#listen i hate trump as much as the next guy but lets be real
jojotier · 5 months
absolute morons looking at the police brutality on college campuses trying to shut down anti-war protests with the refrain of "this is a taste of what will happen under Trump": who's the president. who is the fucking president right now.
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the-firebird69 · 5 months
Indiana Jones 4 - Giant Ants 2008 #shorts #shortsviral #shortsvideo #tre...
Just saying their ants but really they're close to the water and if these two idiots they were screwing around with their son and it's not Trump and wife and she was horrified you could see her face he died almost instantly as did the person they sacrificed you saw them moving away from him and he left in a rush but didn't show them that he was aware Mister then watched they said now you let him get away I said you saw him walking away and they do it for hours and really they're saying it's daylight out. A little while later someone went out there in a suit and it was they were feeding him something and it was people's flash and people saw him and they hit the suit and he got eaten alive that's what's happening to a lot of people who are doing this stuff and we see it every day one day we caught like 200 people out there trying to get people to go out there and you stop them and arrested them nowadays we pick up thousands a day up there and now it's going to be probably more it was a lot of second stupid people and they all want money and the Trump stores have the money all the different levels and they're all going after them now
They're all wearing disguises for the most part they know what the trial is about and it's too late they kept talking about it and John remillard has warrants out on him because of the computer stuff but he's trying to threaten our son by having to put it out there they told him not to he didn't listen and they're going after him right now
Stormy Daniels is on the MasterChef on Fox and she's liked and she's not hated and she's not a prostitute and you're going to find out what this case is really about Trump thinks it'll be like when he was Clinton and it won't be it's going to be much much worse and the Sun is supposed to relish it and love it and he likes it because we're doing work and Trump is a mark and he's a real huge a****** there's really a low level guy and doesn't really have much character of his own so he's a rebel and stuff but he can't stand him a lot of rebels feel the same way our sun goes that it's not really helping he's evil to them it's not really a brain teaser
More shortly
Thor Freya
I'd like to see something the guy next door is making noises and he's a pig and he's a loser and we need to do something now both of them
We did catch on to it and we're doing it and we see you see it and we are going to finish him off shortly the guys going to get out of here and he expects to do all these movies and we don't think so but our son and daughter say it's going to be the predator and it will be space Odyssey and we have to be careful this group still has numbers of people in it on the island and off and we get that and they're going to educate people on their way out and they think that they're doing a lot of stuff and they really are not succeeding. This information about the robotic computers being on bases him down below captured backs and more and bja have the army that went out with Garth to look and found it and they're going down below and they are grabbing tons of trumpsters make sure it's not a trick and they're checking it out so far others are doing it too foreigners and we have to of course it's getting very very big
Nuada Arianna
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girl-in-the-tower · 3 years
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Ramshackle Dorm - Birthday Party Venue
Kore: Woah, to think the ghosts would go all out like this just for today! Even though I told them that they didn't have to bother with it, they wouldn't listen, at all... It's... It's kind of embarrassing to be fussed over like this! If it was Grim I would have understood but this, uh...
Ah! And I'm supposed to have a guest over today as well! Hm, I guess some tea should be in order... maybe some cakes as well... I wonder if there's any sugar left...
Ace: Yo!
Kore: Ah, just a moment- Oh, it's just you, Ace.
Ace: Ha? What's that supposed to mean? 'It's just you'? It's super rude to greet your dear guest like this, you know?
Kore: Is that so? But calling you a guest is...
Ace: What's that?
Kore: Hm...
Ace: Well, doesn't matter because my feelings were hurt either way! So I'll help myself to this krumkake to make myself feel better! Let's dig in~
Kore: Hey, that- Aaah, that was meant to be for Grim. He kept complaining all day yesterday that he should have a cake all to himself too since it's a special day so I woke up extra early just to make it for him. Now he's gonna be mad...
Ace: Haa? A whole cake just for that furball? You've got to be kidding me!
Kore: What are you talking about? You know how much he likes krumkake.
Ace: Nah, I doubt there's really anything that guy won't eat... But that's not the point. You're spoiling him too much. He's gotten really fat, you know?
Kore: It's fine. I still make sure he exercises and he looks cute round like that too, so it's not a problem.
Ace: No, I definitely still think there's something wrong here. Mainly with your head.
Kore: Haaaaaaa, you wanna pick a figh-
Ace: Oh, I almost forgot! Here you go!
Kore: ... What's this?
Ace: Isn't it obvious?
Kore: Well... Huh? Wait a minute- That can't-!
Ace: Ta-da! It's a limited edition Griffons varsity jacket that's been all the rage with Magift meatheads like you~
Kore: No way!! This is- This is-
Ace: Cool, righ- Hey!! Don't jump on me like that! You almost knocked me off the chair!
Kore: Sorry, hahaha! I was so happy I just couldn't contain myself! To think that I would be able to actually get my hands onto something so valuable!
Ace: Yeah, we figured you'd like i-
Kore: This season has really been a blessing from above for them, you know? Everybody is in top shape and playing at their best! I heard their new manager actually made them go through this super difficult training regime that has been working wonders for them. Though it's only speculation so far!
Ace: Uh, Kor-
Kore: If you ask me, it's definitely also thanks to those new brooms that they ordered for the team. The wood is apparently from the Valley of Thorns and super-resistant so they go all out without worrying about breaking them. For the moves that the team is pulling, they really need that propulsion time! Even a second helps when you're in a headlock. I remember back in the vs Mandrakes game that they switched brooms in between-
Ace: Heeeeey! You Magift boar woman! Can you hear me?
Kore: Wh-Why are you yelling like that?! I'm right next to you!
Ace: Haaaa, when you start talking about Magift you might as well be in a completely different world... No wonder they all think of you as the Magift Encyclopedia. I bet you have hundreds of useless pieces of information like that stuck in your head.
Kore: You-! Huh? What's this?
Ace: A-Ah! That!
Kore: It's rice pudding- Ah! It's homemade from the Mountains!
Ace: Hm? Ah, ye-yeah... That came with the jacket...
Kore: Eh? They put pudding in jackets when they sell them?!
Ace: O-Obviously! Don't tell me you didn't know? Bwahaha, man, you sure are clueless...
Kore: ... It's my favourite flavour too...
Ace: Alright, next to the first question!
Kore: Eh?! Question?! Is this a quiz of some kind?!
Ace: I guess you could think of it like that, so anyway- Your first question as today's birthday girl issssss: "If you were stuck on a deserted island, who would you take with you?" Hm, here it says that you can't pick members of your own dorm, but given that you guys don't even have a dorm, I'm not sure that the restriction applies. Not that it matters since you wouldn't choose Grim anyway, right?
Kore: Huh? Why not?
Ace: You're serious?! You'd pick that furball?! Hey, we're talking about a deserted island here so think carefully! Don't you want to get off it?!
Kore: Well, obviously I would... But...
Ace: But?
Kore: I can do that on my own.
Ace: Huh?
Kore: Survival is all about securing shelter, food and formulating an escape plan. If it's a deserted island I assume there would be some fauna and animals too, so we could feed ourselves through fruit gathering and hunting. It might be hard if we don't have any tools, however, but I think Grim's claws would be sharp enough to cut through the skin and meat fairly easily. I make sure he takes good care of them after all.
Ace: I-I see...
Kore: If there's no drinkable water then we'll have to boil some from the sea in order to deal with the thirst. Grim's flames, when properly utilized, would be able to do such a thing. Not to mention that he could start fires to keep us warm at night and to cook food to sustain us! Also, it could be a great emergency signal if we end up at sea and need rescuing.
Ace: You want to use him as a flare?!
Kore: That sounds so mean! I would only do that as a last resort, however! Grim's pretty sensitive about having his belly scratched so I wouldn't do anything to make him uncomfortable like that!
Ace: Haaaa, I get it, I get it! So you're saying that the furball has his practical uses too. But I can't help but worry about some flaws...
Kore: Flaws?
Ace: No matter how much you feed that glutton, his stomach will never be full, you know! Whatever provisions you managed to gather, he's sure to inhale them with the first occasion!
Kore: Wah- That's a horrible thing to say! There's no way my Grim is so selfish!
Ace: My Grim?! What is he?! Your child?! And he's totally selfish, you know!!
Ace: Ca-Calm down!! I take it back, ok?! You can bring the furball with you!
Kore: Hmph.
Ace: Seriously, getting this angry over that cat...
Kore: Isn't that normal? Grim is my special person, after all!
Kore: The person you care for a lot, like they're part of you, right? Like Cay-senpai said!
Ace: I-I see, so that's...
Kore: Being on a deserted island isn't ideal, but at the end of the day I know I can be ok on my own. Farmwork, housework - those are things that I'm used to from the Mountains. Life isn't so easy back home, but we all make do with what we can - magic or no magic. Even if I'm stuck in a bad situation, I can manage to get through so I don't need anybody else.
Well, that's what I thought before I came to this place anyway...
Ace: ...
Kore: Besides you're wrong about something!
Ace: Huh?
Kore: In order to survive it's not just physical attributes that are important, but mental ones as well. And in that case, Grim has the real trump card!
Ace: He-He does?!
Kore: Mm! You see, Grim, he... has the cutest paws and the fluffiest fur in the world!
Ace: HUH?!
Kore: Mm! Every time I feel like giving up or am reaching the end of the rope, all I'd have to do is give his paw pads a little squeeze or lay on his tummy and my mood would instantly clear up again! In a situation full of despair like that it would make a world of difference, you know?
Kore: Well, that too! It's important after all!
Ah, this pudding is really good actually...
Ace: Haaaa, I give up... Your boar mind is way too difficult to understand...
Kore: HUH?!
Ace: Anyway, let's get on with our next question and- Ah.
Kore: Hm? What is it? You suddenly stopped in the middle of the sentence. Did the falcon get your tongue, hehe?
Ace: It's a cat, not a falcon! And I only stopped because- uh...
Kore: What?
Ace: "You're offered the chance to pick another dorm, which one would you choose?"
Kore: ...
Ace: I swear, that Headmaster doesn't even think of these questions at all...
Kore: Yeah, there's no way I can answer that...
Ace: I figured. So instead! "Please share your opinions on the dorms!"
Kore: Ah!
Ace: Nice, right? You can definitely count on me when it comes to quick thinking, you know?
Kore: ... I guess.
Ace: You guess?!
Kore: I'll start with Diasomnia then!
Ace: Hey, don't ignore-
Kore: Hm, I'm not really sure about the atmosphere there but- Don't you think that their interior decor is pretty fancy? I haven't seen stuff like that in magazines for quite a while, so I feel like it's definitely something that must have required a lot of work! It's kinda dreary though, what will the windows not letting enough light and the greenery around it could stand to be looked after better, hm...
Ace: So you're only interested in the decor, huh? Alright, what about Ignihyde?
Kore: It's too technological.
Ace: Huh, I guess that you're right. For somebody like you, it would really be a struggle living there...
Kore: ...
It's even more depressing than Diasomnia, so I feel like I would be stuck in a bad mood without enough sunlight, you know? Though I must admit, it really is super clean inside! That's a very important detail! Clean homes are necessary for good health!
Ace: There you go again, sounding like a mom... Next is Pomefiore!
Ace: I know~?
Kore: No, no, you don't get it! It's so flashy it actually scares me! All that pomp and glamour! The rugs themselves look like something from the fall collection that sold out about twenty years ago and the chandeliers are bound to be at least four times Theo's salary! Walking through those hallways is like stepping on opulence! A continuous loop of flashiness!
Ace: HEY! Get a hold of yourself! Let's go over to- Ah, Scarabia...
Kore: It's so hot there!!
Ace: Oh, yeah, you're super weak to heat so you'd definitely hate it there. Right?
Kore: Mm, hate is... I think that if it was the old me, I would never have even stepped in there. But now I feel like... Yeah! I definitely think that I can give it another try! Scarabia is pretty rich too, but it feels more homely? There's a lot of people gathered around and there are banquets and feasts pretty often too. It's always lively and warm... In a way, I imagine that's what a home would feel like...
Ace: ...
Kore: I can't say the same for Octavinelle however. Hmph!
Ace: Bwahaha, that's true. It really feels like you'd get scammed in there pretty quick.
Kore: Not even that! But building a dorm underwater? I admit the decor is pretty nice and classy, but the atmosphere is too cold! There's a lot of types that I can't get along with at all so it would definitely be a miserable time for me. No, I definitely don't want to set foot there ever again!
Ace: I totally get it~ All that commotion after the exams was enough for me too. Guess the same goes for Savanaclaw too, then?
Kore: ...
Ace: HA?!
Kore: I-I refuse to believe that anybody who loves Magift is a bad person!
Ace: There's that meathead in you talking again! Are you seriously that obsessed with it?! I feel like there's a sickness that applies in this case!!
Kore: He-Hey!! That's way too- I understand that what they did was bad, and I definitely haven't forgiven Kingscholar-senpai yet, but there are definitely good points to them as well! I think!
Ace: So you're not even sure?!
Kore: A-Anyway, as for Heartslaybyul-
Ace: Don't go changing the subject!
Kore: - if I had to pick that would be my favourite.
Ace: Huh?
Kore: I love Scarabia too, a lot, but at the end of the day all that rich atmosphere is scary. I really don't feel like I would belong there at all. I'd stick out like a sore thumb among everybody else - more than usual at the very least. But in Heartslaybyul, even if Rosehearts-senpai is strict, I feel like everybody is sort of content with the oddness. There's not much that stands out about it, but I think that's what makes it so appealing, you know?
Ace: ... So... what you're saying... Is that we're a shabby dorm full of weirdoes?
Kore: I-I wouldn't go that far...
Ace: But that's the gist of it, isn't it?!
Kore: Ummmmm...
Ace: ... Alright, I get it.
Kore: Huh?
Ace: You know, it just so happens that there's one more thing I have to tell you about.
Kore: One more thing?
Ace: Yup! You see, there's this tradition where the presenter has to give the 'gift of fortune' in order to make sure this ends up being a great birthday! And it just so happens that you're lucky enough to have me here today to deliver the goods~
Kore: Huh? What are you-
Kore: ...
Kore: ...
Ace: Oh man, the look on your face is hilarious! Oh, let me take a quick picture to show the others too!
Kore: ...
Ace: Ok, so then- He-Hey! Don't- AUGH! MY FOREHEAD!
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twstarchives · 4 years
Ace Trappola・Voice Lines
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Additional Voice Lines: Dress-Up Groom Event Card
School Uniform - R
Unlock Card “Don’t drag in any kind of trouble again, alright? ‘Cause I’m not helping you out this time!”
Groovy “It’d get exhausting always being so serious about everything, wouldn’t it? You just gotta be efficient about things ♪”
Home Setting “Let’s take it nice and slow today!”
Home Transitions “Something’s always going on whenever I’m with you. Seriously, it doesn’t ever get boring.”
“Hm? I don’t really hate school. It’s not like I need it, though. Haha! If I didn’t go, I’d just have nothing to do.”
“Professor Crewel called me over when I ditched class duty today... He gets so intense when he’s scolding his students!”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “Oh, you’re finally here. So what’re you doing right now? C’mon, pick something~”
Home Taps “It’s kinda nice that our outfits are already picked out for us everyday. If we got to wear casual clothes, we’d have to spend some time trying to put together an outfit.”
“My dreams for the future? Nope, don’t got any! Striving hard to achieve your dreams is so... bleurgh, I can’t do it. It’s just not my thing.”
“Yeah, yeah, what do you want with me this time? You’ve got some serious dedication to this whole prefect thing.”
“I’m glad our dorm color is red. I like red. It stands out, it’s stylish, and it fits me nicely, doesn’t it?”
“Alright, alright, stop pulling so hard; I can hear you just fine! ...So? What is it?”
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PE Uniform - R
Unlock Card “I’m pretty confident about my reflexes. Wanna take a look at my magift skills?”
Groovy “You can tell just by looking at me that I’m the type who hates losing. Come do some intensive training with me!”
Home Setting “It’s not good for you to just be standing still like that!”
Home Transitions “I seriously can’t handle Coach Vargas. He’s so intense and conceited... It’s tiring just being around him.”
“I have a lot of fun in the basketball club. I get along well with upperclassmen from the other dorms too.”
“I think sports and magic are kinda similar. I mean, you’ve gotta put all your effort into both of them everyday.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “PE class is about to start soon. You’ll get left behind if you keep moving so slow~”
Home Taps “Did you already eat yet? If not, let’s go pick up something from the store. It’s boring being cooped up inside all the time.”
“No way. I don’t even have to ask; I can tell just by that face that whatever you have to say is something real troublesome. Don’t tell me.”
“I don’t wanna turn into some macho guy who’s totally ripped, so I can take it easy with my training.”
“Cater actually has pretty good reflexes. I should ask him for some Flying tips later.”
“Ahaha!! What do you want~? You keep poking me in the side over and over again!”
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Lab Coat - SR
Unlock Card “Working together’s really important. ...So anyway, let’s do our best on this assignment!”
Groovy “It’s fine to slack off just a little. Just do your best not to get caught.”
Home Setting “What, you’ve got a question? Alright, you owe me one.”
Home Transitions “I saw Deuce in the library looking really serious about something. I guess he’s studying for our next test.”
“Hey, did you finish the homework? Let’s do it together if you haven’t yet. That way we can split the work and get it done faster.”
“Sometimes there are potions with effects that make you think ‘What would you even make that for?’ I’d never wanna drink one, though.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “They don’t call Night Raven a prestigious academy for nothing. I gotta study sometimes too or I’ll get behind.”
Home Transition (Groovy) “Why do you have so much motivation for your classes? Don’t tell me you’re actually planning on making Grim a great mage, or something?”
Home Taps “The Headmaster really shows up and vanishes at the most unexpected times. Yesterday it almost gave me a heart attack when I noticed he was sitting behind me.”
“Be careful if you come across any talking flowers in the Botanical Garden. People say they’re really mean.”
“Potions are so nasty. And yet in the Queen of Hearts’ country, they were supposed to have tasted like things like pies and juice...”
“What do they even do at the science club? Trey invited me to stop by earlier but it seemed boring so I said no.”
“Ah, I seriously can’t deal with intense people. Go do that kinda stuff with Deuce, not me!”
Home Tap (Groovy) “Have you gotten everything ready for our next experiment? I’m kinda worried about how slow you are.”
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Ceremony Robes - SR
Unlock Card “Wearing these feels kinda... ah, don’t laugh at me! You’re not one to talk either!!”
Groovy “Hehe! I give off that prestigious Night Raven College! vibe, don’t I?”
Home Setting “Don’t cause any trouble today!”
Home Transitions “Hah... Why do the teachers have to talk for so long? It’s so boring. I wish they’d  wrap it up in three minutes flat.”
“What kinds of things do you guys have celebrations for where you come from? Do you celebrate Unbirthdays?”
“Before enrolling here, I thought these clothes looked so old-fashioned, but now I think they’re very fitting for a mage. Heheh.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “Oi, Prefect. Grim starts causing all the mischief he wants whenever you’re not here!”
Home Transition (Groovy) “Tada! I pulled a hedgehog out of my hood...! Wait, I messed it up. Magic tricks using living creatures are really hard.”
Home Taps “If you’re free, how about we go to the lounge? Well, the only thing I usually do there is play cards though.”
“Doesn’t this school have a serious lacking of entertainment?! There’s absolutely nowhere to have fun! What about a café? Or some live shows?!”
“My shoulders feel kinda stiff... I’m really not good at formal things.”
“I think my brother was even happier than my parents when they found out I was accepted here. He’s an alumni from the same dorm as me.”
“No, you can’t sleep right now! You were dozing off in class the other day and even I could tell from sitting behind you!”
Home Tap (Groovy) “Oh, perfect timing. Could we have a card game tournament at Ramshackle tonight? ...It’s fine, no one’ll find out!”
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Dorm Uniform - SSR
Unlock Card “My winning trump card is the Ace of Hearts!”
“I’d rather not get all heated and serious about things. ...Hey, are you even listening?!”
Groovy “You want to come to Heartslabyul? Haha, we’ll always welcome you!”
Home Setting “Let’s hurry and get this done!”
Home Transitions “Wanna go to the Unbirthday Party together? I promise there’ll be a delicious tart. ...I can’t promise the Dorm Leader will be in a good mood, though.”
“I know a magic trick that can make multiple cards appear from just one. Wanna see?”
“Euegh... I ate too much pie and now I’m so full... Trey’s sweets are just so good; I couldn’t stop eating.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “Prefect-! Come help me take care of the hedgehogs we use for croquet!”
Home Transition (Groovy) “So? How do I look in my dorm uniform? Handsome? ...Er, complimenting me that much would just sound like a lie.”
Home Taps “I showed the Dorm Leader a card trick and it actually surprised him. That felt nice ♪”
“If I was put in a different dorm... mm, I can’t even picture it. I guess Heartslabyul just fits me the best.”
“The freshmen have four people per room. It’s crowded, but it’s always full of energy so it’s a lot of fun. You should come hang out sometime.”
“Red vests are part of both our school and dorm uniforms, but the ones we wear with our dorm uniforms also have a traditional pattern associated with the Queen of Hearts on them.”
“Hey, now even you are acting just like Grim does; stop it! This keeps getting more and more out of hand.”
Home Tap (Groovy) “I wish you were part of Heartslabyul too. You don’t get the thrill of wondering when your head’ll get chopped off anywhere else.”
Duo Magic Ace: “Oi, Deuce! You better not just drag me down!” Deuce: “You’re so full of yourself! Who do you think you’re talking to, Ace?!”
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Birthday Celebration Outfit - SSR
This card was only obtainable during Ace’s birthday event (Sept 18 - Sept 25, 2020).
Login on Birthday “Hey Prefect, do you know what day it is today? It’s not an Unbirthday... It’s Ace’s birthday! Which means I’m the star of today. What should I do for it~?”
Unlock Card “Today I can have the first slice of cake without worrying about losing my head, right?”
“Hey, what’re you gonna get me for my birthday? Oh, if you’ve got no idea, a cherry pie would be nice~”
Groovy “Having a giant party isn’t as bad as I thought. Thanks for coming to celebrate too!”
Home Setting “This get-up’s so embarrassing! It’s screaming ‘Look at me!’ way too much.”
Home Transitions “This heart-shaped pin is reaaally sparkly. It’s kinda intense with how special! it looks.”
“When I was at my club earlier, the soles of my basketball shoes fell apart. Floyd has a good sense of style; maybe he’ll give some to me as a gift~”
“I don’t mind Cater posting pictures of me on Magicam... but I don’t know how to feel about him tagging it as ‘Acey’s Growth Record.’”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “Sorry, but we can’t have an Unbirthday Party today. ‘Cause today’s my actual birthday!”
Home Transition (Groovy) “After the party, can I come over to Ramshackle? Let’s invite Jack and the others and play cards till it’s morning.”
Home Taps “When I was little, my older brother one time blew out the candles on my birthday cake. We got into huge fight after.”
“I’m only one year older now, but everyone’s making a huge celebration out of it... I’m not saying I hate it, though~”
“Deuce said he’d treat me to whatever pastry I want at the school store! Hahaha, let’s ask him for the most expensive one. You in?”
“My brother’s not the only one good at magic tricks in my family; my dad’s really good at them too. On our birthdays, he used to show us tricks using gift boxes.”
“Aghgh, I get it! We’re done saying ‘Yes, Happy Birthday!’ ...It’s kind of really embarrassing...”
Home Tap (Groovy) “I can ask you favors since it’s my special day today, can’t I? When you finish that assignment, come join the party!”
Duo Magic Ace: Ortho, wish me a big happy birthday! Ortho: Happy birthday, Ace Trappola!
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Lv Up “Oh, this feels kinda nice!”
“Yay! Level up!”
“I gotta get even further ahead of everyone else.”
Max Lv Up “This feels incredible. Now that I’ve got this, it’ll probably be a lot easier for me to back up a certain someone who can’t use magic.”
Episode Lv Up “Ahaha! So these kinds of things can happen too. I always thought people like you would be the ones I’d get along the worst with, but I guess not! ...Just messing with you.”
Magic Lv Up “I could win against the Dorm Leader now that I’ve got this power, right? ...Oh, what I said just now is a secret, ‘kay?”
Limit Break “Whaaat? Aren’t you expecting too much from me? Well, alright. Guess I just should just work a little harder!”
Groovy “I’ll keep showing you more and more of my cool side, so look forward to that!”
Lesson Select “What class are you doing? Hurry up and pick. I’ll be sleeping straight through any one you pick anyway.”
“You’re so enthusiastic about this... Okay, okay! Stop pulling on me so hard!”
“Make sure to keep a close eye on Grim during class, alright, Prefect? He tried ditching earlier and the teacher got mad at him.”
Lesson Start “Let’s get this over with!”
Lesson End “It’s done~! Ahh, I’m tired.”
Battle Start “Okay~ I’ll make you all hit rock bottom!”
Battle End “Nothing to say about it. I won!”
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Profile Quote “Man, the Queen of Hearts is so cool! Nobody would obey a queen who’s just kind all the time, right?”
January 2020 Trailer “Ya better not be late! Or the scaaary queen will chop off your head!”
Countdown Poster “Stop daydreaming. Don’t you know you can get lost in the rose maze?”
Take His Hand “Let's head on over there!”
Player Birthday Wish “Eh? Was there something going on today? ...I’m just messing with you! It’s your birthday, right? Of course I remembered. Happy birthday, Prefect.”
Valentine’s Day Gift Letter (2021)
These letters were originally in English. I didn’t translate or edit them in any way. They came with official merch from Aniplex, and are not present in-game.
Hey you, Thanks for the present. But what’s up with the sudden gesture? Are you trying to apologize for something here? …JUST KIDDING! I actually need to talk to you about something, too. See you in class later!
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stusbunker · 4 years
AGA: Word to the Wise
A Supernatural Fan-fiction Denny AU Series
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Featuring: Dean Winchester/Benny Lafitte, past Dean/Jo
Other characters: Sam, Bobby, Cas, Mick, Ash, Jo
Word Count: 3000 (whoa)
A/N: Sam gets on Dean’s nerves and Dean ends up taking a late night detour. Big talks ahead.
Special thanks to my beta @cracksinthewalls​ who puts up with my whiny ass. Also grateful for @there-must-be-a-lock​‘s insight.
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The bowling league was in lean attendance due to a surprise snowstorm, but that didn’t keep Singers’ Slingers from mopping the floor with their competition. Dean ended on a spare in the last game, putting him just over his average for the night. State bowling wasn’t until spring, but if they kept up their momentum Dean was sure they could place well. And a weekend away would be a welcome break from his usual exhaustion. 
Dean still owed Mick a rematch from last year’s trip. Mick drank him under the table and Dean didn’t want to lose two years running, he had a reputation to uphold afterall. Bartending had cut into his training time, among other things.
Ash was the first one to bow out for the night, knowing his side towing business would be busy with vehicles in ditches for however long the storm lasted. Cas bummed a ride with Mick, since his car had never done well in this weather and he was still dragging his feet on upgrading. Dean knew he had been hinting at shopping around, but Dean wasn’t going to push the topic and get dragged into helping or finagling with the salesman for the guy. Cas could figure it out on his own, and Dean was finally in a place where he felt comfortable letting him. Huh.
Sam had been quiet all night, but Dean hadn’t mentioned it, attributing the sour mood to post-break up blues. They bought Bobby his weekly drink, “team dues” as he called it and settled in along the bar. 
Dean kept the conversation going, trying to keep the mood light, but Bobby was too tired to ham it up and Sam was not amused by his brother’s antics. Once Bobby polished off his last beer and headed home to Ellen, Dean was rolling his eyes in exasperation.
“Fine, you know what, I’ll reel it in, don’t want to interrupt your sulking,” Dean muttered after another joke fell flat. Sam winced at Dean’s jab, which Dean instantly regretted. Though it did seem to shake Sam out of his funk, if minutely.
“So, tell me about Benny,” Sam brought up with elephantine grace.
Dean stared at Sam like he proclaimed he was quitting the law firm and joining the circus, coulrophobia and all. 
Sam huffed. “What?”
“Nice segue there, counselor,” Dean grumbled. “What about him? Hmm, you want a new bowling bag? Because that was already on my list for you for Christmas.”
“Dude, you don’t have to do that. I mean, that’d be great, but no, I was kind of wondering what your deal was? Like do you hang out a lot?” Sam started fishing.
“Yeah, totally, everynight,” Dean deadpanned. “I mean I only work two jobs when I’m not moving your sorry ass back into Mom and Dad’s.”
“That’s not what I meant,” Sam said, waiting to figure out where he was going with this line of questioning and just shot in the dark. 
“What I’m trying to say is, is this, like, a Cas thing?” Sam choked out, unable to put it any more delicately. 
Dean burned with shame as his hackles raised in defensiveness. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
Sam cocked his head and pursed his lips, unamused and unimpressed. “You know what I mean, man. Don’t make me spell it out.”
Dean wouldn’t budge, he dropped his beer with a thud. “Well, you’re gonna have to, because I have no fuckin’ idea what you’re talking about.”
“Dude!” Sam shook his head and rolled his eyes.
“The fuck is your problem? You got something to say, just say it, Sam.” Dean fumed, daring him with a murderous glare. Sam inhaled pregnantly, face still inching towards bitch mode. Sam eyed the bartender who was trying not to listen and the late game bowlers who suddenly decided they could catch up lane side instead.
What Dean didn’t realize was that he needed Sam to say it. He yearned for it, for his truth to be spoken, and known without him having to say it himself.
“Look, I know this isn’t something we talk about. But, I just want to make sure you’re okay. Alright? In the beginning with Cas, it was like you were obsessed, man. And since he just always seemed to need something from you. I just want to make sure you’re not getting used, I guess,” Sam unraveled the heart of his concern without saying too much, which Dean was not expecting, at all.
Dumbfounded, Dean retreated, annoyance trumping any chance at relief. 
“I think I can handle myself, thanks,” Dean spat. Petulantly, he took a sip from his beer, the cold glass solid in his hand, giving him something to clutch or even throw, if it came down to it.
“I didn’t say---,” Sam broke off. “Fine! You know what? You’re on your own. Just remember that I should have listened to you about Ruby and now I’m paying the price for my own stubbornness.”
Sam stood and reached for his money clip, tossing an extra five on the bar for the dramatics. He gave Dean one last chance to come clean, to own up to what they weren’t saying. Dean stared straight ahead, eyes unfocusing on the liquor labels behind the bar as if Sam had already left. So he did, just as he came: pissed and questioning his brother’s motives.
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    Dean didn’t go home after that. Instead he absently followed a plow down the main road until he happened upon a familiar turn off. Which he took slow and steady until it ended in a T. The little brick ranch at the end of the lane held a lot of memories. And it was more inviting than ever with its Christmas card perfection in the falling snow. Dean put the Impala in park and let the radio play, wishing he had a joint just for the sake of something to do. 
He wasn’t there ten minutes before his phone rang, which he answered without processing the caller ID.
“You gonna come in or you just gonna sit out there feeling sorry for yourself?” Jo’s voice sliced across the line.
“Didn’t know if you were still up,” Dean bullshitted.
“Uh-huh. Whatever you say. Backdoor’s open,” her unimpressed reply. She hung up before Dean could make up an excuse to leave. He slouched out of the car and trudged down the long country driveway. As soon as he had stomped the snow off his boots, Jo welcomed him in with a firm hug and an appraising glint in her eye.
“Thanks, it’s a real mess out there,” Dean explained.
Jo just shook her head at him. “How’d ya bowl?”
“619 series, finished strong in the last few frames,” Dean answered. “Were you at your folks?”
“Nah, just know it’s Wednesday night, which means the boys were at the alley,” Jo smirked as she reached atop her fridge for the good stuff. 
She held up the whiskey in offering and Dean nodded, bending out of his coat. He slipped it over the back of a chair and settled in at the vintage kitchen table. She poured him a glass and watched as he inhaled the first round like he had been outside for hours and needed to fight off a much deeper chill.
“Well alright,” Jo resigned herself to playing shrink and poured Dean another drink. “So, what’s got you stuck in your head, hm?”
Dean weighed his head from side to side as he let the whiskey roll over his tongue. He never got far into a pouting session when Jo was around, but he also didn’t know which chamber of his heart he could stand to prop open for her inspection tonight.
“How’ve you been, Jo? You still schooling those truckers on taking care of their own rigs?” Dean sidestepped with ease.
“You know it,” Jo confirmed. “Not a day goes by that I don’t have to put another asshole in his place. Pays good, though.”
Jo had followed in Bobby’s footsteps and became a mechanic, but two Singers were already one too many for the shop and salvage yard. So she took her skills out to the interstate and made a name for herself as the only female diesel technician in four counties. Dean used to hate it when she would fix something faster than him, but it had been more than a decade since her skills had made him feel inferior. Dean knew Jo’d be his boss someday, but he wasn’t too worried about those far off futures; Bobby wouldn’t retire unless Ellen made him or killed him first.
“How’s Rufus holding up?” Jo teased, knowing her dad’s old friend was getting worse for the wear, much like John had.
“Stubborn, and as glib as ever. Good thing your dad rehired him, because he’s a bit too mouthy for most customers,” Dean admitted.
    Jo hummed with nostalgia. “I gotta swing by and bug you guys sometime, but it just keeps getting busier.”
    Dean sighed. “I hear that. What’s it been? Labor day? No. I haven’t even seen you since the Fourth. Christ!”
“Yeah, well, you’ll see me next week for Thanksgiving, don’t get too sentimental about it now,” Jo quipped. She took a short sip off the bottle as Dean swirled the last of his second helping.
“I’m seeing someone,” Dean staggered the words, like he wasn’t sure if their meanings and sounds fit together.
Jo sighed dramatically, “Finally, the truth is revealed! What’s up? She’s not pregnant, is she?”
“No.” Dean had to bite back his guffaw. “Definitely not.”
“Okay, then why the sad face? Not pulling a Ruby on ya, I hope?” Jo tested the waters.
“No, it’s--uh--- it’s been good. Really good. I just, kind of need to make up my mind if I’m in it for the long haul. Ya know?” Dean clarified, relaxing with each little confession. 
“Uh-oh it’s getting serious,” Jo mock whispered.
Dean rolled his shoulders. “No, well, it could be. I don’t know.”
Jo giggled. “I can’t believe you! You’re fucking twitterpated, aren’t you?!”
“Jo, if you start making Thumper jokes, I’m shutting up right now,” Dean warned with a pointed finger. “Care to top me off while you’re at it?”
“Okay, okay, gosh.” Jo rolled her eyes dramatically as she poured him another drink before pointedly putting it back on the fridge. “But you’re in deep. You’re all blushy about it.”
“That doesn’t mean I’m ready to go big. It just means they’re willing to put up with me until I say the word,” Dean tried to downplay his feelings and Benny’s confession.
“So do it! Bust out the grand gestures already,” Jo encouraged.
Dean scoffed, “I’m not built for commitment, you know that!”
“Except you kinda are! You’ve changed, Dean,” Jo insisted, head hung to pour her honesty from her eyes. “I don’t know when it happened, but you’re not that reckless boy that I knew. You’ve always been a good guy, but now?---- Maybe it’s been since Sam came home, I don’t know. But somewhere along the way you grew up.---- It’s okay to let yourself want something more, you know.”
Dean grumbled and rolled his neck, breaking the eye contact. She always could do this to him, just like her mother, see straight through his every defense. “I always thought it’d be you, you know?”
Jo smiled without teeth. “Firsts can do that to people. But, we’re not those kids anymore, Dean. So, if you’re asking for my permission or seeking my approval---?”
Dean dropped his head to his hands, thick fingers poorly hiding him from Jo. “It’s a guy, Jo. I’m--- I don’t know--- Bi? I guess?”
“Dean?” Jo waited until he stopped being sheepish and looked at her, even if it was only out of the corner of one eye. “You’ve been head over heels for Cas for years. If you dare tell me this is about him, so help me, I will throw you out right now.”
Dean couldn’t help but laugh ruefully at that and toss back what was left of his whiskey. “You saw that, huh?”
She didn’t answer, waiting for him to work through it on his own.
“It’s not Cas.” Dean smacked his lips and held up his glass for a refill. Jo stood and brought the bottle back to the table. Dean poured himself three fingers worth and pondered the sloshing liquid before he continued. “Your mom know?”
Jo licked her lips, cocked her head, and sighed.
Dean closed his eyes and asked, “Bobby? Fuck!--- my mom?!”
“No one has ever said it out loud, Dean. I don’t know who knows, honestly. But we’re family, that doesn’t change.” Jo grasped his wrist firmly, he held her hand to his and then she slapped her other one on top. Time stopped long enough for Dean to accept that his secret was finally out, but also that it was safe.
“I can’t believe I’m talking about this with you, of all people.” Dean thumbed her knuckles, staring into eyes he knew as well as his own.
“Really? Who else would you be talking to about it? Sam? Ash, maybe?” Jo giggled. “I’m honored, actually. It means you stopped hating me.”
Dean pulled his hands away and took another drink. “I never hated you.” 
“Okay, well, maybe it means you stopped hating yourself,” Jo corrected.
Dean’s brows crooked incredulously.
“Too much?” Jo asked apologetically.
Dean shook his head and sighed. “You are your mother’s daughter.”
“Now you’re the one being rude,” Jo muttered before taking a solid drink off the bottle this time.
Dean let himself relax, let the whiskey and conversation work into his muscles and set his worries aside. They talked like the old days and about the old days. Those in between years after high school and before anyone was ready to face responsibility. When half their friends went to college, they had just kept on working. After another hour, Jo leaned back in her chair and started scrutinizing him once again.
“You know how I know you’re happy with what’s his name?” Jo teased.
“Beh--- I didn’t tell you, fuck! Benny, his name is Benny. Goddamnit Joanna Beth,” Dean cursed through a chuckle; more details dragged out of him than he had planned on.
Jo cocked her head and considered the name.“Benny, right. You wanna know how I know?” Jo pushed.
“Fine, how?” Dean held up his hand, beckoning for her to hit him with her response.
“Because this is about the time of night you start giving me the lazy once over. But not tonight,” Jo proclaimed, chin out condescendingly. She had him, every few years they’d find themselves back in each other’s beds, for a night or a weekend and then they’d move on. He always thought of her as his home, his starting point. But maybe they weren’t the same thing at all.
“You still look good, Jo,” Dean replied, trying to save face.
“That’s not what I meant, Dean. Besides, I know!” Jo snarked, straightening her spine and tossing her hair over her shoulder. Dean couldn’t hold in his laughter anymore and it spilled out over a toothy grin, making Jo almost choke on her drink. God, Dean felt like anything was possible. That life was good. 
After the hysterics had calmed down, Dean exhaled. “Thanks, Jo. I needed this.”
“You sure did, nobody else was gonna hand you your ass so kindly,” Jo agreed, standing and taking the bottle and Dean’s glass with her to the counter that held the sink. He whined comically, but knew her timing was right. She leaned back and smirked.
Dean grew quiet and Jo waited to see if it was exhaustion, the alcohol or something else. She didn’t have long to prepare.
“How’m I gonna tell my dad?” Dean asked, the pain and panic pulling at his face until she saw the telltale tears well up.
“Fuck ‘im. I mean it, if your dad can’t get his head out of his ass to see how happy you are, he isn’t worth your time,” Jo said adamantly.
Dean let his thoughts roll to the side of his head and licked his lips, biting against the tremor. He quickly wiped away the tears that escaped and inhaled wet and ragged. Jo slipped to his side and ran her hand through his hair, letting his face fall against her chest as he breathed through the onslaught. Dean couldn’t help but think how motherly the affection felt.
She pulled back to look him over at arms’ length. 
“So what now? You want the couch? Or should I call you a ride? I’m sure Sam owes you one,” Jo asked, as no nonsense as ever.
“I’ll be fine,” Dean dismissed her concern, rubbing up his face to wipe off his nose.
“Well, you ain't driving.” Jo held up his keys. Dean blanched, feeling his pockets for them, fruitlessly. He stood to snatch them, but she had already skipped across the kitchen, too far to catch. “Nuh-uh, no way I’m letting you risk your baby. Or your thick skull in this weather.”
 Dean put his hands on his hips, and blinked through the dizziness. He realized he hadn’t stood in a few hours. “Sam.”
“What’s that?” Jo prodded mischievously, ear leaning in as if she couldn’t hear him.
“Very funny. Call Sam, will ya?” Dean rolled his eyes as she scrolled through her contacts, murmuring the names under her breath. His keys were raised in victory, as if he couldn’t reach them above her head. He could have snagged them in an instant, if he wanted to.
 While Jo woke Sam, Dean checked his own phone. Ignoring some texts from his mom and Cas, he selected the conversation with Benny. There were no new messages since that morning. Dean hesitated before relocking his screen.
“Sam’ll be here in twenty. You want something to eat? I’ve got chips.” Jo offered, opening the cupboard.
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Tagging: @flamencodiva​ @dolphincliffs​ @dontshootmespence​ @fookinghelljensensthighs​ @fangirlxwritesx67 @dawnie1988 @mrswhozeewhatsis​ @cosicas-cuquis​ @foxyjwls007 @tumbler-tidbits @wingedcatninja​ @defenderrosetyler​ @ericaprice2008  @crashdevlin​  @mylovelydame21 @cajunquandary​ @itmighthavebeenintentional​​ @thoughtslikeaminefield​ @there-must-be-a-lock @tatted-trina6​ @cracksinthewalls​ @atc74​​
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Part 10: Spit it Out
39 notes · View notes
slashingdisneypasta · 5 years
Horror Villain Headcanons
Topic: This is an extension of the last Jason Oneshot ^^ The rest of the horror movie villains react to their S/O telling them someone at work asked them out and she thought about saying yes.
Warnings: Seriously bad language in some reactions. Like, disgusting. Also some M rated suggestions 
I’m feeling like Jason took it extremely well for a Slasher… aha
I’m so sad that our boys Buckman, Drayton and Hoyt don't have gifs!!
Billy Loomis: 
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·         Well, Billy’s a bit of a hot head… or a lot.
·         The guy who asked you out will probably be dead. Most likely.
·         And you’ll get the cold shoulder for an hour or two, because man. He’s hurt, that you would consider leaving him for some better life. You’re just like his mother, and this asshole who asked you out is just like Maureen Prescott. In his head, this just legitimises his murderous actions even more and makes him even worse.
·         In this scenario, keeping it to yourself would have probably bene better.
·         Eventually though, the fog will lift and he’ll remember that he needs you. He’ll come over and wrap his arm around you, nuzzling your face, and threaten you that if you ever do anything like that to him again, or even look in the direction of another man they will be cut down and he will make you watch.
·         Boy’s a little bit yandere.
Bubba Sawyer: 
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·         Bubba’s mind flies right over the part where another guy asked you out and sticks to the part here you thought about saying yes. He doesn’t care about this other guy, he doesn’t know him. He cares about his people, and you are his person. He wonders, why would you do that? Why aren’t you totally happy with him and his brothers and grandpa?
·         His eyes will get watery, and he’ll just watch you and listen to you holding onto every word that comes out of your mouth until you’re done. Imagine that, for a moment. Telling Bubba, with his big, teary brown eyes (I’m assuming their brown, I can’t tell) that another man asked you on a date and you nearly said yes and left him. Imagine that, and tell me, could you do it???
·         Hell no. With his little fidgeting, and his fat bottom lip sticking out, and his whines? No! No! No, no, no, no!
·         So, quickly, bundle him up in a hug and tell him you were being silly, and you love him!
(Mayor) Buckman: 
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·         Depends, was it a citizen of pleasant Valley? Or was it a passing stranger? Because if its one of their victims then there won’t be as many long-term consequences like their will be if it were one of his residents. His family.
·         See, if you’re dating the mayor, everyone will know. Especially this mayor, because he has a taste for flare and he sure as hell introduces you as his consort every chance he gets. Which means passers by and residents alike are well aware who you are and who you ‘belong to’ (He wouldn’t put it that way, but its clear.).
·         If it was a victim, he’ll make a show of their death- even more then usual. If it was a resident, they’ll get a warning and he’ll never entirely trust them again. He’ll always bring it up from then on, too. Embarrassing you, and them. Refers to them as an almost-thief and whatever other nasty insulting name that he feels at the time.
·         But either way, he’ll be the same about your part in his heartbreak. Betrayed, but willing to forgive because you’re ‘Just so darn cute!’.
·         He will guilt trip you a lot though when its mentioned, but if you’re able to sit him down and talk about it maturely with him, and explain your side of the story, then he’ll calm down and forgive you. ‘It’s forgotten, darlin’. I’m sorry for acting immaturely.’
Carrie White:
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·         Surprisingly, Carrie doesn’t immediately get upset and act like Bubba did. I mean, of course she feels bad. Its not a nice thing to hear from the person you’re in love with, that they nearly left you for something else! But, she thinks about your side of this as well.
·         She guesses, she understands where you came from. It would be easier for you to love someone normal… not like her… It would be nicer for you. She gets it.
·         She keeps the wounded look off her face, for your benefit.
·         “But… “She’ll say then. And explain her side of this. That she loves you so much, and understands that it would be easier for you and just wants you happy. But she would be really happy herself, if what would make you happy is to be with her.
·         It’ll be such a relief for her if you take her hands say that’s the conclusion you came to. One of those adorable, real smiles will grace her face.
Chop Top Sawyer: 
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·         “WhhhaaaaaaaAAaAaaat???”
·         “Let me at him! Let! Me! At! HIM! Show me where he’s at, I should- “
·         You will need to stop him from storming your place of work with a face on a stick that’s on fire (Bubba balling behind him, because that’s his face!!), fists blazing and bouncing all over the place if you want to explain. Goddamnit, Chop Top’s gotta stand up for himself, and his woman! This will not do??!!
·         “Chop Top- Chop! Stop it a second, I- Chooop! I nearly said yes!”
·         That make shim halt in place. Only for a second though, before he drops his fists and turns to you in confusion. “Wat?”
·         “But… then… I realise, I love you. And I was being stupid, and- well, that’s it. I love you.”
·         “Awww, I love you too! That’s okay then!!”
·         Prepare yourself, because otherwise the force of Chop’s lung cuddle will send you both crashing into one of Nubbins bone sculptures.
·         Chop Top is pretty light hearted about the whole thing XD
Chucky/Charles Lee Ray (We’re assuming he’s human in this. Whether that be in man or woman form. And I’m sorry if I overuse this gif, I just love it XD): 
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·         Some stupid guy asking you out is one thing, but you considering it??? That’s a direct attack on him and will be treated with prejudice.
·         “I must not be hearing right these days, doll, because I swear I just heard come out of your pretty little mouth that you considered leaving me for some castrated turd- or, he will be castrated, at least. Stay here.”  
·         I suggest you stay where you are because if you leave and he comes back to that after killing this to find you gone, he will find you, and he’ll be even more pissed. He’ll take that as an admission that you’re not in love with him anymore, and the situation will be handled much worse.
·         When he gets back, he will have the penis of the man who asked you out in a plastic zip lock bag and he’ll give it to you. Then hook a hand around the back of your neck and hold you firmly in place so that he can look down at you darkly and say: “Keep that as a reminder that I take great pleasure in sawing off any limb or body part off a person who tries to steal from me. I want you to be happy, sure, but having you is the point.”
·         For the rest of the night he’ll be pretty stiff and stay off to himself instead of hanging with you because, he didn’t say it but his feelings were hurt by this betrayal, but by the time the sun rises the next day he will have gotten over it, comforted by the fact that he has you for better or for worse now.
Drayton Sawyer: 
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·         Drayton takes all this news in one gulp and just kinda… nods, says okay then, and leaves to continue his work. Out of it. Off with the fairies.
·         He doesn’t quite know what he could do about that. I mean, it’s good that you love him and you didn’t leave, but the fact that you thought about it still feels terrible. Especially since he doesn’t kill. He feels like he has no way of one upping you, or becoming even. He feels like the weaker part of the relationship, the one that has more to lose. Because clearly, you have options! He has… you.
·         He’ll be pretty quiet for the rest of the night and for a while after tat day he’ll act a bit off. Normal, you know. Doing things with you, and talking with you, and just being normal. But he’ll just a be a biiiiit off, because he knows he has so much more to lose, and he hates that feeling.
·         Eventually he’ll get over it, and feel better. But this has opened his eyes to that fact and its new to him! I mean, its not nice for anyone. But in his family, they all need each other They all play an equal part and even without that theirs blind loyalty involved. Here, he has to earn it and he suddenly feels very powerless, and in danger of losing you if one day you decide he isn’t enough.
Freddy Krueger: 
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·         Similar to Chucky, he ‘wants you to be happy, but having you is the point’. He’s not above causing you an accident that puts you in a coma, so you stay with him all the time and you don’t have any other choices. Your smile is cute, but being with you trumps it all.
·         But this is only the first time, and you’ve told him that you realised you didn’t want that. You want him so his little perverted heart may give out, so he’ll let it go this once. He wont hold onto it and throw it in your face later or even use it to his advantage now.
·         He will kill the guy, though. There’s no way he won’t take the opportunity to kill someone.
Jennifer Check: 
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·         “Well fuck you too then, bitch!”
·         Yeah… she may need a bit of time to cool down. She is hot. She graces you with her presence. How dare you stab her in the back like this. She thinks all this, and then she thinks that she should kill you. That no fuck buddy should be able to hurt her like this, but after she looks at you and assesses you… she knows she couldn’t.
·         But you don’t know that, and she’ll work with that.
·         Storming out, she’ll make you think that she’s so mad that she would kill you. Just so you’ll feel the fear for a time, which she’ll prolong as much as possible, going do her nails and toes and then get a delicious, boy flavoured meal as self-care.
·         Then, finally she’ll come back, and roll her eyes like she doesn’t know you took it seriously. Like it wasn’t her plan at all. “You really thought I would kill you? Don’t be dumb, come on! Let’s watch a movie- I pick, cuz you’re slutty ass hurt my feelings, k?”
(Sheriff) Hoyt/Charlie Hewitt: 
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·         When he looks at you, slightly squinting like he does when he’s thinking, you think he’s going to kill you. That you never meant much to him and he’s going to turn you into dinner without blinking an eye for your betrayal- because what’s more important to Hewitt’s, then loyalty? Not much.
·         Also, Hoyts a twisted, backstabbing traitor himself so that also worries you a bit.
·         But then he just leaves the room, attitude in his eyes as he calls for Thomas to lock you away in your room and that he’s going to get dinner.
·         For a few stupid hours after that, hidden away in your room without your phone or laptop, you foolishly thing he’s going to withhold dinner from you as punishment.
·         But when he brings you in stew with a suspiciously familiar coloured eye as a sloppy garnish, and a tricky, twisted look on his face, you know what your punishment really is.
Michael Myers: 
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·         Ohhh, no.
·         Boy’s dead.
·         That’s it.
·         You get no punishment, but this boy who asked you out is so dead. You just tell him what happened, and then he turns and leaves to get his new job done.
Patrick Bateman: 
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·         It may be smart to tell him at work, so he can’t really flip out… trap him in the confines of social standards.
·         It won’t stop him from freaking out on you later, in the safety of your own home, but it will allow you a few more hours of crippling worry- or enough time to leave the country. You know, depending on how you word the whole thing to him.
·         A deep breath in through his nose, teeth grit. “I’ll cancel our dinner reservations.” His eyes flicker from yours, to everyone else in the office. He steps closer to you, and whispers. “Go home, don’t you dare eat anything or turn on the TV. Tie yourself up, and wait for me. And don’t let me catch you dressed, fucking whore.”
·         See, he’s had to come up with different ways to punish you when he’s mad, seeing as he cares for you. So really kinky, borderline (Sometimes not even borderline.) torturous sex will have to do. You never get to finish. And the rope is not safe, sex shop brand rope.
Pennywise (OG): 
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·         I’m sorry, why should he care that a weak, unimportant mortal man asked you out? Its not like he would ever have succeeded, even if you hadn’t made the right decision and said no. He would have found you and gotten you back, no matter what.
·         You are his adorable little human, who he is prepared to fight for -not that that is what would ever happen here. He’s not going to waste energy fighting a mortal man when he can just take you back, easy, - and you will not get away so easily.
·         Basically, in this relationship, freewill is a fantasy. You are entirely and utterly owned by him. Like a pet.
Stu Macher: 
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·         “You, what… really??”
·         Well, first of all, he would fight this boy. Killing him doesn’t really occur to him, because he likes to keep his romantic life and his murder life separate but he definitely wants to throw a punch or two!
·         Second of all, why would you want that!???
·         “Do you not like me, anymore?? Babe, baby, come on! What’d I do to deserve that!”
·         Honestly, he makes it out like it would have been better if you hadn’t told him. He thinks you’re mad at him and are trying to tell him you have options, by being honest and telling him this. No one has ever claimed he’s the sharpest knife in the drawer.
·         You’ll get lots of cuddles and snuggles because he wants you to know how much he loves you. But that’s not really new.
Thomas Hewitt: 
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·         Deep breaths. Watch his chest rise and fall like he’s trying really hard not to get mad, which he is.
·         But, mostly, he reacts like Jason. Hears you out, because what else can he do? Luda taught him not to walk away from a person in the middle of a conversation.
·         Once you’re done, he thinks. Still with the very deep breaths.
·         He thinks how he trusts you, and what you say must be true. But then if you thought about leaving, then something has to be wrong, right?
·         As you continue to explain to him, slightly more panickily, that you love him and it was a momentary lapse in judgement that didn’t even really do anything but you’re telling him anyway, because you love him and you want him to trust you, he slowly starts to clam down.
·         Eventually, her brings you into a hug to stop your panicking. His breaths have returned to a normal rate, and he vows to try and forget it.
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 275: YAAAAY but Also AHHHHH
Previously on BnHA: Endeavor was all “I’M FIGHTING TOMURA AND YOU CAN’T STOP ME” and set everything on fire. Unlike SOME people, however, it turns out fire is NOT Tomura’s weakness, so he basically just shrugged it off. But before things could progress any further, AFO was all “psst, go get One for All” and Tomura was all “? One for All?” and Endeavor was all “?? One for All?” and Deku and Kacchan, who were listening in on their earpieces, were all “!!!” Having thus realized that Tomura was targeting him, Deku sped off to lead him somewhere away from the civilians... accompanied by his good friend Bakugou “274 chapters of character development have all been leading up to this” Katsuki. Because like hell are you going to have an EPIC BATTLE with the FINAL VILLAIN without him, you damn nerd. Who’s he going to heroically sacrifice himself for if you’re not there?? Hahh!?
Today on BnHA: Deku and Kacchan fly off to battle Tomura after confusing Endeavor into giving them his location (which wasn’t very hard lmao). En route, Deku finally thinks to ask Kacchan why he’s tagging along, and Kacchan is all “DON’T GET ME WRONG, IT’S JUST BECAUSE I WANT REVENGE ON TOMURA, AND DEFINITELY NOT BECAUSE I CARE ABOUT YOU AT ALL, HOW DARE YOU, WHY WOULD YOU EVEN SAY THAT”, which is super convincing and didn’t make me roll my eyes at all. Anyways so then Tomura shows up and is all “EYO TIME TO KILL YOU NOW” and Deku and Kacchan are all “OH SFFKDFK”, but fortunately Gran shows up to save them in the nick of time, because BnHA is literally the only shounen manga in which grown-ups will see kids trying to lead a battle and be like “lol wtf” and actually try to stop that shit instead of being all “what are your orders, children.” The chapter then ends with the heroes doing EXACTLY WHAT THEY SHOULD BE DOING??Namely, having the guy who can TURN OFF QUIRKS battle the guy with the ultimate death quirk! I’m so proud. But also I swear to god, if Tomura so much as breathes suspiciously in his direction...!! What the fuck. HORIKOSHI.
y’all what in the fresh hell is this bs
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not yet there isn’t son but if you keep trolling like this I can give your nervous system something to actually be nervous about
anyway. this was his comment from last week’s issue of Jump, and I have absolutely no idea what it’s referring to, is the fun part! did he cry because of something he was working on in a chapter that’s coming up? or is he just tired from a combination of stressful mangaka schedule + 2020 in general?? or hell, for all I know he just recently watched Titanic or some shit
anyways I guess it’s time to read and see if I feel like sadly happily crying for two hours afterward
-- oh shit I just realized there are two scanlations out for this?? one from readjump.com, and one from readheroacademia.com. lol now what. uhhh
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lulzes. I guess I’ll go with RHA for now and keep checking back to RJ after each page and I’ll go with whichever translation I liked better
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or would he actually be gen z. he was already in his twenties when this manga started like six years ago, so I’m going with millennial. but on the cusp though I guess. anyway, he plays video games though is the point
and I see he’s already decided to contradict me and my inane speculations not two panels in! I GUESS I AM JUST A FOOL. that’s really interesting though. I wonder if it’s just Monoma’s quirk that doesn’t take the accumulated “save data” from the people he copies from, then? guh. how many of my AFO/OFA theory notes do I have to scrap now
and there’s a little quirk blurb about Search, which is fairly useless given that we already know how it works (actually in even greater detail than shown here), but at least it comes with a cute little picture of Ragdoll in her hero costume, to make us all sad and stuff
so anyways Tomura who are you looking at?? this was a topic of some contention last week! also why were you only seeing nine people then. Ragdoll had seen everyone in 1-A along with Aizawa and her fellow Pussycats at a minimum, so is this confirmation that Tora and Mandalay and Pixie-Bob are all really dead then, because I CAN AND WILL HUNT DOWN A MAN AND MAKE HIM CRY FOR A GOOD DEAL LONGER THAN TWO HOURS IF THAT’S REALLY THE CASE. was Kouta not traumatized enough already?? LET’S JUST ORPHAN HIM AGAIN WHY NOT THAT’S A GOOD PLAN
(ETA: I really hate that we are still up in the air regarding this? and I mean, sure, why not, we only had like a dozen lady heroes to begin with, so why not just kill off two more of them, offscreen, in one fell swoop??)
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(ETA: ??)
-- well hello there
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OR MAYBE I WAS NOT A FOOL AT ALL?? lol guys. please do not tell me my hobo husband is flying his vengeful ass over to where Tomura all heedless of the danger because I really do not need that just yet. CAN MY FAVORITE CHARACTERS PLEASE FUCKING TAKE TURNS BEING IN TERRIBLE DANGER INSTEAD OF ALL AT ONCE
sob we’re cutting back to Endeavor and Deku and Kacchan. ACTUALLY THAT’S GOOD THOUGH why am I complaining. I’m just gonna have to get used to the fact that no one is going to truly be safe for the next god knows however many chapters, and make my peace with that. hahaha. yeah right
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lol he is trying to argue a bit but then he’s suddenly cutting off. so in hindsight I don’t know why I said “lol”, really. I’M JUST NERVOUS OKAY
btw in the other translation Deku straight up asks if Endeavor can redirect Tomura towards them. “sure no problem bucko, let me just tell the walking apocalypse exactly where he can find you, my two sixteen-year-old interns whose safety I am responsible for. I was just thinking to myself that I hadn’t had my fill of crazy ill-thought-out plans with a high risk of death today”
holy --
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okay I have not the SLIGHTEST clue what’s going on here, even after analyzing both scans, except that someone, probably Tomura, either just went CRONCH or just GOT cronched just now lmao. let us read on to find out who was cronched and who did the cronching
the rest of this page is not really much more helpful
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but I am becoming increasingly suspicious that those were in fact Tomura’s new, improved and ridiculously thicc legs doing the cronching as he did a Marvel Superhero Landing from the most RIDICULOUS ANGLE POSSIBLE
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so he just cronched onto the ground and fooshed Endeavor and then went flying off again huh
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he really just fucking hung up on him afterwards too. just, “got it thanks amigo just leave everything to me, [CLICK]”
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-- oh shit
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that’s just. a SLIGHT change in meaning, there. silly me. thinking “get rid of them” meant “get rid of their communications as opposed to FUCKING KILLING THE ONE YOU’RE NOT ACTUALLY AFTER. hmm. well that’s not good
(ETA: never have I been so happy that a translation was wrong lmao.)
so now Endeavor’s shouting at everyone else that Tomura is heading southwest and that he has “SUPER REGENARTION” (sic) and is no longer THE SAME THUG HE WAS BEFORE and yeah RHA you have officially won me over, flaws and all. listen up boyos. this ain’t your granddaddy’s Shigaraki Tomura. this one regenars
also “that damn kid...” like why the hell did my son have to go and befriend two protagonists. why is this my life now
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“MIDORIYA IS IN DANGER...!!” STORY OF THIS MANGA. AHAHA. KACCHAN HE’S COMING. HE’S COMING, KACCHAN. for you two. someone please help me I am both terrified and thrilled beyond all recognition and my body doesn’t know how to handle the conflicting emotions. honestly crying for two hours is starting to sound more and more appealing
oh my god I forgot they didn’t know, though
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fff. Kacchan especially didn’t know, because unlike Deku he doesn’t have random bits of other people’s souls going “heyyyyyyy... transcendent being at 12 o’clock.” what has this kid so bravely and stupidly gone and gotten himself into
look at them go
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damn Deku can you really not float yet?? that’s going to be really inconvenient if that’s the case
(ETA: my boy really would have just straight up died. he would have died so hard.)
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NOW YOU WANT TO ASK HIM LMAOOOO. well it’s because of all the character development!! if you must know
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you’re not as smooth as you think you are, you know. we all know why you actually followed him. but fine, be that way
okay so now he’s giving a real-er answer though
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“understand the situation”, the situation being that your best friend and his secret-trump-card-in-the-battle-against-evil quirk were being targeted by the guy who just obliterated this entire city. got it. you put it quite succinctly
and Deku is all
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and Kacchan is all
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love how he throws that protagonist crack in there too. because we all know that Deku absolutely is the protagonist lol, and so if that part’s obviously not true, we can make some inferences about the rest of what he’s saying too now can’t we
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh snap
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YOU SURE DO!! and he does with you too!! :) it’s gonna be one big happy reunion! :) :) :) oh gosh golly
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what are you doing to me, I should clarify. please be considerate of my feelings. you can’t just DUMP sudden Kacchan Kamino Angst on me without any warning, you have to let me know in advance so that I can buy some thank you cards
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by the way in the other translation he says “I’ll make up for what I did that day.” so yeah. BOOM. right to the heart. shot of me collapsing to the ground in slow motion
but it’s interesting though that he still can’t admit to having selfless motives yet! even after everything he’s been through and all his character growth! he’s still all GET RID OF THE REFERENCES TO ME CARING ABOUT YOU, WE CAN’T LET PEOPLE KNOW WE HAVE FEELINGS
but even his Kamino feels are notably first and foremost about him feeling responsible for failing All Might. so yeah, buddy. where does that leave you? even your feeble excuses are still rooted in selflessness, JUST GIVE IN AND ADMIT YOU’VE BEEN SECRETLY GIVING A SHIT BEHIND EVERYONE’S BACK. and honestly he might be better off at this point if he didn’t! BUT HE DOES. and that’s that
anyways Deku I sure hope you and your big hero brain can see right through this nonsense
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god. you’re both in so much danger though, do you even have any idea?! of course you fucking don’t. god
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well that’s one hell of a rare sight!! all fresh and chock full of shrewd observations about his best rival’s current skillset. ah what a time we’re living in
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gonna hold off commentary until I read the next part of this lol
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goddamn. Horikoshi really went off this week. just a whole chapter’s worth of Stuff Makeste Really Likes, goddamn is it my birthday or what
so do you guys think he’ll be able to keep pace all the way up to 100%? I can see this part being interpreted in two totally different ways if I’m being honest. on the one hand we have the more pessimistic (some would say realistic) view that Bakugou is desperately trying to convince himself that he’s still on the same level as the rival he so desperately wants to surpass, but with the sinking feeling that he’s actually not going to be able to keep up for much longer. and then on the other side of the coin we have the more glass-half-full perspective that he actually is capable of keeping up with him right to the bitter end. that even as Deku grows stronger, he’ll continue to push himself and use that as motivation to keep getting stronger too. that Deku isn’t out of reach; that his goal isn’t out of reach
and I’m not completely sure which way this is leaning myself! I personally would like to lean more towards the second interpretation, because y’all know I love me some rivals. and also because imo one of the most commendable things about Bakugou’s development has been how he hasn’t once been envious of Deku’s strength or of his position as All Might’s chosen heir since he learned about OFA. he hasn’t once shown any kind of resentment towards him for it, or doubted whether or not he deserves it. and as minor a detail as that may seem to some people, I cherish it. and I don’t want that to change! but I guess we shall see
so now we’re getting the clearest shot we’ve had yet of the new AFO holes in Tomura’s palms as he gets ready to combine some more quirks. also! more information about the quirks he has and is using! fucking thank you, where was this last week
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so “radio waves” is clearly going to be used here to disrupt the heroes’ communication, which is a shame for them, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t relieved given the alternative! the RJ translation is clearly just a hot mess lol. but I still adore that one “I’ll make up for what I did” line though
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(ETA: I just realized he’s nowhere to be found after this, though, so... did he?? or is he now lying somewhere now all wounded and waiting to be found by one, or, dare I say, two of his sons? ...)
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even if you ask him nicely??! somehow I just can’t help feeling that he probably shouldn’t oblige you, though!?!?!
anyways. THAT AIN’T SAFE. and what the hell is happening in that bottom left corner ahhhhhh
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jesus christ it completely slipped my mind that there was one other person currently in the vicinity who knows about OFA. my good sir, maybe you would like to introduce these two dunderfucks to the concept of a “plan.” and maybe you can also find the single shared braincell they apparently dropped and lost somewhere back there in all the city rubble
oh fuck me
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(ETA: does Kacchan look so rattled here because he is being lectured, or because he just saw a vision of his own death and is now having it explained to him just how close he came to being decomposed. you decide! I’ll just sit here and bask in the angst.)
fuck. main character gods were really working overtime here. anyways so how are you all doing this fine Friday afternoon. me, I’m just sitting here wrangling with the knowledge that Tomura’s quirk is even deadlier than I realized, and that my two little boys came within inches of dying horrible deaths just now. but anyways it’s not as humid today as it was yesterday so that’s really nice
anyways so now Gran is continuing to lecture the mayor of Dumb Ideas Town here, along with his friend the deputy mayor who still thinks he outranks the actual mayor
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-- ohhhh shit son are they mounting a counterattack?? don’t tell me!!
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also is Gran seriously faster than Tomura. that makes no fucking sense, and yet these two are only alive now because of it so I’M SURE NOT GONNA QUESTION IT
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excellent question sir. the short answer is “they’re idiots”, and the long answer is just a longer version of “they’re idiots” but with some more complicated BakuDeku feels mixed in. I’ll tell you all about it if you just promise me that you’ll actually live through this, all right?
“is he after the two of them?” listen boy if you don’t finally put two and two together after this I’m gonna be fucking beside myself lol. (though honestly, Deku and Kacchan have been targeted by the League so many other times already that he might just simply accept “yeah they’re after them again” without any further explanation)
my dear gentlefolk would you fucking look at how the lord has blessed us on this day
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Aizawa Fucking Shouta and the motherfucking dramatic intro to end all dramatic intros. finally this man gets his moment
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someone please teach me how to cast a force field. teach me how to reach into the manga and slap this man and tell him to stop talking about how everyone’s noble sacrifices to protect him and his eraser quirk have led him to this day and to this one encounter. my guy. my fucking dude. THERE HAD BETTER BE SUBSEQUENT ENCOUNTERS AFTER THIS
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ISN’T HE THOUGH??? Tomura I love you sweetie but you better BACK THE FUCK. OFF
well FINE THEN! BE THAT WAY. it’s not like my life revolves around you and your stupid manga anyway!! it’s not like I’m obsessed with it or anything!! I have other hobbies!! well I actually do have other hobbies, so that doesn’t really work as sarcasm, so let’s see though. maybe something more like, “this isn’t by far my favorite out of all my hobbies!!” I don’t spend 80-90% of my free time on any given day either actively or passively daydreaming about this series and writing essays in my head and reading fanfic and scrolling through art on tumblr!! etc.!! whatever!! enjoy your break!! have fun living your life!!
please don’t kill Aizawa
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
Jake Reviews Stuff: Star Vs: Friendenemies
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Happy pride all. I’m getting ahead of this one for a number of reasons:  1) It’s pride month and this episode is one of the most shiptastic things i’ve seen with two male characters since Robochris from bravest warriors. I mean it dosen’t quite reach “Creating a skull robot of your best friend because he won’t touch you a lot to make him jealous enough to do that” levels of romantic tension but it tries. 
2) My good friend @jess-the-vampire​ is a tomco shipper, and with things being rough for her I figure she could use this sooner rather than later. 3) Shows are actually coming back with Amphibia emerging from it’s year long odinsleep the same week Close Enough finally escapes from it’s dumpster after 10,000 years to conquer earth before it gets put back in there then escapes again and marries lord zedd.. I lost the metaphor the point is I want to keep Tom train, and other star arcs I have planned, moving at a steady clip. 
So with all of that yeah, i’m ready to go. No real exposition to dump again, come on let’s go after the cut!
We open with Marco at his laptop nervous about something and Star coming into his room tangled in christmas lights... so normal day at Casa Diaz.  Anyways Marco can’t help star out of her latest self made prison because he’s preording tickets to a Mackie Hand Film Festival. Mackie Hand is Marco’s faviorite martial artist and movie star, who died performing a stunt on himself.. accidentally.. did he give himself a death punch? Is this the same universe as regular show.. please say yes.  Anyway as is natural for Marco in the first two seasons as god apparently hates him, the tickets sell out instantly and he dosen’t get them, banging his head against his laptop as Star TRIES to comfort him , saying he might still be able to get them. Marco also says “Good things don’t happen to me”
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I mean just look at Season 3. Anyways tom comes in licking a rainbow snowcone for no explained reason other than they wanted to make it obvious this was the Tomco episode. Tom asks to hang out and after Star, understandably at this point given you know, the horrible date where he tried to murder her best friend and the gaslighting a few weeks back, tells him a million times no, Tom explains he’s not here for her.. he’s here for Marco. Marco, given tom’s threatned to kill him twice now and tried to at least once, isn’t biting. Tom naturally has tickets to the festival as a trump card, and assumes that time he kidnapped marco and played him in ping pong for his freedom counts as a friend hang out, and geuinely apologizes for his behavior promising not to get angry. Really while as you probalby know we DO get the reveal later he was partly doing this whole thing to finish his anger managment... I do get the sense this apology, and a lot of this is GENUINE. We’ll get more into the why in a bit, but he does seem to genuinely want to bury the hatchet.  Marco pulls star aside and, given the last two times he saw Tom, the boy had some horrible scheme up his ripped sleeves, he understandably, and as it turns out correctly, thinks Tom is once again up to some sort of scheme, star is fully on board. I have. mixed feelings about this. On the one hand STar did forgive tom for the previous episodes mess and Ponyhead for much worse and it does set up the tiny plot curnel of corn that would grow into an entire corn field of her still having some friendly feelings toward tom. But it just feels weird, even with how cahotic star can be to have her flip flop from “Stop calling me” To “You should totlaly go on a date with the guy who harassed me and tried to kill you twice now. “. Especially since next time she has an episode with Tom, She’s fully resentful of him and a bit snarky and spends and episode, in part thanks to aformentioned magical severed ponyhead, suspicious of him playing games with her head again. We’ll get there soon obviously, i’m just saying it feels mildly off. 
So Marco decides, much like bart simpson that getting where he’s going’s worth it even if he has to ride with the devil himself and reluctantly agrees. We see the inside of Tom’s carriage for the first time, and see my good personal friend dead horse again on the outside, and it’s really nice.. lit by torches because mood lighting, but similar to his room it’s plushly decorated and even has two serious speakers and according to Tom 6 flatscreens. Damn I wish I had one of those.. that and I wouldn’t have to drive since I can’t due to my anxiety. Plus who wouldn’t want a firey horse skelton sidekick? Anyways Tom offers Marco cold cereal and Marco is frank with tom, pointing out he’s suddenly being nice to Marco after never being nice to him before and understandably isn’t sure he’s even a mackie hand fan but a bit of banter and trivia shows Marco that no, Tom really seems to be telling the truth.  Tom then confides in marco that he gets why Marco didn’t belivie him: Most people dont’ get past their preconcived perceptions of him. And here the series does flesh tom out a bit: Tom admits to not having many friends.. which frames the previous two episodes in a diffrent light. Sure his actions to Star are still very much not okay... but you at least see WHY he was so obessive about her: She was probably the first real friend he had that wasn’t a casual aquantince, his own family member, or a pet. Most Mewman kids his age probably weren’t too keen to hang out with what to them was a monster, rich or not, little raicst shits. And in the underworld most people probably just did whatever he asked because they were afraid of his temper or his parents fury, even if his parents are the nicest people in the underworld. So when he lost her, Tom didn’t know how to properly react and while his first attempt to win star back was genuine, it was marred by his refusal to adress his anger or control issues that likely lead to Star dumping him in the first place. While Star’s forgivness HERE is a bit werid, her willingness to give him another shot wasn’t: Tom was SEEMINGLY genuinely trying. He was in therapy, he’d been anger free for several days and most glowingly, when a stranger karate chopped his hand off in a misguided attempt to protect star.. he got upset but instnatlly went into his coping mechanisms.  The problem was as I covered in that review.. Tom didn’t WANT to change. That’s the thing about changing: you need to both know there is a problem and WANT to fix it. And even then, as we’ll see sometimes i’ts hard. I know, i’ve had my own personal issues i’ve had to change up as years went on. It’s a slippery slope you have to constnatly climb up. And BMB era tom.. just didn’t WANT to change he just wanted to do what he thought star wanted that would get her to take him back, and couldn’t understnad why she wouldn’t just listen to him and obey, two things not in star’s vocabulary for anyone much less her ex. 
So , much like I did, rather than blame himself for screwing things up, he just saw it as Marco being in the way and tried to fix that. And so he sunk to rock bottom.. but it didn’t fix their relationship and it took Marco having an honest conversation, as someone who was also very close to her and knew her well, to get him to see that Star wasn’t going to take him back unless she wanted it.. what he was doing was selfish and self destructive.. and Tom probably realized in that moment he had to stop. He let her go, and thus as I put al ot of emphasis on last time, made his first step to being better.  And to me that’s why this makes sense as his next step: While it’s partly to fufill a checklist... you get the sense he really DOES like marco on some level. They hung out, which I do feel tom did genuinely feel was like friends hanging out instead of you know the second highest stakes game of ping pong i’ve ever seen. 
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The first if your curious. So while part of this is Tom just wanting to get through anger managment for likely his parent’s sake, part of it is also him genuinely wanting to be somebody’s buddy, anybody but a bumbling butler. It’s just being Tom, he dosen’t know HOW to make friends or get them to see past who he is surface wise; a spoiled angry boy and see the inside, a nice kid who just has no idea how to talk to people beyond a surface level or understand them and we’ll see that more both in this episode and as we go. Speaking of going back in the episode proper, two bros drive up and insult Tom’s carriage also wondering if he’s going to his grandpa’s funeral. Fuck you both.. both on general principal and becaause his grandpapapapapapaaaaaaaaaaaa is alive and magnificent. 
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Satan bless you Relicor. Anyways, Tom is naturally pissed at this and Marco challenges them to a race.. but eases tom off actually following them as, since this isn’t a fast and the furious movie, the police immidelty arest them and we get the blessed image above. Let’s see that again.
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Not right but it’ll have to do I fear what may happen if I try again.  ONE BALLON DICK GIRAFFE LATER, our boys are on a high, as Tom finds there are things more fun than obletarating people. #tomhaskilledmultiplepeopleandisstillthebestboy. Marco is reminded of a song from his faviorite band Love Sentence, and Tom, suprisingy given his My Chemical Romance with a splash of metal astetic, is not only a huge fan but has a giant Helga Patiaki esque shrine to them complete with a cd player with shuffle. Fancy. 
We then get a wonderful, shiptastic montage of the two just hanging out, hanging out with a white tiger. Having themselves a party. And given the song itself, sung by 98 Degrees and horrible realtiy show Newleywed’s alumnus Nick Lachey, even says “we used to be enimies but now we have chemistry” yeah I think this is intentional and they are a good ship. Are they my prefered ships for the characters? No tha’ts kelly and flame princess... the last one was recent and I love a good crossover ship sue me. But I do headcanon both as still Bi and still find the ship great, it’s just not my main one. 
However the good times can’t last as it is film time... but Tom refuses to let marco leave befor eblowing his top off... dude that’s not how you build a suppportive relationship, you know this by now. Turns out the white tiger I haven’t mentioned to now is actually Brian, vocied my boy Stephen Root who apparently just.. lives at DIsney’s animation studios now as he has a tendency to show up in every other animated disney show. You may know him from Gravity Falls as Bud Gleeful, THe Mayor from Amphibia, or , in non disney voice work, Bill Dautrive. Turns out as I haven’t even tried to hide, Tom was in the final stage of his anger managment class and to get out of it had had to spend 3 hours with the person he hated most. As I said I do think part of it was GENUINE on tom’s part, that he was trying to be what he thought friends were... it’s just he didn’t get that Marco, if grumblinignly, probably STILL would’ve agreed if he were honest.  However.. it’s still a step up. While i’ts still a scheme, and his LAST on the show.. it’s more benign after the last two; Instead of being harmful his scheme this time is just “Bribe my worst enemy into hanging out with me and get out of anger managment” it’s still not quite right, but compared to the things he’s done with star, it’s an improvment and a sign he is changing despite himself. He could’ve just kidnapped marco again and forced him to spend the three hours.. granted this might’ve just been Brian saying, obviously no tha tdosen’t count, but still, instead he tried being nice and giving an apology. Even if it was for personal gain on some level, Marco’s words clearly got to him and he’s now trying genuinely unselfish tactics. It’s also notable since he spent the three hours with marco, and at least half an hour of awkarndess before it got all fun, WITHOUT getting angry or falling back on old stratgies and only beefing it at the end because, as i’ve established, he dosen’t get people.  So naturally tom gets mad.. while it is a sign he’s getting better he dosen’t do his trademark horrifying demonic EXPLOSION of rage... he’s still being petulant and sore over his failure is mad at marco for pritoritzing the tickets nad destroys them. Marco naturally calls him out, angry over him manipulating him to get some badge , as he puts it, calls him a jerk and a liar, accurate and the worst part to marco? “I WAS DUMB ENOUGH TO FALL FOR IT”
Credit where it’s due while I may not LIKE adam mcarthur as a person...as a voice actor he is excellent and his delivery here is perfect as you do get the pain in Marco’s voice as he genuinely ahd grown to care for tom. Wethere it was friendship or wanting to make out... probably wanting to make out, you get the pain in his voice. Tom admits the love sentence hting wasn’t a lie.. but too little too late.. whcih is marco’s second faviorite love sentence song and leads to another moment of shippy goodness. Seriously I see why this ship exploded in popularity after this. Also I will say both Adam and Rider have damn pretty voices.  So Tom does what any romantic lead faced with a third act breakup would do.. say a demonic chant and bring Mackie Hand back from the dead. This is also the first time we see just how fucking powerful tom is. Before we’ve seen him summon his carriage and immolate some stuff and easily reattach a hand.. but this is the first time that we see he’s every pit as powerful as star, who probably could raise the dead she just dosen’t want to. Granted I don’t know why this sort of undead stuff hasn’t been used on say, Moons assitnated mother, but presumibly anti-monster stigma combined with the fact that we don’t know HOW she died or how much was left, and are probably better off that way solve that. It goes a long way to explain why Tom’s family are allies instead of the conquered like most monsters: They have equal , if far diffrent and spookier, magic power and are the only kingdom with this trump card besides the butterfly kingdom. 
So as we close Marco tries to use Mackie to get in, the usher dosen’t buy it and a fight insues, but Marco and Tom patch things up, Tom becoming a fan of Mackie now he’s seen what the guy can do and Marco forgiving tom since, evne if his actions were still a bit greasy, he immidetly did his best to try and fix what he broke. The two are friends again despite them both saying they hate each other... but they clearly mean it playfully. The End.  Final Thoughts: After the Slog that was last episode this one is a fan faviorite for a reason... well okay 2 reasons. One...
And two.. it’s excellent. I feel bad it took me years to see this one, but it’s one of season 2′s finest. It’s funny, has great character stuff for both boys, introduces a new ship that’s fantastic and a great new dynamic between Tom and Marco that would carry for the rest of the show. It also beliviebly advances Tom’s character arc: He’s TRYING a bit but he’s still got a bit of the scheming and selfishness that defined his earlier outings, but it’s telling that after this episode, and hurting marco, he stops. This episode REALLY gets him to change that and for the better.  Sadly Tom would only make one more apperance this season in Naysaya, an episode I will cover when I cover Jackie and Marco at some point, but has him show up for a cameo when it turns out the episodes antagonist, a curse that takes the form of a sentient head that spills the target’s worst secrets and insecurities when they try to ask someone they like out, is Tom’s fault from back when he was a baddie, and Tom genuinely apologizes and tells him how to vanquish it, if ribs marco a bit since he cast that curse presumibly sometime between BMB and MCC and is delighed and suprised that Marco seriously hadn’t asked anyone out in that time. But it’s a nice bit that shows their not only still friends but Tom is genuinely sorry for some of his earlier behavior. We’ll see more of that as we go and more of tom trying to be better.. he’s made up with Marco, next time we come back to tomtrospective, we’ll see how it goes with Star. 
Coming up besides the obvious, as Pride Winds down I’ll have my first steven unvierse coverage, one of the first openly gay couples in western animation, and some asexula pride as we take our first look at Bojack Horseman..’s loveable rommate todd. Until we meet again, stay safe, black lives matter and later days. 
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nerianasims · 4 years
Billboard #1s 1977
Under the cut.
Marilyn McCoo & Billy Davis, Jr. – “You Don’t Have To Be A Star (To Be In My Show)” -- January 8, 1977
They will be happy with each other as they are, not needing a "star." It sounds literal, like they think most people only want to have relationships with celebrities. It's got some bounce and a beat, but it's very light and not poetic at all. Meh.
Leo Sayer – “You Make Me Feel Like Dancing” -- January 15, 1977
Shouty falsetto. It might be disco if it were faster. I am not listening to this whole thing, because it will give me a headache.
Stevie Wonder – “I Wish” -- January 22, 1977
One of the greatest musical intros. It's a funk song about nostalgia, wishing for childhood again, and I normally hate that. But the music is amazing.
Rose Royce – “Car Wash” -- January 29, 1977
This was an intro song for a movie of the same name. I had no idea. I just thought someone decided to sing about working at a car wash randomly. The song is a little bit Motown, a little bit disco. It's fun.
Mary MacGregor – “Torn Between Two Lovers” -- February 5, 1977
It's slow, it's soppy, and it's about how she's cheating on "you" with someone else. She truly loves you, but she's not gonna stop seeing the other guy, whom she loves too. It sounds like she wants to try this whole poly thing she's heard about. But is the guy she's singing to gonna be okay with that? Probably not. Most people aren't. Maybe though. I don't care. For being about a subject that should be heartrending, this song sure is boring.
Manfred Mann’s Earth Band – “Blinded By The Light” -- February 19, 1977
This version made it to #1. Bruce Springsteen's original didn't even make it to the charts. This version is really bad -- it sounds like a recitation surrounded by goop, not a song. Bruce Springsteen's version is one of my favorite songs. I am going to sulk now.
Eagles – “New Kid In Town” -- February 26, 1977
Huh, an Eagles hit I've never heard before. This is about fame, how everyone loves you at first, then forgets you when the next big thing comes along. They try to shoehorn some stuff about romance in -- "Will she still love you when you're not around?" -- but it doesn't really flow. Also the song sounds like it should be playing in the background of a cabana. Fittingly for a song worried people will forget them, I have already forgotten this song.
Barbra Streisand – “Love Theme From A Star Is Born (Evergreen)” -- March 5, 1977
I listened to this song for 30 seconds. No more. I cannot stand Barbra Streisand. I don't think I'd like this song anyway, as it's glop, but maybe a different singer could have made it tolerable.
Daryl Hall & John Oates – “Rich Girl” -- March 26, 1977
Rich girls get picked on while rich boys are the ones who usually get away with everything. This song was actually originally about a rich guy, too. It would have been better. It's still good musically, but it misses the mark. Not that rich girls don't also get away with plenty, but compare and contrast what happened to Paris Hilton for her venial sins, versus the entire existence of Donald Trump.
ABBA – “Dancing Queen” -- April 9, 1977
ABBA was a good group. They were hated on, and now they're more likely to be exalted. They didn't deserve the hate (save it for the Bee Gees), but they're not the second coming or anything either. They were just a good, fun group. This song can be danced to, but it's a song more about dance than a dancing song. It's a rare song observing a young woman dancing while identifying with her, rather than lusting after her. "You can dance/ You can jive/ Having the time of your life." It's good.
David Soul – “Don’t Give Up On Us” -- April 16, 1977
The narrator did something really bad last night. Cheating? Worse? Now he's telling his lover not to "give up on us." As soft as the song is, "tell" is the word, not "ask." And he doesn't apologize once. Also, David Soul was a professional actor, but there's no worry in his voice; he's nothing but smooth and assured here. Blech.
Thelma Houston – “Don’t Leave Me This Way” -- April 23, 1977
It's disco with a large dose of Motown, or Motown with a large dose of disco. Either way, it works. Everything lines up with precision, and then Thelma Houston comes in over all of it with huge emotion. The contrast is sort of fascinating. Oh, and her huge emotion is that she wants sex. "Then come on, satisfy the need in me/ 'Cause only your good loving can set me free." She's not begging, but she's not exactly commanding either. It's really good.
Glen Campbell – “Southern Nights” -- April 30, 1977
It's Kidz Bop honky tonk. That's probably not fair; Glen Campbell grew up in a family of poor sharecroppers in Arkansas. But it's what I hear. It's happy clappy, and scrubbed clean of anything real.
Eagles – “Hotel California” -- May 7, 1977
Whatever you think this song is about, it's not about that. The Eagles wrote it with a mish-mash of stuff in mind, but mostly trying to be ambiguous. What that means is that whatever you think this song is about, it is about that. It's a choose your own adventure psychological horror song. I love it. It makes me happy in that way that good poetry and good music do -- and this is both.
Leo Sayer – “When I Need You” -- May 14, 1977
This song is cheese. Absolute, unadulterated cheese. But it's not bad cheese. It's a good solid cheddar. It's slow but not too slow, soft but not too soft, and it manages some interesting percussion. And Sayer sings like he means it. It's about missing his lover while he's on the road, and he imagines she's with him to get by. "When I need you/ I just close my eyes and I'm with you." It sounds kind of like a Broadway ballad. It's enjoyable.
Stevie Wonder – “Sir Duke” -- May 21, 1977
A song about Duke Ellington, which is a subject I approve of. Stevie Wonder also lists a few more legends, including one of my favorites: "And with a voice like Ella's ringing out/ There's no way the band can lose." It's a love song to music itself. It's sort of big band, sort of funk, and sort of Motown, and it works. The lyrics do get too repetitive for me near the end, though.
KC & The Sunshine Band – “I’m Your Boogie Man” -- June 11, 1977
It's a wordplay on the "bogie man" monster. But the boogie man wants to show up and give you whatever you want whenever you want however you want. Sexually. The song actually has more lyrics than most KC & The Sunshine Band songs, but it's still a song to dance to. Not to have sex to. But for dancing? Yep, it's good.
Fleetwood Mac – “Dreams” -- June 18, 1977
YAY! Okay so I have no interest in Fleetwood Mac without Lindsay Buckingham and Stevie Nicks. But when they joined in 1975, Fleetwood Mac became truly great. And this song is from Rumours, which is their best album (forged out of a hell of a lot of intragroup pain), and written and sung by Stevie Nicks, who was their best artist. My parents played this record and their previous self-titled one all the time. I didn't fully understand the songs when I was a kid, but I loved them. As I grew old enough to understand them, I loved them more. And now I love them more than that. I can't analyze this song. I love it too much.
Marvin Gaye – “Got To Give It Up (Part 1)” -- June 25, 1977
At first, he was uncomfortable at parties and didn't want to dance. But then he loosened up enough to dance, pretty obviously as a way to pick up chicks. There's the horrible line "Let me step into your erotic zone." The music is experimental. Marvin Gaye's falsetto is fine, but it's still a falsetto the whole damn song. And there are people making party noises in the background the whole time. I find this song painful.
Bill Conti – “Gonna Fly Now (Theme From Rocky) -- July 2, 1977
You know this instrumental, you've heard it tons. It's a good movie theme -- I think. It's hard to say, when it's something that's been so often present in so many different contexts in my life.
Alan O’Day – “Undercover Angel” -- July 9, 1977
The undercover angel is a make believe woman from a sex dream. At the end of the song, he's telling "you" that you remind him of the undercover angel, so you must be meant to be with him. It's an extended "I've seen you in my dreams" pickup line. It's so dumb.
Shaun Cassidy – “Da Doo Ron Ron” -- July 16, 1977
This is an excruciatingly boring cover of The Crystals' classic 60s girl group song.
Barry Manilow – “Looks Like We Made It” -- July 23, 1977
He's singing to an ex. They both "made it" because they found other people. Until "Looks like we made it/ Or I thought so till today/ Until you were there everywhere." If they get back together it's not going to be easy, because they'll be leaving relationships that seem happy. I don't think they'll get back together -- besides, she may not feel anything for him any more. It's a more complex song than it sounds. And Barry Manilow sure can sing. I wish he'd gone with the jazz songs he preferred, but then he wouldn't have been hugely successful. He decided to pull the rhinestone cowboy trick, and I can't blame him. He did make the soppy 70s charts more tolerable than they would have otherwise been.
Andy Gibb – “I Just Want To Be Your Everything” -- July 30, 1977
For instance, without Barry Manilow, Andy Gibb would probably have had more hits. Gibb's voice is thin. If you're going to sing a line like "Oh, if I, if I stay here without you darlin' I will die," you need some power and drama behind it. This guy sounds like he's trying to sell kitchen tile. It's a relatively fast song, but the beat is somehow irritating too. Blech.
The Emotions – “Best Of My Love” -- August 20, 1977
It starts with a blast of horns, and then a blast of singing. Then the chorus is quieter than the rest, which is weird to me. I can't put my finger on why this song bores me, but it does.
Meco – “Star Wars Theme/Cantina Band” -- October 1, 1977
A disco mashup of the Star Wars theme with the cantina band theme. That happened. I love John Williams' music and I think he deserves credit for at least half of Star Wars' success. But I think this remix sounds extremely dumb. Someone slowed down the cantina band theme a couple years ago and that sounds very noir and cool. This doesn't.
Debby Boone – “You Light Up My Life” -- October 15, 1977
The person who wrote this song was completely and absolutely terrible. But Debby Boone isn't. She's a Christian singer, but seems to be one of the nice ones, not the wingnut fundie ones. Anyway, she wasn't a Christian singer in 1977 (though she was Christian). And she had a good voice. But she sings this song painfully slowly. It sounds like she comes in after where she's supposed to come in and then draws out the notes longer than she's supposed to. I don't know if that's her or the song itself. I sped up the song to 1.25 and it's a little more palatable, but it's still bad. It's a trudge. I don't feel lit up after this.
The Bee Gees – “How Deep Is Your Love” -- December 24, 1977
It's not falsetto, though Barry Gibb does go uncomfortably high some. But it's still very bad. It's a string of bland cliches over bland music. And the weird 70s male romance song entitlement: "And it's me you need to show/ How deep is your love?" Shut up.
BEST OF 1977 -- "Dreams" by Fleetwood Mac  WORST OF 1977 -- "Star Wars Theme/Cantina Band" by Meco. People really would disco to anything, huh?
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chappedandfadedvds · 4 years
Nov 6th, Friday 20:18
JANAAAAAA!“ A parade of voices outscreaming themselves erupted at the new little video screen popping up on their online chat, as the familiar face of their abroad living friend appeared. 
She looked hilarious, wide eyed, absolutely overwhelmed, and even leaning away from her camera, as she laughed: „Good god, guys. I thought Jens was the boy, or better man, of the day. Not me.“
„Well we were just discussing our rescue mission to get you back home from still Trump Country.“ Luca said conspiratorial, as she whispered at short distance into her mic, making her sound a little asmr-ish and that much better.
„Also we can see or talk to Jens every day, we already sang him happy birthday, so you are more special.“ Robbe added, sticking his tounge out, as Sander grinned, raising his thumb in support. Jens rolled his eyes at them, giving them his middlefinger in return.
„Fuck you guys.“ He added without meaning it in the slightest. It was his birthday party chat, but he really didn’t mind their taunting, calling him an old man, leaving Milan and Senne to stick up to him. The real friends here in the group, Jens would make sure to remember that.
„So how is my birthday boy today?“ Jana asked smiling brightly as she looked as beautiful as ever, her hair a little shorter. He liked it, it looked very good on her. He wondered if she would ever leave his heart, and if they would have found each other again, hadn’t she moved away. 
Jens had Lucas now though, and the thought that he may not even had considered the boy, was unimaginable. Or worse he could have nonetheless fallen for him, while being with Jana... A  much scarier thought reminding him of his end with Britt, something he definitely didn’t need to revisit. So he smiled at her and kept it short: „Pretty great actually, I thought I would hate not having a party, but I really enjoy celebrating in bed in my comfy home clothes.“
I also got kissed by the prettiest boy on earth and slept like a baby for the first time in weeks.
Jens never said it out loud, but he couldn’t help his smile from growing, as did his heart in his chest planning to escape, just thinking about the morning. Both of them awake once the alarm went off, staying in bed another couple of minutes in a lazy cudlle, pecking kisses at heach other. God it was too cheesy and he loved every moment of it. Lucas had changed clothes, just as fast as Jens, as the boy had hurried out of the house to get home, while Jens panicked to get everything done on his agenda. They had spent a little too long in bed. 
Jens would welcome the stress back every morning, if Lucas would promise to show up on his doorstep every time the clock struck midnight. 
„Jens?“ Aaron asked amused, waving his hand in front of the camera to get his attention back. He may have drifted off there a bit.
„Sorry, what?“
„Milan said, you have to come by tomorrow because he is not gonna have you spent a birthday without getting a cake and blowing out a candle with a party hat on.“ Senne provided as an explanation, but the only thing happning in Jens’s brain was the image of Lucas last night. Fuck this boy was taking over his mind way too fast.
„Eh sure. Though I think I have to bring Lotte, my mom is busy tomorrow. Children under 12 do not fall under the lockdown guidelines, so should be safe. That’s okay for you?“ Jens asked looking at the little screen showing all members of the flatshare in a tangled mess on Zoenne’s bed.
„Yeah I think that’s fine. It’s not like we have to make it toddlersafe.“ Milan said already looking excited of having the little girl over too. Until now, they only ever had visited the flatshare one time back in February and only for an hour or two, usually they met at Jens’s place.
„Shit Babe, that means we have to finish his present today.“ Robbe exclaimed a bit too panicked for it to be a joke. His boyfriends eyes widned, as he looked at Robbe in shock. „Jens, is it too late to say it is for christmas?“ 
„Pretty much, yes, it better be amazing, or I’ll cancel this friendship.“
„Oh I forgot, fuck!“ Luca suddelnly loudly announced getting off of her chair and stumbling out of frame her voice still being picked up by the mic: „Let me just turn the speaker on.... Wait...wait... Okay! I know it is not the best time given election. Yikes! But we are all together in chat since Jana moved, soooo.“
One note was all that was needed for the group to immediatly loose it.
„You are not playing Miley Cyrus now!“
„Hell yea, I am!“ Luca replied to Moyo’s absolutely horrorfied face, before starting to sing the lyrics: 
„I hopped off the plane at LAX
With a dream and my cardigan
Welcome to the land of fame excess,
Whoa, am I gonna fit in?“
Milan joining in instantly as if he had waited his whole life for this moment. Sander following suit, next to Robbe fishing for his phone. He was definitely going to record his boyfriend for leverage. Or because it was Sander singing, to Robbe even Sander breathing was worthy of adoration.
By the time they reached the jay-z line leading up to the chorus, they all had giving up their resistance and begun to sing whole heartedly, between giggles, dancing and messing up on words and notes. Any music teacher listening in would let them all fail class. No questions asked.
„Yeah it's a party in the USA“
Ending in a big crecsendo before all 11 voices fell silent, as they looked at each other and proceeded to burst into laughter.
„I miss you guys sooo much.“ Jana cried, hugging her laptop. All they saw was a black screen for a long minute, before she sat back, grinning: „Though I am dating this super hot guy from Geography. Like he is an absolutely idiot, but he is very cute and super gorgeous looking.“
„So American Jens?“ Yasmina said as dry and confident, that Jens was pretty sure she meant it. At least a little. Much to their friends’s amusement.
„Ey! This is my birthday, you can’t be mean on my birthday.“ He pretended to be offended, yet smirked at her, as soon as her lips curled up into a big smile, her eyebrows risen up high. 
„She’s got a point though, bro.“ Moyo laughed, lucky that he wasn’t near enough to be hit by Jens, who raised his hands.
„Alright, alright. I definitely gonna have to find new friends now, that’s for sure.“
„No! You are a cute idiot, our cute idiot.“ Zoe chimed in, absolutely delighted and Jens couldn’t really ever be mad at that girl, so he sighed, accepting his fate. It wasn’t exactly that they were very off anyway, he supposed.
„Well whatever, I actually wanted to let you know that I decided to apply to University in Antwerp, Brussel, Utrecht and Rotterdam, so hopefully I can move back next summer. I talked to my mom, and she isn’t the biggest fan of her daughter being so far away, but she knows how I hated moving here. I guess she feels guilty and I’m gonna take full adventage of that.“
An amount of variations of „seriously“ to „are you joking?“ Filled the chat to a point it all merged into a single distorted sound for a good couple of minutes. Jens joining right in. They all wanted her back, especially the girls.
It was Amber who than took the conversation over, completely leading them onto a new topic, one that Jens should have seen coming, but kinda hoped wouldn’t be turned into a big deal. But obviously it, would be, as Jana had seen their insta posts and the last vlog from wednesday.
„That means you get to meet Lucas! That would be so cool, he is also from Utrecht, maybe he could help you out with it. We should invite him for the next time.“
„Oh right, tell me all about him, I’m ready. Someone’s dating him? Because if not I’m calling dips.“
Jens had to use everything in him, to keep himself from snorting, laughing or commenting, giving away any knowledge he possesed. But having his ex lusting after the boy he kissed last night, was the funniest shit ever.
No one seemed to notice though, as they all went full in, describing everything they knew about the poor absent dutch boy. Not able to defend himself. 
Jens leaned back and enjoyed every second of it.
Best birthday so far.
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shaekingshitup · 4 years
Shae’s First Date
For anyone who is bored: the most brief (that I can recap because ya girl is a lengthy heaux) summary of my first date goes as follows:
EDIT: THIS SHIT AIN'T BRIEF. SORRY NOT SORRY 🤷🏿‍♀️🤷🏿‍♀️ But I put a TLDR at the end.
I matched with a guy on Bumble who had some cool hobbies and some of which overlapped with mine. We talked daily for almost 2 weeks before we met up in person and the guy was a very big charmer/woo-er. Like if I was messaging this kid I was constantly laughing and smiling
Tbh this was a lil bit of a red flag to me becauae I'm like: "no one is this charming. Something has gotta be up" & I legit came up with a few different scenarios. But I chose to shelf them because people do that to me all the time.
Like I'm just a really loving person and I will gas people up or go out of my way to make them happy if I can and people always want to try me like that can't truly be how/who I am or if I'm doing it it's because I'm trying to get at that person and they are always wrong. All the way from best friends to new acquaintances I really just like when people are happy. I mean the world's shitty already, if I can make your day easier or put smile on your face I'm game!
So we're on the phone one night (stayed up to 3 am sacrificing my sleep talking to this dude 🙄) talking more about who we are as people, what we're looking for in an ideal partner, etc. I told him straight up both via call and via message that honesty is really important to me. I value honesty with myself and also with others.
So also in this late night call things got a lil spicy 🌶 🌶 I was honest and told him that I'm pretty much a blank slate. Never fucked/sucked, etc or had anything like that done to me. He was taken aback like everyone I share this with is. Apparently I'm some sort of unicorn 🦄 out here in these streets to all y'all hoes. He makes a comment about stealing a kiss from me the next night and I said "I might allow it."
But the point is. I told him what it was. I was honest. That's my truth.
I didn't tell him that I'd never been on a date/kissed anyone because he didn't ask. Maybe if I would've said something, things would've been different. But I can't "what if" what's already happened y'all!
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SO, day of. We messagin and snapping. I'm allll ready. We're going to a drive in and I'd never been to one before so I'm excited. I'm also just committed to making this a good time because I easily get distracted and often don't stop to take my experiences in to experience them fully. So I said not today!!
I got snacks. All of his favs and some of mine. I brought drinks and a blanket. I looked good.
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Like I said in my pre-date post: I didn't have any lofty ideas about this dude being my soul mate or anything but I anticipated a good time.
He picked me up at our designated location. My sister met him and got his license plate; because apparently I had enough sense to realize I didn't know this nigga but not enough sense to later realize I didn't know this nigga.
It wasn't gonna take as long to get to the drive in as originally anticipated. So we went to a local park and sat in the car and talked because the park was PACKED and ya know RONA!
It was somewhat awkward because it was our first time talking face to face. But we found a groove and I'm extroverted af y'all. So, I can get people to have a conversation.
Topics range from our days, music and conspiracy theories which he's really into. What kind? Like: Shakespeare wrote the Bible is one. A lot of people that we know from media aren't really the original ones that we were introduced to is another. Ya know like that Beyoncé is not the real Beyoncé. There's two Trumps. There's two Hilary Clintons etc.
So at this point sensible me is like: this can be the point where you go home girl. You're 5 minutes away from your place. You can just say this ain't workin and cut it short.
OPTIMISTIC/BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT GIVIN/NAIVE SILLY ME IS LIKE: well, I 100% don't agree with anything you're saying just because you're saying it. But ya know, I don't know everything and I'm not in the business of judging people-especially since we just met and I don't want this human to feel uncomfortable. So, okay. I don't agree. But I won't judge. Let's just continue on.
If you haven't guessed by now which me I listened to, you may be just as silly as I am 🙃🙃🙃
But obviously I continued on and that's what I call mistake #1
So we're driving to the drive in. I'm realizing we're kind of different in ways. Most notable is that dude was raised Jehovah's Witnesses and celebrates 0 holidays & I'm in love with Halloween and at least birthdays.
We miss the drive in entrance due to my poor navi skills & he decides to smoke before we pull in. He offers it to me and I accept. This is mistake #2
Ya girl hasn't smoked in 6 years. I tried edibles recently. But that shit ain't the same. I really just feel like I said I wanted to be present and then I smoked and I was tired and everything was kind of dull?
So I'm high and sleepy but still a lil excited because it's my first drive in!! We get there and park and the drive in is really just a giant protection screen we all park in front of. Lmao. 😅 Idk what I was expectin but not that. But it was still cool. It's 10 and this movie still hasn't started because the last one is still showin credits.
Dude says he wants to chill in the back but he's going to the bathroom. I AM SLEEPY. THAT IS WHAT WEED DOES TO ME. Plus I was on the phone til 3 AM. So I'm like imma close my eyes before this thing starts since it's already late.
So while he goes to the bathroom I legit laid down in the back on a pillow because ya girl is a sleepy heaux 😴
He comes back and pits the pillow in his lap and is talking to me because this movie ain't started yet. My eyes are closed but I'm listening and everything and he's massaging my shoulders and whatnot. Eventually advertisements about common courtesy come on and what not. But that's not important and I don't move.
Soo he says something I'M ASSUMING IT WAS ABOUT THE KISS (I don't remember y'all. I'm about to skimp on some of these details because that high was really kickin in and I was feelin foggy.) But, I said "I would allow it." And he kissed me.
It honestly felt anticlimactic as fuck. Yeah my mind is kind of foggy because of the weed so I feel like I wasn't as fully cognizant as I would have been if I was sober minded. But also, it just happened
I'm in my head af. I've never done this and I'm sure I'm shit at it but I'm trying not to be ya know? Dude's tongue is in my mouth. His hand is under my romper.
So, I'm a roll with the punches kind of human and the rest of the film we pretty much are making out (lowkey meh), groping (I hate this word) & watching Deadpool ( for people who needed that detail)
As previously stated, all of this shit is new to me. But, I'm also not a "prude". I chose not to kiss/fuck anyone prior to this because it was what I wanted for a period of time. I couldn't do much in the date department because I was just not approached often or by people I wanted to entertain. But the opportunities for all that physical shit were presented and I chose not to just like I chose to engage in those activities on this date. I'm real big on not judging nor regretting those choices because those were what I wanted at one point and that's it. Soo if you got opinions about what I was out here doin, keep em to yaself.
We ended up making out and I feel like it was cool.. but just not great. We did other shit minus actual fucking. But it all just felt pretty muted to me. Not bad. Not uncomfortable. Just not great and I think in hindsight it was because I a) really didn't know and have an established connection with this dude and b) I was high.
He really wanted me to suck his dick and I was really hesitant to do that. Not even that much because I was checking off a lot of "firsts' or anything like that but because I swore I was gonna be shit at it due to 0 experience and that was what I told him. Like, I wanna be good at shit and also I would like if the person I was hooking up with was actually enjoying being with me ya know? Is that not a thing? Y'all just be out here tryna get ya nut and say fuck it to whomever you with? Lemme be a unicorn then. 🦄
But anyways, I did this and he says like nothing. I'm in my head af trying to recall upon all of my BP smut I've read and trying not to suck at sucking (SO THANKS TO ALL OF Y'ALL WHO BE WRITING SMUT!!). After a few minutes the car turns off and Ryan Reynold's ain't talking anymore. Sooo I take this as a sign that I should stop and tell him as much.
He turns the car back on so we can still hear the movie & I'm pretty much like half watching the movie and talking to him like: "Soooo. I did that and I feel like I was right." To which he responds, "I've had worse," which is like ya know the compliment of the century and the most reassuring feedback you can give someone who is insecure about shit they've never done.
We still ended up making out and I gave him a handjob and finished the movie. I can't recall if it was at this point or when he drove me home but he basically implied that I was a liar and that is the shit that literally makes me wanna go back in time and tell former me to never say yes to a date with this nigga.
He drove me home and I was pretty quiet listening to Ari Lennox (💕) and thinking/processing. He gets to my place and we're talking now that we're parked and tells me that he thought I probably wasn't right about never having sex before. He told me I probably just had sex like 3 years ago and it had been so long that's why I said that and that's why my pussy is so tight.
So, I'm real life hurt. I like to consider myself to be someone who has a good character and I am really big on honesty.
So I asked him why he said that if I told him from jump what it was. He told me that his ex lied a lot and that he just couldn't believe me..
And I know for certain that his assumption was independent of any of my actions. He literally just told me so. He projected his insecurities onto me. But I'm a sensitive ass heaux and that shit still shook me. PBS raised me right. I don't be out here lyin & I don't like when people try to tell me who tf I am.
We pretty much just ended up arguing about the night and he was doing it on purpose because he thinks it's sexy when women are mad. But when I get mad, I get done. If I let enough shit slide and you have the audacity to try and flip my script, I will fucking write you out of it.
Then I looked up at the time and realized I was sitting in this car arguing with nigga for at least 25 minutes. So I was just like: bitch, why are you still here?
I told him straight up that when I got out of that car he could forget about talking to me altogether and he was like: "I'll let you know when I make it home."
I told him he need not bother because apparently I'd finally gained some damn sense. I exited the car. He left. He hit me up when he made it home but I just deleted the app and removed him off of snap because I meant that shit.
TLDR; Went on my first date with a conspiracy theorist I matched with on Bumble and he told me I lied about my lack of sexual history.
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skittles1229 · 4 years
Old Expectations Die Hard (Dashie x Reader Fanfic)
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Chapter One: Weird Circumstances
You know your life is complicated when the friend you always complain to says "you never have a dull moment do you?" I sigh as the weight of the world seems to make it impossible to breath. You see recently things have been rough. I lost my job and my fiance all in the same day, that itself was an unbelievable story. I was so upset and strung out on thoughts of what to do that once i got home early from work i didn't notice the extra car in the driveway. i stepped into my home and my own floors felt as if they'd given way when i saw the guy i thought i'd be spending my life with in bed, with my sister... my sister and i hadn't been on good terms for a while and for a good reason! The drugs she took either made her unreliable and selfish or crazy and murderous. He, of course, pulled the its not what you think, id never hurt you, it was a mistake, and honestly i could write a book out of the excuses i heard in the time of two minutes but maybe another time. Needless to say i left. I never thought about going back and to be honest my sister looked more hurt then i was. I took a job in California a few weeks ago and moved in with my friend (BFF Name). They always seemed to know what to say and honestly i truly believe They  knew me better then i know myself. 
California gave me the biggest culture shock I've ever had. I came from Mississippi, the bible belt and the most rural part of the world. California was sooooo different then what i was use to. The weather is awesome. There's lots of jobs for technical people, at least until you're 45 and then you're considered ancient and you can't possibly know anything when some 23-year old out of Stanford tells you that they know it all. (a little bit of sarcasm there) It's a great place to start a new company, money is available as is talent. The risk of starting a company is lower since you can always find a new job The politics are insane, if you aren't towing the progressive party line you should just STFU. If you even once say that Trump has done something positive, or that Obama did something negative prepare for the wrath. Read the stuff behind the recently filed lawsuit against google for a taste of what it's like. Seriously, don't say a word. The state if structurally bankrupt, although the finances look good because so much stuff is off of the balance sheet. The public pension liability dwarfs the "good" part of the budget, and some day it is coming home to roost. Watch out when it does. The cost of living is absurd, really absurd. I'm not talking just a place to live but gas, electricity, haircuts, milk, pizza, you name it. The traffic is absurd too. (can you tell i like the word absurd) The public transit, although usually on time, is a mess. People are pigs, they throw trash everywhere, the cars are overcrowded almost all the time. 
I've got to say, from how much it sounds like i hate California, i actually don't.  Mainly because its so far away from my original family, leaving really helped me start to grow up and feel like maybe i was getting a hold of my life again. Only problem has been getting to my new job on time. I work as a barista and a waitress at a brunch place a good minute away from the apartment. The money is good, otherwise i wouldn't waste my time with the commute everyday. i keep being late to work because i still haven't adjusted to how terrible traffic is and so my boss was "nice" enough to switch me to the later shifts. The hours are long and boring because my shift starts in the middle of rush hour to the slowest hours at the end of the day meaning you have to find things to keep yourself busy with. the only good thing is, we can wear pretty much anything we want as long as its black. all i wear is dark colors so i didn't have to spend any extra money on a uniform and i didn't have to wear the same thing everyday. Today i decided i wear a v-neck shirt that with an emperor waist (body forming) with black skinny jeans and my regular converse. i decided against driving to work and decided it would be far smarter to catch a bus to the nearest destination. My (hair color) hair was done is a fishtail messy braid, i always liked this style because it made me look like i had a head full of hair when in reality i thought i was going bald. 
My personality was a little odd, you see some days i felt like the beautiful nerd who has no confidence and wants to hide away in a hole. other days i feel like a model from Victoria secrets, of course those are the days i get the most tips. today was honestly a mutual day, where id rather be at home in my bed asleep, or listening to music. The bus finally stopped a block away from my job and i sighed obviously not wanting to go into work. surprisingly there wasn't nearly  as many cars as there usually is around this time but i wasn't complaining. i walk in to see that most of the downstairs was empty but whoever was upstairs definitely had a loud mouth. i walk to the back in order to clock in and i bump into melany ( the girl im shifting with). "wow you actually got here on time! Maybe the boss's mood will cheer up." i huffed a little. "yea, i dont know why i thought id need a car in California, say whats with the low level of customers? its NEVER this slow." she looked at me in disdain, "some guys reserved the entire upstairs and we had to make this huge table out of all our tables up there, glad im not gonna be the one fixing it later." i rolled my eyes, i hated when a huge family came in and they just had to move everything around because little johnny wants the sit next to suzzie and suzzie HAS to sit by her parents bc she likes to throw her food on the floor, all fake names but a real situation ive been in before. "well have they at least been fed so that i only have to clean up after them?" she shook her head while hanging up her apron. "nope, they've only ordered their drinks and they are getting those onto trays now." so today was gonna be like every other day. "guess i better go help them take those upstairs then, have a good rest of your day." i walk away and slip on my apron, grabbed one of the trays of drinks while another waiter grabbed the rest of the drinks. Once i got upstairs, that's when i met him...
Chapter Two: Last Will and Testament
          He was sitting on the far end of the long table of people laughing and joking. everyone seemed to be loud and all had their own inside jokes. This guy, he stuck out. i changed my attention to the task at hand, finishing this shift. i hated when people moved all the tables and seating around. all the waiters and waitresses have to go back behind them and look at the layout of the floor to put them all back exactly as they were before. it was a struggle and because of this nobody actually wanted that job so usually the manager gives it to her least favorite workers and i happened to be one. "who all had coke?" nobody answered me so one of the men bellowed out the same line and somehow was able to get a show of hands. i walked around handing  out drinks, catching the lingering smell of strong liquor. i could tell by the end of tonight they would all be wasted and loud. please, just don't make more of a mess then you have to, i thought to myself. i had one drink left on my tray, "sweet tea?" the guy i saw before at the end of the table waved his hand and i dreaded going over there, i always seem to make a fool of myself when it matters. 
     i make my way slowly down the table with the tray under my arm and the tea in my hand. i lean over to sit his drink on the table.."here's your t-" *CRASH* while joking with one of his friends his elbow crashes into my hand sending the tea flying all over me and the cup crashing to the floor, thank god i wore black. he turned around and looked more horrified then i did. "i'm sorry! i'm so sorry!" his voice was deeper then i imagined it'd be. "no, it my fault i'm sorry ill get you a new one." i turned away to hide my embarrassment and walked away really just trying to get away from the situation. i could tell from the silence behind me that all eyes were on me. i ran to the back where the lockers were for the service. i went to the bathroom and stripped the sticky clothes off throwing them aside. i sat on the toilet  trying to catch my breath, my social anxiety had struck me  hard. a feeling of worthlessness and dread fell over me like a blanket. after the past few months i've had just one day without something terrible happening would mean the world to me. i heard a knock on the door, it was melany, she walked in with a towel from the kitchen. "hey, i heard what happen upstairs are you ok?" i covered my breast trying keep myself as unexposed as possible. "oh yea im fine, im just cold, and sticky, and... covered in tea." melany and i made eye contact and both laughed just to lift the dread in the air. "let me guess, all the guys are getting a kick out of watching me fumble again huh?" i said a little less concerned and more annoyed. she rolled her eyes "they are boys, they get a kick out of picking their own nose. we both slid to the floor beside each other, she hands me the damp towel. i get most of the sticky off as possible, throwing my hair up to make it look less clumped together by the sugar. "i have an extra black t shirt in my locker but i don't know how it will fit you. your breast are at least a size larger then mine." i shrugged my shoulders, "who cares ill make do. thanks for your help melany." she smiled her weird anime girl smile and ran to get the shirt from her locker.
     ill have to admit, she was right about the size thing. it was far to small around the chest area but the rest fit fine. after the incident my boss stuck me down stairs wiping tables and sweeping the floor, i dont mind though because i get to experience the day coming to an end with a beautiful sunset over California. i secretly kept the the window to watch as the sun fell from the sky. the sky seemed to burn and darken while the clouds began to glow with the last bit of sunlight left. the sky filled up with burning Burgundy and faded orange and yellows, the tallest buildings seemed to reach for the skyline as if it were a sunflower moving to the last drip of sunlight. moving here had been hard, and this had become one of the things i looked forwards to. living in the apartment with my friend was nice, buts its not the same as coming home to someone you use to lay with every night. sleeping alone seemed so much colder and emptier then i remembered from childhood. my mother would be so disappointed in the way i turned out, in the places id gone and the decision to spend my life with someone who was most obviously the wrong one. she would have told me to slow down and to take my time, that growing up wasn't everything. she would have said love isn't something you just wake up and have, its something you make. i wasn't anywhere close to where i thought id be by now, and i could see that. it tears at my heart everyday, not being able to see her or any of my family. sometimes it felt as if they'd all died in the fire that night. 
     i suddenly heard a boom of voices making their way down the stairs, i hadn't realized how close to closing time it had become. all of them walk out stumbling and laughing at their own jokes, seems they all got a good bit of drinking in, all except one. The guy i ran into on accident seemed as sober as ever, designated driver i think, he was much taller now. he seemed muscular but in such a fitting way for his body. his teeth sparkle because their so white, his smile complimented him best. his high cheekbones made his chocolate brown eyes his best feature. His skin was glowing with a sweet honey hue and before i could notice that i was staring he turned his head. his eyes met mind before i could think twice and that's when i felt the heat rise to my cheeks. weather it be from embarrassment or silly school girl shyness i didn't know . i turned my face away but it was too late, i turned my face a little just to catch a glimpse of him before he made his way out of the door and that's when i noticed his cheeks had gone from a burnt caramel to a rosy color. i felt my body shiver at the thought that maybe, just maybe he found me as attractive as i found him. i shook the thought from head realizing they had began locking the place down. as i helped close up shop and wash dishes i couldn't help but to let my mine wander to all different kinds of thoughts, funny thing was they always fell back to him and his rosy  cheeks. i couldn't help but smile as i felt my heart race at the thought of him, even though id made a fool of myself today i was glad i hadn't ruined my chances. Even if he'd never get with me or i wouldn't ever see him again, i'd still take it as a compliment that he even looked my way. 
     before long we were all outside laughing and talking about today. The manager locked the doors and said his goodbyes. i turn to walk towards the bus station when i see a man standing aside awkwardly between the restaurant and the parking lot. suddenly my eyes adjusted and once they did, the joyousness butterflies came back and the blush suddenly reappeared on my cheeks..
There are lots more chapter after this if you are interested you can find them here
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the-firebird69 · 9 months
They have a lot of these real fast boats they're not really big I haven't been zooming around Florida taking things and leaving real quick and people going after them now cuz they posted this it's one of the main ways and so forth they're getting away from people if they steal from even the clones and they can't go after them. Imitating people and they get their jollies off watching people get it wrong it's all over Florida that they've been doing it
Thor Freya
Oh I'm sorry you want me to stop I don't think I can I'm not really used to that
Zues Hera
I sort of get something he said it back to us and he says I'm sending it back to you and I can say it however I want but it's condensation to you it's not really anything else I hear what you're saying and I do say this it's happening Ash before he sees it but he's getting bigger and we're going to have to do something to him and he says that's why you're dying and that's why I'm doing this I want to make sure you did this time fully you and your ass and I clan are going to be gone.
Trump and me
I didn't say something else I will say something else if anybody ever does this f****** s*** again you should know that you couldn't be stolen called f****** dead nobody ever talks to me the way that this douchebag losers do I'm going to erase them regardless of Max stupid plan I'm taking tons and tons of stuff and territory cuz he's stupid f****** mother f****** are untolerable piece of God damn s*** I'm going through them like crap through goose murdering millions and millions a minute every f****** time they look at me wrong I'm slaughtering this stupid cows nobody ever says anything nobody ever does what they're doing to me ever no one and tell me if you're next you're going to die forever you stupid s**** don't even care cuz your brain is almost gone I keep having them shot because there's such f****** assholes and such f***** they keep coming back for more like I'm a ice cream truck or something I can tell them to get f****** lost get out of my face and they want more of their brain on the sidewalk
I'm going to take care of that stupid b**** you're like a f****** dog you don't listen we're just going to kill you b**** get it
I've heard it all I've seen it all just tell me to shut my face is going to stick my arms up my ass he means my physical arms
I haven't done to you anyways cuz of your childish little s*** right now Trump
I don't believe it he's got someone's hate but we're going to get to this real quick this guy is taking everything and he says it he's pouring it on and yeah Trump was out there mining stuff like cadmium if this person gets that he knows how to use it and he says if I do do you think that I'm motivated enough with this f****** stupid a****** you think I'm going to let him win and beat me I need to have tons of weaponry just to get one person to look at that stupid f*** wrong you're going to all die because of this stupid f***
Now that was him and he's shouting it he says just get off your fat ass and look at that look at some things I sort of get something it's got overtime years ago he's a child who says how much dollars did I learn after being around you idiots for only a few years and I'm a baby my body is very young what the f*** is going on here y'all dumber than hell and don't do any real work you just go around nibbling on s*** like the f****** squirrels and chipmunks that you are so that's what I hear it cuz I have to slow plotting plopping he says it's plopping I can't help it he says of course you can't if you do anything they swarm and it swarm in around you like a bunch of animals so that maybe you directly he says not blaming you directly I'm saying these people are doing it they won't leave me the f*** alone they're swimming around me and I'm alone so I'm slaughtering them you can make any assumptions or conclusions you want you sit back you're going to die.
So we have to get working I guess
0 notes
hadenodom · 4 years
On Last Week’s Incident in the Capitol
It isn’t often that I write a long, detailed opinion piece, but I feel like this time in particular is a time in which it is my patriotic duty to speak up.
Sometime late in 2019, I remember coming across an op-ed by a political commentator whose name I cannot remember.  This opinion piece highlighted the growth of extreme movements within the United States - namely AntiFa and The Proud Boys and related groups on both sides of the political spectrum - and how they’d become more bold in their violence in recent years.  It then dug back into the kind of messaging that was being boosted by Russian and other foreign intelligence agencies on social media during the 2016 election - and in this piece, the author discussed something that is often overlooked:  the social media messaging portion of Russia’s efforts during that election weren’t focused on boosting a single candidate’s campaign or even with reaching on side of the political aisle.  The messages they were boosting were, across the board, pushing rhetoric to inflame and provoke the extreme elements of both sides of our political divide and to widen that gap.  The author finished the op-ed by offering his analysis that these efforts had been effective, and that our country was in the process of being torn apart by divisive and hateful rhetoric - that Americans had been turned against Americans, and that this was going to have a destructive effect on our democracy. 
I remember reading that op-ed and being skeptical.  Sure, things had reached a fever pitch in 2016, but in 2019 it seemed like everything was calming down.  The economy was doing alright, there hadn’t been as much chaos or violence in the news, and the doomsday of Americans turning on each other over political differences seemed far-fetched.  I came away thinking that the Russians’ efforts to divide us had been in vain, and that our country was past the pains of that particularly fraught period.  We would elect someone other than Trump in 2020, and our troubles would pass.
I didn’t have 2020 vision.  I didn’t forsee the economy tanking due to a virus, streets erupting in protests over racial disparities once again, AntiFa and Anarchist elements openly looting and rioting in the unrest, and then, following a chaotic election, Trump’s supporters taking to the streets and getting violent, and then eventually descending on the capitol, fully invested in a conspiracy theory that the election had been rigged.  I didn’t forsee QAnon getting an outsize following and inserting themselves into this whole storyline.  I didn’t forsee a large portion of our society swallowing an outright lie about election fraud and refusing to believe that our democratic system worked.  I didn’t forsee any of this, and I feel like I’ve awakened in the midst of a national nightmare.  
Put simply, the situation is dire.  The potential consequences are dire.  Our nation’s population has large factions that actively believe that their opponents are *Un*-American.  The diehard Trump supporters believe that Democrats do not have the best interests of the country at heart, and most Democrats (and most Independents that aren’t leaning right) believe that Trump supporters are fascists, Nazis, traitors, and bigots.  The political rhetoric coming from both the White House and from those with large media followings has stoked these tensions and gotten them to where they are today - with a little help from Russian Social Media operations way back in 2016, which seems like a distant memory now. 
Making matters worse, these factions seem to have adopted separate realities with separate sets of facts- in one reality, the election was rigged: Covid-19 was either fake or not a serious threat: there’s a cabal of pedophiles orchestrating our government, and some guy named Q is an inside guy telling us the truth when the media won’t; Trump is either not a racist, or is only as racist as their lovely grandparents and their grandparents can’t be *that* bad.   In the other reality, the election was thoroughly secured, had a verifiable paper trail, and has been investigated to death -- and Joe Biden won by a large margin; Covid had the capacity to overwhelm hospitals and cause hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths if we didn’t take the proposed measures seriously; A Pedophile ring running our government is as patently ridiculous as the day is long; And Q is an obvious bullshitter who moves the goalposts every time his predictions and ‘insights’ fall flat; and finally, that Donald Trump is demonstrably racist and bigoted. 
Working on these separate sets of facts, both of these factions have come to believe that the other is everything wrong with their country - that their opponents (including everyday working-class people who support their opponents) are not patriots, are against what America stands for, and are worth lashing out at violently in the streets. 
These factions aren’t leaving with Trump, and they proved it in the Capitol last week.  They threatened for weeks to unleash violence on the Capitol.  They posted detailed plans about how they were going to intimidate our representatives - our elected voice in Congress - with violence, well in advance.  They repeatedly used phrases on social media before the attack, and shouted these kinds of phrases during the attack:  “We will not go quietly”  - phrases that all but indicated that they weren’t done just because pesky Democracy had denied their candidate a victory.  
What, then, is our course as a country as Trump leaves office in a couple of short weeks?  How will our leaders unite us?  Personally, after much reflection, I believe our elected leaders do have a duty to attempt to unite us - or to at least refrain from provoking these tensions - but I believe the real duty is upon all of us. 
It is incumbent upon all of us to remember that our fellow Americans are not our enemies - they are our neighbors, and most of us all share the same kinds problems and burdens in life.  We all look to some political philosophy that tries to meet these challenges and address them, and seek political leaders who espouse these pet philosophies.  If someone’s going through the same struggles as you and has a different idea of how to fix those problems for his or her country, they are not your enemy.  Sure, certain things aren’t up for good-natured debate - racism, xenophobia, and bigotry can be excluded.  But we should be able to discuss our problems as a country with our neighbors, and discuss differing ideas of how to solve them, without descending into vitriol and animosity.  We should be able to understand each other.  I feel that the only way to fix that is to make the effort to reach out and talk to those we disagree with.  I have neighbors, family members, and coworkers who hold vastly different political ideologies from me, and for too long, when I hear them discussing politics, I shy away from joining the conversation, because I feel like I’d be inviting that kind of vitriol and bickering into my life.  It can be uncomfortable and awkward to arrive at that stage of a conversation, where someone things you a radical leftist or a bigot simply because you dared to offer a slightly differing opinion from theirs.  Social media amplifies this, because that’s the kind of response it has conditioned us to expect - the kind of response that would come from anonymous shitpostsers on the other side of a keyboard.  But I’ve found that when I do, in good faith, step in and have those difficult conversations - and really have a conversation, rather then try to insert my opinion over their - when I sit down and listen to my friends, family, coworkers, or neighbors tell me about their issues and what they care about politically, and I then carefully consider their ideas and offer my own - I’ve found that experience vastly rewarding.  I’ve found myself able to identify with people who I’d otherwise completely disagree with, and I’ve even found that those conversations can end with a mutual understanding and even a slight change of heart on one side or the other, or simply a mutual respect.  It turns out, we’re all (the vast majority of us) interested in seeing our country and all of its people flourish and thrive, safe and secure, and passing on a better country to the next generation of Americans. 
Therefore I’m making an effort to get out of my shell and have those awkward conversations again.  We’ve all allowed ourselves to wallow in echo chambers, neither exposing ourselves to differing opinions or exposing our opinions to others.  This pandemic, combined with social media’s tendency to be a “build-your-own-echo-chamber” kit, has amplified this in 2020.  But in 2021, let’s all resolve to have those difficult conversations and to really listen to each other.  If you do it for no other reason, do it to save our Republic from being destroyed from within. 
I’ll finish this opinion piece with a quote you may be familiar with, one that I heard repeated on the radio recently and that has resounded infinitely with my soul in recent days: 
“We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battle-field, and patriot grave, to every living heart and hearthstone, all over this broad land, will yet swell the chorus of the Union, when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature”
-- Abraham Lincoln
That is from Lincoln’s inaugural address in 1861.  We, as a country, failed to listen to Lincoln then.  The Civil War occurred, and it took our country centuries to recover.  You might argue that it was necessary to eradicate the institution of slavery and that slavery, as an institution, could not have been eradicated as quickly without the civil war.  I will not disagree.  But I will disagree on the idea that a coming civil war is necessary or beneficial - if we come to that point now, History will remember us as violent and shortsighted fools who destroyed their country, the global bastion of liberty and human rights, from the inside out.
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kittywildegrrl · 4 years
MamaCat Has Been Sick of This Conspiracy Theory Crap Since Before This One Existed
Yea, though I stagger through the final bloody chaotic days of the Trump “presidency,” I shall fear no evil, for the Constitution is with me. Kamala and Joe, they comfort me.
On the real though: scared shitless of the evil.
Rightfully so, for here is the welcome some of our fellow Americans have for the incoming Administration. Almost makes ‘em seem... un-American. May these creeps fail mightily and may Inauguration Day be free of violence.
“‘He has an obligation to them’: Attorney for ‘QAnon shaman’ asks Trump to pardon rioters,” says Politico. “He felt like his voice was, for the first time, being heard,” Watkins said. “And what ended up happening, over the course of the lead-up to the election, over the course of the period from the election to Jan. 6 — it was a driving force by a man he hung his hat on, he hitched his wagon to. He loved Trump. Every word, he listens to him.”
Ugh. There it is. The continental divide between objective reality and Trumpism reality. “Every word, he listens to him.” I saw a classic strongman dictatorship rising, somebody else saw Jesus. I saw my least favorite showman in my lifetime doing his best P. T. Barnum a la Mussolini, somebody else saw the only plausible leader for troubled times.
Perhaps as many as a few thousand of those somebodies attacked our Capitol, and I am not over it. Some more of those somebodies, who knows the actual number, are contributing to online chatter about setting loose further chaos in the next five days.
It’s literally insane, and a lot of it is attributed to the Q conspiracy phenomenon. Two crazy ladies who buy into it have been sent to Washington, D.C., as elected representatives (rollcall.com).
A week after the attempted coup, as the wheels of a second impeachment were grinding over his legacy, the Dear Leader of those who used to watch “The Apprentice” delivered a disingenuous, if carefully-worded, video. In it he denounced the violence. He also employed the No True Scotsman argument, perhaps my favorite of the logical fallacies.
I didn’t buy it, but it wasn’t for me. No, it was for his base, and for his attorneys. Whether he made the attorneys happy is not for me to say. Allegedly Rudy Giuliani is his attorney, and allegedly Rudy’s not getting paid.
No, it’s the latest iteration of Q nonsense on my mind this snowy morning. That video? I saw a beaten man, a would-be Caesar, out of options, doing as he was told for once. Somebody else saw a Q message. Go on over to secondnexus.com and check it out, I’ll wait. You’ll enjoy the screenshotted tweets.
Adding to MamaCat’s recent attack of nostalgia, one learned recently that a former lover, a very bad boyfriend from days of yore, had passed on. Big, strong, handsome, witty, fantastic in bed, cruelly abusive, and possessed of sketchy background, he was champion and nemesis to me in those bizarre days of the mid-90s, when (among other things) I experienced a noticeably short second marriage and met some conspiracy theorists. May he rest in peace. I, for one, am actually relieved. Talk about smart women making foolish choices. I got a million of ‘em.  But the mind will cast its glance backwards at such moments.
Wait till you’re old and crochety, kids, your stories may be wacky and bizarre one day too!
So there was this couple, both my late problematic boyfriend and my second husband knew them, so in the course of things I came to know them too. They seemed like a pretty cool couple, we had interests and friends in common. Then one evening at their house, they began to explain, very carefully and for my own good, about Area 51, Ancient Astronauts, and why the income tax is illegal. Why I should read Ayn Rand, become a Sovereign Citizen, and stock up on guns & ammo.
I was insecure enough in the first place, so at the time, it seemed like the polite way to avoid confrontation was just to listen and not argue too much. I was at their place, without my own car, thinking maybe this won’t go on all night, how can I change the subject to Star Trek… but when we got to the taxes portion of the presentation, I just couldn’t stop myself.
“What about the roads and bridges?”
There was a lot of incoherent babbling about per-use fees and private property and so forth. And as I sat listening, politely, hoping my ride was about ready to go, I was thinking, “They don’t understand how any of this works. They’re grown-ass adults, regurgitating faulty reasoning, telling me mad re-interpretations of what the 1st and 2nd Amendments mean, and they really don’t know how little they know. It’s like an alternate reality. I want to go home.”
(Think about it. The Internet barely existed yet. This was mainly spread face to face and via phone trees at the time.)
That friendship didn’t blossom much after that. Nice enough folks on the face of it, but the crazy talk kept returning to the word, “militia,” and I was not a fan. At that time in my life, I was actually a pretty decent shot, with a number of different firearms (not an owner, though). I let go of this friendship, and not long after, I let go of guns. What I couldn’t let go of was the nagging sense that if this sort of conspiratorial thinking were to get out of hand, become somehow mainstreamed, the only logical outcome would be eventual violence. You can’t combine hatred for the notion of government itself, with fantasies about actual extraterrestrials, with disdain for taxpayer-provided goods and services, with guns and ammo and militia identity, without eventual violence.
And for just a moment, late last night, it felt like the intervening 20 -25 years had never happened. In my actor’s imagination, I could see it like a film cut, from the sepia tones of that living room in New Mexico so long ago, to the craziest damned January in American memory. Nonexistent voter fraud, Q, rightwing hate media; these lie along a straight line from that Sovereign Citizen baloney my friends served for dinner that night. A straight, incredibly white, line.
I really, really hope that the Biden administration comes on like gangbusters in the first hundred days. I hope people’s lives improve drastically, quickly, especially for people who think we voted in Stalinism or something. I really hope we can raise the standard of living across the board (below, say, $250k/annum, you $250k+ guys are actually fine up there). I really, really hope we can address the pandemic. I don’t see any way to controvert the conspiracy-based thinking, unless we just take this opportunity to actually govern for a change, and lift everybody up.
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ladyhistorypod · 4 years
Bonus Episode: Cut Content
Attributions: Police Scanner Clips
Click below for a transcript of this episode!
Alana: When we first started this podcast my parents had the feedback that maybe there was too much banter. And now they're not allowed to call me on Shabbat. I went back to dating apps recently, fifty percent because I got those quarantine lonelies and fifty percent to plug the podcast. I'm dead serious if you find my like Bumble profile, I do have the Lady History account hooked up to it to plug the podcast. And some dude from Hinge listened to the first episode and was like this really seemed to drag on but you sound like you're having a good time. And I was like I think that's the first time I've ever been negged, never been negged before I think that's what negging is? But so I said to him, I said you have misread the situation and I only take praise. And then I unmatched with him. So anyway we did take that to heart, mom, dad we were listening and we cut out a lot of banter. And all of it was good especially from episode nine there is probably gonna be a lot from episode nine because all that banter was good. Lexi: And we love animals and that was we just kept going. Alana: We love animals. But here it is. All of the banter that my parents made me cut. Lexi: Dear listeners if you hear little cracks, little swallows, little tap tapping noises. It's because, it's almost Christmas and let Lexi the editor is tired and she's decided that because the bonus episode doesn't really matter. So if you like me have misophonia I apologize but now you k:now what it feels like every day when I edit Haley We be humans not robots. Alana: We be humans not robots. Lexi: I wish there was like an AI podcast editor. [INTRO MUSIC] Alana: So my latest project in the Sims, aside from trying to get to, I think my total is thirteen hundred and sixty hours. For like the police training thing. So far I'm at eight seventy two. Which I have passed Pennsylvania which is eight fifty nine. And I think next is there are two that are eight eighty and I think one of them is Rhode Island. Hawaii is zero hours by the way. Lexi: Wait what. Alana: Zero police training hours. Lexi: You just sign up and you- *frustration sound* We’lll pull that apart another time. Alana *laugh* Yeah.  But. So I'm recreating the restaurants from the area where I grew up because that's like the only thing I miss about Santa Clarita is my restaurants. So I recently I recreated my favorite. My favorite Mexican food place it's in the gallery if you want it it's called Sim Cuco because the name of the actual restaurant is Don Cuco and so I changed it. I also made Eggs-n-Things is my favorite breakfast place and I called that I think I called that Eggs and Sims and then I made In-n-Out and called it Sim-n-Out. Lexi: That is amazing. Police Radio Sound Effect, Male voice: No one wants to go to jail for things. Haley: That makes sense. That makes absolute sense. Lexi’s Brother: Ah precious baby! Lexi: Dude, dude. Alana: Dude. Lexi: Dude. Dude. Could you close the door? Lexi’s Brother: Yeah but look at him. Lexi: I know. Lexi’s Brother: Wait I have- Lexi: Oh, okay everyone come in and hug the dog in my room. Haley: I heard precious dong and I got real scared with your library background. Lexi: No Every it's. It's ten o'clock which is bed time here and so everyone comes in to tell the dog they love him in my room. Haley: That’s acceptable. I'm obsessed with my cat right now and then making him a very nice blanket like look at this! And I just found out I had been allowing him to sit on this Michael’s box. Lexi: This is why he stays in my room, Dad. Because I don't mess with them I let him have a space; he's a Big Boy. Sorry. Haley: My cat peed on my Michael's box and pee was on yarn and I'm like well ya fucker, you just peed on my yarn. Lexi: You can wash yarn though. Haley: I guess. Lexi: Bundle it and put it in the washing machine. Haley: I hope it’s not the box of yearn ya can't wash. But like it got cat pee on it and it's supposed to be his second blanket like his really big blanket that I was gonna like fold up into like a cat bed is this is just gonna be like a little - Lexi: Well then you know what it’s perfect that he peed on it. Alana: He peed on his own yarn. Haley: I know that's what my dad was like just like making him fucking deal with it but I was like but I don't want to have knit with it. Alana: Yeah. Lexi: Wash it. Wash it on a cold gentle cycle. Haley: And I think of what you were saying like let's see the compostable dog toys like that's not something you can go down to your like ShopRite and be like that’s what I need. Lexi: Well I need corn based PLA and a 3D printer which both things I could not purchase down the street. Haley: Maybe the Whole Foods would have that. Lexi: Corn-based PLA? PLA is the material that feeds into a 3D printer to print stuff out. I don't think Whole Foods carries that. Alana: They should. Haley: I now say whole foods doesn't have it it's just it doesn't exist. Speaker 1: Because there’s a Whole Foods next to my parents that's just massive and my mom her response to everything was like go to whole foods and I’m like there's so much more than Whole Foods. There's a Trader Joe's, a Stu Leonard's, an Acme, Stop and Shop. Just now that I have more than like one grocery store at my disposal is- Alana: You have a Trader Joe's. Haley: Oh yeah, Trader Joe's is the best. Lexi: I love Trader Joe’s. Talk about a good business. Alana: Talk about a good business. Lexi:+Did you guys ever use lime wire? I know we were very young when I was a thing. Haley & Alana: Yeah. Haley: Ya, no I’ve use it. Lexi: But when I found out what that was... Alana: Well I was actively not allowed to do it because I could just be like, “Hello” I mean I'm very privileged. “Hello I need an iTunes gift card to buy songs” and my parents would be like “okay”. Lexi: I used it and when I found out it existed. I really went all in. I had the original iPod Shuffle the white brick. That my dad got at an events for work at the Trump golf course in New Jersey. He's not a Trump supporter this was in what 2006 and it was. Alana: Before Trump was a Trump supporter. Lexi: Yes I believe at the time Trump was a Democrat but he wasn't there because of that but his company rented out the golf course for an event and they all got gift bag that said like Trump hotel so my mom had to rip that part of the bag off when we we re-used after that. But I got this- one of the party favors was a white brick iPod. This is all relevant trust me. So... Alana: It’s also like the peak of technology in 2006. Lexi: Yes and I loved it. You couldn’t pick what song you just went with it. So I downloaded, we were going to the beach and my mom said okay you can take it as long as you don't let it get sandy so the night before I went on my morning downloaded like all this stuff and I didn't really check it I just threw it on the iPod. So I'm sitting in the car going to the beach. I'm listening to my iPod shuffle, my white brick with a USB stick and this thing comes on like and I’m like I don’t remember I downloading this? It’s Bill Clinton saying I did not have relations with that woman. And I was like what the hell is this. Didn't cross my mind until I was like a teenager and I kind of became more of the internet and I realized that back in the day on like limewire and other platforms like that people would as a prank put that quote instead of songs and I was like oh my god that's what happened to me when I was ten, eleven whatever that was and that was the first Bill Clinton moment I ever had in my life. My favorite thing to dislike about Bill Clinton is that he decided it was okay to go play saxophone. That made me uncomfortable but it is one of my favorite things to love to hate to love to be a uncomfy about. So yeah that's my Bill Clinton story. Bill Clinton: But I want to say one thing to the American people. I want you to listen to me I'm gonna say this again. I did not have sexual relations with that woman. Miss Lewinski. I never told anybody to lie not a single time. Never.
Haley: Ah okay so there's this thing you can look it up it's Susan Lawrence in Chappaqua, New York so overpriced d for excellent food and it kind of is like a boujie Jewish deli because like you just walk up to the counter be like I want half a pound of kale salad and they just give you the kale salad but then there's like food all around you like black and white cookies which is also something you'll see in New York Jewish deli. And it's just fabulous their mac and cheese cups A+. In the summer with their iced teas because they put half ice when the ice tea and on top they put like lemon sorbet it is beautiful and I've always wanted something like that so I can... Alana: It’s like an Arnold Palmer float. Haley: Yes. Alana and Lexi: I want that. Haley: So so so good. Alana: I'm gonna try that. Haley: Such a cute little seating area and like their part like so they have like the actual food you can eat but then like amazing pastries and cakes so in my head… Alana: Um Haley: What. Alana: You can still eat pastries and cakes. I just want to point that out. The actual food that you could eat. You said that they have actual food that you can eat and also pastries and cakes. You can also eat pastries cakes. Haley: I can't because all the pastries and cakes have eggs, so in my head that's not real food. Lexi: Haley was thinking everyone in the world can't have eggs. You just look at cakes. Haley: That’s how like I describe restaurants to people. That's like not food that all has eggs. Alana: It’s poison. Haley: Food a lot of it has eggs or cross contamination and in my head like Greek restaurants are just not viable for me.
Haley: Can we have like an episode. . . I know this isn't lady but completely can we have like an episode about how like most of the founding farmer, founding not founding farmers, founding fathers Lexi: Just little DC tings.. Haley: Yeah. Were queer. Because boy howdy I have been watching so many youtube videos on that. Alana: I’m in. . . this is totally off topic and it's fine and I'm sorry that Lexi will have to go through all this when editing. Lexi: I don't care. Alana Whatever, cut content. There was a tumblr post awhile ago. That someone was like UWU Alexander Hamilton my bisexual baby with anxiety and then someone repblogged it and was like actually he own people and now he's dead. And I so firmly belong to both of those camps. I am so like yeah he own people and now he's dead. Fuck that dude. I hate him. I hate that dude. But also it's really important to like see queer people throughout history because like it's not- it's not a new identity and I think that's important so I'm all I'm like very much yes he was queer also he sucks. Lexi: This this is like more shit for me to cut but I just have feelings. The thing that irks me is when people equate the character with the history. Separate them. Okay? The character can be UWU your baby because it's not a real person and we don't give a fuck. The real person was a complicated person with lots of different feelings, emotions, and realities. Alana: It's almost like people are complicated. Lexi: It’s important to acknowledge that there were queer people in the past. And that telling your bro how great he smells was probably a sexual thing. Alana: Gay. Lexi: It's probs gay. And, also bad people can be gay too. Haley: Thank you! Alana: Okay so this is something that I was complaining- this is like years and years ago -but I was complaining to my dad about how I think Apple is an evil corporation and he was like but their CEO is gay and I was like yeah dad it's 2018. Queer people can be anything. Lexi: Wait. If you don’t think queer people can be bad like every Disney villan doesn’t make sense. Because so many of them were queer. Alana: So I mentioned that in the witch episode briefly. I have a lot of feelings about this because almost every Disney villain is either Jewish coded or queer coded and it's no bueno. We don't like that. It's not okay.  I'm trying to think of one who isn't. Haley: Scar. Alana: Queer coded. Haley: Yeah. Alana: I guess Hans? He's pretty heterosexual. Haley: Hans was pretty heterosexual. Haley:  Captain Hook was not like as a small child I was like Captain Hook is gay. Lexi: You don’t think Hans has bi vibes? Alana: I guess. Haley: I think. . . Alana: But... Lexi: Everyone has bi vibes to me. I can’t comprehend the straight. Alana: Everyone has bi vibes to you.That's true. Lexi: Literally when you said that thing like all the founding fathers were queer, like isn't everyone a little queer. Haley: Everyone’s a little queer, not gonna lie. Alana If Bonobo chimps are anything to be . . . anything like humans. Haley: I feel like Hans is like 3% in him. Alana: Yeah. Haley: It’s not much. Alana: But like so. I think he's the only one, They're moving away from it in there. . . Lexi: Oh my god I know what it is. Okay Hans is like Winston Churchill where like he hooked up with a guy one time and had a fling with them but like it was just one time in his life. Alana: It’s just a one time thing. Lexi: Just this one time. Alana: He was experimenting. But like he's not queer coded. I think there was not really, there wasn't really a villain in Frozen II was there? Haley: No it was like the universe was like the villian like. . . Lexi: Yeah it was like the world. Alana: Queer coded! Jew coded! Lexi: Okay, okay. Go on to your story. Alana: Ok.
Daveed Diggs: Uh, who provided those funds? Haley: Uh, France?
Haley: Lilac, chartreuse. Oh no not chartreuse is that bright one… Magenta… Alana: Wait wait wait. What color is chartreuse? To you? Haley: It’s green. Alana:  Chartreuse it.. So apparently that's one of those like Mandela Effect things that some people think it's a green and some people think it's pink. Lexi: It’s pink because Chartreuse was Blue’s neighbor and possible lesbian lover. Haley: No that’s Magenta. Alana: No that’s Magenta. Lexi: Oh my god is that a Mandela Effect? Haley: No, no. Alana: No. That's just you being a dumbass. Haley: I always, okay so here's the thing I always thought chartreuse is green and then that Mandela Effect was explained to me so now I always get it mixed up but I think like the best like colors for kitchen are like muted neutrals so it looks like the woods is coming into your baking zone. Lexi: Nah, teal. Ocean kitchen, ocean kitchen! Alana: You guys should see my Sims kitchens. I just made a beautiful little like all black and white... Shout out to the jungle adventure pack. Lexi: The jungle adventure pack is so good. Alana: I also really wanted to doo like a little dining nook but freaking sims don't know how to slide across the booth apparently so it didn't work. But.
Erika: So what I'm currently watching which I watched before is New Girl. I watch it when I have anxiety. Haley: Yeah Erika: So I started again. And then when I'm just like vibing or whatever and watching something that I haven't seen six hundred times I started watching Schitt's Creek. Haley: I’m watching Schitt’s Creek! Lexi: So good. Erika: It’s like.. Like dry funny. And it like almost lands and then it doesn’t. Alana: It’s like. . . Erika: It like pulls back. Alana: It's like Arrested Development but if the characters like had growth. Erika: Yeah Lexi: Yes and I love both series equally. Alana: Ew, David. Lexi: Alexis Erika: I don't get the hotel manager person. Alana: Stevie. I love Stevie. Lexi: I love Stevie. Her character arc is so good. Alana: Imagine the two queer people on the podcast being like I love Stevie.Stevie’s not queer but like she has lesbian vibes. Haley: I tried- Lexi: That’s her whole stick she is straight butch. Alana: Reminds me of someone else I know. Haley: Wow, got called out there. Well the thing that was said is true but the words still hurt. Lexi: You can find this podcast on Twitter and Instagram at LadyHistoryPod. Our show notes and a transcript of this episode will be on ladyhistorypod dot tumblr dot com. If you like the show, leave us a review, or tell your friends, and if you don't like the show, keep it to yourself. Alana: Our logo is by Alexia Ibarra you can find her on Twitter and Instagram at LexiBDraws. Our theme music is by me, GarageBand, and Amelia Earhart. Lexi is doing the editing. You will not see us, and we will not see you, but you will hear us, next time, on Lady History. Haley: Next week on Lady History, we're having a blast from the past and going back to our undergraduate degree to talk about some goddesses be there or be square.
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