lorata · 2 months
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traumas claudius, who grew up in dystopian military school and was in the arena over his birthday, is an outlier and should perhaps not be counted...
omg I just cackled so hard i scared both cats INCREDIBLE the shirts! claudius' expression of poetic suffering! (it's why girls in bars love him) eibhlin considering violence yet again! i'm dying actually
i'll be at work for the morning and i'm SO glad i checked this first
(now i'm thinking about him and alec who both had july birthdays but very very opposite ideas about centre 'belonging' even in victor AUs)
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corruptimles · 1 month
👻 GHOST - do they believe in ghosts? what are their "ghostly experiences", if any?
for o'malley since I believe you referenced him being a ghost/having ghost times in a previous ask??
(I know o'malley mainly as the cat ears wednesday meme but he seems very interesting and makes me nostalgic for my among us days haha)
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👻 GHOST - do they believe in ghosts? what are their "ghostly experiences", if any?
He originally didn't. And then he died!
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So now he believes in ghosts and hangs around another ghost(?) Matilda, and a clairvoyant detective, Noir. He's pestering Noir to find out how he died because O'Malley can't remember for some reason
Matilda belongs to @bunsterkeaton and Noir belongs to @robboyblunder
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adrianicsea · 2 months
missed the chance to make your ask tag for swg "sleeping with posts" /j
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whorejolras · 5 months
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rattycattyfanfic · 6 months
hi! I really enjoyed your saw fic 'god loves you (not enough to save you)' and I was wondering if you'd be alright with me doing some art of it (I'll credit you ofc). no pressure btw I just wanted to make sure it was okay with you
omg! yes absolutely :3 go for it, i'd love to see what you do with it!
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justaboutsnapped · 10 months
question. do you also feel a deep and discordant sense of internal wrongness when you eat beef noodle (or any other kind of noodle soup for that matter) with a utensil that isn't chopsticks? or is that just a me thing lmao
oh absolutely it feels SO WRONG chopsticks forever and ever i will never use a fork for noodle soup
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origamiwarplanes · 8 months
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The Committee of Public Safety is a governmental body that deals with matters pertaining to national safety, foreign threats, and administrative duties, based in Paris and under the supervision of the National Convention.
Any questions, topics of interest, or other commentary can be sent in using the Inquiries button. If you require a notice posted, use the Notices button. Remember, by submitting material you are opening yourself to any applicable legal action that such statements could bring you.
If you wish to bring up a topic or dispute surrounding trials, court procedures, or sentencing, please take this matter to the Revolutionary Tribunal. Remember, we are not the ones who decide who gets guillotined!
If you need to report counterrevolutionary propaganda, travel law violations, or falsified papers/passports, please take these matters to the Committee of General Security. If they blow you off (usually saying something along the lines of "let Public Safety deal with it if they're so high and mighty" and/or grumbling about "indirect appointments"), feel free to bring it up in your local section/club meeting and proceed by their advice.
(Please refrain from asking about the "shouts and crashing noises, like things are being thrown" coming from inside our meeting location. It's nothing to worry about. We're dealing with it. We got everybody involved away from the window, it's all under control.)
this is an intentionally humorous blog, in the style of other corporate/organization gimmick blogs. historical events that were serious/influential may be discussed flippantly as part of the bit. specific events referenced in posts may or may not have actually occurred in real life as described in the post. if you are unsure whether or not a post is about an actual event, are curious about what it is referencing, or just want to chat french revolution, feel free to hmu at my main @transrevolutions.
there's no fixed timeline for this blog. events and people may be referenced out of order. just don't think too hard about it.
I doubt this needs to be said, but just in case: neither I nor this blog are actually affiliated with the french government. the committee of public safety was disbanded in 1795. as such, any references to legality/arrest warrants/surveillance are tongue-in-cheek.
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Just so you know, whenever you call me a tyrant or a traitor or a meanie, this is who you are calling a tyrannical traitor meanie:
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See? I’m literally nice! Dont listen to @saintjustitude, @transrevolutions or any of the other so called freedom fighters on the election board! I’m nice!
Vote for Bunnies as Supreme Dictator for Life of the World!
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lorata · 4 months
any particular ideas about the victors and empathy? like are there any that are low/no empathy, or any that are hyperempathetic? it would be interesting to see how empathy or lack thereof would impact their experiences/images both before, during, and after their games (even if panem probably doesn't have a very good understanding of what that entails from a psychology perspective lol)
a fun thing is that both Selene and Petra are low/no empathy, which makes them a fascinating pair. Petra knows she's missing something early and so outsources her sense of right & wrong to The Rules while Selene just does not care and this is a source of conflict for the two of them quite often.
Selene bases her morality around You Are Annoying Me, Personally whereas Petra's is You Have Broken The Rules This Is Bad And Unfair And Wrong which is why they drive each other up the wall
at their first kill tests Selene doesn't feel guilty. she vaguely thinks she should? but she doesn't, and they're here to kill, so, oh well. Petra asks her victim what she did, learns she did something bad, and is like, all right then, I'm good. they have a chat after Selene's about how neither felt bad and it's the one time they're both weirdly sympatico
both Selene and Petra have images that are slightly ... off/wild/feral, in no small part due to this. Selene they have to constantly remind her to pull it back or she'll go full villain (ha ha OH WELL given that she kills her district partner immediately but Misha knows). Petra's original was a bit more on the like ..... off-putting aloof killer vibe, similar to Clove, but with the maces she never got to pull that out so she had to go for the nymphomaniac over the top angle instead.
post-Games it's easy to keep things from Petra re: the state of the world until things explode because she just doesn't think about it. she has enough to deal with re: her own healing and constantly getting re-traumatized and all that nonsense that she doesn't have the mental energy to put towards things like oh what is it like for the districts or the other victors or is the only person who's nice to me actually doing this as part of a giant machiavellian scheme. it all falls apart in canon divergence once she has time to really sit and wrestle with those questions? but boy it takes some time and work and the others (particularly the younger ones) have some choice words for her in the meantime
Callista is also very low empathy, this (ahem) very clearly factored into her image & strategy. She does not care about the other districts and she says what she wants and if you get offended that's on you. Now mind you, while Calli has low empathy and her circle is small, IF you are inside that circle her compassion level is extremely high. Calli knows that Nero is hurting and she wants to do many, many murders on his behalf. She is very angry that she cannot. Ditto with her tributes, most of whom are similarly villainized by the narrative which is part of the reason she keeps choosing them anyway. In the AUs where she does manage to land either Creed or Alec she doesn't get what they're feeling half the time but she will help them regardless and god help anyone who tries to stand between them.
on the flip side we have Devon and Alec, who are both on the hyper-empathy end of things. Devon is able to control and use his fairly well, both in the Games and beyond; Alec has much more trauma and tends to be paralyzed by it for a lot longer before finally managing to work through things as an adult. part of Alec's problem is being unable to make his own decisions or justify his emotions
ironically Claudius is also very high on empathy but has no idea for a long time given that his specific cocktail of trauma and rage responses resulted in him lashing out and hurting people, so his whole "i'm a monster" thing dug in pretty deep and he withdraws. post-games though he can't help it and it lands him in trouble fairly quickly since he can't stop THINKING about other people and it sends him straight to treason town before he's even finished his victory tour, lol. post-canon divergence he winds up being like ... a teen counsellor for ex-centre kids which is the last thing he thought he'd be doing, but there you go. funny enough Eibhlin is the first person to tell him that he's high empathy and he doesn't believe her. but one of the reasons he's so good at 'mentoring' Selene is his ability to get inside her head before she even knows her own feelings really
in general while they don't have official vocab for it the Centre definitely IDs kids who have high empathy and/or compassion and has ways to decentralize that, whether it's giving them a cause or comfort in the rules or helping to carefully dissociate what they do from who they are. for the kids on the other end it's more a question of managing that line so they don't go too far.
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transrevolutions · 1 year
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show me your teeth (lorata) / the hunger games movie (2012) / bad advice (penelope scott) / transrevolutions on tumblr / great wide somewhere (azelmaroark) / mahmoud darwish / ron hicks / the hunger games (suzanne collins) / the hunger games movie (2012) / take me to war (the crane wives)
stuck in my glimmer feels again tonight
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₊˚ʚ ➼ i was supposed to sleep but then someone said minewt,,
so here's a rec list @nimmydeede . sorted by word count.
Man of a Thousand Faces by orphaned_account (550 words, rated T)
Minho thinks about them, all of them, every day. Dreams about Chuck and Teresa, but mostly Newt. Dreams about Newt every night.
you can rip, you can tear by anonymous (1,030 words, rated T)
Newt just wished that he could take away all the things he’d already said. Would probably give his last breath for it. The irony was not lost on him.
encore by @onceuponabluemoon (1,139 words, rated G)
“Have we met?” They’re sprawled out on the cool concrete, staring up at the stars. Well, Newt is, anyway—Minho is staring down at him instead, his head propped against the low wall that borders the roof of the bar.
your ghost and our memories (1,263 words, rated G) by @tmrsunset
Minho reads the letter Newt wrote for him and reflects on their time together, while also coming to terms with his death.
it’s a hell of a world by @transrevolutions (1,974 words, rated T)
Kissing him feels like a drug, intoxicating and smoky and oh-so-addicting. Like you've got a deadly disease and his lips are the only possible cure. (Minho/Newt, or what happens when the medicine runs out.)
and for a woman wert though first created by @hamartian-cathexis (8,501 words, rated T)
Minho, ever the dutiful son, agrees to come home from college for Thanksgiving break even if it means leaving behind his boyfriend, Newt, for a few days. He doesn’t mind, but he isn’t looking forward to it either. His is a typical middle class, Asian American family with two working parents and a little sister. And despite the strictness and high expectations, he knows his parents love him. To the point where they would never even consider the idea that he could disappoint them with something as heinous as being gay. He doesn’t know if that’s a blessing or a curse.
sublimation by anglophileadventures (15,706 words, rated T)
Minho coughed self-consciously and looked around. “Did you say something?” “Yes,” Newt answered matter-of-factly. “You were wondering how to tell the difference between an altered memory or a hallucination and something that really happened, and I was pointing out that reality is subjective and perception is all in the mind anyway.” “What?” “Well, if you experience a hallucination, but it’s so vivid that you can feel and hear and taste everything as if it were real, and it leaves a lasting impact on your psyche, who’s to say that it’s less ‘real’ than something that happened to you physically?” “Huh?” “For that matter, maybe what we perceive as ‘reality’ is all a simulation - but if it’s programmed so thoroughly that we can’t tell, and our experiences within this false reality are meaningful to us, then does it really make a difference if it’s ‘real’ or not?” Every time he used air-quotes, he brought both hands out from under his chin to mark the air on either side of his head in a decidedly un-Newt-like gesture. “Dude, what the fuck are you talking about?”
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adrianicsea · 6 months
happy birthday!!!! (you're now swg!adam's age congrats!!!)
AHHHH thank you!! we can only hope that my 27th year treats me better than swg adam’s did
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fymo-blogs · 3 months
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Spa stimboard
Credits: @gabrielachanel @gameboystimz @transrevolutions @systimmy @soapmuck @freyjarelaxes @tethysea @cyberpunkraccoon @helium-stims
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wildrivver · 1 year
This is my piece for @transrevolutions as part of the @drinkwithme-exchange this year. I hope you like it 😊
When I chose to write about the Triumvirate I thought I was going to write a really fluffy piece about their friendship but then the image of Courfeyrac rushing to help Enjolras came into my head and I had to write about them all meeting in a rather unconventional way.
So this is how Enjolras, Combeferre and Courfeyrac first meet at Student Pride
Aka a platonic meet cute
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I wanted to immortalize this exchange with @transrevolutions
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