#trr riley b
dcbbw · 2 years
I really miss SLG and Riley B🥲
Hey, Nonny! I’m missing SGL and Riley B. as well. (Is that a good enough answer? 😊)
This story (that I’ve been bouncing around for a little bit now) is going to show us a softer, more vulnerable side of arguably the coolest, cockiest, and most confident of my Liams. We’re going back to the past, when Penelope breaks up with SGL … which happens to be the same day he receives his promotion to junior partner.
The flashback of their breakup is from Aftermath of a Breakup, Chapter 2: Bad Idea #5
We’re going to explore his heartbreak, he’s going to tell us the plans he had for him and Pen, get advice from his mom and friends, and find out just why Riley B. is his very best friend. Song lyrics are from the song inspiration and all rights belong to its respective owner(s).
THANK YOU to all who read this over, and THANK YOU to all who will read this. Your feedback, comments, likes, and reblogs are appreciated more than you know.
Please excuse any typos, missing/extraneous words, and/or grammatical errors. MS Editor rates this story as 98% error-free.
All characters belong to Pixelberry.
Word Count: over 5,400 (hopefully it keeps you entertained)
Song inspiration: I Exist I Exist I Exist, Flatstone
By the time he arrived home, it was 10pm; he carried a bottle of champagne underneath his arm as he walked through the door of his apartment. He smiled when he saw Penelope sitting on the couch. His eyes took her in.
She was flipping through a magazine, her dark hair pulled back in a ponytail. She was sucking the tip of her index finger, a sign she was concentrating. Her head looked up at hearing the door shut.  Penelope gave a small smile upon seeing Liam; the smile didn’t reach her eyes. Liam didn’t notice as he set the champagne on the kitchen island and shrugged out of his jacket.
“I’m glad you were able to meet me. I wanted to tell you the news earlier, but work was hectic and then there was an after-work event.”
“I wanted to talk to you as well.” Penelope’s voice was soft and regretful.
Hearing the emotion in her voice, Liam turned to face his girlfriend. “Are you okay, babe?”
He joined her on the sofa, his eyes searching her face. The water in her eyes, the trembling of her lip, the quivering of her chin. The way her hands twisted in her lap. And he knew……
“Why?” His voice was low. Why do you want to leave me? Why now? Why today?
“We haven’t really been a couple in a long, long time Liam. We rarely go out anymore, we don’t talk….name the last time we had sex.”
“I’ve been working … trying to secure a future for us! You knew I was going for junior partner; you knew it was going to require sacrifice. You said you were okay with it!” Liam stood, pacing around the living room.
Penelope’s eyes watched him move. “I have always wanted you to pursue your dreams! But I need someone to support me in mine as well.”
Liam whirled on her, his voice raising. “When have I not supported you and what you wanted to pursue? I helped pay for that design institute you wanted to attend. I was front row at every fashion show you modeled at when you were freelancing! I ran lines with you when you thought you wanted to be an actress.”
“You did, and I appreciate all of it! But that was before you decided to go for the promotion. Before I got this new job. I think I have found my true calling … animals. I am really happy and learning stuff and I can’t even tell you because you are always in meetings and depositions and work travel and I just … you just ...”
“I just what, Pen? What do I just?” Liam’s voice was a growl, his eyes were thin slits.
“I’ve been spending a lot of time with Kiara and her brother, and I think you and I need to see who we are and what we want without each other.”
Liam shook his head as he felt his heart slowly break. “Was this the plan all along? You get Kiara the job at the law firm, and she sets you up with her brother the doctor?”
“NO!” Penelope choked out a sob. “Even without Zeke in the picture, you and I have been breaking up for a while. When was the last time we did ANYTHING together? We just had a three-year anniversary. It fell on a SUNDAY, but we couldn’t celebrate it then because you were WORKING! We had to have lunch that you cut short to run back to the office! You haven’t noticed one thing about me in the past few months. I cut my hair! I’ve gained weight! I have a new coat!”
“I TOLD you when I decided to go for the promotion that it would mean I would be busy. That things would change, that I would make it up to you! I do the best I can, Pen. I text you all the time! I send flowers to your job! I may not notice things, but I think about you. All the time!”
“I need YOU. I need the time, the attention. You don’t have it to give anymore.” Penelope’s voice was shaky as he dabbed her eyes with a tissue.
Liam sat down heavily on the couch, hands clasped in front of him, head hanging down. His voice was a ragged whisper. “You should leave.”
“Go, Penelope. Get whatever items you’ve left here and just leave.”
Penelope stood. “Liam, I’m not blaming you. Sometimes people just … drift apart.”
“We’re both at fault. I stopped paying attention and you never thought to tell me. Until tonight. By breaking up with me.”
Penelope was pulling on a pink wool coat with a faux fur collar. It was new; last winter she was wearing a purple pea coat.
“You…you said you had news?” Penelope’s voice was soft as she took a step towards Liam.
Liam shook his head. “It’s not important.”
Penelope halted her steps, nodding her head stiffly. “You can toss my toiletries.”
The door closed quietly behind her. Liam heard her footsteps on the stairs, echoing and clattering until they faded away.
He took a deep breath as he stared at the closed door, tears streaking his cheeks.
“I made junior partner today”, he whispered to the empty room.
Liam sat on his sofa, his eyes trained on the area rug beneath his coffee table; the colors blended and blurred as tears filled his eyes and ran down his cheeks. His body was wracked with a pain unlike any he had felt before, his brain crowded with questions and excuses.
All she had to do was be loyal and patient. One job. Was that so hard?
Maybe he should’ve made more time for her, prioritized her.
Going balls to the wall for junior partner to ensure they had a comfortable life together was prioritizing, right? It wasn’t as if she didn’t know what he was doing, what he was working towards.
Maybe it wasn’t her. Maybe it was him, lacking in some way.
His shoulders shook as his mouth wailed out deep, shaky sobs. What should have been one of the happiest nights of his life, a time to celebrate his biggest accomplishment to date … he was alone. He had woken up excited, nervous … HAPPY, dammit!
And look at him now.
When he was spent, he drew in a heavy breath and stood on shaky legs, making his way to the kitchen island to retrieve his phone. His lungs were tight, his eyes burned with fresh tears; his heart felt like ashes and his stomach was sour. He dug in his jacket pocket, his hand grasping his phone almost desperately. Easing onto one of the leather-topped stools, he stared at his home screen, wanting to dial Penelope.
Everything in Liam was telling him to call her. Call her back to the apartment. They could work this out.
Baby, please!
Impatiently, he brushed moisture from the corner of his eyes before dialing the only person who could make him feel better.
Or so he thought.
Eleanor Rys had just settled onto the chaise lounge in the bedroom she shared with her husband Constantine, a paper plate filled with a slice of cheesecake on her lap when her phone rang. She huffed out an expletive; her favorite Investigation Discovery Channel show had just started.
When she glanced at the caller ID, her expression quickly changed from annoyed to concerned.
“Liam?” she demanded when she answered on the third ring.
From his place in the bed, Constantine looked up; worry furrowed his brow. It was unlike their youngest son to call after 10pm. It was now 11:05pm.
“Omma,” Liam sobbed.
“Honey, what’s wrong? What happened and who did it happen to?” Eleanor’s voice was calm, but worst-case scenarios were running through her mind.
“Penelope dumped me. She broke up with me, omma.”
Eleanor rolled her eyes slightly as she shook her head at her husband, indicating their son was okay.
 “Thank God,” she muttered.
“Did you just THANK GOD for my heartbreak?” Liam demanded in a teary voice filled with angry incredulity.
Eleanor dug a plastic fork into the cheesecake. “I was actually thanking the Lord above that you and your brother are alive and uninjured, but I’m also not shedding any tears over that … girl. She wasn’t right for you, Liam.”
“I LOVE her!” Liam argued.
“Man’s rejection is God’s protection,” his mother countered, her eyes glued to the television screen.
“Where’s appa? I wanna speak to HIM!” Liam sulked.
“He don’t like her either. Now, get a good night’s sleep and when you’re ready, concentrate on finding yourself a woman. A good one. Maybe a dentist … they’re doctors, right?”
Liam hung up.
He sent out a group text telling the gang his new relationship status, then turned the phone off. He undressed as he walked down the hallway to his bedroom, hoping when he woke up this would’ve been a bad dream.
Baby please It's the way you speak Forming words so easily And I think of the way you think It keeps me from falling asleep In that grave I call a bed
“You don’t look like the first person ever to make junior partner at the firm in just under three years,” Thomas Mendez observed as he escorted his protégé into the Executive Conference Room. “In fact, you look like hell.”
Despite Liam’s tailored beige suit, crisp white shirt, and bold burgundy tie; despite his perfectly styled hair; despite his clean-shaven jawline, and on point sock game … he looked exactly how he felt: like shit. Thanks to eyedrops, his eyes were no longer red from crying all night, but they were puffy and had dark circles beneath them. His mouth was downturned. His entire countenance screamed dejection.
“Penelope broke up with me last night,” Liam admitted as the two men passed through the doorway.
“WHAT? What the hell happened?” Thomas demanded as he guided Liam to a quiet corner.
“She says I ignored her, and we grew apart,” Liam shrugged, his voice cracking.            
“You told her you got the partnership, right?” Thomas questioned, bewildered at the turn of events.
“I didn’t get a chance. She basically dumped me when I came through the door.”
Thomas’ eyes searched Liam’s face. “Are you going to be able to get through this? It’s going to be an all-day affair. Not only are you the first person in the firm’s 120-year history to make partner of any type in less than seven years, you’re also a person of color which makes it even more monumental. There’s going to be photographs, and interviews with the Communications Department for the monthly newsletter, The Harvard Review, and your alma maters.”
Liam nodded. “I’ll get through it.”
“And then I want you to go home for the rest of the week. Partner, junior or not, is different and I’m going to need your head in the game.”
Liam nodded again. “Thanks, Tom,” he said softly.
Thomas looked at Liam curiously. “What about your friend, Riley? I know you felt something for her.”
Liam shook his head. “She’s just a crush. Her and Drake are going strong and headed into year five of their relationship. We’ll never happen.”
Thomas nodded thoughtfully before leading Liam into the crowd gathered to mark the occasion.
Cameras captured Liam signing his offer letter, standing inside of his new office, sitting in the firm’s impressive library pretending to pore over a law book, shaking hands with senior and managing partners of the firm.
All he could think of was how Penelope should’ve been there with him.
Look at me, look at me, look at me, look at me, look at me, look at me, look at me, look at me
He spoke glibly and smiled easily to the journalists wanting to know the secret to his success and asking if he felt like a trailblazer. Liam was humble, thanking everyone from the janitor to cafeteria staff to his fellow competitors.
He wondered if Penelope were thinking of him.
I exist, I exist, I exist, I exist, I exist, I exist
Madeleine waved to Liam as he entered Belga Café, one of the hottest and most pretentious restaurants in DC. It was galley style: Narrow and cramped with a brick wall on one side, and a bar lining the other wall. She was seated at one of two tables facing the lone window at the rear of the eatery.
Liam gave her a wan smile as he sank into his seat; he frowned. The chairs were metal with hard, wooden seats. It was not comfortable. “Hey, Mads”.
“Hi. Thanks for meeting me.”
Liam nodded noncommittally.
No one knew about the race for junior partnership except Penelope, and that was only because she had to know. His parents, none of his friends, not even Riley B. knew. Liam hadn’t wanted to jinx himself; he also didn’t want to face their disappointment if he hadn’t succeeded.
“I’ve been burning the midnight oil at work and decided to take a few days off.”
 The restaurant was crowded and noisy, the lunch crowd filled with Marines from the nearby barracks and Navy Yard workers. He picked up a menu, his nose wrinkling at the offerings: quail eggs, foie gras doughnuts, baguettes with lard.
“Look, Madeleine … I appreciate the gesture, but I don’t need your pity. I don’t need cheering up. It’s … it’s too soon.  I don’t want to talk about it, and I’m not ready for any of this.”
Madeleine looked up from her menu, her green eyes puzzled. “I’m not here to cheer you up. Frankly, I have no idea what to say to you except you’re going to have to go through this … get through this all by yourself.”
“Then why did you invite me for lunch?”
Madeleine sipped lemon water.  When she spoke, her voice was low, almost sad. “I’ve been through heartbreak. Sometimes, you just need someone to sit with you.”
“We could’ve done that at my place!”
“You don’t have duck and quail eggs.”
“And I never will! That shit’s gross!”
“Good. More money in my pocket. Uber home on you.”
So shut your mouth 'Cause these words will speak themselves
“How ya doin’, buddy?” Drake’s tone was sympathetic.
“Tired of showering and putting on clothes to come out to restaurants and not eat,” Liam grumbled as he blew over his coffee mug. “I’m supposed to be taking time off to get my shit together, not getting up at the asscrack of dawn.”
He and Drake were at Florida Avenue Grill, meeting for breakfast. It wasn’t crowded, but also not quiet. Waitresses and cooks talked loudly amongst themselves, clinks of spoons and forks against porcelain were a constant refrain, and the busy morning traffic rumbled over pot-holed asphalt.
“Tell me how you really feel,” Drake replied dryly.
Liam fell silent as he placed the cup on the table; his gaze met Drake’s. “Really?”
Drake nodded, his expression somber.
“THREE YEARS, Drake! Three motherfucking years, and she just … leaves me! Right when things had fallen into place!” His voice choked up. “I feel … raw.”
“That’s a lot of investment: time, money, energy. Did you love her? Because you know … it was Penelope.”
“I loved her enough to propose. I was going to take her ring shopping this weekend.”
Drake blinked. This was news. He wondered if Brooks knew.
“I didn’t get any sleep last night. I was up all night, stalking her social media trying to see who this guy is who’s obviously better than me.”
Drake blinked again. This was bad.
The waitress brought their meals: Buttered toast for Liam; steak, eggs, and hotcakes with extra butter and syrup for Drake.
Drake spoke as sliced into his steak. “First, love and relationships aren’t a competition; who is for you will find their way to you. No one is better than anyone else, they’re just better suited for certain people. Second, stalking is never a good idea. You’re just hurting yourself with that shit.”
“I need to know Drake! She owes me that!”
“She doesn’t owe you shit. As ditzy and ridiculous as that woman is, this decision was for her, not because of you.”
“Maybe if I had told her …” Liam mused sadly, his eyes gazing out one of the dirty windows.
“Then she would have dumped you sooner,” Drake stated matter-of-factly.
“Fuck you,” Liam seethed. “You aren’t making me feel any better, Drake!”
“I’m not here to make you feel better, Li. I don’t have a magic wand that’s going to make everything hunky dory. What I am here for is to remind you that you’ve given a woman undeserving of all you offer too much of your time and energy. Don’t give her anymore.”
Liam shook his head resignedly as he picked up his coffee. Drake didn’t understand. Liam may not have loved Penelope in a conventional way, but he did love her. He had dedicated himself to her; he didn’t take that lightly. He had planned his future with her in mind.
What the hell was he supposed to do now? And with who?
I wake up in the hallway, I'm looking for sunlight With rays that will cure me of the pain that keeps my lungs tight
“Prostitutes!” Leo exclaimed loudly in his brother’s ear.
Liam choked on his scotch. “What the FUCK are you talking about?”
The siblings were at DC Chophouse and Brewery for happy hour; the establishment was more crowded than usual, possibly due to an event at the Capital One Arena, less than two blocks away.
Leo thirstily swallowed his Belgian Pale craft beer. “Look, everyone knows the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else. You need a ho!”
Liam glared at his brother. “I do not need to get under someone, and I definitely do not need a prostitute. Physical interaction is not going to heal the hole where my heart used to be.”
Leo was undeterred. “Look, your problem is you have never been dumped before, so I kinda get it. But look at it this way: You LIKE spending money on chicks. At least with a ho, you’re helping to support small business.”
Liam closed his eyes briefly as he processed his brother’s words. It was true, Liam had never been dumped and had never dumped anyone. Relationships were important to him, and until Penelope, when things weren’t going well, he and his partner talked things over. Partings were always amicable and never unexpected.
He just couldn’t figure out where he went wrong with Penelope. He had been open with her about the partnership and what it would involve. He sent her texts three times a day, every day. He sent flowers. He mailed her sappy greeting cards. He reassured her constantly that what he was doing was for them.
And still she left him. At the worst possible time and on the worst day.
“Why are you so ridiculous? I am HURTING here, Leo!”
Leo signaled the bartender for another beer. “Have you reached out to her?”
Liam rubbed the pads of his fingertips over his burning eyes. “Maybe.”
Leo rolled his eyes. “Jesus! How many times?”
“She blocked my number and made all her social media private.”
“That many times, huh?”
Liam nodded morosely.
Leo laid his palm on Liam’s shoulder. “Dude, when they come to you to break if off, when they ghost you … they’ve already left. She just did you a courtesy telling you that it was over. She’s not coming back, and you aren’t going to get the answers you want. She’s … gone.”
Liam felt the constriction in his throat and the tears burning his eyes and felt embarrassed that he was breaking down in a fucking bar. In public.
“But I did everything RIGHT! Why didn’t she stay?” he sobbed.
“Find yourself a ho. Yeah, she’ll fuck other guys, but if you’re a good enough tipper, she won’t leave your ass. Just don’t marry her … they make terrible housewives.”
I haven't stopped crying My father's been drinking I need a place to stay I don't want to be here
Maxwell and Olivia
“You look like shit, dude,” Olivia observed as she let Liam into the apartment.
“Good to see you too, Liv,” Liam replied sarcastically.
“No, really … you don’t look so great,” Maxwell reiterated as he pressed a tumbler of ice water into Liam’s hand.
Liam didn’t need to hear it. He knew. He saw himself everyfuckingday in the mirror. He had lost some weight due to not eating. His face was haggard from lack of sleep and constant worrying and wondering. His nerves were frayed. He was a broken raft adrift in a sea of emotions and insecurity.
He flopped onto the couch. “I have to say, I’m surprised to see the two of you together. I’ve been seeing everyone one-on-one this week.”
“We’re bogo. You get one, you get the other one,” Liv explained as she curled up on of the floor cushions.
Maxwell joined her, his body fitting into hers easily, smoothly. Liam felt a frisson of jealousy at the pair. At their oneness, at their love. They weren’t incomplete.
“We aren’t going to ask how you’re doing; it’s evident things are not going well. What we are going to do is tell you that you are surrounding yourself with all this toxic negativity for potential. Wasted potential!”
“How high are you, Liv? What the hell are you blabbering about?” Liam asked in a surly, clipped tone; his eyes glared daggers at Olivia.
“She’s saying that Penelope never brought anything to the table, Liam. Not one goddamn thing! She couldn’t hold a job, she had no financial savvy, no social skills. She had absolutely nothing to offer you. And you both confused a literal bed for the proverbial table,” Maxwell explained.
“Let her be this other dude’s problem now.” Olivia pointed her index finger at Liam, jabbing air with each word she spoke. “YOU.DESERVE.BETTER!”
“PEN WAS ALL I HAD!! Riley B. is head over heels with Drake … EVERYONE was paired up BUT ME! I was lonely, I wanted to be in love, wanted to be loved! PEN loved me! I had plans for us, a future with her! I KNOW she wasn’t perfect, I KNOW she wasn’t my first choice … but she WAS my choice!” Liam raged.
“And now ALL OF YOU want to make me look and feel FUCKING RIDICULOUS for grieving my loss!”
With wide eyes, Olivia shrank away from Liam’s thunderous yelling while Maxwell angled his body protectively in front of hers. Liam’s head fell backwards, hitting the sofa back with a slight thud while he exhaled deep, shaky breaths.
“Okay, you’re definitely homicidal,” Maxwell began in a conciliatory tone. “But I have to ask … are you thinking of self-harm?”
“I don’t want to be here anymore,” Liam replied dully as his eyes stared at the ceiling.
“Here, like with us or here, like planet earth?” Maxwell asked, his tone neutral.
“Whichever one stops the pain.”
Maxwell scrambled up from the pillow; standing on his knees, he wrapped his arms tightly around Liam’s waist. “Not happening, buddy. You’re staying here, with us. The pain will stop when it’s supposed to.”
“It just hurts so bad, Max. So bad.”
No, these demons will fall You're so precious to us all
Riley B
Two things roused Liam from his fitful slumber on Friday morning: the heavy rain washing over the nation’s capital, and the smell of food cooking. He sat up, somewhat disoriented; he squinted at the clock. 11am. But his bedroom looked like 6am.
The food: he smelled sausage and heard the sizzle of something frying. He swung his legs over the side of the bed, certain that it was Leo in his kitchen. Passing his bedroom door and seeing it had been closed at some point confirmed his thought. Liam slept with his bedroom door open.
He knew it wasn’t Penelope; he hadn’t given her a key to the apartment. He was supposed to offer her one this weekend, along with the ring.
Until she dumped him.
Riley B. had one, but he hadn’t heard from her since sending the group text.
He continued into the bathroom, deciding to put on his pajama bottoms. It was a nod to acknowledging he had company. And that was going to be the extent of his hygiene routine today. He had spent the majority of his time off driving himself crazy and being misunderstood by those closest to him.
He had three days left to pull his shit together; he wanted to spend them alone.
Shoving his white-socked feet inside of his house slippers, he pulled the bedroom door open, making his way down the hallway. “Leo, I don’t need a ho and I’m not hungry.”
He abruptly stopped in his tracks at seeing Riley B. at the kitchen island, whipping some eggs in a bowl. She was gazing at him, a smile on her fuchsia-colored lips.
God, she was beautiful.
“Sorry, not Leo and not a ho, although I have some exes who would beg to differ,” she joked. “And for sure not angry if you don’t want any of my food.”
“What … what … why are you here?” Liam stammered.
Riley was in the refrigerator, looking for butter. “Well, there was a group text and no word from you after that. I am your best friend, so I’m doing my duty and checking in on you.” She glanced over at Liam. “Quite sure you aren’t in the mood to leave the house. Wallowing is strong at the beginning of grief.”
“You don’t have to be here. I’ll be okay.”
Riley stared critically at Liam before resuming her search. “I think I do. There’s a hella difference between I’ll be and I am, and right now, you’re neither.”
“How do you know?” Liam asked curiously as he made his way to the island.
“It hasn’t been a full week yet. You’re probably just now hitting your stride with the stalking and borderline harassment.”
Liam was at the stove, flipping breakfast potatoes. “You’re gonna let the potatoes burn!”
“What do you care? You aren’t hungry.” A yell of frustration. “Liam, where the hell is your butter?”
“I haven’t been grocery shopping.”
Riley shut the refrigerator door. “Fair.”
Before she could speak again, Liam’s stomach growled. Loudly. Liam flushed with embarrassment while Riley laughed. “Your mind is telling me no, but your body’s saying yes.”
Liam shrugged sheepishly. “I might be a little hungry.”
“I’m glad,” Riley said softly as he hugged him from behind.
It's a shame that we're not soul mates 'Cause if I didn't know better I'd say this feels pretty good
“I’ll finish cooking if you’ll make coffee,” Liam offered.
Why, he wasn’t sure. He wanted to be alone, he wanted to process. But Riley B. was here, smelling of roses and vanilla, looking amazing in soft green leggings and matching tank top and headband wig with the riotous brown curls.
He didn’t feel foolish or ridiculous or idiotic for being heartbroken.
She wasn’t trash-talking Penelope.
She wasn’t telling him how he deserved better, and that Pen had done him a favor.
Riley B. was just letting him be.
“I’m glad you took some time off.”
“Thomas made me.”
“Best.boss.ever! You’ve been working really hard the past few months.”
Liam simply nodded. He still didn’t want to tell anyone about the promotion. Penelope was going to be the first person he told. It had been for her. 
Once their food was plated, Riley turned on the wall-mounted television in the living room. She settled on Paternity Court.
Liam groaned. “Are you really gonna watch that?”
“You got a better idea?”
Without a word, she changed the channel. When she dug into her plate, she noticed that Liam’s portions were nearly gone. She didn’t say anything.  When they finished breakfast, Liam having two plates to her one, she loaded the dishwasher and settled on the sofa.
“Just let me know when you’re ready for me to leave.”
Liam shook his head. “Don’t go. Please.”
 I can't do this alone I still need you to hold
Riley shrugged. “Okie doke.”
Liam sat next to her, a forlorn expression on his face as he stared at the TV.
“Hey, c’mere,” she said, her arms held out.
Liam scooted closer, letting her arms envelope him in a long, tight hug. He exhaled heavily against her neck, partly grief, partly hopeful desire. If only Riley B. realized how he felt about her. If only she weren’t Drake’s girl. If only Penelope hadn’t taken a part of him with her.
“Does it ever get better?” he asked, his stale breath tickling her cheek.
“It does,” Riley promised. “One day, you’re going to wake up and want to open the window blinds to let the sunshine in. You’re going to want to go outside and breathe. You’re going to rise from the sorrow and wonder why you didn’t do it sooner. You’re going to be happy again.”
They broke apart from the hug; Liam was crying again. Riley gently swiped at his tears before pressing a soft kiss to his damp cheek.
And how could I be scared? When I stretch and feel you're there
“WHY, Riley B.? Why did she leave me?”
“Because you were too much for her, Liam. It’s not that you were asking too much of her, but she had so little to offer. You’re a great catch for the person with hands big enough to hold you. Have you seen her hands? Teeny-tiny!”
Despite himself, Liam let out a chuckle, that immediately drifted away. “I was going to propose to her.”
Riley felt her heart stop for a brief moment; hurt flashed in her eyes but she covered it quickly.
“We had been together three years. It was time.”
“Do you love her?”
A pause. “Yes,” he answered hesitantly. “I grew to love her, and I wasn’t terribly unhappy. We had good times.”
“She punished you for working on your anniversary date by not being there for you when you were available. She doesn’t know your birthday or your favorite color, and she isn’t into Tom Brady.”
Liam’s eyes narrowed dangerously. “Don’t start! She saw me when no one else did!”
Riley nodded slowly. “Fair. But this is a time for self-reflection, for finding out what role you played in the heartbreak. It’s lesson-learning time and trust me on this: If you don’t learn the lesson, you’ll repeat it until you pass the test.”
Liam heard Riley’s words, but they made no sense. He didn’t play a role in this at all, unless you count him being a schmuck. It was a hilariously embarrassing cliché: unsuspecting partner slaving away at the job while the unfaithful girlfriend spends his money and runs around with another man.
Fresh waves of hurt and pain washed over him.
“Who did she leave you for?”
“Her best friend’s brother. His name is Zeke. He’s a vet … like animal doctor, not the military.”
Riley arched an eyebrow. “That all sounds very strange. And don’t get me started on that name.”
Liam didn’t add that Kiara, Penelope’s best friend, was to be his new paralegal. Thomas was trying to work with Donna in HR to get Kiara reassigned, but so far, no luck.
“I want to call her, but she blocked my number,” Liam said softly. “If we could just talk, ya know?”
“You can use my phone if you want,” Riley offered.
Liam stared at Riley, stupefied. “Are you serious?”
Riley nodded. “Just warning you, she either won’t answer, or she’ll hang up when she hears your voice. She’s done, Liam. She gave you what she had, which was goodbye. She won’t have an apology.”
“But maybe …”
Riley sighed as she rose to fetch her phone from her purse. Liam was going to have to learn the lesson the hard way. She tossed the device to him. “I’ll be in the bedroom to give you some privacy.”
Liam caught the phone and watched Riley walk down the hallway before dialing Pen’s number.
And I can't help but think You're my missing puzzle piece
Riley was spraying the bedsheets with Febreeze when she heard Liam curse a blue streak, then the unmistakable sound of a phone hitting the wall.
“LIAM!” she hollered as she raced to the living room.
She found him on the sofa, tears flowing from his eyes, his hands balled into fists. Her heart broke at seeing Liam become a shell of himself, and Riley silently cursed Penelope.
Riley sat at the other end of the couch, her legs tucked under her. “Come on, Liam. Come here, darling,” she coaxed.
Liam kept shaking his head, refusing to move. That bitch had hung up on him. As soon as she heard his voice, she hung up and blocked the phone number. All he had done for her, all the chances he gave her … what did he do to deserve such treatment?
Riley continued to soothe and wheedle until he finally shifted position so his head lay in her lap. Riley crooned it’s okay over and over, her fingers combing through his hair.
“Riley B., “he croaked through his sobs as his hands curled around her pant-covered thighs.
“I’m here, Liam. I’ll always be here.”
So don't let go, don't let go, don't let go, don't let go, don't let go, don't let go 'Cause I'm afraid, I'm afraid, I'm afraid, I'm afraid, I'm afraid, I'm afraid, I'm afraid
@jared2612 @ao719  @marietrinmimi @merridithsmiscellany-blog @queenjilian @indiacater @kingliam2019 @bebepac @liamxs-world @mom2000aggie @cmestrella @liamrhysstalker2020  @neotericthemis @twinkleallnight @umccall71 @superharriet  @busywoman @gabesmommie1130 @tessa-liam @phoenixrising0308 @beezm @gardeningourmet @lovingchoices14 @foreverethereal123 @mainstreetreader @angelasscribbles @lady-calypso @emkay512 @jovialyouthmusic @21-wishes @princessleac1 @charlotteg234 @queenrileyrose @alj4890 @yourfavaquarius111 @motorcitymademadame @bbrandy2002 @queenmiarys  @choicesficwriterscreations
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bebepac · 1 year
Moonlight Rendevous
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I am participating in @choicesflashfics​ prompt # 40 “I have a reputation to uphold” which will appear in bold. 
I am also participating in @choicesjuly2023challenge​  and  @moodmusicmonday​ song inspiration Rendevous by Little Mix 
This is chapter 5 of The Blue Honey Cafe if you need to catch up on this, please feel free to click: 
The Blue Honey Cafe Masterlist
The Book:  TRR : No royals The pairings:  None:  TRR MC is single Ratings and Warnings:  None Word Count: 1382 Original Post: 07/08/23 at 6:12PM EST. Summary:  Riley sees Mason while she’s out and about for an evening.
“Mason, I didn’t know you had a food truck!”  
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“Pops believed in the hustle, and I followed in his footsteps. I typically only run it in the summertime and into early fall, because there are so many opportunities for extra outdoors events.  It’s more light snacks and some sliders sort of thing. Completely different from our typical menu at the restaurant.  Are you here alone?”
“Yep, I’m single as a pringle. I didn’t feel like staying in tonight, and I saw the advertisement for the movie on the lawn.  I’m trying to put myself out there more, even if I go out alone, you know?  I need to be more social, and maybe I’ll make some new friends. That sort of thing.”
“I know, I get it.  I have been thinking about  the same thing too.  Some of my school kids are home for the summer and want to run the food truck to get some hours  and I just might let them. That would give me more time to socialize as well.”  
“Then that sounds like you already have a plan Mason?”
“I do have a plan.”  And it involves the beautiful Riley Brooks, he thought to himself.
“So, have you heard anything about this movie?”  
“Yes, I’ve seen the previews, it looks like it’s going to be a crazy movie, when I saw it was The Rotten Apple 🍎 I had to definitely come out tonight and check it out."
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“I’ve been wanting to see it too.”  
“Maybe you’ll get to have a break, if you do, come find me, you can sit with me for a bit. Help me not feel like a loser sitting by myself here.”  
“Riley you’re definitely not a loser, and yes I’ll come find you when I can.”  
She smiled at him.  I’d like that a lot.”
Riley grabbed her cheeseburger sliders and drink and walked out onto the lawn.  She glanced back at the truck, and Mason tried to appear busy, but he was still watching Riley as she walked away.  She picked a spot  to set up her blanket that was in his eyeline from the food truck.  Did she do that on purpose so he’d be able to easily find her?
About thirty minutes into the movie the crowd had died down and everyone was engrossed in the movie  Elle, the main character, was something else. She had a very distinct dark side.
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 “Who’s this large buttered popcorn for Todd?”  Mason asked his part time worker.
“For you,  I can handle the crowd, you go sit with that cutie you were flirting with.” 
Riley was still sitting on the lawn on her blanket alone.
“Are you sure you’ll be good?”  
“If the line picks back up, I’ll text you. Go be ‘social.’ She likes you!”  
He got Riley a refill and a drink for himself and headed out across the lawn.  
“Is this seat taken?”  He whispered.
Riley looked up at him beaming.
“It is now, and you brought snacks!”
He sat down on the blanket with Riley placing the popcorn between the two of them.  
“I’m glad you could come over here for a bit Mason, to sit here with me.”  
“Me too.”  
“You work a lot, you should take more time for yourself.”  
Mason appeared surprised from her admission.  
“Thank you for your concern, I’m trying to do more of that.  But, it’s hard  when you love your job, it really doesn’t feel like work.”
“I can’t say that about my job.”  
“Well maybe you’re doing the wrong thing, Riley.”  
It was Riley’s turn to look surprised. Then the person in front of them turned around shushing them.  
Mason whispered, “You should always love your job.”  
Mason tried not to read too much into it, but as the movie went on, Riley seemed to inch closer to him.  She was so close to him that he could smell  the perfume of her body and the scent of her shampoo in her hair.  
After the movie,  Mason helped Riley pick up her things and fold her blanket.  
“I had a great time with you Riley.”
“Me too Mason.   I loved the movie. They definitely left it open for a sequel. What did you think of it?”
“She did a lot of terrible stuff.  But I don’t know why, I still want her to be happy. She kind of just won me over.”
“Because she’s not all bad. She really felt guilt and remorse for the things she had done. ”
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“And it’s not every day, you wind up rooting for the villain when you watch something.”
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“Exactly……. Well this is awkward.”  
“What’s wrong?”
“The food truck, my ride is gone, therefore I have no way to get home.”  
“I’ll take you.”
“Thanks Riley, that's nice of you.”
Mason carried all her stuff to the car for her.        
“Hey I know, you’re depending on me to get back to your place, but I was wondering if  you felt up for doing something else for a little bit?  I mean we’re already out, and we both said we need to be more social.”
“What did you have in mind?”  
“Okay hear me out.. I’ve always wanted to go to this place.”
“Wheelz?!?!?!  This used to be my favorite place as a kid.  I had several birthday parties here. Midnight skating slaps.”
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“But you said this was your favorite place as a kid?”
“Kids can be teenagers too.”
“Are you good at skating?”
“I am great at skating, are you Mason?  I wouldn’t have mentioned this place if I couldn’t skate.  I’m not trying to embarrass myself.  But I wanted to have someone to go with.”
“I’d be honored to go skating with you Riley Brooks.”
Mason was chivalrous, a complete southern gentleman.  He had not only opened the door on her own vehicle, he had waited for her  to gently get in and close the door behind her.  When they made it to Wheelz,  Mason jumped out of the vehicle like a rocket, as soon as it was parked, opening the door for her once more.  
“Will you at least let me pay for the skate rental?”
“No, it’s the least I can do for your being gracious enough to take me home tonight.”  
“I’m not heartless, I wouldn’t leave you stranded like that.”
“It’s the south,  I was far from stranded. But I’m glad you decided to indulge your blooming southern charm to help me out. Come on, let’s see what you’ve got out there on the rink.”  
“Not bad New York.  Not bad at all.”   Mason laid on a thickly horrible new york accent.
“Likewise North Cakalacky.”  Riley said with an even worse southern accent.
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It quickly turned into healthy competition and showboating between the two as they skated around the rink.
The last skate turned out to be a couple’s skate.  The music was slow, and almost romantic. She found herself leaning closer into Mason, who had a boyish grin on his face, but he pulled her closer to him too, his hand gripping hers tighter.
That part of the evening was fun and lighthearted, and Riley really enjoyed spending time getting to know Mason. He even had shared with her more about his life and family, which in turn allowed her to have a meaningful conversation with him about her own family. Mason had a lot of sadness in his life but was not jaded by it and was still very upbeat and resilient, which really appealed to her.
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“I really enjoyed spending this time with you Mason.  I feel like we got a chance to get to know each other a little bit better, and we’re both a little competitive apparently.”  
Mason laughed.   “Right?!?!?! Nothing like some good healthy competition to get the blood pumping. But seriously Riley,  I had a great time with you too.”
Driving back, neither said a word, lost in their own thoughts, and when they pulled to a stop at Mason’s apartment, Riley was the first to speak.  
He paused for a moment.  “You know Riley, tonight doesn’t have to end right now, if you don’t want it to.”
Riley’s eyes met Mason’s.  “Are you asking me up to your place?”  
“I am, but it’s completely your choice.  I promise to be the perfect gentleman.”  
“What if I don’t want you to be, Mason?”  
He winked at her. "I have a reputation to uphold."
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angelasscribbles · 1 month
Sorry for disturbing... No idea if we interacted before, but... Your fave Love Interests on Choices & RC ???
This is so much fun!!
TRR: Liam, Drake, and Max.
Ride or Die: Logan
Bloodbound: Jax
ACOR: Marc Antony
Queen B: Ian
RoE: Leo
OH: Bryce (would have been Raf but PB fucked that up)
Note: I have a series where Riley ends up with Liam, Max, Drake, and Rashad lol. Max and Liam are also a couple in their own right in that one.
Romance Club:
VfV: Louis, Phillipe, Armand.
HaHW: Chand, RJ, Phoebe, Conner
Soulless: Walter
HS: Mimi, Dino, Lucifer, Adi, and Christopher tbh (unpopular opinion but I don't like Astaroth). Austie might get a hate f@ck lol.
Note: I don't see why Lucifer and Mimi's past has to stay in the past just because they both fall for MC. I'm here for a MC/Luci/Mimi throuple!!
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openheartfanfics · 1 year
OH MC Other Fics
🎭 Angst  |  🦚 Angsty Fluff  |  🛸 AU  |  ☁ Fluff  |  ♥ NSFW  |  📚 Series  |  📷 Edit  |  📱 TextFic  |  Ⓜ Mature
A Bit Dark - @jerzwriter 🦚🏳‍🌈 Jess has noticed a bit of a change in Casey, and offers her support when she learns the reason why.
A Quick Study - @jerzwriter ☁🏳‍🌈 Casey's a little hangry during their late-night study session, but Jess isn't letting her off the hook. Feat. F!MC x F!OC
Any Other Day - @jerzwriter 🦚💘 Jessica's not a fan of Valentine's Day, and she's made that pretty clear, but now that the day's up on them, Casey realizes there's more to it than meets the eye.
Anti Valentine - @liaromancewriter 📱💘 Cassie and Max commiserate each other on their most hated day. Feat. Ethan x F!MC
Beach Clean-up - @liaromancewriter 📷☁ Cassie is not happy about what she finds. Feat. OH Gang.
Before the Beginning - @trappedinfanfiction  ☁ 📱 Celia can’t sleep, and with nothing else to do, she contacts her brother.
Crossed Wires - @liaromancewriter 📱 Cassie finds out Max kept a secret from her.
Green-Eyed Girl - @liaromancewriter 📱 Random convo between Cassie and Max about family traits.
Finding a Path - @liaromancewriter 📱 Cassie is frustrated by the system and needs to vent. [1.8]
Freshly Squeezed - @jerzwriter ☁🏳‍🌈 Jordyn & Casey are upset that they're staying at a distant Air B&B, while attendings were put up in a posh hotel by the hospital.
Happy Birthday to the Valentine Twins - @liaromancewriter 📷 It's Cassie and Max's birthday and their mom shares a moment.
High Score - @jerzwriter 🦚🏳‍🌈 Casey and her girlfriend Jessica are eagerly looking forward to sharing lunch at "their" diner. One idiot nearly derails their plans, but the women won't let him win. TW: Mentions of homophobia including a slur
I've Got You - @jerzwriter ☁ Casey & Jess are taking a little break until there is a turn of events - then it's Jess to the rescue.
International Day of Women and Girls in Science - @storyofmychoices ☁ Celebrating three of the loveliest ladies: Olivia Hadley, Merida Rhys (@lilyoffandoms), and Casey MacTavish (@jerzwriter).
It Is Time - @snoopdogcone ☁ It's her first day at Edenbrook.
Like it's 1989… - @jerzwriter 📱 It's another Taylor Swift release, and that means it's time for Tobias and Jensen to suffer come up with a plan of survival. Feat. F!MC, M!MC
Lost and Found - @liaromancewriter 🦚 Cassie and Max celebrate their birthday under the Northern Lights and have a heart to heart about what’s happening in their lives.
Not a Valentine - @jerzwriter ☁ It's lunchtime for Casey & Jensen... and some annoying interns, too. Feat. F!MC, M!MC
Positive Reaction - @jerzwriter ☁🏳‍🌈 When the couple step out to celebrate Jessica's achievement, Casey gives her a gift that money could never buy. Feat. F!OC
Rocky - @jerzwriter ☁ Casey attempts to help Jensen after a rough day. Feat. Jensen (M!MC), Casey (F!MC), Bryce Lahela
Secret’s Out - @liaromancewriter ☁ When everyone at Edenbrook finds out Cassie’s identity, she realizes who her true friends her. Feat. Jackie Varma, Sienna Trinh.
Six Times - @jerzwriter 📚🏳‍🌈 [extended: wip] Casey knew what it felt like to have her heart broken, and so did Jessica. Love and all its notions had no place in their life right now... and then they met. F!MC x F!OC
Sweet Stuff - @jerzwriter ☁ Merida, Casey & Olivia spend the day at an amusement park, and one of them is quite amusing.
The Doctor Is Almost In - @liaromancewriter 📷 It's the week before intern year and Cassie explores her new home.
The Galentine’s Day Queens: A TRR / Open Heart Crossover - @bebepac ☁💘 Daniel takes Riley and their friends on a special night on the town as Galentines. Feat. F!MC
The Meeting [Open Heart/Bloodbound Crossover] - @ezekielbhandarivalleros and @aesthetic-aag 🛸
Jake and Ade have been online friends for a while now. Ade plans on day to come visit Jake in Toronto.
Trepidation - @jerzwriter 🦚 Casey and Jessica have both been in love before, and both have had their hearts broken. That's why they promised each other to take it slow. Feat. F!MC x F!OC
Twin Shenanigans: Java Edition - @liaromancewriter 📱 Cassie and Max get silly with each other on text, as per usual.
Twin Shenanigans: Pandas Edition - @liaromancewriter 📱 Max teases Cassie with her spirit animal. Bonus: Ethan teases her too! Feat. Ethan Ramsey
Twinsies - @liaromancewriter 📱 Cassie and Max celebrate National Twin Day.
Who’s The Cutest? - @potionsprefect 📱 The Clarke siblings have a disagreement.
Zodiac Fun - @liaromancewriter 📱 Cassie is all about love that's written in the stars.
Friends with Rollerskates (Open Heart/Bloodbound Crossover) - @ezekielbhandarivalleros ☁ When nobody wants to play with Jake, Ade choses to Roller Skate with him when she herself has nobody to play with.
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txemrn · 2 years
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I posted 1,309 times in 2022
382 posts created (29%)
927 posts reblogged (71%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,063 of my posts in 2022
Only 19% of my posts had no tags
#reblog - 415 posts
#the royal romance - 359 posts
#hey queue - 313 posts
#open heart - 220 posts
#choices fanfic - 195 posts
#liam rys - 186 posts
#ethan ramsey - 185 posts
#you asked - 178 posts
#choices trr - 173 posts
#tathan - 150 posts
Longest Tag: 122 characters
#i have a vague idea of what is going on in tna right now but in my perfect universe these two are together and flourishing
My Top Posts in 2022:
Happy Belated Birthday, @charlotteg234 !
We love you so, so much, and we hope your day was just as incredible as you are!
💜, @kat-tia801 & @txemrn
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See the full post
77 notes - Posted May 27, 2022
Boughs & Mockingbirds
Part 8
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Need to catch up? B&MB Masterlist
Book: The Royal Heir
Sunmary: King Liam Rys painfully recounts the final week leading up to the birth of the royal heir during Riley’s hospital stay-- in ICU.
☆☆☆ Canon deviation of the end of TRH book 1/beginning of TRH book 2)
Warning: language; fairly angsty; some NSFW material
⛔ TW for Sensitive Readers⛔ heavy discussions and depictions of medical emergencies during childbirth, including some descriptions of newborns that may be dark and unsettling; some main characters will face life-threatening situations while others experience PTSD and heavy grief; please use discretion
Pairings: King Liam Rys x Queen Riley Brooks-Rys; Maxwell Beaumont x Hana Lee
Word count: ~6100
Series Song Inspirations: “I’ll Never Be Ready “ by Veridia 🖤 “Soon You’ll Get Better” by Taylor Swift 🖤 “Head Above Water” by Avril Lavigne
A/N: To my readers that follow this series: thank you for your kind words and encouragement to get this chapter out! This story took quite a break between chapters, but it's back (we're still not at the Last Apple Ball, but it's coming). Also, a HUGE thank you to all of my sweet readers and brainstormers (@ao719 @charlotteg234 @kat-tia801)! This was a group effort, and I can't thank y'all enough for your wisdom! Also, this chapter wasn't truly beta'd, so please forgive my errors. Also, the characters, the plot, and some dialogue belong to Pixelberry.
Present Day
Liam carefully opens his irritated eyes. Holding his aching head, he peers through his fingers, taking in the disarray of his wife’s hospital room. Empty syringes and medicine vials litter the floor.  Furniture is tossed chaotically against the wall. Bags of fluid and blood that were once feeding into Riley’s veins now hang desolate in the air on metal poles.  In the darkness, it looks like a post-apocalyptic scene from a horror movie.
But, for Liam: wasn’t it?
See the full post
83 notes - Posted April 3, 2022
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It's that time again!
Hey, sweet friends!
Firstly, if you are being tagged, that means that at some point, you enjoyed something that I've written and asked for a tag. And for that, I want to thank you so much for the support! 💜
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90 notes - Posted September 19, 2022
Pour Two Glasses
Chapter 2: "... the fear that I can't control this."
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Need to catch up? Click Here!
Book: The Royal Romance (post series)
Word Count: 5385 (+/-)
Series Synopsis: In the midst of a violent political war, Queen Riley Rys’s life is dismantled overnight, forcing her to flee Cordonia to live in hiding as a commoner with a loyal, best friend
Series Song Inspo: “Pour Two Glasses” by the Movielife
Chapter Song Inspo: "A Place to Start" by Mike Shinoda
Series Warnings: angst; profanity; major character death; grief and mental health discussion; discussion of violence & war; alcohol use; NSFW material
AN: It's back! It's back! And this girl could not be any more excited! I love this story, and I hope you will join me in this adventure as Riley learns to live and love again after tragedy. HUGE Thanks to everyone that helped over the past year to help bring this story to life! To my beautiful writing sister-in-crime @kat-tia801: thank you for all of your encouragement in keeping me focused and for pre-reading! These characters and some plot points belong to our friend at Pixelberry.
AN2: Block quotes are not working for me. When there is a change of scenery, it will be indicated by a separation with (----------); if the scenery deals with a change in time, it will be labeled as such at the top of the scene (ex "present", "past", etc). If it is a flashback, that entire section will be italicized. I hope this helps.
It has been almost two days since King Liam's aircraft was savagely shot down off the coast of Tunisia, approximately two-hundred twenty kilometers southwest of Malta.  Rescue efforts were made by both Tunisian and Italian officials, Cordonia joining them the next morning, but gravely, only remnants remained of the plane. The hope for peace appointed by the UNM now lays desolate, set adrift in the darkness of the sea.
Two days.
A mere forty-eight hours is literally all that stands between Drake Walker and seeing his childhood friend alive. 
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96 notes - Posted May 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Prologue: a Shadow in the Dark
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Pairing (current): Liam Rys x MC (Riley Brooks); Drake Walker x f!OC (Jodi); Leo Rys x Madeleine Amaranth; Constantine x Eleanor
Word Count: ~5250
Summary: With her family facing deportation back to Auvernal, fun-spirited Reid Ambrose quits college to support her family. But as fate would have it, she accepts a temporary job as a caregiver for the royal family, an experience that will challenge her, break her, and devastate her world in the most exciting of ways.
Series Warning: ⛔ Please Be Advised: 18+ Only ⛔This series will contain mature material, including foul language, NSFW 🍋, discussion/depictions of war, violence, gun violence, assassination attempts; medical situations, including major character injuries; ethical dilemmas including euthanasia & bodily autonomy; mental health, including depression, PTSD, suicide
Series Music Inspo: "Awake" by Secondhand Serenade
Chapter Music Inspo: "Nothing Makes Sense Anymore" by Mike Shinoda
AN: I know, I know. I have no business starting a new series, but the inspiration was there, so I hope y'all don't mind. In the meantime, thank you so, so much for sticking with me as a writer. Majority of these characters and some plots belong to our friends at Pixelberry. Special thanks for my sweet friends that read over a few excerpts. This was never fully pre-read or beta'd, so chances are, there will be mistakes. Please forgive me! Also, you will recognize some items from canon; other items may be completely contradictory to canon. Just got with it, and enjoy the story. 😊
A harmonious chorus of early morning robins resound across the sleepy Cordonian countryside. The brilliance of the new-day sun remains hidden under the horizon; however, the sky splashes with vibrant hues of violet and indigo in anticipation of its grand arrival.
The fresh scent of the springtime gardenias wafts gently with the cool breeze into the bedroom suite. With the tickle of pollen on his nose, Liam quickly stirs from his deep slumber, absentmindedly scratching his face. He then allows his entire body to grow rigid, stretching out the tightened muscles of his physique, his feet falling off the edge of the bed: one of the sacrifices he makes staying over at her place.
Blinking his eyes awake, they carefully adjust to the various shapes of the darkened room, his favorite laying mere inches away from his own exposed figure. And he smiles. The slope of her bare hips, her perfectly tossed lavender-scented waves, even the melodic hum of her tiny snore: Liam is completely helpless, completely captivated with his girlfriend Riley Brooks.
See the full post
115 notes - Posted March 21, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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flowerpowelltales · 2 years
Interconnected (Drake x MC)
A/N: for this fic, i assumed drake was born in 1986, which means he was 30 when trr started and turned 31 in chapter 6 of trr1. i also headcanon that both liam and max are younger than him; liam by one year, max by three. my riley is 3 years younger than drake (born 1989).
also! i’m super proud of this fic. not because it’s error free (lol we love errors over here!) but because i love the story itself. i think it’s one of my best works yet 🥺🧡
this fic is dedicated to @tinkie1973 who inspired this story. i know i changed your idea a little bit but i cant imagine drake with anyone else but riley. they were always meant to be. i hope you’ll like it!
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Drake was walking around the fields, less than a mile from Walker Ranch. His father just left for Cordonia again and his mom, as per usual, was having a breakdown. His sister was probably trying to calm her down and so was his aunt. For Drake, it was too many women in the house and he decided he needed a breather. He wasn’t too far from their house and besides, his mother wouldn’t even notice. 
After walking for a few hours, he reached the lake where his father took him to fish. It was so calm and peaceful and--
He turned at the sound of someone screaming but couldn’t see anyone. It sounded like a child and Drake thought for a second that maybe someone fell into the lake. Without too much thinking, he started to run, looking for the child. He was only ten but his father trained him well and he was sure he could save whoever needed saving.
“AAAAAH!” A little girl ran into him, knocking down both of them.
“What happened?” He asked her, half irritated half worried. She didn’t reply, only looked at him in horror.
“What’s your name?” He asked.
“B--Brooke,” she muttered.
“Okay, Brooke. What happened?”
“Sh-sh-shark!” She said when they both got up.
“Shark? In this lake?” 
She nodded. 
“There are no sharks in this lake! Or any lake.”
“But I saw it!” She pouted. “It tried to eat me!”
Drake looked at her, narrowing his eyes. “How old are you?”
“That’s what I thought.” Drake put his hands into the pockets of his overalls. Everyone younger than him, even by a day, was a child. He, obviously, was an adult already. Ten was a serious age.
“What does it supposed to mean?!” The girl raised her voice.
“Nothing,” he said. He had a sister, a mother and an aunt; he knew sometimes it was better not to say anything. But the girl wasn’t having it.
“You don’t believe me! Because I’m young and a girl, huh?”
“And also because there are no sharks in this lake. I live here, I know.”  Drake answered calmly, wanting her to go away. He decided he was done with women in general. Suddenly, he understood why his father liked being away from Texas so often. 
“If you’re so smart because you’re a boy and older and live here then I’ll show you. And I’ll be faster than you!” She said and took off running, cathing him by surprise. He started running after her, chuckling. This girl was weird.
“Riley! Where were you?” 
“Out, mom,” she replied, pushing her mom’s hand away from her forehead. “I’m not sick, you don’t have to check my temperature.”
“You’re so hot!”
“It’s summer.”
“I don’t like it, Ray.”
“You don’t like anything,” her dad cut in.
“Are you starting again?” Her mother asked.
“You started it. Ray can’t even go outside for a minute!”
“We’re in Texas, in the middle of nowhere, instead of New York! She doesn’t know this place, she could get lost! Of course I’m worried!”
“You didn’t have to come with me then!”
“Oh yes, I’d rather let you go alone so you can cheat on me again. Wonderful!”
Riley squeezed her eyes shut. Her parents argued non stop and she was getting very tired of it. 
“I saw a shark today,” she finally said, interrupting the argument. Her mom’s eyes went wide.
“A shark?!”
Riley nodded. “Yes, but this boy told me it was a perch. It looked like a shark, though.”
Her father laughed but her mom still looked scared.
“A boy? How old? Did he do anything to you? What did I tell you about talking to strangers!”
“Geez.” Her father rolled his eyes.
“He’s not stranger, he lives here. Besides, I was very smart, like you taught me. I told him my name was Brooke, not Riley Brooks.”
“Good job, Ray.” Her father patted her on the back. 
“I need a drink,” was all her mom said.
Smiling, Riley went back to her room. Maybe she’d meet the boy again. She just wished she had asked him about his name. 
“Come on, Drake, ya know ya need to help me!”
“I’m not going to that stupid market, Leona. You always meet your friends and talk for hours.”
“Drake! What did I tell ya about calling me by my name? I’m your aunt, not your friend. And ya’re goin’ with me. Someone has to make sure y’all eat.”
Drake sighed and kicked a small rock. Who needed food? His mother was very depressed and didn’t even go out of her room. Savannah was crying all day, every day. Aunt Leona pretended everything was okay. And all Drak wanted, was to be far from it all. Alone. Just like he always was.
Leona started walking towards the market and Drake sighing followed suit. 
Of course it was exactly as he predicted. Two old and loud women spotted them immediately and came running to squeeze Drake.
“Ah, ya poor boy!” One said.
“Losing your dad so young! How awful!” The other one said.
“He’s not that young. My cousin’s friend’s aunt lost her father when she was five! Imagine!” Leona replied and Drake rolled his eyes. 
The women started remembering every friend of a friend who ever lost a father and Drake walked away. If dad was there, Drake wouldn’t be so lonely. His dad would tell those women to shut up. His dad wouldn’t let Drake be there. 
But his dad died. Died protecting some stupid country and stupid king. Died for people who weren’t even his family. And what that stupid king did? Called Drake’s mom and said they were sorry. And then they sent a card. And flowers. Drake hated them. Drake hated all nobility. Only Liam was okay. But at the moment, Drake hated him, too. If it weren’t for Liam’s family, his father would still be here. 
He suddenly found himself on bench, out of the market. He could smell the fish from the booth nearby and it reminded him of Brooke, the girl who thought she saw a shark. Drake smiled involuntarily. 
“Hi, is this seat taken?” 
He turned to see a girl in a flowy yellow dress, smiling brightly at his grimaced face.
“Yes, I’m sitting here,” he said and turned away from her. Something about her felt familiar but he couldn’t put a finger on it.
“Too bad, I’m sitting here, too.” She said as she sat down, pushing Drake to the side. 
“Hey!” He looked at her again and recognition slowly dawned on him. “Brooke!”
If he was sixteen, she must be at least thirteen. She changed a little and definitely started to look more like a... woman, rather than child. 
“What?” She asked confused.
“Brooke! The shark girl!” He exclaimed and she smiled, recognizing him too.
“It was a perch, actually.”
“Oh really?”
“I obviously knew it. Was just checking you.” She winked. He chuckled but quickly composed himself. He was sad and also didn’t like women. 
“So why aren’t you fishing?” She asked after a moment of weirdly non-awkward silence. 
He shrugged. “I don’t fish every day.” He stopped two weeks ago, when his father died. He didn’t need to tell her that.
“Too bad, I thought you’d catch a perch for me or something. I’m starving.”
He looked at her curiously. “Can’t you eat at home?”
“In New York? I don’t think I’d make it to New York before biting my arm off.” She laughed.
“You’re from New York?”
“Yep, born and raised.”
“So what are you doing here? Then and now?”
“The first time we came with my father on his business trip. This time I came only with my mom cause dad’s gone.”
Drake gulped. “Gone? As in... died?” Was she going through the same thing?
“Nah. Gone as in leaving his family behind. My mom’s trying to find him. She thinks tracking down his business partners in Texas will help her. I’m left on my own.”
“That.... sucks. I mean--”
“Yea, it does. Whatever.” She shrugged. “Your parents better?”
“My dad was great. He... he died two weeks ago. The rest of the family doesn’t care.” He didn’t know why he was telling her all of that. But there was something about Brooke that made him want to open. And he really needed someone to be open with. 
“That... sucks,” she repeated him and he half-smiled. “What was he like?”
“The best. Taught me fishing, mushrooming, making small pieces of furniture, building boats, took me camping. He cared.” He added quietly. It was ridiculous. He was an adult sixteen-year-old man and she was a merely thirteen-year-old girl and he was baring his soul. If only his father could see it.
“Would you teach me? Fishing?” She finally asked.
She nodded.
He smiled, this time wholeheartedly. “You’re really hungry, aren’t you?”
She nodded again.
“I can’t do this. I’m sorry,” Riley said and gave the blindfold back to her friend.
“Don’t be ridiculous! We talked about it! One kiss, that’s all!”
“I changed my mind. I don’t have to kiss anyone yet.”
“Ok, well, have fun truth-or-daring with sorority girls tomorrow.” Her friend rolled her eyes and Riley looked back at the blindfold. 
She was sixteen and hadn’t had her first kiss yet. All her friends, and she meant all of them, had already their first kisses. And some went even further. She didn’t want to make a fool out of herself if someone asked her about her first kiss during truth or dare. She didn’t want to be considered a loser. 
In her wildest dreams she saw her first kiss be with the lake boy from Texas. But she quickly came to her senses. He was older than her and probably didn’t even think twice about some random girl who thought she saw a shark. He probably was still laughing at her. Besides, she only saw him twice. The first time when she was seven, her mother took her back to New York the next day she met him. The second, her mom insisted they had to go to Arizona because she was sure Riley’s father would be there. He wasn’t. And she didn’t see the lake boy ever again. She didn’t even know his name. She probably wouldn’t even recognize him now. He definitely didn’t look like boy she met nine years ago.
“So?” Her friend looked at her expectedly. Brianna was already in college and she helped organize the fair they were currently at. She was also responsible for the kissing booth. When Riley heard about it for the first time, she asked Bri to swap with her for one kiss so that she could get it over with. Bri of course agreed and now she was waiting for Riley to finally wear that blindfold, go out and kiss someone. Riley wore her favorite sparkly black dress with little daisies on it, as a good luck charm. She could do it.
“I'm in,” Riley said and put a blindfold on. The lake boy was just a fantasy and she no longer believed in fairytales.
“I still don’t know what we’re doing here,” Drake murmured as Maxwell and Liam were looking around the fair excitedly. It was just another college fair but Liam and Maxwell visited him there for the first time.
College was like a breath of fresh air to Drake. After the summer his father died, Liam’s family took him and Savannah to Cordonia. As much as he enjoyed being far from Aunt Leona and his mom, he hated Cordonia. He hated the nobility and he hated that ordinary people had to protect those snobs. Leaving for New York to study was the best decision. 
And why New York?
Drake would never admit it out loud, but he couldn’t stop thinking about Brooke. When they met each other at the market, he thought he finally had a friend. He looked for her the next day, and the day after but she was gone. And then he realized that she was just a fantasy that would never come true. 
“Come on, Drake, live a little!” Maxwell said, eating his cotton candy.
“Yes, Drake. You’re in America, in college while I’m a prince with a strict father and yet I have more fun in a day than you in a year,” Liam added.
Drake rolled his eyes. 
“I don’t need fun.” 
“It’s your second year here. You surely had some girlfriends, right?” Maxwell asked. When Drake didn’t reply, he asked again. “Right?”
“I can’t believe it!” Liam exclaimed. 
“I don’t want a girlfriend,” Drake murmured. His thoughts involuntarily went to Brooke, as they always did when topics like that were brought up. It was true he didn’t want a girlfriend, he didn’t want to get married either. The less people in his life, the less losses. But deep down he knew that if he really had to marry someone, but really had to, he could only marry Brooke. Which was ridiculous as they only met twice.
“But you did... you know?” Maxwell inquired. Drake sighed. Maxwell was the most annoying person he knew and he didn’t know why Liam insisted on bringing him everywhere with him.
“I did. I just said I didn’t want any girlfriends.” 
“We can’t leave it like that, Drake!” Liam said. “It’s college! It’s America! We will find you a girlfriend!” Liam was already tipsy. If only Constantine could see it.
“No, thanks.”
Liam opened his mouth to say something but quickly closed it as he spotted something interesting. 
“Okay, how about a deal? You do something that will prove to us you can have fun and we’ll never mention having girlfriends again?”
“Sure.” Drake agreed. Anything to make that shut up. When he looked at Liam and Maxwell, they were already grinning. “What?”
“This is your challenge.” Liam nodded his head towards a kissing booth. 
“You’ve got to be kidding me!”
“Okay then, Drake. Maxwell, what do you think about this blond woman on the left? Should we ask her if she’s interested in dating our friend?”
“Okay, okay. I’ll do it. One kiss and you’ll shut up?”
“Pinky promise!” Maxwell said, stretching his finger. Drake ignored it.
There weren’t many people in the line. There were two booths, one was empty and at the other, a blond, and clearly tired, woman was kissing the guys. She was doing it so automatically that Drake felt the urge to back out. And then, a girl came out from behind the courtain, a blindfold covering her eyes. She wore a black dress that had some flowers on them. Sunflowers? Daisies? Drake couldn’t tell from a distance. Her friend helped her stand in the booth and the left her alone. Drake was the only one in line so he took a deep breath and walked up to her.
“May I?” He asked and the girl raised her head as if to see him, even though she clearly couldn’t. She didn’t say anything but she nodded and Drake leaned down to kiss her. 
The kiss didn’t feel automatic. It felt a little... clumsy? But also heartfelt. Like she was kissing for the first time, even though it couldn’t be true since she was at the kissing booth, kissing people. She was probably tired. 
When he pulled away, the girl stood frozen, with her mouth slighly open as if waiting for more. Something about her felt familiar but he didn’t know what. She probably attended the same college and he saw her on campus. 
“Thank you,” he said to her and started walking away. Maxwell and Liam were cheering and waving their cameras at him. When he looked back at the girl, she was gone.
“And how about this one?” Drake asked, pointing to a bar which didn’t look like any of the fancy places Tariq and Maxwell picked before.
“No way!” Tariq said.
“Why not?” Liam said. “It’s my last night before social season, I want to have a typical American experience.”
“But... They probably don’t even have Moët & Chandon Brut!” Tariq complained.
“Oh no, what a tragedy!” Drake mocked. They were walking around New York for hours looking for a place to stay. They were bound to go back to Cordonia the next day for Liam’s social season. Drake wasn’t looking forward to it but he needed to be there for his friend. 
Maxwell opened the door and Drake inhaled the scent of the bar. It smelled like home and whiskey. He missed it.
“...So they definitely don’t have Moët?” Tariq inquired but everyone ignored it. Drake picked their seats and sat down waiting for the waiter or waitress to come. He didn’t know why but he felt someone good was about to happen. Maybe it was the whiskey or maybe something more important. He didn’t know but he’d drink to that.
TAGGING (perma + drake + some people that might (?) enjoy): @queen-arabella-of-cordonia @belencha77 @delightfullypinkglitter @gardeningourmet @lovingchoices14 @cathx91 @deepestphantomstranger @dcbbw @kingliam2019 @thequeenofcronuts @the-soot-sprite @iaminlovewithtrr @texaskitten30 @walkerdrakewalker @marshmallowsandfire @karahalloway
ps. if you dont know why you’re tagged it’s probably you asked me to add you to my taglist ageeees ago. please let me know if want out and i’ll remove you and won’t bother anymore! 
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sfb123 · 3 years
Whatcha Wearin’ Under There?
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I am participating in @wackydrabbles prompt # 93 “Was this what made her [him, them,you] happy?” which will appear in bold.  
Pairing: Liam x Riley
A/N: I was having a conversation with @kat-tia801 and @queenrileyrose this afternoon, and it got pretty lit, we ended up complaining about the horrible underwear choices for the male LIs in TRR, one thing lead to another, and this idea was born. Now one of you just needs to write the other underwear shopping idea that came up.
Thank you to my fandom soulmate @jessiembruno for helping me design the perfect sexy underwear. It definitely turned out way better than the real life examples I have lying around my house.
Word Count: 1,140
Rating/Warning: PG-13 bordering on R, I’m towing that 🍋 line, but it’s all implied.
All Characters belong to Pixelberry
Tags: Listed below. Let me know if you’d like to be added or removed.
Liam slipped out of the bed, his back to Riley as he put his underwear on. When he turned around, he saw that she had rolled to her side and was watching him dress. “Like what you see?” He said with a smirk.
Riley smiled nervously, this was as good a time as any to bring it up. “Um...not really?”
“I’m sorry?” Liam couldn’t hide the shocked, and slightly hurt expression on his face. 
She immediately sat up in the bed, pulling the sheet over her chest. “Oh no no no Liam, not like that! I love the product, it’s just the wrapper I’m not a huge fan of.” 
“Come again?”
“Listen, I know it’s called European cut, but just because you’re from Europe doesn’t mean you are bound by law to wear man panties.” 
Liam chuckled and sat on the bed, wrapping his arm around her. “Love, I had no idea you had such an aversion to my undergarments.”
“It’s not that.” Riley paused, her mind racing to find the best possible reasoning to get her way, she turned to him as soon as she determined the perfect route to take. “You want kids right? I mean, you need them, heirs to the throne and all.” He nodded curious as to where this was going. “Well, boxers are better for your sperm count. It makes conceiving way easier. It’s science. I’m only looking out for you, and for Cordonia.”
“Is that so?” He cocked an eyebrow. “Well the Rys line has been around for centuries, so perhaps this style isn’t quite as limiting as you have been led to believe.”
Riley grimaced, partly because that reason didn’t work, but the other was the mental image of Constantine in his underwear that Liam had just planted in her head. She shook it off, she couldn’t have that rattling around in her brain if she was going to get plan b to work. She shifted so that she was straddling his lap, letting the sheet she was holding slip away. 
“You know how sometimes, when you undress me, I’m wearing those cute little surprises for you?” He audibly gulped and nodded in response as her fingers slowly trailed across his chest. “Well, don’t you want to wear something that will make me just as...excited as I make you?” She tilted her head down slightly and looked up at him through her lashes, biting her bottom lip. 
“Yes, my queen.” He pulled her mouth to his in a hungry kiss, thrusting his hips up, both groaning at the sudden jolt of pleasure. 
“Mmmm...now my king,” she said in a low sultry voice, as their lips parted, “imagine how much more comfortable that would be if you had more room for everything.” She gestured at his growing bulge.
“Love, I don’t care what I’m wearing, as long as you’re the one taking it off of me.” He flipped them so that he was now hovering over her, causing Riley to yelp. “Let’s go shopping tomorrow, I will get anything you want.” He kissed her again as her hands slid down to his waist to free him from his confines. 
The next day, Riley and Liam stepped through the doors of one of the local Cordonian shops. They had sent the guard ahead of time to close down and secure the store, to insure the utmost privacy for their intimate excursion. Riley rushed toward the racks while Liam lingered behind, smiling to himself at his wife’s excitement. 
“Come on Liam, these are for you, you should come pick some that you like!” She waived for him to join her. 
“That’s alright, all that matters is that you are happy with the selections. I’m sure I will love whatever you choose.”
Riley shook her head, laughing to herself, continuing to pull her selections from the rack. She continued to riffle through the options, running her fingers along the materials, and admiring the selection. Once her arms were full, she hurried over to Liam and handed everything over to him. “Ok, go see what you think!”
“You’re not coming in with me to help?”
“Oh, I have no problem going in there and helping you take things off. It’s the having to put things on that may prove difficult. You’d better fly solo on this one.” She said, placing a light pat on his behind. He laughed and gave her a kiss before moving into the changing room.
Once inside, Liam held up the first pair and examined them carefully, Was this what made her happy? He thought to himself, confused as to why one would need so much material if the intention was to just cover up his private areas. He shrugged before pulling off his clothes, changing into the Versace boxer briefs that Riley had chosen for him. The first thing he noticed was the color, green. He smiled to himself, knowing she settled on that color because it was her favorite. He ran his hands up and down his thighs, feeling the luxurious cotton fabric that covered him. They did feel nice, but it still felt like an odd amount of material for an undergarment. 
He peeked his head out from behind the curtain searching for Riley, who was seated on a chaise on the other end of the fitting room, scrolling through her phone. He cleared his throat to get her attention. She looked up and smiled. “Alright, bring on the sexy fashion show.” She rubbed her palms together in anticipation. 
Liam stepped out of the changing area and walked forward, stopping just in front of her and placing his hands on his hips. “Riley, love, aren’t these just a pair of shorts?”
She laughed at the comment and approached him to get a better look. “No Liam, they’re underwear, I promise. How do they feel?”
“Quite comfortable, actually. I’m just afraid they will be cumbersome when I am wearing pants over them.”
“You’ll get used to it. I promise.” She reached up and kissed him on the nose. “Are you going to get them?” She asked hopefully. 
“Do you like them?” At his question, her eyes roamed up and down his body, licking her lips as she did, and finally nodding her head. “Then I will get them in every color they have, and two of the green.” He winked.
“Great! You should go change so we can check out and head home. Like now.” 
Liam could tell by the heat in her voice exactly why she was in such a hurry to get back to the palace. “Why don’t you come with me? I would love to have your assistance.” He took her hand and lifted it to his lips. 
“Yup. Totally. Let’s do that.” She nodded her head frantically and pulled him into the dressing room.
Permatags: @anjanettexcordonia @athena-penrose @chemist-ana @cordonia-gothqueen @cordoniaqueensworld @gabesmommie1130 @gkittylove99 @hopelessromanticmonie @iaminlovewithtrr @jessiembruno @kat-tia801 @khoicesbyk @kingliam2019 @lucy-268 @marshmallowsaremyfavorite @mile9213 @mom2000aggie @pixie88 @queenrileyrose @secretaryunpaid @sweatyrysconnoisseur @theroyalheirshadowhunter @twinkleallnight @txemrn
One Shots: @bebepac @darley1101
Liam x Riley: @jared2612​
@wackydrabbles​ @choicesficwriterscreations​
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moodmusicmonday · 3 years
Another FANTASTIC playlist of music! Give it a listen, and prepare yourself for the incredible fics to come! Thank you so much for supporting this blog! 💜
“Nothing” - Bruno Major; Winter Connections (12 Days of Fictmas) (TRR; Liam Rys x f!MC; Drake Walker x f!OC)
“Never Be the Same” - Camila Cabello ft. Kane Brown; Golden Boy, Chapter 6: Cordonia [TRR; Drake Walker x f!OC (Lily Starke)]
“The Christmas Song” - Catherine Feeny; Christmas dinner at the Walkers, a one shot [TRR; Drake Walker x f!OC (Lily Starke)]
“Sorry Not Sorry” - Demi Levato; The Rotten Apple, Special: Rotten to the Core [TRF (& beyond); Liam x Riley; Ellie Rys Walker x m!OC (Nico)]
“Silent Night” - The Temptations; The Days the Earth Stood Still, King Liam Claus (TRH; Liam x Riley)
Untitled [Queen B; [Ian Kingsley x MC (Augusta Hughes)]
“All Too Well” (10 Minute Version) (Taylor’s Version) (From the Vault) - Taylor Swift
“Less and Less” - Matt Maltese
“Hard to Leave” - Riley Green; (Less Than) Noble Intentions, Chapter 7: Independence Day [TRR; Drake x OC (Harper Gale)]
“All I Want for Christmas is You” - Mariah Carey; All I Want for Christmas is You (OPH; multiple pinings, no pairings)
“River” - The Mayries; River (12 Days of Fictmas) [TRR; Drake Walker x MC (Alaina Gold)]
“Last Christmas” - James TW; Last Christmas (OHFF Advent) (OPH; Bryce Lahela x f!OC)
“Kiss the Girl” - Brent Morgan; (Untitled), One Shot [TRR/TRH; Liam Rys x MC (Riley Brooks-Rys)]
Tag list: Please let us know if you would like to be added/removed!
@alj4890 @ao719 @arosentinel @aussiegurl1234 @axwalker @bebepac @burnsoslow @charlotteg234 @chemist-ana @foreverethereal123 @issabees @jerzwriter @karahalloway @kat-tia801 @lovingchoices14 @marshmallowsaremyfavorite @neotericthemis @nestledonthaveone @peonierose @queenrileyrose @quixoticdreamer16 @sfb123 @socalwriterbee @tessa-liam @twinkleallnight @txemrn @walkerdrakewalker @zaffrenotes
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zaffrenotes · 3 years
Tag List Update
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It’s that time again - it’s been almost a year since I updated my lists, and seeing as I’m wrapping up one series (Kairos), prepping for RODAW, picking up old series, and deciding what new thing I want to work on next, I want you to be able to read the things you want to 💙
Comments and/or reblogs are good (and I appreciate every single one of them!), but I've made up a form that will hopefully make things easier. Listing perma/book tags below the cut; to avoid repeating names by listing every series, I'm mentioning everyone that's been tagged for at least one book/series to opt in on what you want.
If you're seeing this post but you weren't tagged and you want to be on a taglist, hello! and click the link below 😊
If you've been tagged but you're no longer into my writing, ignore this post and the form; I'll remove you from tags once I close submissions. There won't be any hard feelings - I know tastes change over time, and I don't want to annoy you with a story you no longer wish to read
You can always hop on or off a list later, this is just my attempt to stay organized
Form will stay open until Sunday, 25 July, 11:59 EDT. After that time, I'll update lists accordingly.
These are included on the form, but here are 50 words or less "snapshots" of my WIPs and upcoming series:
(last updated November 2020) The Exchange: Daniel Henney x Reader thing where you meet Daniel Henney at an informal gathering
(last updated June 2021) To Ruined Friendships: Logan Delos x Reader potential miniseries where you set aside years of friendship with Logan to see the side of himself he rarely shows the world
Ride or Die
(last updated July 2019) Mixtapes & Milkshakes, Side A: through a series of flashbacks via mixtape, Jin recounts her time with the Mercy Park Crew and the two boys she fell for (Logan x MC, Colt x MC)
(TBD) Mixtapes & Milkshakes, Side B: AU where Logan recounts his summer with MC (Lana) while he listens to an album
(last updated February 2020) Mixtapes Hidden Track: open series of one shots between Logan and Jin as they repair their relationship
(last updated July 2019) Prologue to Breathe Hope Love Live: 3-part introduction to an AU where Ellie tries to start a new life on the East Coast, but she’s still in love with Logan and Colt
(TBD, August 2021) RODAW 3.0: fic, edits, crafts, and other submissions for ROD Appreciation Week
(TBD, August 2021) Untitled AU: series adjacent to Mixtapes (Hidden Track) where Logan learns how to love & be loved as he and Jin rebuild their relationship and start a family
The Royal Romance/Royal Heir
(last updated November 2018) Crimson Snow: gangster AU where Liam is part of the Yakuza. IDK when this series will actually begin
(last updated February 2020) Deja Brew: prologue posted; coffeeshop-esque AU that will incorporate Friends quotes/prompts that will loosely follow events from TRR Book 1, if everything had taken place in New York
(last updated August 2020) Elpida: TRH AU set 20+ years in the future, where Eleanor “Teddy” Rys returns to Cordonia to be crowned Queen. Technically complete but I've been asked to write more
(last updated July 2021) Kairos: nearly completed Wacky Drabbles series/AU where Riley asked Liam about the one that got away. Liam recalls his time with a woman named Elia, and their time together one summer
(last updated July 2021) Love is Patient: possible Wacky Drabble AU/miniseries where Liam and Trina had a chance meeting as kids and pretended to get married. 20 years later, Trina’s summoned to Cordonia because Liam can’t be crowned king without a wife. Can two relative strangers fall in love and prove their love is real in time?
(last updated October 2020) Morpheus Dreams: snippet posted; soulmate AU set in a post-apocalyptic world where dreams only occur when you fall asleep in the arms of your soulmate. burnsoslow’s Alyssa Devereaux from Remember Two Things will be on loan
(last updated October 2019) Morsels: miscellaneous one shots following You Are the Reason series, where Liam and Trina navigate married life in between ruling as monarchs, raising kids, and finding moments of time for themselves
(last updated September 2019) Serendipity: college AU where TRR characters exist, but Cordonia doesn’t and they don’t have noble titles. Liam shares a kiss with Trina within minutes of meeting her, and spends the rest of the semester getting to know her
(last updated December 2020) Sojourn: AU comprised of one shots after TRR Book 2 events, where Trina accepted Liam’s proposal on the condition that she goes to law school before they marry. Drake becomes her roommate/extension of the Kings Guard for protection while he also finishes his degree. Chaos sometimes ensues; precursor to You Are the Reason
(last updated April 2019) You Are the Reason: series occurs after Sojourn, where recent graduates Trina and Drake officially return to Cordonia. However, unknown forces try to keep Trina from marrying Liam. Some parts of TRR Book 3 will be included
(TBD 2021) Untitled Summer Love/Wacky Drabbles series: AU where Cordonia doesn’t exist/no one has noble titles. Liam and Drake take a long overdue summer vacation, where they meet an interesting pair of ladies, under odd circumstances. Will there be more than one summertime spark?
FYI I don't post anything on a schedule 🙈also tags max out in a post so I'll reblog in a minute. Thanks for reading this mess, and reading in general 💙
Permatag All Stories: @ao719 @blackcatkita @debramcg1106 @neotericthemis @ofpixelsandscribbles @smalltalk88 @the-soot-sprite
BLADES: @choicesarehard @princess-geek @saivilo @storyofmychoices @walkerswhiskeygirl
MOTY: @justbeingmyself21 @pirateofprose /princess-geek /saivilo @siegrrun
ROD: @burnsoslow /choicesarehard /pirateofprose
TRR/TRH: @aestheticartsx @bbrandy2002 /burnsoslow @choiceskatie @darley1101 @dcbbw @gardeningourmet @iplaydrake @kingliam2019 @liamxs-world @rainbowsinthestorm @riseandshinelittleblossom @superharriet @texaskitten30 @theroyalheirshadowhunter
melee tag for anyone that was tagged for a ROD or TRR series but I have too many to post lists one by one so you need to check off what you wanna read *points to snapshot descriptions above*: @alexpottrechoices @blznbaby @brightpinkpeppercorn @choices97 @clairexoxo100 @client-327 @cocomaxley @cordonianroyalty @cordonian-literature @everythingchoices @forallthatitsworth @gibbles82 @gkittylove99 @gnatbrain @h3llostrang3r @hustacks
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shewillreadyou · 3 years
Me before you: Chapter 3: Excuse me miss
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A/N: This is a TRR AU. Liam is already married, but see’s Riley and wants his cake. If the readers are receptive this might turn into more than a mini series. Enjoy!
Disclaimers: Most characters are property of Pixelberry
Warnings: Language, adult content, mild sexual innuendo. 
Word Count: 3468
Catch up: Haven’t met you Yet  For Real
Prompts: None 
Pairings: Drake & Riley
Song inspiration: Luther Vandross Take you out & Wait for Love
Be Kind: Hit the heart button, leave a comment or reblog. It makes a writer so so happy.
The hot water cascaded down his sculpted body. He groaned as he ran his hands through his luscious chocolate locks. He lathered his shoulders as thoughts of her ran through his mind. He was captivated by her. She seemed to consume his every waking moment. Liam had crossed the line yet again. Every time it seemed his transgressions got more and more out of hand. He refused to allow his friend’s actions to ruin his final couple of days in the states. 
Bastien had taken over the King’s detail while they were in Waxahachie for Savannah’s wedding. For the next 48 hours, Liam was not his charge, he was his friend. His thoughts went back to her. She represented hope, possibility, promise. He had no idea what was to come, but he knew that it would be an exciting adventure if she was at his side.  
As he pulled his white henley tee shirt over his head, his mind went back to the conversation he had at the reception with his cousin Tyler, who was a cyber-security analyst with the Department of Homeland security. Drake explained to Tyler that he would no longer be sitting with him and the rest of the bridal party because the girl who he had been telling Tyler about who works in advertising, who he met in New York was there, and he intended to spend as much time with her as he could. She was something special. She could be the one. “So you invited her to Sav’s wedding?” he inquired. 
“No, actually she is the friend of Sav’s college roommate, Mackenzie, and came as her plus one. I had no idea she would be here.”
 “Sounds like fate.”
“What are you saying?”
“I’m saying that of all the places in the world this one person could be, she is here at your sister’s wedding... in Waxahachie, TX. If this girl is the one, you’re screwed. You might as well spruce up your resume. She’s a career woman. She is not going to move to Cordonia for you, and you suck at long-distance relationships. I can probably get you in at my job. My guy Rob in HR owes me a favor.”
“I’ll keep that in mind if I ever get the courage to ask her out,” he told Tyler.
The truth was, he could easily see a future with Riley. She’s beautiful, honest, smart, quick-witted, and kind. His cousin’s words bounced around in his head as he pulled on his favorite distressed jeans giving himself a quick once over in the full-length mirror in the room his Mom had decorated for him at the ranch after she returned to the states when his dad passed.
He opened his laptop and took a look around the room. The Walker Ranch had been in his father’s family for several generations being passed down to the eldest male child, like each generation before. Drake stayed in Cordonia after his father died and was handsomely compensated by the crown. His college education was covered, and he and his sister received a stipend each month. Drake was always taught to do a lot with little and to save the rest. For years he lived at the palace and saved every penny. Being friends with Liam, he learned how to invest wisely and he did pretty well in the stock market. His newest pastime had been real estate investment. He had been buying foreclosed homes in and around Dallas and having his Mom’s brothers and his cousins fix them up before selling them for a generous profit. 
He was curious, he was now the rightful owner of the Walker Ranch. It had struggled in the past, but because of his business plans and wise investment, the family business was as strong as it had ever been and his mom was nearing retirement age. What if he and Riley did end up together? He knew the plan was for his cousin Miranda to replace his mom when she was ready, while he retained ownership, but where would that leave him? He pulled up the DHS website and clicked on the careers tab. He was reading a description of a position that he believed he would qualify for, Intelligence Analyst.  
Just then Liam plowed through his door without warning. 
“Li! What the fuck man?” he shouted as he closed his laptop abruptly. 
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“My apologies, I hope I'm not interrupting.  I just wanted to apologize if I offended you. You were right, any woman can be a lot. Carsyn is not speaking to me, she thinks I'm interested in Riley.”
“You are interested in Riley. She's just not interested in you and it's killing you. Let me ask you something, why is it so hard for you to grasp that a smart beautiful woman would be interested in me over you?”
“It’s just.. It’s not that. I'm not accustomed to rejection. It intensifies my want for her.”
“ I hate to cut our conversation short but I have to head out. I’ve got a few stops to make before I pick up Riley.”
“Then I shall take my leave. Enjoy! Smart man, planning a date when it’s going to storm. I’m sure you won’t have a problem closing tonight,” he said as he left the room.
The evening came and Drake drove along the winding Country Road towards the city. He tapped his thumb against the steering wheel to the beat of Chris Stapleton’s, “Starting Over.”
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Then he switched from Prime country to the Heart and Soul station on his XM Radio. If he was going to have her in his life it meant embracing all aspects of it. He knew that music was a big thing for her and although she would listen to a little bit of everything she loved R&B and Jazz.  A song by Luther Vandross came on and to his surprise, it was not very different from the country music he listened to all the time. The chorus was catchy and very fitting. 
“Excuse me Miss, what's your name? Where are you from, and can I come? And possibly, can I take you out tonight?”
He found himself humming the tune as he stepped into the local Nursery to pick up a houseplant to go along with the Pinot Grigio he bought as a gift for Riley.  He decided on a Prayer Plant. 
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It was relatively low maintenance and he thought it would be entertaining to watch it curl up in darkness. He didn't want to do the same flowers and candy that everyone does. He wanted to take her something that she would keep for a while, and possibly would make her think of him when she saw it.  As much as he didn't want to admit it the thought of her dating someone else while he was back in Cordonia was driving him insane. 
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He was nervous and he couldn't figure out why. They were just going to hear some live music.  But he wanted to impress her so badly. He knew that it was more likely that he would end up putting his foot in his mouth but with her, for some reason, it did not matter. When he pulled up in front of her place he put on ChapStick, and reached into his glove box, sprayed on some Chrome, and checked his breath before quickly gathering the gifts for her and heading toward the door. He tucked the house plant under his arm as he smoothed over his clothes as the elevator took him to her floor.  A small lump formed in his throat as he approached her door. 
She opened the door and his breath caught in his throat as he took in her appearance. She was dressed in a denim outfit with matching stiletto boots and oddly enough, the denim matched his jeans. It would almost appear planned. He was secretly thrilled. She smiled at him and he was sure he forgot his own name for a few seconds. She stretched up on her toes and kissed him sweetly on the cheek.
“Hey Drake, you smell delicious.”
 “Hey. Thanks. These are for you.”
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“Aww, you brought me a houseplant and wine? I’m not worthy, but I love it. Thank you. Come in! I promise I’m almost ready.”
She sat the plant on the counter and placed the wine in her wine fridge. 
“You look greeeeat,” she squealed. 
“Thanks. So do you.”
“So how’d you know what kind of wine I like?” she asked as she finished her eye makeup in the mirror. 
“Observant, I guess. I saw a bottle in the trash when I was here yesterday.”
“I’ll keep that in mind. Are you ready?”
He stood moving to open the door for her. “After you.” They made it downstairs as a couple of her neighbors made it home from what he only assumed was church. He couldn’t figure out if the staring was due to her outfit or if it was because she was with him. He looked at her in awe as she strutted with confidence to his car. 
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He opened the door for her and she smiled before thanking him. 
He could feel his heart pounding in his chest. She was rattling on and on about the artist performing in the festival and he was secretly praying she wouldn’t ask him a question that required an intelligent answer. She kept touching his biceps and his hand. Her hands were so soft and he was sooo turned on. He hoped that she didn’t notice the bulge in his pants and think that he was a creep. He wondered if she kept touching him because she was nervous too?
“Um, Ri? You good?”
“Yeah, why?”
“You are extremely chatty and you keep touching me.”
“I’m excited. I’ll try to keep my hands to myself, but the way this henley hugs your arms,” she wiggled her eyebrows. 
He let out a low chuckle as he quickly glanced at her for the seventh time.
“Are you ok?” 
“Yeah, never better. Why?” 
“You keep looking at me.”
He grinned keeping his eyes on the road. They were nearing the venue when she glanced at his pants. He immediately assumed that she spotted his retreating erection. 
“We’re matching you know. People are going to think we did this purposely.”
“Do you care what others think?”
“No, I suppose not.”
“Good because we’re here.”
They parked and he asked her to stay put for a moment. He got out of the truck and grabbed a blanket and wicker picnic basket. He walked around the truck and opened the door for her and she blushed furiously as she stepped out.
They made their way to a free spot among the crowd. Riley noticed a few glares from both men and women, who obviously had an issue with she and Drake being there together. Then she smiled as one woman gave her a smile, wink and thumbs up as she stood to the side watching while Drake spread the blanket and invited Riley to sit. She knew that some people would have opinions of them being an interracial couple, but Drake didn’t seem bothered. In fact, she thought it showed how courageous he was. When another woman mouthed, “That’s a good look!”
She bit the inside of her cheek trying not to smile. The truth was she didn’t need any validation. She knew Drake was a catch. The fact that he was easy on the eyes was a bonus.  
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“What’s in the basket?”
“Uh, a little something my mom helped me with.”
He opened the basket and pulled out wine glasses, a bottle of her favorite Pinot Grigio, cheese, cashews, summer sausage, deli turkey, sliced cucumbers, grapes, strawberries, whipped cream and 2 brownies. The opening act took the stage and Drake pulled Riley close. 
“I hope you’re hungry.”
“I am,” she said coyly as she settled between his legs.
They cuddled for a bit before eating, until one of the performers played a rendition of The Gap Band’s, “Outstanding.” She jumped up and pulled Drake with her. He wrapped his arms around her from behind and swayed back and forth with Riley. She felt so comfortable in his arms, he actually had rhythm. There went another stereotype out the window, it just felt right. 
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After several acts had gone on and several glasses of wine later Riley settled in his lap as a performer started to play a slower song. “I love Luther,” Riley squealed as she began to sing along.
Knowing love the way I do
I can say for certain that it's true
There's a chance for me and you.
I surely feel like the time is near
The picture in my mind is very clear
I think love has brought us here
I remember not too long ago
I was just a lonely person
With a lonely heart, yeah
And I was hoping there could one day be,
Be a chance
For me to get the love
That I'd been missing
Sometimes love takes a long time
Wait for love
And you're gonna get the chance to love
Wait for love, wait for love oh, my
When you take the chance on love you'll see
It's not a waste of time if you truly believe
The impossible can be..
So hold on tight if you think you're right
Cause nothing hurts as bad as when you see
You gave up too easily
Now I remember spending all my time
On a dream that kept me wishing that you could be mine, yeah
And I was hoping there could one day be, be a chance, whoa
I never stopped believing there could one day be, be a chance
For me to get the love that I'd been missing
Sometimes love takes a long time
Wait for love, and you're going to get your
Chance to love
Wait for love, wait for love
And you'll get the love that you've been missing
Sometimes love takes a long time
But wait for love
And you're going to get your chance to love.
Drake couldn’t help but hang on to her every word. He wondered if she was trying to send him a message through the lyrics. She had a voice like an angel and when the song ended he was breathless. 
“Ms. Riley sings too?”
She giggled as she rested her head on Drake's shoulder, her back to his strong chest. He fed her  grapes then strawberries with whipped cream soliciting jealous glances from some nearby onlookers. She made sure to let her lips and tongue graze his fingers.  For a few blissful moments, they both silently enjoyed the closeness.
“You know, this is pretty cool,” he whispered in her ear.
She smiled as his breath tickled her ear. Feeling the effects of the wine, she paused for a few moments before she responded.
“What’s that?”
“This. Us. The festival. It all just feels right.”
She wordlessly looked up at him. She wondered if she could will him to kiss her with her “come get it eyes.”  Suddenly, a torrential downpour covered the venue, leaving Drake and Riley scrambling to gather the blanket and basket before sprinting to his Jeep. Before they could get there he stopped snaking his arm around her pulling her close. 
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This was it, he was going to do it, it was now or never. If she was the onehe wanted to look back at their first date and tell a romantic tale of their first kiss in the rain. Now was the time. He leaned in and when she opened her eyes her lips found his instantly. It was everything she expected and more. It was hungry and passionate and lustful and it made her lady parts twitch. When he pulled away he watched her for signs of regret, but her eyes said she wanted more. 
“Hurry, get in,” Drake urged her as he took the time to throw the basket and blanket in the back.
They were both soaked. She laughed hysterically when he finally got inside. 
“This entertains you, does it?”
She nodded as she continued laughing, her eyes were clenched tightly. 
He went back in taking her lips again as it continued to storm all around them. Her hands roamed his body and her eyes went wide when she made contact with the bulge in his pants. Another stereotype out the window…Drake cupped the back of her dripping head with his left hand deepening the kiss while his right hand explored the soft skin of her thigh as a soft moan escaped her. Suddenly his phone rang, “Mama’s Song” by Carrie Underwood blasted from his pocket startling Riley. Drake huffed and looked at her with apologetic eyes before answering.
“Mom? What’s up?”
“I’m so sorry for interrupting your date Drizzy.”
Riley smiled.
“Mom, what’s wrong?”
“The power is out and the generator didn’t kick in. I gave Larry the weekend off..”
“I’ll be there as soon as I get Riley home safely. Sit tight.”
“Thanks Driz. How’d it go? Did you kiss her?”
“Mom! She can hear you.”
“Hi, Mrs.Walker.” Riley chimed in.
“Hi, sweetheart. Did he kiss you?”
Riley laughed again. 
“Bye Mom!”
Drake ended the call and turned to Riley, cheeks flushed red.
“I’m sorry.”
“For what?” She asked as he pulled out of the parking lot.
“For the way, tonight is ending. For my Mom.” 
“Nothing could ruin today. Not even your Mom Drizzy,” she laughed again.
‘Geez, Ri that was below the belt.”
His comment made her think about his bulge and she began to blush.
“Are you blushing?”
“Oh, it’s too embarrassing to share.”
“Now you know I won’t stop until you tell me.”
When they pull into her neighborhood the entire area is pitch black. Her building was also dark. 
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“Good thing I have candles.”
“Or you could go back to the ranch with me,” he said shyly.
“Really? I don’t want to put anyone out.”
“It’s just Mom and I. Liam and Carsyn should be out for the evening. Besides, I promised you dinner and it’s Sunday, I bet my mom cooked.”
“I can’t meet your Mom looking like this. I’ll be ok.”
“Riley, I’m not leaving you alone in the dark.”
“If you want to spend more time with me just say that.”
“Fine, I want to spend more time with you and I’m not leaving you alone in the dark. My Mom would kill me. Pleaaase! I can get you one of Sav’s outfits. I promise it will be an adventure.”
“Okay, I’ll go. But only because you’re so cute when you beg.”
He bit his lip. “You haven’t seen anything yet.”
“Drake Arrington Walker!” she warned.
“Too much?” He smiled.
When they arrived at the ranch, Drake showed Riley to his room and gave her towels and a change of clothes while he went to help with the generator. She quickly showered, pulled her hair up into a messy bun and moisturized with his Nivea lotion that she found on the counter she walked back into his bedroom pulling on the leggings she borrowed. She was still bare from the waist up when the door opened. Her back was turned when she looked over her shoulder to reprimand him.
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“Riley, it’s me, Liam.”
Riley screamed as she scrambled to cover herself.
“Get out!”
“My mistake. I thought Drake was in here. But this, you are much better.”
“Get. Out.”
“Come on, what’s a little fun between friends?” he asked as he closed the door.
Before she could answer Drake barreled into the room, his fist connected with Liam’s jaw before he tackled him. 
“Have fun with me you bastard, I told you to leave her the fuck alone,” he yelled as Bastien pulled Drake off of Liam. Riley watched the entire scene in horror from the corner.
“Get the fuck out Li!” 
After Bastien escorted Liam back to the guest house, Drake checked on Riley.
“Are you hurt? He didn’t touch you did he?” 
“No, I’m more embarrassed than anything. He walked in without knocking while I was changing.”
“Well, you don’t have to worry about him.”
“What in tarnation is all that racket back here?” Bianca asked as she turned the corner.   
“Just Li being a creep. Everything is fine Mom.”
Riley stood when Bianca entered the room. 
“Riley, this is my Mom, Bianca. Mom, this is my Riley.” 
His eyes went wide as soon as the words left his mouth. He grimaced as Riley extended her hand to his Mom. Bianca pulled Riley into her embrace instead. 
“It’s nice to meet the girl who makes Driz nervous.”
Riley laughed.
Come on darling, I know y’all were supposed to get dinner. It’s Sunday so I cooked some pot roast, mashed potatoes, carrots, and green beans and for dessert, banana pudding funnel cakes.
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“Oh my God, Mrs. Walker, that sounds amazing. Drake, you were holding out on me.”
“Not, really. Maybe I wanted to cook for you first.”
@txemrn @pixie88 @secretaryunpaid@khoicesbyk @blackkingliamstan @mom2000aggie @shannonwrote @hopelessromanticmonie @chemist-ana @rideordiechronicles @lucy-268 @dcbbw @darley1101 @maurine07 @sfb123 @bbrandy2002 @kingliam2019 @schnitzelbutterfingers @lem-20 @choicesficwriterscreations @no-one-u-know @jessiembruno @queenrileyrose @thefrenchiemama​ @somersetmummy​
TRR: @twinkleallnight  @bebepac @mainstreetreader @romereadingshop @romewritingshop @lem-20 @texaskitten30
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sillydg · 3 years
Sunday Six 11.28.21
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Hi everyone!
I'm working on different things right now. Just a bit of an impression, expecting to put out Mission Grumpy and Shatterd next week. I'm also participating in Choices 12 days of fictmas. My date is 7 December.
Summaries and snippets under the line. (Way to long ;)) Mostly Drake stuff, But also an OH Trr Cross over!
Let me know what you think!!
Mission Grumpy pt.2: The tale of the Courtly lady (Drake X MC) Drake arrives at his former sanctuary pub, due to Riley's tactics... But does she manage to get him actually inside for his (not so much anymore) surprise B-day party? Pt. 1
A broad smile appears on her face and he groans, knowing very well that this is her story tell face. She clears her throat, “Hear yea, Hear yea! Let me tell you the tale of the Courtly Lady!”
“Are you freaking kidding me, Herreld?” And throws his hands up in disbelief, “Are you seriously going to tell me a story right now?”
“Yes, and that’s why I brought these,” she holds up the tray with shots while wiggling her shoulders, “You can get one if you want…”
And hell. He wants it bad. But it also meant that he was going to be at less than two arm lengths away from her and since they’ve been like annoying magnets the past months that was way too close, not even thinking of the fact that her perfume is probably going to draw him in like one of those cartoon figures when they smell fresh apple pie. For God’s sake. This woman is a walking deathtrap.
Shattered pt. 2: When spring sets in (Ethan X MC) PT. 1
Cross-over with trr. Ethan struggles with his feelings after finding out that Liz had a rendez vous with her ex. And Drake and Liz struggle with their broken hearts.
For fuck sake. He remembered how he looked at her, as the moonlight stroked her beautiful face, thinking, how the hell could anyone ever run away from her, this asshole must have been out of his goddamn mind.
He pinches the bridge of his nose, how naive he was, not knowing that she would be the one to touch his heart.
He knew he had to run, the moment he realized that he loved her. Never he dared to speak those words out loud, because the first time he thought of it, about loving her, was already enough to realize that he needed to take his distance. So he ran, without hesitation. For her protection, and her protection only.
She was going to get over him, and he was going to carry the burden since he knew that he would not be able to stop caring about her, love her.
With Drake:
"This grumpy asshole needs to sit up, Liz"
"No, the hell you are! For God's sake Drake, lie the fuck down!"
He grins and winces at the same time as she helps him lay down again, “God, I missed your dirty talking."
She rolls her eyes to hide a small smile, while ruffling up his pillow and tucking him in, “Well at least someone is feeling better. Now tell me, are you completely comfortable?"
"Absolutely, it’s good to know that you haven't lost that gentle touch Li…," but before he can finish his sentence she punches him in the good shoulder, “Good.”
He exaggeratedly groans while rubbing his shoulder; "God, I miss the days where the hero gets rewarded with wet kisses instead of punches."
What if: Ep. 10 Just too show that they do arrive at the bar this time :) Masterlist
Maxwell slams the door open of the “Wiggling Tail.” It’s a quiet night like any other in the pub the wiggling tail. The endless list of classic rock is playing, the furniture crappy and Jack is editing photo’s on his laptop behind the bar, serving the three regulars sitting at the bar.
“Jack! My kind sir! Four burgers and a bottle of Glen, stat!”
Jack doesn’t even look up from editing photos on his laptop, “Ahh Maxwell, always a delight to have you screaming all the way through my bar!”
Drake groans while following Maxwell inside, “Sorry Jack, I keep repeating the ground rules, but they just won’t stick,” and he smacks him against the head.
“Auch,” and Maxwell rubs the back of his head, “Jeez Drake, no wonder you’ve got no girlfriend if you treat your dates like this. I bet Liam never smacks his dates!”
Drake grins, “I wouldn’t be so sure about that… but I bet Liam’s dates never enter a bar screaming, to begin with.”
No title yet, Choices 12 days of fictmas; What happens if faith determines that Riley never participates in the social season, due to never being in the bar at that particular night, but eventually gets drawn to Cordonia anyway?
And is there a chance for a Christmas miracle to happen when for ever Bachelor Drake watches Bertie for the week and meets Berties teacher?.. One miss Riley Herreld? (Fluffy (Mini?) Christmas Series)
“Good and now we’ve established everything,” Savannah lets out a deep breath and falls exhausted back into her seat. “God, our Walkers are not made for talking. I’m exhausted. I think I’ve talked more than I did all year.”
Drake grins, “Walkers are not made for listening either. But when it comes to family…”
Savannah smiles softly, “I can only thank you for taking this so seriously. I know that he is here all the time and that the two of you are going to be fine. But it’s just…” And she falls silent while tapping her fingers nervously onto the table.
He takes her hand in his to stop her from tapping, “It’s not weird to be nervous Sis. He’s your whole world, and given the fact that the two of you have never been apart more than one night… Hell, you never even missed a goodnight kiss, because when he does stay over for the night, he’s right next door!”
Savannah sniffles, and with a small teasing smile she says, “Thanks for the reminder, Walker!” And she wipes away a few tears, “For fucks sake, are you happy now? I’m crying. And since we’re listing things we Walkers are not good at, crying and emotions are numero uno!”
“Were one sucky family aren’t, we?” Drake grins, “How about I pour us something us Walkers love?”
“God I thought you never ask. And since Bertrand is right next door watching Bertie, I’m saying, Yes, please! Why don’t you bring over the bottle!”
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dcbbw · 2 years
Weekend Update
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Hello, hello! Happy Summer, everyone!
I know I have been hit and miss for a long while, so to those of you who are still sticking around hoping and wishing, THANK YOU! It’s been a minute, but I swear, the past three years have been a blur of demands on my time, keeping all the things both personal and professional afloat, and making my life fit around other folks’ schedules and needs.
I’ve also been MIA from Tumblr more often than not; first, I have the ideas and unfinished stories but no motivation. Our little corner of Tumblr is not what it was, and frankly what little free time I have cannot spent on toxicity and hypocrisy. Drama, yes. The others … no. But I miss the friends and fans I have here, all 3.5 of you! 😊 (Hopefully that’s a joke)
So, I’ve been letting my batteries recharge and calling my fucks back home so I can release these numerous ideas onto page/screen and post for your enjoyment.
Below are summaries/synopses of the more pressing stories I want to complete (some are in progress, but not all of them) and send your way, sooner than later:
Daddy Duty: Inspired by @txemrn’s Father’s Day prompt, it’s also the launch of the Little Nobles AU (as if I don’t have enough) where we explore our favorite gang’s childhood, and delve into the lives of their parents (TRR Gang version 1.0) using the lightest of canon and a lot of head canons. So far, my favorite characters are Annabelle Beaumont and Zizi Vancouer (Neville’s mom).
Untitled: We’ve all written that fateful night in Applewood, myself included. But this time, I have a twist (and it isn’t what you’re thinking/expecting). Debating between Smoking Gun and Double Cross for title choice.
Hot Topic: The DC AU gang hang out, eat food, and hold a conversation that covers topics and events such as skin pore care; the death of Vinny Chin; Juneteenth; Riley B. and Drake’s breakup; being POC; Pride; and worry about Riley B.’s latest obsession/fascination: the Jonestown cult.
Babylon (working title): Riley isn’t the only one fascinated by the Jonestown cult, and a story featuring a mix of familiar and original characters is brewing at a rapid rate. Think TRR joins Peoples Temple.  Sorry to disappoint but Liam isn’t the good reverend … Constantine is.
Body Count: Who’s killing the noble women of Cordonia, and why?
Kangaroo Court: It’s Depp vs Heard meeting fandom discourse, #Riam style.
Untarnished Silver: A celebration of King Liam in all his facets by those who love him most. Inspired by #King Liam Appreciation Week
Ready: Fric and Frac are finally ready to make their debut! Their momma isn’t.
Entrepreneur: Yu (the Chinese waitress) seeks Riley’s help to launch her online business; Riley brings along a motley crew of helpers. The King is unamused. Inspired by a TikTok Live and convos with @burnsoslow.
Gonna see what happens this weekend (I have an extra day this weekend), and which story makes it outta my head and onto my blog.
If there’s a particular story from the above list you’d REALLY like to see happen first, let me know in the comments!
Tagging:  @jared2612 @ao719 @burnsoslow @marietrinmimi @merridithsmiscellany-blog @queenjilian @texaskitten30 @glaimtruelovealways @indiacater @kingliam2019 @bebepac @liamxs-world @the-soot-sprite @hopelessromanticmonie @mom2000aggie @cmestrella @iaminlovewithtrr @liamrhysstalker2020​  @neotericthemis​ @twinkleallnight​ @umccall71​ @superharriet​  @busywoman​ @gabesmommie1130​ @tessa-liam​ @phoenixrising308​ @beezm​ @gardeningourmet​ @lovingchoices14​ @foreverethereal123​ @mainstreetreader​ @angelasscribbles​ @lady-calypso​ @emkay512​ @jovialyouthmusic​ @21-wishes​ @princessleac1​ @charlotteg234​ @bbrandy2002​ @queenrileyrose​ @debramcg1106​ @alj4890​
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bebepac · 1 year
Tornado Taylor 🌪
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I am participating in @choicesflashfics  prompt  # 22  “I am at my wits end with you.”  which will be in bold
I am also participating in @choicesmonthlychallenge prompt:  Can I at least tell my side of the story, which will also be in bold.  
The Book:  TRR (no royals)  Series: Chapter 6:  School Dayz  (link posted if you need to catchup)  Pairings:  Liam x Riley Word Count: 1575 Warning and Ratings:  NONE!   Mood Music Monday Song Imspiration: The Call: Regina Spektor Summary:  Riley gets roped into shenanigans with her sister.
Original Post: 03/04/23 at 9:15PM  EST.
“TELL ME THE TRUTH RIGHT NOW RILEY ANTONIA BROOKS!!! RIGHT NOW!!!!!!”  My father’s voice boomed in anger.
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 This was probably the most angry I had seen him in a long time.
‘I didn’t do it! I promise!”  
“I am at my wits’ end with you!”  
Taylor remained silent.
“Taylor!!!!”  I screamed at her. My sister had her look.  Her ‘She’s pleading the 5th look  where she stops answering questions.’  She wouldn’t leave me to hang out to dry like this in something I had no part of…. Would she? Her own sister  - - her identical twin at that.
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“Taylor please….”  
“Dad, she said no. She didn't do anything wrong.”
“I don’t believe either of you right now.  We’re leaving.”  
“Dad, no, I already took the written test. I took it!”  Taylor insisted.  
Dad grabbed me by one arm and then Taylor by the other taking us up to the examiner.  
“Are you able to verify which one of these girls  took the written driver’s test?”
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The examiner looked from Taylor to myself, and back again,  The both of us were dressed identically, We looked the exact same down to my sneakers.
“No…I can't tell the difference between the two of them.”  
“Didn’t think so, so we won’t be completing this driving test today.”  
You may be asking yourself how I got myself into this predicament.  I have two words for you.  Tornado Taylor.  
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I love my sister, I really truly do.  She’s smart and not just another ditsy popular girl.  
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If she put as much focus into hair-brained schemes as she put into school, she’d be on the dean’s list right now, like I am, instead of barely on  A / B honor Roll. School came pretty easy to Taylor and if she actually studied…. Like I have to study, she could be running circles around me.
But I’m getting sidetracked. Here’s how Tornado Taylor sucked me up into her vortex.
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Three Hours Ago:
I woke up that morning without incident.  Since it was a teacher’s work day and we didn’t have school, my body is used to its routine of  getting up early. I decided to make myself a bowl of cereal  while the house was still quiet.  Afterwards I showered and dressed in a t-shirt and a pair of jeans.  
She peeked her head into my room.  
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I lounged on my bed streaming the new series that had just debuted on the APP called The Vampires Live On.  I had to share my login with Taylor but at least we watched different things.  It was very rare that the two of us watched the same shows or had to restart a series.  
“Ri, Breakfast.”  
“I already ate.”  
“Oh. You’re already up and dressed?”   Taylor was still in pajamas.  
“Yeah, I’m laying low today.”
“After breakfast Dad’s taking me to the DMV to get my license.”  
“Good Luck!”  
“I don’t need luck, I have a plan.”
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I should have taken it as a warning... but I didn’t.   
Two Hours Ago
Hungry from my binge watching I came into the kitchen for a snack finding Jaiden sitting on the couch about to turn on the TV.
He looked at me in an odd way.  
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“What are you planning on watching?”
“Don’t know yet. What are you watching currently?”
“The Vampires Live On.”  
“Yeah  I heard that’s supposed to be good. You like it?”
“Yeah. You should check it out.  I’m on episode 2 it’s really good.”  
“Taylor and Dad are still at the DMV?”  
“Yep, Taylor had one job.  To make her appointment for her driving test and exam and she didn’t. Now they’re waiting to be seen. Of course she blamed the app and not herself.”  
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“God… Dad is probably livid.  You know he just hates sitting somewhere waiting.”
“I’ll be sure not to be around when they get back, he’s going to be grumpy.”  
“Yep.  I’m taking Bebe to the lake.”  
“Have fun.”  
“We will.”
One Hour Ago
I had dozed off binge watching the show and woke up when my phone buzzed.
Taylor: Riley help!
Riley: What’s wrong?
Taylor: Can you come to the DMV right now?
Riley:  Why?
Taylor:  I need you.
Riley:  Why?
Taylor:  I need a tampon. I’m in the bathroom. I’m embarrassed to come out.
Dad, even though he could be grumpy at times,  when it came to “womanly concerns”  as he called them, he had no problem going to buy what we needed and even coming back with our favorite chocolate candy in tow with him without us asking.  He knew I liked kit kats, Taylor, peanut butter cups, and mom likes a bag of bite size snickers. Dad tried to be sensitive to those things.  He had taught Jaiden to be sensitive too, and Jaiden was just like dad in that aspect.
When I didn’t respond Taylor texted again.  
Taylor:  Dad is mad at me because I didn’t make an appointment on the DMV app, and I don’t want to have to send him out to get something else, or he’ll go nuclear. Can you help me please?
Riley: I'll be there in a little bit.
I put on my shoes and  headed down the stairs.
Jaiden perked up when I walked in the room.
"Where are you going?"
"Taylor needs me."
"She's fine with Dad."
"It's a girl emergency.”  
“Oh. You should change though.”  
“No time. I won’t be gone long.”
Jaiden sighed.  Now I think my brother knew exactly what I was walking right into.  Tornado Taylor.
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I ran out the door.  It didn’t take me long to get to the DMV,  I went immediately to the bathrooms.  
“Last stall.”  
“Well open the door.”  
I was surprised to see Taylor dressed identically to me.
“What are you doing?”
“I banked on the chance you wouldn’t change your clothes.  So funny story.. I need your help for something else.”
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“I don’t like where this is going Taye…”  
“So I totally didn’t study for the written test, can you take it for me?”  
“What?   No!!!!”  
“I will totally ace the driving part.”
“Taylor no! This has to be illegal or something. NO! Or the very least identity theft.”
“Theft is a strong word, especially if I’m letting you borrow my identity.”
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“That is not how it works Taylor!! Did you even need the tampons? Stupid me of course you didn’t!!!”
There was a knock on the door.  
“Taylor, they called your number, time to take your test.”  
“Okay Dad, I’ll be right out.”  
“Riley come on!!!”  
“No.”  I said in a forced whisper.
“Riley please!?!?!?!”
“Then you’re stuck in here until we can sneak you out.”  Taylor commented in a matter of fact way.     I couldn’t believe I got myself roped into Taylor’s shenanigans yet again.  
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About thirty minutes later Taylor returned.  
“Dad went to the vending machine to get us drinks.  Let’s get you out before he sees you or your car.”  
I had almost made it to the door out of the DMV when I heard my father’s voice.
“What’s going on here?”
I turned around to face my father.
“Hey Dad.”  
“Riley, what are you doing here?”  
He took a moment to look at the two of us, his face turning bright red.
“Taylor Jeanine Brooks you have three seconds to tell me what’s going on.”  
Taylor smiled her megawatt smile, “So Dad, funny story….”  
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“Nope, nevermind, that’s probably going to be a lie. Riley, tell me the truth.”
“TELL ME THE TRUTH RIGHT NOW RILEY ANTONIA BROOKS!!! RIGHT NOW!!!!!!”  My father’s voice boomed in anger. This was probably the most angry I had seen him in a long time.
Annnd… we’re back to where you guys came in.  Tornado Taylor got me again.   I could expect nothing less than World War  Brooks when we all got back home.  I was able to drive myself back home, and you know what?  I didn’t feel the least bit sorry for Taylor having to ride all the way home with our father who was as angry as a disturbed hornet’s nest.  
The moment we got home  Jaiden came into the living room when he heard all the commotion.  
“Riley, give me your car keys. You’re grounded.”
“But Dad…. I didn’t do anything.  Can I at least tell my side of the story?”  
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“She had no clue what she was walking into Dad. Look at Riley’s phone.”  Jaiden spoke up for me.  
At that moment, I could have completely saved myself  and given my father the phone, but something was stirring in my stomach.  
“Riley, give me your phone.”  
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Shocked, Taylor glared at me.  Even though Tornado Taylor was a mess at times, read all the time, I still loved her to the moon and back again.
“I am trustworthy, and if I say I didn’t take the test for her, you should believe me Dad.  Despite the overwhelming data that says we did something shady.  You should believe ME….I’ve never given you a reason not to trust me.  So, if not giving you my phone right now means I’m grounded too,  I guess I will be grounded too.”  
I dropped my car keys on the table and walked upstairs towards my room.  
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In the distance I heard the equivalent of my sister falling on the sword for me.  
“Dad, please don’t ground Riley.  She did nothing wrong, this is all my fault.”
From that moment on, the relationship between us changed.  My sister never again saw me as someone she could manipulate to get what she wanted, but let’s be honest, she should have never been looking at me that way in the first place.
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lilacsandwhiskey · 3 years
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Swipe Right // Ch 2
Pairing: Liam Rhys x Riley Brooks (TRR)
Warnings: language, suggestive comments sorta, nothing too crazy
catch up here
One glass, two glass, three glass, four. Riley was a hiccuping between giggles as her two best friends sat on either side of her as the movie continued. “See, she’s just stupid. Who asks who’s there if you just heard a sound in your house?” Daniel rants, shoving his buttery hands towards the television. “I probably would.” Cassie responded, laughing as she shoved a handful of popcorn in her mouth.
“About time that movie is over!” Riley calls, taking another sip of her wine as the credits roll. “You’re not allowed to pick anymore movies.” Riley pointed at Cassie. “My choices are usually good.” Cassie argues, laying on the spot Riley was just at before getting up to place the popcorn bowl in her sink.
“Since when did we become twenty something year olds having sleepovers every Saturday night? We are royally pathetic.” Daniel realizes before picking up Riley’s phone. “Hey, woah, woah, woah. That’s my phone, not yours. Are you that drunk?” “No, just trying to see if my girl has been at least getting a dick pic every now and then.” He says with a hiccup. “I told you I wasn’t going on anymore Tinder dates.”
Daniel is already opening the app, the first person popping up is a guy posing with a chicken nugget. “It gets weirder and weirder.” By this time, Cassie has scooted in closer to Daniel to watch the action. Riley is on a rant about why online dating never works and how the men in NY are sewer rats. That’s before Daniel scares the living being out of each of the girls around him.
“Dear Jesus, my God and Holy Savior. I’d like to thank you for this man I do not know but I personally would like to. And please bless me for… swiping right for my friend.” Before Riley can snatch the phone out of his hand, he’s already swiped and there it pops up: a match. “You didn’t even read his bio.” Riley whines. “I didn’t need to. All you need to know is his name is Maxwell and he’s quite literally the most gorgeous man I’ve ever seen, so you’re welcome.”
“How did you learn to hook a phone to a television?” “Who doesn’t know how to do that?” Drake replies, standing by the television. One hand, he has the controller, the other, his cell phone. His mouth is half hung open as he concentrates on hitting several buttons while Liam sits back on the couch, hands resting on his stomach.
“And… here we go. We are live.” Suddenly, the first girl pops up on the screen as Drake takes a seat. “I feel like this is wrong in so many ways.” Liam remarks, shaking his head. “Come on, let’s do this Princess Diaries style.” “You’ve seen that?” “And you haven’t?” Drake asks. “Sure I have.” “Then don’t question it.”
“Okay, first girl. Blonde, she’s cute, has a dog.” “Sure.” “Okay, swipe right.” Drake slides his finger over the phone to complete the task. “Red head?” “She looks too much like Olivia.” “How about her?” “Says she’s not someone you bring home to your mother.” Liam mumbles.
The night continues with swipe after swipe, eventually matches are being made. The swiping doesn’t stop though. The next girl was definitely one that made Liam sit up. He sits his scotch down on the coffee table in front of them. He notices the pretty girl - brown hair, a type he thinks he’s developed, with pretty green eyes. She’s posing with her friends, with a dog, hiking, and one that looks like she had been out on the town with her friends.
“Riley B… Hm, what’s her bio say?” Liam asks. “Hmm, let’s see. It says…” Drake pulls it up on the screen. “She can make you a mean mixed drink or whiskey neat, loves dogs, enjoys a night out or in, mentions that she’s a big fan of pasta.” “I do love some pasta.” Liam remarks. “Swipe right.” He instantly adds.
Drake found himself replying to cheesy pick up lines quickly, reiterating that it was his best friend - not the man himself. Some girls found it endearing that a man’s best friend cared so much, others found it more or less creepy. “Look, she has to get through me to get to you.” Drake says to his friend who is watching the screen of the television become its own reality show.
“Oh, look! New matches. Grace, Riley, and Liz matched you!” Drake announces. Liam grins at the utter attention - there’s no doubt he loves it. Girls began messaging left and right, something Drake was handling well on his own. “You’re the best assistant ever.” Liam jokes. “Hush, I’m trying to find a queen for my country too, ya know?”
“These girls really want your dick, man.” Drake says, laughter erupting from him. “That’s rather degrading. I have a great personality too, you know?” Liam is entering back into the living room after a short phone call with his father. “Some of them are able to have normal conversations. Like Liz and Riley.”
Liam was intrigued at the conversations his friend seemed to be having with the girls. They really were fawning over him. A nice confidence boost, Liam thought. One in particular got his attention when it wasn’t the start of a cheesy pick up line or someone saying they’d like to climb him like a tree.
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And that was how Liam, now Maxwell got his first date. “Great, now I sound like a dick and she probably thinks I’m going to murder her.”
Riley had been arguing with her friends over the last fifteen minutes she was exchanging conversation with not the man she was now going on a date with tomorrow - but his best friend.
Cassie and Daniel were coaching in her ear how to respond, causing her to get sensory overload and snap. “Hush!” She snapped, her friends getting quiet quickly. “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to snap but oh my god, what if I get murdered tomorrow?” “You’re meeting in a public place!” “But still, this is literally the weirdest encounter I’ve had on this app. I’m convinced I’m going to die. I’m cancelling.” Before Riley could type out a message to, once again not Maxwell, but his best friend, who refused to give him his number yet, Cassie was snatching it out of her hand.
“How about this? Daniel and I will get there early like we’re on our own date, and so we’ll be there to make sure you don’t get murdered.” Cassie explains. “Fine, but if this goes horrendously, I’m unfriending the both of you and deleting the app.”
Riley got quiet as she thought over what the next morning could look like. Riley knew she was getting herself into a mess, but she seemed to always be up for a good mess. It built her character, she’d say.
A/N: thank you so much for the love so far! i’m having so much fun writing this. this is too fun 😂😂😂 we are straying a little bit of canon personality because they have POTENTIAL ok
tag list: @lovingchoices14 @gkittylove99 @princessleac1 @hopelessromanticmonie @emersynwrites @queenjilian @bebepac @sfb123 @twinkleallnight
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February 7-13
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Blades of Light And Shadow
Foolproof | Mal Volari x F!Human!MC - @homeformyheart​
Heart In A Cage | Tyril Starfury x F!Elf!MC - @missameliep​ [adult content]
Bound by Destiny II, Part 2 | Kamilah Sayeed x MC - @clansayeed​  [adult content]
Chapter 7: The Hierophant
Lonely Weekend | Adrian Raines x MC - @otherworldlypresents​
The Stranger By His Side: Part 1 | Adrian Raines x MC - @otherworldlypresents
An Untrodden Lane series | Adrian Raines x F!OC, Adrian Raines x MC - @former-westchester-resident
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Desire & Decorum
Dear Mr. Sinclair | Ernest Sinclaire x MC - @itslaniquelove
Unspoken Desires series  - @princess-geek
Yes... No... Interesting | F!OC, Annabelle Parsons, Briar Daly, Harry Foredale, Luke Harper
White Intimacy | Ernest Sinclaire x F!OC - @noesapphic [adult content]
The Freshman
Beautiful When She Sleeps | Chris Powell x MC - @ethanramseysrookiexox
The Nanny Affair
Confidence | M!Sam Dalton, MC, Mickey Dalton, Mason Dalton - @thefrenchiemama
Private Show | M!Sam Dalton x MC - @shewillreadyou  [adult content]
A Weekend In Paris | M!Sam Dalton x MC - @pixie8  [adult content]
Open Heart
Queen B
My Worst Nightmare | Ina Kingsley x MC - @citybornchick [adult content]
Ride Or Die
We Can’t Be Friends | RoD MC x M!OC - @shewillreadyou [adult content]
The Royal Romance/The Royal Heir
Fast Forward series | Liam Rys x MC - @bebepac
Epilogue: Here We Grow
The Life Of Riley series | Liam Rys x MC - @bebepac
Chapter 27: First Impressions
No Patience... Like At All | Liam Rys x MC - @ethanramseysrookiexox
She Just Doesn't Know | Liam Rys x MC - @itslaniquelove [adult content]
Part 5: Divide Them; They Conquer
Spilling The Beans (Part 1) | Liam Rys x MC, Drake Walker x F!OC - @callmeellabella
The Year of the Bucket List series | Drake Walker, Hana Lee, Liam Rys, Maxwell Beaumont, MC - @thegreentwin
Chapter 7
The Freshman/The Royal Romance
Mia's World series series - @bebepac  
Chapter 11: Revelations | TRR MC x M!OC, Chris Powell x TF MC  [adult content]
Perfect Romance/The Royal Romance
Just The Way You Are series - @bebepac
Chapter 6: A Quarter For Your Thoughts | M!Hayden Young x F!MC, TRR MC [adult content]
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txemrn · 2 years
Boughs & Mockingbirds MASTERLIST
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Book: The Royal Heir
Sunmary: King Liam Rys painfully recounts the final week leading up to the birth of the royal heir during Riley’s hospital stay-- in ICU.
☆☆☆ Canon deviation of the end of TRH book 1/beginning of TRH book 2)
Warning: language; fairly angsty; some NSFW material
⛔ TW for Sensitive Readers⛔ heavy discussions and depictions of medical emergencies during childbirth, including some descriptions of newborns that may be dark and unsettling; some main characters will face life-threatening situations while others experience PTSD and heavy grief; please use discretion
Pairings: King Liam Rys x Queen Riley Brooks-Rys; Maxwell Beaumont x Hana Lee
Series Song Inspirations:
“I’ll Never Be Ready “ by Veridia
“Soon You’ll Get Better” by Taylor Swift
“Head Above Water” by Avril Lavigne
Part 1
Part 2 
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6a
Part 6b 🍋
Part 7
Part 8
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