#tranquil answers
tranquilpetrichor · 1 year
Hello! Can i be added to the taglist of take a break ^^?
ofc! ty for the interest in it!
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dailyloopdeloop · 6 months
hello :3 If it so pleases, It would be wonderful to see Loop clinging to another character like a backpack. Or vice versa.
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DAY 14: clingy once more
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kaciidubs · 1 month
I'm just gonna take a deep breath a try to calm myself down...
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Babe, the deep breath I'm about to take is gonna be swiftly followed by screams for him to TAKE ME, USE ME, BREED ME, WHATEVER YOU NEED ME TO BE THAT'S WHAT I AM 😫‼️‼️‼️
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wdapteo · 25 days
gang I'm so scared bc honestly i don't see how they are going on tour that it's going to be all about revisiting their careers, opening up doors, exposing things and talking about their relationship with the phandom and NOT have hard launched yet. like HOW are they going to do this without talking about the elephant in the room? the tour it's just in a few days: what's going to happen before the tour??????
honestly I do see they doing exactly that, they're pro at breakdancing over The Line lol they'll open many other doors and distract us with other equally disturbing/surprising info I bet. it'll be fun nonetheless and tbh I really enjoy their way of dealing with it all :3 at the same time I'm praying for the souls of everyone going to Antwerp rip
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feroluce · 10 months
Inmate #1: I used to always keep a bat by my bed.
Inmate #2: I used to sleep with a gun under my pillow.
Inmate #3: I used to sleep with a knife.
Sigewinne: Hah! The three of you are so cute.
Inmate #1: Oh yeah? What do you sleep with?
Sigewinne: The Duke.
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girlbob-boypants · 1 month
Also housemate and I were talking and I realized how stupid it is you can't just go slide up to Duncan and ask him to recruit you and Jowan.
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viitlumi · 2 months
" this is truly a room worth admiring . " - zeke to hilda c: <
@worldhell The forest was shrouded in a dense veil of rain, each drop striking the canopy like a drumbeat, forming a symphony of nature's relentless fury. The wind howled through the trees, the branches swayed and creaked, their whispers drowned in the storm. Hilda Stjornhalm, the foremost huntress in her homeland of Isvann, stood in solidarity in the storm, her heart pounding beneath the rhythm of the rain. She was a figure of quiet determination, a shadow among the trees, now seeking shelter in a small, weathered hut with the notoriously infamous Zeke Yeager. The cabin was a stark contrast to the chaos outside – a fragile sanctuary amid the torrential downpour. Its wooden walls groaned under the weight of the rain, and the dim light filtering through the small, grimy window cast eerie shadows across the room. Hilda sat opposite Zeke, her bow resting across her lap, the arrow fitted with a specialized tip akin to the thunder spears but fashioned for precision rather than destruction. Her eyes, sharp and vigilant, never left Zeke, tracking his every move with the precision of a shrewd observer. Captain Levi's words echoed in her mind: "Do not show him any pity. Do not fall for his snide words." Hilda had adhered to these instructions with unwavering determination. Not a single word had passed her lips since they took refuge in the cabin. She vehemently maintained her tongue, be it due to her tension and her angst-induced speechlessness, something she didn't want Zeke to recognize in the slightest, or be it her own version of a strategy of maintaining silence. Nothing could potentially screw it up if she never uttered a single phrase to him. Besides, she proved, anyone would detest being curtailed in activities and conversations; that discomforting tickle in someone's brain that would send them out of their mind. Hilda maintained a stoic facade, her face an impenetrable mask. Yet, beneath this exterior, she felt the tendrils of nervousness coil around her heart, her mind alert to every subtle shift in Zeke's demeanor.
The sound of raindrops against the window was a persistent remembrance of their isolation, each drop a metronome ticking away the seconds in this tension-filled vigil. Zeke, perceptive as ever, noticed her unwavering stare, probably the tension in her posture as well. His attempts to engage her had been met with silence, a wall he seemed eager to breach.
"This is truly a room worth admiring," Zeke's voice cut through the steady drumming of the rain, laced with a sardonic edge. The fair-haired woman met his eyes, though calm, they were inquisitive to her, as if they were seeking a crack in her armor. The bored tone in his voice was unmistakable; he was clearly tired of the stillness, the inactivity grating on his nerves.
Hilda’s grip tightened on her bow, her fingers brushing against the cool wood. She continued to focus, her gaze shifting momentarily to the surrounding room. The cabin was sparse, with only a small table and two chairs, a few scattered papers, and a dim lantern that cast long, flickering shadows. It was a setting stripped of any comfort, mirroring the bleakness of their encounter.
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The rain outside grew fiercer, pounding against the roof with an almost desperate ferocity, as if the storm itself sought to intrude upon their fragile peace. Hilda's eyes returned to Zeke, her silence a fortress she refused to lower. She knew he could sense her nervousness, the unease that lay beneath her composed exterior. But the huntress also knew that, in this perilous field of patience and wits, she could not afford to fall short.
Yet, Hilda's gaze didn't waver. She let the monotony take hold, each second a testament to her resolve. In this storm-battered cabin, amidst the relentless rain and the palpable tension, the young woman remained a silent sentinel, ever vigilant, ever prepared for what lay ahead.
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amatres · 1 year
Okay so what are circle mages allowed to learn life skill wise? Obviously they are taught how to read, can't live in a place that's just a huge library and not, but beyond that what?
Wnnye knows how to mend clothing, according to dialogue between her and Alistair, so they can learn at least some form of sewing skills. How much though I don't know, is it something they need to get permission to get supplies of for from the supply room, similar to things for projects such as with the Rod of Fire?
The Circle is a place purposely set up to deny it's wards the opportunities to learn basic life skills so they remain dependent on the Chantry and it's amenities, however by virtue of not everyone getting their magic at an age where they learn nothing of a normal life before being kidnapped from their families and homes, some of the older apprentices brought in will know how to do tasks that otherwise a mage could be denied.
At what point is a skill considered harmless enough to let them learn, such as how to mend their own clothes, and to what point does it get that they are denied any opportunity to learn it, as I imagine what happens with cooking, which is either handled by tranquil, Chantry priests, or servants hired from outside. What is a Circle mages day to day life outside of their lectures and experiments?
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skybristle · 7 months
Heya! Which Itty of yours is the crazy "cat lady" of your local group(s)? (Which is the one who has the most pets and loves them dearly?)
crossing starscapes: distances. sort of . she just kinda vibes with them a lot when traveling and has her own cat purposed by her brother
bending horizons: CHIMES JESUS CHRIST. he has been adopted by an entire colony and has emotionally attached himself to scugs after losing his ancients. also credit to maw ig for all of her creatures but she doesnt consider them pets
echoing strife: uhhhhh this one's new so a lots up in the air. probably feathers though [loves his scugs very deeply [sure hope they werent made for a very depressing reason]. also credit to jet for taming a bunch of weird underwater cats after collapsing to help rebuild himself kind of
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tranquilpetrichor · 26 days
I would be really grateful if you could help me by donating to save my children and family from the dangers of war and death in Gaza and escape to a safe place.
Please donate, repost and share the posts for my family 🙏
even if people coming across this can't donate, please reblog to spread
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deathdxnces · 10 months
you mentioned before how Tarhos and Haru are sort of adoptive parental figures to Irelia - do you think she’d have any battle quotes towards the two as allies and foes?
— feat @witchcraftandburialdirt &. @bells-of-black-sunday for the mention !
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i'm terrible at creating those myself not going to lie so these won't be great BUT i absolutely think she'd have special interactions with them, yes! as allies, enemies, and probably when killing them too. so i tried to write some examples of what i think the lines might be like. something similar in idea, at least. i haven't talked to egg or spuk about these so 🥺 just imagining what it could be like. 
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tarhos:  ❝ we fight side by side again — i almost pity our enemies. almost. ❞
given the circumstances of how they came to be around one another, i don't think irelia would be hesitant toward the carnage the darkin can do. she can be pretty bloodthirsty herself when in battle, and she'd be quite aware anyone standing in their way is certain to meet a bloody end. ✨ bonding time ✨ AIDSFJIDJFJ
haru:  ❝ if they fear what i can do, it's in no small part because i learned from the best. ❞
this i've talked about with egg before, but irelia really didn't know anything about fighting initially. like, not even when she fought at the placidium. she had no training, she barely knew how to use her powers, given there was no one to teach her. haru saw that no one was preparing this girl to face anything while expecting her to face everything and took matters into his own hands to teach her, so i think if they fought side by side she'd reference that, and the sense of pride of being a good fighter and showing that to him but also in being able to fight by his side as an equal now.
tarhos & haru:  ❝ watch out, you two — i'm not the one who has to worry about keeping up anymore. ❞
i just think it'd be cute if she got to be a little playful. and well. she can hold her own now, but i imagine as a teenager she wouldn't have been able to exactly keep up with the immortal vastaya and ancient darkin akjfnksdjfnkjdfn and she might not still! but she can hold her own very well and the lightheartedness warms my heart 
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tarhos:  ❝ it's not too late, tarhos. there is always a better path, and those willing to walk it with you. ❞
as much as irelia can be bloodthirsty, she is also remarkably merciful to other ionians and way too inclined to easily let go of the wrongs of people she cares about. this would manifest here as a plea for tarhos to choose differently, because she wouldn't want to fight him. so it's extending a hand in the hopes of leading him to reconsider.
haru:  ❝ you were the first to teach me how to fight, haru. i regret having to turn my blades against you, but i won't back down. ❞
for haru, i like the 'rhyme' with the allied line in the idea of connecting it to their history and haru being the first to teach her how to fight. but while in the allied quote that is a source of pride and of wanting to make him proud, as enemies it gains a bitter edge that she now has to turn her strength against him. still, irelia is nothing if not certain of her path, so if this leads them to opposite sides, she's not changing her mind and accepting defeat, not even to avoid facing him.
tarhos & haru:  ❝ i learned from you to make my own path. regretful that it led to this. ❞
while i think her family gave her a strong sense of justice, and that irelia always had defiance in her, haru and tarhos would've been really important in consolidating how certain she is of the choices she makes and the path she chooses to follow — even if it eventually led her to stand against them.
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tarhos:  ❝ i'm sorry it came to this — i hope death will be more rest than prison for you, for as long as it lasts. ❞
as far as we know, the darkin can't be killed, though of course that doesn't apply in game. i also think irelia wouldn't know what exactly would happen to them beyond that. even though haru was originally responsible for their proximity, irelia would end up being fond of tarhos as well. so if she kills him, her wish would be that he can find some peace in death, even if death will be no permanent rest. 
haru:  ❝ i will light your lantern, haru — and pray your spirit will be at peace. i hope one day you will forgive me. ❞
lighting the lanterns for the deceased may not be a vastayan custom, but it's important to her because of what she's been taught, so of course she'd want to do it for the first person to really look after her after her family died. i couldn't find a better way to phrase it, but the idea, i think, would be both to convey the regret, respect and affection in wanting to honor his spirit and that his journey to the spirit realm would be peaceful. 
tarhos and haru:  ❝ the only consolation i have is wherever your spirits travel, you will never be without each other. ❞
i think that doesn't require much explanation. there'd still be regret and sorrow but. the idea they're together at least is nevertheless something to take solace in.
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perilegs · 2 months
why did anders and karl agree to meet in the chantry. it's in hightown. how does a mage get there.
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littlelostmabari · 2 months
🌤 name the hardest thing you've had to do for writing
Thank you for the ask!!
There's a silly answer and a serious answer to this. Silly answer is pulling myself out of the games long enough to write. I'm at ~600 hours in BG3 and >1000 in DAI and I definitely am drawn back super easily. 😭
Serious answer is also seriously hard to answer: writing about abuse (here's your CW, friends).
I hated writing about Tranquility for One of the Good Ones. I started in Dragon Age with Inquisition, because it came packaged with the first console I ever owned (we aren't counting my Game Boy Color which I was only allowed to play Pokemon on). If you don't play DA2 first, you don't get the scene with Anders and Karl. DAI doesn't shove Tranquility in your face the same way, and it means you can pass by Clemence and Helisma and even Maddox without understanding. It's easy to miss the Tranquil skulls in Redcliffe too. It meant the whiplash the DAI game after I played DA2 was reallllly bad.
I added this in the notes of Chapter 7, and I think it applies well:
I personally believe that the Tranquil are still people, and should be treated as such, but that's not a view that Saoirse holds. She grew up in a place where souls are very real things and gods do not grant rest to those without souls --- something like Tranquility is literally cutting someone off from the afterlife, which means they are effectively the same as undead thralls.
It was extremely difficult to write about Tranquility with the gravity that it deserved, especially because we know from DA2 and the interaction with Karl that their minds are still intact. The idea that being made prisoner in your own mind is used for something as simple as loving the wrong person??? Ugh ok I'm going to stop now before I get more upset.
Writing about Mystra in Touch of Darkness was a little easier, mostly because the entire story started with how I wanted the conversation with Elminster to go. In the game, I think its appropriate that Gale steers the reaction to his death sentence because he is the one being harmed. Its the same vibes as not giving Astarion a hug at the end of his quest --- that it's not what he needs in that moment as a victim of abuse. Gale needs a level head because his head is a whirligig of emotion and betrayal, and Tav provides him that whether we, the player, want it or not.
But I couldn't leave it there, I was so invested in this pixel man that I wanted to scream and rage and throw Elminster off the nearest cliff. I needed to give Irradessa a reason to be just as upset (read: just as traumatized), which meant giving her a history with Mystra and more than a passing investment in Gale's continued existence. It was hard to capture in words the roiling emotion of the scene inside my head, and it left me emotionally exhausted.
So that was a fun ask! 😂 JK it was really good to get some of these thoughts down into words, so thank you for that @alpydk 😊
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So I recently adopted a Tranquil, he's been mistreated by his trainer in thr past. I want him to be comfortable but he diesent seem to want to come down from the tree in my backyard. And only comes down for food when I'm not looking. How can I make him be comfortable with me
First, be patient. As with any Pokémon who has had its trust with humans broken, he may take time to mend that trust. This includes keeping your distance from his tree until he comes down on his own accord and not touching him until he actively comes up to you, and if he swats at your hand with a wing, it’s still not time. Don’t worry too much about his grooming without you, as Tranquill will clean their own feathers pretty fastidiously.
If you have another Pokémon, or someone you know has a Pokémon that’s comfortable around you, it might help to let Tranquill see you playing with or feeding it, especially if it is also an avian and/or Flying-type Pokémon. Tranquill are social creatures, so it might feel safer befriending another Pokémon first, then befriending you because it knows that Pokémon trusts you. Getting some Poké dolls and setting them around the yard might make Tranquill feel less lonely too.
If you’re a battler, wait until your Tranquill shows other signs of being comfortable around you before sending him into battle. If you have another Pokémon, you could spar with another trainer or just do some warmup exercises where he can see you to show that you are safe for Pokémon to trust.
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le--fruitcake · 4 months
Salutations, sire! I was so taken by the milk of the word that I simply had to ask for more wisdom. I was curious to hear more of your opinions on Japanese characters being played by people who aren't Japanese, as I'm not very sure the extent of that issue.
Ah, my vassal returns! Delighted to hear thou wast taken in by mine ramblings. Welcome back, and pray rest thyself. To thy right, thou shalt find the finest refreshments and chilled drinks. Pray enjoy.
Allow me to preface this by saying: I am a white man. I am not an expert on Japanese culture, but I do know a decent amount about the samurai and a little bit about how Edo period Japan worked up until the 1800s or so, when the Black Ships arrived from the West.
I really don’t like the way Hollywood tends to cast any Asian person for roles that are specific to certain ethnicities. It gives me the impression they think Asian people are interchangeable, that Asia has one single culture, and not many individual cultures, each with their own histories and peoples and legends.
I am not the first person to talk about this, and Asian people have spoken on the subject as well. I really liked this article, which says many of the same things I think, and this one, which mentions the term “Asian-washing,” which is an interesting way to put it. I think they’re worth a read— after you finish reading this (or not. I’m not your dad).
This is not anything against the actors who play these roles, simply an observance of the tendencies of the agencies by which they were cast.
Read that last paragraph again, O Ye who Piss on the Poor.
Alright, now to the meat and potatoes, as it were.
Many times, whether in movies, books, games, or TV shows, there are characters that are either Japanese or that world’s equivalent, if it is a fantasy world like the one Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time takes place in. Some of these fantasy characters hail from the east, carry gracefully curving blades, wear their glossy, straight black hair in a topknot, and have a strong sense of duty and honor— some of the more common stereotypes for a 士 (samurai). Perhaps the character is a spy and assassin, trained in every kind of combat known to mankind, poisons, stealth, et cetera— your average 忍 (Shinobi, ninja. Technically, “ninja” would be 忍者, with 忍 being “endurance”, lit. a blade and a heart, and 者 being person) stereotype. Many times, in the medias I consume, I notice that these types of characters are often portrayed (in live action) or voiced by (in animation) other Asian people, and rarely actual Japanese people.
For example, in the aforementioned Wheel of Time, Lan Mandragoran hails from Shienar in the Borderlands, an area heavily inspired by Japan and Japanese culture, including lacquer armor, hot springs, and a focus on honor, loyalty, and combat— the tenets of 武士道 (bushidō, lit. “the path of the warrior”). Lan was, if you ask me, inspired in part by Toshirō Mifune, a very famous actor who was in many of Akira Kurosawa’s samurai movies from the 1960s, including Yōjimbō, Seven Samurai, Sanjuro, and many others. In the live-action show that came out in 2021, Lan is portrayed by Daniel Henney, who is Korean.
Another example, also from Wheel of Time, is the character Amaresu, wielding her Sword of the Sun. Japanese mythology fans and people who played Ōkami alike can easily draw the connection between her and 天照 (Amaterasu, lit. “Heavenly Illumination”], the Japanese goddess of the sun. However, despite the blatant reference to an actual Japanese mythological figure, the woman who depicts her in the show is Vietnamese (as best as I can tell— PLEASE correct me if I am wrong.)— Hélène Tran. She plays a very minor role overall, but it’s still dishonest to the character and disrespectful the Goddess Herself to depict Her as an ethnicity She is not.
Gennosuke Murakami, the rhinoceros bounty hunter from Samurai Rabbit: The Usagi Chronicles, is voiced by Aleks Le, who is Vietnamese-American. I don’t blame Stan Sakai for this, and to be fair, very few of the English Samurai Rabbit cast is actually Japanese. Kitsune is voiced by Shelby Rabara, a Filipino woman; Auntie is voiced by Sumalee Montano, a Filipino-Thai woman; and Lord Kogane is voiced by ProZD/SungWon Cho, who is, as you likely know, a Korean-American.
In The Old Guard, which you should watch if you haven’t seen it already, the character Quýnh is the only one of the titular Old Guard who is not in the comics. The reason for this is the actress Veronica Ngô, a Vietnamese woman, was cast for the role of Noriko— the actual character from the comics, who is Japanese, as the name implies. However, to her credit, she protested, and said she was Vietnamese, not Japanese. The director of The Old Guard reached out to see if they could accommodate that. They changed the character to Quýnh instead, and we went along our merry way.
In the 2008 movie Speed Racer, both the side character Taejo Togokhan and his sister Horuko Togokhan seem to be intended to be vaguely Japanese, but neither are played by Japanese actors, and look nothing like people who came from the same country, and much less the same woman. Taejo is played by Rain, a Korean man, and Horuko is played by Yu Nan, a Chinese woman. No matter what the intended ethnicity was here, the fact that two people from different countries were cast as siblings is baffling to me.
In the 2005 movie Memoirs of a Geisha (芸者, female entertainer, lit. “technique/art/craft person”. A common misconception with geisha is that they are prostitutes; this is not true. They are dancers, performers, that kind of thing, though Iwasaki-san says there were some women who did sleep with their clients, though she says this “happens in any field”), three Chinese women were cast for the three leading roles. It is important to understand that, during the 1920s-1940s, the era in which the film takes place, Japan kidnapped thousands of Chinese and Korean women and forced them into sexual slavery for the Japanese soldiers. Now, everyone disliked this. China and Japan both gave the movie negative reviews, and the movie ended up being banned in China due to multiple reasons, including the fact that they saw it as wrong that Chinese women played Japanese geisha. Japan didn’t like it because it did not accurately represent geisha, and, for many, the fact that Chinese women were cast to play characters in a role that is uniquely Japanese.
In addition, the actual geisha who interviewed with the author, Mineko Iwasaki, and to whose life several of the experiences of the main character directly parallel, didn’t like the movie or the book, saying that it inaccurately portrayed the geisha lifestyle. She also says the author, Arthur Golden, said he would keep her involvement confidential, but he went on to credit her in the book’s acknowledgment and in interviews.
There is a whole rabbit hole about this movie and book in particular, but I’ll leave you with this article for further reading, if you are interested.
Splinter, specifically the Splinter in TMNT: Mutant Mayhem, is voiced by Jackie Chan. There are several things wrong with this— for starters, Jackie Chan is Chinese, and for seconds, there is no connection between Mutant Mayhem Splinter and Hamato Yoshi (the man that either owned Splinter when he was a rat or becomes Splinter himself), with this version of the rat master having grown up fully in the streets of New York. If anything, he should have a heavy New York accent, but instead, Seth Rogen decided Jackie Chan should voice him. This, I blame squarely on Seth Rogen and/or whoever he hired to pick the cast. The 1987 and 2003 shows had white men voicing him, and the 1990s movies had a Black man voice him, who are obviously not Japanese, but this essay is more so about Asian people who are not Japanese playing Japanese characters. The 2012 series has a Korean man (Hoon Lee) voice him, though he has decent Japanese pronunciation. In Rise, he is played by Eric Bauza, who is Filipino. None of these men are Japanese! However, there is one Splinter who was voiced by a Japanese man...
...Which leads me to the next part of this essay. Characters who are Japanese, and actually played by Japanese people! Hooray!
In the 2007 TMNT movie, Splinter is voiced by Mako— yes, that Mako, the same one who voiced Uncle Iroh. Mako was Japanese-American. In the 1990 TMNT movie, Shredder was played by an actual Japanese man, James Saito, but was replaced for the sequel by François Chau, a man of Chinese and Vietnamese descent. Both Shredders were voiced by David McCharen, a Japanese-American man (if Turtlepedia is to be believed. Seriously, it has the only information I can find on his ethnicity, though his IMDB page says he was born in Japan).
Also in Samurai Rabbit, Yūichi is voiced by Darren Barnet, whose mother was a Swede of Japanese descent. Chizu was voiced by Mallory Low, who is Japanese-, Chinese-, Filipino-, and Hawaiian-American. Miyamoto Usagi was voiced by Yuki Matsuzaki, who did an amazing job, and actually voiced Usagi in the 2012 TMNT crossover several years prior! He also voices Usagi in the TMNT beat-’em-up game, TMNT: Shredder’s Revenge, in which Usagi is a DLC character, and the best $8 I ever spent.
In Pacific Rim, the character Mako Mori was played by Rinko Kikuchi, a Japanese woman. I haven’t seen this movie, but I want to.
I am not the first person to talk about this issue, and I hope I am not the last. I am going to reiterate, for Ye who Piss on the Poor, that this essay is in no way intended to do anything except point out some the specific characters who were played by people who do not match the ethnicity of the character they are playing, and the fact that this tends to happen a lot to Asian characters. I mention Japanese characters specifically because A) that is what Mr. Tehmhachi asked me about and B) that is what I notice, given that I tend to consume Japanese/Japan-inspired medias because I am 歴男.
I am in absolutely no way saying any of these actresses or actors shouldn’t have played the roles. I am only lamenting the fact that so many times, casting agencies or Hollywood or whoever see Asian people as a conglomerate, instead of a variety of richly cultured peoples that deserve accurate representation. I believe any and all characters should be played by people who match the intended ethnicity.
...And that’s all I have to say. Sorry this took so long, I wanted to make sure all my information was as correct as I could get it. For further reading on the topic of casting the wrong ethnicity for the Asian character, there are some articles you can read here and here.
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I haven’t had anything to ask/say in awhile, so, hi
Lol that's okay. I don't mind just talking 🤣 I do consider you a friend, you know.
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