#trolls topia
sapphirepatch · 3 months
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🐙💘 ︴ Trolls are basically drugs at this point, we've seen it with the Bergens and with Velvet and Veneer, so what if there are certain trolls that have stronger effects? In this case, Branch is one of them, trolls can get a high off his singing voice alone and it's incredibly addicting. It also boosts the talent of anyone he sings with. Trolls like these are rare, but when one is found, no one can get enough. And a certain famous rock star needs his fix more than anything. ♥︎٭˙
Yayyy!!! Finally get to introduce my AU that's been cookin in head my head for a while. :DD Info dump below! :
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General/Story: 🌊✦˙
Trolls are much more interested in and obsessed with fame and celebrities in this AU. Everyone is trying to get famous, go out dancing at the clubs, or do absolutely anything to meet someone rich and famous. In Trolls Topia, it's all about your status. And about the parties, and the concerts, and the drugs, and the chaos of it all.
After the events of the first movie, Branch reunites with his old band, Kismet. When the band gets back together, they make it big almost immediately. All thanks to Branch and his voice. This catches catches the attention of Bad Hair Day's lead singer, Billy Reverb. Who becomes utterly obsessed. Though getting Branch to do just about anything for Billy isn't hard at all, not when he already idolizes him and is one of the biggest Bad Hair Day fans out there. It sure seems like Branch is living the high life, his band is the biggest pop sensation in all of Trolls Topia, his best friend is the queen, and his idol is spoiling him and giving him all the attention he could ever want. But it's a dark and dangerous path he's being lead down, and it seems that no one can save him.
About the Characters: 🌊✦˙
Poppy and Val Thundershock are both the queens of Trolls Topia, they're married and the biggest socialites among the pop and rock trolls. They're like early 2000's heiresses to me. // All of Kismet are around the same age and were child stars when they first debuted. After breaking up (when Branch stopped singing because of his grandma) they all stayed close friends up until their late teenage years. Branch was becoming more and more emotionally distant until he finally pushed them all away. // If it wasn't obvious, Billy Reverb is EVIL. Bro is practically a junckie and also very manipulative. He is doing anything and everything to keep Branch wrapped around his finger.
I'll be posting more art and info over time. There's a lot more redesigns and OCs that need to be posted. If you have questions, hit up my askbox. I'd love to get deep into the lore with anyone who's interested.
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I tried to turn the Floyd on hot dog scene into a trolls topia art style and it looks terrible here's what it looks like and you guys could tell me how terrible it looks and do not be nice about it tell me the actual truth of what you think of it
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djcarnationsblog · 2 years
"Hit them with a lil bit of uneasy vibes by Cody having to hold hands with one of the inverted jocks cause the world still sees them as friends" -Topia
^ sky has a friendship tree mechanic where the first one is being able to hold hands or walk up to someone and hols their hand. You're able to stack if you use the second latter mechanic -Wolfe
Oh wait, that would be hilarious to troll people with.
Imagine Isaac just runs by Chris, snatches him like that, and starts dragging him everywhere-
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trollex-is-gay · 3 years
I love the techno trolls so much in Trollstopia’s artstyle because they have the big round pupils that cats have when they’re excited and it’s so unbelievably adorable.
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versadies · 2 years
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SYPNOSIS (of chapter). in which he wanted it to be you and no one else.
SYPNOSIS (of series). breaking up with your first love was heartbreaking, but not as heartbreaking as getting invited to his wedding after years of not seeing him. that is, until things seem to be easier when you encounter a certain guest, who could end up being more than just a blooming friend to you.
CHARACTERS. kamisato ayato, diluc ragnvindr, thoma ( w/ gn!reader )
CONTENT. fluff/angst/comfort, modern!au, ooc (?), mentions of breakups, unrequited love
PENPALS. @scaraslover @dawgimsohot @kazu-topia @aqualesha @mrkamisato @serami00 @serenareiss @hiqhkey @emperatris-rinaka @bystander36 @irisxiel @coleluuviida @034ven @dear-dairiess @luv3rxcha @hadesaedes @chiro-chiro-kun @hersscherofyatta @mariusvonhangme @yuzuricebun @nejibot @hoshikistarlette @solaaresque @crowbird @lordbugs @estelwrld @reinvqx @chihawari @moonlightaangel @lonelysimpfor2dmen @sniffoat @mxsomn @jiminscarmex @alice0blog @ylimeprive @irethepotatosblog @irethepotato @elychee @rion-s @denkineptune @franini @sophisticatedleslie @thedivinepriestess @smashsubs @httpmitsuya @cottonkendi @uchihaeirin @abvolat @kokushiboswife @kyomihann @prplbunny @crowleysthings @axeybelle09 @chimsblogg @ys14a @leaunce @q-zrs @phoenixdrake88-blog @giyusimpsassemble @saving-for-xiao @jean-kirstiens-wife @strawberryuns @selfinsertintrovert @sachispet (come visit this post if you'd like to be tagged !)
WORD COUNT. 6.8k words
SPECIAL NOTE. we finally arrived at a special chapter of this series ! take note that this is a bit considered as a side-story since this is an interlude, however it is an important chapter as well so enjoy <3 !
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For the longest time, Thoma had always seen you as someone he wants to spend his future with. 
As a foreigner who came to Inazuma, it was clear to Thoma that his classmates don’t like him because of how he’s different from the rest. Unfortunately, he slowly became a victim for bullies, who often bully him for not only not belonging to Inazuma, but also how he doesn’t have a father, who he couldn’t find when he and his mother traveled to Inazuma. 
He felt scared, disappointed even. He misses his home so much, he wished his father didn’t have to disappear so suddenly, and he wished the kids at his age would’ve been nicer. If it weren’t for Ayato, his first ever friend, he would’ve felt so terribly lonely. 
Of course, Ayato could’ve prevented the bullying with just a small chat with the bullies thanks to his background and family name, but Thoma was too kind-hearted and didn’t want to burden his best friend with such matters. 
And then, you came to his life. 
He’s heard of your name before thanks to his mother, who once mentioned how she knew a person who also studies in the same school as him and frequently visits her shop at lunch as well as how their mother is a close friend of hers. He didn’t think much of it since you’re not his classmate.
When he met you however, he fell for you hard. 
He met you one day when he was on his way towards the school gate, only to be blocked by his bullies once again. 
However, for the first time since he came here, someone stood up for Thoma. 
“Hey! Leave him alone, you trolls!” His eyes widened when he saw someone standing in front of him with their back facing him as though they were on defense. What are they doing? He thought in confusion. 
One of the bullies didn’t seem to feel threatened by you. “Or what? You don’t even have the guts to– OW!” 
He gasps when he sees you grabbing a small pebble from the ground nearby and doesn't hesitate to throw it at one of the bullies, causing the bully to let out a yelp when the pebble manages to hit them by the head. 
“What the hell?! Are you trying to kill us?” 
“Killing’s a strong word,” You said with a huff before grabbing another pebble. “But I will do it again if I see you bullying him next time!” 
“Are you alright?” You ask, turning around to see the blonde-haired man as the bullies ran off in embarrassment and in fear. 
He could feel his breath hitch when he saw you, staring at you in awe. “I-I’m alright,” He immediately replied in embarrassment, looking away from you when he realized he'd been staring. “Thank you for uh.. For uh…” 
You paid no mind to how he didn’t finish his sentence, letting out a small laugh. “It’s no problem! You’re…. Thoma right?”  
The child was even more surprised, not expecting you to know his name. “U-Uhm, yea! How do you know my name?” 
“Your mom. Your family owns Komore Cafe, right?” You asked, eyes brightening.
He nodded, eyes brightening from you mentioning his mother’s cafe. “Oh uh.. Yeah! Are you a regular customer there?” 
You nodded eagerly. “Yes, I’m obsessed with your drinks! Are you on your way there?” 
“Yeah, actually. I just finished cleaning my classroom so–”
“Great, mind if we go there together?” 
Thoma almost chokes on his words, his heart instantly races from your request. “Sorry, what did you say?” He asks, unsure if he heard you right.
“Is it okay if you and I walk there together?” You repeated. “I-It’s fine if you don’t want to! I was thinking it’d be great if we go to the same bus together, at least I have a buddy to come with since I was used to going to your cafe with one of my friends.” 
Usually, Thoma preferred to walk towards the cafe on his own, but he found himself agreeing to your request, excusing it as a way for him to pay you back for saving him. “Sure, I don’t mind! I’m sure my mom would be delighted to hear that I got to see one of her regular customers and had someone who defended me from those bullies.” 
You smile widely, immediately standing beside him. “Alright then, lead the way, Thoma!”
At that moment, Thoma finally found something, or someone rather, to think about in his own little world.
From then on, you and Thoma started going to the Komore Cafe together whenever you can. 
Your conversations were surprisingly not that awkward despite Thoma being so flustered from his feelings towards you at first. He supposes it’s because of how you weren’t bothered with his flusteredness, which he’s glad of. For someone who’s supposedly great at socializing with anyone, he sure wouldn’t seem like one if people knew how he acted around you at first. 
Not to mention the bus rides – oh the bus rides – his moments with you are always precious there. Besides the games you two played while waiting for the bus to stop by the cafe along with the conversations you had, there was especially one time when you fell asleep on his shoulder from exhaustion in your p.e. class. He wasn’t sure how long he was able to hold in the urge to scream until he was finally in his room alone. 
When it comes to visiting Komore Cafe, you always go to one certain seat you’d sit in. Much to his delight, you’d also invite him to sit and chat with you about anything that comes to your mind. It’s those moments when he wished it could last forever. 
In a blink of an eye, a few years had passed and the two of you became best friends in high school. 
By the time Thoma was in high school, he started to help out more in the cafe as people eventually got used to the foreigner. To your delight, he even became more sociable with others! You felt like a proud mother whenever you’d see your schoolmates interacting with him happily.  
You also order the same thing everyday to the point where Thoma can make your order in auto-pilot. If you feel like it, you’d even sometimes order other things, which is none other than his favorite order. If only you knew how it sets his heart ablaze the moment you told him you’d like to try it. 
Sometimes, you’d even try to help in serving drinks in the cafe, to which Thoma insists you don’t need to do that until his mother told him you’ve helped her handle the cafe often whenever he’s busy with school activities that made him stay. Ah, it made him have all the more reasons to love you than he should. 
By the time you and Thoma became second-year students, everything changed. 
As much as Thoma didn’t want to admit, he was so sure Ayato was catching on to his secretive feelings. It honestly felt like the man could read him like an open book.  
No amount of words could tell how shocked Thoma was when he encountered Ayato in the cafe, the blonde-haired man was staring at his dear friend like a deer caught in headlights as you stood beside him in confusion from why he stopped his tracks. 
He thought this was it, this is when Ayato will tease me 24/7!
However, the dreadful moment Thoma has been waiting for did not come. Even when he introduced you to Ayato, even when he left you two off to chat so he could prepare his and your drinks, and even when you left early to do your homework in your home. It honestly made Thoma feel nervous the entire day. Just what is on Ayato’s mind? He wonders to himself as he continues to serve his customers in the cafe, eyeing towards the blue-haired man’s direction suspiciously. 
It wasn’t until Thoma took a break and sat across to his best friend, who continued to drink his boba silently. 
“...That person…” Ayato spoke up, staring at where you left.
The blonde-haired man chuckles nervously, dreading the teases. “You mean ( Name )? What about them?” 
He finally looks at Thoma with an expression he had never seen before. “I… I’d like to get to know them more.” 
Thoma felt like time froze when he realized what was going on. 
As someone who was in love for so long, Thoma knew what love looks like. 
And it was all over Ayato's face.
At first, the blonde haired man thought nothing of it, telling himself that maybe he was just overthinking things. He’s sure Ayato is just interested in getting to know someone as interesting as you since he never heard of you around the school, in a way that one would become interested to have the other as their friend.
Then the blue-haired man started asking about you a lot whenever the two of them are in class. Be it your favorite hobbies, favorite subject, what club you’re in, and so on and so forth to the point where Thoma couldn’t deny the fact that Ayato is absolutely whipped for you. 
He wasn’t sure if the same goes to you. 
Unlike Thoma, Ayato doesn’t need to use the public bus since he has a driver who can come and pick him up to take him home. So when you and Thoma encountered the blue haired man by the school gate despite the fact that he should’ve been home an hour ago, it was safe to say the blonde-haired man was surprised. 
“Oh, are you two on your way to the cafe?” Ayato asks with a smile on his face.
“Yep, are you going there too?” You responded, not noticing the hesitant look on Thoma’s face. 
The blue-haired man nodded in response. “Yes, actually–”
“Great! Why not come with us? Me and Thoma are on our way to the bus stop.” You invited with a smile, your offer got both Thoma and Ayato look at you in surprise. Did you really  just invite Kamisato Ayato to go ride a public bus?
However, before Thoma could tell you that Ayato has to do something else, the blue-haired man chuckles in amusement and beats him to it. “I suppose it won’t hurt to try. You may lead the way.” 
As you eagerly agreed and walked towards the school gate with Ayato following, Thoma stood there, wondering what on earth just happened.
Ayato, who never takes detours and always urgently go to the car that’ll take him home just to study and deal matters with his family’s business, not to mention he only goes to places with said car, and only visits the cafe when he actually had time, accepted to go with you despite knowing that he has an exam to study tomorrow with Thoma – who he clearly remembers how Ayato wasn’t planning on going to the cafe to study with him this week – and even agreed with going there by bus?
The blonde-haired looks down at his bag, the bag that holds a note that he was planning to put inside your locker, for you to know the time and place for him to confess his undying feelings for you. 
Thoma gulps a lump in his throat and slowly starts catching up with you and Ayato, forming a stiff smile on his face. Perhaps it’s for the best if I keep this to myself, he thought to himself. If no one knows, it didn’t happen. 
“What took you so long, Thoma?” You ask with a worried look on your face once you see your best friend standing behind you as the three of you now wait for the bus to arrive. “Did you forget something again in the classroom?” 
He lets out a small laugh in response, ignoring the way Ayato looks at you with different eyes. “Yeah, sorry about that.” 
“It’s alright, you made me worry for a second.” You comment, your worries fade away. “Me and Ayato were talking about drinks that he should try in your cafe – I can’t believe he’s missing out your favorite one!” 
The blue-haired man chuckles in response. “With how you explained it so enthusiastically, who am I to say no and not try it out?” 
Suddenly, it all felt like Thoma is watching a romance movie, his eyes darting between you and then at Ayato as his stiff smile threatens to fall apart when he sees the way you start to become shy with his best friend.
He supposes he should be grateful for not putting the note in your locker and not getting rejected. 
For the rest of the school year, it was clear to Thoma that you could never be with someone like him, not when you have someone like Ayato, who Thoma knows would be the better option. Ayato’s rich, powerful, dedicated, and could make you gush than anyone you ever fallen for – unlike Thoma, who’s just… himself. 
So he stands by and watches you and Ayato become together, as though he’s just a background character in a romance movie with you two being the main characters. 
Thoma even helped Ayato out in many ways he can to make him have progress with being connected with you more. Whether it’d be him backing out from your table with an excuse of working  so it would just be you and Ayato, him lying that he doesn’t know a certain topic that he obviously knows just so Ayato could help you study himself during study sessions, and even help his best friend plan his promposal to you– all those moments in which Thoma tells himself that this is his way of repaying Ayato for being his dearest friend since childhood. 
It hurts when you and Ayato officially become a couple. 
It hurts to go to his bed, no longer giggling or flustered from his shared moments with you as he stares at the ceiling with an empty look on his face. It hurts to work in his beloved cafe, trying to ignore how you and Ayato love each other as some of his customers would gush about how you two look like the perfect couple. It hurts to walk around the school campus as he hears whispers and hushed voices in both envy and admiration about how you and Ayato are such high school sweethearts.
He was glad that he never told anyone about his closed feelings towards you, the pity people would give could make the feeling worse than now. If no one knows, then nothing happened.
As years go by, so did the pain. 
Although Thoma had long accepted the fact that he’ll never get to be with you by the end of senior year, the pain didn’t go away that fast. How could one give up their feelings that they’ve felt for so many years just like that?
He couldn’t, and he hated himself for that. 
He watched as your relationship with Ayato grew throughout high school and college – it was evident that the two of you would never break up at all from how much the both of you love each other, and he envied it. Yet he didn’t do anything with his envy and heartbreak, he only continued to pursue in supporting your relationship. As long as you’re happy, that’s all that matters to Thoma. 
When it comes to you and Ayato fighting, you’d often come to Thoma for advice. He could’ve declined it, but he didn’t. He listened to you and comforted you in every way he could. He knows Ayato just as much as he knows you, so it wasn’t difficult to reassure you that yes, everything will be okay in the end. 
So when he watched Ayato leaving you one day with you sitting on your favorite spot of the cafe dumbfounded, he knew everything was not okay. 
When he saw you following Ayato and left your things, he felt worried. Did something bad happen between you and Ayato that made him leave?
Thoma continued to wait for what felt like an hour, when in reality it was only a few minutes before he saw you coming back. 
His heart broke at the sight of the empty look on your face.
From spending so much time with you, Thoma knew you were holding your tears in. You’re someone who never wanted to cry in public, and you’d probably even won’t tell anybody about it in fear of being a burden to them. 
But you’re never a burden to him.
He decided to slowly come up to you, watching you pack your stuff in a quick manner, as though you wanted to get out as soon as you can. Suddenly, you accidentally made one of your books fall, and he noticed how you flinched from the loud sound. 
The blonde-haired man quickly looked around, and to his relief, none of the customers were bothered by the sudden sound. 
Before you could try to get it, Thoma beat you to it and grabbed it for you.  
“Here you go, ( Name ).” The blonde-haired man said with a sweet smile.
“...Thanks, Thoma.” You spoke in a soft tone, and it hurts Thoma to hear how devastated it sounded. What on earth did Ayato do to you?
Just when he was about to ask if you needed anything, you shut your bag when you shoved the book inside and turned around towards the exit. “See you next time, Thoma.” 
Understanding that you needed space, he nodded slowly. “See.. you next time, ( Name ).” He said, watching you walk towards the door and leave the cafe.
As soon as you left and disappeared from his view, Thoma’s smile dropped. 
If only he knew at that moment how this would be the last time he’d see you. 
It didn’t take long before he quickly noticed how you and Ayato no longer meet each other the next day. It’s sometimes like this if your fights with Ayato were serious and led you to avoid the man, but this was different. 
It was as though the two of you had finally broken up. 
His concern further increases when he sees how you started to avoid people – specifically those who are also close friends with Ayato – as well as how you’re now found alone in school or with Ei and Miko if they aren’t busy from tasks as the student council officers. Although you still looked okay to others, Thoma knew you weren’t.
Despite the fact that you never talked to him since the incident, he didn’t come up to you either, thinking that it’s best that you need some space. The moment you call him, you can guarantee that he’ll instantly try to do everything he can to get to where you are. 
As for Ayato, he acts as if you never existed, acting the same as always. Whenever Thoma tries to bring you up in his conversations, the blue-haired man instantly changes topic with an unexplainable look on his face. He isn’t sure if Ayato’s truly alright, but the blue-haired man has always lied that he’s okay whenever the blonde-haired man asks.
For the first time since elementary school, Thoma felt helpless.
He felt sick to his stomach whenever you and Ayato’s mutual friends expressed their concerns about the two of you since none of you had any longer met up with them in the cafeteria. He’s just as concerned as they are, but he couldn’t do anything about it. 
It wasn’t until a few weeks had passed since his interaction with you in the cafe when Ei and Miko – the two people Thoma’s not the closest to – came up to him while he was on cleaning duty in class when he finally got the chance to talk to you. 
“They’re not doing good..” Ei spoke softly, frowning at the thought of you. “Miko and I did everything we could to comfort them for the past weeks, but ( Name ) wants to talk to you.” 
His eyes widened. 
The pink-haired woman then added, “I know you haven’t talked to them for the past few weeks – but we can tell that they need you now. They kept asking us how you were and if you’re still safe from being bullied whenever we visited them.” 
Thoma couldn’t help but feel touched. Even when you’re at your lowest, you still wonder about his well-being. 
Ei gestures to the man to come with them towards your dorm. “I’ll ask someone to handle the classroom. We need you to go to them now.” 
The student council president didn’t have to say it to him twice.
Thoma did everything he could to come to where you are as fast as his feet can take him, the only thing that runs in his mind is regret that he didn’t come to you sooner and ask if you’re alright. You must’ve thought he was avoiding you too. 
How could I be so stupid? He thought to himself, running faster when he’s closer to your dorm. 
By the time he arrived, it felt like he wasn’t in your dorm at all.
There was no liveliness that helped him feel welcomed, no music that you often listen to playing in the speaker, nor is there any furniture that isn’t dusty from being used.
He slowly took quiet steps towards your bedroom, taking note of how some pictures that had you and Ayato were missing as well as a few items that belonged to Ayato’s. 
He tried not to crumble when he saw you in your bedroom, staring at the window with eyes that no longer sparks life. It’s almost like Thoma’s just staring at an empty shell of what you used to be. 
When you noticed someone’s presence, you slowly turned away from the window to look at Thoma’s direction, only to lightly gasp when you found out who it was. He didn’t fail to notice how your eyes were swollen.
“...Hey ( Name ),” He spoke softly with a sad smile. “How have you been?” 
The both of you fell silent, and you continued to stare at him in shock.
A few seconds was all you needed before you felt your tears forming again, your shoulders began to shake. 
“He… He said he doesn’t love me anymore…” You sobbed, lifting your hands up to cover your face from your best friend, whose heart shattered at the sight of you. “He broke up with me and left me! A-And he keeps on ignoring me whenever I try to talk to him and I… I thought you didn’t want to hang out with me anymore and I don’t know how to face everyone else when Ayato and I are–” 
You gasped once more when you felt his arms wrapped around you into a comforting hug. “I would never want to stop hanging out with you, ( Name ). You won’t lose me.” He said in a reassuring tone, rubbing your back. “It must’ve been rough for you to go through so much, I’m sorry for not coming up to you sooner.” 
You slowly hug him back and close your eyes, sniffing as tears continue to come out. “I missed you, Thoma. I want to go to the cafe everyday like before but.. But I’m scared that I… I might see him again and breakdown and look like a fool in your cafe and–” 
“Hey, hey, it’s alright, don’t worry,” He spoke softly, “I can visit here everyday with your favorites. I’ll make sure you won’t see him if that’s what you want. Plus, the cafe’s trying out delivery now and I can just deliver it to you.” 
He feels your shoulders relaxing in response. “...Thank you, Thoma.” You whispered, still hugging him with no intentions of letting go just yet. 
“Anything for you, ( Name ).” He mumbles, closing his eyes. At this moment, all of his loyalty towards Ayato was forgotten, the only thing he prioritizes the most right now is to make sure you’re happy. 
“Anything for you.” 
It was a long journey, Thoma admits. He couldn’t blame you for having a hard time moving on since you were with Ayato for so many years and because you still don’t know the proper explanation as to why he broke up with you in the first place. 
Nevertheless, he was proud that you can face Ayato without crying anymore, and fully supported your decision in avoiding Ayato instead of continuing to try and talk to him. 
When Thoma saw Ayato entering the cafe, he was ecstatic – only for his face to drop when he saw a woman hugging his arm with a loving smile. 
It wasn’t until he overhears the conversation when Ayato asks the woman out on a date when he felt upset – rightfully so. How could he move on so fast and even find love with someone else? He was disappointed, really. 
Fortunately, you didn’t go back to square one when Ayato announced his official relationship with Chisato. However, that didn’t mean you weren’t hurt from the news. 
Thoma, alongside your dear friends who immediately visited you after finding out what happened, made sure to always be there by your side when you needed it. He respects everyone with how dedicated they are in cheering you up – especially Ei and Miko, who was by your side from the very beginning. 
He watched the way the two women insulted Ayato for breaking your heart whilst soothing you with words, bringing you light novels that Miko got her hands on from her family’s business as well as foods that Ei bought on her way to your place, and so much more.
Thoma was relieved that there’s people out there who are by your side just as much as he is with you.
He still continued to hang out with Ayato of course– however, it felt as though the tension between them was a bit stiff since the incident.
Thoma was glad Ayato’s current girlfriend, Hiiragi Chisato, wasn’t someone that’s malicious and greedy. Not when she was kind, considerate, and hardworking just as much as Ayato. She’s definitely someone Ayato’s parents would be glad to have as their daughter-in-law with how successful and wealthy her family is, unlike you – who unfortunately got disapproved by Ayato’s parents as soon as they found out that you weren’t particularly as wealthy as they are and don’t have a successful family business when Ayato told them after your first visit. 
Though, it’s safe to say that he felt bad whenever he and the others – Yoimiya, Itto, Sara, Kokomi, Gorou, and even Ayaka –  avoid the topic whenever Chisato mentions you. It’s clear that they didn’t want her to know about you, knowing that she would want to try and meet you unaware about your past relationship with Ayato. She’s in a completely different department in the university, so it’s no surprise that she doesn’t know you are Ayato’s past lover.
Even when you’re trying to move on, you still miss and love Ayato. Thoma could understand, since he has been through it when he found out that you love Ayato back, so he always reassures you that you shouldn’t stress that you’re taking too long to move on. 
It wasn’t until something happened in the after-finals party.
Thoma didn’t know what happened, but he did see you following Ayato outside and walked back in an hour later with an angry look on your face. 
“Are you alright, ( Name )?” Thoma asks as you stand beside him by the kitchen with your eyes narrowed.
“I’m done with him.” You mumbled, glaring at where Thoma assumes Ayato is in. “I’m sick and tired of him.”
The blonde-haired was surprised, but then he grabs an alcoholic bottle before pouring it on a new cup, handing it over to you as an offer. “Care to drink with me and tell me about it then?” 
Without hesitation, you grabbed the cup he poured and took a quick sip, unbothered by the burning sensation in your throat. “Gladly.” 
Just as you said so, you stopped crying for Ayato ever since that night. 
No one besides Thoma knew what happened between you and your ex in the party, but none dared to question it – even Miko herself. Nevertheless, what matters is that you’re moving on from Ayato, and they’re proud of you for that. 
However, there was still one thing Thoma wondered.
His best friend’s side. 
It just didn’t make sense, if he had to be honest. Why would Ayato, who’s always dedicated and committed to you and your relationship, suddenly fall out of love? 
Ayaka wondered the same thing when Thoma reached out to her about Ayato, saying how her brother went home one night acting strange and out of his mind, only for him to reassure her that he’s alright and acted normal the next day, pretending that nothing happened. 
Now that he thinks about it, how long has his dear friend continued to be like this?
Ever since you and Ayato separated, the blue-haired man grew busier, more silent, and more distant from everyone. It concerned Thoma, but what can he do when the blue-haired man always reassures him that he’s alright?
The same could go for everyone else – the ones who are friends with both you and Ayato – they’re deeply worried for Ayato just as much as they’re worried for you back when they didn’t know what was going on. 
By the time Ayato started dating Chisato, Thoma didn’t bother asking anymore, thinking that he definitely fell out of love with you since he fell in love with someone so quickly.
You started to visit the cafe as soon as your last year of college began, with you ordering new things while playing with Taroumaru, who’s now grown up into a strong puppy who now entertains customers as they await for someone to serve their orders, and enjoyed your time in the place despite it being the place where your heart got broken by Ayato.
Sometimes you’d go alone, and Thoma would keep you company whenever the cafe was quiet, either by studying with you or just chatting with you – just like good times. Sometimes you’d go with someone else, be it a groupmate for a project, your friend, or even your pet so that they can play with Taroumaru. He adored that you still go to your favorite spot.
Then time flew by, with everyone getting jobs after graduating, with Ayato finally getting assigned as the CEO of his family’s business, with the cafe growing famous in Inazuma thanks to social media, 
And with him still in love with you.
He honestly forgot about his feelings when he was by your side comforting you from your heartbreak. He only remembered as soon as Ayaka asked him if he had fallen in love with someone after gushing about the person she had a crush on one day while they were preparing for Ayato’s birthday.
Yes, he’s still in love, but he wouldn’t tell Ayaka that. 
If no one knows, it didn't happen. 
As for you, you found a job. Apparently someone reached out to you about a job that’s under the business that Ei’s family works in, so you’re ecstatic that you’re going to see Ei – who’s more than happy that you’re going to work for her. Thoma was glad that you found a good job that you love, so he was happy for you. 
However, there was something about the job that conflicted you.
“Though… I’m sad,” You said with a sigh, your wide smile turned into a sad one as you looked down at your drink that Thoma prepared for you. “I… I’ll have to go to Liyue in two weeks later to start my job.” 
The blonde-haired man froze, eyes slightly widening. Liyue was far from Inazuma, and it’s obvious that you’re trying to say that you’ll have to stay in the prosperous country for your job. 
“...Oh,” He spoke. “...Did you accept the job?” 
You shrugged. “I’m still thinking. I don’t want to leave this place – let alone leave you and the others. But then again, everything reminded me of him, and this job is my shot in–”
“Then do it.”
You stumbled on your words, looking up at the blonde-haired man in shock. “Wh-What?”
Thoma shoots you an encouraging look. “You should go for it if you want it. Don’t worry about me and the others, we can still be in touch even when you’re away.” 
You blinked a few times. “Should I..?” 
He nodded eagerly. “Follow what your heart wants. You still have Ei and Miko in there, and I’m sure you’d make friends with people who are just as good as everyone here.” He then places his hand on yours in a reassuring grip, something that became a habit of his as a way to comfort you back then. “You’ll never lose me. Call me whenever you’re free to chat, alright? We’re best friends, after all.”
You put your other hand on top of his as well, your smile no longer sad. “..Yeah, you’re right… Thanks, Thoma.”
A few days after that, you finally decided to accept the job, much to Thoma’s delight. He knew you needed to go away and get a fresh start, and your job is worth accepting for. 
He soon helped you pack your things, whilst playing games and watching movies together afterwards. Those nights are when Thoma dreams that it’s just him helping you move into his place, causing him to sleep with a happy heart at the thought. 
The day before you left, everyone decided to hang out in the cafe for your farewell party, giving you gifts to bring with you as well as speeches – with Itto beatboxing for you causing you to laugh – even Ayaka came by and gave you a gift, wishing you well and happy future. 
It’s safe to say that the party was the reason why your worries about leaving your friends ended, you couldn’t help but tear up with how much everyone was proud and happy for your new job.
Thoma was happy that he’s the one who’ll take you to the airport, wanting to be the last person to give you a farewell before you officially leave the country and live in Liyue. 
“I guess this is it.” You said as you stood by the terminal gate that’ll take you to your plane. “I’ll miss you and your cafe, Thoma. Please tell your mom that I’ll miss her too.” 
Thoma nodded. “Of course. You better call me when you arrive at your apartment!”
“Only if you include Taroumaru in your video call!” You teased, the both of you laughing. 
You then pulled him in for a hug. “I honestly don’t know if I’ll be able to chat with you often since Miko and Ei told me working under the Tenryou business will make me a busy person, but I’ll make sure to chat whenever I can.”
“It’s fine, ( Name ).” He reassures you, hugging you back with a soft sigh. “I’ll miss you as well.” 
 “I hope you’ll find someone that will make you happy, Thoma.” You spoke softly. 
“Why would I when I found you?” The blonde-haired man wanted to punch himself for spilling those words from his mouth, until you giggled in response.
“That’s not what I meant Thoma,” You clarified, thinking that he didn’t understand your words. “I meant I hope you’ll be able to find someone who you’ll fall in love with and date. I’m sure you’ll make them as happy as how you made me happy.” 
He stays silent, watching you let go of him and take your luggage from him. “I gotta go now, see you next time, Thoma.” 
Thoma then waves, still frozen from what you said.
There’s no one who I love but you.
“So, they left huh?” Ayato asks, sipping his boba as Thoma sits across from his best friend with a shocked look on his face. 
The blonde-haired man was entering the cafe from the airport when he immediately spotted his best friend inside the establishment for the first time since his visit with Chisato. 
The blonde-haired gulps the lump in his throat, smiling stiffly. “Yeah…” 
Ayato smiles at that response, and he looks as if he’s relieved. “I’m glad… They deserve to go there, that job will make them happier than I can.” 
Thoma then realized what Ayato was doing. He’s finally opening up to the blonde-haired man about you. 
“I do apologize for… being distant.” He spoke. “I know you must be disappointed in me for what I did with ( Name ). I’m disappointed in myself as well.” 
The blonde-haired man frowns, not speaking up as he listens to what the man has to say intently. 
“I never told… anyone about this, so you’re the first one.” Ayato confesses. “Yes, I had to push them away. I know they would fight for our relationship, and I love them for that, but I cannot let them do it.”
“Did you… really fall out of love with them?” Thoma wonders, his heart ponders in suspension. 
The man pauses, and smiles in sadness. “I did not.” 
He gasps in response. “Then.. Then why? Why did you do it?” 
The two of them fell silent for at least a minute until Ayato gave in.
“...The thing I have between me and Chisato,”
He hesitates for a moment. “What we have is simply an arranged marriage.” 
Thoma’s heart dropped. 
Ayato looks out at one of the windows with a longing gaze. “I.. I couldn’t afford to let my sister go in an arranged marriage, I knew it would happen to her. So I decided to take one for her when Chisato’s father offered my parents an arranged marriage.” He explains. “I knew that ( Name ) would be disappointed in me and would try to make me stop it, so I.. I did what I had to do.” 
He then looks back at Thoma. “It’s better this way, don’t you think?” 
“Even if they hate you now?” Thoma asks. 
Ayato nodded. “..I don’t mind. I just want them to be happier now, and that is enough for me. We both know I don’t deserve their love,” He then chuckles to himself, as if disappointed. “I even pushed their relationship with me aside for the sake of my family.” 
Thoma didn’t reply to that, mentally agreeing that Ayato’s right. ��What about Chisato?”
The blue-haired man sighs. “She’s aware of this being an arranged marriage. But she isn’t aware that I still long for someone else.” He inhales sharply. “Her father forced me to make sure to charm her before proposing to her so that she’d be more than willing to be in this arranged marriage, so I can’t do anything about it with the fact that she’s in love with me.”
Ayato then notices the familiar sight of his driver coming out from the car outside the cafe, gesturing Ayato to the time. 
“.. I’ll apologize to ( Name ) someday. Then maybe we can be friends again – even if that will take years or even if they potentially won’t allow us to.” He then stands up, grabbing his cloak and his drink. “Thank you for taking care of ( Name ), Thoma. Never speak of this conversation with anyone, alright?”
If no one knows, it didn’t happen. 
As Ayato leaves the cafe after giving both Thoma and his mother farewell, Thoma finds himself sitting in your favorite spot, only this time, he was alone.
You couldn’t help but feel amazed by Liyue’s airport as you head over towards the exit, looking around the place as if you’re in a whole new world–
You suddenly bumped into someone, muttering out an apology in embarrassment. Great, first day and you aren’t paying attention to your surroundings!
You paused when you realized the stranger, who also muttered an apology and left, dropped a pocket watch on the ground.
Quickly grabbing the pocket watch, you instantly rush over to the stranger who’s walking side by side with another man, memorizing what words to say in your head. 
“Sir!” You called, and the stranger turned around in confusion. 
“You dropped this,” You said, showing him the pocket watch. “Sorry again for bumping into you, by the way.” 
The man’s eyes slightly widen, slowly grabbing the watch from you. “Thank you.” 
You nodded with a smile. “It’s no problem.” 
Without another word, you immediately ran off from the two men, not realizing how a few people, particularly the paparazzi, were staring at you with wide eyes. 
“My, I’m surprised they didn’t know about us two, Diluc.” Kaeya spoke in amusement, watching you go away. “You’re lucky they gave you that pocket watch. I’m not sure what would happen to you if you lost your father's watch after he just died.”
Diluc, the man you came up to, glared at Kaeya. “Watch your mouth before I make sure you’re not going to my private plane on our way back to Mondstadt.” 
The other laughed. “I’m rich too, Diluc.”
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strangeblueanimal · 3 years
Bleh I wanna watch trolls topia but I can’t really find it anywhere -_-
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sammysreelreviews · 4 years
Counting Down My Top 10 Animated Films Of The Last Decade
Welcome to the beginning of the movie decade lists! Before I start if you wanna know the exact time the next list will be out follow my instagram here! Ok so there were some movies that I left out of this list but loved so I’m gonna let y’all know the runner ups cause I’m just so fucking generous. They are The Boss Baby, Kung Fu Panda 2, Klaus, and Rise of the Guardians. I could’ve easily thrown them on the list but these decade lists are stressing me the fuck out and they’re time consuming! Also, there will be some Pixar movies missing and I DON’T wanna hear any annoying criticisms! This is MY list! ANYWHO here’s my list and I hope you love it as much as I loved watching these films over the last ten years. Enjoy! ***SLIGHT SPOILERS?***
10. Trolls (2016)
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Ok ok ok, hear me THE FUCK OUT. Trolls is fucking funny!!! Even I thought the movie was going to be dumb as all hell but by the end my eyes were watering? The music in Trolls makes the movie and there are so many jokes that continuously make me laugh. Ugh I fucking love Trolls cause it always makes me happy so don’t troll me for putting it on my list!
9. Toy Story 3 (2010)
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Is it crazy that the third installment in this series is the best? This movie is not only hilarious but like fucking traumatic!? When they all almost died in that incinerator!? And when Andy (John Morris) gave up Woody (Tom Hanks)!?! WHAT THE FUCK! If you can get through Toy Story 3 without crying I’m just letting you know that you’re a fucking demon. 
8. The Lego Movie (2014)
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Everything IS awesome in this animated film. Honestly people thought this was going to be dumb but I’m glad they were proven wrong cause I was very excited to see this movie. I saw this in college high (lol throwback to when I smoked weed) with my friend Genna (hi BFF) and it was our first friendship outing! Not only do I love this movie but I love the memories I have from it. Also it’s just hysterical and it’s something you can watch over and over again. Kind of pissed the Academy completely snubbed this.
7. Your Name (2016)
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I watched this movie during the past two weeks and my god it truly deserves all the hype it gets. The tale of a boy and a girl body swapping is not only adorable but heartbreaking as hell. This is the first anime film not directed Hayao Miyazaki to earn more than $100 million in Japan! How insane is that?! What I love about Your Name is it really makes you think about all the missed connections you could’ve had. Now that I’m writing about it I really want to watch it again. Go watch it... like now!
6. Wreck it Ralph (2012)
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To be honest I only got around to watching this movie a few weeks ago and I’m so happy I did! First of all the animation is just breathtaking you never wanna take your eyes off of it. The tale of Ralph (John C. Reilly) trying to be a good guy and befriending a glitch by the name Vanellope (Sarah Silverman) is not only funny but so heartwarming I was crying at the end. The sequel, Ralph Breaks the Internet, is not as good plot wise but is still tons of fun and left me wanting a third.
5. Coco (2017)
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When I saw Coco I literally cried so hard it was embarrassing. At first I was skeptical because sometimes people hype up Pixar movies and then I don’t end up liking them (Frozen, Inside Out, Big Hero 6) so I decided to take the leap and watch Coco and I’m so glad I did. The colors in the movie are so vibrant and I love the atmosphere it creates even though they’re in the land of the dead. On top of that there’s an amazing familial story that would reduce the strongest of men to tears. Ugh, I genuinely love this movie so much and cry every damn time and it also gave us a great Pixar villain.
4. Into the Spider-Verse (2018)
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I know it’s number four on my personal list but in reality it’s the best animated film made in the past decade. The animation alone just reels you in and I really wish I saw it in theaters. Miles Morales (Shameik Moore) has become my favorite Spider-Man and I can not wait for a sequel. Before I forget, did anyone else see that twist coming!? I didn’t!
3. The How to Train Your Dragon Franchise (2010-2019)
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Ok there was no way in actual hell that I could just pick one of these 3 films like that would break me! The story of how Hiccup (Jay Bruchel) and Toothless became the best of friends and changed peoples minds about dragons is one near and dear to my sappy heart. I honestly think Toothless is the cutest animated animal that has ever been fucking created like how could you not fall in love with him!? When I saw Hidden World in theaters I was sobbing harder than the actual children that were there. I’m so glad that I gave these movies a chance and I’ll be so mad if they don’t get the Oscar they so rightfully deserve in 2020.
2. Tangled (2010)
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Rapunzel (Mandy Moore) finally got the update she deserved when Disney debuted their new style of animation with Tangled. Tangled had a budget of $260 million dollars making it the highest budget of an animated film ever. You’re probably wondering why it cost so much money but it’s literally because they needed new technology to create Rapunzel’s hair! Rapunzel is a naive princess but she’s independent and always asking questions which makes her so great. She has the greatest animal companion of all the Disney princesses and Flynn Ryder (Zachary Levi) is not your ordinary Disney prince. Mother Gothel (Donna Murphy) is quite the underrated villain and Mother Knows Best is one of the best Disney villain songs. Tangled is just overall a fantastic film and I wish it got as much praise and buzz as Frozen did.
1. Zootopia (2016)
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Zoo. Motherfucking. Topia. One of the best achievements in cinematic history. If you think I’m joking, I’m not. The minute I saw Zootopia I was absolutely obsessed which is funny cause I really don’t like animals. Disney found a way to not only show how systematic racism works but gave us laughs, tears, and a killer mystery to solve! The one scene that never fails to make me laugh is when they’re doing the talent show in the beginning and the cat dances with the jukebox like how can you not just holler!? Zootopia is an example of a perfect animated film and that’s why it’s number fucking one.
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sapphirepatch · 4 months
How do you feel about breek?
I feel like I need to watch the beat goes on first to really have an opinion. But from what I've seen in screenshots, yeah I 100% see it. I think it's a cool ship that I'd probably really like if I watched the show. Definitely better than fleek if I'm being honest...
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candangoloktuk-blog · 4 years
If you dont have hulu or peacock to watch TROLLS TOPIA you can go ahead and watch it on ev01.net here is the link hope this helps!  https://www1.ev01.net/tv/watch-trolls-trollstopia-online-64891
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bloodmoon24 · 3 years
LJ: (playing his bass guitar) Of all the Trolls here in this Topia... D: It's for him that I fell... LJ: Oh D~ (about to kiss him then stops and shouts) ARE YOU FUCKING FILMING US RIGHT NOW?! (CG with a camcorder outside)
Blood: *grabs him with her hair and beats him up repeatedly*
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ao3feed-victuuri · 4 years
Warm Christmas
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2EZG1g1
by LadyAshyTakaSahn
After the Grand Prix Finale, Yuri starts worrying about his friend Otabek. He stopped replying to Yuri and didn’t mention anything about his performance.
An impromptu invitation to the Yu-Topia Onsen will surely keep his mind off of Otabek for a while, won’t it?
But why are Yuuri and Viktor acting so strangely?
Words: 3719, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Otabek Altin, Yuri Plisetsky, Nikolai Plisetsky, Yakov Feltsman, Katsuki Yuuri, Victor Nikiforov, Katsuki Yuuri's Family
Relationships: Otabek Altin/Yuri Plisetsky, Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov
Additional Tags: Victuuri is just in the background, THERE WAS ONLY ONE BED, Friends to Lovers, Best Friends, Crushes, Christmas Fluff, Christmas, Ice Skating, Grand Prix Final, Post-Grand Prix Final, Platonic Cuddling, Victor is a troll, Character's Name Spelled as Viktor, yuri is a shy bean
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2EZG1g1
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ameliaoxx · 2 years
Oh! Then you should visit Trollstopia! There are ENDLESS of different kinds of trolls!
Kayla: trolls..topia...?
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mrsonuofficial · 3 years
Tittle : Sofia Ansari (Topia ansari - Booba Devi) Roast | Mr Sonu_Official
Hlo Guys
ये वीडियो केबल इंटेरमेंट्स के लिए हैं, मेरा मकसद,इस वीडियो को बनाकर किसी के टैलेंट का मज़ाक उड़ाना या उसे नीचा दिखाना नहीं हैं _ मैं बस उन ashleel वीडियो बनने वाले लोगो को ये बतान चाहता हू की वो ऐसा ना करे तकी छोटे बच्चे आपकी वीडियो देख कर ना बिगडे इसलिए इस वीडियो को दिल पर ना ले /
धन्यवाद.......... 🙏🙏
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This Video Presented By Devil Memes Roaster and This video is only entertainment purposes not hurt anyone feeling and prosnally Thnks
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iamchikara · 6 years
Results for Night One of this year’s YLC tournament under the cut.
I don’t know if we’re getting auditions for new ring announcers ala the last time a replacement was needed, but I’m hearing the one handling this show was not great. Nothing’s been said beyond Vlad leaving, so we’ll see what happens later in the month. Match #1: YLC Elimination Four-Way Green Ant vs. Brett Domino vs. Percy Davis vs. Omari They kept this one pretty short, with Domino being eliminated first by Davis, then Davis by Green Ant, then Green by Omari. There was a neat spot where Domino invoked his last name by standing all three opponents up, then dropkicking them so that they toppled. WINNER: Omari Match #2: YLC Elimination Four-Way DL Hurst vs. Blanche Babish vs. Dylan Bostic vs. Fuego del Sol Babish, knowing not to wrestle with gum, stuck hers on the top turnbuckle...and Hurst promptly grabbed it and started chewing it. Yuck. This one went longer than the first, with the first elimination taking twice as long to achieve. That one went to Babish, who swiped a pin out from under Bostic and eliminated Hurst. Bostic went out immediately after, courtesy of del Sol. Minutes later, Babish locked del Sol in a rolling armbar and tapped him out. WINNER: Blanche Babish Match #3: YLC Elimination Four-Way Cajun Crawdad vs. Anthony Greene vs. Super Beetle vs. Gabby Ortiz Someone was a little off the ball regarding graphics on the ‘Topia broadcast, from what I’ve heard. Greene was accidentally listed as the Grand Champion. Oops! Anyways, Greene went out first courtesy of Ortiz, who got pinned by Crawdad shortly after. With a powerbomb out of the corner, Crawdad secured his way to the semis by pinning Beetle. Post-match, Beetle said that won’t be the last of him in CHIKARA. Good on you, dude. WINNER: Cajun Crawdad Match #4: YLC Elimination Four-Way Air Wolf vs. Geddy Cahoon vs. Eli Isom vs. Cam Zagami Another succession-style elimination match, much like the first. Cahoon eliminated Isom, Wolf knocked out Cahoon, and Zagami pinned Wolf. Once again kept fairly short. WINNER: Cam Zagami Match #5: Tag Contest, TWGP Qualifier Oceanea and Merlok vs. Colin Delaney and Cheech Hernandez Surprisingly enough, NOT a squash. Cheech and Colin hung in there with the Creatures of the Deep, long enough for this match to go fifteen minutes. Oceanea pinned Cheech to get her team into the TWGP after a very interesting double team: with Cheech prone on the mat, Oceanea got Merlok up on the middle rope and hit a Destroyer, dropping them both onto Cheech. There’s gifs of this on Twitter, it looks like death itself. WINNERS: Oceanea and Merlok Match #6: Singles Contest Fire Ant vs. Ophidian (2 points) A ten minute brawl/game of oneupsmanship that saw both competitors evenly matched. Fire, sporting new red and black gear, kept being warned for aggressive tactics. A jackknife pin into a bridge got Ophidian the win. This sounded excellent. Post-match, Ophidian recounted the road he traveled to get there, then announced that he’ll be cashing his points in at Night Two of the YLC tournament on March 31st. WINNER: Ophidian (3 points) Match #7: TWGP Qualifier The Rumblebees vs. The Whisper and Troll Like I figured he would in my preview, Troll had a lot of ring rust and generally wasn’t a good partner, letting Whisper down tremendously. Solo tapped Whisper out in nine minutes with the Sharpstinger. WINNERS: The Rumblebees Grand Champion Juan Francisco de Coronado hits the ring, and he has a grievance against Dasher Hatfield. Apparently Dasher’s been trying to expose JFDC as a cheater, which shouldn’t be shocking for those of us who’ve had to sit through his championship reign. JFDC counters that Dasher’s a bigger cheater than he is, even bringing Bryce out to support his claim, which brings Dasher out to the ring to deny the allegations. JFDC says he’ll expose Dasher soon. WHY WASN’T THIS DONE PRIOR TO LAST SEASON’S FINALE?! It would’ve made a ton more sense then! Match #8: YLC Semi-Final Blanche Babish vs. Cam Zagami It wasn’t announced prior to the show that they’d be doing the semis as well as the qualifiers, so I’m a mite surprised by this. Anyways, fairly quick, with Zagami taking advantage of the inexperienced Babish to tap her out in five minutes. (Interesting note: Jeremy Leary was on commentary here...hmm!) WINNER: Cam Zagami Match #9: MAIN EVENT, YLC Semi-Final Omari vs. Cajun Crawdad Hearing this was a good match, though not one of Crawdad’s best showings. Poor dude. Anyways, Omari got the win in ten minutes, sending him to the finals at the end of the month. WINNER: Omari Match #10: ENCORE, Singles Contest Thief Ant vs. David Dennison Looks like this one counts, as I’ve read four different sources and they all mention it. Anyways, Thief stunned Dennison (who was meant to be a Trump joke, can we please not do that anymore?) and won it in a minute, so SQUASH. WINNER: Thief Ant (1 point)
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techcrunchappcom · 4 years
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New Post has been published on https://techcrunchapp.com/wicipedia-when-tech-and-politics-collide/
WiCipedia: When tech and politics collide
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This week in our WiCipedia roundup: Female keynoters battle harassment; data bias gets a fine-toothed comb-over; Congress may meet its first female founder; and more.
Politics and big tech have been on a collision course lately, and with Congress’ lack of tech prowess, it’s bound to keep happening. Luckily, Fortune reports that female tech founder Brynne Kennedy could potentially be the first of her kind to serve on Congress. Brynne is the founder of Topia, an HR software platform, and she has also launched a Congressional campaign in California’s fourth district. She’s up against a ten-year GOP incumbent, but clearly it’s time for a fresh face with a useful background. She told Fortune, “I’d be the first female tech founder and CEO to serve in Congress. Just 6% of Congress today has any tech or software background. Which is horrifying when you think about the opportunities or challenges we face as a nation with respect to innovation and technology.” (See WiCipedia: Networking helps get women on boards.)
Two hard heads
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In the most upsetting tech news of the week, CIO Dive explains that four out of ten female keynote speakers report being sexually harassed while attending tech events. It’s hard enough for women to snag coveted keynote speaker gigs as is (only one quarter of all speakers at tech conferences are female), so having to deal with abuse on top of it is particularly heinous. And apparently, moving to a digital platform doesn’t improve the situation as many trolls are braver anonymously online than they would be in person. With tech’s new move to virtual because of COVID-19, companies need to quickly pivot to keep increasing the percentage of women who are keynote speakers and also protect them while they do their job. (See WiCipedia: Seeking Female Keynoters & Recruitment Fails Women.)
Black tech workers deal with different struggles than their white co-workers, so it makes sense that they would need different resources in order to succeed. Betakit explains that this is particularly true during COVID-19, when inequalities are even more apparent than normal and additional support systems are necessary. This is why the Black Professionals in Tech Network (BPTN) group launched an “action plan” to help Black professionals during trying times. The plan is comprised of many elements in order to eliminate racism and bias in tech, and includes building a “virtual campus” for the group’s 10,000 members, and also putting together an assessment for companies to use in order to stay ahead of discrimination and bias. The action plan was presented in full at BPTN’s virtual conference this week. (See WiCipedia: Black female founders take on VC discrimination.)
A new film examines how machines deal with bias, and how the issue needs to be fixed once and for all. The American Prospect interviewed filmmaker Shalini Kantayya, creator of the new documentary Coded Bias. The film delves into the various civil rights and technological issues of artificial intelligence (such as not recognizing Black faces) and explains why it’s so important that we tackle these issues before more damage is done. Shalini puts it best: “AI needs diverse humans. AI needs women. AI needs to be inclusive. Fourteen percent of AI researchers are women. I couldn’t even find stats on people of color. That’s really inexcusable. We have to find out what’s going on in terms of that pipeline. Inclusion makes technologies more innovative and it’s critical for technologies being deployed to everyone.” (See WiCipedia: Facial recognition tech’s heyday is over.)
— Eryn Leavens, Special Features & Copy Editor, Light Reading. Follow us on Twitter @LR_WiC and contact Eryn directly at [email protected].
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opalescentegg · 7 years
Some Yuri!!! On Ice things that, upon further reflection, I kind of love (The Ladies™ edition). (As if I’ve had literally any other editions of analysis I’ve written for this show, ever.  Which I haven’t.  Anyway, onwards!!)
This isn’t a long list (it’s barely a list at all), but I wanted to say my piece, so: Edit: The list isn’t long, but my rambling explanation of literally everything is.  Sorry. 1. All of the named, adult women have jobs. In theory, this isn’t at all radical---God knows, every adult woman I’ve ever met has had a job!  However.  I’ve been into and around anime for a good long while now, and I’ve seen employment for adult women not only be the exception to the rule, but a downright rarity.  Part of this is no doubt due to the fact that, like, 98% of anime is set in middle and/or high school, so (Japanese cultural and educational/administrative norms being what they are), teenagers of any gender just aren’t likely to hold jobs. But ask yourself this: when was the last time you saw an anime mom employed---and I mean really employed---as something other than a housewife?   That’s not to say there aren’t outliers (I think of Madoka’s mom from PMMM, or....really, literally any of the adult women from FMA(:B)).  But that’s just what they are: outliers.  And in rather outlier-type shows, to boot, now that I think of it. But for the most part?  When I watch anime, I see adult women as “the wife and/or mother”™, who stays inside The Home™, and makes dinner, and cleans stuff, and looks after the kids.  And that’s it. And that’s not to say that this is a “bad” path for a woman to take in life, because it’s not.  But in anime, once a woman reaches “a certain age,” it’s practically the only fucking thing we see. But not so for Yuri!!! on Ice.   Katsuki Hiroko?  Married, with two kids, co-owner/-manager of and independent hotel, the family business.   Her daughter, Katsuki Mari?  Full-time worker at said business (and, frankly, probably set to inherit it, what with her younger brother’s obsession with figure skating and beautiful Russian men and moving to Russia to do beautiful figure skating with beautiful Russian men); unmarried and childless, seemingly with no one even thinking of pushing to change that---because, guess what, you can be a woman and thirty and not married and not have any kids and still be fucking human. Okukawa Minako?  Pushing fifty, at least.  Unmarried, no kids.  Runs her own fucking ballet studio.  After literally a lifetime of traveling the world and winning at least one highly prestigious award (X,Y, Z) recognizing her craft.  Bonus: Implied that she still gets around plenty---at least, judging from her conversation with Yuuri in Ep. 1 (using him as a way to... “meet” fit young skaters), and her obvious and understandable physical attraction to Chis. Nishigori Yuuko?  Married, with triplets (both of which obviously happened when she was quite young).  And still working at Ice Castle Hasetsu.  I mean, the practicality makes all the sense in the world to me---even a single kid is expensive, but three, and all at the same time???  Still, a part of me can’t help but feel that, in most other anime, that practical consideration wouldn’t even be entertained, and we’d just have Yuuko at home looking after the triplets (and nothing else), while Takeshi brings home the proverbial bacon and she occasionally reminisces about figure skating.   Which, frankly, would be a disservice to her character.  Yuuko may not have gone pro---may not have had the time, or even skill, to do so, if we’re being brutally honest---but it’s clear that skating is still something she cherishes deeply, so I’m unspeakably happy that YOI let her get to stay part of that world, even if it is simply as an employee at a local ice rink. Mila Babichiva and Sara Crispino?  They’re figure skaters.  They are professional athletes.  That is literally their job. Lilia Baranovskaya?  Technically retired from her former position (as the fucking principal dancer of the Motherfucking Bolshoi Ballet!!), but it’s not like "retirement” stops her from becoming a personal trainer/choreographer/life-coach for our dear Yurio. 2.  The Ladies’ body types This is something I didn’t really appreciate, or even realize (like, at all) until I’d done a few rewatches. For the most part, every named adult woman in YOI has a distinct, recognizable body-type.  Which seems like an obvious thing to say.  But.  How many anime have I watched (how many anime has anyone watched), where “body diversity” for lady characters inevitably just boiled down to “whose boobs and/or hips are bigger”? (While still maintaining  a perfectly flat belly and slender model-thighs---y’know, naturally.) But what do we see in just the first episode of YOI?  Four very different women, with four equally different body types. There’s Minako, with her tall and (almost painfully) skinny ballet dancer’s build.  (Which is later echoed in Lilia, which I actually find rather satisfying.  Although more diverse bodies are always needed in dance---and particularly in ballet, which runs the ever-increasing risk of stagnation as the years and social mores change---it is nevertheless an art that tends to craft a certain kind of body, i.e. the tall-and-skinny type of body that both Minako and Lilia have.  Given that they were/are both ballerinas of the highest order, I find this physical resemblance between the two rather refreshing, since it seems to indicate that the people involved with the show’s creation actually knew a thing or two and actually cared about getting such things right.) Then there’s Hiroko, who is short and plump and....frankly very Mom-like in appearance, at least to me.  (Oughtta tell you something about what my family looks like, huh?)  But there’s no hiding the fact that’s she is plump.  Is fat.  She’s had two kids, and works in a hotel that specializes(?) in serving rich food (if nothing else, Yu-topia is famous for its katsudon), and probably had genetics slowing her metabolism (if Yuuri himself is any indication)---and, let’s be honest, it shows.  But---and this is the important part---absolutely nothing about any of this is demonized or made humiliating.  There’s one off-hand comment about it in the first episode, and then that’s it.  From then on, she’s just Katsuki Hiroko, loving mother and wife and generally Incredibly Good and Kind Person Who None of Us Deserve™, who just happens to be fat.  And that’s it *shrugs* Also, Katsuki Mari.  Who is honestly a little hard to pin down, body-type-wise, since we only ever see her in outfits that hide any specific traits (the Yu-topia Inn jinbei, the long coat in Barcelona).  Still, I think it’s a fair assumption to say that she is a more robust figure than Minako, but also more slender than her mother.  In short, an exceptionally average build. Then, Yuuko.  Who, I think, has the most stereotypically “anime” body of any of the adult women characters.  Voluptuous, but flat in the belly and not too fat around the thighs (despite having carried and borne triplets---damn).  As Yuuri says, she’s (still) “very cute” in her mid-20s, which would annoy me more if it weren’t for a) the three aforementioned ladies, and their character designs, that were already introduced beforehand; and, b) the fact that Yuuko’s entire introduction is just one big trolling moment by the showmakers to basically....well, straight-bait the audience.  And it was glorious. (Guess what audience?  Adult ladies and menfolk can actually be just friends!  With no romantic tension!!  And be perfectly happy with it because even though feelings miiiiiiiiight have been confused a bit when they were teenagers eventually they grow out of it and move on and still stay really good friends because life is just mundanely beautiful like that sometimes!!!) Later on in the show, the pattern is somewhat broken by the character designs of Mila and Sara (both of whom are quite anatomically similar) but, honestly, that does’t bother me much---to me, it’s the same sort of thing as with Minako and Lilia: a certain profession tending to craft a certain body type, like how American football players tend to be both tall and heavily muscled, or how basketball players tend to be very tall and relatively lean, to name some examples off the top of my head.  Not necessarily a rule, but certainly the norm.
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