#touch soulmate
Black stain on the cheek with Axe please?
I thought that this one was funny, so I hope you like it!
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When Axe first saw the mark on his cheek, he would sometimes press his hand against it. Even before he became Axe, then when he did become... this, he would still sometimes touch it. The idea of himself having a soulmate? It was just... it was just so weird to him! How the hell could he have a soulmate? Why does he deserve a soulmate after everything that he did? He didn't think that he deserved it.
And now that they were above ground, he realized that his soulmate would have to be a human, and that made him feel even more weird. He did so much to hurt humans, and his soulmate was one. It was kind of funny how ironic it was.
Today he was walking when he heard shouting, which caused him to turn his head towards the sound. His sibling, Noodle, told him that he needed to get out of the house more, and that was the only reason why he was out and about... he thought that he got out of the house enough when he went to help Nightmare with things, but he guessed not. Awesome.
Slowly he followed the sounds to see that it was a guy holding onto another person's arm, shouting at them, "I know that you took it! Give it back before I call the cops!" and the other person shouting back, "I didn't take anything from you! Let me go!"
Normally, Axe would ignore that. He didn't like the sound of shouting, but something about this made him want to help—maybe to make himself feel better? Who knows, but he was walking over to see what was going on. When the guy saw Axe coming, his eyes widened, and he let the humans arm go, then turned and ran away. Oh... that went... heh, that went better than he thought it would!
The person was rubbing their wrist, grumbling, and looking around; however, they didn't look behind themselves, so he gulped and then decided to ask, "A...re you okay?"
The human turned their head to face him, their eyes widening, then laughed, "I mean... I could be better, but I'm glad he wasn't my soulmate." They held up their arm to show black marks around their wrist. Not from a bruise, but the soulmate mark. "Are you the reason why he ran away?" Axe nodded slightly since, yeah, he had a feeling... the mark was pretty thin and sharp-looking. His eyeshine looks down at his own hand, then at the marks, and he slowly reaches up. He saw the person turn their head to the side, confused about what he was doing, but they didn't try to pull away. "Er, you okay there?" they laugh weakly.
He lets out a soft sound and gently grabs their wrist, seeing the blackness quickly spread out with so many colors, and he moves down enough to move their hand to rest on his cheek. Look, normally he wouldn't do something like this, but he saw his chance and decided to try it out! The warmth spreading out proved his case, and the humans eyes widened, staring at the new colors."Oh- wow, I... o-okay... um," they laugh, "I... I guess I should say my names Y/n?" Axe started to laugh at their reaction.
He should thank Noodle for forcing him to go out today.
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w-intent · 2 months
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asteenik · 5 days
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thesilveryfox · 9 days
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w-intent · 10 days
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asteenik · 4 days
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inkbery · 3 months
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nap time
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idliketobeatree · 3 months
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yea I think about the extremely unrehearsed hug Niko gave Edwin, and how delighted he was in those few seconds even if he wasn't sure where to put his hands about 8 times a day. wbu
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wordsinhaled · 3 months
something about how an edwardian boy who died in 1916 and a ska punk who died in 1989 are each other's perfect counterparts. something about how they crossed each other's timelines at just the right time to find one another in the most unlikely of ways and decided they were going to stay together forever, against all odds and despite every obstacle.
something about how they are from utterly different centuries and have such different histories, and they shouldn't be as compatible as they are. but they actively chose one another, and they are together so seamlessly and irreversibly now, such that gods and endless will not separate them.
something about how they both were born, and lived for sixteen years in their completely disparate eras, and died tragic, heartbreaking deaths; not knowing that they would find safety, care, love, belonging in their shared afterlife the likes of which they never were granted while living in their own years.
something about them subverting the classic tropes to create their own narrative, in a way that enhances the meaning and depth of the original tropes.
something about st. hilarion's, a place host to so much pain and abuse, was also the place where these two dead boys' paths were destined to converge. something about the attic of st. hilarion's being one of the first safe places either of them ever found, where their bond began to be formed. something about that bond, which transcends and overcomes life and death, pain, fear, loneliness, and trauma while acknowledging, respecting, and honoring the lasting effects of all of them.
something about the fact that they might never, ever have met except by the most far-fetched chance.
but they existed, out there for each other, even coming into the world seventy-three years apart.
something about soulmates existing across time...
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w-intent · 2 months
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asteenik · 7 days
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demaparbat-hp · 2 months
Idk if I'm too late, but I really want to see what you do with "kiss of life"
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Before the Sun dies.
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miawlabakim · 30 days
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