#trc kin
ilya-prokopenko · 10 months
all those posts that are like. i love like a dog. yeah.
sleeps at the end of his bed if it means i can be with him
desperately waits at the door for him to get home
blind loyalty and obedience
sinks teeth and claws into everything i love so they won’t leave
gets too scared and snaps
ends up alone again
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findinyourkin · 2 years
probably going to be a gigantic long shot, but i’m adam parrish from the raven cycle (trc). i’m really looking to find anyone but in particular ronan and gansey, i’m 21 so please be 20+, thanks a bunch 👋
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tarotmonster · 2 years
hey, i'm adam or sparrow!
they/he in order of preference, 25
this is a kin blog.
core/me: adam parrish, the raven cycle
other kins:
taako (taz: balance)
piper (charmed)
magician (tarot card; complicated)
deer (therian/otherkin; complicated)
willing to talk to anyone, but i know lots of doubles for trc and taz, so if that bothers you it might be best to not interact!
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findthebae · 7 months
this is a longshot, but i’m blue sargent from the raven cycle. looking mainly for gansey, noah, and ronan, but open to anyone looking for me. i know an adam already. 21+, please! like/rb and ill get to you. thanks!
! ! !
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bitchboykavinsky · 10 months
My host wanted to not make them seem like a douche bag on main so he gets another side blog.
Dave or Kavinsky.he/him 24 years old trans man and gay as fuck
shelter system main blog is @dissipatingherbalist
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crimeronan · 10 months
you can't say you relate to adam parrish Unless you're willing to terrorize people to defend gansey's honor. literally none of adam's other character traits matter if loving gansey and being completely fucking insane about it isn't relevant. adam isn't ADAM if he doesn't want to fuck gansey in a closet and commit atrocities behind his back and think about wearing gansey's skin as a coat and then have panic attacks about that because he thinks he's actually doomed to cut all of gansey's skin off bc he has the unfun kind of intrusive thoughts and has convinced himself he's someone with an uncontrollable cutting-people's-skin-off-and-wearing-it-as-a-coat fetish. send post
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joejhang · 4 days
y'all will never understand adam parrish the way i do until ur stuck in a prison of your own making in an expensive private school surrounded by people who are richer and more well-adjusted than you and you're trying desperately to fit in and be like them and study hard and be the best so you can graduate at the top of the class and make it far far away from your shitty town and your shitty family and make money and a life that's better than the one you have now and all your friends are better off than you and they don't really understand you but you love them anyway but you are alone you will always be alone.
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mutopians · 11 months
me, right after having a panic attack: huh. that whelk stan that called me a gansey kinnie might be onto something
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noahczernysbestie · 7 days
blue from the raven cycle u are me u are me i am you i love u so dearly u are a part of my soul every time u get mentioned i feel my heart tug a little i love u
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karouvas · 3 months
“Gansey siblings were a rare and complicated species and they didn’t have to pretend to be something they weren’t around each other.” I find the little snippets we get of Gansey and Helen’s dynamic really interesting. From my current read of it, I think that sentence is partially true in that their relationship does exist outside of the one they have with their parents where they need to pretend, and outside of other people who might not understand being raised by them but at the same time there’s a sense of Helen encouraging Gansey pretend/put up the mask with people who aren’t her, likely out of a sort of protectiveness that makes sense but is misguided.
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romanticbagels · 1 year
are there any Lucy Dacus + TRC enjoyers here....... bc Next of Kin is Gansey’s song and I need someone to agree with me 
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findinyourkin · 2 years
hi, im kin with adam parrish from the raven cycle (trc) and im looking for literally anyone from my source! please keep in mind im 22
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moonsappho · 7 months
in case you forgot. ronan lynch is still the character of all time.
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barrywhelk · 1 year
U can also tag or respond with ideas if u want
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gansey is so mom friend
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crimeronan · 2 years
i can't BELIEVE how many people are choosing declan as a roommate in that poll tbh like i get that he's clean and polite but LIVING with the guy?? LIVING WITH HIM???? did none of you SEE how anal-retentive he is??? the man loses his shit on you for walking across one bare square of carpet in your sneakers taking out the trash and forbids you from using any of the living room furniture unless you put a towel down on it first. i wouldn't room with declan lynch if you PAID me. the only way in god's fucking name that i would EVER sign a lease with declan is if i can use his good credit to get the approval and then point-blank shoot him and dispose of his body within two weeks of moving in.
blue is fine tho.
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