#tr*mp fucking sucks
galacticneighbor · 1 year
I can't fucking wait to NOT be in the US for the next election cycle tbqh. I made the mistake of googling "presidential candidates 2024" and I wanted to kill myself immediately.
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half-bakedboy · 5 months
just more discourse complaints and fandom-related depression tbh
i’ve had to unfollow a bunch of bucktommy blogs i’ve really enjoyed over the last few days because they keep shitting on buddie and stan theories and it’s just so tiring being here sometimes.
like equating those of us who dive deep into meta posts and see symbolism where there may/may not be to Tr*mp supporters and a literal pedophile isn’t helping those of us who do like both ships want to interact with you or like your ship :/
i haven’t been able to finish any bucktommy fics i’ve started because it’s been so disheartening and that really sucks for me tbh since bucktommy got my writing mojo back last month.
and like i’m not delusional enough to think any of them actually care but like how fucked up is it to shit on 6 seasons of build up and hope all because of something shiny/new/canon is here.
some of us rely desperately on our love for shows/ships/characters to help us cope with everything going on *gestures broadly* and the fact it’s just attack over attack on both buddie and bucktommy is so. so. disappointing.
this is also not me saying buddie stans are perfect cause i dislike most of them too lmao
idk man. i almost miss when bucktommy wasn’t even a thing because of the way this fandom has spiraled over the last month. and as someone who literally sobbed at canon bi buck and LIVES for representation like that, it sucks I even feel like that :/
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notfknapplicable · 2 months
Yeah so I'm def not working in preservation the south for any longer than I have to. I start grad school next month and should finish within two years. I'm taking my MAS far, far away from this shithole and I'm never coming back. Just had an anxiety attack because I'm compiling contact info for historical societies in my state, but most of them are just fronts for members of the Sons of Confederate Veterans. Like they're not even ashamed either. The actual county historical society having a fucking "battle flag" on their website. It really sucks to see with your own eyes how hated you are and to know that there are people who think you're stupid and unintelligent and need to be owned and oppressed. The humiliation and demeaning nature of having to reach out and attempt to do business with people who believe that I'm a second-class citizen, less than human even. Compound that with all these motherfuckers claiming to believe in equality while actively working to make sure Tr*mp gets a second term. Okay well if you hate me then I fucking hate you too.
I probably need to leave work and go home. I keep bursting into tears. I'm so fucking scared. I am a Black descendant of enslaved people and I am a woman and I am poor. Life is hard because that is the whole point of America for people like me. I'm not supposed to survive or thrive. There are times when I wish my ancestors had chosen the sea because I cannot take being the targe5t of so much hate. I d8idn't do anything! I didn't even ask to be here
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emblazons · 2 years
Honesty Hour: I am literally never going to understand “Duffer doubt” or full abject disappointment in them as show runners…and it’s because their story makes sense.
Like. The fear for queer rep thing I understand completely, but so far, even with how little I resonated with S3 or S4-2 at first…they are solid writers with a sense of both direction and their audience, and I have no core issues with what they’ve presented.
Forewarning: pettiness, byler doubt (only mentions for context) & potential elitism idk (it’s also a little long lmao)
This idea The Duffers are gonna drop every single thing they’ve set up from the get go to accommodate the most surface level, least in-character storyline “because heteronormativity” is absolutely insane to me. The idea that, after setting up FOUR SEASONS of buildup, they’re going to kill off the primary protagonist of S1 and drop every single character lesson / core narrative to shove the YOUNGEST CHARACTERS in the gd show into a Disney fantasy marriage is crazy. I literally don’t even know how to imagine them doing that—not because it has never happened in a show, but because hearing them talk about ST makes it clear it’s BEEN mapped from the get, and they have explained clearly why certain things went the way they did in their own way.
Noah got cast on a monologue from a second season before they even have a confirmation of its existence, and character traits we are just pulling on now in characters like Mike (his insecurity especially) are written CLEAR AS DAY in the PITCH OF THE SHOW. Every single sign people on THIS LITERAL APP have pointed to for Y E A R S before S4 that Will was gay turned out to be right, and there has been, from the very first moment Netflix picked this thing up, a 25 page document where they broke down the UD lore.
Where on literal earth are people getting that they have no idea what they’re doing? Or that the lore people point to as foreshadowing is gonna get thrown out the window in the final season of the show? I get being nervous or anxious that your favorite character might not get all the time you want, or even being afraid that they won’t dig into all the things you want personally, but…the idea that two self-proclaimed film boys who were as into their inspirations as we are their show are going to undermine their own narrative integrity to pull a 180 on every theme they’ve set up from the get go and start killing off characters who are front and center in the “we tell the stories of the outcasts as a fuck you to the people who make media we think sucks” narrative? I’m gonna need you to be serious.
As a long time fan and fandom consumer of television, and someone who had to live through being invested in Game of Thrones, I am saying with my whole chest that the doubt is entirely emotional rather than based on anything objective that the duffers have said or done.
They’re not D&D from GoT, who were great ADAPTORS but who just started winging it because they didn’t have completed source material from GRRM. They aren’t the Voltron writers who had a good premise but mixed it all up because of firing their best writers and then caving to fandom nonsense. They aren’t the supernatural writers, or the Sherlock writers who set up an ongoing joke without the follow through people expected. They are the Duffers. And while their writing style is nothing like what I would do, they are telling a story that I can follow and respect until proven otherwise.
All this talk about “mistakes” and the like, even with queer rep. Like??? They released this show in 2016, and the last several years in its country of origin have been absolutely steeped in a horrifying level of bigotry both sociopolitically and in media. Stranger Things was released the same year Tr*mp was elected, and still managed to stand in abject criticism of every value on display in American conservatism ever since.
The push and pull of what was “allowed” in media because of the cultural insanity & bigotry that moved to center stage in the United States makes it clear why they didn’t bring their queer storyline to the fore at first glance and just put it in the subtext—to tell the story without being undermined by the “two seasons and cancelled” era of Netflix before it got huge (because, as we all know, Netflix and cancelling shows is a huge problem for many writers to this literal day) and to keep the bigots on main from noticing it until the train was too fast to stop. That’s what we’re dealing with now—a lot of people yelling loudly on places like Reddit, expecting to be consoled in in their homophobia and bigotry, because now Stranger Things is popular and far along enough to start saying the quiet part (that has ALWAYS been there) out loud.
Hiding the queer storyline in the subtext is something people have done in tv and film for DECADES anyway, and in literature for CENTURIES before that…but somehow the fact that it wasn’t made explicit until the fourth season invalidates it? Or makes it suddenly a reason to call into question the integrity of the entire show, or to let some random m*leven shipper undermine your sense of what makes a good story (which is also what matters most to the “we don’t listen to Reddit, and we regret focusing more on fan theories than our plot” duffers)? Once again: I’m gonna need you to be serious.
All I’m saying is that the way some people in this fandom are willing to believe and agonize over the takes of 18-19 year old actors or a random twitter account or YouTuber instead of listening to the creators of the show + looking at cultural context and how queer stories have been told for eons is crazy. It reeks of immaturity insecurity and media illiteracy, and gives two guys who have put a lot of time and (ADMITTEDLY IMPERFECT) effort into a show that remains one of the best told stories (despite network interference) in recent memory.
I get being nervous. I get being suspicious. But critical consumption & media literacy is more than just theorizing about what things mean or watching what inspired The Duffers. Stop looking at social media posts and randoms for information and start paying attention to the people who MAKE the things you’re so emotionally attached to in their context. I am literally begging at this point.
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pocketsonny · 10 months
fucking sucks we'll have four years of a conservative, fascist president who everyone said "oooh he's never gonna make it" at the start of the year, and he fucking made it so, hate to say it, but i fucking told you so, we were right to be wary, he's literally argentinian tr*mp lmfaoo haha
i fucking hope those who says "he won't be able to do anything anyways bc he doesn't have majority in congress" are right. i hope so. cause i don't wanna say i told you so again
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spider-xan · 4 months
The way liberals - not just white ones, a lot of libs of colour have been acting like complete fools about this too - are acting like this is some great political victory is so fucking annoying, as if this hasn't happened a million times with no actual effects that mean anything already, like, Tr*mp sucks, but where is this energy for fucking B*den when he is the one enthusiastically committing genocide RIGHT NOW instead of this white people chosen one dystopia self-insert YA fanfiction about what Tr*mp might do, as if he jab's already been president once already and it's not a mystery.
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isa-ghost · 9 months
Dude, I feel like an idiot.
I know nothing about any Minecraft YouTubers, and this whole time I thought Dream was in the QSMP, and I was about to block you because I don’t really like him. So I went to your blog and read your tagged pin about not wanting to interact with Dream stans. I was confused by this since I thought he was in the SMP you like and had to Google it and realized Dream hasn’t even been in the QSMP this entire time.
Anyway, I guess PSA to people like me who don’t follow Minecraft stuff: Dream is, in fact, NOT a part of the QSMP.
I feel like such a fool since I try not to lump content creators together, but I really misunderstood this one.
THE Q IN QSMP STANDS FOR QUACKITY. THE CONTENT CREATOR WHO MADE QSMP. (Fans will say it stands for Queer because so many of the CCs on it make gay love canonically in roleplay so often)
Anon I can promise you most, if not ALL of QSMP fans fucking HATE Dr*m's p*dophile asshole egotistical ass. I want that sack of shit to drop dead like NOW. At all times. I could rant for EONS about his stupid ass and the horrid experiences I've had with his stupid fans. I'm glad you've now learned first hand why people who think "all of Minecraft YouTube = Dr*m & His Friends" are stupid and why nobody who watches mcyt likes people like that.
Dr*m (and the Dr*m Team [Dream & his friends G*orgeNotFound and S*pnap])'s fans are the mcyt equivalent of Tr*mp supporters. No one likes or respects them. No one understands how they can support such a problematic douchebag when there are entire threads of actual literal proof he's a problematic douchebag. Some of the things in those threads are things he has straight up admitted himself are real. Also I am literally censoring his, G*rge and S*pnap's names so their rabid ass stans don't somehow find this post and then swarm & doxx me. Because they do that. I have witnessed genuinely traumatic witch hunts on Twitter executed by Dr*m Team stans before I got rid of that shit app.
Somewhere I have a post of entire TLDR'd reasons between 2021-2022 of why Dr*m fucking sucks and no one should support him.
The SMP you were confusing is DSMP. Dr*m SMP. Which btw he didn't even fucking pay for the server the SMP was on himself. His friend (ex friend? I wish/hope ex) BadBoyHalo (BBH) who IS on QSMP was paying for it. So people like me who fucking hate and resent Dr*m will spitefully call DSMP "BBHSMP" sometimes because almost all the streamers that were on DSMP minus the Dr*m Team were and still are fabulous people, and I will gladly list them and the reasons they're great people if I really have to or if someone's genuinely curious about it. DSMP was awesome. Several were amazing queer creators that wouldn't have the exposure they do now if they hadn't joined and that's just one reason DSMP was great before we all found out Dr*m is a walking talking sack of shit.
So now that you have this knowledge, do yourself and the entire mcyt community a favor: Stop assuming anything Minecraft YouTube = Dr*m = Racist And Bad and Shitty. And start educating other people who think that way that they're wrong too.
Anyone who gets worked up at hearing "SMP" in a sentence is literally getting angry at hearing Minecraft "Survival Multi Player" which is often literally just groups of friends who are also streamers playing Minecraft. And maybe roleplaying as they do so. People who get angry at SMPs are literally getting mad about people roleplaying in a video game about cubes. It's like if they got pissed at a cube version of Dungeons & Dragons somewhat. They just look like a massive fucking clown.
Also, in general, don't forget the golden rule: To assume makes an ass out of u and me.
I am patting your head anon. Thank you for the laugh. Now take this knowledge and do the mcyt fandom a favor by shutting other uninformed people up. We have enough issues we're fighting to put an end to every day. We're not some racist monolith or whatever like some people for some reason think, so many of us are fighting tooth and nail to bring awareness to internal issues in the fandom, constantly. Just like any other fucking fandom. It's absolutely mind-blowing and braincell-killing to me that non-mcyt fans just assume we're all okay with racism or some shit. I've actually seen people like this, it's a real thing somehow.
Also also: I hope anyone who was following me for my previous hyperfixations (looking at you JSE community people who didn't also take the jse -> mcyt pipeline like me) also takes this knowledge. It's one thing if y'all don't want to see me blogging about something you're not interested in. It's another if you've thought something shitty and untrue about me or the fandom currently captivating me hardest this entire time. You guys too, do us mcyt enjoyers a favor, and start educating misinformed people so we don't have to go around expecting to be labeled racist or some other shitty awful thing over liking watching people play Minecraft.
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binickandros · 11 months
Hey, fun fact! As a swing state voter whose state went to Trump in 2016 and Biden in 2020, I voted Dem in both those elections. But if Biden is the nom in 2024 I will be voting 3rd party, since enabling a genocide should be a red line for anyone with even a shred of morality. If Trump wins because of that, that sucks, but I'm not willing to put my comfort and safety above the right of Palestinians to exist.
So you truly think Tr*mp would be better for Palestine, or any other oppressed peoples on the face of the planet? Genuinely. Is that what you think? Do you have amnesia? Have you suffered a head injury?
You can’t reverse 70 years of diplomacy in just a few weeks. You just can’t. If you think that Joe Biden, a man who lost both his wife and his son, doesn’t personally mourn the genocide happening right now while also being handcuffed by 70 years of American diplomatic policy, then I don’t know what to tell you. And if you Tr*mp gives a flying *fuck* about anything other than flattering his own ego, then once again. I don’t know what to tell you.
For all of you out there saying you’re going to vote 3rd party because of this and if Tr*mp wins “so be it,” do you think he would be a better choice in this situation? He wants to give drug dealers automatic death sentences. He wants to end birthright citizenship. He wants to reinstate his Muslim ban. He wants to put the guy who invented the child separation policy back in charge of ICE. But you think that guy would be doing a better job during a diplomatic and humanitarian crisis? The same guy who let hundreds of thousands of Americans die of covid just because he didn’t want to admit there was a problem?
We have no idea what’s being said behind closed doors. What we do know is that the Israeli government is a further right, more conservative, more anti-Palestinian government than they’ve ever had before. They’ve been itching for an excuse to do this exact thing, and very little short of full-on invasion is going to stop them.
Comparing what’s happening now to any of the bullshit Israel has pulled before doesn’t work, because Israel has never had a government so hell-bent on wiping any memory of Palestine off the face of the planet before.
I get you’re sick and upset and horrified by what’s happening in Palestine, and that you hate our government’s reaction to it. I feel the exact same way. But saying “my own comfort” like the things Tr*mp wants to do with a second term are tra la no big deal is…I’m sorry. It’s naive and childish. He wants to end Democracy as we know it. He wants to become a dictator. Would checks and balances stop him? Mostly, probably, IF Rs aren’t controlling the House and Senate too.
So I mean sit at home or vote 3rd party if that’s what you need to do, but when this country turns to absolute HELL (and I don’t say that lightly) for women, minorities, queer ppl, disabled ppl, poor ppl…at least you’ll sleep well knowing Tr*mp cares about Palestine.
OH wait no he fucking does not.
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ichiwashername-o · 1 year
Family drama vent under the cut.
This weekend is Father’s Day.
And just the thought of going up to visit my dad is filling me with such intense anxiety.
My dad and I have a strained relationship to say the least. There’s moments where he shows me genuine love and affection, and there are times where I am legitimately scared for my life because of the things he says and does. I don’t think it’s a small exaggeration to say there’s some signs of emotional/verbal abuse. And even after all that, just . . . cutting him out of my life completely seems like something I’ll never be able to do.
My father is a hard-right conservative. He’s always been racist, dropping the n-word with hard “r”s among family and friends, always insinuating I live in a bad neighborhood/work in a dangerous city because of “all the blacks and Mexicans.” It’s only recently I’ve begun to wonder if he’s always been so angry and vicious and just so . . . cruel, or if the events over the last few years (glares hard at the clusterfuck that was the Tr*mp presidency) exacerbated the issue.
He has always told me to keep my mouth shut, always told me my thoughts and opinions are wrong, just because I disagree with him on several hot-button issues. Whenever I try to disagree with him, he’s always quick to raise his voice and shout at me about how wrong I am, how I don’t know how the real world works, how I need to keep my opinions to myself so I don’t “embarrass” him. I’m always the one who has to sit there and suffer in silence as my dad spouts heinous things about how much he hates everyone he disagrees with, be it blacks, Muslims, liberals, or whatever. This has been going on for as long as I can remember, where I am a 32 year old successful woman. I own a house, I own a car, I have a fantastic job with glowing reviews, I am independent and thriving, yet he still doesn’t treat me or respect me like my own person or values what I have to say about anything. He’ll rant and rave about how the liberals are fucking everything up, how much Biden sucks, and any disagreement is harshly shouted down and cowed into silence.
Just writing this down makes me realize that my dad doesn’t even know me. Or, at least, not really. He knows I’m a liberal, just because I disagree with him. But beyond that? I don’t think he has even a single comprehensive thought in what I believe! He’s never engaged me in any meaningful discussion. He doesn’t care what I think, he doesn’t value the opinions I have, or even respect me enough to listen to what I have to say about anything. He loves me because I am his daughter. But if I were a stranger, he would hate me. He would revile me and insult me and tell everyone who would listen how much of a terrible person I am, just because I’m a liberal.
And despite all that! Despite everything I have just written about how terrible my father is and how he treats me . . .
It’s an insurmountable, impossible feat to cut him out of my life.
Every time I think he crosses the line and that I can’t accept his actions, I find myself coming back to him, visiting him on holidays and weekends and hugging him and missing him. I love talking to him, when we talk about literally anything other than politics. He loves it when I take art classes with my mom, he loves hunting with me, he loves spending time with me. And even after everything he’s put me through, I still can’t bear the thought of going through my life without him.
Because cutting him out would mean losing my entire family. Not just him, but my aunts and uncles and cousins and all the relatives I cherish, on both sides of the family. I’d lose all the people I care about. I’d lose my siblings. I’d lose my mom, especially since we’ve grown so close after I moved out.
It really is an abusive relationship, isn’t it? He’s an awful, racist person. His way is the only right way and anyone who disagrees with him is wrong, end of discussion. Yet I can’t find the nerve to walk away.
I don’t know. I think a deep part of me knows what I have to do, but just thinking about it fills me with such dread and fear. I know what I should do, but I can’t. It seems so impossible. I’m just rambling at this point. Scared of what’s going to happen if I ever do find the spine to put my foot down.
Happy Father’s Day to all the other miserable fucks that are in my shoes. I hope you find peace.
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Y’know what, I’m making a new start when I go back to work tomorrow. I’m not gonna be nice anymore, not to everyone. If someone starts yelling I’m going to either 1) tell them straight to their face that they’re embarrassing themself and they need to grow up, or 2) start crying really loudly and make a big fuss bc I still look like a teenager and it will be real embarrassing for the asshole yelling if it looks like they made a kid cry at work, like big snotty disgusting sobs: “th-th-th-they yelled at m-m-m-m-me and s-s-said I’m st-stupid and I just got b-b-b-back from my leave and I d-d-didn’t do anything wrong!” And also, as much as the new bs the supreme court passed about being allowed to discriminate against people at your job if they don’t align with your beliefs and values sucks on every level, you’d better believe I’m going to be taking advantage of that shit. If you’re a dick, but especially if you’re visibly supporting tr*mp, I don’t have to serve you, it goes against my beliefs. Find someone else to give you your medications, get fucked. I’ve wasted so much time being nice to people who want to hurt me, I’m fucking done.
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remma-demma · 5 months
I’m going crazy. I admit I snoop through people’s adventurer’s plates when waiting for things to start. I was on a hunt train. I saw someone’s plate say “proud tr*mp voter” and “lev 18:22” (the homophobic one) and since they weren’t in my party I can’t fucking track them down using the contacts tab and blacklist them. The character search in this game fucking sucks I took a pic of their plate so I have their name but I can’t FIND them. While going through the options when you right click on someone there’s no blacklist option even though I had my eye on them the whole time. This sucks.
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beelzemon · 1 year
florida is literally one of THE worst states to live in not just for lgbt people but for the young and, honestly, anyone who doesnt give a damn about disney or entertainment
im witnessing the only green parts of florida slowly get commercialized into cookie cutter houses and mother-fucking DOLLAR GENERALS around every corner. all of my neighbors are tr*mp fans or heavy alt-right supporters. no young person here stays for very long (why would they) but it’s detrimental for people like me who can’t afford to move away, so im stuck battling my own demons as a shut-in. i neither recognize nor have befriended anybody even by frequenting places often because management sucks THAT BAD OUT HERE.
not to mention: there are no seasons. It’s straight summer through and through. It gets as low as 70 AT BEST and that was 2 years ago. i dont feel the holiday spirit anymore because it just doesnt feel like it. No leaves falling off trees because the native trees here have acclimated to the year-round summer, and no snow because it’s, well, the south. my grandparents have also passed away and my own parents are getting older and neither of them feel like celebrating holidays anymore because there’s no one on their end to turn to. they won’t even like… set up a tree or write cards anymore. It’s become so depressing to see my parents age alongside me too.
i want to be a nurse so i can make good money and leave them behind. I love my parents but i can’t live here. I dont know how or why they thought this would be better when i, out of my whole family, have seen everyone become worse. its sad that i have to work myself to achieve a high-paying job instead of one that i actively want just to obtain some sense of freedom. I dont want to live here anymore.
Even then it will take years for me to gain enough money to move out, but by then it may be too late. Perhaps there will be another pandemic, war, or heat so bad i can’t walk outside, because right now it’s cramping my knees and making me sick to my stomach.
i know this is mainly negative, but i still look forward to that day. I just feel bad it took me so long to realize i need out. I wish there was an easier way i could have handled this instead of the way that i did.
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cithaerons · 4 years
oh my god, guys, we can talk foreign policy if you want because i have a lot of thoughts about that, but please don’t forget that trump fucking assassinated soleimani and very nearly started a war with iran earlier this year. (btw! in case you kids haven’t heard of iran & don’t know what that means! pretty much anyone who knows anything about this will tell you that a war with iran would even more, far far more, destabilizing to the middle east than the [unequivocally devastating] iraq war, which should terrify you!). no small part of my objection to donald tr*mp is the very very real extent that a second term tr*mp may fuck up the world, *especially* the middle east & the global south. all american presidents are war criminals, yes, but y’all gotta learn to differentiate things, and if you don’t think there was any difference between jimmy carter and george w. bush you are on another fucking planet. i’m seeing so many bad takes on here today, and i know many of you are teenagers or in your early 20s with no real knowledge on any of this, and are just sharing things you think sound smart, so i’m trying to be patient here, but holy fucking shit. 
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tubbocio · 3 years
it sucks that i cant follow normal non dsmp blogs bc ill be chilling and suddenly they reblog dream hate
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What my ASL teacher probably thought I'd use with my great success in her classes: a future job/career as an interpreter
What I'm doing with ASL now: writing about a pining witcher teaching a pining bard sign language with fairly accurate sign descriptions
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leondxs · 3 years
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