serpentineshine · 9 months
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Merry Christmas! 🎁🎄
you get art of my old OCs <3
more alt crops under cut
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i really like how these turned out despite being a kinda rough/sketchy drawing🥺💖
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hedgehogofspades · 1 year
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I doodled the sad old guy from my Fusion campaign as an Elf for Jo's Trita setting because I'd like him to be there
ᴺᵉᵒᶜᶦᵗᶦᵉˢ ⁽¹⁸⁺⁾
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allyouknowisalie · 4 days
Нынешние концепции и изыскания в области иммортализма это один из качественных маркеров состояния сознания человечества в целом. Эмоционально-психологически бунт человека против смерти понять нетрудно, и где-то глубоко в душе у этого сопротивления вполне здоровые предпосылки и цели, но на поверхности и интеллектуально всё, что относится к идее бессмертия, это пока унылое зрелище, как всегда по причине сюрреалистичного феноменализма и формализма. В сухом остатке крематория человек под «жизнью» подразумевает какое-то самоценное сенситивное шевеление биомассы, в зазоре благоприятной астрономической ситуации, а под «смертью» разрушение формы этой биомассы и окончание означенного шевеления. И эти же люди с утра идут на рынок за плодами смерти фруктов овощей, днём размышляют что бы им делать с возможным бессмертием, а вечером перед сном читают «если пшеничное зерно, пав в землю, не умрет, то останется одно; а если умрет, то принесет много плода». Ну разве не молодцы? Однозначно молодцы. Вот бы посмотреть на их покупательные бессмертные физиономии, когда яблоки и груши тоже станут бес��мертными и перестанут двигаться по жизни далее стадии расцветания.
trita 18 августа 2024, 13:26:08 UTC
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houseofbrat · 2 months
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In Philadelphia, PENNSYLVANIA.
So...are we to assume Kamala is intent on picking PA Governor Josh Shapiro? Seems like it by announcing it in Philadelphia. I don't know why else she would announce not in someone's home state.
But picking Shapiro just proves how bad Kamala's political thinking and instincts are.
And also her timing.
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— Student protests and Gaza. No issue has divided the Democratic coalition like the war in the Middle East. Shapiro’s strong support for Israel is arguably in line with other top Dems, but critics cite his reluctance to call for a cease-fire in Gaza and in particular his strong stance against pro-Palestinian student demonstrators, using his platform to urge Penn to shut down its protest encampment and even seeming to compare pro-Palestinian activists to “white supremacists” in interviews. But Shapiro has also spoken out against Palestinian civilian casualties, and his supporters say activists’ focus on the one VP finalist who is Jewish smacks of antisemitism. — Handling of sexual harassment. The Shapiro administration last year agreed to pay $295,000 to a former female aide who accused a long-time political associate of the governor — Mike Vereb, his legislative secretary, a cabinet post — of making unwanted sexual advances and frequent lewd talk. Female lawmakers in both parties have criticized the administration — which cites a non-disclosure agreement for not talking about the case — for an alleged lack of transparency. The Democratic candidate for state treasurer — political outsider Erin McClelland — sent shock waves through the veepstakes when she tweeted that she wanted a VP “who doesn’t sweep sexual harassment under the rug.”
This is a hopeful moment for the whole left-liberal coalition. The vibes, for once, are good. Almost every leftist I know is excited about Harris and thinks Trump is beatable. With a newly united party behind her, there are only so many ways Harris can screw it up, but one seems all too plausible: She could select Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro as her running mate. On paper, it’s understandable why Shapiro is among the leading candidates reportedly being vetted by Harris. Like nearly all of the veep contenders, he’s a white male governor with a centrist reputation. At 51, he’s even younger than Harris and a fresh face, having only held his current job for 18 months. He has already shown himself to be a more than capable administrator, generating a lot of good publicity for repairing a damaged section of Interstate 95 within two weeks. Most importantly, Pennsylvania is the most valuable swing state in play, worth 19 electoral votes, and Shapiro is very popular there. Unfortunately, Shapiro also stands out among the current field of potential running mates as being egregiously bad on Palestine. It’s not just that he, like many Democrats, is an outspoken supporter of Israel—though he certainly is, having championed Israel’s war against Hamas consistently and without any apparent concern for Palestinian civilians. Shapiro has, moreover, done far more than most Democrats to attack pro-Palestine antiwar demonstrators, in ways that call into question his basic commitment to First Amendment rights. In his previous role as Pennsylvania attorney general, Shapiro championed the state’s constitutionally dubious anti-BDS (boycott, divestment, sanctions) law against Ben & Jerry’s after the ice cream maker refused to license its product for sale in Israeli settlements. “BDS is rooted in antisemitism,” Shapiro wrote in a statement in 2021, as he condemned a company named for its two Jewish American founders. “The stated goal of this amorphous movement is the removal of Jewish citizens from the region and I strongly oppose their efforts.”
[...] CNN’s John King has already flagged that antisemitism might make the selection of a Jewish vice presidential candidate risky; likewise, calls from the left to oppose Shapiro risk being branded as antisemitic. Shapiro is not, however, the only Jew who has been suggested as a possible running mate for Harris. Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker has also garnered attention, and he has taken a very different approach to this issue. Asked by the Illinois state politics site Capitol Fax whether he agreed with Jewish organizations calling for the resignation of Northwestern University’s president over a pro-Palestine encampment, Pritzker replied, “I support the Jewish organizations. I’m not about calling for people to step down.” He also drew a distinction between antiwar, pro-Palestinian demonstrators and “some bad actors” engaged in antisemitism, and affirmed the need to protect free speech along with student safety. Most other candidates floated for the V.P. spot have also taken a far less provocative approach to student protests than Shapiro (one partial exception is Arizona Senator Mark Kelly, who endorsed some GOP smears of campus protesters in an interview, though he hasn’t shown Shapiro’s same level of fixation). North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper actually drew criticism for making no public statement about an encampment at the University of North Carolina. Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers said that encampments at the University of Wisconsin were “in good faith,” even as he acknowledged they would eventually need to end. Neither Kentucky’s Andy Beshear nor Minnesota’s Tim Walz made any public statements about similar demonstrations in their states. [...]
Still, his particular hostility toward pro-Palestine activists threatens to blunt the enthusiasm among young progressive voters that Harris has managed to generate in the past few days. It could also undermine the Democratic ticket in Michigan, where Arab American activists have cheered the news of Biden’s withdrawal and are adopting a wait-and-see posture toward Harris. Michigan Representative Rashida Tlaib, the lone Palestinian American in Congress, is currently holding off on endorsing Harris but has expressed interest in engaging with her on ending the war in Gaza. Beyond Arab and Muslim Americans, Harris will need to mobilize thousands of young people across the country not only to vote for her but to knock doors, phone bank, and do all the other kinds of grassroots volunteering that translates into a successful presidential campaign. Younger Americans disproportionately sympathize with Palestinians, which is one reason Biden’s approval numbers have suffered badly over the past year. As long as U.S.-made bombs keep falling on Gaza, this issue won’t go away—protests will haunt the Democratic convention in Chicago next month and the beginning of the fall term on college campuses in September, and the anniversary of the attacks on October 7 will fall 29 days before Election Day.
And what happened recently? Oh, Israel decided to assassinate someone on Iranian territory, pretty close to the new Iranian president.
And we can all tell that a bigger war is coming in the Middle East because the airlines are starting to cancel flights.
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So... when is the next attack going to happen? Wouldn't surprise me if it happens next week after Kamala announces her VP pick.
That would be just her luck.
Because let's not forget that Israel is trying to drag the US military directly into this. They can't fight Hezbollah on their own.
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blueberry--zombie · 2 months
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Spread the word!!! Q is at risk of losing her channel which archives lots of unidentified songs!!!!
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vyorei · 9 months
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I mean...we know
Who's gonna do anything about it? That's the problem.
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marxandangels · 4 months
One of these days I will find the energy to reply to ao3 comments bc people say such kind things that I appreciate so much and I reread them often but god replying to them is so energy taxing for me for some reason
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mandorloinfiore · 1 year
dal viaggio in russia ho conservato la qualunque. anche gli scontrini. proprio oggi li ho ripescati tutti e dopo sei anni (alcuni, non tutti) li triterò
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heirbane · 1 year
Harvest Moon / Story of Seasons AU for 5+ headcanons because the thought is extremely funny to me.
au headcanons / accepting, this is blursed / @crystalmarred
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· Gaius is a recently discharged soldier with an accent that shows he's not from around the area - but, where, exactly, is not known. Villagers assume he was able to purchase the property off of funds he had saved from years of service.
· Upon first meeting, he does state he has multiple children, all but the oldest - Milisandia - still living with him. However, none of them seem to be afoot at the same time... leaving the villagers wondering, exactly, how many children he has. (He has five, if anyone bothered to ask. Milisandia is still abroad, but four teens live under his roof.)
· He's got a surprising green thumb, and a lot of land to use. While he doesn't force his children to take part, a lot of them do: Allie and Alphonse have their own small smattering of sheep, and Ricon is the family's leading weeding expert. (Not that anyone needs to be good at weeding plants, but he finds something soothing about moving down a row of plants and tending to them in the quiet.)
· He is an eligible bachelor for either/any sex, but he has fairly high hurdles for romance and notably does not propose. All his children - including Milisandia, who is only home during the summer seasons from studying abroad - must have high relationships with the farmer/other npc before his own will rise above friendship, and if any of their own platonic heart events have a negative response, it will impact his own heart rating.
· (Reverse proposals do exist, but he's likely to say no. He doesn't deem himself worthy of matrimony - not to mention his "advanced" age, or so he'll say. Wedding him has no benefits. However, getting him to the heart level of wedded characters is possible, and will not depreciate over time once achieved.)
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serpentineshine · 7 months
Letters A, K, J, and P?
Yippee! Thank you tumblr mutual starredforlife <3 Oh boy, D&D NPC time, this post might be a bit of a long one… I may not be the best explanatory writer right now, but I tried. :’)
Alba Elûmoine (World Setting: Trita, Deltarra, Other)
A is pretty easy since Alba is a beloved recurring NPC of mine. Alba Elûmoine, or stage name “Alba Alabaster”, is a Tiefling with Ice Devil heritage. He’s a cleric, usually of a setting’s moon goddess (Selûne, Deonora, etc.), and is legally blind. He’s typically soft-spoken, polite, and pleasant to talk to, but can be stubborn and brazen if the situation calls for it. Born to be sassy, forced to be classy.😔 It depends on what setting he appears in, but he typically works as a courtesan and often attracts clients wishing to keep their identity a secret(in his early life he makes a lot of extra money blackmailing clients who think he is more blind than he actually is). In settings where he is older and more wealthy he’s an avid collector of magical and historical artifacts and will often hire adventurers to fetch things for him. Love this guy, he’s so fun, I think I’ve had him as a character since maybe like 2018, maybe 2017? Thankfully he’s been very beloved, so I was not short on finding art of him. <3
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My most recent sketch of him is with a werewolf, I thought you’d appreciate that info :)
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Khovid Va Otsukimi (World Setting: Deltarra)
This is my warning and reminder to all GMs and OC creators to say your characters names out loud, or mid D&D game you might accidentally end up with a character named Covid, even though it’s not spelled the same way... Khovid Va is Elven and a shopkeeper in the city of Ebon'rana. His shop is called “Glasshopper” and he specializes in selling magical weapons. He’s mute and has a large horizontal scar across the front of his neck, as well as a scar across his left cheek by his mouth and right eyebrow. He can do that cool thing where he can write upside down and does that at his counter to communicate with guests (and show off). His fun trivia and secret lore is that he faked his own death and ran away from his noble family in the Feywild because they wanted him to basically become the next leader of the Autumn Court and he couldn’t take the responsibility. Khovid Va is his full first name! He just has a two-part first name. Yes, I created him in 2020, no I did not realize at the time that I named him Covid until it was too late… I don’t have many drawings of him, but here’s a very small old sketch of him.
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Jortly (World Setting: Deltarra)
I actually have very few NPCs who have names starting with J so this took me a sec, but then I was reminded of Jortly (thank you hedgie). Jortly is a Tortle monk and a son of one of my player’s characters. Think about combining a turtle with one of those stretchy blue sticky hand toys and that’s basically Jortly. He talks like he’s so worried all the time and his catchphrase is “Oh gosh”.
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Phonoko Silverscribe (World Setting: Trita)
Archivist Phonoko Silverscribe is one of the three head mages of the Harmonic Circle Mage’s Association, and right-hand to the High Mage. He’s an older Aarakocra gentleman with a bit of a nervous demeanor. He and his team are in charge of magical archival information for the association as well as he basically keeps everything in order for the other two top archmages. There’s more to him as well, but I have a couple of my players following me here who are playing in this setting right now, so I can’t reveal too much at the moment, he might be a more relevant character at a later time. :)) this drawing and design of him is by @hedgehogofspades!
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Oof ok wow that took a while, thank you for the ask!
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greedyweb · 2 years
Involtini di pastafillo croccanti e fragranti di carne e verdure, possono essere fritti ma in forno sono spettacolari 🤩🤩🤩🤩 Questi Involtini sono CROCCANTI fuori con un ricco e gustoso ripieno. Una versione deliziosa arricchita per un gusto più accattivante, facile ricetta che non potrete più farne a meno.  CROCCANTI INVOLTINI DI PASTA FILLO CON CARNE E VERDURE Per il ripieno: 500g di carne…
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zvaigzdelasas · 9 months
Members of Congress from both sides of the aisle tonight are lambasting the Biden administration for not getting Congressional approval before moving ahead with military strikes against Houthi targets in Yemen.[...]
“The President needs to come to Congress before launching a strike against the Houthis in Yemen and involving us in another middle east conflict. That is Article I of the Constitution. I will stand up for that regardless of whether a Democrat or Republican is in the White House,” posted California Democratic Rep. Ro Khanna on X, just as news was breaking that the strikes were in progress. Some 30 minutes earlier, there were reports that Congressional leaders were given a heads up that the strikes were a go.
“Only Congress has the power to declare war,” posted Kentucky Republican Rep. Thomas Massie. “I have to give credit to @RepRoKhanna here for sticking to his principles, as very few are willing to make this statement while their party is in the White House.”[...]
“@POTUS is violating Article I of the Constitution by carrying out airstrikes in Yemen without congressional approval,” charged Michigan Democrat Rashida Tlaib. “The American people are tired of endless war.” Democratic Reps. Cori Bush, Val Hoyle, Mark Pocan, and Pramila Jayapal weighed in similarly as of 9 p.m. tonight.
On the Republican side, Sen. Mike Lee, who has often crossed the aisle on war powers issues, also gave Khanna a boost. “The Constitution matters, regardless of party affiliation.”
"The Constitution is clear, only Congress has the power to declare war. President Biden must come to Congress and ask us to authorize this act of war," posted Florida Republican Rep. Anna Luna.[...]
“These attacks have endangered U.S. personnel, civilian mariners, and our partners, jeopardized trade, and threatened freedom of navigation,” Biden said. “I will not hesitate to direct further measures to protect our people and the free flow of international commerce as necessary.”
The Houthis have said they would continue the attacks until “crimes in Gaza stop and food, medicines and fuel are allowed to reach its besieged population.” The Biden administration, which has not supported a ceasefire in Gaza, said it would hit back hard if the Houthis did not stand down. After a particularly heavy volley of drones and rockets on Tuesday, the administration made its move.
This has a lot of analysts worried about escalation — something the Biden administration said it didn't want. "If the objective is to stop Houthi attacks without escalating matters toward a full war, then bombing them has proven quite inefficient in the past. Just ask the the Saudis," said the Quincy Institute's Trita Parsi, on X, referring to the Yemen civil war in which the Houthis gained major victories despite routine missile bombardments from U.S.-backed Saudi Arabia.
"Moreover, bombing them very likely will escalate matters, which means that not only will the attacks not be stopped, but the broader war that Biden [allegedly] seeks to prevent will likely become a reality."
12 Jan 24
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solovedreidue · 28 days
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Sensi di polpa
Il modo in cui rigira la carne trita tra le mani per impastare mortadella e manzo, come aveva imparato dai suoi trascorsi bolognesi, macinata grossa, consistente, ma morbida, da cuocere, da ungere, da leccarsi i baffi, da volersela mettere in bocca così.
Quel modo eccitava palesemente la dolce astante, lui l'aspetta e lei sbircia con pudore, ogni volta, i gesti preparatori, le mani che si muovono.
Vede la carne mischiarsi, sente la carne mischiarsi, sente l'odore, e sente colare. Lo sa come è lui, le assaggia ogni volta addosso quelle mani, nella sua di carne. Perchè è così che finisce, lo sanno entrambi, mentre l'uomo fa e la guarda.
Ha qualche anno in più di lei, quanto basta per lasciare che lei si ecciti anche dei suoi tratti grigi, di quei luoghi che lui conosce e che possono esplorare insieme, nuovi ancora, anche per lui.
E lui la vede quella voglia, quella brama fatta anche di "no" e "basta", che poi sono i suoi sì, sono i suoi continuare a rovistare nella carne fino a che lei, sa come fermarlo, sempre al sicuro, sempre sicura.
E allora ancora dentro quelle mani, come fossero addosso, sono addosso ora in effetti, la sporca del suo essere, del suo lavoro, la rende presente e scaldano l'odore freddo della macelleria.
Lo scaldano con i respiri, suda lui, addosso, a irrorarle la pelle già lucida, ad asciugarsi la faccia prima di baciarla, per lasciarle intatto il visino dolce, che poi sfregerà di seme.
La macella, con un coltello di carne, la apre, come si fa, la dilata, la penetra, in fondo con ritmo e dovizia. Istinto e basta, maiale, manzo, bufalo, spinge.
La rigira, per goderne i pezzi pregiati, seziona e prende, sceglie, dispone e lei intanto si prende il suo trattamento, le conseguenze e gode, rumorosa, per niente sommessa, vitella che scopre il calore, ancora. E lui monta.
Ma sono i baci, le carezze, il massaggio, i contorni, a dare il sapore, ad aumentare il colare dei corpi, a dare forza, spinta, ancora, forte, dai, baciami cazzo, tira fuori la lingua, così.
Sul viso cola, perchè lì andava sporcata, perchè questo prevede il disciplinare istintivo del macello odierno. Pulisce con cura le tracce nei punti più esposti, per non bruciare negli occhi, ma lascia i segni da rimirare e leccare appena, perchè senta tirare la pelle e senta anche l'odore nei momenti a venire.
Esce con il suo pacchetto, per fare un ragù che sa della sua stessa carne, condita di altra carne. Come manzo e mortadella, secondo tradizione, a dar gusto anche nel nostro borgo lungo il Ticino. Di eccitazione e conforto, in pace, con tutti i sensi di polpa del caso.
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blueberry--zombie · 2 months
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mcytmultilingualbb · 3 months
Team: Italian 2 Writer: Brie @briefle Artist: CC @ccssketchbooknstuff Beta: Moro @moro-the-sun Title: Na Pescatora, nu Folle i'llu Mare tràsinu 'nta nu bar. Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/57002851 Ratings: Teen And Up Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: GeminiTay, Grian Summary:
Una Pescatora, un Folle e il Mare entrano in un bar. C'è chi quasi annega, ma tutto bene qui! Nulla di rotto!
In un bar con luci al neon che lottano per rimanere accese ancora un'altra serata e bicchieri di vetro una volta cristallini diventati ormai opachi, due stanchi viaggiatori condividono un piatto di stuzzichini. Stasera il barista ha voglia di raccontare di nuovo la storia trita e ritrita di un piccolo porto di mare in qualche angolo di mondo sconosciuto, della Pescatora che vi ci aveva attraccato, e del Folle che l'aveva reso casa sua.
Al bancone uno dei due sembra molto interessato a sottolineare che, allora: no, non c'era nessun Folle. Il pescivendolo, perfettamente sano di mente, normalissimo, tra l'altro, che di sale in zucca ne aveva da vendere proprio. Accanto a lui una donna, che fa cenno al barista di portare un’altra vaschetta di patatine, ci tiene qui a precisare quanto sarebbe sorprendente se il sale che quel pazzo aveva in zucca fosse stato altro che tutta l'acqua di mare che si era dimenticato di sciacquar via.
Gli altri clienti erano più che altro grati dell'intrattenimento, a essere sinceri.
An Angler, a Madman and the Sea walk into a bar. Someone almost drowns, but it's all good! It was an accident!
In a bar with neon lights fighting to stay on for just another night and once crystal clear glasses now all fogged up from use, two weary travellers share a plate of appetizers. Tonight the bartender fells like telling the ever-so-familiar story of a small seaport in some remote corner of the world, the Angler that docked there, and the Madman that made it his home.
At the counter one of the two seems very keen on letting everyone know that nono, there was no Madman, ok? The so very normal fishmonger, perfectly sane of body and mind, had his head on so very straight, the sanest person on the curb. Next to him, a woman who was nodding to the barman to bring cup of chips, leans in to add how that fool leaned his ear to the sea so hard trying to listen to voices, she'd be surprised his head was still screwed on to his neck.
The regulars were mostly glad for the entertainment, to be quite honest.
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bruisedswan · 28 days
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𓆉 opla , yentara ashra . 18 . hybrid/ half-fin ( siren + human ) . s/o: roronoa zoro . trope: rivals/enemies → lovers . abilities: water + mind manipulation
⚘ marvel , yennefer solace . 19 . demi-god . s/o: gwen stacy . trope: friends → lovers . family: apollo [ god of the sun ]. andromeda solace [ witch / hecate worshipper ] ( parents ) . team: eumenides . abilities: ether manipulation
☄dcu , zorella tritonis . 17 . hybrid ( xebellian + homo magi ) . s/o: tbd . family: dimitrios tritonis [ xebellian war general + dragon keeper ]. zanele dunn [ sorceress ] ( parents ) . team: titans . abilities: etherius warping ( through the curse of tritas )
⟡ tvd , azalea auclair-dunn . 17 . auclair witch . s/o: kento ogami [ kitsune ] . trope: enemies → lovers . family: seraphine auclair ( aunt ). elowen auclair-dunn ( sister ). orion north-auclair ( cousin ) . abilities: essence magic
ʬʬ the boys , azalea priscilla dunn . 20 . first natural born supe . s/o: cherie (??) . trope: strangers → friends → lovers . family: isaac dunn [ biochemist ]. thandi dunn [ astronomist ] ( adoptive parents ) . abilities: matter manipulation. energy projection
❀ fame , zoe dunn . 21 . actress. model. singer . s/o: mackenyu . trope: friends → lovers . family: ( old reality family ) . roles: basically all my tr selves + monet de haan
⋆ 𝕳ONORABLE MENTIONS :: house of the owl tr . descendants tr . invincible tr . kpop soloist tr . solar punk tr . mortal kombat 1 tr . street racer tr . winx tr . atla tr
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⌗ note :: literally no one asked for this but i was bored so here y'all go lol. also the layout is heavily inspired by @ogprettyprincess
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