#truly the perfect combo xD
pageofheartdj · 1 year
You reblog some society analysis stuff so I wonder if you have an idea on how someone being raised overly isolated would impact how they develop their social stances/ideology?
Like for me my parents let me play alone in a forest until we moved (8-14) and basically let me roam wherever IF there was low risk of interacting with anyone, along with being a pretty isolated family without interaction with grandparents/aunts/uncles/cousins/no family friends that I hung out with.
I'm aroace and never really struggled at all with identifying with that or havent ever felt pressured to be in a relationship. Would that be impacted by being raised without much societal pressure or just a personality quirk?
I'm also agender and I think I'm autistic, so idk xD
Hm, I think it's logical to assume the society shapes how we view ourselves, even the basic manners. We are sponges and know nothing and society rules is what makes us the way we are.
Our society is very heteronormative and allonormative. Seeing only one thing existing around us will make us think that our feelings are wrong, no one does this after all. So we are not supposed to feel these things, only the normal ones are supposed to be there.
I struggled with my orientation for a very long time. First I was forcing myself to do what everyone else does and get a boyfriend and all that. Thankfully I didn't go too far, nothing even started, so that's a relief. But since society never gave me this option that hey, you don't need to like someone and be with someone, I had to grab any feeling that reminded me the norm to justify 'I am normal I feel normal things'. And later I had to compromise. My self discovery was literally going from one side to another, leaving the acceptable parts as a proof that I am still normal. Being not 'normal' hurt.
"I don't like boys that much. Just like girls. I probably like both, so I am bi, that's okay, this still includes boys. - I think I don't like boys at all, so this means I like girls? This must be it, I still want a relationship, so I am still somewhat normal." And then I discovered asexuality and still gripped at demi with 'I might still want a relationship after I met someone I deeply bond with'. And then it didn't happen. And then I realised I don't actually want anything at all. I was weighting QPR, again the sense of 'normality' haunting me, but put it away. If it happens, it happens, no need to force myself.
(and then there are all the ND-PD things that I had to analyse in myself, to explain why I am not 'normal'. this also is not explored openly around us. we are given only the tight 'normal' limitations and no tools to deal with not 'normal' stuff. we are not even allowed to accept and explore it on our own, nope, it needs to be beaten out)
It's really upsetting how many people are never given any other option to even think about. All the things that make us 'different' from the norm. It's never there for us to consider, so we struggle. It's hard to figure it out, let alone accept it, when society is quite about it at best and shunnes at worst.
With no one breathing behind our backs it must be so much freeing to explore yourself. Yes, you might not be given tools how to deal with it. But you are not locking any part of youself away, immediately deeming it as wrong.
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slashingdisneypasta · 6 months
So I clearly missed some things due to my severe lack of activeness on this hellsite (derogatory) but I'd very much like to know more about Then He Got Rough if you feel comfortable sharing.
If not though, that's totally okay!! Either way, hope you're doing well, my friend 💜🙏🏻
!!!! Thats my Original Work!! I occasionally mention it on here, but I do need to be quite careful about what I say cuz theirs a lotta stuff in it that is meant to be a surprise XD But goddddddddddddddd I love talking about it, so thank you for asking!! ^^
Basically it is a small town murder mystery, but using Slasher Movie Tropes. Its also got a lotta platonic love and other more complicated kinds of relationships because I'm, of course, aro and I need that shit XD Here's a basic blurb I made up for someone else who asked one time ^^
Hallie (the virgin) meets Edward Brown (the killer) and they hit it off- she's exactly the kinda girl he likes; friendly, kinda reserved, and they have... err- certain things from their pasts... in common, it turns out. And to her, Edward's the perfect guy, too! He's a young English teacher at the high school and he's got this skinny Clark Kent thing about him?? Awkward, and funny. She doesn't realise he's a part of the little town's most powerful (and tight-lipped) family, the Bamford's (He was adopted into it- Edward Bamford-Brown), until she tells her best friend and roommate Maggie (the whore) about him. Maggie immediately develops a bad taste in her mouth when it comes to Edward. She goes rogue and decides to investigate, employing Hallie's family doctor, Arthur (the scholar), and his old friend/new roommate combo; anxious ex-con Rodney (the fool), who just so happens to be Edwards adoptive aunt Carla Bamford's ex husband. Doors are opened for Maggie into the world of the Bamford's through Arthur and Rodney, and Winnie Bamford (the athlete) later on, and she uncovers some bone chilling secrets about everyone in this family, and everyone a r o u n d them, too, that make her determined to save her friend before its too late.
**You might also be interested to know that, in my head, Rodney (Who is a very charismatic, but very anxious man who used to do some pretty bad things but feels terrible (he knows his behaviour had everything to do with self-loathing) is really truly trying to clean up his act these days post-divorce; rooming with his old friend Arthur and working at the grocery store as its the only job he could get) is played by a more middle-aged Robert Englund XDD (Closer to Professor Wexler in Urban Legend then Inkubus) . Arthur is played by Brad Dourif XDD (so yes- freddy kruger and chucky XD Of course.)
Some little tid-bits I can/want to share also:
The Bamford Family Line-Up:
Mrs Emily Bamford: The matriarch. A cold-hearted snake woman. She pretty much only loves Edward.
Mayor Richard Bamford: He and Em were highschool sweethearts back in the day but broke up when he left to pursue politics in a big city-- but mysteriously came back and married Emily a few months later despite everyone knowing he was doing so well in the city?? Took the Bamford name and everything. Its rumoured that Emily's parents blackmailed him *cough*. Everyone knows Emily is in charge. Richard always looks kind of like a show pony next to her, despite being actual Mayor.
Carla Bamford: Emily's adopted sister and town journalist. She's kinda lily-livered. The only thing she really stood against the family about was her marriage to Rodney (They didn't approve. He was a damn con), but even that fell apart eventually.
Rodney Hawk (Formally Bamford. They made him take their name but he's got his back, now): I already talked about him XD
Edward Bamford-Brown: THE MAIN VILLAIN. Edward is Emily and Richard's adopted son, the same age as their biological daughter (Winnie. up next) who... well, its no secret- is the favourite. Emily would let him get away with anything. She would help him get away with anything. He can do no wrong, in her eyes.
Winnie Bamford: Emily and Richard's biological daughter. She's an insane freak- they sent her away to boarding school in Georgia but she came back worse, and there are s o many rumours about her in town; Orgies and deviant sexual activity, mostly (most of it is true, too). She has a major thing for 'Uncle Rodney' and makes him very very uncomfortable. On the bright side though?? She's more then happy to fuck things up for her spiteful mother by assisting Maggie to uncover some dark secrets (: She wont make it easy, though 😅 That would be no fun.
Unnamed Bamford Family Member: I cant tell you anything about them, whoops.
And Tom Manning: Richard's best friend, and the town lawyer (Edwards lawyer). So close with Rich and Em (And Winnie and Edward) that he's practically part of the family. I have described him as 'a hot dill pickle in a sharp suit if he was a harvard law graduate'. He's slimy, charismatic and seemingly perfect.
Here are the main characters Looks, if you're interested 😅
(Also another little thing that is really just a convoluted blink-and-you'll-miss-it kind of inside joke- Maggie, who has a huge thing for Arthur and constantly describes his eyes as 'brad dourif-blue', is a major Childs Play fan.
... and hallie loves a nightmare on elm street *cough*. she doesnt really interact with rodney, but during the few times they do, they totally have Something. and when she describes her perfect guy?? its the opposite to edward. its rodney. anyway- )
Anyway, thank you for asking! And reading, if you made it this far XDD Sorry for the word-vomit!! I just really really love this story and I really hope one day I can finish it ^^ <3<3<3<3<3<3
I hope you are doing well too- better then before at least ^^ I hope the time away from Tumblr is doing you well! You're right, it can be a very harmful atmosphere and I'm so proud of you for knowing when you need to take a step back!! 💛💛💛💛💛
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illadvisedselfships · 9 months
Merry Christmas in Australia!!!!
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I have something to offer you on this holly holiday. F/O Christmas imagines!
Imagine celebrating Christmas with Callahan. He's pretty loaded, so you're definitely getting high end gifts. Buuuuuttt that's not all! You know those Christmasy fun things you see on YouTube or TikTok that you want to do, but you know it's out of your pay grade? Like a hot chocolate bar, or more fancy baked desserts that require specific ingredients? Well, sure Callahan is a jerk... But, for you, I'm certain he'll accommodate whatever you want to try... As long as you return the favor with whatever he wants to do with you 😏
Imagine trying to pull Cruella away from work. Before you, she probably worked through Christmas if she wasn't invited to any masquerades or parties. This year, nothing of the sort happened, so your mean wife is trying to get a head start on her spring fashion line. But you know that this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to have a nice, at-home Christmas with your high class Cruella. Cruella may not be so easily swayed by your femine wiles like Callahan, though you are the only one on the planet who has a smidgen of a chance at getting Cruella out of her office and in her furs with a mug of cocoa. Do you succeed?
Imagine a cozy little Christmas with Jim!! He is a tad upset he didn't get a good poaching job before; he really wanted to treat you this year his inner sugar daddy shines through on your birthday and Christmas I bet. But you know how to take his mind off of it ^^ you tell him you don't need some fancy present or anything like that. All you need is your favorite outdoors man, some Christmas movies and snacks, and a blanket big enough for you two to share- or better yet, one of his flannels 😏
Imagine that since Otis celebrates Christmas early for you, you don't have to worry about fitting him in your Christmas Visits schedule so much. You can see him first! I.... Can't guarantee that the way the Fireflies celebrate Christmas is very family friendly. But I can say that Otis is definitely gonna try to be gross about the mistletoe tradition with you. Also, you can get away with putting a Santa hat on him this year. He'll be a grump about it, act like he doesn't want it, but note how he doesn't take it off (if it were Baby, he would have. But it came from you ^^)
I hope these put a smile on your face! Even if they are a little OOC I bet 😅 Merry Christmas!
Merry (belated) Christmas Eve In America!!!
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I completely wasn't expecting this- thank you so so much!! As you know I accidentally woke up way too early but it was completely completely worth it to read this and thank you before all the Christmas craziness began!!
Ahhh! These are so perfect, my heart is feeling all squirmy!! XDD They fueled me all day XD No really, whenever I got tired 💤💤💤 I started thinking about them and felt better XD
And- of course- I couldn't help it and had to write lil x reader excerpts for each of these ideas below the cut XDD I wanted to write them all, but the Christmas vibes are slipping away from me- so I just did Callahan and Otis! (Truly couldn't resist XD) XD I LOVED THEM ALL, THOUGH, I ASSURE YOU! XD
(Professor) Callahan x reader:
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You weren't sure about staying over Christmas eve and spending Christmas morning with Aaron- it seemed pretty close. Intimate. Sentimental, for him. Sure, you were becoming closer but he didn't seem the type to do Christmas.
Definitely a Scrooge type, you thought.
But you're surprised to see him put in some effort this morning! Sure, he's just sitting there at the kitchen table with bedhead in his pyjamas (An oddly casual navy blue t-shirt and sweatpants combo that always makes you feel a little hot. Or a lot depending on how close he stood to you) drinking a black coffee while you open up expensive presents he shouldn't have got you and peer excitedly into a box of beautiful Christmas breakfast pastries he ordered this morning for you both, but its nice. Its... conventional, except for the fanciness of his townhouse and the gifts he got you. Its just the two of you, not flirting not fucking not arguing, just spending an almost domestic Moment together. It would almost be traditional, if it weren't for the nature of your relationship hanging over your heads- though you don't really mind that. Its cosy!
Finally after thanking him profusely for the gifts, and telling him he really didn't need to get you that much!!, you go get him his present; setting it in front of him with a childish Christmas eagerness. "This one's for you! Go ahead, open it."
"I can see you wrapped it yourself," He teases, picking it up with one hand and silently laughing at the crazy bad wrapping. Sighing and rolling your eyes with a grin, you shake your head at him and urge him to go on then- go on- stop harassing me about my sad gift wrapping skills and open it!
While he opens it, telling you he was looking for one of these when he realises what it is, you go and pick out a pastry for yourself and a Christmas tree donut for him, and sit down in the chair beside him; angling your knees towards him and resting your own feet on top of his under the table. He picks up the donut and gives it a good assessment, smirking in amusement at the silly food.
Meanwhile you wait a moment, thinking about it (About how unexpectedly good this morning has been with him so far. How warm you feel inside spending it with him. You really never expected it to be good like this, you expected him to ignore the holiday, but he did all this for you... ), before leaning over and gifting him a sweet kiss on the cheek. You couldn't help it. "Thank you, Cal, Merry Christmas."
"As much as I like my gift Y/N, you can pay me back in bed later." He tells you offhandedly, not even looking up from his curious silly breakfast. You almost laugh.
"Of course." You grin instead, shaking your head.
Otis B Driftwood x reader:
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After the kiss under the mistletoe that leaves your lips bruised, your mouth tasting of all the shit that Otis puts in his (An amalgamation of bad alcohol, smokes, some cum, some blood, and bad - sometimes off, - food tasting something like rot and battery acid), and your ass in need of an ice pack from the way he squeezed it, he tries to just give you a dirty filthy smirk and leave you there- but you dig your fingers into the front of his tight shiur before he can and draw him back to you. "Not so fast."
"Wh- "
"Hold on." Giving him a mischievous look, you reach with one hand into your deep coat pockets (Your other hand still holding him there) and pull out something red and white, and fluffy. Immediately a groan rolls out of your feral boyfriend, his head actually falling back a moment. Your eyes widen at him with that cheeky smile, and you nod. "Uhuh, yes."
"Fuck. no."
"Fuck yes." You don't wait for him to agree, you know he never will; you just reach up onto your tip toes against him and pull the santa hat on over his hair. When you settle back down onto the heels of your feet and take in the full picture, his cranky unamused, bearded frown and stormy blue eyes and that innocent-looking santas hat on his head!!, you cant help but laugh. "You look so good!!"
"Really!" You laugh, covering your mouth. "I think I'm hot."
"Right." He rolls his eyes, setting his strong scarred hands on his hips- but not taking it off. That really just shows how good a mood he's in; allowing you your little joke. There's even a ghost of a smirk on his mouth. "Sure. I believe that crap."
Spurred on by his almost pleasant demeanour, you give him mommy finger and add; "You gotta keep it on the rest of the night.", a teasing grin on your lips to match his.
Giving a sigh and a shake of his head, Otis just shrugs at you, like- fucking fine! whatever~, walking off towards the drinks table. You watch him go, tucking your thumbs into your back pockets, the softest look on your face. If he was always like this... well, its not a thought even worth thinking about. But- its nice, when he is.
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razberryyum · 4 years
Scumbag System (SVSSS donghua) Episode 10 Thoughts (spoilers)
(covers SVSSS chaps 24 - 26, BC Novels Translations)
And thus the first season of the SVSSS donghua comes to an end...rather weirdly abruptly to be honest, but more on that later. Obviously I love the donghua. It was not perfect, but it still exceeded my expectations. I truly appreciate what they were able to do within their budget constraints and I think they captured the spirit of the source material perfectly, which is really all I hope for when it comes to adaptations.  The writing was strong, the humor hit the spot always (for example, when poor Shizun got motion sickness from sword riding, I guffawed), and they also gave us some of the most beautiful characters I’ve ever seen on screen, especially with Shen Qingqiu, Luo Binghe and Liu Qingge. I really, really hope they release official figurines for them. I’m going to start saving my money now just for that possibility.
Even though their time together in this episode was short, the BingQiu love was definitely strong. They gave them a combo move that was not in the source material: for someone like me who grew up watching Cantonese dramas, two characters who have a combo sword move (”雙劍合璧”!) are usually a couple so I was especially tickled by this addition. I am always thankful to the donghua team for the little Easter Eggs they give us for BingQiu, like the way Binghe's eyes lit up when he sees SQQ... 
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or when SQQ touches him...
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Once again, for those not in the know, it can easily be interpreted as a disciple just being devoted and filial to his Shizun. But for those of us who have read the novel, of course we know it’s indication of Bingmei falling in love with SQQ. I love how subtle yet significant these little expressions of Binghe’s are, and I hope they continue on with these little touches even in the next season. 
Of course then there are the more obvious gestures, like that HUG:
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It lasted for a good 15 seconds and oh my God look at the Binghe’s hand placement!  There was totally nipple groppage happening there! This wasn’t in the book by the way...SQQ didn’t get woozy and Binghe most definitely didn’t have to catch him like some fainting damsel, so we have the donghua team to thank for this wonderful moment of (sexy) physical contact between the two of them. 
The donghua team was also especially generous in this episode since not only did we get some BingQiu love, but we got a pinch of LiuShen and QiJiu love too.
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LQG’s eyes were on SQQ the entire time! And then Yue Qingyuan as usual took any opportunity he got to touch his Qingqiu.  So all shippers were fed. Hell, they even threw in some more straight-baiting again so peeps who are watching the show for the “straight” romance between Luo Binghe and his never-to-be-future-wife Qin Wanyue were fed too since the scene where Binghe gives her the handkerchief to wipe away her tears were not in the chapters of the book for this episode, and racking my brain I don’t even think it was in the book, period. I’m trying to remember if that handkerchief even holds any significance but even if it does, it’s all for naught since we know Qin Wanyue is at most just a minor side character. She does pop up again later on but then is mostly forgotten, so...not quite sure what that moment was all about other than to, I don’t know, throw off the censors?
I’m also not sure why we spent so much time with Liu Mingyan and Gongyi Xiao in this episode. Nothing against them personally, I like both characters very much (despite my previous complaints about GYX’s character design), and it’s not that they don’t deserve more screen time, but this was the season finale! Even though the next season has been announced, God knows when we’ll see it next year and how many episodes it would be, so every minute of screen time matters! That’s why I was a bit puzzled that they used up half of the episode showing LMY basically facing the same perils with her group of fellow disciples as before and GYX just running from that huge serpent. Even if that thing DOES turn out to be Zhuzhi-lang, it was still a bit much. They weren’t exactly character building scenes either so...why? Budget reasons? Didn’t have enough money to pay SQQ’s voice actor (Wu Lei-laoshi) so they had to stick in miscellaneous scenes to lessen his screen time? 
I’m kidding of course. God I hope that wasn’t the reason because that would just be sad.
Speaking of miscellaneous scenes though, what was going on with these two dudes?
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I gotta admit, I’m a bit salty that these two mob characters got to do what our main couple can’t. What’s their story? Why do they get special privileges? Damn these nobodies. XD
All kidding aside, I have to say, of all the episodes this season, this might be the weakest one, not only because of the “filler” scenes, but also, the way the episode ended was so odd, especially for a season finale. The season basically ended on a scene transition. Not a cliffhanger, just a scene transition, and then cut to credits. What?? Why??? It’s almost as if they just ran out of time so had to stop the show all of a sudden. And then as if to make up for it, they added post-credit scenes which, honestly blew me away because it was so unexpected. It was indeed almost enough to make me completely forgive the weakness of the episode as a whole and that weird-ass ending.
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I teared up!  The scene was kind of chopped up, didn’t even flow that smoothly, but I still got emotional! I’m sure when I see this scene in its entirety next season I am just going to be destroyed. I think they made it even more gut-wrenching than it was in the novel. Looks like the donghua team really aren’t gonna hold back when it comes to delivering the BingQiu knives. 
We also got to see Mobei-jun appear in the post-credits scene; I guess they had to stick him in there since he was featured in the poster for this season, so it would have been weird if he didn’t at least make an appearance.
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I immediately thought of him as Sephiroth’s younger cousin when I first saw him on the poster and I still feel that way. Anyone related to Sephiroth, I will approve and instantly have affection for. For the MoShang shippers’ sake, I hope the Shang Qinghua they create for him will be just as pretty. I think I can now safely discard my guess from last time and also that moon-faced bearded ojisan others have guessed. We actually got a glimpse of the real deal in this sequence:
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They strategically made him blurry so you can’t really make out his features, but what we still can tell from there is that he does not have facial hair (hence, he cannot be the ojisan) and the hair crown he’s wearing is silver and different from the twinky sect leader. So I guess we’ll be getting a fresh out of the microwave Airplane Bro instead of any of the no-name potential cannon fodder we’ve already seen. 
We’ll probably get the abyss opening up in maybe even the first episode of next season but that’ll still leave a lot of ground to be covered in just 10 episodes (rumored). There haven’t been any talk about a third season, but I really hope it’ll happen, even though it might take them a while to make it. I know it’s premature to even think of a third season when we haven’t even gotten an actual release date for the second, but I’m greedy because I already miss the donghua. This season was over so quickly, I’m already mourning the lack of new episodes. I hope we get the second season in the first quarter of next year and then by some miracle, a third or even fourth to properly finish out the story. I know we will never get the FULL story, but as long as they keep the spirit of BingQiu’s love and continue to hint at it like they’ve been doing this season, I will be more than satisfied. 
And while I’m wishful thinking for new seasons, I hope we also get a BingQiu duet and character songs. I love the opening and ending theme this season, if they want to save money I totally don’t mind if they just use the same OP/ED themes in the next season as well, but I hope they throw in a good BingQiu insert song and then release some individual character songs as well. I’m still not a fan of Binghe’s voice, but maybe they can have someone else do his vocals for the songs. SVSSS is the older son of MXTX’s works, I feel like it already got short-shrifted in terms of adaptation since it got the lesser budget compared to MDZS and TGCF. Hopefully with how popular the donghua is this season, it will be given a bigger budget next season so they can bring to life all the subsequent proceedings from the book properly. And whatever they’re paying Wu Lei-laoshi, SQQ’s voice actor, they should double it because that man is just amazing. I worship his voice and performance. I wish he would read the audiobook version of the the novel. I would listen to the hell out of that.  I have always loved SQQ, but if I’m going to be honest, I came into the show just a little more excited about seeing Bingge being brought to life. I still love Binghe of course, in all his phases, however, now,  because of Wu Lei-laoshi’s stellar voice performance (and of course SQQ’s beautiful looks), I’m leaving this season absolutely head over heels about SQQ/Shen Yuan. Also thanks to the show, I’m completely obsessed with Liu Qingge as well.  So for those two reasons, I will eternally be grateful to the donghua team.  
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inventors-fair · 3 years
Two guilds, one cause group commentary
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Super sorry for being super super late.  Here’s the commentary about the guild colab cards.
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@dumbellsndragons First of quite a lot split/aftermath cards for this contest! I was quite surprised! Beast is not much but it’s an honest spell. The real deal is Breakfast! It essentially doubles the power of your board, by splitting it to 2/2 bodies that can in turn trigger various etb effects. Temporary buffs, (bloodrush anyone?) can play a huge roll on how many tokens you can make!
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@i-am-the-one-who-wololoes​ Misjudged this one, took it for an Izzet Simic spell, while it’s actually an Izzet Gruul one that plays into the destroy to create mentality of the two guilds. While witty and creative, this spell feels a little too specific. It definitely has a fun side but I fear people would use it more as a combo piece.
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@abzanhero​ Sel-gari was a very popular combination and Rotweaver is a very nice example on how those two guilds could interact. It fills the graveyard, cares about the graveyard and has the potential to make HUGE tokens for you to populate. All that in the expense of immediate impact on the board, but I asked for kitchen table EDH cards, and this fits the category very well.
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@helloijustreadyourpost​ I love the throwback to popular EDH cards like Savra and the first print of Teysa that care about the color of creatures you control.  That said, I am not a fun of the limitations on the card, as I view more like a Yu-gi-oh design than an mtg card, where usually the only limitation is the cost of the card.
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@bioodprice Great control card but the two triggers feel conflicted as the one taps a creature, and the other punishes the players for having untapped creatures. Either way, it has good pillowfort potential as it can hinder both voltron strategies and punish token based decks.
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@dimestoretajic​ Great tempo card, would do wonders in limited enviroments. Lorewise, it’s sad to see that guilds consume their messengers. If this trend continues, Vivien will surely pay Ravnica a visit XD
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@ghoulcaclulator64​ First of all, congratulations for going the extra mile and made your own artwork for the card! It’s really cool!
On to the ability of the card, its very well stated and it has great combo potential with all the copy effects of blue and red that can help you create an army of deadly blasters. I am not sure whether you wanted the trigger to work with spells any player controls or not, but all in all I find Whip-Walker an interesting design!
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@kytheon4-4 Great flavor text that fits the theme of the design challenge 150%! Also a quite impactful card on a tri colored creature deck of all shapes and sizes. If mentor returns, it could definitely appear on Green creatures, or creatures of any color, like Exalted
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@hypexion​ When you’re a Gorgon with a Biology major, there’s no need to stay in the undercity XD In general I like the use of ability counters, and this applies here as well. The +1/+1 counter would serve as a reminder for the deathtouch counter, though I must complain that Mila herself doesn’t have deathtouch but has to work for it like a guildless peasant.
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@yourrightfulking​ For GGUURR you get two cards and at least a 2/2 body plus 2 damage wherever you want. This is an insanely good deal, and this being an instant means that you can also mess up combat big time. I wouldn’t call the card broken in any way but I feel there should be some moderation, maybe the damage affect players and planeswalkers? But that’s me nitpicking, all in all pursuit of perfection was a very nice entry for the contest.
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@nine-effing-hells​ In a similar vein, from a mechanical standpoint, chorus of battle offers +4/+4 , with the additional trample and lifelink. Comparison with Titanic Ultimatum is inevitable, and it offers a lot more for an additional mana. I think here it should be safer if the play was asked to offer a single R and W to get the bonus and not the double colors which add a lot of weight to the card without clear benefit.
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@misterstingyjack​ The design challenge was meant for you to design tri colored cards. There were a few color matters submissions, but this is the best “rulebreaker” and who’s a better rulebreaker than a goblin gang that pays homage to Shattergang Brothers A really cute card whose effects are relevant  in an EDH game, especially the green one. Death to the mana rocks! 
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@grornt​ Great revisiting of Graft and I love the fact that with haste, the total damage you can do to the opponent doesn’t change as you pass around your counters! Interestingly, Riot and Bloodthirst also operate with +1/+1 counters so this beasty truly unites Simic and Gruul!
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@hiygamer​ If there’s one thing “cannon” in this challenge, it’s that the Selesnya and the Golgari will rebuild Vitu-Ghazi! The abilities and the overall flavor of the card are super sweet, but I think we should be wary of lands with the potential to generate tons of mana. For example, as much as I love symmetry in design, the graveyard matters part of the card shouldn’t be on equal ground with the other ability as it’s easier to produce more mana with mill shenanigans.
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@col-seaker-of-the-memiest-legion This pricey enchantment is so splashy, Kiora would probably try to steal it. Good thing you considered planewalkers on the second ability, because then you would have certainly crossed the line. I don’t know what kind of deck is the true home for this card, but even one turn with this card on the battlefield will decide the course of the game.
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@dabudder​ For 2WUG, you get a 5/5 flyer and you draw one card. It’s not much, in EDH at least, but it’s definitely an honest play. Again, the fate of Vitu-Ghazi is on the spotlight, and here we see the Azorius care about it! Who knew Ravnicans love Selesnya that much?
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@koth-of-the-hammerpants Scavenge 6 for merely two mana is a tremendous deal. The Second activated ability takes an A for creativity and flavor, as we see the pinnacle of recycling in this combined Simic Golgari project. I feel a few balance tweaks are required here and there but the idea of a creature “reforming” itself through +1/+1 counters is damn cool.
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@narkis24​ Puns and memes are always appreciated but the abilities, while interesting, they have me wondering whether this is too oppressive for your opponent. The free treasure token every now and then is pretty innocent and it may be the token of an unofficial alliance made on the kitchen table. However, the potential of multiple counterspells with little investment  seems a bit scary. I would rather it somehow required self sacrifice in the ability so people don’t gang up on you.
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@thedirtside I love the name and its connection with the bouncing nature of the card. While overall this spell feels weak or requires a lot of mana, I feel there are decks out there that would appreciate the utility this card offers.
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@bread-into-toast​ Selesnya and Orzhov is a wild combination from every perspective but as the flavor text suggests, all woodshapers are welcome XD
The 5 toughness guarantees that you will make a good number of tokens before this thrull enters the soil, and it might deter a couple attacks while on the battlefield because it can potentially make 10 or more tokens with a good block. An Abzan token deck will have dozens of ways to utilize this small army, and the deat trigger gives you yet another one if there are not any available at that time. All in all, a stellar design. I didn’t do a runners up post this time, but this could be easily included.
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@gollumni​ A solid utility 4 drop that shines more at late game than on curve because as the challenge suggests we’re playing kitchen table edh. For the full colored cost you disable three potential blockers. I love the tiny detail that unlike other creatures in the original ravnica that cared about different colors of mana when you cast them, Enlisted Banisher represents all three colors for the sake of devotion and color matters cards, like the beloved Knight of New Alara.
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@shakeszx A very unique design that encourages different tribal strategies in an attempt to unite everything under its glorious pincers during combat. I feel a deck with Gedj as a commander would be both fun and challenging to build. I suppose it would contain a lot of Slivers and Allies. If anybody makes this deck please let us know!
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@wolkemesser​ A wild project uniting Gruul and Izzet. This is probably the most intricate design I’ve seen in a while, utilizing XYZ, three colors, two kinds of tokens. But what about the kitchen table? The options this card offers are insanely good, so much that I think it’s undercosted. The red ability, essentially lets you save up mana, and treasures can also help you generate mana for the other two options of the card.
And while the power level is definitely high, I have to commend you for considering when the player is allowed to do these crazy mana sink shenanigans. Having a specific time window is important and setting it on main phase 2 means that you give both yourself and you opponents time to figure things out.
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@teaxch​ Excellent build around potential and I like that the optional copying trigger as you can utilize a deck with both buffs and single target removals. The spiciest thing about this card is that it has the highest cannon potential because actually Izzet and Boros collaborate to create advanced soldiers. It’s Captain Amrica all over again :P They even got the right colors
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@masternexeon​ I love the irony of a card that obstructs your opponents playing cards during your turn has flash itself. It’s a real solid hate bear. The haste hating is more of a trinket text than a relevant ability, but it’s better to have a rare ability than not having it.
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@partlycloudy-partlyfuckoff I don’t know why this doesn’t have a straightforward adapt X ability, let’s move past that. Any numbers of counters are always welcome, but in this design it’s easier to get a good amount of counters early game, for example going for 4 on turn 4 is a really nice play and you can swing for 7, which will have a long and memorable impact on the kitchen table. On the other hand, if you topdeck this late game, there’s a chance you won’t be able to pay 11 for the 11 creatures you might have in the graveyard.
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@davriel-canes-tea-supplier​ Another aftermath card. You surprised me there! Get down is a slightly more expensive freeze two spell, but that’s customary for dual purpose cards like this. On to business, we got a selective wrath effect. It’s more disruptive than an actual sweeper because odds are the opponent sees it coming (except if you discard it on purpose to head straight to business) Overall I feel the whole card could be a bit cheaper but I appreciate the impact it can have in the game, and it also helps me create an image of the Ravnican lobby that’s in the hands of Orzhov with the assistance of the Azorius
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@reaperfromtheabyss​ Ending, with a flashy comeback of Fuse! Both halves are great cards in their own right, Body is a tad better than life’s legacy because it also gives life at the price of one black mana instead of any mana, and Soul can produce a respectable amount of flying tokens while wiping a player’s graveyard. The combined effect isn’t as explosive as other fuse spells, but the utility it offers is much appreciated. And while the card frame for fuse isn’t flavor text friendly, I really like the story it tells, about how the two guilds care about death and how they utilize it for their advantage.
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chaoticspacefam · 4 years
6.  “How do you think this will all end?” for D'leah, please <3
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Pinky once again picking THE juiciest possible combo of prompt + characters, everybody go thank her bc I had a blast with this 👀 I’ve been wanting to write a oneshot for this part of the story for a while and this is the perfect excuse mwahaha 
@palepinkycat here you go! Sorry this one took a little while, I haven’t had time to sit and write it out till now, but hopefully it’s a decent enough length to make it up to you! 👀
I have more to say about the body language I described in here (namely the significance of the “under chin” snuggles & also why D’leah Yelled At Abe When He Tried To Do It To Her At The End), but I have a Worldbuilding tag somewhere in my mentions so I’mma save it for that basically. More Tomato Lore gonna drop sometime in the next week or two once I’m done with the drawings skshsks I tried to do one for this one too but it was not coming out right so maybe some other time XD
I’ve seen a lot of fics explore what it’s like to have a Force bond and communicate with it but I’ve seen very few that deal with the “what if it breaks when one of them dies” side of it, so this is my take on what happens and how it probably feels for the “surviving” party; I usually describe my Force bonds as a sort of ethereal “thread” type thing that then connects their emotions/souls/however you want to see it and yadda yadda, so...you can’t tell me that snapping that thread wouldn’t fucking hurt ;-; For extra heart hurty, the song quotes were the main two songs I listened to while working on each “part” of this fic, so you can use them for ambience if you want ;)
As always I use the Coruscant Translator for (most of) my High Sith, translations are included on the bottom however :) (since the quote from the prompt is said in Sith, they’re gonna talk in High Sith sometimes being well...Sith :3)
Abaron is the best brother-in-law, I do not make the rules. D’leah you need to apologise to this man immediately 😂 she does, immediately after this (not shown) dw, I swear
Timeline/Setting: 3729 BBY (roughly/according to the still-holey timeline I’ve been working on since the “canon” one was released) Immediately post-Valkoriate takeover. As in, literally just happened slash is happening as this occurs.
Warnings: Character Death mention (Kissai), Breaking Force Bonds, Plenty of angst (it was from an “angsty” prompt list, after all! 😬) , possible slight gore (?) in the form of description of a former  injury from a concussion grenade (just to be safe lol), and ofc some Cuss Words (™) 
^^ these are ur warnings, click past this cut at ur own risk and I am not responsible for how you react bc you chose to pass the warning k thanks ^^
“Don’t care if he’s guilty, don’t care if he’s not. He’s good and he’s bad and he’s all that I’ve got. Oh lord, oh lord, I’m begging you please...don’t take that sinner from me -” ~ The Civil Wars, “Devil’s Backbone”
It all happened so fast, they had to react fast if they were going to save the twins, and D’leah knew that. She’d tried so desperately to help her husband, pouring as much of her Force energy as she could through the bond they shared. It had always worked before, why wasn’t it working NOW?! D’leah didn’t know, but she could feel him growing weaker and weaker by the second. 
D’leah - his voice was so distant and faint, she almost didn’t want to acknowledge the reality of it. No, no no, he wasn’t dying he couldn’t be dying, no no no…. D-Don’t do this. Sai… her grip on the control cluster tightened until her knuckles turned pale, they were already in the air. It would be easy to do what she knew he was about to ask...but it would mean leaving him to his fate. Could she do that?
Dimly, D’leah could hear Abaron chattering to the girls behind her as he made sure they stayed in their seats, but she couldn’t hear the words any of them were saying, there was just him and that horrible, ominous weakness bleeding from her husband’s end of the bond. 
You need to run… Kissai urged her. PROMISE me. The girls-
I can’t...not without you! her mind-voice caught as if the words were difficult to form, she felt him slip further away and frantically tried to bolster his strength up again, but somehow, she couldn’t put her finger on how, it only seemed to make the other Pureblood weaker. Sai, snichi… she pleaded, and she could feel the barest attempt at a smile from her husband as he gave her his final farewell, 
Nu aki j’us, D’leah. RUN. For me...
His words were far weaker now, more forced, as if even Kissai knew he was running out of time to convey his plea. D’leah realised with a growing sense of horror that they really didn’t have another option, she had to protect their daughters. She reached towards the navcomputer to punch in the quickest hyperspace code she could think of that would get them as far away from Imperial Space as possible, but never managed to get there. 
The pain hit her so fast that D’leah had no time to prepare for it even if in reality, she’d known it was coming. First, came the white-hot metal rod of pain that jammed right down the center of her spine. Every nerve ending felt like it was on fire and it was this that was enough to cause her to cry out in pain and lose her grip on the ship’s controls as the Pureblood was thrown sideways in her seat. She managed to fall with just enough grace to get herself out of Abaron’s way and as she hit the floor and the pain kept coming, she faintly heard the man curse in High Sith as he lunged across to take her place in the pilot’s seat before they nose-dived into Force-only-knows what, out here in open space like they were. 
Then she felt the thread of Force energy between herself and her husband straining, threatening to snap, and before long, it did. D’leah knew logically there was nothing she could do to stop it, and that trying would make it hurt more, but she was desperate and on reflex she could not help but try. Frantically, she reached out with her own Force energy and clasped for each thread as it tore away from her, bit by bit, as if clutching at the strings would somehow, futilely, keep him here. Would let him live. But still, the pain came again, and again, and she fancied that the sinews of flesh being ripped from bone when she lost part of her face to that concussion grenade had been less painful than this. “No...no no no no please...please! NO!!!” Everything else was so faint and far-away in comparison that D’leah didn’t realise that her scream had been out loud this time, her fingers fumbling for her heart, though she couldn’t rightly tell if that was where the pain was truly coming from and it was simply a reflexive reaction. 
For a long while she clenched her teeth through wave after wave of pain, and while it didn’t stop, it became easier with every breath for D’leah to push it into the background. Slowly, the Pureblood’s blurry vision cleared and she realised the twins were staring down at her, wide-eyed in horror. 
She needed to get up. She needed to go to them, she needed to be strong. For them.
Saarai reached for her first, but she scooped both of them up into her arms as best as she was able, all but falling into the seat where the twins had been huddled moments before. The girls both clamored to settle themselves as close to her as they could without pushing the other out of her grasp too. D’leah held onto them as tightly as she could, only vaguely aware of Saarai’s voice as she chattered a question up at her, catching every second word or so. “Moooom!” as she reached up towards her again, and “Dad...gonna find us...right?” 
Their mother shushed them softly, adjusting her grip to fit both of the twins, as best she was able, beneath her chin. Safe. They were safe there.
“Shhh, shh-shh, my little one.” she croaked shakily, a tremor passing through her frame as she tried to keep her voice steady and convincing through the lie. “He’ll catch up later, don’t you worry.” 
They sat in silence, D’leah clutching them against her chest as if they, too, might disappear if she let them go for even one second, and Abaron took over piloting the ship so that she didn’t have to. He’d practically done all the work already, anyway. She risked a glance down at her daughters, and caught the wary glint in Saarai’s golden eyes, the sideward glance at her sister, and she knew that they knew it was a lie. But she had not the heart to tell them that yet. Not now, through the tears that had begun to stream from her eyes despite her attempts to hold them at bay. She did not mean to cry, but what else could she do??
Saarai’s tiny fingers reached up shakily, when she realised what they were, to brush the liquid tracks from her chin and the spurs on her jaw. It only made her cry more and hold them tighter.
“Nunchi woiunoks, oi ai utja…” she breathed soothingly, hoping it was convincing enough for the twins. “Mom’s got you...nothing is ever going to hurt you while I’m here.” She held them like that right until they landed.
“The daughter of a lawyer, told the fallen priest “it’s a cold, cold place in the arms of a thief”, And tapping at the arrow in her heel, she said “LEAVE ME ALONE! ...but just don’t leave me here, alright?” Alright..” ~ Iron & Wine, “Arms of a Thief” 
By the time they arrived at their destination, some planet called “Rishii” that she doesn’t ever recall knowing of before - but perhaps that’s a good thing - and Abaron managed to find them a place to stay, the pain she had felt had dulled to more of a phantom throbbing than anything else. But her consciousness felt vulnerable and empty without Kissai’s own Force presence winding around hers, she felt alone, even though physically she was not. D’leah had sung and rocked the twins to sleep, with some effort, and glanced down at them as they slept, Ni’kasi’s arms curled around her sister as she burrowed under her chin for comfort beneath the blanket their mother had tucked around them.
The pain was gone, and in its wake came the FURY. It bubbled to the surface all too quickly, and D’leah began to tremble again, a growl rumbling deep in her throat as she realised that first, the girls were theoretically out of danger, and secondly, she still had a ship. She could go back. 
“I’m going to kill that fucker.” the Pureblood wheeled for the door, only to find it blocked by Abaron, who seemed to have pre-empted her outburst. She stopped short, a hiss slipping past her teeth as her lip curled back to show her fangs briefly. “Abe. Move.” she snarled, resisting the urge to shout so as to not wake Saarai and Ni’kasi from their slumber. The tips of Abaron’s jaw spurs shook as, for once in his life, he declined to follow her order. 
“No. My Lord, I can’t let you do that.”
It took every ounce of her self control not to do worse, but as it was, D’leah tried to lunge for him so she could force her way past, he might not have been taller than her but he was stronger, and heavier too. The man reacted just as quickly, his own hands closing around her wrists to push back and keep her in place, his own feet firmly rooted in the doorway as he grunted. “D’leah! Listen to me, please!” 
The tears threatened to come to the surface again, her eyes burning hot, though this time the matriarch forced them down, though her voice still quivered as she spat, each word punctuated with a quiver in her voice.
“You have no idea how I am feeling right now!”
“Not wholly, no.” Abaron argued, releasing her arms as she dropped them back to her sides, her remaining spurs still rattling softly in agitation. “But I know that going back there now is foolish, my Lord!” 
“Get. Out. Of. My. Way!” D’leah hissed, though she didn’t have the strength left after the manic dash away from Kaas to call the lightning to her fingertips and lend to the threat she was trying to punctuate. “H-He is sitting there, on our homeworld, w-with our people’s blood on his hands!” she tried to shove him again, but her fist connected dully with the plated armour on the other Pureblood’s chest and didn’t make much of an impact on him. “They’re all dead and y-you just want me to -!!” 
“I’m trying to protect you, my Lord!” his teeth flashed back at her, yet another thing she would not have stood for if she was half as lucid as usual. He continued on further, his voice a low, agitated growl as he lowered his face to hers as if to punctuate his point. “That is my charge, it’s what you bid me to do and I will not have you risking your life for such a foolish venture, you’re not thinking straight! We are the only ones left! It’s my duty to make sure that all three of you stay alive!” 
She flinched at the reminder. Them, and Vowrawn, perhaps...if he was sneaky enough. But Abaron was right, going back would put him at risk, too. His eyes searched hers frantically, and his hands remained raised as if Abaron wasn’t completely sure he wouldn’t need to hold her back again. D’leah was in half a mind about it herself, she wasn’t sure how to react now. And what her brother-in-law said next put the nail in the coffin, so to speak: 
“Dias dari j'us minti pa saû iki wisa qorit?” he urged, the words a muttered whisper.
The Pureblood matriarch felt her anger fizzle out almost instantly as the realization sank in. The girls....they were only children. They were far too young for this. Too young, they were too young for this talk of death and loss and grief; too young to have to understand if she left them here and did not come back either. Their father’s passing would weigh heavily on them for the rest of their lives, they didn’t deserve to have to lose their mother, and on the same day, too...
She deflated, her shoulders sagging in defeat, and another tremor wracked her frame as she dropped her own gaze to the floor for the moment. “Abe...I-” 
“I know.” he sighed, relaxing as he stepped up to draw her against his chest sympathetically. She almost didn’t react, until she felt his chin brush the top of her head and she realized what he was trying to do. Despite his attempt at the gesture being comforting, D’leah jerked herself away from him to growl warningly. “Dari nindz.”
He looked momentarily taken aback, holding his hands up amicably as he apologised. “I was just...I thought you needed-” “Nu sûa nindz zo ardira!” she snapped at him, but mercifully, turned away from the door and stalked further inside once more.
Sith translations, in order:
Snichi... - please... 
Nu aki j’us. - I (romantic) love you.
Nunchi woiunoks, oi ai utja. - Sweet little one, it’s alright.
Dias dari j'us minti pa saû iki wisa qorit? - How do you think this will all end? 
Dari nindz - Don’t.
Nu sûa nindz zo ardira! - I’m not a child!
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dolcetters · 3 years
vanilla sunday .
no one asked, i just heckin’ felt like it m’dude. under readmore for length. i’ll try to keep my answers relatively to-the-point, too, since this’ll be a longer post but feel free to inquire on things or ... whatever u-u/ aye. i go sleep now.
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is your muse a romantic? do they dream of love and marriage?
short answer: no.
as a teenager, dol didn’t have much interest in pursuing a romantic relationship with any of his peers around yuflam--or at all, really. by the time he got to academy things were either too busy or starting to get too tense for him to consider the idea. and shortly after that he went over a decade thinking he’d never even see sunlight again.
at this point, he just... --it’s just another thing he might want but doesn’t recognize it as something he wants. because he’s earnestly so bad at listening to his own desires and is more than willing to cast them aside if it means aiding someone he cares about achieve their own.
is your muse a deviant? are they overly flirtatious or forward?
no. there’s no real expansion on this, just no. <xD he tends to be much more bashful and sheepish, partially because of aforementioned inability to recognize he might want a relationship with someone. and even if he DOES realize this, he’s... extremely self aware. we’ll leave it at that.
is your muse good at kissing? are they experienced?
NOPE. and no. he’s never kissed anyone.
does your muse initiate a lot of physical contact?
nooooo no no no. he has an anxiety disorder (haphephobia) revolving around physical contact and even something as “small” as shaking hands or a shoulder bump can make him very nervous, uncomfortable and alert. the reaction is almost doubled if it comes with the sensation or energy of being grabbed.
it’s going to take a lot of time, patience, and trust for him to be comfortable initiating physical contact with you.
is your muse comfortable with public displays of affection?
no, for both the above reason as well as the paranoia that comes with being a fugitive/legally dead. the less attention that’s drawn to him, the better. at most, he’d hold your hand... but refer to the previous question for that.
does your muse steal clothing from their partner?
less “steal” and more borrow. due to having limited resources after escaping the labs and very few belongings he can truly call his own, dol wouldn’t/doesn’t just take or use things that belong to friends, family or potential partners (part of this spurs from his OWN resource guarding). he’d be more likely to approach you while you were brushing your teeth and be like “hey, s’it cool if i wear your hoodie today” and then respond based on that answer.
and he’s going to ask you every time. he doesn’t assume.
is your muse the big spoon or the little spoon?
varies! but most likely, when they’re facing each other, he little-spoons because pressing his face into the curve of the neck just above the collar is not only secure and comforting somehow, but he can hear your heartbeat.
when one of them is facing away, he tends to big spoon. --and obviously this is all assuming he’s at that level of comfort when it comes to physical touch + the partner.
is your muse comfortable with, or proud of their body? are they insecure?
he’s very comfortable and proud of his body when it comes to his physical build, strength, fitness, etc. his strength and speed is something he values and keeping himself healthy and capable is very important to him. he knows he’s done a good job (those arms don’t lie) and he takes pride in that.
~however~, being a chimera... --he’s optimistic, yes. he’s just happy to be alive, of course. it’s not so bad. ...but he is fully, deeply, and painfully aware of how someone might react to witnessing some of his “quirks” when it comes to his splice or the idea of being with someone who isn’t entirely human. and the fact that he often became a target of light jabbing and jokes with the nesties, because dog behavior is much more well-known and commonly familiar than croc or snake or bull behavior, has only added to this awareness.
then, of course, there’s the added detail that he’s not even a perfected chimera. he’s just a successful one. a C- on some government biology test; barely passing.
so yeah. there’s some surface level pride, but... a lot of shame underneath.
is your muse attracted to any features in particular?
physical? no.
he has a soft spot and respect for people who refuse to give into their pain, though. where he experienced trauma and fear and let it make him hardened in a lot of ways, there are other people who have only become brighter, warmer, and do whatever they can to keep someone else from experiencing what they have.
to say he admires that trait in a person is an understatement.
have their crushes been mostly male, mostly female, or evenly split?
he’s only really had two, and they’ve both been gals, so i guess that makes it mostly female. i’ve mentioned before that he might have been uselessly in love with martel in the time before the raid (whether she felt the same is unknown) and he in default verse is lowkey sweet on rose.
have their partners been mostly male, mostly female, or evenly split?
he hasn’t had a partner.
is your muse easily flustered? do they blush, swear, etc.?
yes, yes, yes. him being flustered is usually a combo-result of: (1) not being used to that kind of attention from someone he actually likes,  (2) having no idea how to respond, (3) internalized shame over what he is, and (4) he’s a fucking idiot.
where is your muse most sensitive?
his head, mostly, especially on his hair line and around the ears.
and i can 10000% promise to you that if he ever lets you comb your fingers in his hair or rub around his temples and you make some kind of dog-related-comment, you’re actually going to cause a shit-ton of psychic damage i’m gonna need you to roll like 10d6 for me.
please, please please please don’t ever refer to him as--or make jokes connecting him to--a dog in moments that are supposed to be vulnerable and/or intimate, i can’t... express this enough, it will hurt him.
is your muse more submissive or dominant in a relationship?
idk, i guess submissive but again: idk
would your muse ever tempt their partner, e.g. flirting, wearing tight/sexy clothing?
nah. not really his thing.
if he does “tempt” them it’s going to be sincerely accidental. like... yeah you walked in on me doing pull-ups i guess. would you hand me my water bottle? i’m parched.
does your muse initiate heated/sexual contact, or do they wait for their partner?
i feel like this question deserves it’s own post because i have a LOT of thoughts regarding rosecetto, specifically, on this topic.
outside of that ship, however, the answer is likely no. he’s not the initiator primarily for touch-anxiety reasons and also chimera-related-shame reasons, even if the partner has assured him there’s nothing wrong with him in the past.
does your muse leave hickies? do they ask for them?
eeehhhhh???? ... i guess accidentally sometimes?? and no.
does your muse like to be pinned down, or to pin their partner?
that’s a big NO. if you pin him down, even if he’s reached a point of security with you that he allows you to touch him, you’re going to flare up any of that anxiety that had previously subsided. he’s been physically restrained and held down far too long and all for bad/painful reasons, and he can’t associate it with anything other than “they’re going to hurt me and i need to get away, no matter what i have to do”.
as for pinning his partner, it’s likely also a no because he’d just... be too aware of his own trauma to even try doing it and he’d probably be uncomfortable being asked to do it.
has your muse reached first/second/third base? home run?
honey, he’s done nothing, he hasn’t even swung--
would your muse be interested in engaging with multiple partners?
no. he doesn’t see anything wrong with it when it comes to other people but this is definitely not for him or something he could be comfortable with.
would your muse ever send a sexual text message? would they send pictures?
n/a, but even in modern verses the answer would be no
does your muse read smut, own magazines, or watch p-rn?
is your muse the type to discuss their sex life or sexual prowess with others?
abso. fucking lutely. not. no no no.
at absolute. MOST? he might open up to sakura (yinseal) about it. maybe greed (avadite). and it’d only be if he felt like he was doing something wrong or felt overwhelmed and self-conscious. but otherwise this is his and his partner’s business.
is your muse a top, a bottom, or a switch? do they have a lean?
defaults to bottom but will top if asked or in some circumstances.
crystal has confirmed that rose (forsakenflora) tops, so jfdlfjklsjkldhsd
how interested is your muse in sex and sexual activity?
he’s not.
it’s not a priority of his, and he definitely doesn’t want to hear about yours.
do they have sex frequently, occasionally, or rarely?
not at all right now jf kljdklhshf lhfklsdg
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missbrunettebarbie · 4 years
top 5 sortinghatchats combos? xD
This was hard as hell, lol. Obviously I knew I will have a lot of Snakes here, but then I had to start figure out how I feel about the others: turns out I don't like Badger secondaries all that much, doubles aren't really my thing (with one execptions), I strongly prefer improvisional secondaries and despite liking Badger primary morality on paper, I am not that attached to it. Go figure xD.
1. Snake Lion - Is it self-centered to put my own sorting first? Well, I don't care. I love Snake Lions to bits. I have 2 OCs who are def this combo (Pandora Adelardi and Rafael Serafium) and surprise, surprise they both dominate their respective verses. Maybe it's because I was always taught to love the Snake mentality while being told the Lion secondary approach is very bad that I find something fundamentally freeing in Snake Lion characters who succeed in their stories.
2. Double Snake - You pair up the most playful secondary with the most indulgent primary and of course I will love the result. As much as I love Lion secondary (and am a bit envious of those unburnt xDD), I think it's the Snake is the secondary that I am truly in awe of. It's my weakest model, but I am damn proud of myself when I pull it off. Double Snakes have a vivre-de-joie no one else has, breathing new life in any story they are in.
3. Lion Snake -Numbers 3 and 4 are a bit more interchangable, but I didn't wanted the top 3 to be only Snakes xDD. Lion Snakes, when they are healthy, are very entertaining. I especially love them when their primary is more chill than other Lions usually are. Padme Amidala, Toph Bei Fong, Lyra Silvertongue are all perfect examples of why this type of characters enrich a story.
4. Snake Bird - My darling masterminds! I wish there were more heroic examples of you. (Forever grateful to Trollhunters for giving us Claire as a perfect example of a good Snake Bird). Your own Darius, while not really heroic, proves why they can be so great in lead roles. And well, this is my mom's sorting and she can be one scary gal when she wants, but I love her to pieces. Ofc it had to make the list :DD.
5. Bird Lion - As I said, Lion secondaries are very admirable, IMO. And Bird primaries are fascinating. (I think I might have a Bird primary model IRL I toy with. Jeez, no wonder I give off Sam Winchester vibes) Combine the two and you get this unique kind of characters that truly deserve the Grail Knight moniker. They are a bit more mellow than Double Lions who I find intimidating in fiction (but apparently not on tumblr xDD) and aren't as much at risk as Badger Lions to fall into the self-righteous hero trope. When they are main characters they get narratives about finding the truth and not giving up till you do and I...really enjoy watching it xD.
Honorable mentions: Snake Badger (you get the short end of the stick because of my issue with Badger secondary), Bird Snake (we really need more of you), Badger Snake (CW's favourite type of protag from what I can tell. At least in the 2000's. Pity they are dark Badgers) and Badger Bird (fascinated by them. I call them Arhitects because of TGP's Michael and we also need more of them).
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eternalstarrlight · 5 years
The longer version of what Marinette should’ve said in response to choosing ice cream for herself, Adrien, and Kagami in the S3 Finale. (The shorter version can be found in my previous post Mari’s Ice Cream Decision.)
Hmmm... as for a name... I’ll think I’ll call this little re-imagining Banana Noir! XD
“I’ll take chocolate!” Marinette’s eyes widen at the answer that just flew out of her mouth. 
Her head immediately turns to see Adrien and Kagami silently staring at her, probably in wonder of why she hadn’t simply chose one of Andre’s suggestions.
Her feet shuffle nervously, eyes darting between her friends’ two faces. Not sure how to continue, she leans back on her heels, hands awkwardly meeting behind her back. She bites her lip, “Uh... You guys can get whatever you want.” 
Not waiting for their response, she turns away to see Andre scooping a large portion of chocolate ice cream for her. Without thinking, she blurts, “Could I also get some banana slices on that? With extra chocolate drizzled on top?”
Andre’s boisterous reply comes quickly, singing its way across the bridge, “Of course, Mari~nette!”
Shortly after, she’s handed an ice cream that’s fulfilled her request to perfection. “Wow,” she breaths, beaming with admiration at the creation she’s holding. “Thank you! I can’t wait to eat it!”
She looks back to her friends, who are still standing to her right. “Um,” she starts, a small questioning smile tracing her lips, “I’ll meet you guys by the water?”
Kagami nods in affirmation, “We’ll be along shortly.” She then departs, taking initiative to approach the cart and peer at its contents.
Adrien’s emerald gaze burns into Marinette’s as he matches her smile, “Yeah, we’ll be right down, Marinette.” He gravitates toward the cart, his eyes flitting from flavor to flavor. One arm stretches up awkwardly behind his head as he pauses to give a short laugh, “There are so many options, I don’t know where to start.”
A besotted grin quirks her lips at the sight of him; windblown and bathed in sunlight. Ahh... He’s so handsome... and tall… Has he gotten taller? 
Momentarily lost in her thoughts, she stays there a few seconds more assessing his form.
That’s when her mind takes the opportunity to remind her of another boy she knows, one with messy blond locks, piercing green eyes, and a quick wit. One who never fails to bring a smile to her lips whenever they’re together. 
She sighs. Yeah, he’s purrfe—
Her inner monologue reaches a screeching halt as she catches herself mid-thought. Nope, no way! Now is not the time to be thinking about him! She gives her head a small shake to stop that train in its tracks. 
However, it doesn’t stop reality from crashing into her as she realizes she’s still staring at Adrien like an absentminded idiot. Gah! Move, Mari, move!
Spinning around, she hurriedly descends the awaiting stairs of the bridge to plop down at the edge of the ravine. It’s so peaceful; she takes a moment to close her eyes and enjoy it. Underneath her feet, the river rushes noisily, drowning out the rest of her disgruntled thoughts. She breathes in the silence, contentment washing through her. A gentle breeze playfully tugs at her hair, throwing a few loose strands into her face. A giggle erupts from her as one tickles her nose.
When her eyes re-open, they immediately land on the forgotten dessert she’s holding. Excitement fills her as she grabs the miniature spoon to take a bite of her treat. A hum of satisfaction escapes her as the perfect blend of chocolate and banana melt on her tongue.
“That good?” A teasing voice interrupts from nowhere.
Her head jerks up in enough time to see Adrien taking a seat beside her. A blush sweeps over her cheeks. “Y-Yeah,” she mumbles, embarrassed.
“So, what made you choose that flavor combo, Mari?” He asks as he continues to settle down, his legs swinging over the side of the concrete to mimic her pose.
She blinks owlishly, glancing from the ice cream in her hands to the golden-haired boy next to her, “Oh, I don’t know…” Her hands unconsciously tighten around the cup in her palms, “No particular reason… It just sounded good to me, I guess.”
“Oh?” He says with a small smile and a slight raise of his eyebrows, “I never took you to be a banana and chocolate kind of girl.”
“Yeah,” she awkwardly laughs, “me either. But you know,” she says, squinting at the ice cream in consideration, “it actually tastes really good.” She proceeds to take another bite before continuing, “In fact, I think it’s good enough to deserve a name!”
Adrien lets out a low chuckle, “Really?”
“Truly!” She says earnestly, licking some runaway chocolate form her lower lip.
“Well then,” he leans forward, elbows touching his knees as an eyebrow arches conspiratorially, “let’s hear it.”
Marinette grins at the thought of how her partner would laugh if he heard this, “Banana Noir!” An ironic snort of laughter spills from her lips as she continues, “An unlikely pairing, but it’s purr-fect!” 
Yes, she decided, Chat definitely embodied this unique mix; especially after the other night he showed up in a banana suit!
Still chortling at the thought of her kitty, she glances over at Adrien, expecting to see amusement on his face. But what she saw there was quite the opposite. He seemed to be completely frozen. His eyes were huge, his mouth agape, he didn’t even appear to be breathing. 
Marinette’s eyebrows drew together in concern, “A-Adrien...” She whispers softly, her cobalt gaze clouding with worry as she intently searches his face, “Are you alright?”
Despite the whirling in his head, he tries to inhale to form a response, but he must’ve not done it right because as soon as he attempted to take a gulp of air he started to choke. Bad enough to where his own ice cream almost falls into the foggy waters of the river below.
A gasp parts her lips as a hand automatically flies up to his pat his back in hopes of helping his hacking cease.
When the wheezing in his lungs subsides, he sucks in a much-needed deep breath before trying to reassure her, “F-Fine. I’m fine.” He vaguely wonders if he’s muttering that more to himself than to her.
He then notices how Marinette’s comforting pats transform into soothing circles against his back and he swallows. He had to ask her. Out of all the names why--
Mouth dry and body tense at the possible answer, he rasps lightheartedly as possible, “Why that name?” 
Surprise flickers across her face as her hand stills, probably because she didn’t expect him to keep talking about her invented ice cream name when he almost suffocated from his own inability to breath like a normal human being. 
He sighs internally, she must think he’s so weird.
He continues to gaze at her inquisitively, lush green eyes locked with endless blue depths. It stayed that way for what seemed like an eternity, before she lets her hand fall and glances away, breaking the strange current that had been connecting them.
She allows one shoulder to rise and fall in a delicate shrug, before her sapphire gaze locates and settles on the Eiffel Tower in the distance.
A tiny smirk plays at the corners of her mouth, “It’s kind of a joke between a friend and myself; so the opportunity was just too ap-peel-ing to pass up.” Her eyes sparkle with mischief as they briefly collide with his before returning to the monument filling up the sky.
Struck speechless once again, all Adrien can do is sit there and stare at her as she snickers in response to some unvoiced musing and takes another bite of ‘Banana Noir.’
Kagami walks over to them a few minutes later--having finally chosen her desired ice cream flavors--for some reason Adrien is flushed bright red and Marinette is grinning ear-to-ear...
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kirango-rouge · 4 years
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”No shape to form.... No throat to yell its pain... It has fathers, whom it’s not born... it’s devoted, not insane...”
(When my sister did her killercreamare ship child Soul to honour the ATOS passion, she had asked me for suggestions samples designs that could inspire her. She liked the design so much that she harassed convinced me to finish it and do a ship child for myself. well... here we are x))
The White Ghost
-Other names: The Shape, The one that doesn’t speak
-Killercreamare poly ship child 
-height: taller than its dads
-Age: 2-3 days old (basically the time it took me to draw It and do Its sheet)
- “Its devotion knows no limit. It cares not for self-preservation. It would gladly die to protect the ones it bonded with. For Its pain is a so sweet poison”
-backstory (sort of):
The White Ghost is related to the ATOS timeline, where Nightmare, Dream, Killer and Cross are in a polyamorous relationship. One day, somewhere in the multiverse, it appeared, and in barely a few agonizing gooey heart beats, it was already adult. Following its memory sphere, it is quietly searching for its “family”.
-physical desciption: The White Ghost is born from two gods and two mortals defying death. Dream gave it the soul in the form of a peach (symbol of love and sin of a being so pure who dared to bond with mortals and traitors), Nightmare gave it the goo (dangerous and protective, it helds this simili of a body together, as if constently asking for forgiving), killer gave it the determination (the spark of life that animated this shapeless corpse, always on edge, always in pain, always fighting to continue to exist), and Cross gave it his monster code (what remains from his monster soul: dust of magic, breath of hope, hint of compassion. To form bones, to contain, to tame, to prevent the almost living shape to vanish in thin air because of its wild magic). Therefore The White Ghost body is composed of some bones and a lot of determined goo.
-origin of its creation: i was chilling at reading ATOS one day and i was re-reading the sheets of the kids and i was beaming “aw the kids are so cute omg”, and then it striked me. Usually the ship children are made physically quite appealing and pretty, like they always inherit of the “good parts” from their genitors. So i decided to create an unsettling and always transforming design, something showing that an association doesn’t always produce something “good”.
The White Ghost doesn’t have a definitive design because its soul is contently desintegrating and reforming its body. I presented here a form arbitrarly “stable” but sometimes the bones or the goo can become dominant before changing again (i even wish i would have succeed to make it look uglier). Its life is holding to a string and still The White Ghost will always hide the gooey parts of his body whenever it spots a change, so it can feel “normal” like the other kids for the uncertain time it has in this world.
-Weapon: Its weapon is made of magic. It is an extension of its own body from its hands, but you can’t easily notice unless you try to make it drop it. The White Ghost hides it because its think its freaky enough like this. The aesthetic may look strange, but you clearly don’t want to be hit by something looking like this.
-Dumb and Deaf and Blind: The Whiste Ghost can produce some gutural noises, but otherwhise it cannot speak nor hear clear words because its body cannot form permanant vocal and auditive systems. It also doesn’t know how to write, read, nor sign because no one taught them how to, so comunication is quite hard unless you’d agree to soultalk with it to at least understand how it feels. But he’s eager to learn. At least its vision is less impacted than the two other senses, but sometimes it can go through short to long periods without a frontal lobe to contain its eyelights.
-the memory sphere: The White Ghost owns a “sphere of memory” around its neck containing its “story”, like “first day with my father”, “playing with my sibs” ect... It didn’t truly live any of these, but it is attached to its emotions and would like to live them one day for real. -relationships: Fathers: The white Ghost feels pulled toward its genitors. It want to be close to them but also fear rejection. 
Dream: The White Ghost likes his kindness and patience. It would devote its entire being to serve and protect him and its other parents so they would keep it around. Such behaviour is quite disturbing to Dream and he’s helping it with self esteem. Dream taught It how to be more socially confortable so he can be independent around people without freaking out.
Killer: The White Ghost admires his resilience and strenght. Killer being the less “perfect” of Its fathers, The White Ghost feels more confortable around him. Both having to deal with constent determination flowding in their souls, they can rely on each other. Killer often wonder if it is his fault if this offspring looks so genetically mangled. He doesn’t want to think about The White Ghost as a “defective product”, convincing himself that he is surely the one who gave the wrongest “genes” to begin with because of his genocidal past. 
Cross: The White Ghost is fond of his emotions and devotion. Cross’ soul being more open than an audiobook with images, The White Ghost can easily soultalk with him and likes to follow him around. Cross doesn’t find it creepy at all (No sir, waking up at night with a glowing gooey form above you and staring down at you is definitely not creepy), and like killer he thinks that he may be in part responsible from the handicap of his spawn. Since Cross’ code was at a certain time not suppposed to exist, he supposed that it had more severe repercussions on his soul than he thought, and bad luck The White Ghost inherited of all the bad genes combos possible. Cross would like a better life for his offspring and think that maybe his knowledge in “overwriting” could help to stabilise its determination and, hopefully, maybe give It a certain, even if short, life expectancy.
Nightmare: The White Ghost is attached to Nightmare’s patience and attention. He doesn’t show it often but he stay attentive and watch over his children like a protective owl. Nightmare taught The White Ghost hos to read and writte and studied immediatly the Braille and the Signing so he could give more way of comunications to his spawn, since he is too insecure to accept to soultalk with It. Nightmare trie to not get attached to The White Ghost since It could dust without any warning one day (sure Nighty, we believe you). In some old times, such an obedient and devoted soldier would have delighted him, but today he’s no longer so sure about wanting this. He also trained It how to use its goo with more eficiency and taught It how to form tentacles.
Siblings: The White Ghost is also very affective with its siblings. It’s doesn’t know all the time how to interact witout soultalk, but he likes to follow them and watching them (not creepy i swear!). Soul is Its partner in strange tastes for weapons’ designs. Nox, Lux and armonia welcomed It in their club of the broken skulls. And It finds in Falx an infinite source of soultaking (and both would need to go to Undertherapy for a session of “determination anonym management”).
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orininal prototype of Soul’s design. you really can’t see the difference x)
welp, sorry for all this blabla xD
credits; my sister @serenade-bleue​ who forced supported me to finish it
and to the lovelies Type and Lyra from @atosofficial​ who are delighting us with their stories! love you dearies! <3
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Guess I'll make this thing I was thought of today or well Tuesday. Because it will be Wednesday soon in my area.
But seeing my Sweet Tooth post get a bit more noticed to me personally. I'll just reveal this.
As both as a fan of Bioshock and Twisted Metal. Despite I don't or I don't seem to want to really crossover Bioshock seriously with other franchises.
Yet for some reason and this started with joking to @feckinatlas I just like this weird comedic duo idea of Sweet Tooth/Needles Kane and Atlas/Frank Fontaine.
Just the idea of Atlas being so bothered and disturbed by the character of Sweet Tooth. That he's met someone who is possibly more evil than him. He's basically like, "What the fuck?" as Sweet Tooth talks about some disturbing shit.
I did just think they probably met a video game villain bar. Ugh no not a ship(Despite I by mistake almost put Sweet Tooth/Atlas). It's just the weird and funny combo of seeing them next to each other.
Including this all started or....one of the starting points of me joking about cosplay. Then I think to that I was imagining if Atlas drove a ice cream truck with these jingles.
Mainly the 2nd one because that's perfection. XD
I don't think I'll tag this. But on a reblog I'll tag it.
Edit okay not my first because I exit out one of just doing a smile for whatever reason I thought. :) Because thought I did that when I posted this. Yet I want to be serious. Considering I'm watching/listening to that video.
As a villain and character. Frank Fontaine scares me that I recall. Whether you're critical of his Bronx accent or whatever else. I have thought I think I got into that belief he is truly the, "Boogeyman Of Rapture" that folks in Rapture made him out to be. Which I think I upped that in my Rebirth AU or I'm sounding stupid. But the idea of him being a legitimate smart mother fucker who's trying to play nice guy.
Even though I do agree with a friend that Frank is a lucky brute. He's still pretty high on my favorite video game villains.
Crap I just thought imagine having JS Gilbert (The voice of Sweet Tooth) as the voice of Frank Fontaine. God no....that sounds stupid but makes him practically the Satan of Rapture.
I'm getting off topic. Frank is scary. Sweet Tooth is another level of scary or just a character I genuinely like. The reason why I started liking clowns actually.......weird and sick huh? I genuinely like his characterizations.
I'm sorry I got distracted just....the idea of Atlas revealing his voice....oh fuck....revealing his voice to be this.
Man.....I guess better than Skeet Ulrich which I have thought of recently ever since that criticism.....this got deeper. XD
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coltcougar · 4 years
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My second collaboration with the Mystic Moor starts with us referencing both our previous comic together and our proclivity for playing Guilty Gear Xrd and fighting as Slayer vs Johnny.  
The rules are the same as always: one page each alternating. Production value is whatever you feel like doing, and the plot is not pre-planned: we make the whole thing up as we go.
When referencing Skeletor, I found some truly fabulous fan art. Google him. you’ll find it too lol. When The Mystic Moor introduced a character from Sekiro, I actually bought the game so I could appropriately depict the character in our comic (I was going to buy it any way, since I like Dark Souls games). Sekiro went on sale, I grabbed that shit and the rest is history.
We stopped at the perfect place. Frieza is going to get God-murdered. No one can draw the next page and adequately portray the end of his life XD
I do notice that having a one page limit does make me try to fit quite a lot into one page. Also, the bit where Skeletor takes off his hood to reveal himself (and another hood) reminds me of memes where a character who always wears shades, takes of his shades to reveal a second pair of shades underneath. I love that shit lol
If you’re interested, I play Johnny and the Mystic Moor plays Slayer. I have no idea why I main Johnny. I can’t mist-cancel and my coin combos are awful. Oh wait, he’s voiced by Norio Wakamoto and is a cowboy/samurai/pirate, bare-chested in a trenchcoat and uses Iai-swordsmanship. I knew there was something ;p
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comicteaparty · 4 years
June 8th-June 14th, 2020 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party week long chat that occurred from June 8th, 2020 to June 14th, 2020.  The chat focused on Devil Tongue by Samuel Soto-Saines and Lucas Soto.
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Comic Tea Party
Hello and welcome everyone to Comic Tea Party’s Book Club~! This week we’ll be focusing on Devil Tongue by Samuel Soto-Saines and Lucas Soto~! (https://deviltonguecomic.com/)
You are free to read and comment about the comic all week at your own pace until June 14th, so stop on by whenever it suits your schedule! Discussions are freeform, but we do offer discussion prompts in the pins for those who’d like to have them. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is to have fun and appreciate the comic! Whether you finish the comic or can only read a few pages, everyone is welcome to join and chat with us!
1. What did you like about the beginning of the comic?
2. What has been your favorite moment in the comic (so far)?
3. Who is your favorite character?
4. Which characters do like seeing interact the most?
5. What is something you like about the art? If you have a favorite illustration, please share it!
6. What is a theme you like that the comic explores?
7. What do you like about the comic’s story or overall related content?
8. Overall, what do you think the comic’s strengths are?
Don’t feel inspired by the prompts? Feel free to discuss anything else that interested you!
mariah (rainy day dreams)
1. I really appreciated how this comic felt really authentically shonen manga right off the bat without feeling tropey or overwrought. 2. I liked when the protagonists confront the ghost in the theater. I just really enjoyed the ghosts dialogue and dramatic jestures. 3. Moira is my fav so far. She's got a sword and seems capable, though is also still an apprentice so I'm looking forward to seeing how she grows.
1, ALL THE CATS!! :D but more seriously, the way the characters are introduced through their job, and yet their personalities still shine through~ 2, i liked the scene when they're leaving the Lemaire house and walking on a dark misty neighborhood street at night. It's so atmospheric and perfect for their discussion on what kind of ghost their target might be, as well as what kinda threats it may pose :0 3, I can't decide, they're all interesting. Leera was introduced last but I like her enthusiasm! 2, Moira and Leera during the scene where Moira is explaining tinctures to Leera. Moira's so goal oriented and focused while messing with some apprently-very-dangerous stuff and Leera's just trying to avoid boredom. Moira seemed patient of Leera (for the most part) and willing to explain stuff, which was cool. It made me smile. 5, Oh Man, a lot!! The lines are so very clean and precise, every characters' silhouttes is distinct. It's hard to pick which page is my favorite, but I'd have to say https://deviltonguecomic.com/comic/chapter-01-page-32/ because of all the dynamic angles and expressions on the characters. 6, Pupils taking over from the mentor. I like how Emery is allowing his pupil, Moira, to prove herself, and she seems extremely eager to do so and also: good at it! I can only imagine what Emery is like at this job :0 8, A fun and classic premise of paranormal investigators, of a sort, but with magic of their own, making it even more interesting. It's easy to root for the protagonists and feel curious about what got them into this business, or what they were like before they reached this level of fame and skill. And also, there are talking cats!! Huge draw!
mariah (rainy day dreams)
I agree with your #6 Boogey. I do really like how Emery is like "I'm just here to mentor, this is Moira's job." I like seeing the apprentice really get to take point on the mission. I did see though on the cast page that Emery's magic type is just "?????" which definitely makes me what to see him throw down some magic now XD very curious what it is
OHHH i hadn't spotted that! a secret, how exciting :0c
copperine (Lady Changeling)
I'm not familiar with this one, but I'm intrigued now (and should stop reading this channel till I've read the comic...)
I'll read in the morning and try to give some thoughts
What I like about the beginning is the character development. Cause we get a lot of it and find out things like Emery being an ex-magician, his relationship with Moira, etc. Yet, at the same time, the plot is not sacrificed and the story is still moved along smoothly, which is a great balancing act. My favorite moment in the comic so far is actually all the times Emery feigns that he doesn't care but then we get those shots of him peeking and spying. I find those adorable but just also really nice character moments. My favorite character at the moment is Emery. I like aloof characters and he fits that bill. I also like his general cynicism about life. Emery is the sort of character who I'd have as a friend in real life. XD As for characters interacting the most, probably Leera and a combo of Emery and Moira. Leera has pretty different motivations for being there, is somewhat opposite in personality from the main pair, and just all around adds an interesting dynamic too the group that kind of makes certain elements of the story seem more grounded. I really just in general love the comic's linework. Not only is everything super clean (making the action easy to follow), but it really knows how to bulk up the shadows to create specific atmospheres that really work for each panel and add so much to each scene.
In terms of themes, I like that the comic somewhat explores with Emery the concept of what to do with your life after your previous life fails. I think we all kind of like to believe we'll do X forever and X comes to define us in a lot of ways. But then suddenly X might not be there and it's like, what is life now? How do I deal with life? And with Emery, I do think we get to kind of experience one path that kind of takes. What I like about the comic's overall content is the...strange mix of fantasy and realism. I can't really put it into words. Like this is definitely a fantasy story, yet there's elements of realism thrown in I wouldn't expect. Like things are almost scarily normal in some respects like the houses or journalism, etc. So everything about the world really intrigues me since it feels super unique in tone. Finally, for strengths, I'm referring back to the art here. I think the atmosphere the art adds to each scene really helps give the comic that extra oomph.
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
Everyone's covered all the stuff I like about the characters, so let me just throw in some extra praise for the backgrounds. Those elaborate buildings! That towering opera-house interior! That one sequence with light streaming through elegantly-patterned windows!
Comic Tea Party
9. What do you think Emery did that caused him to be exiled by the Magician Order? How does this factor into his general cynicism and bitterness? Also, do you think Emery will ever be a magician again?
10. How do you think Moira became Emery’s apprentice despite Emery being an ex-magician? Similarly, why do you think Moira hasn’t joined up with the Magician Order? As the story develops, how do you think Moira will grow and change as a magician?
11. Besides following Emery and Moira around, what role do you think Leera will have in the story? How might Leera’s presence hurt or help the duo on each case? Also, how will Leera change as she experiences things firsthand?
12. How do you think Moira and Emery will resolve the haunted opera house situation? Can the kidnapped girl be saved, or is she truly gone forever? Additionally, what other sorts of cases do you expect to see after this one?
Don’t feel inspired by the prompts? Feel free to discuss anything else that interested you!
Honestly, I get the impression that Emery was good but also just a rebellious rule breaker type. So he probably got exiled for just not fitting in with the club regardless of anything else he might have done. Which to me would explain the cynicism cause it would show him how much of life is just a popularity contest. As for being a magician again, maybe, but the bigger question is would he want to? My current theory for Moira was that she's just ill-suited to the order. I'm sure she's heard awful things about it from Emery, so why join team lame when you can join Emery and be on team winner. As for how Moira will grow, I think she'll just learn to take things a bit more seriously and mature (though probably still pretty happy and excited). I've talked about Leera a bit already, but I think her major role in the story is the grounding element and reader's eyes. Cause someone needs to ask questions for the readers, and I think that will be Leera. But in terms of plot, I also think Leera will just help them get more work by spreading their name to lands far and wide. I think in terms of how Leera will change, I think mostly she'll maybe find better things to publish about and the power she wields with words. I think the kidnapped girl can be saved, but that it needs to be done quickly. As for how this will ultimately resolve, I assume epic battle followed by emotional ghost revelations. As for other sorts of cases, I actually am expecting lots of drama ones with heavy emotional reveals from side characters. I could be wrong, but that feels like the route the comic is going. O_O
Comic Tea Party
13. What are you most looking forward to seeing in regards to the comic?
14. Any final words of encouragement for the comic?
Don’t feel inspired by the prompts? Feel free to discuss anything else that interested you!
1. What did you like about the beginning of the comic? Very good dynamic introduction between Moira and Emery. Very quickly and effectively I understood Emery is an older cynic, and Moira is the energetic and out to prove herself. 2. What has been your favorite moment in the comic (so far)? The magic reveal of what the potions/chemicals do is fun. I do not really understand how they work at this time, and I don’t really need to. 3. Who is your favorite character? Mauretta, she’s a lot of fun in design, and she gets to talk more than usual character type. I’m not sure what this character type would be called, but I’m going with person who starts the Scooby Doo mystery. 4. Which characters do like seeing interact the most? Moira and Emery have good chemistry. Having the young rookie be more powerful than the experienced partners adds to the dynamic. 5. What is something you like about the art? If you have a favorite illustration, please share it!
So much going on in this panel. All 5 characters are doing something. 6. What is a theme you like that the comic explores? I don’t have an answer yet, because how this encounter goes will shape the narrative, everyone could die. It could be resolved peacefully, it could wrap like a monster of the week story, or lead to bigger things. 7. What do you like about the comic’s story or overall related content? I like the map in FAQ area of site is cool. Gives information for those who want it, but can be safely ignored by those that don’t. 8. Overall, what do you think the comic’s strengths are? I like your line art, a lot. The silhouettes read really well. And when working in black and white having distinct shapes is so important, you’ve color code your characters. 9. What do you think Emery did that caused him to be exiled by the Magician Order? How does this factor into his general cynicism and bitterness? Also, do you think Emery will ever be a magician again? I know from the Cast FAQ, he broke their laws, in what contest will tell a lot about Emery and the Order. I am a little unclear what the Magicians are at this points, how powerful they are in this society. Are the Magicians outside of the Magician’s order?
10. How do you think Moira became Emery’s apprentice despite Emery being an ex-magician? Similarly, why do you think Moira hasn’t joined up with the Magician Order? As the story develops, how do you think Moira will grow and change as a magician? I think Moira will have to confront what caused Emery’s cynicism. I expect she will get more powerful as the story begins. 11. Besides following Emery and Moira around, what role do you think Leera will have in the story? How might Leera’s presence hurt or help the duo on each case? Also, how will Leera change as she experiences things firsthand? I Leera’s role will be mainly to ensure the characters get back onto the plot. Most stories have some form of this function, whether it is the Greek gods, a ticking clock to motivate the characters to act right now Given she works for a newspaper, she can prod the characters to do news worthy things. 12. How do you think Moira and Emery will resolve the haunted opera house situation? Can the kidnapped girl be saved, or is she truly gone forever? Additionally, what other sorts of cases do you expect to see after this one? I feel it will have a happy ending, monster defeated girl saved. This is because the character dynamics would change really drastically if Moira had to confront extreme darkness so early, she would get cynical. 13. What are you most looking forward to seeing in regards to the comic? Will be interesting to see how the combat functions with regard to group dynamics, are the other characters going to plan a part in the combat, or are they on the sidelines. 14. Any final words of encouragement for the comic? I was sad when it ended.
I am looking forward to finding out more about Emery and what Emery is capable of despite the circumstances. As for final words, this is just a lovely comic with tons of unique aspects about it that I really like.
Comic Tea Party
Thank you everyone so much for reading and chatting about Devil Tongue this week! Please also give a special thank you to Samuel Soto-Saines and Lucas Soto for volunteering the comic and creating it! If you liked Devil Tongue, make sure to continue to support it via some of the links below!
Read and Comment: https://deviltonguecomic.com/
Devil Tongue’s Story: https://deviltonguecomic.com/store/
Samuel’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/sainezart
Lucas’ Twitter: https://twitter.com/lucaswordcraft
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cutepresea · 4 years
4-8 A Light That Pierces the Clouds: Miku’s Battle
Again, sorry for the spam. This will be it for now. Parts 9-15 will come later.
If you want to blacklist these, you can use either the tag #a light that pierces the clouds for just this event, or #xdu event scripts or #xdu scripts
Reminder that these are copied straight from XD Unlimited itself, so any grammatical weirdness, mistranslations, and/or mischaracterizations are not my doing.
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Miku Kohinata: (Hibiki...)
Hibiki Tachibana (flashback): "Psh! Get out of the way!"
Miku Kohinata (flashback): "Huh? Ahh!"
Miku Kohinata: (She must have been protecting me.)
Miku Kohinata: "I knew Hibiki hasn't changed. I want to talk to her more. No, I have to..."
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Genjuro Kazanari: "Thank you for all for gathering. Let's start discussing some countermeasures for the Karma Noise." [1]
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Where's Kohinata?"
Maria: "She has some business to tend to. Something very important."
Chris Yukine: "That's right."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Is that so?"
Genjuro Kazanari: "First off, I want to parse what we know about the Karma Noise. Tell us what you know again."
Maria: "Sure. That Karma Noise is--"
Genjuro Kazanari: "I see. This may be a bit more difficult than I'd imagined."
Maria: "There isn't much we can do here. The most we wielders can do are combo attacks or win through attrition."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Wait, when you say here... Do you mean that there are other methods?"
Chris Yukine: "Something like that. We also have S2CA and Ignite."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "What are those? Why can't they be used?"
Chris Yukine: "S2CA combines Superb Songs while Ignite utilizes the berserk state."
Maria: "To use S2CA, you'll need a certain girl who specializes in joining hands together."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "So that means we need the Hibiki Tachibana from your world?"
Maria: "That's right. And currently, she's in no condition to fight."
Chris Yukine: "It'd be nice if the idiot here could do it, but it's impossible to pull off without some practice."
Maria: "Right. And she may be fundamentally different from our Hibiki. That's why this method can't be used."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "What about Ignite? Though I must say, that "berserk state" sounds pretty ominous."
Chris Yukine: "Our Gears have this thing called an Ignite Module."
Genjuro Kazanari: "An Ignite Module, you say?"
Maria: "With the magic blade Dáinsleif as a core, it triggers an artificial berserk state, converting it into power."
Maria: "But against the Karma Noise's curse, it'll cause the wielder to go truly berserk. It's a double-edged sword."
Genjuro Kazanari: "So you're saying that teamwork is the only effective method?"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "In that case, we will just have to join forces. With us three plus Kohinata, that's four wielders who can--"
Chris Yukine: "We already saw that that wasn't enough last time."
Maria: "Yeah. We can make up for it a little through teamwork, but it'll be difficult without Hibiki's help."
Chris Yukine: "We'd be better off having over wielders, that's for sure."
Genjuro Kazanari: "Sure, it would be beneficial if we could get her to work with us, but..."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "But we can't know whether she'll cooperate or not. I don't think this is a good idea."
Genjuro Kazanari: "Tsubasa..."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "If better teamwork defeats the Karma Noise, I'll do everything in my power to improve. Will you help me?"
Chris Yukine: "Of course we will."
Maria: "Well, it's all we can do right now."
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Maria: "I think things are starting to take shape."
Chris Yukine: "It's not a bad idea, is it? Though then again, we're two people short."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "......"
Maria: "What's the matter, Tsubasa?"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Is it really possible to work together with Hibiki Tachibana? I'm still a bit hesitant..."
Maria: "What makes you say that?"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "We've crossed paths in the battlefield numerous times. I've tried to convince her to join Section 2 before."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "She just always says she doesn't care. All she does is appear when there's Noise and do her own thing."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "I don't know what she's thinking, and I highly doubt we can work together toward a common goal."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "And to think someone like that is wielding Gungnir. I mean..."
Chris Yukine: "She's just upfront, that's all. And a dumbass."
Maria: "Yeah. I think that's just who she is."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "But that's Hibiki Tachibana in your world. It doesn't necessarily mean she's the same as the one here."
Maria: "I'm not so sure. Gjallarhorn links to branches of a bigger river, but it doesn't affect that river's flow."
Maria: "That's why there shouldn't be major differences in their personalities and preferences. At least for now."
Chris Yukine: "There're loads of small differences in every world. Some have Gears, some don't. Sometimes people are gone."
Maria: "I was surprised seeing how different she is from the Hibiki I know, but maybe they are essentially the same."
Maria: "I was saved by how upfront she is."
Chris Yukine: "...Me too."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "I hope that's the case... But how do you plan on convincing her to work with us?"
Maria: "We'll let the expert deal with that."
Chris Yukine: "Yeah. She's the perfect one to deal with that idiot."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Expert?"
Maria: "Yes. Her best friend is hard at work as we speak."
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Hibiki Tachibana: "Hmph! Hah!"
Hibiki Tachibana: "...What? What do you want?"
Miku Kohinata: "I'm sorry. Is this a bad time?"
Hibiki Tachibana: "You're just like the others. Why do you keep showing up? Who do you think you are to me?"
Miku Kohinata: "Oh, right. I haven't explained yet."
Miku Kohinata: (I think parallel worlds and Gjallarhorn are top secret, but... No, if I lied, she wouldn't trust me" [2]
Miku Kohinata: "Um, we're--"
Hibiki Tachibana: "A different me from a different world..."
Miku Kohinata: "Yeah. I know it must be hard to take in..."
Hibiki Tachibana: "...Whatever."
Hibiki Tachibana: "If you've got nothing else to say, go away. You're distracting."
Miku Kohinata: "Um, Hibiki, I was hoping we could talk some more."
Hibiki Tachibana: "I have nothing to say to you."
Miku Kohinata: "Please don't say that. During that fight the other day, you protected me, right?"
Hibiki Tachibana: "Me? Protect you?"
Miku Kohinata: "Yeah, you did. That's why I want to thank you."
Hibiki Tachibana: "That wasn't my intention. Don't get the wrong idea."
Miku Kohinata: "No, you did protect me."
Hibiki Tachibana: "Don't assume things. I twas just a coincidence. No need to thank me for that."
Miku Kohinata: "Even so, nothing changes the fact that you helped me Hibiki, so... Thank you."
Hibiki Tachibana: "...Whatever."
Miku Kohinata: "Huh? Hibiki, where are you going?"
Hibiki Tachibana: "I'm going home. Don't follow me."
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Hibiki Tachibana: "What the hell's up with her?"
Miku Kohinata (flashback): "Even so, nothing changes the fact that you helped me Hibiki, so... Thank you."
Hibiki Tachibana: (Me... Help her? That's impossible. I don't help people.)
Hibiki Tachibana: "Helping... Psh, as if I'd do that."
Hibiki Tachibana: (No one's ever helped me, so why would I help anyone else? I never have and never will.)
Hibiki Tachibana: (What is this feeling... My chest feels weird...)
Hibiki Tachibana: "No, it doesn't hurt, though. Something as stupid as this could never make my heart ache."
Hibiki Tachibana: (I don't need anyone else because I'll end up alone anyway. I should've been alone from the start.)
Hibiki Tachibana: "It's the Noise... I have to stop them!"
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Maria: "There were only regular Noise this time."
Chris Yukine: "I just wish that stupid Noise would come straight to us so we could just be done with it."
Maria: "...Do you think she'll cooperate?"
Chris Yukine: "Considering how the last fight went, not yet."
Miku Kohinata: "Hey, umm... Can I ask you something?"
Chris Yukine: "What's up?"
Miku Kohinata: "When we fought that Karma Noise, I thought Hibiki protected me."
Chris Yukine: "You think so?"
Miku Kohinata: "Yeah... It looked like she was leading the Noise so that their attacks didn't damage the city."
Maria: "She was doing that?"
Miku Kohinata: "That's why I think Hibiki's still Hibiki. Maybe it's all subconscious, but she tried to protect everyone."
Miku Kohinata: "That's what I thought at least... But what do you think?"
Chris Yukine: "You're overthinking it, aren't you? I understand how you feel about her protecting you..."
Miku Kohinata: "But if that was the Hibiki I know..."
Maria: "Perhaps. But we still can't say for sure yet."
Miku Kohinata: "...I guess, you're right."
Maria: "But it goes without saying that you know her the best and share the strongest bond."
Maria: "That's why I'm going to respect your judgement."
Miku Kohinata: "Maria-san..."
Chris Yukine: "I will, too. You do know that idiot the best."
Miku Kohinata: "Chris... Thank you both."
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Genjuro Kazanari: "I took the data from the Karma Noise you fought to adjust the simulator. Give it a whirl."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Thank you so much, Commander Kazanari."
Genjuro Kazanari: "Don't mention it. This is the least I could do."
Chris Yukine: "...W-Wait! You did the adjustments?!"
Genjuro Kazanari: "I did... Why the surprise?"
Miku Kohinata: "I didn't know you could do that..."
Maria: "Wait. The Commander Kazanari we know is actually quite adept at fighting..."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "He's a fighter, you say?"
Genjuro Kazanari: "I do know some basic self defense, but I have no other martial arts knowledge."
Genjuro Kazanari: "This might not make up for it, but when it comes to handling machinery, I'm your man."
Genjuro Kazanari: "I watch a lot of sci-fi movies to gain inspiration for all kinds of inventions. I also own lots of patents."
Chris Yukine: "Y-You do?! You're kidding me!"
Miku Kohinata: "I guess there ARE lots of differences between worlds..."
Maria: "Sci-fi movies?"
Maria: (In our world, the Commander likes to watch action movies.)
Maria: (In the world with Kanade Amo, I heard Commander Kazanari was big into mystery... Wait!)
Maria: "No, that can't be right... It can't be... right?"
Chris Yukine: "What's wrong?"
Maria: "It's nothing..."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "The simulator's been updated for us. How about we hop in for some training?"
Miku Kohinata: "Yeah, let's do that."
Genjuro Kazanari: "Looks like it needs a little tuning."
Maria: "Yeah. I think the real thing was much stronger."
Chris Yukine: "I feel we're lacking something big. I thought our teamwork was on point, though..."
Miku Kohinata: "I'm sorry. If only I was stronger..."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "It's not your fault, Kohinata. None of us are strong enough."
Miku Kohinata: "But I'm the most inexperienced amongst the wielders."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "If you're going to say that, then I have the smallest output..."
Maria: "Enough trying to one up each other in weaknesses. None of us are strong enough. We need more firepower."
Chris Yukine: "Looks like we're going to have to get her to cooperate after all."
Maria: "I think you're right."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Hey, how about we carry on training some more? I think there's still more we can do."
Miku Kohinata: "Oh... I'm sorry. I..."
Maria: "It's fine. Go ahead. There's a job only you can do."
Chris Yukine: "Good luck in convincing that idiot."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "I'm sorry I couldn't help more."
Miku Kohinata: "That's not true. Now I'd better get going."
Genjuro Kazanari: "Miku-kun's gone, so I'll take this lull to analyze the data and make some more improvements."
Genjuro Kazanari: "If you need it, you're free to use this simulator as much as you wish."
Chris Yukine: "It's just the three of us now. What do you want to do? I wouldn't mind continuing."
Maria: "I think we should work on our teamwork."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "In that case... I have a favor to ask."
Chris Yukine: "What?"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "I want to know more about the power of your Ignite Module, since it's apparently able to beat Karma Noise."
Maria: "I don't mind telling you about it, but Ignite isn't really the ideal way to counter the Karma Noise."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "That doesn't matter. It pains me to say, but I don't feel like I'm using my Gear to its full potential."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "I want to know what potential, what power, Ame no Habakiri has so that I can become stronger."
Maria: "Ignite uses another relic as its core, so strictly speaking, it's not only your Gear's potential."
Chris Yukine: "But the Gear itself outputs the berserk power, so it's still relevant. Let me show you!"
Maria: "Hey! Are you seriously just going to use it like that?"
Chris Yukine: "Those simulated Noise battles weren't doing it for me, anyhow. Let's show off what we can really do!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Thank you, I really appreciate it!"
Chris Yukine: "Ignite Module! Drawn Blade!"
Maria: "Oh well... Ignite Module! Drawn Blade!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "That output was amazing! So that's the power of going berserk..."
Maria: "Yeah. This is one of the Symphogear's functions. It's a controlled state of berserk power."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "You said that it's a double-edged sword, but why? Is it something to do with the Karma Noise's curse?"
Maria: "The Ignite Module uses a fragment of the magic sword Dáinsleif."
Maria: "Dáinsleif's curse and the Karma Noise's curse both amplify a person's destructive impulses."
Maria: "And when the two curses overlap, it creates an uncontrollable destructive impulse that drowns out your will."
Chris Yukine: "In other words, using it in front of the Karma Noise will make you go truly berserk, so we can't use it."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "That's unfortunate... You have this power, yet you can't use it."
Chris Yukine: "Yep. If we could use it freely, the Karma Noise would be nothing!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Is that true?"
Maria: "I wouldn't go that far, but they would be easier to fight, that's for sure."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "......"
Chris Yukine: "What's wrong? Why'd you go all quiet all of a sudden?"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "I want you to use that power to spar with me."
Maria: "Are you serious? This may be training, but you could get hurt... Or worse."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "I don't mind. As the guardian and sword of this world, I must become stronger."
Maria: "Very well then. Let's do this."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Thank you. You too, Yukine."
Chris Yukine: "Are you sure? A two vs one fight is kinda..."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "I'd rather it be tough. The higher the hurdle, the more effort I'll have to put in."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "As the sole wielder of Section 2, and as the blade of this world, I will become stronger!"
Chris Yukine: "You better not blame me for whatever happens!"
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Miku Kohinata: "So you're here again..."
Hibiki Tachibana: "......"
Miku Kohinata: "Do you like the forest?"
Hibiki Tachibana: "......"
Miku Kohinata: "There's something I want to ask of you, Hibiki."
Hibiki Tachibana: "Huh?"
Miku Kohinata: "I want to fight alongside you, Hibiki, so that we can take on that Karma Noise."
HIbiki Tachibana: "...We're already fighting them."
Miku Kohinata: "That's not it. We're doing separate things. I want us to work together."
Miku Kohinata: "We can't defeat that Karma Noise by ourselves. We need your help, Hibiki."
Hibiki Tachibana: "Help? From me?"
Miku Kohinata: "Yeah. If we all joined together, I'm sure--"
Hibiki Tachibana: "In that case, how about you make me?"
Miku Kohinata: "...Huh? Hibiki?"
Hibiki Tachibana: "Balwisyall nescell gungnir tron."
Hibiki Tachibana: "I'm not cooperating with anyone. If you want me to, then you'll have to do it by force."
[1] There's an extra "for" in this line. "Thank you all for gathering."
[2] They switched between parentheses and quotation marks in this line
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sqsupernova · 5 years
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Art Spotlight: Rainworld [Fanart] by @powerfulmagics
Great job on the atmosphere and the colours. I love the glass so much, I don't know how you got it to look so shiny and reflective. That's really hard to do! And I love the way you interpreted the monsters xD … Those are some positively creepy-looking things in the tanks in the background. Really enamoured of the style in which you drew everything, especially Emma and Regina. This is really good! … woah this is great! Looks like a book cover, yet there's so much detail in it. I'm def intrigued, I shall check out this fic next ;) Thank you! … RANDI THIS IS FREAKING GORGEOUS!!!!!! Where to even start? Asdfghjkl THEIR EXPRESSIONS! You've nailed that wary/calculating/slightly on edge look. And EMMA'S EYES!!! I really love how you drew them! Especially the lower lashes, and the eyeshadow?(maybeit'sjustlightingoops)+sparkles beneath her eyebrows, it really adds effect!! And Regina in a hoodie is life tbh. And they're walking so close to each other omg catch me imagining them holding hands. And like your other piece, THE DETAILS asdfghjkl like I cannot find a single thing about this that isn't perfect (not that I'm trying to hahah) but you've literally nailed every single detail down to the water reflections on the octopus monster I'm sHOOK! You've captured this mysterious/scary vibe perfectly with the glass cages (which are super cool btw), the walls looking old and decayed, that electric machine and especially THE LIGHTING OMG. Like the way you've colored this is so amazing?? You've added shadows perfectly to portray this dimly lit, decaying, probably humid room that tbh would be pretty freaking terrifying to be in hahah. And the window + night outside and the blue light streaming in is such a nice detail! And also the text matches the vibe of the drawing perfectly and really finishes it all off so neatly! Omg I'm super excited to read the fic now and see how it relates to the art but I'm 5000 million light years behind on all things supernova asdfghjkl but I will get there. Someday. … it is pretty perfect from color to their facial expression and the two creatures . Well done as usual ! … hello! your art is beautiful! i love it so much! i adore the way you drew emma and regina, their faces are just priceless i swear. and hair, and all, just wow! and that octopus (???) looks really creepy. really makes me want to read the fic. awesome job!!! … Ooh. I love the cartoonish nature of this drawing. The colors are fabulous, and it fits the fic perfectly!! … This is amazing! wonderful work. … WOW. DUDE. this is literally a spectacular piece omg??? your style is so unique. truly, nobody does it like you, and that's to special tbh. i don't think I tell you that enough and you could definitely stand to hear it more!! because you are SO talented, a real artist!! i literally don't know HOW you do this *__* sooo I'm in love with the expressions on their faces and the backgrounds (the world you're painting them in). it makes me so INTRIGUED for this world and this story! … WILL I EVER GET OVER YOUR STYLE THOUGH. FR, you always blow me away and this one is just so cOOL. It fits the story PERFECTLY and you chose such an interesting/creepy part of the story for the cover too and it just all works so WELL. You captured the atmosphere and the intrigue of the fic a lot and I love having a depiction of the rain monsters omfg. Also your Emma and Regina are AMAZING AS ALWAYS, I love their expressions!!! I was so excited about this fic when I saw it in matchups and I then I was so excited later during reveals to see you had been matched up with it omg WHAT A GREAT COMBO AND THIS AND U ARE AMAZING. … It captures the scene in the story to the “T”. Amazing work! … I love the detail of the scratches on the glass of the tanks! This is gorgeous artwork!
Enjoyed this art? Be sure to give back and feed the artist! A happy, appreciated artist is one who’s going to be more motivated to gift us all with more of their beautiful work.
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2019 Megaman Valentine’s Day (Talent) Contest Results!
Part two of results day, even though I always label the Talent category as Cat. 1, these results are in reverse. Oh well.  Again, raffle prize winners will be contained in both posts, so keep an eye out after my commentary on your art. Not all raffle prize winner are contained in this post. I’ll be contacting all winners soon enough, so sit tight!
To see the Humor category results, please head to THIS POST.
Will any of our Iron Chef contestants be able to create an artsy meal with these ingredients?:
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To find out, along with your Talent category winners and full gallery of entries, click here after the break:
Category 1 (Talent) - The Way To A Mega Man’s Heart Is Through His Stomach
This category had the larger amount of participants, and was honestly a lot harder to judge. I really was going back and forth on where to place people, because I love so much about all of them! Your delicious culinary character combos were all delectable in their own right, whether they were actually edible pieces of art or not. I did leave this category up to interpretation a bit more, despite the initial description wording it as a food-themed pinup. As long as it contained some sort of food with a character, it technically fit the theme. 
Thank you once again to all who participated. You all make holding these events fun year after year!
I know imgbox gallery gave people some issues before, so as always, let me know if images or links appear broken. Crossing my fingers this works smoothly this year! XD
After each entrant’s name, there will be a link in the character description to the entry, too, just in case the external inserted images don’t load for you.
[Full Talent Gallery]
1.) @prar-draws​ - Zero and Ciel
While most entries focused on sugary sweets, such as pastries or candies, prar thought outside of the box just enough to stand out against the rest. Taking Zero and Ciel’s already long hair and turning it into ramen and soba noodles, the pair are relaxing together in an overflowing hot tub bowl of their pasta-y strands, broth, veggies and then some, while they enjoy their own bowls of noodles. Despite being heavily layered in clothing, *warning* this is one steamy, saucy pic! XD
*For coming in 1st (in back-to-back years, no doubt), prar has won $100 via Paypal, or a prize of their choice up to that value.*
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2.) @digitallyfanged​ - Tron Bonne and Megaman Volnutt
Ever the tease, Tabby’s Tron is wooing Volnutt with a sugary-sweet sensory overload at the hands of both her, and her Servbots. Or maybe at the head, too, based on that 2-tier strawberry cake that doubles as a hat on happy Servbot. While including so many treats were definitely eye candy in this piece, so too is Tron in that dress, causing Volnutt to deeply blush. 
The soft glow of the lighter transparency background, along with the usual shine of your lighting on the pair in the foreground, help them stand out. Even if my mouth is watering more at all the Servbot’s treats. Hahaha.
*For coming in 2nd, Tabby has won $50 via Paypal, or a prize of their choice up to that value.*
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3.) @irischroma​ - Nana
Nana is ready to split her banana split sundae with you. I see what you did there. Your mission is to follow her every command as she feeds you, in her bonus rpg/sim screencap. I really liked the use of multiple halftones to accent the shading on both her and the background of the full image. The background itself is really cool, to incorporate the ice cream mounds, syrup and sprinkles, which also actually align nicely with the sprinkles on her apron. Truly adorbs.
*For coming in 3rd, Iris has won $25 via Paypal, or a prize of their choice up to that value*
And the remaining wonderful entries, in alphabetical order by alias:
@bracedshark​ - Marino
The first entry to embrace food-themed clothing, Marino is the living embodiment of the chocolate peppermint sundae she is holding. I love mint chocolate chip ice cream, so Marino’s green hair and clothing accents fit that ice cream color perfectly. Also while tying in your traditional peppermints as accessories on her, as well as the sort of melty pinkish mascara dripping down the side of her cheeks. 
*Bracedshark is the winner of Raffle Prize #1 - The cel of Duo*
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@drewblossom​ - Ice Man and Roll
Another great use of food-styled clothing, Drew made a precious cinnamon roll dress for Roll, and an ice cream cone vest with a more whipped topping trim for Ice Man. Ice’s hair also adds to that whipped cream feel, yet despite dancing around, does a good job keeping that cherry from falling off the top of his head. XD This is a super cute scene, and has even better apparel style. 
*Drew is also the winner of Raffle Prize #4 - The Tamashii Nations Zero figure and Zero emblem wristband*
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@hyperbole1729​ - Tundra Man, Top Man, Snow Robbit and Eye Ice
The first of two yummy cookie entries, which I’ll assume were baked around the same time, feature both real world treats, and 2D ones. I give Hyperbole big props for making the Snow Robbit and Eye Ice enemies into cookie shape form. They look super delicious, and I’m a guy who loves cookies with tons of frosting. XD Taking the pic on a wintry snowflake plate makes them stand out even more, so I totally loved your creativity with that. 
That baking didn’t only take place in Hyperbole’s kitchen, as Tundra and Top also spent the day making the same treats. I think their cookie cutter shapes have given me a clue to how you made yours. LOL Very cute!
*Hyperbole is the winner of Raffle Prize #3 - The Zero plush and framed X 3D sprite art*
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@larytello​ - Zero and Ciel
Strawberry cake seemed to be the most popular choice of romantic treats, and here lary has Zero feeding Ciel her slice. Your digital airbrush shading has really improved, and it shows in this piece! It really gives a nice depth and definition to their arms and legs, not to mention the folds in Ciel’s dress, or the shine off of their helmets. Even with the heavily pink background, with all the hearts, they both still stand out nicely against it, despite their color schemes. Super cute!
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@papillonthepirate​ - Roll.EXE
Our other real world food entry is a sugar frosted Roll.EXE cookie, complete with rosy cheek sprinkles and lemon-flavored ribbon candy antennae attached to her. Again, like Hyperbole’s submission, Papillon had the perfect heart decal plate design to help accentuate her creation, along with the doily it’s sitting on. I’m sure she was delicious! I appreciate the extra creativity taking the theme of the contest literally and making an actual tasty Mega Man character treat!
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@peach35​ - X and Zero
A very cute scene of X and Zero sharing desert and a drink with swirly-shape sippy straws at a quaint little bistro off the shores of Dopple Town. And I’d imagine the pair of strawberries left snuggling on the table also sort of symbolize the hunter couple cuddling up after their cake and conversation, too. Pardon the pun, but I like the slice of life feel to the scene, that sort of gives it this Norman Rockwell-styled feel. The detail on your strawberries and lemon slices really turned out quite great; they look pretty real!
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SockMonkii - Ashe
Ashe is so busy devouring that chocolate/strawberry filled cake slice, I don’t know if she fully realizes how much she has missed on her face. XD In fact, I think she’s likely eyeing the rest of the whole cake as the booty she’s after, rather than of any admirer. LOL The ribbon and bow background, along with all the hearts, help emphasize the cake as a romantic gift. Again, I see a lot of growth and improvement in your art style after a year’s time, and I think this pic turned out great!
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@star-crossed-swords​ - Blues and Tempo
While definitely a sweet and romantic drawing, this entry felt like it fit in more with last year’s humor category theme, Beauty and the Beastman.EXE, that I almost wondered if you got mixed up with an older contest post. ^^; So I decided to go with the assumption that Quake Woman/Tempo had something delicious leftover on her hand that Blues was kissing off of her, to fit it within the content requirements. :D Their formalwear looks very nice on both of them. I like the sparkles on her dress coordinating with the starry sky outside the window. 
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SubZeroIceSkater - Tundra Man
I totally read that tagline in Tundra Man’s voice. And the more bittersweet, the more pure chocolate, so it sounds good to me! Containing most of his stage enemies in cacao form, this box of chocolates is like a your chances at an extra life in item roulette. You never know what you’re gonna get. That’s sort of reverse Forrest Gump logic...right? I love how the box is designed just like his helmet’s rupee with icicles protruding, along with all the beautiful sparkling snowflakes and hearts in the background. I want a box, badly!
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