transsurlee · 7 months
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anybody else
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islandlobster · 5 months
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da toonies 💪💪💪
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girlboyburger · 7 months
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milo trying out a new look! wearing its past patterns like an old sweater pulled out for the season
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ccycloneblogging · 2 months
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I saw @thefoolishone666's meme post here, and I HAD to!
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sarathrwizard · 3 months
Did someone ask for Donnie angst? (rottmnt)
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Oh, and maybe some brains & brawn duo art as well! 😁💔
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thebibliosphere · 6 months
Do you think Bruce was weird the first time Tim brought Bernard home? Not because of a man dating a man thing, but because he's just... a nice guy. Some kid. Normal teenager. And given the long list of villains and children of villains his kids have dated over the years, plus super dating is a nightmare. Bruce is like, teary-eyed with awe over a teen who likes video games, accidentally becomes the "need anything, snacks, a condom?" parent out of pure joy because "oh my god this one is NORMAL, Tim, you hang onto him!!"
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Bruce being so thrown off his game at meeting Bernard that he temporarily channels June George is giving me so much life.
It'd be so painfully awkward, too, because he'd know. He knows he's not being cool about the situation, but he can't help it.
He's assessing himself against the constant internal perception checks he's always rolling to make sure he's being a Normal Person outside of the cowl, and they're all coming up 1s. He's trying too hard. Too chirpy. Too punny. Too Much. Too Dad.
Bernard doesn't seem to notice. As far as he's aware, it's normal for Bruce to be this cringingly enthusiastic and awkward around his kids' friends. Tim, on the other hand, is conveying clearly that he wants the floor to open up and swallow him whole and that Bruce -- whatever the fuck is wrong with him -- needs to fuck off.
He does not fuck off. He doesn't know how to. All his carefully crafted social schemas have fallen apart. This is Bruce, not knowing how to show approval but trying his hardest.
After several more minutes, Tim saves them all. They were going to play some video game Bernard brought over in the living room, but he takes Bernard by the hand instead and starts leading him up the stairs.
"Come on, we can play it in my room." He glances pointedly at Bruce, who watches them go, still beaming like an idiot. "Somewhere with a door."
"Have fun," Bruce calls after their retreating backs, leaning against the banister as he watches them go. "Let me know if you guys need anything. Snacks. Drinks. A condom. Whatever you want."
Bernard makes a sound like he's choking. The look Tim levels at him is murderous.
This is it. This is Tim's villain origin story. He can see the exact moment they both realize it. Bruce still can't wipe the smile off his face. He does fuck off, though.
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raycatzdraws · 1 month
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I saw an opportunity to make a meme and I took it.
Turtle shirt!
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shiorimia · 2 years
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No longer baby, now evil
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cathalbravecog · 2 months
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this was gonna be my april 1st piece, but well, let's just say, i went a little overboard...! and now this is my most detailed art piece i've ever done ! i love the high roller you guys
more alt versions under cut! also i highly suggest you click and zoom in for Details
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this entire piece was a whole adventure. i had to redraw the wallpaper because going into the fight april 1st made me learn OOPS! they changed it! and then i added detail. and aw fuck i can't leave THIS without detail. so i added more detail!
and i added more detail!
and i did this and that!
and uhmm yeah this basically took on and off all month to do and is genuinely my biggest piece i've ever done </3 in total this probably toon, genuinely, 2-3 days in total hours to finish. i am a bit slow with things so yeah. i am very proud of this and plan to use the version without HR in it as a background for things ^^.
also, the background was traced over a vrchat screenshot! only the lines, though, all the coloring is done myself! i've fooled people with THE BACKGROUND being a screenshot already so no, the coloring and shading is all done by me. just the lines were traced and altered in some places. this below is the reference screenshot! and also the sketch
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so much back pain so much wrist pain so much forgotten food but also only sheer unbroken love and dedication to our dearest roller guy. you get me. IM making this a big deal bc to me it is a big deal and i am very proud of myself. i may not like a 100% how i drew hr in this but... it's still Very Swag
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transsurlee · 9 months
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i went to make a meme about something unrelated and found this in my files. enjoy
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stares intensely at him
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imthursdaysyme · 1 year
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Final installment of the wrestlers 3/3: Steve runs his 5’8 mouth
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festeringfae · 11 months
It's so unfathomable to me when Juri is referred to as a "tragic lesbian" or an "angsty lesbian" (referring to her role in the narrative.) The word "miracle" is used synonymously with "hope for fulfillment." Meaning: the girl's entire ARC is her angrily insisting that there's no hope for her ever being fulfilled because she's a lesbian, and the narrative going trolol every time she attempts to prove it. It fucking RULES.
They dangle every lesophobic trope known in media history in front of this girl's face, and every time she or the audience starts to accept it, the narrative subverts it so hard that the impact is still reverberating to this day.
Juri Arisugawa stays up every night trying to convince herself that she is a scary monster everyone hates in love with a straight girl whom she should be platonically nicer to, and every day the narrative says "sorry, no 🙃 you're really popular and everyone likes you 🙃 including the not-at-all straight girl you're actually already way too compassionate towards, because you're too good for her 🙃🙃 sorry queen but you're not the villain of this story 🙃🙃🙃 you're still in your coffin but in the exact same way as everyone else, no fridging allowed 🙃🙃🙃🙃"
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lindseybots · 3 months
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(Click for better quality.) Based on an au that popped in my brain the other day that STILL refuses to leave me. I made a brief, bare basics post about this yesterday (featured under the break).
To expand on it a bit though, I feel like WW Link’s appearance would reflect how he looked during his adventures. That is to say, regardless of the fact he looks like a kid, I like to think he lived a long happy life. Still, I feel like his adventures had the biggest impact on the rest of his life, and I felt his appearance as a ghost/spirit would reflect that. I’m still trying to decide if I want to have him wearing his Outset outfit or the iconic green tunic. Maybe he can switch between the two as he pleases? Idk. 🤷‍♀️
I feel like ST Link grows up calling WW Link “Wind” or even various variations of “Sailor”. I know the “Wind” nickname has been used in a lot of Link crossover stuff, and I love it and it obviously fits him well. Plus, Niko definitely tells ST Link all about “the Hero of Winds”. ST Link’s a smart kid. He eventually connects the dots. I want WW Link to have a nickname for ST Link too. A term of endearment kinda thing more than anything else, y’know? I’m still deciding on what the nickname(s) would be though.
Transcript under the cut.
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Niko: Just sit tight little Link. Ol’ Niko’ll take good care of ya.
I better go see about ordering supplies… How do I get food for him? maybe Alfonzo could bring some from Castle Town and then I could see about…
WW Link: Niko!! you can’t leave the baby unsupervised on a table!
Well, looks like it’s just you and me, huh, kid? This is fine! I’m an adult… even if I don’t look it anymore for some reason… a-and an older brother! I can keep an eye on ya! (Reminds me of being with Grandma and Aryll…)
Oh, you’re awake! Hello. it’s great to meet ya, Link! (It’s a bit weird to call someone else my name.)
Wait a second… WAIT YOU CAN SEE ME?!
*ST Link starts crying at the sudden shout*
WW Link: I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to yell. Please don’t cry. I was just surprised is all.
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nottoonedin · 3 months
Idk if I'm the only one who didn't know (I don't really see anyone talking about it), but apparently Ivan orchestrated the Dog Alien incident??
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Like, bestie, I have so many questions- What was the goal here? Was he trying to pull a Luka and get rid of Mizi? (I hope not ;-;) Was he friends with Till at this time?
It's scary how many similarities he shares with Luka, they both have selfish, messed up ways of showing their love and trying to get their person to notice them. However, I do believe Ivan is at least a bit more ''human'' than Luka in some ways. I'm excited to see if we get to learn more about Luka's past (could he have come from a lab of some sort?) and hopefully we get to see a confrontation with him and Hyuna.
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protectoratenova07 · 5 months
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All time interaction here. They've met three times. This is their last contact before Taylor gives Dinah the notes back two years later and they're 100% on board to kill for each other.
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