#total drama highschool au
jesterjaxx · 4 months
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Highschool AU ft the worlds WORST school counselor Chris McLean
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highschool-au-zoke · 6 days
why they eepy 😂
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A doodle from class! I might redraw it, who knows?
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wheredidalltheusersgo · 7 months
blainley would NOT be a math teacher she would be a cunty art teacher who rants about her husband instead of teaching
ok but brutal math teacher blaineley is so funny to me she bullies her students <3333
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miusato · 6 months
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This is why I shouldn't be near any media because I will find a way to put my ship into different clothes and possibly in different au 😤😤😤
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alphaclxwn · 6 months
I think you mentioned before that Seirra was Knives?
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hell yeah she is!! this panel was basically their tdwt dynamic, right?
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the-milk-monarch · 10 months
☢︎ | gender-neutral reader
☢︎ | Total Drama
☢︎ | Mal
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You had to survive in a new school.
Which was already draining enough, as you didn't have many friends. because of your lacking social skills.
You didn't really bother anyone and you were just kind of keeping to yourself passively.
It was tolerable, living like that in your previous school.
However that "comfy" style of yours quickly got disrupted when one of the most edgiest boys in your class started picking on you.
Mal, was the name of your new school bully it seems.
A lanky boy with brown bangs covering one of his eye.
"Emo?" You thought, but whatever thoughts you had about him were quickly poisoned by how he acted towards you.
You were used to hear some mean comments about you from your past classmates, so you decided to ignore it at first.
Mal wasn't really fiercely trying to bully you, but if he got a chance, he'd make sure to say some comment about you that'd make your day annoying.
"Wow, Y/N got a insert any grade here" No matter if they were bad or good, he always had something stupid to murmur to himself, but in a way you'd also hear. "Oh, did you tire yourself out?" He said mockingly, seeing you come out last of the gym. "Careful not to strain anything…"
"Aw, sitting alone?" He looked at you as he passed by, noticing you eat your lunch in some secluded part of the hallway, away from people, sitting on the ground and leaning on the wall.
All you heard were those stupid remarks of his. What was the point of them? Why did he target you??
You usually just ignored him, not wanting to waste your breath on some meaningless banter, but you finally snapped this time.
"I don't see you eating with anyone either." You respond bluntly, pausing your feasting on the sandwich.
He chuckled ambiguously, his smug aura still present. "Oh, I don't need any other company."
You looked at him for a moment, unsure what to say, but he just lingered around you for a few more seconds, before finally going his way after noticing your reaction.
You were so confused by his behavior.
Like, he didn't say any offensive things to you like "you suck." but there was just some- off vibe from him.
Was he trying to piss you off or is he just eccentric?
This question lingered in your mind for some time as his antics continued.
He was also a known troublemaker at school, so that gave you even more reason to be worried about his intentions.
You weren't really a troublemaker, or if you were, you hid it really good. You were never caught.
But Mal was the type to flaunt with his misdemeanors. He was proud of being a pain in the ass for the teachers and probably other students.
You didn't really paid attention to it, but most of the students weren't talking to him. He also wasn't keen on interacting with his classmates.
He only seemed to "pick fights" with you, which had left you with a burning question of why?
But you were also new at the school so maybe there was something else to it and you just had to wait.
And wait you did, until you landed up in detention, with none other than Mal.
You were very baffled the moment you were called for after hours at school, for allegedly misbehaving.
Of course you asked for details and why were you so unjustly taken here.
But all you got for the reasoning behind was that you were very rude to Mal, and he also made a mess in the classroom trying to blame it on you!
At first came confusion. You were rude to Mal how?? Was he really a baby about that last comment you made?
Then anger came. Was he really so petty to trash the whole classroom and then pin it on you?
You tried to explain that you were just eating lunch by yourself when that happened, but since it was a very secluded place and no one (besides Mal) talked to you, there was also no proof of your innocence, besides "he said, she said".
You were about to throw hands until you saw something familiar sitting on the desk at the trashed classroom. It was your pencil case!
Why was it there?
How did he get his hands on it??
He set you up.
He made it look like a perfect crime. You were prone to writing on the desk sometimes, but you immediately wiped it after, so no harm was done. However, your teacher didn't know that.
Your teacher knew Mal was a troublemaker though, so he took his words with a pinch of salt, but because of your newbie status you got dragged into it too.
The teacher didn't bother to check how much at fault you were, so he ultimately decided that you both were gonna spend at least an hour there until the classroom was clean.
The teacher got out of the room, leaving you both in there.
Mal was sitting lazily in one of the chairs. After he noticed you drilling a hole into him with your eyes, he smirked amused and smug.
"What?" He asked, lightly supporting his chin on his hand comfortably.
You waited a few seconds before responding to his disrespectful ask.
"What do you mean 'what?'. The hell, man??" You raised your voice a little at his audacity.
He just looked you up and down, as if very entertained by your reaction.
"Now you don't have to spend your time so alone. You're welcome." You could hear the victory in his voice.
Was he really doing it for his own entertainment?
"I-" You didn't even know what to respond, gaining you some delightfully amused raised eyebrow from him.
"Don't tell me you're not at least slightly happy to see me?" He said, leaving you even more confused. You didn't know whether he was serious at this point or pulling your leg.
"Why would I be??" You spat out without any thinking, making Mal put on slightly dramatic offended expression.
"Oof, ouch. I thought we were getting somewhere." He mocked, looking at your response after his words.
You tilted your head.
He sighed, still keeping a nonchalant and tad arrogant tone.
"You never talk to me, no matter how much I try to gain your attention." He spoke calmly, as if being the one in control of the situation.
"But hey, you spoke to me today." He said, almost proud of his "achievement".
"And what did that do?? You tattled on me to the teacher that I was rude and set me up??" You asked your very valid question.
He chuckled slightly, readjusting himself to an even cockier position on the chair.
"Dear, all I did was make you talk to me. Look at that, whole few minutes and we're already having a conversation." He was a very peculiar man.
You didn't know whether to be amused or annoyed at his smooth replies.
"Well, couldn't you strike up a convo like a normal person, without setting me up for your trap?" You asked, looking at him expectantly.
He held himself off from laughing.
"Refresh your memory, I tried." He said casually.
You stop for a moment to think. It's- true. He did kind of talk to you, but how were you supposed to be sure he wasn't just fucking with you??
"Cat got your tongue, eh? It's okay. I can let it slide." He said before you could come up with a response. He acted as if he was doing you a favor.
"But you were nothing but annoying jerk to me!" You pointed out. Your words might have been a bit over-dramatic, as Mal technically never insulted you.
"Come on, I was a jerk to everyone, so why should you be left out? I just wanted to get your attention and… Well, I'm sure it worked." He said, still nonchalantly as ever, with a bit of proudful undertone.
"Besides, I could be far worse hun. That was me being nice." He said, smirking arrogantly.
"Well then… uh- Sorry?" You said, unsure of your words. You still weren't sure if you were in the wrong here, but it seemed so?
"So- What did you wanna… talk about?" You asked, still a bit in the dark why Mal chose you for a casual conversation.
Mal just looked at you in a somewhat bored expression, but it quickly softened into a light smirk.
"I'll be frank. I'm into you." He said nonchalantly, making your eyes go wider.
"So… Do what you will with that information." He leaned back against his chair a bit more, crossing his arms in front of his chest. A curious and smug expression became apparent on his face.
You didn't know what to respond to that out of the blue admission. Mal knew that, thriving on making people uncomfortable with his bluntness.
"For real?" You mustered a half-assed response, still processing the sudden flow of information.
He squinted his eyes in an amused expression.
"Yeah 'for real'." He confirmed, sizing you up with his gaze.
"And- What… What do you want me to respond to that…?" You asked, looking at him for some guidance. You were still very confused and hesitant about the situation.
"Say that the feelings are mutual, of course." He said, raising his eyebrow in an obvious and entertained way.
You looked at him with an unsure expression. Were you actually the asshole in this situation? What were your feelings towards him, now that he gave you such a hard question to answer?
"Well- What if- What if I don't know??" You responded honestly. You really didn't know what to say. You were a bit upset at how Mal tried to gain your attention, but you couldn't say you weren't a bit curious about how things will go now.
You were still suspicious of him, but now that he did get your attention, you were thinking about things.
You haven't had a boyfriend in forever (or, ever, if you were still single throughout all of your life), so his proposition was intriguing, even if not conventional in the grand scheme of things.
Mal looked away, pretending to be annoyed.
"I get it, I'm just a meanie after all..." He said in a pitiful tone, obviously trying to pull at your heart-strings. He was a good manipulator, after all.
You didn't fall for it, though.
Mal noticed that, so he waited a moment before turning his face back to you. There were no words spoken between you two for a while, until he finally continued.
"Alright then, I'll make you a deal." He looked at you halfly-serious.
You glared back at him expectantly.
"I'll clean up this whole room if you go out with me." He said, looking at you, waiting for your reaction. He had an expression that indicated he was fully assured that you would accept his offer. He didn't want to do it, but it was necessary to gain your trust.
You waited for a moment before replying, thinking about his offer.
You were curious to say yes, but you also felt a bit ripped off on the offer, since it was Mal's mess to deal with in the first place.
"...And if I don't?" You asked, looking at him slightly interested in what he had to say.
"Then I'll leave this whole mess as it is and you'll be stuck here cleaning by yourself." He tried not to smile, proud of himself. What a jerk.
"The teacher locked us both in here, remember? You're also gonna get yelled at." You brought up a valid point.
"You don't get the gist. I don't care to get yelled at. I just did this to spend time with you." He said, as if he had to explain the obvious to you.
You sighed. You were still not entirely convinced, but you also didn't wanna be the bad guy. You finally gave in.
"Fine." You said, rolling your eyes slightly, to at least restore some of your pride. It earned you an amused smirk from him. "...We can go out sometime."
"That's what I wanted to hear." He summed it up, acting arrogantly about being able to persuade you.
He got up from his chair smoothly, heading your way.
"Alright then. How about another arrangement?" He crossed his arms in a slightly cheeky way, yet still remaining composed, with a smug smile on his face.
His body language radiated confidence, and it made you wonder what keeps him so cool all the time??
You looked at him with a raised eyebrow. What more could he want from you?
He took a step closer towards you, to the point where you almost started thinking about the boundaries of your personal space.
His presence was just so- overwhelming.
"I won't get you in trouble next time..."
He raised his hand to touch your chin in a bit patronizing way.
His words almost came out like a sultry whisper, trying to get a reaction out of you.
"If you give me a kiss."
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apleijuic · 5 months
okaky it's been too long since I posted art so YIPPEEEE!!! FINALLY! some.more redesigns but they're. more detailed than my last posts ^_^! i'll be incorporating these specific designs in my next posts
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gh0stzinl0ve · 9 months
this is cody and trent’s vibe in my au btw
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pinklemonslices · 6 months
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gweoff doodle!!! geoff turned out really bad but we ballin’
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jamisonmeow · 8 months
Noaheather doodles from my bf’s highschool au 😋 @gh0stzinl0ve
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Send Us Your Total Drama Hot Takes on Tumblr
idk if that link worked lmao but it's the high school thing anyways.
Alejandro is flirting with every man's girl to get them to do random ass shit to help them win sports games. This guy who was homeschooled until like this most recent year and is a super weirdo has to learn how to not be sexist and stuff. Eva is physically fighting Duncan, Heather, and Leshawna and she would fight Bridgette but Bridgette's a fucking chicken (we love her though). Izzy joins every fight she sees. Cody is friends with literally everyone in the class and wingmans for everyone while having absolutely no bitches himself. Leshawna and Heather are shouting at each other constantly but that's just canon. When teachers offer candy in kahoots IT IS ON suddenly everyone in the class is enemies but Courtney and Noah always win which is part of the reason why they're beefing with everyone. Duncan threatens Noah but Noah could not give a fuck if he tried. Duncan and Alejandro bond over their hate for the sarcastic asshole nerd. Leshawna is saving Harold's ass from Duncan. Duncan WISHES he had bitches after Courtney and Gwen dumped his ass and became friends (or girlfriends? gwourtney era???). EZEKIEL REDEMPTION??? Zeek thinks Eva is kinda cool for being so strong and gives her a bunch of backhanded compliments like "you're so strong for a girl" and she's like I'll beat your ass but they end up becoming friends. Uh. I could talk more but like I don't want this to be massively long so maybe I'll come back later.
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highschool-au-zoke · 7 days
Hi there!
this is a blog for my Highschool AU! This specific blog is based around Zoke! I might make one for the AU as a whole, but for now feel free to ask questions to Zoey or Mike (or both)
I also might be posting little doodles/comics of them on this blog :)
main —> @whoisinmyhousehelp
I will be posting refs + HCs soon!
Askbox status: open
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wheredidalltheusersgo · 7 months
On the cunty art teacher anon cunty art teacher should be chef but only when he’s in drag
This is the most correct take ever
Drag art teacher chef 💞💞💞💞
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miusato · 6 months
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Ahh yes, the autism brothers 🤝🤝🤝
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alpheusmain0r · 10 months
Guys I have Covid 2.0 🗣️‼️
I still have energy to write but like everything hurts and Im coughing like shit. Anyways you guys should totally read my highschool AU I posted. Hwahahahahh
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the-milk-monarch · 10 months
☣︎ I'm still working on requested asks but I think about Mike a lot and I wanted to write it down when inspiration struck yk- Probably gonna add part 2.
Summary: Awkward Mike meets the reader who didn't pack their book for the first lesson.
☢︎ | gender neutral reader
☢︎ | Total Drama
☢︎ | Mike
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The sound of soft tapping on the wooden desk was getting drowned by the teacher's lecture.
Mike was lost in thought, his sight not really focused on anything in particular. His head was filled with new thoughts that occupied his head lately.
He was thinking about you.
You were the student that got transfered to his school not too long ago.
Mike didn't know what to think about you when he first noticed you in his class.
He was used to being bullied, or at least made fun of because of his "unattractively lanky body matched with his tooth gap and boring personality". He was glad people were only teasing him about his nice guy persona though, as he didn't know what he would do if people learned about his D.I.D., a thing he was very insecure about.
Mike only recently got diagnosed and it was already a lot to take in. He didn't need his peers to know about it.
Your first meeting didn't go exactly how he wanted it to go, but it wasn't the worst first impression he could've made.
His first day after the summer vacation started as usual. After his morning routine he headed to school, to the same chair he always sat on during the lessons, alone.
All of the students had already unpacked their things from the backpack and put them on the desk, preparing to start the lesson without much enthusiasm.
Mike had done the same, with his old, boring pencil case that he owned since first grade. His parents weren't going to buy him a new one, unless his current one was unusable anymore. Even though Mike wouldn't mind a new item, he also didn't complain about what he had. He wasn't very needy. He also didn't wanna piss off his parents more than he had to, and he never voiced his concerns.
His thoughts that were still hazy because of waking up not so long ago were quickly disturbed by the sound of the doors opening swiftly.
You were standing in the doorframe, panting slightly as all of the students had their eyes on you, making you slightly anxious.
You tried to calm down your breath before properly crossing the class threshold.
You were late to your first day at school.
The teacher gave you an unimpressed look as you made your way towards the unoccupied desks, but didn't comment anything.
You noticed that the desks and the chairs were precisely the number of students, which made you look at the one open spot.
Mike noticed he was the obvious future desk-mate of yours and he immediately got a bit nervous.
He quickly moved his bag so that you could comfortably sit on the chair beside him.
You haven't asked if you could sit with him as you already noticed he was cleaning the way for you, and he was the only available option.
Mike glanced at you as you sat down, but quickly averted his gaze, not wanting to come off as creepy to the new person he'd be sitting with.
You also didn't say a word, being slightly awkward around new people, but you didn't show it much.
Your eyes slowly followed to the boy's face, taking a better look at him once you saw him avoiding looking your way.
You were about to take it personally, thinking he wasn't very interested in your presence like all of your previous classmate interactions, but you noticed his expression was also slightly nervous, which filled you with curiosity.
You didn't even know his name yet, but something about him drew you in instantly. He gave off an awkward but warm aura, unlike other men you dealt with. You weren't really looking at jocks in a positive way, and a lot of guys seemed to be very stuck up.
"...Are they looking at me?" Mike's head was already filled with anxiety once you two were close to each other.
He was fully prepared for the new person in his class to also dislike him. But even though he was nervous, he still had a glimmer of hope you'd be different.
"Am I sitting weird? No-" An echo of insecurities bounced in his mind as he readjusted himself so his back was straightened up, until he decided he looked stupid like that and just leaned back on his chair, fiddling with his pen in his hand.
He had an urge to click with it when he was nervous, but he held himself off from doing that, not wanting to be annoying.
"Okay- It's fine, they're probably not even thinking about you." He tried to calm himself down inside of his mind. "Just- sit still and don't be weird."
The teacher finally began to write today's topic on the chalkboard, reading it out loud after she was done.
After you pushed your chair into a steady position, you reached into your backpack to get the necessary items for the lesson.
You had brought your pencil case, your notebook, your books... With the exception of the book you needed for the first lesson.
Your expression became a bit worried when you realized you couldn't find it, even after looking into your backpack for a while.
You were already late to class, and forgetting your book was only adding to your anxiety.
You sat there tensely for a moment, before you finally sighed defeated, having to ask your classmate to let you use his for the lesson.
Mike had calmed himself down once you didn't make any remarks to him, but his thoughts were disturbed once he heard your voice.
"Hey, um- Sorry to ask, I don't wanna be annoying but- Can I use your book? I didn't take mine..." You explained, cringing at yourself for already being a bother on your first day.
He panicked slightly once he realized you were talking to him, and he moved his open book closer to you.
"O-of course! I don't mind, don't worry-" He reassured you quickly.
His movements were timid and gentle, a bit hesitant about you perceiving him.
You noticed that, which gave you a slight comfort in the fact that you weren't the only awkward person in the room.
"Thanks." You whispered to him so the teacher wouldn't hear.
"...I-I'm Mike, by the way." You heard the words spoken by him, copying your quiet tone.
"I'm Y/N." You said, mustering a friendly tone.
Mike observed you looking at his book when he passed it in the middle of the desk that you shared.
He didn't have a desk-mate for some time now, let alone someone to talk to, so the pressure was on him even more than the usual.
"...They seem nice." He thought to himself. He tried not to get too distracted by you, as he still had to take notes for the lesson, but he was captivated by your simple exchange of names.
He didn't hear any malice from you in that few words spoken, and he hoped it'd stay that way.
The loud sound of the school's bell rang in your ears when the class came to an end.
Mike had packed his stuff, preparing to leave the class, but he patiently waited until you were done as well, not wanting to uncomfortably squeeze between you just to get out of the class. You were blocking his way by sitting closer to the narrow path of free space in-between all the desks, so you quickly and carelessly threw your things into the bag, not wanting to waste anyone's time more than you had to. You pushed your chair under the desk so Mike could pass and moved yourself as well.
All of the students had already left for the short break of the day so you and Mike were the last one to leave the room.
Your next class was just a few steps ahead, so you decided to go sit on the floor, sliding your back against the wall as you done so in a smooth manner.
You weren't exactly a people-person, stemming from your introvertism or just lack of social skills, so you kept mostly to yourself.
Mike observed you sitting on the ground and he thought about approaching you, but his head was filled with intrusive thoughts.
"Will it be rude if I just- sat next to them??" He had an internal conflict with himself about that.
"You should up your game Mike! That's your chance to finally make a potential friend! They don't know anything about you yet, so you gotta show your best side!" He tried to hype himself up, although his other side of the brain was still anxious as hell about an interaction with another person.
He forced himself to very gently make his way towards you.
He took a moment before finally opening his mouth, but it took a solid second before the lump in his throat would let him speak.
"Hey- Y/N." He said with a nervous smile that he tried to calm down.
"Do you mind if I sit down here?" His eyes begged for you to accept, although there was still the lingering feeling of the worst outcome.
You took a second to process that someone was speaking to you, so you tensed up slightly, moving your backpack closer to yourself before responding in a friendly tone.
"Oh, no- I mean, yes, you can, I don't mind." You cringed at the way you spoke.
You noticed the brown haired boy nodding slightly as he sat beside you, although still keeping a respectful distance between you two.
"...Thanks." He muttered a bit hesitantly, as if unsure if that's a correct way to respond to that.
You nodded approvingly with a smile to signalize you didn't have a problem with him sitting beside you. You were desk-mates after all.
A moment of silence was shared between you two, as you both had no clue how to actually socialize.
Mike was worried about similar things that went through your head.
"Is it too quiet? Should I say something, or do they not wanna talk?"
You decided to take the initiative and started first.
"So- Thanks again for sharing that book." You thought it was a safe conversation starter.
Mike fidgeted slightly as he looked at you, before softly chuckling with bashful nervousness.
"Oh it's nothing- I mean, could happen to anyone, right?" You noticed how his expression formed an awkward but kind grin.
"Yeah, yeah, I suppose so, I just didn't wanna be a bother on my first day of school, you know?" You shared your honest thoughts with him, in hopes of him going easier on you.
"Oh, no- You're not a bother. I'm actually glad I could help a new student on their first day-" Mike's eyes intently looked into yours as he spoke. You could read from his behavior that he wasn't really the most confident person, so you really appreciated him coming to talk to you.
"Well that's cool then." You offered him a warm smile with a hint of timidness as well. You weren't a very interesting talker, at least in your opinion, but you made an effort to come off as friendly when you talked.
You and Mike had not exchanged many words on such a short break, but your time spent together was weirdly not so uncomfortable.
Even though it was quiet, you didn't really feel pressured by Mike in any way. He radiated some sort of nice aura around him that made you curious how your future days at school would go.
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