#torture and the law
dcxdpdabbles · 9 days
I saw someone did an Ask about Damien and Danny knowing each other and just keeping in touch just not letting the Batfam know (was it Angel and Demon Brat or something?not sure).
What if we break some hearts,
We have big brother Danny who is dead (the big brother who told him it was okay to call others brother and that blood wasn't everything no matter what grandfather said), Tucker (or Sam or Jazz) just barely escaped Amity's destruction (maybe the GIW went nuclear on the city, maybe a ghost or demon finally got the better of Danny, maybe the portal need to be closed and Danny's life was the price, or maybe the city was already gone and Danny barely got Tucker and Dani out dealers choice) and tearful introduces Damien to his niece (Last last piece of the man he's spent countless lives thinking about, dreaming about and loving since his first life (I love Pharaoh/magically powerful Tucker)).
That got way more detail the more I was writing, haha... Oops 😳😬.
What do you think? Or just whatever pops into your mind. You do you, whatever you put out will be amazing!
There is loud, awful banging coming from the front door.
Or, to be more specific, there is someone banging on the door as hard as they can. At first, Alfred is wondering if he is imagining things. It was a rather quiet night for the bats to be out and about.
There was a storm that had blown through Gotham, driving everyone to take shelter. The howling winds and ran had left even the worst of scum chilled to their bones.
The bats were on their way home. Having called it a night after the third time, the wind had nearly caused two of them to fall while grappling across the city.
When he heard the noise, Alfred had just finished prepping the cave for post-patrol and went up to get everyone some warm clothes. He immediately went for one of the hidden guns around the manor.
Master Bruce was unaware of them, but Alfred had been able to hide the weapons since the lad was five years old.
Crouching low to the ground, he slowly approached one of the windows that overlooked the front door. Whoever had come knocking had somehow gotten past the first three levels of security.
Alfred leaned up only so one of his eyes could look over the window shill, keeping his back to the wall for easy push-off and the shotgun at the ready.
None of their motion detectors, video cameras, or heat vision cameras had detected the two standing figures on his porch. He couldn't see them clearly due to the water splashing against the glass, but it seemed like a man and a child.
Narrowing his eyes, Alfred leaned back down. He quickly pressed the side of his watch in three rapid clicks. At once, the signal that the manor may be compromised went out, alerting his returning family.
Alfred did not wait for a response from them. Instead, he threw himself on the ground, using the crawling technique taught to him by his years in Her Majesty's service to get closer to the door.
He trains the barrels at the wood, ignoring the desperate banging. Usually, he would have opened the door to question who they were, but it was nearly four in the morning, and he could have sworn that the man had been wearing a purple jacket and pantsuit.
In Gotham, that could only mean one thing. If the Joker was here, he would not live to see another sunrise. Alfred was done with that fool harming his family. Master Bruce's wishes be damned.
The only reason he didn't take the shot, for surely the bullets would pass through the aged wood, was that he had seen a more petite figure, too—a child.
He isn't sure who the child is—or if it is even a child—but he can't risk ending the Joker until he is sure the small;ler one is safe. Alfred had seen war many times in his military days; he did not want to force a child to live with them, too.
A few minutes pass when the banging sound starts to slow down, and there is nothing but silence. The wind contuines to howl. The rain continues to spray across the roof, and the lightning and thunder continue to roar.
Alfred feels his fingers strain with the urge to shoot but he keeps still ignoring everything until his watch beeps softly three times. Master Bruce and the children had arrived.
They must not have come through the cave, for he does not hear or sense an approach from anywhere inside the manor. A shadow overpasses him, causing Alfred to snap his gun in that direction until he registers it in the shape of a bat and quickly reaims towards the door.
He keeps himself perfectly still on the ground, even as he starts to hear faint curses, thumps, and a chilling little girl's scream. There is a moment of stillness before two figures fly through the wood—the child and the made-in-purple.
Alfred has a moment of surprise. It seemed the child was a meta before he pulled the trigger, aiming for the man's knees. His aim has not dulled with age, and the bullet sails true. Sadly, the little girl had faster reflections, making the faint glow surrounding her travel down her arm and to the man's body.
Their bodies become intangible as the bullet passes the man easily. Alfred frowns, reloading as he rolls over and swings himself to his feet.
The front door slams open as Master Bruce rushes in, followed by Master Damian. The two crime fighters slam into the strangers, somehow able to touch them when, seconds ago, metal couldn't.
Master Bruce flings the man to the wall, slamming him against one of the tables, while Master Damian has the girl in a painful hold. She thrashes and fails, but she can't get out, and Alfred wonders if her powers are limited.
Alfred trains the gun on the scene, keeping an eye on both Master Bruce and Master Damian at all times in case he needs to cover them.
"Who are you?" Master Bruce hisses, holding the purple suit man up by his collar. At this point, Alfred can see it is not Joker, for the stranger is far too young and has the wrong ethnicity.
"How did you find us?" the man gasps instead of answering, his eyes filled with tears. "The government wasn't supposed to find us here! Wayne was supposed to be safe!"
Alfred doesn't allow his brow to raise, but it's a darn thing. It didn't sound like they were here to do any harm, but one could never be too careful.
"Why are you after Wayne?"
"Don't tell him anything!" The little girl screeches, rainwater mixing with the blood dripping down her face. Master Damian had not been gentle when he slammed her against the ground. He was likely worried about Alfred. "We aren't afraid of you, GIW scum!"
"GIW?" Master Damian repeats. "Who or what are they?"
Both strangers freeze. "You're not with them?"
Master Bruce remains silent, and for one tense moment, Alfred wonders if the other man has passed out from the way he slumps in his old ward's hold.
"You're not with them. Thank the Ancients." The man gasps. He suddenly reaches out, grabbing Master Bruce in a craze of desperation. "My daughter. She's in danger. Please get her to Damian Wayne. Danny said he could protect her. Please... please help us."
His strength fades, and the man finally does fall unconscious, his hold on Master Bruce's slipping as he faints. The little girl screams- it doesn't sound human at all, and the noise likely started Master Damian's reflection, for the boy is quickly slamming onto her back, knocking her out, too.
Alfred finally lowers his weapon as the lightning flashes again, followed by loud thunder. He waits a few minutes before creeping towards Master Bruce.
The other is checking the stranger, mouth pulled into a tight, thin line once they spot that underneath the purple outfit, there are multiple wounds. Burns, cuts, and bruises decorate the dark skin of the stranger.
It's easy to see he escaped from somewhere abusive.
A gutted gasp from Master Damian has them swinging around, Alfred with his gun raised and Master Bruce with one of his batarangs at the ready. Instead of seeing the youngest being attacked, they find Damian staring in horror at the amulet he is holding.
The chain is still around the girl's neck as she was flipped onto her back- likely the lad was also checking her for wounds. Alfred can't see much but he can tell she may be just as wounded as the man.
"What is it, Robin" Master Bruce growls.
There is silence from the Katana user until one single tear rolls down from underneath the boy's mask over his cheek. He looks up at them with the most devastated expression Alfred has ever seen as he whispers.
"She bares my older brother's mark. Father, I think she's family."
"What, brother?" Master Bruce asks. "You never mentioned a brother before."
"He died.....years ago, but if Todd returned, then my brother...I left my kind-hearted brother in my Grandfather's grasp. I left him..."
The lighting flashes behind Master Damian's form, highlighting the devastation on his expression, and Alfred is filled with confusion, horror, and worry faster than the thunder can catch up.
Master Bruce's face loses all emotion- the coping mechanism Alfred had seen him use since the day he was found in that alley by the cold bodies- and growls. "To the cave. I want answers."
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deadirlshwriters · 2 months
you wouldn't last an hour in the asylum where they raised me.
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cosmicrhetoric · 6 months
insane ass dynamic??? sherlock asks watson if she actually committed the crime she's being charged with (brutally beating a serial killer to death after he tried to kill her) with full assurances that he'd help her get away with it and she's like "NO. so did you do it?" cause like five episodes ago the two of them had seriously considered murdering him with heroin because he pissed them off so much it would be worth the stain on sherlock's relationship with sobriety and holmes has to be like "omg nooooo nooo i would have told you!"
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red-dead-sakharine · 5 months
Korrilla insight check
When you speak to Korrilla in Sharess' Caress after taking Raphael's deal, there's an insight check that gets you some rare dialogue if you don't press her on it.
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"He's as honest as his life is long" - He does not lie to you. His contract might have loopholes, but that's on you for not reading right.
"treats me right and feeds me well" - He's good to his allies as long as they do good work (he notes in one of his journals that Korrilla does a good job)
"he's barely been home since he met you" - Likely why the HoH is in such a state. I doubt a being of order would approve of the rotting dinner table.
"I hope things turn out well for you" - She likes us. Raphael likes us. They like us.
To me, he's not an actual villain. He has a clear liking for the main character. And he only attacks us if we betray him and rob his house. Yes, he's lawful evil. But he's not a villain to our story, unless we become a villain to his.
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Alternative convo path:
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Taylor Swift is the music industry.... and that's not a good thing
why is no one else worried or weirded out about Taylor Swift occupying all top 15 spots on the Billboard chart? Even songs that aren't singles are getting radio time...
is no one concerned?
People know that having a monopoly on an industry is a bad thing, right? like we have anti-trust laws and laws against forming monopolies in industries... for a reason.
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ai-sun · 23 days
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If Teach had been able to capture Law... I think he would have tortured him before killing him...
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addicted-to-the-knife · 2 months
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Screenshots of Nolan Price (Hugh Dancy) in Law & Order S23E9
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gildedmuse · 11 months
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Law and I know VERY different Corazons.....
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blackoutunit · 4 months
I don’t normally make posts like this but I wanna spread awareness to this topic
Cats in China are being brutally tortured and killed maliciously by various groups of people around - young people, ones who should know better.
They adopt cats and then murder them, often putting them through hell beforehand. Doing things such as chopping off all their limbs and hanging them up as “cat bugs”, skinning them alive, putting them in blenders, and many, many other cruel things.
It’s due to the lack of animal protection rights in China is why these people can get away with these things so easily.
They use live footage of cats eating from local feeders in order to capture them, and they’ve already gotten over millions of innocent felines - one of which was a kitten known as Mr. Wink, who was found frozen solid after one of them had drowned him.
These people also go about live streaming footage of themselves torturing and killing kitties that’ve done NOTHING WRONG for views, money and fun. And they gain more and more followers and views everyday.
This shit is not okay at all. They are still out there targeting these creatures, and even had set up a bounty to both find and kill Mr. Fresh (orange cat shown from a live feeder famous for his “side eye”), the money ranging from about $500-600.
Although Mr. Fresh is thankfully safe and in the care of a vet/new guardian. However, there are still many other animals, not just cats themselves, being tortured in China.
I highly recommend visiting and following @feline_guardians on Instagram and to sign their petition for animals to gain more rights in China.
Thank you for listening.
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Plus I’m adding a picture of my cat that I redrew cuz he’s silly (and all kitties deserve both love and respect)
Save cats yall!! Every sign counts.
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ilovereading5252 · 10 months
DpxDc promt
Danny knows he can get a bit hyper focused. Especially if it concerns him personally. So maybe he didn’t notice that other places also had ghost problems. So what? He fixed it didn’t he. He even said sorry, all right. He will pay more attention from now on.
The Justice League, probably: It’s alright, we forgive you, but what did you do with them?
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comelay · 3 months
Can you guys PLEASE sign this petition against this person who has been torturing and killing animals in the most brutal ways possible. He - as many others - do these things in broad daylight because there are no animal protection laws in China, so the least we can do is try to ruin their lives. Entering in a good university is extremely important to Chinese people, so hopefully we can try and prevent these people from having a good life, as they don't deserve it at all. He is also one step away from killing people.
UPDATE: this piece of trash was rejected from the university! Thanks to everyone who signed, keep making noise!
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aftgficrec · 2 days
Hii! I'm so glad i caught you guys, youre doing gods work over here. I've been wanting something similar to blame it on my youth and way down we go . Something long and addicting and eventually wholesome, preferably something where Aaron is kinda jealous of Neil. I love the soulmate idea. Thanks so much <3
You’ve got a mix of things in your ask, so I’m giving you long andeil fics with happy ending + Aaron angst that are post canon like ‘Blame it On My Youth’ (here), pre-canon canon divergent like ‘Way Down We Go’ (here), soulmates, and some other aus. -A
previous recs:
long fics like BIOMY here
‘Guardian Angel’ series here
‘on the tip of my tongue (say something)’ series here (completed)
‘progress comes in small steps’ series here
‘we were together’ series here
‘This Complicated Life’ and ‘In My Defense, I Have None’ here
you may also like:
Neil & Aaron: quests, situations, friendship & slash here
post canon:
Trust Fall (And Welcoming Arms) by SpangleBangle [Rated E, 84557 Words, Complete, 2017]
Life goes on after the Foxes win the championship, and for Andrew and Neil it's uncharted territory with only each other for guides. Maybe it's time to put away some of those hard edges, and learn how to touch more softly, and speak more honestly. And if they falter, they have their family to help them get back on their feet.
tw: scars, tw: homophobia, tw: panic attacks, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced self harm, tw: discussions of self harm, tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: implied/referenced eating disorders, tw: depression, tw: dissociation, tw: flashbacks, tw: violence, tw: implied/referenced drug abuse, tw: explicit sexual content
pre-canon canon divergent:
Oakland by AgentCoop [Rated M, 105947 Words, Complete, 2023]
When Neil Josten gets arrested for a fake ID and thrown into the Juvenile Detention System, he knows that he's running on borrowed time before his father's men catch up. His mother is dead, there's nowhere to run, there's nothing left at all but an Exy court at the Oakland County Detention Center that he has to earn the right to play on through good behavior. And Neil's never been great at obeying rules. -- An Andriel AU where the boys meet as teens in Juvie.
tw: violence, tw: blood, tw: panic attacks, tw: nightmares, tw: implied/referenced self harm, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon
Lifeline by pandaseek [Rated T, 269357 Words, Incomplete, Updated April 2023]
"What is your name." He wouldn't care usually, but the way this kid had avoided it last time he asked, he was curious. "I've had six so far." He answers slowly, weighing each word. "Which one do you want?" Six names? Yep, there is something going on there.
tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced murder, tw: implied/referenced child abuse
NB: fanart for this fic by Super_Yellow on AO3 here
i once believed love would be black and white by acidmeringue [Rated E, 26708 Words, Complete, 2023]
Andrew does not believe in soulmates. Nicky has a soulmate. His twin Aaron has a soulmate too, but Andrew doesn't let them speak. Everyone around him has a soulmate. They can all see in color. He can't. He doesn't believe in soulmates, doesn't believe in love at all. When enough people tell you what love should look like, when you're told enough times that you should be able to see in color but you can't, you start to believe that you don't have a soulmate after all. And that's okay. At least, it was, until Andrew makes eye contact with a stranger at Eden's and the world comes to a screeching halt. ~ Soulmate au where you can't see in color until you lock eyes with your soulmate. Additionally, if your soulmate dies, your vision goes back to monochrome.
tw: implied/referenced abuse
The Real Thing by nekojita [Rated M, 34125 Words, Complete, 2021]
Andrew was more than willing to turn down the Ravens' offer to be their newest goalie, unwilling to play five more years of Exy - let alone for someone with a too-sharp smile and a manic gleam in their eyes. That was, until he realized that a member of their Perfect Court was his soulmate. (That was, until Riko Moriyama realized that Nathaniel Wesninski, the Ravens' #3 in waiting, was Andrew's soulmate.) Andrew always knew that Fate loved tormenting him, he didn't need a reminder yet again via a too-attractive soulmate who appeared to loathe him. Yet things aren't always what they seem, especially in the Nest.
tw: attempted rape/noncon, tw: abuse, tw: violence, tw: blood, tw: alcohol, tw: medication withdrawal
other aus:
If I Knew You by AceSirenSinger [Rated T, 43145 Words, Complete, 2024]
Neil is imprisoned at sixteen years old for being the Butcher of Baltimore. Andrew obsesses, and Aaron obsesses because Andrew does, and everything goes wrong and raw and painful. Feat. the twinyards breaking each other’s hearts, and a decent amount of shade on the American justice system.
tw: implied/referenced murder, tw: recreational drug use, tw: implied/referenced violence, tw: implied/referenced torture
Shut Up and Dance (With Me) by OfficialStarsandGutters [Rated E, 168160 Words, Complete, 2021]
Dance AU. - Neil Josten just wants to dance, but being on the run leaves little time for frivolous hobbies. He has no idea what one night of risk will lead to when he first steps into Eden’s Twilight. Andrew Minyard dances alone. Everyone knows this. Until a wide eyed, desperate rabbit of a boy stumbles into his path, and he breaks his self imposed rule.
tw: graphic depictions of violence, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced abuse, tw: torture, tw: suicidal thoughts, tw: implied/referenced self harm, tw: anxiety, tw: depression, tw: panic attacks, tw: implied/referenced drug abuse, tw: explicit sexual content, tw: implied/referenced eating disorder, tw: vomit, tw: graphic injuries, tw: nonconsensual drug use
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nimudae · 2 years
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Bread is bread no matter how cute it is!!
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live-and-die-in-la · 4 months
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OMG. Poor bb ❤️
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bisexualelphie · 5 months
julie e os fantasmas (original julie and the phantoms) was so wild. like, what do you mean the boys were crushed to death by a truck? what do you mean julie has committed more than one crime? what do you mean the main triangle consists of a rockstar with a closet dnd player vs a my chemical romance revenge era rejected song? what do you mean the ghost love interest was a menace to society in life and public enemy number 1 in death? what do you mean he was tortured more than once? what do you mean there was a dude trying to enslave ghosts and this plotline only lasted two episodes????
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