We're debating if looking to transition for our transprogrammed is really healthy or not for us just due to the way our brain interprets that sort of thing with previous trauma, but would it just be transplural if we wanted to do similar techniques to create positive programs?
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alterbuilder · 6 months
could you make like , a really numb , programmed alter ? go wild with the programs fr
Meet K4T3
☆ㅤ⊹ㅤ24 y/o . Age constant
☆ㅤ⊹ㅤTh3y/Th3m – Shy/Hyr – Bun/Bum
☆ㅤ⊹ㅤAgender . Moongender
☆ㅤ⊹ㅤAlmondromantic . Laksexual . Nebulasexual
☆ㅤ⊹ㅤMemory holder . Angry holder . DBMC holder . TBMC holder . SRA trauma holder . Cult trauma holder
☆ㅤ⊹ㅤ + Number program . Delta program . Omega program . Color program . "CLAY" . "TWO FACED" . "LANTERN" . "MECH" . Theta program . "HAUNTED HOUSE" . Scramble program . Denial program . Body illness programs . Burning program . Flooding program . Verbal response program . Isolation program . Pain program
☆ㅤ⊹ㅤNon Human + Elf & Bunny!
☆ㅤ⊹ㅤHPD . NPD . APD
☆ㅤ⊹ㅤprogrammed PE
☆ㅤ⊹ㅤSemi Verbal
☆ㅤ⊹ㅤ⚠️ It is not safe to talk to K4T3, bun is in constant burnouts and will probably try to harm you by being programmed by a satanic cult. Bun glorifies bum abusers and loves spending time with them.
. . Feel free to make any changes you want! Creativity has no limits
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cccat-in-a-meat-sack · 9 months
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I hope anyone who uses these labels actually goes through that shit. /neg /nsrs (I wouldn't want anyone to actually go through this shit but MY G-D)
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brainpal-gachapon · 5 months
Name(s): Saint Malachi
Age: 29
Prns: he/him
Gender(s): male
Source(s): n/a
Species: human
TransID(s): transpriest, TransBrainwasher, TransDBMC (drug based mind control), transcult
CisID(s): your choice
Role(s) (if you want them): your choice
Other/Misc: you can add more but this is what I came up with also I was watching priest tiktoks while doing this XD
Name(s): Saint Malachi
Age: 29
Prns: he/him, priest/priests, cross/cross, holy/holys, Ha/Lo, Hae/Loem, Fain/Faiths, Sai/Sain, Hae/Ven, De/Vine, Pure/Pures
Gender(s): male, Celestiagender, Seraphaeic, Seraphgender, Keresgender, diviniumgender
Source(s): n/a or kinda the embodiment of priest tiktok
Species: human
TransID(s): transpriest, TransBrainwasher, TransDBMC (drug based mind control), transcult, transcultleader, transprotector, transprogrammer, transchristian, transpanpara, transavpd, transpots, transpower, transrich, transruler, transpersecutor, transkiller, transslashabuser
Role(s) (if you want them): trauma holder, spiritualist, reliux, embracer
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We haven't been posting for a while and we decided we're going to find a handler and program ourselves online.
A plan to program ourselves is being worked on, but the end goal is a mix of a willogenic system with "normal and healthy" roles to function with some lower roles for some extreme forms of fun stress relief like cnc and conabuse.
Our goal? We need help coming up with themes for our planned system.
We want a mostly animal introject system, which means we might lean into using mask programming for organization. But we are looking for aesthetic/-core themes for the whole system
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cat-code-programming · 2 months
said fuck it and made a new blog for me to ramble on about being transprogrammed and my journey
im luci/lucifer (either name is fine) and i am cisplural on a mission to program myself and not my headmates (for a subsys/sidesys situation)
i can not use discord, but can use guilded and the likes as well as the community feature on tumblr
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alterbuilder · 6 months
Meet Klep
☆ㅤ⊹ㅤ16 y/o . Age regressor ( 16 -> 5 )
☆ㅤ⊹ㅤHy/hym – He/Him – They/Them – It/It's – Vamp/Vampself – Demon/Demonself – 💥/💥self
☆ㅤ⊹ㅤDemimasc – Libramasc – Condiagender
☆ㅤ⊹ㅤArromantic . Pansexual
☆ㅤ⊹ㅤDisabler . Enforcer . Internal Handler . DBMC holder
☆ㅤ⊹ㅤNon Human + Demon!
☆ㅤ⊹ㅤPTSD . OCD . NPD . HPD
☆ㅤ⊹ㅤVerbal Flux
☆ㅤ⊹ㅤ⚠️ Klep is a programmed alter, made to follow the abuser's orders and trained so that the entire system will do so as well. It is very hostile, vamp has the ability to mentally control whoever he wants to.
. . Feel free to make any changes you want! Creativity has no limits
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You all should send in anons to suggest what aesthetic our programming should be 👀
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brainpal-gachapon · 4 months
omg we just saw that Mod Mach knows Starbound !!!!
Name: Up to creator, resembling the Apex naming scheme tho!
Age: Adult, transage in some way, specifics up to u :]
Prns: Up to u, no emojipronouns plz
Gender: Male/Masculine, some xenos tho please!
Source: Starbound
Species: Apex (Ape Human)
TransID: Up to you though I'd love some paranoisa/schitzoaffective disorders due to Big Ape, mayb transBigApeSupporter or believer or whatever?? Up to you! TransBrainwashed too pls :]
CisID: Up to you once more! Some form of invisible dissability
Role: Whatever seems fitting :]
Other/Misc: Believes they should believe in the Big Ape, though they do not and are considered a Rebel and a Runaway by their family and peers, feel free to includea LOT of transharmed, transharmful and transtraumatized labels! Like a LOT of em
Name: Trofei/Yakar/Zakarry/Dmita
Age: Roughly 22, transage (OTY, 20 to 16)
Prns: He/Him They/Them It/Its Paw/Paws Col/Lar Sci/Ence Light/Lights Moon/Moons Star/Stars Space/Spaces
Gender: Neptunian, Bxy, Carnatian, Proxvir, Xoy, Wisterian
Source: Starbound
Species: Apex (Ape Human)
TransID: TransMiniknogLoyal, TransBrainwashed, TransAutistic, Transfibro, Transabused, TransCSA, TransCOCSA, Transraped, TransTBMC, TransDBMC, TransRAMCOA, TransCultist, TransADHD, TransAnxiety, TransHC-DID, TransStabbed, TransReligiousTrauma, TransTrauma, TransChildhoodTrauma, TransConsang
CisID: CisEDS, CisTourette's, CisBipolar
Role: Trauma Holder, Caretaker, Avenger, Protector, Janusian
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