hlahlahlahlahly · 6 months
We stopped at a random used book store in Maryland last week and I found an amazing book
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One of my favorite children's books, Tootle, in Finnish.
My favorite page
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juliaprecourt · 2 years
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Under the mistletooooooe
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disneyprint · 1 year
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Little Golden Book-Record Read-Along Collection
1977 Read-Along Book & Record box set
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picturebookshelf · 2 years
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Shy Little Kitten's Secret Place (1989)
Story: Jim Lawrence -- Art: Keenan Jones
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shiftythrifting · 3 months
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mix CD from one of your weed-smoking girlfriends
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kedreeva · 1 year
So, the first thing we're having done is replacing the fuse box because we want to replace the AC and when the AC guy looked at the fuse box he went D: I'm just.... going to call an electrician to come look at this and make sure it's safe, and then the electrician came and looked at it and went "well... I've seen worse" but in that tone that says he definitely HAS seen worse, and then he looked at the ceiling and goes "is that... knob and tube wiring."
The electrician came back today and installed all the stuff and they were outside taking a break before wrapping up and these boys come running to tell me "one of your birds got out!!"
Now me, I'm like, one of three things has happened. #1-A bird has actually turned incorporeal and escaped my pens (I can only imagine maybe they broke the netting but our netting should be able to take it), #2 these boys got fooled by the way Pen 3's flight pen is set up and only THOUGHT a bird got out, or #3 there is a bird out and it is Not Mine. Or possibly it's a turkey. We have wild turkeys and there's a hen that's lost her flock and has been wandering around lately.
So I go out and I don't see a bird out so I'm thinking it must be #2 because they're walking out by Pen 3. I account for the birds in pen 1, and I start walking toward them and the apprentice goes I SEE HIM and points into the woods. Well, I can see Indie and the girls in pen 3, so I'm thinking okay, either it's #1 and polaris busted the new netting, or it's #3, but my luck it's probably #1. And then I see a young boy who is NOT my bird emerge from the brush.
And it's like Ah. Yes that's not my bird don't worry about it.
We head in, they wrap up, I close the barn pen birds into the barn and in their pen, I set out food and water for him. Just in case. I also closed pen 1 birds into just Pen 2 for now, and opened pen 1's door and put out some scratch where he'd be able to see it. I don't think he'll go in right away, but he hung around for a good while before walking, and it's just my birds and Pete's that are very nearby. Since he's still a baby, just a little 2yo boy, he's going to want to stay where there are other peafowl, and pete doesn't have boys to call him back.
We'll see if he sticks around, and if he'll come in to the pen. Pete said he wouldn't even come closer than his back field, not even to his peafowl, but he hopped up on the barn roof and watched me talk to my birds for a while, so I hope he'll decide it's safe here.
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backtoneverland · 1 month
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No-one can recall your name 'Cause you're not even there
art drawn for my fanfic !! slightly goes missing and nibs seems like the only person who thinks something suspicious is afoot
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blue-dragon-enjoyer · 2 years
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My tootles sketches from tonight
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beth-purcell · 2 days
Mild drabble trying to flesh out ideas for my take on Neverland when I eventually get there plot wise haha
Basic gist: Smee plays reluctant doctor and voice of reason to a Lost Boy.
“Please Mr. Smee, I never ask for anything!” As much as the older man wanted to snark that there was a reason his home was not among his crew mates on the Jolly Roger, judging from the little boy's expression, his snark would be taken at face value and nothing would be done. Instead, he sighed softly and knelt down.
“Alright, let me take a look at her.” The Lost Boy carefully held up the bird, struggling to keep it together, as Smee checked over the animal. After a few moments, Smee let out a small sigh. “Now, I'm not exactly one for knowing all there is to know about birds, but she looks to just have had the wind knocked out of her. Once she has a few moments to recoup, she'll be alright,” The boy nodded quickly, holding the bird protectively. “Another one of your games go wrong?” 
“No Mr. Smee, Nibs and I were scouting when I spotted her not moving in the water and I had to help her! Nibs said he'd keep an eye out on things while I went to you for help…” Smee nodded slowly.
“I see…You do have a penchant for the birds here on the island…” The boy nodded, sitting next to the pirate, careful to not jostle the swan. 
“They like me quite a bit…” He agreed, though unsure. “I don't why…”
“Well, you're far calmer than any of the other boys when you're flying around.” Smee noted. “And that's when you're actually going through the shenanigans, Tootles,”
“I suppose you're right…I do quite miss a lot of the excitement, but that's ok!” The boy smiled brightly. “That just means everyone gets to tell me stories, just like Peter!” Smee nodded slowly.
“That's certainly a way to look at it.” He noted. “Stories are usually a delight after all,” 
“When are they not?”
“Ghost stories. Tragedies.” Tootles nodded slowly, though he clearly didn't have a clue. “I wouldn't worry about it; I doubt Peter knows what those mean anyways, and you know how he is about things he doesn't know.” Tootles nodded, his face falling.
“Yeah…” Smee studied the boy curiously.
“Did something happen recently?” Tootles looked away sheepishly, the swan leaning against the boy to try and comfort him as best she could. “Hey, if you want this to be a secret, it can be done; it's not like Peter would believe me…”
“I know, I know….” Tootles let out a sigh after a few moments. “I-I think I remembered seeing my father and someone my age with me…”
“A sibling perhaps?” The boy shrugged sheepishly. “Well, I can see why you don’t want Peter to know; he does not like the idea of fathers…”
“Yeah, and he seemed very nice!” Tootles exclaimed. “W-We were out near a lake and I-I don’t really remember a lot about what happened…” He trailed off, making sure the swan was alright, gently petting the feathers as the swan gave the pirate a look, as if to warn what saying the wrong thing would entail. Smee sighed softly.
“Well there’s nothing wrong with trying to remember, especially if it’s something nice,” 
“...but what if Peter finds out and gets mad?”
“Well, then I suppose you’ll be banished for sometime, at least until he forgets, cause he is rather forgetful.” Tootles didn’t look very convinced. “And in the meantime, the captain will find out and go ‘Such terrible form!’ and what not,” Tootles snickered at the impression of Captain Hook as Smee offered a smile. “And as it would proper form, you’d be allowed two nights on the ship, and then on the third, you’d be asked if you wanted to join the crew.”
“What if I don’t want to be a pirate?”
“Then the captain will be a tad dramatic about it, but it isn’t good form to try and force someone into piracy and the captain is always on about good form, so he’ll ask you what you want to do.” Tootles made a face, clearly thinking.
“But he’s going to want to kill Peter…”
“He can put a pin in it for a moment or two.” Smee leaned in slightly. “He’s a particular individual, and he can’t handle not doing things by proper form, so he can pause on finishing off Peter.” Smee was paused for a moment. “And he knows that he’s got to set an example for the crew or else he’ll never hear the end of it.” Tootles was quiet for a few moments before nodding slowly.
“I guess you’re right…” The swan made a small sound and shimmied itself out of the boy’s arms, shaking out her wings. “Oh! She’s ok! She’s ok!” Smee couldn’t help but smile at the scene as Tootles jumped to his feet, leaping in excitement at the situation. “Thank you, Mr. Smee! Thank you!” Before the man could respond back, the boy and the swan flew off, clearly wanting to go find Nibs and the others, leaving Smee to himself. The man chuckled softly, watching the boy leave before pushing himself up to his feet, making note of the owl that had been observing them the entire time before making his way back to his houseboat.
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pandomawards · 6 months
Best Lost Boy
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Amazing art by @chaosgremlin95 and @silly-lil-fool once again. Special thank you to SLF for drawing Old Boy on request.
Tabs, is the Tootles seen in the Neverland Chronicles, belonging to @chaosgremlin95, and Old Boy (also known as Pathetic Old Boy) is the grown up version of Slightly Soiled seen in So Much Quieter, belonging to me/@thecringefailintherye/@autisticslightlyposting.
In the server, Corporal Nibs, owned by @/thecringefailintherye/autisticslightlyposting came 3rd, and S2Trappy, owned by @/silly-lil-fool came 4th, I will not disclose Tabs and Old Boy's placements as to not sway public bias.
Good luck!
Old Boy:
If Pathetic old boy doesn't win this round, we were robbed..as much as I love my child, Tabs, Old Boy was the original lost boy to make a name for himself! - @chaosgremlin95
You do not understand how much [P]OB needs this this is HIS award HIS and I will cry if he doesn't get what he is owed!! IDC if he loses everything else, but he is the fanon Lost Boy! He didn't go through all the bs he went through to not recieve some love at the end - @thecringefailintherye
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duskstargazer · 7 months
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At the Works Station, Henry had left the VIP's and their coach, to run into a siding to take on water.
"Hello, what's that?" Henry mused.
"Good grief!" He gasped, a second later. "Is that James?!"
The signalmen were as surprised as Henry. The branch line train had only just left, and they had not reset the junction points…
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lady-of-games · 1 year
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It's been a while since Tooty has been seen in Banjo Kazooie. I wonder if she's okay? This is just a sketch for now but maybe I'll finish rendering it, Though I'm starting to get quite the pile up of unfinished sketches here 😂
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kedreeva · 8 months
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Tootles, the peacock that just turned up at my house last summer and wanted into my peafowl pens with my birds! He is still living with my neighbor, Pete(r Pan!), while I still have Wendy, the hen that also just showed up at someone's else's house.
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backtoneverland · 26 days
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By far one of the funniest pieces of lost boy merch I’ve found so far is these little cake decorations from France. More info abt them under the cut they’re so silly
Specifically these dudes are called fève and get hidden in cakes or desserts as a little prize or trinket for those who find them. my tootles figure came covered in cake batter so its safe to assume that these guys were used as intended.
extra pic of each + fast facts
these fève are from a peter pan/return to neverland set made in 2003 - the pic of the full set below is from this website. Its a cute set! You can probably get all of them from ebay or etsy
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I bought my three fève from French ebay and only had to spend like $15 for all 3? pretty good deal especially for lost boy merch
Each boy gets a name which I'm going to assume is their name in the French dub of return to neverland?
They're made of porcelain which is neat! Even though theyre a little horrifying looking I think they look really nice for what they are. Good details for tiny cake trinkets
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Overall I really like these fève! If youre looking for a funny inexpensive-ish way to build up a possible lost boy collection, i'd recommend these dudes
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alketaire · 5 months
i fucking love my job. i wasn't restraining him firmly enough so my wrist got mauled by that known eater of flesh and destroyer of lives, Tootles
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track2hack · 1 year
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25.05.2023, ride 9/15 for May 💪
Gem’s really out here living her best life 🤷‍♀️
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