#toontown glad hander
pyrory · 2 months
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sellbot cog redesigns!!!! :D thought process + extra design deets under the cut! (waning: its very long LOL)
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cold caller: loosely based off of their tto trading card! rotary phone because uhhh. duh they call people, big pointy nose resembles icicle, elongated eyes / eye scopes? idk lol resemble allan. the shape of the receiver is supposed to resemble earmuffs almost? + little teefies
telemarketer: this is probably the most. vague design LOL but they're an auto-dialing machine! specifically based off of the one from the simpsons coz it.. felt fitting idk. i definitely took some liberties but they have a speaker mouth, an indicator bulb for a nose, and the cassette portion is their eye ^_^
name dropper: this was one of the harder names to translate into a design since it doesnt have any ties to any physical items / ideas? so i ended up just building upon their base design. the glasses and bun give them an uptight secretary vibe + gave them more droopy features such as a longer nose and hoop earrings to replace the old ones
glad hander: not much to say about this one. HAND!!!!! my original redesign for this had their eyes on their palm while the fingers sat on top but. idk. it felt more fitting for their hand to be in a fist while the eyes were on the fingers. it makes their middle finger look like a nose
mover & shaker: shaker -> salt & pepper shakers. ez pz. the lids look like little hats too
two face: this was a little tricky coz i like the double face look they originally had. but double talker already has that model and i think it fits them much more than it does two face. i cycled through a few different ideas but eventually ended up with this, inspired by the mayor from the nightmare before christmas & the way his head operates :P
mingler: nothing changed. literally perfect. mingler is peak cog design. just tweaked their colors and gave them a stronger head + hair shape that stands out against the others
mr. hollywood: same with name dropper & mingler, they have a vague name thats hard to interpret BUT the og design was already so good there wasn't much to change Anyways. i was subconsciously inspired by Something while designing them but i dont know what, i guess 50s celebrities? also inspired by ernesto de la cruz from coco!
as a general rule of thumb: i stuck to the same color palette for all of these designs (except for the blue in cold caller & two face. obviously) in order to communicate the fact that they're from the same department. for the more human cogs i tried to separate different parts of the head using color & lines (forehead, cheekbones, chin, nose, etc) in order to give them a subtle robotic look but you can't really see it lol... i tried to keep their GENERAL head shapes but some of them wandered a little far
+ i actually made palettes for all of the cog departments to work on if i ever want to make more redesigns! i'll stick them here since they're on topic
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lunathewafflelord · 6 months
Toontown fans can we make this the new Trollface
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2000s era Trollface
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themagicalghost · 7 months
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whole-fruit-pie · 5 months
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Here, just take this
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batt00ny · 10 days
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toontastictoons · 2 months
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He insisted on "handling" my gags for me. I'm pretty sure he would just take me back to the VP. He's got the grip for toon-napping toons about my size. (I pummeled him instead)
- 🐭
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seltzher-bottel · 7 months
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Okay actual ocs now, these two have been in my head FOREVER and I haven’t drawn them in a good long while.
The bunny is Nelly, a semi Uber toon! She’s toonupless and is frequently breaking into both Sellbot and Cashnot HQ. While she doesn’t hate all cogs, she’s not as friendly with some of them.
Grand is back, he kind of? Lives on the same estate as Nelly does. They hate each other but their love for their mutual friend, Sue, is what keeps them from fighting. He’s okay with Nelly but loves to antagonize her.
These two almost never agree but they can work together… half of the time.
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lowlaffmeter · 2 years
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Sellbots are pretty cool
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booboothundergadget · 6 months
Something about suits I don't see addressed much is that they can fly. As far as we know, based on the cogs we see in-game, most if not all suits can just. Fly. Whenever they want, without fanfare. How does that effect their culture? Building designs? Infrastructure?
Do their propellers come built-in, leaving them to learn how to fly as children like learning to walk? Or is it like getting your driver's license, locked behind an exam and a minimum age? Is flight something expected of suits, or is COGS. Inc. unique in all their employees having a propeller? What does that mean about the glad handers who take the airplane propellers in the Toontown Central warp access side task?
Sellbot HQ was designed with flight in mind based on the suits flying off at the beginning of the VP fight and being able to fly into Cathal's office. Are the other HQs designed with flight accessibility in mind? Are suits allowed to fly wherever, or is there a sort of "decorum" around when it's socially acceptable to do so? Is that why they tend to walk places (save for game design)?
It's a minor thing, but it's fun worldbuilding to think about.
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Toontown: Corporate Clash Recap: Barnacle Boatyard Sidetasks (Part 1)
First and foremost, a correction: Winn Dos is a mouse, not a koala. She’s only ever appeared in supplementary materials as a 2D drawing, and as such is fluffy enough to look like the in-game koala model. She has never physically appeared in-game, only communicating with the players through blog posts and in-game alerts.
Also, I forgot to mention that Penny Pinchers have a signature attack now:
Penny Pinch: The Penny Pincher yoinks a penny from the pocket of a single Toon, dealing some damage.
Okay, now for the sidetasks!
Pilfering Propellers
To start this task, you have to speak with N.D. Skye in Island, You Land! Airplanes on Anchor Avenue.
N.D. Skye does not have an article on the Corporate Clash wiki, and it’s impossible to review task dialogue for Tasks you’ve already turned in in-game, so this is mostly going off of what I can remember.
First, N.D. Skye asks you to get 3 Propellers from Glad Handers in Barnacle Boatyard. I can’t remember if the Gland Handers stole them or if you’re taking the Propellers they use to fly away, but that’s still the first step.
After returning the propellers to N.D. Skye, you are then tasked with defeating 7 Level 4+ Cogs. You can do this anywhere.
Now, all airplanes still need windows, so after taking care of those Cogs, you are sent to take “Some Window Panes” from a Cog Building right here in Barnacle Boatyard.
Upon completing this, N.D. Skye has plenty of airplanes for the shop and gives you 2388 experience, teleport access to Barnacle Boatyard (allowing you to teleport to it form almost anywhere in Toontown), and 200 Jellybeans.
The Salty Spit-Toon
To start this task, you need to talk to Reg at The Salty Spit-Toon on Anchor Avenue.
“Welcome to the Salty Spit-Toon, how tough are ya?”
Yep, this is a reference to that Spongebob episode, but Reg, unlike the bouncer in that episode, wants to make you tough.
To start, you have to defeat 12 level 3+ Cogs anywhere.
After that, report back to Reg, you tasks you with taking down 2 Cog Buildings.
Once you’ve liberated 2 shops (or the same shop twice), Reg wants you to defeat 3 Yesmen anywhere.
Once those Cogs have been defeated, Reg has one final task for you.
In order to prove how tough you are, you need to give him 5 level 3 Gags.
Once you’ve done that, your training is complete, although you might’ve gone a bit overboard with your leg muscles.
This unlocks the Nautical Nametag, the Big Legs cheesy effect, and rewards 3580 experience and 200 Jellybeans.
Swimming Kiwi
Hey look who it is, it’s Tumbles! In order for Tumbles to even be here, you need to complete New Toony Tourist back in Toontown Central. Anyway, he’s hanging out on the island in the middle of the body of water the S.S. Day-Sea is sailing on.
“Yeah maaaaaaan, how’s it going? Exploring the docks as well I assune?”
“I just love the water, something about it is so calming.”
“I’d love to go for a swim myself, but I forogt to pack a pair of my trusty swimming goggles.”
“I’ve seen some Cogs around town that have those neat looking goggles…”
“I think I’ve heard some Toons call them Conveyancers?”
“If you find one of these Cogs could you try and get a pair of their goggles for me? I really want to take a swim!”
Oh Tumbles, never change. (Note: I don’t know if those typos are also present in game, or just the result of wiki editors not paying attention.)
Regardless, you now need to go and defeat Conveyencers until one drops his goggles.
Once you’ve done that, return to Tumbles.
“These are a bit of a bland grey color, the pair I had at home were blue, but these should work quite swimmingly!”
“Alright [Toon Name], let’s dive in!”
“Wait a second…”
“I’d hate to trouble you again.”
“But it seems that I have forgotten my sunscreen as well!”
“If I don’t wear it, I’ll be as red as a fire hydrant!”
“I overheard some ducks earlier saying that they were able to get some from this shop called The Reel Deal here in Barnacle Boatyard.”
“Could you possibly find that shop and see if they have any sunscreen, make sure to tell them I need something around 95SPF…”
“I’m kinda sensitive to the sun. It’s embarassing to say the least.”
To get Tumbles the sunscreen he needs, you need to speak with Blisters McKee, the teal bat who runs The Reel Deal on Seaweed Street.
“Sunscreen? Sure, I have some.”
“You want 95SPF?!? Hmm… I might have some…”
“If I ‘could’ find some, I’ll need something in return.”
“Why don’t you defeat one of those Cog Buildings nearby and then we can talk.”
After reclaiming some territory from the Cogs, you can now report back to Blisters McKee.
“You should consider yourself lucky, I found a tube in the back.”
“Is that building gone? Good, it’s as good as yours.”
“Thanks for the business.”
With the sunscreen in hand, you must now deliver it to Tumbles!
“Totally nautical, dude!”
“Alright, I’m all ready! Surf’s up!”
Now, all you have to do is go swimming anywhere, and you can speak with Tumbles to complete the task!
“That was awesome, I was able to find a few seashells too! These will be perfect for my collection!”
“As you were diving into the water, I was able to get a picture of you! I’m sure you can add it as your Profile in your Shtickerbook!”
“See ya around, [Toon Name]!”
Tumbles gives you the Diving Profile Pose, 2608 experience, and 200 Jellybeans.
Also, if you leave the Playground and come back, you’ll find that Tumbles has moved on to the next Neighborhood.
As for you, however, there are still three tasks left.
Well if nautical nonsense be something ye wish.....
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lunathewafflelord · 5 months
”video games aren’t educational” okay but if it weren’t for Toontown I wouldn’t know what a Glad Hander or CFO was so your point is irrelevant
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whole-fruit-pie · 8 months
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Art I did for a Twitter thread.
Catta Minor Tamara belongs to @majoracats
Spellia Caster belongs to @catastrophic-maniac
The Ninja belongs to @cuppacuppacoffee
Shriner Circuits belongs @/apriltoons on Twitter
Dav belongs to @/Dramasquerade on Twitter
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batt00ny · 1 year
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HAI! I really wanted 2 make a silly little bracket of ALL the managers in toontown corporate Clash BECAUSE THEY ALL MEAN SOOOO Much to me. Then I got autistic about toontown polls so now I'm the poll guy. Then college got me busy so now I just do it sometimes. I try!!!
The seeding is random inspired by the spirit on Toontown. Not serious just for fun!!! FOR GIGGLIES AND GOOFS
I have multiple brackets planned & they tend to drop when no other poll posts that day. I plan to have a lot so I hope you stick around! (Also I draw sometimes ... my tag for my original content is #BATT00NY ORIGINAL ....haha thanx...)
HERE is where you can find finished brackets!
I reblog all propaganda to encourage community banter & playful warfare!
Also additional rules I don't know where to add anywhere else: If there's a tie, both participants get to move on. If a round ends with an odd amount of contenders for the next round, there will be a revival match. Finally, rematches between the same participants will be avoided as long as possible.
Brackets are below! If a poll is open, it will be marked with a red OPEN in [brackets]! Dates are when the poll will be posted.
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ROUND 1 Match 1: Goat vs. Raccoon [RACCOON] Match 2: Sheep vs. Deer [DEER] Match 3: Rabbit vs. Alligator [ALLIGATOR] Match 4: Pig vs. Beaver [BEAVER] Match 5: Bat vs. Turkey [BAT] Match 6: Chicken vs. Monkey [CHICKEN] Match 7: Fox vs. Armadillo [FOX] Match 8: Cat vs. Kiwi [KIWI] Match 9: Koala vs. Duck [DUCK] Match 10: Kangaroo vs. Dog [DOG] Match 11: Horse vs. Mouse [MOUSE] Match 12: Bear vs. Cow [BEAR]
ROUND 2 Match 1: Raccoon vs. Deer [DEER] Match 2: Alligator vs. Beaver [ALLIGATOR] Match 3: Bat vs. Chicken [BAT] Match 4: Fox vs. Kiwi [FOX & KIWI] Match 5: Duck vs. Dog [DUCK] Match 6: Mouse vs. Bear [MOUSE]
ROUND 3 Match 1: Deer vs. Alligator [DEER] Match 2: Bat vs. Fox [BAT] Match 3: Kiwi vs. Duck [KIWI] Revival: Armadillo, Bear, Cat, Dog, Goat, Horse, Koala, Pig, Rabbit, or Raccoon [CAT] Match 4: Mouse vs. Cat [CAT]
ROUND 4 Match 1: Deer vs. Bat [BAT] Match 2: Kiwi vs. Cat [KIWI]
ROUND 5 Finale: Bat vs. Kiwi [BAT]
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ROUND 1 Match 1: Head Honcho vs. Short Change [HEAD HONCHO] Match 2: Deadlock vs. Big Cheese [BIG CHEESE] Match 3: Corporate Raider vs. Toxic Manager [TOXIC MANAGER] Match 4: Two-Face vs. Connoisseur [TWO-FACE] Match 5: Bottom Feeder vs. Loan Shark [LOAN SHARK] Match 6: Ambulance Chaser vs. Cold Caller [COLD CALLER] Match 7: Number Cruncher vs. Shyster [SHYSTER] Match 8: Insider vs. Tightwad [INSIDER] Match 9: Back Stabber vs. Head Hunter [BACK STABBER] Match 10: Name Dropper vs. Needlenose [NEEDLENOSE] Match 11: Money Bags vs. Shark Watcher [SHARK WATCHER] Match 12: Flunky vs. Middleman [FLUNKY] Match 13: Legal Eagle vs. Double Talker [LEGAL EAGLE] Match 14: Barrister vs. Glad Hander [GLAD HANDER] Match 15: Advocate vs. Bean Counter [ADVOCATE] Match 16: Con Artist vs. Spin Doctor [SPIN DOCTOR] Match 17: Bagholder vs. Micromanager [MICROMANAGER] Match 18: Mr. Hollywood vs. Telemarketer [OPEN] Match 19: Pettifogger vs. Circuit Breaker [OPEN] Match 20: Magnate vs. Paper Hands [OPEN] Match 21: Mover & Shaker vs. Downsizer [OPEN] Match 22: Robber Baron vs. Pencil Pusher [OPEN] Match 23: Bloodsucker vs. Swindler [OPEN] Match 24: Yesman vs. Penny Pincher [OPEN] Match 25: Big Wig vs. Big Fish [6/9] Match 26: Conveyancer vs. Mingler [6/10]
ROUND 2 Match 1: Head Honcho vs. Big Cheese [6/11] Match 2: Toxic Manager vs. Two-Face [6/12] Match 3: Loan Shark vs. Cold Caller [6/13] Match 4: Shyster vs. Insider [6/14] Match 5: Back Stabber vs. Needlenose [6/15] Match 6: Shark Watcher vs. Flunky [6/16] Match 7: Legal Eagle vs. Glad Hander [6/17] Match 8: Advocate vs. Spin Doctor [6/18] Match 9: Micromanager vs. ??? [6/19] Match 10: ??? vs. ??? [6/20] Match 11: ??? vs. ??? [6/21] Match 12: ??? vs. ??? [6/22] Match 13: ??? vs. ??? [6/23]
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COG EMPLOYEE LOSERS BRACKET STATUS: Planned! However subject to change due to main bracket revival rounds
ROUND 1 Match 1: Short Change vs. Deadlock [???] Match 2: Corporate Raider vs. Connoisseur [???] Match 3: Bottom Feeder vs. Ambulance Chaser [???] Match 4: Number Cruncher vs. Tightwad [???] Match 5: Head Hunter vs. Name Dropper [???] Match 6: Money Bags vs. Middleman [???] Match 7: Double Talker vs. Barrister [???] Match 8: Bean Counter vs. Con Artist [???] Match 9: Bagholder vs. ??? [???] Match 10: ??? vs. ??? [???] Match 11: ??? vs. ??? [???] Match 12: ??? vs. ??? [???] Match 13: ??? vs. ??? [???]
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toontastictoons · 2 months
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Espionage - Smiley Cog Edition
- 🦝
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