#truly a dnd moment with the dice gods
agent-jaselin · 10 months
Fighting Cazador was hilarious with it's "dramatic ship fanfic" potential for me based on the initiative. Cause my squishy ranger got Astarion free first and then *immediately* died and got the "No you can't die! Get up damn you!" bark from Astarion for the first time in the game XD He (astarion) also got the killing blow on Cazador. Astarion getting to be the hero for his personal quest. good for him.
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steventhusiast · 7 months
STWG prompt 11/2/24
prompt: date night
pairing/character(s): steddie, hellfire club
it's valentine's week!! hopefully i can do all the prompts this week :)
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"And with that, the barkeep..."
Eddie pauses in his storytelling to glance away from the notes hidden by his DM screen and over to the clock. His eyes widen at the time. Is it really 7:53pm already? Shit.
"With that, this session is over. You'll find out what happens with the angry barkeep next week!"
Everyone in the room groans at that, a chorus of 'seriously's and 'what the hell, Eddie's starting up even as he hurries to put his notes back into his DnD folder, and dumps all his dice into his bag haphazardly.
No one seems to notice for a moment, too busy complaining about the cliffhanger, when Gareth suddenly pauses and examines Eddie with a curious look on his face.
"Hold on, you promised we'd finally find out more about the temple this session? Where was that?"
Eddie huffs in response, and doesn't even look up as he starts folding his DM screen.
"Yeah, that was before you guys decided to talk to every single person at the tavern for an hour and start a barfight."
"That's never stopped you from getting us to where you want us before!"
"Yeah!" "Exactly!" "Please, Eddie. What happens with the barkeep."
Eddie waves a hand at everyone, and looks up to see the younger kids complaining quietly to each other, and his closer friends still seeming to inspect him carefully. He supposes they're valid in that; he's not one to back down from his plans, and has never cut off a session like this before.
But. Today is special. Today he has...
"Oh my god, you have a date." Jeff suddenly says, his eyes a little wider than usual as he grabs at Freak's arm.
"What?! Who the fuck would he have a date with?" Freak scoffs.
Eddie ignores the blush fighting to appear on his cheeks and starts collecting all of his figurines scattered around the table.
"Eddie has a date?" Mike suddenly joins in from across the room.
And, great, now the baby sheep are involved too.
"It is none of you guys's business what plans I have after this session. But, really, I gotta go." Eddie tries, but now Dustin's attention is on him as well.
"That's so funny! Steve has a date tonight too- that's why we had to ask Nancy to pick us up tonight." He says with a laugh.
Eddie laughs along with him, a little strained now because Gareth, Jeff and Freak are now squinting at him.
"Yes.. What a coincidence." Gareth says slowly as Eddie continues to pointedly avoid eye contact.
"Anyway! Got a lot to, uh. Do. Running a bit behind schedule actually, so if you could.." Eddie says as he finally finishes shoving everything back into his backpack and throws it over his shoulder, gesturing toward the drama room's door.
The younger kids leave without much complaint, but Gareth, Jeff and Freak hang back and walk slowly alongside Eddie.
"So... Steve Harrington?" Jeff asks once the kids are out of earshot, his tone a little disbelieving.
"Don't say it like it's a bad thing!" Freak slaps him on the shoulder disapprovingly as he speaks.
"It's not a bad thing! Just.. unexpected!"
"I have no idea what you're talking about." Eddie tries.
"Sure, sure. Enjoy your totally not a date night that's totally not with Steve 'the hair' Harrington." As Gareth says that, they've finally reached the doors and Eddie can well and truly escape.
He's going to have to break a few road laws if he wants to get to Steve's on time. It's only their third date, so sue him if he wants to try to make a good impression.
Even if Steve's been his friend for a few months now, and already knows about his horrible time-keeping skills.... It's still worth a try. Anything to woo Steve Harrington.
part two
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kandisheek · 20 days
AUTHOR SPOTLIGHT: kellifer_fic
kellifer_fic wrote some of my favorite fics in this fandom, period. Their voices for the Avengers are all immaculate, and their way of writing dialogue is nothing short of incredible. It's even funnier than Marvel canon sometimes, and that's a feat that not many can pull off. I adore their fics, and if I could rec every single thing they've ever written here, I would. But alas, I'll restrain myself to some of my favorites.
Here's some of their work that I think you should check out:
jealousy is all the fun you think they had
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: G Words: 3,887 Tags: Jealousy, Bucky Recovering, Fighting & Making Up
Summary: Is it socially acceptable to be jealous of your boyfriend's ex-dead best friend?
Reasons why I love it: This fic is equal parts hilarious and a glorious trainwreck of Tony self-sabotaging himself, which is very on brand for him. I love how nonchalant Bucky is about the whole thing, he truly is the best bro. And JARVIS is just the best, full stop. I adore this one, and if you haven't read it yet, you absolutely should!
Therapeutic Guidelines
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: T Words: 8,357 Tags: Action Figures, UST, Team as Family
Summary: "Are you suggesting I get a bunch of bunk beds in here and squeeze us all into one room?" Tony scoffs and the woman just looks at him. "No, wait-"
Reasons why I love it: Doctor Barrow's role in this fic is actually kind of genius. I love the plot twist and everything leading up to it. There are so many funny moments, I can't even say which one is my favorite, but I especially enjoyed the team bonding. This fic is wonderful, and you should definitely read it!
99 problems (and the dice ain't one)
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: T Words: 10,784 Tags: Living Together, DnD, Resolved Sexual Tension
Summary: Tony's life is almost perfect. He lives in a converted warehouse full of friends (and one frenemy), has a job that leaves him plenty of time to think about other things and a regular Friday night campaign. If his best friend, Steve Rogers, hadn't moved away to New York and left him behind, then perfection would've been achieved. Tony can roll with the punches though and he's almost all the way over that little bump in the road (shut up Bruce, he totally is) when Steve moves back, looking taller and broader and more confident than ever and Tony's left with a converted warehouse full of friends (and one frenemy), a job that leaves him plenty of time to think about other things, a regular Friday night campaign and the uncomfortable realization that maybe he's in love with his best friend and has been since he was sixteen.
Reasons why I love it: Oh my god, they're all such nerds, I love them! Tony the grumpy hermit is adorable, and I love how ass-backwards Steve and Tony are when it comes to their feelings. Plus, the team as family vibes in this are phenomenal. Definitely check this one out, it's fantastic!
even the cake was in tiers
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: NR Words: 5,500 Tags: Accidental Marriage, Magic, Team Bonding
Summary: I'm pretty sure I'm married to Steve Rogers.
Reasons why I love it: Just the title of this fucking sent me. The Tony sass is on another level in this one, and I'm enjoying every second of it. I love how Tony has a whole Ebenezer Scrooge moment about his life choices, and the ending is super cute. This fic is wonderful, and I hope you go and check it out for yourself!
one hundred percent skill, fifty percent luck
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: T Words: 7,418 Tags: Poker, Pining, Kidnapping
Summary: Where there is a poker game, a v-card and general misunderstandings.
Reasons why I love it: I love how everyone on the team clearly understands what's happening, except for Tony. All of the poker night scenes are amazing, and I'm super impressed at how well this fic is balanced between humor and drama. I love it, and I bet you will too, so I hope you'll give this one a shot for yourself, if you haven't already!
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cookierunauprompts · 8 months
Remember the DnD AU? A record of the time Shadow Milk truly became a permanent resident of the Box during the introduction of Golden Butter Cookie, with him doing literally everything he can think of to keep Golden Butter Cookie directly involved in the plot, and the Dice Gods being on his side because they find it hilarious. Reader Cookie does not.
Requested Prompts #34 - ✦
" So let me get this straight." You say, removing your hands from your face for a second to stare at one of your belovedly detested table members for this session. " You want to abandon the plot I've set up so far... So you can stay in the toy-box?" " That's exactly what I'm doing! Glad to see you understand Reader!" Shadow Milk chirped from his seat at the table, his hands clasped together sweetly. " ... And somehow, you actually rolled high enough on persuasion to let Golden Butter Cookie let you stay." You stated, staring dumbfoundedly at the natural twenty that Shadow Milk had rolled. And that plus his modifier... actually cleared the clear condition you set. " Yep! Nat 20 baby." Shadow Milk hummed with a smug tone and a snap of his fingers. You searched for a shred of solace from the others at your table. Only to be met with indifference. " I mean, if Shadow Milk leaves the party, it won't make that much of a difference as to what's going on." Mystic Flour supplied, to which everyone agreed with. " If he so wishes, then let the guy stay with his muse... Or as he said so in-game himself." " Okay- Okay, fine. You can stay in the toy-box, but you'll have to make a new character for the campaign." You sigh exasperatedly. " Because in case you have forgotten, the cult is still a big problem on Earthbread. And you guys sorta have to take care of that." " Oh," Shadow Milk paused. " Well, shit. Can I try to convince Golden Butter Cookie to come help us instead?" You stared at him. " You just wanted Golden Butter Cookie to stay in the campaign longer, didn't you." You bluntly question him, to which, after a moments hesitation, he confirms with a nod. You sigh, " You do realize that I based Golden Butter off one of my friends, right?" You tell him, almost taking a bit of delight in the way Shadow Milk's jaw drops. " Wait- wait hold on... SHE'S REAL???" He exclaimed in such a flabbergasted manner that it caused you to burst out laughing. " Yes??? You didn't know?" You said between your giggles, taking joy in the new color coating your friends face. " And yes, I have been telling her how's you've been totally enamored with the DnD version of her." You took an almost sadistic joy in seeing Shadow Milk's embarrassed state. You supposed that you'd wait to tell him that she found his little antics endearing.
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huihuiheart · 19 days
DnD Part 7 SFW - Silent Secrets
Series Masterlist
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Pairing:  reader x Knight! Chan, reader x Dark Prince! Hyunjin, reader x Thief! Felix, reader x Fairy! Jisung
Summary:  Something about this fantasy world is not as it seems, not that Electra cares to keep it a secret. It does however change things dramatically when it means your friends are at risk.
Warnings: Cursing, violent threatening
Word Count: 911
Previous Part ___ Next Part
The kiss is somewhat sloppy, still bleeding with uncertainty at first before fading away into an explosion of deeper emotions. Something you're looking forward to deciphering over time. Pulling away to find gold glitter sparkling across Jisung's skin as if they were as normal as sun-kissed freckles there, only there was no end to them.
Jisung closes the books before leading you back towards the bed, "You're right. Let's focus only on this moment."
When you wake up it’s not due to Jisung, but a loud knock on the door. Jisung makes eye contact before disappearing a second later. You’re thankful he’d helped you into a nightgown before you had passed out considering Hyunjin walks in a moment later. The man looks exceptionally frazzled as he quickly crosses the room.
“Okay seriously Y/N, no more games. Where is the fucking map?” Hyunjin asks voice raised and for the first time since you came to trust he wouldn’t harm you were you undoubtedly afraid of him.
“I genuinely cannot tell you Hyunjin. I handed it off. They could have it anywhere at this point.” You shrug as you sit on the bed watching the man huff and pace, constantly running his hand through his hair.
“This is bad. This is so so bad.” He mumbles to himself. Before he stops and fixes you with his gaze again, “Did you tell them somewhere specific to take it? Tell me your orders to them Y/N, and don’t waste my time.”
“I told them to take it with them and to not turn back for me. They will do as they see fit to keep it safe. So without my being there with them I truly cannot help you.” You reiterate, but it only gets Hyunjin more worked up.
“God fucking damnit Y/N!” Hyunjin curses, shaking his head, “You don’t understand! This is bigger than us okay! If that map isn’t here in 24 hours we’re screwed!”
As intimidated as you are by him at this moment this is what you had been planning for. It was finally happening, your actions were going to get the woman to arrive and get you even closer to the dice now. Get you one step closer to making it home.
“There is nothing more that I can do at this point, Hyunjin.” You speak truthfully and yet calmly in hopes of not angering him further.
“You can watch me burn every inch of your kingdom down until I find that map.” Hyunjin hisses before going to stomp through the door while your blood runs cold at his threat. Only he freezes as the door opens to reveal Electra.
“Now Hyunjin, that isn’t necessary. Not at this point. Why don’t you leave me and Y/N along to chat for a moment?” She asks, but you have a feeling it is a demand, not a request. Hyujin hesitates as he’s not sure what she’ll do to you before silently leaving like a dog with its tail tucked only a moment later. “I have to hand it to you Y/N you’re cleverer than I anticipated. That or you truly are clueless. Either way, you’re going to hate me being here now. See I’m not someone who you want to mess with… death is not what you should be most afraid of in this world… it’s me.”
You raise a brow, “Please enlighten me on why that is.”
“Oh Y/N you don’t understand. You see… When I first came here I was a princess too. Now look at me. Feared. Revered. Powerful. And I’m going to make our world regret forgetting about me. For leaving me here to rot without a way home. Meanwhile, you stay here, after all, one of us will have to and it won’t be me anymore.” She says rather matter-of-factly.
“Like hell, I will. You can’t and won’t make me.” You counter with a scoff, but it does nothing to deter her.
“Tsk… Y/N…. You really think it is a coincidence that the people here resemble those whom you care about?” Your heart nearly stops at the smirk she gives in addition to her words, “It’s not. They’re linked to one another. If something harms one of them here the damage will take permanent effect in their world. I can and will ruin their lives. I will torture and kill them without an ounce of hesitation at all.” 
You feel nauseous at her threat which only makes her chuckle, “See, but I was even generous enough to give you what you wanted in a chance with them. So just take what I’ve so kindly given and be a good girl who follows directions. Now.. where is the map?”
“On its way to my kingdom with Chan and Felix.” You quietly mumble without much choice if you want them safe. Sure you wouldn’t let her off easily, but even if you couldn’t find a way home you weren’t about to risk your friends' lives for yours. Even if ultimately that would result in you being stuck here.
Electra hums before turning around to leave, “I’ll be seeing you a lot Y/N, so don’t get comfortable.”
Her laugh sends shivers down your spine, Hyunjing looking in to check on you physically despite her calling for him to follow after her. Leaving you alone in time for Jisung to slip back through the window, having hidden outside so that she hopefully wouldn’t be able to tell that he was there.
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thatsparrow · 1 year
post-honor among thieves thoughts
a delight!!
truly, a fun fantasy film with all the right blends of serious stakes and goofy missteps that is so emblematic of playing dnd
one of the things I was most curious about going into it was—given that so much of dnd is a) collaborative storytelling and b) ultimately determined by dice rolls, how would those elements of unpredictability translate to a scripted story? (which I suppose is not new to dnd-based media, there have been novels and the 80s show, but those aren't things that I've consumed.) and like. yes the story was pretty predictable overall, but I did like that there were moments of abject failure scattered throughout that really captured the vibe of rolling a nat 1 (it was also very fun to half-watch it through a lens of, oh, this person would be rolling a deception check right now. this person is succeeding then failing on a bunch of acrobatics checks, etc.)
it is. so very fun to me that bards are categorically also spellcasters, and yet they did not let chris pine do one damn magical thing, that lute was a melee weapon only
michelle rodriguez barbarian my beloved (also like, in terms of balancing references to the game with still making the movie accessible, part of me was expecting/hoping to see some visual indication of her going into a rage, but I did like that they didn't tip the hand quite that much while still making clear during fight scenes that, oh, she definitely has some rage-fueled strength right now that is allowing her to yeet a dude across a courtyard)
seeing all the spells and wildshaping was incredibly fucking cool!! that may have been the bit I was most excited about, and it did not disappoint—doric's whole infiltration and then escape of the castle was so good. the displacer beasts. the mimics!
sir that's just a portal gun
the comp het was so funny. look, I really loved both justice smith and sophia lillis but cmon guys. there was nothing there
although speaking of, edgin and holga as determinedly platonic best friends raising a child together was an absolute delight—the bit when edgin says to kira like 'I'm not trying to bring back your mom but my wife' bc yeah!! kira's mom is already right there!!
halfling bradley cooper having a clear type of 'women twice my size who could break me in half' is so valid
god paladin regé-jean page be still my heart (although yeah, the paladin as a straight-laced LG humorless type is not the only way to interpret the class, but I thought it did make for a nice contrast w the rest of the party)
but also his armor! I thought the costumers did a great job of giving them all designs/looks that spoke to their classes. truly, the visuals of the whole movie were so cool—not just in terms of the aesthetics, but the framing and movement of the shots, too. very dynamic, very fun to watch
overall, a genuinely good time!!
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razzberrydazz · 10 months
My Sunday DND shenanigans were certainly wild today.
My poor ranger accidentally offended three different goddesses (The Raven Queen, Shar, AND Selune) within minutes of each other because he kept saying their names and therefore invoking them while within a temple to the gods, he joked he ought to take a vow of silence to stop fucking up and said goddesses took that seriously and magically made him mute, my friend's drow cleric of Selune got her magic Warhammer and violence rights taken away by her goddess as punishment for naively taking a boon from the Raven Queen (who is allied with Shar in our game) so she can only heal and is magically zapped whenever she harms anything, our chaotic kobold warlock flip-flopped between good and evil at the roll of the dice, in fact ALL our characters now could potentially change alignment at random percebtile roles and mine ended up switching to neutral evil because of that, our dear cleric refuses to get my character's name right and calls him something different every time until it devolved to calling me Castration (his name is Kestrél), and we tried to get a bounty on a notoriously obnoxious fruit merchant and failed miserably.
It was hilarious. I had to dramatically pantomime out what I wanted to communicate to the other players because for some reason the goddesses I pissed off were all taking turns making sure every attempt at proper communication - speaking, writing, even sign language - was rendered unintelligible. I couldn't cast any spells that had verbal components and the only nonverbal spell I knew was Catapult. At the end of the session I was temporarily returned my ability to speak but at any moment it could be taken away again, along with any of my other senses.
I just. Wow. Do you understand how badly you have to blaspheme and fuck up in order for Selune and Shar to band together specifically to bully you? Because that's what my character did. And the Raven Queen is watching eating popcorn with glee at the whole situation.
I love bullying my ranger, it's so entertaining, I still need to make him in BG3 specifically for how conflicted he'll be about the shadow cursed lands considering he's a shadar-kai that escaped the shadow fell specifically to run away from the Raven Queen's influence (only he can never truly escape her or the lady of loss).
Pictured below is a doodle of my ranger and an interaction from our previous session where my ranger and my friend's cleric discuss helping the kobold warlock. Said cleric hated the kobold warlock.
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ace-malarky · 2 years
Bloop, dealer's choice!
ahmmm ok so. I feel like I should choose a character y'all should know but uh my brain has been Consumed by DnD characters recently so hi hello there is now Llinos.
She rly wants to believe that what she's doing is in the best interests for her and her younger siblings, but ah. well. The Guilt over breaking her promise to her parents is going strong, y'know?
Send “Bloop” to my inbox and I’ll spout a random fun fact about one of my OCs!! You can specify an OC or ask a question if you’d like, otherwise it’s dealer’s choice
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kirencer · 4 years
febuary seventh (i’m seeing you)
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Y/n and Spencer's relationship collide around a single day: the one where they first looked into each others eyes.
[Or, the all of the secret love letters they wrote during the beginning of their relationship]
Word count: (part one and two) 9.2k
Relationship: Spencer Reid x GN! Reader
Warnings: Language, dub-con (pool kiss scene is depicted as something that made Spencer uncomfy), vulgar language, allusion to Spencer for a moment being horny
Rating: Gen audiences
A/N: All of these letters are rewrites of ones I got from someone, as well as rewrites of ones I gave them. Reader is GN and AFAB but a trans masc reader was more in mind (the French bits)
Part One
Y/n L/n— Jan 15 (2008) 11:31
Not sure if you'll ever read this but, je suis amoureux de toi. I love you, so much. It’s almost maddening
Sometimes, I just sit at my desk, thinking about you, thinking about us. You've stolen my heart and made a home in my mind. I love the idea of our future and I can't wait for it. I want to share everything with you; a last name; a home; a bed; a family; everything (except a toothbrush, that's a bit too close, sorry!)
Y/n L/n— Jan 15 (2008) 11:55
I can't wait to touch you, to hug you, kiss you, run my hands through your hair or wrap my arms around your hips and hold you close to me.
I can't wait to wake up next to you, to dance with you, to just be with you. I want to spend the rest of forever with you. I want to listen to your voice, to hear you talk about nothing in specific, just speaking so I hear your beautiful voice. Even if I’ve never heard it, I know it’s beautiful.
I can't wait to grow old with you. I hope the last thing I see before nothingness is you, your perfect face.
Y/n L/n— Jan 26 (2008) 22:22
This feels awkward to admit.
I usually consider myself smart, or at least good with words but with you in the picture, all English escapes me; with just a thought of you, I can barely manage a sentence, you get me so flustered I can't even think properly.
Though I'd be a damn liar if I said I didn't like the way you make me feel.
Y/n L/n— Feb 7, (2008) 04:10
Y/n L/n, I want you to be my forever, I love you more than anything (even reading and that says a lot).
I'm not feeling great right now which makes it hard to think of the words I'm trying to say but that won't really stop me.
You're the vowels to my consonants, you may not feel like a lot but you're so fucking important. I want to wake up next to you, your pretty face - have I mentioned I love your face? - holding each other, our bodies tangled together and someday having to break apart to check on our children.
I want to just exist with you, I don't care what happens as long as I'm with you. I want to dance around our kitchen at midnight, in only underwear just because, it won't matter, it's our lives and we're together. I want to just talk to you, maybe sitting on a roof at two in the morning, staring at the sky and not caring that it's out of reach because the only thing I want to touch is the person next to me.
Y/n, you are my tomorrow and I can't wait for you to be my today.
Y/n L/n— Feb 7, (2008) 11:20
I saw you smile today, like for real, in person. It was the most beautiful sight I've ever experienced. It made me feel like the most important thing in existence, it was perfect and for that moment, everything was okay, nothing mattered but you.
I didn't think I could love you more than I already did, I wasn't sure it was physically possible, and then I saw you, in person, in the town I've lived since I was 22, in the convention center I'd been so many times before.
With you sitting here the place feels important, this place is special. You're right here, right now and I've never been so happy.
I'm so nervous, but I'm happy, I mean you're here, this is all real, and god you so much more than perfect.
I can tell you really love DnD because the second I walked into the hall, I saw you were smiling.
This is honestly just a room full of nerds but that's cool, everyone's happy to be here, and I’d be the biggest liar if I said I wasn’t a nerd.
Y/n L/n— Feb 7, (2008) 19:50
I spoke to you, it took way too long, longer than I'd like to admit, but I did it.
I hugged you today, I made you smile. I wanted to kiss you, properly. I was too nervous though, I was scared. (Touches are scary enough as just a thought!) I also knew that if I kissed you it'd just make us both even more upset about being apart again. I'm so glad I got to spend almost half of the day with you, it was amazing.
We sang together and I've never felt so comfortable than in those moments, reciting poetry with you was probably the best part of my day aside from you kissing me . We also laughed together a lot and you let me lay on your shoulder, I almost fell asleep twice. It was really nice, just being with you, even though we weren't even close enough to touch each other most of the time.
I can't wait to see you again, I might count the days!
Y/n L/n— Feb 8, (2008) 01:33
I have to admit, when I first caught a glimpse of you, I only saw your hair.
The back of your head from maybe thirty feet away.
I saw your hair, and everything slowed down, I moved forward, I can't remember how fast- that part's a bit of a blur- I got closer and my whole body froze up, maybe I was still a little cold, but I couldn't bring myself to move, kind of glad my scarf covered half of my face. I watched, seeing more and more of you as time passed, just small glimpses of your adorable face, and it felt like every part of my body was on fire.
My heart was racing and I couldn't believe it, this was real, I was real, you were real and we were mere seconds away from each other, finally.
I turned around and walked out - I was overheating in my sweater – and I came back to keep watching you. This was around the time you, I think, actually noticed me, but you weren't the only one. They knew I was looking for you - well, looking at you, really. They asked questions and I gave half-witted, half-baked responses, still watching you then you looked at me, you smiled. My heart stopped and for a moment, I thought you'd killed me, with your stunning looks, obviously. I smiled back when I was finally self aware again, and the next thing I know, I'm sitting two feet away from you, and shaking.
Y/n L/n— Feb 8, (2008) 20:20
I'm starting to think I'm obsessed with you, that I'm addicted to you, anyway. That’s a bit of a problem, I’ve told you about Dilaudid so you understand why.
You asked me to sit with you and your party, I had already decided that I wanted to, and I was going to try to, I had just really wanted to be close to you, I wanted to touch you, you were so close but so fucking far.
I wanted nothing more than for you to steal my first kiss, though I knew I wouldn't mind if you didn't, I'm an impatient person, I'm perfectly okay going your speed, whatever that may be. I will say honestly, it wouldn’t be my first kiss. My true first kiss was in a pool, truly against my will. I’ve erased what I can from that and will regard the first time my lips are on yours as my first kiss.
I didn’t just end up with your party, I was a part of it. I played your character (bee-da), and I used the dice set you gave me. I was excited but I also felt the fatigue setting in. I started shifting closer to you, moving my body closer to yours. I fought to hold in a whine when you'd move in your seat, making it a bit harder for me to do what I was trying to do.
I offered you a hug, it was kind of selfish, I was truly asking more for myself than I'd like to admit. You said yes and I felt the weight on my heart disappear. I hugged you and I felt okay. It's a feeling I'd sacrifice my life to feel again. I laid my head on your shoulder and I felt you shift for me, you made sure I was comfortable, I'm not sure if you even realized you'd done it.
I was only growing more tired as the afternoon continued, I knew why (I hadn't been eating, at all, really) but I wasn't going to tell you. I began to doze off a few times, it was difficult trying to stay awake while feeling more comfortable and safe than ever before.
I just wanted you.
All I want is you
All I've wanted for a while now, is you
I want you so badly. In so many ways.
Y/n L/n— Feb 9, (2008) 08:08
I love you
The words I felt on the tip of my tongue for hours before I actually said them to you. I really wanted to, I wanted to sit next to you, mumble 'I love you' so quietly that it was just for your ears and kiss you, so that everyone saw. I didn't and I'm kind of upset with myself but I didn't want you to be uncomfortable, you'd just said you were so nervous.
I watched you eat, you didn't seem to eat much so I hoped you'd been eating before I got back. I wanted right then as we sat across from each other to announce it, so all of your friends could hear (or at least some), and say 'i love you'. I didn't, I was scared, I was nervous, of making you uncomfortable.
When I sat next to you, I still wanted to say it, I wanted to sing it, to shout it, anything and everything I could to show you just how much I love you. I tried to force the words out, they wouldn't come and for the first time in a while, I was upset with my anxiety. I kept looking at you and glancing at you, hoping it wasn't obvious that I was so upset. I want to smash my head into the table but I knew you'd notice that.
When I finally said 'I love you' the satisfaction was so great, it's indescribable. You said it back and I felt so good, I don't know why it felt so different feeling you say it, right next to me, but it was. I wanted to keep saying it, 'I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you' I didn't, I was scared to annoy you.
I wanted to kiss you, so many times that day, that still perfect day. When I first saw you, part of me wanted to run over and pull you into my arms and kiss you. I didn't, I didn't want to be the one to make a scene. I wanted to call out to you, I wanted to shout, "Y/n!" I wanted you to see me, to hear me, but I chose to wait.
When I was sitting near you, I wanted to turn around and press a kiss to the back of your head, I kept turning around, trying to force myself to do it. I never did. When we were centimeters away from each other, I wanted to press a kiss to your cheek, to your neck, your nose, your lips. I was scared of someone seeing at that point. I was kind of scared of your friends, that's why I didn't talk much.
I wanted to be closer to you, I was already so close, I was touching you for half of the day, but I wanted to be closer, I couldn't help it, I was seeing you in person for the first time, you're even prettier in person, and you smelled so nice and it felt so familiar already even though I had never experienced anything like it.
I wanted you. I still do, I always do, you're just so perfect, how could I not?
Y/n L/n— Feb 9, (2008) 09:47
You pulled my hair, I'd really wanted you to do it again. I– I had to bite my lip or I'd have definitely let out a sound, I honestly wasn't prepared for that and becoming- in front of your friends was not on my agenda, actually.
I can still feel it, the sensation of your hands reaching into my hair to run through it and tugging, I loved that feeling. And I would walk a hundred (and twenty) miles to feel it again, among everything else, I hope you know that.
Y/n L/n— Feb 9, (2008) 11:15
I love you so much it hurts.
I love you so much that it brings me physical pain to think about the fact that I can't touch you, the fact that I can't kiss you, the fact that I can't run my hands through your hair when I can't sleep at night.
It hurts a lot, but I know my patience and my pain will be worthwhile once I can do it. When I can once again see your eyes gleam with a perfect kind of joy, when I can hold you, my arms around you, and yours around me.
I swear to the gods, as soon as I'm able I'm going to see you again, nothing will stop me, I will fight anything standing in my way.
I love you so much it hurts. It's a pain that'll make me stronger. I'm okay with that.
Y/n L/n— Feb 9, (2008) 14:45
This one’s a little different. I’m sorry
When Morgan called me to say we had a case, I got upset, he knew how excited I had been to be able to see you. I wanted to yell at him and I almost did, then I remembered where I was, and who was around me. A bunch of people who didn’t deserve to watch/listen to me have a mental breakdown down on the phone, so instead of arguing, for your sake, I just agreed.
I wanted to run out there and scream at him, but I knew I wasn't thinking. i was letting my emotions take over, so i didn’t. I went back and hugged you, one last time. I wanted to cry because I knew it wouldn’t last long enough. I wanted so badly to stay there and tell my mentor to fuck off, I didn’t. Maybe I should’ve.
When I got back to my city, to my place of work, I just sat at my desk until we left for the airport. I didn’t even change. I’m surprised I didn't start crying. The relief I had felt from seeing you was gone and left behind was a frustration and want that had to have been tangible. I kept writing my next letter to you because it was my only comfort other than the lingering feeling of your presence and the memory of your scent. I ended up falling asleep on the jet, I can't remember when, I was too upset.
I woke up, some part of me expecting to be somewhere else, I just wanted to recover from the nightmare I’d had- I don’t know why it happened but it did and I wanted to cry, it felt disgustingly real. I just wanted someone to comfort me and tell me everything’s okay and that I’m safe. But I don’t have that. I’m sorry, the highlight of my day today has been writing to you and reading what you wrote.
Y/n L/n— Feb 9, (2008) 15:45
I’m so scattered right now, but I think about you and I feel okay. You’re not really just my tomorrow anymore. You are my today and my tomorrow, you have been the entire time, I’m just blind.. You’re my forever, and I love that. I keep getting lost in my thoughts thinking about you, damn, imagine if you were next to me, I couldn't possibly stay on track doing anything, you’re such a distraction. I love you.
Y/n L/n— Feb 10, (2008) 09:10
I have yet to actually tell you this and I feel kind of bad you're finding out this way but it's also the reason why I haven't told you about it.
A few weeks ago, my attacks had gotten worse and I've been fighting nightmares almost nightly.
Friday, I was really fucking nervous, I was partially convinced that you'd hate me when you saw me, you didn't though, that was relieving. I was literally shaking, I was terrified. When you said hi, as awkward as it felt and was, it made me feel less anxious. I felt bad when I left because I didn't want you to think I wasn't coming back.
I was trying really hard to seem like I wasn't about to cry but I was so anxious and I felt like it wasn't working. You didn't ask so I told myself it was fine, eventually, I was alright, it was really calming just being around you, and I liked that a lot.
I love you lots and I really hope I can come to see you on your birthday. If there is a case, I will see you as soon as I can.
Y/n L/n— Feb 10, (2008) 12:12
I had a dream
I'm glad I had it, it was nice.
I remember as I fell asleep I wished for the warmth and comfort of another human, specifically you, because I decided if I had to overheat I wanted it to be because I had my favorite person next to me. I was kinda disappointed in the gods when I woke up and you weren't there though.
I was dreaming that we were together, I've no clue where we were but we were in a bed, cuddling. I have no idea what led up to this moment, but I don't think I need to know. Your arms were around me, your hair was in my face and I could feel you breathing. It was amazing, you were talking to me, I can't remember everything you said, but there were a lot of 'I love you's and it was perfect. It was soft and warm and quiet and peaceful.
I can't wait for it to come true.
Y/n L/n— Feb 11, (2008) 19:22
When I was little, I wanted everything in my life to be big, beautiful and expensive. I wanted the perfect girlfriend (or boyfriend, I didn't care), a huge wedding, and a big family. So much has changed since then.
All I want now, is to be alive and happy with my better half, my soulmate, my perfect match. Whether that means listening to the stomping of small children early on a Saturday morning, being woken up by an impatient animal, or sleeping all day because it's just us, I want that happy, I want that calm, I want that perfect.
I want weird dates and long drives for no reason. I want stupid jokes and petty arguments. I want movie nights and warm cuddles. I want everything-
with you
All of these things are things I can't imagine experiencing with someone that isn't you. Whether it's waking up late and rushing to get ready (so cliche), arguing over what to make for dinner or saying our vows in front of everyone we love, I have to do it with you.
I don't want to imagine a world where we aren't us (regardless of who 'we' are), because that world isn't right, but this one is.
I like us. I like us a lot.
Y/n L/n— Feb 12, (2008) 09:04
My sweater still kinda smells like you. I'm wearing it today and I've just noticed. It's fading even as I type this and I don't think it'll last all day but it's comforting nonetheless. I hadn't touched it since Friday so it's lasted almost a week. I'm secretly so happy your scent has lingered, it's soft and warm and calming. (Like vanilla, you remind me of vanilla) I kinda hope I don't fall asleep at work.
Y/n L/n— Feb 12, (2008) 09:20
My mind is always buzzing– there's always so much happening, sometimes you can see it, in my eyes. There's one thing, only one, that's always on my mind.
You, Y/n L/n, you.
Even if I'm sitting doing work or if I'm reading, you're here and there and somewhere in my mind.
Sometimes you're the only thing I can think about, your soft hair, and eyes that shine so fucking bright; your warm smile and adorable laugh; your beautiful voice and perfect personality.
This is random but when you realized you were shorter than me you seemed so deflated and tried to stand on your tippy-toes and that was just precious. You had this look on your face and the way you laughed, the way your eyes lit up was just perfect.
Morgan says he’s going to New York in a few weeks. I've been asking if I could go with him because if I can't see you on your birthday, I want to at least see you again soon. And I don’t like driving. Or long train rides.
Tu fais battre mon coeur.
Y/n L/n— Feb 12 (2008) 15:30
It's only like two days away so I want to ask
Will you be my valentine?
Y/n L/n— Feb 12 (2008) 17:00
I've said some very bold things in just the past few months we've been together and I think I'm changing my mind about a few things.
I want to be a foster parent, just as much as I want my own children, because everyone deserves love.
I still don't want to try and adopt/foster babies, everyone does that, I want teens, kids who've spent years and the system because they need the most love.
I wanna know how you feel about that idea.
Y/n L/n— Feb 12 (2008) 17:12
I have a few things to say.
I was right, the smell definitely did not last all day, it was gone by lunch. The flannel still reminds me of that smell though, so it's okay.
I really hope you like long rants with no particular point because sometimes I start talking and forget how to stop, especially if I'm comfortable around someone.
I've had casual conversions with my mother about you on a few occasions. She loves you and says I should run up to you this minute and carry you to my apartment. I think I’m going to listen to her.
Y/n L/n— Feb 12, (2008) 18:18
This isn't directly about you but that doesn't really matter, right?
So Morgan.
He keeps calling me straight
And if he does it again.
I will kick him.
Just letting you know in case it happens and Hotch yells at me. I love you!
Y/n L/n— Feb 13 (2008) 02:40
I shouldn't be awake right now but I am. As I sit on my bed, I can't help but think about how, if we were together, in the same bed, you'd probably be awake too by now. You'd be asking me if I was okay, I think, and I tell you the truth because I'm so bad at lying, it isn't even worth the try. You probably comfort me, pulling me into your body, wrapping your arms around me and probably kissing me. Just the thought makes me feel a little better but it's not happening, you know? You're not sitting next to me, you aren't kissing me and whispering, "I'm right here, it's okay." because that isn't true.
I just woke up from a nightmare, I can confidently call this a nightmare for two reasons, so I will. I was kind of panicking when I woke up because I was so fucking scared, I couldn't breathe (in more ways than one) and I was crying. It's disgusting and I'm still upset.
Thinking about you being here vs. not, makes it clear that I need you, so fucking much, I need you, Y/n. I love you, and I need you and I want you. It's making me crazy that I can't even say this to you right now.
Tu es mon soleil.
Y/n L/n— Feb 14, (2008) 04:15
I know, I know, my sleep schedule is terrible, I'm sorry.
Happy Valentine's day, love, I'm so happy to be 'celebrating' with you, you're the best valentine and you're my valentine.
Thank you so much for (almost) five beautiful months, I love you so much and I am so excited for forever together.
Though, right now, more than anything, I want to kiss every single inch on your beautiful body, maybe even kiss them all two or three times.
I love your eyes. They shine as bright as stars.
I love your smile, the smile you had when you first noticed me is my favorite. Your lips, which I also love, part in a perfect kind of way and I love it.
I love your lips, the look of them, when you smile, when you're serious or when you frown; the feeling of them pressed to my skin, with the passion and feeling of your love for me. I love your lips, even if you don't.
I love your nose, it's adorable and I kind of want to kiss it; it's so adorable and I love that, you're so adorable.
I love your skin, the soft burning of it making contact with mine, the feeling when you touch me. I love everything about you, even the parts I don't know yet, I love even the idea of having the privilege of being able to love them.
So on this day of love, Y/n L/n, I love you so, so much, my heart is in your hands, do with it as you please.
Y/n L/n— Feb 14 (2008) 15:40
I like the name Y/n , I can't really explain why but I do. I really like the name Y/n.
I also like children more than I thought I would. I spent an hour at my JJ’s yesterday and my godson, Henry, he makes me think even more about having kids with you.
Y/n L/n— Feb 14 (2008) 15:55
You asked me what type of pretty you are.
You're the best kind of pretty, honestly.
You're the kind of pretty that makes my heart melt.
You're the kind of pretty that makes my chest feel tight (in a good way, of course).
You're the kind of pretty that makes a bad day amazing with just one look.
You're the kind of pretty that just makes the world seem less than terrible.
You're my favorite kind of pretty
Y/n L/n— Feb 14 (2008) 20:33
I should make this quick.
You are literally the most perfect part of my life, the only part of my life I hope never changes. You'd better be my forever because I can't ask for anyone better.
I'm stocking up on so many fucking hugs for you, I can not wait to hug you again, my body craves it.
I have to go now.
Y/n L/n— Feb 20 (2008) 11:25
I haven’t been writing much, but there’s so much I want to say, even though I can’t find the words. This is so difficult. I know so many languages and yet they’re all gone with one thought of you.
Y/n L/n, you have invaded every single part of my mind, I’m more than okay with that.
The problem arises with the fact that I can’t stand not having some type of contact with you. It just feels wrong and I’m overly anxious and paranoid.
Y/n L/n, having you in my life is a gift, and it’s the best gift I've ever gotten tbh.
My mind can’t fully recall the sound of your voice when you said ‘i love you’, or the sensation of your touch (your kisses and hugs, my head on your shoulder) but it’s there, and I hope it stays, long after this moment.
It’s kind of embarrassing to admit but sometimes the reason I keep going is the possibility of you, with me again, no matter how far away that event may be.
Y/n L/n— Feb 21 (2008) 22:25
I hope your polaroid camera starts to work soon because getting pictures from you is my favorite thing ever. Morgan said I should just give you my number, but I enjoy what we have. Our letters are more than enough.
Y/n L/n— Feb 21 (2008) 23:57
It's really late
I may or may not have had a little bit of alcohol.
You're really pretty!!!!!
I may or may not be about to drink more of the maybe alcohol...
Y/n L/n— Feb 22 (2008) 14:40
You sent me a CD. I put it in my player. I see you, you’re reading me The Little Prince because you said I need something to listen to to sleep. It's the best book I've ever heard and hearing you read it makes it so beautiful, every word, it's all perfect coming from your mouth, with your voice from your lips. I could listen for literally forever. Y/n L/n you are my today.
Y/n L/n— Mar 2 (2008) 22:55
I think about our future a lot. Usually it's good, sometimes it isn't. As with all things in life, there are details. Sometimes when I think about our future I'm only focusing on the things I know I want like, you next to me- with a ring on your finger and a smile on your face, or both of us, shopping and planning for a baby, obviously our first based off of how overly cautious we're being.
Anything like that, really.
Sometimes though, I think about what I don't know, like, where are we? what's our home look like? What are our future schedules and routines gonna look like? I know I'm overthinking (I always am) but I truly can't help it, it's something that just happens?
Y/n L/n— Mar 7 (2008) 13:11
I’m upset we haven’t been talking as much but that’s my fault, I knew what kind of commitment being an agent took, so I can’t really complain, I am sorry though. I think about you a lot though, sometimes it’s just ‘I hope Y/n’s okay’ ‘I hope Y/n’s smiling right now’ or something like that. Sometimes I just think about the sound of your voice, the feeling of your presence, or just you in general, you’re always there, always somewhere in my head, on my mind. If I’m not thinking about you, I’m probably not thinking at all.
Y/n L/n— Mar 7 (2008) 18:44
Before you, I had convinced myself that love didn't exist, it wasn't something I'd ever truly felt. I thought fate was bullshit and I hated the idea of soulmates because I believed I'd never find mine. That is, until I saw your face. At that point, you were nothing more than a polaroid photo, stimuli sent from my retinas to my optic nerve. But I felt something new. Something changed, I didn't feel as cold anymore.
Before I met you, I had convinced myself, naively, that I'd be alone forever, that I'd never meet anyone who would put up with me long enough to learn to love me. And then you waltzed into my life and changed everything. It was surreal, you were too-good-to-be-true and I was as ready as I could've been for heartbreak. What I did experience was nowhere near as horrible as the feeling I get at the thought of losing you now.
After I met you, I thought about it a lot, do soulmates exist? Until that point there'd only been one person I wished to be my soulmate (which was dumb, looking back now) but some part of me was drawn to you in a way I wasn't drawn to her. My feelings for you were different from my feelings for her.
When I'd convinced myself you'd never want me, I was hurt, I'd ever felt such pain, a deep physical pain, the kind you never forget. I guess it doesn't matter now, because that's in the past and I should move on.
I have you now, and god, I've never been so happy. You, Y/n L/n, are my soulmate and I'm so glad that we were made for each other. I couldn't ask for a better partner, future spouse, or soulmate. You are my everything and you give me purpose. You are my purpose.
Y/n L/n— Mar 9 (2008) 7:45
I couldn't sleep last night, I was thinking about you and it kept me awake, I think. I tried distracting myself but I kept finding you everywhere. At that point, I just let it happen and eventually fell asleep.
I'm angry, angry that I don't get to see you, because god I love seeing your face (you are literally so fucking pretty) and I love being near you in general.
I'm scared, scared that I won't be able to see you, even when I physically can. I don't know why I just, I hate the thought but it won't go away, I just want to hug you.
Y/n L/n— Mar 23 23:47 (2008)
It’s been a while since I did this- tomorrow’s your birthday and I’m pissed because I won’t get to see you, I can’t wish you happy birthday in person, shit I don’t know if I’ll be able to wish you happy birthday at all but that’s a whole other thing. Anyway, (here’s hoping you see this on your actual birthday-) HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Things might now be great right now but you’ve been alive for all this time and god I’m so proud of you for being so strong. You are amazing and I’m so happy I know you, I hope you’re birthday is fucking awesome, if not, I guess I’ll have no choice but to do everything I possibly can to make it better. I love you, Y/n L/n.
That’s it. The decision has been made for me. I just got a call, see you in New York.
(it just turned midnight, happy birthday)
Y/n L/n— Mar 24 (2008) 21:32
I only saw you for a few hours but again it was perfect. Before I left I made up my mind to do something. Turning around I ran back to your door. You opened it up and were so confused but I didn’t care. My hands cupped your cheeks and I kissed you. I kissed you 15 more times after, and then I left for my hotel room. I left something behind though - it was on purpose - slung on your couch is my cardigan. I want you to wear it and think of me.
Y/n L/n— Mar 29 (2008) 09:48
I'm not good with my words, shocking seeing as I'm a genius but it's true. I am terrible with my words, especially when it comes to you I just, my mind goes blank and I can't even form partially coherent sentences. That's probably why I suck at talking to you, I just can't think around you, I think it's because you're so perfect, I mean, it's true and it makes sense.
I got your letter today. You’re moving to DC. I don’t think I’ve ever been more crazed or excited. Everyone’s noticed it. I love you.
Y/n L/n— February 7th, (2020) 20:28
I stopped doing this when you moved to me. Everything that could have been written was said to you.
You're different. You're changing.
It's not a bad thing, it was inevitable; I'm far from the person I was three years ago. I'm just awful about adjusting to changes.
I like that you're different, it shows you're discovering yourself, you're turning out. Your changing as a person won't change how I feel about you because no matter what, you are so much greater than the sum of your parts and I think that's beautiful. I think you're beautiful.
I could never tire of you, as cliché as it is, I fall in love with you over and over everyday. I fall in love with every new and old part of you, because they're all so perfect.
I'd be lying (a terrible lie, might I add) if I said I wasn't thinking about you every moment of every day. I'm constantly thinking of you; Maybe wishing we were together, maybe wondering if you're thinking about me too, maybe hoping you're doing okay, maybe imagining our tomorrows, maybe thinking about your smile and how it shines brighter than any and every existing light source.
I rambled, yikes.
There’s something I want to ask and it’s years overdue (sorry.) After prison I found this and two years later I know what I want to do with it. I’m giving it to you, I’m fully giving my heart to you.
Look up, bumblebee. I’m waiting.
part two
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shannaraisles · 5 years
Roll For Initiative
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A commission piece for @lechatrouge673, who told me to write something that made me happy. So I ran with the DnD idea!
"All right, everyone ready? Settled in?"
Erin looked around the table, snorting with laughter at the sight of her brother, Patrick, attempting to steal yet more of Ana's pierogi off her plate, only to earn himself a slap on the hand and a sharp look. Across the table, Brian was finishing off his sandwich hurriedly, and Toby was - of course - going through his dice ritual to decide which ones made the cut for tonight. They were down a couple of players today, and a couple were going to be late, but that wasn't a game killer. What she had in mind for this weekend was adaptable.
"Recap away, noodle," Patrick managed through his last mouthful, wiping his hands as he did so.
"All right, then."
She drew in a slow breath, settling her thoughts, and began.
"Feeble Noobs ... "
Why did I ever let them call themselves that?
"Following a harrowing adventure in search of Andraste's Ashes, you succeeded in passing the Gauntlet of Faith, proving yourselves worthy to take a pinch of the Ashes back to Redcliffe to cure Arl Eamon and restore him to health. In gratitude for what you did, and for saving his son, as well as concern for the future of the country, he agreed to lend his voice in opposition to Teyrn Loghain Mac Tir in the upcoming Landsmeet. However, his plan involves supplanting Queen Anora, and putting Alistair on the throne instead, since your reluctant paladin is the illegitimate son of the former king, Maric."
"Backstory comes to bite me in the arse," Brian muttered with a grin.
"That's what backstory is for," Erin assured him cheerfully. "You returned to Denerim with the arl, setting up base at his estate, and began to explore the city, hoping to make a connection with some of the nobles and win them to your side. You were attacked by the Antivan Crows, lead by a former colleague of your friend Zevran, who wanted to fulfill his contract on the Grey Wardens and take him back with them. Zevran chose to place himself between Darrian and Alistair, and his former colleagues, and after a tough fight, you emerged victorious. You then decided to treat yourselves to a night at The Pearl, Denerim's foremost brothel, which I am never going to forget -"
The laughter at the table was a very clear reminder that allowing her players to have too much fun at her expense was going to turn into a story for all the years to come. Jenny, as Zevran, had insisted on sampling the delights of all the men and women at The Pearl once she'd discovered it was a fade to black situation, just to make Erin describe and play an increasingly odd selection of throwaway NPCs made up on the spot.
"Upon returning to Arl Eamon's estate, you found Erlina, Queen Anora's elven companion, beside herself with worry. Arl Howe, Loghain's right-hand man, had imprisoned the queen in his city estate. Against Eamon's wishes, you decided to rescue her. and with a series of truly stunning stealth rolls, and one very lucky save, you made your way into the Howe estate, where you freed Soris, Darrian's cousin, and discovered a few means by which you can sway some of the nobles to your cause. You were confronted by Howe himself, and managed to take down both him and his elite guard, freeing Queen Anora in the process. However, when you attempted to leave, you were stopped by Ser Cauthrien, Loghain's loyal commander, and a large number of city guards, who demanded that the Grey Wardens surrender and be put under arrest. Rather than risk the queen's presence in your midst being discovered, Darrian and Alistair voluntarily surrendered, allowing the rest of your party to escape back to Eamon's estate with the queen. And that is where we will pick up ..."
"Hey, you missed out me saving Sten's life with my amazing druid healing skills," Patrick objected mischievously.
"You're a dog, shut up," was Erin's response, sticking her tongue out at her brother for a moment before turning to Brian and Toby.
"Alistair and Darrian," she said, "you come to on filthy blankets in a dark, dingy prison. You’re in a cage - one of many that you can see lining the walls - and you can see other prisoners, some of whom have clearly been tortured, some lying very still. Your equipment, your armor, even your clothes have been taken off you as you lay unconscious. There’s a single guard patrolling the floor outside the cages. What do you do?"
"We're naked?" Brian asked in surprise.
"They've left your underpants on you, but everything else is gone," Erin clarified.
"Is there anything in our cell, or in the cells that I can reach through the bars, that I could use to pick the lock?" Toby inquired. He was always first to jump into the action if he possibly could.
"Roll an investigation check."
"While Darrian's grubbing around on the floor, Alistair's going to wrap the blanket around himself like a girl getting out of the shower," Brian interjected over the sound of rolling dice.
"Ha!" Ana grinned at him across the table. "I knew Alistair had a thing for Darrian!"
"No, he's just worried about offending his friend with the indecency of his ... manly nipples," Brian countered, blatantly not believing a word he was saying.
"5, so that's ... 10," Toby piped up.
Erin glanced at her sheet.
"You root around for a while, reaching through the bars to the cells on either side, but you don't come up with anything that could be used as a lock pick," she said. "As you finish your investigation, the guard rounds the corner to walk by your cell."
"I whip my hand back into the cell and turn to Alistair." Toby assumed his chosen accent for Darrian with an ease that made Brian mock glare at him. "What in the Void are you doin'?"
"I look embarrassed and shuffle a bit, tucking my blanket tighter around my manliness," Brian said, taking a moment to find Alistair's voice again before adding, "It's cold in here."
"What, worried y'goin' to poke my eye out with your nips?"
"Well, you do stand very close sometimes." Brian bit down on a laugh that would have destroyed his accent, and went on. "So what do we do?"
"How well armed and armored is the guard?" Toby asked Erin.
"Standard for a prison guard," she mused. "Splint mail, helmet, longsword and dagger."
"Showing any interest in us?"
"Apart from a glance in to make sure you're still there, he doesn't seem interested," she said. "Guard duty's guard duty, and you're all but naked and locked in a cage."
"Okay." Toby slipped back into Darrian as he turned to Brian. "You play sick, and when 'e comes in, I'll jump 'im."
"What with? A handful of ... what is that, poop? Ergh."
"Just do it."
Brian rolled his eyes, grinning, and turned to Erin.
"Alistair is very reluctantly going to fall down in a swoon and start groaning like there's a bear sitting on top of him," he declared cheerfully, already reaching for his dice.
"Darrian will yell for the guard to come and take a look," Toby added.
"All right." Erin considered this briefly. "Alistair, roll me a performance check."
"Performance? Ugh ..."
The dice rattled on the table. Brian took one look at the roll, and thumped his forehead onto the dice tray, holding up a single digit.
"Natural one!"
As the rest of the group burst out laughing, Erin giggled her way through the guard's reaction.
"So, while Alistair's lying on the ground making ridiculous noises, the guard comes to the cell door and looks in, and he just, he's not impressed," she said, lowering her timbre for the guard. "Very nice. D'you do duck impressions too?"
Brian snorted. "Alistair stops groaning and just looks up at the guard, sort of pouting," he said. "You don't think I have a career on the stage then?"
"Mate, you're gonna be dead in the morning, so do what you like," was the guard's response.
"How close is he to the bars?" Toby asked.
"Couple of feet," Erin answered.
"Great. I launch myself at the cell door and try to grab him through the bars."
"This is why we need Darrian," Ana commented to Patrick. "He just does stuff."
"Oh, woof." Patrick nodded sagely in agreement, laughing as she backhanded his shoulder lightly. "What? I'm a dog!"
"You're an idiot," Ana informed him with a smile.
"Roll, um ..." Erin drummed her fingers for a moment. "You know what, just roll a straight dexterity check for me."
"Twenty." Toby shook his head as she opened her mouth. "Not natural."
"Okay, well, while the guard is laughing at Alistair, Darrian rushes the bars and manages to grab him by the collar of his mail," Erin said, ignoring the quiet conversation to her right. "What do you want to do with him?"
"I want to ... yank him hard and try and knock him out against the bars," Toby decided.
"Bear in mind, you're rolling against his AC, and your arm is thrust through a space about six inches wide," she reminded him. "Give me a strength check at disadvantage."
"Oh god, strength is really not my strong suit," Toby muttered, rolling his d20 twice. "Yeah, I'm a weakling. Doesn't happen."
"What did you get?" Patrick asked curiously.
"Rolled a five and a two, so that's three," Toby said with a grin.
"All right, so as you go to yank him toward the bars, the guard pulls backwards, and your grip just isn't enough to hold onto him as he backs up," Erin narrated. "Don't you try that again, y'hear? Bloody Wardens. He scowls at you, but he doesn't come close again, just turns and goes back on his round of the prison floor."
"Can't say you didn't try," Brian said encouragingly. "So what do we do now?"
"I'm out of ideas. S'pose we're waitin' to be rescued now." Toby smirked across the table at the other two. "Over to you, fearless warriors."
"Oh, yeah, this is going to go really well," Ana drawled, glancing at Patrick.
Anyone playing off him tended to have a bit of a rough go of it because of his obtuse character creation. He'd agreed to play the game when his little sister had begged, but his condition had been that he was allowed to create his own unique character. What he had come up with was a druid stuck permanently in dog form, which made for some interesting scenarios.
"All right, so - for the sake of brevity - let's say that you got Anora safely back to Arl Eamon's estate, and it was decided that Sten and ... the dog ... have the best chance of getting the Wardens out safely," Erin said. She knew this group too well to let them have a debate, even when there were only two of them involved in it.
"Sten, Barkspawn ... you approach Fort Drakon. It's a walled, heavily fortified keep, pretty much in the center of the city, named after the Orlesian emperor who founded the Andrastian Chantry. It's the oldest building in Denerim, built out of heavy gray granite, and it kind of squats on the landscape in a series of concentric circles built around a very tall tower in the center. There are two guards on the main gate, but they don't challenge you as you pass through. What do you do?"
Ana straightened her shoulders, channeling her inner Qunari as she dropped her timbre into her character's voice.
"They call this a fort? I thought it would be bigger."
A shared snort of laughter went up from the other side of the table as Ana glared at Patrick. Evidently he wasn't going to make this easy on her, role-play wise. He gave her an innocent smile in answer.
"Stands to reason that the cells would be in the tower," Anna mused, apparently deciding to ignore Patrick's insight for the time being. "So I guess we go to the tower?"
Erin nodded.
"Okay then," she said, checking her notes swiftly. "The tower is easily the tallest building in the city. It's also very wide. I mean, you could fit a couple of dragons in this thing with room to spare. There are more guards in evidence in the courtyard around it, but nobody challenges you as you make your way to the door of the tower itself. However, as you approach this enormous, thick-oak door, the two guards in front of it step forward and bar your way. They are better armored and armed than the guards on the main gate of the outer wall, but they seem kind of weary, kind of bored. Door duty isn't exactly rife with excitement. One of them holds up his hand, and says to you, Sten, What is your business in Fort Drakon?"
"Barkspawn stands up a little straighter, and just looks the guy right in the eye," Patrick piped up. "Staring him down like only a mabari can."
"Sten's doing pretty much the same," Ana agreed. "He looms over the guard. I'm a giant with a war dog. Either I am making a delivery, or I am beseiging your fort. Hope for the former."
Erin chuckled. She loved the way Sten had developed over the last months.
"Okay, make a persuasion check for me."
"Why not deception?" Brian asked out of curiosity.
"Didn't actually tell a lie," she explained, as the dice rolled.
"Oh geez, my persuasion is crap," Ana was muttering, looking up to add, "Nine."
"The guard looks you up and down, and then over to the dog staring at him, and exchanges a look with his fellow guard. They don't seem to be buying this. I wasn't told we were getting a mabari."
"Must I point out the obvious?" Ana tried again, putting a growl into her voice that made Patrick blink in surprise. "I am a large, impatient man with a war dog. Either let us in, or get someone who will."
"Barkspawn growls in agreement with him," Patrick offered hopefully. "Teeth bared, muscles tensed. Looking like he really wants to rip someone's throat out."
"Uh, all right." Laughing, Erin shook her head. "Roll for intimidation, with advantage, since Barkspawn's helping you."
Again, the dice rolled, and Patrick let out a whoop of triumph as Ana grinned.
"I rolled a four, and a natural twenty, so twenty-six," she declared cheerfully, setting Brian and Toby to praising the roll enthusiastically.
"Well, you are a large, impatient man, fully armed, with a war dog, and these guys just don't get paid enough to deal with things like this," Erin told them. "I can't believe that worked ... They look to each other, and back to you, and step away hurriedly. Uh, all right. You, uh ... go inside, and wait in the room on the right there. We'll, um ... The captain'll come and see you. One of them pushes the door open and hurries inside, and the other gestures for you to follow him, while keeping as far away from the two of you as he possibly can while at the same time trying not to look scared. The one who went ahead of you gestures toward an antechamber to the right side, and hurries off to find the captain, leaving you both alone. What do you do?"
There was a moment of pause.
"Sten really doesn't like being kept waiting," Ana mused, eyeing Patrick thoughtfully. "This is pointless. We should go in fighting."
"Barkspawn barks back in agreement," Patrick answered. "I mean, we're inside now. It can't be that difficult to find the cells, right?"
"Oh my god, are you really going to do that?" Toby asked, incredulous disbelief written all over his smiling face. "You're just going to fight your way through a whole fort?"
"Sure, why not?" Ana shrugged, and looked over at Erin. "I draw my sword, and wait by the door for the captain to come in. When he does, I'm gonna swing at him."
"While Sten goes for his body, I'll pounce his legs and try to knock him prone," Patrick said, picking up his dice.
"All right then."
Erin couldn't quite believe that the admittedly bad plan to talk their way in had suddenly become the worse plan of fighting their way in, but that was D&D. Groping for her character stats sheets, she fumbled for the captain.
"You're left waiting for no more than a few minutes, enough time to get into position by the door, and the captain's footsteps make it very obvious when he's coming. You go as soon as he steps in through the doorway?"
"Yep, the second I see him." Ana rolled her dice, checking her own sheet as Patrick did the same. "Twenty-eight to hit?"
"That hits, roll damage. Patrick?"
"Nice rolls - that hits as well." Erin glanced down at her sheet, rolling her own dice quickly to see if her NPC might be able to avoid either of these. "Actually, Barkspawn, roll a dexterity check for me quick to see if you can get him off his feet."
"Sixteen damage," Ana said, leaning forward hopefully.
"So, as the captain of the guard steps in through the doorway, Sten swings his massive greataxe, and it sinks into the captain's shoulder, crunching through plate armor and pressing chain-mail and cloth into quite a significant wound. Blood spurts out as he yells in pain, the sound echoing down the hallway he came from. Patrick, what did you get?"
"I rolled a seventeen on the dex, and a ... three damage." Patrick threw Brian a dirty look across the table as the other man laughed. "What? I only have teeth and claws!"
"Well, he rolled a four on his saving throw," Erin assured him, "so as Sten rips the axe out of this gaping, bleeding wound in the captain's shoulder, Barkspawn charges toward him, gripping one of his ankles in his vicious teeth and pulling hard. The captain staggers, and falls down hard. He is now prone."
"Do I get an attack of opportunity?" Ana asked hopefully. "Since, you know, he's gone from standing in front of me to lying on the floor."
"Technically ... no," Erin began to say, but she knew better than to force a technical point. What was the point of the game if it wasn’t fun? "But in this instance, why not? Roll another attack, with advantage because he's prone."
"You're so blood-thirsty," Patrick commented over the sound of the dice rolls. "I love it."
"I'm a large, impatient man with a greataxe," Ana answered cheerfully. "Twenty-six again, and fourteen damage."
"As the guard captain falls, Sten takes another swing with his greataxe, and this time the blade sinks into the man's leg, blood flowing freely from this new wound as he screams in pain again. He's hurting, but he's not dead, and you can hear the sounds of other guards rushing toward the sound of his screams."
"I cast Polymorph on him while he's down," Patrick announced, one finger in the air as he scanned his spell sheet.
"What's the save on that?" Erin picked up her dice to roll.
"Uh, that is ... wait for it, wait for it ..." He peered at his sheet, scanning desperately for the appropriate number. "I really need to organize this - oh! Wisdom, fifteen!"
Erin rolled for the saving throw, and snorted with laughter.
"Natural three," she laughed, shaking her head again. "What are you turning him into?"
"A flea," her brother said firmly.
"Seriously?" Ana looked at him in astonishment. "You know he's just gonna bite you to all hell."
"Yeah, but I'm a dog," he pointed out. "What's another flea?"
To the sound of the laughter rising around the table, Erin tried to get control of the narrative again.
"All right. As the sound of the approaching guards gets louder, Barkspawn channels his druidic magic, and suddenly the guard captain is no longer visible. A moment later, you feel a sharp bite on the inside of your ear."
"I scratch that ear." Patrick grinned.
"Fair enough, okay. But as you look up, you see four more guards heading toward you, swords drawn, ready to fight."
Erin looked at Ana and Patrick with a slightly evil grin.
"Roll for initiative."
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duckythedarkone · 6 years
Hi, my birthday is in less then a month away, July 11th, and I don’t normally do this, but like if you want to get me something, I have only one thing I truly desire. I just want people to draw Vlad.It doesn’t even have to be good.  He is my Dnd Character. He is a tiefling cleric. I have drawn him a lot, and some of my dnd companions have drawn him as well. Here are a few of my drawings of him:
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I just really love him and just want more drawings of him. I also just really want to share my son to the world. He is beautiful and amazing and I love him. He is Valid. Like legit Valid, that is his name but he had trouble saying it, so he just stuck with Vlad because that is what people thought he was saying. Vlad Niefling. Niefling is short for No named tiefinling which what what most people at the Sarenrae temple called him before he chose a name for himself. I have more info on him underneath.
Some details about him physically, is that he has a forced forked tongue, he has no pupils his eyes are just yellow, he has no shadow or reflection don’t ask me how that works, his left horn is chipped, he is covered in scars that he doesn’t remember, his tail is cropped, he has chapped lips constantly, and the only significant scars are the ones on his face, his horns, the big one on his throat and the huge one on his chest, that my dm described as spidering out.
Vlad’s backstory: When Vlad was 20ish, he was terribly hurt during a battle he only vaguely remembers. He was on deaths door and Sarenrae saved him. Or that is at least what he believes. She gave him one more chance and he took it as a sign to follow The Everlight. For five years, some of which were used to recuperate from losing a tail, he lived in the Sarenrae templed, reading books and practiced Sarenrae’s teachings. He learned how to heal on accident by touching a woman who was injured. From this moment on he dedicated his life to healing and helping others. He felt that he couldn’t heal people unless he touched them because of healing the woman.  He didn’t spend all his time in the Sarenrae temple, he would on occasion sneak out to go to the library to read about anything and everything. He learned about the other Gods and Goddesses. He also made a friend along the way, a female teifling with a nack for stealing things, though he told her it was wrong, she didn’t really listen.  The only other person of true impact in his life was a fellow acolyte of Sarenrae, and the woman who took care of him, Serenity. She, much like Vlad, had an accent. Hers was different from Vlad’s (Vlad’s is more Jesters from Critical Role. Serenity’s was more like the priests from Princess Bride.) Serenity was a light purple tiefling with brown hair. She and his friend looked similar, but he looked different. He looked nothing like them. He knew he was an outcast from the general population, but even more so as a red tiefling. He left the temple of Sarenrae after feeling he was ready to help others. He felt her guide him to join a group of ragtag team members and after a few weeks the Outcasts were formed. Not including Vlad, there was a half-elf, gnome, elf, dwarf, and half-orc. Eventually the elf left because she could not get along with the half-elf and felt she was needed else where. Her shoes were quickly replaced with Vlad’s old friend the female tiefling.  Since then they have had tons of wacky adventures including a lot of rope, facepalming, and scaring the heck out of the Vlad.
Before Vlad was Vlad, He was Damian.
 A follower of Asmodeus with a bad mouth and a worse attitude. He was a cleric by force, and as such he hated every minute of it, he would only heal someone if absolutely necessary, but good luck trying to convince him. He would kill you with his vicious mockery ten times out of ten unless he knew he would get in trouble for not healing you. with short hair and an even shorter temper, Damian tried to get to the top, by any means. If that meant stealing the kill from his companions, then he did it. Once he got to the top he was gonna become the rogue he truly felt he was meant to be. 
Because of Damian, Vlad does have some quirks that come from his past. When Vlad is sleepy or shit faced drunk, he will speak in infernal a lot more. This is because Damian refused to speak common and would only speak infernal. Vlad also had to learn Common when he joined the temple of Sarenrae.  When Vlad says something rude about someone, playfully or not, he has the chance to use vicious mockery on them, because in the past, Damian would constantly use vicious mockery even when it was not wanted or needed. He wanted to make sure he always had the cantrip on hand. When Vlad is not in his armor, he is extremely sneaky (My dice roll really well when Vlad is not in his armor, it is strange). This is because Damian specialized sneaking around. 
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angelsofwar · 5 years
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NAME: Damian Park D.O.B: August 22nd 1995 (24) H: 5′ 8″ OCCUPATION: Writer (Fantasy Novels) FC: Kim Taehyung (V)
D — is LAUGHTER and DICE. A young man with a bright mind and his head in the clouds, D likes to live his life his own way. Intent on enjoying it to it’s fullest, D is determined to make the most of every moment!
     Damian was a shy child. Hidden behind his parents’ legs and tucked away in a quiet corner. He spent much of his childhood alone. And could often be found with a book clutched tightly in his fingers. Damian lived for his books. And even if he couldn’t read them, he would often look at the pictures and imagine the story housed in those pretty white pages. Fantastical stories of dragons and knights and princesses and princes. Wonderful adventures with magic and swords and good overcoming evil. He couldn’t get enough.
     When he was 6, he made his first best friend. A young boy by the name of August. August was everything Damian wished he could be. The boy was strong, friendly, bright, charming, kind, adventurous. Amazing. Damian had fallen in love.
     It hadn’t taken long for Damian and August to become the best of friends. The two were Inseparable. Wherever August went, Damian was quick to follow. A tattered sketchbook clutched tight in his hand as he stumbled after the taller boy. They’d go on adventures. Fast and fun and amazing. They’d found a die. An old, slightly battered black and white die. And that die would decide their fate. Do they go left? Right? Climb the tree? Play on the swings? Were they heroes? Villans? The die decided all. And then Damian would attempt to write about their epic adventures in his sketchbook. Drawing little pictures of everything that had happened with careful dedication.
     When he was 12, Damian had his heartbroken. August had gotten a girlfriend. A cute, smart, and incredibly kind girl. She was the kind of girl half the guys in class had a crush on. That was when Damian realized he was in LOVE LOVE with August. That it wasn’t just ‘best friend love’. Damian’s whole life had shifted. 
     Eventually, after months of struggling with depression and anxiety over his newfound love and subsequent HEARTBREAK, Damian decided it was time for a change. He was tired. Tired of being sad. Tired of feeling jealous guilty regretful angry alone TERRIBLE every time he saw how happy August was with his girlfriend, Alice. Tired of feeling like he didn’t belong with them anymore. Tired of feeling like he was LYING to them every time they’d hung out. He was just so… tired.
     The first order of business was to stop hiding. So one day, after lots of planning and crying and panicking and debating, he told August (and Alice) about his feelings for his longtime friend. Because he didn’t want to lie to them. Either of them. Because despite everything, he liked Alice. She was nice to him. And would make extra cookies for him whenever she made some for August. With extra choco chips. She’d become like a sister to him. She was someone precious. And he couldn’t bring himself to hide this from her. Not anymore.
     Damian was so lucky to have such wonderful friends. Because they both accepted him without question. Even Alice. In fact, Alice had pulled him into a hug. Apparently, Alice had known. Or at least, she’d guessed. Damian was, apparently, not very subtle. August, was just clueless. Next, Damian told his parents. And god was he lucky to have such wonderful friends. Because both Alice and August were there with him. Holding his hand the whole time. 
     His father was supportive in his own awkward way. His mother… less so. She had always wanted grandchildren. And had always wanted a daughter. Or at the very least, a daughter-in-law. The fact that she’d get neither had left her rather… bitter. 
     When he was 14, Damian got his first boyfriend. He was a jock. And an utter sweetheart. Jason would absolutely pamper Damian. And he’d gotten along well with August AND Alice. Damian was in love.
     It was on one of his dates with Jason, where Damian discovered Dungeons and Dragons. And Damian fell in love. 
     The Die decided his fate once again. But this time, this time the adventures were truly amazing. A band of misfits and miscreants off on grand journeys to find themselves and save the day. It’d been so long since Damian had had this much fun. He’d become a regular at the local DnD meets. People started calling him D. Likely because his first few characters had names starting with a ‘D’. And well, his name started with a D. Unoriginal. But easy to remember. The nickname stuck. And honestly, he didn’t mind.
     When he was 16, Jason moved away. Off to pursue a career in sports, while Damian explored his longtime passion for writing. The two parted on happy terms and even kept in touch.
     Now, Damian writes. Each fantastical tale signed off with a large D in pretty cursive. In his free time, Damian adventures. Going off on a fun vacation or walking down random streets with little care for his destination. Grabbing inspiration from his next novel from the wonders in the world around him. 
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