#trello hashtag
scrumsoftwaretools · 7 months
Elevate your projects with Vabro! 🚀 A dynamic Agile Project Management tool transforming collaboration and efficiency. Key Features: 🔄 Scrum Centricity: Built on Scrum principles for aligned, role-based Agile practices. 📋 Prioritized Product Backlog: Strategically organize backlog items for optimized planning. ⚙️ Sprint Automation: Seamlessly transition through iterations with automated sprint creation. ⚙️ Admin Settings: Personalize Vabro to fit organizational needs with comprehensive settings. Benefits: 🔄 Scrum for Ops & DevOps: Extend Scrum beyond development for end-to-end visibility. 💬 Real-time Collaboration: Stay connected with seamless communication through real-time chat. 📊 Advanced Agile Reports: Make informed decisions with actionable insights. 🖥️ User-Friendly Interface: Simplify project management with an intuitive design. ⏱️ Enhanced Productivity: Streamline workflows, prioritize tasks, and boost productivity.
Vabro adapts to diverse team structures and project complexities, redefining Agile collaboration. Explore the future of Agile at www.vabro.com!
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naturrgrrl · 2 years
Coming up next...
3 more shell challenges in the next 4 weeks! (if I can finish 'em all)
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(from left to right)
Mouse Cozy Shell by my friend CrystalleMouse - think this might be her first shell! #mousecozyshell
100k Shell Challenge by Zefrine - I've done some of her other shells and they are up on the gallery. #Zef100
FGGnormie by FakeGamerGirl a.k.a. FGG - this one is not a shell per se, but it IS a basegame-only challenge, so I can't cave like I did on the bowling alley X-D #FGGnormie
Look them up on the gallery by their hashtags if you want to see the rules and/or participate!
I am also continuing my little video project for the Atoladouro Santo shell challenge designed by GrazCruz. My first attempts at video-making have been very - ahem - rudimentary. This time I am trying out new editing software, and I am using the Canva app to storyboard the video. Then I've got my shot list and to-do lists in the Trello app so I can check off items and feel accomplished/stay motivated :-D We'll see if any of this preparation pays off!
Lots to do, will try to post more soon :)
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desirelovell · 2 months
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Project management tools have become indispensable in today’s fast-paced business environment. They help teams collaborate, manage tasks, and track progress efficiently. In this article, we will explore the top 5 project management tools, highlighting their creators, benefits, ease of use, subscription costs, additional features, and integration capabilities. We will also provide resources and tutorial links to help you get started.
Creator: Dustin Moskovitz and Justin Rosenstein
Founded: 2008
Website: Asana
User-Friendly Interface: Asana’s interface is intuitive and easy to navigate, making it ideal for both beginners and experienced users.
Task Management: Organize tasks with due dates, priority levels, and assignees.
Collaboration: Real-time collaboration with team members, including file sharing and comments.
Free Plan: Basic features for small teams.
Premium: $10.99/user/month – Advanced features like timeline, custom fields, and task dependencies.
Business: $24.99/user/month – Includes advanced integrations, workload management, and more.
Enterprise: Custom pricing for large organizations.
Timeline: Visualize project timelines with Gantt charts.
Automation: Automate repetitive tasks to save time.
Integration: Integrates with over 100 apps including Slack, Google Drive, and Microsoft Teams.
Tutorial: Asana YouTube Tutorial
User Guide: Asana Guide
Creator: Atlassian
Founded: 2011
Website: Trello
Kanban Boards: Visual task management with drag-and-drop cards.
Customization: Flexible boards, lists, and cards to suit any workflow.
Ease of Use: Simple setup with a minimal learning curve.
Free Plan: Basic boards, lists, and cards.
Business Class: $12.50/user/month – Advanced features like calendar view, custom backgrounds, and more.
Enterprise: Custom pricing – Enhanced security and admin controls.
Power-Ups: Enhance functionality with calendar, voting, and other power-ups.
Templates: Use pre-made templates for various project types.
Integration: Works with Slack, Google Drive, Dropbox, and more.
Tutorial: Trello YouTube Tutorial
User Guide: Trello Guide
Creator: Roy Mann and Eran Zinman
Founded: 2012
Website: Monday.com
Customizable Workflows: Tailor workflows to match your team’s needs.
Visual Project Tracking: Easily track progress with visual tools.
Collaboration: Real-time updates and communication.
Basic: $8/user/month – Basic features for managing tasks.
Standard: $10/user/month – Additional views and automations.
Pro: $16/user/month – Advanced features like time tracking.
Enterprise: Custom pricing – Enterprise-grade features.
Automations: Automate routine tasks.
Dashboards: Centralize data with customizable dashboards.
Integration: Integrates with Slack, Google Workspace, Zoom, and more.
Tutorial: Monday.com YouTube Tutorial
User Guide: Monday.com Guide
Creator: Zeb Evans
Founded: 2017
Website: ClickUp
All-In-One: Combines tasks, docs, goals, and chat in one place.
Customization: Highly customizable to fit various workflows.
Time Tracking: Built-in time tracking for better project management.
Free Plan: Basic features for personal use.
Unlimited: $5/user/month – Unlimited integrations and dashboards.
Business: $12/user/month – Advanced features like goals and portfolios.
Enterprise: Custom pricing – Enhanced security and custom solutions.
Templates: Pre-built templates for different project types.
Views: Multiple views including list, board, calendar, and Gantt.
Integration: Works with Slack, Google Drive, Trello, and more.
Tutorial: ClickUp YouTube Tutorial
User Guide: ClickUp Guide
Creator: Atlassian
Founded: 2002
Website: Jira
Agile Project Management: Ideal for software development teams.
Issue Tracking: Comprehensive issue and bug tracking.
Customizable Workflows: Tailor workflows to fit your project needs.
Free Plan: Basic features for up to 10 users.
Standard: $7/user/month – Advanced permissions and reporting.
Premium: $14/user/month – Advanced roadmaps and automation.
Enterprise: Custom pricing – Enterprise-grade security and support.
Roadmaps: Plan and track large projects with advanced roadmaps.
Automation: Automate repetitive tasks.
Integration: Works with over 3,000 apps including Slack, GitHub, and Confluence.
Tutorial: Jira YouTube Tutorial
User Guide: Jira Guide
Choosing the right project management tool can significantly enhance your team’s productivity and collaboration. Each of the tools mentioned above offers unique features and benefits tailored to different project needs. Whether you prefer the visual simplicity of Trello, the all-in-one approach of ClickUp, or the agile focus of Jira, there’s a tool that fits your workflow.
Comparison Chart: Compare Project Management Tools
Video Reviews: YouTube Reviews
Community Forums: Reddit Project Management
Stay updated with the latest in project management tools and tips:
Instagram: @ProjectTools
LinkedIn: Project Management Hub
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Here’s a colorful pie chart displaying the current market share of the top 5 project management software in the industry. Each software is represented by a different beautiful color:
Asana: 15%
Trello: 20%
Monday.com: 25%
ClickUp: 10%
Jira: 30%
This visual representation helps to understand the distribution of market shares among these popular tools.
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Enhance your project management experience with these top tools and take your team’s productivity to the next level! 🌟
https://desirelovell.com/free-tools/embed/#?secret=uifF1uoLYJ#?secret=fr7bC9A91hIt’s FREE.
I hope this gives you a good starting point to think about how you could integrate the survey data collection and storage into your overall small business chat AI solution. Let me know if you have any other questions!
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gsinfotechvispvtltd · 4 months
Trello: A Versatile Project management Tool
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Streamlining Project Management
Trello offers a seamless platform for organizing and managing projects, providing users with a visual and intuitive interface to create boards, lists, and cards that represent tasks, ideas, and initiatives. With features such as customizable boards, drag-and-drop functionality, and task assignment, Trello empowers individuals and teams to streamline project management with clarity and efficiency.
Enhancing Collaboration and Communication
At the heart of Trello's impact lies its ability to foster collaborative excellence, transcending geographical boundaries and organizational silos. By providing a centralized platform for communication, file sharing, and feedback exchange, Trello enables teams to align their efforts, share insights, and drive collective progress, ultimately amplifying the impact of collaborative endeavors and nurturing a culture of shared success.
Optimizing Task Organization
Trello's robust task organization capabilities equip users with the tools necessary to navigate the complexities of task management with confidence and agility. From creating cards for individual tasks to categorizing them into lists and boards, Trello empowers individuals to optimize their personal and team workflows, ensuring that every task contributes to tangible outcomes and aligns with overarching project goals.
Leveraging Hashtags for Organization and Tracking
Trello's integration of hashtags allows users to categorize and track content effectively, enhancing the organization and searchability of boards and cards. By utilizing hashtags, users can streamline content discovery, categorize tasks, and track specific themes or topics within their Trello boards, ultimately enhancing the efficiency and clarity of project management and collaboration.
The Future of Project Organization and Collaboration
As organizations continue to embrace the power of streamlined workflows and collaborative excellence, the role of platforms like Trello becomes increasingly pivotal. Trello's commitment to delivering actionable insights, fostering seamless collaboration, and enhancing project management positions it at the forefront of the future of work, paving the way for a future where productivity, clarity, and collaboration drive sustainable success.
Trello stands as a beacon of innovation in the realm of project management and collaboration, empowering individuals and teams to unlock the full potential of their endeavors. By harnessing the power of Trello, businesses can elevate their project organization, foster collaborative excellence, and drive sustainable growth in an era defined by streamlined productivity and shared success. Hashtags:
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couteausuissedigital · 5 months
Couteau Suisse Digital - "Optimiser la gestion de projet d'entreprise: conseils efficaces pour le succès de votre business"
Visiter CouteauSuisseDigital.com "BoosteTonPlaisir.com: Les meilleures astuces pour optimiser la gestion de projet d'entreprise sur Tumblr" La gestion de projet est un élément crucial pour le succès de toute entreprise. Cela implique une planification rigoureuse, une communication efficace et une collaboration entre les membres de l'équipe. Mais comment pouvez-vous optimiser cette gestion de projet sur Tumblr? Voici quelques conseils essentiels qui vous aideront à atteindre vos objectifs commerciaux sur la plateforme en ligne la plus populaire. 1. Définir clairement les objectifs et les attentes Avant de vous lancer dans un projet, il est essentiel d'avoir une vision claire de vos objectifs et de vos attentes. Cela peut sembler évident, mais beaucoup d'entreprises négligent cette étape cruciale. En définissant les objectifs et les attentes dès le début, vous pouvez concentrer vos efforts sur les tâches les plus importantes et éviter les retards inutiles. 2. Utiliser des outils de gestion de projet en ligne Sur Tumblr, il existe de nombreux outils gratuits qui peuvent vous aider à gérer votre projet de manière efficace. Ces outils vous permettent de suivre vos tâches, votre calendrier et votre progression en temps réel. Vous pouvez également utiliser ces outils pour communiquer avec votre équipe et partager des documents importants. Certains des outils de gestion de projet en ligne les plus populaires sur Tumblr incluent Trello, Asana et Basecamp. 3. Impliquer toute l'équipe dans la planification du projet La gestion de projet ne devrait pas être la responsabilité d'une seule personne. Pour réussir, il est important d'impliquer toute l'équipe dans la planification et la prise de décision. Chaque membre de l'équipe peut apporter des idées uniques et des perspectives différentes, ce qui peut améliorer considérablement le résultat final du projet. 4. Établir un calendrier réaliste et gérer le temps efficacement Sur Tumblr, il est facile de se laisser distraire par les autres blogs et contenus. C'est pourquoi il est important d'établir un calendrier réaliste et de se rappeler de gérer son temps efficacement. Si vous avez besoin de travailler sur une tâche spécifique, désactivez les notifications sur votre compte Tumblr jusqu'à ce que vous ayez terminé cette tâche. Vous pouvez également utiliser des applications de gestion de temps telles que RescueTime pour suivre votre utilisation du temps et vous aider à rester concentré. 5. Favoriser une communication claire et efficace La communication est un élément clé de la gestion de projet réussie sur Tumblr. Assurez-vous que tous les membres de votre équipe communiquent efficacement en utilisant les outils de gestion de projet en ligne mentionnés précédemment. Vous pouvez également organiser des réunions régulières pour discuter de la progression du projet et résoudre tout problème ou conflit. 6. Suivre et évaluer la progression du projet Il est important de suivre régulièrement la progression de votre projet pour vous assurer que vous êtes sur la bonne voie pour atteindre vos objectifs. Si vous rencontrez des problèmes ou des délais, n'hésitez pas à apporter des changements au calendrier ou à la planification du projet. Une évaluation régulière de la progression peut également vous aider à identifier les erreurs et à les corriger rapidement. En suivant ces conseils efficaces pour la gestion de projet sur Tumblr, vous êtes sûr de voir une amélioration dans la gestion de vos projets d'entreprise. Assurez-vous également de promouvoir vos projets sur d'autres plateformes en utilisant des hashtags pertinents tels que #BoosteTonPlaisir et #gestiondeprojet pour attirer plus d'attention sur votre travail. N'oubliez pas que la clé du succès est la planification, la communication et la collaboration. Alors, allez-y et gérez vos projets comme un pro sur Tumblr! Reserver un appel sur CouteauSuisseDigital.com ou consulter notre article Visiter CouteauSuisseDigital.com
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wolexsocial · 1 year
The Top 10 Apps Every Small Business Owner Should Know About
Small business owners are always looking for ways to streamline their operations and increase productivity. With so many apps available in today's digital age, it can be overwhelming to decide which ones to use. Here are the top 10 apps every small business owner should know about:
QuickBooks QuickBooks is a popular accounting software that is ideal for small businesses. It allows business owners to track expenses, manage invoices, and create financial reports. QuickBooks is user-friendly and easy to set up, making it a great tool for small business owners who may not have an accounting background.
Slack Slack is a messaging platform that can help teams collaborate and communicate more efficiently. It allows you to create channels for different projects or teams, making it easy to organize conversations and keep everyone on the same page. Slack also integrates with other apps, such as Google Drive and Trello, making it a valuable tool for small business owners who use multiple apps.
Trello Trello is a project management tool that can help organize tasks and keep track of deadlines. It uses a visual format, where each task is represented by a card that can be moved between columns. This makes it easy to see the progress of a project and identify any bottlenecks. Trello also integrates with other apps, such as Slack and Google Drive, making it a valuable tool for small business owners who use multiple apps.
Hootsuite Hootsuite is a social media management platform that can help small businesses manage their social media presence across multiple channels. It allows you to schedule posts, track mentions and hashtags, and analyze social media metrics. Hootsuite is a great tool for small business owners who want to save time managing their social media accounts.
Asana Asana is a project management tool that can help small businesses track projects, assign tasks, and collaborate with team members. It allows you to create tasks, set deadlines, and assign them to team members. Asana also has a calendar view, making it easy to see all the tasks and deadlines for a project. Asana also integrates with other apps, such as Slack and Google Drive, making it a valuable tool for small business owners who use multiple apps.
Zoom Zoom is a video conferencing tool that can help small businesses conduct virtual meetings and webinars. It allows you to share your screen, record meetings, and chat with participants. Zoom is a great tool for small business owners who have remote employees or need to conduct virtual meetings with clients.
Google Workspace Google Workspace is a suite of productivity tools that includes email, calendar, document editing, and more. It allows you to collaborate on documents in real-time, store files in the cloud, and manage your schedule. Google Workspace is a great tool for small business owners who want to streamline their productivity tools.
HubSpot HubSpot is a customer relationship management (CRM) tool that can help small businesses manage their customer interactions and sales processes. It allows you to track leads, manage deals, and automate tasks. HubSpot also has a marketing automation tool, making it a valuable tool for small business owners who want to automate their marketing processes.
Dropbox Dropbox is a cloud storage platform that can help small businesses securely store and share files. It allows you to sync files across devices, share files with others, and collaborate on documents. Dropbox is a great tool for small business owners who need to share files with remote employees or clients.
Canva Canva is a graphic design platform that can help small businesses create professional-looking marketing materials and social media posts. It allows you to create designs from scratch or use pre-made templates. Canva is a great tool for small business owners who want to create their own marketing materials without the need for
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amberfaber40 · 2 years
70 Killer Content Ideas To Post On Social Media
70 Killer Content Ideas To Post On Social Media
What do I post on social media?The number one question people ask when it comes to social media marketing.The interesting thing here is that there's really an endless amount of ideas for you to
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Creating a social media content strategy
It goes without saying that social media is a powerful tool when it comes to any equine business. The content you share on social media has the power to transform your equestrian brand from a nervous, unbroken 3-year-old into a competitive 4* event horse. However, it can be tricky to communicate wha
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Pin on Social Media Tips + Ideas | Social media checklist, Social media marketing business, Social media marketing plan
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Streamline Your Social Media Manager Client Onboarding Process
Are you looking for a social media manager onboarding process checklist? If so, you've come to the right place! In this article, we'll discuss why an onboarding process is important and share some tools that
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5 Things you Shouldn't Post to Social Media
Many people use social media to market their small business. But many are posting the wrong type of content. Here's what to avoid...
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How to Create a Content Strategy for Social Media | NancyCasanova.com
Create an effective social media content strategy through research and action.
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How to Attract Your Audience with Irresistible Content — Path of Presence - Lifestyle Blog to Inspir
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How To Be a Social Media Manager With No Experience
Working from anywhere in the world and living the digital nomad lifestyle is something that a lot of people are dreaming about. In this article, you'll learn how to become a freelance social media manager
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When To Post On Social Media
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The Best Hashtags to Get Your Instagram Noticed + Shared - SocailPilot
Browse pocket-friendly plans. Find the right plan for your social media management needs & get started with your free trial. No credit card required.
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Can You Make Money From Social Media? - Time and Pence
Can you make money from social media? Here I answer all your questions about whether you could make money on-line doing what you love.
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70 of the best video content ideas to grow your business
Short Video content is a powerful way to communicate, build trust, and establish credibility with viewers. But is there an easy way to get started with video content? Here are 70 of the best video content ideas for social media to help grow your business.
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Words to use in marketing | Social Media & Marketing Tips
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Must have tools for social media managers
Essential social media tools and resources for every social media manager. 1. Canva 2. Stock Photos 3. Tailwind 4. Grammarly 5.Google Drive 6. Zoom 7. Trello 8. Creative Market 9 Loom 10. Flodesk
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6 Best Social Media Management Tools for Beginners
Trouble on updating social media? Learn how to easily save you time and grow your audience with these 5 best free social media management tools for 2023.
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What to Post on Instagram as an Author - Lindsay Elizabeth
Check out this list of some tried and true Instagram ideas for authors, as well as tips on how to create content that will build genuine connections.
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How To Make The Perfect Instagram Bio | May Smith Media | Social media marketing business, Social me
If you’re gearing up to launch your new product or website, it’s so important to have a marketing plan in place. You’ve worked so hard to create an amazing offering, so when you launch, you want to see your biz take off! All too often, a launch plan is overlooked. It's easy to find oursel
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5 Don'ts Of Social Media
With over a decade of experience as a mentor in the wedding industry, I've spent my fair share of time talking about marketing with my students and mentees. I know marketing can be really tough–it's time consuming, energy draining, and full of imposter syndrome. And as a wedding planner, you're told constantly that you need to market your business in a thousand different ways–always scared you're making a mistake. Plus, there never seems to be enough time. Today, I'm going to share with you the social media mistakes I see every wedding planner make, so you can avoid them as
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What do I post on social media?The number one question people ask when it comes to social media marketing.The interesting thing here is that there’s really an endless amount of ideas for you to use when it comes to posting on social media.Before you skip this and jump down to the list, here’s a few tips to get the most impact out of these ideas:1. Make it RELEVANT for your audience.For Example:If you choose to share something from your bucket list…Can you relate it back to your business?
Can you add in an open ended question so it sparks people to engage?2. Talk TO your audience, don’t talk AT them. This is social media. People are looking for stories and posts that they connect with. If you’re not wording posts socially, you close the door for engagement.For Example:DON’T DO THIS: I read a quote this morning, liked it, and wanted to share it with you.DO THIS: Have you ever read a quote and thought, “Wow, I really needed to hear that?” Well I found one this morning that was so perfect, I had to pass it on to you. It’s a difference in the way you talk with people. I promise, you’ll see a difference in how people respond when you word things just a little differently.3. EVERYTHING you post should ALWAYS support your weekly, monthly, annual marketing and business goals. Don’t just “post to post” – post with purpose. Post to connect.Post to learn more about your audience.Post to start a conversation.Post to get leads.Post to drive traffic.Post to build your business.The more you do this, the faster you reach your goals.RELATED:  FREE GUIDE: ULTIMATE GUIDE TO ONLINE AUTOMATED BUSINESS4. Use TASSI. It’s a social media management tool that gives you content. You will never run out of ideas, or content, since you can choose from thousands of ready made content just waiting for you to drop your logo on it and make it your own.As you know, when it comes to social media, content is king.But what exactly makes for great content?In general, the best content is interesting, informative, and entertaining.However, there’s no hard and fast rule for what works best. The key is to experiment and see what gets the most engagement from your audience.Also, don’t be afraid to mix things up from time to time.A little variety can go a long way in keeping people engaged.So if you’re looking for content ideas on what to post on social media, here are 70 content ideas to post on social media so you never run out of content again!70 Killer Content Ideas To Post On Social Media1. Remind People Who You Are, How You Got Started2. Go Behind The Scenes3. Share a Personal Story4. Tell People What You Sell5. Share a Joke (Graphics or Text)6. Share a Quote (Graphics or Text)7. Host an #AMA (Ask Me Anything)8.  Post a How To or Tutorial9. Ask a Question10. Host a Poll11. Share Your Favorite Book12. Ask for Recommendations (Book, TV, Apps, Music, Something related to your biz)13. Host a Giveaway14. Tell People to Sign Up On Your Email List15. Give away a coupon16. Host a Sale17. Remind People To Buy Your Products or Services18. Share a Quick Tip19. Share Industry News (Add Your Thoughts To It)20. Go LIVE (Live Videos Perform AMAZINGLY WELL)21. Post a Sneak Peek of something coming soon22. Share a Blog Post You Wrote23. Share Any Press or PR Features You Have24. Post a Testimonial From a Client25. Give Your Audience A Gift26. Re-Share Some Older Content (Graphics, Quotes, Blog Posts)27. Host a 1 Day Only Flash Sale28. Share Content From Someone Else29. Let Someone Guest Post or Takeover Your Profile30. Post a Case Study31. Answer FAQ’s32. Share Some Personal Wins or Results33. Host an Interview with a Guest34. Post Something Seasonal or Highlight a Holiday35. Thank Your Fans!36. Post Motivational Monday37. Post a Tuesday Tip38. Post a Wednesday Wisdom39. Post a Throwback Thursday40. Post a Flashback Friday41. Share a Short Video Clip (Yours or one you like)42. Share a podcast episode you love43. Share a YouTube video you love44. Post some interesting stats or data about your industry45. Share your favorite resources (Apps, Websites, Blogs)46. Share a WIN or SUCCESS47. Share a LOSS or a FAILURE48. Share Your Morning Routine49. Post about events you’re hosting or going to50. Post where you’ll be speaking or where you’re making appearances51. Share an Unknown Feature About Your Products or Services52. Let Your Employee Take Over For a Day53. Show someone using your product54. Post a discount or a special offer55. Tell People How You Got Started56. Share What Inspired You To Create Your Product or Service57. Shoutout or Mention Other Brands58. Shoutout or Mention Your Clients59. Share a Success Story60. Share a Few Of Your Favorite Things61. Post a Fill In The Blank62. Talk about Mistakes People Are Making63. Share a Tweet You Like64. Share a Pinterest Pin You Like65. Share Your Other Social Profiles to Connect On66. Share Your Contact Info67. Post About A Trip You’ve Taken68. Share a Charity You’ve Partnered With69. Post About Something On Your Bucket List70. Ask Your Audience How They Found You Need a graphic to save? Pin this one below so you never run out of Post Ideas for Social Media.
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iseedeadpackets · 2 years
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Haven't been productive lately as I've been reorganizing my notes. I have literally decades of notes spread across Google Docs, Google Keep, mindmaps, TiddlyWikis, OneNote, and Trello, which isn't ideal. Furthermore, I'm not taking as many notes as I should be, because these solutions all have some drawbacks.
It's annoyed me that in 2023, with 30 years of the Internet, that our note/document solutions are designed to group information based on a system designed in the medieval times. I was promised the future of a paperless office. Why are we still organizing information to be printed? Just imagine the Internet without hyperlinks or hashtags.
Some solutions do attempt to organize hypertextually, but with drawbacks. I've actually discovered the limit of tags the Google Keep supports. Most wiki's are online only, except for Tiddly Wiki. However, I never liked having to save TiddlyWiki, or risk losing it by closing off the browser.
But with my recent ranting, people have pointed me to Obsidian, and after a week of using it I'm really enjoying it. It has many of the features I've been wanting. It's hypertextual, supports tagging, and offline.
While I could pay for Obsidian Sync to backup my notes to "the cloud," my current setup is using mirror the folder to Google Drive so I can access the notes on multiple systems, and back them up to my SeaFile store.
You may wonder why I care about it being offline if I'm just going to throw it onto Google Drive. Mainly its about control. I can choose if it goes onto the cloud, or which provider, and how much I'm paying. Also, I've worked in environments where we cant store sensitive notes online, so if I start using this for my work then offline becomes a critical feature.
My only complaint currently, is that I would like to select a note, and export not only that note, but any linked (or backlinked) note within 1-3 links. But another feature of Obsidian is that it supports plugins, and all the notes are stored in markdown files. So even if I find that no plugin supports what I'm looking for then I can easily develop my own solution.
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desirelovell · 2 months
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Project management tools have become indispensable in today’s fast-paced business environment. They help teams collaborate, manage tasks, and track progress efficiently. In this article, we will explore the top 5 project management tools, highlighting their creators, benefits, ease of use, subscription costs, additional features, and integration capabilities. We will also provide resources and tutorial links to help you get started.
Creator: Dustin Moskovitz and Justin Rosenstein
Founded: 2008
Website: Asana
User-Friendly Interface: Asana’s interface is intuitive and easy to navigate, making it ideal for both beginners and experienced users.
Task Management: Organize tasks with due dates, priority levels, and assignees.
Collaboration: Real-time collaboration with team members, including file sharing and comments.
Free Plan: Basic features for small teams.
Premium: $10.99/user/month – Advanced features like timeline, custom fields, and task dependencies.
Business: $24.99/user/month – Includes advanced integrations, workload management, and more.
Enterprise: Custom pricing for large organizations.
Timeline: Visualize project timelines with Gantt charts.
Automation: Automate repetitive tasks to save time.
Integration: Integrates with over 100 apps including Slack, Google Drive, and Microsoft Teams.
Tutorial: Asana YouTube Tutorial
User Guide: Asana Guide
Creator: Atlassian
Founded: 2011
Website: Trello
Kanban Boards: Visual task management with drag-and-drop cards.
Customization: Flexible boards, lists, and cards to suit any workflow.
Ease of Use: Simple setup with a minimal learning curve.
Free Plan: Basic boards, lists, and cards.
Business Class: $12.50/user/month – Advanced features like calendar view, custom backgrounds, and more.
Enterprise: Custom pricing – Enhanced security and admin controls.
Power-Ups: Enhance functionality with calendar, voting, and other power-ups.
Templates: Use pre-made templates for various project types.
Integration: Works with Slack, Google Drive, Dropbox, and more.
Tutorial: Trello YouTube Tutorial
User Guide: Trello Guide
Creator: Roy Mann and Eran Zinman
Founded: 2012
Website: Monday.com
Customizable Workflows: Tailor workflows to match your team’s needs.
Visual Project Tracking: Easily track progress with visual tools.
Collaboration: Real-time updates and communication.
Basic: $8/user/month – Basic features for managing tasks.
Standard: $10/user/month – Additional views and automations.
Pro: $16/user/month – Advanced features like time tracking.
Enterprise: Custom pricing – Enterprise-grade features.
Automations: Automate routine tasks.
Dashboards: Centralize data with customizable dashboards.
Integration: Integrates with Slack, Google Workspace, Zoom, and more.
Tutorial: Monday.com YouTube Tutorial
User Guide: Monday.com Guide
Creator: Zeb Evans
Founded: 2017
Website: ClickUp
All-In-One: Combines tasks, docs, goals, and chat in one place.
Customization: Highly customizable to fit various workflows.
Time Tracking: Built-in time tracking for better project management.
Free Plan: Basic features for personal use.
Unlimited: $5/user/month – Unlimited integrations and dashboards.
Business: $12/user/month – Advanced features like goals and portfolios.
Enterprise: Custom pricing – Enhanced security and custom solutions.
Templates: Pre-built templates for different project types.
Views: Multiple views including list, board, calendar, and Gantt.
Integration: Works with Slack, Google Drive, Trello, and more.
Tutorial: ClickUp YouTube Tutorial
User Guide: ClickUp Guide
Creator: Atlassian
Founded: 2002
Website: Jira
Agile Project Management: Ideal for software development teams.
Issue Tracking: Comprehensive issue and bug tracking.
Customizable Workflows: Tailor workflows to fit your project needs.
Free Plan: Basic features for up to 10 users.
Standard: $7/user/month – Advanced permissions and reporting.
Premium: $14/user/month – Advanced roadmaps and automation.
Enterprise: Custom pricing – Enterprise-grade security and support.
Roadmaps: Plan and track large projects with advanced roadmaps.
Automation: Automate repetitive tasks.
Integration: Works with over 3,000 apps including Slack, GitHub, and Confluence.
Tutorial: Jira YouTube Tutorial
User Guide: Jira Guide
Choosing the right project management tool can significantly enhance your team’s productivity and collaboration. Each of the tools mentioned above offers unique features and benefits tailored to different project needs. Whether you prefer the visual simplicity of Trello, the all-in-one approach of ClickUp, or the agile focus of Jira, there’s a tool that fits your workflow.
Comparison Chart: Compare Project Management Tools
Video Reviews: YouTube Reviews
Community Forums: Reddit Project Management
Stay updated with the latest in project management tools and tips:
Instagram: @ProjectTools
LinkedIn: Project Management Hub
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nanowrimo · 3 years
Organizational Writing Methods for Messy Minds
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Long-time Wrimo and soon-to-be published author Anna-Maria Ninnas is a Project Manager with a talent for organizing chaos into coherence. She has been test-driving software to find novel solutions for myriad rampant writerly woes and has put together this comprehensive overview to share some of her best technology-based tips with the community!
Sometimes, you need to put your creativity inside a box.
This couldn’t be more true for writers with a messy mind. The limitless possibilities of a blank page makes me freeze up. However, tell me to create a story out of the magnets on my fridge or using only Cards Against Humanity, and suddenly the limitations of these microcosms give me both a starting point and some rules to activate the brain’s problem-solving function. It takes a shelf to organize your stuff, and the same goes to your writing.
Which is why I love using digital tools and story progression ‘rules’ to find the right crooked mile to weaponize my hyper brain. Today, I’d like to share some of my tricks and digital workspaces with you.
For me, taming my buzzing brain always starts with Trello. I can just move the cards around, like I’m solving a puzzle, which is extremely satisfying and fun. By gamifying the untangling process, I find myself super focused with a visual aid for problem solving. It’s amazing for non-linear thinkers.
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Here we have Chapter 6 of my current manuscript, Chamomile. I began the first draft by dumping everything that happens or could happen in this chapter. Just go crazy! If you have more than one subplot going on, you'll love this. For me, Plot A is my young character Chamomile being at war with a vengeful straw doll. Plot B, the village is celebrating a wedding. Later I will ‘braid’ these two plots together, to have the paranormal events of Plot A ruin Plot B by all means possible.
When figuring out the flow, one of my favorite techniques is Therefore/However. It helps to figure the logic and flow of events step-by-step, ensure that consequence always follows, and dictate tension! Sometimes I’ll break the rule with more than one ‘therefore’ consequence, or a ‘meanwhile’ when intertwining a secondary subplot. Keep it as simple as cause-and-effect if you’re still trying to figure out how something could happen and why. Eventually, you’ll have an outline that might or might not look like mine:
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You can utilize colored labels for characters, section breaks, or even a green-yellow-red system for every card to track your passive, urgent and action voice.
But let’s say you’re editing or on a #JustFinishIt marathon. Well, your Google account already has all the tools to tame your focus in a single window.
Opening your blessed auto-saving Google Doc, by default you should find the holy trinity of organizing — Calendar, Keep, and Tasks.
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I love Keep for its simplicity. If I’m on the go and come up with the perfect line, find inspiration or remember a loophole to edit later, I whip out my phone, save, move on. I use labels only to separate my novels, occasional hashtags.
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The beauty of it is that you can use Keep while you’re in Docs. Since you’re guaranteed to get distracted, why not use it to your advantage by choosing what you’re distracted by — like scrolling your own notes in the sidebar instead of Pinterest! Scrolling social media is addicting because with so little movement we get infinite information, barely losing any calories — your brain loves the efficiency. Get addicted to your novel instead!
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The search tool is not the only benefit. You can cut-and-paste entire sections that ‘don’t work’, but you like and might adapt elsewhere. Slap them there for safekeeping. You can write down a plot bunny, a topic to research, an important reference to keep in mind for Chapter 23, a new idea or editorial notes. Multitasking is a breeze. Pin the notes you find most relevant right now to the top. Notes you create while in the Doc automatically tags it as ‘related’, so later in Keep you can filter notes related only to that one chapter — which is why I separate my chapters doc-by-doc!
Google Tasks are amazing for editing. You can make the checklist as you re-read after a break, a list for each chapter, so you can later go back and — oh yes — tick the boxes off one by one, knowing exactly what you’re doing, to fix loopholes and add missing elements.
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Last but not least is the simple genius of Calendar. If you have multiple plotlines, characters, or maybe even time-travel involved, then the overlapping schedules of Google Calendar—which, yes, you can drag and reorder—is gorgeous. Now, because all these methods are pick-and-choose on a need-to-untangle basis, I wasn’t using it in this chapter much. However, it did come to help when I was trying to figure out the time window just before Chamomile gets into trouble—again—when it was time to leave the bride home alone as a test of patience, to justify how she ended up babysitting instead. (Because you had to go into the storeroom in your wedding dress, Primrose, and now you have to wash the dress. What a convoluted way to break your ankle tonight before your wedding.)
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And this is just a recent, as-I-do-it example of some ways I handle my comprehension of my own story! Would you have adapted these tools differently? While it may look over-complicated to some, for me it’s the only way I can tame my head when 'sit down and write' sounds impossible, and I know I’m not alone.
There are many free and subscription apps you can use to organize your writing. Try them, make use of tech! Find your carton ‘box’ that’ll unleash your creativity and help you build forts. Once you discover how that beautiful mind of yours expresses itself and find an analogous method to translate it, trust me, your craft will bloom.
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Anna-Maria Ninnas studies anthropology and contemplates humanity through the lens of fiction. A project manager by vocation but extremely unorganized by nature, Anna-Maria tries to hack the art of writing with all sorts of cheats, methods and problem-solving techniques. You can read Anna-Maria’s tips for all the other chaotic creative minds on Medium. The novel Chamomile is coming out April 2022 no matter how messy or unfinished it is! Top photo by Ross Sneddon on Unsplash
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couteausuissedigital · 6 months
Couteau Suisse Digital - Titre: "Gestion de projet informatique: méthodes et outils pour réussir avec Couteau Suisse Digital"
Visiter CouteauSuisseDigital.com "BoosteTonPlaisir.com: Les méthodes et outils indispensables pour réussir votre gestion de projet informatique avec Couteau Suisse Digital" La gestion de projet informatique peut être un véritable casse-tête pour de nombreuses entreprises. Entre les délais à respecter, les budgets à gérer et les nombreuses parties prenantes impliquées, il n'est pas toujours facile de s'y retrouver. Heureusement, Couteau Suisse Digital est là pour vous aider à gérer efficacement vos projets avec BoosteTonPlaisir.com. Découvrez dès maintenant les méthodes et outils indispensables pour atteindre vos objectifs de manière optimale. Méthodes de gestion de projet: La première étape pour réussir votre gestion de projet informatique est de définir une méthodologie adaptée à vos besoins. Couteau Suisse Digital propose un large éventail de méthodes reconnues telles que la méthode Agile, Scrum, ou encore la méthode en V qui vous permettront de planifier, exécuter et contrôler votre projet de manière efficace et efficiente. Outils de gestion de projet: En plus des méthodes, il est essentiel de choisir les bons outils pour mener à bien votre projet informatique. Couteau Suisse Digital vous recommande des outils tels que Trello, Asana ou encore Jira pour faciliter la communication et la coordination entre les membres de l'équipe, ainsi que pour suivre l'avancement des tâches et évaluer la performance globale du projet. Pourquoi choisir Couteau Suisse Digital avec BoosteTonPlaisir.com? Au-delà des méthodes et des outils, Couteau Suisse Digital vous offre une approche complète pour une gestion de projet informatique réussie. Grâce à BoosteTonPlaisir.com, vous bénéficiez d'un accompagnement personnalisé par des experts du domaine, d'une planification détaillée et d'une analyse approfondie pour anticiper les éventuels risques et ajuster votre stratégie en conséquence. Promotion de BoosteTonPlaisir.com: N'attendez plus pour booster vos projets informatiques avec BoosteTonPlaisir.com et Couteau Suisse Digital ! Profitez d'un site de qualité pour une expérience utilisateur incroyable et d'un article complet sur les méthodes et outils de gestion de projet pour faire remonter votre site sur les moteurs de recherche. Utilisez les hashtags #GestionDeProjet #CouteauSuisseDigital #BoosteTonPlaisir pour être facilement repérés sur les réseaux sociaux et découvrez comment réussir vos projets informatiques en toute sérénité. Avec BoosteTonPlaisir.com, la réussite de vos projets est garantie ! Reserver un appel sur CouteauSuisseDigital.com ou consulter notre article Visiter CouteauSuisseDigital.com
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herotome · 3 years
Devlog #60
Hi-ho, Wudge here! Shorter update this week!
I actually took some time to relax - which is an incredible feat for me, a recovering workaholic. I did a little bit of writing for a future scene, but most of my time was spent on organizing.
I made a big to-do list of things I could work on this week. I took notes of various things I wanted to code and labelled them in trello.
And on a blog-running note, I made a new hashtag!
#herotome highlights
The highlights tag will generally exclude asks and devlogs (which already have their own tags). I've gone through and started tagging all my paintings, memes, and animated CG videos of the love interests - so you can use the tag to just look at all the pictures. :)
I'm hoping it will be useful for any for new visitors to the blog, so they can more accessibly to get to know the characters and my general sense of tone.
As such, I've added #herotome highlights to the TAGLIST, and fixed several of the links while I was at it - linking to hashtags is a tricky thing, especially when there are spaces and colons.
And ah, that's about it for now. See yall next week!
I hope you’re all staying safe and keeping warm.
Much love,
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alt--h · 3 years
Community initiative: Bring alterhumanity to Wikipedia!
Wikipedia is the single most consulted source of information on the internet. But have you looked at its article on otherkin? What do you think about it? Do you think it could be better? What about all the other alterhuman topics which don’t have articles at all?
We want you to help us improve the representation of alterhuman topics on Wikipedia, and therefore to the public in general.
And we’ve set up this project to do just that. By working together, we can:
 educate each other on how to make factual and useful edits to Wikipedia that won’t be removed, and back each other up when edits are challenged
pool our research resources, using different people’s memory of alterhuman history and access to material to build good sources
decide as a community which articles are worth our attention, what information is relevant, and how to write in ways that represent us fairly
combat the systemic bias that’s inherent to Wikipedia’s structure
How can you help?
We wrote this guide to give you an introduction to how Wikipedia operates, different tasks you can do, and how to do them.
Once you think you understand how it all works, check out the list of articles we're keeping an eye on and the project trello for specific things to do.
Then you can head to the #alth-projects channel in our Discord server or the project’s thread on the forum to let us know what you’ve accomplished! You can also suggest things to add to the to-do lists, get help with specific tasks, and just generally ask any questions or make any comments you might have.
You can also use the #AHWikiProject hashtag on social media to talk about this, share progress, tips, questions, and anything else!
We hope you’ll join us in making the internet’s favourite reference site a better ambassador for alterhumans!
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amaregamesdb · 3 years
September - October Update
WHHHAAAATTT It’s mid Oct.... WHOOOPS Yea So things have been busy haha. Lets get into it Site Work 
Spent a lot of time getting the AmareParTea Twitter bot up and running. This may not seem like site work but it was actually super helpful learning to work with the twitter API. I’ve been looking into ways to have update feeds for people that they can follow and people post to. So doing this allowed me to get a real insight it how API’s work and how I would be able to use it for the website. At this stage the AmareParTea Bot retweets any tweet that features #AmareGame, #AmareDev, #AmareTeaBreak hashtag so no matter the time if you tweet something with any of those it will be pushed out. The goal is to help players and dev’s find each other. There are already games I didn’t even know about showing up which is amazing!
Spent some time studying MetaData for the websites back end.
Updated the websites FAQ’s (Still a work in progress but better now) 
I feel like i didn’t make a huge amount of headway on the site this month because I have been really focusing on my studies. That being said all this additional learning and the Twitter Bot have really helped me understand code better and I’m a lot more confident I will be able to work out the sites kinks after I finish my next assessment! Personal
Things have been HECTIC with a capital HEC
Continued working full time (I’m a retail store manager) We are about to enter Christmas period after a lockdown so things are crazy trying to get people hired..
Had a full week work convention. 
Still in lockdown
Got my second Covid SHOT!!!
Passed my fourth assessment. 
Submitted 2 other assessments for Recognition of prior learning for my Event Certificate I was completing before Lockdown. 
Working hard on my final assessment this one is the big one!
Toggl shows that I did over 60+ of coding study last month for the website, twitter bot and my course. 
Got a chance to do a little bit of editing/beta testing which was nice. 
15+ hours of RPL assessment work.
Future Site Goals
The big ones that may take longer
Get the search function created and to work how I like.
Create my own User Profile Page that’s user friendly.
Have developer info and game info only editable by admin team or creator( Dev)
Smallish Goals
Have all the forms updated and submit data correctly.
Clean up the Trello Board to get a sense of what is left to do to get the site into a basic launchable model.
Rewrite shortcodes for the site as now I understand them better.
Start putting the site through some load tests and reaching out to more developers when the Dev user is done to add more info to the site before launch.
New Bug - Submission forms required submit to be clicked twice sometimes? Looking into the reason why.
Personal Goals
Finish my final assessment this month! FREEDOMM
Enjoy the spookytime even though we are in lockdown. MORE PUMPKINS MOREEEE
Round Up
This month felt very much like a tying loose end’s month. I got a lot of the little small tasks I need to do finished up as well as some of the bigger ones like my RPL Assessments.
I can not be wait to be done with my assessment and get back into the website work.
Hopefully next month I’ll have some more exciting news and pictures to share.
Thank you everyone for checking in! Stay safe everyone.
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simdaisies · 3 years
Do you have plans of sharing your save file?
Yes I plan to. Hopefully I'll be finished most of it this month... I'm looking at before the Cottage Living EP comes out, but I don't know. I may not have Mt. Komorebi done for the first round, but you can also check my hashtag #simdaisiesworld or visit my Trello board to see my progress.
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pitheinfinite · 4 years
Tumblr vs Telegram vs Trello
Since @pis3update​ temporarily shut down earlier this week, I have been trying to build another site on Telegram. Here’s what I have found so far:
Telegram: Channel vs Group
Telegram provides two kinds of services for developing a community: channel / group. A channel works like a feed where subscribers get notification while a group functions as a chatroom (like discord) where everyone can make post.  creators can drag their files to the app and make a post or forward one from their own channel.
Different workflows as cc-finds:
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Apparently, most simmers will remain on Tumblr, at least for the time being, so a cc-find channel is a better option. I tries several Bots (automatic tools developed by Telegram users) which should make a new post right after a new reblog is made on Pis3update. Unfortunately, there are some glitches during the process:
1. Format & Stability-
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Different Bots provide different formats & update rates. The right one is the standard template provided by most RSS bots. It’s stable with acceptable update frequency. The only problem is-all the embedded hyperlinks are gone. It only provide the link to the original tumblr post. That means the channel won’t be able to work as a real backup. 
The other two are from IFTTT bot, it’s the only bot so far that provides embedded download links, however, it’s not stable enough. As you can see, RSS subscription from Tumblr via IFTTT to Telegram fails multiple times, while Blogger(the backup blog) and Trello feeds work fine. 
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2. Hyperlinks-
I guess it’s the problematic hyperlinks again. The biggest issue with Telegram is it doesn’t allow the user to copy/paste messages containing any hyperlink. You have to edit the links manually. It’s really annoying.
3. Hashtags-
Telegram doesn’t allow “ “ “:” “-” to be used within a hashtag. That means even if I manage to have all the tags show up in the new posts (which seems to be out of reach atm), all the posts still need to be re-edited to replace with usable hashtags. 
4. Comment System-
Another problem is the comment system. I prefer the one Tumblr provide.  Telegram also allow the admin to add the comment button under each post, but it leads to a new page like this:
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You can see my experiment HERE (click “Preview channel,” no need to login) It’s a mess, ‘cause I haven’t found an ideal solution for all the problems above.  
You might have noticed Trello among the IFTTT services I used. As dear @gifappel-gloudi​ suggested, I tried to use Trello to manage the cc posts.  Trello does have some useful tools like chrome plugins:
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It can create a new card with the link on the corresponding list quickly. If you need to collect a large amount of web page from different sources, it could be of great help. Another option is to use IFTTT to subscribe a specific feed, ie. pis3update. Thus, your new card will have the content of the original post. Then you can move the new card to the right list, and create a classified catalog. 
Trello is a very powerful and user-friendly tool. I would recommend to use it for personal projects though. It still requires at least one admin to manage the board. I personally prefer to rely on automatic tools to reduce the workload as much as possible when it comes to cc update.  
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Both Telegram and Trello provide powerful tools for management, however, there remain issues to be fixed for us to transfer.  For the moment, I’ll regard Telegram as a contingent plan to go with the Blogger backup. The layout of a typical blog makes it easier to read and find cc. (The backup Blogger is closed atm, ‘cause I’m importing the Tumblr backup to replace the non-tagged old posts.) 
It’s undeniable that,compare to other social platforms, Tumblr has the best structure for a community like ours. It allows us to have our personal space and the ability to communicate with other simmers at the same time. We need to combine at least two social platforms to cover that up, like Blogger/Wordpress+Telegram/Twitter.
I really hope Tumblr could fix the systematic issues, maybe even expand the group chat service to the desktop front. Apparently we can’t follow every simmer, but with a group chat, we can reach out beyond our known contacts. I personally think it would be nice to have a common group for community update (events or significant news like “SFS is back online”, “DWP is done,” etc), instead of repetitive reblogging. (And maybe another group for sharing beautiful screenshots and edits. I’d love to run one if I have more time.)
Even though Telegram may not be our ideal home for now, but their team has been developing all kinds of functions. I’ll keep an eye on them. After all, they do have great bots, which I’m using to track creators who didn’t join the group blog project. With these bots and the New XKit, I can monitor cc update more efficiently than screening 200+ posts/day.  Working like a programmer for a week still pays off, I’d say. 
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