#trekking bags online
herozbags · 3 months
Prepare for Adventure: Shop Heroz for the Best Trekking Bags Online
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Ready for your next outdoor adventure? Look no further! We have a wide range of high-quality hiking backpacks online at Heroz for any explorer. For experienced trekkers or rookie explorers, we have the right knapsack. To carry all your necessities comfortably, our assortment has sturdy materials, ergonomic designs, and adequate storage space. Our rucksack for trekking lets you enjoy the adventure while we take care of your things.
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adventure12f · 1 year
waterproof trekking bags online
Adventureworx waterproof trekking bags online: Embrace the Elements with Confidence
When it comes to trekking in unpredictable weather conditions, having a reliable and waterproof bag is paramount. Adventureworx, a trusted brand in outdoor equipment, offers a diverse range of waterproof trekking bags that combine durability, functionality, and weather resistance. These bags are designed to keep your belongings safe and dry, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in your trekking adventures without worrying about the elements.
Adventureworx waterproof trekking bags are crafted with meticulous attention to detail and built to withstand the harshest weather conditions. The bags are constructed using high-quality materials that are inherently water-resistant. They feature sealed seams and waterproof zippers to prevent moisture from seeping into the bag, ensuring that your gear remains dry and protected. Whether you encounter unexpected rain, river crossings, or snowfall, Adventureworx bags provide the necessary defense against water infiltration.
The functionality of Adventureworx waterproof trekking bags is second to none. They are designed with spacious main compartments and multiple pockets, allowing for efficient organization and easy access to your gear. Whether it's your clothing, camping equipment, electronics, or personal items, these bags offer ample storage space to accommodate all your essentials. The intelligent layout and thoughtful features make it convenient to find and retrieve your belongings, even when you're on the move.
Durability is a key factor when it comes to trekking bags, and Adventureworx excels in this aspect. The waterproof trekking bags are built to withstand the rigors of outdoor adventures. They are crafted with reinforced stitching, sturdy materials, and abrasion-resistant bottoms to withstand rough terrains and constant use. Adventureworx understands that trekking can be physically demanding, and their bags are engineered to endure the challenges you may encounter along your journey.
Comfort is a top priority in the design of Adventureworx waterproof trekking bags. They feature adjustable padded shoulder straps, sternum straps, and waist belts that distribute the weight of the bag evenly, reducing strain on your back and shoulders. The ergonomic design ensures a comfortable fit, allowing you to trek for extended periods without discomfort. Adventureworx understands that your focus should be on the adventure itself, and their bags are designed to provide the utmost comfort throughout your trekking experience.
Ordering Adventureworx waterproof trekking bags online is a convenient and seamless process. Adventureworx maintains an online presence, providing a user-friendly shopping platform. Their website offers detailed product descriptions, specifications, and customer reviews, empowering you to make an informed decision before making a purchase. Secure payment options and efficient shipping ensure that your chosen waterproof trekking bag arrives promptly at your doorstep, ready to accompany you on your next adventure.
In conclusion, Adventureworx waterproof Hiking Backpacks Online are the perfect companions for outdoor enthusiasts who seek reliable and durable gear. With their exceptional functionality, weather resistance, durability, and comfort features, these bags are designed to withstand the elements and keep your belongings dry and secure. So, gear up with an Adventureworx waterproof trekking bag, embrace the elements with confidence, and embark on unforgettable trekking adventures, knowing that your gear is protected and ready for anything nature throws your way.
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bumblingbabooshka · 11 months
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Older Tuvoks
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dixons-sunshine · 1 month
Punishment Enough | Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
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*GIF isn't mine.*
Summary: After Beth's death, Daryl took it out on himself. He hunted for the group, but refused to feed himself. One day, you've had enough, and you decided to take matters into your own hands.
Genre: Angst, fluff.
Era: Post Terminus; Pre Alexandria.
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of death, blood.
Word count: 3k.
A/n: Alright, here's yet another vamp!Daryl fic to add to the growing number. This was originally supposed to be a 1k word thing, but it got way longer than I had anticipated lol. (ALSO, yes, I know some things in this isn't factual to most vampire things we see online, but I took some creative liberty and wrote it in a way that I liked.) Anyways, I hope you like this!
“This is getting out of hand,” your leader and friend, Rick Grimes, whispered to you as he watched Daryl disappear into the woods for the millionth time since your journey on the road began a mere two weeks ago. “He needs to feed. He's going to die otherwise.”
You sighed as you watched one of your closest friends disappear beyond the treeline. You continued your snail's pace of a trek next to Rick, the heat from the blazing summer sun beating down on you relentlessly. Your stomach grumbled with hunger and you were thirsty beyond belief, but you knew that it couldn't compare to the discomfort the archer was experiencing. You had eaten, even if just a little, a few hours ago, while he hadn't fed since Beth had died, which was at that point already two weeks prior.
You knew that if he kept that up, he would die within the next few dies, maybe even the next few hours. He was punishing himself, and soon, he would pay the price for it.
“Rick? I don't mean to interrupt whatever intelligent discussion you were having with miss Y/n over here, but Rosita and I have managed to locate a river on the map not too far from here. If you send two people down to replenish our water supply, we should be ready to move on with our trek in about thirty minutes.”
Rick stared Eugene down for a few moments. You were sure that he was going to turn down the offer, but to your surprise and great relief, Rick finally conceded.
“We need to rest anyway, so okay. An hour. That's all I'm willing to offer up,” Rick told Eugene. Your leader whistled to capture everyone's attention, and raised his voice to be heard clearly. “We stop for now. Eugene says that there's a river not too far from here. Tara, Glenn, you two go refill our water supply. The rest of you, get as much rest as you can. We move again in an hour.”
Everyone nodded and dispersed, leaving you alone with your benevolent leader. You eyed the spot you had last seen Daryl, all the sounds and sights around you being evaporated from your mind. However, you were startled when Rick snapped his fingers in front of your eyes, recapturing your attention again.
“How about you go after him and see if you can talk to him?” Rick suggested, lightly patting you on the shoulder in encouragement. “If there's anyone he might listen to, it's you.”
“No, he won't listen to me,” you denied, a sullen expression on your face. “If he won't even listen to Carol, what chance do I have of getting through to him?”
Rick pursed his lips, trying to keep the words that wanted to spill from his lips to himself. He couldn't betray his found brother's trust like that. He wouldn't. That was something Daryl had to tell you on his own time, even if it took years to do so. All Rick could do in that moment was gently urge you to go talk to the man.
“Believe me, I have a feeling that you might be able to break through to him. Just go try, please? I don't want him to die just because he blames himself for something that isn't his fault.”
You inhaled sharply, but ultimately agreed. “Okay,” you mumbled, handing your bag over to Rick, but keeping your compound bow and knife handy just in case you needed it. “If I'm not back by the time you guys need to move on—”
“We go on without you,” Rick finished for you, slinging your bag over his shoulder. “I know. Just go check on him. See if you can get him to drink from something.”
You sent your leader a small nod, and turned on your heel to disappear into the woods. You walked in the general direction of where you saw the archer disappear, soon finding yourself surrounded by trees and dirt. You kept your eyes on the ground, lazer focused on the faint tracks of the man you were trying to find.
A chittering sound from above you redirected your attention from the ground to the area of where you heard it. Up in a tree, on a branch low enough to reach if you jumped, you spotted a total of three squirrels, all sitting in a straight line as they went on doing whatever squirrels fancied as entertainment. They were blissfully unaware of your lurking presence, so it made it easy to line up the shot perfectly.
By some stroke of luck, the arrow found it's mark in all three squirrels. Proud and a little giddy at the prospect of food, you walked towards the tree and jumped to get your prey from the branch. Marveling at the kill you made, you almost missed the sound of a twig snapping in the distance. Almost.
On instinct, you dropped the arrow holding the three squirrels and loaded your bow with another arrow, turning around and releasing it in the direction of the sound. The arrow flew towards the walker, but the walker caught it with ease. Calming down and allowing your eyes to adjust, you could see that it was not a walker. Instead, it was the very man you were tracking down.
Daryl Dixon.
“If ya wanna kill me, yer gon' have to do a lot better than an arrow,” Daryl mused, walking towards you to hand the deadly object back to you. “Wha' the hell are ya doin' here?”
“Looking for you,” you stated matter-of-factly, putting your arrow away. You looked up into Daryl's eyes, but instead of finding the usual blue irises that you have grown to love, you found red coloured ones in their place. A clear sign that he was starving. “We're worried about you. Rick thought I might be able to talk some sense into you.”
“Dun' need someone to talk no sense into me,” Daryl grumbled, turning around to stalk away again. “M'fine. Dun' need no damn babysitter. Leave me alone.”
Picking up the dead squirrels from the ground, you took off in a jog behind Daryl to keep up with his speed. Even though he was only walking, his enhanced speed made his pace faster than the average human's, hence why if he wanted to, he could lose you with ease.
“Daryl! Daryl, wait!” you pleaded with him, finally catching up enough to grab his arm. “Daryl—”
“I said, leave me alone, damnit!” Daryl roared, spinning around to look at you. A furious glare painted his features, but instead of being met with fear, he was met with a stubborn glare instead. Well, he could give you points for that, but he wouldn't give in to whatever you wanted from him. “Wha' dun' ya understand? I dun' need yer concern or yer company. M'fine on my own. I've been alone for decades. Dun' need to change tha' now.”
“Daryl, you need to feed,” you explained as calmly as you could, trying to keep your anger in check. It wouldn't do anyone any good if you were to snap at him right at that moment.
“M'fine,” Daryl replied stubbornly, crossing his arms over his chest defensively.
“Really? Because if you were fine, your eyes wouldn't be red right now,” you countered, motioning to his eyes. “Do you wanna die, Daryl? Because if you don't feed, that's exactly what's gonna happen.”
“Dun' need ya to lecture me, woman!” Daryl exclaimed loudly, waving his hand around in anger. “I know my own damn body better than ya do! I've been like this for a long time. I know when I need to feed and when I dun'!”
“Then why the fuck can't you see that you need to feed right now?!” you snapped, pushing Daryl's chest for emphasis. The man barely moved, his inhuman strength countering your attempts to sway him.“I may not be a vampire, and I may not know exactly how being one works, but I do know that you're either going to die, or lose control and hurt one of us. Is that what you want? Look me in the eyes and tell me that you don't have to use all of your willpower to refrain from lunging at me and draining all of the blood from my body. Tell me that drinking my blood doesn't sound good to you right now.”
Daryl's silence only confirmed your suspicions. You scoffed and shook your head, taking one of the squirrels off the arrow and extending it towards the stubborn archer.
“Feed. Don't even think about saying no because I swear I'll fucking kill you.”
He knew there was no use of yelling at you anymore. What was the use of getting mad at you for caring about him? If anything, knowing that you did made him feel all funny inside. However, Daryl still shook his head in denial, refusing to take the dead animal from you. “Nah. Y'all need the meat to survive. If I drink the blood, my venom will taint the meat and then y'all can't eat it.”
“Taint the meat?” you questioned in confusion, furrowing your eyebrows. “I've seen you drink from a human before and they didn't turn. How's this any different?”
“Humans are different,” Daryl explained. “M'not gon' explain it to ya because I dun' even fully understand myself, but all I know is we dun' have control over our venom when it comes to animals. We do with humans. Tha's the most basic explanation I have fer ya.”
You nodded in understanding. You scanned your surroundings for a moment before your eyes fell on an empty can, and you had a lightbulb moment. You walked over to pick up the aforementioned object, before crouching down. You picked up one of the squirrels and, very carefully so that you didn't accidentally nick your finger, cut it in multiple places to drain it of its blood, into the can.
You could hear Daryl inhale sharply when the smell of blood flooded his nostrils. His already bloodred eyes darkened, and you could tell that his self-restraint was dwindling by the second. You had to make quick work of your activities, and fast, otherwise Daryl would lunge for the blood. And you didn't know whether or not the blood he went for would be the squirrel's, or yours.
Once the can was practically overflowing with blood, you hastily got up and pushed the object into his hands, some blood trickling over the edge and onto his hands.
“Drink,” you ordered him, leaving no room for argument.
Grumbling to himself, he brought the can up to his lips to slowly take a sip. However, as soon as that first drop of blood fell on his tongue, he drank the rest of it in hurried, messy gulps. Blood trickled down the sides of his mouth, and you had to resist the urge to bring your hands up to wipe the blood away.
In five seconds flat, the entire can was empty. Some colour returned to the archer's cheeks, and his eyes slightly changed from a deep crimson to a dull red. However, even though Daryl handed the can back to you as a way to say he was done, you knew it wasn't nearly enough. He needed way more than that, even if he wouldn't admit it. And, come hell or high water, you would make sure he drank more.
“Thanks,” Daryl mumbled, wiping at the blood and making an even bigger mess on his face. “Ya satisfied now?”
“Not even remotely,” you mused, picking up the three dead squirrels, one of which now had its blood drained, and offered one of them to him. “Here, take it. We need to head back and there isn't time to drain another one for you. Don't worry about one lousy squirrel. We'll survive.”
“No buts, Daryl,” you cut him off, forcing the dead critter into his hands. You picked up your knife and sheathed it, before adjusting your bow on your back. You sent Daryl a look and walked off, calling to him over your shoulder. “C'mon. We gotta go.”
Cleverly sensing that there was no room for argument, Daryl followed behind you with a frustrated huff, shaking his head to himself at your stubbornness. However, your stubbornness was one of the many traits that made him feel drawn to you, one of the many things that made you perfect in his eyes. Well, it was perfect when the stubbornness wasn't directed towards him.
Unable to resist the urge any longer due to the taste he got from it earlier, Daryl brought the squirrel up to his mouth. He sunk his fangs into the dead animal and began to drink mouthfuls of the delicious crimson, his deep hunger not going away but being satiated for the time being.
“You need to stop this, Dar,” you began, shaking your head to yourself. “You need to stop punishing yourself. Beth's death isn't your fault. You need to know that. And you need to stop punishing yourself for it. Beth wouldn't want you to starve yourself. You know she wouldn't, so stop doing it, please. Blaming yourself for a death that wasn't even remotely your fault is punishment enough.”
Daryl drained the squirrel of the last of its blood, before withdrawing his mouth from the creature. He stared at you in wonder, walking beside you silently as he pondered over your words. He didn't believe that Beth's death wasn't his fault. He probably never would, but what he did believe was that Beth wouldn't want him to die. The girl voiced in so many different ways that she wanted him to live. And even though he felt terrible about her death, he decided that he would honour her. He would live because she couldn't. He would honour her by doing what she wanted him to do—he would live.
And, once he built up enough courage for it, he would honour her by following her advice and admitting his feelings to you.
The two of you walked from the treeline and back towards where the rest of the group rested. When the two of you made yourselves known, everyone looked up and shared similar looks of relief at the sight of the blood on Daryl's face and the drained squirrel in his hands.
Everyone except Gabriel, who looked at Daryl in disgust and fear, but was wise enough not to say anything. The last time he had voiced his obvious disdain towards the archer because of what he was, he was met with a punch from you and quite the amount of hateful words and glares from the rest of the group. It was clear that nobody would stand for anything but acceptance towards what Daryl was, and he appreciated that.
“Glad to see you're looking better, brother,” Rick voiced to Daryl, getting up to give his found brother a quick hug.
“Thanks,” Daryl thanked him, patting him lightly on the back before withdrawing from the hug. “She wouldn't let me not drink anythin', so ya really should be glad 'bout her. And she found y'all some dinner.”
“Sweet!” Carl voiced excitedly, eliciting a bunch of laughs from most of the adults there. “My dad found us a few rabbits, too.”
Rick took the squirrels from you with a grateful nod. “Seems like we're gonna be here for another hour or so. Let's cook these up, get ourselves regenerated.”
As everyone fell into their own separate conversations and Rick and Carl took it upon themselves to start a small fire, you walked over to a tree before sliding down against it, looking up at Daryl who had followed you there.
“M'surprised ya didn't offer yer blood to me,” Daryl told you, sliding down next to you.
“Why the hell would I do that?” you asked him in genuine confusion, staring into his eyes that were busy turning back to their usual beautiful blues.
“The ladies back at the prison always offered their blood to me when I couldn't feed on animals. Figured ya'd do the same.”
“Yeah, no. I like you and all, but that's not something you're gonna get from me anytime soon, no matter how hot you are,” you laughed, shaking your head.
“Ya think m'hot?” Daryl asked in surprise, eyeing you with a small smile.
“I—shut up. Don't let it go to your head,” you mumbled, hugging your knees to your chest.
Daryl chuckled. “I won't,” he promised, looking over at you with a soft look in his eyes. “Thanks again. Fer the squirrel and the lecture. I know I said I didn't need it, but I did. So, thanks.”
You smiled and brought one of your hands up to rest on Daryl's knee, rubbing your thumb against it softly. “Of course. I'd do anything for you, Daryl.”
Daryl ducked his head in shyness. However, he couldn't help the way he felt about you. In less than an hour, you had managed to track him down, give him a much needed lecture, and made him feed on something. You truly were amazing to him, but he didn't know if you'd ever feel the same about him. The two of you were so vastly different, in personalities and species, so he wouldn't be surprised if his feelings were one-sided.
Unbeknownst to him at the time, however, you did feel the same. And that first night in Alexandria, you showed him exactly how you felt about him.
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sydsaint · 4 months
Pretty Boy with a heart of gold. I just know it <3
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Summary: The reader has an unpleasant encounter while at the airport. Luckily for her, Austin isn't afraid to get in someone's face on her behalf.
You lug your bag over your shoulder and wave at the Uber drivers as an extra thanks before he drives off. You're about two hours early for your flight out but airports are like your second home by now.
You head for the airport lounge to wait and find an empty seat to relax in. The lounge is quiet and cozy, calming music playing from over at the bar. You fish your laptop out of your bag as well as your headphones to get some work done while you're waiting.
About half an hour later you start to get the odd feeling that you're being watched. You glance up from your laptop and catch some guy staring at you from a few tables away. "Hmm?" You hum and narrow your gaze at the man, causing him to look away. "Okay?" You muse and get back to work.
The uneasy feeling that you're being watched doesn't seem to go away. You glance up and find the same guy staring at you a few more times before you finally have enough. You pack up your bag and head off to find another part of the spacious lounge to wait.
"Okay, that's better." You head up to the loft part of the lounge and find an empty table by a window to settle down in.
You get your laptop out again and get back to work. But the uneasy feeling soon returns to you. You once again glance up and find the same man from before now sitting on the other side of the loft.
"What the fuck." You mumble to yourself.
Creeped out, you pack your bag back up quietly. You wait a few moments before you head out of the lounge. You make the trek across the area and head into a different lounge that you've got a membership too.
"There." You sigh as you take a seat. "He shouldn't be a problem anymore." You smile to yourself at the though of finally being able to relax and do some work.
Another 15 minutes pass by as you reply to a few emails and look at a few other things online. You beg to get thirsty and decide to go grab a drink. After packing your laptop up you head for the bar. But when you get over to the service desk you spot the same man again leaning against the bar.
Your eyes widen in surprise and you take a small step back. The man turns and nods towards you with a smile that creeps you out. Getting security crosses your mind, but then you spot a friendly face sitting at a table a few feet away.
"Austin, hey!" You walk over to the table and away from the man at the bar.
"Hmm? Oh, hey, YN." Austin looks up from his phone and smiles when he sees you. "What's up?" He asks you casually.
You walk over to the table and shrug. "Just waiting for my boarding time." You answer him. "Mind if I sit?" You ask him.
"Sure." Austin nods.
You take a seat at the table and cautiously glance behind you to see if you're still being pursued. The same man from before remains in his seat, observing you intently from over the top of his phone.
You swallow and turn back to Austin with an uneasy feeling. Austin starts chatting with you about work and his new alliance with Grayson for a while, which takes your mind off of things for a moment.
"You've been feuding with Liv, right, YN?" Austin switched the subject to you for a minute.
"Yeah, we're fighting about who get's Bayley and her title at the next PLE." You nod.
Austin nods with a dashing smile. "Right on." He grins. "I'm sure you'll get the match, YN. You're great in the ring." He compliments you.
"Thanks Austin." You grin back at him.
You and Theory chat some more about work and some other stuff before Austin dismisses himself to the bathroom. You watch him walk off and decide to check your phone while you wait. You aren't alone looking at your phone for long when you start to get an uneasy feeling once again. You cautiously glance up from your phone and find the your stalker has moved a few tables closer to you.
"Hello." You reluctantly nod at the man with a friendly smile. You don't want to set the guy off by ignoring him. But you don't want anything to do with him either.
"Hi, YN." The creepy guy perks up at your response. "I'm your biggest fan!" He beams. "You're even hotter in person by the way. Way better looking than all those other girls you work with." He attempts to compliment you.
You silently cringe and nod. "Thanks." You keep your response short.
"I saw you hanging out with Austin Theory." The guy continues chatting with you, despite your visible discomfort. "Personally I don't like him." He frowns. "The guy is a total tool. And he's dumb. A girl like you should be with someone smart that can appreciate you for your beauty and intelligence." He smiles at you in a way that makes your skin crawl. "I bet he's like trying to chat you up over here, huh? What a douche right?"
"Right..." You reply and silently begin trying to figure out a way out of this mess. "Well, it was nice meeting you. But my flight is boarding soon so I should get going." You lie and rise to your feet.
The guy nods and gets to his feet as well. "Oh yeah, of course." He nods. "Say, I don't suppose that I could get a picture with you by any chance before you go?" He asks you.
"Oh...yeah, sure." You reluctantly nod.
You begrudgingly allow the stranger to take out his phone and step uncomfortably close to you. You try and block out how creeped out you are and put a smile on your face for the photo. The guy wears a creepy smile and throws his arm around you at the last second, grazing your ass as he does.
The picture gets snapped and you step back over to your stuff. The guy rambles about this being the best day ever and that he's going to be sure and tag you in the photo.
"Yeah, have a nice day." You nod and try not to gag in front of him.
Austin comes back over to the table a few second later with a puzzled and concerned look on his face. "You alright, YN?" Theory asks you. "You look like you're about to throw up."
"Yeah, I'm fine." You nod and take a deep breath. "Just...fans." You grumble to yourself.
"You talking about that guy in the blue shirt?" Austin replies and nods subtly over to the guy. "I saw you taking a picture with him when I came out of the bathroom. And it looked awkward." He explains.
You huff and nod. "Yep, that about sums up most of my male fans unfortunately." You sigh. "Guy even went to cop a feel when he swung his arm around me." You try to joke about the whole situation.
"What?" Austin replies. "That fucker! You want me to go talk to him?" He offers?
"No, Austin." You shake your head. "It's fine. He won't be the last creepy fan, I'm sure." You assure him.
Austin nods and the two of you decide to head out of the lounge and down to the terminal before boarding.
You've always liked Austin. You've had the pleasure of working a bunch of events with him, and the guy is a total sweetheart. He's just your type too. You've just never gotten around to asking him out.
About 20 minutes before boarding you and Austin are comparing workout routines when you spot someone walk into the terminal. The same creepy guy AGAIN. Your eyes widen in surprise and you mumble something to yourself.
"What was that, YN?" Austin asks when you mumble.
"He's back, again." You reply and nod behind Austin.
Austin glances over his shoulder and scoffs when he spots the guy. "Damn. Really dude?"
"He's been stalking me for like three hours now." You admit. "Guy just doesn't know when to quit I guess." You shrug.
"Wait." Austin turns back to you. "Three hours? So he didn't just run into you at the lounge?" He asks you.
You shake your head and explain to Austin that you saw the guy when you first arrived and how he's been following you. You watch Austin's look of concern turn into one of anger
"Oh that guy is so fucking done." Austin rises to his feet.
"Austin." You get up as well and try to stop him.
Austin shakes his head and puts a hand on your arm. "He's got no right to be following you around some like damn dog." He insists. "You're a human being, not some animal here for his entertainment. And I'm about to put him in his place."
Austin turns around and stomps off toward the guy. You hurry off and look for a security guard in case something breaks out. When you come back to the terminal with the guard Austin is all in the creepy guys face. You can't quite hear what Austin is telling him, but you can tell that he's pissed.
The security guard heads over and breaks up the confrontation. Austin lets the guard know that he was just trying to get this guy off your back.
"This creep has been following her around all afternoon." Austin glares at the guy like he's about to start swinging.
"Is that true, ma'am?" The guard turns to you.
You look at the guy who is now glaring at Austin. "Yes, sir, he has." You nod. "He's been making me feel really uncomfortable all afternoon." You explain.
The guard nods and steps off to the side of the group to call someone else over to help. You step over to Austin and check to make sure he's not about to get into a fist fight in an airport over you of all people.
"Really? You're actually into some overhyped fuckboy like this guy?" The creepy guy sneers at you when you check on Austin. "I thought you were so much better than that, YN."
"Hey! You better shut your fucking mouth!" Austin steps in front of her. "I ain't playing around you loser! If I hear another word out of that ugly ass mouth about YN, I'm gonna kick your ass."
The security guard steps back in and separates everyone. You and Austin are escorted away since you both have the right paperwork for the terminal you're standing in. You watch the creepy guy get escorted back behind the security desk by two guards.
"Thanks for that, Austin." You thank Theory for defending you like he did. "I don't think I've ever have a guy threaten to kick someone ass in an airport terminal for me." You joke.
"Awe, it was no problem, YN." Austin chuckles. "Guys like that piss me off." He admits. "Are you alright?" He asks you. "I didn't mean to freak you out with all that yelling."
You nod with a cheesy smile. "Yeah, I'm good." You assure him. "Would you call me weird if I told you that I was kind of hot? Watching you get all in that guys face like that?" You ask him.
"Not at all." Austin laughs with you. "Look at who you're talking to baby." He jokes. "I'm Austin Theory."
"Okay." You laugh. "Where are you at on the plane? Maybe we can switch seats and sit together." You suggest.
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The Iceman Cometh - Dean x Reader
“The Iceman Cometh” - Dean x Reader
Rating Mature
Dean x Reader
Tags: Sweaty Dean, Turning Up The Heat, Ice Play, Mild Smut, Nipple Play, I Will Again Be Accused of Blue-Balling
Word Count: 1700
You normally love a sticky, slippery, and sweaty Dean. But, this. This is pushing it.
I'm participating in @jacklesversebingo and this part will fill my "Ice-play" square.
A/N: I just wanted to mix things up and write something short and fun.
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Image created in Canva (photo used/found online: Facebook - Una Vida SPN)
You normally love a sticky, slippery, and sweaty Dean. But, this. This is pushing it.
“I’m sorry, what?” Dean fists his hands leaning on the motel office counter.
“AC’s out in the only room I got left!” The old lady with coke bottle glasses and Wilma Flinstone pearls repeats herself. Her cigarette-laced voice is scratchy and a couple squeaks higher this time.
You groan. Dean side-eyes you but doesn’t turn his head to acknowledge the irritation.
“It’s 100 degrees out. We get some kinda discount for pain and suffering?” he asks.
“I’ll knock ten bucks off the bill.”
“Ten bucks?” You huff out an incredulous chuckle.
“We’ll take it.”
Before you can yell at him, Dean’s already slapped a credit card on the counter.
Of course, this had to be the first motel with a vacancy during the two-hour trek through the Nevada desert region.
The hotbox of a room smells of mildew, cigarettes, and vinegar. You plod through the humidity and stale stench. Every bit of odor clings to your perspiring skin so there’s no escaping it. Dean curses as he taps buttons and thumbs dials on the window air conditioner, just to verify it's inoperable. You drop your bag on the bed and beeline to the bathroom. 
Dean needs a shower more than you. He was the one who wrestled and skewered a ghoul in a sacred burial ground. But you’re gonna be salty about his decision to stop. You’d wanted to keep going, offering to share driving duties. Who cares if neither one of you had slept in over 24 hours? 
Your pants are around your ankles in a second. The loose porcelain bowl seesaws under your weight. Regardless, you sigh in relief, weeing out all the water you’ve been guzzling to stay hydrated. 
The rap of Dean’s knuckles on the bathroom door interrupts your steady stream of piss. “I’m gonna grab somethin’ at the diner we passed.” Dean’s second preferred method of appeasing you is feeding you. “Be back as soon as I can. Save me some COLD water, baby.” 
A hard tug of the motel door seconds later rattles the paint-by-numbers sagebrush framed on the wall behind the toilet. 
Dean left without taking your food order. You grind your teeth.
Forty minutes pass before the familiar engine rumbles into the lot and headlights flash through the sheer curtains.
The diner was a good fifteen minutes away, one-way, if Dean had been going the speed limit. The Impala’s warp speed must have been activated for him to have actually ordered and brought back dinner. Your stomach somersaults with distress and hunger pangs.
Dean opens the door only to hover within the threshold, a human doorstop.
You’re in a tank top and boy shorts. The best thing you could use to fan yourself is a file folder Sam stuffed with case material before you and Dean left Kansas.
Dean stretches and drops the bag of takeout on the nearby kitchenette table. He eyes you with a frown. “I’m sorry it’s shit in here. I’d say we could sleep in Baby, but it’s worse outside. Seriously.”
You’re laid atop the bed stripped of its scratchy and threadbare comforter, which is now a heap on the floor. “You know, all the times you’ve had to put that car back together again piece by piece; maybe one of those times you could have installed some air conditioning.”
He raises a finger to signal you should wait for something impressive. He dips half his body back outside, foot holding the door open. There’s bumping and huffing. Then the green cooler appears, held triumphantly in his hands. “I brought ice! Waitress at the diner sold me pounds of the stuff.” He’s sensibly in only a t-shirt, having left his duffle and jacket in the room when he’d left earlier. 
“The iceman cometh.” The eyeroll is excessive, but you can’t seem to not.
“Eat, grumpy. My turn for a shower.”
He crunches ice chips. You suck on one cube, swirling it from one cheek pocket to the other until it melts, and then repeat with another. Forearm to forearm, you both sprawl out on the queen-sized mattress. You snapped at him earlier about the heat the boob tube would create. He stews alongside your percolating tension. You’ve allowed the bathroom light to stay on. A yellow fluorescent haze slices from the open door and spills over Dean.
There’s no escape from the heat.
“Pulse points,” he mutters.
“Right,” you snip. Your hand scoops ice out of your red solo cup. You circle a cube along your inner wrist.
There’s a shake from his side of the bed. You glance over. He’s shirtless, clad only in his boxers, rubbing ice up and down the back of his neck. Which only pisses you off more.
This hunt was supposed to end days ago. You were supposed to be celebrating your anniversary at the bunker today. You had some fun times planned. A surprise dinner of all Dean’s favorites and a movie marathon in the Dean Cave.
“I’m sorry,” you and Dean mumble simultaneously.
“We’ll get back on the road soon, sweetheart. I was spent and seeing double. Even if I can’t sleep, it’ll help just not being in motion.”
“I’ve been a major bitch.” You laugh at Dean’s deer-in-headlights reaction to your admission. “You don’t have to agree or disagree on that count, babe. You know how I get when shit doesn’t go according to plan. And, this fucking heat is not helping.”
“We both pop our tops an equal amount. That’s what makes us perfect for each other.” The backs of two of his fingers skim your elbow.
“Except when we both blow up at the same time.”
“Nah, that’s even better. Then we get to have angry make-up sex.”
You whoop out a laugh. “That’s never happened.”
“It could now?”
You grin. “But I’m not mad at you. I’m mad at everything else.”
He shrugs. “Take it out on me, then.” He reconsiders. “Or, let me cool you down?”
It’s your turn to raise a brow.
Dean grins. He tips his head way back with the cup to his lips. He shakes his hand and the ice crackles. Cup back in his lap, you spot one cheek puffed out like a chipmunk. His face crinkles up.
“You’re gonna give yourself brain freeze, idiot.”
“Worth it,” he mumbles.
His lips lean in to press a kiss. You giggle at Dean’s clumsy attempt with a mouthful of ice. A surprised squeal follows when he slips an ice cube between pursed lips to run across yours. He pulls back and smiles, crooked and unhinged. He plops the cubes into his cup sounding like a penny slot machine and sits it on his side table. 
He pulls you in close for a kiss, expertly grabbing your cup from your hands. You can’t be bothered to care where he hides it.
His tongue is so cool. A popsicle with a mind of its own that you want to suck on for days. He’s very agreeable to the way your lips wrap around it. He moans. You love the particular sound of that one. It strains out of his throat. Thankful. Relaxed.
He’s fiddling with more ice, having wedged your cup between two pillows. “You’re always so hot,” he quips after you relinquish his tongue.
You skim one leg between his thighs. The skin contact is tacky and sticky. “You’re always so cheesy.”
“Not always,” Dean says with a smirk. “In this instance, I’m just stating a fact.”
You hiccup a gasp at the ice cube he presses to your wrist without warning.
Dean glides it slow, a serpentine slither, to the crook of your elbow. He swirls the spot and lets it melt and drip from your body to the sheets. His green eyes concentrate on the task. 
You can’t help but lose yourself watching him. His body shimmers in a sheen of sweat. Every minute shift highlights the beautiful angles of his face. Perspiration beads up under the hairline of his forehead. You can’t resist kissing and sipping at his upper lip. He grins and returns the gesture.
He uses another piece of ice to continue upward to your shoulder. He traces the shoulder strap of your tank. A hop over it and he’s sliding down the outline of your collar. It’s a quick ride into your cleavage where he lets the remnants melt and add to the already damp material.
His tongue laps at the wetness that’s collected there. You sigh and lean back. He hums and kisses the curve of your breast, slides the strap down, and then nuzzles into the notch of your armpit.
After a few seconds, he rises up in order to gaze into your eyes with the most innocent of expressions; even though he’s freed one of your tits from the confines of your clothing.
More ice rattles by your ear like maracas.
You’re in trouble.
You purse your lips at the biting cold against your neck. It’s electrifying and refreshing. He outlines your collarbone back and forth for emphasis. A shift and he’s leaning beside you, up on one elbow to drink in the sight. One leg drapes over yours, locking you into place. You feel the growing bulge in his boxers. There’s no escaping what he has in store.
He juggles two cubes between his fingers and journeys along the crest of your breast. He’s grinning with mischief and lust now. Then his mouth parts when the ice meets your nipple. Your flesh hardens and tightens on contact. You groan. Your core clenches.
He gnaws on his bottom lip as he circles the dark pebbling bud. Air squeaks out of your mouth. You squirm. It’s a beautiful freeze burn of contrast.
Once the ice melts, his fingers, also chilled, take over kneading and pinching. His patience gone, he bends down and latches onto your cool tit. He nurses with that sinful mouth and grazes your nipple with tongue and teeth until your skin tingles back to life.
You are so out of your head with the noises he’s making and the show he’s putting on, that you're ill-prepared for his cold fingers slipping under the hem of your shorts.
You shriek giggle, “Dean!”
He ends his sucking with a loud pop. He whispers against your lips, “Happy Anniversary, sweetheart.”
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bau-thoughts · 2 months
Helping Spencer Reid recover from top surgery
I’m fully prepared for this to not do as well but Spencer is 100% trans in my head and he deserves to be pampered like this.
Spencer Reid has wanted top surgery since he was 15 years old.
At age 23 he is given an appointment date for his top surgery and at age 24 he is being driven to the hospital by you for his surgery date.
“Are you feeling okay Spence?” you ask, seeing him bouncing his leg in the passenger seat.
“Remind me Spence, how long will the surgery take? I know it was mentioned during the consultations but I can’t remember.”
“It shouldn’t take more than 4 hours. Do you have enough stuff to keep you busy while you wait?” He asks, trying to keep his mind off the surgery. He had been waiting nearly a decade for this and he didn’t quite know how to feel about it.
“Yeah I’ll be fine. I’ve got a couple of books in my bag to keep me entertained.”
The two of you park outside the hospital and you walk with him to his doctor’s office, you take his hand on the walk there and you try and figure out if you did that to comfort him or to comfort yourself.
As you watch him get wheeled down the hallway, a tear of happiness rolls down your cheek. You know how much he’s been waiting for this day and you’re so excited for him.
When he gets pushed around the corner before the operating room you turn around and go back to your car. In the boot of your car is everything you could think of that Spencer might need during his recovery. Spencer already researched everything he might need immediately post-op and systematically packed a bag based on the likelihood of him needing an item.
You start driving back to your apartment trying to make the most of the two hours you’ve given yourself to prepare your apartment. As you open the front door to your shared apartment, you struggle trying to get the box inside while propping the door open.
You start by preparing your shared bedroom. In the box you’ve collected pillows in a variety of firmnesses, which you arrange like the photos you were able to find online, multiple fuzzy blankets and a new weighted blanket to put over Spencers legs, and new soft button-up shirts. You had found Doctor Who and Star Trek cartoon characters printed across the shirts at you and Spencer’s favourite local thrift store when you were trying to find him a new cardigan.
You pulled out the picnic basket from your one year anniversary date Spencer took you on and filled it with his favourite snacks and drinks. On top of the pile, you gently place a cheesy mug you found for him with “Get it off your chest” written across the side for his sugar with a side of coffee. (There’s a picture at the bottom)
You climb onto the bed and hang small fairy lights above the bed to help with overstimulation from the ceiling light. You also place a new dim lamp next to the bed that’s bright enough for Spencer to read.
You hear a faint buzzing from the kitchen and realise your alarm is going off to remind you to go back to the hospital to pick up Spencer.
You rush down to your car and get back to the hospital as quickly as you can. You run inside and find Spencer’s room where he’s asleep with bandages wrapped around his chest. He slowly wakes up from the anaesthesia as you sit by his bed with a book open in your lap.
“I want to hold your hand when I look down for the first time.” You take his hand and squeeze it tightly.
“Look down whenever you feel ready.”
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uzumaki-rebellion · 6 months
Fanfic Writers...
So earlier I was reading a thread about Fanfic writers abandoning their fics, or deleting their accounts when they were no longer interested in writing anymore, because they felt the need to move on to other things (other types of writing, or life is lifing, etc), and I have to say this...don't delete your fics.
You never know wo needs to read that story (completed or not) years from now after you have forgotten/abandoned them.
Lemme give you an example.
Years ago, after the new Star Trek reboot came out in 2009 I was busy working a difficult job and struggling to write anything and just make a living. I'd always been a Star Trek fan since I was little. LIke seriously, I had a Klingon language handbook in highschool, I own a Star Trek cocktail dress, a messenger, bag, and a tiny replica of the Enterprise (that used to light up). I hadn't read or written fanifics in years, so I was out of touch with the fandom. When the reboot movie came out, I loved it, but I had hit a rough patch in a long term relationship, a lot of my friends were moving away to different cities and countries, and I was feeling depressed and not really finding much happiness.
About six years after the first reboot movie came out, I tried to find and old livejournal account I had that I used to write Blade, X Files, Star Trek, & other fics with. Perusing fandoms I dipped back into looking at new Star Trek content on other fanfiction websites and stumbled across some great new Star Trek fics that were amazing (My thing was the Spock/Uhura pairing). Baybee, when I tell you those stories from various writers lifted my spirits and gave me something to look forward to at the end of a hard day or week of draining work! I laughed, cried, fell in love, felt enraged, surprised, and so many emotions reading made up stories from strangers all over the world. A lot of these fics had been abandoned or the writers had left the fandom and weren't writing anymore by the time I found them...but I still had their stories. One particular writer had a 4 book Star Trek series that was better than the studio sanctioned movie book adapatations I bought at SF/F conventions or online. Just A+ writing and wordbuilding.
Reading those fics bolstered my confidence (and dopamine) to go back to living life again as best I could, and also writing my own fanfics again. I took time to write this particular writer to tell her thank you. I never heard from her (didn't expect to), but I was grateful to be able to read their work over and over again when I was feeling low, or needed to revisit old familiar friends.
All this to say, pleadingly so, don't delete your stories. Someone years from now, someone like me, may find your work and latch onto it as their lifeline to keep on getting up in the morning...have something to come home to. Or need that story you made up on the fly to give them a new way of looking at the world that will help them cope and keeping trying to make it out here.
Your stories are needed, your unique voices are needed on here, even if you no longer write anything for fandoms.
Le Fin.
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witchthewriter · 2 years
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𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐉𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐂𝐨𝐨𝐤'𝐬 𝐬/𝐨 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
⤷ gender neutral, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!  
a/n: after all these years, I still hold a place for James Cook in my heart ... I sort of jump between hypothetical talk and immersive: “he would” and “he does”. I do apologise. I hope you enjoy x
Warnings: mentions of drugs, violence ... ya know, normal skins stuff -
⭑ You had been waiting for the next book in your favourite series to come out for ages.
⭑ You weren’t able to pre-order it, and somehow you couldn’t get it online, so you decided to go to your nearest bookstore
⭑ It was one of those big chain ones, and you were absolutely sure the book was there
⭑ So you made your trek, and stalked into the store, like a knight with a quest. No one could stand in your way 
⭑ And then someone stood in your way
⭑ A young guy, around the same age as you, maybe a few years older, was looking through the self-help section. His bag was on the floor and he took up the aisle floor. 
⭑ Your cheeks flushed as you uttered an “excuse me” to which the guy either didn’t hear or didn’t care.  
⭑ Now, chaos and uncertainty were common themes in Cook’s life - 
⭑ There wasn’t a time when he felt truly secure, and that hadn’t bothered him. Not even when that drug dealer tried to kill him, or when he had to start from the ground up. 
⭑ He just guessed that he wasn’t meant to stay in one place for too long
⭑ And that’s how he ended up in this city. It wasn’t too busy, nor was it deserted. Possibly a community on the rise. 
⭑ You grew up there, and all your family lived close by. Not that you saw them weekly or anything, but close enough that you could run into your great uncle at the cinemas. 
⭑ Anyway, Cook was oblivious to your need to access the books he was barring. He had both earphones in, since he found that they calmed him in his day-to-day life, he couldn’t hear a word you said. 
⭑ You sighed and waited for a minutes. Tossing up how long you should wait, or if you should weasel your way in front of him and quickly snatch the book. 
⭑ Your patience wained thin however, and you tried to catch Cook’s eye. It was all you could do to not blow your top. Two years you had been waiting for this book, and you had avoided as many spoilers as possible. 
You near shouldered him out of the way, and he was surprised because he had no idea that there was another person in the aisle, let alone right next to him. 
⭑ And so your first interaction left him ... with a lack of a better word - stumped. 
⭑ But he thought that that would be the last time he’d ever have to be in your presence. 
⭑ He was wrong. 
⭑ Your relationship bordered on enemies to lovers
⭑ But Cook had grown a lot as a person and he wasn’t so quick to anger; the day to day life seemed so flippant. From what he’s experienced, life is fleeting. 
⭑ When he saw you again, he grinned though. He knew it would piss you off, so he put on the most shit-eating grin he could. 
⭑ He may have grown as a person, but he was still James Cook. 
⭑ And there was no way he wouldn’t at least press one of your buttons. 
⭑ Cook has a nickname for you, it’s a teasing one. If you’re shorter than him, then he calls you Hob, which is short for Hobbit (he’s recently got into Lord of the Rings) If you’re taller than him, he’d call you Leg, one it’s short for Legolas (he thinks Elves are super tall in the LotR books) and also for your long legs. 
⭑ His grin always leaves you with butterflies 
⭑ And as much as you denied it, he was constantly on your mind
⭑ Can you imagine the first interactions with your parent(s)/Guardian and Cook? Oh god, he would be so nervous. 
⭑ You want him to tell you everything about his life, but there’s this line that he treads. Does he tell you everything? Will it risk your safety? He’s also scared of scaring you away
⭑ You always feel so safe with Cook. He just knows what to do. He isn’t afraid of getting in a fight, but he won’t actively seek that out. 
⭑ I think he has dyslexia, or he isn’t the best at reading and writing, and he’d be so embarrassed about that. But you would help him. And you would do so without making him feel inferior. 
⭑ You were surprised to find out that he’s a good dancer
⭑ One of your favourite things about Cook is the ability to make you laugh. Even if you’ve had an awful day, he has this talent where he can make it all better
⭑ He loves sleeping in your bed. It’s one of the times when he feels the safest and of course, it helps that you have a cosy room. 
⭑ You have an ABUNDANCE of books in your room, and the first time that Cook saw them, he felt so overwhelmed. Because why would someone so smart?? Want him??? 
⭑ But the way you explained these books changed his overwhelm to smittenness (is that a word?) 
⭑ Oh my god if you had siblings, he would get on with them so well. Imagine if you had a little brother, Cook would teach him how to defend himself, but also that smarts are just as important as fists. 
⭑There are times when he sees you with your family and he feels ... wrong. He feels like he shouldn’t be there, that he’s tainting it somehow. 
⭑ But boy is he wrong. 
⭑ Your family adores him. 
⭑ And you have no idea where you’d be without him. 
⭑ Moving in together, he would always sleep on the side closest to the door, so that he could intercept any danger. (When he told you that, you felt incredulous, but little do you know, he has to think about these things.) 
⭑ This is a big change, because in other relationships he would sleep closest to the window ... so he could escape 
Theme Song: 
‘House of the Rising Sun’ a cover by Muse
Relationship Tropes: 
Reformed Playboy Learns His Lesson
Love Interest Has A Profession Protagonist Abhors 
Damaged/Doesn’t Believe He Deserves True Love x Sees The Good In The Other
  NSFW🔞minors dni!
⭑ Cook pursued you at first for sex, for something casual - nothing promised. 
⭑ Although you may often feel overlooked, ignored, or unworthy; you are anything but. And so, you didn’t want to be used for only a few hours and forgotten about. That wasn’t your style. 
⭑ When your relationship solidified, that was when Cook was able to feel you fully. 
⭑ He’s quite experienced and knows how to please. Especially with his mouth. 
⭑ One of his favourite things is making you laugh when you’re orgasming. 
⭑ He becomes very playful when you both get comfortable with each other, like the old Cook is back. There’s never a frown on anyone’s face when he’s around. 
⭑ Cook definitely eats ass 
⭑ I mean, hardly anything would weird him out? And I feel like he would be up for most things 
⭑ There wouldn’t be a room that you guys haven’t fucked in 
⭑ And there’s a huge difference between Cook fucking you, and having sex. Or how others would put it ... making love...
⭑ He can be vigorous, all-consuming, and wild. Like some sort of animal in heat. 
⭑ On the other hand, he shows you how he feels about you through sensual sex. Cook will take his time, and worship every part of your body. 
⭑ His other favourite sex act is receiving head - 
⭑ Cook likes to make you gag on his cock, he says “it’s such a pretty sight, seeing you down on your  knees.” 
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murdocking · 9 months
„ᴛᴏ ꜱᴇᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴛʀᴜᴛʜ”
- a chishiya series. ch1
warnings + notes: will very much include average aib violence. please note that the reader will be wearing more feminine attire and most likely be referred to as a woman!! i’ll try to keep it more gn if asked. also i’m overly descriptive in all writing sense so i do take criticism to make reading this series more enjoyable for you all >< potentially will also be posting this series on ao3 under the name ‘denkshei’ . additionally i’ll figure out how to navigate tumblr and make a series masterlist. okay let me shut up and give the story now.
- ᴛʀᴀᴠᴇʟ
in all honesty, you weren’t too sure what you’d do with this degree you clung onto all of university- though you had passions in other fields, you chose a mundane one.
you weren’t exactly separated from the rest, you would live your working years within a cubicle or potentially gain that highly desired corner office. regardless, walking out of the pristine and glamorous tower in the heart of shibuya did nothing to satiate the feeling of average living. sure, your interview went well. you dressed your best, but as soon as you spotted a bench outside of the building- you squeezed by the multitude of people in the bustling city to rip off these heels you deemed to be torture. you could hear shrieks of laughter from beside you- spotting a group of younger men fooling around and spinning within the crowd. inside, you wish you could have those pleasantries again- but you left behind the familiarity of companionship when you moved to the booming city.
finally, you drop yourself onto the hardened bench, and waste no time bending forward to unbuckle the straps of your heels. you’re so desperate and quick, that you hardly notice the rather eerie man seated on the other end of the bench- who secretly eyes you from his position. his cold eyes and pinned up black hair cause your own hairs to stand up as you give him a polite smile and nod and hurry to grab your flattened sandals in your purse.
he says nothing, only scoffing and turning back to staring into the void of people while rolling his neck along the collar of the black and white shirt he wears. ‘weirdo’, you think.
you shove the heels into the purse, and get up and begin your walk to the station- just needing to get home and browse at some random things online freely and wait for the prospective employer to contact you.
though, you hardly notice that your shoe has slipped out of the compressed bag you wear, and has haphazardly knocked its heel into a random man you have passed. you feel the contact and quickly turn to give your apologies.
“I’m so sorry ! Did that hit you hard?” you step closer and he steps back, sharp eyes lowering a bit as he looks at you. it feels a bit demeaning, but at the same time- analytical. he shakes his head, his pale and white hair slightly whipping in the wind as he does so.
you open your mouth to apologize again, but he spits his venom out. “Shouldn’t you be bit more mindful of where you walk… and how you pack your things?” it leaves you a bit stunned.
the man just looks at you, and your dumbstruck face. he simply raises his eyebrows slightly, unfazed by all the other people walking by your intervention.
“Yeah, again I’m sorry… I was rushing not to miss the train”, you speak lightly- a bit intimidated by his still and serene composure. at this moment, you’re not entirely sure on how to feel- your feet are still throbbing, and this guy who seems to be actually pretty good looking is scolding you like he’s your mother.
he just nods at you, and speaks with the same monotone voice
“If you say so,” he pauses, slightly lowering his gaze before looking back into your eyes with a faint smirk, “don’t miss your train.” and he continues his trek in the opposite direction.
but he’s right, and with a quick glance at your phone, you see you’re pushing your time quite thin- and start jogging to the station, not without hearing booms into the sky. turning quickly, you notice the three bursts of fireworks in the air, did you forget a holiday? doesn’t matter, you don’t care for fireworks anyways.
locating the train, you look for an empty seat- and its place in the middle of the tight and crowded train. you sit down, and let the adrenaline seep out with a sigh and close your eyes and put your headphones in your ears as the voice on the intercom alerts passengers that they will now be moving. you almost fall asleep.
you feel the train jerk twice, paying no mind to the first one- but rather annoyed by the second you open your eyes. It is pitch black.
nobody is beside you, not even the older women who was knitting solemnly across from where you sat.
panic is all you feel, rapidly moving up and trying to pry the doors of the train open with no luck. then, like a hail mary, you notice the emergency banner instructions and quickly pull the lever down to open the train car’s adjourning door.
honestly, you were terrified; walking back down the dimly lit tunnel you just got on a train for, you climb rather poorly up onto the platform- and again, it is empty. not even a child is here to run around dumbly.
you saw nothing in the heart of the city- like a scene from a horror movie. it felt like some eternal damnation for a sin you committed that won’t come to mind.
you walk around tiredly for the rest of the evening, even trying to reach your apartment complex- but the exhaustion and hunger won’t allow you. you managed to scavenge some food and some left behind bottles of water in a cafe.
you’re enjoying this feast when a bright light illuminates closely, nearly blinding you.
it says the words, ‘GAME’ in pixelated dark lettering, and it draws you in- leaving your findings behind.
‘People! There’s people!’ the revelation fuels you as you begin to run towards your doom.
hi guys🙏 tell me how bad this is. i’m writing the other chapters now. i am #numberonenijirolover
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adventure12f · 1 year
Trekking Bags In India
Trekking is a popular activity in India, with numerous beautiful trekking routes to explore. Whether you're a seasoned trekker or a beginner, having the right gear is essential for a safe and enjoyable experience. One of the most important pieces of gear is a trekking bag. If you're looking for the best place to buy Trekking Bags In India, Adventureworx is a great option.
Adventureworx is an online store that specializes in outdoor and adventure gear. They offer a wide range of trekking bags for men and women, including daypacks, backpacking packs, and duffel bags. All of their bags are made from high-quality materials that are designed to withstand the elements and hold up to the demands of trekking.
One of the best things about Adventureworx is their selection of Trekking Backpack. They offer a wide range of styles and sizes to fit any body type or preference. Whether you prefer a traditional backpack with a frame or a lightweight, frameless pack, they have something for everyone. They also offer bags in a range of colors and patterns, so you can choose something that reflects your personal style.
Another great thing about Adventureworx is their commitment to sustainability. They strive to reduce their environmental impact by using eco-friendly materials and packaging. Many of their bags are made from recycled materials, and they use biodegradable packaging whenever possible. This is an important consideration for anyone who loves the outdoors and wants to preserve the natural environment for future generations.
When shopping for a Trekking Backpack at Adventureworx, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, consider the length of your trek and the amount of gear you'll need to carry. If you'll be trekking for a day or overnight, a daypack or small backpacking pack will likely suffice. If you'll be trekking for multiple days, you'll need a larger backpacking pack with more capacity.
Another important consideration is fit. A trekking bag should fit snugly and comfortably against your back. Look for a bag with adjustable straps and a hip belt to help distribute the weight evenly and prevent shoulder and back pain. Adventureworx offers bags in a range of sizes to fit any body type, so you can find the perfect fit for your needs.
In addition to capacity and fit, consider the features of the bag. Look for a bag with pockets and compartments to help you stay organized and easily access your gear. Consider features such as hydration compatibility, ventilation, and waterproofing to help keep you comfortable and prepared for any weather conditions.
Adventureworx offers a range of bags with different features to meet your needs. They also offer accessories such as rain covers and hydration systems to help you customize your bag for your specific needs.
Finally, don't forget to consider factors such as brand reputation and customer reviews when choosing a trekking backpack india. Adventureworx offers bags from top brands such as Osprey, Deuter, and Gregory, all of which are known for their high-quality and durability. They also offer customer reviews on their website, so you can see what other trekkers have to say about the bags you're considering.
In conclusion, if you're looking for the best place to buy trekking bags in India, Adventureworx is a great option. They offer a wide range of high-quality bags made from eco-friendly materials, and their commitment to sustainability is admirable. With their great selection, excellent customer service, and commitment to quality, Adventureworx is the perfect place to gear up for your next trekking adventure in India.
VISIT: trekking bags brands
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dreamescapeswriting · 2 years
𝗔 𝗪𝗮𝘆 𝗪𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗱𝘀 ~ 𝗛𝗝𝗦
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⤜PAIRING: Jisung X GN!Reader
⤜GENRE: Angst, friends to lovers, “best friend” being a bitch, hurt/comfort
⤜Copyright: © DreamEscapesWriting - September 2022
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The air was crisp and freezing outside so you were kind of glad that Areum and you had agreed to meet up for coffee on campus instead of trekking out into the city to go and have a drink together. The two of you didn't get to hang out that much anymore so when you both found out you had the same day off you wanted to grab the opportunity as quickly as you could though you had to admit you were a little disappointed that her best friend hadn't come along.
"I ordered yours with extra whipped cream," Areum giggled as she sat down across from you in the corner of the shop, this was what she called "her corner" it was a spot in the cafe that had a window right next to the two armchairs that seemed comfier than any bed you'd ever seemed to lay in. 
There was nothing better than Autumn mornings when you didn't have classes to get to and you could just spend some time with one of your closest friends though you did wish she'd brought Jisung along. Then again this gave you the perfect chance to try and ask her about Jisung without him listening in to you.
"Thanks, bubs," You glanced out of the window and watched some of the students that were beginning to walk up and down the street just outside, this spot was perfect if you liked to people-watch. Looking down at your hands you knew that right now would be the perfect chance to speak about your crush but you were worried Areum would hate you for it...After all, she and Jisung had been best friends since they were kids. You didn't want her to think you were only friends with her because she was close to him.
"No Jisung today?" You asked, trying to play it casually as you asked about Jisung, Jisung who had struck your fancy months ago now and you couldn't seem to get him out of your mind, there was just something about him that invaded your brain at all hours of the day. It didn't matter what you were doing you always thought about him, in the mornings when you woke up he was the first thing you thought about and the last thing you thought about before going to sleep.
You felt like a silly little school kid with a crush which was insane, you were in college at this stage of liking guys this way but apparently, it couldn't have been further from the truth since Jisung invaded your mind, body and soul. He was like some kind of alien.
"He's got music theory with Chan and Changbin this morning," Areum rolled her eyes as she pouted out her bottom lip,
"But I did ask him to come and join us, but you know how he is," She shrugged, making space on the table as your drinks were placed down in front of you both. Areum took out her phone to snap a photo the way that she always did and you watched her with a smile on your lips.
Areum was well known online, she had quite a large following on Instagram and she was always taking chances to snap moments that she did during the day.
"He's a workaholic." You told with a small laugh going back to your conversation, you could just imagine him sitting at the desk with his notepad in front of him as he was writing whatever lyrics would come to his mind. Looking down at your hot chocolate you smiled to yourself, you remembered the last time you'd hung out alone when he was working on something, he got completely inspired by a bar of chocolate and ended up with one of the most beautiful songs that you'd ever heard. Then again all of Jisung's songs were beautiful to you, even the most devastating ones were too beautiful for words...The man just had a way with words.
"He gets it from Chan, the man is a bad influence," Areum grumbled as she shoved her phone back into her bag and you bit down on your tongue forcing yourself not to say anything. Areum hadn't liked Chan ever since they broke up in her freshmen year and she took every chance she had to talk down about him when Chan hadn't done anything.
The two of them had simply grown apart and fallen out of love with each other but Areum had a habit of over-dramatising everything and blowing things out of proportion if she had the chance. A part of you felt bad for Chan for having to deal with the backlash of everything.
"Erm...Areum," You whispered, looking up at her as she beamed back at you which instantly gave you second thoughts about all of this. What if you lost your friend because of a silly crush that you had? Should you even tell her at this point? Maybe you could get over it but it had been so long you were afraid if you didn't tell someone you were going to end up bursting.
"What is it? Did you fail a test? I can hack into the system if you want," She offered with a completely serious tone to her voice, you had no doubt that she would do exactly that - or pay someone to - but that wasn't what was wrong. No, it was about her best friend and how you felt as though you were falling for him.
"It's about Jisung..." You said slowly before lifting up the mug of hot chocolate to try and keep your hands busy so that you wouldn't fiddle with anything. The last time you were getting anxious like this you ended up unthreading some of your hoodies and caused a giant hole in one of your favourite pieces.
"What? Did he say something dumb?" She laughed a little loud and shook her head. Jisung was always saying or doing something silly which was one of the things you liked most about him since he never failed to make you laugh...Even in those moments, you felt as though you were never going to be able to smile again.
"No...No I-" You sighed and put the cup down and stared at her, it was now or never and you needed to get it all off your chest.
"I like him...A lot...As in more than a friend and I know it sounds stupid because you're his best friend and I don't want you to think that the only reason I'm friends with you is to be close to him because that's not it Areum...I-I just...I like him and I wondered if you knew...how he felt about me." The air suddenly turned thick and a brush of cold rushed over your body as she stared at you, giving no indication of what she was thinking or feeling. She was completely blank and you hated it.
"Forget I said anything," You quickly added, your body heat raising as you thought about her hating you for all of this. Of course, she was going to hate you, Jisung was her best friend after all and she probably didn't want him to be seen with someone she didn't think was good enough.
"No...Babes, it's just-" She bit down on her lip and put her hand on top of yours giving it a small squeeze and that was all you needed to know that there was something wrong.
"Jisung...He's-" She stared at you and you waited eagerly for her to continue, you knew Jisung didn't have a partner since he was almost always with Areum or the boys or in his dorms.
"He doesn't like you like that...Actually, he doesn't like you." She said plainly and you stared at her, your chest tightening as you heard the words coming out so easily from her.
"What?" You stumbled a little on your words, your throat felt as though it was going to start closing up. You could hardly believe it, Jisung had never mentioned not liking you when the two of you would hang out alone.
"I never wanted to bring it up because I thought it would be something that wouldn't get bought up," She shrugged her shoulders as if this was the easiest thing in the world to say but you couldn't believe any of it. How could you have not noticed he didn't like you? 
"He only kind of hangs out with you because of me...He finds you annoying...He told me that's why he doesn't come to hang out anymore...He doesn't want to be near you... That you can be kind of clingy and weird with him." Each comment was like a stab to the gut but you couldn't let her show how much it was hurting you, the last thing Areum would want was for you to break down in front of her so you bottled it up.
"Yeah..." She trailed off and shook her head sipping on her drink as she pulled out her phone to scroll through her feed but your mind was still trying to wrap its way around her words. Clingy? Annoying?
"Did he really say annoying and clingy?" Your voice cracked giving away that the words had hurt you a lot more than Areum probably would have realised and she glanced up at you,
"I'm sorry..."
"I-I mean..." You scoffed and shook your head at her,
"It's fine," You forced out a laugh while rolling your eyes, trying your best to pull out an award-winning performance.
"Not everyone is going to like me." You lifted the drink up and stared down at the table, sipping on the drink as you thought about the times you'd been with Jisung alone. If he found you annoying why had he agreed? Was it just to spare your feelings?
A few minutes passed in silence and you knew you weren't going to be able to sit here much longer without breaking down you cleared your throat and put the mug down.
"I just remembered I have to study," You said as you did your best not to choke on your words or to let her see that tears were welling up,
"Want me to walk with you?" She offered but didn't move from the seat, you stood up and shook your head.
"No...No I'm fine, I said I'd meet with Jeongin anyway, we have a test next week." You lied through your teeth but either Areum couldn't tell or she didn't care as she just nodded and went back onto her phone while you walked out of the cafe. You ignored the way the air hit your cheeks and made you freeze as the air hit the tears that rolled down your cheeks and you sniffled keeping your head down as you walked.
Your dorm was past the music studio and you made sure to pull up your hood and try and blend into the other students but you stole a glance through the glass window to see Jisung laughing at something one of the boys said and it broke you even more.
You could almost bet that that was the way he would look when he laughed about you being annoying to him and you felt yourself sinking lower into the floor.  
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A week passed by and Jisung was beginning to wonder where you'd gone, every text he was sending you was being left unread and you weren't answering your door whenever he came by. When he'd performed at a small gig you'd known about you hadn't shown up which really wasn't like you since you ALWAYS came to every gig he had whether it was small or big he could always count on you being in the back of the crowd cheering him.
Which was why he was now standing outside of your last class of the week and waiting for you to come out, he didn't care if you got mad at him for being here he was going to find out what was going on with you.
"Yn!" He called out when he saw you heading in the opposite direction of the wall with your hood up,
"Yn! I know you can hear me!" He yelled, rushing down the hall and catching up to you when he took your wrist gently in his grasp and pulled you to the side of the hall so you wouldn't cause traffic.
"I have to go, I have a test to study for." You mumbled keeping your head down as you tried to walk away from him again but he trapped you by placing his hand on the wall in front of you blocking you from his body and you bit down on your tongue. This was everyone's dream with their crush but right now it was making you feel like a fool, after all, he didn't like you back.
"Your tests ended last week, what's going on with you?" Your heart leapt at the thought of him knowing when your tests were but you were quick to push that feeling down as you remembered the words.
"I'm busy," You grumbled at him but Jisung wasn't going to let you walk away that easy. Your tests had ended and he knew you well enough to know that all of your projects were probably done already so he knew there was nothing academically holding you back. His chest clenched as he thought about you suddenly getting a boyfriend...But Areum would have told him if you found someone since she knew of Jisung's crush on you.
"Busy with what? I had a gig last week and you never showed." He pouted a little and you resisted the urge to drop everything to try and make him smile, it wasn't your job to do that.
"So?" You shrugged your shoulders, it wasn't as though he needed you at every gig he ever had and if he found you so annoying why was he standing right in front of you? 
"You're my good luck charm, I sucked without you there." He explained while staring down at you, it was clear there was something really bothering you since you were refusing to meet his eyes. However, there was a small smile pulling onto your lips as he told you he sucked,
"You didn't suck, you're too good to suck," You mumbled, folding your arms over your chest as you did your best to look anywhere but at him right now.
"Tell me what's going on." He begged softly, he hated the idea of something bothering you so much that you were keeping everything bottled up deep inside of you.
"I figured you'd be happy about me not being around, after all, I am clingy and annoying," You said while staring at him, his eyebrows knitted together and he shook his head at you clearly having no idea what you were talking about. You frowned at his confusion,
"What are you talking about?" He whined on his words a little only further making you confused,
"You told Areum you find me annoying...T-That you only hang out with me because she's there," He shook his head at you, it couldn't have been further from the truth. He'd told Areum months ago that he had a giant crush on you and was constantly trying to get you to spend time with him alone so that he would get to know you more.
"And all those times we're alone?" He questioned, raising his eyebrows at you and you bit down on your lip. That was a valid point but why would Areum lie to you?
"You...You have a valid point," You whispered while making Jisung chuckle at you and shake his head at how cute you were, he slowly moved his hand from the wall and took your hand into his grasp.
"Let's go and grab a drink...And talk...Please?" He kept his eyes on you, the two of you were going to have a lot to talk about with Areum messing things up so you nodded and began to walk with him.
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"So...You like me?" He questioned as you finished explaining everything that Areum had said to you, a week ago in the same spot that you were sitting in right now. You'd told him everything from start to finish, deciding it would be best not to leave any details out...No matter how embarrassing they were.
"Yes. And I understand if you don't feel the same-"
"I do. I like you a lot actually and Areum knows that" He moved his chair closer and reached out for your hand, he gently began to rub his thumb over your skin and smiled at you. That was the one thing that was hurting him the most, the fact that someone he had considered his best friend had lied to you about his feelings.
"So you don't find me annoying...C-Cause I can change." You offered but he instantly began to shake his head at you. There wasn't a single thing that Jisung wanted you to change about yourself since he had fallen for you just the way that you were.
"I don't find you annoying at all...I don't expect you to change. I don't want you to." You smiled at his words before he lifted your hand to his lips and kissed it softly causing your entire body to heat up as you laughed softly at him. 
"So you like me...and I like you," He said while keeping his eyes on you,
"Can I take you out?" He questioned, giving your hand a squeeze before you glanced around.
"We are out," You teased before he glared at you playfully, this wasn't exactly what he had in mind for a first date. Jisung was going to make sure it was a date you weren't ever going to forget,
"On a real date...One I can impress you on," He told you with a smirk playing on his lips but you shook your head at him, he didn't need some big date to impress you when he'd always impressed you.
"Jisung you always impress me, this is a real date." You laughed softly but Jisung wasn't going to back down from this, when he committed to something he committed to it 100%.
"I'm going to make the date special, extra special." He promised you before beaming at you making your whole body feel as though it was going to burst into thousands of butterflies at any given moment.
"There's something we should do though." He added while biting down on his lip, it wasn't something that was going to be easy or pretty but it needed to be done and both of you knew that.
"Speak to Areum?" You quizzed, slowly letting go of his hand as you thought about facing her about everything.
"Yeah, I mean she must have had a reason...None of them is justified but we need to confront her." He said with a small voice, going to confront his best friend wasn't something he wanted to do but he had to. 
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"Hey! I thought you couldn't hang out this weekend," Areum giggled as she threw herself around Jisung not noticing you in the chair next to him until she opened her eyes and her mouth formed a small "o" shape. 
"Hey," You said softly as she slowly took a seat opposite you both and Jisung slowly began to take your hand into his. Neither of you had a plan for what you were going to talk about, you just knew that you needed to say something to her.
"Why did you tell Yn I find them annoying and clingy?" He asked simply, it was something he couldn't wrap his head around. After all these years he figured Areum would be happy that he was finding someone he finally liked and wanted to be around but she appeared to be pissed off about everything. 
"I didn't, they're lying. Tell him you're lying Yn," She ordered while staring at you, her eyes narrowed a little as if she was trying to command you to do something with a simple look but it wasn't going to happen.
"Areum," Jisung said sternly as he stared back at her, his hand never leaving yours as you both leaned on one another for strength during this conversation.
"Because why should they get to be the one you want to be with! It should be me, I've been the one that's been here for you since day one!" She yelled drawing attention to you all as you felt yourself slumping down in the chair a little at the eyes that were on you. You'd wanted to do this at her dorm in private but Jisung had said it would be better to do it in public so she wouldn't cause a scene...He couldn't have been more wrong. Areum was exactly the type to cause a scene and to try and make everything about her,
"So you told them I found them annoying? You knew how badly I liked Yn," Although Jisung was pissed off he never once raised his voice at her, he wasn't going to yell at her for something like this. Instead, he wanted to be calm with her and for her to see exactly what she was doing was wrong.
"Because you should like me, not them." She spat the words out so harshly it felt as though she was stabbing you and twisting the knife.
"You know I've only ever seen you as a friend," He strained out the words and you smiled weakly at the thought of her being friend-zoned so openly in public it couldn't have been easy on her.
"I figured once you got over Yn you'd see things differently," She mumbled, folding her arms across her chest while staring at him but you'd had enough.
"So you sped up the process?" You questioned, finally finding your own voice as you decided to get involved since it wasn't just Jisung she had hurt with her words but you also.
"You guys are together, no harm no foul." She mumbles while standing up and heading for the door, it was obvious that she wasn't going to take responsibility for her actions and you scoffed a little while Jisung shook his head.
"We don't want to be around you if you'll behave like that," He told her as she paused at the door and threw a glance back in your direction,
"You can't be serious! You're choosing them over me? Over our friendship?" She asked a little louder than she needed to, once again gaining the attention of the people inside the coffee shop,
"You ended our friendship the moment you lied to us," Jisung snapped back and she scoffed at him storming off and slamming the door behind her as she went. The action was soon followed by a couple of claps from an elderly couple on the table closest to you, 
"Never let a friend treat you like that," The old man said before smiling and nodding his head at the two of you, you looked at Jisung and bit your lio. You couldn't help but feel a little bad for Areum but she'd hurt you both with what she'd done and she needed to learn that her actions had consequences.
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Tagline: @chiisaiblog @hanasonmi @sw33tnight @taestannie @illicee @army24--7 @acciocriativity @scarletemeterio @kimahnjung98 @halesandy​ @lost-leopard-beanie​ @ethereallino​ @afternoonteabiscuit​ @itmehc​ @rubberduckieyourtheone​ @heeseunger24​ @laylasbunbunny​ @lovelychann​ @critssq​ @pearlygraysky​ @lenfilms​ @btsiguess-kpop​ @meowmeowisdaname​
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annikin-annotates · 1 year
CamGirlAU - A Proposal
Hiya ya’ll sorry this has been a long time coming! I’ve been super sick and really had to put this on the back burner! It’s my first time writing smut all on my own lmao so please be kind to me! and I know I said this would be a CamGirl fic, but I’m thinking of incorporating Sugar baby/daddy dynamics in here also. either way I hope you enjoy it! also I’m giving my girl @whoahoney some love in this fic, pls follow her; she posts amazing Eddie fics and Stranger Things content.
Pairing: Modern!Aemond x Camgirl!Reader, Honey x Modern!Eddie Munson.
Warnings: Smut minors DNI, Sexual innuendos, Use of Wacky Baccy, Swearing.
Word Count: 4.5k
The incessant blaring alarm pulled her from her slumber for the third time this morning, she let out an exasperated sigh as she snatched the phone from the wireless charger on the bedside table. If she didn’t get up now she’d miss the train and it would then be a 40 minute uber and she wasn’t interested in forking out that much money. Throwing back the covers with a grunt, her legs stretching as she stood to stretch, she gave herself a once over in the floor length mirror in the corner of her room. Pulling on stockings and a black and grey skirt, tucking in a thick black sweater, and slipping on her well loved platform Mary Janes. Her laptop already sat in her bag along with its charger and a book to read - she had the forethought to pre pack her bag the night before, which meant she had time to tie the top section of her hair into a little bun. She headed to the bathroom to brush her teeth before grabbing her bag and her over ear headphones from the stand on the edge of her desk. taking the stairs two at as time as she swiped her keys from the bowl on the kitchen bench yelling a quick “See ya!” to her roommate who was simply known as ‘Honey’.
Winter in Kings Landing was certainly setting, the brisk breeze as she stepped out of the run down apartment in Flea Bottom sending a jolt through her body. letting muscle memory take over as she put her headphones on and made her trek to the station. It was bustling as usual, not that she could care, she had places to be - and luckily she made the train in time, no free seats though; standing it would be. Scrolling aimlessly through social media filled the time, sending out a post on her cam socials
‘Going live tonight my sweets, hope to see you all there.
Planetary_M0ans xx’
There’s nothing that will ever top the satisfaction of watching all the likes, comments and Dm’s roll in. This whole thing started after a particularly terrible breakup, he had called her a prude and she too that personally. When she first started it all - it freaked her out; all the attention from men, she was shy and prior to her first stream had never even taken a nude picture of herself. Now she was ‘Out pasting her pussy on the sidewalk’ as Honey would say; with the most love and respect. Honey was one of her only friends who had stuck around after the break up, picked her up out of her pity party and into what she had called her ‘Villain Era’. Said Villain Era consisted mostly of eating terrible microwaved mac and cheese and posting thirst traps online; and getting paid. So it all worked out in her favour she would say.
The train came to a screeching halt as she got off at her stop, it was only a five minute walk from where she was so sh wasn’t going to be terribly late to class. The door of the lecture hall clicked closed behind her as she quickly found a seat in the back of the room and opened her laptop, beginning to take notes. At least it was an interesting class - Homicide; The class always brought something different each week and the lecturer didn’t act like he was being held at gun point to be there. The single buzz of her phone in her hand pulled her from her focus, she unlocked her phone to see a message from one of her regular viewers Sunfyre96;
‘Wear that red set, you look delicious in it. I’ll tip extra’
Her eyebrow raised, she knew the set they were talking about it wasn’t the first time he had suggested it.
‘Of course! anything else, My King?’ she responded, they had requested that they only be referred to as ‘My King’ the first time they spoke; and he tipped big, it worked for her. The speech dots appeared and disappeared several times she knew he was trying to come up with a snarky response but only returned with ‘Good, I’ll transfer before the stream’. She double tapped the message to heart it ‘Thank you, My King’ was all she responded with before locking her phone; focusing on the lecture once more.
Once again she was thrust into the cold as her lecture finished, she made her way down the steps of the lecture hall and across the Quad to one of the several campus coffee shops. She rubbed her hands as she waited in line rehearsing what she wanted to order, she stepped up to the counter the man at the counter flashing her a smile “Hello! What can I get for you today?” he asked cheerily. She smiled back at him “Uh Yeah Hi, can I please get a Hot chocolate on oat milk and a blueberry muffin please?” she asked, digging out her card from her wallet, half watching him punch in the order. Pressing her card to the reader, the little beep letting her know it had processed, she gave him another smile as she stepped off to the side to wait for her drink.
Once she had received the rich sugary drink that fuelled her very body and her muffin she would save for a snack later, she began her walk to the station to head home. Putting on her headphones as soon as she sat on the uncomfortable arcade floor patterned seats and sipping her drink, staring out the window thinking about all the things she had to do be for the stream. She decided to be a courteous roomie and send Honey a text,
‘Hi my love, Just letting you know that I’m doing aa spicy stream tonight. Just wanted to be a good roomie and let you know xx’ She replied almost instantaneously ‘If King Sunfyre needs a second, you know where to find me x’, she stifled a snort as the text came through, She could always count on her friend to be accepting. The ride home felt much quicker than the ride that morning, the luke warm heating of the apartment foyer taking some of the chill off her bones. she gave the lady at the front desk a wave, to which she received a sour look and a raised eyebrow over the rim of her purple glasses frames. She cringed at the look and started up the stairwell to the apartment, her keys jiggled in the door as she struggled with the lock, it tended to get jammed on chillier days. Finally shouldering the door open she was met with the smell of weed and patchouli candles, she couldn’t help but smirk at the fact that her friend probably had a certain curly haired puppy eyed boy over.
She didn’t bother with calling out, not wanting to disturb whatever was going on in her roommates room. A quick tidy up of her room was the first chore off the list, laying out the requested red set and snapping a picture and sending it to the requester;
‘The red set, as requested. My King’. There was no response, only the ping of her bank account getting a deposit; she went to check on the amount, thinking it would only be $20 like it usually was. Her breath hitched in her throat s she saw not just two but three zero’s “What do you mean $200?!” she exclaimed, immediately sending her gifter a thank you note, and an attached special picture. Before almost slamming Honey’s door open “I’m sorry for interrupting whatever-the-fuck is going on in here but Sunfyre96 just paid me $200!”. Both Honey and her friend jumped in fright, the brunet trying to hide the glass bong behind his back, no doubt spilling bong water on the floor. Honey gasped “No fucking way! he did not!”, all she could do was nod frantically and show her the bank account “Sushi is on me fella’s!” she laughed, so giddy that she was shaking. Her friends toasted counter part grinned at her “Hell yeah, dudette. Get on that grind” he high fived her, she returned the favour. “Anyway! that’s the good news, I’ll see you guys at like 8pm!” she smiled, closing the door behind her and heading back to her room.
Making quick work of cleaning her room and setting up her equipment, making sure everything was clean before changing into her set for the night. She pulled on a silky robe for her own modesty turning on her setup, ring lights, soft box and back drop that hides the rest of her room from prying eyes. Logging into her computer and opening spotify and pressing play on her chosen playlist for the night. Before she stepped back into the mirror to look at herself, the chosen set was stunning; a deep blood red boning and lace a nude mesh not leaving much for the imagination between her legs. But the bra of the set was a quarter cup, so her breasts sat almost uncomfortably high, her nipples nearly popping over the edge of the cup - there was sure to be a nip slip tonight. Not one to waste too much time, she logged into he streaming platform and her work socials and keyed in all the appropriate information before sending out that a link would be dropping in fifteen minutes. Though she sent an early access link to a few of her higher tier subs for a private pre-show, which was mostly just chatting to a few lonely men and women, though some she came to genuinely enjoy.
Taking the spare few minutes she had to pop on a pretty red lip, her patrons loved when her pretty little lips got all smudged - Their words, not hers. And a matching red bunny mask, she didn’t need anyone finding out her identity. As promised she spent the first fifteen minutes talking to her higher tier subscribers, laughing at their jokes and making sure they were well taken care of. She sent out the secondary link - already having it queued to go out after the fifteen minutes was up, her chat exploded with messages and suggestions. Resisting the urge to roll her eyes, “Yes, Yes. Hello my loves! How are you all? I appreciate you all coming by tonight! Let’s get started shall we?” She asked.
Luckily she had bought a sit to stand desk making use of the adjustable settings to get that perfect height, she hooked each of her legs over the arm of her chair causing her tummy to scrunch up. Exposing her clothed core to the camera - running a delicate manicured finger down the centre of the mesh slowly, watching some of the messages roll by each one making a little ping. “Take it off?” she asked innocently “I’ll take it off if we can get my tip jar to $300, I’ll be good to you I promise” she continued, rubbing small circles over her clit, her eyes rolling back in pleasure. Unsurprisingly they surpassed the goal set by well over $600, “Aw! Thank you so much my loves” her voice came out sickly sweet. Unhooking her legs from the chair and standing once more “Can we just admire how stunning this set is? Thank you again to Sunfyre96 for their generous donation. I hope I’m doing it justice” she said to the camera, turning around and bending down. Exposing the soft rounds of her ass as she hooked her thumbs on each side of the band and shimmying it down her legs, she was smart enough to wear her thong over her garter so the pretty stockings and garter remained but her pussy was now fully exposed.
She ran a hand over her ass before giving herself a squeeze before sitting once more, hooking her legs over her chair once more. Her heat was now on full display in all its glistening beauty, she ran two fingers along the slit before circling her clit, she leant her head back against the chair, her toes curling in pleasure “Ugh, fuuuck” she moaned. She picked up the pace feeling that familiar bubble in the pit of her stomach form, though her fingers just weren’t cutting it - reaching for the basket beside her chair pulling out her tried and true wand. She was so used to using it that she didn’t even really need to look to see if it was turned on before she held it to her aching button. Switching her wand to her non-dominant hand using her centre two fingers to sink into herself, she couldn’t contain her moans from that point on.
Oh Gods!
Oh Fuck!
I’m gonna cum!
The ever tightening coil in her stomach finally snapped, she rode out that glorious high with her lip between her teeth - though she was sure the apartment three doors down would have heard her by now. When the slight numbness in her body died down, she leant forward to check the chat which was now flooding with comments taking the time to thank each person personally for their donations. “Thank you for coming by my loves! I hope you all had a wonderful time, I will see you later in the week” she said sweetly, blowing a kiss to the camera and ending the stream.
An exasperated sigh escaped her lips as she stood to clean herself up, putting on a fresh pair of leggings and black thigh high socks with an oversized shirt, a half faded band name printed on the front of it and tour dates on the back. Grabbing her phone from her desk and taking it with her to Honey’s room - making sure to knock this time. Honey and her scruffy haired friend were known to have relations from time to time; it was better for her to be safe than sorry. Only entering when she heard Honey tell her to come in, both of them were under the covers, Honey’s hair was disheveled as she laid on her friends chest; she bit back her grin. “Do you guys still want sushi? I’m sure you both have worked up an appetite” she winked, both of them nodded “Just come down stairs and I’ll order it when you guys are ready” she smiled, closing the door behind her and heading down stairs.
She snatched the tv remote from the table changing it to some lofi on YouTube as she sunk into the worn couch with a loud sigh. A soft tail brushed up against her leg, the near silent plop her feline companion made was more than enough to make her heart squeeze. She stroked the soft fur as she posted on her socials;
‘Thank you all again for joining me tonight, As always I appreciate every single one of you!
Planetary_M0ans xx’
The sound of two sets of thumping feet were coming down the stairs, pulling her attention away from her phone and back into reality. Two grinning faces appeared in to the room, eyes hazy and cheeks flushed and sticky; she raised her brows and gave Honey a knowing look as they made their way to the two seater adjacent to hers. The apartment wasn’t in terrible condition, the walls were that weird shade of beige with a satin finish that always made them feel sticky, the flooring was wood up until the kitchen; where ugly apricot tiles started - they were only in the kitchen which was vaguely annoying, why not just keep the hardwood? “-getting?” She caught the tail end of Honey’s question, “Huh?” she questioned shaking off the fog clouding her brain “What are we getting?” Honey asked with a half laugh. Shaking her head once more and opening her phone “Ya’ll still want sushi right? Or we could get burgers?” she asked without looking up. An excited “Oh!” was heard from her companion, looking over the rim of her glasses, her smirk hidden by her phone; Honey snorted at his reaction “Burgers please, oh kind ruler” she laughed, it was one that came from the depths of her throat.
They passed around the phone each of them taking turns in ordering what they wanted from the local burger joint - Joey’s. They all sat and chatted for a while, exchanging giggles and jokes until Honey’s scruffy haired companion - Eddie, broke the giggles “Hey, I uh gave your phone number to my Uncle. You said you were an accountant and I told him you were really good at your job and could help him file his taxes” he said with a sheepish grin. Both her and Honey stared from each other, to Eddie and then back to each other before bursting into a fit of racious laughter. “E-Eddie! That’s not the type of accountant she is!” Honey cackled, slapping him on the arm playfully, “There’s other kind’s of - Oh.” he began before cutting himself off, his face flushing. He looked to the girl opposite him, as she wiped the tears from her eyes with the inside of her shirt “I’m sorry - I” he stammered. She waved him off hardly containing her laughter “It’s no problem at all dude, but I would fuck up your Uncles tax so bad. I’ll send you the details of my actual accountant later though” she chuckled.
Her eyes rolled back in pleasure as she took that first bite of her burger, chasing it with a mouth full of fries “My fucking god! Joey’s never fails us!” she groaned. Her roommate giggled at her “Praise Joey, King of the grill!” she praises in between bites of her own burger, Eddie on the other hand was so consumed in his burger that he said absolutely nothing the entire time, choosing to focus his attention wholly on the food in front of him. “Praise Joey!” she laughed, the three of them had spent many a night drinking and stumbling into Joey’s grill for a late night burger. Sighing in contentment as she popped the last part of her burger in her mouth, slapping both hands on both her legs and getting ups with a sigh “Well! I’m going to shower and go to bed, I’m tired as heck” she said with a yawn.
The steaming water soothed her body and she stepped into the shower and letting her shoulders drop and throwing her head into the water. She spent a while washing and conditioning her hair, and moisturinging after she got out she slipped into her favourite pajama's; yellow and black tartan bottoms and a plain black shirt. The hardwood creaked as she padded across the hall to her room, closing the door behind her as she stepped inside and flicking the light off. She crawled into bed under the cover of darkness and opened her phone once she was situated, there was a notification of a message through Instagram;
Legacy_98 sent you a message request
this’ll be good she thought to herself as she opened her insta and read the message; Hello, I viewed your live stream tonight. I want to know if you would be interested in an arrangement?
Her brows furrowed, she exited out of the message and looked at the profile, no followers, no following and no posts - suspicious. She was very familiar with the type of person she was dealing with here, a total fake - these guys really have to try harder. Switching back over to the message she began to reply; Sure! what did you have in mind? She hit send and exited out of the app, choosing to scroll on TikTok instead.
less than two minutes later came a response; I would like to pay you for private calls and for you to accompany me to events, set your price. I will pay. Her eyebrows rose now she was intrigued, I don’t usually take private clients. She responded. The response bubble popped up You seem to give Sunfyre96 special treatment Was all he responded with, an incredulous laugh escaped her before she replied again. Bold words for someone requesting my services she retorted, her chest puffing at her snarky response I’ll pay you $2,000 a call.
“He’ll pay what?!” Honey exclaimed from the kitchen, watching the breakfast sausages she had sizzling in the pan. “He said he would pay 2k every phone call!” she replied, Honey turned to her friend, the tongs still in her hand “And what did you say?” she pressed. “I said yes - but only if he could provide proof he had the funds!” She said, putting her hands up in mock surrender. Honey’s brows rose higher - if that was even possible, “And how did he do that?” she questioned, turning back to the stove to take the sausages off the heat. “…He paid me 3 grand up front…” she mumbled, Honey’s head whipped around so fast she was sure her friends neck would break “What!” she cried, nearly dropping the plate full of breakfast sausages. She shrugged “I mean yeah, like it’s no biggie if this guy want’s to spend his money on me” she tried to play it cool but her insides were just about vibrating. Honey sighed heavily “If you’re sure about it - just be safe and don’t be stupid about it. Keep your head screwed on; I don’t need another messy girl on my doorstep”. She pressed her hand to her chest in offence “I’ll have you know that this is my apartment!” she laughed “But I will, I promise. that won’t happen to me again” she finished, loading her plate with some eggs, a pancake, some bacon and some breakfast sausage. They both ate together in silence “Where’d Eddie go?” she asked her friend softly, a soft sigh escaped her “Oh - uh, He’s at band practice. They are hoping to be picked up by talent scouts at their next gig” Honey responded, swallowing the hunk of pancake in her mouth.
Nodding to her friend as she thought for a moment, “Why don’t you go and surprise him? take him lunch or something, that’d be cute” she offered, as she stood up and walked to the kitchen to wash her plate. There was a pause, “Hmm, I might. I dunno” Honey replied softly, Her friend rose her eyebrow “What’s the matter?” she asked, taking her friends hand and leading her to the couch. Honey sat with a loud sigh and threw her legs across her friends “I don’t know, I just don’t think we’re going anywhere. Like - I invite him over, we, you know…And then he acts like he’s oblivious to what’s going on” she huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. She sat for a moment to formulate what she needed to say, “Well - If you feel he isn’t giving you the attention your relationship deserves, have a talk to him about it! you never know, he might not know he’s doing it. and if not; There are plenty of hot guys out there! this is Kings Landing!” she smiled, rubbing Honey’s calf soothingly. “You know what? You’re right - life’s too short to do this stupid little dance, I’m going Up-Town right now” Honey said trying to hype herself up.
About twenty minutes later she was left all alone in the apartment, laying on the couch staring at the ceiling - doing nothing. She had tidied the kitchen and done the dishes by the time Honey had left to confess her undying love to Eddie - so she was left with not much to do. Just as she was about to fall sleep; her phone buzzed on her stomach, she picked it up to see a message from Legacy_98;
Are you free to call right now? I would like to talk about our arrangement. She could feel her heart beginning to race as she began to type Uh yeah, sure. Give me two seconds and I’ll call. Quickly jogging up the stairs and into her room, closing the door behind her, perching herself on the side of her bed; pressing the little call icon on the app.
It rang once, twice and picked up on the third ring; “Hello?” a deep, smooth voice asked “Hello, am I talking to Legacy98?” she asked softly, a little unsure of herself. A beat of silence followed the question, “Yes, I am.” was all he said, “Not much of a talker, are you?” she quipped light heartedly. He let out a soft chuckle - the kind that just comes from your nose “No - I suppose I’m not” he responded, a smile toying at the corners of his lips. A sigh escaped her - “Well, my name’s Kit, It’s nice to meet you. I like long walks on the beach and eating shredded cheese from the bag when I’m sad” she wasn’t exactly sure where they reply came from but the rumble of a chuckle over the phone made her smile. A short silence followed as if in contemplation, “My name’s Aemond -” the following sentence that garbled over the phone line fell of deff ears, surely they were joking right? right? Shaking the stunned silence from her throat with a cough “Um, I’m sorry - I didn’t catch that, you said your name was Aemond - right? as in -”. He cut her off, his smooth voice overlaying her own “As in Aemond Targaryen”. Aemond said it as if he and his family weren’t house hold names and constantly on the front pages of magazines, there were fan pages online dedicated to this man. He could feel the tension on the phone line “All I ask is that you come to one event with me, all you have to do is act as arm candy. I’ll pay for all the expenses. If you find you still don’t want to do this - we can go our separate ways”.
Her eyebrows rose as a smirk spread across her face “Deal” was all she said, he made a sound somewhere in-between an acknowledgement and a grunt before he hung up.
Legacy_98: Meet at this address tomorrow at 8am, do not be late.
Planetary_m0ans: I won’t.
She flopped back onto her bed, a satisfied grin on her face and a thrumming in her ears. Things just got a hell of a lot more interesting.
taglist: @adelusionalwriter @princesssszzzz @chainsawsangel @poppyreader @sahanna @hopelesswritergall @arcielee
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trueshellz · 2 years
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Part of my Invisible Illness Series
Warnings: IBS/IBD symptoms, nausea, upset stomach, bloating, multiple bathroom trips, pet names (kitten), cuddling, some suggestiveness, mentions of smelly boys, pregnant mentioned, reader crying, comfort.
Summary: There was nothing attractive about pooping, but having Kuroo as a husband made you feel better.
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Dropping your head to your hands as you perched on the toilet for the fourth time in an hour, you held back your moans of pain as your stomach tried to digest itself from the inside out. Despite following your diet well, avoiding all your food triggers and eating at, (what you had deemed) safe places here you were again. You'd had trouble sleeping, feeling nauseous and bloated after dinner with friends and even after your peppermint tea nothing had settled.
Then the cramps started.
You'd gotten up to take your medication first, used a hot water bottle and even wrapped Kuroo's warm arm around you to ease the pain but nothing had helped. Right now you were so close to crying and then to top it all off...
"Kitten?" You heard him try the door, thanking God you remembered to lock it. "You ok?"
Taking a deep breath as you heard him yawn, you forced a smile and pushed down the pain you were feeling. "Fine. I'm fine. I'll be-"
"Babe, don't lie. I heard you get up every time."
And here you thought you were being stealthy.
"I'm fine, Tetsu."
A sigh left his mouth, receding footsteps and then you heard the front door slam closed. This time you couldn't help the tears trek down your face, you were pretty sure your entire GI system was now empty but the nausea hadn't receded. And now to top it all off, your husband had left you alone. He had always said it wasn't a big deal, you remembered the first few times you went our and barely ate anything due to nerves or food intolerances, he had taken offense and demanded you explain. Then he found restaurants that you could actually eat at, doing his homework on your condition and making sure he looked after you all the time. He carried spare medication for you, had spare clothes in his car just in case and, the one time, even stood outside the disabled bathroom making noise when you were in itso people wouldn't hear you.
After having a quick shower, you popped some pills in your mouth and started warming up the kettle for your hot water bottle again when the door opened and closed. Your eyes meeting his as he stepped over the threshold with a bag, you watched as he pulled out some stronger over the counter medication, some electrolyte drinks and some small snacks that would help you put food back into your body.
"Hey, kitten, don't cry."
You hadn't even realised until he tugged you forward, hands cradling your head and back as you gripped his t-shirt. Low shushes and words of affirmation as he rubbed circles on your back, pulling away only when the kettle button popped up and hissed. Kuroo sat you on the worktop as he filled it up, not the small ones but this huge one metre version you had found online and would lay across your body. Wiping away your tears, he kissed your forehead before carrying you bridal style back to bed. His arms were strong around you as you both lay down, his chest to your back as he rubbed circles on your bloated stomach.
"I feel pregnant."
You felt rather than heard his laughter, a small peck on your neck as he tapped your butt.
"We practising already?" He yelped a little when you picked his hard thigh. "You look cute."
"You're insane, Tetsu." A beat. "I just... I feel gross, y'know? I mean, I spent half of tonight in the bathroom and it's just embarrassing sometimes."
"Baby, I was an athlete. Locker rooms are gross. This is nothing to be embarassed about, everyone poops."
"Tetsu!" You tried to turn but his arms barely allowed you any room on the beat of days and today he was extra cuddly. "No one wants to hear about-"
"In sickness and in health, remember? I love you. And if that means I spend my time singing outside the bathroom or going to the 24 hour pharmacy at 3am or even buying shares in your pills, then so be it."
You couldn't help the smile grace your lips, even when he was being sweet he was a total dork. "Thank you."
"And anyway... I figure if we're getting pregnant I should start practising."
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cosmic-kaden · 3 months
{ A change in perspective }
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Ship: Paterson x Kaden
Words: 1,450
CW: n o n e <3
Summary: Why does it always have to be from far away?
Hey, if you aren't a self shipper please dni, nothing against ya. I got anxiety lol || ok2rb
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Ever since they met face to face, it's been the same thing every. They would see each other from afar only to meet up later that evening at Shades, the bar Paterson frequented. Weekends were the exception, well for Paterson anyway. He didn't have a cell phone and to Kaden's knowledge didn't even have a lanline, Kaden wanted to ask so many times if maybe over the weekend they could hang out but the words always got jumbled and stuck in their throat so they never ended up asking.
They were determined to do it this week! They hoped.. maybe? It shouldn't be hard to say, it's not like they were asking him out on a full-blown date. They were just asking if he wanted to hang out one day for a little while over the weekend, it wasn't rocket science. If a kid could approach another kid and ask 'Let's be best friends' and get accepted why can't Kaden ask Paterson to hang out? Man, Kaden thought, kids have it so easy. They chuckled to themselves and got ready for the day ahead, opting this time to grab their notebook, just in case inspiration struck!
They tossed on their shoulder bag and started their day, heading to the nearest coffee shop to grab a coffee, oat milk and two sugars before grabbing a bagel. Most of Kaden's morning was spent job searching in the area, they tried for a while online with little to no success so they started waking up early to hand out physical copies of their resume. It was draining and it was boring as all hell but they always had something or they should rather say someone to look forward to come lunch time.
Kaden was about to take their regular route when they stopped dead in their tracks. A quick thought formed in their head. What if today they switched it up a little? What if today they didn't go and hang out on the cliffs like they usually did. They did love it over there but what if today they did something different?
The trek back took a little longer than they had expected. They walked across the bridge and turned their attention to their left to see none other than Paterson already sitting in his favourite little spot on the bench. As they observed the man from afar they felt a wave of appreciation spread throughout them when they noticed that Paterson looked concerned, his eyes were forward and he was clearly staring at the cliffside, no doubt realizing that Kaden wasn't there.
Kaden carefully walked down the steep steps and quietly trailed over to Paterson, deciding to finally break the silence as they took a seat next to him on the bench.
"Hm, it's pretty from this side too~"
Poor Paterson nearly jumped out of his skin. His head snapped towards Kaden who was sitting beside him, eyes forward as they stared at the view.
"I can see why this is your favourite place." Kaden turned their head to Paterson, their eyes meeting his as they gave him a big smile. "Hi~!" They gave a little wave
Paterson nearly forgot how to speak for a moment, this was the first time seeing them this close in daylight, it was always too dark in the bar so Paterson couldn't help but take in Kaden's appearance. He was looking everywhere, their hair, their eyes, nose, lips, piercings, this man was nearly too flustered to speak.
"I thought something happened" He finally spoke, trying to hide the blush that was creeping up to his cheeks which didn't go unnoticed by Kaden.
"Hm, well it was my intention to go over there but then I thought- Wouldn't it be nice to have a change of perspective in a sense~? See the world through your eyes~" They grinned as they drew their attention to the waterfall.
Paterson's lips pulled up into a warm smile, he was delighted that Kaden decided to change it up a little and be a little closer to him. "So what do you think?" Paterson asked softly.
"I think this side is equally, if not more stunning." Kaden hummed softly as they drank in the view.
Paterson couldn't take his eyes off of Kaden, they softened a little at Kaden's words and he smiled. "Most beautiful I've ever seen.." Paterson said hardly above a whisper and Kaden looked at him, their head tilting a little and Paterson instantly felt panicked on the inside, he didn't realize he had said it out loud. The blush from earlier now fully spreading across his face.
For the sake of Paterson's rapidly blushing face, Kaden decided to play it off as if he was talking about the view but Kaden couldn't deny the fact that they were blushing too. They let out a soft giggle. "Perhaps I'll alternate. Here somedays, there the next" Kaden pointed towards the cliff.
"I wouldn't mind having some good company." Paterson smiled.
"Weekends," Kaden said bluntly then even they looked like they were mentally kicking themselves.
"Weekends?" Paterson echoed, a quizzical expression on his face.
"Are you busy this weekend? Even like one day out of the weekend" Kaden said quickly. Come on, don't let my words fail me now! they thought.
"No, I'm usually not busy."
"You don't have a cellphone do you?"
"No, I don't really like them."
"So.." Kaden felt it, the clog of words stuck in their mouth like a backed-up sink drain. They wanted so desperately to ask, there was nothing wrong with asking! Just say it! Kaden sighed heavily, they were about to say something random that had nothing to do with anything but before they could speak Paterson spoke.
"There's a weekend market happening. It's sort of early but it runs all day till four. Maybe you'd like to check it out with me? It's near my place, I can give you my address and we can meet up there if that's alright?" Paterson asked, obviously realizing that Kaden seemed to be struggling with their words and he sort of had an inkling they wanted to ask him out on the weekend.
Kaden felt an immense wave of relief wash over them, their heart fluttered at his question of going to a weekend market and Kaden smiled, their head nodding a little. "I would love to go with you this weekend~ Which day?" Kaden tilted their head.
"Well, either Saturday or Sunday but I was wondering- We could go Saturday and maybe Sunday meet up again we could go out or not.." Paterson sort of stumbled over his words at the last part and Kaden felt equally as flustered as he did but they were so happy. He asked what Kaden couldn't.
"I'd love to." they hummed.
"Alright, it's a date," Paterson replied.
It really was a date, two to be exact and the thought alone had Kaden's stomach doing backflips, they were so excited to be able to spend more and more time with Paterson. If Kaden was alone they'd probably tell themselves to get it together, they were fawning over this man like a teenager with a high school crush, it was embarrassing but Kaden refrained.
Paterson looked at his watch and sighed softly. "That's the one thing about being in good company" He stated matter of factly. "Time seems to fly by so much quicker. I have to go." Paterson gave a small smile. He really wanted to stay but he also knew he had a job and he wasn't going to leave people stranded on his bus route.
"'Kay ~ See you this weekend?" Kaden asked, hopeful.
"Oh right!" Paterson reached into his back and tore out a small piece of paper from the back of his notebook, he scribbled down his address and handed it to Kaden, his cheeks flushing a little as their hands brushed each other as they gently took the note from him. "See you Saturday, Kaden…well actually, tonight" Paterson chuckled softly as he turned on his heel to walk away.
This feeling was so overwhelming, Kaden wasn't used to being this excited or feeling this happy, it felt like their heart was going to beat right out of their chest, they were crushing on him and they were crushing hard. They couldn't wait till the weekend. Kaden pulled out their phone and looked down at it.
"Why's it only Wednesday!?"
Despite that fact, Kaden was still excited because at the same time every day and the same time every evening Kaden got to spend just a little moment out of their day with Paterson and it was a time they would always hold dear and treasure.
Tag list: @ama-ships || @kylars-princess || @heatobrienswife || @retrojem || @lysandreslittlechatot If anyone wants to be added to my tag list let me know!
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cryptid-writing · 7 months
Would love to hear some of your writing concepts too! There’s definitely not enough Mysterio x Reader content out there (especially for the he/ theys :C )
what few posts do exist of that nature is less than you can count on one hand and go a far darker route than I would like.
here's a few of those concepts btw that anyone is welcome to turn into a bit of writing practice or into a full thing:
Insomniac specific:
The Mysterium itself provides a lot of potential for many many many fun things one could do and imagine. :)
The Mysterium was closed for maintenance on the opening day? Oh no, you'd come all the way to see it, you wanted to give it a try.. Not wanting your time to be a complete waste, you spend your time visiting other attractions and booths, but you occasionally stop by the Mysterium. You know whatever issue there was, it wouldn't be resolved so soon.. yet you just couldn't help yourself. There wasn't anyone outside it who you could talk to to see what was wrong or when it would be up and running again.. not until it had gotten late and the man in charge finally stepped out. you saw your chance.. and well. perhaps he noticed you a couple times throughout the day hanging around the Mysterium, or perhaps he is merely surprised by your enthusiasm to keep checking by to stick around this long to see what he'd made?
Perhaps you knew of him before his reform? You knew who he was and who he used to be, but beyond that you knew very little. Perhaps you fancied him a little then, thought him interesting.. perhaps a little ashamed of yourself for thinking that way of a villain. but you couldn't deny there was a level of charm and intrigue with how he looked and moved when footage would play on the news from his fights against Spider-Man. Your first time seeing him unmasked was certainly a surprise. yet. that didn't compare to this moment. Meeting him face to face in person. How did this occur? Maybe you were a brand new "unwilling" hostage/participant in whatever scheme he's cooked up this time, or perhaps he is not in costume and merely trying to be just a normal man, undercover.. yet you know his truth. Do you dare to say anything?
There is nothing that compares to watching a movie alone in an empty theater. You would often try to catch the very last showing of any new or old movies you fancied, hoping to be alone.. Surprise, surprise. There was just 1 other person there. A man. No one else came in, as to be expected of a film which you considered underrated. Throughout the duration of the movie, the two of you were silent.. Then came the end of screening and quietly he initiates a conversation. You feared he may be a threat or a creep, yet to your surprise, he wasn't. He's surprised to see that someone else had come to see this movie in particular, it was one he liked yet many, especially critics, failed to be impressed by.. He has many questions to ask you, won't you indulge him? Who knows, it may end up being far more beneficial for the both of you in the end than either of you could have expected out of this simple little late night outing. (inspired by a moment in the webspinners comic)
Comic leaning:
Quentin Beck retiring indefinitely from the mantle of "Mysterio" and selling off some of his stuff as he goes into hiding to try and live a more honest and normal life. You, by some chance, came across an auction for the real deal devices and costume being sold online. No one had laid any bids on it.. you know you shouldn't, but you admired him, sure he was a villain, but you were aware of what you would be getting yourself into with this. Saving up your money for a long time.. You managed to have just enough to buy the items. They were a little damaged, so you stuck them in a bag and hunted down a shop where you could get some safe repairs, tossing out the 'it's for a cosplay' lie to make it less awkward. During one of your treks back home from repairs, Quentin Beck noticed you from afar, he noticed an all too familiar and impossible not to identify gauntlet of his fall out of your bag. Watching you fumble to quickly gather it again and proceed to scurry off even faster down the street. Now why on earth did you have that? For what purpose would you have with his stuff? It wasn't his business anymore.. yet he was curious.. so he follows after, seeking a few answers from you. Perhaps.. he may wind up with more than he expected? in a positive sense?
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