Get ready for Carry On Sapphic Week 2023!
What is Carry On Sapphic Week?
A week in April dedicated to Carry On fan content showcasing sapphic characters and ships on tumblr and ao3, with daily prompts to inspire you!
Fics, art, moodboards, headcanons, any fan content is welcome! No sign-ups necessary, just post during the week, using the prompts if you like, and tag it carry on sapphic week or cosw 2023 and @ us so we can see everything and reblog it here!
What does sapphic mean?
While the definition can vary, the widest definition of sapphicism is anyone who relates to womanhood and loving women. Lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, queer, and other wlw identities fall under this umbrella. Asexual or aromantic sapphics also exist (hi, hello, that’s me), and it should go without saying but trans women can be sapphic too. Some nonbinary people identity as sapphic, while others don’t.
Any characters from the carryonverse who fall under the sapphic umbrella- canonically or not- are welcome! If you headcanon somebody as a lesbian, bi, pan or something else, go ahead and create something! Fem! versions of characters who are canonically men are also accepted.
When is Carry On Sapphic Week?
Last year Carry On Sapphic Week fell in January, but this year I’ve decided the dates will be Monday 24th April to Sunday 30th April, which is Lesbian Visibility Week in the UK.
I will share the prompt list on January 15th to give people plenty of time to prepare!
The only rule is to tag things appropriately! For example potential triggers and nsfw content should be tagged and on tumblr it should be placed below a cut.
You don’t need to follow the prompts if you don’t wish to, and can create as much or as little as you like in whichever medium(s) you prefer!
Of course, you don’t need to be sapphic to participate.
Feel free to send any questions through asks or to message me!
And as always, reblogs of this post to get the word out in advance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Prompt list
Last year’s creations
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chaotixalex · 2 years
smooth like butter
aka a small snowbaz drabble
there are no trigger warnings other then some corny ass fluff.
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simon sighs. no- not as a sign of boredom but  because he feels at ease. there's nothing chasing him. nothing chasing them. him and baz.
baz. he lies on the sofa, clearly too small for him, his feet in the air. smooth skin of his calf as warm as he can get. only his hair is visible, his head ducked in the corner. a shirt and a fancy knacker he had that left his bum almost out.
"you look nice."
he turns to face simon. he's surprised, he feels rightful to be so. baz's had a day full of shitty people trying to get him to stop. he was groggy and most probably smelly when he came home. it was not the best he's been.
simon hears a muffled "oh."
the spontaneity of the comment surprises both. simon, because he thought he didn't have it in him- he was working on it- baz because- well he looks like shit and simon seemed so out of it.
"well," baz turns to face him now "so do you." he gets up. "as always, if it's any difference."
baz expects a back handed comment, a snide remark. instead simon gets up from the floor, leaving the game open on his phone, and sits on the armrest.
"but you look nicer. especially in my shirt," and baz sits to make room, "and that fancy knacker you have on."
the next words out of simon's mouth makes them turn to each other, "it makes your legs look like butter and i want to take a fucking bite out of 'em."
baz likes this, he fixes a smirk on his face just like he would back in Watford. and simon's brain tries its best to catch up with his mouth. his mouth agape, lips almost red; eyes wide and weezer blue.
"and would you like a side of scones with that, snow?"
Simon wants to deny whatever came out of his mouth. that's his first reaction. the fight or flight. then he scans baz's face. he smirk and the gray eyes as daring and as playful as they get; just like in Watford, he thinks.
"you bet your sweet ass I would."
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trans-mages · 2 years
what, you thought Rainbow was the only one with an announcement for today? 🌈
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(click for better quality!)
March 25th (friday) to March 31st (tuesday)!
Late works will be shared until April 10th!
Oh WOW! We are officially BACK, baby! A whole year later, too!
And with new art inspired by Snow for Christmas, because I just had to add a skirt to turtleneck!Baz (and he clearly has boobs in the official art idc)
In case you don't know us...
The transmagesweek is an event for sharing your favorite trans* headcanons in the carryonverse / World of Mages!
Our goal is to not only encourage the creation of trans-centric content, but also to promote trans creators themselves!
Cis creators are more than welcome to participate, though :)
Any and all kinds of fan creations (art, fanfiction, moodboards, headcanons / drabbles, etc) are allowed! No restrictions. Create whatever you want, however you want!
To submit your works, tag your posts with #transmagesweek / #transmagesweek22 💖
If you want to make sure we see your entry, tag our user (@trans-mages)! Also, you may add any works you create (not only written works) to our official Ao3 Collection Link coming soon ^^
Create as much or as little as you want! You can participate every day of the week or post only once – it’s completely up to you!
We don't have daily prompts for this round, just a general theme for the week:
That meaning... celebration days / holidays? festivities and events? celebrating oneself's identity? All of that, and none of that! Feel free to use the theme "Celebration" in your creations however you want (or even just ignore it completely!)
And you can, of course, draw inspiration from last year's transmagesweek daily prompts too <3
We'll also post a few leftover prompts from the Transmages Prompt Fest list in the next few days, so feel free to claim any of these to use in this new event! (and be sure to credit the creator if it isn't an anonymous prompt)
You’re free to create works with heavy themes, but please be considerate and ALWAYS add trigger and content warnings on the post itself and its tags! We won’t be reblogging such sensitive content without the proper warnings.
ALWAYS tag violence, blood, mature/explicit content, any and all forms of transphobia, and any other general triggers. If you write anything sexual and post it on tumblr, keep it under the cut. This event is supposed to be a safe space for everyone, especially minors, and we won't share any content that jeopardizes that.
We also won’t be accepting any kind of content that shares the character’s deadname or has scenes where someone openly deadnames them mentioning their deadname explicitly. If you wish to include deadnaming in your work, please refrain from mentioning the deadname itself, and tag it with the proper trigger / content warnings.
At the moment, Genderbending (making canon female characters trans males and vice versa) isn't allowed in this event. If you want to depict a trans woman character, pick a character who's actually a woman in the canon universe! That being said, you can make canon female characters nonbinary transmasc (but not male aligned), and canon male characters nonbinary transfeminine (but not female aligned). We will also not accept any works that erase canon rep. Canon sapphic / wlw characters have to still be sapphic / wlw, and same goes for achillean / mlm characters.
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wellbelesbian · 3 years
hey carry on fans, please reblog this if you’d be interested in a fandom event focusing on wlw characters and ships!
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aprxl-showers · 3 years
unpopular opinion / reaction to the carry on series?? i’ve read the first two books once each so this may be coming from an uninvested point of view but i gotta know if anyone else feels similar....
so i really liked carry on :) i read fangirl first and it was cool to see the transition. anyhoo,, i got to wayward son and it was, like, so stressful?? like i knew before i started reading that wayward son left lots of people feeling really crushed but i thought it was in a good way? idk what i mean by that really but, yeah.
i just thought it was just super frustrating (which shows it’s a good book — IM NOT SAYING ITS BAD i really like the series so far i promise) specifically with all the simon and baz interactions where communication was so off and not there? they other characters were all cool but they seemed so different to the first book? their whole bond and dynamic? and i know that was the point: to show their growth but—
this was longer than i intended and idk if my point is any clearer. i hope simon and baz communicate in book 3. but yeah lemme know if you have thoughts??
*posts and hides*
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carryon-countdown · 4 years
can a crossover be like ... an AU? or do we need to have other characters interacting with the carryonverse ones? for example, can a hogwarts au be considered a crossover?
Hi there!
The way that I look at the prompt ‘crossover’ is that you mix the carry on characters with something from another story/ piece of media. So yes, a hogwarts au would be great because you mix carry on characters with the harry potter setting. You can also of course do this by having the carry on gang meet characters from a different story, but making an au out of the setting and/or plot of a different story is equally great. 
I do however also want to mention that these prompts are allowed to be interpreted quite freely. Just because this is how I see this prompt doesn’t mean that you have to stay within those “rules” that i just listed above. If anyone who reads this wants to make a piece of fan content that takes it as a literal word prompt, and, for example, write a fic about the carry on characters traveling and having them cross a border as a way to fulfil the prompt, then that’s cool too. 
I hoped this answered your question!
- Anna
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This year, Carry On Sapphic Week will take place in April. I’ll share the full details, dates and prompts in January!
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carry-on-sapphic-week · 7 months
What is Carry On Sapphic Week?
A week in April dedicated to Carry On fan content showcasing sapphic characters and ships on tumblr and ao3, with daily prompts to inspire you!
Fics, art, moodboards, headcanons, any fan content is welcome! No sign-ups necessary, just post during the week, using the prompts if you like, and tag it carry on sapphic week or cosw 2024 and @ us so we can see everything and reblog it here!
What does sapphic mean?
While the definition can vary, the widest definition of sapphicism is anyone who relates to womanhood and loving women. Lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, queer, and other wlw identities fall under this umbrella. Asexual or aromantic sapphics also exist (hi, hello, that’s me), and it should go without saying but trans women can be sapphic too. Some nonbinary people identity as sapphic, while others don’t. The label is flexible and open to anyone who wishes to use it.
Any characters from the carryonverse who fall under the sapphic umbrella- canonically or not- are welcome! If you headcanon somebody as a lesbian, bi, pan or something else, go ahead and create something! Fem! versions of characters who are men in canon are also accepted.
When is Carry On Sapphic Week?
In 2022, Carry On Sapphic Week fell in January, but since then it is held in April during Lesbian Visibility Week in the UK. This year, that is Monday the 22nd to Sunday the 28th. While lesbian is in the name, the organisation has stated that this is a week to uplift all LGBTQ+ women.
The prompt list will be shared in January to give people plenty of time to prepare!
The only rule is to tag things appropriately! For example potential triggers and nsfw content should be tagged and on tumblr it should be placed below a cut.
You don’t need to follow the prompts if you don’t wish to, and can create as much or as little as you like in whichever medium(s) you prefer!
And of course, you don’t need to be sapphic to participate.
Feel free to send any questions through asks or to message me!
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Introducing Carry On Sapphic Week!
A week in January (Monday 10th- Sunday 16th) dedicated to Carry On fan content showcasing sapphic characters and pairings on tumblr and ao3.
Fics, art, moodboards, headcanons, any fan content is welcome! No sign-ups necessary, just post during the week, using these prompts if you like, and tag it carry on sapphic week and @ us so we can see everything and reblog it here!
Any characters from the carryonverse who fall under the sapphic umbrella- canonically or not- are welcome! if you headcanon someone as sapphic but it’s not canon, it’s still welcome here!
Please tag things appropriately (for example, fem!snowbaz and any potential triggers should be tagged), and please keep all works sfw, as this is an all ages event.
Feel free to send any questions through asks or PM.
Reblogs of this to get the word out would be greatly appreciated 💗
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chaotixalex · 2 years
hi i'm alex, welcome to my hot mess of a blog
i go by they/him, i'm in my 20s, a western language and literature & translation studies major double major (i am still college as a undergrad)
i have some thoughts you might like so check out #imramblingmoreagain
here is an incomplete list of the things i like sorta-this will be updated as i move though hyperfixations😙✌
fangirl/carry on/wayward son/anyway the wind blows by rr
red white and royal blue/one last stop by cmq
Madeline Miller's books
the witcher (the netflix series)
the trc/raven boys
owl house
avatar the last airbender and korra
demon slayer: kimetsu no yaiba
food wars
many many animated movies
webtoons of sort
some other tv/netflix series
i occasionally write as well so be on the look for some links down 
like real people do
smooth like butter
you belong with me
small apollo drabble- sunflower
i also make playlists yes i am the whole package
link to my spotify profile
i have pjo, grishaverse, simonverse and some other nice ones, give me a follow!
welcome! hope you have a nice time in my mess! my inbox is always open and i'd like some cool friends♡
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wellbelesbian · 3 years
something i LOVE about the carryonverse is the suggestion of certain people in history being mages
like of course we have Merlin, Morgana and Circe, mythological sorcerers, name dropped in swears. also Methuselah once, who i had to google, and is apparently a biblical figure who lived for over 900 years.
but the most notable one is probably Aliester Crowley, an occultist/magician/painter/writer/mountaineer/alleged prophet/cult leader from the late 19th-early 20th century (rich white men could just be everything at once back then huh?) So the idea in the universe of Carry On is that all his religious beliefs regarding magic were real?
by far the funniest to me is that in Wayward Son we learn that Beatrix Potter was a prolific vampire slayer. Beatrix Potter- the author and artist of children’s book series Pater Rabbit. wiped out an entire city’s vampire population in one night. who would have guessed she was such a badass?
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Carry On Sapphic Week Prompts!
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Day one, Monday 10th January: coming out // stars
Day two, Tuesday 11th January: first // quiet
Day three, Wednesday 12th January: pride // warmth
Day four, Thursday 13th January: family // storm
Day five, Friday 14th January: watford // sentimental
Day six, Saturday 15th January: gift // history
Day seven, Sunday 16th January: home // comfort
These can be used an inspiration, however these are all just suggestions, and if you go in another direction, that’s fine.
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trans-mages · 3 years
✨ it's time for the first ✨
Transmages Exchange!
an event for all carryonverse creators celebrate each other and trans* world of mages headcanons!
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This was a last minute decision (since the @coexchange round that would be happening was cancelled, and we took the "opportunity" to test out the idea we'd had to expand the transmages event.)
You can sign up through HERE (and yes! everyone can join, including cis people!)
⊱ ────── {⋅. If you're part of the Simon Snow Trilogy fandom, PLEASE consider boosting this, even if you're not joining! As this is a collaborative event, we need people signing up so this can work!! .⋅} ────── ⊰
More details under the cut!
as this is a fandom exchange, if you give a piece, you get a piece!
this is a flash round, so our requirements are:
Concept / Headcanon: at least 100 words
Flash Fic: at least 200 words
Fic: at least 500 words
Drawing / Painting: at least 1 piece
Moodboard: at least 6 images
(again, thank you @coexchange for the inspiration!)
As for our schedule:
Sign-ups: June 1st to June 8th
Assignments sent on: June 10th
Posting: July 4th to July 11th
If you need an extension, please notify us until July 3rd!
Lastly: this is a SFW challenge, and trigger warnings / content warnings for heavier tones are mandatory! Please check out the transmagesweek rules and guidelines to get an idea about the kind of content we are or aren't comfortable sharing!
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trans-mages · 3 years
💫 Prompting for the TRANSMAGES PROMPT FEST is OPEN! 💫
Check our guidelines here!
You may submit your prompts through HERE!
Prompts that were already sent to us and added to the previous prompt list can be found here. Feel free to use them as inspiration!
Rating preferences: Gen, Teen and Up, Mature, Explicit or no preference Featured trans* themes: the main focus of your prompt (a specific headcanon, a trans* trope, etc) Main character(s) / pairing(s): the main characters of your prompt, if any (not all of them have to be trans*) Your prompt: your chosen scenario/setting/story inspiration Themes and triggers to avoid (optional, self explanatory) Optional additional information or requests: items/concepts to include in the fanwork Optional crediting information (include your user)
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If you want to submit multiple ideas, please submit each prompt separately through the form!
To self-prompt, submit your prompt during prompting period and claim your own prompt later.
Anyone can submit prompts! You don't have to be a creator for the event to submit prompts <3
Any prompts that don't feature any trans*-related themes and/or trans* headcanons will be deleted (or modified)
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wellbelesbian · 3 years
Keris headcanons because she is my beloved and RR gave us nothing!!
She’s the first in her family to get into Watford due to the Mage’s reforms.
She does well in all her classes, but she doesn’t actually have a lot of magic. So while she likes magic, she isn’t very reliant on it in day to day life. This doesn’t bother her.
She’s a only child but has some older cousins, and is generally considered the baby of the family.
Her surname is Fox.
She’s trans, and figured it out in first year when the crucible paired her with a girl.
While her parents are generally accepting, they still make a lot of careless blunders, and she isn’t out to her extended family and hasn’t seen them in years.
She actually feels much more comfortable with Trixie’s family. Trixie has a lot of younger siblings and they LOVE Keris!
She’s the responsible one in the relationship and balances out some of Trixie’s more crazy schemes.
That being said, she can let loose and have fun, and comes up with plenty of schemes of her own.
She’s allergic to animal hair so her and Trixie eventually adopt a sphynx cat.
She likes being creative but things don’t hold her interest for long, so she bounces between various hobbies at once, and is fairly good at most of them.
Due to this, she gives away a lot of handmade presents like candles, soaps and crocheted trinkets. She made Trixie a scarf for their first christmas as a couple and even though it’s a bit messy, Trixie still wears it every year.
She wants to be a nurse practitioner.
and this is how she looks in my mind:
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(picrew link)
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trans-mages · 3 years
Join us in this event and share your favorite trans & nonbinary headcanons in the carryonverse / World of Mages!
Our goal is to not only encourage the creation of trans-centric content, but also to promote trans creators 🏳️‍⚧️
We’ll accept posts for the event until April 4th, as this was our previous date. Prompts coming soon!
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