#trope mashup asks
quail-in-red · 9 months
hi quail! i love your art so much! 41 and 47 if you wanna? ☺️💚
Thank you!!! 💕 *rubs hands together* Aahh this one is a challenge!
First Kiss + Not a Date
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theminecraftbee · 6 months
Vintagebeef and time loop?
The second-most annoying thing, he thinks, is that his crops just won't grow.
He's wanted to retire for a while now. Head out and live on a farm. Get some rest. Not have to worry about gunfire and business fronts and drugs and appearances and being in charge. He'd known he wouldn't be able to escape fully. Beef always knew he was on a timer, no matter how he tried to bury the hatchet and bury his past behind you. It always catches up.
He had a big name. He had a big life. He can't just retire from being head of Big Salmon, even if his loyal Skizzleman is the only person he told where he was going. One day, someone will catch up with him, and perhaps if he's lucky they'll turn his tractor into a car bomb. If he's unlucky, it'll be personal.
So in a lot of ways, really, the fact he keeps on waking up in the morning is a gift. It may be the same morning over and over again, sure, but he collects the eggs from his chickens, and he pats his dog, and he feeds his pigs, and he feels the sun shine on his face in a place that smells nothing like asphalt and fumes.
If his tomatoes would grow, it'd be nearly perfect, getting to wake up again and again in the sun like this. It's better than a man like him deserves, really. And it may be Wednesday, and Wednesday, and no tomorrows, but he didn't have himself much of a tomorrow anyway, and collecting the eggs from the chickens is nearly as good as harvesting the crops.
Quiet, and peaceful.
Or it should be. But see: the crops not growing are the second-most annoying thing.
The first most annoying is--
"HALLO! I have decided that this time, I am announcing I am here to assassinate you, ah? That way, you won't see it coming and manage to escape."
Beef groans and puts his head in his hands. A red dot appears on his temple.
"Don't try to run. You have a lovely home, of course, and I don't want to put holes in it. You've repaired those holes real fast, I have to say. You're a real hole expert. No, wait, that sounds terrible in English. Ah well, I'll just say it again."
It's him again.
"...hello? VintageBeef? I have been hired to kill you by your rivals? You aren't even moving. See, this is how you always get me. You do not move and I think I have killed you, then I come back in the morning and it is fixed! Very strange, very strange."
He hasn't realized it's a time loop. Somehow. Beef's tried to tell him. It's a little hard when he's busy being as annoying as possible, and ruining what would otherwise be the best chance for Beef to retire he's got.
"Well, okay, I guess I'll just pull the trigger. This is boring. You're boring, except for the part where you won't die. Hey, wait, maybe you can introduce me to your chickens instead? So next time I can bring you a totally safe chicken."
"Go away," Beef says.
"But I'm being paid so much money to kill you!" the famed assassin codenamed Iskall85 says. "We're friends, aren't we?"
"But I've tried to do this so many ways!"
"Have you considered there's a reason it's not working?"
Iskall considers for a moment. "Naaaaah," he says, and Beef's instincts flare all at once. He dives to the ground as Iskall takes the shot. "Awww, no fair. I thought you were not moving."
"What do you want from me," Beef says.
"I mean, I feel like I've been pretty clear," Iskall says, and Beef doesn't say that he's not even asking Iskall at this point. He's asking the universe. He's asking this Wednesday. He's asking why this has happened to him.
The universe, of course, does not respond, and Beef ducks behind cover for yet another day of his peaceful time loop retirement being completely ruined.
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ohnococo · 6 months
GASP first kiss with sukuna please🙏🙏🙏
👀 oooh this one became more of a blurb/drabble than anything lol
You could pinpoint two very different “first kisses” with Ryomen Sukuna. The first is stolen, when you don’t expect it. He’s baring his teeth, fire in his eyes, and when he approaches you honestly think he may just be about to kill you. Instead he’s holding you in place by the jaw, not that you would have pulled back anyway, and pressing his lips roughly to yours. Open mouthed, tongue demanding, teeth clashing.
The second is requested. It’s not presented as such, it’s a calm “Kiss me.” He sits back, amused, waiting to see if you’ll do it willingly. The way he raises his brows and focuses his attention elsewhere when you take too long shows it wasn’t quite the demand it had seemed to be. You do kiss him then, slow, soft, sighing into his mouth when he opens it and waits for you to slide your tongue past his lips. The contented look he gives you after makes it feel like the first time.
Fanfic trope mash up
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phdmama · 7 months
For the trope mash-up post, may I request Fake Dating and Soulmate AU for Drarry please, if it sparks any fun inspiration?
(P.S. you're wonderful and I will love literally anything you come up with, even if it's not for these prompts, I just got super excited when you posted this 💜)
No, YOU'RE wonderful!!
So this is what came to me - and I can actually see the rest of the story but I have to go adult for a bit, but I am going to come back later and write some more of this! (As per usual, this is pretty much SOOC and unbeta'd, etc etc.)
Draco’s known since the Final Battle. 
He’s pretty sure Potter has no idea, whether it’s that no one’s remembered to tell him about soulmates, or that his mark hasn’t activated yet, but he treats Draco exactly the way he’s treated him since they'd all arrived at University. He’s unfailingly polite, cool and distanced, and deeply disinterested in one Draco Malfoy.
Which isn’t, you know, how you’re supposed to treat your soulmate.
The thumbprint on Draco’s wrist had flared to life when Potter had grabbed his arm to haul him onto the back of the battered broom that carried them both out of the fire. He’d almost fallen off at the way Potter’s magic had rushed over him, through him. Draco had always heard the stories that connecting with your soulmate could be disorienting, but since it happened to him in the midst of mortal terror, Draco’s not sure his experience was typical.
It’s also very rare that one person connects and the other doesn’t, although it does happen. It takes time for the bond to solidify, to grow into a true soulmate connection, and obviously, that’s not happened here. Basically, Potter is a faint echo in Draco’s mind, enough to distract and ache a little, nothing more than that.
All this to say, it’s weird when Potter comes dashing into their suite common room one Saturday afternoon, looking wild-eyed and somewhat disheveled. It’s a rainy day, raw and windy, the kind of day where Draco does not plan to leave the building if he can help it. Potter is damp and windblown, so he clearly had other ideas. Fucking weirdo.
Potter looks around wildly, and lights up when he spots Draco curled up on the couch under his favorite striped blanket.
“Malfoy,” he says eagerly, and Draco blinks up at him in surprise.
Potter’s never sounded happy to see Draco before.
“Yes?” Draco says cautiously. “Can I help you?”
Potter nods vigorously. “You can, yes, absolutely. I need you to pretend to be my soulmate and go to the gala with me tonight.”
“I beg your pardon?” Draco asks, trying to make sense of the words he’s just heard. “You need me to what?”
Potter hangs his coat on the rack by the door, kicks off his grubby trainers and makes his way around the couch to plop down next to Draco.
“I need you to pretend to be my soulmate and go to the gala with me tonight.”
“That’s what I thought you said,” Draco says. “But also, what the fuck are you talking about?”
Potter sighs, lets his head rest on the back of the couch and runs a hand through his unruly hair.
“You know how the press…” his voice trails off and he flushes.
“Follows you around incessantly and makes your life a living hell?” Draco says dryly. “Yes, Potter, I’m aware.”
“Well, someone thought it was a good idea to advertise that I haven’t found my soulmate, and to suggest that anyone who’s unbonded should come to the gala tonight and you know. Shoot their shot or whatever.”
Draco sits bolt upright, outraged. “What the hell? That’s bullshit. That’s not even how it works!”
Potter just sighs again and slumps down even further, eyes closed. “Yeah, I know that, but it’s turned into this whole thing, and every girl in the greater Oxford area, apparently, is now coming to the gala.”
“Can’t you just… not go?” 
Potter shakes his head, looking miserable. “No. The Fund is really important to me. I promised to speak.”
“So your solution is to fake a soulmate bond with a man?” Draco asks and Potter snorts.
“Okay, well, when you put it like that, it does sound stupid. I just thought if I could get them all off my back for a bit… No, you’re right. I’ll just have to get a bodyguard again, I guess.”  
He sounds so utterly miserable that Draco can’t help but feel sorry for him, which is why he finds himself saying, “Yeah, I’ll do it.”
Potter opens his eyes to stare at Draco. “What?”
Draco shrugs. “I’m not doing anything tonight, there’ll be wine at the gala, yeah?”
Potter looks excited but then his face falls. “But what about your soulmate? What if they’re out there looking for you?”
Draco looks away and swallows. “That won’t be a problem.”
Potter’s eyes narrow. “Why not?” He sucks in a breath and whispers, “Malfoy, do you know who your soulmate is?”
Draco just nods and there’s a long silence while Potter clearly puts some picture together in his head. He’s never been stupid, Draco concedes. Since for all intents and purposes, Draco is unbonded, Potter must know there’s something wrong with all of it.
Finally Potter says, “If you’re sure.”
“I’m sure,” Draco says and finally turns to look at Potter. “It’ll be fun,” he says carelessly. “What should I wear?”
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mybrainismelted · 7 months
trope mashup! 2 aaand ... hmmm ... oh! 13! 🤗💚
ok, clearly you are TRYING to break my brain with this one Nosho! #2, prison, and #13, Mermaid AU. Here goes! The first time they met, it was in Juvie. Mickey was 16, and had been here a couple of times before. Ian was 14, and this was his first time in. They were cellmates, but they didn't really talk much. The redhead was weird, constantly trading other kids for their shower time. He must have showered at least 6 times every day, and who the hell does that? Ian was gone one day, out before Mickey, but the only reason he really noticed is because his new cellmate was loud and annoying as hell. He actually found himself kinda missing the kid.
They saw each other a couple more times on the inside before Mickey turned 18, but never as cellmates again. Still, they found themselves spending time together. There was something about that kid that Mickey could never put his finger on. Something different, but familiar. Mickey was 21 when he was sent to do some big boy time. Stupid mistake trusting his brother to keep watch - he'd pay for that when Mickey was out. He was surprised to find Ian already there when he arrived though. Relieved to have a cellmate he could trust though. Ian seemed different now. He was thin, and had an air of desperation that Mickey had never seen. He didn't really know how to help, and didn't want to ask what was wrong, but he remembered.... on the second day, when he asked if Ian wanted his shower slot, the redhead had actually started crying before throwing himself at Mickey, arms wrapping around him and shaking. "Hey, s'ok Red. Just go, I'll be here when you get back, a'ight?" Mickey was left confused, but not really surprised by how much he had enjoyed the feeling of his friend pressed against him. When he got back, Ian looked... better. Not like himself, but a bit more healthy. Over the next year, they grew closer, emotionally and physically, spending most evenings wrapped up together in a way Mickey had never imagined he could allow himself. He still had to shower sometimes himself, but whenever he could he would let the redhead have his turn, and even bullied some of the other newbies into giving Ian their slots a couple of times a week. They made plans in the quiet of the night, plans to find each other when they got out, plans to start a new life, but there was always something, some big secret that Ian was holding back, and Mickey didn't really want to say it out loud anyway. It was spring when Ian left that time, but he promised that he would be at the docks every day until Mickey got out, waiting for him at dusk. It was summer when Mickey was released. He didn't go home, didn't go anywhere near the southside, in fact. He spent his day hanging around the docks, hoping, wishing, but never 100% sure.... until dusk arrived, and a figure appeared at the end of the docks, beckoning to him. He gasped in relief as he walked, whispering "I knew you'd come. I knew." He walked slowly, knowing that the big secret, the thing they had never spoken of, was about to be revealed. He sat down, looking down a the face of the man he loved, who was floating serenely in the water. "Can I see?" he asked quietly, eyes locked on Ian's. Ian smiled, and braced his hands on the dock, giving one great heave of his body to pull himself up, lying somewhat ungracefully beside him, with his gorgeous, green and blue shimmering tail fully on display in the last bits of light.
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oflights · 8 months
60 & 86 for the trope mashup, pairing of your choice, pretty please?!?
gah hi friend!! i'm sorry this took me forever!! my brain went in like 50 different directions for this one.
60 is Poorly Timed Confession and 86 is I Didn't Mean to Turn You On and tbh these are perfect.
okay so the main place my brain went to for drarry was a massage?? draco who is very mutually tactile and affectionate with his friends and is constantly giving new friend harry little snuggles and back rubs and sometimes just casually massages his head and neck while he's talking to other people and harry does not know how to cope because he has absolutely never had a friend like that, or tbh even a lover who does that sort of thing for no reason--like, sometimes harry looks around to make sure there's no stray reporter or camera around because he can't figure out why else draco would bother. i'm sure you know where this goes; draco giving harry one of his mindless massages when they're at someone's house party, harry a little tipsy and warm and content who just sinks into it. all of this adds up to him getting way too turned on for being public and also blurting out exactly how into draco he is. draco, who did not know the effect all of that touching was having on harry until now and is staring at him like a stunned bunny in front of their friends.
send me tropes to mash up!
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zenkindoflove · 5 months
Modern AU + Erotic Dreams for Elucien?
I have this general modern AU idea where I want to do a Lucien firefighter fic where Elain is a plant biology graduate student working late in her lab, which is of course in the oldest building on campus, when an electrical fire starts and the fire department shows up while she stresses and cries over her specimens (her babies) dying in the fire. Lucien makes sure to check on them once the flames are gone and Elain is smittened immediately.
So yeah I'm pretty sure she'd def have an erotic dream about firefighter Lucien that night 😉.
Fanfic trope mashup
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bluespring864 · 5 months
30 & 58 for the trope mashup ask game 😍 if you want, RuRu as the ship but it's okay if you choose any other pairing you like!
hmmm... holiday fic + accidental eavesdropping + ruru
let's say they not-so-accidentally end up in the same tropical ressort because they both independantly of each other whined about needing a holiday and danya recommended the same place to them (which would be a very danya thing to do :D)
casper is there with one of his sisters, while holger felt like he needed time away from everything and everyone and has gone there completely alone, but now is bored out of his mind. he falls asleep by the pool... and wakes up to hear casper frantically discussing with his sister whether to wake holger up ("he's going to get sunburnt!") and her then teasing him about it and trying to get him to admit he actually likes holger and that holger is kind of cute. which he eventually does. only to realise to his horror that holger has been awake and heard every word.
holger is quite flattered and finds it hilarious while casper is mortified and desperately tries to avoid him. but ofc they keep running into each other
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writeforfandoms · 2 years
Teacher AU/Magical Accident
Any Pedro boy you please, please!
It took me a bit to decide here but I'm gonna go with Marcus M! Tee hee hee.
Okay. Here we go. Classical magical accident au here.
You're a teacher and you work with special kids. In this case, that means the kids of Heroics. It's difficult for many of them to be in traditional school, and after a few Incidents their parents decided the best thing would be to bring a few teachers to the kids.
So you work with the kids, and you love them. You really do. They're mostly good kids, even with their tendency to think they know better and get into mischief and ignore things they don't want to do. Even with all that. They're good kids.
One afternoon you're getting packed up to leave for the weekend when you notice there's a cat. Now, normally this would not be cause for concern. Except there are no cats wandering around, and no way for a cat to get way in here.
So you pick up the cat and ask around if anyone knows this cat, is this anyone's cat? Everybody else is just as confused as you are, so you take it home with you, deciding to get it checked for a microchip later.
He really is a gorgeous cat, a deep brown almost black with big eyes. And a deep, rumbling purr. He's pretty cuddly too - more evidence that he's not a stray.
Alas, he is not microchipped, and doesn't seem to have an owner. So you hang on to him. At first it's because you're busy and don't want to take the time to drive halfway across town to the nearest animal shelter. Then it's because you enjoy having him around. You hadn't realized how lonely you'd gotten until you had company.
You found you didn't linger after classes now, spending more time at home. You slept better. You were more relaxed. All because of a cat.
But then you start hearing rumors. That Marcus Moreno himself has gone missing. There are lots of rumors flying around about where he went and what happened to him - everything from he eloped to a supervillain had taken him and was holding him ransom to he'd fallen astray of a magic spell.
You didn't give any credence to the rumors. Until you caught your cat trying to arrange pens into words.
A few exams later, more than one panicked phone call, and a late night trip back to HQ, and you discover your cat is Marcus. You've had Marcus. The entire time. Dying from embarrassment sounds like a good idea at this point.
Marcus gets turned back into his normal human self. The first thing he does is hug Missy and reassure her that he's okay.
The second thing he does is hug you, long and tight, whispering thanks and reassurance into your ear.
And after that, he makes sure you're never lonely again.
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quail-in-red · 8 months
Hello! For the tropes mash ask how abt 67 & 45? :) feel free to skip if not!!
67. Character in Peril + 45. Chocolate of Romance
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When the cure is worse than the disease
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wolfpants · 9 months
For the trope mash-up: detective au + poorly timed confession :)
You didn't specify a ship but I'm going to presume Drarry for this one.
I haven't actually really written a case fic before (well, Precious Metal is sort of a case fic, but not a DMLE one). It would be new ground for me, so I'm intrigued.
Whereas PM was a bit more mystery, a bit more noir ish... Perhaps I could try my hand at cosy crime.
Since the war, Harry has been living the quiet life in a small wixen village in the home counties. He enjoys the simple things - Sunday markets, amateur baking, morning jogs, hanging out with his cat, working on Sirius's bike, meeting friends the pub. But when the village's local busybody dies in mysterious circumstances, he suspects something is afoot.
Enter Draco, qualified Auror detective, who just wants to get on with his investigation without Harry's help.
Of course, they end up working together anyway - and the poorly timed confession is usually key in these stories as the red herring or twist, so I'll have to think more carefully about that one 😅🫠
Needless to say I won't be rushing to write a case fic any time soon 🤣
Send me your trope mash up requests!
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ohnococo · 6 months
Hiiiii Coco, 💕💕
For the mash-up, may I ask a sfw version of Sukuna reacting to love confession + confessing
To anyone else other than you and perhaps Uraume, Sukuna’s reaction to your whispered confession of love is more of a non-reaction. Head resting on his fist, legs crossed as he lounges in his seat, gazing down at you with his head held so high that his eyes were barely visible. For you, there is more to be seen. The briefest upward quirk of his brows, the slight tension in the musculature of his thick neck, the stillness of his broad chest as his breathing stops for just a moment while he takes in your words.
It’s an endless moment, giving your body an opportunity to respond to your mind’s racing as sweat beads at your temples and your mouth runs dry. It forces you to take yet another leap of faith as you say the words searing themselves into your brain - does he feel the same?
“Why do you think you’re still here?”
Fanfic trope mash-up
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hellbubu · 10 months
27 and 41 for the ask gametos? Kakasasu of course!
Thanks for the ask 💖💖💖💖💖
“I’m not even that si-”
Sasuke sneezed mid-sentence only to cough wetly right after, making Kakashi grimace.
“Right, you’re obviously not sick. At all.”
Sasuke rolled his eyes and threw himself onto his bed.
Kakashi walked over to Sasuke’s side and ignored his glare as he opened the curtains. He turned to look at Sasuke when he heard him hiss only to see him cover his face with his pillow.
“I didn’t know my student was a vampire.”
“Not your student anymore.” Sasuke immediately tensed, knowing damn well he’s hurt Kakashi, knowing damn well he had fucked up his, already rocky, relationship with Kakashi. His hand almost instinctively shot out to grab Kakashi’s sleeve.” ’m sorry.”
Sasuke looked up at Kakashi with wide dark eyes and Kakashi immediately stopped mid-step. He turned to look at Sasuke, while he normally tried to hide his emotions under a blank face, at the moment, Kakashi would only describe his expression as open. He could easily see the regret shining in those black eyes and his lower lip was slightly trembling.
“Does my cutest student want a goodnight kiss?” Kakashi teased as he leaned down because it was easier to do that than to examine the way Sasuke looked at him and how he felt about the other man. Just as Kakashi was about to press his masked lips on Sasuke’s cheek, Sasuke shifted slightly, causing Kakashi to press his lips against Sasuke’s.
Kakashi immediately pulled away to see a blushing and wide-eyed Sasuke. He crossed the room to the doorway in three steps and looked back at Sasuke, who opened his mouth to say something.
“Sleep, you clearly need it. Try to argue with me and I’ll ask Naruto to keep you company.”
Even though he closed the door behind himself, Kakashi would feel Sasuke’s glare through the door.
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mybrainismelted · 8 months
okay, let's see if i can come up with something interesting for the trope mashup. how abouuut,
12+81? 👀🍎
OK, 12 (Vampire AU) + 81 (Mistaken Identity), let's see....
Mickey has been hunting vampires most of his life. He knows the signs.
So when he starts frequenting a bar in Boystown, you can't really help him for the mistake. Tall, almost preternatually good looking, ghostly pale skin, only ever seen at night... yeah, that redhead is almost definitely a vampire. And the attraction Mickey feels every time their eyes meet - that is definitely the vampire trying to draw him in as his next victim.
He can't really be blamed either for what happens next when he decides to trap the vampire by letting him think he has mickey under his spell.
He's just lucky that the hot redhead actually thinks it's funny when Mickey explains why he just stabbed him. Taking him to get patched up was probably the best decision he's ever made. Especially when the hot redhead insists that they trade numbers and starts texting him that same night.
Fanfic trope mashup
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oflights · 8 months
I had to roll a dice for the mash-up because I literally couldn’t choose, but it worked out - 14 and 56 (Bodyguard AU+awful first meeting).
asjldkajdl god. let's see how much more awful i can make their first meeting (after hogwarts, cheating again)
draco somehow gets into the magical bodyguard business (he's really good at defensive spells or something, idk) and usually takes on like, foreign royal kids just visiting or mostly chill (if dangerous) businessmen who really need him to make sure their portkeys aren't rigged or something. then he gets a client who is 1. mysterious 2. very important 3. has a penchant for attracting danger and 4. as he discovers the first day on the job, harry potter. and he meets harry as he's running into a burning building to save someone's pet fish. draco has absolutely no idea how he's meant to protect someone that reckless (and now he's holding a water glass with a fish in it while harry sweeps the building for pet snails)
send me tropes to mash up!
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zenkindoflove · 5 months
Massage Fic + Did They or Didn't They for Eris and Alexius!
Oh anon, you are essentially asking for the biggest crime with Erixius - a fade to black. You are wicked.
Or maybe it can be interpreted as "did they or didn't they mean to touch me there?" Cause with these two, I could totally see Eris giving Alexius a massage for totally practical reasons of course! Maybe they're in a forced proximity situation where they're traveling together and Alexius injures his hamstring. And Eris is like I have some healing magic but for some reason he has to run his hands all up and down Alexius' ass and thigh to fix him 😏.
And Alexius is left feeling very horny and very confused because up until now Eris has only shown that Alexius annoys him and very much isn't responding to Alexius' incessant attempts to flirt.
*jots down notes*
Fanfic trope mashup
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