c0mmonloon · 2 years
Concerts I’ve got coming up this year
Apes of the state x pigeon pit
Rent strike x troll2 x brook pridemore
Let’s fucking GOOOOOOOO
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invertedromance2 · 9 months
i will be hone2t my a22 could not handle a ki2me2i2 i would get too angry and kill them i think
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 11 months
Feferi: I'm actually only 25% that beach cause I'm 75% water
Sollux: waiit, troll2 are only 70% water, where’2 the other 5% from?
Feferi: I'm soggy
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interrogatormentors · 1 month
what's your protocol on space pirates?
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protocol wiith the iinterrogatormentor2 wa2 two kiill the engiine2 and liife 2upport. davrot could hold her breath for 17 miinute2 and ii got upward2 of 20. then lower the heat2hiield2 and open the viewport2 iif we were near a 2un, and the average piirate ii2 cooked. 2crapper crew2 u2ually wear 2uiit2 that you have two focu2 down but the average piirate ii2 lookiing at an empiire 2hiip and 2eeiing ea2y piickiing2 2o they go iin wiith armor at mo2t. force them two wear a 2uiit 2o they can breathe and theiir combat abiiliitiie2 go down the gaper.
de2piite beiing borderliine para2iite2 troll2 aren't goiing two 2urviive iin a foreiign body for long. even a dreadnought would rather open the hanger two draw iin piirate2 bc the number2 game ii2 u2ually iin an alterniian 2hiip'2 favor. a good 2hiip'2 2ecuriity offiicer ii2 u2ually a hiighblood 2o they can chuck a rage out the aiirlock and try two force a 2urrender before theiir head2 pop liike a grape. then they can throw a2 many lowblood2 a2 they can mu2ter at the piirate boardiing crew.
here??? iidfk. the maiin miiliitary 2trategii2t baiiled two go polii2h the empre22' clam way before ii went iinto the helm. ii'm p 2ure we're not a 2hiip but ii know we're not planet2iide 2o iit'2 probably the 2ame 2trategy that a cruii2er u2e2: 2hut everythiing off and hunker down. eiither that or they get fuckiing 2erket two play piirate hunter and that'2 more liikely two end up wiith the rebelliion wiith a hot poker up iit2 a22 rather than iin the fiire bc 2he doe2n't know 2tarboard from larboard when 2he'2 larpiing the commandeeriing of a ve22el.
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Wroooooooong!!!!!!!! You really don't have any 8ite or imagin8tion anymore do you, Sparky Sparky 8oom 8oom 8oy???????? Like we need that 8ulge-panned wimp at all! I myself am ACTUALLY a PROFESSIONAL sp8ce pir8, and I know how to shoot engines out just fine without a fancy Empire-provided educ8tion like you got! They wouldn't get the chance to 8oard my shit 8efore I shot them to 8its. I was a GOOD f8cking LARPer, 8itch, I'm 8etter at this than y8u!!!!!!!! What f8cking experience did you fucking have with LARPing anyways???????? Suck my m8t8r l8ng 8ulge!!!!!!!!
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KK let me out of thii2 cell and let go of me ii ju2t want two talk liike a profe22iional ii promii2e.
ii know you have the 2triing2 from thii2 hoodiie 2omewhere ju2t tell me where they are ii want them for normal rea2on2 unrelated two FUCKIING THROTTLIING 2MARMY BIITCHE2.
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shittydrawnsollux · 11 months
TT: Why everyone suddenly started doing their own trollsonas.
TT: Is this "trollswap urself" day or something? What did I fucking miss?
- @badlydrawn-halstrider
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TA: where do ii even 2tart. (where do i even start.)
TA: 2iimple2t way two explaiin iit ii2: ma22iive 2peciie22wap. (simplest way to explain it is: massive speciesswap.)
TA: human2 are beiing turned intwo troll2, troll2 iinto human2, and a bunch of other 2hiit two. (humans are being turned into trolls, trolls into humans, and a bunch of other shit too.)
TA: liike the aniimal 2ub2et. no matter your 2peciie2 or iif youre already tran2formed intwo 2omethiing el2e or not, you can get turned iintwo part purrbea2t or barkbea2t apparently. (like the animal subset. no matter your species or if youre already transformed into something else or not, you can get turned into part purrbeast or barkbeast apparently.)
TA: iim the only barkbea2t out here riight now and iit2 been pettiing catpeople hell. (im the only barkbeast out here right now and its been petting catpeople hell.)
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hornystuckposting · 10 months
What do you think Dave Strider's gender is? At any stage of the comic.
- @fountainofmyself
compliicated que2tiion, two 2ay the lea2t 2o we liike both the concept of tran2ma2c dave and tran2femme dave. iive 2een both wriitten well, both iin 2mut and generiic fanfiic t4t davekat ii2 a quiite niice concept two of cour2e, we al2o need two thiink about dave2priite. the general con2en2u2 on fem!dave'2 name ii2 dove, two fiit the biird themiing wiithout changiing two much. iive al2o met a rachel 2triider, and probably at lea2t one more iive forgotten however our per2onal favouriite ii2 dove, and iif you check our blog youll 2ee there ii2 iin fact a dove here. 2he'2 an ex-dave2priite, comiing 2peciifiically from the fanfiic Early June (non-2mut wiith at lea2t one 2mut 2iide-2tory) whiich we have not been keepiing up wiith recently ba2iically dove ii2 po2t-retcon dave2priite, re2urrected iin the green 2un2 biirth after beiing kiilled on lowa2 by ret-june, whiich make2 her iintwo a god tiier much liike crow 2triider from The Crow Strider AU then 2he and jade take the golden miile triip wiith 2ome liife-reviived troll2, and nepeta help2 her fiigure out her gender a biit. ii thiink 2he u2e2 2he/they pronoun2, wherea2 our dove u2e2 2he/her and caw/caw2 there2 al2o davepeta two con2iider. the only canoniical they-them u2er iin home2tuck beefore the epiilogue2, davepeta'2 both dave and nepeta. per2onally ii thiink the they/them ii2 u2ed iin a pluraliity 2en2e more than not, but al2o dave and nepeta have had theiir iidentiitiie2 2huffled around iin there, 2o the dave part ii2 not exclu2iively a boy and the nepeta part ii2 not excu2iively a giirl iive al2o 2een a quiite good iinterpretatiion of davepeta a2 a 2peciifiically new entiity, not ju2t dave and nepeta fu2ed, who ii2 nonbiinary anyway. or 2hould ii 2ay nyan-biinary? and there2 al2o out dave. he2 both 2iimple and compliicated? you wont 2ee hiim on thii2 account (he2 ju2t not iintere2ted a2 much a2 other2 iin thii2) but he2 kiinda ju2t. a guy? my2elf and ed and kk are all kiinda iin a 2iimiilar boat two hiim miindway2, but whiile we have 2iimiilar gender2 (whiich overlap iintwo our 2exualiitiie2 and 2exual expre22ion and what have you) he2 ju2t kiinda there ii dunno maybe he'll have a gender revelatiion one day probably got more thought2 but that2 enough for now
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berlinner · 1 month
I WANNA BELIEVE (In A Love Supreme) from Rick Berlin on Vimeo.
Watching Michelle Obama speak at the Democratic Convention last night forced me to wag a shame-on-you finger at myself. It was when she said ‘Put down your phones and DO SOMETHING!’ that lit the sparkler in the dark.
I’m lousy at knocking on doors. I can preach to the choir, but am unpersuasive when confronted by any strongly opposing political views. My pal Alex Gang and I plan on driving people to the polls in NH when the voting begins. I shell out $5 here n there to down ballot campaigns as well as to Kamala and Tim. But that’s it.
‘I Wanna Believe’ is a song we rushed into production last year for #thenickelanddimeband's ‘True Story’. We played it once with a crush of friends (#Troll2 and #thechops) at #TheLizardLounge (which was as awesome as it was crazy), but that was a one off.
These last few weeks, like so many of us, catapulted me out of the down-hearted and grim. The wake-up-in-the-middle-of-the-night anxiety has massively evaporated.
So now this. The last thing I want to deal with is peering down a toilet hole filled with nasty objections. I can frisbee love to heal a dark impulse, but at confrontation I flop.
So this - I WANNA BELIEVE (In A Love Supreme) is my art-response.
Hate it or love it…it’s for you. (And for me too.)
Jane Mangini - piano Ricky McLean - guitar Matt Bailin - sax David Goodchild - bass Chris Antonowich - kit Berlin -vocals
Brian Charles/@Annie Hoffman (engineers at #woollymammothsound) - tracking
Thomas Wenzl (mix/overdubs) at Bitch Kitty Sound
Brian Charles - mastering
Heart art - Dianne Jenkins
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double-ended · 5 months
The darkness troll said that you are psychic. How does that work?
the fuckiing who.
do you mean zahhak? becau2e iim liike 90% 2ure that he ii2nt on thii2 2iite, thank fuck. anyway iill an2wer your que2tiion.
fiir2t of all, iim not p2ychiic, ii cant read miind2. other troll2 can do that 2hiit, whiich 2hould be extremely ba2iic iinformatiion for anyone? who the hell are you, actwoally. jegu2. but yeah, ii cant read miind2. ii can u2e tk, though. liiftiing 2hiit. iid be called a p2iioniic iif anyone actwoally te2ted my power2 two theiir full effiicacy, but nobody ha2. whiich ii2 good, becau2e then iid be a target for how iincrediibly fuckiing awe2ome ii am.
riight now iim mo2tly ju2t a target for beiing piiece of 2hiit on the iinternet.
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theroidalacrity · 7 months
-> heylo ? im s aw th at you are al2o new 2 grumblr in ur bio im think ? ur color2 on ur blog make me think u are a violet blood too ? do u w ant to be friend2 m aybe or wh atever troll2 do on thi2 2ite…
(+)*hello!! welcome to grumblr!! :3 Hope the S:3te :3s treating you well So far! :3’m Not a v:3oletblood, though :3 can definitely See How the Sea references make :3t look that way [Perhaps :3 Should change :3….].. :3 would love to make another New fr:3end Here! though :3t m:3ght be a tad confus:3ng w:3th you just as an anon :3n my correspondence box.. feel free to reach out :3f you’d l:3ke!!*(+)
Ooc translation: Hello! Welcome to Grumblr! I hope the site is treating you well so far! I’m not a violetblood, though I can definitely see how the sea references make it look that way (perhaps I should change it..)! I would love to make another new friend here! Though it might be a tad confusing with you just as an anon in my correspondence box. Feel free to reach out if you’d like!
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moonlightink7 · 11 months
2orry not 2orry the blog2 out there roleplayiing a2 Alterniian and Beforan troll2 ju2t on Tumblr liike random people ii2 fuckiing hiilariiou2. 2ee: beforu2-for-real-ju2tiice, aiita-alterniia, alterniian-criinge-collector, and 2o on. ii am endle22ly entertaiined. iit'2 liike home.
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h0w much 0f 4 ch4nce d0 th3 mut4nt cull3d h4ve 0f g3tting fr3edom t0 study? 1’m cur1ous th3 0dds. d0es c4ste h3lp?
ii 2u2pect iin matter2 of freedom, hiighblooded troll2 may 2ometiime2 end up wiith better culler2. mod fef, do you have anythiing two add?
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asksolluxcaptor · 4 months
Since you seem a little more aware of the timeline then Eridan I wonder if you know about Gamzee's little..."rampage" considering Eridan didn't
Huh? oh yeah. I mean there were plenty of doomed lo2er2 from plenty of hiighblood rampage2. It wa2 bound two happen 2tiickiing 2o many of u2 2o clo2e together for 2o long; e2peciially wiith all the hiigh blood2 iin our group. But out of all the doomed troll2 iive met, iit wa2 alway2 pretty un2ettliing how con2ii2tent acro22 tiimeliine2 gamzee lo2iing hii2 2hiit wa2. It2 not really my place two wonder about anymore though. I leave that kiinda heavy broodiing two aradiia
Huh? Oh yeah. I mean there were plenty of doomed losers from plenty of highblood rampages. It was bound to happen sticking so many of us so close together for so long; especially with all the high bloods in our group. But out of all the doomed trolls ive met, it was always pretty unsettling how consistent across timelines gamzee losing his shit was. Its not really my place to wonder about anymore though. I leave that kinda heavy brooding to aradia
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invertedromance2 · 2 months
they 2hould invent more 2ymbol2 for the keyboard 2o troll2 can make better emoji2 for their horn2
=}>:( thi2 ju2t doe2nt cut it,, cmon
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jvstcallmespade · 4 months
i had a friend who liked homestuck who typed in the same sort of way you do if you get what i mean is that just like a homestuck thing or do i know you
ii do iit becau2e iim a fiictiive and iit’2 ju2t what iim u2ed two
but for other people 2ometiime2 they u2e troll2 typiing quiirk2 for 2omethiing liike comfort or iif they ju2t liike a certaiin troll
2o ii gue22 iit ii2 kiind of a home2tuck thiing
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interrogatormentors · 1 month
so what can you tell us about eridan, mr helmsman? :)
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ErIIdan Ampora II2 the Head AdmIIn of the DC ReIIchenbach and actIIng Head AdmIIn of the HBC Conde2cen2IIon. He II2 ten 2weep2
01101111 01101100 01100100 00100000 01100101 01101110 01101111 01110101 01100111 01101000 00100000 01110100 01101111 00100000 01100010 01100101 00100000 01101100 01100101 01100100 00100000 01110100 01101111 00100000 01110011 01101100 01100001 01110101 01100111 01101000 01110100 01100101 01110010 00100000 01101000 01100001 01101110 01100100 00100000 01101001 01101110 00100000 01101000 01100001 01101110 01100100 00100000 01110111 01101001 01110100 01101000 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01110011 01100011 01101111 01110010 01110000 01101001 01101111 01101110 00100000 01100011 01101100 01101001 01101110 01100111 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01110100 01101111 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01100011 01101111 01101100 01110101 01101101 01101110 00100000 01101111 01100110 00100000 01101000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01110011 01110000 01101001 01101110 01100101
old and II2 one of the younge2t troll2 two receIIve the po2IItIIon 2o 2oon after hII2 a2cen2IIon. HII2 blood
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ca2te II2 cla22IIfIIed a2 vIIolet. He II2 the IImperIIal Con2ort of Her IImperIIal
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Conde2cen2IIon and he
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the IImperIIal Helm2man.
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shittydrawnsollux · 11 months
SOLLUX 1TS OK4Y 1F YOU'R3 G4Y. -@badlydrawnterezi
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TA: "gay" ii2 barely even a THIING for u2!!!!!!!
TA: and even iif 2tupiid 2exualiitiie2 were a2 relevant for troll2 ii wouldnt need two bee told iit2 "okay" iit2 not liikiing GUY2 that bother2 me iit2 WHY DOE2 EVERYONE THIINK IIM GAY FOR THO2E GUY2 2PECIIFIICALLY.
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TA: "oh look at me im davesprite and im an insufferable prick who doesnt even know how to not explode on my own because i cant admit my gayass feelings for my best friend or whatever even though this has been going on for who knows how long". ohhhhh ye22222 ii hate hiim 2ooooo much <3< <3< completely worth my tiime and effort.
TA: 2arca2m. ii HOPE hii2 a22 explode2 next tiime ju2t 2o ii dont have two deal wiith hiim iin any way.
TA: "ohhhhhh im ewidan ampowa im a big fuckin wweenie wwah wwah wwah" why do people thiink ii want hiim??
TA: and KK oh GOG that2 the wor2t of them all. iif you want two 2ee u2 kii22 2o bad fiir2t off go 2tuff your own nook and then diie becau2e iit2 NOT HAPPENIING. go watch kk kii22 hii2 2tupiid 2triider boyfriiend and leave me out of iit.
TA: and ju2t-
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TA: ju2t...
TA: ...
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TA: ...2orry tz. ii... diidnt mean two... 2ay all that. mo2t of iit ii2nt even diirected at you.
TA: 2orry.
TA: "gay" is barely even a THING for us!!!!!!!
TA: and even if stupid sexualities were as relevant for trolls i wouldnt need to be told its "okay" its not liking GUYS that bothers me its WHY DOES EVERYONE THINK IM GAY FOR THOSE GUYS SPECIFICALLY.
TA: "oh look at me im davesprite and im an insufferable prick who doesnt even know how to not explode on my own because i cant admit my gayass feelings for my best friend or whatever even though this has been going on for who knows how long". ohhhhh yesssss i hate him sooooo much <3< <3< completely worth my time and effort.
TA: sarcasm. i HOPE his ass explodes next time just so i dont have to deal with him in any way.
TA: "ohhhhhh im ewidan ampowa im a big fuckin wweenie wwah wwah wwah" why do people think i want him??
TA: and KK oh GOG thats the worst of them all. if you want two see us kiss so bad first off go stuff your own nook and then die because its NOT HAPPENING. go watch kk kiss his stupid strider boyfriend and leave me out of it.
TA: and just-
TA: just...
TA: ...
TA: ...sorry tz. i... didnt mean to... say all that. most of it isnt even directed at you.
TA: sorry.
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