#toshi toshi has no smart rights
whirlybirbs · 28 days
Given that Izuku is not only a huge All might fanboy but also directly in his life, he’s seen Derecho become the hero she is now and also seen how her relationship with All might has changed. What are his thoughts? Does he also ship them? Does he have some sort of negative feeling towards her after how close she got to ending all might??
Izuku Midorya was one of those hero twitter stan users who would comment under All Might x Derecho content going: "cute but remember when she tried to k*ll him". Keyword: was.
Midorya agreed widely with the stance that the glimpses the public gets of some sort of relationship over the years is for marketing. Not the use of past tense.
(He asked All Might one or two times about his history with you in babbled sentences over historical recounts, but each time the man swept it away and under some far-off rug as a guise of "focusing on the basics".)
And then he meets you for the first time.
You're standing there before dawn, smiling up at Toshinori Yagi — All Might — on Takoba beach before class. Midorya knows enough that this is a private moment, and he can't help but stopping in his tracks. You're both by the sea wall, leaned against one another, watching the sunrise. Two of the greatest pro-heroes of all time. All Might's hand is on your back, and you're saying something that's making him rumble out a half-cough, half-laugh into his shirt collar.
You made All Might laugh.
You... you made him smile.
And you're beautiful.
All Might's eyes catch Izuku's over his shoulder.
Midorya swallows thickly when his mentor gives him a soft wave, come on over, earning your attention as you follow the gesture over his shoulder.
"Uh, hello," he starts, his hands wringing the straps of his bag, "I'm—"
"Izuku," your voice is softer in real-life than it is on all those hero reels; you're pretty. Softer than you were in your prime, but still possessing an edge that electrifies the air. Midorya's cheeks are hot, "I've heard... Big fan."
The praise makes his whole body go rigid.
You lean back against the sea wall, and Izuku's mouth parts in quiet shock. All Might has talked about him? T-To his partner? Partner? Lover? Wife...? Are they married? His eyes narrow in on both of yours hands, darting back and forth. No ring. No ring? Maybe just... good friends? No, no way. Friends definitely don't stare at one another in the sunrise.
...Do they?
Friends definitely don't look at you the All Might is, all soft appreciation and love.
Or... do they?!
"Th-Thank you! That's incredibly kind," Midorya stutters out, his expression a little wild. Almost like a cornered deer. It's cute.
"Derecho is going to be helping us with instruction today," All Might says slowly, his hands moving to the lower of your back. The gesture could be considered professional. Izuku feels like his brain is going to short-circuit, "She's very important to me. I'm sure you're familiar with her quirk?"
"Y-Yes! Electrification and general control of elemental lightning—"
"Someone's done his research," you croon with a smile, "You're really smart, kid."
Oh, god, and she's, like, super duper nice—
"And her weakness?" Toshinori presses for good measure, just proving how much Midorya knows.
"Electrolytes! Your body needs more than the average person in order for the conductivity of your quirk to be maximized. Also, prolonged use of your quirk can impact your cardiac conduction," he chatters; your smile is growing.
You nudge Toshi with your elbow. You approve. Not that you needed any proof aside from Toshinori's gut instinct that Izuku Midorya was the right pick for his legacy.
"And blondes," you toss in as a joke, "Those count as a weakness, I'd say—"
Another laugh from All Might. This time it results in a little bit of blood. You're offering up a tissue — one from the pocket pack kept in the pocket of your over-sized sweatshirt. He thanks you. You gently touch his arm.
Izuku Midorya has so fucking clue what's happening right now.
He spends that next night on a deep dive, hours long rabbit hole of 'All Might and Derecho dating?' searches and interview supercuts from their primes. There are no answers — none except a few tweets with unreliable narrations of their interactions and body language.
He actually finds himself saying 'please kiss' out loud on more than on occasion.
What the fuck.
...He's never shipped anything harder in his life.
— a reference to this fic here ;
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kumoriyami-xiuzhen · 4 months
Hakuoki Drama CD - Hijikata Biyori Track 22 Eng translation
Ended up falling asleep after the news yesterday broke with 22 lines not translated... 😅
I'm going to try and get more biyoris done next week since I plan on starting translating the Deemo epilogue and extras next month... and I need to do something about how I'm going to be away in Japan for the Morimyu concert in July and there's no way in hell I'll be translating then.
Hakuoki Drama CD - Hijikata Biyori Track 22 - Tea Time
Translation by KumoriYami
Kondou: Ah, Toshi. You've come just in time.
Hijikata: What's up? Kondou-san. Did something happen?
Kondou: Yes. I was just thinking about having some tea. I was looking to have someone to join for me.
Hijikata: Is there something special about the tea? Could it be there's something I need to know for this tea party?
Kondou: No, I just wanted to sit down and have tea.
Hijkata: Ah, ahahaha... what, is that it?
Kondou: What do you mean by that?
Hijikata: Kondou-san, if you want to drink tea, you can just drink it by yourself, right?
Kondou: Hm? Ah, Toshi, it's not like that. It's true that there are times when the tea itself is the purpose of drinking tea, but that's not the case about the tea I'm talking about right now. Regardless if it's two people or a group of people drinking tea together, this can all deepen the emotions between each other. Don't forget that this type of tea also exists.
Hijikata: Ahh, I get it, I get it. I'll join you then.
Kondou: Really, that's good. It's really nice to have tea here like this, in this season.
Hijikata: Ah, yeah. Then, what is it that you wanted to talk about? Kondou-san.
Kondou: Talk?
Hijikata: Yes.
Kondou: : Ah, yes. But I don't have something in particular to say to you.
Hijikata:...What? Didn't you ask me to drink tea because you had something to tell me?
Kondou: No, that isn't the case.
Hijikata: You said that drinking tea can deepen emotions...
Kondou: Ah... ahahaha, I meant that if two people can drinking sea side by side like this, they can deepen their relationship.
Hijikata: What. I thought you'd have something to say to me.
Kondou: Ahaha. That's just like Toshi to think that way. Well, it's true that I'd feel bad if I didn't have something to talk to Toshi about. That's right...
Hijikata: You don't have to think too hard.
Kondou: How is everyone at headquarters doing?
Hijikata: Ha? Ah, everyone's doing fine. You can see that with one glance.
Kondou: Really. That's good. Since coming here, I've rarely had the opportunity to speak to each of them. To be honest, I don't know if everyone's been doing well or not.
Hijikata: Is that so? Well, they're the same as always. Souji is still cheeky, Harada, Heisuke, and Shinpachi are always causing a fuss, Saito is working too hard, Sannan-san is… well, he's smiling as he lectures as usual, and Gen-san is doing a great job behind the scenes.
Kondou: Hehe, that's proof that everyone is definitely doing well.
HIjikata: Haha, that's true.
Kondou: How about you, Toshi? Are you okay?
Hijikata: Ah? Fu... well, it's as you can see.
Kondou: Are you eating well?
Hijikata: Yes, I'm eating.
Kondou: Are you sleeping well?
Hijikata: I'm sleeping well. What's going on, Kondou-san? You're speaking as if your someone's elder brother. Kondou: Ahahaha! Sorry, sorry! I don't mean it like that.
Hijikata: I won't ask/I'm not going to ask that.
Kondou: Huh?
Hijikata: I mean I'm not going to ask Kondou-san "how are you".
Kondou: There's naturally no need to ask that. Because I'm as you can see.
Hijikata: As I can see... that's most difficult part to judge.
Kondou: Really? Shouldn't that be the easiest thing to judge?
Hijikata: Kondou-san, you should at least be what I see. Otherwise, I won't know what to believe.
Kondou: What, is that how it is? If that's the case, leave it to me. Don't worry.
Hijikata: Ah. By the way, Kondou-san, would you like another cup of tea?
Kondou: Oh, you're really smart, Toshi.
Hijikata: That's because... just pouring a little bit of empty cup feels feels very annoying.
Kondou: Iya, ahaha~ sorry. Ahahaha!
Hijikata: Ahahahaha~
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fanficshiddles · 7 months
The Redbridge Hunts, Chapter 23
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Loki managed to convince Claire to stay home, where it was nice and safe, while he went to see Severus.
He didn’t know what Severus needed him for, but Loki knew it wasn’t good news. Severus very rarely called, in-fact, he’d only called him once before in the nine years he’d known him and that was for an emergency, too.
Loki dreaded to think what he was away to find as he flew to the park to meet with him.
When he got there, he found him just down from the bridge, his heart sank instantly as he turned into his vampire form and landed next to Severus. There was a body, half in the river, it was one of their vampire students.
Loki put his hand over his mouth, eyes wide at the scene.
‘It’s Halsey. She had one year left… very smart, kind girl.’ Severus said solemnly.
‘She wasn’t even interested in hunting humans, she took from the blood bank. Had no interest when Chris approached her about the traditional hunt, she came to me asking for help to keep her primal urges at bay.’ Loki said with a lump in his throat.
‘The hunters are just going for any and all vampires, they don’t care about those of us that are trying to co-exist peacefully with the humans, that aren’t causing any harm.’ Severus said. ‘It’s getting worse every year.’
Loki sighed and ran a hand down his face.
‘Well, this doesn’t look good.’ Came a voice from behind Loki and Severus.
Loki turned around with his jaw clenched, Severus didn’t bother turning, he just rolled his eyes.
‘Do you have to be here?’ Loki snarled.
Chris frowned as he walked closer and saw who the body belonged to. ‘Halsey. That’s a shame, she was a bright student.’ He said, Loki thought he even heard a hint of remorse in his voice… surely not?
‘The hunters are on a rampage.’ Loki said, worriedly.
‘This will be that hunter, Toshi. She’s up to no good, killing all the vampires.’ Chris hissed.
‘No.’ Severus said abruptly.
Chris and Loki looked at him.
‘She’s too skilled to do a sloppy job like this. Look at the body, there’s more than one gun shot. Plus, Toshi doesn’t use guns.’ Severus said firmly.
Chris frowned. ‘How do you know what she doesn’t use?’ He folded his arms over his chest.
‘I've had many run ins with her.’ Severus drawled. ‘This is not her work.’
Chris looked annoyed, but didn’t say anything more about it.
‘I’ll organise an assembly tomorrow for the vampires, we need to alert them all to the high risk we are in right now due to the hunters.’ Loki said decisively.
‘What good will that do? Apart from putting the fear of God into them.’ Chris argued.
‘It will let them know to be more aware, to stick in groups and not go out alone at night.’ Loki glared at him.
‘If a hunter wants to shoot a vampire down, no amount of vampires sticking together will stop that. Especially when they use bullets.’ Chris said.
‘Perhaps not, but if the students know about the risk, then they might opt to stay inside when it's dark.’ Loki snarled at him.
‘Loki’s right. We need to keep the students in the loop of what’s going on. Halsey has been here for a few hours, so it obviously happened during the night. If she’d known about the possible danger, she might not have been out during the night in the first place.’ Severus chimed in with.
‘Are you both forgetting that I’m the one in charge, I’m the headmaster.’ Chris growled. ‘I’ll decide when and if we have an assembly.’
Loki and Severus shared an irritated look with one another, but they knew they couldn’t do anything about it. He was right, he was the headmaster, after all.
‘Well, you don’t need to be hanging around here. Severus and I have this sorted.’ Loki said through gritted teeth.
‘I have already called the authorities, just awaiting their arrival.’ Severus said calmly.
Chris glared at the two of them, then smirked and began walking backwards. ‘Fair enough. I’m just glad that this isn’t your human pet, brother. Would be a shame to lose her so soon.’
Loki had to really bite his tongue, Severus was ready to intervene if Loki did try and attack Chris, but Loki managed to contain himself. He turned his back on Chris, and was relieved when he heard the fluttering of wings disappear.
‘I don’t know why he was here in the first place.’ Loki snarled.
‘You know he likes to stick his nose in where it’s not wanted, plus any chance to get under your skin.’ Severus drawled.
Loki just huffed in response.
Not long after Chris left, the authorities turned up to deal with Halsey’s body, to also take a statement from Severus, since he was the one that found her. They were going to get in touch with her family, too.
Loki and Severus stepped back, to let them deal with the body.
‘How is it going with Claire?’ Severus asked Loki as they watched the poor girl’s body being taken away.
‘Really well. She’s taken to the whole vampire thing like a duck to water.’ Loki smiled. ‘I am able to be myself now, though I am worried about the future. There is some truth in what Chris has been saying. She’s a human, with a much shorter life span than myself. I don’t know how I’ll cope in the future, when the inevitable happens.’
‘Have you spoken to her about it?’ Severus asked.
‘No. Not yet.’
‘So, speak to her about it. There is no point worrying about something that might be easily solved.’ Severus shrugged.
‘How might it be easily solved?’ Loki asked.
‘She might want to be turned when the time is right. That would solve all issues.’ Severus said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
‘I will not turn her.’ Loki said quickly.
‘Even if that’s her wishes? I know you wouldn’t do it unwillingly, but what if she wants to become a vampire and to live with you for eternity?’
‘Is that what you and your partner are doing?’ Loki asked.
‘We have a plan worked out.’ Severus smirked a little.
Loki sighed and paced back and fore. ‘I just fear she will be in more danger as a vampire… I mean, look at what we are dealing with as it is.’ Loki said sadly as he looked at the poor student.
‘This is just a small blip, we will get to the bottom of it. I’m sure by the time Claire would be ready to be changed, things will be a lot calmer then.’
‘I don’t even know if she would want that.’ Loki said quietly.
Severus shrugged. ‘You won’t know till you discuss it with her. How has she taken to the fact she’s your soulmate?’
Loki looked sheepish at that, he scratched the back of his head. ‘Uhh… I haven’t told her that yet.’
‘Why not?’ Severus frowned.
‘I don’t want her to think she has to be with me, if she doesn’t want to. I will tell her, in time. I just don’t want her to feel pressured or anything.’
‘Makes sense… I suppose.’ Severus hummed.
‘What do we do now, if Chris isn’t going to allow us to have an assembly for the vampire students tomorrow?’ Loki asked as he and Severus began walking out of the park, since there was no reason for them to hang around there for any longer.
‘We will need to try and convince him. Or speak to the students singly when we can.’ Severus suggested. ‘Mainly, I think we need to be more alert. Maybe we should set up patrols, to keep an eye on the city. Try to make sure the younger vampires are safe.’
Loki nodded. ‘That sounds like a good idea. You’ve put a lot of thought into this already?’
‘It’s best to be tactical and prepared.’
As they reached the edge of the park, Loki turned to Severus before they headed their separate ways. ‘Do you and your partner want to go for dinner sometime with Claire and I? It would be nice to finally meet this partner of yours.’
Severus raised an eyebrow as he looked at him, pausing a moment.
‘No.’ He responded with, then walked off.
Loki rolled his eyes and ran a hand down his face.
When Loki returned to Claire, she knew instantly there was something really wrong. He told her about Halsey, while trying not to be too upset. Though Claire could tell it was eating him up that they’d lost another student, so she comforted him as best as she could.
The following day in school, Loki was surprised to hear Chris announce an assembly for certain students.
‘He must’ve had a change of heart.’ Claire said to Loki as they made their way to the hall, for said assembly.
‘I guess he does have a braincell after all.’ Loki grumbled.
Chris explained to the students what had happened to Halsey. There was of course an outburst from the students, a mix of panic and grief.
‘Calm down, everyone. I know you’re all scared and worried, rightfully so. Now, Mr Laufeyson is going to speak, he has some ideas and thoughts on ways to keep you safe.’ Chris looked over at Loki with a smug smirk, then left the hall.
Loki clenched his jaw, he had sprung this on him, but Loki did want to talk to everyone. To put them at ease, better than Chris would do.
Loki glanced over at Severus, who nodded.
‘I know this is a scary time, but we are going to do our best to keep you all as safe as we possibly can. Staying in at night, when it starts to get dark is the safest option. If you need to be out, go in groups. Be aware of your surroundings, avoid the park and woods, stay on the busy streets. We are going to try and set up a patrol between us, to keep an eye on the city. If anyone sees anything abnormal or concerning, contact us straight away.’
One student raised their hand. ‘Sir… I saw a cloaked figure on the roof of the school this morning when I came in.’
‘I saw it too.’ Another student called out.
Loki frowned and was about to go look, but Severus jumped up. ‘No need to be concerned of that. I’ve taken it upon myself to get some security over-looking us. They are on our side.’
A few more students had questions or worries, Loki did his best to answer and assure them all before ending the assembly.
‘Who have you got on watch?’ Loki asked Severus after the students left the hall.
‘No one you need to be concerned over. Just know, they will help to keep us safe.’
‘Is this the same cloaked figure that saved Kirsten?’ Claire asked.
Severus nodded, then spun around and marched out of the hall to go start his class.
Loki and Claire looked at each other and shook their heads.
‘Come on, let’s go get started.’ Loki sighed.
‘I’ll get these chairs put away, I’ll catch up with you.’ Claire said as she motioned to all the chairs left out.
‘Are you sure?’
‘Yeah, go get started, the students will be waiting.’ Claire assured him.
Loki kissed the top of her head, then headed back to his class.
Claire sighed as she began tidying the hall.
‘Worrying times, isn’t it?’
Claire felt a little scared for a moment upon hearing Chris’ voice. Though she remembered what Loki had told her, about how Chris did respect humans that were mated with a vampire. So she calmed her breathing down, not wanting to give Chris the satisfaction of being scared of him.
‘It is.’ Claire responded, but she didn’t look at him, she just continued stacking the chairs as she heard his footsteps coming towards her.
‘Must be nice, being a human. Not having to worry about hunters.’ Chris said as he came into her view and leaned against the back of a chair.
‘Well, yes. Though I do have vampires to worry about.’ Claire said as she glanced up at him briefly.
Chris smirked. ‘Well, there is that… Though you know, having to avoid hunters is only a small fault in being a vampire. If you were to be turned, you wouldn’t have to worry about other vampires ever again.’
He stood up straight and walked closer to her. She stepped backwards one step, but he was able to invade her space quickly with his long legs. He went behind her and leaned down to her ear.
‘All it would take… is one little bite.’ He growled, his breath warm against her neck.
Claire pulled away from him and turned to face him fully, she grabbed a chair to put between them. ‘The only one biting me is Loki.’ She said through gritted teeth, trying to keep her composure.
Chris chuckled wickedly. ‘You keep telling yourself that.’ He winked at her, then, still with a smirk on his face, he left her to it.
Claire was a little shaken, but she tried not to let him get to her. He would say anything to wind people up and get under their skin. So, she quickly finished tidying up, then went to join Loki in the classroom. She knew that he could tell she was a little edgy, by the quizzical look he gave her.
‘I’m fine, don’t worry. Just your brother trying to ruffle my feathers.’ She whispered to him when she got the chance.
Loki growled a little angrily, but quickly composed himself again. He was glad that Claire didn’t seem too scared this time, he’d just smelt a little bit of unease from her. Though he still felt bad that she had to deal with his shit.
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animeomegas · 5 months
The Sports Festival Poll: Okay, I TOTALLY agree with everyone who picked Bakugou and I can really see it. He'd force his Alpha to promise him to fight seriously and not hold back and while I think he'd not really need to do this because 'Tsuki wouldn't pick an alpha who didn't take his dream - as well as their own - of being a great hero seriously, I do think he'd secretly want the reassurance of a promise. I see him finding strength and intelligence very sexy and seeing his Alpha trying one up him, even if it's not really to win but showcase themselves... Let's just say it'd be a little distracting. 😉
However, as an honorable mention, I could see Kirishima's fight with Alpha get pretty steamy. I love flirty!Kiri and no matter what happens, just to have fun with it all. I'm not sure how'd it play out but still, flirty!Kiri is chef's kiss.
I picked Shinsou however. Sleepy insomniac smart-ass. Need I say more? I really see him giving out smart mouthed quips that aren't meant to be innuendo but boy, does that mouth rile up Alpha! I know Toshi really wants to show the world that even quirks like his can be heroic and I am SO THERE, you know? And I think that would be a major factor in the sexual tension just building because he wouldn't even mean to at first. Like the first few one liners wouldn't even be sexual in nature but Alpha would snap back and with each reply Shinsou would just build it up higher and higher. Then, and only then, when something is said that has that innuendo flavor and it gets a reaction from Alpha, well, there went the match. What do you think?
This is soooo good, okay, let's break down my thoughts!
You've understood Bakugou perfectly, because if you go easy on him, he'll literally never forgive you. He'd agree to make sure the fight lasts a long time, so that both of you get good offers from agencies, but anything more than that is not allowed. You need to try and beat the shit out of him, because he's going to try and do that to you lol.
I do think he gets more hot and heavy after it's over though, because his alpha being strong and powerful is so goddamn sexy to him.
Kirishima? Hmm. He's a hype man for sure, even if he's going against his alpha directly. He could be flirty about it, but I think he'd be most flirty at the start and then he'd get too into it, if that makes sense.
AND OMG SHINSOU!!! I didn't even think about that for him, but you're so right. He has to try and bait his alpha, that's his quirk. There's so much potential for sexual tension there.
I think it'd be the best in a spar, where no one's careers are at stake, but still! Such a good idea!
Imagine at a class spar. Shinsou is going to try and trick his alpha into talking between bouts of physical fighting.
*punch* "How does that feel, alpha?"
*getting pinned* "Is that a knife, or are you just happy to see me?"
*pinning alpha* "We should try this position later... what do you think?"
I'm not good enough at flirting to think of any good ones, but those came to mind first haha! You persuaded me to think Shinsou was a good candidate ;)
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shih-coulda-had-it · 2 years
a/n: ok i couldn’t finish out the month, but i DID want to fill this one because this one’s the one that made me want to start the event. it’s dfohiko verse w/ toshinori and rikiya! except this snippet is purely (okay) Dad Sorahiko & (severely insecure) Son Rikiya, almost immediately post-Nana’s death
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“You’re smart,” his dad says, feverish in his praise. Rikiya is startled to feel the quick press of dry lips to his forehead. The unasked-for blessing is followed by more unasked-for compliments. “You’ve always been clever, Rikiya. I know you’ll survive. You haven’t needed me to cover for you in years.”
“Tou-san?” He gawks at the sight of the tall and bulky frame trembling. It’s unprecedented for his dad to behave like this, even in the privacy of the family apartment, because his father excels at exploiting emotional vulnerabilities--but his father isn’t at home either.
Rikiya had returned to a darkened apartment, three different notes explaining their absences, and a saran-wrapped plate in the microwave (courtesy of his dad).
From his dad: ‘Out for the night. Toshinori’s with me.’
From Toshi: ‘Out with dad! :D’
And from his father: ‘Family dinner will be late. Keep a light on.’
“Tou-san,” says Rikiya through a dry throat, “where’s Toshi?”
His dad shudders, but pulls back. He rolls his wrists and flexes his fingers, popping the joints in a nervous tic that Rikiya recognizes as his own. “He… needs time to cool off. Your father--” here, his dad’s voice goes venomous, viscerally so, “--has been persuaded to leave him alone for tonight.”
“But where is he?” A beat. “You’re not going to tell me.”
“Smart,” his dad repeats. Exhaustion bleeds through like calligraphy-grade ink on printer paper, but sympathy is hard to muster. Rikiya wants to question what the hell happened to his twin brother. He thinks about reaching for his phone and texting Toshinori, but if his dad is refusing to spill the beans, then Toshinori (easily-cowed, people-pleaser Toshi) certainly won’t reveal his location.
“And… Otou-san?”
“On his way. I wanted to get here first.” He studies Rikiya as though he’s committing him to memory, and Rikiya clenches his fists at the scrutiny. At the pieces of the puzzle he’s putting together in his head. He doesn’t like the implications, and the resentment he’s always felt over Toshinori simmers in the pit of his stomach.
But it’s fine. He doesn’t have to be chosen--he’s better than that. He seizes the opportunities and builds his own ways forward. He’s smart. Clever.
“How long will you be gone?” he asks.
“... Long. I can’t tell you more than that.”
“So are you divorcing otou-san, or just running away?” 
His dad winces, and his mouth seals shut into a tight line before he bites out, “He’ll find out soon enough. Anyways. Are you gonna help me ransack Toshinori’s room for his homework, or are you heading to sleep?”
“Sleep,” Rikiya lies shamelessly. If his dad and Toshi are slipping from the apartment now, then Rikiya needs to pack his own bags. There’s a safehouse of his dad’s in Aichi Prefecture--a region too far from U.A. for Toshi’s taste, but close enough to his father’s network that Rikiya won’t trigger an immediate reflex to be retrieved.
He just needs to finish out the school year. Rikiya can play his cards right, as long as his father considers him the unimportant son. The indebted son, now that Rikiya has Stress under control.
Toshinori--willful, Quirkless, rebellious--and loved all the more for it.
“Alright,” his dad says, after giving Rikiya a look that said, ‘I know you’re bullshitting me, but it’s been a long night, so I won’t push it.’ For a wild moment, Rikiya wishes that his dad would push back and do something more than just pay attention.
Say something! he yells internally. Stress bubbles discontentedly, but Rikiya white-knuckles it, unwilling to show his hand. 
“Good night, Rikiya.”
“Night, tou-san.”
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confused-stars · 1 year
Kurogiri's Nanny Service - Part Seven: Aizawa
(part one) (part two) (part three) (part four) (part five) (part six) "Why'd we even have kids?" Hayato asks, his voice muffled by the pillow he's hiding under.
Kurogiri is much more of a morning person than him, and sleeping in on a lazy Saturday is a luxury he's only started to afford himself recently. The kids are all very self-sufficient nowadays.
"You're asking as if we'd had any say in the matter." Kurogiri picks up his phone, which interrupted their peaceful dozing just now, and squints at the display.
Ochako has sent him a message. It's just a location ping.
Immediately, Kurogiri is wide awake. He summons a warp gate in the middle of the room, while simultaneously standing up and pulling on a shirt that was draped over his dresser.
It's less than a second before there's movement and Ochako comes through, though she only half crosses over, the rest of her body still in whatever location Kurogiri just opened a portal to. The mall? It has to be the mall, that's where they said they were going.
"We're okay," she says hastily, waving her hands at them, "No one's hurt! You don't have to come through!"
"Then why'd you wake us up?" Hayato complains, falling back onto the mattress, wings drooping to the floor on either side of the bed.
Ochako ducks her head back through the gate, and reappears a few moments later. "Just- please don't get worried, okay? There's a villain attack, but we can handle it! We just need to-"
Hitoshi is shoved through the portal. There's a small girl holding onto his hand, her red eyes wide and worried. Kurogiri has never seen her before, but he had kids taking part in that yakuza raid, so of course he recognizes her.
Eri hides behind Hitoshi and seems to be trying not to cry.
"Don't bench me," Hitoshi complains to Ochako, and Neito's head poking out of the gate now, too. "I want to do something!"
"And have people see you openly use your quirk, Mr. Future Underground Hero?" Neito asks, "You're keeping it secret for a reason, remember? What else did you even lose the Sports Festival for?"
Hitoshi grinds his teeth and glares.
"Don't go back," Eri says in a quiet voice, and it's enough to make him cave instantly. He sighs and crouches down to be on eye-level with her. "I won't. Our friends are strong, right? They can handle themselves. This is nothing."
Kurogiri doesn't like the sound of that. "Are you sure you don't need assistance?"
Ochako disappears for another moment, then reappears. "Himiko's got them distracted. And Iida already secured one of them. There's still six of us even without Toshi, we can do this. All we have to do is stall for time until the heroes get here!"
She's grown a lot more confident in her abilities since her first internship. It's heartwarming to see, but it's also worrying. Young heroes don't understand how easily things can go horribly wrong for them.
Kurogiri hesitates.
"... I'll go wake the boys," Hayato murmurs after a moment, patting his back in understanding.
Eri shrinks into herself a little as he crosses the room. It's probably the prison tattoos.
If they'd been prepared for her, it would have been the best call to have the known criminal hide, but she's already seen him now and the damage is done. All they can hope for is that this little detail is going to get lost among everything else once she's home. Not that that's likely, with her guardian being one Aizawa Shouta.
Kurogiri nods at Ochako. "Keep up what you're doing. Be careful. I'll send your reinforcements when they're dressed, though I doubt you'll need them." And in the meantime, he'll keep an eye on Eri, because that's clearly what this is about. It's smart of them to remove her from the dangerous situation, and this is still the safest place any of them can think of when pressed.
"Okay! See you in a bit!" Ochako says, and disappears.
Neito reaches an arm through the portal and pokes Hitoshi in the cheek very deliberately, copying his quirk, then waves and leans back out of sight as well.
Kurogiri closes the portal.
"Well, then. I suppose it's time for tea." He can't even count the amount of times he's made tea to calm worried or upset children. It never fails to help at least a little bit.
Eri looks incredibly like Tomura when he was at that age. And from what he's been told about her, looks aren't the only similarity. She doesn't cling to Hitoshi's hand when he coaxes her downstairs, instead she's holding onto the straps of her little backpack tightly. Maybe she wants to reach out, but she doesn't know how, or doesn't feel like it's safe. Again, painfully familiar.
"Kurogiri's really safe, I promise," Hitoshi tells Eri quietly as he sits her down on the couch they've recently added to the interior of the bar - they don't have space for a living room upstairs, but the nightly patrons of the bar don't mind it being a bit oddly furnished.
"Okay," Eri says, "I trust you."
It's so earnest despite how unsure she clearly still is, and Kurogiri catches a glimpse of Hitoshi's stricken expression before the boy catches himself.
"That's... good. So you're gonna trust me when I say that the others are taking care of things back there? And that no one is gonna get hurt?"
Eri hesitates for a long moment, then slowly nods. "... Deku's very strong."
Hitoshi nods as well. "Yeah, and so is everyone else. So there's nothing to worry about."
The optimism doesn't do much for Kurogiri, but it seems to be helping Eri at least.
He turns to head into the kitchen and is blocked by a wing as Hayato shuffles past him. "I'll take tea duty, you send off the boys."
It's past ten already, but Kurogiri feels like it's way too early for any of this. Even with only half the kids actively present, there's chaos.
Hayato looks up at him and pauses with a mild frown creasing his brow. "Hey, we got this. Not the worst start to a day we've had, right? Everything's gonna be back to normal in a couple hours, and then we can go and take a nap."
It's such a parent thing to say that Kurogiri can't help but snort, and that makes Hayato grin in return. "Yeah, that's the spirit, baby. We got this." He leans in for a quick kiss and then darts off into the kitchen. Kurogiri turns to head back upstairs.
Tomura is already waiting on the landing, fiddling with his gloves. If they somehow do catch the tail-end of the fighting, this will likely be a situation where him and Dabi won't be able to use their quirks much, but that doesn't mean they won't try to make themselves useful. They're both excellent fighters either way, and since Keigo will be a major help to the hero students, the other two vigilantes aren't going to wait it out, either. The three of them have become a package deal. It's very reassuring for Kurogiri. They'll always have each other's backs.
Sometimes, it stings seeing them get field ready with their support gear, Tomura's dusty blue hair tied back, Keigo's blond shining in the light, and Dabi rolling his eyes at both of them, raven black still dripping from his head since he only wears dye for missions now.
That's where any similarities end, of course, but it's still not easy. Kurogiri has a hard time shutting down any anxiety he feels about them going out at night to chase criminals. He's proud of them, of course, but he wants so badly for them to be safe.
"We'll be careful," Tomura says, before Kurogiri can so much as open his mouth. "We'll get back out of there before any heroes can pin us down. This isn't our first time."
Right. Of course not. Kurogiri nods. "... I see you don't need me much anymore."
Tomura frowns at him. "Well, we do still need you to warp us there-"
Kurogiri swats him on the shoulder and huffs, and Tomura laughs. He's been much more free with laughter, just like Kurogiri has been. The dark shadow hovering over their lives is gone, and there's so much room for light.
Tomura's laughter fades and he eyes Kurogiri for a long moment, worry creeping onto his face. "... you'll be okay?"
Why wouldn't he be? Kurogiri resists the urge to glance over his shoulder towards the main room where Eri is. Tomura is very intuitive, as always. "She reminds me of you."
"... I know. It's creepy how similar we are. Or... tragic, I guess." Tomura's hands busy themselves undoing his ponytail, only to pull his hair right back up into a tighter one. He's itching to go, and uncomfortable with having Eri here. It's easy to read.
"This isn't going to bring us any trouble," Kurogiri reassures, "Not any more than having your sister and the others at UA. Once the fighting is over, I'll send the girl right back and there's no reason anyone should come looking for this place."
It sounds half-hearted even to his own ears. But only because he knows her father.
And because she's already seen Hayato. The best thing they have going for them is her not knowing anything about the location of the bar. Maybe they should have just kept her upstairs for the time being.
Hindsight is an incredible thing.
Kurogiri is clearly a little rusty when it comes to making up plans on the spot. He acts on instinct and solves problems as they come up. That makes him a decent parent and reliable in crisis situations, but keeping secrets and considering all eventualities is not a strength of his. Never has been. Tomura is a thousand times better at that.
"I wasn't talking about anything practical like that," Tomura says now, shaking his head, "I meant because she's Eraserhead's kid. Isn't that... weird for you?"
Kurogiri has been trying not to think too hard about it. He won't have to see her father so it should be fine.
That was one of the requirements he set back when the principal contacted them to offer Himiko a chance at admission, too. That Kurogiri wouldn't have to talk to any of her teachers, ever. He's just not ready for it. He might never be.
And since Nedzu created a fake file for Himiko anyway, it wasn't difficult for him to come up with some reason that her 'legal guardian' is unavailable to talk to for the foreseeable future.
"I won't have to talk to him directly," Kurogiri says slowly, "So it should be fine. It would be more difficult if she looked like him. But instead, she looks like you."
Tomura glances away, flexing his hand at his side as if he's fighting the urge to scratch at his neck. " She's a lucky kid, she was rescued before she could be fully fucked up."
Kurogiri reaches out to brush a hand along Tomura's skinny shoulder and grasp it, briefly. "You're not fully fucked up, either. You are doing amazingly."
"Y-yeah..." Tomura is faintly flushed with the praise, and Kurogiri steps back, satisfied.
It's in that moment that the door to their left opens and Dabi and Keigo stumble through, slightly out of breath and thankfully suited up. Both are beet red, and Keigo is desperately fumbling to pull up the collar of his jacket.
This is nothing Kurogiri needs to be dealing with.
"Alright, you three need to get going." He opens a portal right between Keigo and Dabi, and ignores the amused look Tomura shoots him for it. The boys straighten as one, put on their matching black masks, and then step through, leaving a handful of lifeless down feathers floating in the air.
It's quiet downstairs for a while. Eri still seems intimidated being in a new environment with strange adults, but Hitoshi talks to her gently and tells her stories to keep her distracted. Maybe to keep himself distracted, too.
Kurogiri wishes it were that easy for him.
"You worry too much," Hayato tells him, wrapping his arms around his waist from behind, resting his forehead between his shoulder blades. They're in the kitchen, giving Eri and Hitoshi some space, and Kurogiri is trying to decide if he should just start cooking. It would keep his hands busy, at least.
"I worry a perfectly reasonable amount," he replies, but tries to relax into his partner's hold anyway. It is difficult, some days. To think that all of his kids have chosen to be entangled in hero business. He's glad none of them had to become villains, is doubly glad that Tomura didn't, but part of him wishes they'd all gone for boring office jobs.
That's not who they are, though. None of them. They're wild and chaotic and they care too much, each in their own way. Maybe part of that is Kurogiri's fault.
"They'll be fine. They're quick and strong," Hayato says, "Plus, that Deku kid they hang out with is vicious."
Kurogiri makes a noise of agreement. The current UA generation seems almost ridiculously overpowered. There have always been strong quirks, but they tended to be outliers, even in the hero course. Nothing like what they saw during the Sports Festival.
It makes Kurogiri think about the doctor and his singularity theory, and he tries to stop thinking.
"I can hear your brain, you know?" Hayato sighs.
Kurogiri shrugs helplessly against him. "I haven't found a way to make it stop so far. It's the burden of a parent, isn't it?"
He gets a huffed laugh for his trouble, and a wing sneaks around him, pressing against his arm. "You're gonna have to accept that they'll leave the nest eventually."
He's not wrong. Kurogiri is absolutely trying to get used to the idea. Eventually, Tomura might even do something so preposterous as to decide to move out.
"I just wish at least one of them would have left the nest for an accounting job..."
Hayato snorts. "I can't imagine any of them in an office. Can you?"
No. No, he can't. There's the problem. They're all... world-changers. They're too clever and passionate, and they know too much about living hard lives to want to settle for stagnation now. Not when they can be helping people instead.
Kurogiri... understands. He's missed his window, or rather it was taken from him years ago, but even so, he's still trying to help in his own way. Just not out in the field like the kids.
Even All for One couldn't silence that drive in him, so all Kurogiri can do for them is to make sure they have somewhere safe to return to, and provide evacuation if they need it.
His phone chimes.
He pulls out of Hayato's hold, relieved before he even checks the message. Request for a portal home. He steps out into the main room and opens one in the open space between tables.
Neito stumbles through first. "Okay, first of all, this isn't our fault so you can't be mad-" He breaks off when Himiko nearly collides with him and they both hastily move out of the way.
Kurogiri expects Ochako to follow, but the figure who steps through is taller, darker, eyes full of suspicion, and posture ready for a fight.
Kurogiri swallows. Hard. It's a miracle that he's able to keep the portal open long enough for Ochako to sheepishly step into the bar as well, and then it collapses into itself.
"Sensei!" Hitoshi exclaims, pushing himself off the couch hastily and picking Eri up to set her on her feet. "What happened? Is everyone okay?"
Eraserhead... Shouta... the hero says nothing at first, crouching down to look over Eri, and then glancing up from Hitoshi to Kurogiri.
"We handled the situation. It was smart to take Eri to safety so everyone could focus on the fight. Even if your choice of safe place is..." He trails off, looking around.
"Rude! This is the safest place in the world!" Himiko immediately makes a show of being offended. It's enough to relax Kurogiri a little, even if he's still tense and still trying not to stare at Shouta. Not that his staring looks all that different from his usual expression. Small blessings.
He gives a respectful bow and is very glad that his partner stayed in the kitchen, though he's probably listening in with an ear pressed to the door. It's hard to resist the urge to look around to make sure there isn't a sliver of wing visible in the window.
"... I apologize for the chaos, though I suppose you have enough experience with these children to be somewhat used to it," he says, falling more into formality automatically. Even though this is Shouta. He's not about to act overly familiar with him. He isn't, really. At this point, he's been Kurogiri for almost as long as he ever was Oboro Shirakumo. Not to mention that his memories only started to return to him a while ago - after Tomura killed All for One, after they got rid of the Doctor.
He still feels more Kurogiri than anyone else. That's the life he's built for himself, the person he chooses to be now.
His old life feels like a far away dream. A dull ache in his chest, sometimes. Especially now when he looks at Shouta. But they've all moved on. It's not time to shake up all their lives yet, and so the truth has to stay carefully tucked away. There'll be a time and place for it.
Shouta seems to gather himself a bit more now. He clearly went through Kurogiri's portal without knowing what exactly would be waiting for him on the other side, and he's still processing. He's on guard, too, but his shoulders are forcibly relaxed now, his expression neutral. Underground heroes need to have a good poker face.
"All teenagers are chaotic to some degree," Shouta finally says, and watches as Neito crouches behind the bar and starts handing out juice boxes.
"Drink some water first," Kurogiri admonishes automatically, "Get your sugar up after you hydrate." He gives Himiko a quick, critical look. There's no sludge on her, and her clothes still sit properly, so she probably hasn't used her quirk. She doesn't need to tap into their blood reserves, then. And she seems perfectly happy swaying on one of the bar stools.
Kurogiri really does want to ask about the older boys, but it's not like he can bring them up in Shouta's presence. Eraserhead is known to let the occasional vigilante slip away, but they shouldn't challenge their luck. The kids seem calm enough, so chances are that Tomura, Keigo, and Dabi got away fine.
"... you seem to be pretty used to this," Shouta observes, a hand resting atop Eri's head where she's standing beside him, still shy but not outwardly scared.
Kurogiri huffs. "They've always been getting into trouble, and I may not look it, but I do know how to take care of my charges. Hydration is important after exercise, and some of them tend to forget about that."
"Some of us," Hitoshi murmurs into his tea. It's true that he's been very aware of his body recently. A result, no doubt, of his training with Shouta. It must be strange for him to have his mentor here. But Kurogiri doesn't detect any hint of embarrassment from him. Just some general awkwardness. That's good. Their arrangement here may be unconventional, but he never wants any of his kids to be ashamed of it.
"We come here a lot after working out," Ochako explains, then looks around the bar and rubs the back of her neck, "Not when it's open for patrons, obviously!"
She seems mostly just worried that her teacher will think they're doing something illegal.
Kurogiri still isn't sure how to easily explain it all.
Luckily, Himiko rarely hesitates. "Sensei, this is my parent. We live upstairs above the bar. Everyone else comes over a lot because it's a good place to hang out, and because there's free food and a bunch of video games."
That's... both truthful and a good explanation. It's enough to ease some of the remaining tension out of Shouta, and he accepts the bottle of water - still sealed - that Neito hands him. "I did notice you all knew each other from before high school," he says.
Kurogiri forces himself to relax as well, and picks up a glass to polish, until he realizes it makes him look absolutely like he's just trying to keep his hands busy, so he just decides to stand there and flicker a little bit. "When I adopted Himiko, this place became something of a known safe haven for children in need of anything I could give them," he explains, "In the end, what they all needed was community, and maybe somewhere quiet to do homework together. They all inspired each other to pursue heroics, and I was very proud to see them all pass their entrance exams. They seem to have been biased in favor of more physical quirks."
Hitoshi straightens a little at that. He's still so proud that he managed to get in, mostly with the tricks Hayato taught him.
Shouta takes a sip from his water bottle and nods in agreement. "I could tell that they'd all done at least a little bit of combat training."
There's very little inflection in his voice, like he's just stating a fact. Making small talk. Except that Aizawa Shouta doesn't do small talk.
It's casual digging for information. If he thought he knew everything important, he would have already taken Eri and left. But he's trying to make sure that all the kids are safe here.
It makes Kurogiri feel all sorts of ways to realize how much he's matured since they were teenagers themselves. How they've grown into adults while apart. But it's too much to process right now, so he'll have to do that later.
"This isn't a safe part of the city," Kurogiri says carefully, "And the world is not a safe place as a whole. It felt only right for them to learn how to defend themselves. Especially if they like wandering at night."
Hitoshi gives him a Look. It's almost funny being able to gently tease one of his teenage kids in front of the adult he looks up to most.
It's not like Shouta didn't use to do the same thing at that age. Sometimes he'd end up on the fire escape in front of Kurogiri's- in front of the window. Knocking on the glass to be let in, bearing a late night snack.
Hitoshi might be doing similar things with his school friends now.
"... that does explain some of the moves I've seen during training," Shouta murmurs, shaking his head. There's a little smile, then, and it seems genuine enough. "They've given their classmates a bit of trouble. It's been useful to have some students who understand that a fight won't always be clean or fair."
"They never are, when you're small and also a girl," Himiko says sagely, and it's one of those times where Kurogiri winces at how casually she speaks truths that hint at something way more concerning.
Shouta's expression darkens, too. "You're right about that." He looks to Kurogiri. "... I might come back to check in some time. See if you need any help around here."
Kurogiri thinks of the regular vigilante patrols that Tomura, Keigo, and Dabi have taken up because heroes don't tend to bother with a lower class neighborhood like theirs. Even now, with All for One gone and no longer taking care to keep them away with carefully aimed bribes and other such manipulations.
It might be nice to have Eraserhead in the area. He has a reputation for helping anyone in need, and turning a blind eye when it's the right thing to do. People here might be willing to trust him and actually feel a little safer.
On the other hand, Hayato and Kurogiri's patrons will not.
There's also the fact that the offer is very clearly layered.
Shouta's priority right now is to take Eri home and make sure none of his students are in any immediate danger. But he knows there's something... a little fishy about their situation, because he's smart and has good instincts. He'll be back to do some digging. Probably research them first. Hopefully the principal keeps his word and doesn't share the confidential information he's privy to.
"Any teacher my charges respect is always welcome here," Kurogiri says, very diplomatically, because what else can he say?
Shouta nods and picks Eri up in his arms.
The little girl looks to Hitoshi, then to Kurogiri. "Thank you for the tea." She's soft-spoken and still a little intimidated, but that was to be expected. Kurogiri does look quite a lot like a villain, and the bar itself isn't the happiest looking place.
They could have kept her in Himiko's room for the time being, if its main decorative feature wasn't a collection of taxidermied small animals. They're lovely to Himiko, and no one else minds them, but Eri might have found them a little creepy.
Kurogiri tilts forward in a little bow. "It has been a pleasure. Take care of your father. Heroes do a lot of tough work all day, so they need their families to be extra nice to them the rest of the time."
Shouta shifts a little uncomfortably, but Eri smiles and nods with all the seriousness of a small child. "I can do that. I think."
She almost makes Kurogiri miss the days when his own children were much younger. Almost. They were menaces back then, too. At least now they're old enough to not need constant supervision.
The front door slams open.
"Well, that was a massive waste of time and en-" Dabi trails off at the sight of the pro-hero standing in the middle of the room.
He's still wearing his vigilante outfit. Mask and all.
Keigo is right behind him, wings flared out in alarm. Also still masked. Not that the wings alone wouldn't give him away, which is why he is supposed to hide them when he's not working.
Kurogiri begins to pour himself a drink.
He holds up the bottle for Shouta to see, a silent question.
Shouta's sigh is heavy enough that it sounds like he is holding the weight of the world on his shoulders. He shakes his head.
"Get your stupid feathers out of my way, chickenbrain." Tomura shoves past Keigo's wings, and then freezes as well.
At this point, Kurogiri might as well ask Hayato to come out of hiding, really. It can't get much worse.
For what feels like an eternity, no one so much as blinks. Then, Shouta sighs yet again. "I'm off the clock."
Tomura shakes off his stupor and rapidly looks from him to Kurogiri and back.
"So... we're not in trouble?" Keigo wagers, slowly tucking in his wings.
Shouta does look exceptionally tired right now.
It's strange how wrangling teenagers can put you into a state where you're able to put up with almost anything. Kurogiri never thought they'd relate on that level, and yet.
"I'm going to be back. And then we'll have a talk." Shouta's voice carries an authority that leaves no room for questions. "This seems like a long story. I expect to hear all of it."
Kurogiri wonders where the anxious, insecure boy from before went.
He's also unable to deny that this isn't at least a little bit attractive.
"We'll try our best," Tomura says carefully.
"And Shinsou," Shouta adds, "Meet me for training at six before school tomorrow. I want to hear your side of this first."
Hitoshi groans. He eyes the bottle Kurogiri put down on the counter. "... can I have a drink?"
"No." Both Shouta and Kurogiri speak at the same time, and their eyes meet.
The kids giggle. Even Eri smiles.
This is going to get very complicated very soon, Kurogiri thinks. So many factors he can't predict. Old friends who have become strangers. The unstoppable force of chaos that is the collective of his children. Heroes and villains, and an oversized bird in his bed who never shaves on time and steals blankets like his life depends on it. Buried memories that will be incredibly painful to unearth. Long ago loss and injustice and pain.
But Kurogiri feels firmly rooted to his place in the world. The place he made for himself, the place his family cleared for him.
And he knows that, with this foundation, he will be ready to face the remnants of who he was before.
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Zora Midyoria:
Full name: Zora Toshi Midyoria
Pronunciation: zO-rah TOW-SHiy mid-or-ia
Meaning of Name: Zora means "sky" or "dawn" while Toshi means "talented"
Hero/Villain Name: Empty Sky
Nicknames: Toshi, Ra-Ra, Sky
History of Nicknames: All from close fiends and friends who simply gave him the nicknames
Aliases: None
Nationality: Japanese
Quirk: Gravity Poll - It's like a mix of his mother's Quirk and his grandmother's Quirk though he can use telepathy to bring stuff to him, but he can also make someone limbs or body grow heavier or lighter when controlling their magnetic poll after touching them.
Birthday and Astrology Sign: November 4th, 21XX, Scorpio
Age: 15
How old do they look: 13-14
Gender: Male (he/him)
Orientation/Sexuality Preference: Gay
Birth date: November 4th 21XX
Birth place: Musutafu, Japan
Appearance: Eye color: Dark brown
Eye shape: Round
Do they wear contacts or glasses?: Used to have glasses when he was a child but grew out the need to Hair: Curly dark green hair
Height: 5'3
Weight: 89 lbs
Body build: Lean yet semi built
Body shape: A small rectangle
Complexion: Beige
Blood Type: B
Handedness: Right-handed
Hand type: Delicate
Nails: Short and clean
Movement: Slightly slouched but head held up high
How do they walk: A bit fast walking with his arms to his side
Posture: Slightly slouched in the back but his head held high more aiming in his head
Flexibility: Pretty decent
Speech Mannerisms: Calm but does have a issue with a stutter and saying "um" when nervous
Scars: None
Birthmarks: One medium-sized pink scar on the lower slightly off centered to the right smudge on his back that some people who've seen it say it looks like a cloud
Piercings: One ear piercing on his left ear
Tattoos: None
General face structure:  Looks a lot like his father which both knew well
Defining physical traits: His birthmark, his freckles, and the small pink dots on his finger tips
Clothing: Uniform: He wears the typical UA uniform with bright pink-purple sneakers
Casual outfit: A black band tee and washed blue jeans
Preferred outfit: Same above
Hero/Villain costume: A dark green body suit with black and white patterns and some white and black harnesses on his legs, arms, and chest and torso, a white mouth mask and black boots
Equipment / Support Items: Like father-like-son he has simple equipment to help him move easier and not caused too much harm like leg and torso support
Personality: He's very much like his father, timid and sweet but very loyal to the bone.
Big Five personality traits: Loyal, "geeky", sweet, brave, honest
Most prominent personality trait: Loyal
Best traits: Loyal, smart, nice, sweet, honest
Worst traits: Can't really say no openly and suffer as a doormat but is growing
Likes: Comics, Star Wars, lab days, his family and friends, Tsuki Bakugo Dislikes: Being put on the spot, when someone attempts to try and be rude or creepy to his sister, when his things go missing
Quirks:  (not the superpower but little silly things they do) He chews on his pencils. He did it with pens too for a while until it broke and he had to rush to the hospital in fear of ink poison Fear: Not being good enough, needles
Hobbies: Researching, jogging, cooking
Skills/Talents: He's very good at cooking Strengths: He can run pretty fast and has some pretty fast movements in fighting Weaknesses: His sister, his notebook
Reason to keep on living: His family
What is their self-image like: Pretty low on self-esteem
Coping mechanisms: Vanilla scented candles or lavender scented oils, his dad's old hoodie
Favorite things: Sunflowers, amusement parks, astrology
Physical: Pretty decent
Mental: Low self-esteem
Emotional Stability: Low self-esteem, truama
If faced with crisis, what is their go-to: Fight
Nutrition: Pretty healthy
Habits: Twirling marbles between his fingers
History, Background, and Future:
0-4: He was born at the Fall from No.1 Pro-Hero Deku and his wife Pro-Hero Uravity and has living very happy and calm as any other child would with his sister being born a year later
5-8: At five his "step-mom" and sister's mama Himiko Toga was released from her "hospital stay" and gets happily taken cared by her. By age 7 he starts worrying about how his classmates got their Quirks but not him and even suffered a breakdown after a doctor said there's a chance he'd be Quirkless
9-11: He still hasn't fully gotten his Quirk but has felt something different about himself over time, doing research on Quirks much like his dad did, dreaming of going to UA too. When he was 11 years old he made these "friends" who belittled and picked on him for grades and their enjoyment of seeing him upset and was too scared to speak up on any of this to his family or teachers.
12-14: At 12 one of his bullies/"friends" confessed he found his sister attractive and was demanding he introduced him. He said no since that's a line he draws and proceed to get beaten up and heavily bullied for three days straight until he used his Quirk to scare them away from his sister when she went to help after accidentally seeing one of the beatings. He proceed to finish his middle school years online and suffered with trauma of the incident
15-Present: With all his hard worked and good words of teachers about his grade he got in to UA without a issue, made friends pretty face with childhood faces or understanding
Did they like their upbringing: Yes
How has their upbringing shape them: Pretty open minded though has slight issues
What did they enjoy most about their childhood?: The amusement park visits with his family
What did they hate most about their childhood?: The middle school years and anxiety that he'll never have a Quirk
Current Dream: Make her family proud, become a hero of any form
Long-term goals for Future: Become a hero and get married
Home: Lives in a two story home near campus though he sometimes stay at the dorms half the week when he's not at home
Home Life as a Kid: Supportive and full of love
Home Life Now: Supportive and full of love
Quick Family background: Any Friends: Kohaku Usagiyama, Rose Takami, Mitsuri Ashido-Sero, Tsuki Bakugo, Hoshiko Bakugo, Arashi Jiro-Yaoyorozu, Chiharu Jiro-Yaoyorozu, Hachi Kaminari, Gou Iida, Sakura Todoroki Any Family: Izuku Midoriya (father), Ochako Uraraka (mother) Himiko Toga (step-mother) Yuzuriha Midoriya (sister)
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Full name: Yuzuriha Nori Midoriya
Pronunciation: You-zu-ri-HA No-Ri mid-or-ia
Meaning of Name: Yuzuriha means "to be humble" and "leaf" while Nori means "peaceful"
Hero/Villain Name: Heroine Peace
Nicknames: Yuzu, Yu-Chan, Nori
History of Nicknames: Yuzu and Yu-Chan were given by Zora when they were very little
Nationality: Japanese
Quirk: Free and Borrow: With Free it's like Uravity's Quirk where she can make herself and others she touch with all her fingers float in a certain distance, but with Borrow if she touches someone using their Quirk she can use said Quirk instead for a certain amount of time give or take how powerful it is, a much more tame version of her mother's Himiko Toga's Quirk. Down side if she lifts things too heavy with Free or having too much Quirks using Borrow
Birthday and Astrology Sign: May 5th 21XX, Taurus
Age: 14
How old do they look:13-14
Gender: Female (she/her)
Orientation/Sexuality Preference: Bi-Sexual
Birth date: May 5th
Birth place: Musutafu, Japan
Appearance: Eye color: Yellow
Eye shape: Narrow around
Do they wear contacts or glasses?: No Hair: Brown and short with two streaks of color, one blonde (left) and the other green (right)
Height: 5'2
Weight: 89 lbs
Body build: Slim and muscular
Body shape: Hourglass-fit
Complexion: Beige
Cup size: A-B Cup
Blood Type: A
Handedness: Both hands
Hand type: Small and gentle
Nails: Short and always painted
Movement: Pretty strong and dense jointed but calm
How do they walk: Fast walking and sometimes has her arms swing
Posture: Straight and as some say "intimidating"
Flexibility: Pretty flexible
Speech Mannerisms: Has a tough tongue
Scars: None
Birthmarks: None
Piercings: Three piecing on her left ear and four on her right ear
Tattoos: None
General face structure: Is told to look a lot like her father but with certain traights perfect of her mothers, is told to be very pretty
Defining physical traits: Her eyes and the two streaks of color in her hair Clothing: Uniform: Wears the UA girl uniform
Casual outfit: A pink purple tee-shirt with a black jean skirt with grey leggings
Preferred outfit: NA
Hero/Villain costume: A white turtle neck body suit that cuts her sleeves, leaving her arms bare, a black shirt tailed skin tight black jacket that reaches her hands in finger holes that is held in four silver buttons, black gloves with transparent white bubble dots on her finger tip's inside, a green harness on her torso and silver leg support harnesses, a green and white mask that covers her eyes with pink eye goggles over, and a green mouth mask that resembles a bubble over her mouth
Equipment / Support Items: She has leg supprot
Personality: Very loyal and distance as well as kind and considerate, curious, geeky, tough, and has a sharp tongue
Big Five personality traits: Tough, loyal, curious, sweet, doesn't take shit from anyone
Most prominent personality trait: Strong
Best traits: Loyal, smart, kind, brave
Worst traits: Hot-headed, too tough, distance
Likes: Very spicy wings, her mama's cooking, spa trips, the amusement park, training, her friends, her family, her "uncle Kaachan", her "uncle Shiggy" Dislikes: Any old papers of her mama or her "uncle Shiggy", losing over cheating or something small
Quirks:  (not the superpower but little silly things they do) She gently pulls the longer parts of her bands when she's angry and needs to calm down before she blows up Fear: Being left behind, accused of being evil or mean
Hobbies: Training, singing, writing
Skills/Talents: Singing, writing Strengths: She's a good runner without Borrowing a Quirk, despite her "distance" nature she's able to have a lot on her side Weaknesses: Zora, her moms and dad, when she uses either Quirk too much
Reason to keep on living: Her family
What is their self-image like: She doesn't care what others say much but does get bugged when someone "jokes" she could be a villain
Coping mechanisms: Her stuffed animal or spending time with her family
Favorite things: Manga, video games, red peony, volcanoes
Physical: Pretty healthy
Mental: Decent, maybe
Emotional Stability: A bit bellow average
If faced with crisis, what is their go-to: Fights
Nutrition: Pretty healthy though she forgets to eat sometimes
Habits: She MUST eat along side or in distance of her family members, she always wants to join Zora's teams or projects as she "protects" him a lot, she hides her manga collection
Family History: She adores the grandparents she have
History, Background, and Future:
0-4: Yuzuriha was born a year after Zora using a special science practice Himiko and Izuku agreed on where they take Himiko's egg and Izuku's sperm and Ochaco will carry the baby full term, something happened which resulted some psychical and Quirk DNA mixed with her code. She was always a very happy and bubbly girl who loves and adores her family
5-8: She grew very attached to "Uncle Shiggy" and "Uncle Kaachan" over the course of her being in kindergarten and elementary school as they help her work out and feed her geeky interests She got her Quirk during one summer when she was about to turn nine.
9-11: She slowly began to notice things different with Zora over the course of being one grade behind him and would often try and cheer him up not knowing what else to do, during this time she was told by a mean classmate about the crimes of her "Uncle Shiggy" and Himiko Toga with said classmate not knowing she's her mom.
12-14: She finally gets informed of her brother's bullying and starting training her Quirks strong until she was warned by her entire family that she'll pass out and get so sick in a coma if she over does it. Since then she vowed to protect Zora and her family no matter what, and if that means being a hero than so be it
15-Present: She practiced both Free and Borrow easy over the year of breaks as she also got her grades up a lot with many research until she gets accepted to UA along side Zora, working hard to get in the same class as him even!
Did they like their upbringing: She's happy with it
How has their upbringing shape them: Loyal and protective
What did they enjoy most about their childhood?: All the summers with her family happy together free from the world's bad stuff and mean eyes and words of strangers
What did they hate most about their childhood?: The bullies of her 4th year of elementary and Zora's bullies
Current Dream: Work hard and become a pro-hero to protect Zora and her family
Long-term goals for Future: Become a pro-hero and protect her family, if she gets married and have kids than sure
Home: She lives in the dorms half the week and at a two story home near campus with her family
Home Life as a Kid: Full of love and care and supportive
Home Life Currently: Supportive and full of love and care
Any Friends: Kohaku Usagiyama, Rose Takami, Mitsuri Ashido-Sero, Tsuki Bakugo, Hoshiko Bakugo, Arashi Jiro-Yaoyorozu, Chiharu Jiro-Yaoyorozu, Hachi Kaminari, Gou Iida, Sakura Todoroki Any Family: Izuku Midoriya (father), Ochako Uraraka (mother) Himiko Toga (mother) Zora Midoriya (brother)
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hiraethwa · 28 days
Hi Ave 🥰🥰🥰🥰 long time no type!
Well not really bcs you know who I am behind anon (don’t tell anyone bcs I use this alias on other blogs lol 🫶🏻) but I know sometimes it’s nice to receive compliments and I enjoy doing it in anon form.
I can yap for hours about anything really. Oikawa, OSD, Semi, Osamu Compression Sleeves, you know. The important things.
You’re such an amazing writer, like the way you’re able to convey emotions is so special. In English we’re doing an assignment about how to “steal smartly” from writers we admire. We read things they’ve written and look at the structure in which they were formed.
When he mentioned authors we admire I so badly wanted to say you because one summer day feels like a book to me. A novel I’m not able to put down. Even though you’re supposed to know the characters beforehand, as it’s a fanfiction, you still do so much character and world building. I can see how much work and effort you put into your story and I can see how much you love it.
The way you love is evident in the way you express events. How everything happens for a purpose even if its purpose was to be purposeless. The background you give us on the characters makes them feel like so much more than just “Oh this is an Ushijima fic.” Because you can see the clear care in crafting the image of Ushijima you have.
He’s still the Ushijima we know but he’s also so much more. He’s more than just a character from Haikyuu. He feels so Human. In your story, he has goals and ambitions and aspirations. And he’s not perfect, he feels jealous, he has avoidant conflicts. He’s not good at expressing himself. He’s human.
Y/N. Don’t even get me started. She’s so perfect: and not because she’s actually perfect. But she’s everything. She’s smart and talented but not because she didn’t work to be talented. She’s not just a reader insert. She has her goals and they’re very clear in her mind. There’s ugly parts of her, lying. They make bad decisions BECAUSE THAT’S WHAT KIDS DO!
Anyways…this is my favorite fic I’ve ever read and thank you so much for writing it.
So I’m rereading OSD- as I said I would. I will comment my in depth rambles about it 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️
-sincerely bakery anon 🍪
bakery anon, you flatter me 🥹
i try my best! (and i am only human) i am flawed (a perfectionist) which is also why i take forever to write (+ procrastination due to fears of bad writing) hehe, i am super honored that you consider me your favorite author (which means i must be doing something right here :))
your words on toshi and y/n is making my poor heart burst into happiness! i want y/n to have her own story despite it's a reader insert (secretly selfish because when i read i like to pretend i am someone else, which is why i enjoy reading—living so many lives alongside my own)
i hope you will enjoy the next 6 chapters of OSD <3
thanks for dropping by my ask box!!
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knowlessman · 1 year
is it next time yet? fuck it, I guess it is 'XD bnha movie 1, Two Heroes
cacaw! eegels! murica! social darwi - oh this is straight-up actual california apparently. where's excalibur, d'you see him anywhere?
you sir are a pokemon. …no wait he has pants on, he's a digimon -- Cow Lady… sure is a character design. amazing they managed to not put a cowboy hat on no hang on never mind there it is
…"dave"? in this 2000's-ass hotwheelsmobile? whut even -- with a bubble blower
I was The Most Unprepared for All Might with visible eyes I tell you hwat -- his victory laugh still makes me think of santa clause tho
okay we're back to Bionicle-mode All Might, things are right side up again
…they're going for a vacation at that floating city from bioshock infinite? (turns out it's on water not flying nvm)
"the invite said I could bring a friend." "isn't that usually meant for family?" "we are family. I'm your Space Dad."
"once we get there, I must be in hulk form constantly" I thought that was literally impossible
(movie is doing a whole recap) ohey it's that guy that got caught by the slime monster, what was his name? -- that stunt in the race with the chunk of metal and the minefield was such cool bullshit tho, like only the perfect combination of being painfully aware of your limitations and being absolutely, unshakeably DETERMINED to cross that line first would have led somebody to find such a random tool so early on, drag it with them the whole way, and then manage to find a use for it at the way end. …this show has good fucking writing okay. mineta aside. it has good fucking writing.
"trivia question: why was this island created?" shits, giggles, & egotism. why do you think elon musk does anything. -- facepalm another fucking amusement park
hm. wonder if toshi's plan is to let dave in on the whole secret
blinks and they have literal godzilla. well of course they do, I guess
the literal bat-plane but blue, aye.
ohhhh, no… this Melissa character was reminding me of that girl from the pokemon 2000 movie whose only purpose is to make misty jealous about ash (and hand out that stupid lore pun I guess), and I was just thinking "but they don't have to do that, and maybe they won't, after all uraraka's not here…" -- uh. the gang's all here (well, okay like a quarter of class A so far), but since when have jiro and yaoyorozu given a shit about uraraka's… relationship? crush? unspoken tsundere bullshit that I… thought deku was oblivious to? -- why is deku explaining himself as if he has the slightest idea that uraraka has interest in him? movie weirdness I guess; so new arrivals know which cookie cutter she came out of. (tbh tho even just thinking about her like this is annoying because she does have more interesting stuff going on, with her family and her whole motivation; it feels like she's been reduced to this, and that sucks)
goddammit it's worst character and worst-character-in-training
EMERGENCY EXIT MAKIN HIS EMERGENCY ENTRY AT TOP SPEED FOR SOME REASON (so that newbies have a vague idea what his power is because they can't guess it based on the bigass exhaust ports stickin out his calves I guess), GANGWAY -- IIDA YOU ARE LITERALLY DOING THE ROBOT FOR NO REASON WHY DID THEY HAVE TO GIVE YOU THAT MANNERISM IT IS SO WEIRD ON YOU
okay hagukure with the rock paper scissors signs is funny, they finally made a joke about her invisibility that's funny
METAPOD BROS METAPOD BROS METAPOD BR - uh, hi vegeta, I guess, damn where's tetsutetsu? : /
'XDDDDD "hey, isn't that deku over there" kacchan is IMMEDIATELY in deku's face because he is Like That
ohey look vegeta, it's… wtf is todoroki then? beerus? I don't fuckin know dbz
"we got the drugs. or bomb. it's one of the two, right? what? batjesus is here? who cares."
"I can't tell Dave, who literally just did a cat scan on me and knows my powers are disappearing and has known me for decades and is sposed to be Very Smart, about One for All"
…dang, I'm only a half hour in, I gotta ease up on pausing it 'XD
boxing gloves -- iida 'XD
deku who told you you could steal napoleon dynamite's style
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they finally let yaoyorozu wear clo - what have you done to earphone jack let her wear a suit or something jesus
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-- …huh. also just now realized the triangle thingies she usually has must be makeup. cool.
yeah, they would give bakugo, out of the entire cast, a formal outfit that actually looks cool >:| (I mean okay uraraka's is just fine but everyone else looks like a dork, like they were stuck with whatever was on the clearance rack)
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ohey tapeface and naruto's choji are here too. I expect bnha's choji is around somewhere -- yup. also birdman. tokoyami
think I know what the vague gist of Uno is, but I've never played it. is it worth trying? (froppy and mina and hagukure are stuck in their hotel room. which, like… it feels like, idk, another work would've not bothered doing that, but I like it. It's like in the digimon movie, those random cutaways where the internet is being eaten or wever and it's inconveniencing people in silly ways ("your total comes to one million one hundred HUH??? uh, yeah, that's what it says. that must be really good chocolate. paper or plastic?"). idk it's fun 'XD)
earphone jack's hero costume (which she isn't getting to wear right now bc bullshit) is cool. know what else is cool? her power. jiro is just cool.
todoroki's in a basic white suit but at least it looks good on him and fits him, like, thematically? like not even that it's white, he's a guy you can picture choosing to wear a suit.
"melissa, you stay here" "bad news, pal. none of you know how the security system works. this is an escort mission now." (also she could have gadgets on her, being literally the daughter of the most famous gadgeteer on the island)
all might's having a lot of telepathic conversations in this movie. is that what being neurotypical's like?
"this is the 30th floor" gawwwd, that's a lot of stairs. my feet hurt just thinking about em -- three… hundred… fucking yeah, you're on 50 and you're just NOW ditching the heels? fuckin A
"what does this button do?" "stop those kids!" somebody find a window and mi-yeet-a that little shit out of it
how many of you guys are there, and nobody has a quirk for just climbing up the outside of the tower? momo could probably do it. todoroki could maybe do it. deku might be able to punch handholds into it. …uraraka can literally fly, but granted, only for a limited time. -- wait mineta could get them up there that way. little shit has an entire superpower and he still exists only to represent the worst elements of anime fandom and be the "we're doomed!" guy.
oh fuck it's ornstein and smough maybe they are doomed
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'XD ohai beavis and blockhead (bakugo and kirishima). wow, how lost did you get?
momo can just create bat-bombs now.
…bakugo can fly. bakugo can literally just fly, whenever he wants. …him knowing only fighting is such a waste. mfer can FLY.
ohey the penny dropped, they remembered mineta has an entire goddamn superpower.
"that guy's not opening up a hole in space, he's hollowing it out!" fucking. this is gonna be akutagawa's fucking coat all over again isn't it -- gawd damm but they went and whole-assed the animation for this relatively no-stakes fight, it doesn't even have any music but just lookit this shit
jumping daleks. how about that
these gauntlets seem like a pretty significant upgrade, considering I don't remember seeing them in any pictures of deku. makes me suspect that he only has them for this movie, but… : / idk
"don't let your guard down. one of those kids probably has a hearing quirk" and not a flying one? are hearing quirks just really common? I forget whether choji's is supposed to make him hear better
vegeta to the rescue!
"send swordkil and the others!" what kinda rob-liefeld-ass name…?
I swear this one pink-haired villain guy is reminding me of SOMEBODY, but I can't for the life of me figure out who
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… : | for once, could a guy give off so many heel-turn flags and not actually turn heel? hell, for that matter, is melissa gonna die now to just tidily remove her from the canon and keep the movie self-contained? -- "did you arrange this just to get that device?" uh yeah, that device that wasn't any of the ones previously introduced? in other words, a random surprise macguffin that we have no reason to care about? -- "a device that amplifies quirks" yawn. also this guy who nobody cared about til now talked him into it, so dave can even do an emergency face turn if he feels like it when mr assistant guy whose name was only said once… gus, I think? when he turns on him (I GUESS his motive having to do with all might losing his powers is, idk, a motive) -- sam, that's what. also gawwwd this got bori - haha he got your-eternal-rewarded. wait why the hell is dave taking bullets for - bah, whatever
deku, mid-punch, without his mouth moving: "melissa, I got this, do the computer thing!" melissa: goes and does the computer thing for real tho, is this what being neurotypical is like? just, everyone has telepathy? must be fucking nice.
…huh. so. mojo jojo was behind this all along. okay, that one's a surprise. -- lol he went for a stab-through and the screen went all red like it's fucking evangelion or something (I think eva does that when spoiler bites spoiler's spoiler? haven't actually seen it). and then all might comes out and his fucking supersuit doesn't even have a scratch on it
really tho deku did you really have no choice other than that fucking clown suit
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-- also. alan rickman: "I see you've managed to get your shirt off."
there was a bit in one of the specials where all might transforms from bionicle mode to hulk mode, and I slowed it down looking for in-between frames. THIS is the kind of thing I was looking for. my guy looks like Sans Undertale.
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ayup. was a movie. it movied. was fairly okay, although I gotta wonder if there'll be any callbacks to it; it felt depressingly like all the bits that sounded like they mattered were movie-only bits, and… uh. they, uh, they beat mojo jojo, so either I hadn't been understanding properly how All for One works, or they name-dropped him here for pretty much no reason, or the apparent series villain is just done and dusted already. -- movie DID resist the urge to really get my goat with uraraka's tsundere stuff or whatever and kept it down to that one scene, so I guess that could've been a lot worse
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denkilightning · 4 years
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that one himbo shinsou and smartass kaminari post i made (2020), colorised
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mintmatcha · 2 years
Your husband slips off his shoes and beelines it for you, barely dropping his bag before he wraps his arms around you. You can barely brace yourself, stumbling slightly at the force; he still smells like the gym, but you don't usher him to the shower, instead just melting into his touch and savoring the rare time alone.
"Long day, Toshi?" you coo, patting his back. 
"Very," Ushijima huffs into the curve of your neck, “How are you, baby?"
He presses a kiss into your temple, leaning into you with a hand around your waist to draw your bodies together, and you can’t help but giggle. He’s unusually affectionate today, nibbling down your neck with a-
“Daddy, no!” 
You both break apart at the sound of your toddler’s voice. She’s standing at your feet, blanket in her balled fists and dragging behind her. She stomps a bit, clearly frustrated, the nap clearly having done nothing to fix her attitude. 
“What is it?” Ushijima tilts his head, tone low and even, “What’s wrong?”
It’s funny to watch them together; Wakatoshi has never been one to use baby talk, so he talks to your child like she’s fully grown. It’s seemingly good for her development; your daughter has become a bit of a chatty girl, but it leads to moments like these.
“Daddy, daddy-” she sighs and shakes her head with a maturity she shouldn’t have, like she’s disappointed in her father, “No, daddy. Not baby.”
He shakes his head and looks to you for answers you don’t have, but you just shrug.
“I don’t understand,” he turns back to her, not bothering to squat or kneel. He just towers over her tiny form and she stares back, unaffected. “Tell me what’s wrong.”
“Mama.” She touches your leg, then brings it back to her own chest, “Baby.”
She does the same thing a couple times before you both understand. Ushijima laughs, the crinkle of his eyes deep with affection.
“Your mother isn't a baby?” he asks.
“Mama not baby.” she nods, patting her chest, “Baby//.”
“Oh, I’m sorry.”  Finally, he dips low, hooking one hand under her butt and scooping her up with ease.“You’re right, my mistake. You are a baby. You're very smart, just like your mother. Did you know that?"
She bursts into giggles, both hands clutching his cheeks and squishing them together.  He lets her freely manipulate his face, barely even flinching at the touch. 
His teammates tease him when she visits-- they claim she makes him soft. They don't know he's always been this soft, this gentle and loving.
"I'm baby!" she practically headbutt him, looking for a kiss and missing. He wipes the slobber she leaves behind on his cheek with his free hand.  
"That's right, you’re my baby.” Ushijima's gaze flickers to you, eyes narrowing with affection, like a dog looking into the sun; he's talking to your daughter, but he's also talking to you. 
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elysianslove · 4 years
haikyuu boys that ━━
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━━ would absolutely, definitely, 100% get nauseous, dizzy, possibly might faint, while their s/o is in labor. one peak and they’re doubling over the hospital bed, inhaling deeply and exhaling sharply, steeling themselves. some are surprising, some are expected. all are stupid.
iwaizumi hajime; he just cannot. he cannot fathom what is happening. there is no way you’re going through that and surviving. no wonder you’re screaming in pain. of course you’re screaming in pain. he takes one look at what’s going on and just immediately takes a step back, eyebrows raised and hand pressed to his chest like “my god.” he’s an 8/10 though because he is incredibly supportive and those arms are great to grab onto. will not complain for a second (is strangely way too quiet), but he’s worryingly pale. maybe he’s quiet cause if he speaks he’ll throw up. 
miya atsumu; he’s this close to screaming. or crying. possibly both. he can’t tell if he’s scared in general or scared for you or if he’s hurting seeing you hurting. in fact, no one can tell. he just looks like he’s watching an alien abduction happen right before his eyes. like a 6/10 because he probably does actually faint. it’s almost as if he’s the one in labor. and he’s the annoying kind of supportive that makes you want to smack him like shut the fuck up i’m pushing a whole child out of me right now. but his reactions are extremely endearing and hilarious to watch back because he most definitely insisted on filming. 
akaashi keiji; the silent struggler. really doesn’t wanna make it obvious at all. like he really, really, really doesn’t want you knowing that he’s uncomfortable in any way, but he’s like, sweating from how nauseous he is. a big part of it is hating seeing you in pain; he cringes every time you so much as groan or pant. 7/10 because he’s incredibly supportive but his hands are way too clammy :/ like fr get a grip keiji. again, supportive, but his voice is shaky so it’s like, really ineffective. he cries when he sees his baby and it automatically makes him an 11/10.
sakusa kiyoomi; absolute coward. pussy. it’s not about hygiene, he’s just genuinely mortified. keeps asking you’re okay like,,, what do you think, sir? he keeps looking even though every time he does it doesn’t get any better? question mark? you can see him visibly gulping cause he’s in so much shock. like a 5/10 because he forgets to hold your hand. just stands there. eyes wide and mouth parted like a dumb fish. chokes back on his sobs when he hears his baby’s cries and it’s adorable how he brings his hand up to silence himself so maybe he’s a 7/10.
goshiki tsutomu; please he probably has a panic attack mid labor. definitely screams with you and all the nurses and the doctor are like ???? holds your hand tighter than you’re holding his. apologizes the whole time. the whole time. like the doctor asked him if he wants to see what’s happening, which idk why they would consider that a smart idea, and he just wailed like, “baby i’m so sorry, i’m so sorry, can we just adopt?” a 3/10. he’s so cute but. bring someone else if you don’t want to rip your hair out and his. 
kageyama tobio; he absolutely tries to pretend that he’s okay but he just gets really, really quiet once you start delivering and his lips are chapped and his pupils are blown and his face is so pale. he looks like he just got off of a really bad rollercoaster. he’s not even holding your hand you’re just hanging onto an unmoving, lifeless limb. maybe 6/10, cause he could be better in the supportive department but, at least he was quietly panicking. he does have a mini panic attack once his baby is in his arms though. like just starts hyperventilating. it’s okay though! it’s actually kind of cute <3
lev haiba; actually faints. not probably. he actually faints. like all 6′5 of him just drops onto the floor by your bed and you’re like ,,, damn, guess i’m doing this alone then. he wakes up and the first thing he sees is your baby crowning and he just faints again pls. someone has to be there with you, just like to help him to you. he cannot stand straight at all, he’s leaning on the bed the whole time. 5/10 because it genuinely makes you laugh it kind of makes the pain bearable. they have to get a chair in case he just falls back cause he’s just so dizzy pls.
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━━ would be so fucking annoying. who the hell let them in this room? why did you agree to this? how are you going to raise a child with them? regrets. so many regrets. 
tanaka ryūnosuke; he’s like annoyingly scared. shut up and calm down for a minute i’m trying to birth your child here. swears so much like “holy shit holy shit that’s a big baby.” like pls you’re trying to push it out of you and he has the audacity to say shit like that? treats it like it’s some sort of volleyball match like he cheers whenever the doctor praises you. maybe a 5/10 cause he’s just annoying, but it’s motivating in a way. accepts any insult you throw at him too, like he’s so on board with it. “yes, i’m absolutely a piece of shit— what do you mean you’re not getting anywhere near my dick babe wait.”
bokuto kōtarō; listen :( you don’t want to think he’s annoying but he lowkey is. he’s trying his hardest to make this an easier experience for you but you just need him to be a little quieter. like this hurts bo, calm down please. you want to match his energy but it’s literally physically impossible. he’s an 8/10 though because you doubt it’d have been possible to go through it without him. bokuto’s incredibly ripped too so he lets you hang onto him and he holds you tightly too, like grips your hands and legs so strong that it’s v physically supportive too. 
kozume kenma; he’s so. quiet. like say something kozume. say anything. he’s just wincing and cringing. 4/10 cause where’s the emotion. lets you hold his hand, like wow you should be honored. insults you back if you insult him???? like what’s that about???? when he sees his baby he does like, sharply intake a breath or whatever cause he doesn’t want to cry but he’s really struggling not to, which is kind of cute you guess. films the whole thing and does like a peace sign with a very nonchalant face but he has a filter on and the filter scans your face too except you’re like screaming. actually a 3/10. 
sugawara kōshi; he’s incredibly supportive yes, but mans will be laughing at you. laughing. at you. probably films you and is like properly giggling and laughing boisterously. is so unfazed by anything and everything he sees. he would so easily be a 10/10 but he becomes a -1/10 just cause he’s an ass. definitely like is breathless and is so mind-blown when he sees his baby. just in awe and in shock that he laughs like, “we made that holy crap.” good to have in the delivery room because he does make the atmosphere easier and more lighthearted, but,,, at what cost? your sanity’s. 
suna rintarō; the amount of times you wanted to punch him you cannot count on your ten fingers. makes some sex joke about how you’re so stretched out. you literally want to deck him. films the birthing process and makes you watch the video when you’re not even done delivering the baby? cause he’s insane i guess? justifies it as “this is a reminder of how strong you are,” like shut up with your bullshit. it’s kinda smart tho cause you can pull this on your kid later but still. he’s so fucking annoying. if you hold his hand too hard he’ll be like “it can’t be that bad stop being such a baby,” and the baby is delivered like an hour early out of spite. a 6/10 tho cause somehow you love him and decided to have a baby with him. 
ushijima wakatoshi; pt.2 to say fucking something??? he’s mostly quiet cause he doesn’t really know what to say, and cause he’s never seen you in this much pain and it’s kind of shocking him. he’s not scared though, cause it’s like, a natural process of human life and the life cycle and all that stuff, he’s just like. taking time to process it. lets you hold his hand though. also if you wanna like give up halfway through he’s annoyingly angry with you like “no. you can’t just give up halfway. stop being a coward.” like why don’t you give it a try toshi??? a 5/10. could do better. 
terushima yuuji; so hyperactive that it’s infuriating. doesn’t even hold your hand, he just stands back and observes and like cheers. literally will jump every time you push, like what the fuck, my love? makes really weird comments like “what does it feel like? does it feel like you’re pooping?” like???? it feels like i’m being torn in half yu :D a 4/10 only cause when you ask if you can slap him he wholeheartedly agrees and the doctor cannot hold their laugh back. also definitely plays like the chika dance and makes the nurses do it with him. probably films a tiktok too. you’re going to kill him after. 
oikawa tōru; he’s trying so hard to be supportive and your backbone but he’s just so jittery and nervous. he’s not going to faint or get nauseous, but he literally cannot stay still. he’s so anxious it’s making you anxious. his hands are shaking when they grip yours, but honestly, completely unbiased of course, an 8/10, cause it really is so endearing. like he’s breathlessly and exasperatingly praising you and you can tell he’s near tears just gasping back sobs so ,,, maybe he’s not that annoying. but he is. he is annoying. a little. 
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━━ would be the best of the best. perfectly supportive. a lovely anchor. not too quiet, not too chatty. is so soft and gentle with you. you fall in love with them all over again. 
miya osamu; definitely a 10/10. husband material. he has a cloth that’s just patting away at your sweat. kisses your hand and knuckles. soothingly rubs at your thighs. tells you you’re doing great, that it’ll all be worth it. kisses your forehead. grins at you halfway through when you need that extra motivation. literally all the nurses and the doctor are swooning over him. he’s very nervous deep down but he won’t show it, not for a moment, for your sake. 10/10. can’t stress this enough. 
kita shinsuke; another king! so soft with you when you feel like giving up. just speaks to you in hushed tones like, “you’ve come this far, lovely. you can’t back out now. think of all the happy moments we’ll get to share just a few hours from now.” and you’re like “alright i’m sold.” completely unfazed by anything he sees. okay maybe a little fazed but he just kisses your forehead after sneaking a peak and tells you you’re doing wonderfully. 100000/10. imagine him as the father of your children???? like literally who else would you want????
aran ojiro; wow another inarizaki i sense a trend. except atsumu he’s a pussy. cheers you on quietly, holds onto your legs, breathes with you, smooths your hair back, literally just an angel. if you take a small break he just spends it quietly talking with you to get your mind off the pain. his knuckles are just caressing your jaw and cheek softly till you’ve calmed down. 10/10 obviously. he’s just the right amount of loud supportive and quiet supportive. kisses you full on the mouth when he first hears his baby’s cries and can’t stop thanking you. literally wtf he’s so cute.
kuroo tetsurō; he’s actually surprisingly very serious when you’re delivering the baby. he’s cracking jokes and all before to try and get you less nervous but it’s actually because he’s freaking out. he’s mostly quiet, just holding onto your hand as tightly as you’re gripping his. he holds his breath every time you push. keeps whispering i love you and pressing kisses to your temple. a 9/10 cause he’s so quiet it’s a little scary but he cannot hold back his tears when he sees his baby. kisses you all over your face after. 
satori tendō; very emotional. like so emotional. he’s teary eyed the whole time, just thanking you even if you hadn’t given birth yet. it makes the nurses cry too cause it’s so lovely to see him get so visibly affected by this. he’s just whispering thank you’s and i promise not to let you down ever and i promise to love you forever and you’re pretty sure he’s speaking to the baby you’re birthing at this point. 9/10 cause he made you cry :( no but really he’s a 10/10. super loving, keeps asking you if you’re okay, if you need water, need to hold his hand, anything. angel, fr. 
matsukawa issei; relatively surprising as well because you expected him to be more than just annoying, but he’s just. in awe. he’s so amazed by how much you’re going through, and he just stores it in the back of his brain. literally thanks you for the next 50 years to come. laughs endearingly with you to lighten the mood. 9/10. a point is deducted because he jokingly said that now you’ll be able to take his dick really easily. a nurse choked in shock pls. gets real close after to whisper i love you so that only you can hear. he’s just a dream <3
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━━ would not let you move an inch after giving birth. all the work is on them for the next 5 years. 
all of them. not a single one is left out in this one. they’re annoying but ,,, they all love very strongly <3
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end note; listen idk what this is. i had a vision where iwaizumi could not handle his s/o giving birth and the thought was actually so sweet to me, just the nurses laughing at him and he’s just breathing deeply to try and not throw up and then. this happened. anyways. this helped put me in a better mood so i hope it does/did for anyone else too! 
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pocketramblr · 3 years
5+ ask game: Can I please get an AU where All Might adopts Izuku when he is 14?
Hmm, hmm, many ways to do this...
1- You've heard of marriage of convenience? Ok it's time for adoption of convenience. After being told by Nighteye he's going to die, Toshi starts figuring out what he's going to do with all his stuff, who he leaves it to. Problem. He has no surviving family. He technically got married to David for a brief time after forgetting to apply for some paperwork in college, but they long since divorced so David could get really married later, and honestly Toshi isn't even sure how i-Island and international law will work. Then there's the fact that the laws about hero agency inheritance are very complicated. It's supposed to go go a hero family member or a sidekick, or a commission approved hero. Otherwise, the commission takes it and the assets. Toshi could get it approved for Sir to take, but he bitterly doesn't want to. He looks for a while for a new sidekick or hero, but no one is right. He could retire and sell it himself, then leave the money where he wants- but that means retiring and he knows he won't do it, he'll go out on the field like Sir foresaw. Toshi doesn't trust the commission to put the money where he wants it- charity for the people, for upcoming heroes, for families of victims he didn't save. He'll need a family member then. One he can trust to do this.
2- wait does he pull like,,, a stealth Willy Wonka?? Oh he totally could. Ok he keeps inviting tours of kids to the tower, watching as Yagi, and going to visit hospitals and schools as All Might, trying to figure out who would be right. Eventually, one boy catches his eye. Green hair, freckles, and adorably enthusiastic at the Tower- but then he catches students bullying him for his eagerness outside the lunchroom, threatening to lock him in the bathroom and leave him behind when they return to school if he stops being so annoying and hogging the tour guide with his questions, what does he think he matters, useless, quirkless?
Toshi steps in, saving the boy, and mentally adding quirkless resources to list of where his money needs to go when he dies.
3- he keeps fretting about the boy though, and visits the school as All Might. He listens, and hears that Midoriya lives in a group home, those kinds of kids always causing trouble. He keeps investigating, heart slowly breaking, and decides he has to adopt this kid.
4- Izuku's bewildered when a social worker shows up to take him from the home, announcing someone wants to adopt him. He just turned fourteen, it's been a year since he knew adoption was impossible (even though it was impossible much longer for him.) The social worker has the conscious to advice him that if it's sketchy, if this is some kind of trafficking, to run instead of sticking around and hope and get himself killed- because the police aren't likely to help but he's smart enough to make it on his own in case of emergency. Izuku thinks there's got to be a catch, and waits nervously.
5- and then Izuku meets All Might, who admits there is a catch- he's dying, and he needs someone he can trust to use his agency and money wisely when he's gone so he can still help people. Izuku cries grieving at the idea of his hero dying, then cries for being trusted for this, for this opportunity to help people, to be trusted, depended on. And a little bit, he cries because he knows he won't actually be getting a parent or family out of this, just like a buisness deal. Because he shouldn't want even more, when he's this lucky, this blessed, but a small part of him hoped when he heard the word adoption that it would be legit.
+1- BUT of course it becomes legit. They get closer over months, izuku eager to make sure he knows exactly what Toshi wants, clear on all the plans, and Toshi helping him in return with studying, learning he wants to be a hero- and then thinking there really isn't anyone more perfect for OfA than this boy. Izuku's fifteen when Toshi quietly asks him if he would want to inherit one more thing from him, if it wasn't too much a burden. He doesn't have to, he can be a hero on his own, he can live a normal life, he can do whatever he wants with the money and agency and quirk- but if he chooses, he can have OfA too. Izuku accepts, and they start training psychically too.
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rayshippouuchiha · 3 years
HELL YEAH I LOVE THIS SUIKAWARI MY HEART THING SHOUTA'S SO T H I R S T Y ok real talk deku absolutely knows who eraserhead is right??? hes an eraserhead fan right???????
"These seem kind of ...short," Izuku can't help but point out, hands coming down to tug futilely at the swim shorts that had somehow replaced his standard blue and yellow Mighty Swim Shorts(TM) he's had for years now. "And tight."
"As god Herself intended," Hitoshi mutters from where he's laid out on the concrete of the changing room floor. "Praise be to Yaomomo."
"Praise be," Izuku automatically echoes out of longstanding habit.
A beat of silence passes between them
"You know that floor is beyond filthy, right?" Izuku can't help but ask.
Hitoshi just peels one bleary eye open and stares up at Izuku silently.
"Fair enough," Izuku agrees as he goes back to fussing with his shorts.
"You nervous?" Hitoshi asks a few seconds later.
"Yeah," Izuku admits sheepishly. "Seems kind of dumb huh? Being so nervous over a charity event like this? But ... what if I look stupid?"
"Not possible," Hitoshi immediately denies.
Izuku loves his friend so much. Getting arrested together with Hitoshi at a rally really was the best thing to happen to him in a long time.
"Very possible," Izuku counters. "Highly probably in fact. Everyone else participating is super cool with super cool moves, with or without their quirk being involved. I'm just ... me."
"Look," Hitoshi says as he eels his way across the floor until he's laying right beside where Izuku's standing. "Just go out there and do exactly what you did at practice. Trust me, it'll go perfectly. Especially since Todoroki's not here to catch the vapors or the drapes on fire."
"Still don't know why the entire group had to come to that practice," Izuku grumbles just a bit. "Or why Momo had to host it. Or why Uraraka recorded it."
"Kirby's making mint by now," Hitoshi mumbles under his breath.
"What?" Izuku asks.
"Nothing," Hitoshi waves his question off lazily as he finally rolls over and pushes himself up onto his feet.
He throws an arm over Izuku's shoulder and rests his sharp chin on the crown of Izuku's head.
"Like I said before," Hitoshi reaches his hand up to poke at Izuku's cheek, "just go out there and be your regular sunshine broccoli self and do what you did at practice night. You've got this."
And by this point all Izuku can do is believe him.
Crate of watermelons firmly in hand, Izuku bounces just a bit on his toes and focuses on taking deep breaths of fresh ocean air.
Dagobah Beach is still as beautiful now as it was all those years ago when he cleaned it for Toshi-sensei at the start of his apprenticeship.
On the other side of the small, curtained off backstage area the crowd that's gathered is going wild.
Honestly, Izuku would rather be out there watching the Miruko crush watermelons than here waiting for his own turn to go on stage.
But, eventually, is turn does actually come.
"...the showstopper himself, the one, the only, the #1 Can Do Hero Dekiru."
Present Mic's announcement ringing in his ears, Izuku takes one last deep breath, does his best to smile, and moves out into view.
The crowd is deafening and Izuku has to admit that it always makes him feel more than a bit awestruck to have so many people cheering for him. Especially over something that's more than a bit silly even if it's for a collection of good causes.
He shoots the crowd a small wave as he sets his crate down.
"Show us what you've got!" Present Mic demands from somewhere to Izuku's right. "And let's give him some encouragement listeners!"
The crowd begins to chant "De~ki~ru!" and Izuku picks up his first watermelon, determined to follow Hitoshi's advice.
The first and second melons break easily enough, just as they had at practice, but the crowd seems happy.
So Izuku moves onto his third pose, the one that the others had made him repeat a handful of times a few nights ago.
A flex of his thighs and a twist of his hips and his lap's covered in sweet pink flesh and sticky juice.
"Oh god," a voice, low and husky, cuts across the crowd, "I wish that was me right now."
Even as the crowd goes abruptly silent Izuku's attention immediately zeroes in on the source.
He immediately feels his entire soul leave his body.
Because standing there beside Present Mic, arms crossed over his chest and face blank, is Eraserhead.
The Eraserhead.
The same Underground Hero Izuku's been a huge fan of since the moment he found out he existed. The notorious hell teacher of UA whose very name sends shivers of fear down the majority of his friend group's spine.
The same Eraserhead who was Hitoshi's mentor.
And who Izuku may or may not have a strange, second-hand sort of not-crush on.
In his defense, Hitoshi's stories about his mentor are always highly entertaining to Izuku. And what he's learned about Eraserhead through his friend just makes Izuku think the man is someone he'd really like to get to know.
Which is what makes being here, topless, covered in watermelon juice, and with an actual audience to witness the semi-sexual remark Eraserhead had just made about him, a special kind of torture.
Because Izuku's never admitted it to anyone, and especially not Hitoshi, but Eraserhead lines up pretty closely with what Izuku would consider his type.
The man understands heroics, and according to his capture and expulsion rate and Hitoshi himself, has a lot of personal dedication and drive. The stories Hitoshi tells about him show he's got a soft streak he keeps well hidden and he's intimidatingly smart.
Plus he's tall, has hair that Izuku admits he wouldn't mind getting his hands tangled in, and looks like he'd be mean in all the right circumstances.
All of that is probably why Izuku finds himself speaking without really giving himself permission to open his mouth.
"Ah," Izuku hears himself say, "maybe we could go on a date first though? If you'd like?"
For a long moment it's so quiet Izuku's pretty sure he can hear himself dying cell by mortified cell.
Eraserhead's face somehow manages to go even blanker.
And then, he smiles.
'Oh wow,' Izuku can't help but marvel as he takes in the expression he's seen palely echoed on Hitoshi's face a million times, 'that's ... unexpectedly attractive.'
He can feel even more heat rush to his face in response as he chews nervously on his lower lip.
"Hope you like coffee," Eraserhead finally says, "and cats."
And Izuku can't help but grin because yes, yes he does.
But he's pretty sure he's going to end up liking Eraserhead even more than all of those put together.
"Hell is empty," Hitoshi intones when Izuku finally manages to get free of the semi-rioting crowd so he can rush back into the changing room to clean himself up. "All the devils are right fucking here."
Izuku stalls out for a moment, unsure of what, exactly, he's supposed to say to that.
"You've got a date with Eraserhead," Hitoshi plows on.
The expression on his face is caught somewhere between gleeful and absolutely unhinged.
"Yeah," Izuku can't help the grin that steals across his face as he wipes himself down. "Or at least I hope he was serious."
"Oh he was serious," Hitoshi reassures him. "As serious as the heart-attacks basically everyone we know have probably collectively had."
"Do you think he's gonna like me?" Izuku can't help but fret just a bit.
"He's gonna marry you," Hitoshi snips back. "And we're all gonna suffer. Thank the gods you won't be breeding at least. Whatever the both of you are ends with you."
"That's kind of a quick jump to make but quirk science has come a long way," Izuku says absently as he pulls his shirt over his head. "Most couplings are genetically possible these days you know?"
"That was not a challenge," Hitoshi hisses, horror overtaking his expression. "I swear to god Izuku do not spawn with Eraserhead."
Izuku just waves him off as he trots back towards the door to the changing room.
He has an Eraserhead to track down and, hopefully, date plans to iron out.
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craftycheetah · 2 years
Brain and Brawn
Pairings: Nerd!Hitoshi Shinsou x Jock! Black fem reader
Tags: College AU, no quirks, fluff, getting together, meet-cute.
CW: none
A/n: A Collab with my Tumblr bestie @endeavours-jockstrap
Pt.2 || Pt.3 || Pt.4 || Pt.5
“I’m sorry. You want me to do what?”
Looking up at the chestnut-skinned girl, Hitoshi Shinsou never thought that you, the captain of the basketball team, just asked him to tutor her.
“Yeah, you’re like, super-smart, right?” You smile, “Physics is the only class I’m this close to failing—” you make a pinching gesture, “—and I don’t want to get kicked off the team. Tutor me pleeaasseee~.”
“I see,” Hitoshi nods, still slightly confused, “But why me?”
“I dunno,” you shrug, and the sleeve of your letterman jacket falls a little, exposing the strap of your sports bra, “You’re basically at the top of the class. Professor’s always saying how smart you are and stuff, so I thought it’d be a good idea. What do you think?”
Hitoshi weighs out his options. He doesn’t really have anything to lose. Just a couple of weeks of tutoring should be enough if it’s just one subject.
“Sure. Okay.”
You clap excitedly, “You’re so amazing. I’m not a total fucking idiot so don’t worry, I’ll do good I promise. Gimme your number so we can plan something.”
Hitoshi gets his phone out of his hoodie pocket so both of you can exchange information.
“Awesome,” you grin again, flashing your colorful braces, “I’ll text you. I gotta go. Later, ‘Toshi.”
Hitoshi watches you stride down the hall, disappearing between the people.
“Toshi?” He mumbles, confused by the nickname.
Later that night, when Hitoshi was studying, his phone chimes. It’s you.
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Hitoshi chews his lip nervously. You’re way too cheerful over some tutoring, but he supposes that’s good. At least you’re enthusiastic about learning.
The next day once you and the other girls finished practice, your phone rings.
“Hello?” You answer, tucking your phone between your shoulder and ear so you can continue packing up
“Hey, (Y/n). It’s Hitoshi. I’m in the library, towards the computer section.”
“Okay, I’ll see you soon. Bye.”
Hanging up the phone, you place it in your bag just as you’re pushed forward from behind by a familiar rose-haired girl.
“Hey, Queenie, who ya talking to?” Mina smiles, draping her arms over your shoulder.
“No one. I gotta head to the library. I’ll text you later.” you pick up your bag and head towards the showers.
“Oh? Well, alright then! Later (Y/n).” She waves.
Once you finished, you made your way out of the gym toward the campus library. Showing your ID, you push past the turnstile and walk towards the computer area. Spotting a familiar head of violet hair sitting at one of the furthest tables, you make your way over. “Hi Toshi,” you whisper loud enough for him to hear.
Shit! She scared the hell out of me! Where'd she come from?
“Oh. Hey, (Y/n),” Hitoshi mumbles.
You sit in the chair across from him, “Hey hey, what’s up?”
“Just y’know, sitting. Studying…” Hitoshi gestures to the books in front of him.
“What for?” 
“Got a Statistics test next week.”
“Was this a bad time?”
“No, it's okay. I finished studying ten minutes before you got here. So, you said you needed help with Physics?”
“Y-yeah. This one topic the professor's been teaching has been confusing the hell out of me and I don't understand the homework.”
“What's the topic exactly?”
“Kinematics,” you groan softly. “I always mix up the formulas and end up screwing up.”
“You just need to remember which ones go with which type of problem. Here let's make some flashcards.”
As you listened to him ramble, you swooned at the sound of his voice, internally realizing he'd have to learn this was just to hang out with him.
That’s a problem for future y/n.
He shows you the flashcards he made, and you quickly skim them. You know all this stuff already, so there’s no point in actually learning it, but it has to be convincing.
“Wow, these are amazing,” you smile at him, “Super easy to memorize.”
He shrugs, “That was kind of the goal.”
“You’re so smart Toshi.”
A slight pink blush spreads on his nose, “Thanks. Should we get started?”
“Yes,” you nod excitedly.
You and Hitoshi go over the notes for the next hour and a half. You’re half paying attention, mainly listening to him ramble about velocity and acceleration, when his voice snaps you out of your daze.
“(Y/n), did you hear what I said?” he asks, glaring at you.
“94.4 miles per hour,” you smile cheekily.
Hitoshi felt his cheeks heat up as he suddenly had to adjust his sweats. “That's correct. Good job.”
“Thank you.”
“Let’s-“ he adjusts himself in his seat, “-let’s keep going.”
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, let's keep reviewing.”
After about two hours, you two decide that was enough for the day and start packing up.
“We can meet again tomorrow, same time,” he tells you
“Awesome,” you stand and stretch your arms over your head. Hitoshi tries not to look at the sliver of brown skin showing when your shirt lifts, instead focusing on a suddenly interesting spot on the table.
“You heading to your dorm?” You ask him.
“Uh yeah,” he responds.
“I’ll walk you.”
“You don’t have to.”
You bump his shoulder playfully, “S’fine dude. Let’s go. What building?”
“No shit, I’m in 11-D.”
“Guess we're neighbors then,” you smile
“Yeah. I guess so.”
A shout in the distance pulls you two's attention as you walk towards the buildings.
“Hey, cocoa butter!” 
You rolled your eyes as you knew only one person that called you by that stupid nickname. Yo Shindō. Your ex.
“What do you want, Yo? And I told you to stop calling me that!”
Yo walks up to both of you, black hair messier than usual.
“Awww, you used to love it,” he smirks
“No, I tolerated it.”
Yo focuses on Hitoshi, eyes narrowing. “Who’s this?”
“None of your business,” You cut in, throwing your arm over Hitoshi's shoulder, “A friend, come on” you try to lead Hitoshi away, but Yo steps in front of you, “He’s kinda short.”
Hitoshi frowns, “Sorry I’m not freakishly tall like you two.”
Yo sizes him up, “Yeah….sorry. Anyway, cocoa butter, me and the guys are shooting hoops later and I’d love you on my team.”
You grimace, “Yeah, no. Bye”
You and Hitoshi keep it pushing, leaving Yo frowning on the path
“So…. Who was that?” Hitoshi finally asks when you take him to his building 
“Ugh, don’t worry about him,” you wave dismissively, “Same time tomorrow?”
“Uh yeah, sure.”
You smile wide and pat his head, “Great, see ya then. Byyyeeee”
He watches you make your way towards the next building, hands in your pockets and whistling loudly. So carefree. 
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ushisrever · 3 years
Your writing is so good!! Ilysm, can I request a Oikawa x reader where she used to be Ushijima's (not sure if I spelled it right) ex girlfriend. She and Ushijima broke up in like halfway through the second year because he cared more about volleyball then her and ended up cheating on her. In her third year she transfered to Aoba Johsai, since she is exceptionally smart she got accepted easily and became the volleyball team manager. Oikawa fell in love with her (genuinely) and Iwaizumi is low-key the main shipper. So at Spring High Ushijima met her again, Oikawa steps in . At this point you can make up the story however you want. Thanks 😊 ily
Hi Hi! Thank you for the request. It's my first time writing a piece that has a theme where someone cheats on the main character. And its my first time writing Ushi as the jerk of the story lol. Though, I always like a little challenge. Here it is. I hope you like it! :)))
Pair: Oikawa Tooru x gn!reader (ft. Ushijima Wakatsohi)
Genre: hurt/comfort, fluff
Content: cursing, suggestive, cheating
Word Count: 3k
Summary: Sometimes, it takes a tug from the red string of fate to really take you to the person who will truly love you. After knowing that the person you thought you love is the person for you, Tooru shows up to stand as someone who will love you for who you are.
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Do you believe in the red string of fate?
When someone asks you that question, you already know the answer. Yes. You believe in the red strings of fate. You believe it as something that pulls you to where you are supposed to be. Therefore, whatever decisions you make, you always think that it’s those red strings of fate pulling you toward it.
When you saw that large built man standing at the other side of the court from you with men and women cheering for the teams playing, you only then realized that the red strings of fate is never a simple thing. It isn’t just one straight string tied to yours and to your significant other.
You only then find out it wasn’t an easy red string of fate when you met that man standing a few steps away from you. Ushijima Wakatoshi.
When you met this stoic, quiet, and cold looking man you sweetly called Toshi, you were head over heels for him. When he approached you and told you those sweet nothings at the day where you decided to volunteer in helping the Shiratorizawa’s manager, you told yourself that he is that person at the other end of the string.
“You’re really pretty,” he said with a shy blush on his cheeks.
“Oh...uh-I..thank you,” you said as you arranged the drinking bottles already used by some of the team members.
“Um...I-I don’t know if this is weird, but I was wondering if we could go out for a coffee sometime?”
And all you could do is smile so widely at the thought that you found the person at the other end of the string.
You believed that for longer than you can remember. He was the sweetest man you could ever ask for. He’ll walk you home after his practice. He’ll send you text messages in the morning, afternoon, and at night. You never could have asked anything and so, you did your best to reciprocate everything. He was the person at the other end of the string after all.
You attend his games. You bring him food you know he’ll like. You’ll text him how he is. You just do everything you can to tell him that you love him too. However, how long can the foggy lie fade away from your eyes?
It took months.
And for a moment, you thought you could have just found out about the truth when the school year is already finished. However, no. Fate wants to slap it on your face. It was never an easy thing to believe. It’s either you deny the new truth in front of you or you hold on to the truth you already know.
Though, at the day when you realize that Toshi has always been giving his time in volleyball and hasn’t exactly been talking to you even if you visit him, you realize that you two should at least talk about this. Of course, you want to fix it. He is after all the person at the other end of the red string. Although, when you heard that familiar voice mixed with someone else’s moans coming from the gym’s locker room, you finally saw the truth. When you muster up the courage to witness Toshi pulling pleasures from another person, you knew then that he wasn’t the person at the other end of the string.
“Wait! It’s not what you think,” Toshi catches up to you as you turn away when he sees your figure standing and witnesses what has unravelled.
With eyes filled with tears you turn to look at him. Though, your tears may show how your heart is slowly shattering as the truth sinks in, you never give him the satisfaction of simply being a girlfriend left hurt. With a quick thought, you swing your hand across his face leaving a red imprint on his cheek.
“If you don’t want me anymore….then fucking tell me. Do you think cheating on me makes you a man? No. It just makes you a jerk,”
You step closer and glare at him but your teary eyes give away the fact that you are hurting. “If you don’t want or love me anymore...then be a man and tell me we’re over. It’s that fucking easy,”
With nothing more to say, you turn away and vow that you will never face him again.
However, even with that incident, you really felt like you were for him. You feel the tug. You feel the tug towards him, but you wouldn’t be foolish to try to get back to him. Why go back to someone who never even took you as part of his priorities and better yet did not even take you as his significant other?
You never wanted to meet anymore. You do not want to even pass by him or even be in the same room as him. That is why when your parents asked you if you could transfer to Aoba Johsai High due to a few circumstances, you did not complain at all. You transfer with no hassles at all, and eventually forget about it.
Though, you wouldn’t deny that tugging feeling as if the man who cheated on you is trying to win you back. You do not want to go back to it. Therefore, you find something to fully distract yourself from the eventual texts and calls you’re getting from your ex-boyfriend.
When you found out that the Aoba Johsai volleyball team is in need of a manager, you did not hesitate to apply for it. And there is also nothing to hesitate as well for the team to accept you.
Though, the strings of fate may have tugged you into that direction afterall.
It was a different atmosphere when you became the Aoba Johsai’s manager. It felt lighter rather than in Toshi’s team where everything felt too tense. Being the Aoba Johsai’s manager gave you a breather from the incident. However, little do you know, someone else is tugging the red string connected to you.
The captain of the team. The charmer. The sweet yet passionate man. Oikawa Tooru. The moment you introduced yourself as the manager of the team, he just...couldn’t...take...his….eyes...off..of you. But not in a creepy way.
Other than the beauty and your sweet personality that he eventually fell for, there was also something else that he noticed. Sadness. He could see it in your eyes. Because of that, he does his best to make you truly smile. Everyday he’ll greet you. He’ll try to make small talk with you. He’ll ask for the things you like such as snacks, flowers or just anything. The next day you’ll find your favourites placed on top of your bag. However, you never took those gestures as something that means something. You just really thought he’s simply the friendly type.
You talk to him. Yes. You too get along - too well to be exact. Sometimes, you just realize that the two of you have been sitting on the floor of the gym and just...talk for quite some time. It felt easy to be with him. You didn’t need to figure things out. He’s like an open book that is easy to trust. You even managed to tell him more about yourself and the same goes with him. Eventually you two became closer and something in your heart grew more. However, you never wanted to act upon that because you do not want to have that foggy reality again. You know Tooru wouldn’t do it, but you never wanted to take a step forward without being sure of Tooru’s feelings.
Tooru’s best friend, Iwaizumi Hajime, would literally drag Tooru away and get him to focus on the practice. However, sometimes...Iwa just glances at the two of you and looks away. Though, when Iwa notices how much there is no progress to the two people he subtly ships together...he may have taken things in his own hands.
“Iwa-chan, I think Y/n doesn’t like me,” Tooru tells his best friend as they are in the middle of practice. Iwa glances at where you are standing busy with picking up the volleyballs.
“Did she tell you that?” Iwa said acting like he doesn’t care at all when actually he’s restraining himself from just dragging you and Tooru to a coffee shop and finally have the two of you date.
“No. But...I don’t kno-”
“Ask her out,”
“What? But...I-”
“You like her, right?” Iwa looks at Tooru in an annoying way.
Tooru nods.
“Then what’s the point of hiding it? You two get along. It never hurts to try to ask her out,”
Tooru seems hesitant. As Iwa sees the hesitancy on his best friend’s face, he sighs in frustration and walks over to you. You look up at Iwa with a confused look.
“Y/n, is it okay if I ask you something?”
“Of course. Do you need anything?”
“Are you possibly interested in Tooru?”
Your eyes widened at the question and probably your cheeks were heating up. Iwa got his answer. He turns away and goes back to Tooru. He drags his weirdo friend to you and has him stand in front of you.
“This weirdo likes you too. As in one hundred percent. If he asks you out, you would go out with him, correct?”
You look at Tooru who is a blushing mess and goes back to Iwa to nod.
“There you have your answer,” Iwa gives Tooru a slap on the back.
“Ask her out, dumbass,” Iwa said and left the two of you alone.
You watch Tooru’s red tomato face as he tries to get the words to come out of his mouth. He sure doesn’t want to mess it up. However, you stop him before he says something.
“I would love to go out with you,” you smiled at him.
Dating Tooru was so much different from dating Toshi. You never meant to compare. However, there are times where you feel hesitant to do things for him because you do not want to drown from the feeling and realize once more that it's not true. Although, when Tooru found out about your past relationship when you once opened up to him, he made sure to let you know that you can trust him. He’s affection extends from being there emotionally for you and simply caring for your well-being.
He’ll never stop giving you things you like. He makes sure that you two more than often and reminds you that he genuinely loves you. He will even whisper or shout “I love you” to you regardless if there are people around. It took awhile for you to let yourself drown from this feeling. You show the same affections as well to tell him as well that you feel the same.
Then...Spring High Competition came.
And here you are standing a few steps away from the man who made you a crumbling mess.
You are standing at the side of the court where your team is while the Shiratorizawa team is at the other side of the court. You want to ignore the inevitable. You try your best to not look at Toshi at all. However, when you had to run to the other side of the court and grab the volleyball that went off-court, you just froze where you only stood a few steps away from him.
“Y/n?” His voice was stoic as always.
You immediately cut your gaze from him. You grab the volleyball and turn away.
“I was hoping we could talk,” he stops you from your tracks. His voice was menacing for others to hear.
You know there is no point in talking to him, but why does it seem like you are being pulled to him? You do not have feelings for him. No. You really don’t have any more. Your heart belongs to Tooru. You know that for sure. However, you felt too suffocated feeling like you just left something from your past.
“She doesn’t have any reason to talk to you,” You hear Tooru’s voice. You look up and see Tooru walking to you but his eyes are at Toshi. Tooru interlaces his hands with yours. You turn to see the face in Toshi’s face.
It’s expressionless as always. However, when his eyes gaze from you and at Tooru, he simply nods and finally turns away to go back to his team. Your gaze looks up at Tooru who then gives you a comforting smile. You mumble a thank you and head back to your team.
Though, even if Toshi's team is playing on the court beside yours, you could feel Toshi's gaze landing on you from time to time. With the place where you are standing, and him being at the opposite court, it's easy for him to glance at you. You try to ignore it. You ignore it, but you can't ignore the feeling that someone is staring at you.
It never stopped for the whole match. When the Aoba Johsai's match finished with them on the victory side, you tended to the teams real quick before excusing yourself to the restroom.
You really just need some fresh air. As you reach the restroom, you splash water on your face and take a breather even just for a few minutes. Though, knowing that there is another match to go through, you know you can't take long inside the restroom. Therefore, after drying your face, you did not waste anymore time and head out.
"Y/n," That voice again. That damn voice is calling you again.
You turn to see Toshi standing a few steps away from you.
"I have nothing else to say to you," you said and turned away.
"But I do," Toshi spoke once more.
You did not want to turn to him, but you can definitely feel him getting closer. Though, before you decide on the plan of simply walking away, you hear your boyfriend's voice from afar.
"Y/n," You turn to Tooru's voice. From behind a few steps away from Toshi, you see Tooru walking closer. His eyes are a definite expression of someone being protective.
When you think he'll punch Toshi or simply stand between the two of you, he didn't do it. He passes by Toshi without even giving him a glance and walks over to you. In a blink, he cups your face and crashes his lips with yours. It took awhile before you kissed him back.
Tooru's kisses are usually sweet and gentle, but this time it’s...possessive. it's as if he's claiming you. However, you know for sure that's not necessary. You are all his. However, you couldn't comprehend why Tooru is doing this.
When you are feeling a little bit more heat between the kisses, you put your hand on his chest to push him. However, before you can even do it, you moan against his lips. You never intended to do so. You did not know what Tooru just did to pull that sound from you.
Though, at that sound, Tooru smirks against your lips and finally pulls away. He stands straight and tall. You look up at him and see him glare at Toshi. That glare he gives to his opponents during a match. You turn to Toshi and as usual, his expression is hidden behind that stoic look.
"Were you about to say something? To my s/o?” Tooru tilts his chin up and his figure becomes some sort of shield from Toshi's gaze.
Though, you are not going to just hide behind Tooru. You then step beside Tooru and look at Toshi.
"You had your chance to show me...tell me that you love me then. Don't expect I'll come running back to you all because what...you miss me- you still love me? I have no time for that bullshit. I am happy now...so leave us alone," you said and pulled Tooru with you. The two of you turn and walk away from Toshi.
You do not look back. However, this time, you did not feel any tugging anymore. You felt free.
"You okay?" Tooru asked as the two of you walked.
You turn to him and the realization hits in. The red string of fate is not a simple straight string that leads you to your significant other. The string is a blubbering mess and sometimes it gets entangled with a string that isn't supposed to be there. It'll be difficult to get away especially if it is the one that's preventing you from following the other end of the string.
Though, sometimes….the other end of the string finds you instead. It's there to help you detangle the string that isn't supposed to be there.
And when you finally cut off that string, you see more of where your string connects to.
You realize it now as you look at Tooru with a smile.
"I never felt better. And it's all thanks to you," you replied.
"Aren't I the best boyfriend ever?" Tooru cheekily said.
You chuckle and look ahead. "And a good kisser as well. When did you learn that?"
"Really? You like it?" He said, sounding like a child who just showed his greatest trick.
"Then I must do it often," he chuckles and stops you with his arms wrapped around your waist. He is about to lean forward to you for a kiss when you stop him and push him away.
"Not now," you said with a smile. He pouts as you pull away from his grasp.
"Then can we do it again later?" He smirks.
You walk ahead of him. "Only if you win this one,"
He chuckles as if to take it as an easy challenge. And you swear, you can feel him brewing a plan in his head. With a blush, you know for sure what it is. And you can't wait for him to win. Your red string of fate.
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