#trolls yodlers
tantei-chan01 · 9 months
In the mute branch au
What do the bounty hunters think?
Like with their jobs im sure they see all kinds of trolls with different trauma quite often
The bounty hunters have met many trolls with different traumas, some gray. But a mute troll that wasn't a result of a physical injury was something they've never encountered.
Gray trolls don't have a long lifespan due to them losing hope and drowning in their depression. The longest they managed to live was 5 years at best. To meet one that has lived 20 years and to have it happen at such a young age is a shock. It's also a sign of hope, proof that it's possible to heal such heartbreak.
Being mute also stung their hearts. It’s one thing to lose your voice to injury or illness, but to lose it due to trauma hurts deeply. Especially if it causes such a rift between you and the community. They see Branch as a strong and respectful troll. They're impressed that he created a new form of communication and asked to be taught so they could spread that knowledge to other trolls that can not speak anymore
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empressgeekt · 3 months
Trolls - Accidental Knight and the end of the world (Field of Forget-me-nots au - what if?)
Okay, so this is a what if off of second movie of the FoF au (this post), where Barb won. This was inspired by the fic "The Beginning of the End" by AnimationFan2006 on Ao3. Pls go give it a read. I highly recommend that anyone go to look at the rest of the Field of Forgetmenots au.
Now onto the plot!
Unlike in the canon au, Poppy fails to stop Barb when she and Keith escape from their cell. Rockers would swarm the stage, re-capturing the Pop Queen and trolling. Though, The Rock trolls are under the assumption that Keith is Poppy and Branch's son, so Barb decides not to turn Poppy into a rock zombie right away. With the pop "heir" under her control, the queen of rock thinks that she could raised Keith to be her puppet. Turning the kid's supposed mom in front of him would be counterproductive. She could hold Poppy's fate over Keith's head and use it to manipulate the trolling. All while slowly driving Poppy insane by taunting her with the Zombifed Branch.
However, Barb's plan doesn't get to far. Hickory feeling bad for hurting Poppy, Branch and Keith, turns traitor. He can't get to Poppy with her cell always being guarded, but he can get to Keith. The yodler would free the trolling along with Tresillo and Wani (Their crews were sadly zombified in front of them for their betrayal). It's tense between the former bounty hunters, but Tresillo still offers for Hickory to come with them, if Barb were to learn of his betrayal it wouldn't end well for him. Hickory declines, telling them to leave and when the time comes he'd act as their man on the inside. A seed of rebellion was planted then.
Keith would ask they go back to Pop village. While Wani and Tresillo are hesitant, since pop territory was now underneath Barb's control, they don't have anywhere else to go. The bounty hunters are shocked when Keith leads them to the bunker. Due to how hidden it was, the Rock trolls had completely missed the place. All of it's supplies and weapons untouched. When asked, Keith explains that his brother built this place in case of an emergency, and that their are tunnels to it from all over the forest. It's the perfect hideaway. And even better, hidden in a closet on the Apartment floor, the trio finds, DJ, CJ and Priscilla hiding. When the attack happened, CJ remembered what Keith had said about going to the bunker in emergencies.
For a month, our little group of survivors make due. Keith stepped up in ways a child really shouldn't, but the adults couldn't really stop him. None of them knew the bunker or surrounding forest like Keith. He knew where to find food, how the traps worked and where they were, and the kid was an amazing shot with his tiny bow. They get into a routine, Wani, Tresillo, and Keith would be the ones to go outside, either for supplies or to ward away Rock troops. While DJ would stay in the Bunker with the other kids.
They were safe, but that didn't mean they were okay. Keith had become a lot more quiet. His hobbies left forgotten in favor of surviving. Branch had never even wanting think of a possibility that Keith would have to take care of himself so young, but he also knew that he needed to teach Keith how to survive, so if something did happen, then Keith wouldn't have to learn through trial and error like Branch did. Keith took every on of those lessons to heart, and now he had to use them. Still it didn't stop the trolling from crying himself to sleep in his big brother's bed every night.
The other's notice Keith's change in personality, and try to help. CJ, Priscilla and DJ, trying to cheer him up, but it doesn't work and just makes Keith mad. Wani and Tresillo, were very concerned when they ask why they chose the cheering up approach, DJ just says that's how the Pop tribe deals with loss. Party it away. Neither of them are impressed, but their less forceful attempts at helping Keith aren't any more successful.
Meanwhile, outside of Pop forest, Barb had launched an assault on lands beyond troll Kingdom. Bridget and Gristle are shocked, first off their are more troll tribes, second these trolls are ready to kill them. Thankfully BergenTown has a large metal wall around its borders and a good defense system, the Rock forces can't take over for now. Bridget has tried hundreds of ways to get in contact with Poppy, but she hasn't gotten an answer. Gristle had to convince her not to leave the city to search for their friends herself, it hurt but he couldn't let her put herself at risk when they don't know what had happened. For now they'd be okay, they just needed to hold out until they had more information.
The same couldn't be said for Mount Ragous or Vacay Island. While technologically advanced, Mount Ragous was still vulnerable. Rock trolls would use the large speakers around the city against the populace, hacking them and using the sound system to transport their powercords. Destorying everything and killing everyone in their path. However, this tragedy, gave at least one of the populace a chance of freedom. Floyd would be let out by Crimp once the attack started, both of them escaping the building through the vents, and eventually the city. Or Crimp escapes the city carrying Floyd. The building would crumble as they fled, and Floyd would pass out from exhuastion after a cave in. Neither of them see the Twins again. Mount Ragous fell to the Rock trolls.
Vacay Island, never even knew the word of war, but they suddenly find themselves threatened. Bruce and Brandy, would hear of the conquest over the radio and they begin preparing for an attack. The woman and children of the Vacationers would take boats and flee their home. Not telling anyone even the family left behind, where they were going. Bruce kisses his wife and children good by, giving them the radio so they would know when it was safe to come home, and making them swear never to tell anyone that their father was a pop troll. The last thing they needed was this Queen of Rock hunting their children due to their heritage. All those left on the island, form a militia, getting ready for the inevitable attack. It's a pretty poor attempt, even Bruce would admit that, but Vacationers barely argued so it's no shock that most of them couldn't fight well. When the attack comes, they're quickly over run by Rock trolls and rock Zombies, Zombified techno trolls rising from the water and land roaming ones invade from the jungle, boxing them in. Bruce would watch in horror as his home was burned to the ground by corrupted fellow trolls. He would've died there, if it wasn't for an armadillo bus bursting onto the slaughter field.
John Dory has had a very chaotic month. He had been up in the neverglades when he heard the announcement over his radio. The pop trolls had survived, only to be slaughtered at the hands of a second tribe. At first he's mad at himself for losing hope and not searching harder, but he doesn't get to be upset at himself for long. The Neverglades were quickly seized by the Rock forces, Anglerbus would fly over, and Zombies were released into the trail. John's life is turned into a never ending fight once more. He hates using his Machette on the Zombies, they didn't chose to become this, but he has to be at peace with it. It's their lives or his, and he can't die until he knows if his brothers are alive or not. Though, their is this underlying fear that one day the Zombie at the end of his blade would be his own family. John lives in this state until, a spiky haired Rock troll find him and begs him for help.
In Volcano Rock City, Hickory hasn't been slacking. He still hasn't found a way to get the prisoners free, but he's working on it. And in the meantime, he has found and Ally. Demo never agreed with the whole conquering tribes thing, but he never said anything after all, the Rock trolls liked his organizational skills not his political opinions. He keeps silent for his own safety, but the guilt of now speaking up grows everyday. He wants to scream for everything to stop but he can't. When Hickory approaches him with an "out of town" mission, give a letter to one of his brother's friends in the Neverglades, Demo takes it. He needs an escape. Val is a little suspicious of him leaving, but doesn't think to much of it. Once in the neverglades it's like he can breath again, Demo could let out the guilt, and no longer feel like he needs to hide who he is to protect himself for a moment. It takes him a few days to find, this "John Dory", but never in his life did Demo think that his life would have been ended by a Pop troll with a machette.
John Dory is not very welcoming to the Rock troll at first. However, he feels a little bad when the troll passes out at the sight of his sword. The rock troll would be around Bitty B's age now, and John didn't want to scare him that bad. Still on safety's side, he tries up the stranger, and goes through his bag. To john surprise, inside he finds music records and tapes from other tribes (all of which were in wonderful condition), and a letter addressed to him. He isn't sure who Hickory was until the letter mentioned Dickory. John wouldn't say he was all that close with the yodlers, after all him and Dickory were only drinking buddies, but he'd treasure that note. Inside was information that Hickory had gathered in the past month. Battle plans, schedules, a map of the tribe location. This was a start of a rebellion and John would not let this go to waste. He's a little skeptical when the letter went on to ask him not to kill Demo and that the troll didn't side with his queen, but the well cared for records are proof that he didn't hate other music. Demo would come too, tied up, and after a quick interrogation, John Dory lets him come along. It also helps that Demo was very interested in hearing about Brozone. Even if the band had ended in disaster, John was still proud of his and his brothers' art, and it felt good to be apricated again. They head out to Vacay Island hoping to arrive before the invasion and warn the locals.
Bruce is shocked, but incredibly happy, when John Dory finds him. Sure, he doesn't forget about everything that went down, but he's too relieved to care. He hadn't seen any of his family in a long time, his brothers even longer. The brothers reunite with and embrace, and John pulls Bruce into Rhonda for safety. Bruce is initially worried about Demo's presence, but eventually he understands that Demo doesn't side with the conquest and was like them with no where to go. John explains that Demo brought him a connection to a man on the inside and if they play there cards right they could form a rebellion and stop the Rock trolls. Bruce wants to think John's being optimistic but he needs hope at the time, and thankfully the topic of discussion shifts to his name change and family shortly after. John tries to go back for Bruce's family, but Bruce stops him saying that even he doesn't know where they hid, in case he was capture and they wanted information out of him. When Demo asks what to do next, Bruce wants to find the rest of their brothers. John says their likely dead or captured. Demo suggests they could look around Pop village, maybe someone got away. With no better plan, they head towards pop village.
Floyd wakes up in a makeshift nest made from tattered Rageon socks, and is very confused. Crimp catches him up, the attack, how he passed out, how she found a house that wasn't fully destroyed and took shelter there, how he had been asleep for 4 days with a fever. Crimp is frazzled, more then usual, but against all odds she's trying to be cheerful in the apocalypse. Floyd is still horribly sore, tired and starving, and he does managed to get a little of the food Crimp managed to find down, but he's not taking bets with sudden nausea he has. He's shocked when Crimp told him they were attacked by Rock trolls, as far as Floyd knew King Thrash wasn't planning on conquest, not that Floyd stuck around after realizing that Pop wasn't welcome in Rock territory. He's free and he doesn't know what to do. In the bottle day after day he'd plan what he'd do the moment he was freed. He had a full list, at the top was find his brothers. However, now he wasn't sure if looking was the best idea, if Rock was conquering the rageons what else had they attacked? There were a few rumors that the pop tribe had relocated in a forest territory north of bergen town, but Floyd was too much of a coward to go at the time, other then a mention of the Neverglades John dory's location was a mystery, and he had no clues about Spruce and Clay. Crimp tries to help him sort through his thoughts while also apologizing for not helping him out of the bottle sooner. Floyd being the fucking saint that he is forgives her, and also thanks her for sneaking him food when Velvet wasn't looking. The two team up, decided to start with Pop forest. The trip is hard on Floyd, he's weak and it's hard to run from zombies after not having much room to run in a bottle. After a few days of travel he and Crimp take shelter in a cave, and then in the middle of the night an armadillo bus comes stomping through.
John really didn't mean to get lost. Demo and Bruce both think he's stupid for holding the map upside down, and he doesn't blame them. They really did get super lost. Until...
Demo: Hey, can Rhonda track things by smell?
John: *catching on* Demo you're a genies! *runs and grabs floyd's old vest*
Bruce: what? I'm confused.
John: We're going to Track Floyd Brucey!
Bruce: Oh! How'd you come up with that?
Demo: Sometimes trolls get lost in the wastelands on predator patrol, it's standard to use the bus's nose to track them when the rockers don't want to do the paper work for a missing person's report. Still it might take awhile to find you.
John: It won't take long with this! *PResses huslte button and makes both his brother and new friend regret their life choices*
They find Floyd and some living pile of shredded paper, and their reunion is a tearful one. Floyd with all the stress of his imprisonment and escape has a full blown breakdown in his brothers arms, especially when they ask where Branch is. Crimp is left to explain everything, John initally gets mad at her when she admits that she didn't help Floyd get out right away, but his anger make Floyd worse so he cools off. With Zombies closing in, and Crimp and Demo working on the map issue they get out of there, and actually start heading towards the village.
They arrive in the forest by late morning, and it's eerily quiet, most places this close to rock territory were crawling with zombies. Afer exiting Rhonda to get a close up view, they soon get their answers as to why. Bruce triggers a trap and it netted then suspended in the Air.
John: Hold on Bruce I'm going to get you down. Hold still!
Bruce: *screams and groans as he fell*
Floyd: You okay?
Bruce: Yeah, yeah I think so.
Crimp: well looks like we know why this place is so zombie-free. This net works on a pully system, with a pressure trigger designed to trap an imoblized its catch. Someone has been capturing them.
Demo: You got all that from just a net and a string?
Crimp: Oh, sorry if I rambled. I have a degree in mechanical engineering.
Bruce: Why were you working as an assistant if you have a degree in mechanical engineering?
Floyd: Not that it isn't a good question, but I think there's a more important one. If these traps are capturing Zombies, who made them?
???: Us.
Behind the group in the low hanging bush thistles was Tresillo, Wani and Keith staring at them. Demo almost immediately recognizes them.
Demo: Wait a minute I know you. You're Tresillo and Wani, leaders of the Reggaton and K-pop bounty hunting groups. You were working with Queen Barb!
Tresillo: Key word in that sentence Rock troll, "were". Herpantalones locos reales can go shove her money up her culo.
Wani: She burned that bridge when she took our families from us.
Demo: Fair enough, and you-you're the prince
Keith looked away.
Well I'm going to have to split this up into two parts. Hopes this helps ya'll during the Ao3 shut down!!!
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disastrousduckss · 5 months
still on the clickory stuff, what’s the appeal for you? (I ship it too I just want to hear your thoughts lmao)
Honestly? They give off the city boy x country boy vibes despite Clay being in isolation for a while and the fact Hickory is a yodler/country troll
That and it's cute dnsjsj
That and it's a ship no one expected so that means there's a lot of headcanons to be made(could be said about any ship)
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