#toukas apartment
kyanitedragon · 7 months
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pillow-anime-talk · 1 year
injured s/o.
synopsis: You were a bit clumsy, but luckily your partner knew first aid. But they had to be careful because both of you know... they were a ghoul.
# tags: headcanons; current relationships; light romance; a bit of drama; also slight fluff; human!reader; mention of blood and wounds; maybe suggestive
includes: gender neutral reader ft. shuu tsukiyama, ken kaneki, touka kirishima, rize kamishiro, ayato kirishima & nishiki nishio {tokyo ghoul}
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↘ He instantly smells your delicious blood and almost cries at the sight of the knife covered in red liquid and the onions that were supposed to be part of your disgusting human dinner.
↘ He’s trying hard not to eat your tender, sweet flesh, but after a short breath, he finds a first aid kit and then scolds you from top to bottom. His touch is tender, even though you are well aware that Shuu is holding back all his senses from killing and eating you. He’s a simple man, a bloodthirsty ghoul, so don’t be shocked. Of course he won’t hurt you, but... you never know.
↘ After applying the bandage, he’ll probably lick his fingers to taste your blood, and he feels as if he’s reached the highest level of ecstasy. 
↘ Your blood tastes like the sweetest chocolate, the ripest peach, the best wine, like coffee from the most expensive beans. He almost faints at the thought of you being filled with this dark ruby and delicious ambrosia.
↘ “... Thank you for your help, Shuu-kun.” You smile slightly, touching his arm with your hand. The man just nods, kissing your forehead, then disappears from your view as he enters the bathroom to take a cool shower and calm his farious thoughts.
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↘ Black Reaper doesn’t show affection to others, unless we are talking about his beloved partner. Then it’s completely different, still dangerous and uncertain, but with you, Kaneki takes off the mask of a dark, vulgar and cruel ghoul.
↘ “May I come in?” He asks softly as your small apartment starts to smell of your sweet like honey blood. Ken tightens his fingers on the doorknob and then enters the room as soon as you let him. One drop of blood escapes from your index finger. You cut yourself with a piece of paper while writing an essay. You look uncertainly at the black-haired man, but you don’t see any negative lust in his eyes. On the contrary, Ken looks worried. “Everything’s all right, love?”
↘ You reply that it’s just a scratch and that you’re fine. Your boyfriend offers you a bandage though, and you smile at him, lightly pressing his body against yours.
↘ “Thank you.” You reply quietly, and he only wonders why. That he didn’t kill you? That he didn’t tear your body in half? That you’re still alive? “... Thank you for being there for me.” His eyes close and he snuggles tighter against your weak, human body.
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↘ Touka is calm and the first thing she will think of is hydrogen peroxide and bandage. She’s not interested in your body, though of course your blood smells like a field of orchids and poppies. This fragrance evokes sentimental memories in her mind.
↘ She examines your wound with the greatest tenderness, and then, equally calmly and without haste, cleans it of any dirt and puts on a professional lint. Her gaze expresses many emotions, none of which are related to her ghoul nature.
↘ “Better now, Y/N?” Dark-haired girl asks calmly, while her hand squeezing yours. You nod your head a bit in response to her brief question and she smiles softly. “Would you like some coffee?” She asks another question, and you nod once more, thanking her for help.
↘ Tonight was full of tenderness and assurances that Touka would never hurt you.
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↘ He behaves similarly to Tsukiyama, maybe even worse. The sight of your blood is like a lighter to spilled gasoline. She can’t control herself and runs away as far as possible so as not to hurt you. After all, you are her beloved lover, her little treasure. She can’t afford such a disgusting moment of frailty.
↘ You bandage yourself and expect her return, even though you know it may take several days.
↘ Rize is disgustingly weak when it comes to you; after all you are her greatest drug and probably if she only tasted a drop of your blood or was in the same room with you for a bit longer, she would definitely throw herself at you.
↘ The relationship with her is quite dangerous, but you feel happy with her. Maybe it’s stupid and life threatening, but you really can’t imagine your own life without this beautiful and graceful woman.
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↘ He snorts with laughter when your apartment starts to smell like blood. When he enters the bathroom, he sees that you’ve cut yourself shaving and a few drops of blood run down your still wet skin.
↘ “If a razor beats you that much, then seriously consider my proposal to turn you into a ghoul, kitten.” The sarcasm in his voice is strong and you just roll your eyes. You quickly wash the wounds with a cotton swab and water, then find the plaster.
↘ “You know very well that I am the biggest enjoyer of fried rice with vegetables and lasagna. There is no way I will give up these human goods to eat human flesh.” You grimaced at the thought, which made the black-haired man laugh lightly one more time. “You should help me instead of laughing, dumb boy.”
↘ “Hmm... Nope, nah.” He waved at you and then went back to watching TV, calmly waiting for you to come over and lie down next to him.
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↘ He cares a lot about you; you are the most important person in his life, so the sight of your tear-stained face and chafes on your knees from falling down the stairs is a hard sight for him.
↘ So he takes you into his arms and leads you to the bedroom, where he treats your wounds with the greatest precision with disinfectant spray and bruise ointment. He talks to you a lot during this moment, almost forgetting that he is a ghoul. For sure, a few years ago he would have jumped on you without much thought, just to end your suffering.
↘ Afterwards, he smiles slightly and offers to order you something good to eat to make you feel better. You’ll agree, although you’re asking for a moment of tenderness and a few kisses. 
↘ You’re definitely too cute.
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animeyanderelover · 9 months
@lucyrose9820 asked: Kyojuro, Mitsuri, Sanemi, Kaneki, Touka and Sebastian with a darling who has a siamese cat who is a bit aggressive except with the s/o?
Tw: Yandere themes, jealousy, protective behavior,delusional mindset, paranoia, abduction
Tags: @lovley-valentine7 @chxxz @leveyani @flaming-vulpix @naeho @kanaosprotector
S/o owns an aggressive Siamese cat
Sebastian Michaelis
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🐈‍⬛We all know how Sebastian feels about your little companion who lives in your house. He adores the cat with their gorgeous blue eyes, soft fur and cute paws. The aggression the cat occasionally shows towards him doesn't even face him in the least bit as he annoys your little friend by picking them up, cuddling them and petting their body. He uses your cat as a little excuse to spend more time in your own house and for once he isn't completely deceiving you. Of course he uses your feline as an excuse to spend more time with you by offering to look after them when you have work to do or by helping you when it comes to buying food. The fact remains that Sebastian has a soft spot for cats though so the fact that you own one makes everything even better. He definitely brings cat toys over for your cat and tries to play with your cat they are in the mood for it. He always has a calm smile on his face even when the little one uses their claws on him as seemingly nothing about your cat can anger him. He's even proud about the fact that your cat is never aggressive around you. You really are a natural with cats, aren't you~?
Ken Kaneki
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🔲​You've been worried sick for your cat the moment Kaneki abducted you and begged and shouted at him to let them stay with you. Your angry words instantly trigger his paranoia as he hastily apologizes before he scurries away to retrieve your cat for you. When he returns, your cat is busily clawing at him, clearly unhappy as they hiss at the stranger who just took them. With your cat now at least present in your life, you seem to be a bit happier which is better for Kaneki's mental health. Even whilst you are abducted he wants to make you happy and if he can be useful for you by buying all things you need for your gorgeous cat and can additionally make you happy, he definitely latches onto this chance. It's obvious that the cat doesn't like him though as if clearly knowing what he did as he tries to get them to like him at least a bit. You'd like him if your cat would like him after all. So he wastes hours getting scratched before his minor wounds heal all whilst attempting to get your cat to like him. Sometimes he is jealous though when he watches you being all affectionate with your cat. Please give him some pets too.
Touka Kirishima
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🟪​As long as your pet isn't a bird because this lady has a confirmed phobia of birds, Touka can accept the fact that you have a cat as your companion. She's never had any pet before in her life so as much as she probably doesn't want to admit it, she has besides some very basic knowledge not much of a clue what a cat probably needs. Honestly, initially she is a bit warily around your Siamese cat because of their more aggressive behavior at times because she is worried that you might get hurt. Touka is a bit overprotective after all despite her not willing to admit this so easily so she'd be pretty pissed if your cat were to hurt you due to their slightly more aggressive personality. She slowly drops her more cautious behavior when she realises that your cat is a ball of fur and sweetness around you though. She doesn't mind if the cat stays in her apartment for a short amount of time but she isn't willing to keep your little friend for longer periods of time with her just yet because she doesn't want them to scratch at her furniture. Also, your cat should ever be brought to Anteiku she will keep a close eye on them so that they don't accidentally find the unofficial pet of her workplace, the bird Hetare.
Rengoku Kyojuro
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🔥​His reaction is all benign when he gets to hear that you are raising a pretty feline within your home. As your lover he obviously sees it as his duties to also look after your pet too and he stomps into this new duty he assigned to himself with unmatched enthusiasm. Sometimes it is honestly a bit painful to watch Rengoku because he is so set on getting the cat to like him that he tends to ignore the signs of the animal that they are uncomfortable and feel threatened yet he keeps that smile on his face even if your little friends swats after him with their claws. Honestly, his straightforward actions when it comes to your cat really remind you of how he went on about courting you. You're always feeling a bit guilty though when your cat gets aggressive ans scratches him but he laughs it off and reassures you that it isn't bad. You have a fierce, little friend with you. Now, obviously it would be different if it wouldn't be him getting all scratched up but you in which case Kyojuro would be very set on removing the cat from your home. He wouldn't allow you to keep someone close who hurts you in any way after all.
Kanroji Mitsuri
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💓​She is squealing the first time you bring her home and she sees your pet. They're so cute! Can she cuddle with them? Mitsuri adores your cat because they are so adorable and fluffy and she just wants to pet them all day. Mitsuri isn't really scared of your Siamese cat and their slightly more aggressive behavior but she definitely feels sadder over time. Your cat seems to be quite attached to you but her attempts to pet your cat or get closer to them don't really seem to work. Is she doing something wrong? She just wants your cat to like her too because they are precious to you yet nothing she does helps her. She's acting sillily sad, especially when your cat hisses at her and tells her clearly that they don't appreciate Mitsuri gushing over them and trying to touch them. She never hates your cat for their behavior though because she can see how much you love your pet and how much they appreciate you in return too. The only thing she is a tad bit worried about is their occasional aggressive personality. She wouldn't want others or you to get hurt because of this slight aggression your cat sometimes shows.
Shinazugawa Sanemi
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🌪️​Is it silly to get in constant fights with your cat? Because if it is, prepare for the pettiest scene you could have in your house as the Wind Hashira constantly bickers with your pet. Sanemi is already a pretty aggressive individual to the people around you yet this apparently even extends to your freaking cat! They don't like him and they make that pretty obvious and Sanemi in return dislikes them equally as much. He could swear that this thing is giving him some attitude and he does not appreciate it as it constantly claws at him or meows loudly if he tries to be affectionate in front of you. Sometimes he seems to realise how ridiculous he is behaving by cussing and insulting an animal who just gives him a bored look in return before it walks over to you for cuddles. Worst is that sometimes you refer to Sanemi as your cat in human form since both share some aggressive traits. Not only is he worried about you mentioning your cat's aggressive traits but also somewhat humiliated that you actually compare him to your cat. He tries his best to not lash out with your cat when you're around as he just gives them a silent death stare as they hiss at him and show their teeth.
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marble-anime · 1 year
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Pairing: Ken Kaneki x Reader, mentions of Ayato Kirishima and Tatara x Reader
Summary: After being captured by the Aogiri Tree, Kaneki learns just how cruel ghouls can be. When whispers of what the higher ups kept you around for reach his ears, he offers you a moment of release in an attempt to ease your pain.
Disclaimer: Minors DNI, This follows the plot in the manga
Warnings: mentions of violence, slavery, use of aphrodisiacs, implied noncon, dubcon, unprotected sex, gentle sex, creampie, emotions
Word Count: 2.6k
Kaneki fought the urge to tear his eyes away from the ungodly sight of his blood-soaked hands tangled in a fresh corpse’s organs. He should’ve expected something like this when members of the Aogiri Tree broke into Anteiku and beat him to a pulp. But even after he’d been captured, he was still naive enough to think that he’d be able to find some type of common ground with them. Or at least be given a little mercy, considering one of his captures was none other than his best friend's brother.
It was all just wishful thinking. Touka’s brother was just as deranged as every other Aogiri member despite the fact that he considered himself to be ‘soft’ in comparison. Of course, Kaneki knew that whatever they had planned for him wouldn’t be pleasant, but he didn’t think it would be this bad. Grime built under his nails as he tore apart flesh and muscle, staining his own skin burgundy in the process. The unfortunate victim’s insides turning to sludge between his fingers with the slightest squeeze.
He felt like he was going to vomit. Although the horribly gory sight was enough to make anyone faint, the worst part was the hunger stirring inside him. He’d spent so much time starving himself, trying not to feast on human flesh, that the smell was almost inviting. He clutched onto his morals tightly, the endless string of bodies that he and his fellow captives were expected to pick apart did a good job of reminding him that this was no blessing in disguise but instead the worst imaginable torture for a prisoner of the Aogiri Tree. Unbeknownst to him, the worst was yet to come.
He pulled his gaze away to stop his head from spinning and caught a glimpse of you outside the doorway. You were following closely behind Ayato. Just the sight of you filled him with an immense amount of pity as he recalled his previous conversation with Banjou. When the anti-Aogiri group welcomed him with open arms, Banjou had filled him in on what they knew about each of the higher ups and their schedules. They were planning an escape and Kaneki was in on it from the moment they revealed their strategy.
But you had plagued his mind. You often brought him food just as you did for the other prisoners. A tiny slab of meat was all the Aogiri would allow each of them, it was just enough to keep them alive. You had always been kind to him but it was obvious to anyone that you were miserable. You never spoke unless you were spoken to and even then it seemed as if you were devoid of any personality. There were dark bags under your eyes and you were always shaking, Kaneki couldn’t tell if it was from the weather or malnourishment. Honestly, it might’ve been both. Even in the winter, all you wore was a thin night dress that stopped not even halfway down your thighs. And he doubted that you were being fed any more than the other captives.
He brought you up during one of the meetings thinking that you’d love nothing more than to escape. He hadn’t even known your name at the time but the others knew exactly who he was talking about. Even though he’d truly had the best intentions in mind, the grim expressions on his fellow prisoners’ faces made him think that he’d said something wrong. Banjou told him that even if you did want to escape, it would be almost impossible.
And from there on he explained everything. Your name was Y/N and the reason it would cause so much trouble to try and include you in their escape was because you were nearly always being watched by one of the higher ups. Kaneki remembered Banjou’s exact words, “When Ayato caught Tatara’s eye he was reluctant to join the Aogiri and the chaos he caused among the wards was too much for Tatara to contain so he offered up Y/N as a welcoming gift. He uses her as a pawn to keep Ayato in check.” The implications of what role you played in this organization made his stomach drop, his worries were only confirmed when Banjou added, “They give her regular aphrodisiacs so she can’t resist him. It’s sick.”
Allegedly, you were originally Tatara’s personal plaything before he’d given you to Ayato. Rumors said that even now whenever Ayato left the Aogiri’s base, Tatara would take the time to relieve the needs that the drugs caused you. If anyone was caught gossiping about your connection to Tatara, they would be killed faster than they could even say your name, which confirmed two things. One, that the rumors were more than likely true. And two, that Ayato probably had no idea.
Kaneki sat on the floor by himself as he waited for you to bring him his rations for the day. The manual labor from earlier that day left his arms sore and his stomach hollow. Your footsteps echoed down the hall until you entered the empty room to find Kaneki sitting with his back against the wall. You kneeled beside him and handed him the small chunk of meat wrapped in a cloth.
When he unwrapped his food he felt sick to his stomach. Flashes of how he’d been forced to tear apart lifeless bodies plagued his brain as he wondered which one of the corpses the meat belonged to. For all he knew it could’ve been from one of the bodies that he stripped down to the bone. No matter how hungry he was he couldn’t bring himself to eat something that came from an innocent civilian that was murdered in cold blood.
He looked at you as you were still kneeling beside him. He took in your appearance, your whole body was quivering, your hands were planted on the ground with your thighs tightly pressing themselves together around your forearms, shaky breaths escaped your lips and your pupils were blown wide. You were clearly under the influence of the aphrodisiac but you seemed worse than he had ever seen you before.
Today had been Ayato’s day to leave the stronghold but he was almost sure that the rumors of Tatara having you in Ayato’s absence were true. Perhaps Tatara was too busy to pay you any mind or maybe he was simply denying your needs as a punishment. The thought sent shivers down Kaneki’s spine. What they were doing to you was cruel, scratch that, it was so much worse than cruel. Out of all the prisoners of the Aogiri Tree, you were the one who was suffering the most. They were pumping you full of drugs so they could bend you to their will but when you were left with desires that weren’t even your own to begin with, they didn’t feel like they owed you any type of relief.
He held the meat out to you as he offered, “You can have it if you’re hungry.”
You frantically shook your head and pushed it back toward him, looking almost fearful. He set it on the ground and reached a hand out once again. This time he tucked your hair behind your ear, gently stroking your cheek with his thumb, trying to offer you some type of comfort. You closed your eyes and nuzzled into his hand. The words had stumbled out of his mouth before he had the chance to actually think about what he was saying, “I can help you.”
Your eyes quickly reopened, you were probably shocked by his offer. You stared at him as you thought about what he said. Your unsure gaze was making Kaneki believe that he’d crossed the line. But before he could apologize you leaned in close and softly pressed your lips against his. The kiss was as light as a feather as if the both of you were hesitant and timid.
You pulled away first and laid on your back, flinching at the feeling of the cold floor below you. The end of your nightgown pooled at your waist as you spread your legs, exposing your soaked panties. Kaneki blushed at the sight before he noticed you shivering. He pulled off his shirt and laid it over top of you, it wasn’t much but at least it was something. You were unfamiliar with being shown this kind of genuine consideration but you welcomed it nonetheless, tucking your arms under the shirt and pulling it up to your chin in an attempt to keep yourself warm.
He hooked his fingers along the sides of your panties and pulled them down your legs, your slick sticking to the fabric. You watched as he unzipped his pants and pulled his cock out. To your surprise, he was still soft. Usually, your partners, if you could even call them that, were always painfully hard and raring to go. He pumped his cock until he was fully erect and climbed on top of you. He balanced himself on his forearm, his face now inches away from yours. You could tell that he wasn’t sure what to do next so you reached between your bodies and grasped his cock, lining it up with your entrance.
He hesitated, “Are you sure?”
The look of concern on his face made your stomach flutter accompanied by a pleasant feeling you’d long forgotten since being dragged into the Aogiri. You nodded and he pushed into you carefully, although he wasn’t experienced himself he at least knew that the woman usually needed a moment to adjust. What he didn’t know was that with your day-to-day activities, the pain upon entry no longer bothered you. He filled you up perfectly. Your pussy clenched around him as you finally spoke to him for the first time that night, “You can move now.”
However, Kaneki kept his hips still as he was buried balls deep inside you. His cock felt so snug inside you, he had to resist the urge to cum right then. This was supposed to be all about helping you but he hadn’t expected it to feel so good. When he began thrusting into you, he took his time to ensure that he wouldn’t finish before he was able to relieve you. He hid his face in your neck, guilt consuming him for enjoying this so much. Banjou’s words echoed in his head, ‘It’s sick’. He knew it was fucking sick but he couldn’t help it. The overwhelming pleasure he felt rutting into you caused his mind to construe his own good intentions as being aligned with that of the perverted Aogiri that had taken advantage of you. When he let out a strangled moan you ran your fingers through his hair, sweetly shushing him to keep you two from being caught.
Goosebumps littered Kaneki’s arms from the cold air but between the friction of your bodies and Kaneki’s baggy shirt, you were nice and warm. Ironically, you felt more comfortable being fucked by a stranger on the cold floor than you had in either of your captor's beds. He was so much more gentle and caring than Ayato and Tatara had been. The only sound in the room was the quiet whimpers and hushed pants shared between the two of you.
Suddenly, it felt as if you were having some kind of out of body experience. You saw yourself laying on the ground with Kaneki on top of you, his hips moving in a slow broken rhythm. Your face was clouded with pleasure, you wondered if you always wore that fucked out expression when you had sex. You doubted it. Especially since half the time your face was being shoved into the pillow and the other half your features were scrunched up in pain. The soft stroke of Kaneki’s cock against your walls was such a nice change from the rough pounding you were usually given.
Watching him pleasure you with care and kindness left you mesmerized. This was what it was like to truly enjoy intimacy with another person. To relish in every touch, squeeze, thrust, kiss, and stroke. It wasn’t just meaningless sex to reach your orgasm, you were honestly loving every minute of this. You wouldn’t mind it if this was what you did every day. As you watched Kaneki tend to your needs you wondered if you’d ever be able to do this again, to decide what you wanted to do with your body and when you wanted to do it. You wondered if you’d ever be free.
You were brought back into your own body as a wave of euphoria crashed into you, leaving your body quivering just as it had before but this time in release rather than need. Your shaky legs wrapped around Kaneki’s waist, trapping his hips against you. He picked up on what your reaction meant and finally let himself go, your pussy milked his cock dry of all his warm cum.
As Kaneki tried to catch his breath, you held his shirt out to him, “Thank you.”
From then on whenever you brought Kaneki his rations for the day, he would tell you about the escape plan he and the others had. And when he met with the anti-Aogiri group he’d relay any messages you had for them. You had been able to open up to him and he felt responsible for your wellbeing. It was only a matter of time before you two would be able to escape, he’d take you back to Anteiku where you would make friends and be protected. If only the escape had gone down the way you’d all hoped
It started out pretty smoothly, you had been able to make it out of the stronghold with the anti-Aogiri. What no one had expected was the Bin brothers’ ambush. You should’ve seen it coming. Tatara was able to read you like a book, of course, he would suspect something was up when he began to see a glimmer of hope in your eyes. You were thrown into a cell with the rest of the escapees, except for Kaneki who’d been taken by Yamori.
Although your suffering was at the hands of Ayato and Tatara, you knew that whatever would happen to Kaneki would be far worse than anything any of you had experienced. It didn’t take a genius to know that Yamori was a sadist. He’d put Kaneki through the worst kind of torture imaginable and there was a pretty big chance that he’d die in the process. Your stomach turned and you were riddled with guilt. He’d been so kind to you, you should’ve just left him be. Maybe then he wouldn’t be in this position.
Suddenly, the cell wall was kicked in. Through the smoke, all you could see was the outline of a person with white hair. Tatara. You curled up in a ball and tears ran down your cheeks, he was surely here to punish you. When the smoke cleared you were met with the sight of the last person you expected. It was Kaneki, not Tatara. His hair was white instead of black. Your heart dropped at the overly cheerful expression on his face as he greeted you all.
“How-?” you began.
Your words were cut off when he wrapped his arms around you. “It’s okay.” Fear coursed through you as his hold tightened. His sense of responsibility for you twisting and contorting into something sinister. “No one will ever hurt you again.”
Of course. You’d been able to escape the arms of your captors and were thrust into the arms of a newfound monster that they’d created. There really was no escape from the Aogiri.
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Play Pretend {Hide}
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A/n: I haven't read or written anything for Hide in a while and I love writting angst as much as I love reading it so here is my contribution to the Tokyo Ghoul fandom
Pairing: Hideyoshi Nagachika x reader
Trigger warning: mentions of scars and Hide's injuries
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Life had slowly started to go back to normal. Everyone was happy, Touka had given birth, Kaneki was healing...
Yet Hide was suffering.
"Are you sure you don't want me to help?" You were sitting at the edge of the bathtub watching Hide trying to apply whatever new medication his doctor had given him to his wounds. His face was never going to turn back to normal that had been confirmed but it still needed to be taken care of.
"I think I am fine, love." He turned to look at you briefly with a small and soft smile on his scarred face, but the small tears that were threatening to fall down his cheeks said otherwise. From the few hissing sounds, you had understood that the ointment probably stung like hell, and even though you applying it wouldn't make much of a difference, it would certainly provide comfort to your boyfriend.
But Hide kept refusing.
You tried to ignore on the frustrated sigh that came out of his mouth as he washed his hands off. Not running behind him was even more difficult. He didn't like pity and you knew it better than anyone. So you just calmly walked back to the bedroom in his one room apartment.
Hide was already lying on the bed, looking at the ceiling.
His previous doctor had brushed the whole thing off and had told him to wear whatever face mask he wanted resulting in an infection.
"Don't... please don't." Even with his voice practically coming from this little thing placed in his throat, you could feel what he was feeling. You sat down next to him and waited for a couple of seconds before laying down.
"I think I should put the ointment," you said softly in the tone that you knew could convince him to do anything. In all the years you were together, Hide had gotten quite used to this tone. And quite immune to it as well. "You'll get a kiss?" You asked him when you saw he wasn't planning to answer.
"Yeah? Where? There's not much space left."
Usually, you would argue lovingly and playfully when Hide mentioned his injuries, but only when you were sure he was also doing it playfully. This time, though... there was nothing playful about the way he said it. You were taken aback by how straightforward and how sudden this complain was. Sure, there were times when you could tell he wasn't telling you what he was feeling, and you were fine with it because he was still healing, but not once had he "complained" so... out of the blue.
Without saying anything, you stood up. "Wait, I didn't..." Hide quickly grabbed you by the wrist.
"I was just going to get the ointment. You're not getting away with this." You tried to giggle like you always do, but your mind was running.
Hide was sitting properly on the bed with his back pressed against the bedframe when you returned. He didn't protest, he didn't hiss, he didn't flinch when you started applying the cream to the spots where he hadn't.
"That was it." You smiled and placed the cream on the small nightstand next to his bed before leaning in for a kiss on his forehead.
Whatever light was in his eyes disappeared instantly.
Kissing had never been a problem before. Hide would pepper your face in kisses, and it was such a huge part of your relationship. Now? Now, the best he got was a kiss on his upper cheek, almost near his eye. He would never say it, but he craved more, and he craved to kiss you again. He also knew plastic surgery was a solution, but he didn't want that. Despite the difficulties, he was proud of his scars, and he had slowly come to love them.
And then he felt it; your hand placed lightly over his mouth and the next thing he knew you leaned in and pecked your hand as if it was his lips.
Hide instantly wrapped his arms around you and pulled you to his chest so you wouldn't see him cry. It was so weird. He didn't know why he felt that way. He was sure of one thing, however, he could pretend. He could pretend that your hand was his lips, and even though your pecks wouldn't touch him, he could pretend it was the same as you kissing him.
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Ayato Kirishima with a Dove! Reader Hcs
cw: canon-typical violence mentioned, it's been about a year since I've watched tokyo ghoul so some things might be inaccurate, set during/after kaneki was haise, SPOILERS FOR THE END OF TOKYO GHOUL: RE, borderline stalking mentions (ayato wants to make sure the reader can be trusted), enemies to friends to lovers type beat, mutual pining
Ayato Kirishima would not like you at first. Let's be honest here, the Doves use the deceased Ghoul's Kakuhou to make their Quinque. Ayato would hate your guts.
You'd initially been placed on the Quinx squad to more closely observe Haise, or as the Doves know him- Kaneki Ken. You'd never really liked the Doves and had hopes that during your lifetime there would be a rebellion so that Ghouls would be able to live freely and would be accepted socially.
When Haise regained his memories and became Kaneki Ken again, you’d damn near begged him to allow you to be his insider.
You’d meet with Kaneki in secret with his new team, Goat, to go over plans and feed them information.
Initially they were all wary of you, and Ayato had expressed a very clear disagreement with allowing you to join. Fortunately, Kaneki stepped up and explained your situation to the entirety of Goat.
Ayato was initially very, very rude to you. Most of it was passive-aggressive, but it was obvious that he didn’t like you. Especially when you’d confronted him and he said as much.
Ayato kept a close watch on you, expressing his distrust and borderline stalked your movements. When he was sure that you could be trusted, he stepped back and apologized for his behavior.
As time went on, yourself and Ayato slowly became friends. The two of you worked together to take down the CCG, finding that you made a good team, and thus your relationship improved greatly.
The two of you slowly fell in love after CCG was dissolved, often spending time under the stars and talking about anything and everything; Telling stories of the past, reminiscing, and enjoying each other’s company.
You and Ayato often went on walks or hikes, or even spent some time just watching tv in one of your apartments. When one of you wanted to train, the other would be the sparring buddy- honing skills together, offering advice, and critiquing techniques.
When he would accidentally hurt you during training, he would immediately inspect your wound and bandage it with shaking fingers and his lips pressed into a thin line. He hates hurting you or seeing you hurt. He’s always careful to not hurt you, but sometimes it’s inevitable and he feels absolutely awful. You’ll have to cheer him up or he’ll sulk for the rest of the week.
When the two of you would meet up, he would bring you your favorite snack and your favorite drink and you would do the same. It became a tradition of sorts after you brought him snacks for the first time.
He’s a tsundere, so when you start picking up on his new behavior, he will adamantly deny any sense of attraction to you. Naturally, he’ll be blushing and averting his eyes- he’s kind of obvious <33
Eventually, Kaneki and Touka will force him to confess because they can’t stand seeing the two of you evade each others’ advances anymore. It became painful for the both of them.
When Ayato confesses, he simply shoots you a text, telling you to meet him at the regular spot at the regular time out of the blue.
Ayato will show up with flowers in hand and a blush on his face and say, “…i’m in love with you.”
Of course, he would avoid eye contact with you because he’s flustered and he’s afraid that you don’t feel the same. He’s oblivious.
When you accept his confession, he’ll pick you up and spin you around, then lay on the grass with you and hold you close to him. He’s over the moon!
Ayato as a lover is super gentle and will absolutely communicate everything to you. He’s your lover and best friend.
He’s also super protective of you. Should you be in danger, he’s there in the blink of an eye.
Also has Touka teach him how to cook human food so that he can wake you up with a tray of breakfast and cook you something yummy when you come home from work.
Ayato as a lover >>>>
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atamascolily · 2 months
Rewatching the Magia Record anime for research and I got to the post-credits scenes of S2x05, "I Won't Forgive Anyone", and, um... here's how Walpurgisnacht is introduced:
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Here we have curtains (initially Walpurgisnacht's blue with lace, which open to reveal the red ones here), the mandala--now in rainbow colors!--plus, the floating portraits with text from Faust, woodcuts, and cogs, combined with swinging pendulum in Homura's apartment.
(Look, y'all, at this point, I don't even know what to tell you except that Inu Curry is not being even remotely subtle with this particular juxtaposition. Either you see it or you don't, either it means something or it doesn't, and we'll find out which it really is when Walpurgis no Kaiten comes out.)
We then cut to Touka and Nemu contemplating Walpurgisnacht on the weather report:
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... and I only just now realized that the mandala and the radar are the same shape/size/everything, the latter is just blurred out and indistinct. They're the same thing, and they always were; in classics Madoka Magica tradition, one is "illusion" and one is "reality".
A supercell, by the way, is a special kind of thunderstorm that spins like a hurricane or a cyclone... or like a record. Funny how that imagery keeps coming up, isn't it?
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harleyquilt · 3 months
Touka headcanons for the birthday girl!
Touka loves baths. It's a luxury she rarely got to have during her late childhood and early adolescence. When she was given her own apartment after joining Anteiku, she ran a hot bath on her first night there. She soaked in the bubbly water until the water went cold, feeling truly relaxed for the first time in years. She still enjoys baths as an adult, more so with Kaneki and Ichika beside her. They'll often be arranged in a line, Kaneki scrubbing Touka's back, and Touka scrubbing Ichika’s back. 
When in private, Touka is quite the clingy person. Alone, she hugs one of her many plushies, squeezing her arms around them tightly. This continues with Kaneki, clinging onto his arm, or wrapping her arms around his waist, especially in bed. Whenever she has to let go, she does so reluctantly, pouting to herself. Even with Hinami, Touka keeps her close, linking their arms together when they're walking, or leaning over her, her arms loosely wrapped around her shoulders. And of course, she cuddles her babies every chance she gets, holding their tiny hands in hers and planting light kisses on top of their heads. 
She enjoys training during her spare time, honing her body and skills in preparation for any kind of danger. During the time underground, some of the older kids notice her working on her punches, and approaching her, they timidly ask her for some fighting tips. She's a little reluctant at first, both embarrassed for being watched so admiringly, and saddened at their request, knowing fully well the fear they must be experiencing. She eventually agrees, helping them adjust to proper form and demonstrating some basic moves to aid them in battle. The kids later run into Kaneki, gushing about how cool and strong the manager is, and Kaneki smiles, confessing that she's the strongest woman he knows. He fondly remembers his days training alongside Touka, and when he reminds her, she's even more bashful, insisting that it was nothing. She's never been good at taking credit for her achievements. 
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beetledum · 2 months
Madatobi is so unhinged in terms of their bedroom life, I know for a fact that they enjoy cu/ckolding but not for the reasons you think.
If Mito and Touka ever managed to properly back Tobirama into a verbal corner on any of their drunken nights out -- (you'd think Hashirama and Madara loved the taste of toes the way they tried shoving a foot in their mouths while treating with the Hyuga, and after a day of wrangling the two human calamities the trio deserve a drink, okay?)-- he'd say that it was for the good of Konoha, really.
Afterall, if some overly pompous, self-important and unfortunately necessary dignitary suddenly softens in their negotiations after a night in Tobirama's bed, doesn't the whole Village benefit? And Tobirama, for all that he may be strict and exacting in most measures of his life, follows his brother in one exact branch of hedonism and it's this.
And it's made so much better by knowing that Madara is watching, cloaked in the corner of the room by a clever genjutsu that leaves him nearly invisible to even Tobirama's senses (save for the feeling of Madara's heavy sharingan gaze, gliding almost like a second set of hands over Tobirma's body as whatever lucky dignitary does their level best to make Tobirama arch and moan, only too happy at the opportunity to drive one of the most powerful and influential men in all of Fire Nation to blissful ruin).
Even if Tobirama wasn't sensitive to Madara's unique smoldering chakra after years of careful and passionate courtship and could sense the appreciation emanating from his lover, he'd know of it's existence if for no other reason than because of the fact that Madara is a voyeur through and through -- the Uchiha already predisposed to visual stimuli, and the sight of a pale Tobirama spread out across the sheets, panting and blushing from the exertion and desire, never failed to get Madara's own blood flowing.
But what really gets both of them going about the scenario? It's that the sharingan doesn't miss a detail. It catches and catalogues every one of Tobirama's soft sighs, every clench of his toes, every flutter of his carmine eyes as his bedpartner seeks their mutual pleasure in the albino's body. But the moment Tobirama's eyes snap open wide and he nearly chokes on his own gasp? That's what Madara truly lives for: the moment a transitory partner unearths a new pleasure for Tobirama.
Truly a scientist at heart, Tobirama revels in the act of discovery so it came to no surprise to Madara that their bedroom would be the same. And while other lovers might find themselves insecure in the face of such an adventurous libido, Madara is not only confident enough in his own abilities and his and Tobirama's relationship (plus, they're shinobi so honey pot missions are just another day at the office and this isn't too far off from that really), but he also absolutely thrives on competition.
Madara loves to watch Tobirama fall apart and takes even more delight in mining that encounter for every little thing that drove Tobirama wild. Honing in on the theory of it all until every one of Madara's moves are perfectly calculated to drive Tobirama out of his skull in pleasure. And then he gets to apply it to practice.
Madara used to spend hours watching the older soldiers spar in his youth, observing and learning like a hawk until he could knock every one of them down with their own moves, and it turns out that the exhilaration he feels from learning and executing a new move perfectly and taking his partners breath away is the same if he's fighting or fucking--and really, doesn't that say everything you need to know about him? The fact that beyond the physical pleasure, the mental pleasure Tobirama gets from the show of competence and Madara's own genius being on display is half the reason he comes so hard probably tells you all you need to know about Tobirama too.
So yeah. They're into it, but they're mainly thinking about how they're going to use this to get off so hard together later.
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sechsviciado · 26 days
when doves cry
reaperken/touka ; written circa nov/dec 2022
no warnings or ratings really?
so after my slight reaperken/touka rambling yesterday i figured that i really have nothing to lose from posting this small snippet of a fic (oneshot??) thats been sitting in my google drafts for nearly the past two years; if this is crappy i can always just delete it but ive wanted to contribute a bit more to keep tokyo ghoul tumblr alive so i figure why not?
i felt so smart when i came up with the title since ken was a dove during that entire reaper arc until the events of cochlea. i didnt really pay attention to prince's lyrics in the song but looking back at it now i guess some apply? not really any inspiration was gained from it though, i just grew up with music from the 60s-90s so the title kind of came to my mind and it happened to be a prince reference. not really any ratings or warnings yet?? its nowhere near finished and im not sure if ill even finish it because i feel my writing heavily lacks.
anyway, without further ado
how many months had it been?
it had been months — years — since he recalled feeling this exact way. of course, haise had felt this way too, but it would never compare to the feelings he had for her before that brief period of time where he had lost recognition of everything and everyone who once meant something to him. ironically, it's when he felt most at peace with the butterflies in his stomach, beating against his rib cage and the cage surrounding the longing which could never be released. he’s regained his memories now, but he knew something was different within him even when he laid his glassy eyes on her again on that first visit to :re as sasaki haise. why did he feel so entrapped and yet so wrongly distant even when he had no recollection of her prior on that first visit to the cafe?
it would never be the same.
it would never compare to the feeling of falling in love with her and the realization that came with it. the realization that left him in a state of both a mix of surprise and agitation for days and with a feeling that could only be described as his heart skipping a beat and yet crumbling at the same time. it would never happen, would it? he had chosen to face that reality when he was still his old self, naive and too ashamed of his actions to actually face her after all the pain he caused her as a result of the pain which engulfed his entire life, too. too ashamed to accept his new reality, hiding behind his eyepatch — too ashamed to admit he had fallen in love so easily. he wasn't any different now.
haise may have fallen in love with her through the lens of a reborn figure with a fresh start and no boundaries to stand behind (apart from his obvious shyness and the weird sense of familiarity), but it just occurred by fate. the same fate that had snatched him from her years prior had found a way to bring him back into her arms and make him belong to her once again. he can't help but believe that maybe there was some future destined between them; the embittered part of his heart and soul makes him realize even that destiny would probably be cursed or filled with further strife.
though he supposed that didn't matter now.
not when he was even more distant from her than when he was an amnesiac with no recollection of her apart from the same old feeling of confusing comfort and longing. it's humorous and yet painful to think about how low he'd fallen in this aspect, not even being able to face her once again. despite his older age, he was still just a boy when it came to this same ancient rush, wasn't he? it doesn't matter. she surely didn't want anything to do with him anyways, especially not after everything that he's done. he's betrayed her and everyone who was once a part of him once again, and he’s chosen to accept that painful reality ever since he vowed to stop dreaming and flung tsukiyama off that building. facades all break down eventually.
though he supposed that didn't matter now, either.
he’d be disposed of soon enough before any of this could matter at all — before hinami was to be the one to disappear from the purgatory that was life as a ghoul. there was no heaven and there was no hell; there was no afterlife. heaven was bliss and safety on earth while hell was anguish and pain.
it was selfish of him to hope touka would feel any sort of pain after all of the grief and rage he's put her through time and time again, but he hoped he'd at least be remembered by the person he felt he loved most in this lifetime — the one who hadn't thrown him aside but who had instead built a nest for him as if though her life depended on it. he can't help but wonder… he’s had everyone he's ever known and cared for snatched from his hands by the same twisted fate that led him to await his upcoming death, he doesn't know if the puddle of both coldness and warmth in his stomach is either fear or love.
he'd truly cherish any memory he had of her before he’d be killed.
he vaguely remembers telling her, years ago, that he'd be sad if she died; he just hopes she would be saddened at his death, too.
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kyanitedragon · 8 months
Touka's Apartment (Anime Version)
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uriekukistan · 7 months
how would your favourite TG characters spend their Friday night?
(btw - well done on getting your work done. I haven't touched my coursework since Tuesday 😬)
(i was unnaturally motivated this week idk why 🧎 good luck with your coursework oomfie 🫶)
on a friday night, the quinx squad is having a family board game or movie night, courtesy of haise. this is a weekly routine for them, and haise has made a bunch of homemade snacks. juuzou and hanbee are frequent guests, and sometimes akira or arima make an appearance. akira only comes if they’re doing game night and gets really competitive about it. money wagers are no longer allowed because of her.
urie, however, is a rare participant in these events. he’s usually training at this time, or he’s quietly in his room painting. when he does get dragged in, he kicks everyone’s ass in monopoly.
saiko loves family night and she loves haise’s snacks, but the highlight for her is when she can retreat to her room and play video games until the sun comes up. she only takes a break to make 4am instant ramen.
pre-ghoulified takizawa likes going to get drinks with his co-workers on friday nights and decompress. not a fan of the club, he prefers going to a chill bar so he can have conversations. get him a little too drunk and he’ll start ranting about akira and juuzou.
post-ghoulified takizawa also hangs out near the bars, but he’s looking for food. drunk people are slow and h uncoordinated, so they’re easy to take down. he makes a game out of it to distract himself from reminiscing about the good times when he was human and could hang out with his buddies instead of living in the shadows.
kaneki likes to stay in and curl up with a book and a nice warm coffee. do not ask him to go out, he is clearly busy reading takatsuki sen’s latest work.
nishiki works his ass off all week so he can have fun on friday nights. he goes out with “the boys” from college almost every friday. he tells himself he’s just keeping his human image up by doing normal human things, but he kinda secretly has fun. if he doesn’t do this, he has a night in with kimi with (much to nishiki’s chagrin) takeout and a movie.
touka is a serious student, but if there’s one thing she can’t say no to, it’s yoriko, who shows up unannounced at her apartment with a rented film and a bag full of snacks. they have movie nights, which usually ends up as an accidental sleepover. touka pretends to be annoyed when yoriko shows up, but really, she looks forward to it every week.
post-time skip touka probably spends her friday nights working, either doing inventory or deep cleaning or crunching numbers at :re. since she’s cut ties with yoriko, kaneki has disappeared, and hinami has gone to aogiri, she feels very lonely. though she won’t admit that, yomo and nishiki know this, so they also spend their friday nights in :re after it closes. sometimes they do something bro-y like, play cards, sometimes they’re more serious and exchange information. touka appreciates the company.
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pyropsychiccollector · 20 hours
How many kids Nagisa would have with his harem and how well of parents they would be?
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That's a loaded question if there ever was one. (人◕ω◕) But in the past, I've dwelled on the kids for Kaede, Rio, and Yukiko. I suppose this grants the opportunity to reflect on the other ladies. (人◕ω◕);;
Kaede/Akari - 2 kids (1 boy few years older, 1 girl)
Yukiko - 3 kids (boy and girl twins, younger sister)
Rio - 2 kids (2 girls, couple years apart)
With that out of the way, let us consider... the rest. (人◕ω◕);;
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Hinata-chan... I'd say that she would be content with just one kid. Given her impulse to argue and... hit things... sometimes people... She wouldn't want to subject her kids to sibling feuds. So Hinata has one kid... a boy. Not her ideal, but she's not about to try the proverbial gene lottery and get another boy... that'd just be worse. (人◕ω◕);; Hinata-chan is a good mother. She might have drilled gymnastics into her son from a young age, and taught him some, er... self-defense basics... But mostly that's just because she expects him to help protect young girls. She wants her boy to be the exact opposite of that womanizer Maehara. (人◕ω◕)
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Hinano-chan has four kids. (人◕ω◕);;;; Why's she on the higher end of the spectrum? Well.... That's a very good question. (人◕ω◕);; Hinano-chan's opportunistic and likes the little bundles of joy. The other wives allow her free reign because Hinano seems to have accepted four is her limit. ... For now. (人◕ω◕);;; Unlike some people (Touka) Hinano doesn't push the envelope. ... Too much. ... She's manageable, alright? She's got three daughters and one son, all around the same age (give or take a couple years), and the worst thing they picked up from Mama is how to be little moneymakers. Which is to say, they know where all the rare bugs are, and know tips and tricks for how to make a quick ryo. (人◕ω◕) What, did you think they were prostitutes? For shame. Hinano-chan is more precious than that. And so are her kiddos. (人◕ω◕)
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Rinka-chan has 1 kid. Pure and simple. (人◕ω◕) Not for lack of love for Nagisa, nah. Rinka merely... has no experience with siblings. She looks at Kaede, Rio, and Yukiko, and while it might be nice to give her son a brother or sister... She's mindful of her son's feelings. He looks at his step-siblings, sees all the chaos they get up to... And her son simply wants no part in that. He's good with keeping a watchful eye out for everyone, using the sharpshooter skills his Mama passed down to him. He's got a very good eye. 20-20 vision you might say. Just like Mama. (人◕ω◕) Rinka and Nagisa's son embodies both of their quiet, kind, helpful natures. So quiet that most of the step-siblings forget that he's there... but he is... And he's always... watching... (人◕ω◕)
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Yuzuki-chan has 3 kids. This should come as no surprise. (人◕ω◕) Why 3? 3 is a magical number. In any era of manga/anime, there is usually 3 series at the top of the heap. As an example - Naruto, One Piece, and Bleach. 3 is perfection to Yuzuki-chan. No more, no less. (人◕ω◕) All her kids are boys, and Yuzuki doesn't mind one bit. From early ages, she has nudged each boy to favor one of the "greats" of each era and relentlessly love them, to the point of being able to argue passionately for why their favorite series are the best. But Yuzuki-chan is no fool, she has taught her boys to respect that others have different tastes. (人◕ω◕) So while they are rather vocal about their preferences, they do not attack each other. ... They may playfully goad one another, but they have a synergy for manga/anime that their step-siblings would be jealous of. The other wives look at Yuzuki-chan like she's got a screw loose... But it's fine. Yuzuki-chan is fine. She has merely passed on her love for manga/anime to her handsome boys. (人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)
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Touka-chan.................... (人◕ω◕);
......................................................... (人◕ω◕);;;;;;;;;;;;
Let's not beat around the bush. Touka-chan is dangerous. (人◕ω◕);;; The other wives love her like a sister, but she is dangerous. (人◕ω◕);;;;;;; When they were in E-Class, Touka-chan's aspirations to take up Irina-sensei's seduction lessons to apply as tools for negotiation in society when they grew up.... That was all cute, and admirable, and mature...
... But they wound up falling for the same guy. (人◕ω◕);;; Kaede, Rio, Yukiko, Hinata, Hinano, Rinka, Yuzuki, Ritsu, Touka... Not a single one of them imagined things would turn out this way, but here they are. (人◕ω◕);;; All those lessons proved to backfire somewhat. ... For the other wives, that is.
Because despite warnings to cut it out, to talk Nagisa out of falling for Touka-chan's wiles... They reached a point where Touka-chan has 8 kids. (人◕ω◕);;
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Yes, 8. (人◕ω◕);;;; Touka appears to be gunning for those double digits, but for now - for now - they seem to have momentarily paused the babymaking train. ... For now. (人◕ω◕);;;
Why does Touka-chan have eight sons and daughters? ... She just wants a big family of her own. There's honestly no huge rhyme or reason. (人◕ω◕);; She looks at E-Class, at Nagisa's harem, and Touka-chan thinks of how wonderfully enormous it all is. The diversity, how every day's an adventure... Sure, there are the low days, but with enough siblings her kids won't ever feel lonely. They'll have each other's backs and the backs of their step-siblings. (人◕ω◕)
The other wives think Touka-chan is crazy, naturally. Not only for putting up with pregnancy on eight separate occasions, but because she's all too ready and willing to go even further beyond... and also because eight kids is a lot of responsibility. Even Hinano-chan can't help staring at Touka's sheer audacity. (人◕ω◕) She's got chutzpah. And she knows Nagisa's already got his hands full, so she's juggling these eight bundles of joy with chiefly her own drive and determination. Touka-chan owns a business, so you would think that she wouldn't risk having a huge family on the side, on top of their already huge collective family. ... But oh, she does. (人◕ω◕);;;; Touka-chan is greedy enough to go for it. Touka-chan even drags Mama-in-law Irina (in this AU, Nagisa was adopted by Mister Karasuma, remember) into this circus, occasionally leaving some of the younger kids with her despite Irina's often exorbitant babysitting fees. (人◕ω◕) She charges Touka because Touka was her apprentice, and she's not a doormat for the brat who's grown too big for her britches. (人◕ω◕)** But~... Irina does love E-Class even after all this time. Even if Touka knows how to get on every last nerve, Irina still loves her to bits. (人◕ω◕) That goes doubly for the little munchkins. ... Some of which are approaching puberty, which is a new nightmare all its own.
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Lastly... Ritsu-chan.... (人◕ω◕) In a world where she was an actual human, and not an AI, Ritsu would likely be content if Nagisa gave her two kids. (人◕ω◕) Because even in this world, Ritsu would be somewhat withdrawn before E-Class, reveling in her computer and hacking skills. Having one boy and one girl would be just perfect for her, to experience caring for both genders. (人◕ω◕) But we all know as cute and loveable as Ritsu-chan is, she's somewhat of a... troublemaker sometimes. (人◕ω◕);; Needless to say, Ritsu doesn't get asked a lot to watch the other kids. She's a good Mama, nothing abusive or neglectful or anything. Ritsu just... she lets kids stay up late, treats them to soda, candy, and ice cream, teaches them how to access wifi when grounded, plays pranks and encourages the children to do the same... Ritsu has a bit of a reputation. ... And a record. (人◕ω◕);; Not with the police or anything mind you - she's too smart for that. ... But with the other wives, they've definitely marked down all the things Ritsu has gotten up to over the years. And it's not exactly a short list. (人◕ω◕) Ritsu's the Fun Aunty, and that's all you should need to know. (人◕ω◕)
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animeyanderelover · 10 months
can i request characters of your choice from tokyo ghoul (+kaneki, haise and ayato if possible) with a darling whose blood is sweet and addictive like yui from DL?
Last few exams will be written next week and then I only have to wait the last weeks until my holidays. Wish me the best.
Tags: @naeho @flaming-vulpix
Tw: Yandere themes, toxic relationship, obsession, possessive behavior, delusional thoughts, stalking, sadism, isolation, paranoia, clinginess, overprotective behavior, abduction, self-harm, death
Sweet & addictive blood
Ken Kankeki
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🔲​Kaneki, who hasn't been a ghoul until the accident, already struggles with his self-control a bit yet his s/o really puts his mental composure to the test. Kaneki would never hurt his s/o, he'd die for them. So why is his mouth watering a bit whenever he catches a good whiff of their skin? That enticing smell invades his mind and fuels his greed for a taste yet as soon as he catches himself indulging in the thought of those primal desires, disgust and self-loathing burns through his entire being. He punishes himself for even thinking about you like this, although all inflicted wounds heal after a while due to his regeneration abilities. He spends hours in his room, tears in his eyes and his own blood coating his mouth and his teeth as he stares at his arms and watches the injuries slowly healing. It isn't enough, he thinks to himself. This pain isn't enough to make up for letting himself develop such vile desires for your flesh and blood.
🔲​Through all of this hatred directed against himself, there's another fear blossoming deep inside of Kaneki's soul. If he already lusts for a taste of you like this, how would it be for other ghouls? Suddenly his thoughts are overwhelmed with images of other ghouls attacking you, tearing you apart, devouring you as your agonizing screams die down and the life leaves your eyes. Such gruesome thoughts nearly make him throw up whenever they won't leave his head and twist and turn his stomach. Despite his disgust for himself, Kaneki follows you around whenever he can and every ghoul he comes across whilst following you, he attacks. His paranoia makes every ghoul see him as your future murderer so he scares them, hurts them and in the worst case kills them. His mind is spinning, his heart is aching and his body is just yearning for closeness with you until Kaneki who has already been cracking under the pressure of his own emotions crumbles apart.
🔲​Your scent soon fills his apartment wherever he goes and it is as soothing as it makes him go a bit crazy. He feels hunger for you, for just a small taste of your blood yet he always holds himself back. You're always uneasy around him as he often just stares at you and you see his entire body softly trembling. Occasionally he takes a step or two in your direction, his gaze needy before he stumbles back again and mumbles something to himself. Kaneki tries to stay away from you but it doesn't always work. You remember sometimes waking up at night to him wrapped around you, his face in your neck as he takes deep breaths and you can feel his own racing heart beat through his chest. If you should ever hurt yourself and the blood just seeps out of your wound, he completely relapses on his delicate control for a moment or two, might even taste the wound with his warm tongue.
Touka Kirishima
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🟪Touka has been having some emotions for you for a while now but she has actively tried to ignore them. She's even pushing you away from her, seems short-tempered and brash around you if you should ever try to start a conversation with her. You're confused and wonder if you've done something wrong yet really, none of this is your fault. At least not a fault you made consciously. It's just that your scent ...drives her a bit mad. Touka has never wanted this obsession with you and as if her own emotions aren't already enough to give her a headache, your very sweet blood rushing through your body complicates it all a bit. It isn't that she's about to lose control per se as she has experience in controlling her appetite but the combination of her feelings and your sweet smell seem to make it so difficult for her.
🟪She knows how most humans view ghouls so she is very bend on never letting you find out what she is because as tough as she may try to be, she fears to see her darling being afraid of her due to her being a ghoul. Yet she also knows that not all ghouls will be as careful around you as she is so Touka often starts stalking you or just simply walking you home. Honestly, her behavior contradicts itself often around you because on the one hand she avoids yet also often accompanies you but it's not like you'll get an answer out of her for this. She does all of this for protection because she is fully aware that ghouls might very well come after you for your sweet scent. No one will harm you under her watch though because even with her quiet and aloof exterior at times, she is very ready to become violent for your sake.
🟪Her secret can't remain a secret forever though and eventually she sees herself forced to tell you the truth about her biology and also reveal to you what your sweet smell does to the hunger of a ghoul. She has to swallow back her her emotions when she sees the fear blooming on your face, some of it also directed at her. This is what she expected but still... seeing it hurts. This reveal doesn't have to end in an abduction though and she makes that clear to you too. If you just do as she says and let her continue watching over you, she would be willing to let you live on with your life as you're used to it. Although she knows it'll probably never be quite the same for you again now that you know what she is and are also aware just how special and sweet your blood is for her kind.
Ayato Kirishima
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🌌Ayato would rather come up with every other excuse than the one that involves him admitting that he harbors deep inside his heart romantic attraction to a human. Your sweet and special blood is so used as his best excuse to deny his feelings and instead make it look like he's only obsessed with you due to your addictive blood. He's very straightforward in clarifying it to every other ghoul that they shouldn't dare to harm you unless they want to be attacked and murdered by him. Ayato is very straightforward with his territorial feelings and every ghoul who resides even close to you will be beaten bloody by him to the point where even their regeneration won't do much for them. He's big on just stalking you for a couple of months because he still doesn't know what to do with the mess of emotions inside of him. He knows who is to blame for it though. You.
🌌The time eventually comes where Ayato grows sick and tired of seeing you walk around and be so unaware and in good spirits whilst he is tearing himself mentally apart because of his conflicting emotions and has gone on a killing spree just to prevent any other ghoul from attacking you and devouring you. You're such an ungrateful brat. You don't deserve to be left like this, so carefree and happy with your life. He abducts you because he's spiteful and angry with you. A part of him just wants to see you suffer a bit so that he can feel better about himself and also convince himself that you're nothing more than a petty and pathetic human. You should be careful not to anger him since Ayato is very trigger-happy the first few weeks after abduction because your constant presence confronts him harshly with his true feeling for you.
🌌He's being a sadistic asshole for a while with you and hurts you on purpose to taste some of your blood, his tongue digging into your injuries as he watches you squirm with discomfort and tears in your eyes. Ayato is being careful enough to not injure you seriously but enough to make you fear him so that you will listen to him and enough to quench some of his lust for your blood. Passing time changes his heart slowly though and to his huge shame he finds himself growing a small soft spot for you. That's the last thing he wants, he doesn't want you to realize that you are a weak spot for him since he has a fear of you abusing his feelings for you for your own selfish purposes. Sometimes his love for you slips out though and instead of a harsh bite you expected from him you feel a rough kiss being placed on your skin, one that has him recoiling when he realizes what he's just done.
Nishio Nishiki
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🎓​Nishiki has some conflicted emotions regarding his obsession with you too because humans were the ones who took his older sister away from him by murdering her. He won't deny that he holds a grudge against your kind but he's more mature in handling this situation. He can't deny that your blood has him lusting for a taste of you too but he knows to wait a bit and to not act too impulsively. Most importantly is that he realizes that you might be targeted by other people of his kind thanks to your rare and sweet blood and the enticing scent you carry around with you. To prevent anyone from hurting and/or killing you to enjoy you as their next meal, he opts to worm his way into your life as quickly as possible in order to have a good eye on you all of the time and prevent anything from happening to you.
🎓​There is a deep-rooted fear of Nishio to lose you too because he has lost the most precious person to him already with the death of his sister. Even if he doesn't show it, he is a tad bit paranoid to lose you as well now that you've grown on him so much. Perhaps this is why he turns into such a controlling individual around you and has set his mind to achieving a certain level of influence over you and your life. For that he uses his charm and his intelligence to get approval from your friends and your parents to have them put trust in his words and his judgement too if you shouldn't be as obedient and follow his decisions as he would like. In his mind, you just don't know any better though. You're only a human and differently from him, you've seen nothing. Nishio thinks of himself as better suited to make decisions involving your life.
🎓​He can't help himself at times from stepping closer to you and taking a few deep sniffs of your smell. As good and experienced he may be in regards of his hunger, a few weak moments still happen from time to time. He keeps everything a secret from you as long as he can though, including why he always has to accompany you and why you aren't allowed to walk around alone at night. When the time comes for you to find out though, Nishiki actually uses it as a way to blackmail and manipulate you further. If it wouldn't have been for him, you would have been attacked multiple times already by a ghoul. The only reason why you're still alive today is because he protected you and fought for you against other ghouls who planned to ambush you. Don't you understand him? You need him.
Shuu Tsukiyama
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🍷​Tsukiyama is a self-proclaimed gourmet in the world of ghouls and one who wouldn't even shy away from cannibalism if it would present him with a new and unique flavor to explore and present to other ghouls. So when he one day just walks through the city and you just happen to pass him on the street, leaving a trail of your sweet scent behind you, he knows that he has found his next attraction, his next meal for him to taste and gush about. He doesn't just abduct you instantly though as he thinks of such a sudden act as bland, tasteless and beneath him. Instead it almost appears as if this young man is courting you at first with sweet words and lots of presents whilst simultanously having to swallow back his saliva by constantly being surrounded by your excellent and mouth-watering aroma.
🍷​His obsession for your mere blood deepens during this time where the unknown eye just assumes that this flamboyant young man is just courting you. Your company is genuinely enjoyable and he soon starts thinking about you as more than just the next fantastic meal for him to discover and present to others. Your personality is adorable and sweet and he genuinely enjoys teasing you and making you a tad bit uncomfortable. This triggers the abduction though because Shuu is ridiculously jealous and possessive over you all of a sudden and even with romantic feelings now involved, Shuu is still a sadist. In one moment he can be sweet, clingy and doting and in the next moment he pins you down with a creepy grin on his face as he rips your shirt away from your body, sniffing your bare skin and letting his tongue glide across you before letting his teeth sink into your flesh, enjoying his taste of your sweet blood that he won't share with anyone else.
🍷​By the time his father finds out about you and the way his son has treated you, your already covered in bite marks and scared for your life. Needless to say, you're rescued from Shuu and taken care of by the Tsukiyama household with Shuu strictly forbidden to see you. The man throws the biggest scene ever as he throws a temper tantrum, begs his father to let him see you again only to start crying when his father tells him harshly off and refuses to let his son see you until he has learnt how to treat the person he claims to love. Mirumo is utterly disappointed with the way his son has treated you, apologizes to you and promises you to never let such terrible things happen to you again. Shuu is kept for as long away from you until his father deems him to have learned his lesson, although even then Mirumo still is in the same room as you when Shuu can finally visit you again.
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🎭You've stumbled by sheer chance into his store but find yourself staying for a while longer since you've never seen someone like Uta before. Uta, upon first meeting you, seems to realize that you are quite special too. He can tell as much from your scent that even makes his mouth water a bit but he hides it very well as he just starts chatting with you about random stuff now that you're here anyways. Initially he doesn't seem to care much for you, seems only interested to see how long you can manage to stay alive with that sweet blood of yours. As time piles on though and you continue to visit his shop since you find the owner of it so unique though, he has a chance of heart as he decides that you're too special to be killed. It would be a pity if he would lose his little muse because some ghouls couldn't control themselves now, wouldn't it?
🎭Uta is a bit more lazy so he wouldn't want to go on a killing spree or stalk you everyday if he can take other meassurements to ensure that no other ghoul touches. His occupation as a ghoul who crafts masks for a lot of ghouls is a small help as he always finds out about rumors and current events through his customers by sparking some conversation with them. If one of his customers happens to mention a human with very sweet blood, Uta automatically knows who he has to target if it should come down to it. All of his laziness aside though, Uta can be exceptionally cruel and sadistic if he should ever come to the point where he has to get rid of a threat. He takes your protection very serious so he would be damned if he would let someone else ever dare to touch you and take you away from him.
🎭You've grown accustomed to Uta's very quirky sides. He is just very weird so at one point you stop protesting when he sometimes leans closer to you and starts sniffing you like some sort of dog. Uta keeps his identity initially a secret from you too but eventually he just decides to tell you about what he is. Trying to escape is useless, he's locked the door up so you have nowhere to run. No reason to be so skittish though, he doesn't plan to kill you. He'd just like you to be his, his sweet muse. If you do as he says, he'd even let you leave again. If you tell anyone though or try to run away, he will come for you and he will find you. Uta is quite chill most of the time but he has his short sadistic moments where he just decides that a small taste won't hurt and so you can only sob silently as teeth cut through your skin to taste your blood only to have him afterwards hush and comfort you through your pain.
Haise Sasaki
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🔳​Sasaki is more responsible and mature although also painfully good-willed to the point where he might appear as a tad bit naive. He isn't aware who he used to be in his past though so perhaps that's why he can be the way he is. He works to protect people against ghouls so his darling falls into the category of people he has sworn to protect. Yet something about their scent is quite enticing and sweet even for him but he would never admit that. He knows that it would sound very creepy to others and he himself recoils out of shame and embarrassment whenever he gets a bit too lost in the scent of yours. Instead he hides all of his thoughts and just acts around you like he acts around everyone else. A bit more reserved but still very polite. Maybe just a tad bit kinder to make up for thinking about you in such unsettling ways, even if you don't know about that.
🔳​Perhaps his willingness to be nicer around you to make himself feel better about his thoughts regarding your scent are what really starts his obsession as he spends more time with you. Partially to still do everything to make himself feel less guilty and partially because he is capable of realizing that every other ghoul would come after you for your sweet blood. Because he spends such an abundance of time with you, he really starts getting to know you and even starts developing feelings for you. You're kind and adorable and some part of him just wants to protect you from this cruel world that will rip you away from him and- He doesn't even know where those dark and intrusive thoughts come from but he knows that he has to push his growing feelings away as such creepy ideas start infiltrating your mind and he finds himself sometimes thinking of just locking you away and shielding you from all evil in this world.
🔳​He knows that he already spends a lot of time with you but somehow this doesn't seem to be enough. He wants to be even more with you but in order to not be seen as too clingy, he starts stalking you. It is embarrassing and shameful but he really can't help himself. He just has to protect you and a small voice in his head always reminds him that something could happen to you whilst he is gone and fuels his paranoia a bit. When you hug him, a part of him really just wants to hold you and never let you go so that he can get lost in your sweet aroma but he holds himself back from doing so, although his body starts slightly trembling as this takes a lot of his self-control. He does his best to hold himself back as good as he can but it's undeniable that some part inside of him, someone else inside of him, just wants to lock you away, keep you and murder everyone who would dare to touch a single strand on your head the wrong way.
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javaghoul · 9 months
something the anime does better than the manga is touka living upstairs in anteiku.
It never made sense to me how she could get her own apartment: both parents are dead so nobody to sign the lease, and I doubt they're living in their original home that they were chased out of by investigators.
So how'd she get the apartment in the manga? Yoshimura? Yomo? I highly doubt it was Yomo.
Anyway, the anime makes more sense in this regard and that's all I have to say.
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I hadn't seen past the 1st season of Magia Record: PMMM Side Story until 2 days ago. I played Magia Record a shitload back before it got pulled from NA (guess who my favorite character was). I also started to watch the show with a very close friend, but while waiting for season 2 we grew apart and although I still see him it's only once every two years. It looks like it'll be a long time before I see him again, if I ever do at all. To comfort myself I decided to start marathoning the show, and I'm on S3 E3. And holy shit everything is so fucked. I have to quit watching now because it's late and tomorrow is the start of my work week, but just got a lot of big revelations and Touka and Nemu are definitely waaay worse than I originally thought, and Mifuyu and Momoko pulling that power play at the end was super unexpected and sad. Continuing on with episode 3 tomorrow night, and honestly I have no idea what to expect, but I still can't wait to see how this all plays out.
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