#tp aus
lewis-winters · 1 year
my love if you are still taking requests could i pls have some hcs on K Company (Sledge, Snafu, Burgin, Leyden, De L'Eau, Ack Ack and Hillbilly) and how they would survive a slasher movie (particularly Scream franchise if you have seen it?) absolutely no pressure if u dont feel inspired or interested in writing this ! x thank uu
I've only seen the first one, tbh, so I'm not as well versed with the whole franchise, but I've seen my fair share of slasher movies, so I think I'll give this a go! But I'll be operating on the idea that they're in a slasher film together, so unfortunately, not all of them are going to survive. Sorry! It might not be exactly what you asked for!
1) Andrew Haldane and Eddie Jones - Oh no they don't make it. In fact, they're the dead girls who haunt the narrative. Particularly Andy. But Eddie, too, because Andy would not be dead if Eddie had not died first. They were each other's greatest happiness, and inevitable doom. Their romance is the tragedy, and sets the stage for all the shit that's about to go down next.
2) Bill Leyden - practical, smart, pragmatic, you'd think he'd survive, but he's too skeptical, you know? But he's too logical. Almost to a fault. At first, he wields it as his own weapon against the fear, but slowly it morphs from weapon to shield. Then slowly, from shield to outright denial, and as the tension rises and rises, he struggles to keep from breaking until, finally, he crumbles beneath it. Not completely, but just enough to give their killer an in. He's not surviving the night, unfortunately.
3) Jay De L'eau - he is though! Jay's surviving! out of pure dumb luck! He's so quiet, so small and so unassuming, that the killer will forget about him until it is too late. He's the last minute save you wouldn't expect, the car that comes crashing against your slasher, sending him several feet away and far enough to buy everybody else some time, or the shadow that brings something heavy down upon the slasher's head, enough to knock him out and pull everybody else to their feet, crying 'Run!'. He's the guy they find at the end, maybe in the post-credits scene, hiding beneath the rubble or tucked away amongst the shadows, safe and traumatized. But generally untouched.
4) RV Burgin - I don't think he's surviving. He wants to get out, no question. But he's not desperate enough to throw people under the bus, and maybe that was his mistake. He stops running because someone tripped. Turns to look back because someone calls out his name, reaches out to him. Or makes it out, but then realizes his is a hollow victory if he can't manage to take his friends out with him, too. Man, he should've just run, but that's not who Burgie is. He might come back in the sequel though, maybe in a post-credits scene added by the producers after the test screening audiences demand that he be alright bc they love the character too much.
5) Merriell Shelton - ok if there's a likely candidate for the 'someone from the original group who was the Slasher all along' character, it's Snaf; turns out he was Ghostface this whole time! but that feels like too much of an out and a little unfair, so I'll just say that he'll make it almost all the way to the end, but he's going to slip up. And it's going to be because he's so tired. He's so afraid under all that anger, but he's just so tired, too, and it only takes one little slip. One little swing too late. But make no mistake, he fights back. He will be remembered very fondly because he fights back, and the tragedy of it lies in how close he was to getting out. He was so close. But not close enough.
6) Eugene Sledge - FINAL GIRL FINAL GIRL FINAL GIRL ENERGY ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? OF COURSE HE'S FINAL GIRL he's standing over the bloody corpse of their tormentor and he's the only one in his right mind to shoot it more than once to make sure it's dead. He's the one whose rage far surpasses that of the slasher. He's the who comes out of this ordeal alive and fully changed, covered in blood, blurring the lines between victim and perpetrator, and smoking his pipe at the steps of the house or the entrance of the summer camp; red and blue emergency lights flashing over his face as someone puts a blanket over his shoulders.
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clowns0up-felix · 1 month
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Most of these are old (like around a year),, I kinda forgot that my botw/totk zelda had freckles I should pick that up again..
And we’re already at 200 followers, I didn’t know growth on tumblr was this quick so I won’t point it out anymore, promised!
Also,,,, me jumpscare omg
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soosoosoup · 2 months
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treasure planet au, last of the batch (Poppy & Floyd)
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houseofheroesau · 6 months
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Blow-dried Hero of Twilight
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Wind did the wet mohawk thing
Don't tag as LU, please
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Midlink sketch
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Even though they are the rulers of the twilight realm, they always find a way to spend some time alone
And resting cuddled by his wife is Twilight's favorite thing to do
And Midna loves to cuddle him 💖
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shellshooked · 6 months
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there’s enough brainrot abt this au to write like a book series so I thought i would finally introduce it properly,, so here goes NOTHING !!
image descriptions:
jedi knight (botw) zelda conversating with padawan ahsoka tano strolling through the jedi temple on coruscant
there’s a firm reason the jedi council never allow commander link (botw) and general anakin skywalker on the same missions during the clone wars
general zelda and link (tp) of the rebel cell referred to as the twilight squadron debriefing their next attack towards the empire
jedi padawan link (ww) and his pirate best friend tetra have no idea what they’re about to face up against when his clone captain suddenly aims his blaster in their direction, claiming to execute the unknown directive of order 66..
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kaninn · 1 year
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Black Twilight from my Corrupted Link AU.
Art by: @kaninn
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islandlobster · 10 days
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roadtrip misc doodles ^.^
ph & tp era sailor and shepherd, and a wind waker
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lewis-winters · 1 year
I was reading your Orpheus and Eurydice AUs for the BoB ship again and I was thinking, ya know, the only popular couple who can succeed at this is either Speirton or Ack-ack/Hillbilly. What do you think?
the Orpheus/Eurydice AU's for those who haven't seen it
I mean... I guess? but if they do succeed it wouldn't be Orpheus and Eurydice, ya know? like. because the point of Orpheus/Eurydice is that Orpheus turns around and will ALWAYS turn around, no matter what. because he Loves Eurydice. Turning Around is an act so engrained in Love that to Not Turn Around is more damning.
simply put: "Eurydice, dying now a second time, uttered no complaint against her husband. What was there to complain of, but that she had been loved?" -Ovid, Metamorphosis
in the post i made, I titled it: "bob ships as orpheus and eurydice, and whether or not they'd turn around and why" and you'll notice that i always reiterated, in both the tags of the original post and in the reblog, that the answer is always going to be Yes, they ALL turn around. because they Love each other. it is always guaranteed that they will Turn Around. hence, the real question i was trying to raise with that AU wasn't "will they succeed?" it was always "WHAT will make them turn around?"
because while the Love is consistent, how these couples might love each other is totally unique to them. for winnix, their love was always marred with doubt, and in order to soothe that doubt, they must always Turn Around. for baberoe, their love was always a yearning to help the other and a yearning to simply be around each other, something they must Turn Around to accomplish. for webgott, their love consists of validating each other, always answering back when one speaks into nothingness, and to do that, they must Turn Around. for luztoye, their love means they gave each other strength and help when they would otherwise never ask it from anyone else. again, they must Turn Around to do that.
Speirton and AndyEddie are no different. under the cut tho, bc it got long:
gonna be real, i already wrote a Speirton version of the orpheus and eurydice au that played massively with Speirs being a Dead Thing From the Beginning ("accept the fact that you're already dead") and Lip Understanding This more than Speirs ever thought he could and that being the reason for Turning Around. I also snuck in references to the parable of the Scorpion and the Frog crossing the river with speirs and lip taking turns being the Scorpion and the frog. not to toot my own horn but I thought it was clever. I just never HAHAHAH i never posted it bc I didn't think anybody would want to read it. but if you do! just ask, and I'll dig thru my sticky notes app for it. it's actually a little happier than the other ones, mostly because i imagine them both being very comfortable in hell. Speirton, to me, are like. a Freak4Freak couple, ya know? there is something fundamentally Wrong with both of them. I played heavily with that in their version.
as for AndyEddie though like. they already ARE orpheus and eurydice? Orpheus and Eurydice's story, at its core, is a metaphor for grief. Orpheus turns around because grief will ALWAYS make you look back at the past, at what you once had. Eddie died before Andy did. and then Andy died. and the general consensus in the AndyEddie fanon is that Andy dying was directly correlated to his grief over Eddie's own Death. Andy let the the grief so consume him, try as he might to go forward for his men, that he's so distracted by Eddie's ghost/the absence of Eddie (i.e. ghost as concrete absence instead of ethereal presence) he makes the fatal mistake of missing the sniper. an action we could read into as his Turning Around Moment. literally. i've read enough AndyEddie fics to know that in general fanon/fics Andy, moments before his own death, is often depicted either turning bc he was so used to Eddie being at his side and was going to speak to him, before being struck dumb by his loss all over again enough to become an open target; or because he thought he saw Eddie in the corner of his eye and, in his deep grief, threw all logic away to catch one last glimpse of him, making him an open target. either way, that split second reaction, so clouded in grief, is what gets him killed in the end. if it's not either of these two, it's always some sort of iteration of Andy's grief over Eddie's death Dooming Him.
the way they died in The Pacific already had the same narrative beats as Orpheus and Eurydice's story. that's why if I ever were to find myself writing a The Pacific version of the Orpheus and Eurydice AUs, I won't need to write anything for AndyEddie because... well. it's ALREADY their story, ya know? they are their own orpheus and eurydice.
anyway. read this whole thing again but this time I want you to read ever mention of Turn Around the same way its sung in Total Eclipse of the Heart.
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clowns0up-felix · 1 month
re: modern au stuff. this might be too Specific but theres a grocery store chain in northern europe called prisma and their logo looks like the triforce. and their uniforms are green. do with that what u will
(that said ur idea abt link being a cook is 🤌🤌🤌very good)
Thereee we go! More modern au stuff, I tried (I dont have an ounce of sense for fashion, don’t be mean pls aaaaaaa!!!!)
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I had never heard of that Prisma store before, but I really wanna visit one one day and take a pic! are there any in Sweden? I recently was there and didn’t see any,,, I didn’t draw any Links working there because I genuinely couldn’t think of one where I could see them working in a grocery store,, like wolf and time on a farm, wild as a chef, sky as maybe police or smth like that? Since he’s a knight?
also, Oot Link gives me fishing dad energy? Yk what I mean? I can see that
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elgatt0 · 24 days
Creatures time :D
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I - Winged Wolfie from me ^3^
II - Kemi, The pink blupee jackalope from @ageless-soul-au
III - The Noodle, Lizard spirit from @heroesspirit
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houseofheroesau · 4 months
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Just two brothers living for the chaos and confusing people
Source: this post
Don't tag as LU, please.
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Two beasts, two heroes, two warriors of light...
I always thought that these two characters needed more attention, their story is unique and I have always loved it
I love the master and student relationship that was created for them, how Twilight had the support of his predecessor, sharing a burden, that's why I developed their story more in my comic, and I can't wait for them to reunite!
This is my drawing dedicated to them, and personally I love it very much and I think it would be a nice sticker 🥰
Hope you like them! 💖
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deuynndoodles · 5 months
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[ID: A colored, digital comic featuring characters from Dey's Links Meet AU with a focus on Mask. The colors are muted and warm.
The group walk through a forest marked as "Rancher's Era." Rancher leads the group, commenting that they're "Almost there". Tiny, Tracks, Mask, Vet and Sky follow behind him, in that order.
"Oh, how sad..." someone says. A skeleton rests against a tree, sword and shield in hand, wearing the Hero's Shade armor. Mask's shadow casts upon the skeleton, their head lining up right with the skull.
Mask furrows their brow, expression near indiscernible.
"Kid, hurry up!" Mask rolls their eyes and turns to follow.
Sky waves to Mask as they run ahead to catch up. Their eyes are not visible. End ID]
hero's shade
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jackie-mae · 10 months
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an attempt to simplify some of the colours and clothes in my link designs!
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phoenix-arts7 · 10 months
This short comic is about 2 years old, but while my art style has improved, Time's attitude certainly hasn't.
Time's never been a morning person, and when he came to this world coffee became his magic elixir. Much to his son Twilight's worry.
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I'm sure some people can relate.
From my AU House of Heroes.
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