#trump must go
aestariiwilderness · 10 days
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sher-ee · 4 months
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Justice Alito’s home.
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Also the flag used on Jan. 6th.
Justice Samuel Alito is a partisan insurrectionist. He has no business being on the Supreme Court.
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simply-ivanka · 4 months
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books-4-life9 · 15 days
Most celebrities: i love my fans but don’t want them too involved in my life
Misha Collins:
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"oh well things are already bad for black/brown people under biden's administration and anyone saying vote blue no matter who only cares because it'll affect white people if trump is elected" okay so like, setting aside the fact that a politician unequivocally making life worse for a larger swath of the american population is still fucking bad, did we all just collectively decide to forget trump's muslim travel ban and his constant scapegoating of mexican and latin american immigrants and the tear gassing of BLM protestors and the literal white supremacist rallies during his presidency or what
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rejectingrepublicans · 4 months
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baredwolf · 3 months
what you have to understand is that i would vote for an arguably-sentient potato before i would vote for trump.
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jojotier · 5 months
absolute morons looking at the police brutality on college campuses trying to shut down anti-war protests with the refrain of "this is a taste of what will happen under Trump": who's the president. who is the fucking president right now.
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tanjir0se · 2 months
Ok not going to rb the original post bc i'm protecting my peace and don't want to get into a stupid argument with internet strangers but i just saw a post mocking someone saying that it's important to get out and vote this election, they were saying "LOL why hasn't anyone thought of this before? we can just flip the red states blue LOL! The way to win is just not lose! haha how stupid" and i'm like
I know "voting blue" isn't a longterm answer and I don't like Kamala either but...you guys realize historically red states..DID flip blue in the last election because of voter turnout, right? You guys know that, right? You guys know that voter turnout increased by 66% and very likely lead the historically red states of Georgia, Arizona, and Nevada to flip blue...right? You guys ... you guys were there, right? I just hate to see people mocking the concept of encouraging people to vote as a strategy to win because it. It literally just works. We have seen it work..you guys saw that, right?
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mercisnm · 2 years
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More "Tissaia, but a gentleman" folly for @ehay in fandomtrumpshate. If anybody can still recall it, I did some doodles for the same subject last year.
They are all Leyendecker studies. For those who are interested:
The teal dress with lattice pattern: is "translated" into a late Victorian/Edwardian suit with the same decorations, a high-buttoned waistcoat, plain shirt with winged collar and white cravat. Just another casual day dress.
The crimson ascension ball gown: hoo boy this gown was a tough one to design, the easy flow of the material gave it a more sensual, almost seductive feel compared to the rest of Tissaia's wardrobe, yet the deep colour and silver leaves decorations made it unmistakable a ball gown, or at least one for special occasion. My best bet was to go with "luxurious, seductive yet formal enough", and put "him" in dress uniform from the same time period, with a lot of leaf motif embroidery. A jacket draped over the shoulder making up for the lack of flow. Inspiration was mainly Hussar uniforms, which I think would fit well with The Witcher books' Central European/Slavic elements.
The comfy sleeping gown: Men also wore nightgown back then, so this was an easy job, no comment
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featuresofinterest · 17 days
can someone tell me why i consistently get emails from democrats begging for money but these days they're only ever addressed to my mom
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Incompetent Democratic Party Guarantees Trump's Election
These next few days and weeks are going to be very interesting as we watch the Democratic Party scramble to patch together their last ditch effort to, quote, "save democracy from Donald Trump." It will be interesting to see which side prevails, those who want to stick with Joe Biden or those who say, "Joe must go!"
Website brotherjameskey.com
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tiixij · 7 months
The fact that the election is just gonna be trump v biden is actually making me so mad. I don't understand how people can claim that biden is the only thing standing between the us and fascism when he's funding and supporting a genocide. How does the very idea of voting for him not make people sick. Palestinians are dying horrifically every day in part because of biden and people are supposed to vote for him because trump is supposedly some sort of unique evil.
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tariah23 · 7 months
Oh brother
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sassyandclassy94 · 7 months
The Greatest Generation would be so heart broken to see that the American youth is now promoting the very thought and propaganda that they fought and gave their lives to keep OUT of America.
Back when I was studying World War II in high school I never would’ve dreamed that my beloved United States would be embracing and pushing the same exact propaganda as the Third Reich.
Had we lived in Nazi Germany many of you would’ve sold out the Jews and the Christians who stood up to Hitler and it shows.
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glittercorvid · 8 months
"biden just needs to get out there and show everyone he's still totally capable of leading!" i know it's so scary but i promise to hold your hand so just step into reality with me real quick. joe biden couldn't even convince people he wasn't too old when he was 77 year old with relatively normal mobility and a long history of gaffes that gave his team some grace to just write his memory issues off as biden being biden and you think he can convince people he's fully capable NOW??? now that he shuffles like a windup doll from a happy meal and is on record forgetting when his own son died and what years he was vice president?? keep holding my hand, you're okay. last election cycle people were already saying a vote for biden is a vote for harris. that sentiment has only gotten more widespread. and harris's approval rating is even worse than biden's
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