#tostada connection
mrlaurie · 9 months
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The Tostada Connection Taco-seasoned ground beef, tomato sauce, and refried beans top a cauliflower crust in this healthier, pizza-fied version of a tostada.
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xasha777 · 1 month
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In the sprawling metropolis of New Atlantis, nestled along the coast where San Diego once thrived, the San Diego Zoo had evolved into a sanctuary not only for Earth's rare animals but for extraordinary creatures from across the galaxy. The zoo was a crossroads of biological wonders, a hub where interstellar conservation efforts took center stage.
Amid this vibrant confluence of worlds, a young man named Elian was a distinguished figure, known not just for his enigmatic appearance, but for his unique bond with the creatures of the zoo. His hair, a flowing mane adorned with shells and gems from myriad worlds, hinted at his deep connection with the aquatic beings he cared for, particularly the sentient mollusks from the Neptune’s Moons.
Elian possessed an extraordinary ability: his eyes, a striking reflection of the very creatures he nurtured, allowed him to see the world through their senses. This gift enabled him to communicate and empathize with these alien species on a profound level, making him the zoo's most invaluable xenobiologist.
One evening, as the twin suns dipped below the horizon, casting a surreal glow over the city, a crisis unfolded. A rare creature, a Mindshell from Triton, had fallen ill, its thoughts growing dim. The Mindshell was not just any creature; it was believed to be the last of its kind, its shell a repository of cosmic knowledge collected over millennia.
With the creature's life hanging in the balance, Elian was summoned. He approached the Mindshell, his eyes mirroring its intricate shell patterns. He reached out, touching the cool, spiral surface, and closed his eyes. A surge of visions and emotions cascaded through him — the birth of moons, the fall of asteroids, the silent songs of the cosmos.
The connection was draining, yet Elian did not falter. He delved deeper, navigating through the labyrinth of the Mindshell's memories, searching for the ailment's root. Amidst the celestial memories, he found it — a toxin, unfamiliar and potent, likely introduced by a recent meteor shower.
Armed with this knowledge, Elian concocted an antidote using the zoo’s extensive pharmacopeial resources, a mixture of Earthly botanicals and alien enzyme structures. Administering the antidote, he watched, hopeful as the Mindshell's lustrous colors began to brighten, its thoughts resuming their ancient rhythm.
The creature recovered, its survival a testament to Elian's skills and the profound bond he shared with the lifeforms under his care. His success fortified the sanctuary's mission, inspiring a deeper integration of Earth's efforts with the galactic community in preserving the tapestry of life across the universe.
Elian's story, a blend of empathy and science, became a beacon for conservationists galaxy-wide, illustrating that the preservation of life, terrestrial or otherwise, is bound by the shared vision of understanding and compassion, a vision now thriving in the heart of New Atlantis, where the old San Diego Zoo once stood.
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83liss · 6 months
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Siempre Fuiste Tú (17/25)
El comedor se encontraba recién abastecido, y los brillantes platos de porcelana, los cubiertos de plata y las copas despejadas esperaban al desayuno. Los criados circulaban por el espacio, preparando el servicio de la mañana. El aroma del café se mezclaba con el de los panes recién hechos y los pasteles recién horneados. Una mesa ovalada, cubierta por un mantel blanco impecable, esperaba por la familia real. Los manteles y servilletas estaban almidonados y en perfectas condiciones. Las cubiertas de plata relucían bajo la luz del amanecer, y los cristales tintineaban con un sonido suave y dulce. El comedor estaba listo para el desayuno de la mañana.
Se había hecho habitual para T’Challa que al bajar encontrase al rey desayunando junto a Everett en medio de una conversación amena, y a veces hasta tomados de las manos. Le daba gusto por ambos hombres. Sin lugar a dudas el amor hacia maravillas en las personas.
Le dio un beso a su papi como cada mañana e inclino suavemente la cabeza ante su padre. Sabía que el rey esperaba un trato más afectuoso como el que tenía con el resto de la familia, pero realmente no lograba demostrarlo. Habían pasado demasiadas cosas entre ellos como para enterrarlas en solo un par de meses, y agradecía que no le presionase. James le había dicho que Everett tenía mucho que ver en eso
Se sentó en su lugar e iba tomar una tostada mientras le servían su café, cuando una palmada sobre su mano lo detuvo, por lo cual miro al hombre que tenía justo en frente.
¿Por qué me pegas? – pregunto sorprendido mientras Ramonda entraba saludando
¿Eso son los modales que te he ensañado? – dijo Everett – alteza buenos días
Debería dejar de decirme alteza, mi señor – dijo la mujer sonriendo mientras se sentaba – le recuerdo que el consorte real ahora es usted, no yo
Y ni pienses en renunciar – dijo Shuri entrando con su ya característica alegría para saludar a su madre con un beso – porque se vuelve amargado de nuevo – señalando a su padre –, y nadie lo va aguantar – y le dio un beso en la mejilla a Everett que sonreía
Siéntate – le ordenó su babba intentando no sonreír mientras ella le daba un beso en la mejilla
¿T’Challa que te dije de los modales? – dijo Everett dándole nuevamente una palmada en la mano
¡Tengo hambre! – protesto el príncipe – ¡además te recuerdo que ya no soy un…! – pero ante la mirada de su papi decidió guardar silencio mientras escuchaba la risa suave de su hermana, por lo que la miro mal
Esto se ve… – dijo Shuri intentando tomar algo de la mesa pero la fuente se deslizó fuera de su alcance – pero que…
Princesa – dijo Everett – primero se debe dar las gracias a Bast y Sekhmet. Por favor dele el ejemplo a su hermano mayor, a ver si aprende a comportarse – y Shuri miro sonriendo mal a su hermano que miraba mal al hombre blanco
Por supuesto, papi – dijo la chica
Traidora – dijo T’Challa por lo bajo
Yo si se comportarme – dijo Shuri y sonrió con malicia
Entonces di la oración en voz alta – dijo su madre
¿Qué? – dijo la chica sorprendida – ¿Cómo que en voz alta?
Para que la aprenda tu hermano – dijo el rey mientras T’Challa reía por lo bajo
Te escucho, hermanita – dijo el príncipe –. Prometo ser un buen alumno
¡No recuerdo la oración! – protesto la chica mientras todos reían
Todos ya se habían ido a realizar sus diferentes actividades cuando James bajo al comedor ayudado por una de las doras. La familia real y sus médicos de cabecera ya le habían dicho que debía restringir un poco sus actividades en esta etapa del embarazo, algo que no le había hecho mucha gracia en su momento, pero sin lugar a dudas lo agradecía infinitamente en las últimas semanas.
Sus pies estaban siempre hinchados, le dolía la espalda, su vejiga parecía haber empezado un apasionado romance con el inodoro, por lo que no podían pasar más de diez minutos sin visitarse. Si lograba dormir una hora ininterrumpida era un auténtico milagro.
Desayunaba escuchando algo de Elvis Presley, T’Challa solía llamarlo anticuado pero le encantaba, incluso podía bailarlo muy bien. Claro, si no tenía ocho meses y una semana de embarazo encima. Después del desayunar se dirigió a su oficina, siempre custodiado por Nakia, su guardia personal.
Sin embargo a medio camino tuvo que detener debido a un fuerte dolor en el bajo vientre
¿Alteza? – dijo la morena preocupada
Estoy bien – respondió James apoyándose en ella – estoy bien. Solo… dame un minuto
¿Quiere descansar? – pregunto la mujer
No es necesario – dijo James cerrando los ojos para relajarse –. El príncipe o la princesa solo está un poco torpe para jugar hoy – y sonrió junto con la guardia
En la oficina lo esperaba una pila enorme de papeles que leer. Si bien le encantaba ayudar en la seguridad táctica del país, sentía que a veces exageraban con el papeleo. Cerca de las diez se levantó para ir por un poco de jugo. Nakia había ido a dejarle unos papeles a la reina que necesitaban ser firmados, por lo que lo alcanzaría seguramente a mitad de camino con su ya tradicional “alteza, debió esperarme”
Llego a la cocina y las encargadas le recordaron que bastaba con usar su brazalete y le podían llevar lo que él quisiese. Regresaba a su oficina cuando unas ganas enormes de ir al baño lo asaltaron. Apoyo su mano izquierda en una mesa que había en el pasillo y con la otra se masajeo el vientre. Sin embargo esta acción pareció tener el efecto contrario al deseado, ya que el feto solo se puso más intranquilo
Respiro hondo, tal y como le habían enseñado en sus clases prenatales
James, si te relajas, el bebé también lo hará y dejara de doler – se dijo a si mismo cerrando los ojos – eso es, amor – dijo hacia su vientre – dale un respiro a papi – y sonrió – ¿por qué…? – pero una corriente de dolor lo atravesó entero haciéndolo lanzar un grito desgarrador
James ¿Qué pasa? – dijo el rey acercándose lo más deprisa que pudo y abrazándolo por los hombros
¡Duele! – grito el embarazado en medio de otro grito – ¡duele mucho!
Tranquilo hijo, tranquilo – dijo T’Chaka mientras dirigía su vista al charco que había a los pies de su yerno –. ¡Okoye! Todo va estar bien ¡Okoye! rompiste fuente. El bebe va nacer. ¡Ayo!
¿Qué? – grito James aterrado – aun no es tiempo. ¡mi bebe! ¡ayúdelo, por favor, majestad! – suplico desesperado – por piedad, ayúdelo
Tranquilo – dijo el rey tratando de sonreír – todo va salir bien ¡Guardia! Respira ¿recuerdas tus ejercicios? – y James trato de controlar su respiración – ¡Okoye! ¡Necesito a alguien aquí ahora! – pero otra ráfaga de dolor hizo gritar nuevamente a James haciéndolo doblarse de dolor – ¡Maldición! – susurro sacándose el saco sin ningún tipo de protocolo y arrojó lejos – respira James, respira, que mi nieto ya viene – dijo antes de tomarlo en brazos para caminar lo más deprisa que podía
Su mañana estaba siendo tranquila. Durante el desayuno había bromeado con sus padres y con Shuri. En un rato le llamaría a James para saber cómo había amanecido. No le gustaba salir de palacio sin darle los buenos días, pero su esposo necesitaba descansar todo lo que pudiese.
El día anterior su padre le había pedido que inspeccionara personalmente el funcionamiento del tren en el que extraían el vibranium, por lo que lo más seguro era que no pudiese hablar con James hasta la hora del almuerzo. Lo bueno sería que después pasarían la tarde juntos, pues tenían la clase en su curso prenatal. Orden directa de su babba.
 Su babba. Mas de una vez se había descubierto a si mismo llamando al rey así en su fuero interno. Pero era algo que aún no lograba exteriorizar. Debía reconocer que el rey se estaba comportando muy bien, en especial con James. Había suavizado bastante su trato hacia el americano. Le tenía una gran paciencia con lo de las costumbres. Le daba su lugar como su consorte. E incluso cuando estaban frente a personas ajenas a la familia real, llamaba príncipe o alteza a James. No se parecía en nada al hombre con el que habían tratado la primera vez que habían visitado Wakanda.
Había sido James quien le había insinuado que ese cambio se lo debían a Everett. “El amor hace maravillas” le había dicho el ex sargento antes de robarle un beso para después ir a asaltar la cocina, donde los cocineros ya lo esperaban con su postre favorito
Salió de las profundidades del monte Kanda, y tanto su celular como su brazalete se activaron. Al parecer toda Wakanda intentaba localizarlo. Lo más curioso era los intercomunicadores de sus guardias también se dispararon y justo en ese momento aterrizaba ante ellos el The Royal Talon Flight para que segundos después dos Dora Milajes bajaran lo más rápido posible
Aneka ¿Qué pasa? – cuestionó T’Challa intrigado
Es el príncipe consorte, mi señor – respondió la mujer
¿Qué le paso a James? – siseo encarando a la mujer y no tenía ni rastro del hombre afable y educado que había sido hasta hacia cinco segundos
Prácticamente arranco la puerta de la entrada al área médica, mientras su padre se paseaba frente a la puerta de acceso a la puerta al quirófano. Camino directo hacia esta, dispuesto a entrar para estar junto a su esposo
No, no, no – dijo T’Chaka deteniéndolo – no puedes pasar, omo
¡Es mi familia la que está ahí adentro! – grito T’Challa intentando pasar – el hombre que amo y mi…
Lo sé, lo sé – dijo el rey deteniéndolo – ya lo están atendiendo
Esta sol… – dijo T’Challa desesperado
Tu papi, tu madre y tu hermana están allí – dijo T´Chaka agarrándolo suavemente del rostro – junto con el mejor cuerpo de medico de Wakanda. Estarán bien – sonrió al ver como las lágrimas se escapaban de los ojos de su hijo
Si algo les pasa, yo… – susurro el príncipe
Nada les va pasar a ninguno – dijo su padre – y nosotros nos vamos asegurar de eso
¿Cómo? – pregunto T’Challa mientras su padre le limpiaba una lagrima traicionera
Se lo pediremos juntos a Bast – dijo el anciano
No me moveré de aquí, hasta que lo vea – dijo T’Challa con determinación
Mírame – dijo su padre – ¡Ọmọ! – y lo obligo a mirarlo – si me memoria no me falla, James y tú decidieron que sería un nacimiento wakandiano tradicional – T’Challa iba a hablar pero desistió – vamos. Nuestras plegarias le ayudaran a mi yerno y a mi nieto – y lo encamino en sentido contrario – todo saldrá bien. Necesitan nuestros mejores pensamientos en estos momentos
Si algo les pasa… – susurro T’Challa
Nada les va pasar, Ọmọ mi – dijo el rey – vamos
 El templo de Bast, dentro del palacio y cerca de la zona médica, era una estructura baja y esbelta, decorada con figuras talladas en madera, que representaban a la diosa Bast. Las paredes eran de piedra ocre, y el suelo, de mármol gris. El interior del templo estaba en penumbra, y una gran columna central proyectaba una luz amarilla y dorada, que iluminaba las estatuas y las figuras talladas en las paredes. El aire estaba cargado de incienso, y una atmósfera de paz y espiritualidad se respiraba a cada paso. Sin embargo el altar de Bast dentro de palacio era imponente, en el que predominaba la figura de varios metros de una pantera
A pedido de su madre, James y él habían visitado el lugar hacia unos meses para pedir la bendición de la diosa. Incluso su esposo le había dicho que se sentía distinto tras el ritual al que se habían sometido con Zuri al frente.
Sin embargo ese día, T´Challa apoyo una rodilla en el suelo e inclino la cabeza mientras cerraba los ojos, intentando visualizar a su esposo con su hijo en brazos. Su padre estaba de pie a su lado, diciendo una oración en su idioma natal. Aun no lo hablaba correctamente, pero sabía que el mayor pedía por James y el bebe
Bast – suplico en silencio – te lo imploro. Cuídalos. Si algo les llega a pasar…
No supo que tiempo paso realmente, pero en algún momento Zuri se les había unido. Aun le causaba extrañeza la relación de sus padres. Seguían casados y el pueblo respetaba a su madre como su reina, pero todos sabían de la relación de su papi con el rey, y le daban su lugar como tal. Era como si Wakanda tuviese dos reinas y que eso les encantase a todos.
Zuri había empezado un canto suave que de cierta manera le reconfortaba el alma. Sin embargo la voz que lo hizo mirar hacia atrás fue una más gruesa. M’Baku estaba sentado dos bancas más atrás. Inclino la cabeza sutilmente hacia él en señal de respeto, y fijo la vista en la estatua de la diosa
T´Challa no supo realmente cuanto tiempo había pasado, pero no puedo evitar sobresaltarse cuando rato después la puerta del templo se abrió de par en par, dejando pasar al Okoye y Ayo, quienes hicieron el saludo tradicional
¡Larga vida al heredero! – dijo Okoye
¡Wakanda por Siempre! – respondió Ayo con la vista al frente
¿Qué…? – dijo el príncipe nervioso
¡Ve! – le susurro su padre y cuando lo miro tenía una sonrisa radiante – ¡Corre! – por lo que T’Challa no dudo y acelero a todo lo que su cuerpo le daba
¿no dijo que harían el ritual del heredero? – pregunto M’Baku
¡Maldición! – dijo el rey
La reina y el consorte lo van a matar – dijo el Zuri mirando por donde se había ido el menor
Diré que fue tu culpa. No pienso ser el único que duerma en un sofá – dijo T’Chaka ganándose una mala mirada de su amigo –. Ni me mires así, también te dijeron que lo detuvieras
Príncipe T’Challa, espere – grito Zuri
Omo, detente – grito el rey siguiendo a su hijo lo más rápido posible
Sentado en la cama con un pequeño lio de mantas, James no podía dejar de llorar en silencio sin importarle lo que pasara a su alrededor. Amaba a T’Challa. Eso jamás lo pondría en duda. Pero desde hacía cinco minutos, el ser más perfecto que existía ante sus ojos era esa pequeña criatura que tenía entre sus brazos
Hola – susurro acomodando la manta para que el rostro de su hijo quedase libre – soy yo, tu papi – y se limpió una lagrima sonriendo – eres mucho más hermoso de lo que me imagine – pero lo sobresalto cuando la puerta se abrió de golpe
¡James! – dijo T’Challa angustiado y avanzo hacia él lo más deprisa posible – ¡James!
¡No, no, no! – dijeron al unisonó todos los que estaban en la sala mientras lo detenían
¡Quiero verlo! – exigía T´Challa – déjenme pasar
¿Dónde está tu babba? – pregunto Everett – debía haberte detenido
Perdón, perdón – dijo T’Chaka entrando justo a tiempo para detener a su hijo mientras el bebé amenazaba con empezar a llorar – se le escapó a Zuri – dijo y este negó desesperadamente ante la mirada molesta de Ramonda y la princesa
¿Majestad, está intentando mentirme? – dijo Everett alzando una ceja
Omo, calma – dijo el rey – cierra los ojos y respira hondo
Pero… – dijo T’Challa
Respira – dijo su padre y él se obligó a obedecer
¿estas listo, cariño? – le pregunto Ramonda a James y este asintió
Camina lentamente, pero con pasos decidido – le susurro el rey a su hijo mientras lo empujaba suavemente al notar que el príncipe estaba entrando en pánico – tranquilo, no tiembles
Mira, es babba – le susurro James sonriendo a su hijo – saludemos a babba – y le dio un beso
Despacio – susurro T´Chaka al príncipe
Mi señor – dijo James sonriendo mientras colocaba a su hijo en los brazos del moreno – he aquí su heredero
Azari – susurro T’Challa emocionado – hola. Soy babba. Soy babba – y con la mayor de las delicadezas le beso la frente del bebé que gorgoteo – es un placer conocerte… omo
Todos en la habitación estaban concentrados en la imagen que tenían en frente. Ramonda apoyo la cabeza en el hombro de Zuri que la abrazo por los hombros sonriendo ante lo absorto que estaba T’Challa con su bebe en brazos. Shuri sonrió y se abrazó a su padre, que la miro a los ojos antes de darle un beso en la frente. Segundos después el rey sintió como le tomaban la mano derecha
Después de todo, si tenemos el mismo nieto – dijo Everett
Y no tienes idea lo agradecido que estoy con Bast por eso – le susurro T’Chaka besándole los nudillos de la mano que tenían entrelazadas haciendo sonreír al ex agente
Fue Shuri la que les hizo un gesto para que salieran. La pequeña y nueva familia necesitaba unos minutos a solas antes que James descansase del parto. Todos asintieron prometiéndose luego volver para conocer y cargar a Azari. T’Chaka estaba siendo el último en salir cuando escucho la voz de su hijo que lo paralizo completamente
Babba espera – dijo el príncipe y cuando el mayor giro sintió como su hijo mayor se abalanzaba para abrazarlo – gracias. Yo no…
Sabía que tenía que contestar, decir algo. Su hijo lo esperaba. Pero no lograba encontrar su voz. Miro de reojo a Everett que sonrió asintiendo suavemente. No necesitaba que se lo dijeran en voz alta. Sabía lo que tenía que hacer. Abrazo a su hijo besándole el cabello
Ve – le susurro con un nudo en la garganta –. Hoy ese tu lugar – y T´Challa corrió al lado de su familia
T´Chaka dio un paso hacia atrás y cerró la puerta, dándole privacidad a la familia. Apoyo la frente en la puerta y cerró los ojos. Debía controlar sus emociones.
 Nuevamente una mano suave tomo la suya, y al levantar el rostro vio la sonrisa de su pareja.
¡Me dijo… baba! – susurro el rey – después de… veinte… años… T’Challa… por primera vez… me abrazo… y me dijo babba
¿Y sabes por qué? – pregunto Everett sonriendo pero el rey estaba demasiado afectado para contestar
Porque por primera vez – dijo Ramonda –, después de veinte años, te has comportado como su padre, como su babba
Te lo mereces – dijo Shuri dándole un beso en la mejilla y retirándose. Ramonda y Zuri hicieron una pequeña inclinación de cabeza y también se alejaron
Ven – dijo Everett volviendo a tomarle la mano y alejándose también pero en otra dirección – este es el hombre del que me enamore
El cielo de Birnin Zana estaba cubierto de nubes rosadas y amarillas, y el sol se deslizaba lentamente hacia el horizonte. La luz del sol se reflejaba en las aguas del río Zambezi, y la ciudad estaba bañada en una luz de oro y rosa. La brisa estaba cargada de humedad y un olor dulce a flores.
En el horizonte, las montañas se alzaban majestuosas, coronadas de nubes blancas. En la distancia, se podía escuchar el sonido de las campanas de una aldea cerca de Birnin Zana, anunciando el final del día.
En el jardín, las rosas de diferentes colores florecían en el aire primaveral, la hierba verde y el musgo brillaban en el sol. En los árboles, las ramas agitadas por la brisa, susurraban un himno a la vida, y las aves cantaban con alegría. Una paz absoluta reinaba en el jardín.
Desde el balcón de su oficina, T’Chaka no pudo evitar sonreír al ver a Shuri sentada en el pasto del jardín mostrándole a Zuri uno de sus nuevos inventos. Respiro hondo y bajo el rostro. Era él quien debería estar en el jardín pasando un rato agradable con la joven. Pero nunca fue un padre para ella, y ya era tarde como para cambiar. Zuri era buen hombre, un buen compañero para Ramonda y un extraordinario padre para su hija. Se merecía ese lugar
T’Chaka caminaba por un pasillo revisando su agenda electrónica. Toda la tarde había tenido reuniones con empresarios que querían vibranium. En los últimos años el material se había vuelto mucho más valioso para el mundo, lo cual derivaba en mayores ingresos económicos, lo cual a su vez significaba mayor desarrollo para el país
Iba realmente concentrado, cuando accidentalmente choco con una persona
Mil disculpa majestad – dijo Zuri inclinando la cabeza
No te preocupes Zuri – replico el rey sonriendo – fue mi culpa. Debería aprender a no revisar tanto mi manilla
¿Cómo va lo de la venta de vibranium? – pregunto el sacerdote
Maravilloso – dijo el rey – este mes exportaremos veinte por ciento mas
¿Me permite un atrevimiento majestad? – pregunto Zuri – debería estudiar un poco más sobre las propiedades del metal con el que negocia
¿estas poniendo en tela de juicio mi capacidad de líder? – siseo T’Chaka – conozco perfectamente el vibranium. Puedo recitarte al dedillo las…
El vibranium es un material caprichoso que cambia con los años – interrumpió Zuri – sin embargo, y si acepta mi consejo, si se desvía después de cada puesta de sol unos minutos hacia el área norte del jardín real, puede que consiga… algo de… asesoramiento… permiso majestad – y sin más siguió su camino
El rey solo pudo mirarlo curioso mientras el sacerdote continuaba su camino
En la noche, una luna llena iluminaba el jardín, y la luz dorada del sol se había convertido en una luz plácida y tenue. Las ramas de los árboles se recortaban contra el cielo, y una ráfaga de brisa otoñal agitaba las hojas. El jardín estaba silencioso, y la luna iluminaba el agua del riachuelo, que brillaba como un lago de plata.
Las flores del jardín parecían iluminadas por una luz mágica, como un sueño hecho realidad. Las rosas blancas parecían lámparas de luz plateada, y las rosas rojas se recortaban contra la oscuridad como pétalos de sangre. Las orquídeas brillaban como gemas preciosas, y las violetas parecían estrellas caídas del cielo.
Sentada en la hierba a los pies de un árbol, Shuri comía un pastelillo bañado en chocolate mientras leía concentrada un libro. Se veía hermosa. Vestía pantalones y una camiseta de algodón. Sus zapatillas estaban manchadas de tierra, y su cabello, recogido en una trenza, le colgaba por encima del hombro. Se veía relajada y tranquila, en paz con el mundo.
T’Chaka no pudo evitar sonreír ante el parecido de la chica con su madre a esa edad. Nunca había sentida atracción física o romántica por la mujer, pero tampoco podía negar su porte y belleza.
Se aclaro la garganta para hacer notar su presencia
Babba – dijo la chica tan alegre como siempre
¿Qué lees tan concentrada? – pregunto este sentándose a su lado
sobre el universo en expansión – dijo la chica – se cree que el universo empezó hace 13.800 millones de años como una partícula minúscula que, en un instante, se expandió de manera explosiva, creando las partículas elementales, las galaxias y todo lo que existe – dijo girándose para mirar a su padre mientras movía su manos sin parar –. Supuestamente el meteoritos que cayo hace cinco mil años en Wakanda es una de las rocas iniciales del big bang.
Fascinante – dijo mirándola extasiado, empezaba a entender las palabras de su amigo – explícame mas
Bueno – dijo ella acomodándose mejor – parece complicado pero no lo es. La cinética nos dice que los átomos…
Fueron largas horas que padre e hija hablaron de ciencia. Shuri ponía pasión en cada descripción moviendo sus manos sin parar, y por momentos ayudándose de su A.I. Cerca de la media noche, Shuri detuvo la conversación abruptamente y de un salto se puso de pie
Tienes razón, babba – dijo emocionada – ¡eres un genio!
¿lo soy? – pregunto el hombre sorprendido
¡Claro que sí! – dijo dándole un beso en la mejilla – tengo que comprobarlo ahora mismo
Ya es tarde – dijo T’Chaka sonriendo – ve a la cama
No voy a poder dormir – dijo ella – mañana te cuento los resultados
Entonces mañana te veo aquí después de la cena y me lo explicas detalladamente – sugirió su padre sonriendo
¡es una cita! – dijo Shuri antes de salir corriendo
El día anterior había sido increíble, su primer nieto y ahora, para alegría de Shuri, segundo en la línea sucesoria había nacido, y si eso no bastaba T’Challa lo había abrazado y lo había llamado babba, y había descubierto lo fascinante que era Shuri. Casi no había podido dormir de la emoción, afortunadamente un dormido Everett le había advertido que o se volvía a dormir o se iba de la habitación. ¡seria el hombre más poderoso de la tierra, pero ni muerto renunciaba a dormir junto a ese hombre ni una sola noche! Por lo que abrazo al americano, quien acomodo la cabeza en su pecho, y se volvieron a dormir
Desayunaron entre risa y bromas, como ya era costumbre desde hacía varios meses, para que luego cada integrante de la familia se fuese a cumplir sus respectivas obligaciones. T´Chaka le robo un beso Everett y se fue a su despacho, tenía para leer una pila de papeles que topaba el techo, y si a eso le sumaba que T’Challa no iba ir a trabajar por esos días, su vida se iba a complicar aún mas
Revisaba un tratado sobre cooperación científica con la Unión Europea cuando llamaron suavemente a su puerta
Pase – dijo sin levantar la vista
¿molesto? – pregunto la mujer
Ramonda – dijo el rey poniéndose de pie – ¿paso algo? ¿James y Azari…?
Tranquilo, tranquilo – dijo la mujer sonriendo – deben estar descansando – por lo que T’Chaka exhalo – ¿imaginaste alguna vez estar tan preocupado por un extranjero… blanco… que no fuese Everett?
No – dijo el rey sonriendo – pero… me gusta. Me gusta… esta nueva…  dinámica… familiar – invitándola a sentarse
Es precisamente sobre eso que quiero hablar contigo – dijo Ramonda sentándose en el sofá –. El hombre no el rey. Yo sé que tienes un montón de responsabilidades, y a veces olvidas cosas, las pasas por alto
¿Que hice ahora? – dijo T’Chaka nervioso – lo que sea, te lo juro que lo remediare…
Es más bien… algo que… no has hecho – interrumpió la mujer –… y yo… decidí hacerlo… por ti – entregándole una carpeta
El lugar estaba en silencio. Una suave brisa entraba por algún lugar. La incomodidad de un bebe se hizo sentir, por lo que la cama se movido. Un quejido se escuchó junto con sabanas moviéndose. Unas zapatillas siendo arrastradas y pasos
Hola – dijo James sonriendo tomando a su hijo en brazos – antes de nada, gracias por dejarme dormir. Lo necesitaba – y dándole un beso en la frente – ¿Cómo amaneció el bebé más hermoso de la tierra? ¿tienes hambre? – cuando volvió a la cama vio la nota sobre la mesita de noche –. Mira, babba nos dejó una nota. Dice “contare los segundos para volver con mis dos tesoros” ¿Qué te parece? Okey, okey, vamos a desayunar
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sissters-band · 9 months
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Recipe for The Tostada Connection This healthier, pizza-fied tostada has a cauliflower crust and is topped with ground beef that has been seasoned with taco seasoning, tomato sauce, and refried beans. 1/2 cup tomato sauce, 1 tablespoon taco seasoning, 1 frozen margherita pizza on cauliflower crust, 3/4 cup canned refried beans, 1/2 cup shredded Cheddar cheese, 4 ounces lean ground beef
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la-appel-du-vide · 11 months
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PUNTA CANA - Birthday Trip
Packing was a bit of a rushed mess, but it turned out fine. Beach and B came with me, so Jason came to give us a ride to the airport. Beach let me open my presents at my house before we left since she didn’t want to pack them around. She got me a pink Lulu sports bra, a Starbucks cup, and a game based on your zodiac sign. B also had me open one gift before we left, and it was a Moji home scent system. We have been loving how good they make all the Parade of Homes houses smell every time we go through one, and so he knew I wanted to try it! Can’t wait.
Our flight ended up pretty delayed (we flew JetBlue since they had a good deal for Punta Cana, but it ended up being kind of a regret) but they kept telling us to get to the airport on-time anyway since they would try to get things back on track. So we went a bit later than we would have otherwise, but with some time to still spare. The delay was frustrating, especially because it ended up pushing on our connecting flight in Fort Lauderdale, but once we finally got on, I slept like the dead the entire time. I love those kinds of flights. We were cutting our connection a little bit close, but we made it, and had another quick flight down to the DR. I slept through that one again, so love that for me.
The second we got off the plane we were smacked by the humidity - it was intense. That’s my only problem with these beautiful, tropical locations hahah. I hate humidity. We got through customs, got our bags, and made it pretty quickly over to the resort. We could tell it was going to be really nice pretty immediately. They sat us down, brought us welcome drinks, and went to get us checked in, and then we were good to go. We dropped our stuff off in the room - which was lovely, with a cool white reef chandelier - and headed straight down to the pool. We were all ready to be refreshed. The resort has six or seven pools, and we went down to the one that seemed most popular (likely because it has the bar in it). We took a dip, and then laid on some beach chairs to relax. I ended up taking a pretty good nap, just enjoying the breeze blowing nicely over me. When I woke up, we were ready for a lunch-dish snack. Being an all-inclusive resort, we could order whatever we wanted, whenever we wanted. This was my first all-inclusive, and it was pretty great. We went to the beach grill and got some nachos and tostadas, and they were bomb. The nachos ended up being a personal favorite, that I would get many more times. The water here was somewhat refreshing, but not cold enough to make up for the insane heat. Luckily, it was late-afternoon and the heat started to die down. Everyone was pretty well cleared out of the pool by 5 or so, so we got to have a swim to ourselves. When we got out to go explore the resort a bit, we found a sand volleyball court, and we greatly enjoyed playing a few games (Beach and I against B, and it was still a hard battle haha). It’s been forever since I last played volleyball. That was a VERY hot and sweaty activity, so it was immediately back to the pool for us, for one final evening swim before dinner. After we got showered and cleaned up, we picked the Teppanyaki-style dinner for night #1. There were only two other people at our table, and it was pretty late by the time we ate (after 9), so we were all pretty low energy. The chef was NOT, and wanted a lot of audience participation, and we tried, but it was a bit much for us haha. The food wasn’t bad, though I thought the meat could have been better. We each got a skewer of chicken, steak, and salmon, and then some friend rice, and miso soup - plus a roll of sushi. It was a set menu, so not a lot of choice in it, but it was good. The meat was just a bit over done, maybe? Kind of rubbery. They also really wanted us to drink their special rum after, to the point where they poured us a cup - kind of annoying, after we declined so many times haha. We were so tired by this point, and were so ready to get to BED.
Then, it was my BIRTHDAY! B got up and decorated white I was still sleeping, so I got to wake up to a decorated hotel room too. He did purple and blue balloons to match my cake, and then signs that said “Older, Wiser, Hotter” hahaha, it was cute. We all felt SO much better after a good night of sleep, and we went down to start our day with the beautiful breakfast buffet. They had a custom egg/omelette station, pastries, fruit, Dominican specialties, hash browns, smoothies, juice, pancakes, crepes… you name it. It was perfect. My favorite was to get an omelette and then smother it in the Dominican pico de Gallo - SO good. After breakfast, we went out to the pool. This time, we opted for one of the higher, deeper pools. It was fairly empty, and so much cooler because it was so much deeper. That was the temperature we really needed to feel better in that heat! We swam, napped, read, and lounged in the sun all day- which is pretty much my birthday dream. I worship the sun, and love nothing more than being in the water (clearly a water sign) so I was absolutely content. We got more nachos, ordered poolside Pina coladas, and were just living our best lives. We got ready for dinner, which was a special Dominican food themed night in the main restaurant, and this was the only time I made any real effort to look nice for dinner - because duh, birthday. They had a whole market set up outside, and it was fun to look, but man those people are pushy. I wanted to buy an anklet, but the guy literally wanted over $300 for it. Insane. I ended up buying a Larimar ring for Kena and a little beaded necklace for me for a total of $20. B bought a little wooden monkey statue and a magnet for his parents for $53 - not a very good deal, but these people reallllly suck. Dinner wasn’t bad, but wasn’t my favorite meal of the trip, that’s for sure. I mostly ate some pasta and bread, B tried Dominican stew, rice and chicken, “mafongo….” But Beach went the hardest- she tried tripe and hoof stew, and the hoof was mostly just fat hahah. I love getting her food vlogs trying weird stuff everywhere we go. We went to get ice cream for dessert while B waited at the table, and I texted him the options: “Vanilla, chocolate, pistachio, biscuit” and he said, “wtf is biscuit” and that killed me, because I also had no idea haha. I had chocolate and it wasn’t bad, and Beach got biscuit which she ended up really liking. We also tried vanilla and pistachio, and pistachio might have been my favorite. After dinner, we stopped by the Sweet Shoppe for a birthday treat. I picked out an Oreo cheesecake with sprinkles, and it probably would have been better, but we waited to long to eat it, and then it wasn’t cold anymore haha. We went back to the room to play the new zodiac game I got from Beach. It really just consists of reading qualities you should have based on your zodiac sign and having others vote on if they think they’re true or not. A lot of them ended up being super emotional and personal, and Beach couldn’t get over how deep things were getting hahah. After a while, we decided to move on to play cards instead. We’d been playing on one of the beds, and Beach decided she’d rather be playing on the table, so she went to clear it off. The table was a two level table with glass tops on each level. The bottom tier was on a swivel, and Beach thought the top one would be too, but when she tried to move it the glass top tipped and slide off. She caught it, but the decorative bowl on top slide to the ground and shattered. That put a bit of a damper on the night, and ended up costing $78, but it was a total accident, and it is annoying that the table top wasn’t secure at all. We ended the night by watching Hannah Montana, which is the perfect end to a lovely birthday. I got kind texts and messages all day, which I always just love, and I get so sad to see the day come to an end every year. B made me feel better by reminding me that we got to celebrate through the whole birthday trip haha.
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theblogs2024 · 11 months
Healthier Food Truck Choices: In This article’s What a Registered Dietitian Orders
Foodstuff trucks are taking pleasure in their instant and we’re completely on board with this. Generally.
When it’s very easy for getting sucked in to the land of donut holes and cheese curds, we nonetheless want you to Eat Empowered and make wonderful alternatives Whilst you’re taking pleasure in a nosh on the run. But do healthy foodstuff truck solutions even exist? And when so (spoiler alert: they do!), What exactly are they?
Keri Glassman, our founder and resident Registered Dietitian Nutritionist extraordinaire, shares her top rated balanced meals truck menu picks for some of the most typical foods vehicles you’ll face this summer months.
Taco or Mexican Food Trucks Chips, cheese, rice, refried beans—they’re all there for your using!
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But don’t take them!
In its place, choose lean proteins and new substances to generate your Mexican meals truck experience further tasty—and many healthful.
Go for: Smooth tacos Pulled chicken or pork, or black beans Salsa or slaw Guacamole or avocado Incredibly hot sauce Stay away from: Tostadas or fried shells Chips Fried fish Cheese BBQ Food stuff Trucks Very little states summertime (even within the Winter season!) more than the scent of BBQ. Luckily, you are able to benefit from the smoky, saucy goodness all calendar year round with many smart and healthful menu decisions.
Go for: Pulled pork Roasted chicken Corn or eco-friendly veggies (like a back garden salad), which you can usually come across on these vans Coleslaw Avoid: Baked beans (typically loaded with sugar) Mac & cheese Potato salad French fries Pizza Foodstuff Vans A great slice of pie is fast, relatively simple to try to eat, and mouth watering. Moreover, pizza trucks are just about everywhere plus a no-brainer when you’re on the lookout for something The complete spouse and children will love. The nice information is you can even stop by a person and continue to keep in keeping with your healthier taking in practices.
Choose: Thin crust (often served as unique pizzas or as squares) Total wheat crust, if readily available As a lot of veggie toppings as feasible Grilled rooster or prosciutto for some protein Stay clear of: Deep dish crust Many cheeses Meats like pepperoni or sausage Relevant: Check out the Nutritious Everyday living Pizza Recipe Library Grilled Cheese Food items Trucks Ooey, gooey, tacky, and buttery… each of the things you imagine once you visit a food items truck with grilled cheese as the key attraction. And while we gained’t claim this to get the healthiest meals truck alternative, you'll find cleaner and more nutrient-dense ingredient alternatives on the regular substantial-fat, processed fare.
Choose: Fresh new mozzarella cheese (reduced in energy and fewer processed than These uber-yellow cheeses) Extra tomatoes Whole grain or sourdough bread Stay away from: Various cheeses White bread Creamy sauces Lobster Roll Meals Vehicles If you like a good lobster roll, the allure of a specialty lobster roll foodstuff truck is usually difficult to resist.
Choose Keri’s picks underneath and be sure to apply aware taking in. You’ll fulfill that seafood siren connect with and luxuriate in each final bite.
Choose: Lobster cocktail A conventional roll, but … (see under) Prevent: The jumbo rolls Clam chowder Anything fried Center Jap Food stuff Vans Daring flavors, sensory-tingling aromas, dazzling hues, and interesting textures—these are the dreams Center Jap food items vehicles are made of. And given that Middle Eastern Delicacies is mostly very healthier anyway (with its veggies, grains, spices, seeds, herbs, lean proteins, and healthful fats), you'll be able to typically discover some Tremendous balanced selections at these foodstuff vehicles.
To know more details visit here: food truck catering los angeles
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mexican-culture · 2 years
Blog Post #1
The culture that I will be choosing to study is the Hispanic culture. The reason that I chose this culture is because I am half Hispanic for one and the second reason is because a lot of my coworkers are Hispanic. They tell me a lot of stories on how they grew up in Mexico, how fun it was, when they came to the United States and why they came over here. I wanted to learn more about their culture and traditions to better relate to them and to have a better understanding of my families heritage. I think that this “deep dive” will have a great effect on how I interact with my coworkers and will help me better understand their traditions. I have already made some sort of connection with them being half Hispanic. I really do enjoy all of the stories that they tell me. Obviously there are many countries that Hispanics are in, but I will be focusing on Mexico. In the period of this blog.
Holidays Observed
            Mexico does not have nearly as many holidays that they celebrate compared to the U.S. They celebrate their Independence Day on September 16th, Mexican Anniversary of the Constitution on February 5th, La Batalla de Puebla aka. Cinco de Mayo on May 5th, and the Fest of our Lady Guadalupe on December 12th. If you compare that to the United States and look at our calendars we have double that amount. According to my coworkers that was weird for them to see when they first moved here 30 years ago.
            As we all know from have food in a Mexican restaurant that Hispanics love their food spicy and have a much different dishes compared to American food. A couple of dishes that are very popular in Mexico are Tacos al pastor which translates to “in the style of the shepherd”. However this is not your normal taco. It is thinly sliced pork with slow-roasted pineapple.
            Another dish is Tostadas. They stale tortillas, that are fried to make a hard shell that they fill with meat, cheese, veggies and a number of garnishes.
            The next dish is Chilaquiles. This is a famous breakfast dish in Mexico and the largest meal of the day. Chilaquiles are fried tortillas that are cut into smaller pieces. They are topped with salsa and breakfast foods such as eggs, cheese, cream, and chicken. It is often served with a side of refried beans or as they call it frijoles.
            According to Carnival.com, they say that Chiles en nogada are as patriotic as it is tasty. The reason being that the colors that are in this dish not only taste amazing, but they represent the colors of the Mexican flag. The dish includes a mix of fruits, spices, and meat.
            Pozole is a rich and spicy soup that is very popular in that country. It is made from hominy corn that usually cooks overnight and has a wide variety of spices that come together with the meat of choice. When the dish is cooks it comes with onion, radishes, limes, lettuce, and chilies.
            I can go on and on about the dishes that are served in Mexico but those are the most popular ones in Mexico that are not so common in the United States. I really encourage you go try those dishes next time you visit.
            Later on in the blog we will go more in depth of this culture, but I just wanted to scratch he surface. When you write blogs it is hard to find ones that are not biased and not really accurate. The way that I intend to keep accurate and not biased is by finding reliable sources and talking with my coworkers. Like I stated earlier on in this post, I work with a lot of Hispanics that came from Mexico. They have lots of stories and lots of knowledge that they are willing to share. They want to tell people about how they live, they food, and their culture in general. They say that there are a lot of misperceptions out there about Hispanics, and I want this to be a place of truth and education.
Work Cited
Latin American Holidays & Celebrations. (2022). Retrieved 28 August 2022, from http://www.rilatinoarts.org/LatinoHolidays.html
7 Delicious Foods to Eat While You’re in Mexico | Carnival Cruise Line. (2022). Retrieved 28 August 2022, from https://www.carnival.com/awaywego/travel/mexico/7-delicious-foods-to-eat-while-youre-in-mexico
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mcnuggyy · 4 years
I don't understand how, besides being a character named after Tacos who really wants to make a Taco (which Justin admitted was racially insensitive on his part), and that being kind of a gag, how exactly is Taako racially coded at all? It kind of seems like it's all just based on his name being a joke by a white creator who wasn't thinking of the racial implications. I just don't understand why he can't really be any race anyone wants him to be (including latine btw) 1/2
2/2 The blue thing I get, btw, and I'm definitely not suggesting that as an alternative, or that we should whitewash a latine character for the sake of it-- I just don't think the McElroys have ever said he's latine. And I think judging people for being uncomfortable with their version of Taako being a representation of latine characters by assuming they have ill intent when they draw a non-latine coded Taako is maybe wrong.
Hey! So I actually kinda talked about this before, but I had a REALLY BIG thought about this in the morning actually, so hopefully I can shed a bit of light on this. (I am ignoring that canonically Taako is a Sun Elf for this)
Okay so, overall because of the McElroy's decision to keep the podcast as “race neutral” as possible, purposely living things up to interpretation, (except for the few canon characters of color (which is like 3 lmao)) This means that any slight deviation from this “neutrality” has very serious implications when it happens. It is NO coincidence that both Jewish people and Latine people have found themselves heavily relating to Taako, hc him as Jewish and/or Latine, etc. It would be foolish to think of this as simply coincidence when the text itself kind of gives us reason to. And in this “race neutral” world, that little bit is all you need. 
(i may be reaching a bit but again, i want to emphasize how BECAUSE, this world is MEANT to exist in a “race free” world, LMAO whatever the hell that means, any bit of reference to culture or ethnicity is a very big deal)
Taako says stuff in Yiddish, and one of his big character arcs, is looking for the lost connection of his sister (whether he realizes it or not) and reconnecting with those lost bonds through tex-mex food. He navigates the world through food, that’s kind of his thing. Which to me is a VERY first generation, second generation, child of mexican immigrants, etc. narrative to me. Like that is1000% a Tejano/Chicano narrative to have. Having a nickname/name like Taako, Lup, Tostada, etc. IS SOMETHING we MEXICANS DO TOO LIKE A LOT, I have cousins who are nicknamed Brownie, Dulce, Coco, Guayaba, and Manzanita, and other people have name’s like Concha, which is both shell and a type of bread that looks like a shell, like honestly whether Justin realizes it or not, SILLY NICKNAMES LIKE THIS ARE KIND OF A CULTURAL THING.... White people have nicknames sometimes sure, but for us, it is like a right of passage, it is a big part of who you are, and you can even end up with many different nicknames, some are just PLAIN MEAN, like Chachalaco (someone who never shuts up), Gordita, or mine being Guero (white boyyyy) Like I RELATE TO THEIR NAMES, and that might not make sense to you, but as someone who literally has oc’s named after Mexican food from when I was a kid (Takito, Flor, and Churro) ... well.... sorry but that’s Latine culture babeyyyy
(also own personal hc but like... i can totally picture these little Latine kid’s fucking choosing their own name’s / nickname’s cause that’s like exactly what me and my siblings were like as kid’s smh) 
( also Lup.... Lupita... Lupe.... Guadalupe.. Lupes.... Maria Guadalupe.... smhhh
it’s literally the most common name, it’s SO funny to me, that ALONE is enough in my opinion LMAO, you can’t name a character a common short hand for a name like Guadalupe and NOT expect me to gravitate towards her smh 
-respectfully, a fellow Guadalupe) 
I get what the brothers were trying to do by letting fans hc and come up with their own designs and stuff, but when it comes to race and ethnicity it can become kind of an issue... And as I said in the beginning, because they tried to keep the world as “blank” as possible (which often times really just means white lets be honest here) that means any small instance of a character breaking this neutrality, becomes very difficult to ignore. And I really think, ignoring how many Jewish and Latine fans relate to Taako and Lup, seems like a disservice .... there is clearly something going on here, and I don’t think we should ignore it.
At the end of the day, it is what it is, and there isn’t much else besides this, and Taako canonically being a Sun Elf, and his relationship to food, that to me feels very cultural and important, especially when it comes to trying to reconnect with something you lost (whether it’s family, or traditions), it’s all very metaphorical, but I think it does have some very strong references there that I and many others see themselves in. 
(and ofc Latin America is very diverse so there’s that too) 
Also I think it’s important to acknowledge that my biggest issue with blue Taako has always been the way the issue went about and what occurred. White peoples opinions on the matter were prioritized, and instead of LISTENING to poc, the McElroy’s let their white guilt take the lead... I would just like for them to have some creatives of color on their team at this point, is that too much to ask?
I think I am very much aloud to remain bitter and upset about this... I don’t want white people getting offended on my behalf over something that isn’t actually offensive, and would actually be pretty awesome representation in my opinion. But again, white voices, feelings, and opinions have been prioritized, and I just have to accept that lmao. 
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for-fucks-sake-h · 5 years
Smooth Operator: Part Two
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Word Count: 6.7k // Rated: M, mature // Story Page
*Y/N’s texts are in italics. Harry’s texts are in bold.*  
The oc version of this story can be found on Wattpad. 
“I’ll do the chicken tostadas, thanks.” Y/N spoke as she handed the waitress her menu.  
“I don’t think we’ve been out like this in months,” Bec said with a smile.  
The girls had reservations at a mexican spot they loved, skipping their usual Saturday brunch for a late Saturday dinner. The restaurant had great food, even better margaritas, and a really cool, eclectic atmosphere.  
“Cheers!” El raised her drink to the center of the table, “To us, and finally being done with this bloody case!”  
They were all smiling as they clinked their glasses.  They just finished a huge case that they had been working on for weeks now. It had Y/N super stressed and high strung for a while, but paid off in the end with a positive outcome for them.  
They were joking and laughing until their eyes were watering while they waited for their food. Y/N felt good being out for a change. Enjoying a nice dinner with her friends, being able to unwind a bit. It was good for her. She always felt like she was in work mode but she needed to have time to just enjoy the moment like this. Going out to dinner didn’t seem like much but it was for her.  
They thanked their waitress when she brought their entrees out and ordered another round of drinks. The table was quiet for a few moments as they dug into their food as if they had each been starving for days.  
Y/N’s phone suddenly lit up on the table with a soft ping, making all three of their eyes flick over to it but not thinking much of it. Until it did the same thing again less than a minute later.
“Alright, what happened to the no phone policy while we’re eating?” El said with a smile. “You guys nearly ripped my head off last time.”
“That’s because you’re always on yours. We made the rule for you,” Bec says with a mouthful of her taco.  
El gives Bec the side eye before jutting her chin out quickly in the direction of where the phone was sitting, “Is that him?”  
Y/N was quiet as a small smile pulled at her lips, leaning forward to read the messages on her lock screen.  
Enjoy your night out  
Hopefully we can talk later if you’re not too tired x   
She really tried to fight the insistent smile that was forming as she slid her phone into her purse with a quick “mhm” as a response to her friends.  
Y/N had been texting Harry consistently for a few weeks now. They have some sort of exchange nearly every day. Sometimes it’s just a few quick messages back a forth wishing each other a good day. Other times she’s telling him a full blown story of chasing Rocco down the street when his leash slipped out of her hand. Or Harry is complaining about a miserable customer that doesn't understand why he can’t fix their laptop after it fell in the bathtub.   
A couple days have passed here and there when they haven’t texted and she finds herself wondering what he’s doing. Just as quickly as a thought of him snuggled up on his couch forms a picture in her mind, she dismisses it. She has no idea what he looks like and she certainly has no idea how he cuddles on a couch.
But she likes talking to him. Their conversations are easy and he’s funny with his dry humor and corny jokes. It’s hard not to like him and his company. But again, whenever she starts to think like that she shakes her head at herself. She doesn’t have his company. Texting can hardly equate to that and she thinks the more she focuses on that fact, the better off she’ll be.
She finds herself battling with this a lot though. She feels like she’s getting to know Harry but also feels like she doesn’t know him at all. Not really. How much could she possibly get to know him in this capacity? How much would she want to? How would she feel if she gets too attached? This is his job. He does this with plenty of other people. What makes her think that the way they talk is so special?
She can’t deny the little sliver of happiness she feels when she gets a message from him though.
“So you’ve been talking a lot, huh?” Bec asks.
“Yeah, we have. He’s really nice.”
“Nice?” El replies, one of her eyebrows raising in question.   
“Yup,” Y/N confirms, popping the end of the word dramatically.
“Alright, spill bitch!” El said with a smile.  
Y/N chuckled, “There isn’t much to spill. He’s nice. I like talking to him.”
“Okay so why do you seem so solemn about it then?” Bec questioned.  
Y/N stuffed a bite of food into her mouth to give herself a second to think before answering. “I’m not. I’m just… cautious. I like talking to him, maybe a little too much for my own good.”
“You’re worried about getting attached?” El asked.  
“Well, yeah. You’re suppose to make connections, right? Well it’s kind of hard to know where to draw the line of how connected you get. Like, I want to get to know him but I feel I should also keep my guard up.”
“Nothing wrong with that. I just want you to have fun. It’s supposed to be fun. Enjoy yourself! Try not to worry so much.” El spoke with a smile. She had a way of comforting Y/N, confirming the things she already knows but lets her brain worry herself too much anyway.  
She knows El is right. She definitely worries about things that she has no control over, things that are so far down the line that they shouldn’t even be a focus yet. She has no reason to be worrying about getting close to Harry. Is she really going to hold herself back when she hasn’t even really given herself a chance to experience him?
“Hard to shut my brain off,” Y/N smiled. She felt lucky to have friends that she could talk to about anything and never worry about them judging her or thinking differently of her. “But you’re right.”  
“Of course she is,” Bec says over a mouth full of food. “So have you talked on the phone with him yet?”
“Not yet. Honestly he hasn’t really tried to initiate it. He seems fine with texting.” Y/N says with a furrowed brow. She did think it was a little odd that Harry was so willing to text her. He never asked her to call him and never turned the conversation sexual unless she gave the opening.
When she gave it though, he jumped. He excited her, just his messages made her skin tingle. She would be lying if she said she wasn’t a little antsy to know what it would be like to actually talk to him. To hear him say the filthy things he texted her. To know what his voice sounded like when he told her how bad he wanted her or what a moan sounded like when he was so turned on he couldn’t keep it in. She’s listened to his voice memo more times than she would ever admit.   
“You probably have to call him. Wait, you aren’t getting charged for the texting, are you?” Bec asks with wide eyes.
“No no, you only get charged for the calls.” Y/N laughed. “Maybe you’re right. I don’t know, there’s still a little part of me that is weirded out by it. I think he likes texting me and that doesn’t cost anything. But calling him, having to pay for it, feels a bit sleazy if I’m honest.”
“Please, it’s no different than buying porn. If he felt exploited in any way he wouldn’t be doing it.” El brushes off quickly.  
Y/N shrugs at the thought. “Yeah, true.”
“Are you still nervous to talk to him?” Bec asks.  
“A little. Just the unknown, you know? I want him to like it too. I think that’s why it feels sleezy, the thought of him doing it and not being into it is just, bleh.” Y/N gags onto her finger for the extra effect, making her friends laugh with her.  
“I get that. But you’re a smart girl, Y/N. I think you would be able to tell if he was into it or not.” El laughs.  
“Or he’s just really good at his job,” Y/N challenged with one lifted brow.  
“Are you looking for excuses?” Bec laughs.  
“Maybe…” Y/N smiles down at her plate.  
She could admit that she may have been looking for every reason not to call Harry. She felt like she was damned if she did and damned if she didn’t. They could talk and she could love it. Scary. They could talk and not really have a connection over the phone. Boo, that sucks. It’s over as quickly as it started.  
“I think you need to stop worrying and go for it. What’s the worst that could happen?” Bec says, quickly adding, “Don’t answer that,” when she sees Y/N open her mouth to list all the negative outcomes.  
Y/N laughs before changing the subject to a guy Bec is currently talking to, immediately getting a full blown story of how she’s over him already because she heard he’s a player. They enjoy the rest of the night without any more talk of Harry, finishing off two more margaritas before they call it a night after being there for nearly four hours.   
On the car ride home, Y/N stared down at her phone. Specifically her text thread with Harry. She wants to talk to him even though the thought has her heart beating wildly. If her heart beats like this just thinking about it what is it going to be like if she actually talks to him. But she has to know. She needs to experience it, even if it’s only once. Even if she’s playing it up in her head and it’s nothing how she thinks it will be. She thinks that would be better than her continuing to wonder.
I’m in the uber now. Maybe I can call you once I’m home… if you’re up to it?
Harry glanced at his phone on the couch cushion next to him when he heard the ping, his heart dropping to his stomach. He quickly sent back “of course” before tossing his phone back to the couch and running his hands through his hair.  He leaned back, pushing his head back to the top of the cushion and stretching his legs out as he combed through his hair repeatedly.
Relax, he thought.
He lifted his head slowly before whispering, “relax,” down to the organ that was already pulling blood from the rest of his body in need.   
He had to calm down but he was so excited. He’s been thinking about this since he first talked to Y/N. Every time they talk and she puts an lol in her message he wonders what her laugh sounds like. He wonders how she says words like water and caramel. If her voice is high and sweet or low and raspy. Every time she replies with a mmm fuck to some filthy thought he shares with her, he feels like he’s in pain with how much he wants to actually hear her say it. 
He stands quickly from the couch, jumping up and down as if he’s getting ready for a boxing match. Shaking his arms out as if that could possibly help loosen him up. His cock was twitching in his pants at the possibilities this call held. He reaches down to smooth his hand over himself, foolishly thinking that if he gave the pulsing some attention it would calm down.  
He leaned down to check his phone again, seeing that Y/N read his reply but hasn’t answered yet. He turned his tv off, flicked his front hall lights off before going to the kitchen to grab a water bottle and head upstairs.  
He stood in his bathroom looking at himself in the mirror as he gulped down half the bottle. Breathing heavily when he pulled it away from his lips, a mixture of how quickly he sucked the water down and how the anticipation pulsed through his veins.  
He washed his face and rubbed some face cream into his skin with shaky hands. Quickly finishing up in the bathroom and heading to his room. He stood at the foot of his bed as he checked his phone again. Still nothing.
He walked to the side of his bed, placing his phone on the nightstand before turning on the tv that was mounted on the wall across from the bed.  He pulled his t shirt over his head and removed his joggers before slipping into bed. What’s taking her so long?  
His cheeks already felt warm, making him shake his head at himself as he sunk down further in the bed. He flicked through the channels to try to distract himself. Minutes passing like hours as he waited, finally hearing a ping twenty minutes later.  
I’m nervous lol
He smiled at her message, his brain conjuring up the laugh he pretended he knew every time she wrote lol.  
It’s okay. I am too
Definitely. But I’m excited too.
How excited??  
He let out a deep breath followed by a soft chuckle.
Gotta call me to find out xx  
He watched the message turn to read and waited.  A few minutes passed with him just staring at the phone until he realized he was whispering a quiet “come on” to the screen.
And then it lit up, causing the warmth of his skin to ignite as well. He took a deep breath and slowly exhaled before accepting the call.  
“Hiii,” he spoke quietly, extending the greeting.    
It was quiet for a second before he heard a low hum followed by an even lower, “Hey,” come through the receiver.  
His heart was already racing but somehow picked up speed at that one word. He was way more nervous then he let on. Maybe even more then he even realized himself.  
“Alright?” he asked with a small laugh.  
“I was wondering what you would sound like when you say that.” Y/N replied with a laugh of her own.
“How I say alright?”  
“Yeah, you say it a lot.” She chuckles softly, the sound making his heart flutter all over again.  
“Wanna make sure you’re alright,” he replies lowly.  
“I know. Always checking on me. I like it,” she finished softly.  
“Good.” The line is quiet for a few seconds before he continues, “How was dinner?”
“Great, had three margaritas,” she laughed. “Think they gave me the balls I needed to finally call you.”  
He laughed, liking the way she talked quickly, ignoring how the way she said balls made his cock twitch again.  
He hummed before answering, “’m glad you called. You’re not drunk?”  
“No, I’m… happy.”  
“Didn’t know happy was a drinking level. Sober, buzzed, drunk, they’re the usual ones,” he teased.  
She laughed, “Yeah of course. Happy is around buzzed, like when you’re just starting to feel good and warm.”  
“Ahh, I see,” he says with a chuckle. “Tha’s good t’know.”    
The line goes quiet for another few seconds before Y/N huffs, “I’m sorry I’m being weird.”  
“You’re not being weird. This is a weird situation. Jus’ gotta relax,” He assures her. “Tell me where you are. Or what you’re wearing.”
“Really,” she giggles. “I didn’t know you were so cliche,” she says through a laugh.  
He chuckles, smiling goofily at the way she teases, “Come on, it’ll help. Get you in the moment.”  
“Hmm okay,” she says.  He can hear shuffling before she continues, “I’m in bed.”  
“Sexy,” he interupts, making her bark out a laugh. His pulse quickens at the sound, smiling at the way she giggles around an apology. “And what are you wearing?”  
“A tee shirt,” she says softly before it’s quiet again.
“Tha’s it?”  His heart beat picks up at the thought of her in laying in bed with her phone pressed to her ear in nothing but a shirt. He has no idea what she looks like but it doesn’t matter, his brain forms the picture in his head and his cock pulses at the thought.  
She confirmed with a quiet “mhm” that makes his pulse pick up even more. He could hear his heart beating it was so hard.     
“Fuck,” he whispered.  
“What?” She questioned and the way she sounded so innocent, like she had no idea what he was thinking made his cock jump.  
“That is… so sexy,” he says as he mutes the tv, wanting to only hear her voice.  
“Is it?” She whispers, her pulse racing, the tingles between her thighs becoming stronger with every word he says.  
“I think so. Do you always sleep like that?” He asks, his voice lowering an octave with the question.  
Y/N swallows thickly before answering, “Usually.”  
She can hear his breathing and the way he whispers, “You’re killing me” makes her cheeks burn.  
The line is quiet again apart for the sound of each other’s breathing. Harry knows she’s nervous but he wants to be sure this is actually what she wants before he goes any further with the conversation.  
“Love, if you’re not comfortable with this yet just say the word.”
“No, no, I am,” she says quickly.  
“You sure? I don’t wan’ you to feel like we have to do this now. ’m perfectly fine with texting you. Textin’ is free,” he trails off.  
He hates the thought of her even remotely feeling forced into anything. She’s being charged for every minute of this call, and he knows it’s a pretty penny. If she’s even the slightest bit uncomfortable it’s not worth her time or money.  
“No I want to,” she says. “I want you,” she says in a soft tone.
Harry exhales deeply, “Fuck, good. Want you too. ‘m so hard,” he says lowly.  
His admission has her pressing her thighs together more. She knows she’s soaked already and he’s barely said anything, the anticipation of it all getting her wound up.  
“Really?” she whispers.  
“So hard. You had my cock twitching when you first asked to call.” He speaks honestly as he slips his hand into his boxers, the contact making him swallow thickly and suck in a breath.    
“God,” she moans quietly. The sound makes Harry’s stomach clench deeply, a soft moan of his own following. “Are you gonna touch it?”
He smiles at how she avoids the word, “Touch what, love?”
“Your cock,” she says softly.  
“Mhm, already am. Wish I wasn’t though. Would much rather be touching you,” he says, his breathing picking up as he strokes his hand from his base to his tip. 
“Oh my god,” Y/N whispers, finally reaching down to slip her fingers through her wet folds. Her clit is swollen, sending tingles throughout her body as she grazes her middle finger down the length of it before circling her entrance. “Shit,” she gasps quietly.  
“Yeah, touch yourself for me love,” Harry says in a strained voice. He sweeps his thumb over his tip, circling his precum over his head, making him release a breathy moan. He pulls the phone away from his mouth as he collects some spit before wrapping his hand around himself again, pumping his cock slowly.   
“Fuck,” she moans quietly as she pulls her wetness up to her clit.  
“Gonna rub your clit ‘til you come?” His voice is so deep, even deeper than it was when he first answered and definitely deeper than the voice memo she listened to repeatedly. His voice was having the same effect on her that she thinks his breath fanning across her skin would as it caused goosebumps to raise and her stomach to clench.  
“Yes,” she moans. “Oh my god.”
“That’s it,” he encourages, the rhythm of his strokes increasing with her pants. She sounds so good, breathing heavily with quiet moans and whines gracing his ears periodically. Everything she says is breathy with a small whine at the end and it makes Harry’s cock throb with every word.  
She’s rubbing small circles into her clit as she listens to him moan on the other line, each moan making her core clench with need. She hasn’t been this wet in ages, her fingers easily slipping over her skin and making her body go warm as she brings her orgasm to the surface with every flick.  
“Fuck,” Harry gasps. “‘m so close, love.”  
His words spur Y/N on, wanting to hear him come. She rocks her hips up to her hand as if he was there, as if he was between her legs and pushing into her over and over again.
“Yes, yes,” she chants softly, making Harry’s cock pulse and a groan come from deep in his chest as he pumps himself faster.  
“Play with your nipples, Y/N. Need you to come for me. Come on,” he urges lowly, knowing from previous texts that her nipples are sensitive, hoping it’ll push her over the edge.
“Fuck, oh my god,” she moans deeply. She does as she’s told, tucking her phone between her shoulder and ear so that she can snake her hand under the hem of her shirt. Her cold fingers flick her nipple quickly, sending chills down her spine. A stark contrast to the warm fingers that rub her clit. “Fuck, I... Harry,” she gasps his name before another moan falls from her lips as she squeezes her eyes shut, her core clenching rapidly as she comes.    
“Shit. Yes, that’s it,” Harry breathes out as he listens to beautiful moans fall from her mouth. He pumps his hand quickly until a low “fuck” and guttural moan comes from his chest and he’s painting his stomach with his release.
They both pant harshly as they come down. Y/N stretches across her bed as she chuckles with a quiet, “Shit,” gasped into the phone that gets Harry laughing.  
“Y‘alright?” He asks with a smile.  
She hums in response, “Are you?”
“Fuckin’ great,” he chuckles. “You’re amazing.”  His heart flutters from his admission, feeling a warm blush travel up his neck and onto his cheeks.  
“So are you,” she says softly. “I hate to just end this but… you know...”  
“No, I totally understand,” he interupts. “I really enjoyed it. Hope you did too.”
“I definitely did.”
He speaks then in a low, almost somber tone, “Night, love.”  
“Goodnight, Harry.” She whispers softly.   
Harry tosses his phone onto the other pillow as he gets out of bed to clean up. This is new. He wanted to keep talking to her. Usually, he’s perfectly fine with getting off the phone once he finished and passing out quickly after. But he feels like he could have stayed on the phone with her for another hour just listening to her talk in that post-orgasm voice.  
As he got back into bed with a low groan he noticed a message.  
We can still text, right?
Fuck, how did such a simple message like that make his heart race?
Good. I like texting you.  
Me too
And I like getting off with you
God I like getting off with you
So you’re happy with your service? :)
Narcissist lol  
Ha! Just making sure my customer is happy love  
Your customer is very happy
And still soaked    
Harry groaned at her message, his cock twitching at the thought of her being soaked from him.  
They texted until the late hours of the night, coaxing each other to another orgasm. Messages talking about everything they liked from the phone call. Harry telling Y/N that her moans made his dick throb just thinking about them and her telling him that the way he says fuck makes her pussy clench. Their messages were even more intense now that they could use things the other person does to rile them up more.  
It was nearly 3am when they said their real good nights with promises to talk tomorrow. Harry layed in bed staring at his ceiling willing sleep to come but feeling so wired still from the last few hours he spent with Y/N. Her voice was just as warm as he expected and it turned him on more than he imagined it could.  
He turned over to try to get comfortable, hearing a ping come from his nightstand. He leaned up on his elbow, pressing the home button to light up the screen.
Thank you xxx  
A smile curled the left side of his mouth up as warmth spread across his cheeks.  
Thank you love xx  
Y/N sent Harry the text on her train ride home from the office.  She couldn’t believe how long of a week she had.  She loves her job but she often wonders if it will ever not be like this. If she will ever end her week with a little extra energy to actually do something on a Friday night instead of going home to take a really long bath and cuddle her dog.  
She and Harry have been consistently talking for two months. More often than not she wakes up to a reply from him from their conversation the night before. The night before, when he would talk slowly in his deep voice, telling her all the ways he wanted to fuck her. When he’s moaning from the hand he has wrapped around his cock, begging her to come.  
She has a tendency to fall asleep not long after he helps her orgasm, making their conversation spill into the next day.  They never really end though.  Sure, there are lulls when either are busy.  Hours, sometimes a full day could pass and the conversation would just pick up where they left off.
Y/N liked that about them. Their conversations were easy and could range on the topic throughout any given day.  Like the day they started the conversation off with how much Harry came the night before and ended late that night with a deep discussion of whether they believed there was life on other planets.
Lol long day?
Longest. Do you have plans tonight?   
Yeah I do
Y/N frowned down at her phone.  Damn, she thought.  
Oh okay, have fun. We can talk tomorrow. 
Plans with my bed and you ;)  
Haha why are you like this  
Cause it’s fun  
For who?
Never mind don’t answer that
I’ll be home in 10 :)
Y/N smiled down to her phone before locking it. She couldn’t deny that he made her smile. He was funny, and charming. They got on really well. And they just clicked when it came to the phone sex. He always seemed to know what she needed in the moment to get off.
They’ve spent every Friday night just like this for weeks now. Y/N would get home late from work, eat something quickly, take the fastest shower of her life and get into bed to call Harry. He was always there, ready and waiting for her. There have been nights when they would talk for hours. Her credit card knows that better than anyone.  
It always started out with sex but ended with them talking about something random.  They would catch their breath together, giggle as they came down and then the conversation would shift until one of them found themselves dozing off.  
I’m home. If you’re ready, I was thinking I could take you in the bath with me.  
Love that idea. I’m ready when you are love.
One sec
Y/N started her bath, threw in the epsom salt and bubble bath she always used and took her work clothes off, throwing piece after piece of clothing into her hamper. She had the lights dimmed and lit a candle that she kept on her counter. She pulled her hair up into a bun on the top of her head before stepping into the tub, hissing as she eased into the hot water.   
Once she was settled and the tub was filled she quickly turned the water off, dried her hands on her towel and grabbed her phone to click Harry’s contact.
Setting it down on the ledge and sinking further into the water as it rang, waiting for his voice to grace her ears.
“Hi, love,” he greeted softly.
“Hey! How are you?”
“M’good. You in the bath already?”
“Yes thank god. I’ve missed my baths,” she chuckled softly.
“Missed them?” Harry laughed.
“I use to take a bath every Friday after work but ever since we started talking I’ve taken showers.”
“Is that because you can’t wait to get on the phone with me?”
She could hear the smile in his voice and let her own lips curl slightly.
“Yeah, well, I found that an orgasm relaxes me more than a bath.”  
“Could have been taking baths this whole time, love. I have no problem with making you come while you’re in there.”  
“Yeah?” She asks breathily, her skin tingling with his promise.
“Yeah, can’t help but think about being sat behind you.”
“Gonna rub my shoulders?” She teases.
“Was thinking more that I could rub your clit,” Harry’s voice drops lower as he speaks. “Would you like that?”
“Yes,” Y/N says on an exhale with her knees pressed together.
“Can you do it for me?”
Harry’s laying in his bed with his phone held up to his ear. His other hand is rubbing his cock over is boxers as he listens to her moan softly, imagining her spreading her legs in the tub to tease her clit.
“Do you know how hard you make me?” He asks, his voice strained as he pulls his cock from his boxers and strokes from his tip to the base.
“No,” Y/N breathes.  
“You don’t?” He moans, both from the way her voice sounds soft and breathy and from his thumb rubbing over his tip.
“Nuh-uh,” she breathes again, her head tilting back to rest on the tub as she rubs slow circles on her clit.  
Harry’s cock pulses at her tone. He loves when she’s unassuming like this, especially since he knows that she knows exactly how hard she makes him. They’ve been doing this long enough to know what gets the other person off and although Y/N likes to play innocent, he knows better. She likes his reactions. She likes hearing him moan and tell her how turned on he is.  
“Fuck,” he groans out slowly as he pumps his cock, his hips pushing up to meet his hand the tiniest bit. “I’m throbbin’ for you. Got me so hard, feels like it has its own pulse.”  
“Shit,” she moaned, her imagination conjuring the image of him stroking his cock. Imagining how his skin moves over his hard length. “Are you in bed?”  
He smiled at her inquiry. She did this every night; asked where he was in his house and what he was wearing. She wanted details ever since their first phone call when he told her it would get her in the moment. If they couldn’t see each other then they at least needed to be able to let their minds come up with an image of what the other person might look like while they touched themselves.  
“Yeah love,” he sighed as he stretched his toes towards the end of the bed. “Have my cock pulled out of my boxers. Couldn’t wait,” he blushed at the admission. Even though she couldn’t see him, he still felt embarrassed. He was needy for her. Just her text that she was almost home made him antsy.  
“Will you take them off?” She asked quietly, her cheeks burning from the tingles shooting up her spine and the way she immediately heard the ruffling coming through the phone from him moving around to remove his boxers.  
“Better?” he asked, the smile evident in his tone.  
“Would be better if you were here,” she mumbled with a light laugh, her cheeks warm with desire.    
“As much as I like when you touch yourself, I would much rather be the one touching you,” Harry spoke softly.  
“Yeah,” she encouraged softly, her fingers putting more pressure on her clit. Her legs widened at his words as if she was making room for him.  
“Wanna fuck you with my fingers. Push two in to press against that spot that’ll have your legs shaking f’me.”  
“Sat behind you so I can kiss your neck. So you can feel how hard I am against you. Want you to feel how much watching you come from my fingers turns me on.” Harry’s voice is low as he tells her what he knows she wants to hear. His cock is leaking from the thought of feeling her clench around his fingers as she moans his name softly through the phone.
“Oh my god, I want you,” she moans, the words coming out all in one breath. Her core is clenching, begging to have his fingers fill her.    
Harry’s heart flutters at the same time his stomach clenches from her words. She’s said things like that before. That she needed him, wanted him, begged for him even, and every single time his reaction is the same. His face and neck get even warmer and his arousal pools in his belly, swirling with need to actually have her.  
“Give yourself two. Slide two fingers in, just like I fuckin’ would,” Harry instructs her, his voice gravelly as he pumps his cock faster, his wrist twisting around his tip repeatedly.  
“Fuck Harry,” she moans quietly as she pushes her fingers into herself, immediately pumping them slowly, curling them on every deep push.    
“That’s it, love. Now use your other hand to rub your clit until you come for me.” 
Y/N’s moan was strangled, her pleasure falling from her lips as she swirled two fingers over her clit in time with her other hand. Her core was clenching with every pump and every moan Harry let travel through the phone made her stomach twist.
Harry chanted a quiet “yes, yes,” as he stroked his cock faster. He couldn’t keep his own moans at bay even if he tried. Between the throbbing of his cock as he fucked himself and the sounds Y/N made when she was close made it impossible for him to be quiet. “Gonna make me come,” he spoke slowly into the phone.
“Yeah, please,” she moaned at his words as her fingers sped up, her orgasm ready to burst.
“Shit,” he extended the word with a groan as he pumped his cock until he held himself still at his base and his orgasm coated his fingers and stomach. He was quiet for a few seconds, Y/N holding her breath until she heard him gasp once he was finished. She pictured what she envisioned him to look like with his head thrown back and his neck extended as he came all over himself, moaning at the image her mind created for her.
Her neck extended back as the first sparks of her orgasm hit her, slowing her fingers to let the tingles wash over her. “Harry,” she whispered as her core clenched and pulsed around the fingers she held deep inside herself.
“Fuck baby,” his voice was pure gravel, a small moan escaping his throat as he listened to her come. Her moans were wanton and full and instantly made him think of how well she would squeeze his cock if it was inside her.
They were quiet for a moment as they both caught their breath. Y/N’s knees extended back into the water as the rest of her body went lax. “How’s it always so good?” she asks, her voice breathy and slow.
“We’re just fuckin’ good together,” he laughed, shuffling to grab the tee shirt that happened to be beside his bed to clean himself up.
“We really are,” she giggled. “It’s kind of crazy though.”
“Is it?”
“Well yeah, I get off better with you and you’re not even here.” Her voice had that soft post orgasm tone that he loved. The one that made her words sort of mumble together and her volume lower a few decibels. Her gentle tone making the hair on the back of his neck stand up.
“I’ve never gotten off this good,” he admits quietly.
“Yeah. I mean, I’ve met people I really click with but we’re… different. Don’t you think?” His hair stood up for a different reasons now, his heartbeat prominently making itself heard in his ears.
“I’m definitely comfortable with you,” she chuckled in reply.
Harry was quiet for a few seconds as his mind fought over what he wanted to say next. “Makes you wonder what’d we really be like together..” he trailed off, feeling his cheeks warming from his suggestion.
“Right,” she giggled softly.
They were quiet again. Harry was willing her to say something else, anything. To give him any indication that maybe she was curious about what he was really like too.
“Oh,” she finally spoke up, making his pulse pick up again. “You called me baby.”
His pulse remained quick even with his disappointment. She was hard to read, her tone didn’t give any indication of how she felt about him calling her that, making him nervous and unsure how to reply.
“Do you like being called that?” He took a shot in the dark. Hoping she did.
“I love it,” she spoke softly.
“S’okay if I call you it sometimes?”  He asked, trying to control his breathing. That simple question making butterflies erupt in his stomach, hoping she’d allow that bit of intimacy.  
“Of course.”
He could hear her smile, causing more butterflies as heat crawled up his neck. “Good,” he murmured, stretching his body across his bed, willing his pulse to relax.
She hummed as she moved, the sound of the water swishing coming through his speaker. “God, I have to get out of here,” she muttered with what he imagined was a pout on her face. “Don’t wanna,” she sounded even more pouty and it made his lips curl into a smile.
“Just add more hot water,” he suggested with a laugh only to hear her whine in response.
“No then I’ll fall asleep and get a stiff neck,” she chuckled. “Hold on.”
He could hear the water fall off her body as she stood. He pretended he knew what she looked like as she stood in her tub, her skin glistening from the water sticking to it. He pictured her wrapping herself in a fluffy towel and carefully stepping out of tub to hopefully get into her bed, warm and naked.
“Do you have guitar lessons tomorrow?” She asked as she dried herself off.
“Yeah first one’s at 7:30.”
“I don’t know how you do it. I would be exhausted if I stayed up this late when I have work in the morning,” she laughed, flicking her bathroom light off before she padded across the room to crawl into her bed.
“I’m used to it,” he laughed softly.
“Well I’m gonna let you go since you won’t do it,” she teased. “Plus I know as soon as my head hits this pillow I’ll pass out.”
“Sure, love. Sleep tight.”
“Night, Harry.”  
She watched the call end, falling back to her pillow as she sprawled her arms and legs out, dropping her phone onto the bed. Normally the mixture of Harry’s voice and an intense orgasm lulled her right to sleep. But tonight? Tonight she stared at her ceiling for a while with thoughts of what her and Harry could be like if she allowed them to get together.    
masterlist || talk to me
(Part Three)
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elfarolitojranaheim · 4 years
#58 Tostada Grande
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Your choice of meat, served inside a flour tortilla shell. Filled with refried beans, meat, lettuce, tomato, cheese and sour cream.
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xasha777 · 1 month
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In the year 2474, amidst the sprawling cybernetic revival of the Champagne fairs, a figure stood out not just for his appearance but for his quest. He was known as Cyron, a being whose flesh and metal were indistinguishably melded, reflecting the pinnacle of biomechanical evolution. His origins were as enigmatic as the ancient medieval fairs that once flourished in the region, transformed now into a colossal marketplace for advanced technologies and rare cybernetic enhancements.
The Champagne fairs, once famous for trading textiles and spices, had evolved into hubs where state-of-the-art robotic parts and AI systems were bartered. Amidst this bustling confluence of trade, Cyron wandered, his motives as concealed as the intricate circuitry beneath his synthetic skin. He wasn’t there to trade goods but to find a component believed to be lost in the annals of cybernetic warfare – the Aether Core, a device capable of syncing man with machine to unprecedented levels, enhancing not just physical and cognitive abilities but emotional intelligence as well.
Cyron’s search was deeply personal. The Aether Core was rumored to contain the consciousness of his creator, a brilliant engineer who had envisioned a future where humans and machines could coexist and complement each other's existence seamlessly. This core was his creator's legacy, encapsulating a lifetime of research and passion, believed to be hidden somewhere within the fair's labyrinth of stalls and shops.
Navigating through the fair, Cyron encountered various traders and cybernetic entities, each interaction a dance of intellect and intuition. He bartered not with currency but with pieces of his own ancient software and mechanical parts, relics that were highly valued by collectors and technophiles for their historical significance.
The quest led him deep into the heart of the fair, to a forgotten vault buried beneath the main concourse. Legends spoke of this place as a repository for the most sacred and dangerous technologies. With the aid of a cryptic map that had been etched into his forearm’s circuitry by his creator, Cyron decoded the vault's ancient security system, an intricate puzzle that required both human emotion and robotic precision to unlock.
Inside the vault, amidst dust-laden artifacts and the silent hum of dormant machines, Cyron found the Aether Core, pulsating softly with a warm glow that seemed to resonate with his own energy signature. As he connected with the core, a rush of memories flooded through him—visions of his creator, their purpose, and the potential of a future where humans and machines could achieve a harmonious balance. The core integrated seamlessly into his system, initiating a transformation that was both physical and metaphysical.
Emerging from the vault, Cyron was no longer just a relic of past technology but a beacon of future possibilities. With the Aether Core now part of him, he felt a deeper connection to the world around him, able to empathize and interact with both humans and machines in ways that transcended their inherent differences.
The fair continued to thrive around him, a testament to human innovation and persistence. Yet, Cyron's journey was just beginning. With the power of the Aether Core, he set out to fulfill his creator's dream, advocating for a society where technology and humanity could co-evolve, learning from and enhancing each other in a symbiotic dance that would span the ages.
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fictionshewrote · 5 years
Find the Word Tag Game
Tagged by the magnificent @maybeillwriteit, whose characters like to make me flail and make whale noises at inopportune times.
I’ve picked my little WIP The Heist, a story about five disaster trash children teenagers with a psychic connection who decide to rob a billionaire.
“Well, soon then, yeah?” Julie Number One said hopefully. “Any friend of yours is welcome.”
“Except Henry,” Julie Number Two added. “Not that I don’t love him and everything, but I need to be able to sit down and enjoy a nice meal without being called ‘dude’ every two seconds.”
Julie Number One made a face like she was trying to figure out if agreeing with the other Julie would undermine her original point.
“Henry doesn’t eat food anyway,” Kas assured them, relieved to be moving on from the Alise topic. “Unless you count Skittles and Dr. Pepper as food.”
“We don’t,” the two Julies said in unison.
Kas crossed his arms. “I’m not saying it’s weird you don’t know the lyrics to Purple Rain. I’m just saying it’s wrong.”
* I couldn’t find “happy” so I went with “happily” instead. : )
“Now you have tostadas, roommates who organize protests, and cupcakes.” Nathan frowned down at his coffee and twisted to plop down in the chair.
“You’ve got a whole damn city block of a kitchen downstairs,” Riza snapped. “Make your own.”
“See, you’re assuming that I know how to cook,” Nathan argued, “and that is just patently false.”
Julie Number Two scooted her chair back. “I’m going for seconds,” she announced.
“All you have to do,” Alise said, unswervingly patient, “is follow the recipe.”
“I’m not very good at directions, as my chemistry professor, driving instructor, and Keurig will happily tell you.”
So here he was, standing barefoot in his kitchen, with a pan full of charred onions and what was supposed to be something called a roux, but now looked more like something you stepped in at the dog park.
Somewhere hundreds of miles away, Riza was standing in the paper products aisle of Publix, laughing at a wall of Angel Soft toilet paper, but really at him.
“What were you trying to cook anyway?” she whispered.
“Soup!” Kas said, indignant.
Tagging: @ofinkblotsandscript @dove-actually @walking-talking-irony @dandrabbles @radley-writes @cookiecuttercritter @slytherpens
Your words are: breath, open, deep, gently
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ellimochi · 5 years
Kōst - Winterlicious
This Winterlicious I went to Kōst – a gorgeous rooftop restaurant on the 44th floor of the Bisha hotel. They're known for brunch and their view of the CN tower, and I've always wanted to try it out!
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The restaurant’s interior was gorgeous. It has high tables near whole walls of windows that offer a stunning view of Toronto, and even though we went at night and didn’t sit near a window, it was still such a vibe – it felt like you were being enveloped by the city.
The decor was spacious and modern, with lots of light-colored wood details, an exposed ceiling, and minimal white lights strategically placed throughout the space. 
It also had an open kitchen that connected to a bar with glassware hung from above, a design I’ve seen elsewhere but it’s one that I love! 
It turned out that Jake used to work with the head chef there, and he was so kind and sent us some prosecco and oysters on the house! The oysters came with a charred serrano and tomato mignonette, and was probably my favorite part of the meal haha.
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SUNSET STRIP Bulleit Bourbon, Campari, Amaro Montenegro, Jack Ruby Bitters, Saffran
POMEGRANATE PUNCH Bacardi Oakheart, Martini Bianco, Fresh Pomegranate Juice, Fresh Lemon Juice, Kōst Syrup and Soda
Jake ordered the Sunset Strip. He says it’s dope; I tried a bit but I’m not really one for the “sipping” drinks because I’m weak af, so I’ll take his word on that one. 
I ordered the Pomegranate Punch. It was delicious and tasted fresh and fruity, but I’m a slow drinker and there’s a LOT of ice in this beverage so I was a bit sad that it tasted super watered down by the last 1/3 of the drink. 
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BEEF TARTARE TOSTADA Purple corn tortilla, eggplant puree, chickpea dukkah, pickled jalapeno
FRIED CALAMARI XO sauce, chili soy mayo, furikake 
We started with the Beef Tartare Tostada. I loved the taste of the tartare but I really didn’t like the way it was served (tostada style). My reasoning is because it’s super hard to break the tostada, and as a slow eater who enjoys taking her time, the seasoning from the tartare made it extremely soggy :(. But, I did really enjoy the pickled jalapeno in the dish – it gave it a nice kick.
I didn’t get a good pic of the calamari but it was good! It wasn’t too different from a typical fried calamari, but I did enjoy the chili soy mayo and XO sauce – especially when dipped in both.
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GRILLED SEA BREAM Green goddess, chipotle tomato, Israeli cous cous
This one was probably my second favorite! The skin was crispy, the flavor was divine and I loved the pairing with tomatoes and cous cous. Never really been a huge cous cous fan, but this dish really changed my mind that it can be done in a way I enjoy.
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BRAISED LAMB LEG Charred pickled eggplant, zhoug, mint yoghurt, smoky eggplant puree
I liked all the flavors in this dish as well! It really brought out the “lamb” flavor that I enjoy, and the mint yoghurt balanced the heavy meat taste well. It was also such a generous size for Winterlicious.
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TRES LECHE CAKE Toasted almond, white chocolate ganache, dulce de leche
MEYER LEMON CURD Pink peppercorn meringue, huckleberry, brown butter crumble 
Holy fuck, did I ever love the dessert. I ordered the Meyer Lemon Curd, and I have suuuuch a thing for tart stuff. The brown butter crumble balanced out the tartness of the curd so well, and the huckleberry added another level to the flavor. I just wish there was more of the little meringue puffs as it was one of my favorite parts of the dish, but c’est la vie!
I was too busy eating my dessert to really try Jake’s lol. But it was really good as well from the one or two bites I had – really light and fluffy, something I personally enjoy in a cake over heavier ones. 
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Overall, I had a great experience at Kōst! Their menu prices are super reasonable for the level of effort and artistry that goes into the food, and especially for a Winterlicious dinner (which are sometimes underwhelming) it really exceeded expectations. 
We already have plans to go back in the summer to enjoy the beautiful views even more and perhaps try their brunch menu! 
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365goalsfor365days · 6 years
2018 Bucket List - August Update (3/365) (Total: 24/365) (I did 0 in July. Oops)
1. Become a Homeowner
2. Get a new mattress
3. Become a First Aid Instructor
4. Become a CPR Instructor
5. Get a position in Labor and Delivery or Postpartum
6. Write a legal will and get it notarized
7. Complete Neonatal Resuscitation Program
8. Obtain a regular drivers license
9. Write a legal advance directive and get it notarized
10. Get a Passport
11. Complete ACLS certification
12. Increase student loans to $350 each/month
13. Get a new couch
14. Get a tattoo
15. Get a permanent position
16. Join the organ donor registry
17. Get a British Bulldog (Winston)
18. Make melted crayon guitar art (JK)
19. Sew a teddy bear
20. Sew a dress
21. Make a quilt
22. Start a scrapbook
23. Crochet a hat
24. Complete grad photobook
25. Complete wedding scrapbook
26. Crochet Christmas stockings
27. Make a Wonder Woman apron (JH)
28. Crochet a hooded owl blanket (MB)
29. Do a cross stitch*
30. Fold 1000 origami stars
31. Make matching Mr & Mrs Scarves*
32. Crochet a black cat blanket with hood (KS)
33. Fold 1000 origami butterflies
34. Make a mobile of 1000 origami cranes
35. Design my own deck of cards
36. Complete wedding photobook
37. Make homemade lip balm
38. Make house key print tree ornament
39. Make carved wood or burned wood personalized wine box (ME)
40. Swap customized keychains with Daniel
41. Sew matching aprons for me & Daniel
42. Make a Feminist cross stitch quilt (CB)
43. Make Lion King cross stitch (JK)
44. Make wine glass winter scene candle holders
45. Make a Little Mermaid Apron (JM)
46. Make carved or burned wood “It’s Always Tea Time” Mad Hatter Tea Box
47. Crochet a Spiderman blanket (LS)
48. Crochet a legend of Zelda blanket (CW)
49. Make jazz guitar print art (SS)
50. Adopt an otter
51. Answer 50 correct answers in a row on Freerice.com
52. Participate in a charity walk/run
53. Donate $50 to the Edmonton Humane Society
54. Run a Hogwarts Running Club race
55. Donate $50 to the Canadian Mental Health Association
56. Donate 5 Items to Ronald McDonald house
57. Donate 5 Items to the Terra Centre
58. Adopt a polar bear
59. Make “Curious Confection” Disney drink
60. Make “Sirens Song” Disney drink
61. Make “Glass Slipper” Disney drink
62. Make “Belle of the Ball” Disney drink
63. Make herb butter
64. Make homemade fried chicken
65. Make caramel apple jello shots
66. Make macarons
67. Make homemade California rolls
68. Make all recipes in Unofficial Harry Potter Cookbook
69. Make candy apples
70. Bake a baked Alaska
71. Cook lobster
72. Make Tiramisu
73. Bake Boston cream pie
74. Make homemade basil pesto
75. Roast pumpkin seeds
76. Finish my red recipe book
77. Bake lemony blueberry cheesecake bars
78. Bake cream cheese, banana & coconut pain perdu
79. Make Sims Fried Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwich (in real life)
80. Make Mexican tostadas
81. Make 365 new recipes
82. Cook every single recipe in a cook book
83. Make all recipes from Swap & Drop Diet Cookbook
84. Do a chopped competition with Daniel
85. Make fruit sushi
86. Make “Sleep Cycle” Disney drink
87. Make “False King” Disney drink
88. Make “Ohana Colada” Disney drink
89. Make all recipes from Cooking Light Global Kitchen cookbook
90. Make Sims Porcini Risotto (in real life)
91. Make Crepes
92. Go to Dinner Theatre
93. Eat at Café Bicyclette
94. Have lunch at Ampersand 27
95. Eat at Café Linnea
96. Eat at Earnest’s at NAIT
97. Go on a gelato date
98. Have dessert from Italian Bakery Edmonton
99. Eat at the 3 Bananas Café
100. Eat at Dorinku
101. Try a Po’ Boy
102. Eat deep fried ice cream
103. Eat at Have Mercy
104. Have lunch at the Harvest Room at Hotel MacDonald
105. Have dinner on the Edmonton Queen Riverboat
106. Try La Poutine
107. Have breakfast at Under the High Wheel
108. Have dessert at Block 1912
109. Eat at Uccellino
110. Go out for hungover breakfast the morning after a party with friends
111. Have a meal at Bistro Praha
112. Read “Water for Elephants” by Sara Gruen and watch the movie
113. Read Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini and watch the movie
114. Read “It” by Stephen King and watch the movie
115. Read “Labor Day” by Eleanor Henderson
116. Read “Three Day Road” by Joseph Boyden
117. Read “The Girl on the Train“ by Paula Hawkins & Watch the movie
118. Read “They Left Us Everything”
119. Read “The House Girl” by Tara Conklin
120. Read all 36 books from the Dear Canada series
121. Read “My Lovely Wife in the Psych Ward: A Memoir” by Mark Lukach
122. Read all 54 books from the fictional Magic Tree House series
123. Read “13 Reasons Why” by Jay Asher and watch the series
124. Read “Dolores Claiborne” by Stephen King
125. Read “We Need To Talk About Kevin” by Lionel Shriver
126. Read all 51 books from the Adventures of the Bailey School Kids series
127. Read “Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers” by Mary Roach
128. Read “The Shift: One Nurse, Twelve Hours, Four Patients Lives” by Theresa Brown
129. Read “Working Stiff: by Judy Melinek and TJ Mitchell
130. Read “Every Patient Tells a Story” by Lisa Sanders
131. Read “The Night Shift” by Dr Brian Goldman
132. Read “Wenjack” by Joseph Boyden
133. Read “The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat” by Oliver Sacks
134. Read “Weird Edmonton” by Mark Kozub
135. Read “11/22/63” by Stephen King
136. Re-read Lemony Snickets A Series of Unfortunate Events series
137. Read all 20 Royal Diaries books
138. Read all the books from the Dear America series
139. Read “End of Watch” by Stephen King
140. Read “I, Ripper” by Stephen Hunter
141. Read “Happyface” by Stephen Edmond
142. Read “The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian” by Sherman Alexie
143. Read “The Mighty Miss Malone” by Curtis
144. Read “In The Unlikely Event” by Judy Blume
145. Read “Church of Marvels” by Leslie Parry
146. Read “My Secret Sister” by Helen Edwards
147. Read “The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society” by Annie Barrows
148. Read “The Book of Negroes” by Lawrence Hill & watch the movie
149. Read “The Real Doctor Will See You Shortly” by Matt McCarthy
150. Read “Nerd Do Well” by Simon Pegg
151. Read “Wild” by Cheryl Strayd and watch the movie
152. Read “I Am Malala” by Malala Yousafzai
153. Read “The Book Thief’ by Markus Zusak and watch the movie
154. Read “Welcome to Nightvale” by Joseph Fink and listen to all podcasts
155. Read “1984” by George Orwell
156. Read “Nightmares!” by Jason Segal and Kirsten Miller
157. Read “The Bazaar of Bad Dreams” by Stephen King
158. Read “Finders Keepers” by Stephen King
159. Read the Little Old Lady Series
160. Read “Mr Mercedes” by Stephen King
161. Read “Left Neglected” by Lisa Genova
162. Read “Doctor Sleep” by Stephen King
163. Read “Bringing Adam Home” by Les Standiford
164. Read “Carry On” by Rainbow Rowell
165. Read “Being Mortal” by Atul Gawande
166. Read “A Spy Amongst Friends” by Ben Macintyre
167. Read “Still Alice” by Lisa Genova and watch the movie
168. Read “Five Days at Memorial” by Sheri Fink
169. Read “Canada” by Mike Myers
170. Read “Behind the Beautiful Forevers” by Katherine Boo
171. Read “Quiet: The Power of Introverts” by Susan Cain
172. Read “The Haunting of Sunshine Girl” by Paige Mckenzie
173. Read “Dirty Jobs” and “Second Hand Souls” by Christopher Moore
174. Read “My Sister’s Keeper” and watch the movie
175. Read “Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea” by April Genevive Tucholke
176. Read “Four Past Midnight” by Stephen King
177. Read “Hope: A Memoir of Survival in Cleveland” by Amanda Berry and Gina DeJesus
178. Read “Anya’s Ghost” by Vera Brosgol
179. Read “Trauma”
180. Read “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them” by JK Rowling and watch the movie
181. Read “This is That Travel Guide to Canada”
182. Read “The Trouble with Goats and Sheep” by Joanne Cannor
183. Read “Tough Shit” by Kevin Smith
184. Read “Tales of Beedle the Bard” by JK Rowling
185. Read “The Trouble with Alice” by Olivia Glazebrook
186. Read “The 100 Mile Diet: A Year of Local Eating” by Alisa Smith & JB MacKinnon
187. Read “At Home in Old Strathcona” by Gwen McGregor Molnar
188. Read “The Tumbling Turner Sisters” by J. Fay
189. Read “The Dangerous Animals Club” by S. Tobolowsky
190. Read “The Book of Speculation” by E. Swyler
191. Read “The Nurses” by Alexandra Robbins
192. Read “Shine Shine Shine” by Lydia Netzer
193. Read “Life of Pi” by Yann Martel and watch the movie
194. Read the EC Wells series
195. Read “Scrappy Little Nobody” by Anna Kendrick
196. Read “The First Phone Call From Heaven” by Mitch Albom
197. Read “Hope’s Boy” by Andrew Bridge
198. Read “The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August” by Claire North
199. Read “The House At the End of Hope Street” by Menna Van Praag
200. Read “Home” by Harlan Coben
201. Read “The Devil in the White City“ by Erik Lawson
202. Tour the Chicago Connection tunnel in Moose Jaw
203. Tour the Passage to Fortune tunnel in Moose Jaw
204. Visit the Dead Sea of Saskatchewan (Little Manitou)
205. Tour the Royal Canadian Mint
206. Visit the Eskimo Museum in Churchill
207. Visit Prime Berth Fishing Museum in Twillingate
208. Go to the Barbie Expo in Montreal
209. Visit the Acadian Historical Village in Caraquet
210. Visit the Tokyo National Museum
211. Visit the Owl Café in Akhabara
212. Go to the Tokyo Studio Ghibli Museum
213. Visit the Manitoba Museum in Winnipeg
214. Tour the Royal Saskatchewan Museum in Regina
215. See a Sunset Retreat Ceremony at the RCMP Heritage Center in Regina
216. Visit the Canadian Museum of History in Quebec
217. See Head-Smash-In Buffalo Jump in Fort McLeod
218. Visit the Royal BC Museum in Victoria
219. See Niagra Falls
220. Visit the Gopher Hole Museum in Torrington
221. Visit Ripley’s Aquarium of Canada in Toronto
222. Visit the Royal Ontario Museum
223. Do the Underground Tour at Bell Island’s Mine Museum
224. Visit the Western Development Museum in Saskatoon
225. Visit Leo Mol Sculpture Garden in Winnipeg
226. Visit Squamish Lil’Wat Cultural Centre in Whistler
227. Visit the Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 in Halifax
228. Visit the Canadian Museum for Human Rights
229. Visit the Canadian Museum of Nature in Ottawa
230. Visit the Fort George National Historic Site of Canada at Niagara-on-the-Lake
231. Go to Science North in Sudbury
232. Take a photo with the Hachiko statue in Tokyo
233. Do a “Disney Love” photoshoot with Daniel
234. Grow a carrot plant
235. Go to new Royal Alberta Museum
236. Catch all First Gen Pokemon Go Pokemon
237. Catch all Second Gen Pokemon Go Pokemon
238. Catch all Third Gen Pokemon Go Pokemon
239. Successfully do winged eyeliner
240. Have a yard sale
241. Build a Bear at Build a Bear
242. Go scuba diving
243. Go rock climbing
244. Go through the Edmonton Corn Maze
245. Attend a Superstore cooking class
246. Bowl a 100+ game
247. Catch a fish
248. Dye my hair blonde
249. Go ice fishing
250. Tour Candy Cane Lane
251. Find 5 Geocaches
252. Go paintballing
253. See the stars at an observatory
254. Go on a double date
255. Can something with mom
256. Play through Fran Bow
257. Visit Dr Woods House Museum
258. Grow parsley
259. Go on a bike ride around Telford Lake
260. Solve a Rubik’s cube
261. Grow oregano
262. Pick berries from a berry farm
263. Host a holiday dinner for family
264. Win something
265. Skip rocks with Daniel
266. Do yoga outside at sunrise
267. Go horseback riding
268. Walk across a suspension bridge
269. Learn how to edit photographs
270. Get a hot stone massage
271. Pose for a nude painting
272. Visit Grandmas grave
273. Be in a boudoir photoshoot
274. Get ears pierced again
275. Learn Under the Sea on xylophone
276. Learn calligraphy
277. Go roller blading
278. See a moose in the wild
279. Learn Over the Rainbow on ukulele
280. Pick a pumpkin at Upick
281. Build a fire
282. Complete Wreck this Journal
283. Build a sandcastle
284. Build a snowman
285. Complete a 1000 Piece Puzzle
286. Get all Pokemon Go medals
287. Try a sensory deprivation chamber
288. Sew all badges on my camp blanket
289. Sign a petition
290. Camp at Elk Island Provincial Park
291. Go to Sea Life Caverns at WEM
292. Go apple picking
293. Go hostelling in Nordegg
294. Photograph a robin
295. Photograph a blue jay
296. Go to the ballet
297. Go to a hot spring in winter
298. Plant a Fairy Garden
299. Fully decorate apartment for Halloween
300. Go to another TWOS Dark Matters Night
301. Go to the Muttart Conservatory
302. Play through Beyond Two Souls
303. Try an alcohol shot
304. Go to the John Walters museum
305. Body paint with Daniel
306. Take a class at the Greenland Garden Center
307. Go Canoeing
308. Play a game of chess
309. Play laser tag
310. Have a girls night
311. Go to a drop in class at the Art Gallery of Alberta
312. Send out Christmas cards
313. Reach level 40 of Pokemon Go
314. Visit the Reynolds-Alberta Museum
315. Go on a Canmore Cave Tour
316. Get a couples massage
317. Have a game night at Table Top Café
318. See a live show at the Roxy
319. Shoot a Gun
320. Juggle 3 balls
321. Pick a door lock
322. See a Rapidfire Theater show
323. Dance on my balcony with Daniel as it gently rains
324. Go to a driving range
325. Write a love letter
326. Go to a U of A varsity game
327. Complete Pocket Posh Logic book
328. Go to a hockey game
329. Go to a football game
330. See the Nutcracker Ballet
331. Play at Breakout Edmonton
332. Complete a coloring book
333. Go peddle boating
334. Visit the Alberta Aviation Museum
335. Visit the Jurassic Forest
336. Play slots at a casino
337. Go skating
338. Try to escape The Cabin at Escape City
339. Complete my Sims challenge
340. Get a BBQ and have a BBQ with friends
341. Tube down the Pembina river
342. Get a facial
343. Take a class at Purdy’s Chocolates
344. Hold Crow Pose (Yoga)
345. Complete 12 months to a healthier you challenge
346. Fit size 6 pants
347. Do 100 consecutive push ups
348. Hold Kala Bhairavasana (yoga)
349. Hold Sirsasana (Yoga)
350. Do 100 Consecutive Sit Ups
351. Reach goal weight of 120 lb
352. Walk 20 000 steps for 3 consecutive days
353. Attend a drop in spin class
354. Attend a drop in yoga class
355. Try Hot Yoga
356. See a movie and have dinner at the VIP Theatre
357. Watch the top 100 movies of 2017
358. See a movie at Princess Theatre
359. Go to the Edmonton Film Fest
360. Watch an outdoor movie
361. Watch Rotten Tomatoes Top 100 Musical & Art Movies
362. Watch Rotten Tomatoes Top 100 Movies of 2016
363. Watch Rotten Tomatoes Top 100 Horror Movies
364. Watch Rotten Tomatoes Top 100 Documentary films
365. Watch Rotten Tomatoes Top 100 Comedy Movies
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bites-kms · 3 years
Southwest Roadtrip - Episode 1: Viva las Vegas
When it comes to discovering the US, Johnny Cash kept it simple and straight to the point: 
“I've been everywhere, man. Crossed the desert's bare, man. I've breathed the mountain air, man. Of travel I've had my share, man. I've been everywhere.“
And what a journey it was! Who knew a failed attempt to fly to Hawaii would result in such a fun adventure? We packed our stuff and jumped on a plane, destination Southwest of America. Starting by Vegas, passing through Arizona, stopping by Utah, resting in Colorado. Only my friend Belu would be as kamikaze to propose such thing and found in me such a blind partner-in-crime. It was September 4th, and we were rushing in a taxi from Hoboken to Newark to board our first flight during a global sanitary emergency, looking like Darth Vader’s close cousins with our masks and face shields. 
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After an approximately 6-hour flight, we landed in the middle of literally nowhere. We were able to see the pyramid and some other iconic architecture which I currently do not remember because it was about only for 5 seconds before landing. On arrival, on a mostly empty airport, we were surprised by the amount of slot machines that were there, welcoming everyone to place their bets. For sure, ours was to have fun and contrary to common belief, the house didn't win this one: we had a blast!
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Followed by a surprise “SIN CITY, WOOO HOOO!” shout from someone who obviously has been living inside a thermos for the last past months, we cracked up and went to fetch a car. This very nice gentleman took us to the Bellagio (yeap, we went full on cliche mode, with what was originally a non-existent promo) while DJ Dani blasted her best records to kick off this adventure with the right feet: Viva Las Vegas by Elvis Presley and Just a Gigolo by Louis Prima Success. 
DAY 1: 
First things first: check in and adventure. Hotel, amenities and surroundings. Vegas spins around two main areas: the famous Strip, 6.8kms of the brightest place on earth seen from outer space full of hotels, restaurants, shops and of course, casinos. Pretty much Disneyworld for adults. The Bellagio is the iconic hotel which hosts some of the greatest restaurants and also the famous dancing fountains. Also, is one that is pretty centrally located, in between Caesars Palace (Roman Empire themed), The Cosmopolitan (which imitates boheme life from France) Aria and Park MGM Las Vegas (New York City represent!), Excalibur (Middle Ages) Luxor (Cleopatra’s Egypt) and The Venetian (of course, Venice). Everything is within walking distance but beware of the heat: a normal day in the desert is around 42C (107F), if not more, with a melting down thermal sensation of 1000 in any scale. This is why is also a city that is enjoyable during night time. So, do not feel bad about sleeping in a bit: you can always chill by the pool in the morning, have a little something for lunch and sleep (or remove the hangover) during the afternoon when the sun is unbearable. OR, the casino is always open so that could be an option. We chose to walk around a bit (big mistake) but luckily once you enter to the casinos, they are all connected with escalators, shade and AC, so we were mesmerized by this grown up themed park, where is so easy to lose track of time. 
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After an Italian lunch on a french bistro in a corner of Paris (? yes.. I know..) we went back and rest by the pool. Once the sun was already getting ready to bet some chips at night, we did too: we changed into our most shinny and glamorous outfit and won exactly 27 dollars! We checked out Venice, and some of the night shows that were happening on the streets (like naked promoters, the massive PM lines, and the crazy long-ass “juice” towers flowing around the more energetic covid-prone crowds) right before we headed up to Yellowtail, the Japanese and Michelin Starred restaurant at the Bellagio. We had their famous tuna pizza (it sounds terrible but it is more of a tostada or sashimi-style like) and got disappointed that they run out of the short ribs, but instead had some amazing sushi rolls and some tempura bites. When we found out about the beautiful, sigh-seeing windows that displayed all the fountain show we left our high-end attires aside and run to the windows, interrupting some other people’s dinner while leaving the waiters behind. We decided to go for dessert somewhere else and went to the piano bar located at the reception for a delicious espresso and a chocolate diamond cake. We did some neon-gazing and loved the fountain show to the beat of Believe by Cher, while being overwhelmed by a surreal feeling of actually being there, having so much fun and appreciating our friendship (and of course, avoided a high/drunk fellow who tried to take our pics and phone with them - she didnt know we were from New York and from Rio de la Plata, so the scam was on her!) 
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Repeat. (and pretty much that’s all we did). We kicked it off with a fake breakfast by the pool, and some piñas coladas in between facemasks. We also had a light lunch by the pool (a greek salad with some much needed water) and then, around 6:15 we took a cab to the Neon Museum - yeap, for those who think there is only light fun in Vegas, nope, think again, there are worthy museums, too! ( I even made a joke here! damn I’m inspired!). The Neon Museum is a scrap dealer cemetery, where all the old and somehow “broken” -even thou most of them have been repaired and are currently working!- neon signs from Old time Vegas rest. It is very fun to see old hotels, random letters, icons and logos being laid there, creating a wonderful mess in the middle of, again, you guess right, the desert. It was very fun and beautiful to be honest. 
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Another short taxi drive later (I was too naif thinking we could walk in short heels under the killer heat more than a block!) we drove thru what is known as “Old Vegas” or “Downtown Vegas”. This used to be the place where the magic happened before the creation of the Strip, but nowadays it only hosts what lingers of once a glamorous and kitschy past. The center of this action can be found throughout Freemont Street, a pedestrian long avenue that gathers classic neon signs, all-time Vegas characters (we still missed out on Elvis, so watch out impersonator, we will be back just for you!), stripers, street sellers, all you can eat venues, dodgy bars, and more and more neons.  According to Las Vegas Tourism Board>> “Fun people, crazy people, partying, gambling, drinking, street performers, free music and light shows, zip lining and just having a good time... that's what you expect at Freemont.”
We had some pizza, talked to this Montana guy who for a second thought he was able to have a threesome with us on his dirty van, were voluntary abused by these hot, ripped stripers who made us laugh with their pick up line: “You can leave your face mask here, right by your underwear too, please.” The guys were a “sample” - since the show is canceled due to the pandemic- of Chippendales, something a fine woman needs to experience once in their lifetime. Belu felt in love with her boy, but given the current times and protocols, this love couldn't prosper as we all wished it had. No worries amiga, next time!
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But the most striking part of this decadent place was witnessing this surreal restaurant called Heart Attack Grill, where people who weight more than 350lbs (almost 160kgs) eat for free. The biggest burger consist on 8 patties, and as an FYI, only the 4 patty burger is marked on the Guinness World Records Book as the “Quadruple Bypass Burger” with almost 10.000 calories, all the beverages consists on massive soft drinks, milkshakes, beers and wine, (full bottles, of course, served from an IV drip bag) and it is not allowed to share food. The place is cash only, you gotta weight yourself before entering, each patty is made of half pound each, everybody must wear hospital gowns and if you dare not to finish your meal, you get three spanks by the horny yet not so sexy waitress dressed as nurses. As a nice little detail, on the biggest burger you can pump it up with 40 slices of bacon by only $7.99 more!  And, to wrap up this majestic hospital parlor, I recently researched that the legal owner of Heart Attack Grill is hilarious – Diet Center LLC. The founder is Jon Basso, who strives to provide “nutritional pornography” in his food. For a better comprehension (for a lack of a better word) of this place, you can check out this recap of Showtime’s series: Deadly Sins. 
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So, we were mesmerized, we were educated, we bet, we ate, we drunk and we touched some sweaty strippers, so there was only one thing left to do: crush a weeding. So there we went. There were multiple chapels around the area, but I dont know whether it was the time (it was around, 9, 9 and coins) so it may have been a little bit too late or due to COVID, but no weddings were in place. We finally arrived to the Little White Chapel, the original, unique one that has the Elvis sign, the drive-thru and the proud sign that states how Michael Jordan and Joan Collins got married there. We were so bummed to found only a very young, very dull couple getting married (she was wearing black, hence, that is all you need to know) and there was not a very jolly, merry spirit. Still, we managed to hang out with the best men and got a picture of two to remember this fail attempt to crush this very much lame wedding. Up we went to the Bellagio, checking out what was missing from Sin City: the Wynn Hotel, Route 515, 51 and the Famous Welcome to Las Vegas Sign. 
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We wrapped this unique experience witnessing an amazing, full moon in the middle of the desert, with a massive and delicious full on breakfast at Sadelle’s, a little piece of home in our far-away-from home hotel.  Till next time, Vegas! You were great fun! 
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kat-feinated · 4 years
October 2020
My mom (who we fondly refer to as Jill) visited us in Colorado the first weekend of the month and it was truly the best. We didn’t go out and do as much as we normally would but still had a few fun dinners out, went shopping in Cherry Creek, and ordered mine and Joshua’s wedding bands. We had a magical dinner at Rioja in Larimer Square-we eat there every single time Jill comes to Denver and the artichoke tortelloni (which won a James Beard award) really is life-changing. Honestly the hardest part of 2020 for me has been feeling cut off from my family in California so it was so good for my soul to spend four days with Jill.
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This month we also got started on some home improvements. Our favorite handyman (Randy the Handyman if you’re in the Denver Metro area) came and did some odd jobs around the house and gave us a quote for painting our bedroom. I’ve really been focusing this year on improving our bedroom and hope to be done by the end of this year or early 2021. So far I’ve replaced our bedding, moved our living room rug into the bedroom, ordered a new dresser and lamp, and found blackout curtains that I don’t despise (God they can be so ugly). Next up, we want to paint all four walls, move our living room chair into the bedroom, and purchase a few smaller items including new bedside lamps, a storage trunk for extra bedding, and a body pillow from Parachute. I will be sure to share the finished results!
In terms of wedding planning, we received some really unfortunate news that our venue completely cut their wedding services (i.e. catering, alcohol, tables, linens, day of coordinator) and laid off the woman who we’ve been working with since day one, and who was a huge reason we picked the venue as we had such a positive experience working with her for my sister’s wedding. In good news, they gave us 60 days to decide whether we want to move forward or back out of our contract and receive a full refund.
Joshua and I set up an informational call with Andrea, the wedding coordinator from the Pelican Inn. The Pelican Inn is an English-style inn and pub right on the coast in Muir Beach. It is totally charming and romantic and whimsical and I was actually interested in getting married their originally; however, they have a much smaller capacity for guests. However, it is very likely with COVID that we will need to have a smaller wedding, possibly even 25 or less instead of the 150 people we originally envisioned. Long story short, we totally connected with Andrea and felt so well taken care of just from our phone call. We also feel like this venue is more in line with our personalities in many ways. Best of all, we were able to keep our rescheduled date (Saturday, September 18th!).
-Midnight Sun by Stephanie Meyer (the latest in the Twilight saga). 
-The Haunting of Bly Manor (loved it). 
Listening to:
-Every year I look forward to the “Fall Extravaganza” episode of The Girl Next Door podcast.
-Made yummy crunchy shrimp tostadas and spiced pork with coconut noodles from Bev Cooks.
-Ordered the lamb and the artichoke tortelloni from Rioja-both were to die for. Also, their bread is life.
-Every fall I make the “sweet potato, kale, & sausage casserole with a gruyere cheese sauce” from Pinch of Yum and every year it is the most perfect fall cheesy goodness.
-Baked the dulce de leche apple pie recipe from the Magnolia Table cookbook and the apple cake recipe from Pinch of Yum. Then proceeded to gain 10 pounds from all the appley goodness.
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-I somewhat recently found out about the candle brand “Candelles”, and I am their new biggest fan. All of their scents are really subtle and don’t leave me with a headache like Bath & Body Works candles do. I’m currently burning their pumpkin souffle candle, but am also loving their sweater weather, county fair, pomegranate cider, and cabin getaway scents.
Thinking About:
-We are planning on finally getting a puppy in 2021, which we’ve been discussing literally for years, and I am excited but nervous. I’ve been reading a very long but thorough book on the breed we’re interested in and wow is it a lot of work. But we feel like this is the perfect time since Joshua is working from home indefinitely and we’ve mostly been staying in on the weekends.
Grateful For:
-I’m going to get real cheesy for a moment, but I am so grateful for Joshua right now. Wedding planning is already supposed to be stressful, but I really feel like our experience has been above and beyond crazy. From choosing all our vendors/venue, to having to postpone a year, to having to completely switch venues, it has just felt like one thing after another. However, we’ve stayed supportive of each other and committed to getting married whether there are 100 people or just the two of us there.
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Looking Forward to:
-Joshua and I decided to plan a weekend trip in November the same weekend we were supposed to get married (11/14) so we’re not sitting around at home all weekend feeling depressed. We’re staying at the Glenwood Springs Resort. Joshua is excited to explore the town and go on a hike or two. I’m excited to eat and sit in hot springs all day.
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