#toshiki kai you are the end of me
khainovo · 1 year
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*doesn't post anything for months* *shows up revealing 10 year old obsession for cfv*
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dorunasch · 27 days
Number 40...because the world is ending + Kaichi for the writing prompt
funnily enough, I wrote a fic with this exact premise once lol but I as I thought about kaichi + world ending scenarios that would be a little different than the typical Link Joker or Cray or Gyze ideas that I normally dabble in... I thought... Asia Circuit. Nobody ever writes about Asia Circuit. I'm going to write about Asia Circuit.
So here's some Kai pining bad for Aichi after Kai loses to Leon.
Losing to Leon hurts, Kai thinks --- hurts his pride, hurts his body, hurts his very soul --- but it hurts more knowing that he had failed to protect Aichi.
He squeezes his eyes shut as he hears the broken way Aichi cries out his name, wills himself to force back tears that threaten to breach containment. If Sendou Aichi sees Kai Toshiki cry, that will break his will, and Aichi is the only one standing in the way of Soryu Leon and the destruction of Earth and Cray. Kai Toshiki cannot cry.
Aichi cradles him in his arms, tenderly, as though Kai is a fragile creature that will shatter if held too roughly. Aichi is already in tears at Kai's sorry physical state, which does nothing for Kai's sorry mental state.
Kai Toshiki does not cry.
He apologizes, voice low and raspy. Sorry I wasn't there for you. Sorry I didn't encourage you when I should have. Sorry I was a bad friend.
Would it have made a difference, he wonders, if he had joined Aichi's team instead of Ren's? Would they be here? Would Leon have gotten this far?
Could I have...
Aichi tells him off, shaking his head. Tears fly everywhere. Kai closes his eyes, because seeing Aichi sobbing his eyes out on his account is too much to deal with at the moment.
Kai Toshiki cannot cry.
"Our paths aren't over yet," Aichi tells him, his voice too close. "I'm sure our paths will cross again somewhere!"
At this, Kai finally smiles, and he finds that it comes genuinely.
Those were the words he'd spoken to Aichi atop that cliff, overlooking the sea. They had been the world's worst confession, spoken in the most obtuse way imaginable, because he had no idea how to express his true feelings for that pure-hearted person at his side. Then, he thought he had time. Time to figure it out. Time to understand what he felt. Time to come up with a way to express it in a way that Aichi deserved.
Time's up.
The fate of two worlds rests squarely on Aichi's shoulders, because Kai failed him, and Kai can do nothing for him, except...
He opens his eyes and looks into Aichi's face, using Aichi's grip on him as an anchor to help pull himself closer. Aichi inhales sharply.
"Then, next time, won't you show me the way?" Kai whispers, and presses his lips to the corner of Aichi's mouth.
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lacunasbalustrade · 1 year
feeling sentimental today so let me ramble about role playing
OCs are looked upon with hesitation by many. Self inserts are considered indulgent. Honestly roleplay as myself, without any proxy characters as masks, has changed my life for the better. I used to spend at least four hours a day talking with my brothers because of it, and not the rule-ridden D&D either, not the kind where every decision is made by the GM, but a collaborative work. We have three people altogether, sometimes two if one wasn’t free, so we’d take turns doing povs of each other and try to keep our stories as separate as possible. Our personalities are very different so that worked for the most part. My elder brother resembles Kageura from the Dark Buddyfight series. My younger resembles the protagonist of the Holy Chronicles. They usually try for sword skills and world dominion respectively. In that order.  All our role plays are irrevocably changed by whatever anime we’re into at the moment. I can never not link Sword Art Online to Doctor Gara’s (future card buddyfight) experiment, or My Hero Academia to Toshiki Kai (Cardfight Vanguard) having a dragon quirk. We do ridiculous crossovers and force a character to follow us around so we can explore the world without straying from the plot. Role playing with them forces me to improve my crazy plot ideas to keep things interesting without going overboard on the implausabilities. It forces me to elaborate on visual verbal and auditory clues. I have to develop my scene enough so they can make their own story out of it. And that makes me confront my own weaknesses.
Yet, I’m not placed into a role of impartiality. I have every right to twist their scene to help me at my end. They have every right to do so in mine, we are constantly battling to trick each other into following clues that will only hurt us and prevent us from reaching our goals. And strangely enough this is fun …. Without those dice rolls, without the character spreadsheet to make things fair. Without any reservations. The reason this is? We are all little npc characters running around in a story that is not ours and we are making it our own. That’s too fun to give up even if sometimes you do wish you could prove you deserve to punch that one character out of the narrative. It can be fun to roleplay as characters, of course, and that’s exactly what we do as gms as well; we play all the characters from time to time during someone else’s pov. 
I wish I had more time to roleplay like that. More people to do roleplay like that with. It’s so inexpressibly fun, it’s what I own half of my imagination to.
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calyxlytsong · 2 years
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“Well. Your birthday is coming up in a few weeks. What would you like, Aichi? Ask me for anything.”
Aichi leaned back, and the joyful hope in his gaze struck her heart with another painful barb. “D-do you think I could invite someone to the castle? Toshiki Kai, the son of Marquess Kai? He’s the boy I met the day that f-father…”
Aichi trailed off, then cleared his throat and gamely ended with, “I— I think we c-could be friends.”
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ariasaxia · 1 year
Shikizakura: A Retrospective Love Letter to Tokusatsu Heroes
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Or: Shikizakura, from the eyes of a sleep-deprived tokusatsu nerd, writing up essays on his holiday at 4 AM. Slight spoilers ahead. Also available on Medium.
I feel like Japanese superheroes have undergone a little bit of an… “identity crisis” over the past decade or so. Gone are the days of a simple “justice vs evil” type of story, you know? Taking a recent example, Avataro Sentai Donbrothers—the currently airing Sentai at the time of writing—centers around a group of five people who are put in situations where they are basically forced to work together... and one of them is an actual murderer! Or a murderous person, at the very least (about what you’d expect with Toshiki Inoue at the helm), but I digress. Its Rider counterpart, Kamen Rider Geats, takes after its predecessor Ryuki and features individual selfish wishes as the heroes’ primary motivation to fight each other. Meanwhile, the adult-oriented reboot Kamen Rider BLACK SUN is confused as to whether to portray its heroes as the voices of an oppressed minority or forces of anarchist terrorism—both wildly opposite ends of the spectrum. 
In the midst of all that chaos, sometimes I find myself turning to tokusatsu-adjacent anime and manga to get my fix of heroics. Sure, the last couple of years have been really good for the genre! I completely adore The Hero and the Former General, one of my favorite manga of all time. Tsuburaya-Trigger’s Gridman and Dynazenon were also fantastic, and the anime adaptation of Kamen Rider W’s Fuuto Tantei by Studio Kai was no doubt made with love towards both the original 2009 series and the manga source material. Still, there’s just something that’s missing with those entries—it tries to be more than what it is, at times, and usually ends up being less. 
Enter Shikizakura, a criminally underrated, howling breath of heroic fresh air to both mediums. Calling it “fresh” air is a bit ironic, because at heart, Shikizakura is a celebration of traditional tokusatsu heroics that’s strangely scarce nowadays. It’s shameless with its cliches, and plays everything completely straight—yet that’s exactly what makes Shikizakura so special. It is, at its core, a heartfelt love letter to tokusatsu superheroes as a whole. 
Shikizakura tells about Miwa Kakeru, a high school boy who suffers from survivor’s guilt. He finds himself roped in a series of accidents similar to the events that robbed him of his life 8 years ago. Eventually, he stumbles upon a demon-powered Yoroi suit of armor, and uses it to fight against other demons that threaten the peace in his city.
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Geez, I would not survive for longer than 5 seconds in this story’s setting.
It’s the classic “using the power of evil to fight evil” trope of Kamen Rider, combined with the team-centric story structure of Super Sentai. And as I have said before, it’s not shy about being a combination of those two things. Rather, Shikizakura is completely earnest with honoring its roots, and it’s no better represented than by the main character. Kakeru is someone who’s passionate about protecting everyone to the best of his ability. Generic heroic speech, for sure, but it’s passionately repeated constantly through the show with such an intensity that I just can’t help but be moved by it. Being young means there’s no looking back! Being in love means there’s no need for hesitation! And most of all, being a hero means fighting for the sake of others.
But Shikizakura doesn’t need scenes of its characters fighting against evil monsters to preach about heroism. Oddly enough, Episode 4 is the highlight of the entire series for me. There’s zero action, save for some minor highlights that are only a couple of seconds long. The entire episode is a series of flashback sequences used to explore Kakeru’s struggles with becoming the hero that he has always dreamed of, portrayed in a comedic slice-of-life manner. If this was a regular Super Sentai series, these would be the premise of some “filler” episodes that we’d get over the summer. 
The second half of the episode then takes a swerving turn. Through more flashback sequences, we get to see the aftermath of the incident that scarred Kakeru for life. We see his attempt at coping with the loss, how even the sight of a full moon is enough to trigger his trauma. Through it all, his sole savior is his adoptive brother Kippei, who gradually made him climb out of his shell and get over his past. And it was at this moment that Kakeru’s fascination for heroes grew—because to him, Kippei was his hero.
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“Anyone can be a hero” is the core message of Shikizakura, and also most classic tokusatsu series, I think. Showa Kamen Riders tend to have a group of children usually helping the main character, alongside their aged mentors. I used to find it weird, at first. Why involve innocent kids in your fight against an international bio-terrorist organization at all? But the point is that it doesn’t matter if you’re young or old, you can still do good for people around you. Cheesy, sure—but there’s a beauty hidden somewhere behind that idealism that I just can’t help but resonate with.
Still, that’s not to say Shikizakura is without intrigue. There are times where the hero falls and justice doesn’t prevail. Each of the side characters also have their own compelling issues and struggles. Some were done better than others, admittedly, but everything unraveled in a way that felt natural. The character moments, be it the humans or the demons, is where Shikizakura also excels with its earnestness. Speaking of, what do monsters in hero media even represent, anyway? Some shows make it clear that they represent boundless greed or hell, even foreign politics. In Shikizakura, the underlying theme is that the demons they fight are born from our innate, primal desire for death, to be saved from the pain that is life—something that a good amount of people can probably relate with. Good food for thought.
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I mentioned how Shikizakura is a celebration of tokusatsu earlier, and it also shows no restraints in that aspect, even poking fun at it sometimes. Episode 4 lampshaded a trend where the heroes suffer a Heroic BSOD and give up fighting until an external force pushes them back into the fray. It’s really reminiscent of Gen Urobuchi’s Kamen Rider Gaim, whose main character went through this for a grand total of two times throughout the series. There’s a lot of fun easter eggs like this sprinkled in each episode. 
In the end, I think I should reiterate that I don’t mean “old good, new bad” with what I say. Obviously some innovation is needed for a franchise to survive, especially one that has been running for as long as Rider or Sentai. Hell, the innovation itself is why I’m in love with Heisei-Reiwa era Kamen Rider specifically. Each season is so different from the last, even if there are similar traits at a glance. 
It’s just, you know, sometimes there’s nothing wrong with going back and being straightforward. Shikizakura is a genuinely earnest, honest, and pure superhero story—and again, that’s just something I can’t help but love.
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paraemu · 3 years
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From Toei Hero MAX 57
Parad and Poppy were the main characters in the second part of the trilogy, which was the most flexible in terms of content. Kai and Matsuda's bugster team looks back on their activities in V-Cinema, which were in a sense the same as usual, or even more outrageous than usual!
A different kind of competition realized in a compilation trilogy
Interviewer: As the title suggests, the two of you play the main roles in this film, "Kamen Rider ParaDX with Poppy". How was it for you to play your first major role?
Kai: As far as I'm concerned, I just played Parad, so I don't really have any special feeling. I was just playing the role of "Ex-Aid" as I always have, and as a result, Parad was right in the middle. I didn't feel like I had to do anything as the main character at all.
Matsuda: That's right. We've been living as Poppy and Parad for a long time, and the camera just happened to be looking at me, and before I knew it, I was making art. I think that's how I feel about it (laughs).
Interviewer: Kai-san is also taking on the challenge of playing two roles with Black Parad, a new character in this work.
Kai: I remember it was quite difficult on the day of the crank-in. For the scene where both of us are in the same shot, we had to shoot in Parad, hold the camera in place, change into Black Parad, and then stand on the other side of the screen and shoot... I had to do this. I think we probably switched around four times that day alone.
Matsuda: Black Parad is going to be difficult because he looks almost the same. In the case of Poppy and Asuna, they look, sound and speak very differently, so they look like different people even though they say the same things.
それはそうかも。演技だけでまったく違うキャラの人物に見せるというのがいかに難しいかは、今回初めて実感したかな。飛彩(瀬戸利樹)が劇場版 (「仮面ライダー×スーパー戦隊超スーパーヒーロー大戦」) で二役をやってた一ときも「大変そうだなぁ」と思って見てはいたけど (笑)。
Kai: That may be true. I think this is the first time I realized how difficult it is to make a character look completely different just by acting. When Seto Toshiki was playing two roles in the movie version ("Kamen Rider x Super Sentai: Chou Super Hero Taisen"), I thought "That looks like a lot of work." (laughs).
衣裳チェンジという部分では、"ポッピーの七変化" も本作の見どころのひとつですよね?
Interviewer: In terms of costume changes, the "seven changes of Poppy" is one of the highlights of the film, isn't it?
みなさんにそう言っていただくんですけど、私自身はこの1年半ずっとコスプレをしてきたようなものなので、コスプレをするってことに対する特別感がわりと携れちゃっていて.....。ちょっとバグってます (笑)。
Matsuda: That's what everyone tells me, but I've been cosplaying for the past year and a half, so my sense of specialness about cosplaying is rather gone... It's a little buggy (laughs).
Kai: That's no longer what I call casual wear.
そうだね。ウェディングドレスも……おめでたい私服 (笑)。
Matsuda: That's right. The wedding dress is also... an outfit for special occasions (lol).
Kai: You also did some wotagei, right?
やったねえ。鈴村監督から、着替えるたびに「ひと言なんか言って、なんかやって」って言われて、全部アドリブでやったんですけど、そのひとつがヲタ芸で (笑)。最初は「アイドルっぼいことを」ってオーダー��ったんだけど、なんか違うことをしたかったから、監督と相談して「アイドルカルチャーとはこういうものだって勝手に勘違いしてるポッピー」という設定でやったんです。でも、ちょっと激しくやりすぎて、今回の「トリロジー」に携わってないスタッフさんのなかには別人がやってると思った人もいたみたいですけどね。
Matsuda: I did. Director Suzumura asked me to "say something, do something" every time I changed clothes, so I improvised everything, and one of the things I did was wotagei (laughs). At first the order was to do something idol-like, but we wanted to do something different, so we talked with the director and decided to do it as "Poppy, who mistakenly believes that this is what idol culture is all about". But it was a bit too intense, and some of the staff who weren't involved in the "Trilogy" seemed to think that someone else was doing it.
Kai: You're right, they don't use dubbing even for wotagei (laughs). It's not an action movie. I mean, didn't "Matsuda Ruka" appear in the middle of the movie? When I was watching it, I was like "Huh? Where's Poppy?"
Matsuda: You were in it. I couldn't help but show my true colors there.... (laughs).
The Shocking Truth Revealed: What Will Happen to the Actors?
Interviewer: On the other hand, this trilogy will also reveal a new past that has never been told before.
Kai: Who is Black Parad? This is also the first time that Sakurako-san, Poppy's host, shows her face.
Matsuda: She was a very beautiful woman. I wondered again why she married someone like Dan Masamune.
Kai: She was so beautiful that I was surprised too. I wondered how such a person could give birth to Kuroto.
いや、クロノスと結婚したら黎斗は産まれちゃうよ (笑)。まあ、あったんでしょうね。きっとお父さんにもいいところが。
Matsuda: No, if you marry Cronus, Kuroto will be born (laughs). Well, there must've been a reason. I'm sure the father had his good points.
Kai: To put it simply, Masamune and Sakurako's marriage was the beginning of all of "Ex-Aid."
どこに惚れたのかっていう最大の謎は、トリロジーでも結局謎のままだけど (笑)。
Matsuda: The biggest mystery of what made her fall in love with him remains a mystery even in the trilogy (laughs).
Interviewer: In the TV series, there were some new facts that were revealed later, but as a performer, did you feel confused?
Kai: Yes, I did. To be honest, I didn't know Parad would end up on the side of the humans until later, so I thought "What? What should I do?". In the first interview, I said that I wanted to end up as a villain, and I was planning to play a villain until the end.
Matsuda: I was also shocked when I found out in the show that I was Kuroto's mother! If I had known that from the beginning, I probably would have treated him differently, so I thought, "Why didn't you tell me?"
Kai: But I'm sure it's for the best. By being unaware of it, I'm somehow forced to create the role. If I had known that I was going to be on the human side, the distance between me and Graphite would have been weird for sure. It was good for Parad that he was suddenly given such a script and that his emotions couldn't keep up. He felt like he was in a real predicament.
東映さんの作品はそういうところがあるみたいだもんね (笑)。『シンケンジャー』のときも、松坂桃李さん自身は「実は影武者」という設定をギリギリまで知らされてなかったんだって。演じるほうとしては最初から言っててほしいけど、そのあたりが難しさであり、面白さでもあるのかなって。
Matsuda: That seems to be the case with Toei's films (laughs). For "Shinkenger," Tori Matsuzaka himself wasn't told that he was actually a shadow warrior until the very last minute. As a performer, I wish I would have been told from the beginning, but I think that's both the difficulty and the fun of it.
Kai: That's right. At first, I was the only one who knew that Parad was the Bugster who infected Emu, and Iijima-kun himself wasn't told about it. There were a lot of hints that Parad was definitely nearby when Emu's eyes turned red.
Matsuda: Yeah, yeah. That's why the second half of "Ex-Aid" is so interesting, isn't it? If you watch it after you understand everything, you can enjoy it even more.
A relationship of mutual trust
Interviewer: How was it working with director Suzumura, who is working on the entire trilogy?
かなり自由にやらせてもら雰囲気でやれたかなってえましたね。 監督自身がすごく柔らかくて器の大きい方だから、周りも切羽詰まったりせずに、いい雰囲気でやれたかなって。
Kai: The director himself is very soft and big-hearted, so the people around him didn't feel pressured, and we were able to do it in a good atmosphere.
うん。よくご飯にも誘ってくれたしね。監督がそうやって気さくに接してくれるからこそ、距離感もほどよく縮まって、現場でも「コレ、こうしたいんです」って気負わずに言える空気感ができてた感じ。私のなかではすっかり焼酎ばかり飲んでる人というイメージだったりもしますけど (笑)。
Matsuda: Yeah. He often invited me out to dinner, too. Because the director was so open with me, we were able to close the distance between us, and I felt like I could say, "This is what I want to do," without feeling self-conscious. In my mind, he has the image of someone who drinks only shochu (laughs).
Kai: Naturally, the director has a plan for the direction of the film, but when we came up with a different idea during the play, he would always say, "Well, let's do that". I think it's great that the director is willing to adopt our ideas, because it encourages us to think harder. I think that was really good. I was also able to develop my ability to think out of the box.
Interviewer: In addition, he was surrounded by actors of the same generation who had been running together for a long time. It's like the devil's advocate.
Matsuda: We all get along really well. When there are a lot of people in a group, it tends to naturally divide into different groups, but that didn't happen at all with "Ex-Aid".
Kai: Yeah. Personally, I think it's best to work in a place where everyone can laugh together and have fun. In that sense, I'm glad that all the members were able to have a good balance between on and off work.
Interviewer: How is the relationship of trust between the two of you?
バッチリですよ。私が右なら、彼は左に行くので (笑)。
Matsuda: It's perfect. If I go right, he goes left (laughs).
そうかな?でも、確かに違うことをしたがるかも。同じ方向向いてって言われても、素直にできないし (笑)。というか、そっちも "おしゃべりクソマシンガン" って言われてたじゃん。
Kai: Is that so? But I think we may want to do different things. Even if you ask me to look in the same direction, I can't do it honestly (laughs). I mean, you've been called a "shitty talking machine gun" too.
"クソ" じゃないよ、"サブ" だよ (笑)。なんだろ?私がバーッとひとしきり喋って、横から彼一がポロッと鋭いことを言うみたいな、そういう流れは現場でもありましたね。
Matsuda: It's not "shitty", it's "sub." (laughs) What is it? There were times when I would talk a lot, and then he would say something sharp from the side.
Kai: But I didn't say anything funny, did I? I was just telling the truth.
Matsuda: He dares to say things that all adults pretend not to know and avert their eyes on.
そういうのすごい嫌いなの。日本人はなんですぐ "付度" するのかなって思っちゃう。あんな言葉、英語にはないからね?
Kai: I really dislike that kind of thing. I wonder why Japanese people are so quick to use "tsukedo". There is no such word in English, right?
はいはい (笑)。
Matsuda: Yes, yes (laughs).
Interviewer: Now that we have a good sense of the relationship between the two of you, do you have a message for the readers who will be watching the film?
Matsuda: I guess I'd like to say that if you believe the poster visual of Parad and Poppy in the evening sun, you're in for a world of hurt.
Kai: That one has a bit of a mysterious Titanic feel to it.
二人が出るってことしか合ってない (笑)。ただ、「ブレイブ&スナイプ」も「ゲンムVSレーザー」もわりと重いし、「パラドクスwithポッピー」は箸休め回だと思って身構えずに観てほしいな、とは思うよね。
Matsuda: The only thing that fits is that the two of them are in it (laughs). However, both "Brave and Snipe" and "Genm vs. Lazer" are rather heavy, so I hope people will think of "ParaDX with Poppy" as a chopstick rest and watch it without getting defensive.
Kai: Yes, in a trilogy, you have to grab the first one and drop the third one, but in the second one you can do anything. It was nice to have that kind of freedom, wasn't it?
監督のフェ��ィシズムも一番詰まってる作品だしね (笑)。
Matsuda: It's also the film that contains the most of the director's fetishism (laughs).
Interviewer: By the way, what was the most "exciting" moment for you while playing Parad and Poppy?
Matsuda: Hmmm. There are so many that I can't pick just one. In this case, I was able to sing the theme song not as Poppy, but as Matsuda Ruka, and I think that made me "jump".
Kai: I think it was the first time I saw napalm. That huge explosion made me feel like a child. Also, this is an aside, but I was left unattended at the scene when the filming had wrapped up.
置いてかれてた (笑)。
Matsuda: You were left behind (laughs).
花束をもらって、せっかくだからって自撮りをしていて、「よし帰ろう」と外に出たらロケバスがもう出ていて…..。1年半を演じ終えた役者に対する「心震える」仕打ちとして、このことはぜひとも太字にして語り継がれてほしいと思います (笑)。
Kai: I got a bouquet of flowers and was taking selfies for the occasion, and when I went outside to go home, the location bus had already left... I hope this will be bolded and passed down as a "heart-breaking" treatment to the actors after a year and a half of acting (laughs).From Toei Hero MAX 57
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cardest · 3 years
Japan playlist
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Are you turning Japanesa? I don’t think so! This, I believe is the ultimate Japan playlist. One of my favorite countries in the world to visit. it truly is a fascinating place in the world. The music from this region is just so. Crazy even! I have been a few times and cannot wait to get back over there again as soon as Crap-19 takes a hike and leaves this planet already. Meanwhile, here is the Japan playlist to keep us happy. Perfect for those of you out there in lock down.
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I hope you dig the list of songs I put together. You can even let me know what songs or bands I forgot and let me know! 私はあなたがそれを掘ることを望みます Arrigato! Hit play right here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-iHPcxymC1_IcliLasW5eajllU8pA5Gh
001 Fantomas - 4-30-05 002 INXS - I Send A Message 003 LADYBABY - candy 004 Babymetal - DoKiDoKi MORNING 005 MOMOIRO CLOVER Z vs KISS - YUMENO UKIYONI SAITEMINA 006 The Cure - Kyoto Song 007  Kill Bill Vol.1 - Isaac Hayes - Run Fay Run 008 CHAI - GREAT JOB 009 Mutant Monster -  Barabara 010 Sigh - Inked in Blood 011 The Vapors - Turning Japanese 012 Fantomas - 4-7-05 013 Ocean Machine -  Night 014 Masayuki Sakamoto - Psy'chy 015 Astro Boy - 1980 English Intro Theme 016 Go Misawa - 悪魔人間 (デビルマン) - 不動明 017 Red House Painters - Japanese To English 018  八十八ヶ所巡礼「仏滅トリシュナー 019 Acid Mothers Temple - Floating Flower Shizuku No Youni 020 Ween - Japanese Cowboy 021 Otoboke Beaver - Don't light my fire 022 Gojira's Godzilla Theme Song 023 Cavalera Conspiracy -  Bonzai Kamikazee 024 Ultra Bide - DNA vs DNA 025 David Bowie - Crystal Japan 026 A Flock Of Seagulls - Tokyo 027 Sakura - Cherry blossoms 028 BON JOVI - Tokyo Road 029 Aneka - Japanese boy 030 Endon - Boy Meets Girl 031 Junko Ohashi - Dancin' 032 Ike Reiko - Yoake No Scat 033 Shohjo-Tai - Flamingo Island 034 Chthonic - Kaoru 035 Herbie Hancock - Nobu 036 Akiko Yano - Dogs Awaiting 037 Inoyama Land - Glass Chaim 038 Fantomas -  4-14-05 039 Hide - Dice 040 Japan - Talking drum 041 Sabbat - Samurai Zombies 042 Brian Ice - Tokyo 043 W.A.S.P. - Tokyos on fire 044 UHNELLYS - SWITCH 045 Boris -  LOVE 046 Kill Bill Vol. 1 - Battle Without Honor or Humanity Tomoyasu Hotei 047 eX-Girl - Pretty You Ugly 048 Gonin Ish - Shagan No Tou 049 Banana Erectors - Fed Up With Highschool Days 050 Strapping Young Lad - Japan 051 Yoshida Brothers - Ibuki 052 Zeni Geva - Total Castration 053 Flower Travellin' Band - Satori, Pt. 1 054 MOMOIRO CLOVER Z - GOUNN - 055 Tom Waits - Big In Japan 056 ABIGAIL - A Witch Named Aspilcuetta 057 Sigh - The Tombfiller 058 Marty Friedman-Dragon's Kiss-Dragon Mistress 059 RIOT - Tokyo Rose 060 Fantomas - 4-13-05 061 Guitar Wolf - High Schooler Action 062 Becoming a Geisha - Memoirs of a Geisha Soundtrack 063 Seven Samurai- Ending Theme 064 Miki Sugimoto - Rei's Ballad (Theme from Zero Woman Red Handcuffs) 065 Yoshida Brothers - Rising from Best Of Yoshida Brothers 066 Ruler - Jeanie Jeanie Jeanie 067 Kill Bill Vol. 1 OST - Twisted Nerve - Bernard Herrmann 068 Fantomas - 4-23-05 069 Shonen Knife - It's a New Find 070 Polish National Radio Symphony OrchestraKrzysztof Penderecki - Threnody to the Victims of Hiroshima 071 ACID MOTHERS TEMPLE - Helen Buddha; Miss Condom X 072 Shugo Tokumaru - Decorate 073 PiGu - Bye Bye Honey 074 Hello Kitty Theme Song - Hello Kitty 075 ACUTE -  生き地獄 076 Sabbat - Karmagmassacre 077 Yellow Magic Orchestra - Tong Poo 078 Yojimbo OST -  Main Theme 079 Anpan-man (Red beans bread man)theme song 080 Ex-Girl - The Crown of Dr. Keroninstein 081 Kate Bush - [The Whole Story] Breathing 082 Coffins - Hatred Storm 083 The Books - Tokyo 084 Fantomas -  4-19-05 085 男の一生/松方弘樹 086 Azuma Kabuki Musicians - Dojoji 087 Saxon -  Walking Through Tokyo 088 Kill Bill, Vol. 1 Original Soundtrack - The Flower of Carnage - Meiko Kaji 089 Les Rallizes Denudes - Now is forever 090 G.I.S.M. - Nih Nightmare 091 Mono - Silent Flight, Sleeping Dawn 092 Deftones - Romantic Dreams 093 Strapping Young Lad - Zen 094 Dead Can Dance - Kiko 095 Kinoco Hotel - キノコホテル「キノコノトリコ」 096 Esashi Oiwake - Ensemble Nipponia 097 Naitemo idayoi - bcmomoiro clover 098 Bryan Ferry - Tokyo Joe 099 Suzuki Junzo - Crying Out Double Suicide Blues 100 Iron Maiden - Sun and Steel 101 Kikagaku Moyo - Dripping Sun 102 Fantomas -  4-3-05 103 BARBATOS - Tokyo Rock'N Roll Show 104 BABYMETAL - MEGITSUNE 105 Eternal Elysium - Shadowed Flower 106 The Erections - stupid punk 107 The Seatbelts - Cowboy Bebop (Original Soundtrack 1) 108 Rush - Manhattan Project 109 Today Is the Day - Samurai 110 Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood OST - main theme 111 Japanese War Music - Samurai Battle March 112 Steel Panther - Asian Hooker 113 The Mount Fuji Doomjazz Corporation -  A Place For Fantasies 114 Guitar Wolf - FIGHTING ROCK 115 HEAVY METAL ARMY - That's Hammurabia 116 Michale Graves -  Godzilla 117 Noriko Miyamoto - My Life 118 Loudness - Ashes in the Sky 119 Mary's Blood- Save the queen 120 Mellvins - One Fine Day 121 High On Fire - Bastard  Samurai 122 Shakuhachi - The Japanese Flute 123 Luna Sea - IN SILENCE 124 Tatsuro Yamashita - Sparkle 125 PIG DESTROYER - Kamikaze Heart 126 Tomoko Kawada - Akanegumo 127 Sodom - Kamikaze Terrorizer 128 Carlos Toshiki and Omega Tribe - Sky Surfer 129 TOKKAEBI - cheon mun 130 Pere Ubu - 30 Seconds Over Tokyo 131 Wanda Jackson - Fujiyama Mama 132 Witch Cross - Night Flight To Tokyo 133 F.O.E. - Total Eclipse 134 Coffins - The Frozen Styx 135 Sword of Doom (1966) - Main Theme OST 136 Sigh -  The Transfiguration Fear 137 Yondemasu Yo, Azazel san - Opening song 138 Thundercat - Tokyo 139 GHOST IN THE SHELL O.S.T.2 - i can't be cool 140 Japandroids - No Allegiance to the Queen 141 YAMANTAKA - SONIC TITAN - Hoshi Neko 142 Doraemon 2005 Opening - Sha La La 143 Akira Soundtrack - Kaneda's Theme 144 Anatomia - Morbid Hallucination 145 Traditional Japanese music - Honno-ji 146 Kodo - Lion 147 Tomita Planets - Mercury, The Winged Messenger 148 Yuji Ohno - Lupin The Third Theme '78 149 Ninja Scroll TV Series Soundtrack - Jubei's Theme 150 OKAWARI_BOY show me your space 151 Boris - The Woman on the Screen 152 Sepultura - Kamaitachi 153 X Japan - X 154 L'Acephale - Hitori Bon Odori 155 Zilch (hide) - Inside the Pervert Mound 156 Fantomas -  4-12-05 157 Kodo - Akatsuki 158 Sigh - Hunters not horned 159 Pucca Theme song 160 Tujiko Noriko - Solo - Magic 161 MYSTERY KINDAICHI BAND - THEME OF KOSUKE KINDAICHI 162 Akiko Yano -  クマ 163 Sooo Baad Revue - バッド・レビュ 164 Pharoahe Monch - Simon Says (instrumental) 165 Imaginary Flying Machines - Sanpo (My Neighbor Totoro) (feat. Living Corpse & Yoko Hallelujah) 166 Mutant Monster - kamisama o negai - pv with romaji lyrics 167 Mount Fuji - Neun 168 Kumi Sasaki - Tanchame Bushi 169 Yakuza - Yama 170 Chai - Choose go! 171 Goto Mariko – Drone 172 Blue Oyster Cult  - Godzilla 173 Kinoco hotel –  F No Junkai 174 ASS BABOONS OF VENUS - Jet Unchi 175 James Bond you only live twice OST - Aki, Tiger and Osato 176 PJ Harvey -  Kamikaze 177 BABYMETAL - Awadama Fever 178 Alcatrazz - Hiroshima Mon Amour 179 Tokyo Blade - Warrior of the Rising Sun 180 TIK & TOK - TOKYO GIRLS 181 Queen - Hammer To Fall 182 Nana Kitade - Kibou No Kakera 183 Gallhammer - Blind my eyes 184 Yellow Magic Orchestra - Kai-Koh 185 Chikyuu Kyoumei  Resonance of the Earth 186 Hoodoo Gurus -  Tojo 187 John Waite - Euroshima 188 Tommy Snyder / Yuji Ohno) - ザ・マリン・エクスプレス (The Marine Express) 189 Boris - Riot Sugar 190 Yellow Machinegun - Again 191 Kill Bill, Vol. 1 Original Soundtrack - The Lonely Shepherd 192 Church of Misery - Chilly Grave 193 Jimmy Takeuchi  - Yasuki bushi (Shimane) 194 Yuji Ohno "Andromeda no kanata ni" - (OST - Captain Future) 195 Bo Ningen - Henkan 196 Blood Stain Child - Electricity 197 Crime - Yakuza 198 Tatsuya Yoshida & Satoko Fujii - Feirsttix 199 Ike Reiko - Kokotsu No Sekai 200 Fantomas -  4-9-05 201 David Bowie - It's no game 202 Manon - xxFANCYPOOLxx 203 Sparks - Here In Heaven 204 MAD SPYAIR - samurai heart Gintama 205 Terror Squad - Nightmare Rider 206 Fantomas -  4-6-05 207 Mutant Monster - Hanabi 208 Jimmy Takeuchi - Akita obako 209 NAKED CITY - OSAKA BONDAGE 210 Death Panda theme 211 Crossfaith -  Monolith 212  OMD - Enola Gay 213 Dir en Grey - Obscure 214 LADYBABY Age-Age Money 215 Fantomas -  4-17-05 216 S.O.B. - Deceiver (Napalm Death cover) 217 Jimmy Takeuchi - Time Of The Season 218 Dark Mirror Ov Tragedy - Thy Sarcophagus & Unwritten Symphony 219 Laurie Anderson -  Kokoku 220 THOMPSON TWINS  - TOKIO 221 Electric Eel Shock - Killer killer 222 Kodo - Nanafushi 223 Ningen Isu - Heartless Scat 224 Amachi Shigeru – Showa Blues 225 BlackLab - Insanity 226 TENGGER - achime 227  Riot - Narita 228 Martin Denny - Japanese Farewell Song (Sayonara) 229 LADYBABY - Renge Chance 230 Tokyo Electron  - She Keeps Me Shut 231 Kan Mikami - Anata Mo Star Ni Nareru 232 Kraftwerk - Radioactivity 233 CHAI - N.E.O. 234 Fantomas - 4-27-05 235 Gacharic Spin - Next Stage 236 Loudness -  Crazy Nights 237 David Bowie - Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence 238 The Presidents of the USA -  Japan 239 Fantomas -  4-4-05 240 Kyary Pamyu P - Fashion Monster 241 Wagakki Band - Senbonzakura 242 Deep Purple - Woman From Tokyo 243 Krokus - Tokyo Nights 244 Kyoto - Venetian Blinds 245 Happy End - Natsu nandesu 246 Motohiko Hamase - Plateau 247 Boris - Tokyo Wonder Land 248 Asia - Countdown to Zero 249 Hiiragi Fukuda - Me And My Marshall Amp 250 Marty Friedman -  Ai Takkatta 251 Kodo -  O-Daiko (japanese drummers - Taiko - tambours geants Japon) 252 Sonic Youth - Tokyo Eye 253 Otoboke Beaver - Anata Watashi Daita Ato Yome No Meshi 254 Y&T - Midnight in Tokyo 255 Metalucifer -  Heavy Metal Samurai 256 Urami Bushi - Meiko Kaji 257 Alphaville -  Big in Japan 258 M.O.D. - Godzula 259 Akiko Yano - Hitotsudake 260 Japan - Life in Tokyo (Giorgio Moroder Version) 261 Boris with Merzbow - Sometimes 262 Dragonforce - Power Of The Ninja Sword 263 Fantomas -  4-10-05 264 The Guyver Dark hero Theme song 265 Minami Deutsch / 南ドイツ - Futsu Ni Ikirenai 266 Yukihiro Takahashi - Drip Dry Eyes 267 ZooBOMBS - Doo Bee 268 SIGH -  Shingontachikawa 269 Burt Bacharach - Me Japanese Boy I Love You 270 Kay Cee Jones - Japanese Farewell Song 271 Dhidalah - GRB 272 Kikagaku Moyo - tree smoke 273 The Fall - I Am Damo Suzuki 274 Ryuichi Sakamoto - Thousand Knives 275 Yasuaki Shimizu - kakshi 333 Godiego - The Birth of the Odyssey (Monkey Magic) 666 BABYMETAL -Headbanger
Here are the songs to listen to: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-iHPcxymC1_IcliLasW5eajllU8pA5Gh
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thebladeblaster · 3 years
Heart of the Vanguard Concept Chapter part 1
(Concept chapters are basically just to test to see if people will like a fic idea I have. This fic crosses over Yugioh Duel Monsters and Cardfight Vanguard.)
(Note: Besides the god cards this fic will stick to tcg/ocg effects for simplicity. People can also still stupidly set cards in face up defense position.)
Yugi double checked that he had everything with him before making his trip. He tiptoed out of the door he sweat dropped as he felt a fiery glare aimed directly at him. It was his grandfather Solomon Mutou holding a broom as he had been previously sweeping with tightly.
“You're not going to another card shop, are you Yugi?”, his grandfather questioned, remembering the invitation his grandson had received earlier.
“W-what…of course not grandpa. I’m just uh...going to hangout with my friends. You know Jonouchi and the others.”, Yugi replied nervously.
“Um hm...well have fun!”, Solomon replied with a wave before going back to sweeping.
After closing the door the young Mutou took a sigh of relief. He met up with his friends Jonouchi, Anzu, and Honda in the subway.
“Took you long enough Yug!”, Jonouchi said.
“Sorry, you know how my grandpa gets at the idea of us going to other card shops.”, Yugi replied.
“Yeah...reminds me of when we went to Duke’s.”, Honda replied, sweat dropping.
“Hopefully Jonouchi doesn’t end up in a dog suit this time.”, Anzu teased.
“Shut up!!! No one’s making a dog out of me this time!”, Jonouchi yelled.
“Better hope we don’t run into Kaiba on the way.”, Honda replied much to Jonouchi’s chagrin.
“If I see Kaiba I’ll wipe the floor with him!!!”, Jonouchi yelled.
“Guys the bus.”, Yugi pointed out as he saw everyone boarding.
They all hastily ran onto the train so they didn’t miss it. They took a sigh of relief as Yugi looked out the window. The buildings passed by like a blur. It always felt weird for him to leave Domino City. He always seemed to be off on some strange supernatural adventure every time but this time it was different. He was going to see friends. A definite nice change of pace.
After they finally got out of the subway they were greeted with a big expansive city.
“How are we supposed to find that tiny card shop in this mess?”, Jonouchi questioned.
“Well, we got there once. We just have to find where we are so we can find it.”, Anzu replied, looking over at the map.
“Maybe we're better off calling Misaki for directions. She has a perfect memory after all.”, Honda suggested.
“Oh, that’s right!”, Anzu gasped, as she brought out her phone and started calling her number.
The phone rang a few times before it was answered.
“Oh, Anzu. Are you guys almost here?”, Misaki asked, though there was an extreme amount of background noise.
“We're having a bit of trouble. We have just arrived outside the station and this place is a bit...big. I was wondering if you could give some directions to the shop?”, Anzu asked.
“Hmm...I guess the city is pretty big. Alright.”, Misaki replied as she started giving them directions.
They were astounded at how accurate it all was. She wasn’t even there but she was leading them perfectly throughout the city. On the way they stopped as they saw a familiar face.
“Gah, Kai?!”, Yugi gasped.
It was indeed the aloof fighter Toshiki Kai. Along with him was a blond haired teen with grey eyes. He wore the same school uniform as Kai. Jonouchi growled as he saw the older teen.
“You guys are here?”, Kai questioned, completely ignoring Jonouchi’s growling.
“Yeah, Aichi invited us to come over remember?”, Anzu replied and Kai simply nodded.
“Man, this is so cool to think we’d meet the King of Games in the flesh!”, the blond said.
“Hehe. I’m not that great, I'm just an average teen like you guys.”, Yugi replied with no hint of irony.
“Cool. Name’s Taishi Miwa. Looks like you guys already know Kai. Though let’s be real who doesn’t?”, Miwa introduced.
“Yeah. My name’s Mutou Yugi. Oh wait...you already know that.”, Yugi replied.
“Yeah...average.”, Kai replied blandly with a hint of sarcasm, rolling his eyes as he remembered Battle City.
“Well...average kid with an ancient magic necklace.”, Yugi replied awkwardly.
“Uh huh...you're just as ‘normal’ as Aichi and Ren.”, Kai replied, which made Yugi sweat drop.
“I’m gonna clean your clock in a duel!”, Jonouchi said to Kai.
“I don’t need another hyper kid like Kamui constantly challenging me to duels.”, Kai replied.
“Grr! I’m no kid!”, Jonouchi replied.
“Really? You sure act like one.”, Kai replied.
“Down boy. You can duel him at the shop.”, Honda said as he put his arm on Jonouchi’s shoulder.
“Hey I’m no dog!!!”, Jonouchi yelled as Honda pushed him along.
Eventually they stopped before a small card shop named ‘Card Capital’. It had a poster on the front and a sliding door. The small shop was completely crowded by people clamoring to get inside.
“Hehe, maybe Misaki can give grandpa some pointers on how to get his shop this busy.”, Yugi commented.
He jumped as some turned around to see him.
“Oh my god, is that the King of Games!”
“He’s here!”
“I thought he was taller?”
“Would he really be in a place like this?”
The door slid open and they saw Misaki on the other side. She had on a white dress shirt and a orange apron with two Cs.
“Are you guys gonna come in or will I have to give your spots to one of these guys?”, Misaki questioned.
“No need. Come on guys!”, Anzu said.
They all walked into the shop. It was just as tiny as they remembered. It was full of posters advertising various card games. It had lots of chairs and tables including two standing tables. The front desk had various card packs and there was a display on the other side with various assortments of rare cards. The shop was packed with various people dueling. It was rather lively for such a small shop.
“Is it always like this?”, Anzu asked.
“Nosy? Yes. Packed? Only when we host shop tournaments here.”, Misaki replied.
“You scoundrel!!!”, they turned their attention to a familiar voice.
They walked over to see Aichi and Kamui. The latter of which shook the former by the collar. Aichi laughed it off raising up his hands in surrender. A redheaded girl with blue eyes was trying to diffuse the situation. She wore a pink top with an orange tie and a blue skirt.
“Kamui calm down.”, the redheaded girl said.
Aichi sweat dropped as the younger boy continued to shake him.
“It’s fine Kamui. I think you’re overreacting.”, Aichi replied.
“Yeah, he just beat Emi in a duel.”, a teen with brown hair and eyes wearing a grey uniform replied.
“He just?”, Kamui questioned.
“Yeah…”, Aichi replied.
None of them seemed to notice them yet.
“You were supposed to let Miss Emi win!”, Kamui shouted.
“I was?!”, Aichi questioned, completely confused.
“I don’t get what the big deal is.”, Honda commented.
“It’s best if you don’t try to understand Kamui’s stupidity. You might catch it.”, Misaki replied casually.
“You say that as if you wanted Aichi to hold back against me.”, Emi replied.
“Well... I!”, Kamui was saying before he was cut off.
“I wanted to duel him at his best. Why would I want him to hold back?”, Emi replied, crossing her arms as Kamui shrinked back.
“It’s fine Emi. Kamui just got a bit overexcited.”, Aichi replied, brushing it off.
“Overexcited is an understatement.”, Miwa chuckled, making Aichi turn his attention to the new arrivals.
Aichi’s eyes brightened up as he saw them.
“Kai! Yugi! Miwa! Jonouchi!”, Aichi said.
“Are we gonna talk about how he called out Kai first…”, Honda commented as he sweat dropped.
The short teen was practically beaming which made Yugi blush. Though, he was at least taller than Yugi though not by much.
“No need to be so excited it’s just us.”, Yugi replied as he rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.
“Oh, that’s that Yugi guy right? Didn’t you duel him in Battle City?”, Emi questioned.
“Yeah, your looking at the King of Games here!”, Jonouchi said as he gestured to Yugi.
“Woah cool!”, Emi replied.
“Oh uh...this is my little sister Emi.”, Aichi introduced gesturing Emi.
“Sister?!”, the Yugi gang gasped.
Jonouchi bent down to Aichi’s level.
“Don’t tell me she has crazy psychic powers too?”, Jonouchi whispered, causing Aichi to sweat drop.
“Uh...no. At least I don’t think so.”, Aichi replied.
“You don’t think so?”, Jonouchi replied as he pulled back sweat dropping.
“Hopefully it doesn’t run in the family.”, Honda whispered nervously.
“Yeah…”, Anzu replied as she sweat dropped.
“Since your here do you want to duel, Yugi?”, Aichi asked with a light blush.
“Gosh, why are you always so nervous, kid?”, Jonouchi questioned.
“I’d love to Aichi! It’s time to duel!”, Yugi replied.
“He said the thing!”, a black haired teen with v shaped hair and brown eyes with a grey uniform said.
“Oh my god this is awesome!”, the brown haired guy from before gushed.
Yugi chuckled, blushing nervously at all the attention he was getting.
“Their like two anxious peas in a pot.”, Anzu commented.
“Are we going to duel in here. I don’t think the holograms would fit.”, Yugi replied as Aichi blinked.
“Oh...yeah that’s true. We were dueling retro style with the Battle City rules in here since there’s still a lot of people who don’t have duel disks.”, Aichi replied.
“Oh? Retro’s fine.”, Yugi assured.
“Okay.”, Aichi replied as he nodded.
“You guys should use the standing fight table.”, Shin suggested.
“Who wants to stand and fight without the duel disks anymore?”, Misaki questioned, making Shin sulk.
“Well, how was I supposed to know that Kaiba would build portable hologram systems to duel with?!”, Shin questioned.
“I guess we’ll sit?”, Aichi asked.
“Yeah.”, Yugi replied.
“Oh man this will be awesome! It’s like Godzilla vs Kong or Devilman vs Mazinger Z!”, the brown haired teen gushed, embarrassing the two.
“Heh, I could take them.”, the v haired teen proclaimed as he crossed his arms.
“Oh really why don’t we duel tough guy?”, Jonouchi suggested.
“Alright I’ll take you on 3rd place Duelist Kingdom guy!”, the v haired teen replied, causing a tick mark to appear on Jonouchi’s head.
“Hey it’s Katsuya Jonouchi!!! And it was second place! I lost to Yugi!”, Jonouchi corrected.
“Yeah, whatever 3rd place guy my name is Katsumi Morikawa! You will forever remember my name after the beat down your about to endure!”, Morikawa proclaimed, causing many in the shop to sweat drop.
“You're going to wipe the floor with him, Jonouchi. He’s the worst duelist I’ve ever seen.”, Kamui commented.
“As if! I’ll show you Kamui!”, Morikawa growled.
Aichi and Yugi sweat dropped at the conversation around them.
“Are they always like this?”, Yugi questioned.
“Would you believe it’s usually worse?”, Aichi replied, making Yugi chuckle nervously.
“I know that feeling.”, Yugi replied.
Kai and Miwa had seated themselves down at one of the tables. Some duelists had actually lined up to challenge the aloof fighter.
Yugi noticed Yami’s spirit hovering over his shoulder.
“Oh, it’s just a normal duel for fun Yami.”, Yugi said.
“Fun?”, Yami questioned.
“Yeah, it’s not always shadow realm and convoluted plots.”, Yugi replied.
“Oh, hello Yami.”, Aichi greeted waving at the spirit.
“Who’s he waving at?”, Miwa questioned, confused.
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blaster-aichi · 4 years
Cardfight!! Vanguard Extra Story IF 22 things
forgot to post this, heck
Aw, cute shopping trip because they feel things are drawing to an end, barrier or no —  [gets distracted by the little girl who looks just like Shingo]
Given the topic of conversation, felt Emi’s downcast expression was a hint of bittersweet realization that her time with Shuka is running down, then get smacked with even ruder sads.
There’s something massive ironic about Majesty Lord being pulled to the antagonistic side of battle after his role in the original Season 1 and embodying unification between Royal and Shadow Paladins when things get dire, now faced against the both of them.
Ren taught Shuka ‘Bukki’, bless.
Very appreciative of the explanation why Majesty Lord was so importaant to Shuka to Realize, though curious as to why he wouldn’t manifest in the first place.
MISAKI SIGHTED. Please don’t relegate her to post-Legion Mate Quatre Knights of voiceless cameos.
Side-eyes Emi for picking cards purely because of their cuteness, your friend’s calling you out.
With the truth of what led Aichi to ruling Sanctuary, Emi’s moment of finding no alternative but for the blame to fall on him is very relatable; at least some of us have been grasping at any explanation because we couldn’t imagine Aichi doing this of his own will, it’s incongruous with his character, and Emi may have been doing the same, but with options whittling down, she’s been forced to face that scenario that this has been all by his design and it upsets those of us who have been trying to figure out any other scenario, but to her, naturally it’s world-shattering.
How dare you fuckers use the same sads track from episode 7 where she was talking about the Aichi she knew.
He looks so worn down and I’m so upset.    — Even his tone when speaking reflects his exhaustion and reluctance to deal with shit. Please let me hug him.
Is this the first time he’s said ‘Toshiki’? Feels like this is the first time he’s said ‘Toshiki’.
Even when they don’t meet, fate crams them into one another’s heads. That’s gay. (But doesn’t go the Legion Mate route and make it a clean injection, both of them have become tremendously distressed and pained and I scream).
Takuto, you can’t just say that in front of him?!
Emi actually draping Aichi’s jacket over her shoulders is so cute, she really is giving it a piggyback ride. After he mentioning it aloud how he left it behind, half-expect returning it to be one of her first gestures once he’s brought out of his antagonist role.
Takuto’s referencing Outside World Aichi brings back thoughts of the previous theory that IF Aichi had been doing all this in an effort to reach outside IF, why do you hurt me in these ways after that backstory, Bushi? At the same time, Takuto needs shaking if he had any inclination that IF Aichi would have the mental fortitude to cope with that possibility existing elsewhere after a lifetime of loneliness.
The poor boy hid in the shadows and hunted for Kai-kun just to verify Takuto’s theory and torment himself more, sweetie no... Considering his methods for keeping his very existence from the potential of breaking the IF illusion, it’s consistent, but sweetie no...
Takuto onto Aichi’s bullshit. The post before this clarifies, but his solemn delivery and feeling responsible for accidentally instigating everything, would like to hope he’ll be able to make a move in helping to rectify Aichi’s state.
Two things: You’re saying he had nothing to pass on through Miwa? And why did he never contact Suiko or Rekka before? Because there was no certainty they were inside IF? Isn’t it apparent they would follow once he and Kourin never returned? Did he even try?
Sad Rena howling noises in the background.
If Aichi is banking on her saving him, never let him know there was a moment where it all got too much and Emi gave up on him.    — She’s doing the Misaki episode thing again.    — Though it’s understandable the guilt she must feel; they might be correcting the timeline, but she’s conveyed her feelings before that each iteration of a person isn’t any less valid than another; though Kai-kun has come to terms with and accepted that there is another version of himself in a “proper” timeline, the same is essentially true for Aichi and Emi, who for all we know, could/will vanish along with him. It might not just be Emi sympathizing with others and not wanting to write them off as incorrect versions, but trying to validate her own and her brother’s existences as well.
Suiko and Shuka are onto the price the group are going to pay regardless; the preview isn’t subtle about it. Whether it’s Shuka having to move onto another place where more cards are waiting for her to rescue them or something more final awaits her, it’s difficult to tell. Though the former is simply a part of her journey and might not evoke the sorrow from someone like Suiko, it might be a sore spot for her, particularly with everything she, Kourin and Rekka lost, faced with having to watch the same happen to someone else. But Emi herself seems already be aware of this, she’s a smart girl.
IF 23
Squad goals. Squad goals.
Aichi looks ready to straight up murder and have to wonder who taught you how to pull those faces, boy?
If you’re going to be fighting in the area, please keep the babies safe from harm. Who knows what they might see?
What space-time commotion did you guys cause to alert all the other major characters across the city?.
On the one hand, more Majesty Lord Aichi aaaaaaa. On the other hand, that episode title, screams. (Now are you guys directing that to Aichi, Kai-kun or Shuka? Sus)
This take on the “They Never Met” story:
It’s taken a while for the fact IF is taking the route it is with the story to sink in; a lot of thoughts and feelings are still incredibly jumbled, but here goes An Effort.
As someone who's childhood has a lot of overlap with Aichi’s, it’s incredibly painful to actually see him endure it without the beacon of hope that gave him solace and the toll it’s taken on him to endure it. Having a loving family and a sibling could alleviate the pain, there are fond memories with things with my family that don’t make my childhood an unending nightmare, and it’s apparent that he and Emi were particularly close; though understand that by 16, he’s exhausted by it all, pretty sure I was.
I want to believe that he was able to find at least one other hobby to keep his life from being completely devoid of happiness; reading, writing, art, a love of animal, photography, meeting people on the internet, there has to be something. There are plenty of outlets that could have channelled his imagination to keep it from building with no freedom. The lack of clarification about what he spent his time doing does nothing to help this belief or deter the fears that  he really never tried to find anything, and really hoping that’s able to change before the season is through.
But something about Aichi’s reasoning really doesn’t line up. He claims to be doing this so that he be the only one who has to suffer. And really struggle to fathom how he could think so when Emi and Shizuka, would and are suffering with him. Emi’s own pain has been right in his face and he’s turned away, he can’t be that narrow-minded to think she isn’t in anguish or that forgetting him would magically erase that of her or Shizuka.
My understanding (or interpretation, headcanon, what have you) of Aichi has always been that his unrelenting kindness stems from knowing well the absolute agony of complete loneliness and hopelessness, so he acts to help alleviate or prevent the same feeling upon others. Vanguard shouldn’t have any bearing on that trait staying with him or not; that’s something within Aichi, not created by one facet of his life that appeared one day, particularly when he’s even more familiar with such a rock bottom, even if the exhaustion of it weighs on him; he’s always put on a smile and done his best for someone else’s sake, no matter the cost to himself — and that is what he’s doing, but it’s incredibly difficult to believe he can only manage that demonstration of kindness towards others when he’s connected to or aware of Vanguard.
I can understand Aichi being worn down, I can understand him being a bit hostile and reluctant. But to lack his good heart and throw everything away, to put his family through the nightmare he has been, I can’t understand that, it just isn’t him. He isn’t that dependent on Vanguard to be a good kid.
With how vital the event and relationship are to both Aichi and Kai-kun, to explore the possibility that they would never meet is fascinating, but this feels like a lukewarm attempt at it, at least in regards to what this episode covered and that in itself is saddening, it feels like an incredible premise with wasted potential, just like Legion Mate. It saddens me immensely that this is how they tell that story, more so when it’s the last one we might ever have from this cast.
Late-Bloomer PsyAichi:
The only possibility, and this is very much a last-ditch at this point, draws on ideas from Override (is there an IF plan in the works? laughs with shovel maybe since the day before epi 1 aired), so chances are these might be as swiftly debunked as other ideas.
With the rapid influx of memories breaking through the IF illusion, Aichi’s imagination’s shackles were released, according to Takuto. The result was Psyqualia overloading Aichi, its poisonous nature of the original continuity repeating itself as a result of festering inside of him for years without usage.
By retaining this nature, it amplifies Aichi’s fixation on Kai-kun, maybe through an amalgamation of other PsyAichi remnants in line with the original continuity who became overwhelmed by that obsession blinding him to the pain that other characters have experienced through their connections with Vanguard or the suffering he’s putting his own family through to see IF secured.
His mind struggles to contend with the sudden explosion of power and his sanity withers when viewing possibilities that he was never granted, reinforced by Takuto’s claim that Kai-kun’s life is better as it is, of Aichi’s strength in those other worlds, of longing to reach his alternative selves and feel his existence holds any value. He doesn’t truly have control over himself as a result of this madness, which is why he refers to Kourin by just her name.
How Sanctuary itself formed, there’s just nothing that comes to mind. Unless IF has special properties that just haven’t been explained that allow for more supernatural events to occur — like Sanctuary’s appearance, the battlegrounds that don’t inflict real world damage on their sites — can’t really wrap head around how Aichi was able to create it.
The original distortion’s root:
Something else that still doesn’t make sense is Shuka being led to Blaster Blade as a withering existence. And as Aichi himself never played a part in that, the past couple of weeks had had me suspicious of Nome, and other fans have been pointing fingers his way as of late. His disappearance in episode 1 hasn’t been addressed, and it’s odd for him to so briefly show up only to seemingly play no part.
It’s just a possibility, but he, whether tainted by something Brandt or sibling jealousy, tampered with the Akashic Records to lure Shuka in and cause the accident that prevented Kai-kun and Aichi from meeting, shaping IF Aichi’s life to keep him from deviating from a path that Nome had set for him, using someone else’s brother (and someone known to be a powerful force is let loose) as a weapon.
If Brandt has a part in any of this, perhaps he infected Aichi with it, to allow it/his Psyqualia/imagination to overload him when exposed to the truth beyond IF.
This is all just grasping at straws at this point because really struggle to see Aichi doing this of his own accord and I believe him to be better than this, I want to believe the writers do too.
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dorunasch · 2 years
For the ask game: Kai, Misakou, Misaki?
Thanks 💖
Give me a character & I will tell you: Kai Toshiki
How I feel about this character: I have a lot of feelings about kai that i've said before so here it is again. disregarding the cardfighting aspect of kai’s fall to link joker, he felt increasingly inferior to the people he admired and respected most - ren and aichi, who had become more confident and more respected by their peers - and feared on a deep level that they would be able to move on without him and leave him alone. this debilitating fear of irrelevancy caused him to spiral into a deep depression where he grappled with his own inadequacies and ultimately gave in to isolating and self-destructive behaviors in a misguided effort to regain his relevancy in their eyes, and managed to convince himself that he was not their equal but their superior. in trying to prove his worth as a friend to them, he managed only to further damage their bonds.
when he finally realized this and was offered the chance at being forgiven, he rejected it and determined that he was better off not existing at all rather than risking ever hurting the people he loved again. and when he finally did accept that he had been forgiven, he was constantly reminded that his own shortcomings had affected his friends and ended up spending years trying to overcome the guilt he felt at how much he had hurt them. this is why he had such an overwhelming obsession with saving aichi during legion mate - he couldn't bear the thought of aichi suffering because of his sins.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: aichi, miwa, ren, gaillard
My non-romantic OTP for this character: even though i ship them romantically, miwa. miwa is the perfect best friend for kai, someone who knows how to call kai out on his bullshit but also wants kai to be happy. he's willing to put his own feelings for kai behind him just to make sure that kai doesn't revert back to a shadow of himself, isolated and alone.
My unpopular opinion about this character: kai toshiki is canonically a shy, socially awkward, and insecure nerd who hyperfixates on a card game to fill the void in his life left by an absence of loving, trustworthy adult role models and every time someone portrays him as aggressively sexual or forceful i lose five years of my life
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: kai and aichi hugging, but like, mutually and not with one passed out in the other's arms
My OTP: kaichi
My OT3: kairenai or kaigaiai
Give me a character & I will tell you: Tokura Misaki
How I feel about this character: i love misaki. she hides her own insecurities by allowing others to perpetuate a "boss lady" persona for her so she doesn't have to worry about people trying to get her to open up. when this finally happens, when she becomes part of Q4 and later the miyaji cardfight club, she comes to realize that it's not really so bad opening up after all. i'm glad she became the true boss lady in G series to the point where shin and kamui were both scared of her, but that she's also gentle and becomes a mentor for the younger kids.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: kourin, miwa
My non-romantic OTP for this character: kai. i think misaki and kai have a lot in common and a lot of ways that they coped with their trauma (parents dying) unhealthily by appearing uncaring and "scary" to those around them, but they both come to understand each other due to their backgrounds (particularly in legion mate, where misaki and kai are both grieving the perceived loss of kourin and aichi, respectively)
My unpopular opinion about this character: she deserved to win at least once in legion mate but i doubt this is an unpopular opinion lmao
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I really wanted misaki to have been the one to fight kourin during the link joker climax, like in the manga/v series psyqualia arc. i think it could
My OTP: misakou
My OT3: none
002 | send me a ship and I will tell you: misakou
when or if I started shipping it: i think during the school play episode, when misaki was the only one who had faith that kourin wouldn't blow them off and actually show up for their performance.
my thoughts: they were both known for closing themselves off from those around them but learned to trust and open up to each other. misaki went through hell to see kourin again. i say this so much, but they deserved to have a reunion. they deserved it and bushiroad denied it. a bitch don't forget!!
What makes me happy about them: misaki is one of the very few people in the world that sees kourin as a person worthy of befriending and getting to know outside of her status as an idol. they are very comfortable around each other, to the point where they can be open and vulnerable in a way they can't be with others, like in the manga/v series when the cardfight boys go out of their way to give kourin some time to rest and misaki is the only one the boys trust to help kourin relax.
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What makes me sad about them: kourin doesn't! even get! her memories back!! misaki wears kourin's hair tie for years afterward and they don't get a reunion...
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Things done in fanfic that annoys me: lmao what fanfic
My kinks: kourin doesn't lose her memory
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: miwa for misaki, but i don't have anyone else for kourin
My happily ever after for them: if kourin MUST lose her memory, i want her to be compelled to visit card capital, hearing that lots of strong fighters play there, and request that someone teach her how to play. misaki then works to rekindle their relationship from the ground up and they fall in love all over again.
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ryuukia · 5 years
Some sort of Christmas Present thingy (I guess?)
If you’ve checked my blog these days then you might have seen my proposal. Since the Christmas spirit is slowly taking over me, I decided to take on one translation request, winner generated through random number generator. (It ended up more with tsukiuta than tsukipro, but please read the rules for tsukipro)
You can look up this list below read more, choose one item you want me to translate and send me that through ask. The limit date is 20th of December!
Before that, here are a few rules:
You can send only one ask (please don’t try to cheat using anon ask, I left that available for those who want to participate but don’t have tumblr accounts)
You can send the ask either directly or as anon (but respect rule 1 and send only one ask)
You can select one thing from the list or send me a title of your own if it’s not listed below and it’s not translated by someone else (I didn’t really add tsukipro CDs since I don’t really know which were translated, but I have a slightly idea)
I tried not to add things that were translated before, but if I did end up doing that please let me know and I’ll remove it from the list
For now I’m decided on only one winner, but if there are more than let’s say hmmm 35 requests? I’ll choose 3 winners
Feel free to ask me any questions about it
No, I won’t share the CDs or scans
Might add more rules as time passs?
Now here’s the list (sorry I gave up on naming them like halfway)
Tsukiuta 2nd season (duet CDs)
>Tsukiutaya shop smartphone case short story tokuten:
-Datte Mada Mada Avant-Title -Koi Wasuregusa -Inocencia -Hajimari no Haru -Rainy Day -Tsuki to, Hoshi to, Maboroshi to -Childish flower -Kimi ni Hana wo, Kimi ni Hoshi wo -DA KAI -Awai Hana -Sing Together Forever -Celestite
>Tsukiutaya shop bag short story tokuten:
-Datte Mada Mada Avant-Title -Koi Wasuregusa -Inocencia -Hajimari no Haru -Rainy Day -Tsuki to, Hoshi to, Maboroshi to -Childish flower -Kimi ni Hana wo, Kimi ni Hoshi wo -DA KAI -Awai Hana -Sing Together Forever -Celestite
>Tsukiutaya shop pouch short story tokuten: -Datte Mada Mada Avant-Title -Koi Wasuregusa -Inocencia -Hajimari no Haru -Rainy Day -Tsuki to, Hoshi to, Maboroshi to -Childish flower -Kimi ni Hana wo, Kimi ni Hoshi wo -DA KAI -Awai Hana -Sing Together Forever -Celestite
Tsukiuta 3rd Season:
- Kisaragi Koi [Radical Lovecal] Mini Drama (ft. Iku)
- Kannaduki Iku [Lost My God] Mini Drama (ft. Koi)
- Joint Live Intermission: Kakeru & Rui's MC corner
- Joint Live Intermission: Haru & Kai's MC corner
- Joint Live Intermission: Arata & You's MC corner
- Joint Live Intermission: Aoi & Yoru's MC corner
- Joint Live Intermission: Koi & Iku's MC corner
- Tokuten for buying all 12 volumes: Joint live's backstage entrance
Tsukiuta Female Solo 2nd Series:
- Momosaki Hina [Kono Koneko no Ko] Drama Part
- Terase Yuno [My Longing] Drama Part
- Motomiya Matsuri [Tawamure Hayashi ni Koikogare] Drama Part
- Asagiri Akane [Sepia] Drama Part
- Tokuten for buying all 12 volumes: Girls' live backstage ~Let's have lunch!~
Unit Singles:
- Six Gravity Unit Song [Gravity] Short Story paper
- Procellarum Unit Song [ONE CHANCE] Short Story paper
- Interlocked Purchase Short Story paper "After a certain live is over" (ft all 12)
Anikuji (CDs):
-Six Gravity Anikuji B-1 Award: Hajime & Haru
-Six Gravity Anikuji B-2 Award: Arata & Aoi
-Six Gravity Anikuji B-3 Award: Kakeru & Koi
-Six Gravity Anikuji B-4 Award: Hajime & Arata
-Six Gravity Anikuji B-5 Award: Aoi & Kakeru
-Six Gravity Anikuji B-6 Award: Haru & Koi
-Procellarum Anikuji B-1 Award: Shun & Kai
-Procellarum Anikuji B-2 Award: You & Yoru
-Procellarum Anikuji B-3 Award: Rui & Iku
-Procellarum Anikuji B-4 Award: Shun & You
-Procellarum Anikuji B-5 Award: Kai & Rui
-Procellarum Anikuji B-6 Award: Yoru & Iku
Other CDs:
- Tsukiuta Ikebukuro Tsukineko Monogatari
- Uduki Arata's Rabbit Fair: "Tsukiuta in Wonderland" Special Tokuten Drama CD
- Tsukiuta Koi & Arata's tokuten Tsukiraji Bussiness Trip Edition
- Tsukiuta Tsukipro Festa in Stuffing Oshi things (ive no idea how to word this lol)
- Tsukiutaya Shop antenashop kaiten kinen manezu eigyou tour ☆ tennai housou CD
- Tsukiuta nenmatsu jump kuji D-Award " AGF 2014 Tsukiutaya Naration CD"
>Super comic city 25 Charity Book: Kimi ni hana o ageyou (this on features tsukipro characters too)
> Tsukitomo Animate Set Booklet
> Monthly Tsukiuta 2014 Special Edition:
-One year anniversary roundtable discussion: Seniors ver
-One year anniversary roundtable discussion: Middle group ver
-One year anniversary roundtable discussion: Juniors ver
-Cast Interview: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12
- Goddesses talk
- Tsukiuta diagram 12-5 Men + Women
- Interview with Jiku-sensei
- January & February interview (about their songs): Men + Women
- Dorms plans ft March representants
- Tsukiuta diagram 1-12 Men
- More interviews with staff members
> [AGF 2014] Monthly Tsukiuta 2014 Special Edition:
-Two years anniversary roundtable discussion: Seniors ver -Two years anniversary roundtable discussion: Middle Group ver -Two years anniversary roundtable discussion: Juniors ver -Cast Interview (Men ver): 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 -Cast Interview (Female ver): 1-12 - Christmas talk between the juniors - Christmas talk between Gravi, Procella and Fluna - Festival of seven herbs discussion ft Middle group -Adult day (?) discussion ft seniors - Tsukiuta Poll (men & women) // basically top lists for stuffs like "who do you want to have as you boyfriend/girlfriend etc - To you who meets us for the first time (convo ft juniors) - To you who meets us for the first time (convo ft middle group) - To you who meets us for the first time (convo ft seniors)
>Tsukiuta Summer Holiday (Diary with one entry for each day)
>Tsukipro Dark Stew short story booklet
>Tsukipro Dark Stew 2 short story booklet > [Focus] Solids Fanbook (for this prob interviews) > TSUKIPRO SHOP in HARAJUKU Item Line-up SEXY☆SENSE mini story paper > TSUKIPRO SHOP in HARAJUKU Item Line-up Tokyo Love Junky mini story paper
>Character Songs:
- Vol.1 Animate ss paper ft shiki
-Vol.2 Animate ss paper ft Rikka
-Vol.4  Animate ss paper ft Dai
- Tokuten for buying all 4 volumes (mini drama CD)
- Tokuten for buying all 4 volumes (mini drama CD)
MY☆STAR Vol.3 -Cross Talk (Gravi & Procella) -Question for leader (Hajime & Shun + Kai & Haru) -More questions (Junios/Middle Group) -SolidS interview -Growth interview -SOARA interview
MY☆STAR Vol.8 - Love song for you - Special Interview (Arata, Aoi, You, Yoru) - Let's Sing a love song!! SolidS side - Let's Sing a love song!! QUELL side - Let's Sing a love song!! SOARA side - Let's Sing a love song!! Growth side
Dengeki Girl's Style (October 2015 issue) - Tsukiuta 3rd Season Kisaragi Koi [Radical Lovecal] - Interview with Koi's voice actor, Masuda Toshiki - Tsukiuta 3rd Season Kannaduki Iku [Lost My God] - Interview with Iku's voice actor, Ono Kensho
Dengeki Girl's Style (November 2015 issue) - Tsukiuta 3rd Season Satsuki Aoi [Harukaze to Hibari] - Interview with Aoi's voice actor, KENN - Tsukiuta 3rd Season Nagatsuki Yoru [Yuuyake Days] - Interview with Yoru's voice actor, Kondo Takashi
Dengeki Girl's Style (December 2015 issue) - Tsukiuta 3rd Season Mutsuki Hajime [Aa. Kami wo Nadete, Hoho wo Nadete, Omae wo Aishite yaru] - Interview with Hajime's voice actor, Toriumi Kousuke - Tsukiuta 3rd Season Shimotsuki Shun [Monochrome Sky] - Interview with Shun's voice actor, Kimura Ryohei
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zexal--arc-v--1412 · 5 years
tagged by @chibicrow​ (since you said whoever read it was tagged :P)
Favourite colour: Blue!!
Favourite ships: too many so imma just list a few (edit: not a few. oops.)
YGO (All series):
Kaiba/Kisara (DM)
Ryou/Edo (GX)
Kaito/Mizael (ZeXal)
Zarc/Ray (Arc-V)
Yusaku/Ryoken (Vrains)
Cardfight!! Vanguard:
Kai Toshiki/Sendou Aichi (OTP)
Tokura Misaki/Tatsunagi Kourin
Ibuki Kouji/Anjou Mamoru
Shindou Chrono/Shouji Kazuma
Fem!Hakuno/Gilgamesh (CCC)
Fem!Hakuno/EMIYA (CCC)
Female Protagonist/Edmond Dantes (FGO)
May/Steven Stone (gameverse)
Granblue Fantasy:
Lipstick or chap: chapstick!
Last song: Ain Soph Aur (Granblue) hey granblue wanna give back my heart, wmtsb completely killed me. poor sandalphon. the lyrics make me cry.
Last movie: Pokemon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea (don’t judge I like Manaphy)
Currently reading: Death’s End by Liu Cixin. It’s the third novel in the Three Body Problem trilogy. It’s a really good sci-fi! 
I tag: anyone who wants to do this
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chibicrow · 5 years
zexal--arc-v--1412 replied to your post “authoratmidnight replied to your post “authoratmidnight replied to...”
I'm late to the party :/ What chat post?
The Legendary “This Week on Kai Toshiki the Anime” Chat Post Series, of course!
Of course, it’s been like.... almost five years since Legion Mate hen started and ended, so like I said, I’d be surprised if I had any followers from then who knew what I was talking about lmao. 
I didn’t do it for all of Legion Mate hen (tho I should’ve. I really should’ve. *sob*), but they were chat posts I made after a Legion Mate hen episode would air because Kai Toshiki being a main protag for one season when Aichi had to suffer 150+ episodes of being a main protag was such a hilarious concept to me. 
They would summarize the episode, yeah, but the episode previews in the reboot now? That’s the sort of style these chat posts were. 
I embedded a link to the tag in case you want to check them out for yourself. Honestly, I loved making those, so with Aichi being temporarily dethroned from being a main protag in the reboot, I might bring ‘em back again. :D 
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sambart93 · 5 years
2018.10.26 and 29 Teito Tantei Kitan Zigomar [Review]
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Official Website here Official Twitter here Press Coverage 1, 2, 3, 4
Hiroya as Z (Zigomar / Jigoma) Hattori Takeo as Mikasa Yumenosuke (Private Detective) Ebihara Yuka as Mutou Yuuko (Kidnapped by Zigoma) Hanaoka Meika as Hanasaki Mayuko (Mikasa's Assistant) Kadono Sho as Kitamiko Saburo (Chief Policeman) Tanaka Hiroki as Sumi Arata (Newbie Policeman) Oda Toshiki as Hira Tarou (Journalist)
Adachi Yuna as Tokage (meaning 'lizard' - Phantom Theif) Sawada Maria as Ando Ayako (Opera Singer)
Umehara Saeri as Aikawa Tamako (Tetsujiro's Girlfriend/Wife) Kuroki Kiko as Doi Shiori (Adopted Sister?) Tatsuya Yuu as Kobayashi Tetsujiro (Saved by Mikasa. Admires Mikasa.)
Working For Zigomar:
Hinagata Ui as Tsukishiro Tei Ogura Eriko as Sunaga Tokiko
Working for Fukiya:
Maruyama Raiden* as Gondawara Kouzou Odagiri Masayo as Harukara Meiko Souji Masato as Hitomi Hirosuke Kamidochi Kanki as Naoki Osamu
Terumi as Fukiya Kiyoshi 
W Cast:
Kai Chiaru / Oota Saki as Saito Kanoko (Yuuko's Maid) Ashikaga Itaru / Oda Shunpei as Mifune Saburo (Powerful Politician, Yuuko's Husband) Ihara Yu / Umeda Shohei as Tsujioka Fumisuke (Works for Zigomar)
*DAMN that's a REALLY good name!
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NON-SPOILER REVIEW Overall: My expectations for ASSH are always high and they ALWAYS met! They always make such amazing stages that are pleasing in so many ways! This stage was just as high quality as their previous ones; great in-depth amazing story with characters that you just want to know personally and in-depth - seriously, every single one of them I got very attached and/or interested in ! -, the darkness and the themes of the story was great, they always have a message that leaves you thinking, the costumes were well made and the theme was super interesting; and as per usual I was left wanting more, wanting another installment! I loved the messaged for this play which was very much 'how do we decide whether a character is good or bad?' because every character in this stage is flawed, every character in this has their reasons as to why their actions are justified, each character has a charming point that makes you believe their motives are the right ones. I just love that ASSH always poses such questions in their stages and has these types of characters. In true ASSH style, it is not a happy ending. They keep it partially raw and real and dark! The characters that stood out to me the most were obviously Zigomar and Mikasa, but I also got super invested in Hanasaki, Hirosuke, Naoki, Gonda and Kitamiko! I wanted to know so much more about them and their character scenes and arcs are great. Espeically for Gonda and Hirosuke; their arcs were GOLD. I was so invested and so affected by their storylines. I really hope we get a next installment, especially with the random mind-blowing reveal we get at the end of the play, and I am sure they'll find a way to kind of 'undo' what happens at the end so they can make a second stage out of this. It seriously deserves one and I seriously want one! Thank you ASSH for consistently producing and giving me great, solid stages! Rating: 9/10
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I have no idea where to start with this, as per bloody usual, but I shall try!
First I loved the visuals of this stage; I love how the stage looked, I loved the costumes (and how all of them except Zigoma had words on parts of their costumes which were lines from the script); I loved the ending where letters dropped from the ceiling and onto the floor; it was very visually appealing. Although ONE actress did have boots on and at the beginning they were not equal length and OCD me found it very annoying xD but she soon fixed them by the next time she came back on stage.
The Main Plot is: A guy who calls himself Zigoma is running around killing politicians and the police force want to know why and want to stop him before he kills anymore. Also during his first political kill, the kidnaps the wife of the politician and a private detective has been hired to find and save this now-widow. But what is unveiled is so much more...
This show actually had two versions; the Detectives Side and the Bad Guys Side which means there should be a scene change or two between the two shows.
I really enjoyed the story; I loved the discussion and themes of ‘who is right?’ and ‘Is everyone’s individual motive justifiable?’. And we had the mystery of ‘who is Zigoma?’ and ‘why is he doing it?’ and ‘why does he do it?’ which gave some really great punches and revelations. Also the plot twists and the shocker ending were just perfect! I did not see some of them coming and that ending really was a great cherry on the top of the cake! But I won’t spoil it too much right now.
One question/theme that runs throughout the play is whether Zigoma’s motives are justifiable or not. And we get to one part of the play where Mikasa comments ‘I think he’s just doing it for fun. Just because he can.’ but later one Zigoma expresses his desire to change the political climate, to change those in power, almost like a Guy Fawkes (info here) type of character. But then right at the end, when all hope for Zigoma escaping is gone, he cracks. He starts to laugh insanely and then yells at Mikasa ‘you were right! You saw right through me! All along I was doing it just because it’s fun!’. This somewhat internally breaks Mikasa because he didn’t want to be right; he wanted a more logical reason as to why Zigoma did what he did. It’s such a good moment and it really makes the audience think: was Zigoma lying in this moment of insanity? Was he killing off politicians because they were simply shitty, corrupt politicians? Or was he really just doing it because he could? Also, it makes you think, if he was doing it because those in power were corrupt, doesn’t that then make him a hero and not a villain? This theme really messed with my brain and really made me think and I LOVED IT!
There is another scene in the play, that also makes you question Zigoma’s motives. Right at the beginning there is the very first murder of a politician (Mifune Saburo) which everyone thinks Zigoma did because the body discovered was covered in a towel that had the mark ‘Z’ on it. But then at about the mid-point of the story, we learn that in fact the maid of the house had killed the politician because he was not only abusing his wife but was also raping the maid, and she has finally had enough and killed him. However, that night Zigoma had actually come with the intention of killing him anyway so he tells the maid to tell everyone ‘this was my kill!’ and so left the flag on the body. We also find out later that the reason why Zigoma kidnapped Mifune’s wife (Mutou Yuuko) after the murder, is because they actually were original betrothed to each other before she got forced into her marriage with Mifune, which is just like ‘he saved her?! he protected her?! He still loves her?!’ so again, it creates all these questions and such in your brain that you just have to think through and make a decision on. Also once Yuuko realises who Zigoma is, she takes his side completely and helps him out, so she too still has feelings for him! Just waaaahhh?! But then in another twist of fate, right at the end he kills her anyway!! To which I was like ‘waaaahhh?!’ even more!
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I adore the ending so much; not the fact that everyone dies at the end, but how it’s visually shown. They die due to a bomb going off, destroying the building they’re in (again, very Guy Fawkes like!), and just as they all drop dead, letters from the ceiling fall down onto their bodies, and the flags at the back of the stage drop down too. I absolutely loved this visual touch! It was amazing and beautiful.
Another plot twist that had me like ‘HOLY HELL! WHAT?!’ was at the very last scene. But first, some back story: the very first scene of the stage is the actor for Hira Tarou, explaining the backstory and setting of the story. Then IN the story, we meet Tarou who is a very good journalist who just happens to know that Mikasa and co. are trying to stop Zigoma. Because Tarou has some inside sources, they let him join their adventure and story. So we don’t really suspect him for the most part, but we do have one moment in the play where Mikasa asks ‘how do you know all this (secret) stuff?’ and Tarou simply replies ‘well I have informants in the police’ and they just brush it off. But right at the very end, when everyone else is dead, on the floor, on the stage, Tarou comes to the center to finish the narration of the story; he reveals (right at the end!!) that he is in fact Edogawa Ranpo, shuts the book in his hand, black out, stage finishes. I was like ‘wait... he’s.... EDOGAWA RANPO!?!?’ again, MIND BLOWN! I did not see that coming at all! And it was such a good, juicy and powerful reveal! It was so good!
I really liked how everyone got involved in the main story, and I loved all the different ‘factions’ within the story too! We had about six different groups within the story. We had the Detective and his sidekick alongside the police; Zigoma and his posse of followers; bystanders who get super nosey in the Detective’s business; A trio friendship between Meiko, Hirosuke and Naoki; An ambitious opera singer and a Phantom Thief who somehow get caught up in it all without meaning to; Kiyoshi and his clan of servants. I think those are the six main groups. So you can see the big dynamic difference between some and the similarities between others.
The richness and depth of these characters you get from them even though we barely spend two hours with them on stage is just amazing. I fell for some characters so quickly and so hard! I was completely invested in every single one of them! I seriously don’t understand how ASSH consistently makes big casts, but still manages to make every character so rich and different! I don’t understand how we haven’t had a mass crossover of character traits yet in any of their stages! It is just amazing! Characters that I automatically loved just because I love the actors were: Zigoma and Arata. Characters who completely won my heart over throughout the play were: Tokage, Hirosuke, Mikasa, Kitamiko and Hanasaki! I loved all the characters to be honest but the MVP, the one who I ended up completely loving and rooting for and took a lot of my attention was Hirosuke! I don’t know why; maybe because he was visually pleasing, but also his character development was so great! I also loved his relationship with some of the characters! Just... I need to go into spoilers to flail about this boy! So are you ready?
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So the main story with Hirosuke is that he and his two close/best friends (Meiko and Naoki) decided to work for Fukiya so that they could have a better and less poor life. But it turns out Fukiya is the worst, and Fukiya orders Meiko and Hirosuke to murder Naoki because he discovers that Naoki is trying to trick and betray him. So while Meiko begs him not to kill Naoki, Hirosuke does it anyway. This obviously breaks his heart and tears him apart. Later on we see Meiko asking Hirosuke to stop following Fukiya, to leave with her and it get away from all this but Hirosuke follows orders, ‘this is for the better’ and shoots her dead. This obviously destroys him too and after killing her. I loved seeing the internal struggle that he had within himself; does he follow his boss? does he follow his heart? does he follow his friends? does he put power over friendship first. I love how we see it eat him from the inside! And that is why he is my favourite! I also love the little scene he has with Tokage at the beginning; she’s the phantom thief who’s being stealing things for Fukiya, but she has never shown her face - she always has him at gun point or knife point, forcing him to look the other way and never see her face. And the beginning of this play, he says ‘just once, could I see your face?’, but it’s not until right at the very end when all the characters have gathered together, that he finally gets to see her, and you can see how happy he is! I love the friendship/slight-romance we have between these two.
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Relating to those three, there is a butler, Gondawara, who works alongside Hirosuke and Meiko, and also tries to protect them (and others) many times. I absolutely adored him. He had such a short role but I love how he protected Saito Kanoko and then persuades her to eventually tell the truth about Mifune’s death. He was also the one who stood in the way of Hirosuke and Tei, trying to get Hirosuke to come to his senses and giving him a chance to run away but this ultimately leads to Gonda’s death. He was such a sweet character and I’m so sad he died, and so quickly too!
Gonda’s death is thanks to Tei who has a short but very interesting story line! The girl is addicted to Opium. And once on the opium, she becomes absolutely obsessed with killing. So much so that she attacked and killed Gonda. The cops also try to stop her by shooting her in the leg but because of the drugs, she doesn’t feel it and instead just starts dragging herself across the floor. She finally drags herself back to Zigoma and her crew, but Zigoma deems her insane and that she has lost the real reason why they are killing people, so Zigoma kills her.
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Of course, I can’t talk about the characters without talking about our young, new detective Arata, who also goes by the nickname of ‘Suspender-kun’ because he always wears suspenders! He was adorable! He was a fresh, raring to go new detective and I absolutely loved his relationship with his boss, Saburo! They were such a hilarious comedy duo! And Hiroki/Arata on his own did a damn good job being funny and hilarious too! Also Saburo himself was hilarious as a solo artist!
Let me tell you about their ridiculousness: In the very first scene where they introduce themselves, Saburo is completely over the top and takes off his jacket and just drops it on the floor, then later on Arata throws it back to him but he lets it drop. The timing was absolutely perfect and was absolutely hilarious! Another scene is when Arata decides he’s going to seriously help and Saburo finally calls him ‘Arata’ instead of ‘suspender-kun’, so he gets really happy and really dramatic and holds himself against a wall, and Saburo comes over and comments ‘you idiot’ before slapping him on the butt xD
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Another character I enjoyed was the Tantei’s assistant: Hanasaki Mayuko. She  was an adorable dork!! I absolutely adored her! And she really shone during her adlibbed comedy scenes! Not only did she get the crowd laughing, but even Mikasa’s actor Hattori was having a hard time keeping a straight face at times xD She was so cute and funny and sweet and adorable! I really liked her! One scene that stood out to me for her: Hanasaki and the Youkan (a thick, jellied Japanese dessert made of red bean paste, agar, and sugar)! Kanoko brings Youkan to the detective as a thanks for saving her and for all their hard work on trying to find Yuuko. But turns out Hanasaki LOVES youkan so she tries to eat all of it through various ways, either offering to Mikasa (who she knows will say no), and quickly trying to eat another piece straight after. But because of this, natural comedy came out where she was trying to say her lines while her mouth was full of food xD also trying to be like ‘oh Mikasa doesn’t like youkan. DO YOU? No you don’t! Didn’t think so! More for me!!’ which was so cute.
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Speaking of Mikasa, about part-way through the play, there’s a flashback-slash-fever dream where Mikasa is talking to Zigoma, and Zigoma is like ‘what’s the real reason you became a private detective instead of a policemen? You know deep down the real reason why!’ so that makes me think maybe his father had died on the job and that’s why he became a mysterious private detective instead? Or was his father corrupt as well as the police force at the time? So many questions!
One plot twist that I really enjoyed was the reveal that Tokage and Ando Ayako were actually sisters!! When Ayako starts yelling ‘Onee-san // Big Sister’ at one point, I was like “OMG THEY ARE SISTERS?!?!?!’. I totally didn’t see it coming! Especially because, for most of the play Ayako is horrible towards Tokage and is very cold, almost as if they had never met and just got off on the wrong foot straight away! But later on we learn that they do care for each other and they had to pretend not to know each other, in case Tokage ever got caught because she didn’t want to endanger her little sister. I was MIND BLOWN.
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There is another twist where Aikawa actually betrays everyone and was working for Zigoma the whole time. Unfortunately I had already cottoned on a few scenes before hand that she was secretly in on it. I don’t know how I knew but I just felt like ‘there must be some other reason why this family of three are in the story’ and there are scenes where she’s left to protect Shioro at time, and Shiori is DUMB AS FUCK, so I wouldn’t put it past Shiori to not notice what Aikawa was up to and too dumb to realise when Aikawa had gone off to plot or make something. So I naturally figured either Shiori was pretending to be this dumb, stupid sister, or Aikawa was a secret mastermind or Tesujiro was pretending to admire Mikasa so he could set him up. I knew something was going on with those three.
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Other Notable Moments/Scenes
In true ASSH style we had the whole cast dancing during the opening song. Luckily, Hiroki on the far left when the dance opening song starts.
There is a slow motion fighting scene which I thought was so cool!!! I really enjoyed the slow-mo moment. Also we got live singing! Ando Ayako’s actress Sawada Maria actually sang the opera songs live to us and she also sings the ending song live which is amazing! Her voice is very, very good!!
I really loved how Saburo and Mikasa decide to team up at the end even though they had some differences throughout the play, but for the greater good (!) they team up in the finale!
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Some things that specifically happened during my First Show (Detective Version):
I was first row and on the very last seat to the left. The gap between my feet and the stage was practically 0.1cm! So I was super duper close to all the actors! Which was for the most part absolutely terrifying (especially during the fight scenes). However, it did have it’s good moment which I will list right here: towards the end of the show, Hiroki gets into a fight which causes him to get thrown and pinned against a wall. That wall was RIGHT in front of me and my head was at the perfect level for Hiroki’s waist, which means that his butt was right in front of me!!!! Also he smelt really nice xD another moment was the final showdown between Tantei Mikasa and Zigoma, they were fighting and again, they slammed against the wall right next to me!! I was parts freaking out and parts overwhelmed and overjoyed xD
We had a double curtain call, and the ending aisatsu was by Hanasaki who was totally cute and she got very shy and couldn’t remember what she wanted to say. But everyone was giggling at her adorableness xD She was stood next to Hiroki and they were both so cute alongside each other!
Of course it was filming day!! When do I never go on filming day?! xD I am ALWAYS at filming day!!! xD
Second Show (Bad Guy Version):
I went to the senshuuraku (the finale) of this show! They really went all out on the comedy in this final show! Hiroki got hit so hard by Saburo that he started laughing to the side of the stage. Then later Saburo went to pull and release his suspenders and pretended to it the first time, but on the second time he actually let go and it was really hard. Hiroki was rubbing his chest in pain.
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Maybe I just didn’t notice in the first show but I feel like in this show, the three people working for Zigoma got their moment of explaining what they wanted and why they joined Zigoma. Maybe this was the scene especially created for this version of the show, or maybe I just missed it the first time round. But I loved getting to know where they came from, their backgrounds and why they joined him.
Another Higawari (daily change) was Gonda saying an Acrostic Poem for Ji-Go-Ma. In the second show, he got a huge round of applause after his Ji-Go-Ma poem because it was just too funny and very good. Unfortunately, I do no remember it *cries*
I also noticed in this second show that there is a moment where Arata and Hanasaki fall in love for a moment after she accidentally touches his arm and that motivates him to help Mikasa on his case some more xD
While in the first show we had Saburo just complete miss catching his jacket through his own lack of calculations, this time it was through Hiroki’s fault; Saburo couldn’t reach far enough to grab his jacket from Hiroki’s throw, it was hilarious.
Another higawari is when Saburo is trying to talk to Arata but Arata get’s super angry straight away: Saburo: Let’s go brat. Arata: *super angry* What did you say?!?! Saburo: Let’s go you brat! Arata: *calms down* Ohh I didn’t hear you! Saburo: *shock* IS THAT WHY YOU GOT MAD?! The scene ends with Hiroki asking Saburo to slap his arm, and they did this wave with their arms before walking off stage xD
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In both shows, when Zigoma first appears in front of Yuuko in her house before kidnapping her, he walks in with brandy in a brandy glass and drinks it. In every other show the glass has been half full so it was easy for him to drink. BUT, in this final show Zigoma walked on stage with a GLASS FULL of brandy, and it took him a while to finish it. It was obvious who’d seen the show before because we were the ones cracking up as soon as he walked on stage! So as you can tell, they really went all out on the comedy in this final show! It wasn’t being filmed, they might as well do ridiculous shit and have fun xD
Just before the youkan scene, Hanasaki is in the kitchen making a mess, but then walks on stage and she uses a crashing noise to her advantage. She kept replaying the crash music as Mikasa tried to talk. She tried so hard to get Mikasa’s actor to burst out in laughter but didn’t work; we (the audience) were all dying though.
It was a triple curtain call where we got an announcement for the next stage (the next installment of KimiSaga - review here)!! In March!!! I was (and am!) so excited!!
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And that’s everything! Sorry it took so damn long to get these reviews out (and I’m still a shit ton behind!) but bare with me xD
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thebladeblaster · 3 years
Till I can get to feeling like writing here’s the second half of the Bonds Beyond Dimensions Prologue. The four dimensions are dealing with the void and the Vanguard universe is dealing with...well you can guess.
Bonds Beyond Dimensions: Prologue | Side: Vanguard
A few weeks after the nationals. Things had gotten rather quiet for Aichi after his cardfight against Ren. Things had seemed to gone to how they were before all the Psyqualia craziness. Well...except Kai was off who knows where again. Aichi tried not to be a worry wart but...he had this off feeling that something was going on. Recently there’s been various reports of numerous people being found unconscious or not being found at all. It made him feel a bit uneasy. Not to mention Kai and Miwa were acting very weird before they left. Aichi just sighed hoping that maybe there will be a explanation for all this weirdness soon.
Aichi started walking through the door to Card Capital when he suddenly froze. For the first time in weeks his Psyqualia activated and he could swear his units were screaming at him ‘to run’. Aichi flinched caught off guard not only by his Psyqualia activating, but the strange power he sensed. He steadied himself a looked into the shop and gasped in shock at what he saw. Various people laid on the ground. Aichi inched over to one nervously to check for a pulse. Before he could he flinched as he could once again feel his Psyqualia activate ‘RUN! RUN! RUN!’, his units warned. Aichi looked up from his crouched position. His heart beat louder as he slowly looked up. The top part of the person was covered in menacing shadow and Aichi jumped back onto his feet backing away.
He now got a better look at the person and his eyes widened in shock.
“M-Morikawa?!”, Aichi questioned in complete confusion.
He felt a bit wary. After all his Royal Paladin units knew how he felt about Psyqualia. They wouldn’t activate it carelessly. He noted something off about Morikawa he had a mysterious purple aura around him and his eyes glowed a menacing green. His demeanor was very off too he seemed to stand limply like he was just a puppet.
“Yeah...that’s not natural...”, Aichi thought.
He backed away nervously as Morikawa inched towards him.
“D-don’t fight him bro!!!”, Aichi gasped in shock as he heard a familiar voice.
He looked over to see Kamui in the distance struggling up. He wore a black and orange jacket with a orange symbol. He had on jeans and wore a red bandanna like Team Handsome.
“You...fight...me...”, Morikawa said in a emotionless tone.
“Why?! What’s going on?”, Aichi asked.
Aichi looked over as he noticed Morikawa held up a deck in challenge. The unit on the top looked completely unfamiliar to him. From what he could see it looked like some sort of black dragon with glowing green highlights. The odd feeling he had increased. That ‘unit’ felt completely wrong like it wasn’t a unit at all. Not to mention, just it’s presence here felt like his fight or flight instincts were activating. It was like he was in front of a predator.
“Just d-don’t...w-whether you win or...not you’ll end up like-“, Kamui fell over as he was talking and Aichi ran over to him without thinking.
He caught Kamui as he fell holding him in his arms. Aichi narrowed his eyes as he looked over to‘Morikawa’.
“B-bro don’t...”, Kamui pleading trying to hold Aichi back.
Aichi sweated nervously as he noticed how weak he seemed. He hardly felt him holding him back at all. Aichi sat Kamui in one of the chairs to make him more comfortable. He turned back to ‘Morikawa’ walking towards him as Kamui weakly reached out to him.
“So...you are Sendou Aichi...”, Morikawa said.
“Don’t you know that?”, Aichi asked confused.
“I am...not your friend...I am a Darkwurm...of Zarc....”, Morikawa now known as the Darkwurm replied.
“Zarc? Who’s Zarc?”, Aichi questioned confused.
“Hehe...you are very...late to the party...Sendou Aichi...Toshiki Kai must be to blame about that...”, The Darkwurm replied.
Aichi froze at the mention of Kai and Kamui sweated nervously.
“Kai? What do you know about Kai? Do you know where he is?”, Aichi asked.
“I know that...he has been trying to keep us...away from you...You are a Psyqualia user like that red haired teen...”, the Darkwurm replied.
“How do you know about Psyqualia? And why does it matter to you?”, Aichi questioned.
“The energy of you...Psyqualia users are...especially tasty for my master...”, the Darkwurm replied.
Aichi didn’t like the sound of that at all. Aichi paled looking a bit freaked out.
“T-tasty?! My energy?! What is this a magical girl anime?”, Aichi questioned.
“Fight me...human...and have your energy....used to revive my master Zarc...”, the Darkwurm said.
“Yeah...no.”, Aichi replied, trying to get by him with Kamui.
His exit was blocked by the Darkwurm.
“You will fight...or...”, The Darkwurm said as shadowy blobs emerged from the ground and transformed into black dragons with glowing green highlights.
“Oh my god...”, Aichi’s mumbled his eyes opening as wide as dinner plates.
“We will...devour all these people...”, the Darkwurm finished.
Aichi nodded hastily looking very spooked.
“Alright then. If you want to fight that bad. Then let’s do this!”, Aichi replied.
They went to the sides of the standing fight table and placed down their starting Vanguard.
From somewhere...
Three shadowy figures watched the battle about to take place.
“This one may be more interesting than the others.”, a feminine voice said.
“It better be. I’m so bored. I hope that Aichi boy is worth all the hype.”, a more masculine voice said in a whimsical tone.
“Yeah, so you’ll stop going around killing potential energy sources for kicks.”, a deeper voice said in a scolding tone.
“Get off my ass Dark Rebellion. They weren’t cardfighters or whatever their called anyway. So they were worthless to our plan.”, the whimsical one replied.
“Even still they could have a became cardfighters. Master Zarc needs as much energy as possible to regain his power. Seriously even Clear Wing is more professional than you Starving Venom.”, Dark Rebellion replied.
“Wow, you actually mean that?”, Clear Wing, the feminine one replied in a joyous tone.
“Don’t compare me to her! She changes moods as much as the weather!”, Starving Venom replied indignantly.
Starving Venom growled after Clear Wing quickly wacked him.
Meanwhile on the screen Aichi flinched as he took his first damage. He noticed he not only felt the attack but he felt like some of his energy had been sapped.
“All it takes is a attack for me to get drained?”, Aichi questioned as he clutched his fist noticing his grip got a bit weaker.
“Yes...and master Zarc...shall gobble up all you cardfighters...to fuel his return...”, the Darkwurm said menacingly.
To be continued...
Ah...Aichi’s actually late to the party. It’s just like Link Joker 😂. Aichi just walks into it.
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blaster-aichi · 4 years
Cardfight!! Vanguard Extra Story IF 20 things
changing up the formula for the week
12 seconds in and we’re threatening murder, a new record.
What did we do to deserve Miwa and what did he do to deserve the treatment he gets from the writers?
When there are only bits and pieces of his original memories coming through, having the most nightmarish moment be one of them, one could only imagine how unsettling it is for one poor ultra-soft boy. And if it might cause him to sympathize with Aichi’s belief in brief moments, from undeniable proof that engaging in Vanguard has hurt a number of people around them.
Weekly yearning for the relationship between Outside World and IF World to get an explanation rises.
IF continuing with the softest Kai-kun faces, cause of death determined. That is all.
The fact that Morikawa’s dismissal serves towards the plot is startling, but at the same time, in-universe, it’s still baffling why he was chosen as opposed to anyone else. Perhaps because of his role in Aichi’s actively playing the game? But otherwise, drawing a blank.
There is a lot to say about the Kourin/Miwa scene, see below.
Semi-sortof-half-right about the Miwa/Takuto collusion but also see below.
Weekly yearning for the relationship between Outside World and IF World to get an explanation intensifies.
The Dinner Table Scene. Rena.exe has stopped working. See below, I flip the table.
This is the most adorable thing ever and boys, PLEASE.
Miwa picks up the mantle of roasting characters, the KaiMiwa is strong.
Pot. Kettle. Mirror. Bitch?
The choice to have Dragonic Overlord’s Deletion visually mirror its occurrence during the cardfight-based season is a strong choice; due to its haunting Kai-kun since it penetrated the IF illusion, and his facing Ibuki without letting any distress showing, in spit of what he’s seen, it demonstrates just the strength of his character and builds on his being able to take the punches and roll with them thus far.
Everyday, I relate to Kai Toshiki even more.
Very much appreciate Emi chiming in where Ibuki is concerned because though the emphasis is on his relationships with Kai-kun, Miwa and Suiko, their time understanding one another in episode 7 remains a personal favourite thing from the season.
Suiko’s intervention to protect Emi and Shuka; yes, yes, yes! Best big sister doing her thing.
Along the same line of thought; Miwa taking the bullet to save Kai-kun feels a natural conclusion to his role within IF, but also playing upon how he stressed Kai-kun’s happiness was his priority in his cardfight with Neve. His strongest trait through the franchise has been his dedication to his best friend, no matter the cost to himself, and seeing that occur in the literal sense feels as though it was always a case of when, not if. Although with the likely remaining time left in the season and its focus, there won’t be a spotlight shone on it again or for Kai-kun to really convey his feelings about it, it was nice to see and think about through the day after.
Episode 102: the KaiMiwa edition.
All Hail the Overlords and their Realizing.
Kai-kun takes back his other part-time job of literally roasting people with Miwa gone.
Though it’s likely down to how he was recruited into the Sanctuary Knights (and his past being repaired erasing the entire ordeal from his perspective), Ibuki’s lost memories of joining them begs the question of the fate of everyone’s memories once the timeline is fully restored, given it hasn’t been made clear if there are two different versions of characters that exist or their Outside World selves pulled inside and overwritten to fit IF’s continuity. Cases such as Emi, Aichi and Kourin in particular, seeing as Naoki, Shingo and Miwa have thus far retained their memories of IF despite returning Outside.
Not entirely sure why Kourin is so aggravated by the Sanctuary Knights’ numbers thinning when Naoki, Shingo and Miwa felt much more like nuisances to her and it means she’s alone on Aichi’s side. But okay, play cosmic fuckery with your sisters.
IF 21 preview
Rekka sighted. Hopes raised for her re-entering the story properly raised. Hopes realized when the preview caps from Bushi’s Twitter confirm as much
The season that continues its joke of memeing anime deaths.
With the perspective of Kourin’s weekly nightmarish face and the typical use of the angle, eager to see the girls getting the upper-hand over her, as it dawned on me that Naoki and Shingo had weekly stints being the main antagonistic force but Kourin, in essence, is on four and counting. And with the jarring fact that Aichi’s just sitting back, possibly oblivious, possibly not?
The unidentified Sanctuary Knight in the preview had gotten hopes up that Misaki was finally entering the fray but the aforementioned tweet popped that like a Genshin Impact Anemo slime. Rude.
the four breakdowns (for comical effect, it was one Wild call)
Takuto: From what’s been shown of Takuto, one could summise that he’s unable to leave Sanctuary by some force Aichi (or Kourin, with or without using Aichi to do it) has imposed on him, but considering his position, his personality doesn’t quite fit. With the gravity of the situation, particularly when he had pinpointed Aichi as the strongest Psyqualia fighter and (Destiny Conductor) personally input extra restraints to keep him under control, with him being the enemy, it's puzzling how Takuto is so lax. Even more in that he didn’t use Miwa as a means of passing on any message to the other Tatsunagis. While he couldn’t be expected to know Ren and Rekka were dispatched specifically to find him, one would imagine it was natural there would be someone coming and he may have been able to offer anything from within Sanctuary and its populous. But apparently not.
Kourin: To be honest, the way in which Kourin is being handled rubs me the wrong way, and in a different way from Legion Mate (if anything, its the very opposite problem to then in some regards). It appears to be a sentiment spreading among viewers, at least from what have been able to discern. But in regards to this episode alone, she’s proven herself atrocious at her job. Why wander around a public school in her Sanctuary Knight uniform? Why alert Miwa to her being outside the door? Why divulge essentially her entire job description when all he said was her name? Why are you hovering in a public school? Also has no room to talk about Suiko and Ibuki with how she is around Aichi, let alone around the other Sanctuary Knights and playing bodyguard between the two. It feels with each week she becoming even more territorial and possessive of Aichi.
The Dinner Table Scene: This was initially what really stood out as jarring. The scene feels out of place in many regards; from Aichi’s behaviour to its serving no purpose (not when Takuto’s very last line right before it already established they’re two peas in a pod).                  If anything, it strikes as antithetical to IF Aichi until this point; it’s possible to excuse his lack of reacting to Naoki’s removal from the scene in 18 as being kept in the dark to keep him from struggling to process the news, but with the time that’s passed and losing two others, there’s no way in hell he isn’t aware. Yet he isn’t fazed, not even when Vanguard has essentially ripped away people from him and played right into his beliefs.                 The choice of setting is peculiar; was it just for the gag of Ibuki having a biscuit for a meal? (does Kourin get groceries in her uniform too?) To be truthful, it feels like the two could have met elsewhere in the castle — the throne room, Aichi’s quarters, a corridor where the city could be seen through a window with Ibuki’s back to it (or it behind Aichi so Ibuki could watchthe view past him) — whether Kourin was involved or not, but additionally, Aichi’s acceptance of Ibuki (and in spite of their past and the Deletion, which hazard a guess he remembers in full) simply doesn’t feel coherent. With how vicious they were to one another, even with the dust settling and them both moving on plus Ibuki’s role in IF thus far, wouldn’t it make sense that there would be some tension between them? The scene as a whole encapsulated some of the concerns that had at points during the season, though it’s redeemed itself with some. But where Aichi is concerned, I worry greatly it’s much like Legion Mate where it feels they don’t know what to do with him and are putting off him making a move personally until the end, drawing out Kourin and the new element of fuckery with characters’ pasts.                    Don’t want to get down on this season, it’s got its highs and lows like any other, but the episode in particular was concerning and this scene was the pinnacle of those feelings. It could sweep those worries aside with a great episode (for like the fourth time because it keeps coming back strong when alarm bells ring).
The Pacing: Courtney initially mentioned the episode feeling rushed and when sitting down and thinking it over, have to say that agree. Assuming IF is running a tight schedule with OverDress around the corner, it probably wouldn’t have had the time, but it may have benefitted from the episode being drawn across two. It would have allowed time for Kai-kun and Suiko to try and grapple with Ibuki turning coat, as well as draw out the tension of his being on the enemy’s side, the rapid resolution takes away the threat that has been made to Suiko in her own predicament, and Miwa could have been allowed more time to fully flesh out his actions thus far, as well as anything else that his meeting with Takuto could have provided. Though we’re all well familiar with him, there could have been more glmpses into the unique friendship he has with IF Kai-kun and how it might have contrasted their Outside World’s selves’.
Probably debunked super-fast again but will dream:
Misaki’s absence due to her being Aichi’s Sanctuary Knight secret weapon:
Stemmed from the glimpse of the Sanctuary Knight in the preview and the hype that it might have been Misaki’s re-introduction to the story, given her disappearance since epi 8, even when Kamui returned and Shin filled in her gimmick at Card Capital in epi 16. With the emphasis on Miyaji in Reboot, her lack of presence has been particularly strange, with not so much as a passing mention other than her appearance in the ED. Judging by Kourin and Aichi alone appearing in the preview, it feels safe to say she, Naoki and Shingo won’t be a part of the illusion being forced upon Suiko, prolonging this. Maybe Izumi is simply busy with other work and reading too much into it, but dreamt up a theory for the heck of it.
Whether to recruit the Miyaji Cardfight Club as a whole or in response to identifying Kourin’s apparent independent agenda, Aichi brought Misaki aboard, keeping her a secret from even Kourin and the other Sanctuary Knights. With Kourin overstepping her boundaries and their numbers withering, Aichi’s patience runs out and Misaki is revealed, usurping Kourin’s place by Aichi’s side and delivering a devastating blow to her, who has been fiercely loyal to him but recognizes how far gone he has been driven. Misaki’s appearance is coupled with her verbally tearing into Kourin and dealing her comeuppance (which honestly, she really deserves and has for some time now), Aichi may or may not be there so that the sight of himself and Misaki continuing on without her twists the knife.
It would also echo the interactions between the Psyqualia Zombie Aichi and Misaki, with Kourin watching on helplessly with Naoki and Shingo. Just thought it’d be a neat call-back.
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