers: Read/interact only if you’re 18+. Characters are all 20+ Keep in mind this is fiction and does include dark content - so stop/take breaks if you need to. This is not something to enjoy in real life but enjoy it as a story if you’re interested. :)
"Convince me, then."
Those words played over and over again in your head. The curse he had put on you now becoming your own personal mantra. You wanted to convince him. You needed to convince him. Every nerve within you pleaded for his touch but your germaphobe of a significant other needed convincing apparently. 
If that had been said to you in years previous, you would have had a fit. Having to convince your so-called lover to touch you was a red flag. Any other man before Chisaki Kai and you wouldn't have so much as entertained the thought. Zero tolerance. 
But for him? Within the last hour since he had told you to persuade him, he had gotten you to undress and fall to your knees before him. Oh but you weren't just sloppily down in front of him - that just wouldn't do. No, you had to have form. As his lover, you were an extension of himself who must keep herself clean, proper and worthy of a yakuza's lover at all times. He made that clear when he had agreed to commit to you. You were to obey every command, every order, every whim. And because it was him, you agreed. 
So, for him, you weren't just on the floor like a dog; you were kneeling- like a proper submissive. Legs tucked straight underneath your body, toes pointed, back straight and your arms folded behind your back. At some point when your position was right, Chisaki had thought it appropriate to pull a gun out from underneath his jacket, which was promptly held in front of you, the muzzle of the gun tapping your lips.
Your newly found mantra rang in your ears as you obediently opened your lips without so much of a word, letting him slowly push the barrel into your waiting mouth. Maybe you should have been more worried,  especially with his finger toying over the trigger. You had seen Chisaki kill people before. But the thing was, if he had wanted to kill you, he already would have. His quirk was scarier than this gun was.
Besides, if he did shoot, poor thing would have a mess all over his office.
 "You must be desperate if you're willing to put a weapon in your mouth," his voice came out slow, calm. As if this were simply another task among his daily objectives. "Are you really willing to risk a bullet through your skull for the sake of me putting my hands on you? Rather pathetic. You don't even know where this gun has been and yet you're putting it in your mouth?" There was that beat of disgust - only a mild disgust but present nonetheless. You felt a little sick for the way your core heated from his words.
You had overheard Kai preaching to one of his subordinates over "the carrot and the stick method" before - find a balance between the reward and the punishment. For someone who sat there and lectured someone about it, Kai was a lot more stick. Oh, but did he do mean so well.
You popped your mouth off of the barrel but only in order to let your tongue lick up the bigger trails of saliva for a response. You may not know where the gun had been, but it was his. You were positive he kept his gun the cleanest around. And even if he didn't…. 
You would do it if you could convince him.
The mask he wore on his face didn't do much to conceal the way his face started to twist at your display. Positively filthy. But, he had been the one to prompt the action, knowing you would follow his command. Filthy as it may be, it was surely within his wishes even though his marigold eyes were boring down on you with something akin to repulsion.
You met his stare head on as he pulled the gun out of your face and instead dropped to a squat in front of you. His knees were spread out a bit while he rested his elbows against his thighs, lazily poking the gun into the skin of your legs. "Get up on your knees more and spread," he stared simply and like you were under a spell, your body obliged. Your body shifted so your weight was brought forward onto your knees and your rear was no longer resting on your calves. A sharp push of the gun into your inner thigh helped urged your legs to space apart. 
"Yes, sir."
His eyes shifted to meet your gaze at your words and he quirked a brow at you, making you wonder if he actually wanted you to speak. He didn't comment though, instead opting to push the barrel of the gun against your folds, watching your slick coat over the metal. The metal was warmed from the heat of your mouth but it still sent a shiver down your spine. "You're sick." In some ways, you agreed. You just didn't care. You already loved a villain. You were sick and he was your disease.
His nose wrinkled again at the way your body seemed to react to the words. He pulled the gun away, only to see the sticky coating connecting the barrel to your heat. "Really sick."
You bit at your lip, deciding against defending yourself and after hearing a sigh, Kai stood up, pinching the handle of the gun between his fingers. He snagged a tissue out of the box on the table of his office and placed the sullied gun on that to put it aside for now. And when his gaze came back to you, you swallowed hard under the intensity. Hard to mistake him for anything other than in control.
"Stand up."
You scrambled to your feet at the words, trying your best to stay poised but the desperation in your movement was obvious. Had you pleased him? Surely he wasn't about to tell you to leave - you were completely naked. 
"Spread your legs." 
Another scramble to get yourself propped open and you could feel the adrenaline course through your veins as he took off his jacket, draping it over the back of the couch before moving in closer to you. Closer. Closer. He stopped inches before reaching your body and your breath got hitched with his simple proximity. You really hoped you had convinced him…
You had convinced him.
Finally you got the fucking carrot to the stick.
Before you had the chance to realize he had moved, his hand had dove between your legs and two gloved fingers were entering your core. You were seeing stars. It had been much too long since you've felt something there other than your own hand. It was still just fingers inside of you, but somehow him scissoring you open felt immensely better. In an effort to get your balance from the sudden intrusion, you were grabbing onto the fabric of his shirt as you focused on keeping your legs open. His nose crinkled again and you almost thought he was going to push you off him, but he kept his fingers stretching out your insides, the fabric gently scratching against you. 
"The more I touch you, the filthier you get," he stated as his motion switched from a stretching sensation to a pumping one, moving in and out of you, causing you to mewl. "And here, I should be your cure. Maybe you're beyond saving, hm?" Cruel words but you were too wrapped up in your victory to care. You struggled to quell the urge to rock your hips - you didn't dare to push your position and ruin your chances. "You claim to be a Yakuza's partner but you're acting more like some common filth standing at a corner somewhere. A whore."
His hand moved to contour around your body like he was grabbing you from the insides, and he punctuated his insult with a yank that made you bounce up onto your toes for a moment as his fingers rammed up deeper inside of you. The sudden speed and strength may have been enough to hurt but when he moved his clothed thumb to your clit, any complaints you may have had died out. It was just gentle grazes of that sweet spot, but combined with the way his fingers curled, pressing up against your walls, it was a killer combination.
 Quiet moans and whines escaped your lips as your legs trembled more and more every time Kai started to pick up speed. Faster, deeper… Your hands were tensing in his shirt and you tugged, earning you a heavy glare. "What happened to all that posture from before? You look like you can hardly stand," he commented and without bothering to actually get a response from you, he managed to find a spongy little spot inside your body and he found a rhythm fucking his fingers into that targeted spot. All you could manage was a cry as your eyes practically rolled back into your skull. 
"I'm starting to get bored with this," he droned on, despite the way he was now jabbing his fingers straight into your g-spot with a force that had you barely able to keep still. "If you're seeking satisfaction from this, you better find it quickly. Otherwise I may just leave you to fend for yourself." He could talk all he wanted but it wasn't going to take you much more. You felt a coil in your stomach ready to snap. Actually, you were starting to feel like you had to pee - which by all means should have been a danger sign for you considering your clean freak partner, but the euphoria of it all was making you forgetful.
Jab. Jab. Jab. When he returned back to your clit with his thumb, this time giving it a more thorough breed of attention, that's when your coil snapped. Your orgasm hit hard. It hit sticky and wet and squirting. Your chance to cum around his fingers was gone because as soon as he heard your wild cry, his eyes widened a fraction and his hand whipped out of you just fast enough to avoid the onslaught of your gush. You hardly even registered your hands being yanked off his clothes, until he released you and stepped back. No sympathy for you or your shaky legs. He let you fall to the floor in your messy pleasure and leveled a glare at you as your afterglow hit you while you sat in your self made puddle.
A whimper rose from your lips, dissatisfied at the loss of touch but a bit too blissed out from the orgasm to form any coherent sort of protest. A click of his tongue had your blurry gaze dragging to meet his visage. He looked annoyed for someone who had just made you squirt - how had he even known how to do that? "You made a mess," he stated bluntly as he used his clean glove to discard the one now covered in traces of you. He plopped it on the same kleenex with the gun before he grabbed his jacket. What was he doing now?
As he started to walk away, that's when you realized he was simply leaving you here. You were sitting in your own filth. Of course he was choosing to leave. You didn't think your legs were prepared to get up and run after him effectively. He took a last glance back at you as he got to the doorway. "Get yourself together and clean up in here. I can't stand looking at such a wreck."
And then he left.
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settersprouts · 3 years
꒦ ikanaide : chapter four ! ꒦
. . : oikawa is the son of athena, while iwaizumi is the son of ares. both godly parents are known to be rivals, but what does that mean for their children ?
or, hq + percy jackson au, where oikawa is not the son of aphrodite for once, but people still think he is because he's pretty, and he's flattered and confused.
. . : okay hear me out, oikawa is known to be strategic and analytical, which is perfect for a descendant of athena. that is my reasoning for this alr dont attack me pls also, vv sorry this was late, i was feeling like shit all week and couldn't finish m sorry :((( hopefully you guys didn't wait too long :((
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iwaizumi's about had enough of his bullshit.
his fists were shaking as he stood in front of his divine cabin, the front door ajar and an absolutely horrid smell wafting out from the cabin. he stepped closer to the cabin, stiffening even more as he pushed the door open the rest of the way. the whole place was absolutely trashed- both his and his other roommates' clothes mixed together in many piles on the floor. he could tell just from the strategically placed items all around the room that the place was definitely rigged with mediocre traps. nothing would kill him, but it would most likely maim him.
the demigod growled, stepping over the tripwires on the floor and grabbing his khopesh. it was charged with electricity, thanks to yū nishinoya from cabin one. in exchange for the many weapons the son of ares' crafted, the son of zeus would help charge a select few and give them back to him.
the added energy would definitely be helpful for when he beat the absolute shit of a certain demigod.
he was seething with bloodlust as he stepped out of his cabin, walking towards the beach, where he knew the person he was looking for would be.
and there he was. sitting in one of the little tide pools, talking with one of the sea nymphs. she was way too close to him, but oikawa didn't look like he minded in the slightest. or he didn't notice, one of the two.
she bent down to whisper in his ear, his pupils growing smaller in his brown eyes, and he let out a laugh. it was really melodic, which was common for a son of aphrodite. their beauty was immaculate, and they were practically irresistible to everyone, unless you had a decent sense of self control. iwaizumi knew that oikawa had the whole camp under his fingertips. except for him.
iwaizumi let out a groan, clenching his fists. fuck morales. he knew that his father and oikawa's mother were on really good terms, but he couldn't help but feel attracted to the absolute need to punch the brunette in the face. with a concrete slab. or choke him with aphrodite's famous scarf. one of the two.
he let out an animalistic growl, drawing the attention of oikawa and the unnamed sea nymph. oikawa blinked at him, unimpressed, while the nymph shrieked and dove back into the ocean with a splash. oikawa glanced at the bubbles where the nymph had disappeared, and let out an unamused sigh.
`oh, well, she was kind of boring anyways,` he said nonchalant, stepping out of the pool, buck-naked, without a care in the world. iwaizumi's eyes widened as he turned away almost immediately, his face flushing completely.
`what the hell do you think you're doing?` he seethed, his usual bark lacking no bite, since oikawa really couldn't see his facial expression.
the latter let out a chuckle. `calm down, you can turn around, now. i'm decent.`
forest-green eyes slowly darted back to the brunette's figure, pupils growing bigger in relief, as he realized that he really was decent. he was dressed in the atrociously bright orange camp half-blood shirt, and bleached denim jeans, rolled up to just above his ankles. his bead necklace was still wrapped around his neck snugly. it was extremely tighter than iwaizumi's, which hung down just over the scar on his left pec. he must've tightened it like a choker. it was kind of smart- usually, monsters with half a brain used those necklaces to pull demigods towards them if they couldn't grab their limbs. this tactic limited the amount of things they could grab on him.
iwaizumi would've never thought of that.
`so,` oikawa mused, folding his now damp towel. he must have used it to dry himself off while iwaizumi was looking away from him. `what do you need from me?`
the other demigod blinked, mouth forming an 'o' once he realized his reason for being there. he totally didn't forget that he wanted to sock oikawa in the face just because he saw him naked. `right. i have a bone to pick with you, oikawa.`
`oh? is that so?` the brunette smiled sweetly at him, his eyebrows furrowed in an act of confusion and innocence. disgusting.
iwaizumi stepped forward, whipping out the khopesh he had stuffed in his pocket. with a simple flick of his wrist, it extended. the contraption was thanks to someone in cabin number six, with the help of cabin nine- apparently, iwaizumi had saved someone dear to them, and he was given the khopesh as a thank you. however, the person never did reveal themself to iwaizumi. it was an athena cabin secret.
oikawa's brown eyes widened at the sight of the weapon, but that expression was quickly replaced with an amused sneer. `oh, what's this? you want to fight?`
`no, you're going to let me maim you in silence, i refuse to fight someone as weak as you.` iwaizumi retorted, fists clenching. the brunette gawked, his mouth agape in a silent shout.
`weak? excuse me? i'm far from weak. just because you come from cabin five, doesn't mean you're higher than everyone else.` he replied, sticking his nose high up in the air. `i'll have you know, i've won many tournaments against your cabin.`
iwaizumi rolled his eyes. `yeah, because you always cheat and sneak over to athena's group.`
`i don't cheat! and i don't have to sneak over to athena's group, i have a place there you know!` oikawa shrieked, whipping out a dagger and pointing it at iwaizumi threateningly. however, the latter remained unphased, which pissed the brunette off even more.
`yeah. sure, and what's that?` iwaizumi said, letting one of his eyebrows raise. if rules served him correctly, there was no teaming allowed in any game at camp half-blood, unless stated otherwise. however, he always saw oikawa with athena's group, but he let it slide, thinking the ares' cabin would win anyways. he was, unfortunately, very wrong.
oikawa blinked. `are you stupid? athena's my mother.`
`huh?` the son of ares' stepped back a bit, glaring at the other. `you- athena's son? but- you're-`
`pretty? yeah, i get that a lot.` oikawa sheathed his dagger, stretching out his muscles. `people mistake me for the son of aphrodite way too much. it's kind of annoying, actually. there's a lot more to me than my face,` he mused, glaring at iwaizumi. `looks like you're no different from the rest of them. shame. i actually took a liking to you.`
the other stood there, unmoving, confusion lining every forehead wrinkle. `what are you saying? there's no way-`
oikawa sighed. `i should've known you were going to be hard to convince. look, i'm the son of athena, and the current ruler of the cabin. if you don't believe me, ask my cabin mates. they'll tell you.`
`then who the hell's trashing my cabin?` iwaizumi seethed, still not convinced by oikawa's truths.
the latter let out a melodic laugh. `i thought that was obvious. i saw some of hermes' cabin sneak out to yours during lunch. makes sense, they're always trying to pull pranks on everyone and see their reactions. yours was most likely the best one of them all.` oikawa smiled, his eyes twinkling as he walked away. `well, while it was fun talking to you, i have to go. it's getting dark, and i'd rather not get caught being out past curfew.`
iwaizumi looked up to the sky to find out that he was, in fact, right. the sky was slowly darkening, the sun almost disappearing at the horizon. the green-eyed demigod let out a sigh, turning to glare at oikawa, to find out he was long gone.
`..damn it!`
`can you believe he's even athena's cabin ruler?` takahiro hanamaki muttered lowly to his fellow cabin mate, issei matsukawa, who also stood in front of a very emotional toorū oikawa. he had been ranting about how he was sick of everyone mistaking him for a son of aphrodite, and when his cabin mate shigeru yahaba said it could've been a compliment, the hysterics had gotten even worse.
fortunately, the 18-year-old had tired himself out, and was now resorting to laying on his bed and blinking the tears out of his eyes.
matsukawa sighed. `no. i can't. not when he's like this.`
`i can hear you, 'ya know.` oikawa muttered, tear-filled chocolate brown eyes turning to them accusingly. `you can't even act like you're tired of me, you just got here.`
`true,` hanamaki replied, kneeling down next to his dear friend. `but according to yahaba, you've been complaining about this for the past forty-five minutes. don't you think that's a tad bit excessive?`
oikawa sat up abruptly. `no! well- maybe. but it's so stupid!` he exclaimed, fists furrowing in his fluffy brown locks. `i don't act like aphrodite at all! i don't even look like her, but i'm pretty and that's the only reason people need to lump me in with that cabin. i actually liked iwa. of course, he's just like the rest.`
`oh.` matsukawa snapped his fingers, pointing at oikawa. `he's the guy who rescued kiyo and takeru, right?`
the brunette shuddered. `right. that memory just gives me chills.` he thought back to that day, where a gorgon had came across oikawa while he was taking his sister and nephew shopping. the gorgon smelled him, and realized he was a son of athena, and attacked the group, leaving oikawa bruised and bloodied while he took kiyo and takeru as prisoners. however, a group of demigods from camp half-blood on a quest sensed the violence occurring, and rushed to the scene as quick as possible. iwaizumi was amongst the group, but he had taken off after the gorgon, and didn't get a good look at oikawa's face.
when the group returned to camp, oikawa had made the khopesh iwaizumi had sported, and left it on his bed while he was out training with his cabin mates. he also left a thank-you note, but didn't sign it, hoping to leave his identity anonymous.
`yeah, why don't you just tell him that you're a relative to kiyo and takeru? the whole camp knows about that quest, so if iwaizumi knows your identity, everyone else will too. people won't mistake you for a descendant of aphrodite anymore,` hanamaki supplied, reaching into the tupperware of ambrosia oikawa was given (he had started a fight with kyōtani from ares' cabin to relieve his stress- both parties sporting the same amount of cuts and bruises) and popping a bit into his mouth.
oikawa shrugged, snatching back the tupperware before hanamaki could steal any more. if a demigod ate too much of the sweet, healing treat, they could get extremely sick. `yeah, maybe. but,` oikawa grinned, turning to his two friends that stood by his bedside, `beating him at capture-the-flag tomorrow sounds way more fun.`
the two boys sighed, smiling at the sight of their best friend with a much happier mood. capture-the-flag with demigods was always a very violent and extreme sport, but all cabins ended up having a lot of fun playing the game. and, no matter what side the athena cabin was on, they always ended up winning. no one could remember a time where they lost.
beating the ares' cabin was going to be a piece of cake for oikawa.
`you seem on edge, iwaizumi.` ushijima had muttered to the demigod, taking a seat beside the other. they were currently stationed in the middle of the forest, with the job of guarding the red flag. `do you want to talk about it?`
iwaizumi glanced at his companion. under the absolutely atrocious battle helmet was a look of concern and worry for his friend. the dark-haired demigod let out a sigh, nodding slightly. `yeah. i'm just.. shaken up, i guess.`
`how so?`
`well..` iwaizumi pondered, trying to figure out the best words and phrases to lay his point across. `i pissed off one of the sons' of aphrodite here, because apparently, he's the son of athena, and not aphrodite. like, what the fuck? the dude even acts like the deviled spawn of her, so i don't understand why he's so pressed.`
ushijima nodded, listening intently. `you mean toorū oikawa, right?`
iwaizumi gaped. `how the hell did you know that?`
`i made the same mistake you did, thinking he was a descendant of aphrodite.` ushijima mused, looking up to the sky. the clouds reflected in his olive-coloured eyes, but were less noticeable than the clouds reflecting in oikawa's eyes. `when he had first came to camp half-blood, he was called weak by one of our cabin-mates. he challenged him to a duel and won. i then told him he should have been a descendant of ares, not one of aphrodite. he would have a rightful place here, with us.`
`oh? what'd he say, then?`
the olive-haired demigod shuddered. `he slapped me. very hard. and then yelled at me, saying he was a son of athena, not aphrodite. he apparently doesn't like being addressed as a child of aphrodite.`
a sharp wolf-whistle came from the trees. ushijima and iwaizumi stood up, quickly switching to a fighting stance. iwaizumi clenched his khopesh as the figure who was listening to their whole conversation emerged from the trees.
and of course, it was fucking oikawa.
`y-you?` iwaizumi shouted, almost dropping his weapon. `how long were you there?`
the brunette stretched, calm despite the fact that a sword and a khopesh were both aiming at his chest. `i heard the whole conversation. i've been watching you two for quite some time, now.`
ushijima stepped forward as to greet oikawa, but faltered. his eyes widened, and he turned around. leaning on the flag they were supposed to protect was a silver-haired male holding a celestial-bronze axe. his honey-brown eyes met ushijima's olive-green ones, and a corrupt smile split his face. `finally. you noticed me. i was wondering how to get your attention.`
iwaizumi turned around to see the second attacker, letting out an almost animalistic growl. `it's a fucking ambush.`
`correct~` oikawa mused, taking out his dagger and smiling at the other. `however, suga-chan isn't allowed to touch you. i wanted to do all the dirty work myself.`
the silver-haired demigod nodded. `my only purpose here is to take the flag once oikawa defeats you. he requested to fight you both at the same time.`
oikawa nodded, flicking a little switch on his dagger iwaizumi hadn't noticed before. as soon as he did so, he dropped the dagger, and it extended into a much longer weapon. the other demigod scanned it, recognizing the weapon to be a scythe. 'suga-chan' smiled at the sight, meeting iwaizumi's questioning eyes. `you guys better be prepared. he hasn't lost a duel since he came here.`
the brunette nodded, pointing at ushijima with a smile before lunging at the demigod. before the latter could even react, oikawa had connected his foot with ushijima's abdomen, sending the demigod flying. he landed on his back with a gasp, having the air knocked out of him. iwaizumi's eyes widened- he hadn't even been able to react either. that was how fast oikawa was.
ushijima sat up quickly, blocking oikawa's attack with his sword. the other demigod smiled sweetly, twisting the scythe and yanking ushijima's sword out of his hand. it landed in the dirt a couple yards away.
iwaizumi growled, running at oikawa with his khopesh up high. the brunette turned around, unamused, sidestepping iwaizumi's attack and tapping at the end of his weapon. the khopesh hissed and groaned, a net pooling out from the back end, trapping iwaizumi in the knots. the demigod gasped, writhing around in the trap. `wh-what the hell?`
`you seem to be confused. could it be,` oikawa laughed, `that you didn't even know that was there?`
`s-shut up! how the hell did you know anyways?`
oikawa deadpanned. `i made the stupid thing. i think i would know every little thing there is to know about it.`
the dark-haired son of ares stared at his attacker, watching as he stalked over to suga and ripped the flag out of the ground. the brunette turned and smiled sweetly at his victims, waving. `well, see you.`
the two demigods sprinted off, laughing at the shouts coming from behind them.
`i can't believe him!` iwaizumi kicked the boulder, ignoring the pain from doing so. `he's so fucking insufferable! but i can't even do anything about it, because apparently he made this stupid weapon-` he waved the khopesh in the air, `-and i have to be grateful, but he's making it so goddamn hard!`
kyōtani glanced at the demigod, popping another piece of ambrosia in his mouth. he was still recovering from his fight with oikawa earlier. `you didn't know he made that for you? i thought it was obvious.`
the other glared at his cabin mate, confusion in his eyes. `what do you mean?`
`well,` kyōtani chewed the left over ambrosia in his mouth and swallowed, before continuing. `i'm pretty sure he has a crush on you, or something. he's been watching your duels ever since he came back with your group.`
`what group?`
`the quest you had a while ago.` kyōtani muttered under his breath, probably ridiculing iwaizumi. `you saved his sister and nephew from a gorgon. remember that?`
iwaizumi deadpanned, the memories all but flooding back to him now. `that was him?`
`that was him.`
`so he really is a son of athena?`
kyōtani nodded.
`..fuck, i'm an idiot.`
`i know.`
─── demigods.
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