#trailer home remodel
philbridges · 2 years
What's Hiding Under The Linoleum Floor
You never know how much damage could actually be hidden under the linoleum or tile floor. Especially in a mobile home. ⏱️⏱️Chapters⏱️⏱️00:00 Intro00:12 When you pull the linoleum back00:40 Looks like the toilet leaked regularly01:10 Bathroom sink and cabinets are fine 🙏 Subscribe, 👍, it helps a lot!!➤❓/ 💬: [email protected]➤ Follow https://straightarrowrepair.com/pipf ➤➤I get a…
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threnodians · 9 months
this family christmas hasn’t been too bad except apparently my sister invited her super conservative asshole of a coworker for some reason??? or very possibly he just. showed up. so now i would simply just like to leave 🫠
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happy2bmyownboss · 3 months
Life Update - June 2024
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jaidenaanderson · 5 months
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sanguineterrain · 2 years
about a boy('s uncle) - e.m.
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Summary: Eddie gives you a key. You meet Wayne by accident.
Pairing: Eddie Munson x gn!reader
Word count: 2.1k
Warnings/tags: reader is a worrier! but all fluff <3 (stan wayne!)
this fic is part of my 'about a boy' series - check it out!
divider by firefly-graphics
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Eddie's given you a key. 
It's part of your keychain. It jingles like the rest of your keys, only he's colored the top with black paint so you can tell it apart from the others. 
But you know you'll be able to tell it apart. You stare at it so often, it's impossible not to. 
For your van?
Guess again. 
Steve's car?
Harrington wouldn't let me touch his baby if the world was ending, but thank you for the confidence, sweet thing. 
Then you'd smiled and Eddie had smiled back because he knows what you look like when you're about to tell a joke. You tell it and Eddie laughs and opens his chest so you'll have proof he really thinks you're funny. You're all about the proof. 
Key to your heart?
Eddie had kissed the top of your head for that one.
Silly, you've already got that!
The trailer. The key unlocks the trailer. 
You trust me with it?
'Course I do. 
And it's not like there's any reason not to trust you. It's just. Well. You don't quite understand the point of giving you a key. 
So you can come over. 
He'd said it like it's your home. Like you are allowed to make a home out of Eddie Munson. 
You stand on the porch step now. Hellfire had run late today, so Eddie had called from the Wheeler's to let you know. He'd started the call with Hello, sweet thing, I missed you. How are you feeling? And you'd wanted to say something like, I wait to burst into flames when I am with you but it never happens.
But you don't want to make Eddie rescind his offer of being a home for you, so you'd simply said, I am well. How are you?
And that's when he'd suggested it. Come over.
If he was any other boy (and that's the whole point, isn't it? Eddie's not any other boy), you'd immediately shut down the idea. No, I will not come over so you can touch the folds of skin where my heart lies and roll over when you are done.
But Eddie misses you, not your folds of skin. He opens his chest to you, not the other way around. 
So you're here, on his front porch. 
You've been here for about five minutes. Every time you go to unlock the front door, you stop and wait for Eddie to pull around the corner, so you can pretend you've arrived at the same time. 
You picture the key breaking when you turn it. Or disintegrating into ash. Or a storm brewing and the key electrocuting you. 
You stare at the lock, at the bits of chipped white paint around the handle. You try to look through the screen door net but it's too dark to, until it's not, because the door opens. 
You freeze. Wayne Munson stares back at you. His brow pinches, like Eddie's does when he fixes a broken guitar string or sticks a bandaid on your skinned knee. 
"Well," he says, after sizing you up for centuries. "Ain't you gonna come in?" 
"I don't want to intrude," you reply. 
Wayne grunts. "You're not some stray. You're my son's person. Come in."
You go in. 
The trailer is not new. The layout hasn't been remodeled just because you and Wayne are both in the living room, existing in the same universe. 
"You want some hot chocolate? Made a pot of it for Eddie. It's the good stuff, with milk, not just water."
How strange it is to watch uncle and son take care of people in the same way. How strange it is for you to be 'people.'
"Okay," you say. "Thank you."
Wayne pours two servings. One is in the Garfield mug Eddie delights in using when you come over. The other is in a mug with a bear holding a chain of hearts with the words Everyone Needs A Little Tender Loving Bear around it. 
Wayne gives you the Garfield mug. 
"Please," he says, and gestures to the living room. 
You slink over to the couch, and sit where Eddie kisses you while you listen to his heartbeat and remember you're both alive. 
You take a sip of the hot chocolate. Wayne makes it less sweet than Eddie does. You like it all the same. 
"I don't pour in five pounds of sugar," Wayne says. "But hopefully it ain't garbage."
"It's good. Thank you, Mr. Munson."
He sets the mug down on the little table next to the armchair. You keep yours in your lap. 
"So," he begins. "We finally meet."
Your muscles bunch up. You should've run when you had the chance. 
"Easy now," Wayne says. "I ain't mad at either of you for sneaking around."
"It wasn't out of disrespect, Mr. Munson."
Wayne cracks a smile at the very end of his mouth. 
"No, I didn't think so. I know meeting the parent is scary. You seem like good people, and you surely make Eddie happy."
"He makes me happy too," you say, because Eddie deserves far more credit for brewed happiness than you do.
"Mm. How'd you meet, if you don't mind me asking?"
You know what he's fishing for. Did you crawl through Hell together? Do you know enough to take care of him?
"We met through a friend," you say. "She and Eddie grew close during the… earthquakes."
Wayne nods. "And were you part of the earthquakes?"
"No, Mr. Munson. But I know enough. Enough to understand."
"Alright," he says. "Call me Wayne."
You sip your hot chocolate. Wayne watches you. 
You probably know more about him than he does you. You've asked Eddie not to share about you because you don't like people talking about you when you're not there. Eddie had promised not to, but he'd also told you he wouldn't say bad things. 
It had sounded like a trap, but you hadn't told Eddie that because he would've gotten quiet and gone to make you a strawberry jam sandwich as proof that he really doesn’t set traps (and you're all about the proof, aren't you?) 
But you try so hard to sheath your claws and speak to both of you kindly. To be deserving of what he is to you. You shouldn't require proof of intention every time, even though the urge boils your brain into soup. Eddie shouldn't have to open his chest just so you can see his ribs shake with laughter. 
Maybe you're not meant to be what he is to you. But, double-maybe, that doesn’t have to be a bad thing. 
You're good, after all. You wouldn't be sitting across from Wayne Munson if you weren't. You have the feeling that he has a keen sense of good and bad. 
"I care about him," you say suddenly. "More than I can fathom."
Wayne's eyes crinkle at the corners. Eddie's do the same thing. You like making them appear. 
"I believe you."
You wonder if you ought to use a stronger word than care. 
Stronger words frighten you. You've dared to say them in your head only once or twice, and afterwards, you'd checked to make sure Eddie hadn't heard you. 
I lo— and the rest is choked off. 
"Eddie told me he made you a key," Wayne says. 
"Yes. Sorry."
Wayne tilts his head. "What on earth are you sorry for?" 
Sorry for barging in. Sorry for thinking this could be my home too. 
You have plenty of reasons. 
"I don't mean to intrude."
"I invited you in, didn't I? Trust me, kid, if I didn't want to invite you in, I wouldn't have. There's plenty of people that try to get a piece of my son. Chief Hopper knows me well." 
Your eyes go wide. "I don't—"
"Mean Eddie harm," Wayne finishes, eyes gentle. "I know. He gave you a key for a reason.”
The key feels a little lighter in your pocket. 
"We talked about moving,” he says.
Your hands tighten around the mug. You picture Eddie moving away. Your heart races like you're caught in a bad dream. 
"But," Wayne continues. "I'm glad he's got a reason to stay."
"He deserves better," you say. 
"He's got it." 
Wayne meets your eye. You look down at your mug; you'd never quite learned how to take a compliment. You and Eddie are working on that. 
You sort of want to ask for proof that Eddie has better. That you are the better he's deserving of. It sounds backwards. Maybe you should open up your own chest. 
"Anyway." Wayne waves a hand. "All's this to say, you've got my blessing. And you're welcome anytime, got it?"
You nod slowly and feel for the key in your pocket. It doesn’t disintegrate. 
Wayne rises, knees creaking. 
"Refill?" he asks. 
"No, thank you."
He goes into the kitchen and pours himself another cup. 
"I've gotta go to my shift soon, but help yourself," Wayne says. “Eddie should be home… ah, there he is.”
You strain to hear Eddie's van rattling down the road, engine going put-put-put. 
You stand on instinct. Then you pause and glance at Wayne. He smiles a full smile, and it feels like you've witnessed a miracle. 
"Go 'head," he says, nodding at the door. "Say hi to your boy. It was nice to meet you."
"It was nice to meet you too, M—uh, Wayne. Thank you for the hot chocolate." 
You forget to put your mug down, so you greet Eddie at the door with your half-drunk lukewarm chocolate. He skip-scampers through the tiny patch of grass in front of the trailer and up the steps, a bright grin already on his face. 
"Well, hello there, sweet thing. You’re a sight for sore eyes."
He kisses your cheek. You move the mug aside so Eddie can wrap an arm around your waist and hold your hip. You’re acclimating to being touched. It’s nice, knowing Eddie wants to touch you and not your folds of skin.
"I could get used to this," he says. "Seeing you when I come home? I think you'll spoil me."
He peeks into your mug. You let him take it from your hand and gulp a sip. 
"Eddie," you say at the same time that his brows screw up.
"Oh my God—" Eddie cuts himself off, eyes going wide. "I mean, uh, wow! Baby, you're a chef."
You smile. "I didn't make it, Eds." 
"Then who—oh. Wayne?"
You confirm with a nod. 
Eddie grimaces. "Honey, I'm so sorry. I thought he'd have left by now, honestly. I’m really sorry you had to drink this.”
"It was good,” you say with a laugh. "He helped me with my key."
"There’s a problem with your key?" 
"No, no, it—" You crack your chest open a little, hoping it's enough. "I was feeling a little nervous."
Eddie breaks into a soft smile and pats your hip. 
"That's okay, sweetheart. 'M real proud of you for going in. Wayne looks like a drill sergeant, but he's a huge pushover."
"I heard that." 
You and Eddie scoot away from the door so Wayne can step out. He nods at you, then turns to Eddie. 
"I like this one," he says to Eddie. "’Least somebody appreciates my cooking."
"Y/N's just very polite," Eddie shoots back. "You can hardly call this abomination cooking, Wayne." 
Wayne rolls his eyes. 
"Yeah, yeah. Don’t add too much sugar. Feel free to order in."
"Oh." Eddie raises his brows at you. "Ordering in? You made quite the impression, sweet thing. Did you ooh and ah at his mug collection?" 
"Actually, we spent the whole afternoon looking at your baby pictures," Wayne says. 
Eddie pales. You giggle, unable to help yourself. Wayne winks at you. 
"You both take care. I should be back around midnight." 
You go inside as Wayne leaves, Eddie at your heels.
“So,” he says when you put down your mug. “How was it, really? I’m sorry I wasn’t here for your first meeting.”
“It was good,” you say quietly. “He really loves you, Eddie.”
It feels like there’s something missing. Like you should add something. And I do too. But the words get stuck. 
You hold the key in your hand and make a fist. The ridges dig into your palm.
“Yeah, he’s decided to keep me ‘round,” Eddie says, waving his hand. “But it went okay? I know you were nervous about it. This was not some secret plan to get you to meet. I meant to be here when you met for the first time, trust me.”
You trust him. He doesn’t need to open his chest this time.
“He said I’m welcome anytime,” you say.
Eddie nods fervently. “You are.”
“Wayne doesn’t say things he doesn’t mean, baby. And neither do I.”
Your fist loosens. The key’s not going anywhere.
“Then…” You take a breath. “Then I’ll stop by tomorrow. Okay?”
Eddie’s grin is brilliant. 
“I’d love nothing more, sweet thing.”
Yeah. Maybe you can make a home out of Eddie Munson. 
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rokhal · 5 months
Resident Evil 7 Biohazard whatever is an amazing portrait of the impact of methamphetamine in the rural US. Everything from the textures to the design of the environment to the story itself.
I guess, as an American, I should be used to living in a media panopticon where everyone knows how we talk and what our houses look like, but the Baker estate is not like a movie set or an influencer's home. There's real clutter, the kind that accumulates when you haven't moved cross-country in over ten years and your kids have grown up: kennels for cats who've lived and died, tool boxes, riding mowers, plastic bags full of plastic bags, pool toys. The age of the house shows, not just in the dated wallpaper and cupboards, but in the glimpses we get through the crumbling walls of construction techniques that have been obsolete for eighty years. The pegboard as wallboard. The cludged-together, homeowner-grade repairs of railings and staircases. The immersion is total. This could be any rural home I've ever visited whose owners lost the battle against entropy.
Houses on cheap land can get big. Real big. The Bakers appear to have inherited a plantation house, but there's a lot more on the property. It's perfectly normal to build a mother-in-law apartment and park a trailer in your backyard when you've got the land. Code inspector? What code inspector? You don't need no stinkin' permits. You're not gonna sell, and if you do, the buyer can figure out what they want to do with your wobbly deck.
You own the house and you've got no neighbors to complain about their property values. If you've got money, you trick out your garage. Get a lift. Get a hoist. Fuck it, dig an oil pit. You can do it! That's your man shed. Build some racks out of hog panel and hang all your tools in some haphazard arrangement that makes sense only to you. You've got to be your own mechanic if you want to keep your vehicles running.
Then there's the Baker family themselves. They were nice. Normal. Probably voted for Trump, but so did everyone they know. Of course they'd take pity on a nice white woman and a little girl begging for shelter, they're not animals. Jack was ex-military and pushy; Marguerite was socialized to stand by him whether or not he treated her well; Lucas was an amoral genius who couldn't make it in the real world; Zoe was at least prepared to fly the nest but either she'd tried and had to retreat, or she hadn't quite gotten up the nerve.
By the time we meet them, Jack and Marguerite are caricatures of themselves. Violent, paranoid, impulsive, irrational, moody. They can barely even function. Marguerite's kitchen is swarming with cockroaches and flies, and Jack's outbursts destroy the furniture and walls of the home that he was once proud of. The areas where Jack and Marguerite live are heaped with garbage bags, dimly lit, and filthy.
Every time we meet Lucas, he's wired as hell. Lucas seems hyperfunctional, constructing his elaborate traps and escape rooms, except he can't make the details come together. He lines the walls of his areas with white plastic sheeting, but the mold creeps through the seams anyway. He doesn't bother to change the codes on his padlocks. He toys with Ethan and banks on Ethan being too dumb to shove a bomb through a conveniently placed hole in the wall.
Zoe can still be reasoned with, but we see her fears in her diary. We see the tinfoil taped over her window to block the light.
Lucas, Jack, and Marguerite exhibit behavioral changes consistent with early, chronic, and long-term methamphetamine abuse. Their house bears the same marks of frenetic remodeling, ambitious yet ill-conceived design choices, repetitive behaviors, and neglect that scar so many homes occupied by meth addicts.
Meth is like other drugs in that it rewires the brain to promote drug-seeking behavior, but it also over time causes the brain to atrophy. Signs resembling dementia or schizophrenia eventually occur, accompanied by cognitive decline, and much of this is permanent. It becomes harder for the user to fight back against their dependency (against Eveline) the longer they use the drug (the deeper Eveline's mold works into their bodies).
This is an American horror story, it's a familiar American horror story, and it's a love letter to our country from Japan that seems to me to say, "We're so sorry about what you're going through. Here, shoot some mold-monsters about it."
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oceansmotion · 1 year
Another Pleasantview
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Almost every single lot has been remodeled, renovated, or replaced by me. I also added a few new houses, a bowling alley, a gym, a church, and a cemetery.
Sims have been genetically corrected by either myself or simgigglegirl.
Scripted events are available, although a few of the first prompts were already closed out. The only 4 lots I didn't do are the unoccupied trailers and the two condos closest to them.
All Pleasantview townies are now using my default templates.
The Oldies and Burbs have already been placed and have furnished homes. The Oldies live across from the park, and the Burbs live in their (probably) canon house next to the Goths (you can see it in the promos from Happy Holidays).
The Newbies have been placed. Joe, the brother of Brandi, and Jane from the Tutorial are both genetically correct and live next to the Dreamers.
The hood itself is made with MeetMetotheRiver's clean Pleasantview template. It's also CC free.
Because I copied over the houses from my other PV, Don has a "great date" arrangement in his kitchen…..from Bella. Oops. Don't judge me. Anyway, you can just ignore it…..unless you don't want to wink wink.
A few more pictures:
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290 Main Street, the grocery store.
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330 Main Street, an outlet mall shopping center. Has an H&M, a furniture store, a food court, a bookstore, and a music shop (instruments are blocked off so sims don't get annoying with them).
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250 Main Street, the pool. Most objects have been removed from the lot so that Sims might actually go swimming.
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95 Woodland Drive, the Oldie house. I renovated the entire house and added Mary-Sue's childhood bedroom and tea room.
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215 Sim Lane, the Pleasant household. I tried to keep almost every house recognizable so the outside is pretty much the same though I did give Mary-Sue a zen garden. I subscribe to the head canon that Mary-Sue's birth parents are Hand Goddard and Pauline Wan, and as a child, Coral and Herb tried to help Mary-Sue feel connected to her Chinese ancestry. Mary-Sue has never actually been to China and her tastes are exactly what you'd imagine an American who has never been to China would be, and the house reflects that. it's Chinese inspired but still very American. I also slightly changed the shape of the upstairs because Lilith's side has always driven me nuts.
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165 Sim Lane, the Goth house. They are one of the few premade families whose house got a full rework. I made it more Victorian looking but did attempt to keep the interior recognizable...slightly. I actually typically play with recolors of the Mansion & Garden pieces I used so in my own version of the hood, the house has black and grey trim instead of white and wood. A few examples of what I've change in PV. Because I changed literally every lot but 4, I wont post pictures of every single thing, but this is the idea. Some houses were more dramatically changed (like the Goth house or 113 Wright Way) while others are more subtly changed.
I removed the stealth hoods themselves but didn't think to disable them beforehand, so the normal default socliates/downtownies are already there, sorry! I did replace the PV townies with my own default face templates, so there's that at least.
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farfromharry · 2 years
Beth [ 25 ] | Dad!Eddie Munson fic
Twenty-Five, Hawkins, Indiana
Word count - 4150
Warnings - angst ig idk
a/n - its over 🥲
January 2000
Running a diner hadn’t always been your dream, not right from being a little girl anyway. You hadn’t really had many aspirations as a kid. And although your husband had the one, become a successful rockstar, it had never been realistic, had never taken off for him. Kids in trailer parks didn’t get to have big dreams. But that was different for you now. You ran your own business, alongside the love of your life, and you had the opportunity to expand it even more. You loved your home, but you were unsure if you could pass this up.
It had been Tulip’s mom who told you about it. A big, rundown space out in Maryland where you could do some TLC and probably have it up and running this year as a second Sunshine’s diner. Over the years since the remodel of your own beloved one in Hawkins, it had become a hell of a lot more popular.  It was always busy, bustling with customers day and night, some who weren’t even from the town themselves– admitting to you or your staff that they had traveled a fair way to come and check out the infamous eating place. You were always honored with that news.
That, and your husband’s die hard approval, were the final things that pushed you into saying yes. The only problem was that you would have to completely uproot your life and move away from your family for who knows how long. You wouldn’t allow it to be a permanent move. For all the bad memories you had in Hawkins, you had amazing ones too. 
You also weren’t the only people you had to consider. For Jessie, the decision had to fall to you, he wouldn’t know any better either way. For Lola, it was pretty much the same, though she was just starting school– she had few friends there, but you knew your bubbly girl would easily make some more at whatever school she ended up in. It was Beth that made the decision so hard. Her whole life was here and had always been here. You felt terrible pulling her away from everything she had ever known, and even though you knew she’d adjust, there was still an underlying feeling of guilt in your chest. 
The decision to move had been many weeks in the making. The idea was first proposed to you just after you gave birth to Jessie, and you took the time from the end of November to now to make up your minds and finalize any plans. Within that time was when you asked Beth for her approval. It wasn’t an easy choice to make, no matter how much you wanted it. 
You and Eddie sat her down one day after school, and she knew instantly from the sheepish looks on your faces that something was wrong. “What’s going on? Did someone die? Are you pregnant again?” The questions just came flying out before she could stop them. 
You chuckled. It was always amusing to you that she thought that you having another baby was worse than someone in the family dying. “No, baby, we have something to ask you.”
That didn’t quell her worries. The longer the pause between whatever you had to say was, the more you could see her nervously shuffling on the couch in front of you. The worst of the worst possibilities were running through her mind right now. Meanwhile, you were trying to silently guilt Eddie into being the one to break the news. She had a soft spot for her dad after all. He gave in in the end with a large huff. 
“Me and your mom have the opportunity to open a second diner,” he began. Her face lit up. She loved the diner so much– specifically the free food and desserts that you allowed her to have– so of course she was ecstatic for you. She didn’t know why you seemed so unsure though. “The problem is, we’d be opening it in Maryland. So we’d have to move for a while.” 
She frowned. “Move? Like out of Hawkins?”
“Yeah, babe. Out of Hawkins,” Eddie confirmed. 
She visibly deflated, any excitement from the prior news dissipating fast. For a short while she didn’t say anything, which didn’t give you or your husband much to go off of to deduce how she was feeling. Being a mind reader probably would have come in incredibly helpful right about now. Eddie had never felt so unsure about his own daughter’s feelings. The two of you let her think though, tried to let the news set in for her so she could make up her mind, but eventually you were itching to get an answer. 
“Bethy? How are you feeling?”
She took a few more seconds to try and put it into words. “I– Will we still get to see everyone?” she asked. Your heart wanted to break at the idea of her believing a move would stop you from seeing your family. You guessed that was why she’d been so quiet. 
“Of course. We’ll come back all the time, and they can come visit as well. It’s not forever, sweet girl.” Your husband was so gentle with her, voice so soft that you could barely tell he was the same man who many had been scared of in his teen years. 
Now that you and Eddie had finally gotten the families you’d wanted since you were small children, there was nothing in the whole world that could make you give that up. They meant everything to you, and you loved that they meant everything to Beth also. 
“If it’d make you happy, then I think we should do it,” she concluded. To say she was only thirteen– very soon to be fourteen (god where had the years gone)-- you thought it was really mature of her. She wasn’t thinking about herself right now, or being selfish in her decision like most children might, she wanted to do this for you. She thought that you and Eddie did so much for her that it was only fair that she allowed you this. Although she might have friends and a life here, she could have one in another city too. There was always the option to call her friends at home from wherever she was. 
You turned to Eddie with a grin that couldn’t be contained, not even with your hardest attempts. “Yeah? You’re sure?” 
“As long as I can have the biggest bedroom,” she teased. 
The two of you chuckled, pulling her into a hug between the three of you. You would never be able to verbally express the amount of love that sat deep within your chest for the girl that was in your arms. She was something special, and you’d known that since the very day you met her. You were honored to be able to say she was your daughter. 
Packing was a whole other process in itself. If you hadn’t known you were coming back here eventually, you might have been more emotional about the whole thing. There were certainly moments where you and Eddie got caught up looking at things you’d forgotten before you placed them in a box, but it was more tiresome than anything. He was getting visibly more bored than you were, and when your husband got bored he got whiny and very childlike. He would slump down somewhere and complain anytime you asked him to do something. It would get to the point where you just did it by yourself.
Beth tried to help. She took her stuff and sorted them into piles, but she needed your help to find the most efficient way to pack them up completely. As for Lola and Jessie, they just had the time of their lives messing around in empty boxes. If Eddie hadn’t been a grown man, he might have joined them. 
The whole thing took much longer than you would have liked, what with a lack of help, but in the end it was done and you were just glad it was over. To make up for not helping, Eddie basically waited on you hand and foot when you sat down to have a break. You were laid on the couch, and he heavily encouraged you to take a nap with the promise he would do whatever the kids needed so you didn’t have to. Obviously you took him up on that offer. 
When you woke up a few hours later, you expected there to be chaos all throughout the house, but instead your kids seemed happy and sated with their father in the kitchen. Jessie was in his dad’s arms while the man moved around the pretty much empty cupboards, like he was looking for something, while Beth and Lola set the table. There was the smell of pleasant food in the air, so you knew Eddie hadn’t cooked, you just didn’t know who had. 
“What smells so good?” you asked, suppressing a yawn and rubbing your tired eyes with your fist. 
At the sound of your voice your husband turned his head, flashing you a sheepish smile. It was then that you knew no one had cooked at all, he was spoiling your kids once again by ordering takeout. This was exactly what happened when you napped when it was time for everyone to eat. You gave him a look that told him you would let it slide this time, purely because you were much too tired to argue with him right now, but he would think twice before he did it again. It was just as easy to wake you up and politely ask you to cook as it would be to phone for takeout. 
“Why don’t you girls sit down? I’ll get your food,” you promise your two daughters. They thanked you, and it was a good thing you knew your girls because food was dished out correctly the first time. Eddie was notorious for forgetting. 
It hit you while you were eating that this would be one of the last times that you got to spend like this in the cabin. Even when you did come back, it wouldn’t be the same. Beth probably wouldn’t want to eat with her family, Lola wouldn’t be your adorable toddler anymore and Jessie wouldn’t be a baby that needed you for everything– he was going to be able to walk and talk– and you were positive you felt your heart crack at the thoughts running through your head. You tried to push them aside so you could enjoy the moment now, but they were constantly lingering in the back of your mind. 
Eddie must have noticed that you were slightly down, his free hand coming to intertwine with yours on top of the table. You shot him a grateful smile, and with that your mood felt slightly elevated. 
As the two of you laid in bed together that night, you couldn’t help but resort back to questioning whether this was the right thing to do. Did you really want to leave your whole family and life for a restaurant that might not even run successfully? Just because Sunshine’s diner was successful in Hawkins, a small town without many options of restaurants, didn’t necessarily mean that it would be successful in a bigger place. 
“Are you sure about this?” you asked your husband, fingertips drawing circles on his clothed chest absentmindedly. 
At first he was confused, but then his tired mind caught up and it clicked. “Hell yeah. Everyone here loves the diner, ‘M sure everyone in Maryland will too.” The way he believed in you always made your heart soar. There wasn’t a single ounce of doubt in him aimed your way. He thought you could do anything you set your mind to, and hell you’d succeed in it too. It made you all the more glad that this was the man you were raising children with– they would know just how loved they were and all the opportunities in life that came with that. 
You didn’t say anything else after your initial question, just cuddled closer to him and pressed a kiss to wherever your lips could reach. He understood what you were doing, you were thanking him without having to say it. The two of you fell asleep that night both on the same wavelength about the decision you were making. 
Your birthday being the day after New Years had always been a little weird. Most people in your life would be hungover after celebrating the start of another year, and so they never really wanted to celebrate with you on your actual special day, it was always the day after, or before. But that had never happened with your new family. As soon as they learnt the date, they were understanding. It didn’t matter if they passed out from so much to drink on New Years, they would still throw you a party the following night that was all about you. This time though, it wasn’t necessarily going to be just about you, but your family too. 
This party presented you with the perfect opportunity to tell everyone about your decision to move. It was hard getting such a large group of people together all at once, so you were going to steal the chance while you had it (even if that meant the mood of your party was dampened a little.) 
No one suspected a thing, except Wayne and Petal you supposed who you’d told about your plans. You thought of all the people they deserved to know first. So that evening, your friends and family showed up at diner with wide smiles and gifts in hand for you. You greeted them all like everything was completely normal, and you didn’t think a single person suspected a thing. 
The night ran smoothly for the most part. Everyone was having fun, you and Eddie included, no matter how many times you had to tend to your worked up baby. Jessie might have been the saddest one of everyone here– and he didn’t even know what was going on. When it came time for the announcement, when you and Eddie managed to find each other in the crowd, you grew nervous. The idea of upsetting your family made your chest ache. 
Your husband was the one who caught everyone’s attention, and you grew a little more anxious once all eyes were on you. You subconsciously searched the crowd for your kids, finding Jessie in his Uncle Steve’s arms looking more than content, Lola with her grandpa– which was expected, he was always her favorite– and Beth talking her Aunt Tulip’s ear off. Knowing you had their support as much as they could offer, was what spurred you on to push aside your worries and just tell them what this whole ordeal was about. 
“We have something to tell you all,” you began, taking Eddie’s hand in yours as a means of extra support. You watched all of them, their faces ranging from nervous to confused. Some were comforting, mainly Wayne and Petal, but that did nothing to ease your dread. Something in the back of your mind told you that this was a bad idea and that you shouldn't uproot your entire lives for this–it sounded suspiciously like Tulip.
“Are you pregnant again, already?” Steve groaned. 
With a nervous chuckle, you shook your head. “No, not pregnant.” One squeeze to your husband's hand had him assuming the bearer of bad news, it wasn’t one he particularly liked, but he really had no choice. You weren’t going to do it, and he wasn’t evil enough to make his 13 year old do it either. He cleared his throat. “Um, there’s no easy way to say this, but we're moving to Maryland.” 
The confession was met with silence and blinking eyes. It was so quiet, you swore you could hear your heart beating incessantly. Steve was the first to break the silence, “Maryland?” 
You jumped into the conversation, “we got the chance to open up a new diner there, and we took it.” It was going better than you expected, well as good as you could gather considering the silence, no one was screaming or crying yet at least. 
“That’s great,” Hopper celebrated, making you feel better about making this decision. “When are you guys set to leave?” 
“Couple days. The cabin’s already packed up, which is why we wanted to do this here,” Eddie informed. “We know it’s short notice, but we didn’t want to make a big deal out of it.” It was true, you thought the longer you waited to tell everyone, the less of a teary goodbye you’d have. You didn’t want a party or going away presents or anything of the sort. You simply wanted your family to know and be happy with the route your business was going. 
The news was taken a lot better than you thought it would be. While everyone was celebrating and happy for you, there was one noticeable figure who didn’t seem to share the same sentiment. Her support would have meant so much to you, but it was the only one you seemed to not have. 
Tulip had been suspiciously quiet since you first brought up your announcement, and for her best friend, that meant nothing good. Her husband wasn’t there to hold her hand through the news, instead approaching you and Eddie to give your squirmy baby back to you, while also offering his congratulations. Beth had also left her, and was now having a teary moment with her best friend, who was probably going to be the hardest person for her to part with. Her and Eleanor were inseparable usually. While she was alone, your husband took the opportunity to approach her to see how she was feeling about all of this. 
“Hey,” he said, quietly. 
She turned her head to him, offering a small, tight lipped smile that didn’t reach her eyes. He knew her far too well to know that she wasn’t taking this news well right now. 
“Talk to me, Lippy.”
She frowned, trying to ignore the tears that desperately begged to well up in her eyes. She didn’t want to cry, she thought she was being dramatic, but this was her best friend, who she’d never been apart from for longer than a few days at most. It felt impossible to her that she’d have to be so far away from him for who knows how long. He wouldn’t be a twenty minute drive away when she needed him anymore– and she needed him a lot. “Do you have to go? I don’t want you to leave me,” Tulip admitted. 
“I have to,” he said.
She shook her head. “But we promised we’d leave together.” He could see she was getting a little more emotional now, and he wasn’t the greatest at comforting anyone, let alone her. She wasn’t the kind to show emotion like this. “I don’t want you to leave.”
He pulled her into his side, resting his cheek on top of her head as they shared a short hug. If he could feel the traces of her tears, he didn’t say anything. “It’s not forever. Hawkins will always be my home.”
She shook her head. “You’re still leaving me, and making me cry. God you’re such an ass.”
He chuckled. “I’ll miss you so much,” he told her honestly. The pair didn’t share their feelings with one another often, they thought they were way too good for that and it was just unnecessary, so the fact they were both being genuine right now, and not cracking jokes about how they wouldn’t even notice the other was gone, was a surprise. You would’ve been shocked if you were there to hear it. “And I’ll miss the Harrington clan. Not Steve though.”
It was the first laugh he’d managed to get from her since he approached to check how she was doing. Although he was a lot happier that the mood was lightened, he couldn’t help but tell her something else that was on his mind, something he wasn’t sure he’d ever told her before. “I love you, Tulip,” he said.
She was a little hesitant to say it back, not wanting to get more vulnerable than she’d already been. “I love you too, Teddy.”
There was a kiss placed onto the top of her head. “I think you’re going to be my hardest goodbye, Lippy,” he admitted. For a second he backtracked. “Don’t tell Wayne that,” he warned, pulling her back into the hug, then he remembered to add another thing. “Or Petal.”
She grinned against his shirt, and he knew then that his secret was safe with her. “Deal.”
The day you left Hawkins was an emotional one. There were many hugs, tears and at one point you thought Nora and a couple of the Harrington kids were going to have to come with you, because they just weren’t letting go. Watching Eddie and Tulip’s goodbye was the one that made you tear up the most. Not even your own goodbyes made you feel that way. They both just looked so sad and helpless, and you knew it’d take them a while to adjust to living without each other. But after a long while of promising you would come back as soon as the new diner was up and ready, you were finally allowed to pile into your car and start your journey. 
Jessie and Lola were both in their carseats, the younger sleeping and the older one fighting the sleep that threatened to take over her. As for Beth, she had Bat cuddled up on her lap, singing along quietly to the music playing from the radio. It made you and your husband smile. 
The journey was long, and the three children hated being cramped in the back for hours on end– you hated it too, so much complaining was beginning to get to you. You were glad when it was over. 
Your kids had yet to see the new house. Considering it was partly across the country, you didn’t want to just up and take them to view the place when you and Eddie already deemed it to be perfect. It was everything everyone could wish for– the stereotypical family home that neither of you had ever had. They would surely love it and all the space they would get for themselves. Beth was excited to decorate her own room. So excited that as soon as she got over the initial shock when first entering the house, she ran off to pick out her new room, her sister toddling behind her. You reminded her to keep an eye on the three year old, not wanting her to hurt herself, but you could trust your eldest, she was smart. 
Your son was a little rowdy, clearly ready for a nap after such a long day of traveling. He went down easy in his little travel bed, and then you and Eddie were left to yourselves for the first time today. Traveling cross country with three kids was not ideal in any circumstance, especially when two of them were so young. It was a nightmare, it felt like all you’d heard all day long was whine after whine. It was like you could breathe for the first time since the day began. 
“Wine?” Eddie asked, pulling the bottle he’d hidden from you in his bag.
You grinned, nodding your head as you followed him into the kitchen. Some of your stuff had already been moved to the house with the help of your friends, so all he needed to do was find the box that contained the wine glasses, or any glasses really. It took him longer than it should’ve, because he kept looking in the wrong place, but it was funny to you at least. It was the sort of lighthearted behavior you needed after such a difficult day. 
He poured probably way too much wine into a glass for you, but honestly it was encouraged. 
“Welcome home,” Eddie muttered, leaning over to press a sweet kiss to your temple. You beamed, tucking your head into his shoulder as you took in the empty room in front of you. It was hard to believe that this was all yours, but now that it was, you couldn’t be more happy. Though this might just be temporary, it was like the start of a whole new life. No one knew you here, no one knew the reputation Eddie carried, and it was like a weight lifted off of your shoulders. 
“To our new life,” Eddie said. His glass was clinked with yours in a cheers motion. “To our new life,” you muttered, sipping from your drink. 
beth taglist - @ches-86 @kiszkawagnerwhore @ssqra @leftcloudparadise @aereth @destielbuckyboy @eddiesaws @whatawildone @husherstan @chickensinrainboots @spencestyles @simonsbluee @naivences @eddiemunsongffff @shreklover123 @stevesred @mcueveryday @spencerstits @ajeff855 @strawberrykittey @little-diva-gurl @deydeyyyhhh @what-a-strange-constellation @psychdelephantt @roguemetalmaster13 @lovesleepybearwriter @cherrypieyourface @sincerelli @lj127 @that-80s-chick @bloodyxheaven @bva14 @1800letmesleep @boomhauer @eddie-the-angel-munson @soft-munson-hargreeves @eddiesviolet @welikeicecream @eddiemunsons-sweetheart @paintmekala @audge-podgeee @s0fia-14 @asthetic9646 @urmomashleyyy @chrissysgf @hazydespair @tvserie-s-world @andreead @ily-jupit3r @certainlynotasimp @spideysbae @taz-devvil @shotoskitten @idontfeelanythinganymor3 @lexi-2004 @ilovereadingfanfics @mlktea13 @jvmisvu @munsons-sweetheart @aureatopia @crabbygabby @pikispixies @lethalbeautiful @angie1djonasgg @phantomxoxo @graywrites20 @thesundrop @yeah-seems-legit @wydmonday @fangirling-4-ever @yaskna @ems-alexandra @mess-is-my-aesthetic @ajdelilah @d4td7ewmachine @eddie-my-love-munson @lovecleastrange @hairringgt0n @matty-blossom @ @parasadic-blog @gooblerstan @livlaughquinn @miracleboysel @alysianc @okiegirl24 @mjmunson93 @un-lilting @livasaurasrex @smilingtheodoisa-blog @joekeeryswife @ch4ot1ccoff1n @daydreamin-lol @calamitylass @thxliaaa @simsteo @dazed-and-confused101 @elamity @wateryblue29 @simpfoegeorge @ahoyitsagus @helpimspiraling @jakeysangel @sunwardsss @eddiesskittle @eddiethesexy @nina211544 @murnsondock @darklingbrekksov @sanzu-holic @kingofhellfire @reidstea @bibieddiesgf @tayhar811 @audhd-dragonaut @mymultiverses @escape-in-time-x @eddiesguitarskills @andytorres1232 @aftertheglitterfades @diabolicurseria @spacedoutdaydreamer @mchellysworld @cvrosstuff @peonysleeve @eddeslvt @awkotaco24 @kxxvvxxi @eddiemsbandana
(if theres a strike through it wont allow me to tag you, pls make sure your tags are on!!)
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Dieter and the Pea
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(Dieter x horror loving female)
Words: 678
Summary: a trip to the mattress stores brings up some insecurities
Warnings: some swearing, slight suggestions to sauciness because it’s Dieter, lots of fluff
Check out masterlist here
“That’s a lot of mattresses.”
“Well it is a mattress store.”
“Could we pile them up so…?”
“I don’t think the store would like it if we did that.”
“I forgot to bring a pea anyways.”
“We already know you’re a princess Dieter.”
You were put in charge of remodelling Dieter’s house, well now yours and Dieter’s house. He was leaving everything in your hands, spare no expense. You would never buy Patagonian Toothfish and call it Chilean Seabass, somehow causing an outbreak of dinosaurs, so you put in your research for various reasonable pieces of furniture.
You kept the living room in its mid-century theme but had trouble finding a big enough couch until Dieter went and got one custom made with stain resistant fabric which he thoroughly tested out, sometimes involving you.
The big dining table was replaced with one smaller so it could be closer to the kitchen. “We only used the dining table once and it wasn’t for eating,” you told him in your defence. “You weren’t eating, but I was feasting,” was his counter argument.
Now you were focusing on the bedroom; you were going for a French provincial style which to Dieter meant furniture from Beauty and the Beast without it coming to life and talking to you. You found a lovely four poster bed which Dieter went and bought without hearing about any other options. You were feeling bad about spending all of Dieter’s money even if he stated that wasn’t an issue with him.
Now you brought him along to try out mattresses. Dieter’s method of trying them out was doing his best impression of a tree and falling on to them. He gestured you over when he found one that felt suitable, and he made a good choice, but he caught you looking at the price.
“You have that look.”
“What look?”
“The one where you’re stuck in your head.”
You lay back on the mattress next to him, “It’s just…well you don’t ask any rent from me and you’re buying all the furniture, I feel like I’m not contributing anything.”
“You contribute heaps,” he took your hand to reaffirm his statement, “You should’ve seen the place before it got it’s magazine makeover, it was a dump.” You raised your eyebrows for him to continue, “I only lived out of one room, the lumpy mattress lived on the floor, I had a beanbag as a couch, and I didn’t even have a TV.”
“Yeah, it was a dump. I grew up in a trailer home, then an artists commune and I never really properly lived with anyone before, I was always couch-surfing or living out of motels once I struck out on my own. I never knew what I’d like in my own home. And I never had anyone live with me, well, we slept in separate rooms, so it didn’t really count…” you squeezed his hand, drawing him out of his dark memories, “Now it actually feels like a home with you here, and you seem to know what I like, which helps because I don’t know.”
“We have similar styles, I feel.”
“Well it’s a nice feeling. I never liked going home because it was always lonely, but now I love coming home. And the place smells like cookies which is amazing,” you both smiled, “Your cookies were the second thing about you that I feel in love with.”
“What was the first thing?”
“You. Sorry, that was cheesy.”
“I love cheese.”
“I know you do,” you giggled as he kissed you, “You’re thinking about cheese now, aren’t you?”
“Of course I am. And about dinner.”
Dieter laid back on the mattress, “So you like this one?”
You wiggled around a bit, “I do, do you like it?”
He joined you in the wiggling, “Yeah, it should keep up with our nighttime activities.”
“You mean sleeping?”
“That too.”
“We can always return it.”
“Not after one night with us we can’t.”
“That’s why we have towels, we need to buy more of them by the way.”
Films referenced: Jurassic Park (1993), Beauty and the Beast (1991)
Lovingly tagging @boliv-jenta @simpingcowboy @ellenmunn @o-sacra-virgo-laudes-tibi @brilliantopposite187 @chaithetics @myloveistoolittle @cevans-is-classic @glshmbl
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ask-de-writer · 1 year
Promised to tell about yesterday's
Day started well, if early, to take advantage of the morning cool. Had a water haul. It was my longest one, of course. Takes three and a half to four hours if all goes well, which it did not.
Got to the water meters place. A contractor was using the standpipe that I needed - - to fill a 3000 gallon truck! Looking things over, I found that I had a trailer tire that was deader than a Dodo. Picked up not one, but two nails. One in a spot that makes it not repairable. At least it is on a warranty.
At least I had a spare in the truck. Got off four of the six wheel nuts. The other two did not want to come off. Grump. Went to a local used tire place. Oly applied pro tools and got my tire swapped. Cost a few bucks but he earned it.
Back to the water meter place. Contractor was ALMOST done. Still wondering why he didn't use the big commercial job standpipes.
Filled up the trailer and hit the road. The pull was mostly routine. Just that the cruise control would not kick in for some reason.
Got to the place and filling her tank and a shallow pool were routine. Hitch was, that she usually gets along with her ex. But not today. He was in El Paso and loaned her his car because hers is presently Kaput. While she was out there, umpteen miles from nowhere, he reported his car as stolen!
She needed to get back to town but could not take his car without risking getting arrested with her kid on board! She parked his car and I gave her a ride.
First to my place to drop off the trailer and some groceries I'd gotten.
She wanted to go to Fabens to meet up with a friend coming out from El Paso to get her. Offered to take her and her kid right on into El Paso to Discount Tire where I am getting the replacement trailer tire. While on the way in, she gets a call from her ex. He has retracted the stolen report and she can drive his car back to his place! Seems he is semi screwed without it.
She sweetly informs him that she is nearly into El Paso and his car is umpteen miles out in the desert and SHE has the only keys for it! If his foot hurts, it is because he shot it himself. If he had not tried to play games on her, he'd have his car!
We got to Discount Tire and their place is being remodeled. Get to wait under a sunshade. Her ride shows and she takes off. All good, I guess.
While I am waiting, the shop employees come around with actually cold bottled water. Then an elderly man shows up with a hand push cart that has a dry ice box full of ice creams. The Mexican sort. Every flavor under the sun except the ordinary ones that we are used to. I got a coconut one first and then a genuine lemon flavor.
They were free. Discount Tire paid for them for all the folks waiting for tires in the heat.
Got my tire and had one replaced on the truck too. It was worn out. In my twenty years out here, that was only the fourth tire that I had to buy. Road Hazard warranties are wonderful.
Bought a sit down dinner and headed home. Got there about eight thirty or nine. Worn to a fraz. Had a cold ice tea out of the fridge and went to bed.
And got UP!! ANTS!! Sprayed down the bed and bedding and actually got to sleep.
If you do get ants almost anywhere, sprays containing DEET work very well to stop the little buggers dead. Not as poison as, say Raid or that ilk. Just don't put it on any fresh food nor use it around pet birds.
I hope that your day was better.
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philbridges · 2 years
I Did NOT Build This Cabinet #Shorts
I Did NOT Build This Cabinet #Shorts
I did not build this cabinet, I refused to take credit for this cabinet. I would quit over somebody trying to make sure I built this cabinet. I quit. 🙏 Subscribe, 👍, it helps a lot!!➤❓/ 💬: [email protected]➤ Follow https://straightarrowrepair.com/pipf ➤➤I get a little for the channel-no charge for you if you use the links:➤➤Shop Amazon https://amzn.to/3CxD1T4➤➤Tool lists & recommended…
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Do you already have some new fanfics, one shots, etc. planned? after the end of The Cabin in the Woods?
Yes I do! I'm definitely going to finish my other fic Mama's boy after Cabin in the Woods but after that, I've had this idea for a while of an AU where Jake doesn't kill Quaritch at the end of the first movie (maybe leaves him alive to live with his defeat or something like that) and then when all the humans are being kicked off of Pandora Jake will catch Quaritch saying goodbye to baby Spider. Quaritch wont out right beg to stay but he will lay it on thick with how his son will be an orphan, how alone he'll be, how cruel it is to separate a child from his father. Jake will then let Quaritch stay with conditions.
they'll remodel the old shack into basically a trailer home for the two of them, making them live in exile. Norm or Jake will of course stop by once a week with supplies and to make sure baby Spider is okay but for the most part it'll just be simi reluctant, definitely depressed after his crushing defeat Quaritch taking care of his very energetic, curious little boy.
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incubabe · 2 years
   Riley has a little getaway up in the Pocono Mountains. It’s humble and quiet, purchased for a song, a squat bungalow tucked away in a since-disincorporated gated community. Hardly bigger than a nice trailer home, the place has been decently remodeled by Riley, mostly due to it falling into disrepair prior to her purchase at a sheriff’s auction. (That previous owner, having died peacefully in her sleep several months before, is not haunting the place, and Riley made sure to check prior to placing a bid.)
   Her intention is to get away from people in heading there, to consciously deny her hunger. Ideally, this means not talking to anyone, period, and doing as little Fortean shit as possible. No magic, no talking to weirdoes, nothing. Read a book, make some dinner, sleep. She rarely invites anyone to go up there with her; if you’ve had the luxury, feel lucky. 
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openposthub · 1 month
Discovering Allentown's Hidden Gems in Storage Trailer Rentals and Sales
In today's fast-paced world, both homeowners and small business owners often find themselves in need of extra space. Whether it's to store seasonal decorations, keep business inventory safe, or provide temporary space during a renovation, storage solutions have become an essential part of modern living. The good news is that options like storage trailer rentals and sales PA offer a flexible, convenient answer to space challenges.
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Storage trailers provide a versatile solution, as they can be easily transported and customized to meet various needs. From moving extra furniture during a home remodel to storing excess product inventory for a business, these trailers offer a portable and secure option. This adaptability is why more people are considering them as a viable storage option.
Understanding the Storage Trailer Market in Allentown, PA
Allentown, known for its rich history and growing economy, has seen an uptick in demand for storage trailer rentals. This surge is driven by both residential and commercial needs, as families expand and businesses grow. The city offers a range of options for those seeking storage solutions, with several reputable companies providing trailer rentals and sales.
The local market is competitive, with numerous providers offering different pricing models and services. Some companies specialize in short-term rentals, while others focus on long-term solutions. Understanding what's available is crucial to finding the best fit for your requirements and budget.
Top Storage Trailer Deals and Sales in Allentown
Finding the right storage trailer deal can be a daunting task, but with the right information, it can also be rewarding. Here, we'll review some of the top-rated companies in Allentown that offer storage trailer rentals and sales with excellent deals and customer satisfaction.
Allentown Storage Solutions- Allentown Storage Solutions is known for its competitive pricing and comprehensive service offerings. They provide a range of trailer sizes, suitable for both small and large storage needs. Customers appreciate their straightforward pricing model, which avoids hidden fees and unexpected charges. Their trailers are available for both short- and long-term rentals, making them a flexible option for various needs. The company also offers purchase options for those who require a permanent solution, complete with customizable features to ensure the trailer meets specific requirements.
Trailer World Allentown- Trailer World Allentown is another top contender, offering an extensive selection of trailers. Their focus on customer service and quality products has earned them a strong reputation. They provide detailed information about each trailer type, helping customers understand the benefits and limitations of their options. Their sales team is knowledgeable and eager to assist with any questions. Whether you're renting or buying, Trailer World ensures you receive the best possible deal tailored to your needs. They also offer financing options for those interested in purchasing a trailer.
Budget-Friendly Rentals and More- For those on a tighter budget, Budget-Friendly Rentals and More is a great option. They offer a variety of affordable rental packages without sacrificing quality. Their trailers are well-maintained, ensuring reliability and security for your stored items. The company provides flexible rental terms, allowing you to adjust the duration based on changing needs. This adaptability makes them a favorite among both homeowners and business owners looking for cost-effective storage solutions in Allentown.
Choosing the Right Storage Trailer for Your Needs
Selecting the right storage trailer requires careful consideration of your specific needs and circumstances. Here are some tips to help you make an informed decision when exploring storage trailer rentals and sales in Allentown, PA.
Assess Your Storage Requirements- Begin by evaluating what you plan to store. Consider the size, weight, and volume of your items to determine the appropriate trailer size. This assessment will help you avoid overpaying for unused space or selecting a trailer that's too small.
Consider Duration and Flexibility- Think about how long you'll need the storage trailer. If your needs are temporary, a rental might be the most cost-effective option. For ongoing needs, purchasing a trailer could provide long-term value. Additionally, consider if the provider offers flexible terms to accommodate changes.
Evaluate Additional Features- Some trailers come with features like climate control or additional security measures. Determine if these are necessary for your items. While these features can add to the cost, they may be worth it for items sensitive to temperature changes or requiring extra protection.
Next Steps for Your Storage Needs
Navigating the storage trailer market in Allentown, PA, doesn't have to be overwhelming. By understanding your needs and comparing the available options, you can find the perfect solution for your home or business. Whether you choose a short-term rental or opt for a purchase, the right trailer can provide the space and security you require.
For those ready to explore the best storage trailer rentals and sales Allentown PA has to offer, take the next step by contacting one of the recommended providers. They will make sure you find the right trailer for your storage needs by walking you through the process with their expert staff.  
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denvermovinghelpers · 3 months
🏘 Moving Labor Services in Denver, Colorado 🏘
🏘 Moving Labor Services in Denver, Colorado 🏘
📦 Denver Moving Helpers is Denver's premier moving labor service.  We offer loading & unloading help for rental trucks, storage containers, trailers, storage units, and in-home furniture relocation for home remodels.  Our extended services also include help with packing and unpacking! 😲
Our crews come fully equipped with box and furniture dollies, moving straps, and all the tools needed to get your move completed efficiently.
Here are just a few reasons why customers choose us:
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#DenverMovingHelpers #MovingHelp #MovingLabor
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coastalmovinglabor · 3 months
🏘 Moving Labor Services on Oregon's Northern Coast 🏘
🏘 Moving Labor Services on Oregon's Northern Coast 🏘
📦 Coastal Moving Labor is the Oregon Coast's premier moving labor service.  We offer loading & unloading help for rental trucks, storage containers, trailers, storage units, and in-home furniture relocation for home remodels.  Our extended services also include help with packing and unpacking! 😲
Our crews come fully equipped with box and furniture dollies, home protection pads, plastic stretch-wrap, and all the tools needed to get your move completed efficiently.
Here are just a few reasons why customers choose us:
🛎 We pride ourselves on delivering five-star service
📲 Easily book your crew online or get a free quote
💲 You can save hundreds vs using a full service moving company
🔑 Our services are affordable, reliable, and friendly
💪 Our professional movers are experienced and careful
🌅 We currently offer all of our moving labor services to the Northern Oregon Coast including:
Astoria - Warrenton - Hammond - Sunset Beach
Gearhart - Seaside - Cannon Beach - Manzanita
📅Schedule your fully equipped moving helper crew today! Either fill out our convenient online form, or give our office a call for a quick and friendly booking experience.
📱 www.CoastalMovingLabor.com
📞 971-403-0966
🤩 Hire the best local movers the Oregon Coast has to offer! 🤩
#OregonCoastMovers #MovingHelp #MovingLabor
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