#transitional beach house kitchen
veshkashaw · 2 years
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Kitchen - Beach Style Kitchen
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arnavjohnson · 7 months
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Exterior Wood in San Francisco An illustration of a medium-sized beach style, one-story, wood exterior house
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meineroarchitects · 2 years
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Kids Bathroom
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darlingriezmann · 2 years
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Transitional Powder Room - Powder Room
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Adryan Beck - formerly a member of Ryki’s band while he was in LA, Adryan is non-gender conforming, preferring they/them to any other pronoun, and flits between female and male presenting depending on their mood. Their parents had been expecting twins, a boy and a girl, however something happened in the womb and Adryan absorbed their twin sister. Another birth defect occurred in their eyes as well, which makes them appear golden. This has caused them to be legally blind and having color blindness as well, though they often wear contacts to correct the problems caused, if they’re going to be around the house and not around a lot of people, they will wear glasses. After calling to talk to Jon Connell they find out that Ryki has not only gotten married but has a baby (Bea) and they decide to surprise Ryki and his family with a visit from an old friend. Adryan and their girlfriend have been together for about 4 years, and she is completely understanding and loving through whatever form her partner decides to be. Adryan still performs from time to time, but releases music on youtube more than they actually do anything else. They also preform sometimes in a drag style show at a local club in Malibu where they and their girlfriend live. The two own a bed and breakfast right on the beach. It was apparently a gift for their girlfriend. 
Thomas “Tom” Moreau - Tom is usually seen as aloof and prefers to be alone, though he is oddly a bit of a social butterfly (not so much that he flutters around between groups but because he doesn’t belong to any particular group and is considered, by some, to be friendly to everyone) He has a firm jaw and an overreaching annoyed look on his face most of the time but more often than not he’s not feeling particularly one way or the other. Tom is a poet as well as being a member of the coven his mother runs in, spending a lot of his time reading off to the side and keeping himself to himself. He has been friends with Lilly and Roxie since elementary school and considers them both to be his better friends, to the point that as much as he’s not one to stand in front of a crowd, he will appear in or work on Lilly’s productions, usually in the background somewhere though. It’s not until after Diana starts getting into the plays that he starts stepping more into the light. Tom is a little athletic, he used to be on the track team until his epilepsy seemed to have gotten worse and is currently taking a bit of a break from it. 
Austin Grier - (no relation to Joey or Johnathan Grier) - Austin is a gamer, plays world of Warcraft and GTA/RDR and pretty much anything else he can get his hands on.  He came into my head playing Mario Kart with Andy on a hotel bed when Andy is competing on Master Chef, he made friends with Andy pretty quickly and usually they’re on the same team, though there’s an added, teasing rivalry the one or two times they’re on opposite sides. He’s very animated, and very out/proud and doesn’t have a vicious bone in his body. He was raised by his grandparents and spent 95% of his childhood in the kitchen with grandma. He currently lives in NYC and works at the Bronx teen club but has plans to move to LA, Vegas or even out of the country, depending on the results of the show. He doesn’t win, but is the runner-up after almost getting cut in the third round. 
His specialty is baking but he also has a soft spot for pasta, and wants to travel to as many other countries as he can to learn everything he can. He has one tattoo, an ouroboros on his right wrist. It has something to do with his parent - his mother was attacked and wound up with him, though they never hated their son, they transitioned shortly after he was born but unfortunately passed away when he was four. His grandparents were both very supportive of their child and grandchild. Grandma died shortly after he turned 15, grandpa only stayed in NYC long enough for him to graduate high school then moved back to Colorado to live with one of his other sons. (Good relationship there to, his uncle doesn’t really understand why his sister transitioned into his brother but just wanted them happy in the end.) He used to spend summers on his uncle’s ranch, taking care of the horses and working in the kitchen.  Apparently he experiments in the kitchen quite a bit, he auditioned with “one bite salad” pockets made with rice paper sleeves and balsamic “caviar” he made using agar agar powder and oil. 
Darnell Terrance - Darnell isn’t new but he needed an updated picture. 
Jamie Oliver - Jamie isn’t new either, she’s been around for a very long time.  So Jamie used to be the guitarist of the Suicide Kings (originally called the Lords of Salem), however when Scott got involved with the band the direction changed without her. Wolf IS her brother, not biologically but they met in the system the first time she tried to get away from her abusive family. He protected her from the foster father and then when she found out she was being sent back to her home, he told her he was blowing the joint and offered her a place if she needed it. Wolf ultimately ended up breaking her father’s wrist and taking her with him to California. She was about 12 to his 18. She lived with him as his little sister since. When the band started she was 14,  everyone in it treated her like their little sister. The serial killer homages in their names were her idea and she took the name Hell’s Belle after Belle Gunness, a female murderer of over 40 people in Indiana/Illinois between 1884 and 1908 and dressed like this on stage while wearing a bedazzled skull mask. She usually wore the mask so no one could see how young she was. Scott joined the band about a year before they were signed and turned the band on its ear, ultimately trying to make it HIS band, not Wolf’s but because Wolf was going through it at the time he did little to push back, subsequently demoting Jamie to essentially roadie, the only person he trusted to touch his guitars. He still was trying to look out for her though. When Lynn voiced her anger with her brother Martin never giving her the time to play her music, Jamie decided to give Scott and at the time, Wolf, the middle finger and agreed to play bass for the Riot Girls and ended up really loving it. When Scott loses himself to alcohol, Wolf can’t deal with it anymore and asks her to play a few shows as Hell’s Belle again while they figure out what to do. I do know Scott gets his ass kicked into rehab for alcoholism and while the band continues to tour, Jamie goes back to the Riot Girls when a new guitarist takes over (he looks like Zakk Wilde and apparently goes by the name Joseph Skinner) 
Luke Vaughn - Diana’s father, Luke has been in my head for a while but I’ve never really known much about him. Turns out, Luke is a member of the Scorpions from California and an honorary Viking due to his relation (by marriage) to Floki. Luke had been married to Floki’s sister though the two worked out much better not being married and divorced shortly after the birth of their daughter, Diana. He is a doting father and loves his daughter more than he thought he could love anyone. After the unfortunate death of his wife, Luke takes over caring for Diana, bringing her down to Illinois with him where he relocated a few years before the unfortunate business with BP and the reorganizing of the Slayers/Scorpions. (He has already stated he will follow Queenie as he had the greatest respect for BP)  Luke generally works at either the Hustler Club as a bouncer and/or as a landscaper during the summer months in order to provide something more stable for his daughter. 
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vexxerveesvoice · 2 months
@docescene Fifteen Day Word Count Challenge Days Six and Seven: Getaway
Amanda closed the door to her room, sighing against the heavy quiet. She could hear her sorority sisters blasting pop a few rooms down the hallway, but that was normal for a Friday afternoon. Classes were finished and most of Greek row was gearing up for parties. Amanda couldn’t wait to escape it.
She emptied her backpack onto her bed and loaded it up with what she’d need: her life jacket, compass and map, a change of clothes or two, and her water shoes. She’d pick up her kayak, tent, and food when she dropped by home on the way to the Sound. She was due for a visit anyway.
Hefting the much-lighter pack back up, Amanda snuck out of her room, down the stairs, and out the back door before any of her sisters could catch her.
The wet winter air settled against her shoulders, weighing her down a little as she made her way to the bus stop. She couldn’t wait to get to her car again. Navigating Seattle was bad with a car, but sometimes it felt even worse relying on transit. At least today it seemed to be running on schedule.
She hopped aboard the bus when it rolled up, scanned her ID card, and headed towards the back, settling into her favorite seat and pulling up an audiobook to pass the ride to the light rail station.
Amanda opened the front door to her family’s apartment to the sound of something sizzling on the stove.
“Mandy?” Mom called out from the kitchen. “Did you check the mail on your way up?”
“Yeah,” Amanda placed the small pile of election advertisements, coupon pages, and bills on the entryway table. “Nothing fun.”
“Ah, boo,” Mom said. “Anything fun at the house?”
Amanda let out a long-suffering groan. “No. I have to go to a social next week, so I have to reschedule my trip with Kaya. My big sister didn’t tell me until last night, she forgot.”
“That’s a shame. I heard the weather was supposed to be gorgeous.”
“It is! It was the one break in rain I’ve seen on the forecast in weeks!” Amanda toed off her shoes and walked to the dining room, messily collapsing into her usual seat. “I know I literally signed up for this but I can’t help but feel like it was a mistake sometimes.”
“You’ll find your footing. And your people. Trust the process,” Mom soothed.
“The process hasn’t been very kind to me yet,” Amanda pouted.
“It’s November, sweetheart. Of your freshman year. Of course you’re struggling a bit,” Mom walked in from the kitchen, drying her hands on a tea towel. “If you won’t trust the process, then at least trust me.”
Amanda sighed, still wearing a disgruntled frown, but relented. “Fine.”
“Atta girl. You still have the key to the storage unit, right?”
“Then go ahead and get started. Your gear should be ready and I put a new pack of camp food in your kayak.”
“You’re the best, Mom,” Amanda got up to give Mom a hug. “Thank you.”
“Don’t thank me. You’re the one with a weekend of hard work ahead of you.”
“Hard work that I signed up for,” Amanda reminded. “I’ve done this how many times alone now?”
“I know, I know. Just be careful. And take some pictures for Sarah. She misses you.”
“I will.”
Richmond Beach was only half an hour away from home with traffic, so it made the most sense as a cast-off point. She parked in the lot below the playground, unloaded her car, and made her way to the shoreline.
A light drizzle was already falling, promising a rainy night and rainier Saturday. At least her jacket was designed for Washington weather, not that a little water ever hurt. If visibility stayed good, she could probably make it to Possession Point by nightfall.
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tcapc · 3 months
Understanding The Psychological Impact Of Trauma
For a long time, trauma and its psychological impact on human behavior were pushed aside. Most of us found it hard to believe that the negative incidents we had experienced at certain times in our lives, and brushed them aside, could find their way back to disrupt our progress. You would say, ‘Yes, I was called Twinkle Toe as a university freshman, but it does not mean anything,’ yet, you would rather sulk in your pajamas than walk barefoot on the beach with friends.
We all process trauma differently, but to heal, we have to understand its roots, how, and why it has affected us.
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Reflecting on the Past: Understanding the Emotional Impact of Trauma (tCaPC)
What is trauma?
Trauma is a dominant and consistent emotional response to a painful or negative event. It is not just about the shock immediately after the event. If not properly dealt with or managed, the effects can influence our behavior for years, even if the event does not happen again. The most paraded forms of trauma like wars, sexual assault, and natural disasters can not be over-emphasized, however, we can also have traumatic experiences in our relationships, with our health, and even in our social interactions. For Ethan, it was his relationship.
The Genesis
Ethan was a sweet boy. He loved his mum and dad together, or at least he loved what they showed him when they were together. He always thought his parents loved each other. They slept in the same house and they put on a great show in front of him. So, he assumed that they were in a great space. One day, Ethan came back from school and his mom was not at home. He got to the kitchen, served himself some freshly cooked food, and waited for his mum. Some hours later, his dad walked into the house. The sky was dark already and Ethan was yet to see his mum. So he asks his dad about her.
Sighing, his Dad sat him down and told him his mum would no longer be living with them. She had moved to Ohio, but he could visit anytime he wanted. No, Ethan screamed. Why did she go? His dad explained to him that they were getting a divorce as they were not doing well together. Ethan wanted his mum and dad together. He wondered why they would pretend that they were good when nothing was going right. He reminisced the smiles on their faces when they talked to him and he could instantly see the facade. He was hurt, broken, and confused, and he ran into his room.
While divorce can take a huge toll on children, Ethan took it pretty hard. He began to wonder if everyone was living a facade like his parents. He was in shock and denial. Sometimes, he would come home from school, expecting to meet his mum, but he would not meet anybody. It was an overwhelming situation. Ethan's dad did not know how to help his son, however, he assumed Ethan would get over it after some time.
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Childhood Trauma: The Silent Struggle (tCaPC).
The Long-term effects
Ethan went through loads of transitions during this period. He went from being a sweet happy boy to a sad and angry teenager. After about 18 months, Ethan began to accept that his dad and mum, two people who claimed to be in love, may never be together again. So, he moved on, but did he move on?
Deep into his teenage years, Ethan began to notice something. If he made plans with his friends and they did not come at the exact time, he would get anxious. He was overwhelmed with fear and was obsessively time-conscious. When his friends come, they end up arguing and everyone goes back home angry.
While he tried everything possible to satisfy his feelings, he fell in love with his beautiful project partner, Maria, in high school. However, Ethan could not shake the feeling that she would one day walk straight out of his life and never love him again. Maria loved him but hated that he could not trust her. When Ethan was alone, he could not help but wonder if his mum ever loved him, or if Maria hated that they were together. He was dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder and was almost always in a bad mood.
Maria knew about Ethan's parents' divorce, but she also knew about how it affected him. However, she also wanted to be happy and Ethan was not giving her that. She decided to talk to him.
READ MORE: https://www.tcapc.ca/blog/understanding-the-psychological-impact-of-trauma
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naplesviberealty · 4 months
From Concept to Completion Naples Home Renovation Guide
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Nestled in the centre of Southwest Florida is the charming city of Naples, renowned for its breathtaking beaches, lively culture, and opulent lifestyle. Homeowners are frequently enticed to the thought of rejuvenating their living areas through restoration projects that encapsulate the spirit of this seaside paradise by Naples’ allure. Modernizing a historic property or improving beachfront properties are just two examples of how Naples Vibe Realty’s Naples Home Renovation projects give a special chance to combine elegance and tranquillity. In this thorough manual, We explore the details of Naples Home Renovation, including important factors, prevailing styles, and professional advice to provide you with the confidence to start your project.
Exploring the Allure of Naples Home Renovation:
Naples home renovation reflects the city’s easygoing yet sophisticated lifestyle by embodying a blend of elegance and utility. Every Naples house restoration project has a feeling of sophisticated seaside appeal, from small cottages to large estates. Let’s examine the several aspects of home restoration in Naples that attract homeowners to this endeavour:
Preserving Architectural Heritage: Balancing Tradition with Modernity:
It’s a fine balance that takes great thought to maintain Naples homes’ historical legacy while adding contemporary conveniences. In Naples, a lot of refurbishment projects aim to keep historic details intact while adding modern features like gourmet kitchens, open floor plans, and spa-like baths. A harmonic fusion of the past and present can be achieved by homeowners by embracing modern functions while maintaining the integrity of the original architecture.
Embracing Indoor-Outdoor Living: Maximizing Coastal Views:
The emphasis on indoor-outdoor living spaces that take advantage of the city’s spectacular seaside panoramas is one of the distinctive characteristics of Naples Home Renovation. Large windows, sliding glass doors, and roomy outside patios allow residents to take advantage of Naples’ year-round natural beauty by creating smooth transitions between the indoors and the outdoors. The integration of outdoor living areas improves the overall lifestyle experience, regardless of whether the home is situated on a golf course or on the waterfront. This is why Naples Vibe Realty stands as the best real estate service company in Naples.
Elevating Design Aesthetics: Incorporating Timeless Elegance:
Renovating a home in Naples is characterized by understated elegance and sophisticated design. Every Naples remodelling project features a different combination of textures, colours, and architectural details, ranging from stylish seaside chic to Mediterranean-inspired designs. Luxurious finishes, unique millwork, and exquisite craftsmanship elevate the overall aesthetic appeal of refurbished homes, demonstrating how important attention to detail is.
Embracing Sustainable Practices: Enhancing Energy Efficiency:
With sustainability taking centre stage in home renovations, homeowners in Naples are adopting eco-friendly measures to boost energy efficiency and lessen their impact on the environment. Sustainability is given first priority in Naples home renovation projects by Naples Vibe Realty without sacrificing comfort or elegance. Along with it if you are searching for the Top Real Estate Agents in Naples Florida then visit Naples Vibe Realty.
Navigating the Renovation Process: Expert Guidance and Resources:
Our Top Real Estate Agents in Naples Florida guide you the best about the renovation process. Starting a restoration project for your Naples home may be exhilarating as well as intimidating. To ensure a smooth procedure, it is imperative to collaborate with skilled architects, designers, and contractors who specialize in house renovations in Naples. With their extensive understanding of regional building codes, design fads, and building methods, these experts can guarantee that your remodelling project is finished to the best possible levels of quality and craftsmanship.
Conclusion: Transforming Dreams into Reality:
So contact Naples Vibe Realty for any type of renovation work either for the kitchen, bathroom, rooms or complete home. Renovations to homes in Naples are a tribute to seaside living, where classic style blends with contemporary sophistication. Naples provides countless opportunities to design a house that reflects your distinct style and ideas, whether you’re renovating a historic mansion or creating a modern getaway. A room that radiates charm, comfort, and timeless beauty is what your Naples home remodelling adventure is guaranteed to produce with professional supervision, careful planning, and a keen eye for design
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Temporary Housing Solutions in Dubai: Options for Short-Term Stays During Relocation
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Relocating to Dubai often involves a period of temporary housing before securing long-term accommodation. Whether you're awaiting the completion of your permanent home setup or simply exploring the city, understanding your short-term housing options is essential for a smooth transition. In this guide, we outline the best temporary housing solutions in Dubai to ensure a comfortable and convenient stay during your relocation.
Serviced Apartments: Convenience and Comfort
Benefits of Serviced Apartments
Serviced apartments offer an ideal balance of comfort and convenience for short-term stays in Dubai. These fully furnished units come equipped with modern amenities, including kitchens, laundry facilities, and housekeeping services, providing a home-like environment. They are typically located in prime areas, offering easy access to business districts, shopping centers, and entertainment options.
Popular Serviced Apartment Providers
The Address Hotels + Resorts: Known for their luxurious serviced apartments in key locations across Dubai, The Address offers high-end amenities and exceptional service.
DAMAC Maison: Providing stylish and spacious serviced apartments, DAMAC Maison is a popular choice for expatriates seeking comfort and convenience.
Fraser Suites Dubai: Offering contemporary serviced apartments with comprehensive facilities, Fraser Suites ensures a seamless stay for short-term residents.
Hotel Apartments: Flexible and Affordable
Advantages of Hotel Apartments
Hotel apartments are a flexible and cost-effective solution for temporary housing in Dubai. These accommodations offer the services of a hotel with the added benefit of apartment-style living. With options ranging from studio apartments to multi-bedroom units, hotel apartments cater to various needs and budgets.
Recommended Hotel Apartments
Golden Sands Hotel Apartments: Located in the heart of Dubai, Golden Sands offers a variety of well-appointed apartments with hotel-like services.
Savoy Hotel Apartments: With multiple locations across the city, Savoy Hotel Apartments provide comfortable and affordable options for short-term stays.
Al Khoory Hotel Apartments: Known for their excellent customer service and modern amenities, Al Khoory offers a range of apartment types to suit different preferences.
Vacation Rentals: Personalized and Unique
Benefits of Vacation Rentals
Vacation rentals, such as those found on platforms like Airbnb and Vrbo, offer personalized and unique housing options for short-term stays. These properties range from cozy studios to luxurious villas, providing a diverse selection to match your lifestyle and preferences. Vacation rentals often include fully equipped kitchens, laundry facilities, and additional living space, making them a practical choice for families and longer stays.
Popular Vacation Rental Areas
Downtown Dubai: Ideal for those who want to be in the heart of the city, close to attractions like the Burj Khalifa and Dubai Mall.
Dubai Marina: Perfect for those seeking waterfront views and proximity to the beach, restaurants, and nightlife.
Palm Jumeirah: Offering luxurious and unique properties, Palm Jumeirah is a prestigious location with stunning views and exclusive amenities.
Corporate Housing: Tailored for Business Travelers
Features of Corporate Housing
Corporate housing is designed to meet the needs of business travelers and professionals on short-term assignments in Dubai. These accommodations typically include fully furnished apartments with office space, high-speed internet, and access to business centers. Corporate housing providers often offer flexible lease terms and additional services such as transportation and concierge support.
Top Corporate Housing Providers
Blueground: Specializing in fully furnished apartments with flexible lease options, Blueground caters to the needs of business professionals.
The Ascott Limited: Offering upscale serviced residences, The Ascott Limited provides a range of corporate housing solutions in prime locations.
National Corporate Housing: Known for their comprehensive corporate housing services, National Corporate Housing offers tailored solutions for short-term stays.
Finding the Right Temporary Housing in Dubai
Choosing the right temporary housing solution in Dubai is crucial for a smooth and comfortable relocation experience. Whether you opt for serviced apartments, hotel apartments, vacation rentals, or corporate housing, understanding the options available will help you make an informed decision that meets your needs and preferences.
For personalized assistance and expert guidance in finding the perfect temporary housing during your relocation to Dubai, contact us today. We're here to support you every step of the way, ensuring a seamless transition to your new life in this vibrant city.
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lakkadshala · 4 months
The Ultimate Guide to Hanging Lights for Home Decor, their Types and Uses for Compliment Your Design
Lighting significantly improves the atmosphere and beauty of your house. Hanging lights are among the most elegant and adaptable lighting choices for any kind of home. They are the ideal choice whether you want to make an entrance in your hall, add a touch of elegance to your dining area, or create a pleasant ambiance in your living room. These versatile lights provide an appealing fusion of style and utility.
Lighting plays an integral part in setting the proper mood in a space. Like picking the ideal paint color for your room, selecting the perfect light is also essential. For example, hanging lights for dining area, bedroom, or living room will need less light than those in the kitchen or bathroom.
This comprehensive guide will explore the various types of hanging lights available. Let's explore the world of hanging lights for home and see how they may change your life.
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Types of Hanging Lights for Home Decor
Pendant Lights:
Pendant lights are versatile and can be used as a single statement piece or arranged in clusters to create a stunning visual impact. They come in many designs ranging from sleek and modern to antique and industrial, making them a perfect fit for nearly every type of area in your house. Pendant lighting comes in various forms, including drum, tiny, and bell pendants. There are differences between the pendant lights based on the shape of the glass shade.
The words "chandeliers" represent elegance and royalty. When used as a focal point in dining rooms, foyers, and living spaces, chandeliers offer a dash of glitz and refinement to the decor. One of the most popular lighting designs in palaces of all time, chandeliers can take you back to the era of royalty. Such an arrangement will become an attention-seeker in your home. Buy Wooden Furniture Online India  from Lakkadshala that fits your style.
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Hanging Lanterns:
These lights make outdoor areas or transitional rooms like foyers and corridors warm and inviting. They may bring a delightful touch to your home decor and are available in various traditional and contemporary designs. Lanterns can be of different types. Choose the classic-looking, glass-covered lanterns with interior lighting if you're going for a rustic feel in your living area. When searching for hanging lights for home, you will find a variety of designs and styles for hanging lanterns.
Crystal Hanging Lights:
We are speaking of crystal hanging lights for home, not crystal chandeliers. There are several designs for them. Choose crystal hanging lights instead of plain pendant lights to transform your living space's appearance quickly. Because crystals are fragile, you must handle them carefully, especially while cleaning them.
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Styling and Uses of Hanging Lights for a home that complements your design
Industrial-style pendant lighting
Pendant lighting is also a well-liked option for designing a rustic or Scandi-inspired kitchen. It is ideal for achieving a contemporary warehouse loft design and industrial look. Combine your industrial lighting with a worn wooden table and neutral paint colors on the walls for a tried-and-true industrial kitchen style.
Modern pendant lighting design
Modern pendant lighting is all about glass, simple forms, and staying classy with upscale fixtures and a significant volume effect are the main features of contemporary pendant lighting. These are the best choices for hanging lights for restaurant. Warm filament light bulbs provide ambient, pleasant light to prevent the design from appearing overly sharp and create a soothing vibe. A floor lamp can increase the look of your home. If you want to buy floor lamp online, visit our website for the best prices.
Natural materials style of pendant lighting. You've undoubtedly seen this lighting trend if you've lately traveled to the Balearic Islands or any other hip beach location. An overturned, tattered, wicker basket was converted into an attractive pendant light. With its timeless appeal, this pendant has gained cult status among decorators and interior designers worldwide. These lights are perfect for outdoor lighting. It combines aspects of both Scandi design and Japanese interior designs because of its Scandi roots and use of natural materials. Buy pendant lights online at the best price from Lakkadshala, offering a wide range of hanging lights for home and wooden furniture.
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Traditional pendant lighting design
It's indisputable that the chandelier is the original pendant light. Although there are many more subtle modern options available for hanging lights for home, a chandelier gives the ambiance a traditional royal look. Chandeliers have been used for many years all over the world. These eye-catching statement lights can be installed in your hall or anywhere. They give your home an old and traditional vibe.
FAQ Regarding Hanging Lights for Home
Q:1 Can hanging lights serve as a primary lighting source for a bathroom? Ans: Sure, of course! Since many bathrooms don't get enough natural light, it's essential to design the ideal lighting scheme that is both aesthetically pleasing and practical. You won't need the above tube lights if you have adequate lighting and bulbs with the correct wattage
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Q:2 What height is appropriate for hanging lights for home?
Ans: The ideal height for hanging lights for home depends on the type of light you are using. Large pendant lights or chandeliers should generally be turned 7 feet above the ground. Smaller pendant lights should preferably be placed 24–30 inches over the bedside or tables for comfortable reading or chores.
Q:3 When putting hanging lights, what safety precautions should you take into consideration?
Make use of the proper wiring and fittings.
Before installing, turn off the power.
Fix the fixture using the appropriate hardware.
Please keep it away from flammable items.
Observe directions and think about hiring a pro.
Replace any damaged or worn parts.
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pussyslayer69 · 7 months
All in due time.
Heyya. This is chapter 2 of 'How i wish to adore you'. I'm still figuring out how tumblr works lol.
Attempt 5
Oh, great. It was her alarm… AGAIN. Elizabeth already snoozed it five times. She groaned, not wanting to get up. She already knew this day would be boring. Why bother waking up? She couldn’t work. She couldn’t leave. Screw being a journalist. She rolled her eyes, deciding to spare herself a headache by making her alarm shut up for good. Eliza let out a sigh of sweet relief as the constant beeping stopped.
As she picked up her phone, she felt the cold glass beneath her fingertips. It was fully charged, of course. She turned her phone on, temporarily getting blinded by the brightness. Her expression softened at her wallpaper. It was a picture of her friends on the beach with her. She missed them. But, alas. Not everything could last. She didn’t talk to those friends anymore. Elizabeth felt like they just used her for her grades and money when they were attending uni. She wasn’t rich by any means, no. But she lived a comfortable lifestyle that allowed her to splurge from time to time.
Eliza shook her head to clear her head from any thoughts, making a mental note to change her wallpaper later. Her blood ran cold as she saw the notification of her boss. She hoped it would be details about her definitely-planned trip to Romania.
“Subject: Relocation Details for Romania Assignment
Dear Elizabeth,
I hope this email finds you well. As you prepare for your assignment in Romania, here are some key details to assist with your relocation:
1. Accommodation:Temporary housing in Bucharest is arranged until you find a permanent residence. Details are attached, and HR can help with long-term housing.
2. Visa and Work Permit: Ensure you have the necessary documents. HR can assist if needed.
3. Healthcare:Review your insurance for coverage in Romania or explore options.
4. Transportation:Familiarize yourself with local transportation options.
5. Cultural Orientation: Learn about Romanian culture for easier integration.
6. Communication: Keep in touch with our team for support.
7.Emergency Contacts: Have local emergency contacts handy.
Reach out if you need further assistance. Wishing you a smooth transition and success in Romania.
Best regards.
The Morning Star was the publishing company she worked at. Elizabeth was an editor. It was alright. But now she had to learn basic Romanian. She rolled her eyes, not looking forward to her routine being interrupted. At least she had an excuse to buy Super Duolingo now. She sighed again, sitting up in her soft, cozy bed. She didn’t want to get up. She tried looking on the bright side. Would she have free healthcare? Perhaps. She hoped she had free healthcare. A visa was probably already taken care of, knowing her boss. Her boss, Owen, was a nice guy. He was the editor-in-chief. He probably owned The Morning Star. He had known Eliza since she was a first-year university student. Her memory flooded with memories of her first day at The Morning Star. She used to be so quiet and nervous, but she stood out in the eyes of Owen.
… That’s why they slept together.
Well, in her first year. It was a one-time thing. No feelings attached. He was a handsome man, yet she couldn’t help but feel that it wasn’t ethical. It wasn’t, but she still felt guilty. It happened a while ago. It would be best not to dwell on the past, she thought.
Her stomach rumbled. Food. Yep, she needed some food. Elizabeth still had some stuff from the grocery store. She slipped on some socks and walked over to the small kitchen she had.
She picked up some strawberries from the fridge and washed them. The cool water felt calming on her skin. It reminded her to take a shower later in the evening. She could still smell the lasting scent of pine in her hair. It was nice. It reminded her of home.
Eliza’s thoughts became overwhelmed as she calmly ate the strawberries on the couch. She got a sudden feeling of homesickness. Her childhood home, back in Oregon. It was gorgeous there. She could remember playing with her animals. She used to have a tiny lamb named Razzle… Used to. A mountain lion ate the poor thing. Her 10 year old self was devastated. Her mind wandered to her parents. Sadness. That’s what she felt. Eliza’s parents weren’t… Bad. Just a little unsupportive.
They never supported her writing career. Mostly because her grades in school weren’t good. Her father always liked to remind her of that. Her mother, on the other hand, was a very kind woman. She had no idea why her parents got married. Probably because of tax benefits. She never saw them show affection. Not even to her. She hoped her parents were doing alright. The last time she saw them they got into an argument about her career.
Her appetite vanished as she thought back. Her parents just wanted the best for her, she reminded herself. Yet she couldn’t shake the feeling of being alone in the world. Her parents didn’t even read the first paper she wrote for The Morning Star. She rolled her eyes. It felt like the argument was so petty and childish. It was uncalled for. Was it really that much of a hassle to support your kid?
Eliza decided not to have children a long time ago. She knew how easy it was to fuck them up mentally. But mostly because of her fear of pregnancy. She shuddered at the thought of a baby growing inside her. It freaked her out.
She reluctantly finished the strawberries and left the plate on the glass coffee table. Wow, what a great way to start her day. She didn’t feel like doing anything. Eliza just wanted to rot in bed all day and watch movies. She hated to think about her childhood. It brought her into a sour mood, conflicted by the disagreements. She was happy she moved away first chance she got, at least. Eliza looked at herself in the mirror next to the TV. Average. That’s what she was. Brown hair, brown eyes, and a little over 5’11. She never cared about her appearance that much, being focused on her career and hobbies. She had dyed her hair before. Neon blue when she was sixteen as an act of rebellion against her parents. She chuckled at the memory of her whole bathroom being stained blue. Her parents weren’t very happy about it.
Now, eight years later, she understood why her parents hated her dyed hair so much. It looked horrible and choppy. She thought she looked much better with brown hair. Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to stare into the mirror. She didn’t want to bring back old insecurities.
After she brushed her teeth and combed her hair, she got back into bed. Eliza almost felt numb. She didn’t know why the memories brought her such pain. She considered going to therapy for a while, but decided against it. She didn’t even talk to her friends about her feelings, let alone a fucking stranger. She thought it was all a scam.
… And they were way too expensive.
She liked to drink and smoke away her problems, anyway. It made her forget. For a while, at least. She didn’t consider herself an addict by any means, but it just felt nice. After a while, she pulled out her phone, opened a YouTube ASMR video and went right back to sleep.
It was way too early, anyway. She deserved to sleep. The pressure of moving weighed heavy on her shoulders. She felt trapped. Eliza didn’t have a choice. She just wanted to be free and live her life the way she wants.
But that was impossible in this economy. Life was literally ‘Pay to win’. She was grateful about living in NYC and having a job, of course. But it just wasn’t for her. It was the same day every day. Mindless typing on her laptop and maybe getting some takeout in the evening. Maybe play some Sims 4. Her life was boring. She had come to accept that. Eliza wanted to do something meaningful with her life, no matter the cost. She was determined and ambitious. She would get what she wanted… Just not now. It would come in due time.
And maybe moving to Romania was the first step...
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speedyposts · 8 months
Chile declares state of emergency over raging forest fires
Chile has declared a state of emergency as it battles spreading forest fires in the centre of the country that have so far killed at least 10 people.
“All forces are deployed in the fight against the forest fires,” President Gabriel Boric posted on X as he announced the measure, adding that emergency services would meet on Saturday to assess the situation.
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The fires have ravaged thousands of hectares of forest since Friday, cloaking coastal cities in a dense fog of grey smoke and forcing people to flee their homes in the central regions of Vina del Mar and Valparaiso.
At least 10 people have died, according to a state representative of Valparaiso.
“We have winds of close to 40 or 50km [25-31 miles] per hour,” said Leonardo Moder, the director of Valparaiso’s national forestry corporation.
“This wind is hard because it carries lit leaves, branches or pieces of wood, and each creates a new little fire that grows into more fires,” he added.
The blaze is being driven by a summer heatwave and drought affecting the southern part of South America caused by the El Nino weather phenomenon, as scientists warn that a warming planet has increased the risk of natural disasters such as intense heat and fires.
In the towns of Estrella and Navidad, southwest of the capital, the fires have burned nearly 30 homes and forced evacuations near the surfing resort of Pichilemu.
“I’ve never seen anything like it,” 63-year-old Yvonne Guzman told the AFP news agency. When the flames started to close in on her home in Quilpue, she fled with her elderly mother, only to find themselves trapped in traffic for hours.
“It’s very distressing because we’ve evacuated the house but we can’t move forward. There are all these people trying to get out and who can’t move,” she said.
About 7,000 hectares (17,300 acres) have already been burned in Valparaiso alone, according to CONAF, the Chilean national forest authority, which called the blazes “extreme”.
Images filmed by trapped motorists have gone viral online, showing mountains in flames at the end of the famous Route 68, a road used by thousands of tourists to get to the Pacific coast beaches.
On Friday, authorities closed the road, which links Valparaiso to the capital, Santiago, as a huge mushroom cloud of smoke “reduced visibility”.
As Chile and Colombia battle rising temperatures, the heatwave is also threatening to sweep over Argentina, Paraguay and Brazil in the coming days.
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abookishdreamer · 9 months
Character Intro: Orthosia (Kingdom of Ichor)
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Nicknames- The Opulent Miss by the people of Olympius
Ma by her son
diamánti mou by her boyfriend
Ms. Bougie by Dione
Age- 41 (immortal)
Location- Skyline district, New Olympus
Personality- She's a neurotic visionary who's extremely confident, extroverted, & conscientious. She can also be materialistic, selfish, and snooty. She's currently in a relationship.
She has the standard abilities of a goddess except shapeshifting. As the goddess of wealth her other powers/abilities include teleportation (through bank vaults), money mimicry, chrimatakinesis, and chrysopeia (being able to change anything into gold & back).
Her immediate family includes her son Chrysos (god of gold & riches). They've always had a close relationship. She lovingly used to call him "my golden prince" when he used to be a child. They don't get to see each other often because of their hectic schedules, so they mainly keep in touch through video calls and texts. She gave her son a loan to jumpstart his music career.
Orthosia's main abode is the penthouse apartment at Bolt Towers in the Skyline neighborhood of New Olympus. Her apartment is the embodiment of classic wealth & modernity with floor-to-ceiling glass windows offering panoramic views of the Lightning Harbor, the Panhellenios Statue, and Eaglepoint Park. The ceilings are 8 meters high where several ornate chandeliers hang from. There's also a state-of-the-art gym and security system, sculptured kitchen islands, an olympic sized heated pool, wine library, & white oak flooring with Imperial Gold accents. She also owns an apartment in The Parthenos Plaza, a stylish beach house on Shimmering Tail Island, and is currently overseeing the construction of her mansion that's being built in the state of Olympia. Orthosia often shuttles back & forth between her main apartment and her boyfriend's place.
She has an animal companion, a she-dragon named Starwing. The dragon is a slender beauty with mint green and glittering silver scales with silver-white horns, claws, & crests. Starwing is Orthosia's usual mode of transportation when traveling great distances. The dragon has an Imperial Gold collar that's studded with diamonds while the saddle is made out of the most exquisite leather.
Orthosia finds the scent of newly printed drachma bills to be nearly intoxicating.
She always carries 100,000 drachmas in cash on her person.
A go-to drink for her is champagne. She also likes classic martinis, diamond fizz, mimosas, gin & tonics, and white cosmopolitans. Her usual from The Roasted Bean is an olympian sized flat white.
Orthosia loves getting the buttery toasty baguettes from the boulangerie owned by Aphrodite (goddess of love & beauty). More likely than not she'll frequent The Luxe (a high end eatery) for breakfast. Some her faves there include the thousand bagel (a plain bagel topped with whipped white truffle cream cheese along with goji berry infused riesling jelly & edible gold leaves) and the galore eggs benedict (which includes sevurga caviar, black truffles, mushrooms, & champagne creme fraiche). She also likes the meat loaded scrambled eggs (added with bacon, lamb, & sausage) with garlic home fries from The Hearthside Diner.
She normally wears her hair sleek and straight or in elegant updos. Her go-to hair product is the Olmorfia caviar anti-aging replenishing moisturizing shampoo. The shampoo contains pure caviar extract.
Orthosia loves giving fashion advice to her boyfriend's sister Aerin (goddess of the ethereal). She was the one who threw her a celebration party after Aerin's transition.
Her favorite thing to get from The Bread Box is the gourmet grilled cheese along with a salmon caviar salad.
She's one of the few to have a star on the Pantheon Walk of Fame as well as being one of the few goddesses to own the most expensive pair of heels from Diamond Ave. She's even in talks to have her own glamour doll collectible!
In the pantheon Orthosia is good friends with Favian (god of philosophy), Litismós (goddess of culture), Rhapso (goddess of sewing), Kéfi (goddess of mirth), Aígli (goddess of glamour), Hybris (goddess of insolence, hubris, & reckless pride), Aisa (goddess of lote & fate), Epimetheus (Titan god of afterthought), Dolos (god of deception & treachery), Apate (goddess of fraud & deception), Clymene (Titaness of fame & renown), Philotes (goddess of sex, friendship, & affection), Bronte (goddess of thunder), and Astrape (goddess of lightning). Orthosia was the official mentor to Tyche (goddess of luck).
She dislikes Penia (goddess of poverty) & her sister Ptocheia (goddess of beggary).
Some of her guilty pleasures include olympian sized fries & the mini pomegranate pie from Olympic Chef as well as the 24K chicken wings from The Crown, a high end restaurant.
Her main source of income comes from teaching economics at New Olympus University. For other means of income Orthosia models for/endorses Platinum Luminescence, Euryphaessa, Megaleio, Luxuria (the goddess Hera's fashion brand), Diamond Ave., ýfasma óneiro, and Heavenly Spark. She's also a writer of the finances section in The Oracle newspaper as well as being a contributing writer for The Acropolis Street Ledger. With Orthosia's personal endeavors, she recently released a limited edition parfum simply called Ploúsios. Only a thousand bottles have been made. The fragrance include notes of mint, white musk, pink pepper, magnolia, & jasmine. The product's three liter crystal bottle is adorned with pure Astrean Silver, 24K gold, and more than 3,000 precious gemstones. The parfum costs a million drachmas. She's also currently developing a business reality television show centered on prospective entrepreneurs making their business pitch to a panel of venture capitalists (investors in start-ups). Her boyfriend is already signed on as an executive producer.
There has also been a limited edition credit card released inspired by Orthosia. The card is made of platinum with Astrean Silver plating and a solitary .235 carat diamond centered on the front. It weighs approximately five times as much as the conventional plastic credit card. The limited edition card aptly named the Pantheonic card is so exclusive- details about how one can become a cardholder haven't been released. Orthosia is also working with Hermes (god of roads, travelers, thieves, merchants, messengers, speed, trade, sports, borders, thoughts, communications, money, & luck) in developing digital currency.
When she gives out cash loans, she ascribes to two rules- that they're considered as gifts and that it only happens twice. The last loan Orthosia gave out was to Aisa (who was settling a gambling debt).
With her enourmous monetary wealth, Orthosia has given back to several charities & organizations. Recently, a scholarship has been made in her name.
A favorite frozen treat for her is chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream. She alongside Kéfi and Litismós pooled their money together to buy & share the most expensive sundae at The Luxe aptly called "Strawberries & Drachmas." The sundae includes candied strawberries, 24K gold flake toppings, whipped champagne cream, and bourbon vanilla ice cream. Other reasons for the hefty price (9.85 million drachmas) is the Imperial Gold serving spoons & the 10.06 carat royal blue diamond ring that's placed at the base of the dining plate. After a friendly competitive game of rock, paper, scissors, Orthosia won the ring. She wears it on her pointer finger.
Orthosia is currently dating Aplistos (god of avarice). She didn't think that there was a deity more materialistic & selfish as her until she met him. They initially met at a blowout extravanza at the Caduceus Palace casino and they met again at the Summer Solstice Ball where he asked her out while she was there with her boyfriend at the time, a mortal financier. Intrigued by his cockiness, Orthosia agreed. On their first date (which started as a ride on their dragons to Olympia), Aplistos presented her with a gift- a floor length hooded lynx fur coat with diamond buttons! After becoming Fatestagram official, they made their public debut as a couple at the Olympic Derby.
She has the largest collection of Diamond Ave. jeweled clutches. Kéfi got her the limited edition truffle fries clutch while her son gave her the billion drachma bill clutch for her birthday.
Orthosia has been a part of a few high stake poker games hosted by Euryale, one of the gorgon sisters.
Her all time favorite meal comes from The Crown- the Golden Burger (champagne infused gold dusted buns, whiskey infused liquid-smoked patties topped with king crab meat, black truffles, beluga caviar, & a garlic aoli) along with the crème de la crème pomme frites. The meal totals to 6,000 drachmas. She also likes steak that's well done smothered in onions, mushrooms, and black truffles.
In her free time Orthosia enjoys yachting, polo, ballroom dancing, working out, collecting antiques (artwork & jewelry), tennis, golf, playing poker, shopping, going to museums, going to the cinema, skiing (in the Underworld), clubbing, going to the theater, sunbathing, and dining out.
"Wealth is the ability to fully experience life."
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afimivilla · 9 months
AFIMI Villa: A Luxurious Escape with a Private Beach in Montego Bay
Nestled within the prestigious Lagoons, an upscale gated community in Freeport, AFIMI Villa stands as a beacon of luxury and tranquility on the beautiful island of Jamaica. This fully furnished vacation villa Montego Bay offers an unparalleled experience, boasting a private white sand beach, an infinity-edge swimming pool, and a range of amenities that redefine the concept of a dream getaway. AFIMI beach house is conveniently located just a 10-minute drive from the Sangster International Airport, making it easily accessible for travelers seeking a seamless transition from arrival to relaxation. The Lagoons community sits on a thin peninsula surrounded by the ocean on both sides, providing an idyllic setting for an unforgettable escape. With 24-hour security, 2 tennis courts, a large main pool, and a gym, guests can enjoy a secure and exclusive environment throughout their stay.
The villa features four spacious bedrooms, each offering stunning ocean views and en-suite bathrooms. Three of the bedrooms are located upstairs, showcasing Teak hardwood floors, split air-conditioning, and 50" HD LCD televisions. The interior is a harmonious blend of elegant new pieces, authentic Jamaican antiques, and original artwork, creating an atmosphere of refined comfort. The bathrooms are adorned with natural stone, marble, or granite finishes, and feature walk-in showers for a touch of indulgence. The master suite, a highlight of the villa, boasts a luxurious marble-tiled bathroom with an eight-foot-wide shower enclosure, a skylight, and a spa-like soaking tub. The suite opens onto a spacious upstairs patio, offering breathtaking sunrise views and a serene setting for afternoon tea.
AFIMI invites guests to savor delectable meals in various settings, from the balcony and gardens to the romantic Beach Grill night. The Beach Grill night, a unique experience, allows guests to indulge in their favorite meals grilled right on the beach, creating an intimate ambiance with candlelight and tiki torches. AFIMI is not just a villa; it's a complete experience. The Montego Bay villa with private beach features an air-conditioned TV/family room equipped with BOSE surround sound and a 65" SmartTV, ensuring entertainment options for every taste. The restaurant-equipped kitchen, overseen by a full-time chef, produces exceptional meals to satisfy the most discerning palates. AFIMI Villa includes a full complement of staff, including a personal butler, housekeepers, and a gardener, ensuring that every aspect of your stay is attended to with the utmost care. Guests can unwind in their private beach cabana, enjoy a refreshing drink by the pool, or socialize at the outdoor tiki bar for a truly immersive vacation experience. Whether you're watching the sunrise from your private patio or enjoying a candlelit dinner on the beach, AFIMI Villa offers a slice of paradise that will linger in your memories long after your stay.
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islepropertiesguam · 1 year
Exploring the Beauty of Guam: Your Guide to Finding the Perfect Guam Rentals
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1: Discovering Guam's Rental Market
Welcome to Guam, a tropical paradise in the Western Pacific with its stunning beaches, lush landscapes, and vibrant culture. Whether you're relocating, visiting for an extended stay, or simply looking for a change of scenery, Guam offers a diverse range of rental properties to suit your needs.
Exploring Guam's Rental Market
Guam's rental market is as diverse as its natural beauty. From modern apartments in bustling urban areas to secluded beachfront villas, you'll find a wide variety of rental options. Let's delve into the key aspects of Guam rentals to help you find the perfect property on GuamRealEstateProperties.com.
2: Location Matters - Where to Rent in Guam
Choosing the Right Location
Guam is divided into different regions, each with its unique charm. Tumon Bay offers a bustling tourist hub with pristine beaches, while Dededo provides a suburban feel. If you prefer a more rural setting, explore the villages in the southern part of the island. Consider your lifestyle and proximity to work, schools, and amenities when choosing your rental location.
3: Types of Rentals in Guam
Apartment Rentals
Apartments are a popular choice for singles, couples, and small families. They often come with modern amenities, security features, and easy access to shopping and dining options. Whether you're looking for a studio or a multi-bedroom unit, GuamRealEstateProperties.com has an array of apartments for rent.
House Rentals
For larger families or those who desire more space, house rentals in Guam are a great option. You can find single-family homes with lush gardens, swimming pools, and stunning ocean views. Explore the listings to discover your dream home on this beautiful island.
4: Budget Considerations
Setting Your Budget
Before you start your rental search, it's crucial to establish a budget. Consider not only the monthly rent but also additional costs such as utilities, maintenance, and any security deposits. GuamRealEstateProperties.com allows you to filter rental listings by price range, making it easier to find properties that fit your budget.
5: Amenities and Features
What Do You Need?
Make a list of your must-have amenities and features. Do you require a pet-friendly property, a fully equipped kitchen, or a garage? Guam rentals vary in terms of amenities, so defining your preferences will narrow down your search and help you find the perfect home.
6: Working with Real Estate Professionals
Why Choose GuamRealEstateProperties.com
When navigating Guam's rental market, partnering with experienced real estate professionals is invaluable. GuamRealEstateProperties.com provides you with a user-friendly platform to connect with local experts who can guide you through the rental process, answer your questions, and ensure a smooth transition to your new Guam home.
7: Making Your Move to Guam
The Final Steps
Once you've found the perfect Guam rental on GuamRealEstateProperties.com, it's time to make your move. Ensure you have all the necessary paperwork, including leases and tenant agreements, in order. Take advantage of local resources and services to help you settle into your new home seamlessly.
Conclusion: Your Perfect Guam Rental Awaits
With its stunning landscapes and welcoming communities, Guam offers an ideal setting for your next adventure. Whether you're seeking a short-term rental or a long-term home, GuamRealEstateProperties.com is your trusted partner in finding the perfect Guam rental. Start your journey today and experience the beauty of Guam like never before.
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troglobite · 1 year
first things first i'm so fucking tired of chronic illnesses and disabilities getting worse and being like "bitch you live in a valley filled with farms and shit you're allergic to? Time To Suffer. oh your favorite weather, cloudy and rainy, is now here? fuck you, time to Suffer bc of the change in barometric pressure. here, have sinus problems, wooziness, dizziness, and incredibly bad and totally random bouts of MOTION-SICK NAUSEA FOR NO REASON."
so i did all of today while fighting all of that^^ bullshit (it wasn't quite as bad as it has been, i guess)
INCREDIBLE life progress today, folks.
i left the house for the first time since july (and i barely count that bc i went to a hotel while they were supposed to be fixing our house but instead fucked around for two weeks, and then i dogsat for a few days before coming back home)
i wore REAL CLOTHES for the first time since july as well. oh i guess i wore jeans and a bra on sunday.
we went to a STORE!
it was packed and i didn't cry :)
we purchased LOCAL RAW MILK CHEESES! AND ALSO MANCHEGO THAT'S REAL AND ACTUALLY FROM LA MANCHA! and also some crackers and salami n stuff to go w it. Tasty.
we then drove to an incredibly crowded beach to see if it would clear out and i didn't cry :) (it didn't clear out in time; irritatingly, if we had just waited 1 hr for the store, it would've been way emptier)
then we went driving in pretty places. parked a couple times. took a nice drive home.
we saw a guy on a dirtbike do an INCREDIBLY long and FAST wheelie
and then speed through a section of road so fast that we literally lost him within 15 seconds.
i cleaned the groceries, put em away, then we brought em back out to try the cheeses and snacks
i also put all the dishes away
we got papa murphy's and then remembered that we're both forgetful af and the massive glob of cherry pie filling at the bottom of the oven was STILL THERE
so i scraped it up and scooped it out so we could have dinner
and now, the REAL update
i've made so much progress on my acnh island :) which as a reminder is my first ever one that i started back in march 2020, and on which i still have my two starter villagers, katt and roald. and also vivian, goldia, maple, and poppy who are all from 2020, as well.
the entire island is almost completely done.
all that remains? the beaches at the front of the island (where visitors can "rent" cars, bikes, scooters, and boats), the transition area between the road and the beach in the northeast corner, and the hiking/camping area in the southwest corner (which i have started working on and it looks so cute).
literally everything else is done.
so i started working on redecorating the inside of my house :)
i had redone my bedroom already like AGES ago and it's perfect and purple (i also relocated it from the back room to the upstairs)
but my main room has been a chaotic mess for YEARS at this point
so i redid it to be deserty/look southwestern in style bc i made the cliff area outside of my house into a little desert oasis :) they literally gave us saguaro cactuses in the update how am i supposed to NOT incorporate them somehow???
and i started laying the groundwork for redoing the kitchen, for a mystical magic room in the back, and redoing the bathroom, as well.
i MIGHT redo the basement, but it looks p good for me having done it literally in like 2020. it's decorated like a really nice and cozy spare bedroom and study/library.
and so i am very happy with all of this. it looks incredible. and my villagers are so fucking cute and lovely (katt, roald, vivian, goldie, maple, poppy, maddie, dobie, shep, punchy).
and i really want to finish so i can update my DA and then submit it to an acnh streamer/youtuber so they can do a tour and compliment me bc i'm really proud of it. it's dopey as fuck but like--FINALLY i have a cool and commendable island. i did it for ME, but now i'm so happy w it that i'm like actually i really want to show ppl this, i love it so much
i've also redecorated the inside of every villager's house--except for shep, bc quite frankly, his original game house is actually kind of fucking amazing and perfect as is? i really love it. i wouldn't change much. i might wanna give him somewhere to sit, though. lol
but yeah i've just done a LOT and i'm really happy with it. after SO MANY TIMES flattening the island and starting over, i actually really like it now.
i made it into a town. every villager has their little business/attraction. i treat this as a little tourist-y place where ppl come to visit [steadfastly ignores irl tourism problems bc really this entire game is built off of harvesting resources and building in wilderness so like y'know]. and the roads and sidewalks and plants and all the decorations and the places they can visit--it's all just very cute.
and i'm doing my best to use all of the furniture items i've wanted to use, and all of the build ideas i've had for ages.
my favorite thing is that ages ago i decided to have a shakespeare in the park outdoor theater area--and i've just moved it around two or three times, and now i have it in the back in this little sunken area between maple's bookstore and goldie's bakery. and it still looks cool as fuck.
like i want to draw up a map/guide for the island or commission someone to do that for me (lol i have no money and i wouldn't know who to go with lol) bc i just am really happy with it. ☺️
anyway that's my life. ....:))))))
godfuckingdamnit i just realized that there's a spot on my island that breaks immersion. there's a drive-in movie theater but there's literally no way for the cars to have driven there. fuck me.
i've been working on this for MONTHS now, it took me forever, i'm not changing it, and it didn't occur to me until just now so hopefully no one else fucking notices 🙃🙃🙃
......fuck, no, i COULD fix it, possible. it would be kind of ridiculous and a huge pain in the ass bc i just spent forever filling those areas with flora and butterfly models......but i could do it.
i'll think abt it.
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