#toronto summer
heinvik · 2 years
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niagara falls |06.22|
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shotstoryproject · 25 days
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Toronto, Ontario 2024, c. SSP.
A summer heatwave in Toronto can be intense and oppressive. The city, known for its humid summers, can experience several days of temperatures soaring above 30°C (86°F), with humidity levels making it feel much hotter—sometimes reaching the mid-40s°C (over 110°F) when you account for the humidex.
During these heatwaves, the air feels thick and heavy, and the sun is relentless, casting a harsh glare across the city. Streets and sidewalks can become almost unbearable during peak afternoon hours, with little relief in the shade. The heat radiates off the concrete, making urban areas feel like heat traps.
People often seek refuge in air-conditioned spaces like malls, cafes, or public cooling centres set up by the city. Those without access to air conditioning, particularly vulnerable populations such as the elderly or homeless, face significant health risks, including heat exhaustion or heatstroke.
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triflingthing · 1 year
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secondhand books
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3416 · 2 months
MICHAEL BUNTING'S WEDDINGGGG AHHHH... mitch cheering in the background.. goofy dancing entrance... i KNEW auston was in town for a reason
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wildrangers · 2 months
I Wish You Would // William Nylander
Tropes & Topics: childhood friends to enemies to lovers, resolved angst, poor communication, angst
Word Count: 4K
{This is my submission for @typical-simplelove for The Summer Fic Exchange 2k24, organized by the amazing @wyattjohnston!)
Will checked the time on his phone for what felt like the hundredth time this morning. He knew there were hours left to go before you and your family arrived but his nerves were forcing him to watch time too closely. He’d seen your parents and brother, Ryan, numerous times over the years. You, however, he hadn’t seen or spoken to in over a decade. 
As kids, you two had been thick as thieves for the few years both of your dads played together on the Rangers. But a lot had changed since then, most of which his foolish teenage self had put into motion. Still, as Will realized how close he was to seeing you again, his heart skipped a beat while dread dropped his stomach.
Will was beyond excited for his first family skate at Madison Square Garden. He’d gone to a few games already but actually being on the ice? He was jumping out of his skin with excitement, much to his mother’s annoyance and father’s amusement. 
When his skates finally hit the ice, he slowly circled the rink, eyes wide as he took in the arena surrounding him. He was so engrossed he nearly collided with you, quickly grabbing your arms to steady you, you doing the same to him. 
“I’m sorry, are you okay?” he asked, worried he’d get in trouble. 
“Yeah, are you?” you replied and he nodded, quickly removing his hands from your shoulders. 
“I’m Y/N, who are you? You’re new.” 
“That’s a silly name” you giggled and his cheeks flamed hot. 
“It is not!” he replied, frowning deeply. You simply shrugged, seemingly letting it drop.  
“Do you want to race?” you asked and he nodded, counting down only for you to jump the gun and leave on 2.
“Hey!” he shouted, annoyed, but couldn’t fight his smile at the peal of your laughter ahead of him. He quickly was catching up, convinced he’d easily lap you as the distance closed between you. Just as he was about to reach you, your legs pumped even faster somehow and you crossed the imaginary finish line, fists pumping in victory. “That doesn’t count, you cheated!” 
“If you’re embarrassed to lose to a girl, you shouldn’t have raced me.” 
“That’s not it, my sisters beat me in races all the time. It’s the cheating that makes it not count.” 
You stared him down as you caught your breath and then finally nodded. “Redo?”
“If you sigh one more time, I’m going to push you out of this car” your brother threatened and you rolled your eyes dramatically at him. 
“I can’t believe you convinced me to do this.”
“You know how important this is to mom” he argued and you pointedly sigh again, making him groan in annoyance.
“I know, which is why I’m here.” A long comfortable silence fell, each to your own thoughts. 
“What even happened with you and Will?” he questioned quietly. When you didn’t answer he pushed on, “You never told any of us.” 
“Some things aren’t worth revisiting, Ryan.”
You were bouncing out of your seat in excitement as your family’s rental car rolled up the final hill before reaching the Nylander house. “Can you calm down?” Ryan groaned but you ignored him. 
Willy and you had grown close during the two years your dads played for the Rangers together. You were both fiercely competitive and obsessed with hockey which easily forged a strong bond. Willy’s dad had re-signed elsewhere during the last off-season though so you hadn’t seen him since early fall when his new team had come to the Garden. You and Will had made the most of the quick visit, skating at Central Park and eating with your families at your favorite restaurants. You hadn’t realized how much you relied on his friendship until it was gone, so you’d been looking forward to this trip to Sweden for half the season. 
“Oh there it is!” you cheered and were out of the car as soon as it was parked, despite your mom yelling to be more careful. You quickly greeted his parents and sisters as they ushered you into the house.
“Will and Alex are out back with a couple friends, we’ll come out with dinner soon” his mom informed you, sending you eagerly sprinting out the sliding glass doors. 
You quickly spotted the two blonde brothers alongside a couple of boys you didn’t know. “Hey guys!” you called and Alex greeted you with a wave and a smile. You were a little confused when Will just nodded at you without coming closer; you were used to hugging your hello’s. 
You much more slowly approached the group and were grateful when Alex opened his arms for a hug. You naturally moved to grip Willy next but he didn’t return the hug, causing you to frown at him.
“You okay?”
Yeah, I’m great, we’re just in the middle of a game. We’ll see you at dinner, yeah?” Will said, turning his back and kicking the soccer ball at his feet. 
You flinched at his coldness and Alex sent you a sympathetic frown before you turned and went inside. What changed? You knew you two weren’t chatting as much but you didn’t realize something was wrong. You feigned exhaustion from your trip and laid down in your guest bed, declining to go down for dinner.
“Everything okay, sweetie?” your mom asked, gently laying a plate on your bed and placing her hand to your forehead. 
“Yeah, I just think the travel caught up to me.”
“Will you be up for a skate after dinner? They wanted to show us their local rink.”
“Sure, yeah, I think so” you nodded, eager to have the common ground of hockey with Will again. 
As you joined the Nylanders for the drive, Alex talked your ear off but Will was distant, eyes firmly focused out the window. When you all were in the rink, skates tied tightly and beginning to warm up, you reapproached Will, easily matching his pace. “Are you mad at me or something?” you asked quietly, not wanting anyone to eavesdrop. 
“No, I’m not,” he said but didn’t say anything else.
“You’re acting weird, I don’t understand” you pushed, angry at the tears forming behind your eyes and clogging your throat. 
“We’re teenagers now, I don’t want to be hanging around a girl as a friend. It doesn’t make sense.” 
You tried to process his words but came up blank, “Will, of course we can still be friends.” You noted his flushed face and couldn’t fathom why he was avoiding you and trying to end your friendship just because you were both 13 now. You said the only thing you could think of: “Can we just race?”
“Will you leave me alone if I do?” he spat back and you shoved him, not quite playfully, with your shoulder. 
“Only if you win” you goaded and he counted down from 3 before you two were off. You’d been working hard on your skating and were pleased to find yourself in the lead. You didn’t have much size on you yet so to stay on your team’s roster, speed and skill were critical. 
As you rounded the final corner with Will close on your heels, you heard him huff in frustration before making himself even with you. You focused, pumping your legs faster, when suddenly Willy veered dangerously close to you. Without thinking, you cut away but lost your edge, flying into the boards shoulder fist. 
“Crap, are you okay?” he asked, breathless. 
“You did that on purpose you asshole!” you shrieked, quickly getting back on your feet.
“Y/N, language!” your father chastised.
“He did! You were going to lose and you went to trip me” you glared fiercely at him and he didn’t argue your point. The tense silence stretched between you and your families before Willy finally raised his eyes to meet yours. “You’re pathetic, William” you spat, quickly leaving the ice, Ryan close behind.
As you stepped out of your rental, Will felt like he was staring at a ghost. As kids, you’d always been cute but you were stunning now. He wasn’t surprised; he recalled with embarrassment how flustered he’d felt during your first trip to Sweden. He understood now he’d had a crush on you but at the time, he just didn’t like these new uncomfortable feelings or how his friends had teased him about having a friend for a girl who wasn’t a girlfriend. 
He was so lost in his thoughts, he startled slightly when you were suddenly directly before him. “Sorry, wasn’t trying to spook you there” you said blandly, eyes cold. “Wouldn’t want you to trip and hurt yourself.”
He ignored the pointed reference to his previously embarrassing actions replying, “How was your flight?” 
“It was fine, thanks” you replied, offering a smile that didn’t remotely reach your eyes. “How was your season? What year is it now in the big leagues?” 
Shame flooded his system as your words pulled another memory to mind, the last time he’d seen you before being cut completely from your life.
It was the final night of your family’s annual trip to Sweden. He hated these visits. They reminded him of how close you’d been and how much he’d blown your friendship up. But he didn’t know how to fix it so he kept his distance, ignoring your brother’s constant glares as you grew closer to Alex and his sisters. Since the girls were younger than you, they were absolutely obsessed, clinging to every word you said and subtly copying your mannerisms. He’d have found it endearing if it didn’t mean he’d have constant reminders of you long after you’d left the country.
Somehow, you two ended up next to one another at the restaurant but you were dutifully ignoring each other. The girls got sleepy before dessert though so Alex  offered to drive them home so your parents could enjoy the visit longer; this left you, Ryan, and him on one side of the table, deathly quiet in comparison to the uproarious conversation your parents were having. Ryan excused himself to go to the restroom and Will couldn’t stand the silence anymore. 
“So, what are your plans once you’re back home?”
“I leave for UConn in a few weeks.”
Another torturous silence descended and he filled it without thinking, “I have the draft in a couple weeks. Though that’s nothing compared to getting ready for D1 hockey” he smiled but the painful look that crossed your face stopped him in his tracks. “Hey, I didn’t mean–”
“Didn’t mean to what, William? Belittle me getting into one of the best women hockey programs in the country? Tease me since you know I’ll never be able to make an actual living as a pro?” 
“No, that’s not what I–”
“You don’t think I realized a long time ago that you won our competitions just by being a dude?” you retorted, voice quiet but filled with pain and fury as he saw tears forming in your eyes. 
“I’ve never thought of it that way, I was just trying to lighten the mood.”
“The mood that you’ve left us in for years now because of your childishness? Your pettiness? Well, don’t worry, you won’t have to think about dealing with me any longer.” 
“Y/N/N, wait” you begged, hand reaching for yours instinctively. You ripped it away, anger and sadness all over your face–pain that he’d inadvertently put there again. The entire table fell silent.
“You don’t get to call me that anymore, William” you spat, stalking towards your brother who’d just emerged from the bathroom. “Take me home, Ry.”
And that had been the last time he’d ever seen you for over a decade now. He’d look at your social media occasionally before you’d privated it several years back but you’d fully shut him out that fateful evening despite remaining in contact with the rest of his family. You’d also steadfastly refused to do the family trips and while both sides were curious about what had occurred, neither of you had given details. Will’s silence on the matter was born from embarrassment; he never knew why you didn’t just throw him under the bus–he deserved it.
The dinner that evening passed smoothly, you choosing your seat as far from Will as possible. He was relieved to see your shoulders loosen and your smile grow more genuine as the evening progressed, your armor against him not keeping you from the rest of your childhood friends. 
That night, he was tossing and turning as each key moment replayed painfully in his mind. He sighed, finally rising from bed around 1AM to go outside and get some fresh air. He stopped in his tracks when he saw you, curled up in a blanket, eyes focused on the dying fire before you. He tried to turn back around but bumped into the grill, causing a terrible metal ringing sound to pierce the quiet night.
He glanced your way to find your eyes firmly on him. “Were you trying to sneak away?”
“I mean, I wouldn’t say sneak, I just didn’t want to bother you” he replied, cheeks warming. 
“It's your house, William.” 
“Yeah but you’re the guest” he argued and you shrugged. You two held eye contact for a moment. “Are you sure you don’t mind if I join you?”
Your only response was to slide over on the couch, making plenty of room for him to sit beside you. A silence descended but Will refused to not take this chance to fix what he could. “I’m really sorry, Y/N. For all the shit I pulled when we were kids. And I’m sorry I never apologized before now, I just didn't want to make things worse.”
You snorted, “How could things have gotten worse?”
He thought it over, “I guess I meant I didn’t want to hurt you more.” 
You finally looked at him again and he withstood your sharp eyes assessing him and his words. “Did you mean to trip me?”
“No, never” he swore, turning to face you fully. “I wanted to spook you to win, which was dirty, but I never wanted to hurt you.” 
You nodded and a brief smile crossed your mouth, “It seems silly now, we were so young.”
“Yeah but we both know it wasn’t the tripping that sealed the deal” he admitted quietly. “That was a shitty thing to say and I knew better.”
“You didn’t though” you argued and he frowned. “We weren’t adults yet, Will. You felt awkward and tried to tease me like you had when we were kids because you didn’t know what else to do. You didn’t know you were salting an open wound.” 
“You did amazing at UConn” he offered and was met with a genuine smile.
“You watched?” 
“All the time” he admitted, scratching the back of his head.
“Thank you. That means a lot.”
“It does?”
“Yeah, Will. You were important to me as a kid and those feelings never went away, there was just so much confusion and pain on top of them. I was over the moon when you got drafted to Toronto. I started and deleted like dozens of congratulations texts” you admitted and he grinned. 
“Thanks, Y/N/N” he said without thinking. “Shit, sorry.”
“No, it’s fine Willy” you said sincerely, and he froze in place as you shifted closer to him, resting your head on his shoulder. He tentatively wrapped an arm around you and you burrowed in deeper. It felt so right to have you this close to him again. 
After a comfortable silence, he felt you yawn beside him and he gently pinched your arm. “Let’s get you to bed, yeah?”
He felt you nod against him before moving away to stretch your arms; he followed the movement, taken by how graceful you still were all these years later. 
“Can we have a fresh start?” he requested. “I’ve missed you.”
“Fresh start” you agreed, offering your hand, which he eagerly took in his own to shake firmly. His heart stuttered when you didn’t remove it from his grasp so he gently helped you up. Hope flooded his system as your hands remained intertwined as he escorted you to your room.
At your door, you pulled him into a tight embrace. “Want to get coffee and breakfast tomorrow? Just us two?” you asked and he nodded eagerly before releasing you.
“It’s a date.”
You slept much better than expected and woke the next morning feeling rested and relieved. You were glad Will had found you the night before and hopeful the rift could be mended. 
He’d hurt you as a kid, there was no denying that. But as time passed, you realized that he never had ill intentions. And part of what you’d loved about him as a kid was how silly and impulsive he’d been–you just hadn’t anticipated how those same traits could cause such unintentional damage. 
As you finished fixing your hair you heard a knock on the door, “Come in!” 
Will poked his head in, “Ready to go? You look wonderful.” 
You preened at his praise, surprised and a little embarrassed that your long ago crush seemed to have not shrunk over your many years apart.
At the coffee shop, you were shocked when we remembered all your favorite Swedish pastries as he ordered for the table. You’d been too young when you’d last been together for him to know your coffee order though so you gave that yourself. 
“Thanks, Will, I appreciate it” you grinned once you two were settled with your treats. 
“I’m happy to” he smiled at you and it caused your heart to stutter slightly. He sat before you a grown man but his smile hadn’t lost its boyishness. “So, how’s life been? Your parents share the basics sometimes but I don’t really know much else.” 
You reflected on the last decade, debating what was worth mentioning. “Well, I graduated from UConn with my physical therapy and business double majors.”
“And two championships” he added and you laughed, shaking your head.
“I still can’t believe you kept tabs on my hockey like that,” you admitted.
“It was the least I could do. I always knew you were an amazing player and getting to see it play out on TV was cool, though I wish I could have been there for some of the bigger moments.” 
His admission brought tears to your eyes but you quickly blinked them away as you cleared your throat. “Thanks, Willy. I wish you’d been there too, I’ve missed you.” 
He smiled sadly at your words, “And now?”
Your anxiety spiked, dreading having to share this information. “I bounced around doing hockey PT at a few different colleges in the US before I joined the University of Toronto training staff about five years ago.” 
Silence filled the space and you forced yourself to finally meet his gaze. Pain was in his eyes but you could see he was trying to hide it. 
“That’s amazing, congratulations” he offered and you nodded your thanks. “How did I not know we’ve been in the same city all these years?”
“It’s a big city.”
“You know that’s not what I mean.”
You sighed, nodding your agreement, “I asked everyone not to mention it to you. You were busy, I was busy, and at that point five years had passed, we weren’t friends anymore. I didn’t want to pick the scab. Plus, what would you have done if you’d known?”
“I’d have reached out as soon as I knew you were there. I just never wanted to do it over the phone but if I knew you were in Toronto? I would’ve apologized even if you never forgave me.”
His sincerity clogged your throat with emotions, “I’m sorry, I was scared.” 
“Of what?”
“Of you knowing I was there and not caring enough to reach out. To have it confirmed that our lives had separated too much to repair the gap. I mean, you play for the Leafs now, and I’m just…me.”
“Hey” he said sternly, pulling your eyes back to his face. He reached for your hand and you gladly let him run soothing circles on your palm. “You’re you, Y/N/N. Not just you. I would never have even thought to think of it the way you just did.” 
“Was that a sentence?” you teased and he threw his head back in laughter and it filled you with joy; you’d forgotten what a marvelous sound it was to experience, to cause. 
“I never claimed to be brilliant, okay?” he responded and you giggled, squeezing his hand. “When we’re both back in the city, can we please meet up? I’d love to have you at a game or just to meet my friends. That place is home now.” 
You nodded, “I’d love that…and it is for me too. This season, I’m actually doing my first year as an assistant coach.”
“Tell me everything, that’s amazing!”
And you did, words flowing easily between you now. You were both relieved and shocked that your connection, forged so many years ago and ignored for even longer, healed so quickly, so effortlessly. You’d forgotten how charming he is, how at ease he makes you feel, how much he always encouraged you. 
Before you knew it, your phone was ringing because it was well past lunch and Ryan was worried they couldn’t find you. 
“Should we head back? I know the big welcome bash is tonight.”
“Want to grab some lunch, just us first?” Will asked and you nodded eagerly, texting your brother the update before following Willy to one of his favorite spots. 
That night, the Nylander estate was flooded with extended family and friends. There was amazing food, plenty of booze, and music played long into the night.
“Well, now that you two are all good, can you please tell me what happened?” Ryan pushed and you shoved him with your shoulders.
“No, it makes even less sense now. It was stupid and it’s done, alright?”
“Fine, fine” he sighed dramatically and you rolled your eyes. “I’m glad you came, sis.”
“Don’t get sappy on me now” you teased and he chuckled. You heard your name called from the dance floor and you laughed at Will’s sisters motioning for you to join them. 
You easily waded into the crowd, losing yourself in the music and enjoying some of your best friends’ company–these girls were like little sisters to you. Before long, Will and Alex had joined and you weren’t sure how much time had passed but you suddenly realized how closely you were dancing with Willy.
“You look beautiful” he said directly into your ear, wanting to make sure you heard him over the music but that no one else could. 
“Thanks” you replied, feeling shy, as you ducked your head. The strand of hair that consequently fell in your face was gently brushed aside by Will’s gentle, calloused fingers. Your eyes rose to meet his as he tucked your hair behind your ears. 
His gaze was intense and you could barely breathe when his palm cupped your face, his thumb tracing your cheekbone so slowly it caused goosebumps to rise to your skin. Despite the music pounding from the speakers and the dancing bodies around you, you two stood, unmoving, staring into each other’s eyes. Your gaze dipped down to his mouth, silently begging for him to close the gap and kiss you.
A second later he did, the two of you meeting in the middle as all the tension, good and bad, was released. His lips were soft and your mouths moved together in perfect synchronicity, your movements slow as you two explored each other for the first time. When he tilted your head to get better access, you released a soft sigh that he hungrily devoured, his hands curling tighter into your hair. Your own hands settled on his chest and you allowed yourself to get lost in him, his scent surrounding you, his touch both soothing and exciting, your tongues twining harmoniously. 
The spell was broken by loud whoops and cheers from nearby and you two lurched apart, breathing heavily. Embarrassment flooded your system as you saw both sets of parents and siblings clapping and cheering you two on.
“Only took a decade and a half, you goofs!” Alex called.
“If you hurt her again you’re dead!” Ryan added.
“Guys!” you both chastised at the same time before erupting into giggles, you happily hiding your face in his chest.
Another installment of 'Taylor's incapable of writing a short fic.' I hope y'all enjoyed, especially Claudia 🫶🏻
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lusciouslifee · 6 months
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Am I forgetting how it felt?
121 notes · View notes
lupusmaxima · 2 months
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some sights from work
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larsnicklas · 9 months
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noted besties william nylander & rasmus sandin continue to publicly be besties!!
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echobeach2002 · 1 year
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danaeanaira · 18 days
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mmmitchmmmarner · 2 months
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heinvik · 2 years
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|07/22| TORONTO
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nhlwagsource · 3 months
papa relajando con sus amiguitos ☀️🌊
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3416 · 2 months
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this is so impressive to me. also i love him so dearly
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cogumellow · 15 days
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the great migration // toronto, canada // summer 2020 // ©
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lusciouslifee · 6 months
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The mirrors don't reflect my face
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