Short Story 📖
Moon conjunct Neptune Synastry✨
Fourteen years ago, a little girl named Bella, went to a summer camp. There she meets John. Her 17 y/o instructor. They start a really great relationship, nothing but a student-professor one. Shortly after, John starts a love relationship with Camila.
They -Bella and John- meet every summer and winter on the camp. And there, they try to spend time together. There’s a pleasant feeling that makes them want to be together.
Years go by, and the feeling won’t disappear. It’s that strong that when they meet there’s an instant attraction -like magnets-, and people around can notice the pull.
One day, when Bella was 16 and John 25 he reach her out through DM, and text her
I want to talk to you, but no one can know
She also wanted to talk with him. It was like a fairytale for her. But she won’t cross boundaries, cause she knew he was in a relationship.
They started talking from time to time. The conversations where all night long. Chitchatting hours and hours and just the sunrise could stop them.
They told each other things no one else knew. There was an unusual level of comfort. They intuit how the other one feels. John told her that he feels tenderness for her. But the feeling they have for each other can’t be described with words.
It feels like they are Twin Flames. Everything makes sense but the external situation does them apart. If they were together, the surrounding families would be in shock.
There is a longing to be together, but in reality nothing change. He continues with Camila and she continues waiting for something to change.
Now and then they think about each other, cause they know there is something more. But still nothing changes.
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credits IG @superficialtech
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pros of corded headphones:
Cant lose phone
dont need to charge headphones
they look cool and are amazing
cons of corded headphones:
Every doorknob in existence is now out to get you
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Random Observations
#3 natal chart
These observations are my personal research and viewpoint. Always love sharing with u… it’s been a while
🐚 SUN DISPOSITION OVER THE HOUSES Maybe you already acknowledged this one. The sun is displayed over the chart depending on where the sun was. In other words, your sun will be over or under the horizon—the AC/DC axis—depending on the hour you where born. Around 6AM to 18PM from the 7 to the 12H. And around 18PM to 6AM from 1 to 6H. The time will vary according to the year season. This can be useful to make a mental image of the chart just by knowing the time of birth
🐚 PLUTO DOMINANT/ASPECTS/8H PLANETS Intimacy issues. From my observations I can say that in SOME cases, it can be expressed as having serious issues with intimacy. There is some kind of blockage. Difficulty opening up. And that can vary between being emotionally closed and sexually closed. Can be something unconscious—hidden—so there it comes the lack of control. Control. Something that Pluto is addicted to. With Pluto comes the phobia, fear or trauma. But as I said, this is something subconscious so there’s a solution that can be found in yourself. These aspects could be compared with the pandora box, in which you don't want to open up about it or just with few ppl
🐚 CAPRICORN WOMEN Business Woman vibes. You can notice from far when a woman has capri in her personal planets. I noticed that Capricorn Ascendant is different. The aura that they present is looking older, serious or more responsable, these are those girls that from a young age have to grow up. For example, one of my friends have this ascendant and when she was just 6 she knew about Santa Claus… she couldn’t enjoy that childhood fantasy, she had and still have to take care of her younger sister, as if she was the mother… With the Sun you give the vibe of a leader and it looks like you have everything figured out, even if you are a mess. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, restrain, responsibility, and rules the 10 House, work and public image. The influence of this energy makes you independent and craves recognition. But don’t misinterpret recognition as a Leonine trait to be seen but more as to achieve a duty. The curious thing is that the planet that holds this sign can give us a clue about the craving to be recognised
SUN ego or your father
MOON emocional fulfilment/need, your mother
MERCURY intellectual recognition
VENUS to achieve your desires, beauty, love
MARS self-assertion or you take action for recognition
long explanation i was inspired :)
🐚 SUN IN TAURUS eating is SACRED. These are the ones to have breakfast, lunch and dinner the first. I mean, they don’t like eating at crazy schedules. They are like babies that need 8 hours sleep and eating at x time. In general earth signs like Virgo and Capricorn are like this, but in my experience Taurus stands out. I have to say that this can be applied in other areas as going to the gym or as I said going to sleep every night at 9/10pm
Hope you liked it ;) love hearing from you and your perspectives so feel free to txt me down here xx
© Astrologyobservationsss
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Sharing is not always caring.
Nothing is black or white.
Any thoughts?
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I love stopping at this square !
It’s by the sea
When I come I squeeze the time to the fullest. It makes me happy and gives me energy ✨ Today I realize there’s a Libra sign on it
As my Sun !
Coincidence ? Doubt it
Some coincidence happened to u lately ?
Let me hear that stories !
And if not … Open your eyes, cause maybe it’s in front of u
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Random Observations
#2 natal chart
These observations are made from a personal viewpoint. This are not absolute truth. Check the info by yourself and develop a critical mind. Enjoy ! <3
🧚‍♂️ SUN IN CANCER so curious ! They always have a nurturing father figure -represented by the Sun- and he is more sensitive than the mother OR their mother takes the -commonly know- masculine role -I mean- taking care of the children and the household. As if the roles were reversed
🧚 VIRGO AC & ASTROLOGERS there’s a lot of known virgo ascendant astrologers ! Probably I notice this because I have this one… For example, Nikola Stojanovic, Jewel from Truth in Aspect Astrology, Hannah’s Elsewhere, etc. I found a lot of virgo rising astrologers on tumblr too
🧚 MOON IN AQUARIUS commonly their parental figure were their grandparents, they are adopted or their mother is emotionally detached, unconventional and have a jovial vibe. This applies for Moon-Uranus aspects
🧚 DARREN STAR from ASTROLADA you guys need to watch the videos he made on YouTube. He explains his way of reading astrology charts. It’s an absolute pleasure hearing his reasonings. I recommend “How to See and Predict VERY SPECIFIC DETAILS in the Horoscope with House Rulers” vídeo it’s *chef’s kiss*. Maybe I’ll talk about this in another post
🧚 TAURUS/2HOUSE & JEWELRY I’ve noticed that people with prominent Taurus energy have beautiful jewelry/watches that they wear daily. An example could be a Pandora, a charm bracelet, or some necklace of value. It becomes part of them, and it’s rare to see them without that accessory. Venus in the 2H and Venus aspecting Saturn reinforce this observation
Hope u like it and comment your perspective. I take note ! <3
#3 Natal Chart
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La humanidad, desde el principio de los tiempos, ha buscado una manera de dar explicaciones.
Se han creado desde religiones hasta teorías, pasando por muchas que, a día de hoy, se han desmentido o perdido en el tiempo.
A mí me gusta ver la astrología como una creencia o una técnica más. Una técnica MUY útil que sirve para dar respuesta a muchas preguntas.
Es de las técnicas de autoconocimiento más amplias y precisas que he encontrado hasta el momento. Y he pasado por varias…
Con todo esto vengo a decir que, la astrología no es la verdad. La astrología es una manera de explicar la verdad.
La astrología está fundada en la verdad.
Por eso tiene sentido cuando la estudias. Pero la verdad, siempre en mi opinión, no es la astrología.
Y por eso otras creencia también tienen sentido. Porque todas son vías y explicaciones para un mismo punto de partida; la fuente.
Esa sería mi manera de entender la astrología. Para mantener una mente abierta ante otras sabidurías y respetar las creencias de los demás.
Me encantaría saber vuestra opinión, ya que se aprende del compartir <3
Es mi primer post en español, pero si te es más fácil puedes contestarme en inglés
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6H Overlays
Moon conjunct Neptune
#1 Natal Chart
#2 Natal Chart
#3 Natal Chart
Explaining synastry aspects
La astrología está fundada en la verdad
Coincidence ?
Best Friend’ Synastry 22%🔋
Guess their Sun Sign through their IG feed 18%🔋
Random observations #4 10%🔋
making this content takes time… I love sharing this observations with u, but for that you need to be patient💓 u can see the progress through the percentages ;)
If you enjoy this page and want to support me you can
☕️ buy me a coffee☕️
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Random observations #1 natal chart
These are all from a personal viewpoint. I had observed, and wanted to share. Tell me what u think <3
PLUTO ☌/☍ AC or MC
🧚‍♀️ SUN/MOON/AC AQUARIUS WOMEN I commonly see that they share these traits: straight long hair -usually dark brown-, they are beautiful in composition, even that, when you look at each part of the face nothing is highlighted. I also know dominant ♒︎ women that don’t match these traits, but commonly, women that do, are Aquarius 99% of the time. But, I especially noticed this one with the Sun
🧚‍♀️ SUN IN LIBRA WOMEN I know a lot of libra women that when I look at their nose from the side, I can see the center walls. I don’t know how to explain this😂 Like the cartilage that divide each hole. It looks so elegant
🧚‍♀️ GUESS THEIR SUN SIGN THROUGH IG FEED I can tell Sun sign’s through instagram. My friends get amazed about it. It’s like there’s a common style, and it’s -by experience- accurate. Also sometimes if some planets are influencing the Sun it would change. The main thing it’s picking their essence
Examples for women
ARIES/MARS commonly post bikini photos ! The vibe it’s quite hot
PISCIS/NEPTUNE love analogical photos ! Or there is plenty of plants in their feed. Usually not a lot of personal pictures. Kinda dreamy mystical feed 🫧
LIBRA/VENUS are CUTE. Like they have an harmonic feed. Elegant. Not serious but friendly. They usually post smiling photos
SAGITTARIUS/JUPITER share trips, cultural events, experiences -like jumping to the sea/river, diving with sharks/fishes, etc-, there’s an adventurer vibe in them 🌍
Etc. If u want I’ll do a post expanding this topic
🧚‍♀️ PLUTO ☌/☍ AC or MC If a person is not active in their social media profile it’s usually because of this one. They are secretive and really conscious of what they share, sometimes to the point where they get anxious or feel exposed by thinking what others could say
🧚‍♀️ PLUTO ☌/☍/□ PERSONAL PLANETS can show up like the previous one. BUT it’s usually different. This aspect could be expressed as magnetic, secretive, mysterious, power person that prefers having their private life under control. OR, it could be expressed as paranoia, and not wanting to post ANYTHING
🧚‍♀️ PLUTO NATAL AND OCD/ED Yep, u probably notice this one. It’s accurate. First example is about an OCD, one of my dear friend has her natal SUN/MOON/VENUS ☌ PLUTO, all in the 4H and □ AC. She has to put all her shampoo’ bottles straight, if not, she won’t sleep at night. Also, one day, she told me that she arrived home. Started thinking about a poster on the street. She couldn’t remember what was written in it. So she MUST. Went again, 6 streets away, just to recover her peace of mind. ED example, another friend of mine, had SUN -ruler of the 1st- ☌ PLUTO transit thought the 6H -routine, diet, etc.- and developed an eating disorder during it’s first contacts. Lots of suffering because she couldn’t control what she was doing. In her natal chart she has Scorpio Moon in the 4H -nurturing and Pluto energy- and Venus 7H □ Pluto 4H -aesthetic and control- so she was more prone to have this one
I’ll do more of these soon !!
Comment if you want to add something <3
# 2 Natal Chart
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In my opinion, when you want to explain an aspect of the synastry -unless you have more than one example in real life-, you shouldn’t attempt it.
Not because it’s wrong, but because it could be a combination of different aspects.
YES, you can talk from the theory of the aspect: ex. Moon is emotions/etc. and the 5H is children/etc., so when someone’s Moon is in your 5H means x. That’s totally well founded.
the truth (or how I see it) is that when you experience that same aspect with different people, you can really isolate it and notice the specific aspect more accurately.
I find that that’s more informative than talking about the things we commonly know.
Don’t get me wrong, in my view that information is useful. Despite this, to get to know the subject on a deeper level, you should experience it.
Overall, no one has the ultimate truth, so it’s all about perspectives…
Do u agree or what’s your view on this one?
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6th House in
In 6H overlays the house person has the desire to talk to the planet person in a day to day basis
It really creates a comfortable relationship, similar to 4H overlays though not in such an emocional way
💡You can talk to each other as family. It reminds me of Uranus contacts due to that friendly energy
💡 Also, referred to the 6th, you have similar schedules (since it is the house of Virgo)
For example one of my friend’s SUN falls on my 6H, and we are the “rare” ones to dine late at night. It has to be pointed out that this happens on the sign of Aquarius (different from the crowd). Plus my Uranus, being the ruler of the 6th, is conjunct (1°) his Mercury [all happening on my 6H]
With another friend my sun, venus and mercury fall on his 6H
He texts me and calls me out of nowhere. It feels natural for us to tell each other about our daily plans and to have routine related conversations. It sounds like
how’s your day going?
Not in a boring way but the opposite
Few more examples
I have Aquarius ruling the 6H, so everyone that has a personal planet falling there feels that way to me.
💡I can tell you three more friends which I share this aspects with, and again same feeling
💡Natural to talk to each other on a daily basis
💡The feeling is mutual
💡And it’s easy to have a complementary routine together, or help each other implement theirs. Especially with mercury
Since the six house is related to work, you could’ve met this person at work, school or something that involves a routine or responsibility. That’s because the six house it’s related with karma
If you feel identified or want to add something comment! It’s so interesting to talk about astrology with people that understands or like this content, and we can learn from each other
It’s my first post! hope u like it <3
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