#trines in astrology
estrellogy · 1 month
Astro Notes Pt. 3
I have a lot of thoughts and observations that I want to share 😭 If you have any recommendations, please let me know as well 🤍
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- People often see 7th house as their ideal partner, but YOU are meant to embrace traits of that sign for growth.
For example, a Libra rising will begin to see more personal growth after learning positive traits from Aries e.g. Being more assertive, believing in themselves instead of looking for others’ approval, putting themselves first, etc.
- This might be a controversial opinion, but I don’t think minor asteroids influence your chart. Asteroids like Bride, Groom, and other very specific ones. The interpretations for them can usually be found somewhere in your main placements already. It can make you over complicate your chart and feel even more disconnected with yourself because you don’t focus on your core energy.
Not every small detail about you has to be explained by astrology. At the end of the day, you’re a person with free will and complex experiences that shape you beyond astrology. This is just a tool, not a determiner of your life.
- Pluto in 5th house 🤝 destroying/deleting your creative works when they’re not up to your standards
- The difference between Venus/Pluto hard versus soft aspects is in their expression. They all are intense, magnetic, and obsessive to some degree. However, hard aspects have a harder time owning these traits so they tend to swing between extremes (e.g. total obsession and then indifference). The soft aspects are just as intense and can have the same toxic tendencies as the hard aspects, BUT they have an easier time accepting it as a part of them and seem more ‘stable’.
- 6th house placements are so overlooked! That’s literally the house of your health and daily life. I notice that when you work with your 6th house energy effectively, other areas of your life also improve.
It’s interesting that 6th house comes right before 7th house of relationships. In order to be in a relationship with someone else, you have to take good care of yourself first!
- Aries and Mars aspects (especially hard ones) can overpower other aspects in your chart until you learn how to master that energy and channel them into something productive
- Jupiter in 12th house used to be seen as negative. But I think Jupiter here is one of the luckiest placements to have. This is the placements of coincidences happening in their favors, things lining up in crazy ways, book falling off the shelf right at the page they need to read. Their experiences feel divine.
They are very connected to the Universe, Source, Spirit Guides, or whatever you believe in! Anyone can with practice, but these things come more naturally for them.
- Shoutout to my Virgo Venus and Capricorn Mars for being the only things that stop me from going off the rails 😍
- Saturn in 11th house often feel unloved by the people around them due to earlier experiences with rejection. Saturn is trying to teach them to unconditionally accept themselves. Also, those bad experiences teach them how to read people a lot better and spot the ones with bad intentions. The reward from Saturn will be genuine, solid, and loyal friendships/connections.
I’m so glad you guys enjoy these silly notes! I have a ton of fun making them 😭
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asstrolo · 15 days
astrology observations for sad people
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— the signs who I personally believe are really misunderstood by their peers are often capricorns and aquarius because of their saturnian tendencies where they become the mature, bigger person or are aloof of how they're presenting themselves, they always think they know better or people feel very intimidated by their personalities and, because people don't understand them, they alienate them,
— aries and scorpio as they are very intense, over confident people, other's might feel put-off by them, they can be very controlling and have a "I don't care" kind of personality that doesn't usually goes well with others, their ways of always trying to make themselves clear and understood causes the opposite effect, they are often misjudged as villainous or mean,
— geminis are also put in a place of having to know better, not given a chance or space to mess up as they are very intelligent people and show it, others might have big expectations which are often not met since they prefer to do what makes them happy and makes them curious, they tend to over-inflate themselves, or the opposite, and people take their words too seriously or not at all, very polarizing sign.
— a stellium in 4th can be super difficult to deal with, specially if it falls on not easy planets like mars, or saturn, uranus, or pluto. These people are always dragged back to their family issues no matter how much they try to escape, their parents maybe gave them too much responsibilities as little kids or vented to their child without thinking of the consequences, if these people ever decide to have a family they should always consider if they're doing it because they want to or because it is what's expected of them.
— chiron in social signs as gemini, aquarius and libra feel very alienated at all times, having social interactions is a learning experience for them, whether is good or bad, I also notice people usually get obsessed with them? They don't respect these people¡s space or it could be the other way around, to me is a placement where you'll learn to not be socially inept or teach people how to treat you right for some reason?
— saturn IS a complicated planet, it depends on the person's other planets and aspects how they deal with saturn, a person with moon conjuct saturn has a harder time dealing with their emotions than a capricorn moon. Even when the energies are similar, they don't have the same impact.
— now, a person with a capricornian stellium or dominant does deal with the saturn energy much comfortably than a person with sun trine saturn, because they were born with it. I personally believe you accommodate, or your aspects accommodate to you as you grow and evolve as a person.
— a pisces stellium, specially if is on moon or ascendants, is very perceptive to other's opinion on them, not in a superficial way but more on a "does this person thinks i'm being fair or mean?" Let's not forget the sister sign of Pisces is Virgo, so these signs also share the analytical or more neurotic way of seeing the world. A Pisces Rising is very self-aware of how they come off to people or how they are seen, they might not show it or say anything about it, a Pisces mercury might be self-conscious about how they approach others, how their voice sounds or how they come off when talking.
— I do believe leo's have a harder time being appreciated by people, as they devote to other's so easily they could neglect themselves in the process. Is the kind of person who is always looking out for someone to make happy or to make them feel comfortable because is something they want reciprocated. But this is a thing that can happen to fire signs a lot, they can be overbearing or too kind to people that it ends up backfiring on them, they have a very childlike mentally.
— is true what they say, a 12th house stellium in a natal chart makes the person passive and/or too in their own world, they have premonitions in dreams, but I've also seen these individuals have a really hard time with sleep, they have paranormal experiences a lot that some of them are used to it. They can be in some sort of medication, but not all, and not always these people are medicated or doing substances, they have an easier time to have out-of-body experiences, like lucid dreaming or sleep paralysis, these can occur because these people are super sensitive and get easily drained and stressed. Is important they are taking care of their energy at all times, I've met many that have one, two or more 12th house placement where I've found out some other person has been doing some sort of witchcraft on them, or have a big negative energy that this 12th houser sucks accidentally.
— having a mercurial dominant or rising can be super difficult when it comes to feeling, they tend to rationalize everything too much, are easily distracted and indulgent, they are very, very anxious at all times on all situations, even if they show otherwise. they overthink things too much, are the kind to be incredibly self-aware or completely out of touch with themselves.
— the ascendant aspecting negatively the mercury gives the individual speech impediment or a very shy personality, an almost inaudible voice or a raspy one, people with this placement have a harder time getting their thoughts across, or people might misinterpret them.
— keeping the conversation going, mercury negatively aspecting saturn makes a shy and reserved person, someone who, as a kid or a teen, has problems with being heard, or people simply didn't care or asked for this person's opinions, they might had been very codependent on an adult or somebody else to talk or to get to be seen, as they grow older they learn to communicate rather excellently, they might want to treat their shyness or whatever problem they have with unwanted attention or negligence
— neptune in personal houses like the 1st, 7th, 4th or 10th is really tricky. you might ignore gut feelings bout certain individuals, or on the contrary, believe someone is good when they aren't. these people can be their own worst enemies as they are super perceptive of how they come across to others, or how others make them feel.
— neptune in the 1st is common on actors and models and singers, usually on famous people, because they can create a fantasy of how they want people to see them, or act like chameleons around people, this creates a series of identity crisis during their lives.
— neptune in 7th is prone to feel things that really aren't there? they convince themselves somebody hates them or likes them for just one interaction, these individuals are like a sponge in social situations and they take everything somebody tells them to the heart. they also are known to lie a lot to people on behalf of good manners, they like to be liked.
— neptune in 4th house has a really confusing or unclear family situation, they might adopt the role of the parent when they shouldn't, or are treated as a child even as an adult, something in their family, in what they think is normal growing up, isn't. the most likely to stay in a bad situation for many, many years because they don't know any better, or think it's normal.
— neptune in 10th, although it deals with fame and impersonal relationships, to me, is just as fundamental as the houses listed above. they don't see themselves through their own eyes, or feel like they depend on other's perceptions on themselves too much, they are confident, or pretend it really well. these individuals know how to act the part, how to commit to the bit, they never feel that sense of belonging anywhere, because they might show different parts of their personalities to different people
— for me, the hardest moons to have are capricorn, scorpio and virgo.
— capricorn moon is a strictly analytical sign, they don't feel comfortable in the moon as is where the emotions and insecurities shine the most.
— scorpio moon is a very intense sign, as opposite to the Capricorn, they can be super emotional, or completely numb, very extremist and their emotions are black or white, polarizing.
— virgo moon is extremely difficult, they don't like to have to feel things, they like to think and act with precaution and it's hard for them to let their emotions slip, the kind of friend who'd have the most practical advice to all sort of topics, a helpful hand in all situations, but when it comes to them as individuals, they let themselves be too much, their head is always at a thousand percent. From what I've gathered of this moon is that, yes, they are neurotic when it comes to certain things, but completely careless to others, and it's usually to themselves, you won't ever see a Virgo moon misbehave or dress bad, but they can hold a lot of suppressed shame or anger or sadness, like they tie it with a bow in a box and keep it locked.
— lastly, no aspect or moon or sign is bad, they are just more difficult than others, there are people with easy aspects, like sun sextile or trine jupiter, they are prone to idealization and inferiority complexes. it's true that a person that has the harmonious aspects is lazier or gets unmotivated way easier. nothing is really set in stone, you can have a moon conjunct saturn and a cancer mercury in 9th house, your way of expressing yourself is more reserved, but optimistic and even childlike. when it comes to astrology, every single aspect and sign, and house counts to describe a person.
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vivmaek · 7 months
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This was originally going to be another roast. But tbh, my heart has been feeling heavy the past few months. I'm sure some of you can relate, especially with all the events currently occurring in our world. So, I decided to focus on what I love most about certain placements in an effort to spread a little positivity.
✿ Aries Moons stand up and fight for the people they care about. They won’t let their friends be belittled within their presence, they have your back. They’re the first to speak out on injustice and will take action to make things right. 
❀ People who have Gemini in the 8th house ask questions that matter. They invoke deep thoughts within other people and are unafraid to explore topics that are uncomfortable or taboo. 
✿ Those who have a Moon Sextile Venus aspect know how to make others feel loved. They pay attention to their loved ones, and give each and every one of them the special attention that they deserve. These people are relationship builders. 
❀ Libra Venus, how does it feel to be god's favorite? These types invoke good feelings in other people. They’re so sweet and have hearts of gold. Good friends and romantic companionships are easy for them to find because their affection comes from a place of authenticity. 
✿ People with Saturn in the 7th house wait for what's right for them. They take their commitments seriously and don’t play around with people's feelings. They respect their romantic partners. Their firm boundaries lead to successful relationships. 
❀ Walking earth angels have a Sun trine Neptune aspect. They have a divine presence and they don’t get tied up within their own ego. People look to them for spiritual guidance. They uplift the souls of others. 
✿ Aquarius Mercurys aren’t afraid to evoke controversy. Sometimes this is needed in the world. If there's an elephant in the room, they’ll point out the obvious. They formulate their own unique thoughts, and are not easily influenced. 
❀ People who have their Moon placed within the 4th house know how to make a home. As someone who was raised by a person with this placement, I truly reaped the benefits of this. They keep family traditions alive, or even start new ones. They understand the importance of family and act as the glue that holds everything together. 
✿ Those who have a Uranus trine Ascendant aspect make life more interesting. Without them, the world would be a boring place. There is no one like them, and they cannot be replaced. Their quirky nature is endearing. They are such a breath of fresh air. 
❀ Taurus Mercurys are so level headed that it has a calming effect upon the people who surround them. They take things slow and are not quick to jump to conclusions. Within group projects or endeavors, they are at the heart of it. People can depend on them. 
✿ People who have Uranus in the 10th house prove to others that you can lead an unconventional life and still find success. They don’t follow the rules, and don’t rely on tradition for stability. They inspire others through their free spirit. 
❀ When someone has a Venus sextile Saturn aspect within their birth chart, they make relationships that last a lifetime. These people are loyal friends and they know how to maintain the longevity of a relationship. They show up for people when needed and they never make a promise that they can’t keep. 
✿ People with a Gemini Venus teach other people how to have fun within relationships. They love innocently and there are no strings attached. They make their friends and loved ones feel like a kid again when in their presence. Their lighthearted approach to love is comedic, they live life as if it were a rom-com. 
❀ Cancer 1st housers are quiet leaders. They approach life with a healthy level of confidence. As a leader, they still treat their subordinates with the respect they deserve. They don’t forget about the little people, and are attentive to people who are struggling. 
✿ A Saturn trine Neptune aspect allows the native to grow significantly when faced with opposition and challenge. They understand the importance of spiritual lessons, and go out of their way to right their wrongs. They don’t lose sight of what they’re working towards, and won’t lose their sense of morality once they achieve success. 
❀ Libra Moons remind people how important it is to incorporate pleasure into life. Working hard means nothing if you don’t stop and appreciate the benefits you’ve gained. Having an appreciation for the little things doesn't mean they’re materialistic. 
✿ Uranus 7th houses maintain independence within relationships and don’t lose sight of who they are. They are not going to change who they are just so a relationship can function. They march to the beat of their own drum, you can dance to the music or move along. 
❀ People with a Mercury trine Ascendant aspect bring humor into this world. Of course, they’re incredibly smart and their academic skills are impressive. However, they still don’t take themselves too seriously and are full of witty remarks. They share the best memes and are always in the know. 
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starmosaics · 1 month
Moon-Mars synastry
Moon-Mars aspect might be one of my favorites in synastry (especially the trine, sometimes the conjunction) when both people (but especially mars) are emotionally mature and are good at communicating. Both people are intensely involved with one another. There's likely an incredibly strong physical attraction towards one another to the point where when they do finally come together, they can't keep their hands off of each other. Their connection can become pretty sensual. It is likely the mars person feels for the moon intensely at first, but doesn't want to scare the moon person off with how much they desire them so they wait until they show receptivity. Mars person always wants to be touching or to be near the moon person and the moon person secretly loves it. The moon person is incredibly magnetizing to the mars person, and the moon person is super attracted to how the mars person asserts themselves. They love how the mars person takes initiative in the relationship and feels pretty inclined to quickly accept and respond to the mars person's gestures. Mars person can put a lot of effort in to satisfy the moon person on multiple levels and are super protective of them. There's an incredible amount of passion shared between each other and the sex is primal, erotic and steamy. This connection is all-consuming and both are irresistible to one another once a relationship is formed.
On the flip side, a common challenge between the two is that during arguments/disagreements, the mars person can be incredibly short with the moon person and/or stonewall them by not telling them what the problem is. Mars person needs to understand that it's not them vs the moon person when in arguments/disagreements and that there's no need to be overly defensive. Mars person also needs to be mindful of how they respond (or lack-thereof) to the moon because the moon person will often take things to heart. Moon person can end up internalizing a lot within the relationship if the mars person doesn't properly communicate. Moon person can be quite reactive toward the mars person; especially towards their actions. The moon is the most vulnerable placement in our charts and because of that, the moon person can become easily wounded with mars' coercive nature. Mars is keen and precise and knows how to push the moon person's buttons. If not mindful, the mars person can initiate petty little arguments on an almost daily-basis. Mars needs to understand that they can easily impact the moon person's emotional security and that there's risk for creating emotional turmoil.
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botanicalsword · 2 months
Mars ▸ and their cup of tea ☼
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Mars in Aries - Prefers independent, outgoing, proactive, and straightforward people
Mars in Taurus - Likes practical, hardworking, financially stable, responsible, and dependable types
Mars in Gemini - Enjoys good communication skills, a sense of humor, exploring new things, and interacting with others
Mars in Cancer - Appreciates caring, gentle, considerate, and emotionally nurturing people
Mars in Leo - Is attracted to those who possess overall strength, leadership abilities, generosity, confidence, and strong capabilities
Mars in Virgo - Prefers those who are low-key, good at planning, skilled in communication, detail-oriented, and neat and tidy
Mars in Libra - Likes those who are charming, good at interpersonal relationships, pay attention to appearance, polite, and value companionship
Mars in Scorpio - Appears aloof and distant but is passionate, sensitive, protective, and may have a habit of exercising
Mars in Sagittarius - Is attracted to lively, humorous, easygoing individuals with a habit of exercising, appreciate intellectual depth, willingness to accompany growth, travel, and explore the world
Mars in Capricorn - Prefers people with ambition, leadership skills, good at planning, and willing to shoulder responsibilities, possess certain financial resources or potential
Mars in Aquarius - Has their own ideas and viewpoints, doesn't follow the crowd, may give an impression of aloofness and coldness, like intelligent people and often attracted to tall person
Mars in Pisces - Appreciates sensitivity, emphasis on ambiance and ritual, gentle outward appearance, and the ability to share a deep connection
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hausofneptune · 2 months
✾ persona chart series ✾ venus
[astro notes no. 011]
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this one accidentally ended up being extremely detailed and a bit longer than my usual posts, but i wanted to make sure i brought up how these aspects/placements can manifest in terms of creativity and finances since those characteristics of venus are rarely ever acknowledged. these notes/observations are all relative to the placements in one's venus persona chart, not the natal chart. as always, energy manifests differently for everyone, so if it don't apply, let it fly.
the venus persona chart is representative of your love nature, creativity/aesthetic, and money. it's indicative of how you show up in relationships, how you express yourself creatively, and have you approach and navigate your finances. click here to calculate your persona charts!
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༄ ascendant in leo can manifest as being perceived as a partner who carries themselves with an air of self-assurance, and typically indicates someone who's drawn towards "power couple" types of relationships
↝ these natives tend to place a lot of value upon how their relationships are viewed by others. they usually seek out partners that complement them and their lifestyles, and may even go as far as viewing their partners as extensions of themselves, for better or for worse
↝ in relationships, they seek out people that they feel they can build powerful, stable connections with. they crave a partnership with a balance between individuality and collaboration.
↝ they also have an allure about them that draws others in. they can come off as youthful and childlike in romance, as well as in terms of their of appearance and behavior.
↝ these natives can also excel as artists and business owners/positions of leadership, and could even find financial success through their creative endeavors
༄ mercury in the 7H is indicative of valuing mental compatibility in relationships, and being drawn towards people who can speak through their feelings and navigate challenges in a collected, fair manner
↝ these natives typically want to be intellectually stimulated by their partners, and may enjoy learning with them or from them as well.
↝ they may be very big on manners and be turned off by any impolite or rude behavior demonstrated by a romantic interest, as these natives tend to want a partner that carries themselves in a way that is favored by others
↝ this is another placement that can excel in business, specifically, they may have innate skills related to legality/contracts and partnerships. this can also indicate a natural talent or gift for creative writing or singing
༄ venus in pisces indicates someone who has an underlying dreamy, potentially unattainable approach to love and romance
↝ these natives can be hopeless romantics at heart, and may feel a sense of being all-encompassed by their love for their partners/crushes at times
↝ they can come across as ethereal or otherworldly to others. they also tend to be very artistic and express themselves in a way that is viewed as “poetic”
↝ falling in love for them can feel like a “movie” at times, they can feel devoted to their lover and deeply romanticize the connection they have with one another
↝ attraction is usually less physical and more emotional, as these natives tend to crave a spiritual, more soulful bond in their relationships. these are also the types who could gravitate towards people they want to heal or “fix” at times
↝ they may have to work towards not viewing their partner/relationship through rose-colored lenses, as well as practicing communication and instilling boundaries
༄ moon in capricorn can indicate a prioritization of stability and structure in one’s relationships
↝ this placement can manifest as there being some form of emotional distance between the native and their partners. they may either take the role as the “colder” person in their relationship, and/or be drawn to people who are emotionally avoidant in nature
↝ they can carry and express themselves in a way that is perceived as mature and poised. they're typically not spontaneous in love, they can be picky and take a while to find a partner and settle down
↝ they tend to be very keen on giving and receiving acts of service as they're usually not very big on grand, stereotypical displays of love
↝ these natives can also do very well in leadership positions, having a stable foundation in terms of both their home lives and careers is of great importance to them, and they may find discomfort in impulsive situations/relationships
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༄ sun conjunct moon grants the native with an innate passionate, nurturing approach to love
↝ these natives are typically very proactive and deeply committed in their relationships. they have an intuitive nature that aids them in recognizing and understanding their partners needs instinctively
↝ people with this placement tend to be very attractive and charming. others tend to be drawn to them due to the captivating energy that they emanate
↝ this is another aspect that can indicate artistic talents, they can be extremely dedicated to their craft and are also driven enough to achieve any creative goals they set for themselves
↝ they may also need to work towards being more objective at times, as these natives have a tendency to rely on their gut instincts and may struggle with knowing when to operate evenhandedly instead of emotionally
༄ mercury square mars can indicate having extremely quick judgement. there can an overly-combative atmosphere to one's romantic relationships
↝ these natives may struggle with not thinking over their thoughts and feelings before communicating them, which can lead to conflict between themselves and their partner
↝ they may also encounter power struggles in their relationships, as they tend to assert themselves in a way that can trigger their partners, whether intentional or not. this can also result in a sense of control over one's personal/artistic expression that may hinder their skills and capabilities
↝ with the evolved version of this aspect, the native will display restraint and approach their thoughts from a more mindful perspective. once these skills are developed, their innate driven nature paired with their calculated communication skills can lead to success in both their relationships, creativity, and finances
༄ saturn in the 10H can manifest as matters related to one’s career or public-facing identity playing a significant role in their relationships
↝ there may be difficulty in finding a life-work balance that affects how these natives can show up for their partners, and they may feel some form of pressure to adequately show up for one or the other
↝ with this aspect, the father, or any prominent authority figure in youth, may have a significant impact on how they view and navigate relationships
↝ this can also indicate being attracted to a partner that excels in their own personal career and is highly favored by the public. they themselves may feel as though they cannot show up in relationships earnestly if matters related to their profession aren’t in order
↝ in youth specifically, they may have struggled with feeling pressure or restriction surrounding their creative output. with age, they may find that they are often rewarded (even financially) when exercising their artistic talents, despite the insecurity they may have
༄ ascendant trine pluto indicates having extremely captivating (potentially sensual or “dark”) energy that draws others in
↝ these natives can go through many changes physically or feel inclined to change their appearance frequently. they can also experience constant rebirth in relation to their identity, and may feel as though they’ve “lived many lives” in a sense
↝ they tend to be very passionate in love, a characteristic that their partners are captivated by. due to their spiritual nature, the people these natives attract may also find ease in being vulnerable around them and expressing their fears/secrets. they're also usually heavily intuitive and naturally gifted at reading a room and everyone it
↝ the native's eyes tend to be a very prominent physical feature as well, others may feel enchanted by their gaze.
↝ they can also encounter themes of control in their relationships, creative output, and finances. they can frequently encounter situations where they instinctively want to fight for control, and/or attract people that attempt to control them
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༄ sun in the 6H typically manifests as themes related to the native's lifestyle and routine having a significant impact their relationships (and vice versa)
↝ those with this placement are usually the types who take on the role of caretaker in their relationships, and overall enjoy being of service to their partner as well as having that energy reciprocated. they could also have a pet (or multiple pets) that they care for with their partners.
↝ these natives could also enjoy having partners that they share similar habits with, and want to set goals related to their health/wellness or their work. they may also do well quite literally working together, whether that be in terms of running a business or simply having a productive, motivating bond with one another
↝ this can also show up being extremely dedicated to one's creative endeavors. they could have a very organized approach to their artistic expression, and even gain financially through their endeavors
༄ venus square pluto can indicate having a romantic life that is marked by intense power struggles
↝ these natives are usually characterized by their intensity in love, they can come off as seductive and magnetic, but there's usually an underlying "darkness" that hides in their allure. they're usually exceptionally skilled artists as well, whatever their craft may be, and tend to have a knack for being able to recognize peoples' weaknesses
↝ they can encounter themes of controlling, jealous, manipulative and potentially unhealthy behavior in their relationships. they themselves may demonstrate these characteristics, and/or be drawn to people who behave this way towards them (consciously or subconsciously)
↝ per pluto's influence, these natives will experience a breaking point where they either choose to keep this inner intensity concealed, or they liberate themselves from their false sense of control
↝ the evolved state of this aspect would look like someone who shows up in relationships in a productive, healthy way, as well as having the wherewithal to know when it's time to step away from what's no longer serving them
༄ moon trine jupiter manifests as being characterized as a very benevolent, nurturing lover
↝ there's usually a "warmth" that these natives emanate. they're usually very positive in nature, and a source of inspiration for their partners. they tend to have a very big imagination and a sense of wanderlust that their romantic interests admire about them
↝ those around them may find them to be sweet and engaging individuals and in turn be very drawn to their energy. this can lead to great creative/financial opportunities, but boundaries should be exercised as their giving nature can attract those with negative intentions
↝ these natives can also be very spiritual or religious and be drawn towards partners that they share similar beliefs with. their outlook on life and personal philosophies could play a big role in how they emotionally connect with their partners, and they could also feel called to express their passion through their artistic talents
༄ venus in the 8H is indicative of encountering constant calls for transformation or rebirth in one's relationships
↝ these natives usually find that their partners lead them to some form of personal or spiritual evolution. they may also gain money or gifts through their relationships, and tend to luck out at times in regards to their finances
↝ this can also be indicative of being drawn towards partners that the native has to "figure out" in some way shape or form. they enjoy exploring the mind and psyche of their partner, and typically strive to fortify a connection with them that is very deep and spiritual
↝ they can also be very passionate about taboo topics such as sex or death, and dedicate themselves to exploring the darker side of life through their creativity. they may also be drawn to darker aesthetics, or have an air about them that is mystifying and intrigues others
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astrolovecosmos · 18 days
*Pluto Natal Aspect Snippets*
Sun Trine Pluto: May be charismatic, influential, magnetic, and highly perceptive. They can easily read and intimidate, persuade, or manipulate others. They can handle pressure and change well, believing what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. While the trine aspect is generally harmonious, the connection between the Sun and Pluto can sometimes lead to a tendency towards being overly intense, obsessive, overbearing, or controlling.
Sun Opposite Pluto: May struggle with their darker side often, especially obsessive and compulsive behaviors. They may deal with a lot of power struggles in life, feeling like they always have to defend and fight for themselves. But they can develop sharp intuition, self-awareness, and inner power.
Sun Square Pluto: May deal with a lot of tension and conflicts with others in life. Others may find them to be too intense, intimidating, mysterious/private, or others may be jealous of their authenticity, passion, or depth. They may feel like others are always out to one up them, control them, or put them down. HOWEVER they must also mind a possible paranoid side. The tension between the need for self-expression (Sun) and the deep, transformative energy of Pluto can lead to obsessive thoughts and behaviors. A positive to this aspect is these individuals do not fear their shadows or the skeletons in their closet. They may be brave, strong-willed, and always willing to grow.
Moon Trine Pluto: This can be a highly deep and intuitive individual. At a young age they learn how to sooth and heal themselves and can act as a great healer or guide for others. But their emotions are intense and they can be highly controlling towards their closest loved ones.
Moon Opposite Pluto: May easily overreact, is hypersensitive, volatile, and can easily drain themselves or others emotionally. Can fall into relationships that have a lot of hidden tension, leading to feelings of resentment, manipulation, or emotional blackmail. Over time they can have a great understanding of their emotional landscape and the ability to transform their vulnerabilities into sources of strength and wisdom.
Moon Square Pluto: Could be a highly manipulative individual. Can find themselves caught in a cycle of emotional highs and lows, frequently feeling consumed by their own intensity and drowning. This can lead to a sense of inner turmoil and difficulty in maintaining emotional balance, often resulting in stress and anxiety. Can grow to be emotionally strong and very self-aware.
Mercury Trine Pluto: Likely a deep, insightful, perceptive, and investigative person. They have a love for researching and analyzing subjects in depth. Could become a master of a subject. Can be a passionate teacher/professor. But this aspect is famous for becoming too obsessed with a subject or obtaining knowledge to their detriment.
Mercury Opposite Pluto: May be combative or competitive in their communication style. Could try to "dominate" conversations. Can easily misunderstand others or become misunderstood. May be plagued by paranoia at times. Can easily mistrust others. They likely learned to trust their intuition at a young age and may heavily rely on it. They may have a talent for always getting to the heart of an issue.
Mercury Square Pluto: Can be stubborn in their opinions and have an all-or-nothing mentality. Can overlook what is important by jumping to conclusions or being preoccupied with finding hidden meanings or uncovering perceived deceptions. But they mentally approach the world with a lot of depth and sensitivity. They notice what others don't and some can be a good judge of character.
Venus Trine Pluto: Intense and passionate in their relationships but in a way that is magnetic, sexy, and maybe commanding. It's a great aspect for deepening intimacy and fostering meaningful growth in relationships. But those with this placement can become unchanging or controlling in their relationships too. Their attachments may usually be harmonious or loving but they can also be extremely strong.
Venus Opposite Pluto: There can be intense emotional power struggles in relationships. There can also be profound transformations or challenges in many of your relationships that lead to empowerment and self-mastery.
Venus Square Pluto: Associated with control, power dynamics, jealousy, and possessiveness in relationships. Needs to learn to manage their own intensity when it gets out of control or unhealthy. Or may need to learn how to listen to themselves more in relationships, follow their intuition/heart.
Mars Trine Pluto: Is a focused, passionate, magnetic, and inspiring or leading individual. They have a lot of confidence with heat, power, and determination to back up their confidence. But they can have an overpowering side to themselves that causes friction with others or gets them wrapped up in competition or conflict.
Mars Opposite Pluto: May be a ruthless individual who is out for conflict, finding it to be stimulating, to feed their ego, or to feed their hungry drive. Can be self-destructive and reckless. May be manipulative or controlling and really struggle with collaboration and cooperation. They can have a lot of willpower and endurance.
Mars Square Pluto: May be aggressive, forceful, could frequently and quickly escalate situations. May push others away from being close to them. But may be a survivor in life, someone who has to empower themselves often. They might be a very strong individual on many levels. Must learn to open up and find peace in their own way.
Jupiter Trine Pluto: A whole lot of inner strength. This aspect fosters a deep sense of purpose and the ability to influence and inspire others, making it easier to effect positive change on a larger scale. However their intense drive for success and transformation can sometimes lead to an obsession with power or control, potentially causing strain in personal or professional relationships.
Jupiter Opposite Pluto: Can indicate someone who deals with a lot of explosive power struggles in life. May be manipulative or power hungry themselves. Can give into obsession and extreme behavior of all types. Has a great ability to empower themselves by facing their inner demons head on.
Jupiter Square Pluto: May be a dogmatic, closed-minded, judgmental, and overly harsh person, especially in their beliefs. A desire for control may manifest through philosophies or religion somehow. But this person can have a lot of determination and depending on their ethics may be a great force to change the world around them for the better.
Saturn Trine Pluto: Makes individuals perceptive, hardworking, diligent, strong, and determined. We have two powerful planets working together. Pluto brings depth, destruction, healing, transformation, empowerment. Saturn brings wisdom, maturity, strategy, lessons, and realism. They can be blessed with self-mastery and a strong, effective willpower. But they may be overly serious, negative, or controlling, and easily stressed.
Saturn Opposite Pluto: May struggle with inner power struggles. They may swing from intense confidence to crippling anxiety or self-doubt. Can easily feel overwhelmed or restricted by responsibilities and limitations, resulting in periods of frustration and potential burnout. These individuals will likely experience many profound transformations in their life. Introspection and honing their intuition will be helpful to them.
Saturn Square Pluto: May feel like they never have enough control or power over their life. Leaving their comfort zone, sticking to discipline or a routine, inner authority, independence, and ultimately empowerment may seem extra hard for them. But they can learn to be resourceful, perceptive, and enduring over time. They may find empowerment in unexpected ways.
Uranus Trine Pluto: May be highly unconventional, radical, or revolutionary in their mindset and goals. They can navigate big changes in society or historical events a little easier than others. They are open-minded to the future and can be adaptable and enduring. However they can get obsessive with some of their ideas and opinions. May also not see the value in older structures or traditions. May not learn from past mistakes of others.
Uranus Opposite Pluto: A tornado within and chaos outside - these people are likely very familiar with instability in life. They can also struggle to deal with sudden changes whether they are burnt out from many upheavals in their life or have experienced events that cause them to fear change. Internally they may have a tug-of-war between the desire for freedom and the need for control, leading to feelings of being torn between competing priorities. However this placement can learn to embrace authenticity in themselves and others, they may be passionately honest, and can find hope in the future.
Uranus Square Pluto: May be use to power struggles throughout life, especially in terms of them trying to be more individualistic, independent, or moving forward with change and adaptability. Can encourage others to be rebellious, despite this square's challenges they can have a rebel heart themselves.
Neptune Trine Pluto: This aspect fosters profound spiritual growth and transformation, allowing individuals to deeply connect with their inner selves and pursue meaningful, soul-enriching experiences. They are likely highly intuitive, may be prone to intense dreams, and has a knack for digging up the truth or is a natural healer. However they can be highly unpractical and may neglect the more day-to-day needs and demands of life.
Neptune Opposite Pluto: This aspect can lead to intense inner turmoil and confusion, as individuals may struggle to reconcile their deepest fears and desires with their idealistic visions, resulting in periods of uncertainty and emotional instability. They may be very familiar with deception and betrayal. They can have a great capacity for self-awareness, healing deep wounds, and finding empowerment in soft or spiritual ways.
Neptune Square Pluto (2050s - 2070s): May face a lot of disillusionment in life, both in belief systems and people. "Don't meet your heroes" is an important message for this placement. Has susceptibility to deception or escapism, as individuals may struggle to see situations clearly and might resort to avoidance or denial when faced with harsh realities. They can grow to have a lot of psychological depth and insight.
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ancientgoddessofegypt · 5 months
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Venus Conjunct Pluto - Had any stalkers? Do you live your life by your own means? Have you had anyone spill out the secrets because they couldnt control you? Where you the person that called all the shots? Have anyone ever came out and told you they were jealous/envious? Or were you able to find this out by just observing?
Venus Trine Pluto - How deep is your love? Have people told you how much you've healed or changed them? Have you noticed your lovers where different after the break up?
For both venus/pluto placements - How many lives have you changed? No seriously. How many people have thought of you as someone who was apart of some transformation in their life?
Lilith in Sagittarius - Have people tried to control you when all you wanted to do was have fun? Do you consider yourself a wild child? Hows your love life? Are you interested in different relationship dynamics ? For example polyamory or open relationships? Has anyone tried to make you consider it?
Venus in the 3rd house - Do you have a sweet voice ? Do people get turned on by just being next to you? Are you a travel buddy? Go alone?
Mars in the 1st/7th - How many people have tried to fight you, then later on you found out they wanted to fuck? Are you charming or considered yourself to be?
Mars in libra - Do people tend to think your passive aggressive, when really you're just not into arguing? Are you interested in orders but dont know how to flirt with them, because they'll take it the wrong way? Do you think your sex appeal is up the roof?
Jupiter in the first house - Are you lucky? Or consider yourself to be? Are you optimistic ? Is things just falling into your lap? Do you have a big sexual appetite? Are you considered a 'player' or someone who can love more than one person? Because you typically can be an individual who gets a lot of options with this placement, people just like you and flaunt to you.
Venus and/or 8th house moons - Are you an open book , yes or no? Do people tell you thinks about their sex life unprovoked, or do you do it?
For the 8th house moons - Do you guys tend to be known as manipulative to some people, and kind and friendly to others? Like could you agree that your relationships with others can be quite polarizing? While some may think you one way, others may look to you in another n could be pretty conflicting.
For both placements - How much have you gotten away with? seriously. you little foxes ;) Do people not see the real you even when you show them all of who you are, even if it hurts?
Lets get into it! Comment below babes!
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safiredreams · 7 months
♥️ more astro notes ♥️
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Venus isn't just about beauty, it's also about grace and how you interact with others, how you socialize and connect with people.
People who have Venus trine/sextile Moon are often very sought after and very well liked.
Leo's can be over performative, they can come off as try hard and annoying if they try to overcompensate for their fragile egos.
Although Libra Mars people tend to not enjoy being too aggressive they are actually quite prone to arguments.
Undeveloped Cancer Mars people can find it hard to not overreact and throw tantrums, they can be quite dramatic when upset. They also tend to view a disagreement as a personal attack on them.
7th House Moons are very sensitive to how others feel and they often put other peoples feelings above their own.
Pisces and Sagittarius Venus people are very much in search of that one ultimate soulmate.
Capricorns don't like lying and usually don't waste their time on that unless they want to climb that career ladder.
Aries Moons react fast, they are very easily pushed past their breaking point. They do tend to get over their upsets a little faster than most other Moon Signs.
Taurus Moon people tend to be well provided for, unless of course it is aspected by planets like Pluto, Saturn or Uranus.
Scorpio women tend to be very sweet and nothing like the Scorpio description we know. Until you get to know them they resemble more fun signs like Sagittarius or Geminis.
Venus conjunct MC is very concerned with how they look and how they are perceived by the world at large. They put in a lot of effort into how they present themselves.
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5starwitch · 1 year
Astrology Observations
Scorpio risings or Pluto in the 1st house get strong reactions out of people. They have very striking features and a strong presence that intimidates or even scares some people.
Chiron in the 1st house tend to have been bullied when they were younger for their looks or just who they are. This causes them to have deep seated insecurities but once they heal those wounds, these people are unstoppable! They have the ability to make amazing counselors or therapists.
(TW) Lilith in the 8th house may have dealt with some sexual trauma and because of this may have a lot of issues with intimacy. They are able to know other peoples fantasies and provide an amazing experience for the other person but they might not be able to orgasm themselves.
Neptune in the 11th house have such an open and trusting heart that they might not be able to tell when they have a fake friend. People (especially friends) might try to take advantage of their kindness.
Jupiter in the 12th house is such a lucky placement. These people literally have a guardian angel watching over them. I think of this placement as being one of those babies in cartoons that would walk into construction sites but would turn out fine. If anyone fucks with this placement, best believe they will get their karma.
Moon square mars can make it really difficult for a person to control their emotions. It might make them very volatile and quick to anger.
Mars square Jupiter can heightens someone’s sex drive A LOT. I would even consider it to be a sex addict placement.
Moon trine lilith gives a person a strong power to persuade and even manipulate others. They have very dreamy, doe eyes. They know what makes people tick and they’re not afraid to use that to their advantage. These people also have heightened psychic abilities and have a talent for witchcraft.
Venus sextile Pluto does not want a surface level relationship. You want to see the depths of whoever you wish to be in a relationship with. You want a love that’s all encompassing. People find your intensity exhilarating.
Mercury in Sagittarius is very skilled at picking up new languages. They’re also amazing at debating especially when it comes to philosophy.
Taurus risings have a very calming presence. It doesn’t matter what their other placements are, they make people feel safe and comfortable.
Pisces and virgo moons help others so much. They feel their best when they’re being of service to others. This might cause burn out for them though, because they tend to help others before helping themselves.
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astrosky33 · 7 months
Aspect Associations 1
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Venus sextile Mars: The aspect of extreme charm
Venus rules over charm/attraction and Mars rules over lust/flirting. It can indicate someone has a way with words and is very good at flirting. Sextile’s are also harmonious aspects that can be associated sometimes with sexual energy, enhancing the effect of this aspect
Example: Jack Harlow
Pluto sextile Midheaven: The aspect of worldwide fame
Pluto represents areas where we have a lot of power and the Midheaven rules over career, public image, and fame. Sextile’s open pathways for areas of growth, so their fame just continuously grows, sometimes even after death
Example: Elvis Presley
Venus trine Jupiter: The aspect of easy wealth
Venus represents attraction and Jupiter represents success/wealth. Trines represent talents as well as things coming at ease and are a harmonious aspect. With this aspect you can attract lots of wealth with minimal effort
Example: Mark Zuckerberg
Venus trine Neptune: The aspect of extreme musical talent
Venus rules over harmonies (not just harmony in general), Neptune rules over music, and Trines represent our talents/things that come at ease. People with this aspect have natural talents involving music
Example: Ariana Grande
Mercury square Jupiter: The aspect of underestimated intelligence
Mercury represents the mind/intellect and Jupiter represents knowledge/wisdom. When these two aspect each other it indicate extreme intelligence. However, if they square each other because squares are challenging aspects, it can cause people to have a false perception of your intelligence
Example: Marilyn Monroe
Jupiter trine Chiron: The aspect of dark humor
Jupiter represents humor and Chiron represents karmic wounds. Often people with this aspect joke about their trauma due to this. The Trine makes them have naturally humorous dark jokes
Example: Theo Von
Mars square Pluto: The aspect of ops
Mars represents conflict/aggression, one of things Pluto represents is toxicity, and squares indicate challenges. Often people with this placement regardless if they’re someone who’s toxic or not will attract lots of ops (enemies)
Example: Nicki Minaj
These aspects are most relevant when under an orb of 4°
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astrologythingzzz · 3 months
Astrology observations Nr. 5
Hello everyone! Here are some observations, please don't take them too seriously as they are my observations and not facts! 💞 I hope you have fun reading them. 🩷
Princess Diana was a libra rising. I am not going to discuss this in any way, but she screams libra rising. She was one of the most influential people when it comes to fashion, even people calling her the most influential fashion icon of all time.
Her grace, charm and sweetness, her love of dancing, her need for a stable and loving home (moon in the 4th house). Her cold and unstable childhood and the divorce of her parents that traumatized her for life (Capricorn IC, Saturn in the 4th house).
Sun in the 5th house folks love being photographed. They really love standing in front of a camera, doing lots and lots of photo shoots. They love portraying themselves and they love being the Center of attention. They're not shy or insecure about loving the spotlight.
Sun trine Ascendant need the admiration and approval of others. It makes a persons chart even more extroverted, they need attention like the air they breathe. For me, they are too braggy, almost snobbish because of their achievements. They are not the ones to be quiet about their life's, they will rub just anything under your nose if it makes them look good.
I can with almost 100% certainty spot a Cancer Moon. They have this half moon face, not as squishy and loveable like cancer risings have it. Their faces are more boney, more serious and almost hard. They do have big teeth though and big and wide smiles. They are always smiling on photographs.
Venus in Sagittarius will put money aside to travel the world, especially with a loved one or their significant other. They have no problem being away for longer for example to do a trip around the world for months.
Sister signs do have a magnetic effect on each other. I always see Leo's and Aquarius' in friendships, and also a lot of Scorpio and Taurus friendships. The sister sign doesn't have to be only the sun, but also involves the other planets and the moon.
Fixed signs attract each other a LOT! Especially Aquarius & Scorpio, Aquarius & Leo, Taurus & Scorpio, Taurus & Leo, Leo & Scorpio. It's like a moth to a flame, they need each others stability and fixed signs are more alike than most people think.
Libra Venus is the sweetest lover you could ever wish for. They'll buy you your favorite treats, always have flowers around for you and will always make sure you're alright and well fed. 🥺
Even though I am a Gemini Moon myself, I cannot stand other Gemini moons. They are somewhat self centered with a self-confidence that is absolutely not justified. They are the ones who are convinced they are the epitome of wisdom and knowledge. And Geminis are not the ones to do a lot of research, so most of their statements and opinions are false or not 100% correct. And it bothers me so much! 🙄
Anyway, that's all I have in mind! Hope you have a wonderful day, please read them carefully and with a bit of humor! Until soon, bye! 🩷
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astrobiscuits · 6 months
Astro obs part 10 (mostly Saturn related lol)
🧸 Individuals with Sun trine/sextile Saturn tend to have a great relationship with their grandparents (if they were a part of their life, ofcours). They usually inherit lots of traits from their grandparents
🧸 Sun trine/sextile Saturn people also have a great moral compass and sense of justice. They follow rules and regulations and are well seen in society (unless Saturn is retrograde, then they still try their best to be exemplary, but they might fail from time to time)
🧸 Most Libra Moons i've met went to law school for their university degree
🧸 Saturn in 1st house people tend to look really good when they get older. When they are young, they might often look older than their age, but once their Saturn Return hits them, they age up like "fine wine" from that moment on
🧸 Saturn in 2nd house individuals literally fit the "old money" aesthetic. Often times they come from a wealthy family. If they don't, then they are very motivated to work hard and become millionares. Bonus points if their Saturn is at 28°/29°, as 28° signifies the household degree (being famously known for your family OR in your family) and 29° signifies long-term fame for completing a (often times) karmic cycle and reaping its rewards
🧸 Saturn in 4th house peeps have always felt like the black sheep of the family. Often times they end up abandoning family traditions in the pursuit of following their own individual path. Growing up, they have often felt lonely in their family and shy around people they weren't familiar with
🧸 Saturn in 5th house individuals take their hobbies and passions seriously. They could pursue one of their hobbies/passions as a career later on. Child prodigies tend to have this placement. If there are other planets in the 5th house, those can give hints on the "talent" (but in the case of Saturn here, it's not talent, just hard work)
For ex. Saturn and Venus in 5th house - pursuing art/fashion/make-up/singing/baking sweets as a career
Saturn and Mars in 5th house - pursuing martial arts/race car driving/working out as a career
Saturn, Mercury and Pluto in 5th house - pursuing drama writing as a career
The exception would be for Saturn and Jupiter in 5th house - these people tend to have multiple talents that they could turn into careers
🧸 Saturn in 5th house is also often an indicator of an unhappy childhood. This child felt like a lot of expectations and responsabilites were placed on him by his parents from an early age. Another meaning of this placements would be that Saturn in 5th house children were brought up by their grandparents
🧸 Those with Saturn in 11th house feel more comfortable befriending people who are older than them. They're also not very keen on the latest technologies and prefer sticking to the ideals of the past long gone (aka they love victorian era and prefer to live like they're a gal/man from the 19th century). They also tend to be interested in politics
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🧸 Earth Venuses and the type of chocolate they love:
Taurus Venus - milk chocolate
Virgo Venus - white chocolate
Capricorn Venus - dark chocolate
🧸 Individuals with Chiron in 5th house tend to struggle with infertility issues from a young age
🧸 Uranus in 3rd house individuals prefer taking short-haul flights when travelling short distances, while Uranus in 9th house individuals prefer taking long-haul flights when travelling long distances
🧸 Neptune in 6th house people make great psychologists and psychiatrists!! Often times these people have had a long history of dealing with certain mental illnesses, but instead of wallowing in their pain, they are inspired to help others overcome their own issues. Their capacity to emphasize with people's emotions is heightened, as they tend to relate to many of their client's symptoms. These people are also fit as somnologists (sleep doctors)
🧸 The sad part of Neptune in 6th house is that they often have to deal with stomach issues :( Their digestive system is extra sensitive, so they need to be careful with what they eat
🧸 Wanna know if you're secretly Jewish? Check out asteroids Hebrewu (271763) and Israel (7507) in your natal chart and your family's natal charts. If you find atleast one of these asteroids aspecting the angles (ASC, DSC, IC, MC), Sun or Moon in your chart and your family's charts, then there's a high chance you've got Jewish ancestry
🧸 In synastry, if your Ascendant conjuncts another person's Ascendant (so your house cusps become overlays), it's very likely that you've experienced the same events during your lives. This person would be your mirrored soul, which can prove to bring a great understanding over oneself
🧸 While we're still talking about aspects in synastry, Moon conjunct Chiron is not for the weak ones!! The Chiron person must display a sense of maturity or atleast be emotionally evolved enough to be able to deal with the Moon person. Chiron can trigger Moon's childhood trauma on a subconscious level, while Moon can trigger Chiron's deepest wounds regarding their house's themes. They can either heal each other or wound each other even more. This conjunction requires a great deal of patience and understanding between Moon person and Chiron person
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Random Observations
#4 synastry
🍨 PEOPLE’S PERSONAL PLANETS IN YOUR 5H tell me if I’m wrong but, in my experience you can't stop smiling. They bring you joy and with just a look you start smiling (I guess this won’t happen if your 5H or the planets falling in you 5th are afflicted). I have some examples with two friends. With one, their Moon is falling in my 5th and with the other it’s Venus. One night, after meeting with some friends, we spend some time the three of us and literally we where kids laughing and making each other smile. Both of them produce me that feeling, but the second one in a more romantic way (even that I feel attracted by the Moon)
🍨 PEOPLE WITH SUN CONJUNCT YOUR ASCENDANT you look alike, and people can view similarities between you. For example, my friend follows an instagramer (christylevich) that has her Sun precisely conjunct my Ascendant. She always send me posts of her, telling me the resemblance. I also have this one with my sister -in a wider orb 2º-, same again. One more example could be my cousins Sun conjunct a friends of mine Ascendant. The other day I told her, WOW, you remind me of my cousin. And then I realize about the aspect. But in this case, my friend has her Mars conjunct my cousin Sun, and their suns are in opposition, so there's more added to it
I just noticed that all this examples happen in Virgo 🧐
🍨 SUN ASPECTING MARS I experienced this aspect several times, with hard and soft ones, and I can say that it’s SO attractive. The last example that made me want to write about this aspect was the trine. I have double whammy with tight orb with one of my work colleagues. In air (Libra-Aquarius) and earth (Virgo-Capricorn) signs. Apart from other good aspects that we share -trying to isolate this one- I would point out that we like how the other makes things. Since the beginning I was physically attracted to him. And he told me that he likes how I work. There is attraction. Although he shown me signs of that, the trine is more gentle than the hard aspects. With the square and opposition double whammy I noticed that the contrary can happen. It always depends on the natal chart of each individual and other aspects BUT, there is a feeling of “I don’t understand how you do things”. This happened to me with a flatmate. Even I accept her and she is nice, sometimes I have this feeling of, "why would you do that?"… (not proud of it)
🍨 URANUS ☌/△/✱ PERSONAL PLANETS LOVE-THESE-ASPECTS! Every person that I had this aspect with was amazing. Since the beginning I had 0 shame about being weird. In other words, I could be myself without restraining. But if I had to choose I would choose the SUN-URANUS as the best one. Being yourself is funny. There is no judgment between you. You feel alive and want to be with that person. It’s similar to the other aspects, but because there's different energies involved it subtly changes. With the VENUS-URANUS there’s that freedom-feeling that it’s comfortable, and in my experience, the Venus person will feel the attraction straight away
🍨 YOUR PLUTO ASPECTING THEIR INNER PLANETS/POINTS you can’t express this feeling with words. It's just something that happens with both of you. I have the VENUS-PLUTO double whammy—☌ to my Pluto and ✱ my Venus—with my best friend and it’s an aspect that creates glue. Is the level of deep understanding, there’s no secrets between you. Also, the conjunction is on the 4H, creating that level of openness to the private life. We also have MOON ☌ PLUTO and IC, again producing a deep level of emotional support and trust. On the other side Pluto negatively aspecting your inner planets/points, can be manipulating, but that’s another story, long enough to make a new post. What I can say is that it always depends on the maturity of the Pluto person, and how this planet is aspected in their natal chart. I always found Venus-Pluto aspects in the natal chart as a softener of that “toxic” intensity
Hope u liked it! :) And as always, I love to hear from your experience, so we both learn. Let your comment if you have something to share <3
© Astrologyobservationsss
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mstase · 6 months
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“sometimes, i feel like an emotional sponge 🧽, just soaking up everyone else’s pain..☁️”
☄️ these individuals are very sensitive to the subtle emotions around them. they have an innate ability to understand and deeply feel other people’s needs and emotions. they possess strong intuition and are gifted with artistic abilities
🌙 they are attentive to subtle cues, like changes in someone’s tone of voice. if they notice a slight change, they are the types to ask about what might be bothering the other person, or they will just overthink and dwell about it.
☄️ notably empathetic, they readily offer help to those around them, demonstrating selflessness. however, they may struggle with setting boundaries and often feel burdened by carrying others’ problems, leading to a sense of emotional exhaustion.
🌙 minor inconveniences easily overwhelm them, resulting in them constantly retreating to their safe place. their heightened sensitivity often leads them to take things personally or feel overly connected to events, even when they might not directly involve them. due to this, they prefer a peaceful and quiet environment and are highly sensitive to unpleasant situations.
☄️ the person’s emotional well-being was greatly affected by their mother’s possible abuse or addiction. intuitively sensing the mother’s sufferings, they internalized these emotions as their own. their needs may not have been consistently met due to the emotional or physical absence of one of the parents.
🌙 these people are highly imaginative and often turn to art and daydreaming for comfort. in more extreme cases, some might resort to alcohol or other substances to escape.
☄️ they tend to get lost in daydreams, creating imaginary worlds to make themselves feel better. however, this absorption in their imagination can lead them to ignore responsibilities, making them feel depressed or sad.
🌙 dealing with confusion, they struggle to express or understand their emotions, especially with the hard aspects. this difficulty can stem from picking up others’ emotions as their own. people may also have a hard time understanding them, which leads them to feel left out.
☄️ their strong intuition and sensitivity likely grants them psychic abilities and prophetic dreams, allowing them to perceive or sense the future. they may also experience unexplained sights or sounds.
🌙 they can appear physically and emotionally weak, emitting a soft and delicate aura. because of this, they need to look out against those who take advantage or harbor hidden motives.
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11hedonistic · 2 years
minor 18+ content
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🧿 to the people with heavy scorpio/8th/pluto, please take time to examine your sexuality! really take your time and learn about it because its a very important part of your life.
🧿 gemini placements + ghosting = 🤝
🧿 people who are good listeners tend to have a water sign in their 3rd house, moon/mercury, scorpio venus/moon/rising, & gemini sun/rising/mercury.
🧿 if you’re wondering if a person with heavy scorpio placements are doing fine without you, i promise you they are ��� if you betray us we will literally cut you off and act as if you are dead with zero remorse, istg.
🧿 if someones moon sign matches your venus sign, yall could have a lot of sexual tension. even bomb ass sex, if you will.
🧿 some placements who tend to be spiritually inclined are moon in 4h/8h/12h, jupiter in 12h, jupiter trine neptune, pluto in 1h/8h/12h & sun in scorpio/pisces
🧿 earth ascendant people actually get along with people pretty well!
🧿 people with water signs in their big 3 are so fckin ethereal.
🧿 people with air signs in their venus are the most flirtatious people i know.
🧿 want a water sign to catch feelings for you? be unkind to other people but sweet and charming to them and ONLY them. they literally just want you for themselves. period.
🧿 if you have mercury in your 6h you may tend to overthink a lot/stress a lot
🧿 can we talk about how nurturing virgos can be more, please?
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© slut4astro ✭ tips are highly appreciated! (in bio)
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