#trusting them to touch him and strip him as SAFE
fckng-guts · 5 hours
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bucky barnes x reader.
bucky hasn't slept in two days. you try to help him.
hurt/comfort. reader has mind control abilities.
1k+ words.
the water pours outside, heavy clouds make the moonlight disappear in the immensity of the sky. the angry droplets hit the ground, the windows and adds to the usual turmoil in bucky's mind. the hideout is as good as it can get and there isn't much importance when one is familiar with precarious living situations. it's been two days in the hunt, following almost absent leads. this is when things start to get heated and frustration creeps in. the lack of sleep, the wetness of the place and the loudness of the rain makes it all worse; bucky starts to feel it. and sadly it isn't worth sleeping. the nightmares haunt him, especially during his asleep moments. but there isn't anywhere to go, the car has been damaged beyond repair and the rest of the team will take a long time to arrive. it's almost like he's been left behind. damn it, bucky thinks. do they not see him as someone worthy of companionship and rescue? the threatening thoughts begin to rise.
you watch bucky pace from side to side, all ready with a demeanor that would put any other person off. but to you, there is nothing more than care when you notice bucky's furrowed eyebrows, vacant eyes and a numb expression. it's a sign that his own thoughts are his greatest torturers at this moment. your phone blips with a message, it says
rain flooded the way. can't reach you guys - sam.
"yeah, it seems like we're stuck in here for a few hours. they can't get to us at the moment."
the monotonous sound that erodes from bucky is simply a hum. making it known that he understood.
"you need to get some rest, it's been two days."
it's worth a try. as expected, bucky denies it. the overwhelming sensation of not being safe is impossible to ignore. the tension in his shoulders is more than visible and the air is thick. it may be raining, but this fuck-ass of a spot doesn't have ventilation. the rain is too heavy to let the air circulate through the room. it's damp. you get up to stretch your legs, the sound of your soaked boots makes bucky turn heels to you. he stares.
"you should get these off."
sharp. He says as his back faces you again. it'll be a long night, you think. but yes, it would be better to get rid of soaked boots and socks for now. sighing, you sit back on the ragged couch to take them off.
"i could help. if you want."
for a while you hesitate to say this out loud. afraid it could come out wrong or something. it's difficult to offer such a thing to someone whose mind has been controlled over and over, stripped away of it's sanity for long.
"help with what?"
bucky will never fail to hide his true emotions, especially those who eat him up the most.
"with what's keeping you from closing your eyes. the nightmares. i can help, if you want."
you say slowly, carefully picking the words to make them seem like a friendly offer. to not make it worse than it is. and you continue "you can rest. for a while. it's been two days, bucky. and we're safe here."
bucky isn’t used to the idea of others caring for him, it feels odd. and it’s way too scary to have someone in control of his mind again. but if it’s you, it’s okay. isn’t it?
fuck, he thinks.
“i don’t need it. i’m fine.” bucky answers harshly.
you knew it, it was a weird thing to offer a man like him to ease his nightmares away. one simply doesn’t ask if you can touch his stained memories.
“it’s fine. understood. i wouldn't do anything you don’t agree with.” regretful, you try to brush it off like it was nothing. trying to hide the embarrassment that came along with it. but these last words steer something in his core. bucky does feel like he can trust you, but there are so many what if’s that get in the way. what if it scares you away? what if you do see him as a monster, what if then? it’s complex when you ask him with such care, tensed up about how it might sound. the amount of care embedded in these words. bucky sighs. heavy weight crosses the room, he avoids direct eye contact for a second. the infinite silence held in the room breaks when bucky says
“thank you.
and it’s almost inaudible, like he wasn’t supposed to say it. his mouth opens briefly as if he wants to let something out, but it’s stuck.
“it’s fine. i shouldn't have asked that. didn’t think how weird it would be till it came out of my mouth.”
you answer in a light manner, rubbing your face as you do so. it’s been a long mission. you feel bucky lean properly on the couch, tired just as much as you.
time goes by slowly with him awkwardly sitting by your side. bucky’s considering all the possible options if he does accept your kind offer. he’s been by your side for a long time now, surviving through unexpected situations. he has seen the things you’re capable of and the loyalty that’s been gifted to him. you won’t run, will you?
“twenty minutes.”
bucky bitterly says. he’s taking risks and you know these words came from a brave part of him. so when you turn to him, he’s already closing his eyes and resting his head on the couch. arms crossed and still holding to his gun.
“will you give me your hand?” you ask kindly. tt’s easier to access his mind through touch. a second later his ungloved hand meets yours. and from there you start your work, by his side. as soon as your skin touches him cold one, your mind is connected to his. it’s possible to sense the anxiety and fear and also the effort he’s putting into easing his own emotions. it doesn’t take long to watch bucky fall asleep with your abilities, he starts to look peaceful. no violent memories shall haunt him while you’re here.
this time you’re the one staring. cherishing this moment of closeness. you notice how his face softens, how his fair falls on his face and lips come slightly apart. you’ve never had the chance to actually see how beautiful he is. never had the chance to get so, so close. ah, the shape of his nose. his chest moving up and down quietly. there are many details you’d like to keep hidden in a secret room in the palace of your mind. you’ll never forget the warmth of his hand in yours like tonight. nothing compares to this moment. twenty minutes do turn into an hour, perhaps an hour and a half. not entirely sure. but you know your heart is blossoming for the man. it’s been a while, you think to yourself, since you looked at him differently. a little more than just partners in a mission. your head comes to rest closely to his, caressing his hand and appreciating this connection. it stays like this for a moment till bucky slowly opens his eye and meets yours. he’s safe. safe. his senses come to him even slower, the exhaustion took him out for good. and you don’t let go of his hand, not yet.
you’re given a soft smile.
and then you hear in a whisper,
“thank you.”
because in a long time bucky feels comfort in the hands of someone else.
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wolfsub-rom · 3 months
I like the idea of big bro cooing me into spreading my legs and touching my pussy very lightly, almost no pressure or friction at all. Commenting how wet I am and how it's throbbing and aching to be used. Then he pulls his phone out and opens the camera app. "Uhh... What are you doing?" I ask, "shh... it's okay... only I will see them... you look so pretty and helpless... Ssh..." Big bro keeps coos, very gently as he takes plenty pictures.
The next day he brings his friends home and introduces me to them by showing the pictures and encouraging them to check it for themselves. Big brother holds me on his lap and makes me feel safe enough so they can start stripping me naked, they all keep touching and lightly fingering my pussy, getting rougher each time, but little bro keeps me calm and safe as they violate me.
Suddenly they start betting how long will I take to cum and begin to decide who is going in first. What do they mean? First? What will they do? But big bro stops them. "I'm his first. Isn't it right, little one?" He gives me the usual big bro peck on the lips, only to start to get wetter and more passionate as he inserted his tongue. His friends cheer and some of them even smack my pussy a little during the kiss. They all start to rub one off as my big bro unzips his pants and pulls out his dick. He rubs it in my little hole a little before aligning it in the entrance. "Um... Big bro...? I- mmh-ah!" He slams it in with no further preparation. It went deep and fully hard... It hurts a lot and I felt something inside my no no parts tear apart. His friends laugh and smack my pussy. They keep commenting about my flower being torn... what? I start to cry, big bro coos me licks my tears, waiting not even a second before beginning to move. "Sssh... It's okay, little one... I know it hurts, but big bro is here... Oh so tight... Look how much blood is coming out..." He chuckles... If big bro isn't sad, then I think if okay. His friends are touching their no no parts as well, they keep coming closer to me. Pointing to my face, my parts, my mouth... Big bro bounces me as fast as he can. I like this play of horsey... It's getting warm and tingling... Uh maybe too tingly... "Big bro... I'm... Unh I'm going to pee..." When he hears this, he immediately starts to bounce me faster, pulling himself almost complete our and slamming back in, pressing my tummy "no... don't worry, baby..." He grunts "it's something better... Keep holding it until big bro says it's time, okay?" I moan in response and keep enjoying his horsey play... His friends start to grunt loudly too, just like big bro... Big bro tells me to look closely to their parts "show him your jizz, he'll love it" he tells a friend. They spurt their cum soon after, being followed by the others... I'm covered with it, it's warm and drippy... I touch some of it as big bro encourages me to rub it on my body... Uh... It feels good... My head is getting empty... I can't think... Uhhh... I really have to pee...
"aah! Big bro... I'm peeing..." I moan. "Go on. Cum! Cum for big bro!" He grunts, filling me up with his cum. It's so much... Moving inside me as he slows down. I spurt some too. He was right, it was not pee, but it was kinda the same release... My head is all wobbly and I'm on the verge of passing out. Big bro smacks my, now creamy, pussy and shushed me right after "no no. No nap time now, baby!" He says pulling out of me, I feel all his cum drip slowly out of my pussy. "B-but... I'm all.. uh..." It's so hard to think right now, I can't even finish the sentence before one of his friends slams his dick inside me. Ugh the torn tissue inside still hurts a little. "No buts. All my friends came here just to see you. It's not polite to refuse your pussy like this... Big bro is very disappointed." He says petting my head in a demeaning way. "N-no" I can be g-good..." He pecks my lips . "Of course you can... Now, I trust you to stay awake and let my friends enjoy your defloration party, okay?" I nod and take in his friend's cock as best as I can. Anything for big bro...
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walpu · 4 months
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I've got those requests almost at the same time jsrfwwxewe also I fucked up big time and accidentally deleted them but thanks god I've made the screenshots
I've been looking forward to writing something nsfw for him lmao
nsfw headcanons w/Aventurine
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characters - Aventurine notes - gn!reader, nsfw, subby!Aven. Somehow turned into a character study. Somewhat angsty but with a turn for hurt/comfort. No beta.
Okay, first of all, he's no virgin. But he's NOT a manwhore either. Like for some reason when it comes to the cunning characters it's always either he's a dickrider-pussydestroyer-900 or he's actually a fragile innocent virgin baby. Not the case with Aventurine, not on my watch at least.
I mean it's pretty much canon that the only moment he feels truly alive is when he's gambling so he won't seek sex for the purpose of filling up the hole in his heart. And I don't see him as a lustful person in general.
He has one-night stands from time to time though. Not particularly often but once in a while he feels a certain level of frustration and stress budling up in him so in order to distress without losing his cool he seeks sexual relief. For him it's a safe way to relax a bit without actually taking off the mask of a frivolous and confident man.
Also. He's very touch starved. Not even in a lustful way, he just wants to feel someone's touch. Someone on twitter pointed out that he's practically hugging himself on his e6 and I haven't been the same ever since.
And now look at his body language in almost every cutscene. He has his arms crossed and is generally pretty reversed. I think he doesn't trust people around enough to be in his personal space but when it's a part of the sexual act, it's just natural. He doesn't have to feel exposed. So yeah. This is another reason why he seeks sex.
Now do you remember what Sparkle said to him? About stripping himself naked for Sunday and all that? Yeah I feel like he gets comments like that a lot due to people's prejudice against Avgins. People are usually not this straightforward butttt the idea behind their comments is the same.
He may act unaffected as long as he wants to but I do think it messed him up quite a bit.
Due to his fucked up views on his own value and his sexuality he doesn't have a healthy set of boundaries with his partners, allowing them to be as mean and rough as they want. And I don't mean just kinky stuff, I mean genuinely uncaring partners who really don't give a shit about Aven's comfort. I think subconsciously he seeks people like this. In his eyes, it's better this way, otherwise he may crumble from a gently and caring touch.
So yeah. His sexual encounters usually leave him sore and exhausted. The initial feeling of relief washes away in the morning, leaving him more empty than before.
Okay now to the happier part because we are 466 words in and I still didn't say anything good or sexy.
If the two of you started your relationship as a fling then initially he would be surprised because of how observant and attentive you are.
"My, my, how caring you are. But don't worry about me, you're free to use me as you wish" he says in the same flirty tone as usual. And you just. Stare.
He acts like he's bored while you literally pry the information out of him and, well, he doesn't give you anything specific anyway so you have to ask questions during the whole prosses to make sure he's doing fine. Orrr you just set for something very vanilla just in case.
In reality he's a bit confused. Has mixed feeling about this. Being treated with such care makes it harder for him to hide behind his mask but it feels so nice.
And when he realizes that he has actual feelings for you he just. Stops sleeping with you lmao. If you have questions about this he'll find 2134144 excuses but in reality he just tries to figure out his own feelings.
If you started off as friends then he would not try to sleep with you until you start dating. At first he just doesn't want to mix up this dynamics. And when he catches feelings, he just tries to make sense of it. Plus since sex is not something entirely positive for him, he's just kind of... unsure how it may affect your relationship even if it's obvious that the two of you want each other.
Okay now the real talk. When the two of you are officially lovers be prepared to face his messed up views on his own sexuality. Will probably need a lot of reassurance, attention and aftercare to realize the importance of his own safety and comfort. Learns to value himself through you.
A very good lover, knows how to please you and wants to please you. His previous sex partners weren't important to him so he didn't go out of his way to make them feel good but with you it's a different story. Literally worships your body, pressing kisses everywhere. Especially likes your thighs. Kisses them, bites them, leaves marks all over them. Loooooves teasing them while keeping eye contact with you right before giving you oral.
I feel like he's a switch but leans towards being a sub. May dom if you want him to or, rarely, if he feels like it.
May look like a brat but is not actually a brat. Well, most of the time. He's a tease but still does pretty much everything you want without making you work for it. However, if he's in a playful mood, may get all cheeky with you. Says stuff like: "Oh, that's all? I know you can do better" or "My dearest, don't disappoint me, okay? You know I don't make deals that don't pay off" just to rile you up. He loves being tamed okay. He knows you won't hurt him so him being all cheeky and disobedient is actually a huge sign that he's comfortable with you and trusts you fully.
Worship his body and he'll melt. Like. He'll genuinely crumble.
Goes all worked up and needy and soft and completely submissive in your arms.
Loves loves loves edging you. And fucking hate being edged. And by "hates" I mean he will whine and sulk and beg you to let him cum already. Secretly loves it but won't admit. You know it anyway since he never tries to stop you, obeying your every command, like a good boy he is. If you tell him that you'll stop doing that if he actually wants you to he'll huff and admit that he's not actually against you being a meanie.
Loves marking your body and loves when you mark his. HOWEVER would prefer to leave/have hickeys on the parts of your bodies that are usually covered. Doesn't want to create any rumors and doesn't want to make you uncomfortable. However, if you're into this, he'll gladly cover your entire neck with hickeys.
Is actually very sensitive pretty much everywhere so it's quite easy to overstimulate him. Once again, he'll whine but would never be against it.
Has the pretties moans and is very loud as well.
Doesn't have a lot of stamina so if he tops and you're still not satisfied after he cums, he'll use toys to entertain you up until he is ready for another round. If he bottoms then please give him some time to rest. Andddd kiss all over his body so he would get worked up again as soon as possible.
Has a praise kink. And a bit of a degradation kink too actually. Don't just insult him, mix it up with a praise and boom he's ready to cum.
Loves aftercare. Both giving and receiving it. He feels extremely vulnerable after a sensual lovemaking session so please just hold him and tell him he did great.
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lastflowerofyourhouse · 9 months
ok i'm thinking about the pool scene and i'm thinking about harrow in the hospital at the beginning of htn and bodily autonomy and undressing and touch aversion.
i'm thinking about how, yes, she jumps into the pool almost fully clothed, but she takes off her robe first, and we've got a pretty solid idea that she was probably not wearing much more than a shirt and trousers underneath, which is more than thin enough to cling. and her paint is washed off by the water.
obviously, this is a scene where she makes herself vulnerable, where she drops the mask for a second, and the undressing, however slight it appears to us and gideon, is part of that. but it's not nearly the same thing as the gutting rawness and vulnerability she experiences on board the erebos, is it?
thinking about how when gideon hugs her in that state, and kisses her on the face, and cups her chin, she's confused and consumed by self-hatred, yes, but she also feels whole and safe and real. by the end of that scene, she's perfectly content to be soaked through her clothes and robeless and paintless and tangled up with gideon in a corner of the pool. she relaxes her head into gideon's hands and makes no attempt guard herself, physically or emotionally.
compare to john squeezing her shoulders in the cargo bay in htn. just for a second, with no other contact, and she would (paraphrasing, but close) prefer for him to have ripped out her ligaments and flossed them over her broken bones, or dripped her own stomach acid into her eyes. very graphic, visceral imagery.
thinking about harrow and mistrust, harrow and vulnerability, harrow and touch aversion, harrow and autonomy. thinking about how she trusted gideon's hands so much more than she trusted god's. thinking about how the pool scene was a moment of hard-won and intense emotional rawness from her, about what a big deal it was compared to her other behavior, and how her defenses are all so casually stripped from her in htn without a second thought. how no one around her understands what that means to her. how even she looses sight of the privacy and dignity she should be entitled to.
but the narration doesn't. the narration remains so tender and sad throughout the early chapters of htn. because gideon knows. gideon knows better than anyone what it means for harrow to be crying and paintless and out of her robes. gideon remembers how it affects harrow, for someone to touch her.
i'm gonna cry i'm gonna cry i'm gonna cry
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supernaturalgirl20 · 1 year
Happy Joel!!! Post apocalyptic happy Joel that’s what I wish to see!!! Happy horny Joel with major breeding kink because Ellie is already grown up and he need to take care of somebody and Jackson is safe enough for family. Imagine this big hands holding little babe
Aww yes nonnie, loved this request so much. Joel getting to have a family again is everything. Hope you enjoy 😉
Maybe Now
Pairings: Joel Miller x f!reader
Warnings: Smut 18+, explicit, unprotected sex, PinV sex, breeding kink, mentions of loss, sadness, talks about life before, mentions of pregnancy, giving birth, breastfeeding, soft Joel, small glimpses into Joel’s life with his new family.
A/N: still have two Joel requests I’m working on, hoping to have them out this week. My requests are only open at the minute for Joel, but I will be opening them up across the board very soon 🥰
Comments and reblogs really appreciated 🥰
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Music played in the background as you stirred the sauce for the chicken, hips swaying to the beat as you hummed along to the song. 
“Oh,” you gasp as a pair of arms wrap around you from behind. 
“Somethin’ smells good, darlin’.” He breathes in the aroma as he rests his head on your shoulder. 
“Just a new recipe I’m trying out. How was the patrol today?” Joel’s arms tighten around you, and you can feel him hard against your ass. 
“Was ok. Nothin’ to excitin’. Missed you though.” His lips begin to leave a trail of kisses along the skin of your neck and shoulder. 
“Oh yeah?” You tease as you switch off the stove and turn in his arms. He nods, eyes taking in the curve of your lips before meeting your gaze.
“God, you’re beautiful, baby.” His voice is low, almost a whisper but the deep timber of his voice set the spark of arousal alight. 
His lips crash hungrily onto yours and you moan as he slips his tongue inside your mouth. What’s gotten into him tonight? You think to yourself as his hands move to cup your ass. 
“Need you, darlin’,” he mumbles into your skin, and you shiver. 
“What about dinner?” You ask, a strangled moan passing your lips as he pulls the top of your dress down, exposing your breasts to the cool air. 
His teeth nip at the pebbled peak of your nipple, and he groans into your skin as you run your fingers through his hair. “Can’t wait, darlin’, I can’t.”
His tongue licks around your nipple before he sucks it into his mouth. “Oh, Joel. Oh god…fuck…yes, dinner can wait. Take me to bed.” 
He pulls back with a devilish smile on his face, pupils blown wide with lust. “Thought you’d never ask.” 
His hands grip the back of your thighs and with a squeal, you're lifted into his arms. “Joel, what are you doing? Put me down, your back.”
“Trust me darlin’, ain’t nothin’ ever gonna stop me from havin’ my way' with you.” 
He carries you towards the bedroom, kicking open the door he gently lowers you, his mouth devouring you as he walks you back towards the bed. 
“Take it off,” he commands as he stands staring at you through lust-hooded eyes. The authority in his voice has you quivering with need. 
You lift the dress over your head and let it fall to the floor with a soft thud. He growls as he takes in the sight of you naked. “Fuck darlin’ you been walkin’ around all day with nothin’ on under that dress?”
“Hmm, Hmm. Wanted to be ready for when you got home,” you say softly before biting your bottom lip. His eyes rake over your curves as he starts to strip.
“You gonna take what’s yours Miller or do I have to go find someone else?” You tease and before you can go anywhere, he grabs your ass and lowers you onto the bed. 
“You’re mine. Ain’t no one else allowed to touch what’s mine, ya hear?” He growls, hand gripping your face before he lowers his lips to yours. 
“Gonna show you whose pussy this is, case you forgot while I was gone.” He grabs his cock in his hand and runs the tip along your slick, coating himself in your arousal before he notches the head at your entrance and thrusts in. 
God, you loved when he got like this. Possessive. Feral. It was also the only time he truly let his guard down. 
“Fuck, darlin’. You’re so wet…so tight. Always so tight.” He rolls his hips into you sheathing himself completely within the heat of your walls. You’ve never felt so full. 
He rocks himself into you over and over, his mouth swallowing your soft whimpers as he kisses you passionately. Your joint moans fill the space around you as he works you towards your climax. 
You can feel yourself teetering along the edge and just as you’re about to fall he pulls out causing you to groan in protest. “Joel what….”
He lays himself back on the bed and grabs you so you’re straddling him. “Wanna be able to see you, darlin’. Want you to ride me.” He stares up at you, eyes blown wide with lust, and he watches as you slowly sink onto him. 
He groans, head pushing back into the pillow as he grips your hips. “Never gonna get used to the size of you, Joel. Fuck.”
“Need you to move now, darlin’.” His voice is husky with need and when you move your hips above him, he groans loudly, eyes closing as he feels you slide up and down his cock. 
“That’s it darlin’…just… just like that. So beautiful like this…. takin’ me so well.” Your head falls back as you come around him, a breathy moan passing your plush lips.
“Fuck…I can feel you coming baby…squeezing me so damn tight.” He groans as he starts to thrust upward meeting your movements and you can feel yourself coming again. 
“Oh god, Joel…. I’m…fuck I’m gonna come….” you cry as you flutter around him again. His fingers dig into your hips as he grunts loudly. “God damn, darlin’. You’re so pretty when you come. Gonna look even prettier, round and swollen with my baby.”
“Joel what are you…” He sits up, wrapping his arms around you, holding you tight as he fucks up into you. 
“Ya heard me, darlin’. Now you need to hush and let fuck you full of me, ya hear. Wanna have you nice and round with my baby.” His breathing was becoming laboured as he neared his release. You came again with a flutter of your cunt at his words, and it sends him over the edge. 
His head rests on your breast as he calms his racing heart. Your mind is racing from what just happened. He came inside you. Something he never does. “Did you mean it?” You ask nervously, hoping that he hadn’t just said it in the heat of the moment.
 Running your fingers through his hair, he hums, a contented sigh falling from his lips. He pulls back a little so he can look at you. “Meant every word, darlin’. I’ve been thinkin’ about it a lot lately. I mean we’re safe here in Jackson. We got family, friends who would help us with the baby.” 
He kisses the edge of your mouth. Once. Twice. 
“I never thought in a million years I’d want this. Not after Sarah. Not with the way the world is but then I found Ellie, found you and now it’s all I want. I want nothin’ more in this fucked up world than to have a family with you.” His fingers caress your cheeks as he stares intently into your eyes. 
A single tear falls down your cheek and you give him a watery smile. “Are you sure?”
“Never been surer about anything, baby. So, what'd ya say?” His eyes flicker between your own and when you nod at him, he pulls you into a heated kiss.  
“Best eat that dinner now because I ain’t lettin’ you leave this bed until I’m sure I’ve fucked a baby into you.”
Joel was a man of his word. 
He had kept you in that bed for days before he went out on patrol again. Making sure he had you full of him. 
And sure enough, a month later you had missed a period. Something that never happened. You didn’t even notice at first until you began to feel nauseous all the damn time. 
Maria had laughed when you heaved at the smell of her cooking. Some fish dinner Tommy loved, and she had jokingly said ‘you’re not pregnant are you’. 
“I think I might be.” 
“Oh, my god. Really? This is amazing. Ok ok…eh, I think there are some pregnancy tests over at the Johnsons. Let’s go.”
She pulled you by the hand and led you to the house across the street where she asked Lauren for two tests. 
“Here. You want me to come with you while you take them?” She asks, looking down at your slightly shaky hands. 
“No. Thanks but if it is positive, I want Joel to be the first to know.” Maria nods in understanding. 
“Ok but then you gotta come find me and let me know.” She stares at you with a pointed look. 
“I promise.”
3 minutes.
The longest three minutes of your life. You pace the length of your bedroom as you wait for the result, too caught up in your own head to notice that Joel has come home and is calling for you. 
The door slowly creaking open startles you and you whip your head around to find him looking at you, face full of concern.
“Hey, what’s wrong darlin’?” He asks, voice low as he slowly makes his way to you. His arms slide over your hips to wrap around your back, pulling you close. 
His eyes look down at you and you can make out the concern in them. “I-I uh…. I’m late. And I haven’t been feeling too well lately so I…” You worry your bottom lip and tilt your head towards your bedside locker where the white stick is placed. 
His eyes drift to where you’re looking and when he sees it his gaze flickers back to you quickly. “Are you?”
“I don’t know. I haven’t looked.” 
His fingers move up and down your back in a soothing manner and he smiles down at you. “Let’s look together then. Come on,” he says as he grabs your hand gently in his and leads you to the bed. 
Grabbing the stick he looks at you, his face full of love and adoration and you instantly calm. “Ready?” He asks, eyebrows raised in question. 
“Yeah.” God, you hope it’s positive. You hope it isn’t just some bug or something. Joel looks so happy right now and you don’t even know if you are yet. 
Two pink lines.
“Does that…. are you?” He gulps nervously as his eyes shift from the stick in his hand to you.
“I’m pregnant. We’re gonna have a baby.” You say with a smile. His eyes instantly light up and you huff out a breath as he pulls you into, both of you falling back on the bed. 
His lips are on you the minute your back hits the mattress and his hand rests on your stomach. “Our baby’s in there.” His voice is almost a whisper but it’s full of pride. His face is a myriad of emotions, and you think you can see tears well in his eyes. 
“Hey,” you say softly as you cup his cheek in your hand. “You, ok?”
His eyes linger on your stomach for a moment before his gaze meets yours. “Yeah…I- it’s just…Sarah would have loved this. She always wanted a brother or sister just…. I just never found the right person.” He chokes in his words as he tries to hold back the tears. 
“She’s still here, Joel. In here,” you say as you point to his heart. He nods. A smile edged its way onto his face. 
“Yeah. She woulda liked you. And Ellie.” He trails off as he stares down at his hand on your stomach and your heart breaks for him. Placing your hand atop his, you squeeze it gently. “And we would have loved her. How about, if this baby is a girl, her middle name can be Sarah. To honour her big sister?”
A watery smile adorns his face as he looks at you and nods. “I’d like that.” His hand rests on your cheek, his thumb rubbing against your bottom lip. “I love you.”
“I love you too. We love you.”
Ellie was over the moon when you both told her. Delighted to be becoming a big sister and between herself and Joel, they wouldn’t let you do much. 
The protectiveness has only gotten worse as time goes on and you start to show. You’re five months along and your bump has finally popped, something Joel is very proud of. 
You’ve seen another side of him since becoming pregnant, a softer side and you wonder if this is how he was before the outbreak. 
“Morning baby girl. Hope you slept ok?” His soft voice stirs you from sleep and it takes you a moment to realise he isn’t talking to you. He is talking to your baby.
“Hope you didn’t kick up a storm and keep your mama awake. She needs all the rest so you can grow big and strong. This world is a big scary place, but you don’t gotta worry, because your old man is gonna keep you safe. I’m not gonna fail this time.” His voice cracks a little and you can feel tears building behind your eyes. You want to reach down and comfort him, but you know he needs his time with your baby, so you wait.
“You got so many people here who love you. Me and your mom for one but you also got a big sister who is very special, and she is gonna look out for you no matter what. Then you got your uncle Tommy. He’s an idiot. Don’t tell him I said that. He’s a good man though and he can’t wait to meet you and tell you stories about me and him when we were younger.” He laughs quietly as he rubs his hand over your bump. 
“Hopefully not all of them.” He continues to talk about the community in Jackson and when he trails off you reach down and run your fingers through his hair. He releases a contented sigh and lifts his head. “Morning darlin’. You sleep ok?”
“Hmm, best sleep ever. What are you doing?” His face blushes and his gaze drifts to your bump. “Just havin’ a chat with my baby girl.”
“Mmm, and what if it’s a boy? What then?” You say with a smile. His gaze meets yours again and his smile makes the butterflies in your stomach dance. 
“Nah, it’s a girl. I can tell.” 
You weren’t entirely sure when your due date was exactly, but the local doctor had it narrowed down to a certain week. Joel was on patrol for the next two days even though he was supposed to be home. Jason had gotten sick, and they needed an extra hand, so he agreed reluctantly. 
Ellie and Maria had assured him they would look out for you until he got back but you could see the anxiety in his eyes when he left. 
That was three days ago now and you were beginning to get worried that something had happened. Not only that, but you’d started to get pains across your lower back and you were worried you’d go into labour without him here. 
“Hey, you ok? You don’t look so good.” Ellie asks as she walks into the kitchen. You nod your head but then a sharp pain erupts across your stomach, and you bend over with a gasp. Water pools on the floor between your legs. Oh shit. 
“Ok. You’re not ok. Let’s get you into bed and then I’m going to get Maria and doc.” She leads you slowly to your bed, helping you in and propping you up with pillows before she rushes out of the house. 
You pray that Joel comes home soon. He’ll be so annoyed if he misses this. You hope he’s ok. 
“Hey. Ellie tells me you're in pain. Where does it hurt?” Jessica the local doctor asks as she comes to sit on the bed beside you. 
“Along my lower back and across my stomach. It’s been on and off since this morning but it’s getting worse.” You clench your teeth as another pain rips through you. 
“Ok. I’m just gonna have a look and see how everything is, ok?” Jessica helps remove your trousers and underwear and begins to examine you. Maria and Ellie are standing on either side of the bed and you turn to Maria who smiles down at you. 
“Any word? Are they ok?” 
She shares a look with Ellie before smiling down at you. “Hey. They’ll be ok. It’s Joel and Tommy, ain’t nothing gonna happen.”
“I need him here. I can’t do this without him.” Your face scrunches in pain as another pain shoots across your stomach. 
“Ok, so you’re 5cm dilated. You need to be at ten to push. Unfortunately, I don’t have anything for the pain but I’m gonna be here the whole time, ok?”
You nod.
“You need to breathe through the pain. In and out. In and out.” Jessica breathes in deeply to show you and you imitate her. “Good. Hopefully, we’ll have a baby soon.”
Jessica orders Maria and Ellie around, getting them to gather supplies and then you all just wait. 
It gets harder and harder to stay quiet through the pain and eventually your cries of pain echo around the room. 
“Go to the gate and see if they’ve heard anything,” Maria asks Ellie and then she’s gone. You turn to Maria who smiles and holds your hand. “I need him.”
“I know. He’ll be here, I promise.” She hopes. 
“Ok Y/N, I’m gonna need you to push now, ok?” Jessica asks and you shake your head. 
“No! No, I can’t. Not without him. I need to wait.” You cry in pain as another contraction spikes. 
“I know but the baby is ready to come now. We can’t wait.” Jessica looks at Maria and gives her a knowing look. 
“Y/N, Jessica is right. The baby is ready to come. You can do it; I know you can. Joel would want you to.”
Suddenly the door opens, and all eyes are on the intruder. Joel. 
“Joel!” You cry as you grip Maria’s hand tight, face scrunching in pain. 
“It’s me, baby. I’m here.” He rushes to your side thanking Maria for being there for you. He leans down and kisses the top of your head. 
“I thought you were dead.” You sob as tears begin to fall down your cheeks. He rubs the top of your head gently, soothingly. 
“I know, baby. But I’m alright. I’m here and I’m ready to meet our baby girl.” He turns to Jessica, “is ok if I get on the bed with her?”
“Sure. It might even help.”
Joel takes off his dirty shoes and removes the pillows from behind you, taking their place. He kisses your cheek and holds your hands in his as he whispers words of encouragement. 
“That’s it, baby. Just a little more. You’re doin’ so well.”
You push and push and push and then the room is filled with the cries of a newborn. “Congratulations you two, a beautiful baby girl.”
Jessica hands your baby to Maria who is cleaning her as she cuts the umbilical cord. “I told you it was gonna be a girl, darlin’,” Joel whispers into the shell of your ear as he kisses your neck. “You did so well, baby. I’m so fuckin’ proud of you.”
“Guys she is gorgeous,” Maria coos as she hands you your daughter. She is the image of Joel with her brown eyes and a mop of dark hair on her little head. 
You cradle her in your arms and Joel holds you both from behind. A strangled sob escapes his lips, and you turn your head to look back at him. “You, ok?”
He goes to speak but his voice cracks. He closes his eyes for a moment before meeting your worried gaze. 
“She’s beautiful. She looks…. she has Sarah’s eyes.” You smile at him before shifting your gaze to her again. 
“I forgot how small they are,” he whispers from behind you. “Thank you, darlin’. You’ve given me everything today. I still feel like I don’t deserve it but I’m so fuckin’ happy.”
“Can I hold her?” Ellie asks from beside you and you nod your head before handing her gently to her. 
“Mind her head,” Joel says, his face serious as he looks at Ellie. “Don’t worry, I got this.” She beams.
Later that night after you’d delivered the afterbirth and got cleaned up. You relax back against Joel in your shared bed, which is now clean thanks to Maria and Ellie.
Your baby girl is suckling at your breast as you gently rub her cheek. Joel holds you both close as he rests his head on your shoulder. “Ellie is gonna call back in the morning and help make breakfast,” he whispers, trying not to disturb the moment. 
You hum. 
“What are we gonna name her?” You ask, gaze focused on your daughter. 
“Whatever you want darlin’.” His hand rests on your daughter's leg, rubbing soothing circles into her skin. 
“How about Olivia Sarah Miller?” You hear him suck in a breath and you turn your head slightly. 
“I love it, darlin’. Sarah she…. she uh…she loved the name, Olivia. Always said if I gave her a sister that’s what she wanted her to be named.” His eyes are glazed over, and a single tear runs down his cheek. 
“Then it’s perfect.” You look down at her once more and smile. “Welcome to the world Olivia.”
6 months later…
You wake with a start, hand brushing over to reach your husband only to find the bed empty. Throwing on one of his shirts you make your way next door to check on your daughter but she’s not there either. 
Panic floods you. 
As you make your way downstairs the deep timber of his voice calms your racing heart. Without making a sound, you make your way towards the open door and lean against the frame as you take in the sight of Joel on his rocking chair, Olivia nestled into his side. 
The sight of him with your daughter has your heart racing and the butterflies fluttering within your stomach. Seeing him like this makes you love him even more. 
“I’m gonna build you a swing set right there,” he says as he points to a certain point in the garden.
“Watch you playin’ while me and your momma sit here with our cups of coffee.” You can’t help the snort that passes your lips, and he turns in your direction with a smile on his face.
“Mornin’ darlin’. Sleep ok?” 
“Yeah. When did she wake? I didn’t hear her.” You move off the door frame and walk towards them until you're pulled into Joel’s lap. He leans in and kisses you softly on the lips while your daughter giggles beside you. 
“Wanted to let you sleep, darlin’. You’ve been exhausted.”
“You, Joel Miller, are too good to me.” You say softly before leaning in and kissing him. “Will I take her off you now?”
He shakes his head. “Nah. We’re havin’ a good chat ain’t we baby girl?” Olivia coos at her daddy and your heart melts. 
“Ok, well I’ll go and make us some coffee. Be back in a minute,” you say as you stand, kissing Olivia on the cheek and making your way inside. The sound of Joel’s voice fills your senses, and you smile at his words. 
“I love your momma so much, baby girl. I don’t know what I did to deserve her but I’m so grateful she walked into my life and I ain’t ever letting her go.”
Everything: @maievdenoir @amneris21 @hnt-escape @elegantduckturtle @harriedandharassed @jediknight122 @ayrusss @hayley-the-comet @sherala007 @alexxavicry @scorpio-marionette @donnaa @practicalghost @tanzthompson @beskarprincessjenny @littlemisspascal @icanbeyourjedi @thatpinkshirt @maryfanson @sunnshineeexoxo @misspearly1 @misspearlssideblog @athalien @its--fandom--darling @sara-alonso @doommommy @browneyes-issac @trickstersp8 @nembees @kaitieskidmore1 @mswarriorbabe80 @allthe-ships @tintinn16 @hungrhay @rosie-posie08 @manuymesut @all-the-way-down-here @iccedays @tusk89 @graciexmarvel @pedrostories @musings-of-a-rose @untitledarea @your-voice-is-mellifluous @majestyjade
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azullumi · 11 months
“everyone adores you, at least i do” ; prince kamisato ayato
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summary — it was a political marriage between two people for the sake of peace, it was a sacrifice you were willing to take, a role that you must fulfill, however, ayato seems to have different plans, different feelings ; alternatively, the prince you were politically wedded to is pining over you.
pairing — prince!kamisato ayato w/ fem!reader
tags — fluff, pining, sweet and gentle ayato, not proofread, alternative universe ; headcanon
words — 900+
note — i feel like he’ll be the type to say “where’s my wife?” like those books do
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It was a marriage to solidify the relationship between two kingdoms, you were merely a princess sold for the freedom of your land, there was nothing more to it.
So when you first met him for the sake of introduction and familiarity before he became your husband, there was nothing but silence in between you two, only a small conversation that would fall apart before being picked up with a different topic as you walked around with him. But no one is to blame here, you were strangers to each other (maybe) and what you two had during that time wasn’t awkwardness, it was just tranquility.
Although it did go on until the first night of such a significant event, the wedding,—the night of passion, or whatever the servants had told you—as it was nothing but stillness. He told you that it’s best to just sleep instead and so nothing happened. He simply laid there on one side of the bed while you were on the other, trying to get rid of your thoughts: it’s alright, you two were strangers that were practically forced into a couple and to bed together.
But, oh, if only you knew the thoughts that raced inside his head during that night as he laid there beside you, if only you knew how much he yearns for you, how much he wants to touch you. He wants you but he could not act on his desires as he was too afraid, afraid that he might scare you, that he might accidentally hurt you in the process. Ayato is a brave and confident person but in front of you, he was nothing, stripped of his title as a noble prince, he was nothing but a man who fell in love with a princess from what once was their rival kingdom.
“Your highness, why—“
“Ayato,” he corrects you with a small smile on his face, there was no malice or sign of annoyance in his tone, just gentleness and warmth, “We’re already husband and wife, we have no need for such formalities. Unless you're still not comfortable or used to it, do not fret, I am not pressuring you.”
He was letting you go at your own pace, to tread on the path that is comfortable for you without anyone ever pressuring you, you can take your time—it was hard to trust and find comfort in a place full of strangers. especially more so when it’s a place that your kingdom once considered as the enemy—, he’s not rushing you, nobody is, and if ever there is someone doing so, he’ll get rid of them. All he wants is for you to feel safe and warm, that you’ll soon grow to trust him; he only wishes that his touch will soon become your peace and this place will soon become your home.
Until you are ready, until you are willing to accept him, he’s not going to make a move on you but he will be there by your side—just like how he sleeps beside you and will be willing to comfort if ever you were to wake up from a nightmare or have a hard time falling asleep—, until then, he’ll settle on a distance.
And though you might think he might have gone crazy—just like what some of the people in the palace have murmured to each other about him—but maybe he actually has, he wakes up and he immediately thinks of you, the corners of his mind and the edges of his thoughts simply form into you, ever since you came into his life, it was all just you—as if he never existed for his own, as if his soul was meant to spell out the letters of your name. He built a garden made out of your favorite flowers, a library filled with books you love to read, servants and maids that swore their loyalty to you, and everything. He professed his love by providing you with such things even if you were to never realize his feelings.
He likes waking up first before you do, loves being able to see and admire the lines etched and carved on your skin, to see and intertwine himself the rhythm of your breath, and watch the way you tangle yourself in the sheets—and he wishes it was all him, the honeyed light passing through the window spilling on you and casting a soft ethereal glow on the bane of your existence. He likes taking walks with you when he needs a break from all his work, likes eating or resting with you, and especially likes going past the walls of the palace to head to the bustling streets and the busy market together with you, pretending that you were simply just people; the scolding you’ll get with him when you two return after escaping is worth it.
He looks at you, in your sleep, in your waking hours, in his dreams, and he loves you. He loves you, he loves you, he loves you, and it terrifies him how much he would do for you, what he would do for you. You can say anything and he will not abandon you, no matter what you think, no matter what the words that will come out of your mouth, he’ll love you just the same and perhaps more.
“Because I love you in ways more than one.” He kneels in front of you, eyes with longing and affection in it looking up to you, his gaze warm as well as the smile on his face. He brought your hand that he took hold with his own to his lips and pressed a soft kiss on your knuckles, he holds you as if you’re the most fragile thing in the universe. Darling, dearest, beloved, he was yours as well as that you were his.
How is it that he holds such feelings for you so much so that it’s spilling into his hands? A complicated question for some but for him, it was easy to answer: it’s simply because you’re loveable. You’re not hard to cherish, to love, you’re simply human in a way that should be treated as one, not because you’re a princess and his wife. He loves you as if he’s meant to do so.
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© azullumi — do not plagiarize, copy, repost, nor translate any of my works.
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somnambulic-thing · 6 months
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This fic is part IV of my come as you are universe but can be read as a standalone.
messy Eddie Munson x gn!Reader with vagina&boobs, we're early/mid 20s, E 18+
Words: 6.4k
||contains: established relationship/former best friends, outdoor sex, piv, oral, teasing/edging, a little crying, light biting&scratching we're playing with: cum, slick, spit (no spitting tho) and blueberries in various consistencies; fluff, domestic, silly, food mention/eating: it's a picnic situation || you can always dm me and ask for more details
A/N: Oh my god, I finally did it. I've been working on this story since mid-June and it was actually where my ruminations about this universe started. I have no idea why this took me so damn long. I imagined the vision I had for this scenario would fit into something around 3k-ish. Look how that turned out. It's just a lot of sex and a lot of silly banter.
I have to thank @bettyfrommars and R for the help with that story. I probably would have deleted it without you a long time ago
Comments and reblogs are so appreciated you have no idea.
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“You have cum in your hair, sweetheart.”
Eddie’s voice, deep and soft and a little raspy, is full of pride; his eyes full of bliss and adoration.
You smile down at him, stretched out on his back with his arms folded beneath his head, the only remnant of his live-wire-brain a slow bop of his feet which are crossed by the ankles.
He’s just as naked and sweaty as yourself and equally covered in the traces of your lust.
You reach out to tug on a sticky strand of wavy brown hair, twirling the end slightly between your fingertips.
“So have you, Munson.”
Eddie hums and nods like that’s good news and closes his eyes.
The wrath of the August sun can’t reach you in your little hiding spot, it only drips through the canopy of the poplar above your heads, heavy and thick like honey, leaving dancing specks of gold scattered all over his pale skin. You try to trace the ever-changing outlines with your fingertips the way you like to trace the ink, your feathery touch leaving goosebumps behind.
“We should venture to the lake,” he says with a lazy smile. “Go for a swim. Clean up this debauchery.”
You lower down to kiss the corner of his mouth as a starting point for the only journey you’re interested in right now; down the sharp edge of his jaw to his throat. Here you follow the string of purple bruises left by your greedy mouth and it leads you right to the dip of his collarbone. The hum swelling low in his throat turns into a sigh when you trace the shape of it with your tongue.
“Okay, yeah, maybe not yet,” he says and cups the back of your head, softly scratching your scalp. “Guess we basically just got here… we have time…”
It’s hard to tell the time on days like this. If not for the movement of the sun you wouldn’t be sure that it still existed.
There is a special place for the two of you where the laws of nature seem to bend around your togetherness. A space where it’s safe to strip off masks, armor and cloth, to let the other tend to those tender spots that ache from neglect or need and so often both.
It had always been there, created in the aftershock of your collision when you had become friends over night all those years ago. Eddie had been so easy to be around, so easy to trust with your dreams, quirks and secrets. In return, he’d given you pieces of himself too to keep safe, knowing you would treat them with more kindness than he often could. The presence of that space was always perceptible around you like a softly hummed melody wherever you went. One of you just had to pry it open with an inquisitive look or urgent touch and drag the other in behind them.
Today it had been Eddie.
You had followed the sound of tiny rocks against your windowpane and found him outside with a stuffed backpack over one shoulder and a dragon-slaying guitar clutched in one hand, wildflowers in the other.
“What’s the occasion?” you had asked, sensing something nervous in his smile when you flung yourself into his arms.
“It’s a Saturday and I love you.” He had scrunched up his nose in that silly way he always did when he tried to find the right words for important things. “And I want to fuck you where I picked those flowers.”
It had been a short drive and a short hike later when you saw the first spots of red and blue, sprinkles of white and yellow dance in the breeze and recognized them as the same flowers that now waited on your windowsill for your return.
“Almost there,” he’d said and you had felt the seconds slow and stutter as Eddie’s fingers intertwined with your own, tugging you towards the high grass and right through it, heading for the small clearing by the trunk of the tree and into its shadow.
“Nobody will see us here,” he’d said, arms tight around your waist. “Promise.”
You really hadn’t cared either way as Eddie nudged at your jaw with the bridge of his nose to gain access to your pulse.
There had been a moment - albeit brief - where you’d wondered if one could hear you from the path outside the field where time still existed when Eddie plunged his fingers into you, deep and urgent, his praises and your moans mingling, drowning out the birds and bugs lurking around as your back arched off the giant red plaid blanket he must have bought for this very occasion.
And then, finally, the rest of the world was erased from your mind when he chanted your name again and again, knuckles white from clutching the blanket in trembling fists as you swirled your tongue around the hot tip of his cock in slow dragging teasing circles for an eternity until he couldn’t take it any longer.
You smile against his skin, revelling in the soft noises he makes for you when you lap up salty sweat from his chest, when you flick the tip of your tongue against his nipple and in the way he squirms and begs for you to kiss him.
“Please, please, please…” he whimpers as you take your time kissing up his sternum, ignoring the tug in your hair, making sure to worship every patch of damp skin on your way to his lips. Eddie groans, so impatient, so greedy and you want to swallow him whole so you do the next best thing; you bare your teeth against his neck and bite him.
“Holy fucking…” he breathes in sharply but tilts his head up further. “You beast.”
You lick the tender flesh above his collarbone before you blow cool air on it to soothe the bite.
“Too much?” you ask with worry, pushing up to find his dark eyes waiting. You see the flicker of his plan in them the second before he flips you over and pins you down.
“Never.” His nose presses into your cheek before he nips at your jaw. A pointy knee nudges at your thigh and you spread them willingly to let him back between them. “That’s why I’m done begging for more now…”
“Oh no, I’m in trouble…” you try to tease but your voice strings out thin as he moves down your neck and chest; kissing sucking biting. He keeps his eyes fixed on yours and the hunger in them pulls your insides into a tight knot you can’t wait for him to untangle again.
“Let’s earn that clean up at the lake,” he says, his tongue leaving wet glistening trails of spit on your skin all the way down to your hips. There he gifts you a set of pretty teeth marks to remember him by before he settles on his stomach between your thighs, wrapping his arms firmly around them. “Let’s make a mess.”
You prop up on your elbows for a better view. “How will this differ from the average Munson pussy-eating endeavour?”
“Oh, sweetheart… you challenging me?”
“I guess I am.”
 He shakes his head like you’re a pitiful thing, grinning sharply; it’s obscene with the way his mouth hovers over your pelvis close enough for you to feel his breath in the sticky hair above your slit. Your hips twitch upwards in response, impatience flaring up between them and his grip on you tightens.
“Nuh-uh,” he tuts and shakes his head.
There were days when he couldn’t wait to get his mouth on you, cursing each garment that stood between him and the taste of you. But Edward Munson could be unyielding once his mind was set on a particular thing. Painfully so.
“I have a vision here and I need you to hold still.”
“I am,” you grumble, knowing you are not. “As good as I can with you breathing on my pussy.”
“The sooner you comply, the sooner we both get our treat. C’mon. Be good.”
You finally obey and relax, voicing a low, soft “please, Eddie” aimed to break his determination. His lips part in a cunning smile before he sticks out his tongue as far as he can, long and wet and pointed. Hovering.
“I’m not moving,” you whine.
Eddie’s brows lift - demanding patience - and he looks like a demon that way; wide eyes, gaping mouth, teeth bared and spit slowly running down his tongue.
It’s agony, watching a bead of spit collect at the tip, hypnotizing how it grows and grows and the seconds stretch, just as much as the viscous liquid, before it finally drips down onto your clit and runs down to one side. There’s no controlling it; your hips try to buckle and the pretty pink tongue disappears behind a smile that’s all teeth and tender cruelty and still connected to you by a string of spit.
Eddie chuckles deeply, sticks out his demon tongue again and you force your body into stillness instantly. This is what possession feels like, you think.
“Please, Eddie, please, please, plea—“
The first gentle lick feels like little more than a breeze over your clit, barely nudging it, but it makes your jaw drop and your arms shake. A long stretched whine spills from your mouth as he repeats it again and again and again, adding slightly more and more pressure each time. His eyes are fixed on yours, intense, almost unblinking, and so very dark. It’s adding heat to the electric shocks his teasing sends up your spine. You channel the urge to move, to grind your cunt against his mouth into a pitiful hitching moan.
“Christ, your face…” Eddie groans, stopping his sweet sweet torture, fingers kneading your thighs short of painful. “Could come just looking at you like that.”
“I know,” you breathe out. “Love when that happens.”
He loosens his grip on your tighs, and brings one hand around between them. “I aim to please,” he says with a wink and points a finger gun at you, blowing imaginary smoke away before he shoves the barrel of it inside you.
And then he’s devouring you.
You fall back, your arms finally giving in as the sensation pulls you under, overwhelms you after all the soft teasing. He’s moaning against your cunt and it doesn’t take long for him to undo you again, knowing all the motions by heart that take you out of this world.
Your fist stirs up fine dust as it thumps the ground when he stops seconds before you can fall over the edge.
“No, nonono, why?—“
But Eddie is not listening. “Fucking dripping for me,” he marvels at his hand covered in your slick. He spreads his fingers and watches how your arousal forms shiny strings between his knuckles.
“You’re evil—“
“But my evil methods always get you off so much harder,” he says casually sliding two fingers back inside you while wiping the other hand on your stomach and his glistening mouth on your thigh.
A soft smile is curling his lip while he curls his fingers inside you. Your hips twitch up and Eddie uses the moment to press a soft kiss to your throbbing clit.
“Messy, messy pussy,” he sighs dreamily.
You can’t but laugh.
“You’re suuuch a weirdo,” you say softly and run a hand through his hair. You can see the praise lighting little fires in his eyes.
“Well, thank you,” he chuckles darkly. “It’s really inspiring that it gets you wet like that.”
You lose count of how many times he gets you close to the edge again just to pull back and cover you in sticky kisses to your thighs and hips and belly, to run his soaked fingers over your breasts and up your neck over and over.
Every inch of your skin feels sticky, every fibre of your body thrums like vicious reverb when he crawls up to you, eyes wild, lips and chin drenched and glistening with your wetness and kisses you.
“You good?” he sighs, sucks your lower lip between his teeth and pulls until it stings just so before he lets you answer.
“M’ on fire is what I am…”
“You’ve won. I’m such a mess, please, please fuck me.”
The desperate scratch of your nails on his back, makes his head drop to your shoulder and turns his low deep laugh into a moan. It’s contagious, spreads to you as he rolls his hips against you, his hard length sliding through your swollen lips, dragging over your clit.
“You smell like home,” he whispers against your skin as he pushes in, slowly, softly until he’s fully nestled inside of you. Your breath is unsteady, hitches as the pleasure of being so full of him pushes everything else out of your mind.
“Do you feel that?” he brings his forehead to yours, pulling out almost all the way, giving you that full sweet stretch again as he sinks back in. “How perfectly I fit inside you?”
“Feels like home,” you say and feel him smile as he kisses you. It’s slow and dragging at first and he stays close, burying you under his weight and his face in your neck as he buries his cock inside you again and again and over and over with growing speed and urgency.
“C’mon, fall apart for me,” he grits through his teeth, “I got you, always got you.” He peels himself away from you and sits back up on his shins. With his hair forming a wild dark halo around his head and your purple marks scattered over his skin the sight alone of his thrumming, sweat-glistening body straining to bring you to the peak of pleasure is pure ecstasy. His thumb finds your clit, slow dragging circles contrast hard fast thrusts and if you’ve been on fire before, you’re blazing now, hot enough to forge steel.
“Don’t stop…”
“So close…”
“I know. Me too…”
“So good…”
“So fucking good… come on… come for me…”
Your heels dig into the ground lifting your twitching hips off the blanket as the searing heat spreads through your pelvis like wildfire. Eddie moves up with you, melts into you, is one with you, fingers digging hard into your flesh to hold you where he wants you to fuck you through it. The world is not a place but a raging pulse and all you can do is surrender your body to him. It’s easy.
He’s your heart anyway.
 He carefully lowers your hips back to the ground, smoothing his palms up and down your sticky thighs while you come down from your high.
“Look at me!”
Your lids are heavy as you blink to clear your view from a few stray tears.
Eddie tilts his head, searching your face with curious eyes, tongue peeking from the corner of his mouth as he backs away slowly, leaving you empty. There’s not much time to mourn the feeling as he swiftly straightens your legs and straddles your thighs.
“Shhh, just watch,” he rasps out, licking his lips as he wraps his fingers around his slick, throbbing cock. His voice breaks, strings out thinly—
“Fuck, fuck, fuuuck—“
— as his fist works his flushed tip with precision and a rapid pace. The hair around the base is slick with your ecstasy and as your gaze wanders up his body in search of his face you find it a beautiful display of his own with his jaw slack and brows knit tightly.
His thighs tremble, then twitch and the blur of his hand regains its shape when with a few last long strokes and wide, teary eyes, he spills himself over you again and again in hot thick bursts of white.
The impact of his pleasure brings him off balance and he slumps forward. Your praises are hoarse, insignificant sounds lost between Eddie’s sobbing moans and you run a hand up your body to aid him spread his mess all over your skin while the other hand finds his face to caress a bright red cheek, to brush sweaty hair off his forehead.
“I love you so much,” you tell him.
Eddie sighs softly and turns his face into your hand, presses a long soft kiss into your palm before he sits up and throws his head back to take a deep breath. Above him, sun and wind are engaged in a play, turning the canopy of the tree into a writing, shimmering mass and for a moment, this feels like a dream. Then he sways like the branches, a goofy grin the last thing you see before he lets himself slump down next to you with a thump that makes you wince. He just hums contently, pressing his face to your sweaty neck.
“That was nice,” he mumbles, peppering your jaw with kisses.
“Yeah, uh-hn, really, really nice.”
“Dare say the nicest one yet.”
“Hmm, think I just saw your soul leave your body for a moment.”
“Hmm,” he hums and slings an arm around your waist. “My soul looks great on your tits.”
There is a beat of silence before you both break out in silly giggles, turning into laughter, turning into exhausted kisses and sweet words while Eddie’s soul dries on your skin in the warm summer air.
You make him drink some water first because he always forgets and while you have some yourself, Eddie conjures up a meal from his magical backpack.
“I made your favourite,” he says, opening a stainless steel container to reveal a pair of thick sandwiches. “Got some other stuff too.” He hands another container to you. “Just in case… could probably feed us for the next twenty-four hours.”
You remove the lid and find it filled to the brim with blueberries. You lift it to your face to draw in air laced with the sweet, earthy smell of the berries.
You hum with anticipation, mouth watering as you pick one large plump berry and pop it into your mouth, the rich, wild sweetness of the forest exploding on your tongue. “So good,” you sigh and a soft smile curls up the corners of Eddie’s lips. “I take it Wayne was lost in the woods again for a week?”
“Aye,” Eddie chuckles, eyes darting between your eyes and your mouth where two more berries just found their demise. “Must have been a good year. That madman collected enough berries to fill a bathtub with.”
“Now you’re exaggerating.”
He holds up his thumb and forefinger just enough so that a berry could fit between them. “I would call it embellishment.”
You huff and put the container down. Leaning forward, stretching out long over your waiting meal, you place a kiss on Eddie’s cheek. “Thank you,” you say close to his ear. “This is wonderful. You’re wonderful.”
A hand comes up to the side of your head, holding you in place. Eddie turns his face to you, nudging your noses clumsily together. His tongue glides along your bottom lip before his mouth finds yours; a kiss so gentle it feels almost timid.
He releases you with a peck to the corner of your mouth. You watch him lick his lips as you sit back, his eyes are turned down and there’s that wrinkled nose again. You’re about to ask him if there’s something on his mind when he snaps out of it in the blink of an eye, grinning from cheek to cheek and the thought fades from your mind.
“Bon appétit,” he announces with a flourish of his hands.
You mostly eat in silence, leaving the stage to the quiet sounds of nature, recharging while the shadows slowly creep further and further away as the sun makes its journey towards the horizon. There is the occasional protest when you’re stealing bites from each other’s food as well as sighs of appreciation over a simple meal that equates to a feast without even trying.
“Open,” he says, a berry between his fingertips and you pull up your brows.
“You don’t have a good enough aim for that game.”
“And I won’t get any better without practice,” he says with a grin oh so sharp, a voice oh so seductive. “So, love of my life, open. Please?”
It’s hard to stay still like that for long when Eddie is huffing and puffing as he’s missing your mouth over and over. Berries keep hitting your cheeks, your forehead and a few bounce off your lips before he finally lands one in your mouth. He pumps his fist and you applaud him; for effort and perseverence.
“My turn. Open,” you say and he obeys eagerly.
The first one is a miss, the next four find their target with precision.
“You’re cheating.” Chewing much more than one berry requires, Eddie eyes you with his trademark up to no good-expression.
“How would I even do that?”
“Sorcery,” he says, and flicks a berry at you that’s hitting you right between the eyes.
Eddie clasps a hand over his mouth as you wince, eyes comically wide in his shock, breath stuck in his lungs. Before you know you’re doing it, you reach for the berries, feeling some pop between your fingers as you load them up and fling a handful of the sticky ammunition at his chest.
There’s a hollow thud upon impact, followed seamlessly by the smacking of skin on skin as Eddie clasps his hands over his heart, face a mask of anguish and disbelief displayed with such sincerity you’re almost tricked into feeling bad over your attack.
“Crit… hit…” he croaks out before his eyes roll back into his head as he collapses.
You’re on your knees, crawling over to where he lies motionless with eyes closed and mouth ajar. He doesn’t move, makes no sound when you mount his hips right beyond his soft cock that lies now snug against your inner thigh.
There’s dark pulp sticking to his chest; unlucky stray berries squashed in his throes of death. The smudge connects two hickeys, forming one large nebula in a galaxy of bruises. It’s beautiful, the complex hues of blue reacting with his smooth pale skin, turning the mess purple around the edges.
You just sit and stare.
“Wanna have a taste?” he says, one eye cracked open in curiosity before he opens them both. “Clean me up?”
A blush appears high on his cheeks, giving away his anticipation, just like the glint in his eyes and the hands kneading your hips.
“Don’t think I will.” You run your fingertips over his skin, from navel to neck and back again; slowly, softly. “Only fair that you’re a little filthy too.”
“Come on,” he purrs, “have a treat.”
His nostrils flare, his ribs expand to greedily suck in air and with it, all the mirth and silliness. Suddenly the air feels thick and crackling like in the wake of a storm.
“Alright, alright, I hear you,” he says calmly and reaches for the berries across the blanket.
“There,” he says, his clenched fist oozing purple juice and bits of skin. Dark drops run down his arm as he squeezes the berries to a sticky pulp before he coats himself with the mess from chest to throat. “You can leave some behind.”
“You don’t know what you’re doing,” you say with the calm of a preying beast and lace your hands with Eddie’s dripping fingers. 
“Oh nooo,” he mimics you from earlier and grins like a blade. “I’m in trouble.”
Leaning down slowly, you pin his hands to the ground next to his shoulders. “There will be teeth.”
“W-was coun-ting on it.”
The stutter in his breath is delicious, a first taste of what’s to come. You want to make him whine and writhe under your hands and teeth, you need him crying and shaking and out of his mind.
His nipple is already hard when you flick your tongue against it and sweetness fills your mouth as you lick and suck and tug on the sensitive thing while your fingers find the other hard nub and pinch. Eddie barely breathes. He sucks in all the air he can get, then holds it holds it holds it before he lets it out as soft groans and moans. His fingers flex hard against the back of your hands, nails biting your skin every time you take your teeth to him.
You reach between your bodies and follow the trail of hair down with a featherlight touch to find his cock hot and hard and waiting. You slide your fingertips along the soft skin like a breeze, barely even touching. Eddie’s hips buckle up—
“Shit— hnng…”
— and you take the sensation away. Eddie’s face is flushed, his voice pressed through his teeth.
You lap at his skin, bit by bit uncovering a deep blush that’s more of a crimson compared to the bright red where his skin isn’t stained. He tries to grind against you but you lift your hips—
— and sink your teeth into his shoulder, over and over, inching torturously slow towards his neck. Some bites you kiss better, some you leave to sting a little longer. Desperate hands scurry over your arms, your back, your hips trying to pull you against him. Strands of hair stick to your face that must be stained up to your nose by now. You pull back for a moment and Eddie’s hands find your cheeks—
— to pull you into a kiss. You press a quick peck to the side of his mouth, then marvel over the shape of your lips printed there like a blue shadow.
“Fuuuck, you’re so gorgeous,“ he rasps with dazed eyes and chases your lips again. You press your foreheads together before he can succeed and his frustration is a cool draft on your wet skin as a long groan spills out of his mouth. “Please, please, lemme taste you, I really want to—“
His pleas are sweet and thick, just like his neck that taunts you with taut tendons and the slide of his Adam’s apple when he swallows hard around his desperation. You’re all over it, raking your nails down the sides while your tongue slides up right under his chin and—
“Fuck, no, wait, fuck—“
— everything moves as Eddie sits up and pushes you with him.
“Are you oka— hng—“ He stops your inquiry; fingers digging into your chin, keeping your mouth from closing, freezing it mid-vowel.
There’s this look again. His gaze flicks between your eyes and mouth until he’s just staring at your berry-coated tongue.
So you open up a little wider.
He moves slowly; it’s almost timid when his tongue finds yours and steals a little sweetness from you.
“Weird?” he asks, softly nudging your nose with his while holding you in place to keep you from swallowing. You barely shake your head before he’s back for more with a bruising kiss that’s full of nipping teeth and greedy tongues. Most of the remaining berries find a sticky end between your bodies before they are lapped up from various body parts and shared through devouring kisses.
You’re grinding your hips against his lap enough to make him shiver and moan but not enough to get him close to the edge and you’re determined to keep it that way until he’s losing it with desire. Which doesn’t take too long.
“You trying to kill me?” he whines with his head dropped to your shoulder.
“Just a little… as the French say.”
He groans. “I’d like to go out soon then, if you please.”
He groans again and bites your shoulder. “M’ so fucking hard.”
It’s just a subtle shift of your hips but the next three, four times you move them, Eddie jolts and curses enough to damn whole bloodlines. You reach into his hair to pull his head back so he has to look into your eyes and you take a moment to admire the mess that he is; blue and purple and flushed red in between, jaw slack and breath stuttering under your gaze.
“On your knees. Palms to the tree.”
You lift off and Eddie scrambles to all fours to get into position, knees placed wide apart. There are stains on his back in the shape of your hands, layered over a pattern of slightly raised lines left by your nails.
Eddie’s shoulder blades ripple under your gentle kisses as you embrace him from behind. You run your hands down his belly to the V-shape between his hip bones and a little further to cup his balls with one hand while the other traces a thick vein on the underside of his cock.
You chuckle into his shoulder when he sighs with relief as you wrap your fingers firmly around him and start to stroke him oh so slowly. You don’t keep it slow for long, couldn’t keep it slow without stopping him from thrusting into your fist but you don’t want him to be still; you want him twitching and trembling.
Eddie takes care of the pace and your fingers do all the things that drive him crazy, your wrist twists just the right way and he’s holding his breath again, every muscle in his lower body ready to snap and so you loosen your grip before he can.
His head drops, a fist hits the bark of the poor old tree—
“Shhh,” you whisper close to his ear. “Good things come in threes—“
“M’ not— can’t— hm-m, please—“
You wait another moment for him to calm down, or to hear the agreed-upon words that tell you he really can’t take any more teasing but they don’t come. He just breathes hard and shallow. You swipe your thumb over the hot tip of his cock, rub soft circles over the sensitive slit that dribbles under your touch.
“Whenever you’re ready,” you say and tighten your grip again.
The next time he’s about to burst, you just let go of him—
“Fuck— fuckfuck, fuck you—“ he whines, hips thrusting into nothing and he sinks against the tree, resting his forehead against its roughness.
You caress his back, smother him in soft kisses and hold him close with gentle hands.
“Regret being cocky?” you ask, watching a bead of sweat run down his spine.
“Fuck you—“ he chuckles groggily. You think it sounds a little wet. “Never regretted a second spent with you, demon.”
“That’s just the impending orgasm talking,” you tease, a beaming smile pressed against his skin where he can feel it.
“I dare you to fucking make me come and I’ll tell you again— ah— Christ…“
“God, I barely touched you,” you say slowly wrapping your fingers around his aching cock. “You’re really sensitive now, hm?”
This time, the wetness in his laugh is unmistakable. “Oh, you think?— Hmmng, that’s gooood, please, please don’t stop!”
There’s no more frantic thrusting into your hand; Eddie finds just enough strength to push himself back from the tree to make it easier for you to reach where he needs you.
You work him slowly, no need for fast strokes when he’s crumbling like this and you know exactly where to rub and squeeze and circle to take him apart. High-pitched whines and groans mix with something that sounds like pieces of bark chipping from the trunk of the three. You drink in every noise, every twitch, every oh-so-small sensation; it’s all intoxicating.
Eddie is vibrating. Every atom in his body tuned to a frequency only you can receive. He’s begging you for a kind of mercy that one must be ready to receive.
“If your eyes are closed, I need you to open them now, Eddie. I need you to watch.”
“Oh g-god…”
“Good boy.”
You shift your stance slightly to one side and reach through his spread legs from behind to find that firm, plump patch of skin right behind his balls. Circling your fingers without any pressure, you let him adjust to the sensation first—
“Oh shit—“
— meanwhile, you press his cock flat against his belly, your palm stroking the underside, your thumb placed to grace his frenulum with every slide and—
— it doesn’t take much; one two three circles against the tender spot and his breathing stops, four five six and Eddie turns to stone in your hands—
“Come on, Ed, make a mess—“
— and then he comes and comes and comes all over himself.
The setting sun sets the sky ablaze.
No pinks, purples or blues; everything is swallowed by a deep, burning orange that turns the surface of the lake into a raging inferno and in the middle of it all, floating on his back, is Eddie.
You’ve been watching him drift along for a while now - long enough for your skin to be as good as dry again - and if it wasn’t for the opposite shore that separates the sky from the water, you would worry he could just drift off into the sky and vanish between the few stray clouds that dare enter the flames.
It’s a fitting scene, you think, as you rewind your memories from the day over and over, matching the heat spreading from your chest into every last corner of your being.
Out in the water, the arsonist turns over and disappears, feet kicking up a small splash of water. You wait and watch until he emerges again a good distance away from where he dove in before you get up from your spot on the lakeside and cross the small distance to the van that’s parked right behind the treeline.
The back doors are wide open, left that way in your hurry to get into the water and you climb in to grab your Polaroid in an attempt to capture some of the colours before they turn into endless blue.
You cover the flash with your palm, listen to the motor eject the picture and tuck it out quickly to let it develop safely in the darkness of a worn copy of The Hobbit that lives in the back of the van. You leaf through the pages that shelter the pictures you made earlier that afternoon.
Two are a little blurry, one is overexposed because you left it face-up in the sun after the noise from the camera woke your subject from his slumber. He’d been curled up against your chest and upon waking demanded instant attention in the form of head scratches. All the pictures are full of colour - blues and purples, mostly - and blissful faces. Even the teary ones.
Looking at Eddie’s bright, sleeping profile makes you aware that the tiredness started to slowly creep into your limbs. You put the book down and get busy shifting stuff around to make room for the fold-up mattress and prepare a bed for the night.
You’re sitting at the foot of the mattress with your back to the lake, unrolling a sleeping bag you probably won’t need when cool wet fingers sneak under the hem of your tank top and damp lips find the side of your neck.
"Sorry,” he says softly when you flinch with surprise. “Didn’t think I was so quiet… Hi.”
“I was engrossed in nest-building and you’re like a cat,” you say and turn around. The soft light from the lantern inside the car renders his smile almost unbearably soft. He’s dripping wet from head to toe and strands of hair stick to his cheek and chin. You brush them away. “A wet, sneaky cat.”
There’s still a blue tint faintly staining big patches of his skin; you suppose you soaked a little too long in berry juice. You trace the outlines with your fingers. “You had a good swim?”
Eddie hums affirmatively, snatches your hand from his chest and presses a soft kiss to the tips of your fingers. “The fucking sky was on fire,” he says in an almost pensive way, eyes fixed on a spot somewhere behind your shoulder.
“Hm?” He quickly blinks a few times before his eyes focus on you again. It’s like he’s coming back from far away.
“Where did you just go?” 
“Uh, just… I’m… just a bit tired I guess…” he wrinkles his nose and scratches the back of his head as if another thought is stuck there. “You know…” he pauses again and then the expression melts into a smile. ”Someone interrupted my well-deserved nap after an almost deadly handjob.”
You huff a laugh, but the thought that there is something on his mind that just won’t make it over his lips starts gnawing on you.
“And I kinda wish I had a fucking towel. Don’t feel like waiting out here until I’m dry.”
“Have you tried shaking yourself very quickly, like a good boy?”
Eddie’s brows vanish under his wet bangs and then a wicked grin that can only be the harbinger of mayhem spreads over his face. You regret running your mouth even before he widens his stance and starts to bang his head like he’s at a Metallica show with his dick out.
Drops of cold water fly everywhere, too cool on your skin now that nightfall takes the heat away and you scramble back over the mattress to get away from him. “You animal!”
“As you have suggested,” he laughs, coming back up while trying to get the wet hair out of his face. “Hey, where did you g— hmpf.”
You’d thrown a blanket at him, hitting him right in the face. “Oh shit,” you laugh and crawl back to the edge. “Sorry—“
“Can’t quite take your apology seriously when you cackle like that,” he grumbles unconvincingly, peeling the blanket off his face.
“Dry your wet cat ass with that thing, throw it over a branch or something and then come in here.”
He does just that.
You’re already drowsy when he finally settles in behind you and wraps an arm around your waist, a soft low melody deep in his throat that seems to rest heavy on your eyelids. Eddie turns off the light, mumbles something about mosquitos and nestles his face into the back of your neck. You can hear him sniff.
“This is what you’d smell like if you were a lake monster.”
“S' that good?”
“Very sexy,” he sighs and holds his wrist under your nose. “Verdict?”
You sniff; it’s Eddie but more tart. “Highly erotic,” you say truthfully but half-yawning. “We could be lake monsters together. Share a lake. Just you and I and—” another yawn, “—and the algae.”
Eddie doesn’t reply and you think he must have fallen asleep.
“G’d night, love of my life,” you drawl just as your consciousness slips away.
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people who asked to be tagged about a century ago:
@mrsjellymunson @streamafterlaughter @bebe07011 @dr-aculaaa @whenshelanded @spenciesprincess @spiderman-stilinski @nailbatanddungeon @toomanyacorns
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darkplaces27 · 24 days
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They've just won Winterfell. Ramsey is dead. The Lannisters aren't chasing them and it's finally... quiet.
This may be the 3AM brain talking but I've often thought about what makes this moment special. Yes it has romantic connotations (especially if viewed out of context) but it's also so much more than that.
The last time they experienced this was before Jon went to the Wall and Sansa went to King's Landing and the world turned on it's head.
We've seen these two characters go to hell and back since then (quite literally). They've constantly had the odds stacked against them. They've lived and died in a thousand different ways. But they have also survived. Usually alone but eventually alongside each other.
And now they find themselves in this moment. This moment where they are finally safe. They are finally free. Most importantly, they're home.
It's a curious mix of emotions as Jon seems to acknowledge that by reaching out and pressing a long kiss against Sansa's forehead. Maybe he's happy, maybe he's sad they're the only two Starks present here, or maybe he's just grateful to have been able to keep his promise to her.
On Sansa's part, while she seems to go to Jon willingly, you can also see the wariness in her eyes. What does Jon want?
Which begs the question, when was the last time someone was this gentle with her?
Sansa's body is battleworn, still carrying the bruises from Joffrey, Littlefinger, and Ramsey. Everytime she's been touched, it's been a new tale of abuse. The girl that dreamt of marrying princes and having babies is long gone. Sansa has been hardened by time and carved by tragedy.
"No one can protect me. No one can protect anyone," she had insisted.
But when Jon touches Sansa, he doesn't see her as a thing to torture. He just sees her. Sansa. It's as simple and confounding as that.
Sansa, in turn, looks at Jon waiting for the illusion of his kindess to fade and yet... nothing happens. No one twists her arm, no one strips her of her clothes and throws her on the floor, no one tries to hurt her.
Sansa isn't a means to an end to Jon. She's not a plaything to be turned inside out once she's fulfilled her purpose.
Sansa is Sansa.
It's a beautiful callback to when she had defended Jon against Brienne. She'd been reminding her protector that Jon wasn't Joffrey or Ramsey or any of the men who had abused her so. Jon was Jon.
And as she sees Jon look at her without expectation and accepts his affection and promises, she realizes it's true.
Jon will never be the men who've destroyed her body and held her captive in their personal prison of pain. Jon will always be Jon. She can trust him.
gif cr: @annaboleyne, owner.
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166 notes · View notes
animehideout · 5 months
Hello!! can you do a gojo x reader and like gojo is always on a lot of trips to kill curses and stuff and everytime he comes back home all he wants to do is just sleep with you and it starts making you think he only wants you for your body but she just keeps that thought to herself cuz she thought if she tells gojo he might end their relationship untill something happens and she finally breaks down leaving gojo to comfort her
Please and thank you!
My One And Only
Gojo Satoru x Fem! Reader ( Reader thinks Gojo is using her for her body )
a/n: thank you anon for this request, I really hope you enjoy this one. And remember guys, don't bottle up your feelings, talk it out , communication is the key <33 love y'all and stay safe.
Song recommendation: I'll Be Good - Jaymes Young 🎶
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♪I never meant to start a fire, I never meant to make you bleed.. I'll be a better man today♪
You sat on your bed, clutching your phone tightly after reading a message from your boyfriend, Gojo Satoru: { Get ready for me, princess. I can't wait till I get home and have you all to myself, all night }.
The words, the familiar message, never seemed to change. While you longed for a more thoughtful, romantic message, disappointment crept in every time you unlocked your phone. You understand his busy schedule and duty as the strongest sorcerer, exorcising curses and protecting others, but what about your feelings? Who protects them?
He's often away on trips, since the higher-ups depend on him for everything. You've always taken pride in his skills and capabilities, that earned the trust of others, making the world feel safer with his presence. But, your bed remains cold, your house feels empty, and he's not physically present when you're sad, need to vent, or simply want to share a laugh. The persistent feeling of loneliness creeps in, filling your mind with unwanted thoughts. Each night concludes with a heavy sigh, as you find solace in cuddling your pillow, questioning the nature of your relationship with him.
You meet once a week, you'd eagerly set the scene for cozy moments ; snuggling, watching a movie, going on a date, or simply chilling and talking. Yet, it always veers into having sex. You love him and want him as much as he wants you but you can't help the disappointment you've felt
“Is he using me?”,
the same thought echoes in your mind week after week. You wanted to communicate your feelings, but the words linger unspoken at the tip of your tongue, always swallowed back, completely offering yourself to him.
Night fell swiftly, the clock ticked so fast, and there you were sat on your bed, half naked, waiting like he told you. You could have refused, but you simply didn't. you missed him and craved the way he touches you, the way he makes you scream his name, the way your eyes tear up from how good and deep he's pounding inside you. The way air gets stuck in your throat when his big veiny hands circle around your delicate neck. You wanted every bit of it, there's no denying in that.
The front door swung open and closed, signaling Satoru's arrival. Your heart quickened, anticipation the long night that waited ahead
“Hey, baby..” he began,
placing his keys on the nightstand and giving you a peck. You managed a weak smile.
“Did you miss me?” he added, stripping himself. “Come on, join me for a shower and help me wash up”.
He gently pulled you towards the bathroom.Your back was pressed to his chest, as he left a trail of kisses on your shoulders and the back of your neck. The warm water relaxing each tensed muscle. You closed your eyes enjoying the sensation. The steam raising from the shower, created a gentle fog turning the bathroom into a cozy space. Too emersed into the cute moments of peace,
“Maybe tonight will be different, maybe he'll stay and won't leave after sex like he always does, saying that he needs to be at work again” you thought to yourself,
hoping that this night, he proves all what you've been overthinking for the last weeks in wrong, but shorty you were pressed against the bathroom wall, warm water still running. A surprised gasp left your mouth at the sudden movement. The cold wall that Gojo pinned you against sent shivers down your spine.
“I can't wait any longer” he whispered to your ear. He turned you and now you're chest hitting the wall, “bend over a bit for me, babygirl” he demanded, growing impatient by each passing second.
A groan escaped his mouth when your tighteness welcomed his hardened cock. A soft moan, slipped from your parted lips as he started moving. The rhythmic sound of water droplets echoed and mixed with the wet clapping sounds, and your moans. Your eyes rolled back, too needy for him as he fucked that spot again and again,
“I fucking love fucking you, I love fucking your body, this pussy is all what I can think about” he said panting.
Little did he know that what he said but turn you off so quickly. Your body, is it all what he wants? he didn't even say 'I love you', his sweet talk was all about what satisfied him, but enough,
“Can you stop please” you said out of the blue, making him look in confusion but kept on going,
“already tired? I've planned a long night for us..but if you want me to stop use your safe word” he chuckled.
“I SAID STOP” you snapped.
Under different circumstances, you'd find joy in his words. However, with all those unspoken emotions weighing on you, hearing him say something like that became your breaking point. He stood still, a hint of concern in his voice as he asked,
“D-did I do something wrong?” His hands rested on your hips from behind.
In that quiet moment, only the sound of the water stream filled the air before you spoke again,
“I don't want to continue, pull it out”.
“Hah is this some kind of joke? why on earth would I stop?”
“Because I don't want to”
“Dont lie to me Y/n, I know you want it, I won't pull out”
“Satoru...please” you said as you moved his hands from your hips.
His brows furrowed as he distanced himself from your body, pulling his length out of you, giving you what you requested. You cleaned yourself and then stepped out of the shower wrapped in your towel, while he observed silently.
Seated on the edge of your bed, you waited for him to join you.He carefully settled beside you, his gaze unwavering on your form.
“So, are you going to tell me why the hell you did that?” he asked, breaking the awkward silence.
Without meeting his eyes, you murmured, “Do you even love me, Satoru?” Your gaze remained fixed on the floor.
“What kind of question is this?”
“Just fucking answer it” you spat out in a harsh tone, catching him off guard.
“I do, of course I love you”
“Haha, funny. Why'd you lie? You just love my body, Satoru, don't you?”
“I love you and I love your body. Can you please explain it to me clearly? Cuz I failed to get your point”
“Oh is that so? okay then I'll explain to you, I'll explain to you how I've been feeling for weeks now, how I'm always left alone, how you always show up once a week, have sex with me and then leave as if I'm your fuck toy, I'll explain how you don't even care, cuz you only care about how to pleasure yourself... I'M NOT YOUR SLUT GOJO SATORU”You yelled.
Caught off guard by you, his blue eyes widened mirroring the disbelief that etched across his face. Your words hung in the air, leaving him momentarily speechless.
“A-are you serious?”
You broke down into tears, hugging your knees, wet hair falling on your face, chest still heavy even though you let out all of your concerns.
“No, no, don't cry, Y/n. Baby, look at me, please” he said softly, a hint of panic in his deep voice.
His fingers gently lifted your chin, making you meet his gaze. Kissing away your tears, he whispered,
“Don't ever think like this again. I love you, Y/n I always have and always will, and nothing can change that”
“Then why'd you leave? It feels like you throw me away everytime after getting what you wanted from me” you expressed with a quiver in your voice.
“I'm sorry if I made you feel that way. I never meant to hurt you. I was just scared they might harm you, which is why I minimized our dates”
“Who might hurt me?”
“The sorcerers working against me and the special grade curses. I would never forgive myself if something bad happened to you”
“You know I'll be fine. You don't need to overthink it like that. It's not even my point yet—”
“I know, I know, thats it's always us having sex? thinking that I'm taking advantage of your body? Why didn't you tell me earlier baby? We could've talked it out, I could've explained, we could've done something else... It's just that's how I express love to you, through physical intimacy. I thought you liked it, I thought you were enjoying it. That's why I didn't stop. And I'm sorry about that..” he whispered, looking down, visibly disappointed in himself.
Your gaze lingered on him; you believed him, of course, you just needed that reassurance.
“I thought if I told you you'd break up with me and leave–”
His heart ached, how could you possibly think of that when he loved you with each fiber in his body.
“L-leave you? my life is meaningless without you Y/n how could I ever leave you” he explained pain visible in his tone.
You shrugged, sniffling, looking at him with your teary eyes..
“Come here” he signaled for you to move closer.
His large arms enveloped you in a bear hug as you sat on his lap.
“I love you for you, for your personality, your mind, your laugh, for the way you find beauty in everything. I never meant to disappoint you, and it will never happen again. Next time, if something bothers you, just talk it out and don't bottle it up. I want you to be comfortable all the time, okay?” he exclaimed, kissing the top of your head.
You nodded slowly, further burying your head in his bare chest, your warm breath tickling his skin.
“How about we cuddle and watch your favorite movie? I'll take a day off tomorrow so we can spend more time together, and you're right; I shouldn't be overthinking that much. From now on, not gonna minimize any date, instead, I'll work harder on keeping you safe all the time...You're my one and only Y/n!!” he said with a wide smile, lifting your spirits once again.
You spent the night in each other's arm, eating popcorn and pastries, laughing and joking around, till both of you fell asleep... You indeed helped him learn how to treat you better, helped him express his love in other ways, helped him to take into account your feelings. Communication is all what both of you needed from the very beginning.
Satoru made a promise to you and to himself, to devote his life, strength and efforts to you and your relationship.
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gotham-daydreams · 28 days
For your Not [] I was wondering how would Alfred and Y/n's relationship post kidnapped will go? Down the drain? Sure, they may have some reprieve from the rest of the family with Alfred, but would they resent Alfred for causing them to come back to the manor? After gathering the clues it was Alfred that pushed them to find you.
Also would Y/n have eventually gotten back into contact with Alfred after taking their much needed break away from the family, to help figure out and find themselves?
Well, that's the thing, I suppose!
I have thought about their relationship post kidnapping, and honestly I don't even know if the reader will ever logically know the extent of what Alfred has done to ensure that they stay in the position they're in. Especially, well, considering how I plan for Chapter 4 to go.
Of course at some point they'll definitely be able to deduce that he did something- they'll be able to tell from the things some of the Batfam says and just generally how Alfred acts, even if said things they catch with Alfred aren't all as they seem. But if they'll know the full extent of it? How much he played a part in what happened? In what ends up happening? Maybe not, not everything but maybe enough to be afraid. To get a peak into the ruin and shitty mess that is their life, and the true extent of that ruin. But a glance is only a glance, y'know?
I guess that's the scary thing - for me personally, anyways - that they won't know right away. That even when it happens they'll have no idea, and for those moments where they remain ignorant, unaware, and blind- Alfred is their saving grace. The only sane person amongst the endless sea of madness and derange that is the Batfam. The only person that seems to under their side, that not only comforts them but someone they actually feel comfortable and safe with. Alfred is the only one they trust, and... well, I rather not spoil how he feels about that.
Though, for the reader- from the little they put together and the little they know, its heartbreaking all the same. They don’t want to accept it- who would? The only person after being stripping and taken from their life- is just as insane as the rest? The only person they felt like they could confide in? That they could trust? That they could allow themselves to be vulnerable with when the others were away? That person is just as insane? Just as cunning and- and tricked them too?
It ruins them, and even if I won't say much else as it will be shown when I have it written- I think what I've said here is a good enough image of how badly things get from there once the reader even gets an idea of what Alfred may have potentially done. Though even if they did reach out now, they would probably still hold the whole "everything is fine" attitude they've got going on, and just try to talk to him normally- if not then at least passively mention how the family is sort of being weird and giving you a hard time (will that cause him to stop them? Not at all, but maybe things could've turned out differently. Which may be a recurring thing?? Well- it sort of already is but yk!)
As for the reader reaching out- I think I mentioned this in an previous (albeit older) post a bit in passing, but the reader has technically been in touch with Alfred! Just... not in a way he prefers. They are technically communicating with him, but it's very one sided (which is by design) and... well, may or may not be one of the reasons Alfred kick started this mess.
If this didn't answer your question then I apologize! Feel free to send in another ask if you want, and I can clarify anything you have any questions about!
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abbyromanoff · 9 months
Can you please do yandere!possessive!gp!valkryie, where her and reader had a huge argument and reader storms out leaving Valkyrie alone. Later coming home Valkyrie rails the shit out of reader in front of a mirror because valkryie followed reader to a bar where she saw a man flirt reader (she OFC kills the dude when he reader leaves.)
PLEASE BRO IVE ASKED SO MANY PPL (no hate to anybody I've asked, I love you all 💞)
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PAIRINGS: Valkyrie x reader
WARNINGS: smut, Valkyrie has a dick, blowjobs, cunnilingus, killing, murder, dark!valkyrie, knives, king!valkyrie, fingering, facials, breeding, noncon, jealousy, possessiveness, think that’s all :)
Run. Keep running. That’s all that ran through your mind as you sped away from the large building where you used to sleep peacefully, that was until you found out the truth, until you realized your lover had been lying to you all along.
She was the king, one respected by many, if not all. Citizens trusted her with their lives yet she kept her disguise, taking away the innocence of others as she cut them short of breathing. The man didn’t deserve that, no matter what he did to annoy her, he didn’t deserve to die. He could’ve had a family, children wondering when their dad would come home, only to have him stripped away to never see again.
You always knew Valkyrie had a jealous side to her, some would even call it possessiveness. But you never thought it would go this far.
Earlier on you had planned on surprising the woman at work, hoping she’d still be in her office for lunch instead of skipping like usual. You always warned her of the health concerns that came with ignoring meals, but she never listened, stating she was often times ‘too busy to remember’. And you wished when you entered that was what greeted you, your girlfriend hunched over a pile of papers on her desk, only it was far from that.
When you entered, a small grin on your face and a container in your hands, you were greeted with the sight of Valkyrie holding a knife to a man’s neck who was begging for forgiveness. Your feet planted in your spot as you gasped, mouth falling wide open while the older woman snapped her head in your direction.
“Please-“ The man cried out behind his gag, only to have the sharp object slit his skin open, causing blood to ooze out of his rapidly until he fell limp to the floor.
“Baby? Baby, it’s alright, he was a very, very bad man, okay? He had this coming.” She tried reaching out for you, handing the blade to one of her bodyguards who took it without hesitation, the rest of them already starting to clean up the mess she made. You backed away, wincing from her near touch alone. You knew she loved you and would never hurt you, but what if that changed? What if she did hurt you someday? She often got mad when she was jealous, what if it went so far one day and she tried to hurt you?
“Don’t touch me!” Your eyes were glossed over and she gulped fearfully at the sight, she wasn’t one to be afraid or scared, but knowing she caused those tears was what scared her the most. It scared her of herself, of what she could do.
“It’s me, love, I’m not going to hurt you.” But how could you trust that? How could you trust that she’d keep you safe when she just killed an innocent person right in front of your eyes?
“Look, he- he deserved it! I had to keep you safe-“
“Don’t you dare put this on me, I am not the one who held a knife to his neck and slit his fucking throat! I don’t even know his name, for Christ's sake!” She seemed to be growing more and more agitated as you continued to ignore her words, and chose to believe your own instead. You didn’t understand, you didn’t understand the things she had to do to keep you safe.
“Do you think I don’t know that? Do you think I wanted to kill him? No, but I knew he couldn’t roam free after what he did to you, what if he tried on someone else, huh? Would you let him have forgiveness then?” In all honesty, she wanted to do it. She found herself being filled with joy whenever she got to end the life of one of her victims. She had no idea what was wrong with her, she knew it wasn’t normal but she couldn’t stop, it just felt so good.
When there was no response spewing out of your mouth, she decided to take the next step and brought a single foot forward, letting her palms caress your face as she smiled, you didn’t pull away. Although, she noticed the small flinch but chose to ignore it.
“Guards,” She called for the attention of the tall men, all of them turning their heads in her direction. “Please exit the premises, and take the body with you.” They nodded and did as asked without question, you wondered if this was a normal occurrence for them.
“Awh, don’t cry, pretty girl, Daddy didn’t mean to upset you.” She pouted at your frightened expression, chuckling darkly when you sniffled.
“See the things I’d do for my little girl? I’d die for you, I’d kill for you, doesn’t that mean something?” You shook your head rapidly, trying your best to escape her grasp until she wrapped her arms tightly around your waist.
“Don’t think you’re leaving me, sweetheart.” You wiggled around hopelessly, knowing deep down there was no chance in hell you’d disobey her.
“Let me go! Please, Val, please!” She groaned, kissing the side of your neck, even when you tried to hit your head on hers as the only option left.
“Mm, I like it when you beg me, baby. Turns me on so much.” She pulled you in closer by the hips, letting you feel the growing bulge hidden beneath her suit. It stopped you in your tracks, shuddering quietly as she grinded against you.
“I know you’re mad, so why don’t you let me make it up to you, okay? Can I do that?” You shook your head with a whine, feeling your body weaken the more you wasted your energy trying to escape.
“Too bad. You have no idea how I need this, I’ve been so frustrated all week, working nonstop, don’t you want to help Daddy?” Trying to disagree took all the willpower you had left because you knew you wanted it, no matter how much you said you didn’t. You wanted her to fuck you deep and raw, showing no mercy on your weeping cunt. It was as if she could read your mind because she quickly turned you around, pressing your back against her front while her free hand ran down your stomach to your core, letting her fingers dip inside your pants.
“Don’t try and run from me, there’s nowhere you can go.” The only place you ever knew were her arms, and each time you’d come racing into them, desperate for her to have any sense of hold on you. She was captivating your mind with her as her fingers ran across your folds, collecting your slick and creating a shiny glow as she pulled them out to show you.
“I think you’ve been lying to me, sweetheart, I think you like me killing in your favor.” She grinned when you struggled to come up with a response, only shaking your head no in hopes she’d believe it. But, truthfully, you didn’t believe your lie either.
“Every lie you tell me is only going to add to your already long list of punishments. So, tell me, did you like watching me slit his throat? Is that what made you this wet? Hm?” You gave in, accepting your fate as you succumbed to the feeling of her skin rubbing onto yours.
“Yes- I fucking loved it, Val.” She slapped the side of your ass and tsked in disapproval, causing shame to rise in your chest.
“Try again.” She hummed, letting a singular digit prod gently at your hole, teasing you with her soft nature that you knew would soon be replaced by something darker.
“I loved it, Daddy..” You muttered, nearly choking on your breath as she entered you. Before you could even think, a second finger joined, causing you to whimper loudly.
“Gotta stretch you out for my cock, baby.” She stated. “I fuck you every day yet you’re still so damn tight, such a dirty slut you are.” Came her spoken words followed by a deep, hungry groan.
“Just for you, I’m your slut.” You seemed to be chasing for her approval by now, blushing from every noise that left her hot mouth. You’ve always been such a good girl for her, that’s what she adored most about you.
“That’s right. Daddy’s little slut, maybe I should mark you with it so you know just who you belong to.” In an instant you were pushed to your knees, her legs kicking the back of yours and causing you to fall as she finally removed herself from your tight hole. She looked down at you with hunger before you turned to face her, pleading with your eyes only while she stroked your cheek, her slick-covered digits seeping into your mouth as you suckled on them gently.
“Aren’t you adorable?” You nuzzled your face against her crotch where her restricted hard-on poked you. She was teasing you, she knew that.
“You want Daddy’s cock? Yeah? Of course, you do, little bitch.” You lowered her minimal clothing when given permission and gasped when noticing a small wet spot where her pre-cum had leaked. You were practically dripping when she finally freed herself of the uncomfortable gear, sighing with satisfaction as you reached forward to pull down the boxers she adorned, freeing her length to the fresh air. You instantly wrapped your hand around it, letting your lips press against the head repeatedly until you dragged your tongue up and down the skin.
“Oh- fuck! Mhm, just like that, take it, baby.” She tangled her fingers in your hair and thrusted forward while pulling you even closer, chuckling at the sound of your gags bouncing off the walls. Your eyes fluttered shut as you let her take control, moving your palms to fondle her balls.
“This is all your fault, Y/N. If you weren’t so fucking perfect, maybe I wouldn’t have had to hurt him. Maybe if you weren’t so goddamn sexy, you wouldn’t have to be choking on my dick right now.” You didn’t want it any other way, this was truly heaven.
“I’m gonna cum down your throat- shit! You’re gonna swallow it all, right?” You nodded as best as you could with her still in your mouth, watching as she threw her head back before releasing her finish, her juices reaching your tastebuds instantly. She held you in place, forcing you to keep still and follow in on your promise. Droplets tended to dribble down your chin and to your neck, but you refused to let any go to waste.
She pulled out soon after, slapping her length against your face and smothering your skin in her release. You licked your lips and tasted the sweet nectar, eliciting a moan from deep in your chest.
“Get on all fours and face the mirror.” It wasn’t a request as much as it was a demand. In her eyes, you didn’t have a choice, you were to follow her lead and trust her every move, which you found yourself doing over the course of your relationship.
“Good girl, you listen so well.” She kneeled behind you and smacked your ass with force, causing you to wince as your body reacted with only a deeper amount of pleasure.
“Daddy-“ You were cut off with a moan, biting your lip to try and stifle the sound but she still heard.
“Yes, Princess?”
“Do it again…please?” She complied, repeating her action and admiring your ass jiggled in response. She left a kiss to the burning skin and you smiled when she didn’t stop, layering each inch of your body until she reached your hole once again. Her tongue drew circles on your swollen bud before dipping inside of you. Your hands balled into tight fists as you watched your reaction through the mirror, glancing back and forth at your girlfriend's already hardened cock. It was so easy to mess with her, she would fall for anything you did and would give you anything you wanted.
“Taste so good, so perfect.” Slurping sounds came from behind you until she was bringing you to the edge, your body already overstimulated from the previous actions.
Right as you were about to sink into your orgasm, she pulled away, lining her length up with your entrance and using your wetness as a form of lube. Your breath got caught in your throat at the intrusion while her eyes squeezed shut at the feeling of your walls clamping around her tip.
“That feel good? Hm? You like it when I stretch you out just for me?” You nodded while screaming out agreements, the fear of her guards hearing you not even seeming to register like usual as you just focused on her. On how she made you feel. On how she bombarded you with overwhelming excitement by just being her.
“You fit so well around me, it’s like you were made for me.” In her mind and soul, she knew it was true. The moment she met you she knew she had to have you as her own, you were made for her as she was for you. You were hers, every part of you belonged to her and she’d never let you believe otherwise. Either you’d spend your life with her or yours would come to a short, she wouldn’t be able to live knowing you were being loved by another.
“Yes! You fuck me s-so good, I need more, please!” Your breasts bounced with each thrust she sent, now being buried deep inside of you while her pelvis smacked against your backside, creating a loud clapping sound that echoed throughout the room.
“Can’t wait to fill you up with my cum, have you leaking just so I can fuck it back into you.” The image made you shudder, goosebumps traveling down your skin. Her fingers came to wrap around your hair as she yanked hard, her other hand finding place on your waist and holding onto you with a bruising grip.
“You close, princess?”
“Mhm, so close.” You whispered, tossing your head back even further until it laid on her shoulder. Her tits were rested against your back, her swollen nipples poking your skin in a teasing manner.
“Too bad.” You were meeting her thrusts as she continued to quicken, causing you to look sloppy and weak compared to her. Her bulging biceps made way to your vision, and you nearly came just from the sight.
“Please, Daddy, I can’t stop it-“ You were close to breaking her most important rule if she kept denying you. You tried your absolute best, but that’s all you could do.
“I wanna hear you beg for it.”
“I’ll do anything, please, just let me cum. I-l promise I’ll be good- ah! I’m sorry, I c- can’t hold back, Daddy.” She whispered a singular word into your ear and gazed into your eyes through the mirror, watching as your orgasm came crashing down over you. Suddenly, you felt warm liquid releasing deep inside of you, but you were too weak to fight it.
“No-“ Whimpers washed over you before you could push her away, your body becoming limp as your legs shook.
“I’m gonna get you pregnant, baby, that way you can never leave me again.” She licked her lips and caressed your breasts with her palms, tweaking your nipples until she had you crying out.
“Now you’ll be mine forever.”
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She let you rest in the bed and when you awoke, you were greeted with nothing but silence. You assumed she was working once again, and instead of being sad, you used that to your advantage. Packing your limited amount of clothes and resources quickly into a bag you planned on leaving, escaping from her wrongful actions and beliefs, and starting a new life of your own, one that would be forced as hidden from the public.
You seemed to be able to sneak past most without them recognizing you or realizing something was wrong. Then, your engine roared as it started and you instantly took off. You hoped Valkyrie hadn’t put a chip in it with how protective she was, but you couldn’t care as you drove far away until you weren’t able to see the Asgardian City sign anymore.
You sighed in relief, thinking you were free. But you didn’t know what was going on back in the large building where your girlfriend sat, watching through the cameras she installed in her vehicle in case something like this ever happened. She smirked, already planning what she was going to do with you in her head.
“Guards,” She started, earning their full attention, “Give them some time to think their free. Then, kidnap them, mask and all. Hopefully, then they’ll see how much they need me to keep them safe.”
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sarahscribbles · 8 months
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐋𝐨𝐤𝐢 𝐬𝐮𝐛𝐦𝐢𝐭𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞
𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐤: 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐋𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐡
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐬𝐮𝐛!𝐋𝐨𝐤𝐢 𝐱 𝐬𝐨𝐟𝐭𝐃𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞!𝐟!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: 𝐒𝐦𝐮𝐭
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 𝟒.𝟓𝐤
𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
𝐋𝐨𝐤𝐢 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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“Let me submit to you.” 
Loki’s plea is soft against your lips, it’s little more than a whisper and almost lost amidst a heavy haze of unbroken kisses. You’re breathless in their wake - drunk and warm and so dazed from his affections that you can only manage a questioning “hmm?” while you attempt to pull him closer. 
He allows it but keeps his lips frustratingly out of reach. A whine tumbles pitifully from yours because the taste of him still lingers on your tongue like salty summer air. You want to drown in this man, but he only rests his forehead against yours. You feel his hands curl around your hips and he breathes in as though readying himself for what he’s about to say. 
It makes your heart flutter, though with excitement or apprehension, you aren’t really sure. 
“I yield, darling. I yield to you,” he says quietly. His hands squeeze your hips at the same time his thumbs begin to trace circles on the exposed skin of your stomach. 
A trail of goosebumps erupts in the wake of his touch and, at first, you think it’s another one of his tricks. Loki’s always been the dominant one and, although your own dominant side has lived quietly inside you, you hadn’t believed a submissive one lived within him. 
But when you meet his eyes - those beautiful green eyes that you would know anywhere - you know that he’s never meant anything more. He’s yearning to give up control and it causes something molten to stir to life in the pit of your stomach. 
How many times have you imagined how sweet it would sound to hear Loki begging? Or how beautiful he would look on his knees before you? How often have you imagined his pleasure being in your hands and what you would have him do to earn it? The answer is too many to count.
And now he’s offering it up to you entirely of his own accord.
It’s both the fulfilment of a fantasy and the deepest expression of trust.
It’s something you can’t possibly deny him. 
You hesitate briefly, but only because you don’t know where to start with him. You’ve imagined this scenario so many times - how you could coax him into admitting he wanted to be dominated and the heady feeling of the power balance shifting - but now that he’s offered it up to you freely, you have no idea what to do. Loki notices your hesitance - of course he does - and gives your hips another light squeeze.
“Please, darling.” He raises his eyes to yours and the trust shining out of them almost takes your breath away. 
He trusts you with this, with this part of that you know few have ever seen. He trusts you enough to submit his body to you with certainty that you won’t hurt him. He trusts you.
You press one last lingering kiss to his lips - a “thank you for trusting me” and a promise that he’s safe - and step back from his embrace. “Strip, and get on your knees.” Your voice is steadier than you imagined, so much so that you feel yourself easily slipping into the role of dominant. In front of you, Loki’s lips twitch and you see him raise a hand to dissolve his clothing in a haze of green. “No.” You stop him. “No magic. Strip.”
His eyes blaze fiercely as they catch yours - it’s unmistakable arousal at how you’re the one taking control. “As my Queen commands,” he replies. His voice is smooth as silk as it wraps around you, but there’s something else colouring his words tonight. 
It takes only a moment for you to pin it as obedience. 
Appreciatively, you watch him pull his sweater over his head. It’s a mundane action, but one that Loki can easily make look elegant. Piece by piece his abs and stomach are bared before you, and your eyes follow hungrily along all the way to the planes of his chiseled chest. The man is a word of art. 
And he’s yours. 
Loki’s gaze never breaks from yours as his fingers move down to unbutton his jeans, barely even blinking as he pushes them off and tosses them to the side. He repeats the action with his boxers until he’s fully nude before you. 
And already halfway hard. 
You’ve seen him like this a million times before, but you can’t help but drink him in. From his muscled calves all the way to the light smattering of hair on his chest. “Beautiful,” you can’t help but murmur. “Now, kneel.” 
Part of you expects Loki to be brat, expects a small dose of resistance despite how badly he wants this, but he folds easily to his knees the moment the command leaves your lips. God, he looks exquisite. Those firm thighs are tucked beneath him and spread wide, and he’s folded his hands behind his back without having to be told. 
The perfect picture of submission. 
“Good boy.” They’re two small words, but you catch the small twitch of Loki’s cock as you speak. Your prince, it seems, likes to be praised. 
Wordlessly, you circle him. He kneels up a little straighter and you feel the suspense rolling off him in waves. Oh, you’re going to have so much fun with him. 
“What should I do to you, hmm?” you ask softly, stopping behind him to drop a kiss to the top of his head while your hands rest on his shoulders. “Should I edge you until you’re begging? Should I make you watch as I make myself cum? Should I use that whip that you enjoy using on me so much?”
You trail your fingers softly over his shoulders and he shivers beneath your touch. “Whatever pleases you, my Queen. I am at your service,” he answers almost instantly, surprising you with how deep his submissiveness runs. 
It sparks an idea in you, though. 
“Mmm, yes you are,” you say, dropping another kiss to his head and moving to stand in front of him. Gently, you cup his flushed cheeks until those beautiful eyes are peering up at you. “Colour?” 
“Green,” he answers quickly. 
You run your thumbs over his cheeks, feeling him press into the palm of your hand. He knows he’s safe. “Good boy,” you praise him with a last kiss to his forehead.
His eyes bore into your back as you take the few steps toward the large chest beneath the window that houses all your toys. You make a show of sifting through the contents, noisily moving around various vibes and clamps and pieces of plastic until you know the waiting is driving him insane. As you expect, he’s staring at you intently when you straighten and turn, but his eyes immediately drop to the three items you’re holding in your hands. 
A length of rope, a collar, and a metal leash. 
His cock twitches and he licks his lips.
“Excited by a little rope?” you tease, coming back to kneel behind him. “I hadn’t realised you were such a whore.” You loop the rope around his wrists just as a quiet moan escapes him. You grin. “Oh, I see,” you purr, leaning in to nip at his neck. “You like being my whore.”
There’s a catch in his breathing and he briefly sways on his knees. How badly you wish you could see the fantasy playing out behind his eyes. “Y-yes,” he answers huskily. It’s followed quickly by a deep, satisfied moan when you again nip at his neck. 
You finish securing the first knot around his wrists and let your hand snake around his hips to circle his cock. Loki reacts with a broken cry of pleasure at your touch, but you stroke him slowly, languidly, with only enough pressure to tease. 
“My pretty prince,” you murmur softly, running your tongue over the broken line of bites decorating his neck. Loki keens and attempts to roll his hips into your hand, desperate for more friction. “My beautiful Asgardian whore.”
You give him four firm strokes, enough that his chest begins to heave and black curls dance along his back. “Please…darling…please…I need…,” he whimpers. 
“What is it you want, my love?” you taunt him. “Do you want to cum?” 
He nods eagerly, sending more curls spilling down his back. “Yes…please, darling.” 
“Too bad,” you say simply and remove your hand from his cock. Loki responds with something between a groan and a sob, and you watch his fingers curl with frustration against his back.  “You didn’t think I would make it that easy for you, did you?”
Between his deep, steadying breaths, you swear you hear a muttered “minx.” 
“Careful,” you whisper quietly into his ear. “I’m the one in charge tonight, remember? Are you going to be a good boy? Or, do I need to think of a way to punish you?” 
He’s silent for a moment, likely weighing up his options, so you give his cock another swift stroke. “No!” he shouts, whether in fear or at the sudden pulse of pleasure you aren’t sure. “I’ll be good!” 
You release his cock, but hum approvingly into his neck, breathing in the scent of him. “Good,” you say simply, and place another sharp bite just above his pulse point. 
You hear his shaky inhale and feel him shudder as you lean back. He doesn’t move an inch while you wind the rope easily around his arms in an intricate pattern of loops, doesn’t even test the strength of the binding when you bring it up over his elbows. He’s completely immobilised, completely at your mercy, and trusting you completely with his body. 
Your good boy. 
With a final check that he can wriggle his fingers, you move to stand in front of him again. Loki’s face is flushed pink with arousal and his eyes are dancing with anticipation. They flick expectantly between your face and the collar held in your hands, almost as if he’s begging you to place it around his neck. 
You realise then that he wants this. He wants the physical reminder that he’s yours. He needs it, needs the assurance it brings that someone loves him enough to want him wholly, that someone desires him enough to claim his body as theirs. 
He craves this level of submission. 
With one hand you brush some stray curls away from his face, allowing yourself a second to just enjoy the softness of his hair. “Who do you belong to, my love?” you murmur softly while unclapsing the collar. 
Loki is instantly angling his head to grant you access, eager - and almost impatient - to have the cool leather wrap around his neck. “You, my Queen. Only you,” he breathes out, and you hear his quiet groan when you snap the collar closed. 
You cup his cheek lovingly in the palm of your hand. “Are you going to be good for me?” 
Loki nods eagerly. “Yes.”
You run the pad of your thumb over his flushed cheek. “Good, because only good boys get their reward,” you tell him sweetly and attach the leash to the clip on his collar. 
With the other end in hand, you back towards the bed and perch on the edge, ensuring to spread your legs obscenely wide. Loki barely blinks as you flip your skirt up and dip your fingers below the band of your underwear, and you make sure to exaggerate how good your own fingers feel. 
You moan and arch your back; you throw your head back on your shoulders; you dig your grip into the bed covers between your free hand, which only pulls the leash around Loki’s neck tighter. 
For the briefest of moments, you’re so lost to chasing your own pleasure that you forget about the god on his knees for you. It’s the quiet clink of metal that pulls you back - a sign of Loki’s restlessness and desperation - and you open your eyes to look at him with a lazy smirk. 
“Something wrong?” you tease him, lazily circling your clit with a single finger. 
Something close to a whine falls from his lips, and you can see the desperation burning in his eyes. “Please, my Queen,” Loki begs. You refuse to believe there’s any sound sweeter than his begging. 
“Please, what? What do you want, my love?” Your voice is soft and sweet as honey. You know you’re playing a dangerous game - one that you’ll likely pay for in the very near future - but you can’t pass up the chance to play this game with him. 
After all, he’s played it with you so many times before. 
There’s another quiet clink of the leash as he shifts on his knees, but he doesn’t dare move without your permission. “I want to fuck you. Please, darling,” he pleads, the rough edge to his voice betraying just how badly he wants to fuck you.
You answer with a click of your tongue. “Oh, my love, why didn’t you say so?” Your words are taunting as you wrap the cold metal of the leash around your hand, tugging it to encourage him to shuffle toward you on his knees. 
The sight is sinful - this Asgardian god who refused to kneel for anyone is naked, bound, and collared before you, and shuffling on his knees because you’ve told him to. 
It sends a rush of power shooting straight to your head. 
You continue to pull gently at his leash until his head is between your spread thighs. Loki’s eyes are alight and blazing with hunger, but he goes still the second you let your hand fall back on the mattress. He’s desperate - a quick glance down confirms it - but he won’t move an inch with your permission. 
“Go on, then. Fuck me with that pretty mouth of yours. They do call you silvertongue, don’t they?” you say sweetly.
You expect the first flint of defiance to show, but he obediently bends his head to take the band of your underwear between his teeth, all while never taking his gaze off yours. 
You help him only briefly by lifting your hips from the bed to allow him to drag the thin scrap of lace over your thighs. The soft nudge of his nose against your skin has your pussy clenching with need, and it’s enough to make you bite back a groan. 
It never fails to amaze you how he can make something so small feel so good.
It doesn’t take long before Loki has dragged your underwear down your legs, though not without pressing a lopsided kiss to the bend of your knee. Once he tosses them carelessly to the side, he’s all too quickly bending back ravenously toward your cunt, but you stop him with a firm hand against his head. 
“You have five minutes to make me cum,” you tell him simply. “If you don’t, then you don’t get your reward. Understood?”
In the brief silence that follows, you’re sure that this is where he’ll push back. You wait for the shimmer of green that will release him from his restraints and send you slamming back against the mattress. 
But you were wrong.
“Yes, my Queen,” he answers huskily.
Your lips twist into a satisfied smile. “Good boy,” you say slowly, using the leash to steer him toward your throbbing cunt. 
A strangled groan tumbles from you the second you feel the wet warmth of his tongue because there’s no feeling comparable to that of this god worshipping you with his mouth. Every firm press of his tongue against you is a sacred prayer, every latch of his lips is a hymn of adoration. 
Tonight, he cares only for you and your pleasure, even if it means the denial of his own. 
His name is rolling easily off your tongue as the first sparks of your orgasm begin to shoot through you. He’s sinfully talented with that tongue, but you know it’s the closest you’ll ever get to heaven. Almost of its own accord your hand tangles in his hair, anchoring him firmly against you as he slips his tongue inside. 
You swear you die right there on the bed. 
All at once every nerve ending in your body is alive, but you feel yourself go almost boneless at the same time. He feels so good - so gloriously good - that you can longer sit up straight on the bed. You fall back against the mattress with a soft thump, feeling Loki’s proud grin against your cunt when you begin to grind against his face. 
“Fuck, Loki! Please! Just like that!” you encourage him breathlessly. His tongue is lapping firmly along your cunt and over your clit, making stars begin to dance at the edge of your vision. 
Your pleasure is his driving force, his end goal, and all it takes is a few more swipes of his tongue before the first powerful waves of your orgasm begin to roll over you like a tsunami. The force of it knocks the breath from your lungs. It’s overpowering, seemingly endless, and you can feel it all the way down to your toes.
Loki makes sure of that. 
He doesn’t ease off for a second, even when your cries of his name melt into sharp little pants of pleasure. Even then, he still uses that skilled tongue to guide you seamlessly through the aftershocks of your climax.
You’re certain you could come again easily, but the wet warmth of Loki’s mouth is suddenly gone and you fight the urge to beg him for more. 
You’re the one in control, afterall. 
Wordlessly, you prop yourself up on your elbows, taking in the sight of Loki still kneeling between your thighs. His cheeks are brilliantly pink and his lips are still shining with your essence. Beneath some stay curls, you see undisguised pride burning in his eyes.
“Three minutes, my Queen,” he says, the beginnings of a smirk tugging at his lips. 
It would be all too easy for him to tip the scales in his own favour, to pluck the power easily from your hands.
But that won’t do. 
You sit up in one fluid movement to grasp hold of the leash right where it clips to his collar, delighting in the momentary widening of his eyes. “Were you keeping count, my little whore?” you taunt him sweetly, letting a hand float to his cock. He closes his eyes and groans when you begin to slowly, lazily, stroke him. “Or, maybe, you’re just feeling a little needy tonight? Which is it, hmm?” 
Loki tries to speak - you can see his answer dancing on the tip of his tongue - but with your hand still stroking his cock he can only mouth wordlessly. You grant him a second of enjoying the waifish tendrils of pleasure that are curling around him, but when he still doesn’t answer and his eyes begin to flutter closed, you squeeze him lightly, to which he answers with a shout. 
“Answer me, sweet,” you warn him. 
Loki inhales deeply, steadying himself. “I…fuck…I need you, my Queen….ugh…please!” he pleads when you run your thumb teasingly around the sensitive head of his cock. 
You smirk as he groans, but don’t cease in the torment. “Mmm, you sound so pretty when you beg. Keep going, and I might give you your reward.”
He releases a huff of frustration, but you know he’s too far gone now. You have him exactly where you want him. “Please…please, darling…have mercy. I’ve been good…please…I need you.” 
Those big eyes are peering up at you again, soft and desperate and begging for release. While you would relish teasing him for hours, you’re as desperate for him as he is for you. You release his cock - and he whines pitifully when you do - but relief flashes joyfully in his eyes when you use the leash to coax him to his feet. 
“I believe you. That looks rather uncomfortable,” you say, nodding to his cock and shuffling backward on the bed. “What if I’m not finished with you, though?” you continue to taunt him, guiding him onto the mattress until he’s kneeling between your spread legs. 
“Darling, please.” His voice is throaty and rough.
He’s so beautiful like this. Restrained and desperate and begging you for release. It’s the only aphrodisiac you need and you’re now determined that he’ll be submitting to you more once tonight is over. 
Your pretty, desperate prince.
His gaze is hungry as it runs over you, even though you’re still partially closed and he’s taken you to bed more times than you can count. 
He can never get enough of you. 
You pretend not to hear his pleading and settle back against the pillows with a contented hum. It’s impossible to do anything but drink him in as you lie there - the taut muscles of his stomach, the broad chest, the way his black curls fall almost effortlessly around his shoulders in a midnight halo. He’s perfection. 
You see the small twitch of his shoulders as you admire him, and you can almost feel the unspoken plea burning off him. “Remove the rope, my love,” you tell him softly. 
In a shimmer of green it’s gone, but he still keeps his hands folded obediently behind his back - ever the perfect picture of submission to his queen. 
“Such a good boy for me,” you purr, resting your hands on his forearms. “I’m very proud of you, my love. You’ve done so well tonight.” 
Loki’s chest puffs out with pride and you see the fresh dusting of pink that paints his pale cheeks. 
Wordlessly, you guide his hands from behind his back to rest them on your sides. His fingers twitch impatiently against the fabric of your shirt, desperate to feel your bare skin beneath his. “Undress me,” you whisper, stroking his arms with the pads of your thumbs.
It’s like the strike of a match. 
Long, elegant fingers eagerly hook into the waistband of your skirt, tugging it easily off your hips and down your legs. The cool air washes refreshingly over you, but it quells the flames of desire for only a second. Loki’s large hands are on every inch of bare skin that he can find, as though this is both the first and last time he’ll ever touch you, as though he doesn’t already know every inch of you by heart. 
Hungry hands slip easily beneath your shirt, quickly making short work of both it and your bra. You hear the quiet rustle as they’re tossed to the side with the rest of your clothing. 
He takes a moment to marvel at you, drinking you in like you’re the finest piece of Asgardian art. You watch his eyes darken as they rake over you appreciatively, and you fight not to shiver under the intensity of his gaze. 
“Norns, you are beautiful,” he murmurs before burying his face into the crook of your neck. 
A cool hand finds your breast while he trails a broken line of kisses along your neck and over your collarbone. His lips are hungry and frantic and, mixed with his fingers twisting and pulling at your nipple, it doesn’t take long until you’re arching into his touch. You’re so submerged between the waves of his affections that you only just register his unbroken chorus of “beautiful thing…enchanting creature…darling girl.” 
Love and lust for this man mix deliriously in your heart, becoming so overwhelming that you can’t help but greedily pull his lips to yours. The kiss is feverish and passionate like you’ll never get another chance to kiss him again. Loki responds eagerly, moulding his body to yours. You feel cool fingers curl around your knee to place it around his waist, and when his lips break away from yours, you can’t help but to whine. 
“Please, darling,” he pants breathlessly against your lips. “Please let me love you.” 
Instantly, any half formed plans you had to keep teasing him fade away like smoke in the wind. 
You tangle a hand into his mess of curls to pull him in for another blistering kiss, and at the same time, you lock your ankles across his back. “Love me, Loki.” 
His cock is already nudging at your entrance when you press your heels into his back, silently coaxing him forward. Loki doesn’t say a word, but his eyes don’t leave yours as he slowly eases himself inside you until you can take no more of him. Despite the many times you’ve taken him before, you’re always left breathless at how good he feels inside you.
Instinctively, you clench around him, pulling a hiss from between bared teeth. “You are perfect,” he groans and rests his forehead against yours. “My perfect girl.” 
He rolls his hips against yours in a slow, deep thrust that sends your eyes rolling in your head. He does it again, and again, until you’re sure you’ll draw blood with how deeply you’re gripping his shoulders.
“Loki…ah!....more,” you plead with a shout when his cock brushes against that sweet spot deep inside you. 
His lips press firmly against your flushed cheek. “Anything my queen commands,” he rasps in your ear.
His thrusts pick up speed until you can feel him in your very soul. Warmth begins to blossom like a new rose in your core as he expertly builds you towards your second orgasm, groaning and panting deliciously in your ear while he chases his own high. The coil in your stomach winds tighter and tighter with each thrust, and all you know right now is Loki. 
The feel of him, the scent of him, the taste of him. He’s all you’ll ever need. 
“Darling…darling, I’m close…please,” he whimpers in your ear. 
You’re teetering right on the edge, ready to tumble blindly into bliss. “Come. Come for me, my love,” you tell him hoarsely. 
He barely lasts a minute. 
Neither do you. 
Loki empties himself inside you with a symphony of groans and curses, slipping into some ancient language when you clamp down around him and dig your nails into his shoulder and scalp - deaf and blind in the tsunami of your own release. He drowns you so deeply in pleasure that you’re not sure you’ll ever surface.
You’re not sure you ever want to. This man has given you every part of himself, he trusts you so wholly and so deeply that he’s felt safe enough to submit to you. Gods, you love him so much.
He chases his pleasure ruthlessly, growling deep in his throat when you twist your fingers into his hair. “Good boy. My good boy,” you praise him softly as his thrusts eventually become sloppy and erratic. 
His warm breath hits the crook of your neck while he comes down from his high, completely spent. You cradle his head and turn yours to press a kiss to his temple, feeling him smile against you when you do. 
“You did so well, my darling,” you whisper in his ear, twisting some stray curls around your fingers.
Loki lifts his head to peer down at you, looking close to drunk in the aftermath of his orgasm. He kisses you deeply as his hands slide to rest on your hips, pulling back to grin at you so wolfishly that your stomach flips in anticipation. 
In a shimmer of green, the collar and leash disappear into the air. “Oh, darling, I’m not finished yet.” 
You return his smirk with one of your own. “I should like to think not.”
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fem reader x Itto were he really wants her to sit on his face but she worried she’d be to heavy but he proves her wrong and she ends up on his face desperately holding on to his horns
Please ignore this if it makes you uncomfortable have a nice day ❤️
♡ Facesitting Itto X fem!Reader ♡
!● warnings: fem!reader, body whorship, fingering, face sitting, focus on reader <33, very smut, NSFW🔞 no minors or I’ll eat u alive
note: OMG YEAH THIS IS SO CANON at least in my world, gonna make him sit on fem!reader’s face bc she deserves it (also sry for taking so long bbyy aaaa)
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“Awww… come on (y/n)... It won’t hurt me, you know that right?!”, Itto did not stop insisting on his request while you were a blushy mess of the thought of it. “N-no, I worry about crushing you…”, you said quietly but loud enough for him to hear. Another pouty ‘aww’ before Itto gets on his knees. This man really wanted you to sit on his face! “Why do you think that? I am the greatest Oni out here, I can handle you. So please, let me eat you out…”, he begged, now looking up with his big puppy eyes, hands together like he was praying for your approval. Damn, this was the point where you couldn’t deny him. His infamous puppy eyes got you both in the first place together, also many other stuff too, but this one shot an arrow straight through your heart. “O-okay fine… b-but can we go slow?”, you said nervously, fumbling on your shirt while Itto jumps up to hug you. “Heck yeah, babe! You will love it.”, he says while giving you smooches all over your face. As if you would weigh nothing to him, he carried you to the shared bedroom.
Itto sits you safely down and gives another kiss on the mouth before stripping down his pants since he only wears pants around the apartment. It was nothing new to see him fully naked but it still made you feel embarrassed to see his huge dick hanging out freely. Best part is that he was half hard already. Your head heated and you looked away while Itto smirks at you, oh how he loved to see you like this, it totally boosts his confidence even more. “Don’t worry, babe! Today I will only focus on you and…”, he got on one of his knees while starting to undress you and kiss your leg. “... your pretty cunt.” This man had no filter when it comes to the intimacy you both were sharing for some time now, and oh boy, your heart pounds loudly against your chest seeing him kneel down to you. Itto helped you undress before starting to kiss you from your leg up to your mouth, giving on your whole body little butterfly kisses. He carefully leaned you down the bed after you were fully naked, hiding your breast from him. “Aww babe, I love it when you get shy around me. Trust me okay? If it’s too much to handle you know the safeword, right?”, he kissed your hand and waited for a sign from you. You nod and stretch your arms towards his face to cup him. He willingly came near, now towering you before you could cup his face and give him a kiss on his forehead.
“I love and trust you, Itto.” He was right away a blushing mess but this did not stop him from giving you this time deeper kisses while one hand caresses your inner thighs. You open your legs wider for him while he continues to massage your tight. His nails were not too long to hurt you but he used them to make little circles on your skin, touching it lightly, not too harsh. You told him many times before that this makes you laugh more than getting excited but he loved you little laughs. And this way you were getting more comfortable. “Does my little pumpkin want more?”, he asked while giving you neck kisses. “Yes please~”, you hugged him while he used his spit to lubricate his fingers to use it on your cunt. When his wet pointer and ring finger carefully slid between your lips, you bite your bottom lip, fully concentrating on his fingers. He slowly made circles around your clit and kissed your neck, licking and sucking on your skin while he worked on your first orgasm. Itto was painfully slow and you could feel how hot you were getting. “I-itto… please faster…”, you begged, petting his face with one hand while you were holding with the other one the bedsheet under you. “Of course, babe.”, he said, then sped up his circles around your clit. He stopped kissing you to watch your expression you were making as you were slowly building your orgasm. You close your eyes and bite your lip, looking away from him. Itto slowed down his movements and saw you open your eyes again, looking at him. “N-no, don’t play with me, Itto please…”, you pouted at him and cupped his face again. He gave you a deep kiss before letting go of you, sucking your juices from his fingers. “Babe, sit down on my face and I will make you cum, trust me.” You gulped, worrying that you might crush him with your weight but as you saw him replacing himself to the position you were and helping you climb and then sit on his chest. His dick was poking your ass from behind while you leaned down to give him a kiss. His hands are holding on your sides. “You make me crazy… so please, *please*, sit with your lovely cunt on my mouth and I will make you feel like you are in heaven.”
You could have said that you are already in heaven whenever he just fucked you silly but this might be the cherry on top of your relationship with him, when you facefuck him. Which is pretty obvious his idea but maybe you will like it and both of you are pretty open for experimental stuff.  “Alright, but tap on my sides if I crush you or anything, okay?”, you said while climbing up, finally having your pussy right in front of his drooling mouth. “O-of course, (y/n), now come here~”, he couldn’t hold his excitement longer back and pressed your hips down on his mouth, letting his tongue finally lick your wet cunt. His tongue licked your pussy from the bottom to the top doing it a few times over and over again, moaning and growling while digging his nails into your flesh. You hold yourself onto the bed frame and adjust yourself a bit to guide his tongue a little more. Itto noticed it and stuck for a while on your sensitive clit, circling and sucking on it. Making you moan out his name and pressing yourself a bit harder on him. “S-sorry”, you said and were about to lift yourself a bit up, but Itto held you close to him while now he inserted his tongue inside you. Making your eyes roll back and moan louder. And Itto loved it so much. He was drowned with your pussy juices mixed with his own salvia, making a mess. You looked down to see into his hearty shaped eyes and how he continues to eat you out without any stop.
“I am getting close, Itto.”, you stated and started to grind yourself on his face, making his nose meet with your clit with every hip movement. Itto enjoys this way too much with his dick leaking with pre-cum and him going crazy with his tongue. Since he was an Oni, his tongue was a bit larger and longer than human ones which made this experience a lot better than you would expect. “mhmm~”, Itto slurped and moaned non stop after you started grinding harder on him, making him straighten up which made you stumble and instead of holding the bed frame… you now are holding his horns which makes his mind go crazy. You felt something warm on your ass assuming that Itto just came but did not stop eating you out, going even crazier on your pussy. “Itto, Itto…!”, you screamed and moaned while cumming on his face, making your gush and press your legs together. Itto tried to drink as much as he could but ended up patting your sides to signal that he needed to breathe or else he would drown. You immediately stood up and helped him lean up, while also noticing that he really came too. His cum stains his stomach and your ass. “O-oh, are you okay, Itto??” He coughed and smiled. “Oh my archons, yes YESS that was amazing, damn come here”, hugging you and kissing your face. You couldn’t stop him here and now you got your juices on your face too, laughing at his reaction. This also made both of you catch your breaths before he let go of the hug just to give you a big smooch on your forehead. “I am still pretty hard, may I have another delicious meal?”, he grinned while his hands went down to your ass, massaging it. “Only if you let me have a quick break~”, you said, kissing his nose and snuggling against him. Itto leaned back still holding you in his arms and cuddling you. “Anything for you, (y/n), I love you.”
+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Banner made by @/benkaibear (or just click on the image to get it)
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sky-kiss · 7 months
Sorry! I’m feeling selfish, sick and self indulgent. I neeeeeed more Soft!Raphael in my life! Maybe him “””reluctantly””” taking care of a Sick!Tav but secretly he loves having total control over her health and having her all to himself (for quarantine reasons OBVIOUSLY). It’s one of the few times he can let his guard down and it’s all cuddly and squishy…maybe a little slutty as she recovers…idk ya know, you know I love your writing no matter what you write xx
A/N: I’m so sorry you’re feeling unwell. Hopefully this helps a little. Gonna be my last one of these for the day (cause I have something criminal in the works).
She’s a pathetic little thing.
In a rare fit of deference, he opts not to hold this against her. She is mortal. 
And, he thinks, perhaps…there is a touch of guilt coloring their interactions. Tav is sick because of him. She scrubs at her nose, shivering near the window. She’s found a blanket to wrap herself in, but it does little to cut the infernal chill still seeping into her marrow. Cania’s cold was unlike anything else across the planes. And still, she’d braved it for his benefit. 
“Come here, little mouse,” he says. Tav turns to him, brow furrowing at his tone. It’s softer than he’d like to admit, and he will attribute it to exhaustion if she asks. It wouldn’t be a lie. 
“I’m tired, Raphael.”
“Justifiably. But,” Raphael holds out his hand. “You’re liable to catch your death, my dear. Cania is an unforgiving place.” 
“The fire…” 
“Holds no sway. You will struggle to chase away its touch even here, safely tucked away on the Prime Material. I offer a reprieve.” 
“After everything, I don’t know if I’ll be able to afford your price.” She stands, shaking badly. There’s a touch of blue on her cheeks. He loathes the woefully mortal half of him, softened by the sight of her. It is charmed, even as the devil longs to tear her apart. 
“Then call it tribute. I find myself…in a rare position. I have taken great pains never to be in another’s debt.” Raphael sets his hands on her shoulder. The way her breath catches doesn’t escape him. Her eyes flick down to his lips. The devil shakes his head. “It is not a role I welcome.” 
She smiles, relaxing under his touch. “Raphael, you don’t owe me anything. I…” she chews her lips, turning into his touch. His fingers skate down her throat, over her collarbone, chasing away Cania’s chill. “I wanted to help. You’re important to me.”
He chuckles, hands skating down to her hips. He catches the hem of her shirt and drags it over her head. Tav doesn’t resist. The silly creature’s eyes glitter with trust and naked affection. It is maddening. “You should never supply that information freely, mouse. It comes at a cost.” 
“I’m not a devil,” Tav mumbles. “I want you to know.”
Raphael raises a brow. She helps him strip her. The cambion snaps his fingers to undress himself. And if the adventurer flushes a violent red, her gaze pointedly averted, he ignores it. This isn’t about that. It’s gratitude. 
He walks her back towards the single bed. Tav stares at him, eyes wide and wanting. He allows her to settle back among the pillows before stretching over her. Raphael settles between her legs, humming until she wraps herself around him. Tav tucks her face in his throat, shivering, clinging to him. The cambion is warmer than any mortal, and his infernal nature chases away Cania’s infernal chill. It bends to him. 
And if they drift off to sleep like this, tangled together, who can fault them? It’s practicality, he’ll argue. It’s calling the debt due. 
These excuses will come later. For now, there’s heat and silence. 
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sunnyyangie · 6 months
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kinkmas day ten! threesome, drunk sex
keeho x reader x jiung
warnings: dom!keeho, dom!jiung, double penetration (vaginal and anal) praise, degradation, non idol/college au (keeho is referrred to as stephen since its non idol), they’re frat boys 🤕 reader is referred to with they/them pronouns + has female anatomy, this might be dubcon? bc theyve all drank but they all do enjoy and want it BUT DONT DO THIS IRL YALL pls be safe
you groan after the stranger across from you throws their ball into your last red solo cup, accepting defeat and taking another shot. your cup pong partner exchanging a goodbye with you when you declare you’re done for the night.
you push past the crowd of people to stumble into the frat houses’ kitchen, finally getting some water to try and hydrate yourself.
“hey!” a voice calls from the side of you, you turn and notice two boys approaching. you vaguely remember seeing them throughout the few years, never really talking to them much besides for a few parties here and there and such activities.
you smile at the duo, “hi.”
“sorry, random question, we were wondering if you wanted to dance with us?” the blonde says, jiung is his name if you remember correctly.
you furrow your eyebrows. “both of you, wanna dance with me? at the same time? like you’ll share?”
they nod, and the dark hair boy speaks up. “only if you’re okay with that.” you’re pretty sure that’s stephen.
you hesitate for a moment, then fuck it, “sure!”. it’s the last year of college for you so why the fuck not. live your life!
you set your glass down when jiung grabs your arm and starts pulling you to where the music is loud, stephen following behind you, a gentle hand on your back. once you enter the makeshift dance floor, you let them guide you on how to dance.
stephens’ hands softly grab your waist, and jiungs’ are just above his. you having your arms around the blondies’ shoulders. you let go of your worries and the alcohol flows through your system, you feel warm and tingly, and are feeling brave as you start to push your ass back onto the dark haired boy behind you. a soft groan escapes his lips and you smirk to yourself.
you notice how jiung looks at the boy behind you and nods at him.
“wanna take this to my room?” jiung asks you.
you quickly nod, “please.”
the route to his room upstairs is a blur, again with their hands on you to help guide, this time their touches feeling hotter. finally entering his room, they lead you to sit on the bed.
stephens’ hand rubs your arm, while jiungs’ rests on your thigh. the attention making you feel small and squeeze your legs shut.
“are you gonna let us fuck you, baby?” stephen asks.
“yes,” you don’t even need to think twice. “fuck me, want both of you.”
the duo immediately strip off their bottoms, while you go to take off your dress until jiung stops you. “can we fuck you in your dress, doll? you look so hot in it.” he eyes you up and down as he caresses your sides.
“have you tried anal before, angel?” stephen questions, his hand under your chin.
you shake your head, mumbling a soft ‘no’.
“how about you suck jiung off while i prep you for it, hm?”
“okay,” you’re a bit nervous for a first time experience, but you trust him. you look to the blonde who has sat back against the bedframe, legs spread with his hardening dick in his hand.
you crawl towards jiung and situate yourself to face down, ass up position. you take your own hand and wrap it around his dick, spitting on it so it’s not too dry. once you start slowly pumping him, you feel a long wet strip against your pussy and to your hole, a foreign but good sensation. you whine and wrap your lips around his length, trying to not be so vocal just yet.
your tight dress gets pushed up, fully exposing your bottom half. you hear a bottle cap opening behind you and suddenly a cool liquid falling onto your ass. long fingers rubbing against it to coat it in the lube.
one finger starts to prod at your tight hole, your legs nearly shaking from anticipation. once it finally starts to slide in, you whimper around jiungs’ dick and start to remove yourself from him until his hands reach in your hair and grab, pushing you back down onto him. you moan and nearly choke on him. jiung groans in response, “taking us so well, doll.”
stephen then starts to slip in his second finger, you consistently moaning around jiungs’ cock. the stretch giving you a mix of emotions, both pleasure and pain. one hand having to grip the sheets, the other trying not to squeeze the life out of the boy.
the man behind you removes his fingers while you whimper, and jiung gently pulls you off him. “you gonna let us fuck you at the same time, angel?” he says.
you nod, “god yes, fuck. okay.” you feel drunk off them and the liquor.
stephen lays back next to his friend, patting his bare lap, his dick laying against his stomach after putting a condom on. “come sit here, baby. lemme stretch you out some more.”
you do as told, situating yourself on top of him. facing the blonde as he starts to roll on a condom, too, then he slowly massages your thighs. stephens’ hand grabs your waist to help guide you onto his cock. you feel him poke at your back hole, slowly pushing through as you start to softly moan from the feeling. it becomes a bit too much for you as stephen is so big so you begin to whine and grab at jiung. he continuously kisses your chest and rubs your sides to calm you down.
stephen speaks up, “almost filled up, doll. you’re doing so good.” he squeezes your waist for reassurance. you completely sit back onto him and whine. being completely full of the guy behind you. he places a few kisses on your back. “wrap around me so well.” he lets you stay still to let you adjust to his size.
“ready for me, babe?” jiung asks and you nod. he comes closer and lines up with your wet pussy. sliding in, you both hum from the feeling. you clench, being full in one spot and getting filled in another was breathtaking. “you suck me right in, fuck.”
once bottomed out, he asks, “you good or do you need a minute?”
“just fuck me now, please.” you make puppy eyes at him, tears ready to fall because you need friction and a release now.
they both slowly start to fuck into you, getting completely filled up and then emptied on repeat made you breathless. “oh, my god, feels so fucking good, guys.” you cry out.
jiung hums, “you like two guys fucking you, hm? letting us claim your holes as ours?”
“our perfect doll,” stephen grunts. “fuckin’ love your ass.” he bites at your shoulder.
“shit,” you play with your clit until jiung does it for you. “so close, keep going.” you pant.
when they pick up the pace, they become more vocal, feeling their hot breaths and having their moans right in your ears.
“such a dirty little slut for us, taking two cocks at the same time. maybe we should always use them like this?” the dark haired boy says to jiung.
nodding, “they were made for us. perfect doll.”
the way they talk about you makes you snap, creaming around jiung and clenching uncontrollably, sending the duo to their own orgasms. the three of you sit there to regain your breathing until you hear the sound of the party getting louder downstairs.
“i think we missed the ball drop.”
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cheollipop · 1 year
Sorry if I’m late to hard hours. I was trying to think of a prompt and then I was just reminded of this video:
Reminds me of San bc I feel like he can get so desperate like this that he just hoists you up like this to get right to it. And he’s got the muscles to do it 🥴
nsfw link
first of all, how dare you do this to me. I saw this in the morning and everytime I spotted a solid, vertical surface my mind wandered back to this ask. DO YOU WANT TO FIGHT????
ahem, anyway.
nsfw under the cut—minors dni!
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barely through the front door, san threw his keys onto the small table by the entrance and turned around to crash his body into yours, your lips painfully pressing together in a messy battle of teeth and spit.
"sannie, wait," you tried pulling away, but the arm he had around your waist held you flush against his body, his free hand undressing you hastily. "let's go inside first-"
"can't wait. 'need you right now," he mumbled, trailing his lips down to your jawline to suck a bruise there, his hot breath blowing heavily over the skin.
a small squeak escaped through your lips when san's hands gripped the back of your thighs and lifted your bare body. before you could wrap your legs around his waist, he continued hoisting you up his torso until your thighs enveloped his head and your legs dangled off his shoulders, back pressed into the wall.
your fingers instantly gripped his black locks, your body swaying in his hold before he tightened his his hands over your hips.
"s-san, I'm gonna fall!" you protested, trying to keep still.
"you won't fall," his words vibrated on your skin as he pressed feathery kisses over your inner thighs. "trust me, baby. can you do that for me?"
at the sight of his feline eyes looking up at you—all wide and pleading—your head moved on its own, the small nod enough to drive san's face further between your legs.
his lips parted to latch onto your clit, sucking harshly to draw out a surprised moan from above him, his tongue flicking over the hooded nub before pulling away, the hands on your hips sliding down and tightening just under your ass to spread your legs apart. the fingers in his hair tightened, unintentionally pulling him off you as you scrambled to keep your balance.
he looked up at you through lidded eyes, an unamused expression on his face after you'd interrupted him. "I asked you to trust me, didn't I?" a shiver ran through your body when the deep baritone of his voice hit your ear, an embarrassed sound of agreement reverberating through your chest. "you're safe, jagi, I promise. let me make you feel good now, yeah?
"okay," you whispered, and san's lips were on you again, pressing a harsh kiss onto your clit before dipping lower.
his tongue poked out to taste your arousal, groaning deep in his throat before rolling it out fully and licking a stripe up your slit. "taste so fucking good. 'could barely hold back from fucking you in front of everyone at dinner," he mumbled into your cunt, his tongue pushing past your clenching hole the second the last word slipped through his lips.
glimpsing down at the man, his face buried between your legs and his tongue stuffed into your pussy, guttural groans vibrating inside you as your arousal flooded his tastebuds. your eyes trailed over his shoulders, the muscle bulging through his shirt and making way for the strong arms holding you up, the fabric stretched thin around them.
at the brush of his tongue over your g-spot, your eyes rolled to the back of your head and you quickly forgot how high up you were being held, rolling your hips into san's face with the burning need to cum. you were already pent up, san's fleeting touches throughout dinner and on the drive back home enough to have you gushing into the pretty lace panties he'd recklessly stripped you of the second you'd stepped into your shared apartment.
but now his nose was pressing into your clit, his tongue curling inside you until your thighs began to shake around his face. 'cum for sannie,' you could hear him say as he looked up at you, fluttering his eyelashes while he pushed you over the edge.
you came with a cry, your fingers tugging harshly on his hair while he encouraged you to ride his face, strong hands holding you firmly over his shoulders. so you rolled your hips over his tongue—all desperate and needy, pleasure dimming the world around you and sending sparkling waves of heat up your spine. san stayed still and allowed you to take whatever you wanted from him, his cock straining painfully against the material of his pants as he felt you clench around him. when your hips slowed down to a stop, his tongue slipped out of you and moved back to your clit, the small kitten licks he placed over it making your body spasm in his hold.
"one more," you heard him whisper.
staring down the man while he eagerly lapped at your overstimulated cunt, his cock undoubtedly hard and leaking all over the inside of his tight dress pants, your eyes fluttered shut as he guided you through a second orgasm. your body shuddered forcefully in his hands, curling in on yourself as twinges of pain mixed with shockwaves of burning pleasure, violently rushing through you and making you see stars. san's tongue moved slowly over your clit, dipping lower to swallow down the arousal gushing from your pussy before finally pulling away.
you instantly recognized the glimmer of want in his eyes—this was going to be a long night.
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