trans-mages · 3 years
what, you thought Rainbow was the only one with an announcement for today? 🌈
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March 25th (friday) to March 31st (tuesday)!
Late works will be shared until April 10th!
Oh WOW! We are officially BACK, baby! A whole year later, too!
And with new art inspired by Snow for Christmas, because I just had to add a skirt to turtleneck!Baz (and he clearly has boobs in the official art idc)
In case you don't know us...
The transmagesweek is an event for sharing your favorite trans* headcanons in the carryonverse / World of Mages!
Our goal is to not only encourage the creation of trans-centric content, but also to promote trans creators themselves!
Cis creators are more than welcome to participate, though :)
Any and all kinds of fan creations (art, fanfiction, moodboards, headcanons / drabbles, etc) are allowed! No restrictions. Create whatever you want, however you want!
To submit your works, tag your posts with #transmagesweek / #transmagesweek22 💖
If you want to make sure we see your entry, tag our user (@trans-mages)! Also, you may add any works you create (not only written works) to our official Ao3 Collection Link coming soon ^^
Create as much or as little as you want! You can participate every day of the week or post only once – it’s completely up to you!
We don't have daily prompts for this round, just a general theme for the week:
That meaning... celebration days / holidays? festivities and events? celebrating oneself's identity? All of that, and none of that! Feel free to use the theme "Celebration" in your creations however you want (or even just ignore it completely!)
And you can, of course, draw inspiration from last year's transmagesweek daily prompts too <3
We'll also post a few leftover prompts from the Transmages Prompt Fest list in the next few days, so feel free to claim any of these to use in this new event! (and be sure to credit the creator if it isn't an anonymous prompt)
You’re free to create works with heavy themes, but please be considerate and ALWAYS add trigger and content warnings on the post itself and its tags! We won’t be reblogging such sensitive content without the proper warnings.
ALWAYS tag violence, blood, mature/explicit content, any and all forms of transphobia, and any other general triggers. If you write anything sexual and post it on tumblr, keep it under the cut. This event is supposed to be a safe space for everyone, especially minors, and we won't share any content that jeopardizes that.
We also won’t be accepting any kind of content that shares the character’s deadname or has scenes where someone openly deadnames them mentioning their deadname explicitly. If you wish to include deadnaming in your work, please refrain from mentioning the deadname itself, and tag it with the proper trigger / content warnings.
At the moment, Genderbending (making canon female characters trans males and vice versa) isn't allowed in this event. If you want to depict a trans woman character, pick a character who's actually a woman in the canon universe! That being said, you can make canon female characters nonbinary transmasc (but not male aligned), and canon male characters nonbinary transfeminine (but not female aligned). We will also not accept any works that erase canon rep. Canon sapphic / wlw characters have to still be sapphic / wlw, and same goes for achillean / mlm characters.
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nonbaznary · 3 years
oh, sure, the only "straight ship" of the trilogy
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omg theyre aro mspec t4t... 😳😳😳
anyways penny and shep are soooo nonbinary you guys are just cowards <3
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wellbelesbian · 3 years
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Six Sentence Sunday
me doing this on an actual sunday?? practically unheard of. savour this moment.
thanks for tagging me @aroace-genderfluid-sheep! this is for @trans-mages week, i’ve been so busy i forgot about it until it started so i’m grinding to get this finished by the 31st! have some nonbinary Simon figuring stuff out:
He remembers once, in one of the homes, one of the girls would let him try on her clothes and do his makeup. He liked the way the dresses fell on his body, the way the skirts flared around his legs when he spun, and the colours of the makeup and nail varnish. He liked being pretty, and even though the clothes didn’t quite fit, they felt more comfortable than anything else he had ever worn.
It was the only time he had ever had a friend before, or since, in a home. It feels wrong that he can’t remember her name anymore.
He actually felt happy for once, until one day he tripped in her heels at the age of ten and came tumbling down the staircase, right at the foster mum’s feet.
i tag @nonbaznary @dreamingkc @otherpeoplesheartachept-2 @martsonmars @shemakesmeforget @confused-bi-queer @bazzybelle @mostlymaudlin @ileadacharmedlife @captain-aralias and @forabeatofadrum if you have anything to share!
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nonbaznary · 2 years
its technically still Wip Wednesday!!
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i got back to school, so i couldn't really finish anything i wanted for @trans-mages week 🥲 figured i might just as well post some snippets here so they dont go ignored until the hypothetical moment i finish them
before that, though; my first Our Flag Means Death piece, being birthed
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im really proud at how Blackbeard is coming to be, though i may be physically unable to draw a decent Stede (hence sketch phase)
love these funky little queer pirates <3
now, onto the funky little queer mages
first off, a small something from the Mordelia-centric fic i started working on back during sapphic week (and tbh, might as well re-do what i have in it for the pick n mix instead of transmagesweek if i dont have the time)
The dress looked fucking ridiculous on her.
She wanted a cool suit, like Baz’s; or at least some fancy trousers paired with one of those extravagant shirts they wore to things like this.
If Aaliyah were there, she’d know exactly what to do to make the dress look better – or just feel better.
But she wasn't there, was she?
She never showed up on their spot. Maybe she wouldn't even come at all.
So Mordelia was stuck with the ridiculous-looking dress. Like a girlfriendless loser.
and so this isn't too long, just a little something else from another transmages fic.
this one i started for the prompt fest, and its so cute and silly i love it. excited to post as soon as i can ✨
“What are you doing over there?”
He shrugs – well, as best as he can while lying on the couch, at least.
“Lying flat on my back so my tits disappear.”
“Of course.” they smile, sitting down next to him. “Is it working?”
“Partially.” Simon sighs, grabbing Baz’s hand and starting playing with their fingers. “Don’t wanna wear a binder though. They hurt. It’s period pains, before you ask- not the bloody binder.”
i guess that's it folks! see you on ... six sentence sunday maybe? 👀
(thanks @wellbelesbian for tagging me on stuff like this for the past few weeks btw!! means a lot <33)
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trans-mages · 3 years
it starts today!!
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it is now officially TRANSMAGES WEEK (the ✨second✨) !!
we can't wait to see what you've been working on this time!! <33 happy posting!
Please submit all posts using our tags (#transmagesweek22 and #transmagesweek), and you can always mention us at @trans-mages to make sure we see what you post!
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nonbaznary · 3 years
the return of binder bf, mastec bf & tits out bf aka the best boyfriends
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redrawing this for the @trans-mages week! forgot to post yesterday 🥲 (for my OWN EVENT..... AND I FORGOT..... tears
i wanted to re-do this piece so it looks normal but ironically this time procreate is the one with a problem lol . my brushes are more pixelated (?) then the usual and i have no idea how to fix it, so i just doodled snowshaz again :)
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wellbelesbian · 2 years
The Dress
for @trans-mages week! part one because i didn’t get it all written in time, i’ll post the second part as soon as i can!
read on ao3 or below the cut
It starts with a dress. The material is soft, the dress knee length and a deep, dark shade of red, much like his wings. Simon holds the fabric gently and runs his thumb back and forth across it.
He remembers once, in one of the homes, one of the girls would let him try on her clothes and do his makeup. He liked the way the dresses fell on his body, the way the skirts flared around his legs when he spun, and the colours of the makeup and nail varnish. He liked being pretty, and even though the clothes didn’t quite fit, they felt more comfortable than anything else he had ever worn.
It was the only time he had ever had a friend before, or since, in a home. It feels wrong that he can’t remember her name anymore.
For the first time, he actually felt happy, felt wanted, because he liked the way he was in those clothes, and his friend liked him too. Then one day, he tripped in her heels at the age of ten and came tumbling down the staircase, right at the foster mum’s feet.
He was sent to a new, boys-only home three days later.
It was fine. It was for the best, even. He was the Chosen One, and appearances matter. What would the mage have said? Simon sighs, then turns around, but bumps right into Baz’s chest.
“Hey, I found that American cereal you wanted to try.” He says, lifting up the box to show him and wrinkling his nose. “The amount of sugar in it is ungodly.” Simon just shrugs.
“Shepard suggested it. But leprechauns don’t look anything like that.”
Baz makes a non committal hum and drops the cereal into the shopping trolley, then glances at the dress, which Simon realises he’s still holding onto.
“That’s nice.”
“Uh. Yeah. Um… I was thinking of getting it for Penny. For her birthday.”
Baz frowns. “It isn’t Bunce’s birthday for months.”
“Yeah, but it’s best to be prepared, right?”
“Sure.” Baz says, not at all sounding convinced. Simon quickly searches through the rack for one in Penny’s size, throwing it in the trolley and then quickly striding off, stammering out something about needing to buy cheese. Baz stares after him, well and truly perplexed, then looks down at the dress.
“We already have cheese at home…”
Simon and Shepard have spent the better part of an hour arguing about lucky charms cereal and Irish-American history, and Baz is this close to calling Wellbelove’s girlfriend to come bash their heads together and tell them some actual irish history, because while she may not be American, he’s fairly sure neither of them know what they’re talking about either.
However, Simon has been sort of quiet and melancholy all week, so this light-hearted argument actually seems to be a good job of cheering him up. If there’s one thing Baz knows, it’s that Simon loves a good fight.
Penny groans over her coursework.
“Make them shut up, I’m begging you.”
“What am I supposed to do?” Baz replies.
“Distract your boyfriend.”
“You distract your boyfriend.”
“I’m busy.”
Baz wants to reply that he is too, but he actually finished all of his coursework the night before. He’s already gloated about beating her, but she rightly assessed that she had the better sleep schedule (he finished the night before… at 4am), and they had to call it a draw.
“Maybe the two of you can actually interact with us instead of doing uni work, since this is my birthday party?” Simon suggests snarkily. Penny rolls her eyes, but closes her laptop.
“Fine. But no more magic talk. Let's find a game to play or something.”
Hours later, once Penny and Shepard have gone home, Baz pulls out the box he’d been hiding on the bottom of the closet. It’s been a month since the dress incident at the store, but Baz couldn’t get it out of his mind, and other events have started adding up in his mind.
“Simon…” He goes into the living room, where Simon is laid on the sofa. He sits up at the sound of Baz’s voice. “I got you this.” He sits beside him, the large old fashioned hat box on his lap, but he doesn’t hand it over yet. “I didn't want to give it to you in front of the others in case I’ve just misread this situation, and if I have, I’m sorry, but don’t worry, I have receipts for everything-”
“Baz.” Simon lays his hands over Baz’s own. “Stop worrying. Whatever it is, I’m sure I’ll love it, because it’s from you.”
“Okay.” Baz says, tentatively. “It’s just… I’ve noticed sometimes, when we’re out, you seem drawn to some clothes I don't see you ever try on. They’re not what I thought your style was, but that seems to be something you’re still figuring out. And you seem to like me dressing you, so… Well. Here.” He passes the box over.
Simon’s brows furrow, but when he opens it, his expression shifts. His face softens.
Baz isn’t sure if this is a good reaction or not, but before he can hurry out an apology, Simon leans over the box and kisses him. Baz melts into it, but eventually they have to pull away to breathe.
Simon tentatively reaches into the box and pulls out the red dress, in his size.
“I saw how you looked at it.” Baz says softly.
“Yeah.” Simon breathes shakily. “I… I like it. But it’s not what I should wear, is it?”
“Why not?” Baz knows he sounds weirdly defensive. “You can wear whatever you like.”
“But I’m the Chosen One.”
A week ago Simon was still insisting he wasn’t the Chosen One. Baz can’t help but think he just picks and chooses his moments when it’s convenient for him. But now isn’t the time.
“So what? The Chosen One can wear whatever he likes. Who’s going to stop him?”
Simon boys his lip in contemplation for a moment. Then,
“You’re right. Let’s do this.”
“Do what?” Baz frowns.
Simon just grins.
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