#totally not saying this bc I saw people replying to asks a lot
sleepyzink · 5 months
Fun fact, I’d really appreciate anyone sending asks to me and stuff!! (I don’t mind anything, + art requests are also good!! :>)
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quin-ns · 2 years
Assigned Seat (JJ Maybank x Reader)
Word count: 2.8K
Summary: JJ won’t sit in the correct seat because it’s not next to you
Tags: fluff, mutual crushes, lots of flirting, JJ being cute, slightly oblivious reader, getting together, everyone ships, just cute fun fr
A/N: binged obx and this is my first fic for it and of course I had to write for JJ- he’s my fave. also, it’s s2 when school starts but let’s say they know that john b is alive before the first day of class bc I don’t want this to be angsty lol
cross-posted to ao3 • obx masterlist • writing masterlist
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First day back in your first class of the day—Mr. Sunn’s history class—and you were greeted with a seating chart. Usually, you would just sit with your friends, but now you saw that Pope and Kiara weren’t in the same row like they usually would’ve been when you all shared a class. You didn’t even see JJ at all yet. You wondered if he’d show up. It was the one class that you actually had with him, so you hoped he would. Otherwise you wouldn’t see him until lunch break.
You found your seat with ease, but gave Kie a light frown when she turned around and saw you weren’t anywhere close to her or Pope.
About a minute before class was about to start, JJ walked through the door. He spotted you and grinned. He headed for the empty seat beside you and dropped down in it.
“Hey,” JJ greeted. “I was almost late but here I am.”
You laughed a little (mostly because of how proud he sounded). “Yeah, I see that.”
“So, what’s up?” he asked, side eyeing Kie and Pope. “Are we avoiding them for some reason or…?”
“What? No,” you replied quickly. “Appreciate that you were instantly on my side, though,” you said with an amused tone. 
JJ smiled at the comment. “I appreciate the appreciation.”
You rolled your eyes but smiled back nonetheless.
“If you two are done flirting, perhaps Mr. Maybank could move to his correct seat and we can get class started,” Mr. Sunn called out suddenly. You and JJ both were startled, realizing he was talking to you
JJ furrowed his brows. “Correct seat?” he whispered. “What is he talking about?”
“There’s a seating chart,” you muttered back, finally remembering.
“What?” JJ asked a little louder. “That’s lame,” he grumbled. 
“Well, tough,” Mr. Sunn replied, clearly having heard. “And according to my lame seating chart, you’re on the other side of the room.”
“It’s an empty seat,” JJ pointed out. 
“Actually, it’s Mr. Kane’s seat,” Mr. Sunn gestured towards a boy standing near you guys that you embarrassingly enough just now noticed. 
“Well, great, he can have my seat,” JJ suggested with that cheeky smile of his. 
Mr. Sunn looked from JJ to you. “You must be something special, Ms. Y/L/N. I’ve never had someone fight so hard to keep a seat.”
All you could do was laugh awkwardly, very aware of all the eyes on you. You gave JJ a look, asking for him to save you from being the center of attention on the first day. The only way he could was by relenting. 
With a sigh that you would deem dramatic, JJ stood and grabbed his backpack. Mr. Sunn held up the seating chart paper. Everyone watched as he went to the front of the class and glanced at the paper, and then found his actual seat on the opposite side of the room. 
“You can see your girlfriend after class,” Mr. Sunn commented in response to your friend losing the argument.
You weren’t his girlfriend, but neither you or JJ corrected him. You didn’t because frankly, you’d gotten your fill of attention. You weren’t sure why JJ didn’t, though. 
Besides, you weren’t totally against people thinking that. It was still weird having a teacher call you out like that, though.
The kid who had been waiting for JJ to vacate his seat gave you an apologetic look before turning his attention to pulling out a notebook.
You made eye contact with JJ across the classroom and he winked.
“Now that everyone is in their correct seat,” Mr. Sunn announced. “We can get started with class.”
Everyone turned to focus on Mr. Sunn going over the first day syllabus, except for Kie. You caught her looking at you and you met her eyes. She raised her brows as if to ask, “what was that?”
You shrugged, telling her that you didn’t know. It was true, you didn’t. 
After class, no one brought it up so you didn’t say anything about it either. You all went about your day and soon, the whole seat incident left your mind.
The next day you were reminded of it.
You arrived to history with Pope, chatting about the syllabus and what supplies you still needed to get. Kie was already in class. You said hi and then bye and headed to your seat. JJ was the last to show up, cutting it close again. You gave him a small wave, assuming you weren’t going to get to talk to him until after class.
Except, he walked right up to you and sat down next to you. 
You raised your brows at him. “What are you doing?”
“Well, hello to you too,” JJ acknowledged with a light chuckle. 
“He’s gonna tell you to move again,” you predicted. 
JJ shrugged it off. “Like some seating chart is gonna keep me away from my favorite girl,” he retorted in a playful tone. 
You smiled, ready to go along with his flirting. “Favorite, huh?”
He put his elbow on his desk and leaned on his hand. “What, you didn’t know that? I coulda swore I made it obvious.”
You hummed, ready to hit back with a sly comment. Until you were interrupted.
“Is this going to become a daily occurrence?” Mr. Sunn’s voice tore you and JJ away from the gaze you held. You both looked to the front of the class, where he stood watching you two. “I believe you know your correct seat, Mr. Maybank.”
“I forgot, actually,” JJ lied easily. “I’m pretty comfortable here, though.”
Mr. Sunn rolled his eyes and held back any indication that he found the situation as funny as you did. “I can’t have my students revolting,” he decided. He pointed to JJ’s assigned seat, waiting for him to move.
“It’s only 45 minutes, JJ,” you told him. “I think you can survive.”
“Fine, fine,” he told you and Mr. Sunn. He got up and moved to his seat. The boy that sat next to you came out of nowhere and took the seat. 
After class, you met up with your friends. You were about to walk with JJ to the hall where both your next classes were, but Kie decided something different.
“I gotta go to the bathroom,” she announced. “Y/N- come with me?”
Except you didn’t really feel like she was asking. 
“Um, sure,” you agreed and headed off with her in the other direction of the boys.
“Why do girls always do that?” JJ wondered, watching as the two of you turned a corner.
“Girls just do that,” Pope explained. “This time they’re going to talk about you, dude. For sure.”
“About me?” JJ furrowed his brows. “What about me?”
“About how you like Y/N and that it’s totally obvious now. To everyone.” 
JJ just shrugged. He thought everyone already knew. The only person he really wanted to know was you, but you never seemed to think he was serious. You always flirted back and that was fun, but maybe he had to up his game.
Oddly, no one brought up the seat incident yet again as a group. Kiara and Pope did observe you and JJ closer, but even if the flirting was a little more obvious, it didn’t go beyond that.
Next day in history, it was a repeat of the previous days.
“I’m starting to think you like me,” you joked to JJ when he sat down beside you.
“It took you this long?” he responded teasingly. You tried to not read into it, not wanting to get your hopes up. Not realizing that he was hoping you would read into it.
Mr. Sunn looked up from his desk when the bell for class to start rang. Immediately, as if in a force of habit, his eyes landed on you and JJ. Once again he would have to start the class period by telling JJ to move.
“You must have amnesia,” Mr. Sunn directed towards JJ. Everyone knew that, he didn’t have to say his name.
You and JJ exchanged a look and a small laugh. You’d gotten over any level of embarrassment that came from people chuckling and eyeing you and JJ. 
“Can’t you just make an exception?” JJ asked. He was bargaining but didn’t have anything to offer.
Kie threw a smirk over her shoulder at you, but you avoided eye contact. 
Yesterday she had spent the “bathroom” trip convincing you that JJ really did like you—as more than just a friend. She knew you liked him, but also knew you were avoiding telling JJ. You didn’t want to mess with your friendship by making what you had always assumed was just friendly banter into something awkward and feeling like an idiot for thinking it was some kind of signal if it wasn’t. 
If she hadn’t sworn to JJ that she wouldn’t tell you how he felt, she would have cleared it up yesterday. But of course you didn’t know that.
Mr. Sunn’s lips pulled into a tight line. You couldn’t tell if he was genuinely annoyed or amused. “If you’re next to her, how can I expect you to pay attention in class?” 
At that, the whole class chuckled. Even you. At least Mr. Sunn had a good sense of humor.
JJ blushed a little at that. You hadn’t seen him flustered like this in… well, it had been a long time. He couldn’t think of a comeback as quickly as he usually did. Too many seconds passed for him to recover, so he had no choice. 
JJ grabbed his backpack. “I’ll see you after class,” he promised. 
“You always do,” you replied just loud enough for him to hear as he stood. He shot you a smile before walking over to his assigned seat.
Class moved slowly, although at least the subject was mildly interesting compared to your other ones this semester.
When the bell rang, you waited for your friends and you all walked out of class together. 
“JJ, are you trying to get in trouble?” Pope asked, almost accusingly.
JJ scoffed out a laugh. “Don’t be dramatic, I’m not gonna get in trouble over a seat.”
“Interesting that you keep going for a seat that’s right next to Y/N,” Kiara mused in a knowing tone.
“Whatever you’re thinking, stop,” you told her, but not in a serious way. You and JJ flirted but you didn’t want him to feel uncomfortable by her comments, implying that there was more.
Turns out it was the opposite. You didn’t see the way JJ looked at you. You were focused on the eye roll Kie gave before saying bye and heading to her next class. Pope followed suit, leaving you and JJ to walk to your next classes together.
“Y’know, if Kie wants to think… that,” JJ started, referencing her very obvious implication. “Or if anyone else does… I wouldn’t mind.”
You stared up at him, a bit taken aback. You and JJ had always been close and flirted, and even though you had a crush on him and all your friends were convinced he had a crush on you, neither of you brought it up or confronted it. JJ was taking the first step.
“I wouldn’t mind either,” you admitted, smiling lightly. 
JJ looked surprised, then relieved. “Really?”
You only let out a small laugh, “I’ll see you later,” you told him. You were about to walk to your class further down the hall, but stuck around for a moment longer. “Tomorrow, just sit in your seat,” you suggested. “Mr. Sunn is a chill guy but it’s gonna be a long year if we start off annoying him.”
“We’re not annoying,” JJ faked offense. “But yeah, alright,” he relented. “I guess I’ll just have to stare longing across the class,” he teased.
Your smile grew. “Yeah, I guess so,” you replied smoothly. Then, you walked away towards your class.
“We’re still meeting up with Pope and Kie later, right?” JJ called after you.
“Yeah,” you called back, not looking over your shoulder.
You hung out with your friends later and gone about your day. You and JJ of course flirted, but nothing more than usual. Pope didn’t bring it up again and Kiara just shot you knowing smirks. 
Next day in Mr. Sunn’s class, much to your surprise, when JJ walked into class he gave you a light wave and continued on to his assigned seat. He was following your advice, which was a hard thing to get JJ to do. You looked over and realized he was standing near where his seat was. 
And that someone was already in it.
The guy who was supposed to sit by you was in JJ’s seat. Meaning there was an empty seat right beside you.
JJ looked over his shoulder at you and grinned. He waltzed over, suddenly in a much better mood.
“Is this seat taken?” he asked you cheekily.
You looked past him to see the guy in JJ’s seat. He gave you a shrug and a look that said, “you’re welcome.” You almost laughed. 
“I guess not,” you answered JJ, looking back at him with a smile of your own.
He sat down in the seat, victorious. 
Mr. Sunn walked in when class started and went to the board.
“I see my words mean nothing to you, Mr. Maybank,” Mr. Sunn said, spotting JJ.
A smirk crossed your friend's face. “Actually,” he started, perking up. “My seat was taken.” 
Mr. Sunn looked at JJ's actual seat and sighed. The kid looked a little guilty but didn’t say anything. He looked back at JJ. “Fine, you win,” he decided. Then, he began to write on the board. 
After class, you and JJ parted from Kie and Pope to walk together to your next class. 
“I can’t believe he finally gave in,” you said with a laugh.
“I can be persuasive,” JJ replied smoothly.
You let out another laugh. “That was not persuasive. That was…I don’t know what that was,” you admitted.
“Fine, but I got what I wanted,” JJ revealed. It was no surprise, but there was something underlying in his tone. 
“Hey, I’m not complaining,” you held your hands up in surrender. The two of you stopped outside of your class and faced one another.
A small smile tugged at his lips. “I would hope not.” 
“I’ll see you later,” you told him. “Don’t miss me too much,” you decided to add on. 
“Oh, baby, I always do,” he played along casually. 
Your face felt warm at the nickname, but you didn’t say anything more. When you all hung out later, the interaction played through your mind.
You were too distracted to realize JJ was staring at you all night—or at least that’s what Kie had told you later.
The next day in Mr. Sunn’s class, JJ was there before you. You couldn’t remember the last time he was ever in a class before you. You walked to your seat and he smiled up at you.
“Hi there,” you greeted, sitting down beside JJ. “For once you actually came to class early,” you pointed out. 
“Well, I had a reason to,” JJ replied with a smile. “I wanted to ask you something.”
You chuckled, thinking of a joke. “Do you need an alibi?”
“Ha ha,” he said sarcastically. “I’m serious though.” Your expression turned confused. “Not like, serious serious. Don’t look so worried.”
“Alright, what is it?” 
“After school today would you wanna hang out? Just me and you?” JJ asked with a hint of nervousness.
“We hang out all the time,” you started knowingly. “So if you’re asking…” you mused, suppressing a smile (you were having a hard time with that, though). “Is this you asking me on a date, JJ?” 
“Maybe,” JJ said with a tad of nervousness. “Would you want to?”
“Yeah,” you answered without hesitation. You could’ve held out longer and maybe messed with a little, but you decided against that.
JJ looked pleasantly surprised. “Really?”
In your head, you were beaming with excitement. Out loud you confirmed, “it’s a date.”
“Don’t let me interrupt,” Mr. Sunn called to you and JJ, interrupting. “But since it seems important, I’m sure you wouldn’t mind sharing with the class.”
“Well, I’ve got a date later, so that’s pretty great,” JJ practically bragged, not missing a beat. “As for how that goes, I don’t kiss and tell.” 
JJ shot you a wink after that, Kie and Pope looked over their shoulders so fast you thought their heads were gonna spin, and Mr. Sunn actually looked impressed.
“About time,” someone in the class spoke up. It was an unfamiliar voice. When you located the source, you found it was the boy in JJ’s old seat.
And what did you do? Well, all you could do was let out a laugh and share a smile with JJ.
You had a feeling this class was going to be much more fun now—although, maybe not as much fun as your date with JJ.
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linkonlceleste · 7 months
Can you write LDS boys x reader,reader is normally quite and introverted but she tends to talk a lot with when she's with them bc she's comfortable and how'd they react
When reader/MC is an introvert
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A/N: Hey anon! Thank you so much for the request!!. I hope you'll like it <3 . Tbh, I did not know how to write it properly and I'm sorry if it's not what you expected :(
Disclaimer:apologies for grammar mistakes and if my writing is not upto how the characters react/behave
It was a calm evening.You were on the way to a cafe with a bunch of friends from neighbourhood.They dragged you along with them (you have just now went there alone and returned home,ofc you didn't tell them about that).As you passed by the library near cafe,you saw Zayne standing outside it.You immediately excused yourself telling them you had an important meeting and approached zayne in relief.Zayne watched everything you did from a distance and as you tagged along with him into the library,he inquired "You seemed like you were going to enjoy with them.Why did you leave them?". You shrugged wondering what to say as you picked a book from the shelf."I'm sorry for using you as an excuse...Well,I can obviously go with them anytime,but now I wish to have my own 'me' time",MC said smiling."You don't have to apologise but... you don't mind me being there during your 'me time?'",he asked out of curious.She nodded and replied that it was totally fine and his heart was filled with a feeling he couldn't describe.While they were reading,she kept whispering to him about one of her favourite books she read and loved.And at one point the whisper was too loud for others that they both were almost kicked out of the library.
The duty for that day was over and as you stroll in the nearby park ,you find Xavier there.He looked exhausted as much as you did,but a wave of joy washed over you after seeing him.He did have the same expression after seeing you .You and Xavier walk side by side as they talk about their day's happenings and other random things.At one point, Xavier stopped talking and kept looking and listening to you.You notice it a little later and asked,"Wait,why am I the only one talking.Are you bored?".Xavier shook his head "No no, I'm just admiring you",he blurted it out without thinking twice.(admire how you talk nonstop only to him). "What?" "What?"
Rafayel was caught up in one of the most annoying parties (according to him atleast) and didn't know how to escape from there.It is not that easy to escape since his aunt asked him to be there for sure.He lazily scrutinized the room once again with his whiskey and he spotted a familiar face.He stepped towards a crowd and stood a bit away from them,enough to look at all of them. And he was right,it was indeed you among that crowd.He didn't know you loved parties,you never mentioned it.As he watched you,he noticed how the way you talked were limited compared to how you chat with him all the time.Suddenly he locked eyes with you and he quickly turned away.Then,he looked secretly back at that crowd but didn't find you there.Before he could look for you,you stood right behind him and tapped his shoulder.He turned to look at you and you got the glass of whiskey from him and drank it."I thought you loved parties a second ago,I guess you also hate parties like me",he said.You finish the last sip of whiskey and respond,"Mmh,Hate is a strong word.But you could say I'm not that good with people." "Oh,but what about me? I agree that you ran away from me initially when I talked,but how come you don't run away these days?",he asked."Maybe because you are a fish?",MC said grinning.Before he could argue and whine,he saw your outstretched hand."I know you're here in this party out of your will.Shall we go somewhere else?",you ask tilting her head.Rafayel chuckled and took your hand kissing the back of your palm saying,"You mean,run away together? Sure my lady",he overexaggerated and you shook your head smiling along with him ."Let's go,your majesty".
A/N: I won't take any other requests at the moment,sorry but maybe in the future not for sure .Thank you so much for reading and the support,take care :) ❤️
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whimsical-roasting · 1 year
okay just imagine being friends with colin and jamie being like slightly jealous
okay so i’m thinking about doing like a psych major!reader who shadows Dr Sharon at the football club for experience and ends up having a thing with Jamie... like Jamie asks for her to tutor him on psych knowledge and being a better person and ofc they lowkey fall for each other but don’t know it... 
ANYWAYS AROUND THAT PLOT LINE... the reader and Colin end up as bffs (lowkey spoilers for Colin’s info in s3?).. also my bestie is @sokkigarden and i love and appreciate her support
okay, so reader is shadowing Dr Sharon and Colin is so nice that he consents to her sitting in on the session since Dani was a bit too traumatised to have any silent observers 
she doesn’t speak and tries not to make too much eye contact but when they do lock eyes, she gives him a soft smile, and he returns it
after the session, now only 3 people know Colin’s gay... him, her, and Dr Sharon. when she catches his eye at the end of the session, she does a little lock and key motion to her lips as if to say ‘my lips are sealed, promise’ with a soft smile, and he smiles and nods
the reader is usually extroverted and chatty but remains professional - not really interacting with the boys unless necessary (obvi Ted won’t have any of it, but that’s a diff point) so Colin isn’t too fussed about her...plus, she seems genuinely nice
in the next couple of weeks, the reader bumps into Colin in the hallway and goes, “oh!! Colin, I was out on the weekend and saw this and thought of you, so um, here :))” and nervously passes him a small pocketbook of affirmations since Dr Sharon instructed him to reaffirm “I am a strong and capable man”
he grins and thanks her, and then BOOM, they’re now good friends. he offers to drop her home when her Uber cancels, and they blast Taylor Swift and rap to Drake 
now fast forward a while when Jamie asks the reader to tutor him in psych/therapy, and it is a funny exchange:
Jamie: you’re uh, good at this psych shit huh?
Reader: uhh, you mean the 4+ years I’ve dedicated to this degree? Yea, I kinda hope I’m good at this psych shit
Jamie: can you help me do better at therapy?
Reader: um,, therapy is more of a personal thing.. you kinda do better yourself
Jamie: oh, then what do you do :/
Reader: -_-
Jamie:  no no, I didn't mean it like that, fuck sorry
Reader: I can tell you about tools and theories that can HELP YOU help yourself 
Jamie: yea yea.. that. let's do that, I want that
Reader: this isn't a drive thru, Tartt, you can't just ask like it's a dollar menu
anyways,, she agrees bc experience yea totally it’s the resume experience and not cause he has a cute thinking face and emotional intelligence is hot or anything like that
so they’re like a month in with this whole ‘tutoring’ thing and she’s at his place and he notices a childish bracelet on her wrist.. he seems to notice a lot about her but he tells himself it’s cause he’s getting more self-awareness (lmao dumbass, SELF-awareness has nothing to do with HER hair, eyes, and new accessories but sure)
okay the next day in the locker room, he sees Colin w the same bracelet??? so he asks and Colin’s all like, “it’s a friendship bracelet, boyo!” and Jamie just kinda nods not replying before they head out onto the pitch
next time he and the reader are tutoring he asks why she and Colin are wearing the same bracelet thingy...she tells him it’s a friendship thingy and she made it for the both of them.... Jamie just kinda stares and goes ‘where’s mine.’ 
she blinks at him and tilts her head, “are we friends?” and his mouth falls open “we’re fuckin not???” he questions, slightly offended. and she’s all like “no no, ofc we are... but maybe just not friendship bracelet level friends” 
Jamie fights back a pout, but there’s a crease in the middle of his brows and she wants to lean forward to flatten it with her thumb but fights the urge
there’s silence for a moment...
“when you upgradin meh?”
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icy-watch · 6 months
Hey so, you’ve been doing live blogs for awhile, and covering Ninjago like this was crazy with how many seasons it has, I was just wondering, why like this tho? Wouldn’t it be easier if you watched the episode then typed up your thoughts with any screenshots you want in a single post? Why in so many pieces? I guess maybe you find it harder to remember your live thoughts if you wait after the ep, I get that, but maybe pausing to type it all up in a document as you watch, and adding in the screenshots later? It takes you two and a half hours to live blog a single episode. You watch 2, sometimes 3 episodes a day while spending several other hours just, replying to everyone’s tags? Isn’t that exhausting and time consuming? Surely there are easier and more efficient ways? I totally understand liking to be engaged with people but every little tag on every little post, I think I’ve seen you go at it for five hours(?) if you like doing that, well. Aren’t there better ways or do you prefer this? I do livereads for fics when people ask, and that’s how I always did live ep reacts, so seeing how you do it is like :O how do you stand this without becoming physically ill from the work strain…
I've been sitting on this ask since this morning when I saw it. I hoped that spending some time with it on the back burner I would have a good answer for you. But honestly?
I liveblog like this bc it's fun.
I just... I want to have some fun. I'm mostly watching the episodes before I need to get ready for bed at night, and I'm replying in between things at work.
There's def easier and more efficient ways to go about this, but I haven't gotten tired of it yet. Yeah, my brain goes to mush every now and again when I'm reblogging peoples tags and comments, but I love seeing what other people have to say. And I love sharing their thoughts, opinions, and reactions to my liveblogs.
My current job is about 10x's more relaxed than when I worked in customer service 2 years ago. I have a lot more freedom now, and I can spend more time just kind of vibing. (Except when it's close to the end of the month. Then my mind is like a lump. RIP.)
I do try to limit myself on how long I liveblog - trying not to go over the 4 hour mark - without taking a break, but sometimes I'm just having too much fun. 💜
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matan4il · 1 year
omg, you’re a mileapo stan, hi!!! i had to leave twitter i used mainly for ma bc of the sheer number of insane bloodthirsty shit that started flooding out from ppl i followed on there who i thought were normal??? i’ve been seeing the dehumanization of Israelis and the antisemitism over time but i gullibly thought that was due to the shitshow twitter is right now, but holy fuck, the response to the terrorist attack has been so fucking shocking. I can’t stop thinking about how these people who love to virtue signal their progressive stance would turn is in to the nazis for internet points. what the fuck
Hi Nonnie! *hugs*
Yes, I am! :D I hope you enjoy my silly Mileapo posts, they do make me smile a bit even during these dark days, because they represent this deep, beautiful love to me, and we can't give up on that, especially now, can we?
I feel you so much. I avoided Twitter for months, even before this massacre, because I just couldn't handle looking at the antisemitism I'd seen there before. It says something about how much I love Mileapo that eventually I did venture there. But right now? Every social media site has some good people, and each one has vile, inhumane justification for the murder and abuse of innocent people. I just saw someone whose url on Tumblr is the name of a Jewish character, siding with Hamas. The same Hamas that has called for a day of rage today, calling upon Arabs everywhere to kill Jews. I mean... at least have the decency to not use a Jewish character in your url if you're totally cool with real Jews being raped, mutilated and killed just for being Jewish.
I hope you unfollowed/blocked every single person who is justifying the beheading of kids and burning of babies alive. If you can, speak up, but I know that can be too much sometimes. So also take care of yourself! You matter!
I wish I had more encouraging words. The fact that the supposedly liberal crowd, the people who are meant to uphold humanist values and the rights of marginalized groups, are excluding Jews from the right to a humane fate (and ignoring a lot of Jewish history and the persecution of Jews to do so), it's hard to process. What they're doing is unconscionable. All we can do is speak up where we can, remind people that we ARE human beings deserving of basic human decency, get through this, and then have a long memory, make sure that even when the attacks on Israelis are stopped, that we don't forget this and we don't stop calling out antisemitism in ALL of its forms, whenever it comes from ANY camp.
Sending you lots of hugs and love! xoxox
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here. And if you're in need of a Mileapo smile, click here)
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greyfacade · 6 months
Ask game questions! 5, 7, 8, and 23 for spamton bc I'm legally obligated to ask about him. You don't have to do all of them tho if you don't want!
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
I'm Gonna Win - Rob Cantor
First song I thought of, though I'm sure there are other more suitable songs I could come up with. But honestly, due to my illness I don't get to listen to music often. I'm sensitive to sound.
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
There's been some really nice fanart, and I love the fake ad ones people make, and the pinups. I love buying merch from people.
Its also nice when people treat their plushes nicely, or actually see him as more than just the "funny salesman." Don't get me wrong, Spamton's is an awesome a salesman and all, but that's not all he is.
Oh, my fave part though, is how everyone celebrates his fan birthday. Thats super sweet. I love seeing people make fanart for that.
23. Favorite picture of this character?
Hm.. there's lot of great fanart of him, and you can see what I post already.
But I guess his shop sprite. It's fun to talk to him.
I do wonder what he would be like in person though.
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
Haha... heh.... well, this will get long... (Sorry.)
Mostly just the fact that the fandom is made up of a LOT of hateful people, who hatepost about Spamton because he's "popular," or because their fans of Swatch/Queen/Addisons and are in denial about what those guys did to him so they try to pin it on Spamton by saying "he deserved it" or saying it never happened.
Which is REALLY ironic in a way. But wait, we got more!
(_WARNING: RANT INCOMING!_ You dont have to read this.)
Many people can't get past the "funny salesman" trope. They think the salesman pitch Spamton puts on is literally all he is, that he really is this guy who is silly, obsessed with money, and batshit crazy. Does no one know how entertainment works!? Has no one ever followed a YouTuber or Twitch streamer, or gone to the circus or seen a live show? That how people act in front of a camera, isnt how they act all the time!? Spamton doesn't actually care about money, he said it himself; he does all he does because he's an entertainer trying to survive! The Spamton Sweepstakes, the Fangamer ads, the Twitter replies... while they contain truths and genuine things about him, for much of it, he's playing everyone like fiddles! He's saying whatever the hell he can to make you buy his shit, because funny thing, its his job! And the things is, it WORKS. Everyone totally buys in to it! But while I'm sure he does find joy in what he does, it can also be kind of painful that everyone actually thinks that's all he is in a way... they infantilize him, they treat him like he's crazy/stupid, they stereotype him, they make fun of him, they talk about wanting to hurt him... and they think its okay, because "he's in on the joke." Yeah? You really think anyone would find joy in seeing you make art of them getting abused/hurt/killed? REALLY? Ever thought that maybe... its not actually okay....
I guess I feel bothered by it. Sure Spamton chooses to play up all the stereotypes about him so that people will buy his stuff, and its cool that he can still joke about things like that. But... I wish people saw more of the real him sometimes, and realized he deserves kindness and respect like anyone else.
But I think Spamton is a good example of how people go too far, how they'll greedily take everything from someone, even their dignity, if it means feeding their own happiness. How they can't separate entertainment from reality (... yeah yeah, some irony there as I'm talking about a fictional character...)
In a way, the Spamton fandom, often represents to me, much of the things I hate about the entertainment industry, hell even fandom. I'm glad people love him and buy his stuff, but I also wish they liked him for kinder reasons. I hope that if he continues to be in entertainment, he gets to make something he loves, that allows him to be who he wants to be. Because like many of us, he sometimes gets trapped in a role, determined by other people. And while some of it is true, like he is funny and has a dark sense of humor, and I'm sure he does enjoy many of the things he does... but some of it, I think is sort of forced on him. It's like if you don't act the way everyone wants, they'll get angry or abandon you. And that, thats awful.
(And Im not saying don't enjoy his salesman persona, just that, I wish people saw the rest of him too. Because he's a kind, caring and brave guy, and I really wish him the best ya know?)
.... of course, I admit this might be some of my own self-projection too, but lets not unpack THAT.
You made it this far, wow... uh... *gives you a gold star saying "I just wasted several minutes of my life to an insane fan rant." except all the words don't fit on the star, so it just says "I just wasted."*
... *runs away while you ponder the star*
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fluffypotatey · 3 months
Mk hcs
ok so sorry, anon, i couldn’t reply to this last night bc i saw this when the clock struck for epic’s livestream. so this is why i saved you for today <33333
chronic people pleaser (just watch 1x02) and his hero complex has NOT helped that
(Pigsy clocks that shut in real quick but thinks “well maybe his mentor the Monkey King— of whom i am not jealous of, Mei, that’s a ridiculous statement, i am a hardworking demon busy with my shop— will help MK with that.” and then turns out the Monley Ling goes on “vacation” and MK is spiraling too quickly for Pigsy to catch up and isn’t allowing Pigsy or any of his friends to breach in)
abandonment issues is he :3
all he’s known since he was young was that Pigsy found him. he knows that normal people have parents which must mean he has them—had them? no. MK never likes thinking about too hard— but as far as he’s known, no one has searched for him, no old missing posters of him……was he truly so burdensome to be thrown away?
MK takes a lot of things spoke to him at face values
swk’s “the problem is you, kid” in 1x01 when he was trying to teach MK that belief is his strongest adversary in accessing his powers and controlling them, for example
(what the FUCK is up with that btw. lmk what is your magic system???? i know it’s one of those things that SWK says a lot to MK and it must be true but like, if I’m being honest, SWK has been using magic way too long so the point that it’s like breathing for him. it’s like SWK is saying “to breathe you just…breathe!” and when MK asks “how do i physically breathe?” SWK goes “well, you breathe in….then out!” like oh yeah, that solves it!
anyway, another example is Pigsy’s constant shouting. none of his words are meant to be taken literally bc it’s all empty threats and emotional constipation (like look at Tang smiling all goofy while Pigsy blows a fuse. this guys knows Pigsy’s full of shit exploits that like the husband he is)
so yeah. MK cannot take things with a grain of salt
and this is Macky’s fault for being explicitly full of shit after revealing his betrayal to MK in 1x09 and then proving it again in 2x07
like in the s3 special? MK has learned now and calls Macky out on it and then again in 4x10 :D so, he’s slowly getting there
MK totally believed Pigsy and Tang were married for at least a decade
mei about freenoodles when her and MK just became friends: “are they always like that?”
MK: “yep! just don’t ask them about it. they get weird about it and too self aware”
being the son of a chef and foodie, MK does have a non-picky palette but with standards
he is horribly biased tho but for good reason
baby MK LOVED climbing everything and everyone and made constant nests on Pigsy’s head (Tang has an album of photos specifically for this)
anything else i say might tread on lmk s5 spoilers so I’ll stop now
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tunaababee · 2 months
20 Questions for Writers tag game!
gonna chuck this under a cut since it's gonna be lengthy!! thank you so much for the tag @popjunkie42 <3 <3 <3
1. How many works do you have on AO3? eight! my one foray into DDADDS, a handful of Homestuck fics (notably Cats and Coffee, which i need to rewrite at some point!!) and 2 for acotar, though that number will be going up!!
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 76,793!!
3. What fandoms do you write for? mainly acotar at the moment - i will probably dip my toes back into homestuck periodically though, it is where my roots lie!!
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? Strained (my one ddadds fic for a crackship) Cats and Coffee we will be everything we say Little Games Is It? (im pretty sure this was my first fic lmao)
5. Do you respond to comments? almost always, they make my day and mean so much!! if i don't reply im either busy and forgot bc my brain is like a sieve or happened to receive and influx and got overwhelmed!!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? probably Breathe, which i wrote while having severely unmedicated depression and also being angry at how they shafted my fave character!!
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? oh, hands DOWN wwbews. that is the fluffiest most tooth rotting ending and it was DELIBERATE!!!
8. Do you get hate on fics? im very lucky to have avoided anybody's ire, but i also love biting people on the internet sometimes and i am very liberal with my block button lol
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? i think i would die a little bit if i couldnt write smut?? i mostly write relatively sappy, breeding-kink heavy stuff haha. i want to dip my toes into stuff thats a little more taboo though!! (*cough* ascendant astarion mind control *cough*)
10. Do you write crossovers? no, personally i like keeping stuff in its own little pockets!! mad shoutout to crossover writers though <3
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? not as far as i'm aware!!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? no, but if anyone ever wanted to all they'd need to do is ask!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? nope, but i may have something in the works at some point soon 👀
14. What is your all-time favorite ship? no matter what, Karezi will always be my absolute ride or die, but Feysand is pretty fucking up there too!! i love most acotar ships, but in terms of homestuck ones, Arasol and Davejade are big faves too!!
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? there's an old Homestuck wip i have deep in the folders called Glitter that i remember the vague direction of? but i know that one is not seeing the light of day, along with a barely fleshed out bandstuck au haha. im determined to make my acotar ideas/wips see the world at some point though!!
16. What are your writing strengths? mm hard to say? i'm very pessimistic/negative about me and my work by nature, so it's difficult to say with honesty, but i like to think i convey emotion and inner thoughts decently well! i also think my dialogue is relatively grounded for the most part?
17. What are your writing weaknesses? so many. i struggle with writing out of order, so when i get stuck on something i get STUCK. i have a tendency to repeat names a lot, i struggle with scene transitions and when to call a scene done. i'm also either always going way too over the top or way too underwritten, i struggle with finding a good middle! there are probably many more i could think of but i don't wanna get too in the weeds.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? i haven't used other languages as far as i can recall? if i ever do i would try and get a native speaker to give it a read over, but otherwise i am afraid our old beloathed google translate would be carrying my ass.
19. First fandom you wrote for? that i published on the internet??? Homestuck. things that never saw the light of day?? shit man, i couldn't tell you. i've been thinking about cool things my blorbos could do since i was a kid.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? very biased, but wwbews. i genuinely think its some of my best work, my first ever completed longfic and i put so much time and love into it!!!
tags, if you're feeling like it!! @reverie-tales @starfall-spirit @shardminds @damedechance @cauldronblssd @climbthemountain2020 <3
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freelancewitchvt · 1 year
im gonna respond to criticisms about adventure time that i saw in a twitter thread bc im bored and have feelings and thoughts
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the most frequent reply to the thread was that people believe finn’s breakup with flame princess was stupid and, at worst, was an attempt by the female writers to make the male protagonist Finn as dislikeable as possible.
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i don’t think i’ve ever met a single fan of adventure time who thinks “yeah that finn the human guy? he sucks. totally dislikeable protagonist.” i have to believe these people simply watched up to this episode and then quit the show. they didn’t see any of the followup. they didn’t watch finn grow up. they didn’t see the episode where finn acknowledges specifically what he did wrong and makes amends with flame princess. i just simply do not understand this criticism.
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ppl won’t shut the fuck up about rebecca sugar even when she’s NOT a show runner
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moving onto princess bubblegum. now call me crazy but i’ve always liked princess bubblegum as a character. i also understand where a lot of this criticism comes from and im able to qualify that my affinity towards her character comes with a fair bit of nuance as well as coming from a place of bias via naivete
the idea that the show turns a blind eye to her abuses is absurd to me. the show explicitly shows her hurting characters that we care about, and it in no way is framed as good. it acknowledges her flaws, which is why we the audience are aware of them. and in-universe I think she is quite literally called out by almost every major character lmao does the show punish her enough? well that’s like, an interesting question to ask and a fun way to think about the show and her character. what does princess bubblegum deserve? well we know she got usurped and exiled for some time. that gave her some time to reflect a bit.
now you don’t necessarily have to think of that as a redemption arc. at the very least the show took the opportunity to show us other facets of her character. she can be vulnerable, she can be kind, she can feel remorseful. and she does, like, improve in my opinion. in “The Thin Yellow Line” princess bubblegum has a whole speech condemning her idolization, saying she’s “just a person, like all of you” it’s quite wholesome. It’s further reinforced in “High Strangeness” when she apologizes to tree trunks for trying to colonize space and inadvertently infecting her alien children with candy goo (lmao i know it sounds ridiculous but watch the episode lol) obviously i’m not gonna sit here and be like “princess bubblegum is great and was  completely redeemed and a morally exemplary paragon to be revered by all” but like, come on twitter. you’re not at all convincing me here
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now im gonna talk about his one!! the animation!! i have a lot of ways i like to think about how the style/animation/tone/format of this show changes over time. the central pillar of these is exactly in line with the shows most prominent theme: growing up. finn ages from 12 to 17 and a lot of what the show explores is the transition from “boyhood” to “manhood” and how it’s messy, nonlinear, painful, joyful, and rich with new experiences. i think the stylistic changes, even if they can also be explained by ward stepping down as showrunner, also reinforce this theme fantastically. if we’re seeing the world through finn’s eyes, of course in his early years things are much more colorful, fantastical, and whimsical. and as he ages, we see the world more clearly, things seem more grounded, more mature.  that’s why i can’t really take any criticism in line with this seriously because it’s just too well done it works too dang well.  and don’t get me started on how this theme extends to all the other characters. i could literally go on but i’ve already made my point hehe.
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i dont have anything to say about this one it’s just funny hehe okay im gonna go now
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ectology · 1 year
I’m the anon that sent that ask about why you didn’t talk to the og artist. I just wanted to clarify since I didn’t make it obvi in the first ask but I meant that your replies towards people that were calling out the art reposting were sometimes mean and unnecessary. I think it was because you were already getting dog piled that you were on the offense but some of the tweets were just focusing on art reposting and it felt like you were getting upset at them for being right about that. Which you later apologized for but because the initial tweet was about atsv so a lot of the hate was all over the place lol. And tbh that’s where you kinda lost me cause art reposting can be the worst for artists, but people don’t understand they personally are not entitled to an apology and I feel like they just wanted to shame you into a public one. It sucks to be scared to have an opinion online because of mob mentality but like I said in the prev ask I agree about the artist erasing Pav’s culture (I used micro aggression but I don’t think that’s the most accurate term but you get what I mean) but I was seeing it more as like a cringe hc artist. Kinda like the my hero fandom did with their characters, but like hating on those people were okay which proves the internet is weird and not consistent. I don’t think you should have to silence your opinions tho, maybe like vague posting? Like tweeting “I just saw someone make art of pav wearing a cropped sweater and leggings as if that’d be a thing in mumbai, but the worse part is they shipped him with hobie and he makes candi which is a totally punk thing to do lol”
ok this is the last time im addressing this bc this whole thing is already done
if people saying stupid shit to me in my replies cant handle someone being mean to them on the internet maybe they should get off the internet
if i was gonna post an opinion on that art at all then i dont think i did anything wrong other than post it on a public account
again, ive already cleared it up w the artist. the tweet has been deleted. i dont owe anyone an explanation other than the artist bc no one else is even involved in this situation. move on dot org
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plague-of-insomnia · 2 years
hm idk how ur gonna feel abt an ask like this but i do want to get smth off my chest & u seem p safe. feel free to delete if u want
i saw a post recently talking abt how "gay" got used as a slur a lot more than people acknowledge. and it got me thinking of my school years & how often it got thrown around.
thing is. and heres where my train of thought goes off the rails. i actually experienced the word "incest" as an attack more than the word "gay"... which. ill explain. but it really got me thinking on this whole purity culture & demonising of incest depicted in literature & yknow taking things too far with whats considered incest.
bc at the end of the day. the reason incest is illegal (mostly) is to prevent inbreeding & the health issues that come along with that. if ur not blood related then theres no problem.
and like. the reason i got called incestuous and generally ostracised was bc i was close with a boy in my year. like we dated for a week as 14 yros do. and at some point i discovered that hey. his last name is the same as my aunts and lo and behold hes my 2nd cousin thru marriage or smth. so. not incest at all.
anyway that p much ruined our friendship (& it was a friendship. i broke things off before i even knew we were related bc i just didnt feel the same way and we stayed friends for a little bit) all bc some kids couldnt let it go that we had the vaguest relation to each other. he got bullied for the rest of our school year & ive felt horribly guilty for leaving him bc i wanted to be "cool" & ended up without any close friends like we were.
sorry if thats a weird thing to put in ur inbox.
Hey, anon. I don't mind this ask. I hope you don't mind me replying publicly. (In future if you don't just say so.)
This post will be a bit long, so I'll go ahead and put it under a readmore.
TW for discussions of "gay" used in a negative way, and discussions of the use of the word "incest," and its association with child sexual abuse, though there's really nothing terribly bad here as I'm not going into detail on any of thse topics. (If you need something tagged, though, let me know.)
Now, I'm old as dirt by tumblr standards, and I remember VIVIDLY the word "gay" being used in a negative light. As a kid, I didn't really see it used as a "slur" per se, but it was used to mean something was bad.
Like, if you saw a movie that sucked, you'd say "Man, that movie was so gay." It meant something like "lame."
So obviously, it wasn't a good thing, and when I got a bit older and was explained why using the word was bad, I stopped, and fortunately most other kids did too and it mostly faded from use (in that sense) at least as far as I noticed.
(I'm not saying gay hasn't been used as a more nasty slur/word ofc, this is just my personal experience with it.)
Granted, keep in mind when I was in high school, our LGBTQ+ club was just the "Gay/Straight Alliance." Back then, it was basically, you were gay/lesbian, or you were an ally. We never talked about trans people or nonbinary people or ace/aro people. Ofc every one of those identities/kinds of people existed, but as far as my world went, they didn't. Most of my circle of friends was queer in some way, but many were closeted or semi-closeted for various reasons.
Anyway, sorry for that detour. Now, as to your incest situation. I'm sorry that happened to you. It definitely wasn't fair. You didn't have any way to know if you were related, and if/when you did it was "easy" to end the relationship. But kids are kids, and they always love to find a way to single people out, and they probably didn't really care what the actual truth was.
Even if you'd discovered having a similar name was total coincidence, I'm sure they'd still have bullied you for "incest."
I wasn't bullied for it, thankfully, but I did have a classmate in high school with the same last name as mine. My name is very common in some places, but where I lived at that time it was not, so everyone assumed we were fraternal twins. He was a nice enough guy, but I really didn't want people to think we were siblings. But no matter how many times we both explained we weren't related, no one believed us.
Sometimes, once someone makes their mind up about something, there's no changing it.
As for "abandoning" your friend because you didn't want to be left out and regretting it, I get that too. There was a guy I dated when I was around 16, and we were very passionate, but I think honestly I entered a major depressive episode and lost all interest in everything, including him, and... anyway, I regret how things ended between us even today, many, many years later. I wish I could shake my 16-year-old self and tell them not to be so cruel, but we can't change the past, only learn from it and move forward.
With regards to antis/purity culture taking incest so far, I do agree it has gotten ridiculous. As you said, the reason incest is taboo is because of inbreeding, because if your (general you) DNA is too closely related, you increase the chance of having major/significant diseases due to a lack of genetic diversity. But antis tend not to understand the WHY's behind things (since they also believe pedophilia is bad bc it's disgusting, and not because it hurts children, who become real grown adults).
But I have seen some really wild takes called incest. Like a ship from one fandom where the male and female characters are friends. A lot of people consider it "problematic" apparently, because they have a "sibling-like" relationship. They did not grow up together, they aren't related, and yet that's "incest" according to antis.
I do want to mention another reason that incest can/is considered so bad, and it's because, despite what antis may think, most sexual abuse of children comes from someone close to them in their lives, often a family member or close friend. So for a lot of people, when they think of "incest," they closely associate it with sexual abuse of a child. It's possible that's why antis get so upset about it. I don't know. But that is another aspect to it. (Ofc for you, in your past situation, you were both around the same age, so that's not the case, but that association is there.)
But, in the end, in fiction, it doesn't matter, because there are not actual children who can be conceived or harmed, and so the whole purpose behind why incest isn't allowed in many places in modern times doesn't exist.
I hope you're doing OK now, anon. Don't be to hard on yourself. A lot of people have done things when they were young teens they regret and wish they could "undo," but as long as you learned from that experience so you could become a better person than that 14-year-old version of you, I think you're doing OK.
Sending you some hugs. <3
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mushroom-jack · 2 months
Writer tag game
I wasn't tagged by anyone I just saw @bisexualnerd doing it and it looked fun + I love to talk about myself
1. how many works do you have on AO3?
77 publicly on my page, 23 posted anonymously, and then 7 orphaned... so 107 total! That's more than I thought tbh.
2. what's your total AO3 word count?
714,735 according to my statistics page
3. what fandoms do you write for?
Currently I'm writing the most for Mother of Learning and A Study of Resonance, but I've historically written a lot for MCYT and various Danny Phantom crossovers. DP x RotG will always hold a special place in my heart.
4. what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
This won't be accurate bc 4/5 my real top 5 fics by kudos were posted anonymously, but skipping over those...
when trouble comes (I'll be by your side)
blood on your hands
See My Crown (I am King)
An Emperor and his Heirs
5. do you respond to comments?
From time to time! I usually don't because I don't have the energy, and I feel like I would sound very repetitive just saying thank you, but I will usually reply if I feel like I have something substantial to say/to answer questions that won't be answered by the narrative. I'm also more likely to reply to longer comments or "regulars"/people who's usernames I recognize, lol.
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Ooh, with the angstiest ending? Despite my enjoyment of angst I don't really do sad endings; I loved you (and it felt like dying) as well as and im lonely (there, i said it.) are both venty drabbles I wrote a long ass time ago, so that's as close as I've got.
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
when trouble comes (I'll be by your side) has a good happy ending, and of course the whole point of lay all your love on me is that it's a alternate "happy ending" for ASOR. Usually I fuck with a good bittersweet ending though <3
8. do you get hate on fics?
Usually not! I would say I've only ever gotten a real "hate" comment once, and it was some asshole being like "stop asking for nice comments blah blah blah you like getting your dick sucked" as if the whole point of oral sex isn't to enjoy it? that was wild.
9. do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes!!! Though I usually post it on anon. I love writing power exchange and power imbalance and power dynamics as a whole – I've written lots of lovely, consensual scenes with on-screen negotiation... and also several where the thorough-line of the scene is lack of communication to the point of toxicity, LMAO. It's definitely rare for me to write anything that could be reasonably considered "vanilla"
I also enjoy writing some omegaverse from time to time!
10. do you write crossovers?
Lots and lots and lots! the The Coldhands Project is my baby, that's a Danny Phantom x Rise of the Guardians crossover. My current WIP is Zorian Kazinski and the Unfulfilled Prophecy, a MoL x HP crossover. There was a point in my life were I really wanted to write a DSMP x Hermitcraft crossover, though that never ended up coming to fruition... and I've also written some DPxDC, though that's on anon :)
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge, though I suspect someone's been heavily inspired by my work before, to the point of it being noticeable. Not that I can say anything, since that would make me a massive hypocrite lol... I definitely did the same when I was a baby fanfic writer in middle school and didn't understand the consequences of my actions. Hence those orphaned works.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not to my knowledge!
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Nope -w-
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Currently, it's definitely tompercy, and I've written upwards of 80k words about them... lol :3c
Of all time it probably would've been TNTduo if thinking about it these days didn't leave a sour taste in my mouth. I loved that ship for many years.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
I doubt I will ever finish nine years with you... but I love Daine/Numair deeply in my heart. It would just take a lot of effort and research, so I doubt I'll ever come back to it.
It'll be a miracle if I ever finish The Coldhands Project but I'm utterly determined to.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I love to do some heavy description to set the scene and mood, I love to do internal turmoil, and I love to write two characters who are insane about each other. And generally speaking, I'd say I can do a passable job at most scenes :)
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Actually so many. I really struggle with action scenes, whether the action be fighting or sex – I physically can't choreograph a sword fight, and how do you make thirty minutes of repetitive movement sound engaging? I really want to learn how to write intertwined plot lines, which I'm actively working on and attempting to write, but I'm forgetful as hell and it's hard for me to keep track of things... also, complex political intrigue isn't easy to come up with!
Finally, literally how do you write characters smarter than you? If they just think through things faster than average that's alright, because I can take as long as I want to think of what they would come up with in thirty seconds... but characters who just outright have more knowledge than you? Characters who are charming and charismatic, or excellent at reading social cues, when I'm incredibly asocial? Characters who are sharp, sarcastic, witty, and mean? I have such a hard time writing characters who know how to do things I'm absolutely clueless at.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I'm actually doing this right now for Zorian Kazinski and the Unfulfilled Prophecy!!! Although, Ikosian is a fictional language so of course, I can just make things up. I get to play around a lot with how linguistics and translations work – for example, Zorian initially translates the Ikosian word for mind magic into the English "mind magic"... because, of course, that's what it's called in the text of MoL. But there might be a scene coming up where he decides a more elegant word for it would be "psychomancy" – [psycho-] translating from the Ikosian "mind", and [-mancy] translating from the Ikosian "magic". Isn't that sick???
19. First fandom you wrote for?
The Avengers/MCU; I wrote parkner as well as irondad & spiderson stuff.
20. Favourite fic you've written?
I have a list of these on my AO3 profile so I'm copy-pasting from there... in no particular order:
Shaky Ground also known as Pit AU, a bedrock bros centric, 2b2t-inspired, character study fic w plot in the background
when trouble comes (I'll be by your side), a deity 3/4 SBI & human!Tommy character study w plot in the background (you're sensing a pattern here)
deal with the devil is a demon!Wilbur x bartender/witch!Quackity tntduo
golden light, and what comes with it, a writing style study that's also a Jamie Bennett character study... lol
all my tompercy/ASOR fics. Having to choose favorites between these would take a whole nother list because I have many, many favorites
Anyways nobody tagged me for this so anyone can do it, do whatever you want forever
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danandphilandthedevil · 3 months
hii i saw that you reblogged my ask and thank you very much 💜 you might see my other ask to ahappydnp but I'll answer you here too! The problem for me is not even accepting I'm not straight, bc I have known that for a long time but I always thought I was bi. But I also have no problem accepting that maybe I don't even like men, I'm just feeling guilty for building a life with someone and now not loving them romantically anymore. I just feel really guilty! But I think he has noticed that something is up and is waiting for me to say something, so I know I can't ignore this forever. Thank you again for your reply 💜
I totally know what you mean by the guilt. And its not your fault nor something you should feel guilty for (easy to say, hard to accept, I know). There are simply many kinds of love we can have for people and not feeling romantic love or sexual attraction doesn't detract from the love you have had for them as a friend and partner in life. But as you mentioned, he likely notices that something is up, and ultimately you both deserve relationships where all parties involved are "all in" and can provide the kinds of love you each desire.
I wish you lots of luck in this journey and I hope it all turns out well. Feel free to message me if you want to talk more <3
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chuluoyi · 8 months
Hi Chu!!! I'm replying rn before I get busy again grrr
That's good to hear!! Will you be going on small trips or overseas?
AHAHHAHA LOVING HOW YOU'RE JUST CALLING HIM A PRICK 😭😭 And your bf definitely didn't know what he was getting you into... But you can blame him for making you start simping for Gojo! So he can't roll his eyes at Gojo anymore!
YEAH IT WAS TRAUMATIC 😭 And I guess you can get water shoes...? IDK I use those for kayaking and stuff but they cover your feet AHAHHA But how did your feet crash against rocks- Like were you walking in the water orr- And ouch How did it even get into your nails 😭😭😭
3.9?!??!?! lowkey jealous 😭 And unfortunately, I suck at presentations AHAHA Like I'm those type that must memorise their scripts or I'll start stuttering and pausing A LOT. Like I memorise my script but when I say it out I reword it at some parts... If I don't memorise and just Yolo it.... Eh I'll probably start crying AHAHA This is 1 reason why I ask myself if I joined the right course... But yes I will try! Idt I can get into a local Uni tho AHAHA cause most people only get in with a GPA of 3.7> and it's so scary...
Yeah agreed... For my friends, 4/5 of my friends including me love Taylor swift songs and Mandopop while my last friend likes k-pop... and like she always felt so left out... But both of us love anime so that's how I bond with her! She ended up ditching us for her boyfriend tho... She literally doesn't contact us anymore unless she has no one to go out with... So my mum put me on a ban and I can never go out with her again....... Reason cause she's a fake friend? Idk what do you think?
YAY yes do watch! You can read the webtoon too! It's a daily pass! AHAHAHA yes totally normal [I watched The marvels because of his one minute cameo] Oh really? how bad is the CGI 😭😭😭😭
AHHAHA THEY TRIED?!??! I'm just being laughed at cause I haven't been asked out/ asked someone out AHAHHAAHHAAH putting you up for sale 😭😭😭 Can't relate YET but I can somehow imagine it.... Omg serious?! Same omgomg! AHAHAH Don't worry babe I'm a southeast-Asian chinese and I don't know like half of those...
AHHAH It's a crystal from my crystal obsession phase when I was 16... YEAH By right it's for healing... But Idc I pray and manifest with it anyway!
Thankyou thankyouuuu! Aahah I'm not a fan of suffering from heatstroke in those stands either, but good things is my country didn't allow standing pens for her concert! So I guess no heatstroke?
YESS LUKE'S IS SO CUTE AND ANGSTY BUT GRRR I LIVE FOR ANGST DHHDHD How many are you from guaranteed SSR 😭😭 加油加油 I know you can do it! RIGHT This story got me HOOKED and you're so right ROSA 🤤🤤 She makes me question how I'm still straight...
I skipped past the main story for the S-chips ngl... I told myself I'll re-read it... But did I? I wonder...
ALSO I saw an ask about Love and deep space! Did you pre-reg? It looks so interesting!
Also I'm thinking of going off-anon soon cause I want to send pics but being anon doesn't allow me too grrr
disco anonn!!🥹 sorry for the late reply i just went back from my vacation and i really want to answer you while sitting in front of my laptop :'))
i went to malaysia! it's just a little trip planned bc we haven't been on a trip lately and also visited penang to get checked up ehehe
the way he's now regretting it is so funny ahahahah🥹 like trying so many ways to make me face the truth (gojo's death) but i wouldn't have it and he's like 🤧🤧🤧
water shoes... the ones like frog's feet?🥹 omg it's too funny like imagine walking on the sand with that big of shoes😭 more like the rocks are hidden beyond the sand and i just stomped over it??😭 it's no better that my rubber sandals has these... holes? (gods i still don't understand why they made holes in it) which basically guarantees that sand would go through them😭😭😭😭 it looks like bathroom sandals ngl
ooh actually same!! during my uni days, i'd stutter a lot and blanked out in the middle of presentations🤧 HAHAHAH yolo it omg that's so relatable and yes, now... maybe i'm just in a mostly yolo mindset too but i just went with the flow, and spout everything in my head (the cons is that sometimes it's jumbled up a bit) but i learn that it's better that way rather than clamping up?🥹 keep fighting disco anon!! i'm rooting for you!! <3 i know it seems hard at first but what doesn't kill you will make us stronger! (or cry..... at most, but that's okay!!!)🥹
mandopop!!! omg i used to love taiwanese songs back then!!🥹 oh wait i got sidetracked... hmm, it's a bit hard to pinpoint but... well, i wouldn't immediately say that she's a fake friend... but more like, friend who only comes to you for convenience? i have a fair share of friends like this and there are two kinds of them: one, who is plainly fake it shows and two, who is still kind to you despite having drifted apart. personally, i wouldn't mind the second one though, because we can't exactly force being friends with someone...
SAME I WATCHED THE MARVELS FOR HIM but he only showed up for 2 minutes skaldjsa CGI's not that bad!!🥹 but in my eyes, the creature seems strange so...
THEY DID TRY ASKDASKDA i felt like a fruit put on sale honestly omg my aunt tried to set me up with her son's friend once (she said he had a stable job and is a nice, big catch etc) and what happened? nothing. the guy was so silent i was like talking to a brick wall and i couldn't say anything because ??? hello i'm way younger than you i don't have the audacity😭 ahahaha but seriously putting up daughters for sale is like a trend within chinese community or something?😭 everywhere i go, we always have similar stories regarding this adskdjalsd
i usually pray... using hands🥹 that's just because i'm lazy though ahahaha in the new years it's usually with incense and such
omg that's so convenient!!🥹 it would do wonders if only there's a regulation like that in my country too *sigh* did you have fun??
AHAHAH i used to skip them too for schips🥹 but apparently they're so engaging! especially eps 6-8, i lit can't get away from my screen ahahaha
i did! but... honestly after playing it for two days now... it's not quite my style?? :')) it looks way too realistic... but not... uh, what i'm comfortable with? i prefer to keep playing otome with drawing styles rather than 3d one because i can't never get used to it asjdkajda do you pre register and download it? how are your thoughts so far?
it's okay to go off anon!! ahahah🥹 but wait i think i might know who you are....🤭
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astrxealis · 2 years
APOLLO!!! OMG HI HAVEN'T TALKED TO U FOR LIKE A HOT MIN 🙁!!! and omg how r u?? how's life lately<33?? also saw ur recent post abt music and stuff!!! as someone who also tried to learn playing the guitar i only know like 3 chords and that's it HELP i basically gave up because it got to the point my hand would hurt after practice 😭
i have to say tho being scared of like starting an instrument because its intimidating is normal!! when i started learning the violin i was definitely scared bcs most of the people i wld be with for class was like playing for almost 9 years 😭??? and i was afraid i wldnt be able to catch up, even my mom expressed her concerns abt it 🥹 but looking at where i started and where i am now!! im proud to say my improvement is there even though its not as big or impressive but its noticeable!!!
i hope ur fears wont stop u from learning, i'd say that learning music is amazing and a precious time and if u or lune need any help im here :)!!!
AN HI LOVEY !!! it really has been a while AAA I NEVER REPLIED TO MY LAST ASK TO YOU BUT i will rn rq as well uhm.
i totally get taking a break i kinda did that as well, and yes that's absolutely amazing, rlly shld put yourself first with those kinda stuff <3 hehe + I HOPE YOU'VE BEEN ENJOYING FR ... balancing everything is difficult fr but you got this (so do i hehe we got this fr) ^__^ AND TY BUBS AND @noxtivagus SAYS TY AS WELL I'M SURE <33 i have not seen the show yet ngl SOBS i never played the og myself but only watched my dad play ... hashtag Coward but shh T__T tbf we don't have a means to play it anymore bcs our ps3 broke and we only had a ps3 copy eee and likely won't get for 4/5 anytime soon ... but i think we cld watch the show sometime soon anyway so. WILL SEE. it seems so good so far tho from what i've seen and REAL the actors are >>>
anyway sorry this is so long i still tend to ramble... </3 but i am WELL <3 just. busy and stressed lots ngl :") and okay i took a while to reply to this but i kept telling lune abt this teehee AAA TYSM FR ... yeah, i'll keep that all in mind thank you lots T__T i'm rlly gna try to set aside time to learn/relearn instruments? and then uh. w consistency. yeah! improvement (however small) !! <3 hehe also proud of u btw AND ONCE AGAIN thank you mwa still amazing lil sibling fr even if we don't talk as much anymore HAVE A GOOD WEEK ALRIGHT !!!
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