#touken frozen au
elusiveangel-fic · 11 months
I’m just going to go ahead and plan a whole Tokyo ghoul fairytale au series in my head. Whether I write it or not is up to fate like the rest of my creations
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syneilesis · 1 year
Unfinished Synfic #3
Touken Ranbu | Mikazuki Munechika x Saniwa!Reader, canon AU
Notes: Jiji my love, the raison I got into tourabu. I've always wanted to write for him. Basically this is what if the past isn't what is truly recorded in historical texts? I want to finish this, so my Kashuu fic has a companion lol
A botched mission forces them to retreat and return to the present time.
All of them injured, clutching their torso and limbs to prevent further bleeding, they watch as the last light fades into the familiar halls of the citadel, a biting blue under the cold midnight.
It’s the first time they’ve failed a mission. First time, and under Mikazuki’s command. It’s a double blow for him, who has campaigned far too many times in the past years and not once has his unit, led by him, returned defeated. The blood that’s dripping down his arm makes the painful humiliation too overwhelming for him.
It doesn’t help that once they’ve returned, you come running towards them, brows etched as though you’ve had your world upended, abruptly woken in the middle of the night, rushing to the hall in disarray that you’ve forgot to change into more decent clothing. The robe that you must’ve haphazardly shrugged on billows behind you, unable to cover your loose shirt and shorts. Your legs gleam under the moonlight.
“Everyone,” you cry, face crumpled, Hasebe on your tail.
“What happened?” Hasebe asks, looking at them one by one, assessing the damages.
“It’s chaos,” Shokudaikiri answers. He shifts to accommodate Ichigo better on his shoulders. “We didn’t realize that things were already too different until it was too late.”
And that is what grates Mikazuki the most: he wasn’t able to see. A leader knows the situation before charging in. Failing that, rely on your experience. And Mikazuki, if nothing else, takes pride in his long and rich experience. But the disparate details between what they know as history and the reality they dove into had been too much that it sideswept them, rendering them immobile. This isn’t like the previous gaffes that could be solved by brilliant improvisation. This is an anomaly, a glaring black streak against a series of neutral lines. Even worse: Mikazuki hates how the conclusion that might reveal itself before you would send you further down to despair.
“I have asked Kogarasumaru to take over your mission. We’ll talk about this tomorrow,” you say, but quickly catch yourself: “Later today, I mean. But first, I need you all to recover. Hasebe, please assist them.”
“Of course, Master.”
You cast them a look full of concern before nodding, and then turn to leave. The flash of something dark on your eyes compels Mikazuki to give voice to – regardless of the audience – the thoughts flooding his mind:
“And I need you to stop beating yourself over us. You have to rest before we talk.”
You halt on your tracks, and the halls seem to stop breathing. Despite their injuries the rest of the unit – Shokudaikiri, Ichigo, Shishiou, and Hotarumaru – and even Hasebe await with bated breaths over your reaction. Mikazuki watches your still form, frozen like a framed portrait.
You don’t turn back, but your head tilts, your moonlit profile cut across the grey blur of the background.
“Your health is a much more pressing matter than mine. Please get well soon.”
And the issue is dismissed like the wave of a hand.
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foretnoires · 1 year
touken drabble | the last promise kept in my heart [TG week: Day 4]
warning: lowercase
note: celebrities!au (to have a better understanding of the story’s context, please read this), english is not my first language, i’m trying my best, enjoy 🤗
p/s: for day 4 of @weektg the theme was alternative universe and i can’t believe i came up with something like this after watching several kpop contents recently 👾 welp this time i didn’t let the characters have a happy ending but rather an opening (?) or a sad (?) ending because i wanted to try something new but i created a mess instead 💀 so basically i wrote this drabble based on what was written in the link in the note (which were facts also), because i’m bad at explaining things 🐒
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❝ please live well as you promised me, touka. ❞
touka pulled the curtains, the morning light shining directly into her eyes, she quickly pulled back, cursing out of anger.
“damn it.”
stepping out of bed, touka walked slowly to the bathroom to clean herself, and then began her tiring day in the apartment alone. touka usually changed her clothes and went to kaneki’s apartment and asked him to eat out every morning. but not today. she got into a dating rumor with shuu tsukiyama, aish, she couldn’t understand why the paparazzis had to make up those bullshit rumors.
she opened her phone, scrolled through a few articles about her, somehow she liked reading those so much, even though what they said about her weren’t true. ayato once told her that when being too tired of rumors like this, absolutely don't read anything, and now she was reading them again and again, literally.
touka turned on the tv to see what was going on, switched from channels to channels, nothing, boringly tossed the remote over the sofa, she went to the kitchen to boil some eggs to avoid hunger.
her old cell phone vibrated on the wooden table, touka looked boredly at the screen. well, it's the manager.
“yes, manager?”
"touka? what's with that article?"
“i don’t know.”
"get dressed and go to the agency, the director needs to see you."
touka sighed, her face was devoid of any emotion. she stepped heavily on the floor, put on a simple outfit, a black hat and a mask.
she was right. the paparazzis surrounded the agency like a swarm of flies. hundreds of camera lens pointed straight towards her, the lights kept flashing. touka quickly entered the building, disappeared.
they got angry and quietly left.
"touka! what is this?" the director took the newspaper with touka and shuu’s dating news on the front page and slammed it on the table, shouting loudly at her.
"i don't know anything, tsukiyama and i never talked to each other!" touka hid her bored expression, receiving a glance from the manager, a glance that was not very friendly.
“you should remember, touka. even though your dating ban will soon be lifted, it will still affect you a lot!" the president rubbed his temples, wearily sat down on the chair, turning his back to touka.
"i'm just saying, the dating news is fake! there is no convincing evidence for me, i’ll take my leave."
touka coldly stood up and went out slamming the door.
she's really tired, wishing she had someone beside her to comfort her, how good it was. it could warm her long frozen heart.
walking slowly down the corporate corridor, step by step, she felt depressed again. she had known kaneki for 2 years, no one knew about this, except her younger brother. both of them rarely went out on dates, just sometimes seeing each other briefly backstage.
she stopped and turned her back. it's kaneki.
“kaneki.” he walked to her, then gently hugged her.
"it’s tiring right? i don't believe that rumor, because you and i are dating." kaneki said while stroking touka's hair, making her suddenly feel strangely warm. her heart that was frozen for a long time was now warmed.
"you can hug me at my house, if the manager sees us here, we’ll be dead for sure." touka pinched kaneki's cheeks.
the two of them quickly went to the parking lot, then drove back to touka’s apartment. she got out of the car first to see if there were any cameras. she should have brought ayato along from the start.
the two went inside, touka let out a long sigh, lying down on the sofa in the living room. ever since he met touka, her apartment seemed to be the place that kaneki hung out most often.
so was touka, always hung out at kaneki’s apartment.
“do you want to eat something? i’ll cook.”
“yeah. you know i still haven’t had my breakfast.”
touka was lying in the living room, smiling at kaneki. kaneki couldn’t help but smiling as well, thank god for giving him and her a chance to meet, so the two of them could go as far as they were now.
he wished everything would stay as it was now, so calm and peaceful.
kaneki stayed at touka’s house until night, then he had to go home because his manager was also going to check on him. sending kaneki to the door, he kissed touka on the forehead, then waved goodbye to her. she smiled and waved back.
what will be, will be. 
"touka, touka, wake up!" ayato ran from the living room into touka's bedroom, constantly calling her to wake up.
she opened her eyes and looked at ayato.
“what’s going on?”
“the things between you and kaneki are now exposed.”
touka jumped up from the bed, eyes widening at ayato. she panicked and went to the bathroom to change her clothes quickly because she would be called along with kaneki sooner or later.
“be careful. do you want me to come with you?” ayato standing at the door nervously.
"just stay at home. i’ll go with the manager."
touka quickly left the house, slammed the door, and got into her manager's car. he looked scary.
"touka, get in the car." the manager frowned.
she quietly got into the car, next to her, there was another person, it was kaneki.
"kaneki, touka. why are you hiding from us?" the manager asked while driving the car.
“well...” touka hesitated.
“touka, let me do this...” kaneki took a deep breath. “we've known each other for 2 years, only ayato knows this."
"two years? which means when both of you started your career?" loud was the manager.
she closed her eyes, this was exhausting.
"how long have you two known each other?" the director once again called touka, this time with kaneki also.
“2 years...” both said in unison.
"so you've known each other since both of your dating ban hasn't ended yet?"
“ugh... my head...” the director complained. "all secretaries and managers, contact the journalists, confirm the news... and you two, i’m not finished yet, especially you, touka.” the director glared at touka and turned his face away.
"let's go home, let's see how everyone reacts."
“goodbye sir.”
the two bowed and walked out of the room together. kaneki saw touka looking very tired and asked her.
“touka, are you okay?”
“i’m fine.”
“you’re back. how was everything?” ayato stood at the door and contemplatively asked.
“looks fine. but the president seems to be very angry when he found that kaneki and i dated when the dating ban hasn't ended. i'm afraid the president will ask me to break up.." she said, sighing and entering the room.
comment #1: are you kidding me? just quit acting already. she dared having a relationship with my kaneki while dating shuu tsukiyama at the same time?
comment #2: such a bad person!
comment #3: cancel her!
comment #4: i found them a perfect match, wish them all the happiness!
touka sighed, tossed the phone away, tiredly closed her eyes. she knew that this was bound to happen, and it would never be peaceful.
“manager? is there anything?”
“the president requests you and kaneki to see each other.”
“what’s going on?”
“okay, bye.”
she turned off the phone, confusedly staring at the tiny screen of her phone. seeing kaneki? what for.
“ah, kaneki?”
“what, touka?”
“can i see you?”
“see... see me?”
“yeah, my manager said so. you can come to my house.”
from a distance, he saw a familiar figure standing at the door. touka gently walked over and hugged kaneki from behind.
“can i hug you for a while?”
kaneki said nothing, let touka wrap her arms around him. kaneki already knew that touka would meet him, mentally prepared.
kaneki removed touka's hands, then he turned around, looking her straight in the eyes.
“can we... stop doing this? i know this is going to be difficult for you. but things have come to this, i'm afraid, you will be affected.”
touka held kaneki's hands.
"why? why do we have to be celebrities? otherwise now you and i-"
kaneki didn't let touka finish, he kissed her, a kiss instead of words of comfort, the last kiss ending a beautiful love story of the couple.
"touka kirishima, listen to me. in the future, live well. become a famous actress, i will be very proud of you. promise me, don't suffer because of me."
"yes, i promise." touka's eyes shed tears as she looked at kaneki. “kaneki, i love you.”
"yeah, i love you too."
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auronevardell · 1 year
Fanfic Update 1/31
It’s a little cold down here.  With frozen rain and sleet covering the roads, I am home for a couple of days this week instead of at work. Hopefully I can get a bit of writing done.  Below the break is my current WIPs if you are interested.  I write for many fandoms (part of the WIP problem).  If you enjoy my fics, consider buying me a Kofi or just sharing this post would be much appreciated.  Thank you and have a great week!
Yuri on Ice Fics
Heroes on Ice– (crossover with Tiger and Bunny) (a/b/o fic)(many ships)
New Roses Have Thorns (soulmate AU )(Emimike)
For You Could Belong to Us (a/b/o) (Chris/Victor/Yuuri)
Unholy Dreams–(crossover with Seraph of the End)(Supernatural AU/Soulmate AU)(many ships)
The Reluctant Vampire—(vampire au)(Emimike)
For You Would Belong to Me (a/b/o)(Emimike)
6 Swans (Fairytale AU)(Victurri)
Sitting on Top of the World (Surfer AU)(Emimike)
Golden Flowers (Soulmate AU)(Phichit/Chris)
Caught by You (a/b/o and Soulmate AU)(Victurri, Otayuri and Emimike)
Unexpected (a/b/o)(Emimike)
Wrecked (a/b/o)(Emimike)--writing
At the Market (Emimike)(Continuation of Stormbringer)(Chapter 2 in editing phase)
Don’t Want to Be a Memory (Emimike)(a/b/o shapeshifter AU)
Cup of Silence (Emimike)(Soulmate AU)
Voltron Fics
Meeting of Fire and Ice- (Fantasy/Mage/Familiar soulmate AU)(Klance and background Adashi) 
Fateful Summons (Demon AU)(Klance)
Red Lions (Soulmate AU)(Klance)
Dragon Dreams (Supernatural AU/Soulmate AU)(Klance and Adashi)
Touken Ranbu
Wanton Frolic of Swords– (soulmate au)(many ships)
SK8 Infinity
Fly to You (matchablossom modern a/b/o)(currently writing chapter 2)
SK 8 Drabbles (will be posting new drabbles all year)
Twisted Wonderland
Hunting Season (Deuce/Ace)(Soulmate AU)
My Boyfriend’s Back (Jack/Epel)(PWP one shot)(editing phase)
Untamed/Demonic Cultivation
Run Daze (Wei Wuxian/Lan Wangi)(Soulmate AU)
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seraphine16 · 6 years
Okay. Where do I begin?
When I first saw the summary of this fic last year around May, in my mind was, ‘What a dark fic. Seems very dark and deep, and a lot of characters. Nah, I’m not reading it.’ But then because Hamliet updated her fics very frequently, this fic was always on the first page of Touken fic list. So one night (because most of us read fanfics at night time or 3am and ended up not sleeping the whole night because of it) I gave it a chance and it caught my interest. I wanted to know how fucked up they are, how good these RAs in handling these fucked up kids, and how everything will turn out alright in the end.
But what intrigued me the most was the AU set up. There’s not much AUs in TG fandom, and this AU settings, along with the canon materials that Hamliet included in, and how most of the characterizations fits them really well, was what made this fic attractive. You’ll sympathize with Kaneki all the time even until almost the end because that’s just who Kaneki is – even in the manga. There were a lot of funny scenes that left me laughing and giggling, and there were some suspense scenes that made me blurted “Oh my God!” in a train (because I read this fic in the train to office lol), and when something happened to Juuzou I was at the end of the escalator and just stopped moving, completely frozen (luckily there wasn’t anyone behind me or else they’ll bump into me because it’s a freaking escalator). She made me cried too during the Kirishima family reunion scene. Sobs. That was beautiful. I loved how deep I was in reading this fic that I didn’t care about my surroundings hahaha XP
As a fan of Les Miserables, the addition of the narration and comparison was greatly done! Really, really, really love the final chapter where the play happened and each one of them had their own interpretation and how they are accepting themselves into this world. This fic is deep, really, and it taught me that we are all loved, we have meaning to someone and we don’t have to try hard just to feel loved. It’s almost as deep as Fullmetal Alchemist so I’m really grateful for the opportunity to read this fic. I’m sorry for taking a break reading it but hey, better late than never.
Also, this fic is a huge bonus if you ship a lot of pairings in TG. Heck, most of my OTPs are included and it’s just so lovely, you know? It’s like reading multiple fics all in one fic, and they are all related together, working together to save Kaneki (and other characters of course). As a big Touken fan I was very particular in details of each moment they had, and I love how subtle and also not so subtle she made those scenes. (it’s even more subtle in Hang The Moon and I still love it). Their subtle body contact, their frequent texting, and when he asked her to dance with him – gosh. Every moment was lovely! When they kissed I was sooo happy but so sad at the same time because Kaneki was leaving. It was unfair. Why did you hurt us readers? T.T
I do feel bad for Hide because Kaneki basically kinda pushed him away, well that’s what happened in the manga anyways and I love this fic more for being loyal to it but at the end when Kaneki came to save Hide I’m just T____T
And I LOVE how everyone was SO shocked that Arieto are holding hands or even standing near each other. It’s so funny because no one would expect that. Heck, even us in fandom weren’t expecting that they were working together in the manga and it was great to see it here. Nishikimi was the first established pairing and it was also that way in the manga and I really love Nishiki’s character here. Mutsurie was lovely too, very accepting and the same goes to Tsukikana. Seidou and Kurona (dunno what the ship name is) seem really mature in this fic and because of that I love their relationship even more. Ayahina was cute (LOL when they got caught XD) and Akiramon was just beautiful especially whenever they were confronting Mado. (When Mado bawled during Akira’s play, LOL I CAN’T XD)
I really love this fic. The AU setting, the multiple OTPs, the canon materials insertion, and the great writing- of course. I’m not so picky when it comes to grammar because mine is bad, but this fic would be less enjoyable to me if it had a lot of grammar errors. But nope. It doesn’t. In addition, the writing was very good and I had a lot of favourite lines when I read it. The smut part was lovely, and the way Hamliet wrote those scenes just made your heart flutters and empathized with their insecurities. The ability to include so many characters yet you didn’t feel overwhelmed because they’re all related with each other and it wasn’t confusing because you know who they are if you read the manga. It must have been hard to include all of them but she managed to nail it, kudos to her!
So @hamliet, THANK YOU SO MUCH for writing and sharing this. I had a lot of fun and I’m really looking forward to reading your next TG fic. And thank you for being my inspiration – I wouldn’t have written Regina if it weren’t because of this fic, and because of that, I’m really thankful and this fic will always hold a special place in my heart. And you’re a very kind person as well. You have a great writing skill and a great personality. Thank you once again ♥
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soutasnotebook · 7 years
Can you do a touken AU/scenario based on the vocaloid music "feathers across the seasons"? I really love your writing!
Aw thank you! And thank you for introducing me to the song - I’m now a proper crying mess.
“It’s so peaceful outside.” Kaneki watches the snowflakes drift to the frozen earth. 
Touka pulls him closer to their crackling fire. “This evening reminds me of the day we met.”
Kaneki blushes. “I remember.”
Do you have room? A beautiful woman with ukaku wings appears before him. CCG is hunting me.
So he lets her in, and since then she’s never left his side.  
They snuggle together for warmth that night, and Kaneki thinks himself the luckiest man in the world. 
Touka awakens to the first signs of spring.
“The birds sound like you. So beautiful.” Kaneki murmurs, pulling her closer.
Touka kisses him. He’s radiant in the morning light.
In the heat of summer,  Touka toils in the vegetable garden they planted. They can’t eat what they grow, but someone can, and Touka likes that. And growing something happy warms her heart.
A crash from behind her catches her attention. “Kaneki?”
As autumn comes, Kaneki has not improved.
“He’s aging at a frightening pace,” says their friend Nishiki. 
Touka shakes her head. “Don’t worry - Kaneki. I’ll save you.”
She sells vegetable after vegetable and pounds ukaku shards into jewelry. She will find a way into CCG, to save Kaneki.
Kaneki pulls himself upright. “Touka, your hands…they’re so beautiful.”
“Would you love them if they weren’t beautiful anymore?” Touka asks. All she wants is to hear and hold his unconditional love. 
“Of course.” Kaneki holds her hands in his, but he’s soon racked by a cough.
Touka comes home one day, one day when she almost has enough to bribe a CCG doctor, to see Nishiki standing at her door.
“Where’s Kaneki?”
Touka sobs by an empty gravesite. CCG had already taken the body by the time she arrived, but she’s constructed a memorial nonetheless.
“If, one day, I was no longer mistakable for a human, would you still love me?” she asks, dropping an ukaku shard into the moist earth.
“Of course I will. I will always…remember that snowy day.”
Touka turns around with a gasp to see a dragon standing behind her.
“Even now, I still love you.” 
She breaks into happy tears. “And I love you.”
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todokori-kun · 7 years
(Ugh, sorry for this late reply! OTL I’ve been busy and whenever I sat down to try and write this message it would be bedtime before I’d even gotten halfway through)
If we want him to be happy the best, most plausible and canon-compliant choice is Saiko…yet Ishida’s been ignoring her ever since she told Urie she loves him ;-; #IshidaY
Correction: Ishida (like Shuu and Uta) is a picky eater. He’ll only eat human flesh that’s been steadily stewing in misery for at least a year, and the bitterest, saltiest tears are all he ever drinks.
Ishida’s eating habits being similar to Uta’s makes sense though, since he actually said he gave Uta some of his hobbies lol
Just stop hurting us, please…Ishida needs to redeem himself with Hide’s return as quickly as possible. Either that or something bad needs to happen to Furuta (if Rize somehow breaks free and eats him I’m sure at least half of the fandom would realize that they can, in fact, be satisfied).
Hmm, I was fine with Re up until this arc. Touken feels forced, shippy fluff and Mutsuki drama is getting in the way of the ACTUAL plot (even with all his trolling skills, Ishida cannot convince me that sex scenes and love triangles/squares are more important than how the Q squad is dealing with their trauma from the last battle, what Juuzou, Urie and other investigators are going to do now that they suspect Furuta is lying, how the rest of Goat is doing, what Uta and the Clowns are up to, and Furuta finding a way to, oh, I don’t know, BRING BACK THE FREAKING DEAD). It’s like Ishida has a really interesting plot in there somewhere, but he’s buried it beneath the pointless, badly timed romance.
As for Mutsuki, I used to be a bit 'meh' about them (I used to like them, and then I didn’t mind their backstory/the treatment they got at Torso’s hands simply because I got spoiled and knew it was coming from the very beginning, plus the parellels with Kaneki had me thinking they’d get a similar interesting development) but I’m starting to become more and more indifferent towards them because they just feel really flat now- a basic murder-bot, a copy of characters like Yuno Gasai. Maybe I’d sympathize with them more if their love for Sasaki/Kaneki felt a bit more genuine, but as it is, it seems lacking. It feels like we’re viewing Mutsuki from an outsider’s POV; not much about their actual feelings or thought process about the entire situation, just a bunch of crazy, yandere moments with a few
That AU…make it canon, Ishida. (jk, but seriously). I’m one of those people who won’t complain no matter how much the creators pile on the angst as long as it’s plausible angst (I’m afraid I’m a bit of a masochist when it comes to fandoms…) but I like to think of my favorite characters being happy for once ;-;
 0/////0 TYSM ;-; You’re so supportive and sweet and just asdfj;lk (it’s not easy to reduce me to keyboard-smashing but I have a lot of feelings right now) <333 I’m still scared because there are two ways this could go (either I somehow get over my fear and do ok, which would probably be really good for the anxiety, or I just freeze the second I step onto the stage…which would probably make things worse) HOWEVER, for Queen Luna I shall do my best !!!! <33333 :D
But wait a sec…‘King’…
Plot Twist: I am the real One-eyed King
‘Urie & Tumblr(Evans): A short story’
-Urie pretends not know what tumblr is
-Only he totally does
-It’s an addictive hole of darkness
-And Luna spends way too much time on it for his liking
-Ok, so it’s not tumblr he’s worried about, really
-It’s this guy called Evans that Luna keeps talking to
-And no, he did not just assume this person’s gender, he (ACCIDENTALLY) saw one of Luna’s messages to them calling them a ‘king’
-She never calls HIM stuff like that there’s only that stupid nickname ‘Oreo Cookie’
-N O
-That’s for the common folk like Sasaki
-Look, he’s just worried about his s/o ok
-Then one day he brings it up
-'The 'King’ thing was an inside joke of sorts’
-'Evans is a heterosexual female’
-R.I.P Urie, who must now admit that he was indeed jealous
(super awkward crack that suddenly popped into my head
And aww, I’m really so glad you enjoy the HCs ^^)
Me + a person with Shuu’s personality would be pretty hilarious if we managed to get along well. Since at first sight, I appear like this really quite and polite person who’s way too nice for their own good (sort of like an even more introverted and awkward version of Kuroneki), but with people I’m really close with I suddenly turn into Haise with all of his cringe-worthy moments- plus a little bit of dry humor and sarcasm.
Haven’t got the chance to listen to all of those yet but what little I’ve heard sounds lovely! The first three and Soldier Game are my favorites, I think :)
Give it a few weeks and I’ll probably be joining you in Idol hell…
Loki’s hair is actually as long/maybe longer than Thor’s in later movies tho XD but I’m glad Thor’s getting some love! A lot of fans just characterize him as this big blonde idiot who has no clue what he’s doing, when in fact he’s grown quite a bit since the first Thor movie, where he was a reckless, hot-blooded, proud and arrogant person who really did have no clue what he was doing…sort of like musical-verse Hamilton minus his book smart nature and power of speech (isn’t that a terrifying thought?). Never knowing when to shut up and back down, which is coincidentally one of the things that damaged his relationship with Loki- who is his opposite in almost everything.
Without spoiling too much, let’s just say:
Thor is the extrovert, Loki is the introvert. Thor relies mostly on his raw physical power to get the job done (though he’s much more diplomatic now than he was in his first movie), Loki’s power lies in his words (he IS the god of lies after all) and his cunning. Thor can sometimes be a bit thick about the emotions of those around him, Loki reads people like open books and manipulates them like puppets on a string. No matter how much Thor grows up he’ll still have a bit of his old hot-tempered, non-stop personality, while Loki usually prefers to wait for it until he’s sure of the situation.
Unfortunately, Asgard (Thor and Loki’s 'home’- though Loki doesn’t consider Asgard his home anymore) values courageous warriors over quiet scholars and sorcerers like Loki. They praise honesty and boldness; Loki’s lies and illusions make them uneasy and they see him as a coward.
Despite being a prince, Loki has spent almost his whole life being identified as simply 'Thor’s brother’. People tolerate him because he’s a prince and Thor’s Brother, 'friends’ hang out with him because he’s Thor’s Brother, few openly show that they dislike him becuase he’s Thor’s Brother. Heck, when he lands on earth during the first Avengers movie, humans immediately identify him as none other than Thor’s Brother. He’s spent his entire life in Thor’s shadow.
It’s a very Burr-Hamilton relationship, and you can’t really blame Loki for wanting to be in the room where it happens.
(Also, the daddy issues.
I mean, look at what Odin and Laufey did
(SPOILERS for first Thor movie)
What Laufey (king of the frost giants) did:
1: Abandoned Loki because he was a 'runt’
2: Didn’t just abandon him; left him outside in the freezing cold in the middle of a freaking battlefield
What Odin did:
1: He rescued Loki when Laufey abandoned him because he felt sorry for the child…and also because he was planning use him as a pawn to someday make peace with the frost giants.
2: was planning to never, ever have a decent, reasonable 'you’re adopted, but you’re just as much my child as Thor is’ conversation with Loki
3: 'Yes, frost giants are terrible, bloodthirsty creatures, they are completely irredeemable’
4: some years later- 'Am I…? 'Yes, you are also a frost giant’
5: it’s heavily implied that he, like most others, always paid more attention to Thor than Loki
6: 'FATHER! I could have done it! For you…!’ 'No, Loki.’ *lets his adoptive son FALL INTO AN ABYSS IN SPACE. Like, he literally just stands there, watching Loki let go and fall to his death (well, not actually death, but that’s what it looks like)*
6: 'Both of you were born to be kings’
Later: 'All this because Loki desires a throne…YOUR BIRTHRIGHT WAS TO DIE! As a child, cast out on a frozen rock. If I had not taken you in, perhaps you would not be here now to hate me.’
I don’t hate Odin as much as the rest of the fandom seems to, and I do think he had reasons for doing what he did, but the fact still stands that he can be a massive hypocrite (tells Loki that he can’t try to take over the earth because they are no different from humans in the end, then tells Thor he shouldn’t date a human woman and calls her a 'goat’) and the things he did to Loki were just cruel.
Also, Thor, though he never wanted to hurt Loki, didn’t help. From what little we got to see in the Thor movies, it seems he also thought Loki was a bit weird for his quiet nature and interest in books and magic, usually refused to listen to anything he had to say, and just took his presence for granted most of the time so that he never realized how much Loki mattered to him until he lost him.)
Ok, so I’m trying to start the fic and I’m narrowing it down to Urie, Ken, and Shuu. I mean, the obvious choice is Urie since it seems like he’s one of your faves, but Heathers is a bit of a…graphic…story and while I’ve thrown in a bit of extra fluff IT WILL NOT BE A HAPPY FIC. So. Maybe you don’t want to see your favorite character hurt that way…
Also, because it’s HEATHERS, the story that’s set in a normal high school with absolutely no sci-fi or fantasy yet manages to be almost as dark as Black Butler, I guess I should put some warnings…
Slight yandere-ish behavior, murder, bullying, very vague mentions of self-harm and suicide (nobody actually does it or did it though), implied child abuse, sort-of-smut(scene cuts off right before anything smutty actually happens), and a ton of angst
(hint: it’s probably angstier than that thing I wrote about Viktor in a TG AU)
Is this ok with you?
Last note: Heathers and DEH both have a lot of dialogue to fill up the spaces between songs so you might want to either read the plots on wikipedia or talk with me every one or two songs so I can help explain what’s going on ^^
No worries ^^ I was a bit worried though, since I though you interpreted my ‘no new fandoms until the weekend!’ as ‘no messages until the weekend’
About the new chapter (127), has there been another time skip? Also, Shuu’s back! I’m sure you’re happy to see your hubby again (・ω<)☆ And I’m so proud of Naki ;-; My boy’s finally speaking properly.
#bringSaikoback  #becauseHe’sEvilThat’sY
Wait, she confessed her love? Man, I’ve forgotten a lot of things…
Yeah, that seems about right… What a gourmet.
Mask making, then? or eating eyeballs, that also wouldn’t be so weird. 
I want Hide to come back to life and become the next Jesus or something, saving absolutely everyone, because why not? I mean, he’s Hide after all.  Rize eating Furuta would be enough to get me to read the manga again (I already am, tho, at least somewhat. It’s your fault)
Maybe Ishida’s trying to redeem himself by giving us all the lovey-dovey stuff? It’s a shitty redemption attempt, but still…  and bringing back the dead certainly is an interesting way to advance the plot. hopefully it turns out to be a good one as well. hopefully.
i understand how/why mutsuki would fall for sasaki, but it was done in a very bad time and generally doesn’t fit with anything. id be a lot happier if they went murder crazy, but without the whole sasaki obsession. just let the guy be happy for fucks sake
You’re definitely a masochist. I mean, anyone who reads TGRe is (does that make me one as well…?). The AU is my pride and joy, the best idea I’ve ever had. I mean, just imagine it. Everyone being happy and enjoying life without suffering.
I’m sure you’ll do just fine ^^ I may not have anxiety but I do know the feeling of stage-fright. I mean, just a few weeks ago, I was at the japanese speaking contest and I still remember how badly I was shaking before, during and after my speech. I was so afraid I’d mess up… and I did! I did not understand any of the questions they asked me. Only later did I realise what they were trying to say, but in the moment, I was too scared to comprehend basically anything.  However, I got through it, no matter how scared I was. So I’m sure you’ll do just as well, if not better!
All hail King Evans, the One Eyed King! Now go stop the fighting between ghouls and humans, please.
Yeah, Evans is a bit of a boyish name. My first association with it before I met you was Soul Evans, from Soul Eater, a guy.  It’s also part of the reason why I was really afraid to write anything that might delude your gender, since lots of people get mad when people assume. 
Jealous Urie would be one of the most hilarious things ever. He’s to awkward to admit it, which means he also doesn’t do anything about it. How fun.
But you still haven’t answered my question… Who would you pick to be your significant other from the other fandoms we share, like Kuroshitsuji, AoT or YoI? Or even the Avengers universe ;)  You’re not avoiding it!
Honestly, Shuu is one of those people who get along with basically everyone, so I’m sure you’d get along with him. Besides, he’s empathetic, so he’d give everyone a chance to open up.
IDOL HELL! Join us... 
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Oh really? Well, I was planning on watching the first Avengers movie and the Thor movies today and tomorrow (and maybe during the next week), so I’ll definitely tell you my opinion, then ^^ But Thor has short hair in the new movie. I am definitely not satisfied =3=
The whole family has some huge issues, doesn’t it? (thor’s family)
I say Kaneki, because it’s not a happy fic and out of the three, I like him the least. 
Sure, I’m fine with basically everything at this point. TG has ruined me in the darkness of itself (i don’t know what im typing anymore, don’t question me, please)
Okay, I’ll make sure to ask you about anything I don’t understand when I start listening to it ^^
0 notes