mayorwhisper · 3 months
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malewifesband · 3 months
laios has a really strong sense of justice and fairness and i think after a while of knowing kabru he would notice how kabru obsessively keeps notes of peoples behaviors and likes and histories but doesnt often get such attention in return (like he seems to try and keep most relationships shallow on his end, and not get too vulnerable unless he needs to), and i think to laios that would seem unfair like if he were putting so much himself, he would probably want everyone to do just as much for him. so i think he would take that burden on himself and put a kabru section of his personal monster encyclopedia im sure hes writing that says things like his birthday and that he likes tomatoes alongside odd shit only Laios would remark on like "always sneezes twice in a row. no theories yet. parasitic wasp connection?" or "top speed estimate: 28 kmph. impressive! need endurance data" and yes he is using these notes to make special gestures for kabru like kabru does for others, such as ensuring they have good tomatoes at the castle to eat and organizing a triatholon for kabru to compete in while laios writes down his endurance stats
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elmflowers · 1 year
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total-drama-takes · 1 year
tti elimination predictions
hook line and screamer - patrick. he’s gonna be scared as hell. on one hand i feel like he’s gonna stay inappropriately long but also he’s had his time to be flopcore girlfailure so idk.
wawanakwa gone wild - mclovin. he’s already overstaying his welcome if he’s in any longer than this point then ... man.... he and patrick could switch around tho
trial by tri-armed triatholon - max. maybe im just a max hater but once he and michael get their shit together then what reason does he have to be here really ?? also he would be shit at working with someone
haute camp-ture - realistically they’d vote ass out. if its a leshawna situation then i dont know maybe bonnie? im gonna put ass here tho i don’t think they’d get further than fifth (read: i dont want them to)
camp castaways - non elim. julia michael staci bonnie a solid final four i think, i could see any combination of them as finalists. julia’s starting to regret/processher own actions (noticing that ass treats her how she treated michael) so there’ll be development there and im hoping an apology of some sorts, michael’s processing her need to be Truly Seen^tm as an individual and i think there’ll probly be some development after that, staci has the whole figuring out who they really are apart from the staci kin thing and bonnie’s got the whole actually making friends and then going on without them thing
are we there yeti - honestly i think bonnie would be out here because i don’t think they have much left to do plot wise but i want them as a finalist so im saying michael lmao
i triple dog dare you - maybe it’s just because antags usually come third but i keel thinking julia will be out here. im thinking she’s been doubting her strategy and how she’s been treating people and after losing this challenge (esp if she gets teamed up on like heather did) she just loses it and apologises for everything. ithink thatd be nice. esp if michael is still in
the very last episode, really - listen i just think itd be so funny if staci won. so like yea staci first bonnie second
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appendingfic · 3 days
I will agree with the thesis of Under Paris that sharks loose in the Seine during a triatholon would be something of a problem though
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mazphir · 6 years
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Good Morning!!! #nike #pumashoes #nikeplusrunning #nikeplusrunclub #runbhopalrun #timex #timexironmanwatch #triatholon #iphone #photography #naturephotography #earlymorningrun (at Kaliyasot Dam) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bpnv8c4gYiU/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1imjgnx3026tr
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cari-rincker · 3 years
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About two years ago, #triatholon goddess @caitalexander wrote a beautiful post about the ying and yang of life. I still think about it to this day. 🔲 In the last two weeks, I have been reminded of this. 🔳 I’ve experienced the joy of life and the sadness of death in the family. And all the career success in the world means nothing when you are laying on a hospital bed worried about your own life and the life of your unborn child. And the highs and lows of opening your heart and loving another person. Both the pains and love/support that friends and family can bring to your life and how brittle some relationships can be. Professionally, I help people navigate nuptial unions and the devastation of #divorce and separation. Physically, I have felt in the past week how perfectly amazing and strong the human body can be while days later never feeling so weak as I try to restart #BBG @kayla_itsines @sweat (pretraining program). ⚫️⚪️ The lows make us appreciate the highs. The bad makes us appreciate the good. Hate makes us crave love. Dependency drives Independnece. Weakness makes us appreciate strength. And death reminds us how precious life really is. 🔘 Sometimes I wish life could just have the good without the bad, but I know that is part of the balance of the universe... (at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNhskFPFPVy/?igshid=28jz5ms4htk5
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nik-the-bik · 2 years
First day of spring and with that Sunday Stupidity Season is upon us
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bsaka7 · 3 years
remember when i thought i was going to run a marathon this fall. what was i on.
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chrisodonline · 4 years
They explained the hair.
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fearlessplatinums · 3 years
i know portorosso isnt real and thus the swim-pasta-bike triatholon isnt real but i just have to say i would absolutely BODY that shit. i would be SO amazing if that triathlon existed
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bxlldog · 4 years
i need everyone to leave so i can make lemon bars. my house now go run another triatholon
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soulgathered-a · 3 years
 @tenkoseiensei​ replied :  triple down and throw in hot pepper and mint for the ultimate triatholon power challenge
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“thanks, I didn’t know those should be added. is there something else I’ve overlooked?” ...he is sadly(?) quite trusting.
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sagesparrow394 · 4 years
Please go to @ts-unpopular-opinions. You will understand why people are mad, instead of getting the reasons *why* we are mad wrong.
That blog is actually what inspired me to make that post. I just looked through it again to respond to this ask.
The people who are frustrated because of Thomas’ “lesson learned” bit, I can understand. I mean, I do want to know when videos are coming and get updates on them in the future. Everyone does. I’d prefer to know dates and then find out about delays, than never get any idea when videos are going to drop.
But those people weren’t the ones my post was referring to.
In my initial post, I wasnt referring to that. I was referring to a couple other comments I saw, and the fact some people seem so viscerally furious, as if Thomas did something so much worse than say a video is going to be delayed for a bit.
There’s also people talking about how it’s been a horrible ten month wait. Which I don’t get. They’re talking like Sanders Asides never happened, which was another episode that needed to be written, filmed, edited, etc. Not to mention, we know the new episode contains animations, so some of that time would be down to Thomas needing to wait for outsider artists to do. And as I said in my first post, there’s a pandemic going on that’s going to make organising production of videos much harder.
I think people might be forgetting Sanders Sides isn’t the only thing Thomas makes. In that ‘ten month wait’ we got Sanders Asides, Recipe for Me, A Gay Disney Prince, Bloopers, various shorts, reacting to Tik Toks, the Halloween Triatholon, Reasons to Smile, Joystick Joyride, Stress to Impress, Real Or Fake Superheroes, Pride Month Q&A, and more. He was still working hard on content.
Thomas is just one man, and he has to organise a whole to team to make so much stuff. I just think a small subsect of people are being a bit hard on him.
Disclaimer: I am not trying to start an argument here. These are just my opinions, and I just want to state them. I also have nothing against @ts-unpopular-opinions. I actually think their blog is really cool, it’s good for people to be able to go there and share their thoughts if they’re too nervous to do so on their own blog. Even if I don’t agree with all the opinions stated there, it doesn’t make them any less valid, so keep doing what you’re doing. It’s awesome!
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appendingfic · 3 years
So we all know by now (because of the buzzkills who hate people celebrating queer themes in media) that Luca is based on the creator’s befriending a more outgoing boy during some summer a billion years ago.
But, and this is the important thing: THIS IS NOT THE STORY THAT THEY TOLD
If they made an animated movie about a shy boy who met a more outgoing boy and they became friends and (spoiler) won a triatholon which apparently involves eating pasta, I am 100% certain there would be much less of people talking about queer themes.
(There would still be shipping - I don’t think any force on earth can stop that)
But the inspiration matters less than the way in which the story was told.
The story was overlaid with a story about hiding your true identity, of communities that fear a population based on beliefs that said population is dangerous.
It involves a scene in which a boy is threatened with being sent to live with a distant relative - with a underlying suggestion that sufficient time may cause the boy to change in such a way that he is incapable of pursuing the life he had been exploring.
You cannot solely tell a story about fantasy creatures without people seeking an analogue to relate to them, and this story WILL relate to people who see the themes of the sea people’s existence in their own existence.
And you cannot add the themes that come with such fantasy creatures and retain the same character of any underlying inspiration.
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wwawanakwa · 5 years
in the original total drama island trailor its pretty easy to see that the ‘loner’ (red head gwen) and the ‘party guy’ (geoff) were going to be the ones who hooked up instead of gwen and the ‘normal guy’ (trent). 
It’s also obvious that geoff and trent were going to hate each other in this version. probably because they both liked gwen or something.
the episode where geoff and gwen bond (tri armed triatholon?? i think?) was probably going to be earlier in this hypothetical season and end with them hooking up.
Im glad they changed it tbh bc first of all, guys fighting over loner chicks usually dosnt happen in cartoons, and because gwent was actually written decently.
 I’ve already spoken abt geoff’s relationship with gwen, I think it was really cute and showed viewers that you can genuinely can be friends with people of a gender you are attracted to. You dont see that much in cartoons.
also part of trent’s personality is that he got along with everyone. He was completely cool and the idea that he’d be the middle of some dumb love triangle makes my brain hurt. (lol we’ve established that the TD cannot do love triangles well..)
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